#if tomorrows episode is a bust this is where it ends for me
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Episode 15 spoilers
Okay okay this scene had EVERYTHING
The mood was instantly set when he walked through and held her like this

Man was not playing games when he did this

And then they oh so cleverly took the lights out

The entire mood shifted right here. Everything became more …these scenes are what we lived for

The way she touches him and we get to see the scar left behind … a literal reminder of how much they’ve both had to overcome. (Remembering in a previous life, she was the one to take a such a wound)

He’s kissed her half a dozen times in this episode already … but there is something different about this right here

Everything that follows is just masterful acting and directing. The angles, the lighting, the music … it’s all just perfect

And this right here …. Had me in an absolute chokehold. The way he’s almost very nearly pulling her toward him. It’s all the little things now 👌🏼

And when I say he devours her … this is what I mean. Look at how he completely covers her entire body with his 🥵🥵🥵
I mean we could not have asked for a more perfect moment
All I’m saying is that if the finale disappoints I’m coming back to this moment right here as the perfect ending …. Or maybe it will be that phone call he gets the next morning … 😏
#destined with you#destined with you spoilers#jang sin yu ate tonight’s episode … and then some 😏#this entire scene now lives rent free in my head#if tomorrows episode is a bust this is where it ends for me#I’m coming back to this right here as the perfect ending#rowoon#jo bo ah#jang sin yu#lee hong jo#kdrama#kdramadaily#netflix korea#netflix kdrama
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Hii!! Is it possible to request a Minho x Reader Angst fic? I don’t have any real ideas for what i just rlly like angst😭
Anyway make sure you’re looking after yourself!!
YES 🙏🙏 I concocted the perfect idea for this so I hope you enjoy! ; thank you for requesting!! ; I wrote like a good chunk of this in geometry and physical science so this is actually kinda good lol ; also this is so damn long for me what the FUCK. ; also a bit of inspo in the end thanks to she by jelly roll...
MINHO ; they
summary ; minho loses you again
warnings ; language, guns & gun violence, explosions/bombs, death, he rips off your wckd jacket & top (not sexual), and a panic attack
disclaimers ; top ten most unneeded deaths in cinema
track ; she, jelly roll (again, not a word)
word count ; 2.5k

Minho lost everything he'd been able to remember once he left the Glade, including you.
You were a smart thinker, which confused him as to why you stayed back with Gally and the other skeptics who didn't want to find escape in the maze. He tried so hard to convince you to come, but with such little time, he couldn't.
He'd spent months imprisoned mourning the loss of your presence. He didn't know how to function without you. He wondered where you were all the time, if you were even alive or not. He'd been wishing the best in your fate, in the scorch and back in the hands of WCKD. He missed your dorky smile and infectious laughter, hoping one day he could hear it again, even in the stars that he oh-so-missed gazing with you.
Your name scorched his heart every time it was spoken. Your face was engraved in his brain, to the point every time he thought of or imagined you, he'd fight back tears to stay strong. You were weaponized against him, being used to create false memories and episodes to help them find a cure.
Every time he'd wake up from a real dream where you were present, he'd end up in tears, to then have to cradle himself back to sleep. He'd been confined like this for months, then another few days before the bust. It was so, so much worse in the Last City, he'd rather have died in some horrific train crash then have missed his chance at freedom.
However, you survived. Gally did, too, though, even after Minho pierced his chest with a spear.
You'd joined some revolution gang together, learning to use guns and join the ranks. You'd been given bulletproof vests once you proved your worth, officially becoming part of the team.
Reuniting with Thomas, Fry, and Newt was a story in itself, but knowing, or at least hoping, that you'd see Minho again made your heart race in your chest. Gally took Thomas and Newt out to explore the perimeter of the city, letting you reconnect and catch up with Fry and get to know Brenda and her father figure Jorge.
Brenda grew fond of you quickly, liking your badassery and passion to overthrow WCKD. She knew you weren't into trying to kill innocents and understood that you wanted bullets in Janson's and Paige's heads, and you were willing to do it for free.
You showed her and Fry how to use the electro-guns, two you'd stolen from WCKD guards that defended the city walls. They're good for torture, but it was never your taste of tea, you left the others to do the sick shit. You wanted your friends back, you didn't even know they'd been free up til earlier today.
Once the trio came back, they set up a plan that you and Gally jumped in on to deflect and suggest ideas. It was set for tomorrow night, and you didn't know how to process it. You try not to think of Minho the rest of the night, which you awfully fail at, as you'd fallen asleep thinking of him.
You play out your role over and over again, overthinking every single detail down to the grade of gun you'd have strapped to your side. Gally, now your close friend after all this time together, could see your nervousness and anticipation.
"You okay?" He asks, leaning on the railing to your shared bunk bed. You slept on the bottom, him on the top.
You nod, arms sprawled over the top of your pillow, basically holding it like it was going anywhere. "I'm good. Nervous"
He nods, "It'll be alright, we're gonna get him back"
You'd stolen WCKD gaurd suits, your first priority. You and Gally walk around the perimeter of the building post getting the kids on the bus. Your masks are up to avoid any real guards noticing that you're fakes. He holds his bulky gun across his chest, while yours is angled with the safety on across your back. A hand rests over the pistol on your side.
You can feel your heart pounding behind your ribcage, the anticipation of seeing Minho and taking down WCKD killing you. Gally pats your shoulder for reassurance and nods forward silently, wanting to pick up the pace.
You notice explosions in the distance, firey flames illuminating the sky.
As you walk under the main area, you notice a fire extinguisher land in the modern pool, splashing water into the air as it sinks to the bottom. You hear yells, then three bodies plop into the pool. You and three other guards behind you run to the scene, while you and Gally lag behind, knowing who just showed up.
Thomas, Newt, and Minho rise out of the water, floating over to the side after Thomas sends Janson, standing in the bay of the window, maybe twenty stories high, a middle finger. They wade over to the edge and pull themselves out, guards hold them at gunpoint, leaving their faces shaken and in despair.
Gally acts first, shoving one of the guards into the pool, then you pistol whip the one on your right, and you together knock out the last guy. The boys stare at you two, confused as to why two guards had apparently saved them, their questions are quickly answered as Gally rips his mask off.
"Oh, you bloody genius!"
"Oh, shit"
"What the hell?" Minho mutters.
Laying your eyes on him again, even though that mask, it brought you nearly to tears. Seeing his eyes, so tired, his body clearly so weak from the mental and physical stress, your heart broke for him. You make sure your handheld gun had the safety on before tucking it away properly.
"Long story" Gally replies to Minho, knowing what he was thinking.
Minho, still in genuine shock, adrenaline coursing through his veins, looks to you, wondering if you were maybe Brenda or Fry. You bite the inside of your cheek before pulling your mask off, softly smiling at Minho.
Newt and Thomas smile, Newt much more weak, as he was beginning to crank out.
"Y/n?" He questions in disbelief. "How- am I dreaming again?"
You quickly pound the boy into a hug, the moisture from his body rubbing off onto your red and grey outfit. The mask lays on the concrete, where Gally kicks it into the water, same with his.
You hear him begin to sob, holding onto you so tightly in fear you'd disappear like all the times before. You rub his back with your dominant hand, which trails up his spine toward his nape.
"I thought you were dead" He cries, "They've been using you in those simulations-"
"It's okay." You softly speak, "We have to go, you can tell me all about it later"
He nods, eyes still widened in shock and confusion as you follow the other three as they quickly flee the scene.
You take cover by some bushes, leaving Newt on the side to rip his jacket off as he sweats profusely. The veins in his neck were bulging out of his skin, colored a matte black.
You couldn't help but stare, unable to listen to the others talk. You quickly rush to his aid, wanting to help him be the most comfortable he possibly could be.
You crouch down next to him, giving him some reassuring words that he'd be okay. You help him to his feet, where Minho is at your side.
Gally and Thomas lead the way as another explosion rings through the air near you. You duck your head as some loose shrapnel lightly hits your skin, thankfully not enough force given to puncture your face.
The explosions only become worse as you run through a little diner, having no alternate route around as the city was being blown to smithereens.
"God damnit, we said blow up the entrance, not the whole damn city"
Newt falls to the ground, too weak to walk as black ooze drips from his lips. Glass explodes behind you, in which you quickly shove Minho to the ground in front of you to protect him. You cover your head, letting the glass shards hit your protected back.
He gasps for air for a moment as Thomas and Gally prop him up against a safe wall, trying to talk to him. You and Minho follow suit, making a quick plan to go get the temporary cure from Brenda and Jorge, and run back to give it to Newt.
"Stay strong for me, okay?" Minho speaks, his hands on the blonde's shoulders.
He nods, his eyes clearly lost in a daze, his vision blurry and wobbly.
Minho pats his shoulder before standing up, letting you give him a nod of reassurance. You and Gally follow Minho, weapons drawn to protect him as he leads with his quick sprinting skills.
You three get one last look at Newt and Thomas before fleeing, working your way through the maze of buildings and explosions to get to your friends. Gally shoots a guard at his side while you do the same at about a 10'o'clock radius.
"This way!"
You follow Minho, the explosions so loud that they defeaned gunshots. The battery on your stolen WCKD gun runs out, and you toss it to the side, resorting to using your pistol to defend your friends. Another bomb nearly knocks you off your feet, causing you to stumble into Minho.
"Sorry!" You shout over the noise.
"You okay?" He shouts back, helping you balance on your feet again.
"Yeah!" You quickly reply, nodding forward for him to continue running to get the cure.
You make it down to the Berg, where Fry, Brenda and Jorge await your arrival.
"The cure!"
"We can't leave him here like this"
"We can't take him back-"
"We have to, please"
"It's too dangerous, we won't make it back to the Berg in time, or we'll get blown up carrying him!"
You stand at Minho's side, looking down at the blonde haired boy as he stands up. He wipes the tears from his eyes, looking at you.
"We have to leave him, Minho"
He nods, slowly placing the cure in Newt's cold hand. He takes one last look at him before turning away, waiting for anyone to speak and give orders.
Brenda speaks up again, deciding to get back to the Berg as fast as possible. You all follow her, guns out, ready to shoot whoever you had to at this point.
Minho turns to you as you run side by side, "Why are you here? Why are you putting yourself in the face of danger? To save me or something?"
You give him a little head tilt to act as a shrug, "You called"
You shake your head, deciding to explain it once you were in the hands of safety. An explosion, which cause the ground to rumble beneath you, knocks you all off your feet and onto the hard concrete.
You all groan in pain, having fallen all over each other. Brenda had fallen onto Fry, and they both stumble to the side, apologizing to one another profusely. You'd fallen onto Minho, of course, and help him back to his feet.
You feel lightheaded, your face growing cold, odd for the amount of heat and fire and running around you'd been doing. You lean onto the boy, feeling woozy, as maybe you'd stood up to fast.
Then you fall to your knees, some invisible force knocking you down, your cargo pants ripping at the knees from the impact.
"Y/n!" You hear Minho shout, his voice echoey in your ears.
You hear three gunshots coming from each Fry, Gally, and Brenda. You look back, seeing a WCKD guard fall on their back after taking three shots to the head and chest. Minho's hands rest on your shoulder and on your cheek as he calls your name, asking if you're okay. You see his eyes glance down, where he quickly looks back up to not scare you.
You stand up, numb to any pain. He follows, making sure you're able to keep balance on your feet. He quickly rips off the bulletproof vest for you and your jacket, revealing the wound right under your collar bone.
You look down at it, then look back up at him, eyebrows furrowed. You look to the other three, eyes widened in shock and fear. Another explosion pops a few hundred yards away, shaking the ground again, though not enough to knock you all down once more.
Minho quickly shouts for anything he can use to keep pressure on the wound. He held his hand over it, as the bleeding was horrible at the moment. His hands are covered in your blood, considering the bullet that shot you went clear through you. You notice the bullet a few feet away, light flickering off of it as it rolls into the street where multiple bloody bodies lay.
Minho rips a piece of his shirt and stuffs it into the exit wound, ordering you to hold it there. He pulls you along as you continue running through the city. Your left arm rests over Minho's shoulders, not wanting to upset your other side. Considering moving, it would only agitate it more, and you were trying to keep pressure on the wound anyway.
As you reach the final yards to reach the Berg where Jorge and Vince wait, you collapse to your knees again, landing face first in the debris covered concrete. Minho falls with you, your weight having dragged him down. He tries to pull you up but notices the pool of blood forming around you. A thin, but large pool.
He calls your name over and over, then flips you on your back, where blood sputters out of your mouth. He quickly pulls you up, your back now held up by Brenda and Fry, who were quick to turn back. Gally crouches down on one knee and slowly removes the cloth from the wound, absolutely drenched in crimson.
"No, no, no, no. Not now! Y/n, get up, please," He pleads, watching Vince and Jorge rush to your aid. "They were shot by a gaurd, went clean through, there's so much blood-"
You reach your hand out to Minho as the men pick you up off the ground, where you stumble to walk with them. They practically carry you on their shoulders to the Berg.
Another explosion knocks you all to the ground again, leaving bruises on faces, arms, and legs as you're pounded onto the ground. You'd be lucky enough not to get AIDS at this point.
Minho stumbles to his feet, rushing to you as the men pick themselves up before you.
He notices blood spewing from the other side of your chest. He rips the extra layers of clothing off your torso, tossing your pistol to the side as well. Gally looks around, finger on the trigger of his gun, looking for a shooter.
"Stray bullet!" Brenda shouts, "Get them in there! Go! Thomas needs us!"
Minho places his hands under your arms and drags you into the Berg himself, all the children right in view of your slumped body. You choke on blood and air, feeling your face grow cold and pale. The liquid trails up into the aircraft, staining the hard metal red for the time being.
Vince jumps into the driver's seat, ordering the others to help you and how to before it's too late. Brenda stands next to him, trying to get any info out of Thomas through the walkies.
You wrap your arms around Minho, feeling the pain in your chest now as you grunt and cry. You squeeze onto the back of his shirt, the pain causing you to claw your fingers into him. He holds you, his heart breaking in two as you struggle to breathe.
The placement, it wasn't possible to keep you this time. It wasn't possible to keep you and be free in any situation, in any timeline, in any universe.
"I don't wanna say goodbye"
He sits on the beach every morning, talking to the sunrise as if you were there next to him. He didn't mind the sand that would pile up in his boots or the dusty grain that would stick to his hydrophoric hands all damn day if it weren't for the water there to wash it away.
His fingers traced over your name on the rock when he felt lonely, like you were magically there, hugging him again.
He'd never know for sure what you meant when you said that he called. He understood that you definitely didn't hear him call for you after awakening after nightmares, but maybe you did, he wouldn't have known. He guessed in a metaphorical sense, he did call for you, which you both knew, but it still confused him somehow. He wanted you to explain it all so he'd understand, like how you always did.
He regretted never being able to rant about all his feelings to you. He wished he had time to tell you about all he went through so you could reassure him that you'd protect him forever. You'd protect him from the nightmares and the scars, the mental baggage that would weigh him down forever.
He started crying himself to sleep after he began to forget your face.
He just wanted another hug, but your face was beginning to blur out. It sent him into a panic attack right there. No one was there to help him as he cried and clawed into the dirt, trying to ground himself again. He couldn't believe himself, he treasured you so much yet he was forgetting your face after merely a year after your dissapearance?
It didn't help that after a while, he began to forget your voice too, that hurt even more. He'd been forced to talk about his feelings to Thomas like a parent-child conference. He wasn't himself anymore.
His eyes were always swollen, eyebags dark and weighing his happiness down. He was depressed. Every smile he showed was just him trying to make his way through another day's work, distracting himself from the fact that he lost you, for good this time, he watched it.
He wrote letters to you with no address to send to. It didn't help whatsoever that he himself pushed you out into the sea once Thomas regained consciousness so he could say farewell. He watched it all, he knew you were gone this time. At least he had some sense of closure.
He had nothing left of you other than that WCKD jacket you wore, that haunted him as he slept. He only kept it because even with the logo of the corporation that tortured him for years and past the bullet holes in it, it provided him a little comfort that you were still there.
He found that telling stories of you to the younger kids helped.
"They were like the life of the party, bright smile, infectious laughter. They were the one everyone wanted to be around. You could see the sunrise in their eyes."
"Who were they to you?" One little girl asks.
"I don't really know" Minho shrugs, looking down at his hands for a moment.
"Where are they now?" A little boy asks, tilting his head.
"They're in the sky, they have been. They're stuck there. I hope I see them again" He replies with a little nod, looking up at the sun beginning to set up on the island.
"Why are they stuck in the sky?"
"They're afraid of coming down"
#lowkeyrobin#minho tmr x reader#tmr minho x reader#tmr minho#minho tmr#the maze runner x reader#maze runner x gn reader#maze runner x reader#maze runner oneshot#the maze runner#gender neutral reader#gn reader#they/them reader
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So a ramble about my Self Insert for Spooky Month in EP 1 and EP 2!! Or at least what I thought of for her so far./lh
@mayisgoingnuts @fymo-blogs @crossover-enthusiast
Episode 1:
So Sunny (my S/I) probably isn't really present for most of the episode since it's kinda short anyway. But she's just kinda chilling in her room during it only for the Spookeez to bust in. When she tries telling them to leave, they tell her that it's Spooky Month. And she nervously does the dance just so they'll go away. Toward the end of the episode though, she's seen sitting on the floor near Lila with a blanket draped over her lap. And she's also sipping some hot coco. She just looks at Skid and Pump with a shrug since she doesn't know why Lila's preparing so early for Christmas either. Or she's just looking down at her mug the whole time. She'd also probably be seen in some background pictures and like posing with Lila & Skid and stuff./lh
Episode 2:
I can see her groggily walking out a few seconds before Lila does (and yes she is wearing the cute lil bunny onesie you guys selected/lh), and she stops in shock because there's two random dudes in Lila's house. She yells out in fear, which causes Lila to walk in tiredly and just glare at the robbers. Sunny probably notices Skid vanish at some point though off screen, and becomes worried about him, but Lila advises her not to go after him since he probably just went out again and it's better that hes not here to see the robbers getting arrested. Sunny still can't help but worry though, and nearly does consider just walking off in the middle of the night to go find them as she anxiously stands beside Lila—who tries to reassure her. But then they finally see the kids in the distance, which causes Sunny to run over to them and practically drag Skid back over to Lila. Lila calms her down when Sunny rather anxiously asks Skid where he went, and calms down a little more when he answers that he apparently just 'met a new friend who showed them the stars'. Sunny brushes it off though. Skid mentions the spooky dance, which causes Lila to get happy and for all three of them besides Sunny to start spooky dancing. Sunny nearly joins, but doesn't and lightly (and off screen) scolds Skid and tells him not to go out without telling her again, before dropping the subject and heading back inside out of exhaustion.
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Netflix Death Note Rewrite
I’m rewriting the 2017 Death Note Movie
This is the first in a series of Rewrites! Pretty much no one liked the Death Note Netflix Adaptation so I (an actual fan of the series) will try to rewrite the movie to actually make it compelling and competent.
First things first how long would this be? Ideally a mini series of 5-8 episodes maybe around 30 minutes each give or take. But let's say that we only have the original 1 hour and 40 minutes for a movie. Well we better make the most of it then.
We open up on an old abandoned church busted pews, broken windows, and a cracked alter. The whole place furnished with old rugs and tarps to cover up the decay of the furniture, thousand of candles everywhere, maybe a mural on the wall of a brunette positioned in a stance with his arms out spread, welcoming the people, yet judging them at the same time.
"Light" Turner (still known as Donn Turner) stands behind the alter talking about Kira.
"Thank you all for coming to honor our savior. Kira the great god of justice, the god of the new world. I notice we have some knew attendants." Donn motions to a couple. Everyone looks to them and Donn motions them up to the front where they complete a ritual, something maybe to do with candles and ending in eating an apple.
After the ritual everyone leave except for a brunette girl named Mia. She comes up and kisses him on the lips, praising him and his sermon today.
The original relationship was very stale and didn't have much weight put onto it. It was also very toxic and the two characters didn't have much in common. By making "Light" the leader of this cult and Mia his pre-established girlfriend in said cult it tells us a few things about these characters already.
A. "Light" is very manipulative, and charismatic, while still being the toxic bitch he was to Misa in the anime. B. Mia, much like Misa is very loyal, but she's actually less interested in "Light" and is devoted heart, body, mind, and soul to Kira (You'll get to see more of that later but essentially Mia is a flip of Misa. Misa was first devoted to the idea of Kira and then her devotion turned into an obsession with Light. Mia will be the opposite but right now that's a further plot-point). And C. This takes place after either the Anime or the Manga (though I'm leaning more towards the Mange because the epilogue of that had the set up to this, where there were Kira Cults.)
The next scene Donn and Mia enter Lights home and his dad is there preparing takeout.
"Donny! Oh Hello Mia."
"Hello Mr. Turner."
"Do you want to stay for Dinner? Donn made the Honor role again and got a 100% on his recent science project. I ordered his favorite food as a reward! We've got a lot to celebrate!"
"No thanks Mr. T. I should bet home. My step monsters will kill me if I'm out past my curfew."
"Okay, see you at school tomorrow." Donn smiles and strokes her head. He kisses her forehead and she kisses his cheek.
"Bye love!" she smiles and walks out.
"Love huh? That's a bit soon considering your both still in school."
"No no! It's fine she's a nice girl. I just don't want you to do something you'll regret,"
"I'm fine! I'll be in my room." He grabs a plate scoops some food onto it and takes it to his room.
"Wait I caught the Grim Angel today! Don't you want to hear about that? Donn? Can You at least take out the trash?"
"I will!" He slams the door. He then scarfs down the food and throws some garbage into the trash including a bag of potato chips. Then he goes to empty the trash. Once outside he throws the trash in the garbage can it starts to rain as a book drops right on Donn's head. "What the hell?" He picks it up and brings it into the house.
He goes up to his room and locks the door. "The human whose name is written in this note shall die. This will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected. If the cause of death is written within the next 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen. If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack. After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds. No way, is this how Kira killed all those people?"
"Yes actually." Donn falls off his chair with a scream. Before him stands a big monster, 8 feet tall and looking like a demon. He had no eyes, and black fungus all over his body. His body itself was a ghostly pale and he had red flame like horns popping out the side of his head crackling and moving in a none existent wind. "Calm down! You have a father downstairs don't you. I'm sure he'll be worried if you start screaming."
"How do you know that? What are you?"
"My my. I thought a fan of our savior Kira would know a lot more about Shinigami."
"Kira? You're a Shinigami?"
"Yes... I go by Justice now."
"What does that mean?"
"I was human once. I was the most devout follower of Kira when we were alive."
"Teru Mikami."
"I cannot say. It is one of the rules."
"So why are you here?"
"I'm here to finish my work. I want you to kill off the remaining criminals."
"Why can't you do that yourself?"
"After the incident there was another rule in place to limit how many humans we can kill a year to just ten."
"Did you choose me? Is that how you know about my family?"
"Yes. I want you to become Light Yagami reincarnated, and for your precious little girlfriend to be the new Misa Amane."
The Shinigami "Justice" would then go on to push light into his first kill. He snuck into his dad's room and pilfered his brief case for the name of the Grim Angel. Damon Cher. Donn pushes him to escape custody steal a bike and ride onto the freeway.
"No one else should get hurt right? That's what it says on one of the rule pages."
About an hour later Mia sends him the news story via text that is identical to what he'd written down in the book.
"I'm a murderer."
"I thought that you were Kira's fan. Don't you want purge the world?"
"No! I just-"
"Lightling... if you don't do this I'll kill you and your girlfriend."
"Why me?"
"You're perfect."
Okay that was a lot but it's all very important. Thing is... this is a sequel to the original death note and some of the themes I want to address are imposter syndrome and how you can't live in someone else's shadow. Spoiler alert but both "Light" and "L" are living in their successors shadows trying to live up to the expectation's of someone else.
I also needed to give a reason why Light/Misa/Mikami wouldn't just rid the world of criminals once they became Shinigami. While I could just wipe their memories that wouldn't really explain why a Shinigami would come to earth other than pulling a Riuk and just having them be bored.
(also yes I know Misa didn't really care about being Kira but she may still want to be with Light in the afterlife.)
The rest of that night "Light" killed ten criminals; and the next day he confided in Mia.
"So Justice here is your Shinigami."
"And you and me have been chosen as the new Kira's."
"Give me the book."
"What? Why?"
"Light sweetie, the book." she holds her hand out.
"Fine. But don't be stupid okay."
"Oh and by the way, heart attacks are so cliche. People are already catching on." She whispers and leaves him taking the book with her.
I know people didn't like Mia being the assertive one but she doesn't fit the role of Misa either. This whole movie was flawed to begin with and through these changes you get a story about three people with a mountain of expectations thrust upon them. They aren't Light, Misa, and L. That's the point. If you want these three you should watch the Anime. ~~~~
A week goes by and the two have already filled ten pages through an assortment of different methods of death.
"According to recent chat logs the general populous think Neo Kira based in New York though a popular theory is that they're based out of Greenland. Okay hand me the book I'll start to focus there. draw their attention their."
"No. If we start to bring attention towards one area in particular it'll let people know that we're onto them."
"What does your dad think?"
"My dad thinks Kira is nuts. He and two other officers are apparently trying to catch Kira."
It's then we cut to James (Light's dad) as he enters his office and sees that it's been trashed. James sighs. "Arata!" A younger man appears.
"They got you too, huh sir?"
"Chief Turner! There's a visitor here to see you! He says he has information on the Neo Kira case." Another man comes over to see James.
"Thank you Philip, bring him in."
Philip goes and returns with an older man dressed in a trench coat and a fedora. He holds up a silver laptop and a fancy white L on a black screen appears.
"Chief turner! My name is L." A distorted voice cheers. "I'm here to offer my assistance."
"Why are you coming to me?"
"Because you're the only one who believes that Kira is back as well as being brazen and open that he is evil."
"What would we need to do?"
You guys may wonder why I added two original characters. Arata is supposed to be a Matsuda stand in and Philip is just supposed to fill out the rest of the motif I'm working with. Chess pieces.
Light and L are the kings because they are both cowards that are spurred to make moves.
Mia and Watari are the "Queens" because they actually do physical stuff but have very little say in what actually goes on.
Arata is the Rook because I thought "Oh Rook. He's new he's the Rookie. Funny"
The name James has connections to the bible and God according to google. So Bishop because they also have connections to the bible and God.
And Philip means horse lover. That feels self explanatory.
We cut back to Mia and Light chilling at home. They are watching the news when an emergency broadcast interrupts them. Several reporters are heard in the background.
"I'm sure you're all wondering who I am. My name is Landon Chef and I have been working with L on this investigation. It is in his expert opinion that these deaths are all coincidental. Kira is not back." The news report can be heard in the background as Mia and Light fight.
"Oh hell no!" She screams. She shoots up from the couch and grabs the notebook.
"Mia what are you doing?!" Light grabs the book.
"He's making a fool of us, Light. He's making a fool of Kira!"
"Don't be stupid! This is what they want!"
"Who care! Let's give them what they want!"
"Mia don't be stupid."
"No Light! We have to do this! For Kira! Kira is our god! He's my life, Light."
"Fine. Give me the book, I'll do it."
"I'm more than capable-"
"Give me the book! You want a new god of justice you'll get one! Now give. Me. The. Book."
She hands it over and he jots down the mans name.
Over in the police department the three men working with L look on in horror as their stand in dies. "I told you that they were in Seattle." L said over the computer.
Over the next few weeks the new Kiras continue to murder. The audience is greeted by a montage of the two killing people. Light writing down names and Mia doing the resaerch. We also see them back at their cult. Light starts to use his new name and Mia dies her hair blond.
Then back at the police department we see that the three men are preparing to meet L face to face.
"Hello Gentlemen. Please call me L. I'd prefer if we all used code names. After all we don't know what Kira is really capable of."
"Ehem." Watari clears his throat. "Don't give them to much lee way L."
"Sorry Watari."
"I'll be Rook. That's what most people call me anyways."
"Call me Kelpie."
"Chief." James said
"You can continue to call us L and Watari Respectively." L smiles.
"You probably want more sweets, don't you L?" Watari smiles but it's very clearly fake.
"No I'm..." Watari glares at L.
"...you know what? Sure."
This seems a bit weird so but it would come up later in the story. I'm just going through a rough draft with some scenes to flesh out the story a bit. So basically this L is the fourth real L. This Watari was the third real L and was the successor to Near who died young. This Watari is very obsessed with the original L. So much so that he makes this new L dress like him (styling his clothes like how Near described him) and keeps him on the sweet heavy diet.
After they meet L closes in on Mia and sends Watari to get information on her.
"And what's the purpose of that?" Philip questioned.
"Perry Ethan was found hanging from a tree with lacerations on his thighs and wrists. He didn't have a criminal record so I traced him back to where he lived and found out he's the step father of Mia Sutton. That’s actually how I found out where to trace the murders to.”
“You can’t go after Mia!” James protested.
“And why is that?” L asked
“Because she’s a good kid. She’s kind and caring and she’s kept my son out of trouble!”
“I’m sorry chief turner but Mia is our best bet at finding Neo Kira. If not her then someone close to her.”
“Does that mean my son’s going to be investigated.”
“If need be then yes. What would Watari say? Ah yes, he’s got a 42% chance of being connected to the murders.”
“I’m not going to sit by and watch as you accuse my son!”
“Then help us find Kira. If you believe that your son is innocent help us find other suspects.”
“…what would you have me do?”
“I need you to pull every file you have on the computer and put it on hard copy. The first Kira was the son of the police chief and he accessed classified documents through his father’s computer.”
“Right! You told us that a decade ago.” Arata said.
Yeah so basically this Watari exposed Kiras’ identities and while most people were dissuaded from worshipping Kira. But as we know there were still small groups of people.
Mia is in custody and light comes to save her but she’s is just in holding and they haven’t officially arrested her. They have 48 hours to find evidence and arrest her or else she will be let go.
During this time Light and L finally meet. The next few scenes would be a cat and mouse chase. I’m kinda stupid and bad at writing that kinda stuff, so we’re going to skip that.
Later on they choose to charge Mia and Light makes the very smart decision to mind control a criminal to walk into the police station and say that he (the criminal) is Kira and then control him to not speak for his stay at the police station. Eventually dying of a heart attack when he is let go.
L is still convinced that Mia had something to do with it so she remains in custody.
Light starts to panic as Justice implores him to write down someone in the police station. He chooses the clerk who writes in his own blood that he is Kira reincarnated and that Mia is a stupid mortal woman who had nothing to do with the murders.
Despite this L (with the help of Watari) convinces everyone that the Perry Ethan incident still links Mia to the case.
Eventually Light starts to kill people on the other side of the world and they have to let Mia go.
some stuff happens and Light and Mia argue that what both of them did was stupid and Light storms off in a fit of rage.
I’m just going to cut to the end.
In a fit of rage Light makes several criminals challenge L. Him and L meet and Light asks Justice for the Shinigami eyes. He writes down L’s name as L tackles him and quickly writes down his and Mia’s names too.
Everyone mourns. Everyone moves on and there’s no need for a shitty sequel.
Okay finally thoughts, I know that it’s not perfect but I really have no idea what to do with this.
I would like to expand the concepts I have about L and Light living in each of their predecessors shadows and how Light both relishes the attention and fame and power but cracks under the pressure, and L trying his best and failing over and over and how he’s in over his head, then ultimately winning in the end with the killings finally stopping. This was his justice to claim, Lionel Morgan’s view of justice.
It’s bad but I wanted to preserve and expand upon interesting concepts that I don’t think were fully explored by the writers. The shinigami pushing light. Him and Mia having a messed up romance. L being emotional over the lives he’s loosing. Light looking for power but not wanting to be a full on serial killer.
Anyway constructive criticism and questions welcome in the comments section. I’m a humble Druid who enjoys the mysteries the sea has to hold and instead of saying goodbye I’ll just wave. (Get it?) 👋
#death note#l lawliet#l death note#light death note#light yagami death note#ryuk#misa amane#misa death note#death note 2017
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HOTS episode 5 is so fucking good, SO GOOD! I cannot believe tomorrow is the last episode...
Seeing him so confident at the start in a style he knows and is comfortable with was so attractive, he was actually giddy to start and get out and dance. But then he started to practice with Link and I think that's where Hoseok shines the absolute brightest in this documentary as a student. Even though he IS good at hip-hop, and was the most confident, once he started to learn something new and couldn't pull it off immediately his attitude changed and his honesty about being frustrated is so relatable, but like Link said Hoseok loves the challenge and he'll keep going until he nails it. And boy did he by the end, the What If.. performance was so fucking cool!
Other moments I loved included him and Kin shopping and falling in love with all the cute bear outfits, buying matching hoodies like best friends LOL how honest Hoseok was in saying that he's limited and how he has to do what he can with what he's given (huge side eye in certain directions...) and Kin being like ''but that's normal, right? You're used to that.'' (even harder side eye) showcasing to me how fucking hard he works regardless of the barriers in front of him, he's so fucking admirable. Also there's this pan over to the side crowd during the What If.. performance and some lady is also busting a move which perfectly highlights something Hoseok said about how good music will inspire good dance, but also that seeing other people dance and express joy will naturally reach others who will join you! Which is what Link talked about in his story about why he dances, about how it's about connecting with happiness. Like uhg, seriously, if people aren't watching this documentary they are highly, highly missing out on some really good content.
Lastly, Hoseok literally saying that as long as he's capable, he wants to keep dancing. Which felt good given me and an anon said the same thing last week about busting the myth that dance has a limit, when the only thing that can really hold you back from it is your mentality toward it and your physical ability.
I'm not ready for tomorrow, seriously gonna cry about it...I really do hope he makes more episodes eventually, I'm more than willing to wait for Vol. 2 however long it may take!
#Sab talks#I love this series so much I don't want it to end#this episode felt especially short to me even though it was 20+ minutes like the others#but I was so invested
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My goblin monkey brain gets bored and/or distracted too easily watching dramas, like I've been in situations where I say I soooo love a drama after watching two or five episodes of it and then gets too busy to continue and/or my monkey brain can't be bothered to pick up anymore
So it's considered a big success for me when i can cling and am still interested in a drama for 10 episodes continuously and not only looking for its spoilers on tumblr lol
List of dramas I've either dropped out of drained brain juice and/or not enough time and/or just can't be bothered, in no particular order (some not listed here are the ones i forgot that i watched and then dropped lol)
1. Joseon Attorney (im sorry Woo Do Hwan i loved you in The King and Mad Dog 🥺)
2. Tell Me That You Love Me (plsss i loved the first two episodes sm and then i couldn't be bothered to continue it idek don't ask)
3. Call It Love (i uhh...i love the lethargic vibe but my brain couldn't brain the gloom)
4. Dr. Romantic 3 (okay i didn't drop this completely. It took me a while to watch it again. I did it for Kim Min Jae yh)
5. Vincenzo (idk why)
6. A Shop for Killers (look i watched this until ep6 and then my brain juice decided to say goodbye to me)
7. Moving (look i loved this one. But i very nearly dropped it for good after that one hiatus and then my sister got me to finish it with her) (just a little disappointed Kang Hoon was still alone in the end)
8. Tomorrow (im sorry Rowoon my brain juice couldn't be bothered idk i think it's got to do with the momentum. I kept looking up Joong Gil and Goo Ryeon spoilers tho lol)
9. Poong, The Joseon Psychiatrist (i didn't finish season 2. Or maybe i didn't even pay attention to season 2 i can't remember what happens in that season lmao. I just wanted the two mains to be happy)
10. Today's Webtoon (sorry Sejeong-ah i love you in BP and Busted)
11. Lovers of the Red Sky (the momentum. Yh I'm pretty sure it's because of that. I love both of the leads in other dramas)
12. Daily Dose of Sunshine. (Too sad. Hits too close to home)
This list goes back to 2021. Doesn't mean i watched all the rest of the dramas that i didn't list lol
#and that's flex x cop for me rn i know I'm gonna watch this til the end now 💪🏻#and the story is just getting more interesting maaannnn#kdrama#I'm not a multidramas watcher i don't have that enough brain cells or attention span to pay attention to one let alone two#tell me that you love me kdrama#lovers of the red sky#vincenzo#dr romantic 3#moving kdrama#poong the joseon psychiatrist#call it love#tomorrow kdrama#today's webtoon#daily dose of sunshine#a shop for killers#joseon attorney
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Reacting to live action AtLA - ep 8
Spoilers warning, for the final time.
Okay, fresh off my extreme dislike at episode 7's choice to have Aang not support Katara (seriously, I will hold onto that grudge with a fierceness that would put OG Katara to shame even. Worst change of the entire season for me.) I'm still grumpy, but I won't have time to watch tomorrow, so I just wanna get it over with. They have a lot to make up to me. :P
Okay.. finally we get to see them fight together. Bout dang time. Where was THIS for the past 7 episodes? This is what we needed for Team Avatar-building.
Katara leading the other women.. I can deal with this change too. And she got given charge of the newbie recruits too. Again, I can do this.
The Ice Moon? Okay new plot twist. Let's see if you're passable or lame.
Lion turtle mention alert.
MOMO! I swear to goodness, this is the worst. Also, I knew the Oasis would look gorgeous in live action. Okay, he's better but I'm still not okay with that happening in the first place. :( Dirty trick.
So.. not gonna have Iroh threaten/disagree with Zhao?
Nice little icy straight jacket, though I'm ticked that apparently Zuko in this version can immediately bust out. Meh. I enjoyed the idea from the first of her having the upper hand for a while the moon was out.
Zhao calling out Ozai and his stupid games. Finally Iroh at least telling him he'll unleash on him.. though he didn't bother to try and actually DO anything yet. Yeah, there it is, finally!
This fight.. oof. It's intense. And it's nice to have a version where we don't have to hate Hahn. lol
YES, time for Aang as Koi-zilla. Kick some Zhao (and other fire nation) butt, Koizilla.
Ha, yes, firebending duel on a bridge. Way to not draw attention to yourselves from the fish giant that's utterly pissed at firebenders. I do enjoy the aangsty discourse though.
Hold up. Iroh took Zhao out, not the ocean spirit? I mean, I guess it's busy with the armada, but still. I liked it getting to mete out the justice for its pair.
Man, these poor water tribe siblings.. Sokka watching his girlfriend turn into the moon, Katara begging Aang to come back..
This does give a bit more of a reason/transition for Pakku to change his mind on training women, better than "well, you're my old girlfriend's daughter." I'm still unclear on how Katara was deemed a master as she got literally zero training in this version.
Azula taking over Omashu, getting word that the comet is "soon".. and done.
Okay, this episode didn't make me near as stabby as the last (though they really didn't have to mess with Momo like that.) The fight was intense, but all the fight scenes have looked pretty good so I expected that. While I loved that Katara was declared a master, I still don't see how since she didn't get any teaching at all. And overall it seems an absolutely bizarre choice for Aang to not bend any water in the water book.
I dunno, mostly I'm glad to be done, okay with having watched it, and absolutely thrilled that the animated version is still there. I will probably start up a rewatch of that soon as a nice palate cleanser. LOL My thoughts on this haven't changed since halfway through - if I had seen just this live-action I might have enjoyed it more as I wouldn't know what I was missing, it would have been a show that I completed.. but it wouldn't have spurred me on to need "more" (hunting out others to obsess with, looking up fanfic, etc) the way the original did. The characters in this got better/more interesting, but took like 7 episodes to do so.. and that's entirely too long in an 8-episode season. And even by the end they weren't as engaging as their animated counterparts (NOT a commentary on the actors.. the scenes where they were given emotional dialogue, they did well. Just.. well there was a ton of splitting them up or sort of flat writing sometimes. Can't do much with that.)
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Love Is On Air
Genre: fluff & smut Words: 8.722 Prompt: radio host Johnny x secret admirer female reader Warnings: soft dom Johnny, oral (f receiving), safe sex, dirty talk
A/N: Finally: My entry for the February event of my lovely network @neosmutcollective. This is totally not the fic I planned on writing. In fact this was started way later after I realized I was never going to finish my original fic on time. Not that this one is on time... Special thanks to everyone who sent our lovely DJs some music recommendations @sly-merlin, @moonctzeny, @lenaluvs, @lucas-wongs, @burtonized and to @ncteaxhoe who helped me figure out this idea. I hope you enjoy this even though it’s wayyy too late.

You hurried home to your apartment after your last class of the day that was horrifically late because of whoever had fucked up your schedule this semester. Panting heavily, you busted into your room and threw your jacket and backpack somewhere onto your couch, diving straight for your laptop that was perched on your desk. Cursing the old thing, you waited for agonizing minutes until it had booted up and your browser was open. You quickly opened the familiar page of your university’s campus radio just in time to hear the familiar voice saying: “Hi I’m John-D, welcome to NCT Night Night.” After that both hosts chuckled lowly before Jaehyun spoke: “Tonight we’ll read some of the letters you wrote us over the week again and we will try our best to help you out with whatever problems you throw our way.” “Exactly. Right after we play this song that was suggested by evangelie_99 over on our Twitter, it’s Pluto Projector by Rex Orange County and she said that she loves our show. We’re glad you like it so much, darling. This one is for you,” Johnny softly said before the soft tunes of the song filled your little one-room apartment.
Sighing, you leaned back in your chair, carelessly toeing your shoes off. Listening to NCT Night Night was your escape at night from the stress that classes brought you. The two DJs that were on air every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday were your favorites though. Not only did they have great chemistry but they both could be incredibly funny as well as soothe all your nerves with their calming voices – especially Johnny or John-D as he was called on their show. You might have developed a slightly embarrassing crush on the fratboy with a heart as sweet as his voice from what you knew about him from his radio shows and your shared classes. Since they had started their weekly segment where they would read out letters that students could send them, you had gathered the courage to send Johnny little messages about how you were crushing on him and it had quickly become a running gag on the show. Jaehyun would tease Johnny about it every week while Johnny kept insisting that his secret admirer should just talk to him. But how could you do that? Johnny was everything one could want in a boyfriend. Not only was he ridiculously tall and devastatingly handsome but he was also smart, always seemingly staying on top of his classes and he also went to the gym regularly if his thirst traps on his Instagram stories were anything to go by. When he wasn’t giving out advice in a gentle voice on their radio program, he was out partying with his frat brothers on the weekends more often than not complaining about headaches on their Sunday show. How could you just walk up to him and talk to him? Right. You couldn’t. So you had to resign to sending him anonymous love letters through his radio show.
“Welcome back, hi,” Johnny chuckled once the song had gently faded out and you couldn’t help but giggle along. “That was Pluto Projector by Rex Orange County,” Jaehyun tried to stay on script but you could almost hear the grin on his face because of Johnny’s antics, “If you want your song to play on today’s show, please suggest something over on our Twitter with the hashtag,” Jaehyun paused momentarily and let out a dramatic sigh before continuing, “hashtag JohnDplaymelikeaviolin.” Jaehyun hadn’t even read the whole hashtag out loud when Johnny was already bursting out in laughter and how could you not laugh along with his melodic laughter. “I swear to god I am never letting you choose hashtags for our show ever again,” Jaehyun groaned while Johnny sounded like he was still dying in the background. “Don’t be mean to me Jaehyunie,” he whined and even though today’s episode was not viewable, you could vividly imagine how he was pouting. While the two friends were busy bickering and talking about what they had done since their last show, you pulled up your own Twitter to send a recommendation in.
“Aaaah, I see we’re already getting plenty of suggestions. Sly-merlin suggested us Sexy Dirty Love by Demi Lovato – a great song – and added ‘I wish John-D would actually play me like a violin.” After a potent silence, Johnny broke out in laughter again. “And this is why you won’t choose any more hashtags,” Jaehyun groaned again. “Baby,” Johnny rasped into his mic and even though you weren’t wearing headphones, it sent tingles down your spine, “Just come to our frat party on Friday and I’ll see what I can do.” “Stop plugging our parties on the radio,” Jaehyun scolded the elder, the slap audible over the radio, “Also sly-merlin has to stand in line. You still have your number one admirer who has sent in a letter yet again.” “She still hasn’t come up to me,” Johnny shared, “I can only keep up my chastity for so long. I am saving myself for this girl.” You know he was joking but you were just a simple woman and even in your secluded home, you felt heat rising to your cheeks, your thumbs stopping on your keyboard where you had typed out your song recommendation. Both DJs shared a quiet laugh before Jaehyun asked: “And you really don’t know who she is?” “I really don’t man,” his friend sighed, “Like I have my suspicions because she has to be in my major if she sees me in class that often. That or she’s a stalker which I do not want to think about. But for real, hit me up. I’ll take you out for a coffee.” “Now everyone is going to come up to you and claim that they’re her.” “I’ll take that risk,” Johnny laughed, “Maybe I’ll finally meet the love of my life and settle down.” At that Jaehyun snorted loudly. “The woman that can make you settle down gets free coffee for like a month from me.” “Watch me have a wife and kids at 25 Jae, just to spite you,” his friend snorted, “But up until then, let’s play sly-merlin’s song recommendation: Sexy Dirty Love by Demi Lovato.”
While the song was playing, you finished up your own tweet and hit post before you grabbed your bag that you had carelessly thrown away before to get out your notes. You actually had to start a project for one of the classes you and Johnny actually did share. The professor had announced that he would announce the pairings for a group project tomorrow and you didn’t want to seem like an actual idiot if your group would decide to already meet up and discuss after class. So while you listened to your favorite DJs discuss the questions and worries of whoever had sent them to their email address, you worked through the notes you had taken over the last couple of weeks, trying your best to organize them to remember the key points.
“Oh John-D, I have a very special letter here,” Jaehyun said, waving the paper in front of the microphone so it would pick up the wiggling noises. “What could that be?” Johnny asked with over-exaggerated interest. “It’s from your secret admirer, John-D. So I think you should read it out.” Just like every time, they read your letter, your heart began beating faster and faster in your chest until you were sure, it would break free from your ribcage. “Okay, here I go,” Johnny announced while Jaehyun was playing the same cheesy music he always played when they were reading your letters, “Happy Thursday, John-D. The weekend is almost in reach, keep up the energy for the last day of classes! – she’s so sweet, I’m holding up alright – One of my professors will announce the pairings he made for a group project soon and I am nervous. I don’t have many friends in the course and I’m praying that I will get good group mates I can work well with.” “Oooh, I get that struggle,” Jaehyun interrupted, “I once had to work with a bunch of stoners and ended up doing all the work for a presentation that made up 30 percent of my grade. Worst experience of my life, would not recommend. But we’re wishing you all the luck.” “But you know what’s more interesting about this story?” Johnny tuned in, “Coincidentally my professor for my literature class is assigning our group projects tomorrow as well. Say, my sweet admirer, are you perhaps in the same literature class as me?” In your otherwise silent room, the panicked squeak you let out was loud even to your ears. There was no way Johnny could figure out who you were, there were probably at least 20 more girls with a crush on him in that class alone, so you were safe. “Oooh, so maybe she’s a lit major so that’s why she’s writing love letters.” “Could be but lots of people from different majors are taking that class,” Johnny argued, “Anyways, back to her letter. But I won’t let that disturb me! I will be doing my best regardless! – That’s the spirit – I’ll work through my notes as I listen to your honey voice so I can be prepared. I’m glad you don’t do viewable radios on Thursday’s or else I wouldn’t be able to get anything done, you’re just too distracting John-D,” at that Jaehyun let out a fake gag while Johnny just giggled softly, “Thank you secret admirer, I do clean up quite nicely if I do say so myself. – On last Sunday’s episode you melted my heart when you hid in your hoodie for half the show. – God that was the worst hangover I had in a looong while, I was so miserable.”
“You should have seen him at home,” Jaehyun laughed, “I had to physically drag his whole 180-something-centimeters body first into the shower, then into the car and into the station. He is the biggest crybaby when he’s hungover.” “Don’t expose me like that, Jaehyunie,” Johnny whined loudly, “I was dared to drink a bunch of tequila and my mother didn’t raise neither a quitter nor a coward.” “No, but clearly an idiot,” the younger DJ laughed his deep laugh. “Let me read my love letter in peace,” the other grumbled, “I couldn’t follow for half the show because I was so focused on watching you. Not in a creepy way of course! – Of course not,” Johnny chuckled, “I hope you finished that essay you had to work on after the show in time and still had some time to relax. – I did, don’t worry.” That you already knew when Johnny had handed in his essay in another class you two shared just before you had handed in yours and he had thrown you a little smile that had kept you going through the whole day. “Take care of yourself and keep smiling your beautiful smile, I look forward to seeing you again on Sunday or in classes. And fighting to Jae-D as well of course! – I look forward to hearing from you again, secret admirer. I bet your group project will go just fine, don’t worry too much. If anyone is mean to you, just expose them here and we’ll fight them for you.” “Love that she acknowledged me in one sentence as well,” Jaehyun grumbled, cutting off the cheesy music abruptly. “You’re just jealous you don’t have a sweet admirer who sends you cute messages,” the other teased his friend. “Yeah, yeah, shut up and put that letter in the box under your bed.” “It’s in my sock drawer, thank you very much.”
Giggling, you listened to the two friends bicker, your chest warm with a feeling you were scared to put a name on. “Anyways, I think it’s time for another music recommendation you can still send in via our lovely hashtag JohnDplaymelikeaviolin. This one is from lenaluvies and she says: Please play Hurts So Good by Astrid S thank you. No, thank you for sending something in darling. This one’s for you,” Johnny announced and you couldn’t help but laugh a little pained laugh. That song title hit a little too close to home for your liking. The rest of the radio show went by smoothly and Johnny and Jaehyun tried to help a handful of more students with their problems that couldn’t be more diverse. From a boy who had fallen in love with his best friend which had send him into an identity crisis over to a girl who was failing her classes because she claimed the professor hated her to a freshman who wanted to apply for a fraternity but was scared because of the rumors surrounding them which the DJs quickly debunked since they both were in the same fraternity. In the end they had to cut themselves short, asking their viewers to vote on a poll they would make if people wanted a whole Tuesday episode surrounding fraternities.
“So.” “So,” Johnny copied his friend. “We’re almost at the end of our time with you guys. We couldn’t get through all of your submissions but we hope our team picked a few good ones and at least some of you could get some advice.” “As always you’re free to send us your own stories to our e-mail [email protected] to get some advice next Thursday from your favorite DJs: John-D.” “And Jae-D. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday on your campus radio on 127mHz. On NCT-“ “Night Night,” they said their ending together and just like every night with them, you said goodnight to your computer screen, closing the tab which draped your little apartment in silence. Sighing loudly, you looked over your notes that needed a little more work if you wanted to make a good first impression on your fellow students tomorrow. Because you couldn’t stand the silence, you opened your Spotify to play the NCT Night Night playlist Johnny and Jaehyun had made with the songs that had been recommended to them, still missing the new additions from tonight.

The next morning found you in your literature class, sitting two rows behind Johnny, staring at the back of his head while doodling on your paper rather than taking notes on whatever the professor was saying. If you were to let your eyes wander, you’d see that almost everyone in the big room was paying as much or even less attention as you were; the students in different states of excitement and anxiety over the group projects he had yet to announce. “I’m sorry professor,” Johnny’s voice suddenly cut through the room, “I’m sure you have already noticed that no one is paying attention to whatever you’re trying to teach us right now. Could you please just announce the groups for the project?” That moment you swore you would be able to hear a pin drop until your eccentric professor chuckled lowly. “I like you, Suh. I was waiting for someone to mention it,” he spoke, getting the dreaded list out of his bag, “Listen closely now, you’ll be assigned in groups of four and each group will get a specific novel to work on. Deadline will be by the end of the semester and your individual paper combined with the group presentation will make up 40% of your final grade.” That made a bunch of people, including you, gasp out loudly. A group project with this much credit to your final grade was always dreaded. “I don’t want to hear any complaints, that’s how it’s always been. Now listen carefully, I won’t repeat myself but the list will be hung on our blackboard as well.” With that being said, the professor began listing names and novels in the most monotone voice he could muster. To say you were basically vibrating off of your seat was an understatement when he got further and further down the list and neither yours nor Johnny’s name had been called yet. “And lastly, an all-time favorite: Romeo and Juliet.” You didn’t even register anything else after the professor had announced that the group featured both Johnny and you along with two other students you didn’t know. Your brain was reduced to static noise while everyone else was getting up around you to pick up the books that had already been stacked in a corner, probably by a poor TA. Only when a person bumped into you, you broke from your stupor to quickly pick up your stuff as well to hurry down to steps to where a crowd of students had already gathered.
Luckily Johnny towered over most of the other students and you could easily spot him and the rest of your group that were two other boys you didn’t recognize. “Hey, you’re the last one we were missing,” Johnny smiled and handed you over your copy of the book. “Y... Yeah, sorry for making you wait,” you stuttered, clutching the small book tightly in your hands. “No big deal,” Johnny played it off, “Do any of you have any more classes today?” When everyone declined, you all agreed that you should get a head start on your project as it would be hard to make a good project out of such an overused love story. While walking over to the student center to decide on a concept, conversation flowed easily between the four of you even though you were still really nervous to be around Johnny. God, you really hoped he didn’t think you were stupid or something just because you were nervous.

The little study session went by in a blur and only further confirmed that you were so whipped for Johnny it wasn’t even funny anymore. You found yourself attentively listening to all of his ideas and laughing at every of his stupid little jokes and only mildly spacing out while looking at Johnny when the others were discussing ideas which had led to one or two mildly embarrassing situations where you would lose track of what you were actually discussing, your mind blank of any input when they asked for your opinion.
Soon you found yourself parting ways with your groupmates, leaving you and Johnny alone because his frat house and your little apartment were located in the same general direction. “Anything fun you’re doing this evening?” Johnny asked, trying to make some light conversation to fill the silence. “No, I’ll just binge watch some shows maybe or listen to the campus radio,” you shrugged it off. While today’s show wasn’t your favorite, you quite liked the DJs soft and gentle voice. “You listen to the campus radio? I have a show on there,” Johnny smiled. “I like listening to you and Jaehyun,” you confessed, trying to fight the heat that was licking at your cheeks. “Oh.” “You seem surprised.” “Yeah, it kind of still seems weird that people enjoy listening to Jae and me rambling for hours on end. You know with him it just feels like I’m hanging out with my brother rather than work.” “Your voices are really soothing, you know,” you tried to explain what you were feeling when listing to them, “And your friendship is kind of adorable. Like we can feel how much you care about each other and you always genuinely try to help your listeners without making fun of them.” For a while Johnny didn’t say anything and you thought you had fucked it up, that he thought you were weird now. “Thank you,” he suddenly said. “Huh?” “It means a lot hearing that. We do lurk on Twitter to see what people think of our show but hearing it like this is something else entirely.” “It’s nothing,” you mused, playfully hitting his arm, “No need to get this soft.” “Hey,” he laughed, “I’ll have you know that I am 180 centimeters of walking softness despite what people might say about me.” Smiling softly you caught his eyes for the first time since you two had started walking and the way his honey eyes were smiling back at you momentarily took your breath away.
“I- My room is right around here, sooooo,” you stuttered. “It was nice working with you. Even though you were spacing out half the time,” Johnny teased, “Thinking about a special someone?” You. The word sat on the tip of your tongue, the low light of the afternoon sun making you bolder than you actually were and Johnny just made you feel incredibly comfortable. “No... No- I- I’m single.” “A crush then?” “Something like that,” you mumbled, your fingers nervously playing with the hem of your jacket. “Talk to him. Or her. Or them,” Johnny advised. “I really can’t,” you sighed, “He doesn’t even know I exist.” “Well you don’t need to confess your undying love for him,” he laughed, not knowing he was the boy in question, “Just you know. Casually talk to him. Get to know him.” “I’ll try?” “Is that a question?” “Yeah?” “Have more confidence in yourself,” he gently nudged you, “You’re nice and very easy to talk to.” “Nice... Wow.” “Shut up,” he laughed, “I usually give better compliments but I have yet to get to know you better.” “Would you... Would you even want that?” “Sure,” Johnny shrugged and your heart skipped a couple of beats, “I have to get going or everybody will already be drunk when I arrive. So... I’ll see you in class? And you’ll hear me on Sunday?” “Yeah sure. Don’t drink too much or you will be miserable all show like last week,” you giggled. “Don’t remind me,” he groaned, “I’m never going to drink tequila on a Saturday ever again.” “Goodbye Johnny,” you smiled, really liking how his name sounded when you said it out loud. “Bye,” he waved before going his way.
Once you were sure he was out of hearing distance, you let out a little happy squeak and jumped up and down excitedly. You did it. You had actually done it. You had talked to your crush. And managed to not make a complete fool out of yourself in front of him. Which was a win in your books. A huge win. With a little spring in your steps, you stepped by one of your favorite pizza places to treat yourself before heading home where you spend your evening daydreaming about none other than Johnny while watching reruns of old dramas.

“Hi, I’m Jae-D.” “And I am John-D. Welcome to NCT-“ “Night Night.” “John-D.” “Yes, Jae-D,” Johnny chuckled. “It’s Thursday again which means it’s time to tend to our listener’s worries,” Jaehyun read off of the script, not getting distracted by his friend’s antics, “And today is a very special episode.” “Special?” Jaehyun barely repressed to roll his eyes at his friend’s over-exaggerated acting before continuing: “Yes, since tomorrow is a day off for all students, we have decided to make this episode extra lengthy and-“ he shortly stopped to flash the camera a peace sign, “Viewable despite it being Thursday.” “Do we look okay?” Johnny laughed, checking himself out in the video that was playing on one of their monitors. “Aaaaah, the comments say we look good tonight, thank you,” Jaehyun mused.
And they really did. Not that either of them had to do a whole lot to look good but today they were both wearing white button-downs with their sleeves rolled up to expose their forearms. Jaehyun had even gone so far as to put on some fake glasses. “And if you’re following us on our Twitter you also already know that this week it’s all about love on our campus radio and our show today is no exception,” Johnny read his part of the script. “Today John-D and Jae-D are Loveholics, trying our very best to help you with your problems surrounding love,” Jaehyun completed, “You can send in song recommendations through the hashtag JohnJaeLoveholic just like taryn1026 did – I hope I said that right – but they recommended Paris in the Rain by Lauv to set the mood for today.”
The soft tunes of the song made you relax a little into your sofa where you had chosen to watch today’s episode of NCT Night Night. You had to say that you were kind of nervous for today’s episode. Just like every week you had written your letter to Johnny, telling him about your week and cheering him on for your group project. At this point it should have been pretty obvious just who exactly you were and judging by how Johnny was acting towards you, his flirting leaving you flustered after your study sessions and your group mates mildly annoyed, he seemed to already have put together the pieces. But yesterday while writing your letter you had felt extra bold (and maybe also extra riled up and horny from Johnny’s shameless flirting) and had written him a message that should confirm all his suspicions and would hopefully lead him straight to you and into your bed. But until the end of the show or at least until they read your letter, which you really hoped they did today as well, you had to wait sitting in your apartment, for once not in comfortable clothes but in a nice shirt and pants.
“That was Paris in the Rain by Lauv, recommended to us by taryn1026 through our Twitter with the hashtag JohnJaeLoveholic,” Johnny’s raspy voice filled your apartment when he leaned close to the mic, “Jae-D are you ready to make some love happen?” “I already had my love juice,” Jaehyun answered, showing his pink Starbucks drink to the camera, “And my reading glasses are on.” As to prove his point, he hiked his glasses up his nose before scratching his eye through the holes in the frame, making both DJs chuckle. For the next hour Johnny and Jaehyun tried to solve several relationship dramas as well as a very tricky friends-with-benefits situation and telling a boy to break up with his cheating girlfriend which had been a rather heartbreaking discussion. “So after this,” Jaehyun sighed, “Let’s play another song recommendation. Burtonized has sent in a very fitting song, I hope you all don’t mind a little Korean: It’s God Damn by I.M – a song about heartbreak.”
While the foreign song was playing, the two DJs stretched their backs and sipped on their respective drinks: Jaehyun still on his pink sugar concoction and Johnny already on his second iced Americano. Jaehyun must have found something funny on his phone, nudging his friend to look at him but Johnny was busy typing away on his own, only acknowledging his friend after he had typed his message. Just after that, your own phone buzzed with a message, showing Johnny’s name on the screen.
From: Johnny Are you watching our show?
To: Johnny Sure, you look good today
From: Johnny Make sure to listen closely ;)
“That was God Damn by I.M suggested by burtonized over our Twitter hashtag JohnJaeLoveholic,” Jaehyun’s smooth voice tore you from your spiraling thoughts about the winking face Johnny had sent. “Sadly our show is coming to an end even with our extended airtime.” “But John-D a very important letter is still missing before we close our show. Dare I say it could be the highlight of our show,” Jaehyun joked, already playing the cheesy music he was always playing when Johnny would read your letters. “You’re right Jae-D my lovely secret admirer has sent in another letter,” Johnny mused, arranging himself so he could read the printed out letter while being as close as possible to the mic for it to pick up the rasp in his voice, “Happy Thursday John-D, I hope your week has been more exciting than mine. I have just been going from class to class without much thought, the only high points are my group meetings for the group project we have to hand in soon – That seems very familiar, baby – But since today is all about love, I’ll tell you about a little problem I have: – get your love juice ready, Jae – There is this boy in my group. And boy isn’t really the right word to describe him, he’s a man really,” at that Johnny couldn’t hold back a low chuckle, “I’m sorry, I’ll be serious – And he is flirting with me. Has been for a couple of weeks now. And it has gotten to the point where our groupmates are kind of annoyed at us. He has also walked me home a couple of times but he never so much as touched me. At this point I am so frustrated with him. Is he just playing with me? Or is his mouth bigger than his actions actually are? He has been riling me up all day today and I was ready to let him have his way with me but he only wished me goodnight and left again, leaving me to deal with what he had done all by myself – oh wow, I,” Johnny stuttered, sharing a gaze with his friend who was only barely repressing his laughter, “Wow, okay, I hope we’re in the good for reading this out and it’s late enough,” clearing his voice and raking a hand through his hair, Johnny continued, “John-D I hope this man hears what he has done to me and will deal with the consequences of his actions. Would you play Animal by Jin Yosef and RIELL for me? Just in case this letter hasn’t gotten my point across? – Y... Yeah sure, darling. We’ll play that once our show is over.”
“So John-D,” Jaehyun grinned while loudly slurping on his ‘love juice’, “What would you advice your secret admirer to do about this problem?” “Well if I were her,” Johnny started, his gaze going straight to the camera where he knew you were watching and it felt like he was looking straight into your soul, “I’d wait for him. I’m pretty sure he can prove that his actions speak even louder than his words.” For a while it was quiet between the two DJs, safe for Jaehyun’s obnoxiously loud slurping noises but even if they would have been saying anything, you weren’t sure if you could have comprehended any words with how furiously your heart was beating. “Anyways,” Jaehyun eventually broke the silence once he was sure there was nothing left in his ‘love juice’, “I’m afraid that was it for tonight. This has been your extra lengthy episode of Jae-D and John-D and we will leave you with this wonderful song recommendation: Animal by Jin Yosef and RIELL. If you’ve liked today’s show, we’re here every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday night on your campus radio on 127mHz to listen to all of your worries on NCT-“ “Night Night,” Johnny joined in and they both waved into the camera as your song of choice started playing. The video stream didn’t cut off immediately, showing the boys gathering their things and if your eyes weren’t betraying you, you swore you saw Johnny tense up when the song turned a little more explicit. The two DJs waved to the camera one last time before the stream cut off, leaving the screen of your laptop dark.
That was when it dawned on you what you had done. Shit. With how Johnny had sounded, you probably had about fifteen to twenty minutes until he would be at your doorstep. Oh god. Shit. Taking a couple of deep breaths, you tried to ground yourself before hurriedly closing your laptop and cleaning everything that seemed messy in your little one-room apartment. That was until you heard a knock on your door.
With shaky hands, you slowly opened the door and while you knew who would be standing on the other side, you weren’t ready for how he was going to look like: Johnny was leaning against the doorway casually with his arms crossed over his chest so the tight button-down he was wearing would strain over the planes of his chest muscles but what really reeled you in was how dark his eyes looked when he raked them over your body. “Good evening miss,” he drawled. “Hi,” you breathed. “Tell me what you want so I’m not misinterpreting any of this,” Johnny all but growled, one of his hands coming up to cup your face. “I want you to have me.” If you thought his eyes were dark before, they turned into bottomless black orbs once the words had left your lips. “You don’t know what you’re asking for, baby.” “Please,” you whimpered and that seemed to break Johnny’s resolve as he pulled you close to him and all but crashed his lips into yours. The kiss wasn’t delicate in any way, shape or form with how Johnny was licking into your mouth the second a moan left your lips. His tongue was intertwining with yours messily and in no time both of you were panting into each other’s mouths. “Inside. Now,” you rasped. “All with due time,” Johnny chuckled but let you pull him into your apartment, slamming the door shut to crowd you against it, one of his strong thighs slipping between your legs like it belonged there, “If you’re a good girl and listen well, I’ll give you anything you want.” “Fuck,” you cursed before slamming your lips together again, a new neediness bleeding into the kiss as you tugged on the longer strands of hair at the back of Johnny’s neck which made him growl lowly. “Anything off-limits?” Johnny breathed into your skin as he kissed down your neck to suck a mark there while his hands were busy pulling your shirt from your pants so he could rake them over your naked skin. “Just,” you had to cut yourself off with a moan, “Don’t be mean to me.” “Never,” he promised, “You’ll be my pillow princess.” His sweet words were in stark contrast to how hard his hands were gripping your hips and how his teeth were grazing over your neck that must be littered with marks already. “Take me to bed,” you heaved breathlessly, positive your legs would give out if it wasn’t for Johnny holding you up.
Listening to your demand, he slowly started walking you backwards towards your bed until the two of you were toppling down on top of the covers, his lips never leaving your skin. Whoever had spread the rumors about Johnny being a great lover had been absolutely right, he knew just how to touch you to have you gasping for air and judging by the grin on his lips he hadn’t even started yet. “Please,” you whimpered, arching into his touch, not exactly sure what exactly you were asking for but Johnny seemed to know all the better when he freed you from your top and pants to leave you in your matching lace set while he was still fully clothed in his by now wrinkled button-up and pants. “All for me?” He chuckled and pressed a kiss right between the valley of your breasts, his big hands cupping the soft flesh to squeeze it gently. “Have me,” you gasped out and you could feel the growl he let out vibrating where you were pressed together. “I’m going to ruin you,” Johnny promised, pulling down the cups of your bra to wrap his plush lips around one of your nipples to tease the soft nub until it hardened under his ministrations, sending waves of pleasure down your spine and straight to your core where you could feel your wetness starting to seep into the fabric of your panties. “Johnny,” you mewled and arched into his every touch, his calloused fingertips setting your skin alight when he let them travel down your body to tease over your lower stomach. As if by reflex, you let your thighs fall open for him to finally touch you where you needed him the most. “Such a good girl,” he smiled, blowing cold air over your spit-slicked nipple to watch you squirm beneath him. Your remark got stuck in your throat when he finally cupped you through your panties, feeling how damp the fabric had already become. “Naughty,” he chuckled, his eyes never leaving your face as he circled your clit through the fabric, watching your eyes fluttering shut when his gaze became too intense.
“Johnny,” you sighed, forgetting all other words except for his name. “Relax, princess,” he rasped and kissed his way down your body, leaving love bites on the sensitive skin of your stomach and thighs that shook with anticipation. If you’d say you hadn’t dreamed about his lips on you like this, you would lie and you weren’t going to miss the sight of this for nothing. Fighting back the fog that had started to cloud your mind, you forced your eyes open to look down to where he had settled between your open thighs to find him staring right back at you. “Good girl,” he praised you again before pressing a kiss over your clothed sex that made your head fall back already, the anticipation of what was to come making you push up your hips which made Johnny chuckle lowly. He didn’t leave you any time to feel embarrassed by how needy you were when he hooked your panties to the side unceremoniously and licked a broad stripe up your center, tasting your arousal. “Oh fuck,” you breathed out, your hands flying down to tangle them in the long strands of his hair. Johnny worked his tongue in slow and clever strokes, leaving your mind reeling with pleasure and taking his time to take you apart piece by piece, not even paying attention to your leaking center or your aching clit. But when he did wrap his lips around your clit to gently suck on the nub, your mind almost went numb with how intense his touch was, your thighs clamping shut around him. To make it even worse, he started humming around you while prying your thighs back open, holding you down with his large hands. You felt your orgasm approach almost embarrassingly fast now that he was altering between teasing your clit with his tongue, lips and even his teeth and fucking your velvety walls with his tongue, setting your nerve endings on fire. “Johnny I’m close,” you warned him but instead of slowing down, he stretched his jaw wide to press his tongue further into you, his nose bumping into your clit in the process and with the combined sensation and his doubled effort, it took no time for your first orgasm of the night to wash over you, a scream of his name leaving your lips as you shook through it, your mind going equally as numb as your legs.
When you came back to it, Johnny had straightened up between your legs and he was grinning down at you while he was unbuttoning his shirt, his face still shiny with your arousal. “That was the first one,” he spoke darkly. “Come here,” you whined, making grabby hands for him until he took pity on you and covered your body with his before connecting your lips in a bruising kiss. You could still taste yourself on his lips but that somehow just made it even hotter.
“Want you inside me,” you panted against his lips when Johnny broke the kiss in favor of raking his teeth over your racing pulse. “Yeah?” He rasped and ground his hips down into yours, making you feel him strain against the fabric of his pants. “Need it,” you moaned at the sweet friction. “Think you can take me?” He laughed as he leaned back on his hunches to pop open the button of his pants, pulling down the zipper agonizingly slow. With wide eyes you watched him push his pants down his narrow hips, leaving him in just his navy boxers that showed the sizable imprint of his hard cock, the fabric against the head dark from where he had leaked precum. Chuckling, he stroked over the outline and just the sight alone made your mouth water. “Show me,” you breathed, spreading your thighs so he could see your needy core, clenching around nothing. “Hmm,” he hummed, dragging one of his fingers that wasn’t preoccupied with teasing himself through the mess of arousal and his saliva between your legs, only barely dipping it into you to feel the muscles trying to suck him inside. “Don’t tease me,” you whined high in your throat. “But I like seeing you squirm,” Johnny grinned but took mercy on you and sunk his finger into you up to the knuckle, gently pumping it inside you. Still sensitive from how intense your last orgasm had been, you were torn between pulling away and wanting more but Johnny made the decision for you when he pulled his finger out, wiping your arousal onto your thigh.
“Eyes on me,” he commanded and finally freed his cock from his briefs. “Fuck.” The curse left your lips without even noticing at the sight of his flushed cock, too heavy to properly stand up against his toned abs. The tip was tinted red and shiny with precum that Johnny generously spread down that whole length, his eyes not leaving yours as you watched him lazily jerk himself. “Like what you see?” You eagerly nodded your head. “Want it inside me.” “Yeah? Show me.”
Throwing all caution out of the window, you quickly sucked two of your fingers between your lips before guiding them to your weeping core to slip them inside you, letting out an over-exaggerated moan as you crooked them. “Oh you’re so naughty, baby,” Johnny groaned, squeezing the base of his cock tightly as he watched you fingering yourself and if you had even one coherent thought left in your head, you’d have the decency to be embarrassed because of how intensely he was staring. “It’s not enough,” you pouted, pulling your fingers free and spreading them to look at the slick covering them, “I’m so wet for you.” “Such a dirty mouth,” he groaned, quickly grabbing his pants to fish a condom from his wallet to roll over his hard length. “Please, Johnny,” you hiccupped, winding your legs around his waist to pull him closer to you. “Sssh, princess,” he soothed you, running his hands over your torso before bending down to press tender kisses to your stomach, “I’ll take care of you.” “Please kiss me.”
Dropping his elbows next to your head to support his weight, he covered your body with his and caught your lips in a kiss much too tender for your current situation, taking his time to explore your mouth until you were perfectly pliant beneath him. “Tell me if it hurts,” he whispered into the small space between you while he snaked a hand between your bodies to guide his cock to your core. When the head slipped in without much resistance, both of you let out twin moans of pleasure. Painstakingly slowly Johnny pushed inside you, centimeter by centimeter until his hips were flush to yours. “Breathe, princess,” he reminded you because you indeed had held your breath and had buried your nails in his biceps. “Shit, you’re big,” you cursed. “So I’ve been told,” Johnny chuckled and peppered your face and neck with little kisses while he slowly ground his hips so you could get used to him inside you.
“Move,” you demanded after a while. “What’s the magic word baby?” He grinned. “Please, Johnny,” you whimpered, clenching down on him. “Once more.” “Don’t make me beg.” “But you sound so pretty when you do,” he chuckled, only barely moving his hips. “Johnny please,” you whined, trying your best to move on his cock on your own but the angle was just not working out. “Oh, you want to do the work?” “I want you to move,” you groaned, pawing at his chest.
“But I think you’d look so pretty riding my cock,” Johnny rasped and in one fluid movement, he had sat up and pulled you onto his lap. Shit, it felt like he was even deeper now. “Come on, princess.” Whining, you wound your arms around his shoulders and pulled your legs beneath you so you could lift your hips up to make his cock smoothly slide out, the friction just right before you slowly dropped back down again, earning you an appreciative groan from Johnny. “That’s right, baby,” he praised you as you slowly found a comfortable pace, swiveling your hips until the angle was just right. Tightening the grip you had on his shoulders to use it as leverage, you began riding him in earnest, impaling yourself on his cock over and over again until your head was spinning and your thighs started to burn. “Come on, doll,” Johnny grinned, catching one of your nipples between his lips. Whining, you rolled your hips faster until your thighs began shaking. “Need help?” He just grinned, his big hands holding onto your hips to help you move up and down his cock at a steadier pace. “Please Johnny,” you hiccupped, hiding your face in his neck to ground yourself, “Please fuck me.” “Am I not doing just that?” He chuckled, filthily grinding his cock inside you. “Do it right,” you panted into his skin, “Fuck me like you mean it.”
“Then get on your hands and knees for me, baby.” He didn’t have to tell you twice, it was almost comical how quickly you obeyed his command and arched your back for him. “Hmm, that’s it,” he praised you, tracing the curve of your spine with his hands until he reached the space between your shoulder blades where he gently pushed down to make you arch even further. “So good and pliant for me, just waiting to be filled.” “Please,” you just whined again, past the point of caring about how pathetic you sounded, begging for his cock. “Say it baby,” he demanded, slapping his cock against your wet folds. “Please fuck me Johnny. Please. I want your cock inside me so badly. Want you to fuck me until I can’t even remember my own name anymore. Please I need it. I-“ your frantic rambling got cut off by the surprised moan leaving your lips as he thrust into you without any warning. “Don’t hold back baby,” Johnny rasped before gripping your hips tightly to finally fuck you in earnest, the sound of skin slapping together loud in the otherwise silent room. “God, your ass looks amazing,” he moaned, burying himself in your tight heat over and over again, mesmerized by how his cock was glistening in the low light and how easily your body opened up for him, “You’re basically made to take my cock.” You could only mewl at his dirty words and fist the sheets tightly in your hands as you tried to meet his thrusts as best as you could while you felt like you got your soul fucked right out of you.
“Feels so good,” you slurred when you felt the familiar knot in your stomach ready to snap, clenching around Johnny’s cock. “God baby, if you keep clenching like that I’m gonna cum,” Johnny cursed, grabbing you by the neck to pull you up against his chest, the pace of his hips only getting faster. “Please Johnny. Want it inside,” you whined, letting him use your body how he wanted to relish in the low moans he let out. “You want me to fill you up baby?” “Want it so bad, Johnny,” you mewled. “Then cum for me. Cum on my cock and I’ll give you anything you want.” And oh god. You had never thought that the strained sound of a couple of words could be enough to actually trip you over the edge but the rasp in Johnny’s voice had you falling apart in his arms, your orgasm ripping through you so hard it had your thighs shaking. “Such a good girl,” Johnny praised you before he let out a low guttural moan and fucked into you once – then twice – before his hips came to a halt, emptying his cum inside the condom.
For a while you two just panted loudly before Johnny gently laid you back down onto the mattress, chuckling lowly when you whined at the loss of his cock. “Shit,” you giggled while he quickly got rid of the condom, throwing it in the general direction of your trashcan. So tender you could have missed it, Johnny pressed a row of kisses down your spine until he reached the swell of your ass. “Cuddle me,” you pouted, making grabby hands at him. “We’re sweaty, princess,” he laughed but gave in when you kept pouting. “I don’t care,” you whined, fitting your head beneath his, wrapping your arms and legs around his body to cling to him like a koala. “You’re cute,” he smiled, pressing his lips to your forehead.
“For how long did you know?” “Know what?” Johnny asked, clearly confused. “That I was your secret admirer.” “I didn’t.” “It was so obvious,” you groaned. “Okay maybe I got a hunch after we started that group project. But you never said anything.” “What was I supposed to say? Oh Johnny, by the way, I’m the one who has been writing you cringey love letters for like half a year already. Please go out with me?” That made Johnny laugh, the sound melodic in the quiet of your room. “I would have said yes, you know?” He spoke lowly, “I’ll miss your letters.” “What makes you think I will stop writing them?” “Because you can tell me all that stuff in person now when we go on dates.” “We’ll go on dates?” “That’s what people do when they like each other, princess,” Johnny chuckled, “And I really like you. Both as my secret admirer and my classmate.” “Oh my god stop,” you whined, hiding your hot face in his chest, feeling shy all of a sudden while Johnny was just laughing.
“I like you too,” you eventually mumbled once it had gotten quiet again. “I figured,” he teased you. “I changed my mind,” you immediately shot back, rising from where you were cuddled into his chest but every other protest died on your tongue when you saw his dreamy expression, his honey eyes finding yours and completely ignoring the fact that you were still very much naked. “Date me,” he said. “Okay,” you answered, easily meeting his lips in a sweet kiss that wouldn’t be the last one you two shared tonight.

“Hello and welcome back, that was Middle Of The Night by Monsta X, suggested to us by raibebe through our Twitter with the hashtag JonJaeLoveTalk. We’re your DJ’s John-D.” “And Jae-D on NCT Night Night. Hello again to all of our listeners. John-D.” “Yes Jae-D,” Johnny chuckled, leaning back in his chair. “Something is off today. I looked through our mail and there was no letter from your secret admirer.” “Oh really,” he feigned surprise. “Either they didn’t send anything in or our director got sick of the pining.” “I can calm you right back down Jae-D,” Johnny smiled, “Because she simply doesn’t need to send any more letters. I finally found her.” “No way. For real? And you didn’t tell me? I have to find out through our radio show? Friendship is dead,” Jaehyun sighed dramatically and you couldn’t help but chuckle. “Jae-D you know you’ll always be the number one in my heart, you know that.” At that Jaehyun let out fake gagging noises that made both friends chuckle.
“No but for real. I finally found her and asked her out. It’s going great so yeah,” Johnny shrugged, “In case you’re listening baby: I’m dropping by later and bring sushi.” “This is so domestic already,” Jaehyun sighed dramatically, “Where is my secret admirer?” “Maybe you could find love as well if you stopped acting like the textbook example of a frat boy.” “What is that even supposed to mean?”
Smiling, you leaned back on your sofa and listened to your boyfriend bickering with his best friend. Boyfriend. That sounded good even though it still felt unreal. Love Letters weren’t dead after all it seemed.

#johnny#nct#neosmutcollective#neosmutletters#kafenetwork#johnny suh#seo youngho#johnny smut#johnny fluff#nct 127#nct smut#nct fluff#nct 127 smut#nct 127 fluff#johnny imagines#johnny scenarios#johnny fanfic#nct scenarios#nct imagines#nct fanfic#nct 127 scenarios#nct 127 imagines#nct 127 fanfic
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QUICKIE - 1: The Moon Embracing The Sun
LOVE AGAIN - by Daniel Caesar, Brandy [CASE STUDY 01]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
Constantly, I hope everyone is doing great and I’m guessing we are all very excited about tomorrow! I’m perhaps overly excited and all I need to do at this point is try and get some sleep, like for real, but I feel like I’m a kid again and it's Xmas Eve’s Night where even tho I ain’t tryna catch Santa, I’m too hyped to sleep 🙃 … ANYWAYS, As the name of this series suggests, this is not going to be anything excessively long, but rather just a quick observation regarding some cute/lucky/noticeable occurrence I might have noticed or that might have happened in correlation to Jikook.
Today I’d like to talk about a “little” K-Drama called The Moon Embracing The Sun, which is from 2012, like, a good 10 years ago, but good stuff, good stuff! I literally just finished watching and it took me two weeks because I was trying to make it last (and it is a good 20 episodes). As you might already have deduced, the fact that it talked about The Moon and The Sun made me think of Jikook and straight away my brain started braining as I began to better understand a very distinct difference between how The West and The East perceive the relationship between the Moon and the Sun (myself being born and brought up in The West).
First of all, I was quite intrigued to find out that the drama was a love story between the Sun and the Moon, since (as some might have gathered by now) with me being really big on mythology (greek/roman in particular), I’ve always had a hard time thinking of the Sun and the Moon as anything other than twins, which is what Apollo (eventually god of the Sun) and Artemis (eventually goddess of the moon) are. In The East it appears that they for the most part star crossed lovers for something the moon did apparently, but lovers nevertheless.
My second thought was “I wonder if Jikook know about this drama …”. Just because theta re Korean I couldn’t assume that they would have known or watch it, particularly when in 2012 they would have been busy busting their asses tryna get ready to debut (to be precise as Jimin came to BigHit around May 2012 and the series ended in March 2012, perhaps he was busting his has to get into BigHit).
But you know me, with the powers bestowed to me by Google I went snooping around and found out that during RUN BTS 73, the one where JK acted as a director, Taehyung actually reenacted a crucial scene from the drama itself. So if anything, they would have heard about it by then. Following is the episode on weverse:
Now, I don't want to ruin the drama too much for anyone in case you become curious and want to go watch it but the following object (a hairpin) appeared in the series and its explanation made me pause and go “Bro … Too soon 😬?”
Character receiving the hairpin asks: “What … is it?”
Character giving the hairpin replies: “The moon embracing the sun. The King is the sun and the queen is the moon. This hairpin … is adorned with the white moon embracing the scarlet sun, so I have named it The moon embracing the sun”
And by that time it was just so romantic the whole idea of the Moon embracing the sun, but then when JM came out with his photo-folio and many jikookers started pairing up this particular photo with one from JK’s photo-folio:
A White Moon and a Scarlet Sun? … As always, these are just MY observations but I ain't gonna lie, my brain took quite a few double-takes at this particular coincidence, and HEY, be it as it may, just a coincidence, it is one hell of a cute coincidence, right?
Always respectfully yours and particularly intrigued,
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Content: mild swearing, some blood, nothing too bad, lots of angst n pain! SPOILERS FOR S1 FINALE EPISODE + Chapter 54~
Word count: 630~
Summary: the night after Askeladd’s death, Thorfinn makes a choice
Also on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44537635
The night was darker than usual, or maybe it was all in my head.
Maybe everything was all in my head.
Staring at my hands, still covered in Askeladd’s dark blood, I sat silently in the dark in the woods. I had ran after the guards escorted me from Askeladd’s corpse. I had ran without looking back. I would deal with it all tomorrow: but not tonight.
Askeladd’s words rang in my head. “You've got to move on... Go further... You are the son of Thors... So venture beyond the world he saw.”
I couldn’t get the words out of my head. They echoed. Screamed. Rang. Pounded in my skull like cries.
What the hell did the old man know?
I had been the one to kill Askeladd--and Canute had taken that from me.
What else was I alive for, now?
I hadn’t seen past my hunger for the old man’s blood. I hadn’t thought I would survive our final duel, really, and it hadn’t mattered. All that had mattered was killing Askeladd.
Now, he was dead.
And I was alone. Truly, utterly, alone.
I couldn’t go home: not like this. I hadn’t won, I hadn’t avenged Father, I hadn’t done a single thing to grant the privilege of returning home.
I can’t stay here.
The memories flooded me. They wouldn’t leave. They never left.
But now, the image of Askeladd collapsing and bleeding out joined the dark memories, too.
I can’t stay here.
Tears burning my eyes, I clutched my head. Where would I go? Where would a stray dog like me go? What life could I have? I knew nothing but the blade. I knew nothing except the very thing my father had tried to keep me from.
I was a monster, a demon far worse than even Askeladd. Was that why I was so empty inside? Was this what it felt to be a beast?
I stared up through the treetops as they whistled in the cool wind. The stars shone down at me, mocking me. I took a weak breath. I couldn’t stay here, and I couldn’t go home, so what then?
Venture beyond the world he saw.
Did I want to see the world?
It was disgusting. Vile. Wicked.
But if I did not venture, what else would I miss?
If I ventured far enough, would I change--would I understand what my father had meant? Could I become a different man, one he would be proud of? Did it all truly have to end here?
Tears ran down my face, and I collapsed back into the dirt, pounding my fists against the ground, but no sound escaped me. Sobs racked my body, but I didn’t make a noise. I was accustomed to crying without making any commotion since I was a child. Askeladd had always told me to shut up if he heard me crying at night, or threw something at me till I calmed down.
Only, Askeladd was not here to throw a dagger at my head to shut me up.
And Thors was not here to hold me, like a father ought.
The tears rolled. A sob choked me, and a haggard cry escaped my throat. I hit the dirt again and again, busting my knuckles open on the rocks and tree roots. I cried, sobbed, screamed--I didn’t care if anyone found me or tried to stop me.
I cried, and I didn’t even know what I wept for. Maybe I wept for everything. Maybe I wept for nothing.
But when my tears subsided, the moon and stars still hung overhead. The world still waited for me to make my choice.
So, I did.
I stood, covered in dirt, leaves, and blood, and faced the world again.
If you liked Vinland Saga, you should give my novels a look. I write very similar stuff.: lOTSSSS of angst, pain, bro/dad bonds, chaos, fantasy-esque settings, and more. Thank you! https://www.amazon.com/Angela-R-Watts/e/B07F97JNMY
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Scary Monsters ~Endless halloween night~spoilers (1-1 to 1-3)
Spoilers for 1-4 to 1-5 | 1-6 to 1-8 | 1-6 to 1-8 | 1-9 to 1-11 | 1-12 to 1-13
Episode 1 - Endless Midnight
1-1: Hope you have a good dream.
The Halloween party has ended. All guests have gone back and the gates of NRC were shut. Crowley instructed everyone to go back to their dorms to prepare for the clean up tomorrow as it was already 10pm. Everyone laments over it. Ace asked MC to come over to Heartslabyul to help out if they finished cleaning Ramshackle dorm. Someone (???) said they didn't want Halloween to end because something wasn't fulfilled/done yet...
1-2: Are you still half-asleep?
Heartslabyul dorm
Ace woke up in the middle of the night and wants to try to fall back asleep. The only thing stopping him from that is Deuce's grinding his teeth in his sleep. Deuce finally stops and Ace thought he could fall back asleep. Trey bust in and orders everyone to wake up. Trey was relieved to see Ace and ask him if everyone is still in the room. Ace asked Trey if he was still half-asleep. Ace called out for Deuce but he wasn't there even though he thought he heard him grinding his teeth. Ace asked the other 2 people in the room if they heard it but they were not in the room. (Seems like Ace was sharing room with 2 other ppl + Deuce). Trey said he was late and asked Ace to follow him. Trey brought Ace to the lounge and told Riddle that he only found Ace. Ace was confused and Riddle had to explain that more than half of their dorm students disappeared into thin air. Cater was also gone. Riddle ordered Trey to ask if the remaining students saw any suspicious people while he'll report this incident to Crowley.
1-3: Find me a shovel!
Pomefiore dorm
Rook is shouting and searching for Vil but he is no where to be seen nor found. A mob student reported to Rook that the first years were missing too. Rook was shocked and commented that he just saw Epel before they went to sleep. Rook can’t even call them because his phone was out of battery. It seems that more than half of their dorm students were missing too. Dorm students started to panic as their dorm leader was missing, Rook asked them to calm down. Apparently one mob student said it was already 11.59pm and they shouldn’t be awake as it would affect their skin. Therefore they don’t think Vil would be awake and go somewhere at this time. Rook suddenly picked on their comment about it being 11.59pm. The mob student said that he has a magical pocket watch which was a family heirloom that is very accurate. Rook realizes something and thought: “Could it be.... but...”
Front gate
Sebek and Silver tried to forcefully open the gate to no avail even though the gate doesn’t seem to be locked. Even if they tried to cross over the gate, they will be transported back into the school as if the school is being surrounded by a strong magical force. Sebek is very frustrated as he shouted out that Malleus and Lilia were missing. Sebek was sure that it was done by other countries who are targeting the Valley of Thorns. He cries out in worry as he imagines something happened to Mallues. Sebek then says if they can’t cross over the gates, then might as well go under the gates and wants to dig under. Sebek orders Silver to help him. Silver says he’ll go check on the other dorms instead. Sebek is shocked, how dare Silver has the leisure to check on other dorms when their lord is possibly in danger. Silver told Sebek that it seems this phenomena is not only happening on them but others too. Sebek realised now that it was strangely quiet when he burst out of his room. Silver believes in Lilia’s values that no matter the danger, one must overcome it. Silver convinces Sebek to go to other dorms to collect information as he believes information is valuable and will help them in saving Lilia and Malleus.
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I know Your Heart (7) Professional Courtesy [part 1] | Chicago Fire Fanfic
Summary: After a rough call a few nights before, Becker is faced with navigating the memories of a night she struggles to leave behind.
Warnings: General Chicago Fire warnings apply. Read at your own discretion. Flashback to assault.
A/N: I skipped most of this episode to arrive strictly where I wanted it to. The interaction with Kelly in the morning sets the tone for following chapters. ***This part has a flashback to assault. It is not explicitly detailed. But if you are not comfortable reading, feel free to message me for a safe recount of the details mentioned. Otherwise, look for ~~ before and after the flashback scene. Edited 14th November 2022.
Taglist: @campingmonkey @fullwattpadmusictree @marvelatthetwilight @fictionlover100 @deardelicatedamage
Becker felt like a zombie walking into the firehouse. Her gait was slow and uneven, her complexion pale, and her eyes glazed over. She barely saw or heard anyone or anything around her.
The events of the previous night played over in her head; racing against time to save Mikey and his father before their car went over the edge, turning around to address Lieutenant Casey and coming face to face with the last person on earth she expected to see. . . She thought she put all of that behind her but there he was. And the look on his face when he saw her standing just behind her brother, like somehow even in his inebriated state, he knew who she was. She wasn't sure how, but she was certain life was about to get a hell of a lot uglier than it was when she left.
She rushed through the apparatus bay ten minutes before the start of shift, ignoring the call of her name from Matt, and proceeded to the women's restroom. She shut herself into a stall and willed her beating heart to slow down. Now was not the time to spiral, she had too many things to do. Her focus must be one hundred percent on her shift. Leaving the stall, she splashes cold water on her warm skin and assessed her reflection in the mirror.
You can do this. You're Becker fucking Casey. She grabbed her duffle bag and headed to the locker room. Today would be a good day.
“Morning, Severide,” she greeted warmly, breaching the quiet of the locker room.
Kelly sat on the bench between the Squad lockers, massaging his shoulder. He brightened as Becker's voice filled the silence and offered her a welcoming smile. “There she is, my favourite Casey.”
Becker rolled her eyes, pulling her t-shirt over her head and stood in a light grey tank top. She tipped her head to the side and studied the warmth in Kelly's eyes. “You're in a good mood today,” she noted.
“Yeah, had a good workout at the gym,” he said.
“Ah, so that's why you missed our morning run. I see how it is.” Becker settled next to him on the bench and pulled on her work shirt and shoes; she shook her head. “Pumping iron feels better than our weekly cardio then?”
Kelly beamed at the mischievous twinkle in Becker's eyes. “You're a pain in my ass, MC. We'll run tomorrow, promise.”
“Takes one to know one, Sev,” she returned.
Around the corner, a locker door slammed shut, cutting their playful banter short and returning Becker to the sea of swirling thoughts. Vargas neared the duo and nodded politely at the young Squad member before making his presence known to the lieutenant. Becker stared at the awkward man intrigued.
“Hey, Lieutenant,” he hailed Kelly. He eyed Becker who sat quietly tying her shoes. “Wanted to let you know that I just completed the last of my tech course and I reached my Squad certification.”
“That's great. Good job,” Kelly congratulated.
“Yeah, three years busting my hump, but I got it done. So I'm putting in a transfer from Truck and I wanted to get your blessing.”
Kelly stood; Becker recognized the smirk on his face. “Why do you wanna come over to Squad?”
“With where I wanna end up, Squad's the best place in terms of a stepping stone to getting promoted. I―”
“Let me stop you right there, Vargas. If that's your reason for coming over―”
“It ain't! Th-that came out wrong. The promotion stuff, that's down the road.”
“It's way down the road,” said Kelly.
“Absolutely,” mumbled Vargas.
Becker waited until Vargas disappeared down the corridor and addressed the Squad lieutenant. “You're gonna have that man afraid to talk to you,” she snickered, shaking her head.
Kelly smiled. “Yeah, well, he's gotta prove to me he can take it.”
“Is that so? I don't recall having to prove myself to transfer.”
“That's because I already knew I needed you on Squad.”
Becker's eyes widened and she gasped, pressing her hand to the middle of her chest as they left for the common area. “Lieutenant, are you saying you gave me special treatment?”
Kelly shoved her aside on their way out the door. “No, I'm saying your skillset was going to waste on Truck. And now, it's not.”
It was true, Becker Casey had a knack for the fast pace of the Rescue Squad. Anything Kelly had thrown at her in every situation they'd been in since her transfer, she overcame with astounding talent and discipline, more than he'd seen in guys who were on Squad for years. Her ability to be present in the situation and face it objectively to find the best possible outcome was what cemented in Kelly's mind the necessity to have Becker on his team. Talking to her about joining was a no-brainer, and when Matt gave her his blessing as well, it all fell into place.
“Word on the street is you've been invited out tomorrow night,” Becker said, wiggling her eyebrows, an impish smile playing at the corners of her mouth.
“Why? You jealous?” Kelly teased as Becker took the open seat to the right of him.
“Oh, please. You don't have anything worth being jealous of,” she countered, dealing herself into the card game between him and Hadley.
Becker wouldn't say it but the idea of Kelly going out with Nicki had crawled under her skin and was driving her crazy. It wasn't that he couldn't do whatever he wanted, it was that she knew he was better than that. When he told her about Nicki bringing his jacket to his apartment after the barbecue, she rightfully wondered how the woman had gotten his address, then came to realize maybe it had something to do with the payroll. And once he told her how Nicki kissed him in the doorway, Becker didn't think the moment could become any worse but Kelly assured her he wasn't going to cross that line.
It was a mess Becker did not want to clean up.
“How'd you find out anyway?”
“How do you think? Nicki. She told me she asked you out and wanted to know if I thought you'd say yes.”
“And what'd you tell her?”
Becker shrugged, winking. “That's for me to know, and you, never to find out.”
“Oh, come on, MC.” Kelly stared wide-eyed, jaw slack in disbelief.
She was grateful for the distraction fretting over Kelly's lack of common sense provided until Nicki entered the apparatus bay and her bright eyes landed on the younger Casey. She didn't want to think about why the spunky young woman was standing there, eyeing her as if delivering a summons to an unknown form of punishment but that was certainly how it felt.
She glimpsed Kelly looking back and forth between the two, and knew he was counting that moment toward Becker's unspoken jealousy. Better to leave him thinking so than to risk telling him what was really going through her mind.
“Uh, Casey, Chief Boden is asking to speak with you,” Nicki announced quietly.
Becker left her cards behind on the table and followed Nicki into the station; she wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole.
The walk to the chief's office was awkward. Becker, the best friend, anticipated Nicki, the potential one-night stand, was threatened by her presence. Though truthfully, there was no reason to be. Becker's place in the interpersonal relationship hierarchy was Lieutenant Matthew Casey's kid sister, and as long as she played her cards right, being Kelly Severide's best friend was the role she was destined to fill. For now, that was all she needed.
“So. . . Lieutenant Severide seems like a good guy,” Nicki commented as they walked down the hall toward Chief Boden's office. Becker hated small talk, especially small talk that required her to feign niceties on subjects she disliked.
“Uh, yeah, he is. He's― He's great.” She offered a small smile, clasping her hands behind her back.
“How long have you known him?”
Becker raised her left eyebrow. Why is that any of your concern? “Unofficially? About as long as Lieutenant Casey. Officially? About seven years.”
Nicki looked troubled. “What― I'm sorry, but what does that mean?”
“I wasn't always part of the CFD. He and my brother were friends at the Academy.”
“Right. So you guys are. . .”
“Partners. He's got my back, I got his.”
That answer seemed to satisfy Nicki's inquiry but Becker could tell she still had one more question to ask. “Any idea if he'll go with me tomorrow night?”
“Look, I'm not gonna do this with you. What Severide does or doesn't do is his business unless he tells me otherwise. We work together, I think it's cool you're helping out, but we're colleagues, not friends. I don't want to be in the middle of this.”
The chief's office came into view and Becker couldn't step through the door fast enough. Nicki's line of questioning left a cloud hanging over her head. She couldn't tell what the other woman was digging for, and relief washed over her when the chief looked up as they arrived and ushered her inside.
“Casey, come in. Close the door,” Chief Boden called. Becker frowned; she didn't mind the privacy, but the urgency in his voice unsettled her.
She walked into the small room and found her brother. She couldn't remember the last time she saw Matt agitated; his eyebrows were pulled together, his mouth was turned down at the corners and his right leg bounced uncontrollably. She nodded a polite greeting tothe men in the room while her brain raced to work out what the meeting was for.
“Nicki said you wanted to see me, sir?”
“Have a seat, MC. We need to talk,” he explained. And Becker figured then her months of silence had come to an end.
Becker's breath hitched; the air in the room thinned at the feeling of Matt's eyes on her, attempting to read her thoughts as they flew through her head. Don't let him see you break. If Matt clocked the shift in her demeanour since the other night, he hadn't said. They understood the best way to approach sensitive topics was to let the other one come forward in their time and, Becker assumed, he was still treading lightly in hope of continuing to repair the friction between them.
She accepted the open seat next to her brother, avoiding his and the chief's piercing stares as long as possible. She didn't want to do it, she didn't want to have that discussion.
“I'm sure you can figure out why I called you in here, MC,” the chief began, tone stern and leaving no room for Becker to back out.
She swallowed, refusing to lift her eyes from the floor in front of her. “Yes, sir.”
“Why don't you go ahead and fill the lieutenant in on the details.”
It was now or never.
“Casey, about the accident the other night”―cerulean blue eyes moved up to see baby blues staring back at them―“I know the driver.”
Casey nodded along to his sister's words, not quite understanding why Chief Boden brought her in like that. “Right, you saw when I pulled him out of the car.”
“Yes, I did, but Lieutenant, I. . . know him. I mean, I―” she sighed. “His name is Voight, Justin. All right? He-he assaulted me on my way home from the bar two months ago.”
It was a story she never wanted to tell.
“All right, I'm tapping out for the night.”
“C'mon, MC. One more shot,” Shay begged, draping herself over the back of Becker's seat as the woman stood to leave. She held up her index finger. “One more, just one.”
Becker laughed. She felt light, almost too light. She grabbed her sweater, wallet and keys, and leaned down to give Shay a hug goodnight. “Nah, I'm done. I wanna head home, jump in my PJs and watch a movie until I pass out. I'll see you suckers tomorrow.”
She checked her watch, 11:30. She hadn't planned on staying out so late and wasn't even going to show until her brother, Kelly and Andy talked her into it. “Come on, MC. How often do Squad and Truck get along?” Andy stayed for one round and left right after.
“You're not calling it already, are you?” Dawson added, attempting to goad her friend into staying longer.
“I am, and you will survive without me for a few hours.”
“Ah, let her go, the party pooper. We'll just get her back next time,” Mouch spoke up from down the bar and Becker stifled a laugh.
“Tell you what, since I'm skipping out, I'll settle the tab.” Becker opened her wallet and handed Hallie a few $10s and $20s. “Here, this should cover everything plus an extra round. Drinks on me tonight, boys.” The smiles that broke out around the group changed the attitude toward her leaving and she scowled at her friends. “You're all fucking terrible, you know that?”
“And you, Becky, are a damn saint,” Matt said. “Another round of drinks on my beautiful and wonderfully generous baby sister!” he cheered.
Becker wouldnt trade that company of drink-mooching assholes for anything.
She gathered her things one last time and said her goodbyes, thanked the bartender for the stellar service and headed for the door. There was a pint of ice cream in the freezer calling her name and Becker could not wait to dig in.
“Halt.” Becker squeezed her eyes shut. She knew what was coming next before it even happened. “Keys.
Kelly's voice commanded attention, even when they weren't on shift. The routine was familiar; when Becker left before the rest of the company after drinks, her keys went to Kelly, she either walked or took a cab, and then she picked her keys up at the condo the following day. It didn't matter how much she had to drink. She knew that, it was practised, it was a pattern. By the third or fourth time, everyone stopped questioning it and continued with their side conversations. Why Becker ever thought she could slip out the door unnoticed was a question Kelly would seek answers to at a later time.
“I'm walking home, Severide, I'll be fine.”
“Keys, Bec, you know the drill.”
“Honestly, Kel. I―”
“Damn it, Becker. Give me the damn keys or you're not walking out that door.”
Impatience twisted Becker's face into a hard scowl, her eyes narrowed, her brows pulled together in the middle, her jaw tensed and her lips pressed together in a thin line. She just wanted to go home, and Kelly staring her down in the middle of Wolcott was not the pleasant end to the evening that she was looking for.
She huffed, stomped her way back to the table and placed her keys in Kelly's outstretched hand. She watched as he hooked them to his keyring and shoved them in the front pocket of his jeans, then glanced up at her with bright eyes. Kelly Severide will be the death of me. The thought was dramatic and petty, and Becker knew she was behaving like a spoilt brat.
Kelly's expression softened. “You'll thank me later. See you in the morning, MC.”
She barely caught the nod of approval Matt gave his friend as she spun on her heels and exited the bar into the night air. “Those two are a collective pain in my ass.”
The breeze was a welcome companion on Becker's walk home. Her apartment wasn't far from the bar, and she liked walking at that time of night when the city was mostly quiet save for the parties winding down and she felt like a regular citizen. It was peaceful, and she could use a little extra serenity after a hard day at work. Moments like that were fleeting.
Halfway through her trek home, Becker felt off. Something in the air felt different. Maybe it was just the effects of the alcohol in her system. Maybe it was that she was alone on the streets of Chicago nearing midnight. Or maybe, she reasoned, she was just being paranoid. She pulled her sweater a bit tighter and kept going.
Becker's job as a First Responder kept her sharp, alert, and aware of the goings-on around her as they happened. When a young college kid stumbled down the street alone, Becker's instinct was to make sure he safely got where he was going. Especially alone on a Friday night.
“Hey,” she called, “you need some help?” He stumbled forward, heading for the street and Becker swore under her breath. So much for that pint of ice cream. In three strides she was at his side, his left arm in her right hand, leaning the boy who appeared to be no older than 19 against her. “Let me call you a cab,” she offered. “Where you headed?”
He never said a word. . .
Becker had known the statistics of scenes like that since she was 14, she knew the probability of that kid being armed or having friends waiting in the shadows or the likelihood that he wouldn't remember that moment in the morning. But when he looked up at her, and his eyes drifted down her face, her neck, her chest. . . She knew her idea of how to help no longer mattered. Knowing the numbers no longer matterdd. There was a moment when Becker realized in some insignificant way, that he had been stalking her.
When she went to stand, he stood with her, mirroring her every movement until he had her against the side of a nearby building. In a dark alley, her things were carelessly tossed to the side, and the face of that 19-year-old boy was pressed to her skin.
Becker refused to go down like that. Her brother taught her better than that. She was stronger than that. I'll beg the universe for forgiveness later, she thought. She felt his leg nudge between hers, used his shoulders as an anchor and brought her right knee up between his legs. She shoved him off of her out into the street lights and committed his face to memory. He was on the ground writhing in pain and Becker's heart was in her throat. She dialled 9-1-1 and waited for dispatch to send someone to their location.
“I should've stayed for that last round. . .”
“When I finished giving my statement, he was just gone. And the next day it was like it never happened. I was just trying to help this drunk kid get home safe and it turned into all of that,” Becker finished retelling her encounter with Justin Voight. Her chest ached and her pulse was like white noise in her ears. She stared down at her hands fidgeting in her lap; anything to avoid looking at her brother.
The silence around them was louder than words. And then he spoke.
“Bec, I'm― Why―” Matt shook his head at a loss for words. “Why didn't you tell me?”
“Because of the way you're looking at me right now,” she whispered. “Like I'm still that same helpless little girl you had to protect when we were kids. I'm not five anymore, Matt.”
Matt's train of thought stalled. His baby sister shouldering such a heavy secret alone because she didn't want to be a burden was enough to bring him to his knees. He understood then why she'd been different lately, why she challenged every word out of his mouth, why she pulled away from him when he got too close. Everything Becker had done in the last month was justified. The current of emotions swelling within Matthew Casey rendered him speechless.
“If what Detective Dawson said is true, then this thing with Justin is going to disappear. They will make it Mr. Duffy's fault, they will make him feel crazy. Just like they did with me.”
Chief Boden walked around the front of his desk and leaned against the edge next to Matt. He quietly eyed the siblings, analyzing their countenance. The matter before them was dire, it required the utmost respect and consideration for Becker and the Duffy family. He folded his arms across his chest and took a moment to breathe.
“How do you wanna handle this, Lieutenant?”
“Becker”―he looked his sister in the eyes―“you saw exactly what I saw, okay? And it is totally up to you whether you do this or not, but how do you feel about giving a witness statement? We can nail this bastard. For you, for Mikey.”
Becker breathed deeply. Ignoring what happened was no longer an option. She set her sky-blue eyes on her brother's face and nodded once. “I'll do it.”
#chicago fire fanfiction#one chicago fanfiction#kelly severide fanfiction#matt casey fanfiction#chicago fire series#i know your heart series
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DaveFarts - Episode 11 “VoiceFarting” [Episode List] Tim and Adam are hanging out on... Liscord, playing some stuff together, waiting for Dave to join them for a game. When Adam unexpectedly has to leave however, Dave decides to do some… microphone testing.
“I’m going in as a mage ‘cause you fuckers can’t cast for shit” I heard Adam say right into my ears.
This was one of our usual game nights. We’d voice chat on Liscord on our own server and all that stuff. Adam was being, for the lack of a better term, kind of bitchy, ‘cause he thinks as himself as the most skilled gamer around even though we’re always reviving his ass. In the end it’s all in good fun of course, but we’d all happily mute him during a match if we could.
“Yes, Adam. Have fun with the ‘easy mode’ character.” I said, deliberately baiting him.
“Listen here you little shit” he immediately blurted “I can accept that you’re gay but I’m not going to accept the fact that you’re a scrub.” he said, obviously joking, though he did take skills seriously during a match.
“Yeah yeah but I’m the one using the axe, fighting enemies face-to-face like a man.” I kept teasing him. “How’s going up there? Still casting light arrows from your safe space?” I cackled.
“Excuse me???” his icon lighting up, the audio clipping “Why don’t we check your stats instead? Too afraid of looking like the scrub you are??? I literally made no mistakes last time.”
“Of course you didn’t: the chance of making mistakes is like 0% when you stand still and far from the battle.”
There was a moment of silence, then I heard Adam’s breath into the mic “You know I know where you live, right?”
I laughed but before I could continue this very deep and mature battle of wits, we both heard the sound notifying us that our bud Dave joined the voice chat. Now, whenever Dave joins, we usually hear every sound except for his voice, so we were ready to have our ears busted because of the noi-
“Hey noobs!” Dave greeted us, with a voice that was instead crystal clear.
“What the hell” both me and Adam said, our avatars lighting up at the same time.
“I see you noticed that you can now hear my beautiful voice perfectly.” he bragged, and rightfully so.
Normally we could hear his PC’s fans, what was going on down the street, cars passing by, atoms crashing into each others… farts. But now it was just Dave with his now-soothing voice calling us names.
“Are you finished?” Adam said.
But there was no response from Dave.
“Did he finally die?” Adam continued.
I heard a faint sigh of relief from Dave and then he went “Yeah, now I’m finished.”
I kind of suspected what happened but I didn’t say a word.
“Wait. You didn’t hear a thing?” Dave asked, puzzled.
Both me and Adam shrugged as if he could see us, but then said that no, we didn’t.
My detective skills told me that my gassy straight bud ripped one of his classic loud farts, but the new microphone had that “background noise reduction” feature (which my friend seriously needed) so it didn’t register his ass-blast as the old one usually did, so much so that Dave’s frequent farts would eventually turn into white noise for the rest of us. But now, his new headset was actually worth the price and all we could hear was indeed his voice.
“Can we just get into the game befo-“ Adam blurted, but was cut off mid-sentence by a loud, ear-piercing sound coming from Dave, though that wasn’t him speaking or screaming.
My fartbro really didn’t want us to miss what his ass is capable of, so we were both startled by a powerful, audio-clipping fart that completely overwhelmed our voice begging him to stop. And he did stop, but only after like 12 seconds. The rip was followed by the sound of Dave re-adjusting his microphone and laughing. “Hopefully you heard that now.” he chuckled.
I did hear it. I was very familiar with it. Truth is that Dave farting during our game sessions wasn’t anything new however. Even I was used to it, though that did pitch a tent in my shorts. I started wondering whether Dave was in jeans, shorts or boxers. Probably the latter, and shirtless, given that it was a warm evening. I tried to not to let my usual simp-ness over my bro take over me but apparently it was already too late, as I didn’t even notice Adam begin pissed off about an unwanted phone call.
“I’m sorry guys, I gotta take this one.” he said, annoyed. “Do not wait for me. Cya tomorrow I guess.”
And logged off, another sound notifying us that he went into the terrible real world realm.
“Alone at last, bro.” Dave said, in a flirty tone, just as Adam left.
I laughed and mindlessly switched to a different, this time single-player game as we needed at least 3 guys to play, one of those brutal action games that I suck at but I have to beat.
Dave did the same, with a similar game, and we both started gaming on our own but keeping each other company, like we usually do, occasionally exchanging opinions on what we were playing and so on.
“It’s probably his ex-girlfriend” Dave said.
“Yeah. I figured.” I simply answered.
Adam wasn’t really talkative about his personal stuff like me or even Dave, so neither us really knew what was going on. But if our bud didn’t want us to know, not fully know at least, then we respect this decision.
After a couple of more minutes of silence, I heard some sounds coming from Dave. Not a fart, this time though.
“Did you say something?” I asked.
I heard some muffled noises and then Dave’s voice, lower than usual though “I’m just messing with the settings here. I feel like sometimes the volume gets messed up.” and he was right.
“Yeah the audio is kind of low now.” I warned him.
I heard some more noises (keyboard tapping, mouse clicking, etc.) and then I heard him speak again.
Or, to be more precise, he did make a sound with his mouth, though those weren’t words; a loud belch, actually, right into my ears. Dave was more of a farter, but he wasn’t new to wild, incredible burps. I honestly prefer the more disgusting butt explosion, but I still tip my hat at my bro being a masterful air-bender from both ends.
“Yes, I did hear that.” I said, anticipating his question.
He laughed. “Thank you.” he answered, belching both word with care.
A couples of minutes of silence followed, with just me and Dave occasionally chatting but overall trying to be focused on our respective games. My straight bro was however not done with the “testing”.
“Are you hearing this bro?” he suddenly asked, trying not to laugh.
“No…?” I was puzzled.
“Wait. Let me just…”
I heard Dave removing his headset and as it got farther away from his head, a familiar sound got louder and louder instead, until it became unbearable.
“Are you hearing this now?” he shouted, though I could heard him over that sound.
The sound of yet another loud blast of gas, so loud it was glitching the audio. It was long and proud, dry as some of his best rips, and it just wouldn’t stop. The boss I was fighting somehow felt how distracted I was and one-shotted me with a swipe of his flaming sword but I couldn’t even hear any in-game sound ‘cause my straight gassy bro was basically farting right into my ears, albeit indirectly.
I instinctively reached for the pitched tent between my legs as the fart kept going strong and loud, so loud in fact that I had to lower the volume ‘cause my hears were starting to hurt.
After a grand total of 18 seconds, I once again heard Dave putting his headphones back on his head, wondering whether they were radioactive or melting at this point, due to all that poisonous gas.
“I gotta say… the sound quality is pretty spot-on. What headset are you using?” I joked.
Dave chuckled. “The same as yours actually. Thanks for the advice.”
We kept chatting a bit more as if he wasn’t a gassy teasing bastard but since he *is* a gassy teasing bastard I once again heard him, with no warning nor request from me, removing his headphones again and putting them (I assume) closer to the source of his underwear-clad ass.
Unsurprisingly, yet another manly, loud rip blasted through my own headphones right into my eardrums, renewing the hard-on I had only moments before. It sounded like a motorcycle passing by and I could only imagine how badly the stench was in Dave’s room. Lasting around 11 seconds, this time it got dangerously wet-ish towards the end, which I found hilarious but also made me rightfully worried about my bro maybe going a bit too far even for both of our standards.
“Dude.” I said, laughing a bit “You might want to go easy. That sounded risky.”
Dave, being the chill guy he is, just laughed about it. “Don’t worry, dude. I’m an expert.” and he ripped a short toot that was so loud I could even hear it without the microphone going straight into his butt this time.
We then kept gaming a bit more on our own. Dying over and over to that same boss made me think about how chill Dave was being -as usual- about my kink. I mean don’t get me wrong he always farted a lot while voice chatting but this time it was different, as he was now aware of my fetish. And, as always, I really appreciated that, just as I appreciated yet another thunderous blast, one that actually startled me, making me lose YET AGAIN.
“FUCK!” I blurted.
As the fart kept going, Dave moved the microphone closer to his face (but I still could hear the fart going) just to laugh at my gaming skills, completely aware however that his farts were a huge distraction on its own. He then planted the microphone once again in front of his butt and the blast went loud and proud.
“It’s just too easy.” he then chuckled, after finishing ripping that monstrous fart.
It was. I had to pause the game for a couple of minutes to calm down, the tent between my legs going harder and harder. Was Dave aware of this part as well? Of course he was, but he didn’t care. It was just a game for him, and he was constantly proving me how much of a pro gamer he was.
I hope he never gets nerfed.
End of Episode 11
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Okay so I wanted to just write this all out before tomorrow because hadn’t considered this before (I’m a bit dumb), but I’ve realised there’s another option that supports the theory that the kiss is real between Nancy and Ace. So up until this point, if you’re like me, whether or not the kiss is real previously boiled down to two options - either it’s real and happens outside Nancy’s head or it’s not real and happens within Nancy’s head. But, I’ve realised there’s a third option that serves both, it can be real AND in Nancy’s head (or wherever the place she is that she’s lost in). I also happened to check on twitter and a few other’s have mentioned this possibility so I thought I’d just write out my version of it.
This whole time we’ve thought it had to be one or the other but it actually makes sense with the third option. Think about it, last season when Ace got into that car accident his soul was dislodged from his body, what did the crew do? they did a ritual (or whatever it was actually called) and sent George in to get it back to him, which of course was successful. This time though, they’re trying to free Nancy from the Wraith, which as it turns out seems like it’ll require to send somebody in to navigate and be a strong enough anchor to hold on and pull her out. And who may you ask is both up for and best for the job? Ace!. And not just because I want him to but because it makes sense. George can’t go due to all that’s happened and how high risk it would be for her, and as Ace has said himself he knows her, for which I think the others wouldn’t argue especially because he could say “you did something like this for me once to save my life, now let me do it for Nancy”, or something along those lines which conveys that he’s not negotiating it being anyone other than him. Plus, Ace has proven that he’s smarter than some people think or recognise in giving him credit for.
Then as far as the kiss goes, my theory is when Ace finds her he’ll have to do something to break the hold that the Wraith has on Nancy: essentially rid her of her guilt, fears, and such at least just enough to bring her out, or at least make her realise she doesn’t have to hold those things over her head because she’s not a monster, she just makes mistakes is all and she’s a better person than she thinks. Which as part of that means facing what he’s been avoiding as well. Their feelings. The Wraith has attacked Nancy’s ability to tell Ace even at the bare minimum that not only does she like him, she like likes him, and possibly with Ace I think maybe he’s been trying to navigate that feeling of how he feels around Nancy, figuring out why he takes so much care with her, because he’s sweet like that, but by no means stupid. And at this point with the Wraith, they can’t just knock on the door, they have to bust it it off it’s hinges. So what does that mean? they’re going to go all out, show the Wraith that it has no power here, and overwhelm it. Which means going all in, sealing it nicely with a kiss. (Again as I have mentioned previously I’m not really going to go into it too much about the possible complications relating to the Bobbsey’s as a result of this, but maybe they’ll address it in the show, maybe Amanda will break it off before she leaves and give Ace a nod to Nancy, and as far as Gil is concerned he can say bye now; either way I’m sure it’ll be addressed in some way or hinted at)
The after effects of this I would like to see is Ace finding himself back, but maybe there’s a delay in Nancy’s return, like there’s at least a bit of time where she doesn’t respond or somethings happening and they have to watch, then when she all of a sudden regains herself, Ace just like rushes over to embrace her, holding her tight, or something nice at least. Then maybe, towards the end of the episode maybe there’s some awkward tension because obviously that happened, and no one else really knows in the crew even if maybe they can speculate. Also I’m still holding out on Nancy finding those words to share with Ace, but much like him we’re not going to rush her, it happens when it happens, but if there’s at least a hint about it, I’m good.
Onto a few random things, kinda spoiler kinda not really.
So this image below as seen here (found on twitter, surprise surprise):
Shows Kennedy being handed what looks like a baby (or at least a doll one) for a scene that looks like it corresponds with the kiss scene. Whilst kinda odd, due to what we saw in the promo, Nancy is likely going back through moments of her life which hold significance, including her birth. Someone on twitter actually said this could be baby Nancy she’s holding, and whilst it seems strange and again awkward it makes sense, and Ace ending up here makes sense. He’ll figure out that this is where she’d be, that’s where to look. Also, I don't know if the scene will actually be at the cliffs or somewhere else. Shows often use different locations to make up one scene, so either she’s at the cliffs or somewhere else, either way I’m excited.
Any thoughts you have on this that you want to share, let me know. Other than that I gonna go obsess about tomorrow’s episode. (2x18 here we go!)
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This is for @theredquilt who very successfully argumented a win in the GMS Day 1 Bingo, arranged by @goldenlionsilverfox . The request was for something spooky, and this is what my brain came up with.

Link has been hearing things in the walls of the Creative House. But why doesn’t Rhett hear it?
What’s in the wall?
For some time, Link had been hearing something in the walls of the Creative House. Not every time he was there, but often enough to consider it disturbing. He had convinced Rhett to get the exterminator there, thinking it might be mice in the walls. That wasn’t the case, there were no infestations in the house.
But the sounds kept disturbing Link. There was like an insistent scratching in the wall between Link’s office and the Jack-and-Jill leading to the Skyn Wallz room, as if something was trying to make its way out. He hadn’t told Rhett that the exterminator guy was there because of a specific sound, he was afraid that Rhett would think it was his depression that made him hear things.
His depression was, for now, under control, Link felt happy and content with his life. And happy people didn’t hear things in the walls, right?
And yet, Link did.
When he and Rhett decided to spend a weekend at the Creative House, Link decided that he would simply shut the sound out of his head.
The wives were taking the kids to North Carolina for a long weekend, Thursday to Sunday, and the guys thought it would be a great opportunity to get the creative juices flowing.
Thursday evening, everything was ok. No strange scratching sound, not even once. They churned out the outline for a pilot, getting all sorts of great ideas, working until the middle of the night and then slept in their separate beds in their separate offices.
Friday night, however, was not so peaceful. The sound had started early, when the sun came up. First just a little, like a cricket crawling along a wall. But as the day progressed, the sound grew in intensity, it sounded like a mouse, a rat, a raccoon and when nightfall came, Link couldn’t even be in his office. It sounded like someone was clawing their way out of the wall, slowly, undoubtedly. And if Link put his head to the wall, which he only dared to do once, he could feel the vibrations of the wall being shredded to pieces.
It was then that he broke down, went to get Rhett and told him all about what he had been hearing. It only confirmed what he had been afraid of.
“Link, there’s no sound, I swear.” Rhett looked at him with concern. “Nothing at all. Can you hear it now?”
Well yeah, it sounded so loud that it almost drowned out Rhett’s voice. Link only nodded, almost crying.
“Look. You can sleep in my room tonight, we’ll drag your bed there, and tomorrow we’ll call your doctor, see if you need to check your meds or whatever.” In an unusual physical display of affection, Rhett put his arms around Link, letting the shorter man rest his head against a strong shoulder. They would get through this.
Said and done, they made room for Link’s bed in Rhett’s office and somehow managed to make it feel like a sleepover, something they hadn’t done in too many years. They closed every door they could, to try and shut out the scratching, and almost succeeded. If Link put a pillow over his head, he could barely hear it.
In the middle of the night, Link woke with a start. His heart was beating heavily, he was certain something had scared him awake. He listened for the sound, it couldn’t be heard. And neither could he hear the faint sounds of Rhett sleeping, which frightened Link a lot more than the scratching noise. Where was he?
He was just about to get out of bed and go looking for Rhett when he saw him coming through the door. He shut it behind him and turned towards Link, his eyes gleaming in the dark.
“Link? Why are you up?”
“I think I had a bad dream. It’s alright, got a little worried when I couldn’t hear you breathe.”
“Oh, Link. Here, let me help you relax.”
Without asking, Rhett sat down on the bed behind Link and started rubbing his shoulders. Link thought about asking what he was doing, but it felt so good that he just let it happen. Those big, strong hands, working on Link’s tense muscles. It was… wonderful, was the word he searched for. His head lolled forward, letting Rhett work him over, trying to suppress the small moans he felt build in his chest.
“Link… relax, let me take care of you…” Link felt Rhett’s breath against his neck and then the slight scratch of his beard.
“Rhett, what are you doing?” Link made as to move away but was held in place by Rhett’s firm grip.
“Link, bo, just let me do this, please?” He ended by kissing that sensitive spot at the back of Link’s neck, making Link shiver all over. “It’s been too long, we should have done this a long, long time ago.”
Rhett placed kisses over Link’s neck, letting his big hands slide down Link’s back, giving comfort and lighting small fires in the pit of Link’s belly. Soon, one snaked around Link’s midriff, almost tickling, but never wavering, until it had grasped Link’s hard dick through the pajama pants.
“Aah… oh, Rhett, are you sure?”
“Mmhmm, I sure am.” Rhett smiled against Link’s neck. With assertive movements, he let his hand slide under the hem of the pants, grabbing hold of the long, smooth dick, letting his thumb slide through the beads of precum coming from the slit. Link shuddered.
“Rhheeeettt…” He couldn’t stop the moan but felt desperate, was he gonna cum in his best friends’ hand without even kissing him? Link twisted in Rhett’s arms, trying desperately to turn around and finally, he could look his friend in the eye and kiss him. It was… better than Link could ever have imagined. Rhett’s soft lips, the scratching of his beard against Link’s chin, his tongue licking its way into Link’s mouth.
Rhett smiled at him, taking a new grip of the still hard cock and with a few smooth moves, brought Link to the edge.
“Will you cum for me, bo? Then you can sleep again.”
Link tried to object, wouldn’t Rhett want anything in return? But he only shook his head, they could do that tomorrow, or any day after that. This was how it was now.
Rhett kissed Link, jerking his wet dick just right and with a moan, Link came, so hard it made the world spin. He was vaguely aware of how Rhett put him back in bed, and pulled the quilt over him, and then Link slept.
The next morning, Link woke up, feeling happy and content. He was a little sticky, in the nether region, and figured he would get up and have a shower. He could hear Rhett in the shower and decided to traipse over to his own office. When he got there, he stared in shock. There was a big hole in the wall, as if something had burst through. He fled, running in panic back to Rhett’s office, yelling for his best friend.
He couldn’t hear the shower anymore and when he looked through the door to the bathroom, it was empty, no signs whatsoever of anyone having a shower. He ran back and then he heard Rhett calling to him from the living room.
“Link? Link! What’s wrong?” As Link rushed there, he was met with the sight of a newly woken Rhett on their living room couch. “Are you alright?”
Link stared at him.
“Ah, yeah…? What are you doing here?”
“Well, you talked in your sleep, so loud that I couldn’t sleep, and I couldn’t wake you. I decided to sleep here instead.”
“But… But what about last night, what we…?”
Rhett looked at him, confusion evident on his face. “Last night? We what?”
Link just turned around, running back to his room, looking at the broken wall again. He was crazy, he must be. He must have gotten out of bed that night, busted the wall somehow and then dreamt the whole episode about Rhett. It was time to call the doctor. Defeated, he got a towel from the dresser and went to take a shower.
As he stood in front of the mirror, getting ready for the shower, he thought he saw movement behind him. The shower curtain moved. Link thought he would faint when it was pulled to the side and Rhett stepped out. But it wasn’t really Rhett. It had eyes that gleamed at him.
“Hey Link. Thanks for letting me out of the wall.” When the thing smiled at him, Link started to pass out. He could vaguely hear Rhett calling out for him, the real Rhett, as the thing in the mirror turned its head towards the bathroom door, a grin on its face.
#GMS Day 1 Bingo win#theredquilt#tw:depression#tw:mental health issues#tw:creepy#malienessan fic#rhink (sort of)
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Summary : After a mission goes south, it’s up to you to rescue yourself and your secret lover, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Warnings : Mentions of violence, torture, blood and injuries (okay I have this thing where I like writing angst and sad stuff, sue me), I tried to make this as gender neutral as possible, Y/N used once, implied established relationship, not proofread
Notes : So I decided to re-watch season 4 episodes 11-13 of the clone wars for no reason other than I had a random memory of it and here we are. Obi-Wan got beat up in this arc and here we are :)
It all started off fine. You and Obi-Wan were assigned by the council to go patrol some back water planets to make sure they were staying with the republic or staying neutral. Then, while you and Obi-Wan were looking around the last planet you needed to check, someone destroyed your fighters. Just as you and Obi-Wan were about to contact the clones for some help, someone snuck up and attacked you two from behind. Obi-Wan was knock out first, causing you to spring in action but a second attacker came from behind you, knocking you out right next to Obi-Wan.
You woke up in a grey brick cell, a single and small window on the wall opposite of the solid steal door. The window wasn’t made of glass, instead four thick metal bars, allowing sunlight to stream in. You were by yourself, on a uncomfortable metal bed in a unfamiliar place. “Obi.” You said, almost thinking out loud.
He was taken with you, right? You couldn’t remember much from before you woke up, only your and Obi-Wan’s ships were destroyed and Obi-Wan being knocked out. You quickly went to grab your lightsaber but it wasn’t on your hip where it usually was. A sigh escaped your lips as you tried to think of something. Meditation could work. You could try to locate Obi-Wan through your connection in the force. Sitting up from your position, you crossed your legs and took a deep breath, clearing your mind.
Obi-Wan woke up restrained to a thick metal table, a single light above him which hurt his eyes a little bit. He groaned and looked around, not seeing you anywhere. Though in front of him was three male twi’leks, a blue one, a red one and a orange one. “We captured two jedi knights today boys, maybe we can get some information and sell it to the Separatists.” The blue said, making eye contact with Obi-Wan.
“Are you separatist spies? Did you track me and my friend just to kidnap us and get information?” Obi-Wan asked.
“We aren’t on either side of the war, just making money the fastest way possible.” The red twi’lek answered. “And your little friend is being held in a cell, one where you’ll go once we get information from you.”
“I will never answer your questions, you can’t get anything from me.”
“We’ll see about that.” The blue twi’lek replied, walking closer to Obi-Wan.
You opened your eyes. You felt pain, all coming from Obi-Wan. You’d have to be quick about your escape. As you stood up from the place you were sitting, you started to think. There was a window and a small place in the door that could slide open and closed, you noticed that. It would be difficult to get out either way and you didn’t know where Obi-Wan was. You went over to the window to see if you were on the same planet or not, that could be a start. You put your hand on your chin, a habit you picked up from Obi-Wan.
After a few minutes, you heard the steal door open behind you. You turned to see two twi’leks tossing a beaten Obi-Wan into the cell. Before he could hit the ground, you caught him and laid his head in your lap, your baggy and semi-loose robes pooling on the floor as you sat on your knees. “We’ll get to the other one tomorrow, the boss wants us for something else.” One of the twi’leks said before closing the door.
They slammed the door close, but you weren’t bothered by it. Your attention was on the semi-conscious Obi-Wan in your lap. His lip was busted, he had a black eye, there was a cut above his eyebrow and you were sure there were more injuries around his body. What did they do to him and what were they going to do to you?
“Obi, please get up.” You whispered, gently shaking your lover. He groaned quietly and opened his eyes, squinting a little bit.
“Y/N?” He asked, his voice weaker than normal.
“Yeah, it’s me. Are you okay?”
“Everything hurts.”
You carefully and quickly pressed a kiss to his forehead. “We need to get out of here.” You said, helping Obi-Wan up. He had to put most of his weight on you but you didn’t mind, you just wanted to get out of wherever you were.
Using the force, you tried your best to open the steal door but it wouldn’t budge. You kept trying and trying but nothing happened. Until Obi-Wan carefully lifted his hand and helped you. The door opened slightly. You were able to reach your hand out and used the control pad outside to open the door all the way.
Usually, you and Obi-Wan would be running down the halls and making a quick escape but with Obi-Wan injured, it slowed you down a bit. Someone must’ve noticed your escape because, when you were about to escape, some twi’leks blocked your path. “Where do you think you’re going, jedi?” One asked.
You analyzed the situation quickly. You noticed some pillars beside you so you sat Obi-Wan down behind one. He was in no condition to fight. You walked into the middle of the hallway then you realized you didn’t have a lightsaber. Luckily for you, you spotted both yours and Obi-Wan’s lightsabers on a blue twi’lek’s belt. Using the force, you brought both sabers to your hands and activated them.
The twi’leks started to fire their blasters at your, but you deflected them with the sabers. You had never fought with two lightsabers before, but it was easy to pick up. You lifted one hand to push two of the twi’leks into another hallway then closed the blast door. You approached the rest and cut up some of their blasters. You kicked the other guns out of the other twi’leks’ hands. They stared at you, slightly panicking. You motioned your head to the side, signalling them to run away, which they did.
You deactivated the lightsabers and went to grab Obi-Wan. He smiled at you when you jogged over. “I guess I owe you.” He said as you helped him up.
“I guess you do, Obi. How about you explain this entire situation to the council?”
“Deal.” He answered with a laugh. You noticed Obi-Wan still had his comm-link on his arm so when you got outside, you took it to use it.
“Cody, come in.” You said into the comm.
“General, good to hear from you. We’ve been looking for you and General Kenobi since you went quiet for a while.”
“Sorry about that. Track the comm’s location and pick us up, Kenobi needs medical attention.”
“Yes, General.” Cody said, ending the conversation. You gave Obi-Wan his comm-link back and gave him a quick kiss on his temple.
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