#if this aint good ignore it idk what my writing style is atm LOL
sprydecreates · 5 years
no offense, but imagine you and calum are best friends.
you stay over at calum’s one night when he’s back in town, which is a regular thing. you’re in the bathroom about to brush your teeth before hopping in bed, and he walks to the door frame and asks, “alright if i step in and join you?”
you think nothing of it, until you look up a few seconds after brushing and see cal staring at you through the mirror with wide, soft eyes. you raise an eyebrow, mumble a “what” with a toothpaste filled mouth; giggling at how you sound before washing your mouth out.
calum shook his head, continuing to brush his teeth after realizing he had completely stopped. you shrug and make a noise to say “alright” and step out. once you leave the room he just stands there with rosy cheeks, staring at himself and thinking, “what the fuck?”
you’re sat on the edge of his bed, waiting for him to finish to say goodnight. once he’s out of the bathroom, you can tell he’s a bit confused, “you okay?”
he nods, jumping a bit at your voice, “yeah, fine. i think i love you. why?”
you shrug, “ya just seemed a bit off.” the running air conditioner in the background filled the room, “well if that’s all, i’m headin’ off to bed. night cal. i love you.”
“night y/n.”
you both lay in empty beds, hearts racing thinking about if that moment could reoccur one day, when you’re happily married with three rescued dogs and a toothbrush holder that says “the hoods”.
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