#if they were aromantic it would make sense but they aren't cause mc (and even then people can experiment)
gifti3 · 1 year
another thing I enjoy about asmos character is that we get hints about some of his past romantic relationships
Im sure the other brothers have engaged with others in the past but actually getting to read about it is interesting to me
#obey me asmodeus#i wanna learn everything about this character hah#it makes him feel more real the more info i get#also this info in particular makes sense for his type of character#being the avatar of lust and having so much love in his body#and ik it sounds weird cause#“ahh this is a self indulgent dating game we dont wanna hear about them being interested in others or having past lovers"#but i think it ENHANCES the importance of asmo falling for MC in the end (thats the whole point of “flirty” types tho)#also im nosy...im down to know!#trying to date changed my brain chemistry#me before would have not cared i think#anyways i refuse to believe none of the brothers other than asmo havent been interested in anyone other than mc#like only mc?#are u sure....#idk how to say it without sounding mean#but....thousands of years of existence and u never looked at anyone else other than mc?#no crushes even?#if they were aromantic it would make sense but they aren't cause mc (and even then people can experiment)#ik its fictional self indulgence but...it feels so unrealistic i cant take it seriously#when a character is only capable of falling in love with mc#and apparently NO ONE ELSE in the whole wide world#im already like “...hmmm naur” but now factor in that the character is not human and has been around for a very long time....#like theyve had to met so many people by now please be for real right now#well thats my spiel but i feel like i can keep rambling about this honestly
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milkybonya · 3 years
order 019, anon: large banana milk tea with regular tapioca pearls and fresh taro + special order: reader and Jihoon are antiromantic* but end up fallinf for each other -> for Jihoon!
Warnings: like... some suggestive content? and angst
Summary: idol!Jihoon who also happens to be your best friend! falls for you after you kiss him despite both of you not believing in romantic love
word count: 1k+
* for the sake of this fic, antiromantic just refers to not believing in love, and i'm not specifically referring to aromantic as the sexuality - i hope this makes sense and if it bothers anyone pls tell me and i'll reword it!!
[taglist]: @rutosruru-world ♡ fill out form to be added!
[a/n]: oh my god the way i'm so whipped for Jihoon rn!! i mean aren't we all but like... WOW
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After ending his Inkigayo mc activities for the day, Jihoon was found back in the waiting room, furiously typing away on his phone with a smile. Hyunsuk, who had come to join his member on his drive home, shook his head.
"Texting [y/n] again?" Hyunsuk asked.
"Mmhmm... they asked me how the show was, so of course I have to reply!"
"Of course... just like you always do with us."
Jihoon looked up, glaring at Hyunsuk while hissing.
"I respond to you guys too!"
"Yeah, after 5 days!" Hyunsuk exaggerated.
Both of them knew they were just having a playful fight, and looked away with smiles on their faces. But Jihoon knew what was coming next.
"So when will you two start dating-"
"No. I don't wanna hear it," Jihoon said, cutting Hyunsuk off.
Hyunsuk whined.
"Oh, come on! You and [y/n] are my favourite ship... the couple I'm rooting for the most!"
"Go find a different ship, jagi, cause this one ain't sailing. We have no sails 'cause we burned them down," Jihoon retorted.
"Well," was all that Hyunsuk could say in response.
Back at the dorms, you were waiting for Jihoon with a lopsided cake that you'd tried baking and decorating. She was lopsided because well... you'd given her just too much love (icing) on one side. You tried your best, though!
"[y/n], your wife's home," Hyunsuk said, referring to Jihoon as your 'wife'.
After Hyunsuk scrolled through your contacts once to help you find something, he had a good laugh seeing Jihoon saved as 'wifey' on there, and now he would not stop bringing it up.
"Wifey!" you yelled, placing the cake on the kitchen counter and running towards the front door.
You pouted seeing Jihoon remove his jacket with such heavy shoulders.
"Our wifey is the breadwinner of this family," you said, helping him hang up his jacket.
He smiled at the sight of you, though, pulling you into a hug.
Hyunsuk couldn't help but squeal watching you two be all 'lovey-dovey' as he called it, despite the fact that the two of you did not believe in romantic attraction at all. Everything in life was platonic.
You shooed Hyunsuk away and stuck your tongue out at Jeongwoo, who was making vomiting noises from the livingroom.
"Shut up, everyone knows you hug Jaehyuk like this too," Jihoon snapped.
You chuckled slightly before showing your friend the caked you'd baked.
"Wow, [y/n], that's really..." Jihoon started.
"Bad? Yeah, I know she's ugly but let's try it!" you said excitedly.
"Did I forget someone's birthday?" Jihoon mumbled to himself as he helped you grab some plates and forks.
"Nope! I just felt like baking a cake," you confessed with a grin, cutting in and revealing the delicious exterior.
"Wow... that actually looks good!" Jihoon praised you.
"Let's try it," you said.
You both counted down from 3 before taking big bites... and... it tasted good! No, not good, but amazing!!
Jihoon's eyes literally started watering because it was that good. He kept making weird sounds while eating it too, saying over and over again how good it was.
His praises made you laugh, but even cuter and funnier was the bit of frosting winking at you from his upper lip. Gosh, his lips... the way they pouted as he ate and while he spoke...
"Hm?" he groaned, his mouth still full.
"I know we like... don't believe in love or whatever so... it would be fine if I... kissed you, right?"
Jeongwoo had left the livingroom, so no one was there to hear your conversation.
"Yeah... wait, what?" Jihoon said, agreeing at first since he was still so focused on eating, but then realizing what you had said.
"I mean... kissing is not really romantic until you say or think it is, right?
"I-I guess..." Jihoon agreed, shrugging while still eating.
"Then, can you stop eating for a second?"
Another muffled groan escaped Jihoon's full cheeks before he finally finished his mouthful and blinked at you, running his fingers through his hair to push it out of his eyes.
Your heart racing slight (and you wondered why, as you weren't even a romantic individual!), you stepped forward and gently pressed your lips to Jihoon's soft and sweet ones, wiping off the frosting. His lips were so warm that they were like a source of comfort in the chilly dorm, and you didn't want to pull away... but you also didn't want to linger and make Jihoon uncomfortable.
"There was cream on your lips! I wanted to try kissing it off," you said, giggling to yourself.
Jihoon was bright red in the face and avoided your eyes, laughing awkwardly and shifting around. His heart was racing, his palms were slightly sweaty and his eyes kept shaking, too. He wanted... to hold your precious hands. To hold you and kiss you one more time...
Was this just because he hadn't kissed someone in so long? But he did kiss the members... but never on the lips!
"Jihoon? Are you okay?" you asked him, worried.
"Y-yeah! I'm okay," he said, laughing slightly.
"Good... let's keep some cake for the other members, too... that way we won't eat too much as well," you said, pushing the cake away from the both of you.
Jeongwoo walked into the kitchen then, gasping.
"Wow, you two ate half of it already?"
"You know what-" Jihoon started.
But Jeongwoo pointed at his hyung's face.
"What's up with you? Did you drink or something? Why are you so red?"
"Jeongwoo shut up before I-"
"I kissed him," you said, straightforward.
"WHAT?!" Jeongwoo shrieked, eyes widening.
Jihoon stared at you in horror, too.
"Yeah... we're friends who don't believe in love... we can do that much, right?"
"Okay so I'm gonna leave-" Jeongwoo started, walking away.
"Don't tell anyone!" Jihoon called after him.
"And I'm gonna tell everyone," Jeongwoo whispered to himself, snickering.
Jihoon simply blinked at you, not sure what to say.
"I'm sorry Jihoon, I-"
"Do it again."
"Do it again.
"Do what again?" you asked Jihoon, puzzled.
"Kiss me. Do it... again," Jihoon said.
"What? I- why?"
"Just do it!" Jihoon whined, pouting.
So you leaned in quickly, pressing your lips onto his before quickly pulling away.
Jihoon looked puzzled, bringing his fingers to his lips and wondering why they were tingling, why he wanted you to kiss him again and why his heart was still racing.
"Jihoon... is everything okay?" you asked him.
"Yah, so Jeongwoo just told me the most saucy thing ever, that you two-" Hyunsuk started, striding into the kitchen.
"[y/n], didn't you have a class to go to?" Jihoon asked you, a dazed yet sad smile on his face.
"Yeah, but-"
"You should get going, you don't want to be late! I'll make sure the other boys eat some of your cake, too."
"Oh, okay," you said, feeling strangely dejected despite beginning to pack up your things nonetheless.
"Did I just... walk in at the wrong time?" Hyunsuk asked, watching you as you left the dorms.
"No! Here, have some cake," Jihoon said, offering up a plate.
You closed the door behind you and walked out, feeling numb.
Jihoon did not contact you for a whole month. He ignored your texts, your calls, didn't wish you luck for your exams, didn't visit your house or ask you to come to the dorms.
Thankfully, the rest of the members were still talking to you, especially Junkyu.
Junkyu : he's being really weird. anytime we bring u up, he just changes the topic,, i don't get it :c
you : i'm worried abt him.. he's ok tho, right?
Junkyu : yeah! well... that's the only thing he tells me to tell you when i say ur asking abt him hah
you : ok but how is he actually doing ?
Junkyu : yeahhh not well... he's quiet all the time and always stays in his room
you : oh my god he's never been like that ??
Junkyu : i know :c
you : no idc i'm coming over rn
Junkyu : OH MY GOD [Y/N]
you : what? and who can stop me?
Junkyu : i won't open the door
you : i know the passcode??
you : hah good luck
Out of worry, you made your way to treasure's dorms and mentally smacked yourself for not having done this before. You were stubborn and hoped Jihoon would contact you first, but right now was not the time.
When you got there, you opened the door with ease and walked straight to Jihoon's room. Junkyu was guarding it and you gently kicked him aside.
"He's my friend and I'm worried, now let me in," you huffed, opening the door.
"You won't like what you see..." Junkyu mumbled.
You closed the door behind you and stepped into the darkness. The curtains were closed, the light was off, the only sound was from the whirring of the fan, and Jihoon was sprawled out on his bed.
"Please leave," he weakly groaned.
"Oh my God Jihoon what is this state you're in? Have you eaten? Have you been drinking water? Wait, I'm going to go get you something to eat right now-" you rambled, leaving the room and heading straight to the kitchen. Junkyu, sat outside, was incredibly confused.
"[y/n]?" Jihoon mumbled, sitting up in bed, his hair a mess.
When you returned, some toast on a plate in your hands, the boy was rubbing his puffy eyes before you.
"First have a glass of water," you said, holding it out to him.
He refused and you forced him to take hold of it.
"This is not a game, Jihoon! You haven't eaten for god knows how long and-"
"We went to an all-you-can-eat buffet yesterday," Jihoon groans, sipping the water you handed him but refusing the toast.
Your jaw dropped.
"With who?" you asked.
"THAT BITCH!" you screamed, racing out the door to yell at Junkyu who had told you that Jihoon had not left his house.
"I've been going to the gym and going on walks," Jihoon confessed.
"Junkyu I've actually had it with you," you huffed, trudging back into Jihoon's room to angrily eat the toast yourself.
"Jihoon... where have you been? Why have you been ignoring me and what's going on?"
"Well..." Jihoon started, looking up to make sure the door was shut.
"[y/n], since that day you kissed me... I realized I may not be an antiromantic," he explained.
You heart raced, because it would be a lie to say you hadn't been feeling the same. Kissing Jihoon that day and realizing how it made you feel was a bit of a wild, eye-opening experience. You had never worried about Jihoon as much as you did now when he shut you out... thoughts would race through your mind like 'do i like this boy'?
"Okay..." you said, encouraging him to continue.
"So... I know this was super selfish and I'm so sorry, but I was actually going to call you today, but... I stopped talking to you to see if I really liked you like that and [y/n]... for the whole month I thought about you everyday and it wasn't just like 'wow, I wanna go grab some boba with [y/n]!' but more of a 'I miss [y/n] so badly and i want to hug them and press my face into their chest and smell their scent and-"
"B-but Jihoon... friends can hug each other too," you pointed out.
Jihoon shook his head.
"It's more than just that... but I won't go into detail. But [y/n], I care about you so much that I think... this is what it feels like you love a person? It may not involve skinship or maybe it does but I don't know... suddenly I just want to call you my s/o."
You were both quiet for a second, letting the words sink in.
"What... do you think?" Jihoon asked you.
"Firstly, you should've told me about these thoughts and instead of shutting me out, we could have dealt with them together. Secondly... I've been feeling the same, Jihoon. I got way more worried during this month than I ever have been in my life, and that's saying a lot."
Jihoon smiled, his eyes forming crescents and you reached out your hand to squish his cheeks, then stopping yourself, thinking it wasn't timely.
But Jihoon held your hand as you started to pull it back, making your heart flutter.
"What is it? Did you want me to hold your hand?" he asked, innocently.
You laughed, shaking your head and gently pushing his hand away.
"I wanted to do this," you said, holding his face in your hand and pressing his cheeks with your fingers and thumb.
He giggled under your touch.
"What the heck are you doing?!" he asked you.
"I don't know, but you're cute," you said.
"So are you," Jihoon said, ruffling your hair.
"So are y'all like dating now or what?" Jeongwoo asked outside Jihoon's room.
"YAH! STOP EAVESDROPPING!" Jihoon yelled, standing up and trudging towards the door.
You heard Jeongwoo's footsteps as he ran away and laughed. Junkyu was still sitting by the door and shrugged at you as Jihoon chased Jeongwoo around.
"So... are y'all-"
"Ok I'm leaving," you said, standing up.
"No! I need to know!" Junkyu said, holding onto your leg.
"Jihoon, are we dating?" you asked boldly as he continued running around the dorm.
"Yeah, only if you want to as well!" Jihoon shouted back.
Junkyu gasped.
"Well, do you want to?" he asked you.
"Yeah," you said, smiling and walking out of Jihoon's room.
"I'll call you, [y/n]! Just let me get Jeongwoo first," Jihoon told you, hugging you tightly before returning to chasing after Jeongwoo.
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