#if they then actively appeal to his curiosity OR go a different route to appeal to his compassion he'll tag along
lyfeward · 1 year
Amis is also stubborn tbh. it doesn't crop up That Much, but when he's decided something, he really digs in his heels. goats are the emblem of his House for a reason lmao really the only way to circumvent that stubbornness is by appealing to his curiosity. both these traits showed a lot more when he was alive. he would really dig into his work and not take a break for weeks. he would turn down some invitation just because he's focused, but because he's so stubborn beneath it all, any attempts to get him to reconsider would just make him double down. Damon knew this better than anyone and would instead dangle something interesting in front of him. like enticing out a feral cat. "ah it's a shame you turned down the Duchess' invite. you know [insert philosopher] will be there." ". . . oh?" "mhm. and she's invited — well no one knows if he'll show — but she invited [philosopher's rival]. should be interesting, especially after that 'debate' they had last time."
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Yes is insulting that he needs a male audience to gain credibility… but that’s on society not on him.
The normal “routes” of growing his audience Ie radio has been blocked, and the biggest untapped target audience is male, plus the genre of music he likes is largely male listeners.
Can we rather see that his team is actively targeting his largest untapped audience, as this, once broken into will yield the most growth, whilst leaving his female audience to continue to grow organically… as they 1. Have heard of him, 2. Recognise him, 3. Are probably organically more likely exposed to people that would recommend his music. 4. Having some reference to him therefore would probably seek out the referral … even if it’s out of curiosity.
They are obviously building this through avenues that already interest him. As he speaks their language there is potential for meaningful engagement. I’m ok with that.
I want to see some width in his fan base and if they’re targeting the “fast growers” and beating radio at its game. I’m going to back it.
Louis loves his female fans, I don’t doubt it. He already supports woman plus lbgt in multiple ways. Currently he’s finding away around industry, to broaden his audience, to build the long levity of his career and trying to gain the credibility he deserves. Surely this should be encouraged.
That he needs men to do it, is on the industry….which he’s trying to beat at their own game.
Let’s not criticise him for it, but rather see it as adding to his already incredible fan base.
PS: let’s be honest the men have to pretty brave to by a ticket and brave us en masse at concerts. 😂😂 Those that come must really like him … or love us.
Good points!
We also see a lot more men in the Latam and Asian concert audience, and in the fan groups that line up on the streets and in front of the hotels. There isn’t the same cultural misogyny that associates pop music and women fans in a derogatory way.
The point is that Louis is an international celebrity and star. If he wants to play Siberia, he probably could. He has a very broad fanbase that responds in different ways to his personality and brand. His marketing is just catching up to his fame, because his solo career isn’t as far along or developed as Harry’s or Zayn’s, for instance. So broadening appeal to one group isn’t necessarily turning his back on another group.
However, having a brand that helps develop young bands CAN be more inclusive, especially since Louis has shown and spoken of interest in developing girl rock bands. It would be tricky, but amazing to see him take some talented band under his wing.
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chocoluckchipz · 3 years
Not a Spying, Not a Fake Date
The day Marinette met Adrien Agreste—the hottest supermodel alive, an only son of fashion icon Gabriel Agreste, and her long-time, embarrassing celebrity crush—was supposed to be the happiest day of her life. Instead, not only did she present herself as a total klutz, but his friend Nino had stolen Alya only two weeks later.
On a Saturday afternoon, no less!
Don’t get her wrong. Marinette was happy that Alya finally was interested in a guy more than the latest scoop. And she absolutely didn't mind skipping one of their weekly get-togethers in favour of her BFF going on a coffee date with their new classmate. Marinette wouldn’t be bored. She could work on one of her projects or play video games… if the day wouldn't be so perfectly gorgeous and sunny. Wasting it inside would’ve been a crime. A walk around a local farmer’s market, on the other hand, sounded just about right. And if said market happened to be across the street from where her friend was meeting Nino, that was a pure coincidence.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Marinette was absolutely not spying on anyone, and if she glanced the couples’ way once or twice, it was only to appease her morbid curiosity. No harm done. She wasn’t interfering. She couldn’t even hear what the two of them were talking about. Surely not about Adrien. Or her. Or her and Adrien. Nope. No way. Impossible. She wasn’t curious at all.
“You know you aren’t very subtle?”
Marinette froze, her blood running cold. She knew that voice. It was ingrained in her memory by now. But there was no way Adrien Agreste was standing right behind her, whispering in her ear. It must be nothing but a product of her imagination. Yes! A hallucination of a post-pubescent girl with a crush of irrational proportions.
Still, she spun around just to check if it was time to make an appointment with a therapi—  
Her jaw hit the floor, eyes widening. The man in front of her sounded like Adrien, yet he barely looked the part. Most of his hair was hidden under a beanie, a pair of glasses framed his face. Baggy, black clothes covered his body. His chiselled jaw sported a light stubble, and a hippy backpack was slung over his shoulders. Not a shred of his classy self left, replaced by a sexy, casual chic version of the man.
He winked. “Looking beautiful as always, Princess.”
Her cheeks flamed despite her knowing better. He’d given her that nickname only because she was a clumsy mess, not because he was trying to flirt. Princess, aka "damsel in distress", someone in need of being saved. In her case, frequently being caught before she hit the ground as she kept tripping around him. Stupid Agreste and his stupidly handsome face.
A movement in the cafe caught her eye, and Marinette nervously grinned. Adrien was Nino’s best friend. There was no way he wouldn't know where Nino was taking Alya for their first date, which meant Marinette better be very careful in her words and actions, or else she wouldn’t be the damsel for much longer. The title of a “Creepy Stalker” didn't sound the bit least appealing to her.
“You look nice too,” she said, looking her best innocent self. “Different. I barely recognized you. I like the glasses. And stubble. Stubble is nice. Little of it. Not too much. Too much would look shabby. But yours looks good. Perfect. Not shabby at all.”
He chuckled, a corner of his lips curling into a smile. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“You should. It was one. A compliment.”
“Why, thank you.”
Another couple left the cafe, catching both of their attention. Marinette quickly shifted her gaze to the apples at the stall she was standing by. As long as she acted natural, Adrien wouldn't suspect a thing.
“So, what are you doing here today?”
She inwardly groaned and stashed a few apples in a paper bag. “Apples. I’m here for the apples.”
“What a coincidence.” Adrien picked one of the red ones and twirled it in his hand. “I’m here for the apples too. By the way… Nino just asked for the bill, so if you were planning to do more shopping in other places, I’d say that’s our cue to pay for these and get ready to leave.”
Marinette glared his way, her whole face burning up. That cocky smile, that glint in his eyes. Of course, he’d catch her. But she wouldn’t give up so easily or she wasn’t Marinette Dupain-Cheng: her papa’s pumpkin, her mother’s sweetheart, the future of Paris’ fashion! “I’m not spying on anyone if that’s what you’re implying.”
“I wouldn't dare to accuse you of such a thing.” He grinned, putting the apple back. “But… may I suggest a few tweaks to your disguise? You know, in case you’re still up for some non-spying activities today.”
“I don’t need any tweaks. I’ve been here for an hour, and they haven’t noticed me. I could tail them all day if I wanted to, and they would not notice me.”
She froze, the last of her hopes to escape this unscathed vanishing right before her eyes. Curse this man! It was his fault her brain was shutting down around him.
The corner of Adrien’s lips curled in a smile as he leaned closer. “You might be well hidden amongst the rainbow of produce here, but, believe me, as soon as you step outside, that bright red hoodie of yours will give you away instantly.”
“In your dreams,” Marinette huffed, folding her arms over her chest. “This hoodie is the only thing in my closet Alya hasn't seen yet. My sunglasses cover half of my face, and I let my hair down instead of my usual ponytails. They would never recognize me.”
“Well, I did, didn’t I?”
“That’s because you came close. They are at a distance.”
“Nino will notice someone trailing them in a bright red hoodie. Believe me, that man lets no detail escape him. But give me five minutes, and your own parents won’t recognize you even up close.”
She quirked an eyebrow. “What for? The date is over.”
“Far from it. Nino planned coffee, a walk around the city, and a movie. He bought the tickets this morning.”
Adrien seemed to be confident in what he was saying, but Marinette couldn’t trust someone she’d recently met over her best friend, even if she was in love with him. “I don’t believe you.”
“There is only one way to find out if I’m lying.” He stretched his hand towards her. “Shall we?”
Shall they what? Why was he even here? She had to get out of the house for physical rest and mental health. What was his excuse?
“And what are you doing here, M Agreste?”
“I told you already.” The corners of his lips curled up in a sly grin. “Apples.”
“Right. And you went all out on a disguise for that?”
“Precisely.” He grinned wider. “I also knew Nino was having a date nearby, and being the great friend I am, I didn’t want them to see me and think I’m spying on them.”
She wanted to smack that shit-eating grin off his face. But Nino and Alya were exiting the cafe, and Adrien tilted his head to the side, his hand still outstretched toward her. “So? Want to not spy on them some more, or do you have other plans for the day?”
No, she didn’t, and perhaps she should be smarter, but something inside her was melting by the second, Adrien’s smile slowly massacring any scraps of reason she still had. “If you tell anyone, I’ll deny every word.”
“No one shall ever know.” He grinned. “Now, may I suggest a few tweaks to your disguise? To minimize our chances of being discovered.”
“Fine, but be quick. They are walking away.”
Adrien nodded and pointed to her hoodie. “Take this off.”
There was no time for questions, so she silently obeyed. The moment Marinette removed the garment, Adrien was already pulling his black sweater over her head.
“Wait! What are you—“
“Black is less conspicuous.”
“But what about you? It’s chilly, and your shirt doesn’t look very warm.”
“I’ll be fine. I wore that sweater for fashion, not because I was cold.” Stuffing her hoodie in his backpack, he looked her over once more. His face suddenly brightened. He grabbed her hand and pulled her out to the street in the direction of the nearest convenience store.
“We don’t have time for this,” Marinette protested as they neared the door of said establishment. “We’ve already lost them.”
“No, we didn't. We might not see them, but I know where they are.”
“I know that, too,” she grumbled. “In Paris. Where else? Europe, Eurasia. Planet Earth, Solar system. Hard to miss if you fly toward the Sun. ”
Adrien laughed. Long and heartfelt, the sound of his laughter brightened the space around them. There was still a glint of joy in his eye and a hint of mischief in his voice when he recomposed himself. “Nino spent hours planning their route yesterday, and yours truly was helping him. I know where they are headed. We’ll catch up.”
Hesitantly relenting, she followed him in the store, and once inside, Adrien disappeared somewhere between the rows. When he walked out, he was carrying a hairbrush, a couple of pins and hair ties, a small mirror, a plastic tablecloth, and a can of temporary hair dye. Quickly paid for, Adrien pulled her into the nearby alley. "Do you trust me enough for a blind makeover?"
A loaded question. She hardly knew anything about the man behind the carefully crafted image of his public persona. But Marinette loved surprises, and it wasn’t like Adrien even had anything that could potentially cause serious damage to her appearance in his hands.
“You aren’t going to cut my hair, are you?”
“Wouldn’t dare to even think about it.”
“Strangle me with that tablecloth?”
“It’s to protect your clothes from the dye. And before you freak out, it’s a temporary one. It’ll wash out with the first shower.”
At least it was pink—her favourite colour. "Don't make me regret this, Agreste."
“I promise, you won’t.”
She sent a glare his way. “If I do, you’re dead.”
Adrien laughed and slightly bowed. “Your trust means the world to me, Princess. Now, if you’ll allow me, I shall start.”
Marinette nodded, removing the sunglasses from her face. Adrien quickly draped the plastic tablecloth around her shoulders. The moment his hands ran through her hair, her brain short-circuited. It felt like heaven. Pleasant tingles cascaded down her skin at every touch as he brushed, tied, and clipped for what felt like an eternity yet was way too short of a period before he whispered in her ear, “Close your eyes and hold your breath for me for a moment.”
That would not be a problem; Marinette wasn’t sure she was breathing for the last few minutes anyway. He was too close. She could feel the heat of his body, the warmth of his breath, and that was doing things to her she’d rather not experience in a random alley off a busy street in the middle of Paris.
Oblivious to her internal turmoil, Adrien sprayed her hair with the temporary hair dye and proudly pronounced his job finished. The plastic tablecloth off her shoulders, he pushed a small mirror in her hands. “You can open your eyes and look now.”
Her speech was gone the moment her eyes caught her reflection. Most of her bangs were pinned back in the middle, only some of the hair framing her face on either side. The rest was gathered in two cute, messy buns on top of her head that had pink highlights all over them, something the tips of her bangs sported as well. It was a look she’d never thought of doing herself, yet somehow found herself loving more with each passing moment.
“Not bad,” she said, a ghost of a smile on her lips. “Are you secretly a stylist by any chance?”
Adrien chuckled, putting her sunglasses back on her nose. “Nope. But I did grow up in a fashion tycoon’s house watching makeup artists transform people to an unrecognizable degree with simple tricks.”
“Well, you have a talent, M Agreste. I really like this.”
"Why, thank you." Adrien grinned. "I do like the outcome, too. You were always cute, but now you're straight-up adorable. Like a little mouse. An extremely lovely little mouse. ”
Marinette looked away, taking a step towards a street. He wasn’t flirting. He was just complimenting his own work. He wasn’t flirting. “As long as Alya doesn’t recognize me.”
“She won’t.” Adrien followed her. “Hey! Maybe we should hold hands and pretend to be on a date? They’ll never figure us out if we do that.”
Her eyes widened as he offered her his hand. “Are you… are you asking me on a fake date?”
“Do you want me to ask you on a fake date?”
“I’ve never liked anything fake,” she huffed. “Says a lot about one’s character.”
Adrien chuckled. “Then it’s good that all I’m asking is to hold hands. For a better disguise, of course. Not faking. Real hand-holding.”
An earnest smile on his lips, he stepped closer, silently waiting for her reply.
Marinette swallowed, her eyes falling to his outstretched hand, one that looked more and more appealing to hold by the second. How would it feel to have her palm in his? If she chickened out now, she might not get another chance to find out. “Only for the purpose of a disguise.”
"Only for that," Adrien assured, entwining their fingers together, his gaze on her soft and gentle. "Allow me to be your guide on this non-spying, not-a-fake-date mission, Princess."
His words fell on deaf ears as Marinette struggled to keep her composure. Big, strong, and very warm. Somehow safe and secure. Like a lover’s embrace. Holding Adrien’s hand was everything Marinette didn’t know she needed up until now.
He must have noticed something was amiss, cracking a dumb joke to break the awkwardness as they started their walk. Marinette tried her best not to laugh, but Adrien kept going, each joke worse than the preceding one. Ten minutes in, and she couldn't believe she ever had a crush on this… man-child. Adrien was the dorkiest dork she'd ever met. A dork who asked too many questions. So many it felt like he wanted to know everything there was to Marinette. She didn't mind. There were quite a few things she wanted to know about Adrien, as well, and what better way to ask if not as a retaliation to his inquiries?
About an hour later, they spotted Nino and Alya on a promenade by the Seine, walking hand in hand just like them. Her friend beamed, laughing so hard, Marinette could swear there were tears in Alya’s eyes. Nino looked no less happy, grinning at Alya with a satisfied look on his face. A smile found its way onto Marinette’s face. Adrien watched them mesmerized, slightly tightening his grip on her hand.
“Everything looks good,” he said, turning to her. “Their next stop should be a music shop a few blocks away, and there are a few cafes just across the street. Want to get a headstart and have an early lunch?”
Marinette nodded. She could use a drink or two right now. A nice large glass of the cold water because Adrien seemed to take their… whatever-this-was way too seriously, being all attentive and gentlemanly and extra charming, and if not for his assurance they were not on a date, Marinette would’ve surely thought otherwise. Just as she suspected, her silly crush on this man seemed to slowly be turning into something more than a simple attraction. Something different. Something deeper and more profound.
“Awesome!” Adrien grinned, turning back to the town. “I’ll buy us movie tickets once we’re there. Where do you want to sit? I prefer the middle, but I’m pretty sure Nino got the middle row seats, so that’s a bit risky. Shall we try for the back row?”
A pinch of guilt nagged at Marinette. Another glance at their friends in the distance and she stopped, slowly pulling her hand from Adrien’s grasp, mourning the loss with every inch lost. “Perhaps, we should stop here.”
He halted his steps, looking down. Seemed like she wasn't the only one feeling guilty about this. “You’re right. This wasn't a good idea.”
“They deserve more than two stalkers for friends.”
“They do. I was just too curious. This is the first time Nino’s been so crazy about someone.”
“So you decided to secretly third wheel them?”
He gave her an unimpressed look. “You don’t get to judge me. We’re in the same boat in this. Apples and all.”
Marinette couldn't hold back a snicker.
Adrien interlocked his fingers behind his head, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. “I was really looking forward to that movie, though.”  
“You’ll live.”
“Will I?”
“Absolutely, you big baby. Just go watch it by yourself if you want it so much.”
“But that’s not fun.”
“Better than stalking your friend on his date.”
“Then perhaps I should get my own. A date, I mean. For the movies.”
Marinette fell silent, her chest tightening. A guy like Adrien could have any girl he wished. And while she didn't think herself to be worse than anyone else, what were the chances he’d want her when girls like Kagami Tsurugi openly confessed their love to him?
“I guess you could,” she said, pulling out her cellphone to get an Uber.
“Then will you?”
“Will I what?”
“Go to the movies with me? Lunch and movies. A date. A real one. Nothing fake about it.” He was looking straight at her, a trembling smile on his lips, a soft glint in his eyes.
She blinked once. Twice. Her ears must be deceiving her. “Me?”
He nodded. “You.”
“But… Why?”
“Because I like you.” He stepped closer. “Because ever since you fell into my arms that first day, I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
“Excuse me, but I did not fall into your arms!” Marinette huffed. Amazing or not, she wouldn't allow him to trample her reputation like that. “I just tripped, and you happened to stand in the trajectory of my fall. Or rather, you moved into it because, if my memory isn’t failing me—and my memory never fails me—you almost ran across the room to catch me.”
Adrien laughed. “Guilty as charged, but can you blame me? You’re amazing, Marinette. You’re smart and brave and confident and so very beautiful. A guy like me could only dream of being worthy of your attention.”
“You kidding me, right? A guy like you can have any girl he wants.”
“But there is only one I need,” he purred, leaning closer. “Her name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and I’d be the happiest man alive if she’d give me a chance. I’m prepared to beg on my knees if that’s what it’ll take.”
Somehow, her hand was in his. He brought it to his lips and laid a lingering kiss on her knuckles. How could she say no to those eyes and that confident smoulder with a hint of childish worry behind it? The way she felt about him, she wouldn't want to say no even if her life depended on it. Marinette kept her eyes on Adrien's when she shifted her hand in his grasp, entwining their fingers together. "Only if we go to a different movie theatre. I don't want to run into Alya and have to explain things."
“Sounds good to me.”
“And we’re getting soulmate ice cream at Andre’s before that. I want to check if we’re meant to be before I commit to anything.”
Adrien laughed, pulling Marinette into a hug. “I’m pretty sure I won’t even have to bribe the man to get the result I want.”
“You’re way too confident, M Agreste, you know that, right?”
“Only when it really matters.”
“And is this one of those situations?”
His gaze soft and loving, Adrien leaned down, his lips gently brushing against the flustered skin of her cheek. “You’re at the top of my ‘Really Matters’ list, Mlle Dupain-Cheng.”
Another kiss to her nose, he lingered for a moment before whispering, “May I kiss you the way I know you want me to kiss you now? Or shall I wait until the end of our date?”
There was only one answer Marinette could give him. “Right now would be perfect.”
This is a reworked chapter from my upcoming "Dreams of You" story. If you're planning on reading it, don't be surprised to see part of this as one of the chapters. Hope you'll enjoy both of them!
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c-atm · 3 years
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Connie Maheswaran sighed...She knew this was a bad idea, but no one else was around, and the best friend/ bane of her existence/ big crush/ betrothed had an eye for these things, so his expertise was appreciated.
"So." Steven Universe, gem hybrid, alien prince, sweetheart, and hero to many, started with a grin. Placing his hand on the curve of her back." How skimpy of a bikini are we getting, huh?
She growled dangerously as she felt his hand crept lower." Stop it, you pervert."
Steven just smirked as he lifted his hand back up. That lecherous fox smirk that he only showed her.
"I promise that my intentions are as 'pure' as the lily-white of your clothes." 
Connie arched an eyebrow looking at her yellow polo, black denim shorts, and orange kicks. "What white are you talking about?" She implored.
The alien royalty squeezed the college sophomore bottom. "The thin warm cloth underneath." He whispered into her ear, making her fume with annoyance, bashfulness, and made just a wee bit of an exciting impression… Despite her pouting with puffed blush crossed cheeks and steady brows.
"How the hell do you know?" She questioned, grabbing his wrist and clenched tightly, making the 'big gem on campus' fall to his knees in slight pain.
"Ow, ow, ow! I promise I didn't peek at you while you were getting dressed today."
"But you did peek at me." She arched an eyebrow.
"On accident." He pleaded, " We both know I would never peep on you."
"Now, Steven..."
"Not without an escape route."
Connie took a moment to consider it, but in the end, she decided he was right.
Steven always had a damn way to run away. Not like when they were teens, and she would easily catch and punish him for his transgressions against all womankind. However, they were more innocent, like giving her (not-so unwanted) pecks on her cheek or complimenting her physical growth.
It was the reason her betrothed became her bane before becoming her friend and crush.
Though his actions couldn't be helped, it was ingrained in him. The gem race was very liberated when it came to physical appeal, appreciation, and affection and saw all forms as beautiful. From the first (of what would become semi-normal) time she visited his home planet, it quickly became apparent to her that kissing, touching, and 'raunchy' commentary was commonplace among Homeworld. A lot of sensual and carnal PDA was everyday stuff for gem kind. 
All except fornication in all its forms. 
That was considered divine as gem fusion but way less lax—the ultimate show of reverence for one's unique being. Even stories of one’s actual sexploits were to be kept between partners, no matter how many there were; neither monogamy nor polygamy took precedence on Homeworld.
She let his wrist go with an unamused hum, opting to hold his hand to keep it from wandering.
”Let’s go, my perv.” Connie sighed as she led him further into the store, towards the dressing rooms. She was nearly closing the door behind her as she entered, turning and facing him, hiding with the plywood entrance. "So, against my better judgment, I'm gonna go into the dressing room and wait for you to bring me back some swimwear," Connie informed, blushing. "I need you to take this seriously, ok? No games at all." She muttered.
Steven gasped, placing three fingers on his chest as if he was an offended southern Bellé. "Why madam, I do declare that I will be at my most critical. After all…" He caressed her cheek with a smirk on his face, "the chance to decorate you in my taste doesn't come along often." He grinned as he interlaced his fingers together. "I can see you now in...Hehehe! Oh yes..."
Looking at his bottom lip gnawing, nearly crossed eye blushing expression of perverse elation, Connie almost regrets asking for his advice and help but, there is a reason for that. "Can you not imagine whatever you are imagining and help me?"
He looked up at her pouting profile and smirked lovingly before kissing her forehead. "You're more tempting than anything I can imagine." 
She took a deep breath, rubbing the back of her left calf with her right foot, and idiosyncratic behavior towards surprising affection and praise.
"⁵Just...Stay away from the skimpy swimsuit from earlier."  She warned, burned cheeked as she closed the door behind her, "Himbo hubby."  rubbing her forehead, where the warm sensation of his lips lingered, she grinned. The feeling of pride In her chest.
"Ok... Let's get to business."
Three minutes later, Connie was stripped of her clothing and her pride as she looked at her reflection. Bare to her body and her insecurities. She didn't feel Charming? Girlish? Soft? Cute?
She was never called cute or adorable. No... Words that described her was strong, tall, mature, robust, and built, which was right.
She was six ft by the time she was 16 (she's 6'6 now), always been athletic; being an army brat on an army base until she was 12, strenuous exercise was more than just a habit; it was a lifestyle. Combined with tennis and martial arts, it was easy to understand why her body was built and cut as it was. She had 'mercenaries muscles.' A body made for battle, yet she was 'blessed' with the curvy hips and noticeable bust of her mother's bloodline.
The thing is, she didn't hate her body. She just wasn't privy to the attention she got from it. Most guys were intimidated.
Most girls…' intrigued' to say the least, and then there were some who 'swore' she was 'transitional.' People she affectionately referred to as transphobic bastards.
One cause she was born, lives and will die biologically and mentally as a woman, no matter how 'masculine' she supposedly acts; and more importantly, being trans isn't wrong.
"The scars don't really help either." She mused as she scanned her nude form little scars from her active lifestyle on her stomach.
"I think they give you character, Berry." Steven voiced from behind the door, surprising her enough for her to jump.
"The hell?! How did you get done so fast?!" She nearly shrieked as she turned to the door...Which now had a few swimsuits hang on the knob, " Steven...Did you peek at me?" 
She was greeted by silence.
She gave a slightly exaggerated sigh at his guilty tone to hide the smile on her face. "Really? You don't wanna see me in the buff?"
She could already see the thousand-watt smile on his face.
"Wait, are you saying I can?"
She had to bite her tongue from laughing at his eagerness, "No, sit and wait." She scoffed out a chuckle when she heard him moan, downtrodden. Taking a look at the group of bathing suits in the knob, she went to see which one she definitely will not wear.
Steven sat in the pink chair in front of the dressing rooms, legs and arms crossed as he waited for his beauty of a betrothed model for him. He knew she wasn't crazy about her appearance, but he couldn't get enough of it.
The fact Connie tower's him by a whole nine inches. Her 'jacked,' pear-shaped body with its hypnotic curves, especially around her bust, hips, thighs, and butt. Blazing deep-set onyx eyes with thick brows, thin cupid bow lips, her slightly narrowed and flat nose, and loose raven hair in a half-braided ponytail that reached her broad shoulders. An amazing amazon made real. 
Of course, her physique was only part of why he was smitten to what humans would call near 'perverse' moments, strange since earthling takes sex for granted, to the point of making multiple websites about it for profit. 
Planetary cultural differences aside, Connie's physicality was just a complementary mirror to her character. Strong, bold, unique, and mesmerizing. No wonder why Connie steals every room she walks in when she wants to or not. He couldn't help but snicker tenderly at the thought of her before tenderness gave a slight way to hunger at the thought of her in a swimsuit.
"Steven...Can you come here?" 
The hybrid looked with a bit of concern and curiosity at the brown hand waving and shy voice coming from the dressing room.
"Hmm?" He stood and walked to took the gold sprayed knob of the plywood in his hand.
"With your eyes close!"
That made his eyes widen, but he followed her request, closing his pink eyes before entering and closing the door behind him. "You ok, Ni'?"
"I...I need you to promise to be honest with me."
"What are you talking about?"
"Just promise. ok?"
"Hmm...I'm opening my eyes."
"Wait. I'm not.."
Connie looked towards him in shy withdrawal, holding her left arm, and biting her lip adorned in a blue bikini. The top looked like a cage neck crop top that clipped in the back, and the bottoms were high-waisted with an extra band that crossed around her navel. It was sexy, to say the least, accentuating off all her curves and prominent muscle, flattering her breast, thighs, hips, and butt, without showing too much; it was made for her.
"Well?" She asked, looking at his stare but getting no answer, feeling her cheeks heat in marooned embarrassment. "Is it that bad?"
Connie's eyes widened, "A-Adorable?" She pursued her lips, looking down at herself. She wasn't used to being called that. 
"Yeah... I mean, yeah, it looks sexy..but it really brings out your softer, sensual charms."
"I...I.." her nose flared as she fought the bubbling feeling in her chest. " You're... You’re not just saying that, right?" She rubbed her left calf with her right ankle.
"I wouldn't lie about this." Steven raised his right hand in a promise.
She crossed her arms, her mouth in a side pout," So...I'm cute in this, then?"
"Are you fishing for compliments?" Steven teased, getting a raised brow look of astonishment from his betrothed
" I..No!" She crossed her arms below her chest, looking away, pouting with puffed blush crossed cheeks and steady brows.  
 Before turning towards the hybrid, just as she was about to attempt to make her point, she was caught off guard by his hand gently but securely grabbing her chin and leading her to move her face up close to his, their nose tips gingerly touching.
It wasn't the first time he did this, and it always made her feel a bit meek. Never unpleasantly, though.
"You're always cute."
The feel of his warm lips sandwiching her top lip with popping clips was new.
New but welcomed. 
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romancandlemagazine · 3 years
An Interview with Alexander Wolfe, the man behind Pedestrian Magazine
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Pedestrian is a magazine about the humble art of walking. In this interview, I talked with the man with the plan, Alexander Wolfe, about his love for this much maligned form of transport, his recent expedition from New York to Philadelphia, and the art of conversation.
First off, you recently walked from New York City to Philadelphia over nine days. What made you want to do that?
The initial desire to walk to Philadelphia came out living in New York City during the pandemic. I was bound to my apartment for a few months with little to do but walk around my neighborhood. I've always had a habit of walking around the city, but the pandemic only made these walks longer and longer, which eventually led to a 23 mile journey from my apartment in Brooklyn, to the Bronx, and back.
Around that time I was reading The Roads to Sata by Alan Booth and started contemplating longer, multi-day walks. I needed a change of scenery and found the idea of traveling by foot and living out of a bag very appealing. I felt like I'd developed a process here in the city (go on a walk, take photos, write a newsletter about the walk, repeat) and needed to give myself a challenge.  I wanted to lean further into this practice that I've been developing for the last three years.
I'd never considered my walks to be hikes, so it made sense that I'd keep it in an urban setting. Walking to Philadelphia seemed like a no-brainer. What most people don't initially realize is that most of my time was spent walking through New Jersey. I liked the idea of walking in a place that is commonly misrepresented as the "armpit of America" and typically deemed unwalkable. New Jersey is actually a very underrated state. It might be the densest state population-wise, but it's called the Garden State for a reason. Oh yeah, I'd never been to Philadelphia and just really wanted to visit.
How did the walk go? Quite often trips or excursions can be a fair bit different to how you first imagine them… how did the reality of the walk differ from how you thought it was going to be?
I was presented with a new challenge every day. Don't get me wrong, the walk turned out better than I could have ever imagined, but you can never anticipate everything in advance. This was the first time I'd ever walked with a 25 pound bag on my back, let alone the first time I'd walked 9 days in a row. Originally I set out to average 17.75 miles per day, but thanks to my own curiosity, ended up waking 20 miles a day on average. I mapped the entire route a month or two before leaving, but would always deviate from the path in favor of exploring some neighborhood, road, or park that looked appealing. The first day alone ballooned into 27 miles because I got cocky and thought I didn't need to use my map while walking in Manhattan. I learned my lesson and kept my eyes on the map for the rest of the trip.
Another thing I didn't expect was the sensitivity one develops after walking 6-8 hours for days in a row. The smell of exhaust and gasoline becomes more potent. You realize how violently we've shaped the land to build huge highways and abysmal business parks. So much of our infrastructure is built in favor of the car, which makes being a pedestrian incredibly difficult at times. If the built environment didn't present a challenge, it was always the weather, the gnarly blisters on my feet, or my gear malfunctioning. I quickly learned to accept these challenges. It was just another component of the walk.
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A lot of times people go for ‘a walk’, they’re seeking out beauty spots or nice scenery—maybe in nature reserves or the countryside, but your walk was cutting through some fairly overlooked places… industrial estates and small towns. Do people miss out by not seeing the whole picture of somewhere? Is just driving through these places to get to the destination sort of cheating?
I wouldn't consider driving to be cheating – it's just another way we alienate ourselves from the world around us. When we drive, we experience the world at a speed that makes it nearly impossible to pay attention to the fine details. Our relationship to place is abstracted, especially thanks to the rise of GPS. We no longer have to have a physical relationship to these towns. We don't even have to remember how to get to them. Driving around in a car reduces these places to nothing more than a label on a map or a convenient place to stop for gas.
It's important to have relationships with the places surrounding you. The walk has given me an intimate experience with the space between New York City and Philadelphia. I know what it looks like, I know how it feels to be there. I can tell you where residents stop hanging New York Yankees flags in favor of Philadelphia Phillies flags. If I'm watching the Soprano's and Tony references Metuchen, NJ then I know exactly what he's talking about. I think to understand a place, such as New York City, it's just as important to understand the places around it. There are generations of people who once called the Big Apple home, but decided to plant their roots in Jersey for one reason or another.
I suppose you could have read about some of these places on Wikipedia, but being there is a completely different thing. Is experiencing stuff first hand important?
It's very important if you actually want to understand a place. It's too easy to create our own narratives without ever visiting a place. I still tried to do my share of research before heading out. I have friends from North Jersey or the Philadelphia Metro and tried to take their opinions with a grain of salt. I spent some time reading about certain towns along the way on Wikipedia or scanned Reddit to get a vibe. I even previewed chunks of the walk on Google Street View to mentally prepare and know if it was actually safe to walk near some of these roads. I could have spent months preparing, but it never would actually replace walking in these small towns and cities. It's so much different when you're on the ground.
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I suppose the main reason we’re talking is that you make a magazine based around the idea of walking. How long have you been making Pedestrian? What started it off?
I released the first issue of Pedestrian back in March of 2018. I was living in Ridgewood, Queens at the time and made friends with a guy named Curtis Merkel (I actually met him while out on a walk). He ran a moving business for a few decades and retired. At 84 years old he opened up a tiny little bookshop to keep himself busy. I'd visit him every weekend to check out his books and eventually we'd just get to talking. He'd lived in Ridgewood his entire life and loved to talk about the neighborhood's history. Moving to NYC also introduced me to a thriving community of zine makers. I wanted to share these conversations I'd had with Curtis in print form, so I decided to start a magazine. I invited a few friends to contribute and the rest was history.
Since then, the identity of Pedestrian has become quite fluid. While it started as a magazine, I would now describe Pedestrian as my own practice. It's a platform that allows me to collaborate with others, produce magazines, write newsletters, go on these long multi-day walks, and produce t-shirts. I have found this configuration gives me the most creative freedom.
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A lot of your magazine is about meeting people and striking up conversations. Is this a lost art these days?
I don't know if it's a lost art per se, but there's less incentive to reach out and talk with strangers these days. Thanks to the rise of social media it's just getting easier and easier to stay within our own "bubbles." Starting Pedestrian, in a way, was an excuse for me to speak with those I typically wouldn't reach. It's amazing how having a publication kind of takes the fear out of speaking with strangers. You can do anything when you have intention.
Although walking is something most people do, is it overlooked as an activity? It seems it’s mostly seen as an inconvenience, rather than a hobby in itself.
It depends where you live. In New York City, for example, walking is a part of the culture. The city is built in such a way that makes walking a viable means of transportation. And if you can't walk to your destination, you're likely walking to a subway or a bus. Where I'm from in Iowa, walking is very inconvenient. Everything is spaced out, which makes walking anywhere very difficult. It’s not that people don’t want to walk, it’s just the way we’ve built certain communities has made it very hard to enjoy. It makes people think walking is very inconvenient.
I’m here in Iowa until August and it’s been interesting to walk a place that is so reliant on cars. The other day I did a 13.5 walk around the city. There’s nothing here stopping you from walking (unless the heat gets you. Technically we’re in the middle of a drought. It’s been incredibly hot as of late), and there’s plenty of sidewalk. I think it’s mostly just a mindset people have to develop. It doesn’t matter how many miles you walk, it’s just about getting out there. Your mental health will thank you and you might even learn something new about your surroundings along the way.
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Walking is maybe the antithesis to the internet, but Pedestrian also has a decent presence on the World Wide Web, and you regularly send newsletters and... er... partake in the digital world. How do you balance the real world with the matrix?
It’s a relationship I’m constantly reevaluating. I’m not a master of balancing the two yet, but I’m slowly building habits that will protect my time. I often daydream of abandoning social media altogether and picking up a flip phone. I obviously haven’t done that yet, so in the meantime, I’m investing a lot of time in my newsletter. Sending out a newsletter is a much more thoughtful, intimate, and slow experience...kind of like the way I approach my walks out in the world. I understand that the web is a tool and I’m not sure the Philly walk would have gotten the same amount of attention had I not had an Instagram account. It’s cliche, but everything in moderation, right? I try not to take it so seriously.
What next for Pedestrian?
The Philly walk was such a great success and I’d like to keep that momentum going. Later in September I have another big, big walk planned, but I have yet to announce the route. Look for an announcement sometime next month. This one will be a bit longer and involve 3 different cities. I can’t wait.
Once winter hits I’m going to buckle down and produce a proper book for the Philly walk that will include all my writing and photos I took along the journey. I’m already excited to share the finished product with the world. Stay tuned.
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Final question, what are your walking shoes of choice? And what's your soundtrack? Are earphones advised for long walks, or do you prefer the ambient sounds of the streets?
I’m a big fan of Hoka Clifton’s. I wore them throughout the entire Philly walk and have two pairs in my closet. At this point, Hoka should probably pay me for how much business I send their way. I’m always recommending them.
I prefer not to wear headphones and just listen to the ambient sounds of the street. More often than not, I find wearing headphones to be a bit distracting and it takes me out of the present moment. Although, I’ll admit I have been trying to introduce music into my walking once again, but few tracks make the cut. Lately Andrew Wasylyk’s Last Sunbeams of Childhood has been on repeat. There’s something about that track...
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Find out more about Pedestrian here. Pedestrian is available in the UK courtesy of Central Library.
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investsbank101-blog · 4 years
Investigating the Appeal of Investment Banking Careers
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If you're a talented student studying to get a qualification in a subject like bookkeeping or finance it's probable that you're seriously thought of a career in investment banking. Investment accounting projects have gained a reputation for offering a number of the maximum salary bundles a brand fresh grad may aspire to earn. Two or three years ago a grad obtained on by way of a top American investment bank might possibly be earning around $150,000 dollars each year for example bonuses that are expected, also this high-wage was achievable over the first season or 2 at lucrative investment fund careers.
Throughout the previous year the downturn has also influenced the living standards of investment seekers using wages cut as much as 40 percent and bonuses but expunged. Yet every thing have never turned dismal for students that would like investment banking tasks. Aspiring bankers appear to have optimism that current difficulties are similar to the proverbial departure cloud and at some time wages and bonuses will reunite or even transcend the numbers that they reached a couple of short decades back. Curiosity about investment banking amount classes remains high and intern places are sought after.
The investment fund projects revolve Investment banks can be a hierarchical livelihood with wages climbing from approximately $60,000 annually for a brand fresh entrant to huge amount of money annually to get an expert departmental manager. Such wages that are significant will probably not be accomplished by people that plan to work an everyday nine to five six months however come at the expense of a hundred hour weeks. The employees who make it on the cover of the pyramid are likely to demonstrate their own devotion to the financial institution by working hours somewhat more than in other financial sectors. While investment fund professions may make potential high living conventional executive homes, they usually do not render the employee a lot of time to delight in their immaculately furnished penthouse or some one of those additional symbols related to one of your bringing levels.
Lots of entrants to investment banks begin through internships which might be sponsored directly from way of a bank or coordinated through a university with a investment-banking amount. Still another path into investment banking professions entails learning to be a junior helper or investment analyst standing. At the junior levels the brand newest employee is busy learning the fundamentals of the business enterprise for example understanding the lender's arrangement and media within the financial institution. Additionally they offer useful aid to older analysts and managers throughout organizing meetings, preparing papers and different internal service activities. Even though their touch with customers will become minimal they may possibly get the chance to be there in a few meetings in an observer role.
Let's assume they place at the necessary hours and exhibit skills and dedication with their own occupation, new employees develop into routine investment analysts together using responsibilities for research and investigation of investment opportunities and dealing directly with customers. The ownership of a fantastic master's degree from an established university lets other fresh recruits to go into the financial institution at the greater degree of investment lien partner. The partners like a higher starting salary compared to junior analysts but they aren't normally offered responsibility to their clients. Associates occupy a second position on the senior director from whom they should master those critical customer investment grading and communications skills. At the United States a year or two past an investment banking partner could anticipate a starting salary of 100,000 - much more than they may aspire for starting away in a number of other pro places.
No matter route they follow in the small enterprise enterprise, Realtors usually expect their careers will need them to some senior management position with its associated stature and tens of thousands of dollars in annual wages in recognition for his or her contribution into the bank of success.
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roedmalone7-blog · 5 years
Exceptional Guidance To Make Social Media Advertising Prepare
Social networking is considered the power of your Internet. The ability for end users of several sites to share produced articles has made it possible for information and facts being distribute quicker than any person could possibly have potentially thought. If you want to promote via social media marketing, then read the pursuing write-up for advice on correct social media marketing. When starting your marketing strategy on social websites, ask all your good friends, family and associates for your website. They don't even have to be potential prospects to assist you to attract potential prospects. The first task you would like to take is genuine network developing. Select the gusto! To generate social networking content that basically marketplaces you covertly, develop lists. Prepare a long list of the most notable fifty unusual but correct information about your products or services, widget or area of interest. Leading quantity databases appear to be a little bit uninteresting to a few, but they do tend to get quietly passed on round the online, offering an awesome opportunity for your manufacturer to obtain publicity. Keep your cool when submitting and responding on social websites websites. You will find people who will article in your social media webpages with the goal of causing trouble. Conserve a expert perspective and just get rid of the articles. Should they have a legitimate problem with your business, be respectful and also have a skilled conversation. It is essential to keep in mind that social networking calls for you to stay active. In other words, the greater interpersonal you might be, the greater profitable you may be. Regular membership will drop away quickly as your viewers seems to lose curiosity about aged content and recognizes the possible lack of participation from you. Productive strategies produce a feeling of comfort for the customers plus more revenue. You will get your followers' interest by posting anything inside a format that makes reading through less difficult. For example, try emerging with a listing of leading 10 suggestions or producing answers and questions. The visible part of your report can certainly make it more appealing and your readers will be more more likely to share it. You must create a Vimeo route to post evaluations of your goods as well as other video lessons relevant to your business. It is possible to set up your account which means your video clips are placed right away on specific social networking sites. This could save you time and prevent you from failing to remember to revise a site. Although having different advertising on social media web sites, you should have got a number of special deals for your personal business. This may give your prospective buyers motivator to click your advert. By getting special offers on your adverts, and simply on these adverts, the buyers truly feel a little more obligated to go there and discover what your business offers. Use polls on your social media marketing information to take part your potential customers and obtain them concerned. People enjoy to provide their opinions and possess their sound heard. A survey is the best way to purchase them to tone of voice their thoughts and present opinions on new services and ideas which can be relevant to your business. The sky will be the limit when using social media marketing to market your company. For instance, you might offer an limitless number of offers and coupon codes if you want to build a buzz. It will help make the users truly feel an urgency to acquire and will comply with your organization a lot more directly if they know you offer some very nice bargains and discounts. Fans also usually deliver time-hypersensitive offers for their close friends more often than non-time-sensitive offers. Respond carefully to tweets that contain rude or hateful emails. Everything you tweet is really a reflection of your own enterprise. It could be luring to shoot back again a sarcastic tweet but, that may hurt you over time. Keep skilled and relax when you react. Keep in mind, the world can access what you tweet. You wish to make subscribing in your weblog as basic as feasible. Tend not to placed the sign up key in a place in which men and women may well not notice it. Ensure it is positioned in a location exactly where people can certainly find it which will give you a lot more people joining. Ensure that is stays in your mind that men and women still need Online that is certainly slow, in case the sign up key can weight very first it's suggested to do that. Don't stress too much about making your web site best. Whilst it is important to give the men and women lots of information, don't permit the fear of imperfection prevent you from how to get started. In the same way in several issues, you need to study a little as you go. Starting out is the thing that is actually significant. When composing a social networking website for your personal organization, remember to include Youtube. You can easily position a retweet option towards the top of your site. This will likely permit Flickr consumers to simply reveal your site on his or her website. Feel of all of the prospective that one option might have in your marketing and advertising endeavours. For profitable social networking, you should available a Fb site to your business. Fb is really a societal moderate that could reach a lot of sites of potential clients, and through encouraging men and women to "friend" your business or providing suggestions or savings on your own page, you can reach fans that normally might not exactly know your business is available. It is essential to drive your media in numerous spoken languages, but don't basic them from your identical social network information. Seeing all of these various dialects mashed jointly will often confuse newcomers and give those to a far more customer-pleasant rival. Create individual accounts for every single language, and know the distinction between each one of these. Try not to slack as soon as the vacations can come all around, as you may ought to take advantage of selling currently. Set even more work in which means your buyers feel taken care of in the holiday seasons. Give your telecommunications a feeling of enjoyable and possess several options completely ready. You consumers will get with this and like the seasonal emphasis. As mentioned prior to, due to capability for customers to share content material, social networking has developed into a major Online driving force. The opportunity to talk about content makes social media a feasible advertising and marketing platform. Earn some place within your plan to make use of the recommendations using this write-up, and you may spread your information significantly and wide. sqribble bonus More info sqribble demo create an ebook sqribble review
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uniteordie-usa · 7 years
It’s Time to Rethink Education – Part 2 (Unschooling)
http://uniteordie-usa.com/its-time-to-rethink-education-part-2-unschooling/ https://libertyblitzkrieg.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Screen-Shot-2017-12-14-at-12.04.46-PM.jpg It’s Time to Rethink Education – Part 2 (Unschooling) Michael Krieger | Posted Thursday Dec 14, 2017 at 12:57 pm There are several components, but the real shocker is that more of us aren’t embracing the current age of access to mastery of any topic. But that may not be so surprising—most of us were taught to be passive learners, to just “get throu...
Michael Krieger | Posted Thursday Dec 14, 2017 at 12:57 pm
There are several components, but the real shocker is that more of us aren’t embracing the current age of access to mastery of any topic. But that may not be so surprising—most of us were taught to be passive learners, to just “get through” school. It’s easy to be lazy. The rewards of becoming an autodidact, though, include igniting inner fires, making new connections to knowledge atnd skills you already have, advancing in your career, meeting kindred spirits, and cultivating an overall zest for life and its riches.
One good reason to dive head first into self-initiated learning is that much of what you were taught is already obsolete. “Knowledge workers succeed not based on what they know, but rather how they learn,” writes James Marcus Bach in his book, Secrets of a Buccaneer-Scholar. He dropped out of school when he was 14 and, in the early days of home computing, taught himself enough to become a software tester for Apple. He’s now an independent consultant.
Bach’s philosophy is rebellious yet inclusive: “Intellectual buccaneering is about self-education, but schools are OK, too. I’ve learned in schools, and I’ve learned from people who were trained in schools. I happily plunder knowledge wherever I find it. I don’t seek the destruction of schools. I am out to dismantle something else—the popular belief that schooling is the only route to a great education and that the best students are those who passively accept the education their schools offer.”
– From the Psychology Today article: The Golden Age of Teaching Yourself Anything
While some of you will be familiar with the educational concept of unschooling, it’ll probably be new to most of you. Personally, I never looked into the concept until I became a parent a couple of years ago, and it was my wife who first became fascinated with the idea and bought a bunch of books on the topic. I’m really glad she did.
The book we’re currently reading is by a fascinating individual named Ben Hewitt, titled Home Grown. Back in 2014, Ben wrote an excellent article for Outside Magazine in which he provided a concise description of what unschooling is. It’s quite distinct from home-schooling, which most people are already familiar with.
In the piece, We Don’t Need No Education, he explains:
There’s a name for the kind of education Fin and Rye are getting. It’s called unschooling, though Penny and I have never been fond of the term. But “self-directed, adult-facilitated life learning in the context of their own unique interests” doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, so unschooling it is.
It is already obvious that unschooling is radically different from institutionalized classroom learning, but how does it differ from more common homeschooling? Perhaps the best way to explain it is that all unschooling is homeschooling, but not all homeschooling is unschooling. While most homeschooled children follow a structured curriculum, unschoolers like Fin and Rye have almost total autonomy over their days. At ages that would likely see them in seventh and fourth grades, I generously estimate that my boys spend no more than two hours per month sitting and studying the subjects, such as science and math, that are universal to mainstream education. Not two hours per day or even per week. Two hours per month. Comparatively speaking, by now Fin would have spent approximately 5,600 hours in the classroom. Rye, nearly three years younger, would have clocked about half that time.
If this sounds radical, it’s only because you’re not taking a long enough view, for the notion that children should spend the majority of their waking hours confined to a classroom enjoys scant historical precedent.
Even to someone like me, an individual who finds the concept of authority and involuntary activity revolting, unschooling seemed a bit radical for our family when I first read about it. Nevertheless, as I’ve considered it in more over the past few months, it’s become more and more appealing. To get an even better sense of what it’s all about, let’s read some more excerpts from the Outside article referenced above:
The boys will pay the bus no heed because its passing is meaningless to them. Maybe they have never ridden in a school bus, and maybe this is because they’ve never been to school. Perhaps they have not passed even a single day of their short childhoods inside the four walls of a classroom, their gazes shifting between window and clock, window and clock, counting the restless hours and interminable minutes until release.
Maybe the boys are actually my sons, and maybe their names are Fin and Rye, and maybe, if my wife, Penny, and I get our way, they will never go to school.
Hey, a father can dream, can’t he?…
The first incidence of compulsory schooling came in 1852, when Massachusetts required communities to offer free public education and demanded that every child between the ages of 8 and 14 attend school for at least 12 weeks per year. Over the next seven decades, the remaining states adopted similar laws, and by 1918, the transition to mandated public education was complete.
It was not long before some parents and even educators began to question the value of compulsory education. One of those was John Holt, a Yale graduate and teacher at the Colorado Rocky Mountain School who published his observations in How Children Fail in 1964. Ultimately selling more than a million copies, it was an indictment of the education system, asserting that children are born with deep curiosity and love of learning, both of which are diminished in school.
Holt became a passionate advocate for homeschooling, which existed in a legal gray area, but he quickly realized that some parents were simply replicating the classroom. So in 1977, in his magazine, Growing Without Schooling, he coined a new term: “GWS will say ‘unschooling’ when we mean taking children out of school, and ‘deschooling’ when we mean changing the laws to make schools noncompulsory and to take away from them their power to grade, rank, and label people, i.e. to make lasting, official, public judgments about them.”
In addition to fundamental curricular differences, there is also something of a cultural schism between the two styles. Home-schooling is popularly associated with strong religious views (in a 2007 survey by the National Center for Education Statistics, 83 percent of homeschooling parents said that providing “religious or moral instruction” was part of their choice), while unschooling seems to have no such association. “Unschooling has always been sort of code for being secular,” explains Patrick Farenga, who runs the unschooling website JohnHoltGWS.com. “It’s about understanding that learning is not a special skill that happens separate from everything else and only under a specialist’s gaze. It’s about raising children who are curious and engaged in the world alongside their families and communities.”
I can almost hear you thinking, Sure, but you live in the sticks, and you both work at home. What about the rest of us? And it’s true: Penny and I have made what most would consider an extreme choice. I write from home, and we both run our farm, selling produce and meat to help pay the bills. Everyone we know who unschools, in fact, has chosen autonomy over affluence. Hell, some years we’re barely above the poverty line. But the truth is, unschooling isn’t merely an educational choice. It’s a lifestyle choice.
Unschooling is also perfectly legal in all 50 states, so long as certain basic stipulations—from simple notification to professional evaluations, “curriculum” approval, and even home visits—are met. But many unschoolers have been reticent to stand up and be counted, perhaps because the movement tends to attract an independent-thinking, antiauthoritarian personality type.
Of course, unschooling is not the only choice. Increasingly, families are turning to options like Waldorf, the largest so-called alternative-education movement in the world. It was founded in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1919, based on the teachings of Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner, who believed that children learn best through creative play. In 1965, there were nine Waldorf schools in the U.S.; today there are 123.
Still, perhaps the best answer I can give to the question of what price my children might pay is in the form of another question: What price do school-going children pay for their confinement? The physical toll is easy enough to quantify. Diabetes rates among school-age children are sky-high, and the percentage of 6-to-11-year-olds who qualify as obese has nearly tripled since 1980. And what do children do in school? Exactly.
They sit.
So what prompted me to shift from, “this seems interesting, but it’s probably not for us,,” to “this might work for our family,” in just a matter of months? For one thing, I have a fundamental issue with forcing kids to sit in a classroom all day with other kids of the exact same age, while being forced to learn in the same way and at the same pace. Second, with all the information currently available online, the resources for thoughtful parents and curious kids is simply extraordinary and unprecedented. Typical schooling seems very outdated in this reality, and I’m not the sort of person who just does things because it’s what everybody else does. Finally, I started to ponder some less obvious downsides to traditional schooling. What if we want to go on an adventure as a family. Whether desert camping in Morocco, or a drive up to Montana, our ability to do such trips would be confined by school schedules. We’d have to take trips at the same time as all the other kids, which just rubs me the wrong way.
Ultimately, my wife and I haven’t decided on exactly what we’re going to do, and we plan on keeping an open mind about all options and taking cues from our kids themselves as they are each unique individuals with their own desires and needs. This post isn’t about making the case for a particular type of educational path, but to get people aware of the various options out there and inspire everyone to think outside of the box.
From a societal perspective, the reality is unschooling necessitates at least one person to be a stay at home parent. In the case of Ben Hewitt, he works from home and his wife is also there. That’s the ideal situation in my opinion, and it’s simply not an option for the overwhelming majority of U.S. families. In fact, most households consist of two parents working full-time just to make ends meet. This is a tragedy since it stifles household creativity and forces everybody into a stressed out box where family becomes an afterthought.
My wife and I are in a fortunate position which gives us options, and we will explore them all. That said, the choice to potentially unschool is not something I take lightly. If we decided to go down that route, I’d have to change a lot about how I do things. At the moment I spend most of my day reading and writing for the purposes of this website. If we accepted the enormous responsibility that comes with having kids at home, I’d want to dedicate far more time during the day to interacting with our children. My everyday life would be affected in a very significant way.
Parenthood is a tremendous honor and responsibility, and it saddens me that so many parents don’t have the opportunity we do to be so engaged with our children on daily basis. Given this reality, it’s important that those of you fortunate enough to be home with your kids think deeply about the options available before doing something just because everybody else does. The world’s changing fast and it’s crucial we raise as many children as possible who can think independently and ensure the future looks very different in a positive way from the one we’re living in. Humanity depends on it.
Finally, here are a few resources readers pointed me to on the subject of unschooling. If you have any other good ones, please share in the comment section.
Lazy Mill Farm
John Taylor Gatto
Living Joyfully
Dayna Martin
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