#if they let you bring pokemon to an exam
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pokeblr-confessions · 2 years ago
I cheated in my college finals with the help of my alakazam and espeon
Confession #392
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d3adbr3inc3lls · 6 months ago
I'm sorry if you've written something similar, but can you write an Amethio x Reader ff where his ceruledge and the mcs pokemon (gardevior if you need a specific one!) really like each other? bonus if amethio and the reader aren't fond of each other.
Amethio x Reader | Fic and Headcannons
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Summary: You're part of the RVT and your Gardevior has been napping a lot more than she usually does.
You are part of the RVT, he is part of the Explorers. It was only natural that you two have a rivalry.
Everything about him annoys you, how was he so calm whilst he tries to steal something that belonged to Liko?
How and why is he so calm, it's Iike nothing bothers him, Nothing makes him tick.
How is he even this strong for a trainer who is your age? Does he even have a life outside training?
Probably not.
Either way, things could've gotten worse, and becuase the universe is against you, they did.
You never really noticed it at first, but your Gardevior, despite being feircly loyal, wasn't always at your side when you were at home -you never thought much of it, you let her roam around your home however she pleases- but then you start to notice it. Somstimes she is late for lunch, sometimes she'd take her sweet, sweet, time walking downstairs after you call her.
It never really bothered you, she could've been taking a nap, but the more it happened, the more suspicous it felt. You knew that some pokémon love to go outside and roam around, but she's too domesticated go out alone, unless she was starting her rebel phase.
It was all fun in games, you didn't mind her being a bit late, but sooner or later, you got an unpleasant awnser to her constant napping.
. . .
The sun hits your face at the perfect angle to annoy you and make sure you couldn't do anything about it. Your Gardevior is suffering the same fate, she shakes her head and lets out a soft cry before she begins to drag you to a nearby cafe.
You know that she's spoiled, but you can't bring yourself to do anything about it apart from feeding into it. Sometimes you're greatful that she's the only pokemon you have, taking care of 10 spoiled little kids would drain your money like there's no tomorrow, and it's a future you're not willing to face just yet.
You haven't even taken your eyes off of her for more than a minute as you pay for the pastries, and you find out that your Gardevoir has wandered off somewhere.
Calling out her name in confusion, you look around, knowing that she'd be nearby.
. . .
You couldn't help but groan in frustration as you saw the familiar black and pale blue/silver haired boy, walking with his Ceruledge and your Gardevoir.
You could see his eye twitch, giving way to some annoyance before being covered up by the constant neutral expresion he wears.
He says your name in his usual, formal, tone, glaring at you like you had just killed his mother infront of him.
"Amethio," You reply back, mimicking his tone as your eyes wander to your Gardevoir who looks up at you with a horrified expression before she walks over to you with her head down in shame.
You couldn't blame her for catching feelings, but it doesn't mean that you weren't allowed to dislike them.
. . . Headcannons . . .
I can imagine that the two of you would still have a rocky relationship, but you had to stop going at eachother's throats for the sake of your 'mons.
Over time, you and Amethio might have gotten closer, enough to develop a friendship, but it's fragile, and any wrong action would easily break it.
And due to you being a part of the RVT, and him being a part of the Explorers, you two are waiting for one to betray the other, giving both of you an excuse to never see eachother.
It'd be devastating for your 'mons, but it's a good excuse.
A/N: Finished this last week, I currently have exams... wish me luck chat... but I have one on Monday, and then I'm free for a while. Hopefully I'll start writing more,,,
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kaiserkisser · 2 months ago
mutuals appreciation post
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omg i cant believe im already writing another one what- anyways again, im just making this to let all of you guys know that i appreciate you LOADS. every single one of my mutuals. doesn't matter if ive mentioned you here or not, if youre a mutual, that means i do remember you and will never stop loving you /gen. i seriously LOVE you guys. thank you so so much for putting up and staying with me, talking to me and being friends with me. i cant express how much it means to me. happy new year, all of you ♡♡♡
(i wanted to write essays for everyone wtf this isnt at all enough but tis a LONG post nonetheless lmao)
oh also a little gift for everyone hehehe <3333
@meowmaii MY LOVELY ONLINE LIL SIS ILYSMMM. interacting with you and seeing u on my dash or notifs brings me smmm joy istg and im so so so proud of you for being you!!!! i am so very glad to have gotten to talk to you my dear behen and i hope we never stop talking <333 i genuinely love u so so much thank you for being here and being yourself! ♡ help i could literally make this a 50-page long essay sooo ill stop here. for now. :333 here's to another year together and to us never stopping talking to e/o hehe :333
@thegolden-tigeress SHREEEE ARGHHH another of my absolute favorite people on the planet!!! tysm for everything!!!! i literally appreciate your existence and you so so much i cant even begin to express it ♡♡♡ thank you soooo much for talking to me and sending me asks n tagging me and stuff!!!! it makes me feel so so seen bby <33 i promise ill try to interact more with u this next year after boards r over! im so so proud of u for being here despite the bs lifes giving u!! heres to us talking more and more simping over chuuya this next year haha ily take care <33
@kavehpilled aaand hello to u my dear online older brother :33 (help am i picking up siblings like pokemons-) anw!!! thank you for regularly interacting with me n remembering me despite how busy, chaotic and CRAZY(??!!!? HELLO??!?!) life is for u :3 i love talking to u so so much hehe <3 it always makes me SO happy to see u in my notifs, inbox or on my dash going insane over arcane (youre making me wonder if i should get into arcane too.) take care noah!! you being kaveh is great and all BUT dont become overworked and broke like him- :3
@floraldresvi you ANGELLLL!!!!! i did already send u a nice long christmas tree message so !!! ill keep this short but thank you so so much for remembering me!!! ill not have been very active for a while and then all of a sudden ill see you in my notifs or inbox or dash and go 'YAYYY ITS VI EEEE!!' and jump in happiness :333 (and just you wait grrr once my exams are over ill unleash ❀✿ anon on the world again and youll be the first victim mwehehehe :333) take care vivi ilysmmmm/p <33
@milk-violet MIMIIII :3333 tis our dearest ray of sunshine, incredibly talented star, god-level pjsk player and kazuha's most beloved lover <33333 i swear, talking to you is always soooo fun it leaves me smiling without fail :33 i love love love !!! seeing your energy and interactions on my dash and in notifs!!! aaa im so glad i got to meet u n talk to u this year!!! take care n i hope we talk more this next year ehe!!! <33
@alexisomnias LEXIIII !!! another person i absolutely love seeing on dash!!!!! admittedly, i havent interacted much this year but nonetheless i do always !!! remember u n thinking of u makes me smile without fail <33 ur so so so sweet and fun whenever we talk and it makes me vv happy <333 and istg u n kaveh are SO adorable omfg i ship you two SOO much its insane djdhs :333 take care lexi!!! <3
@mlkbwunnies oh my god yinggie!!!! again, ive often said this to u but youre are genuinely SUCH a wonderful person!!!! you give off such a comforting vibe that i always feel vv relaxed n happy when i talk to you <33 interacting with u n seeing u on dash makes my day hehe ♡ youre so so very caring and kind and loving and i still cant believe i get to be moots with someone as amazing as you!! take care of yourself!! you and alhaitham are so cute too ohmygoshh :33
@damyoujackson ok so you. tbh i have NO idea when youll be seeing this. may be a month or year later when im out of the schl or maybe today (in which case im running away bye.) BUT. thank u sm for being my friend. like genuinely fgfdffg omg i swear youve been one of my absolute best friends so like. tysm for listening to me yap and yk, putting up with my weirdness haha i cant even express how glad i am to have met you jajsdj !! hopefully we still stay in touch aaajshs (also if u see this before ive left then NO we dont talk about this.) take care bro n dont be a stranger :333
@punkisntdeadandneitherami orion!!!!!! thank u so much for interacting with me!!! (i wouldve honestly not reached out cuz social anxiety lmao) BUT!!! i loveeee talking to u and seeing u in my notifs!!!! youre such a chill and cool person djsjjshs youre one of the first people who come to my mind when i think of my moots or of tagging ppl !!! thanks for being moots with me shshs :33
@fishii28 youre such a wonderfully sweet person fishii !!!!!! its always been SUCH a delight to talk to u mwehehehe :33 and omg yukifishi >>>>>> hopefully we talk more this next year, please take care dear because you deserve nothing but the absolute best in the world, and im so so happy and proud of you for still being here despite everything!!!!! thank u so sooooo much for interacting with me <33333
@blackcherriestxox styx!!!! we only started talking recently but you are SUCH an incredibly fun person to talk to!!!! youre so silly hehe /pos/lh n i love ur vibes!!! +your aesthetic >>>>> thanks for listening to my rambles XD and and lmk if u read bllk hehehe anw im so so very glad i started talking to u!!! heres to getting to know e/o better this next year :33
@fyodorsushankaaa oliviaaaa <333 thank u so so much for filling up my notifs hehe it makes me feel sooo seen <333 but at the same time please don't burn/stress yourself out!! i loooveee talking to u :333 and oof ykw im gonna fix a day to spam u in return too mwahaha :333 hopefully we talk more next year ^-^ anw thank u sm for being mutuals with me!!! <33
@hoicacti cacti my dearest!!!!!!/p ilysmmm omg somehow ur always there for me for me when i need it even if u urself might not know it shdhdbshsj thank u smm for your kind words, asks and messages!!!! i often think of you and how sweet u are!!! interacting with u is SUCH a pleasure omg and i appreciate you so so soooo much its insane !!!! sjsj take care!!! <333
@still-fatemeh @s0lace-1n-s0l1tude @magicalgear @raskoln1kovsaxe +
@softmeetscreatureplz @siimplyapril you guys, thank you SO much for tagging me in stuff and interacting with me !!!!!!! makes me feel so happy even if i might not always do the tag games <333 (i have all the picrew ones saved in my drafts lmao i promise ill do them-) anw thanks for always remembering me and tagging me <3333 hopefully we interact more next year too <3333 (had to seperate the first tags from the last bc cant tag more than five in a row :( )
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alright i think the tags r over for now... im sorry if ive forgotten any of my close moots :((( but to those mutuals who havent been tagged, if u see this please dont think ive forgotten u!!! i absolutely do remember u n love u its just we havent interacted one on one much soo i was nervous to tag yall ahaha...
anw thats it i think! to every single person reading this, happy new year!!! lets hope that this is our year lmao- everyone please take care of yourselves!!! i love u all smm <333
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arvensimp · 18 days ago
I LOVE the Leon sneaking around with reader/oc thing you wrote - the Leon theme that's goin on in general is great tbh - but I'm personally more of a Raihan gal, y'know? 🥰 don't know if he's for anyone here but I personally like the completely separate concept of an "older brother's best friend" sorta scenario where the reader/oc is another sibling to Leon (being 18+ of course) and is sneaking around with Raihan.. 😊
Okay so I'm low-key loving this. Let me see how this sounds?
Honey, you've got a big storm comin'
Raihan x fem!reader who is Leon's and Hop's sister. warning for some slightly adult behaviors, but no full on sex
Your whole childhood basically revolved around Pokemon. Now, don't misunderstand, you like pokemon well enough! There are tons of cute little kinds, and they're fun! You've got one that you keep around because it's sweet and easy enough to care for.
But between a celebrity champion older brother and a massive pokemon-fan-turned-pokemon-grad-student younger brother, you kind of dealt with enough of the whole "Pokemon Trainer" life. You watched Leon march off (initially in the wrong direction) to become a trainer, then heard all about the hardships of basically camping in the wilderness while he trained for some matches, and Hop ate it up ravenously. But you? You don't really care for The Great Outdoors and all of its associated dangers. Like, people talk about the wild area and how cool it is to be out and about there, but??? People have died there. Yeah, it's dirty, and the weather can change at the drop of a coin, but also??? For real, there are dangerous pokemon out there who can very easily kill someone.
So yeah, like the middle child you very much are, you deviated from your brothers and their obsession with Pokemon training. You're happy living in a proper city in a proper flat with a proper job, not exposing yourself to the elements.
Still, you do care about your boys, so you help them out in your own small way. See, you went to school to become a meteorologist, and you work as the weather reporter on a small, local channel in Hammerlocke. You're able to live a comfortable life in a nice city, not particularly well known as a local celebrity or anything, and you can let your brothers know if there are any bizarre weather phenomena on the horizon while they're out being stupid in the wild area.
It's also kind of nice that you're not super recognizable. Folks don't recognize you in public as a sibling to the champion. You basically go unnoticed, like the middle child that you are. It's not like Lee hides you away or something, but you don't bother going to the majority of his big public events, unlike Hop, who will happily follow your eldest sibling to the ends of the earth, so you've never been "debuted" to the world the way that Hop was when he did that whole Gym Challenge thing.
Still, Lee always invites you anyway. It just so happens that this latest event of his is in Hammerlocke, so you figure you might as well attend. Hop had to study for exams, and you're not busy with anything else. Truth be told, it might do you some good to socialize a bit more. You'd been spending an awful lot of time cooped up in your flat lately.
This brings you to your current situation, chilling at the buffet of some Rose Sponsored Event in Hammerlocke Stadium's lavish upper floors. Floor to ceiling, wall to wall windows overlook the greenery of the pitch below, so you figure this must be some kind of box space for major movers and shakers within the pokemon league for when they do their matches below. You'd never bothered visiting the stadium before today, despite living in Hammerlocke for a few years, so it's kind of neat to see. You can cross it off your bucket list or whatever.
Lee is off chatting it up with whatever bigwigs are trying to get him to wear their logo, so you haven't had the chance to grab his ear and say hello just yet. Instead you're eyeing some curry puffs and mini quiches, trying to decide how much would be polite to load up on your plate, when you hear someone's voice.
"Aaaaand that's our GBC 12 Hammerlocke News today. Up next, the weather." The phrase makes your ears perk. It's the one the news anchor speaks every day just before your segment on air. Internally, you cringe. Someone must've recognized you. You plaster on your Broadcast Smile and look to the source.
"Haha," The laugh is as stiff and uncomfortable as you feel. "Sounds like I've been spotted..."
The man who drew your attention is surprisingly tall, giving you a grin with teeth so sharp that on anyone else they'd seem almost predatory, but with his relaxed posture and overall chill demeanor, you're not getting any vibes of ill intent. Maybe (probably) cockiness? But nothing bad. The discomfort you'd felt at being recognized melts away like ice in a heat wave, replaced with a warm thrum of nervous excitement. He's very handsome, and you certainly don't mind attention from someone like him. In his hand is a rotom phone. He gestures with it as he speaks.
"Well, yeah. Gotta keep up with current events; especially gotta keep up with the weather. Can't control what you don't know, am I right?"
No, that didn't entirely make sense to you, but you smile politely and nod anyway. He's definitely easy on the eyes, and getting easier the longer you look.
"So they're inviting the press to these events now, I'm guessing?" The man goes on. "Kinda surprised they'd ask the weather girl to come schmooze it up and get photos and whatnot." He gives a bark of a laugh, and his stark white teeth gleam. "Then again, I suppose it does make for a thematically pretty picture–the weather girl with the weather specialist."
Weather specialist? You think to yourself. Is that some kinda pokemon thing? Whatever.
"Actually, I'm not--"
"Here, get in, and we'll snap some shots, and I can text'em--"
The pair of you speak at once, so you stop and try again.
"Oh, so you want my--"
"Wait, you're not--"
You both laugh this time. He gestures for you to go ahead and speak first, uninterrupted. You can't help but smile, teasingly calling him out.
"I was gonna say. So you just want to get my number, so you can send over those pictures? No other reason?"
"Ahh, ya caught me." Another laugh. Gosh, his eyes are a captivating blue... "Maybe I want your number..." He doesn't sound ashamed at all. "Not every day you get to meet the cute weather girl you see on TV, right?"
"Well it's not every day a cute weather girl meets someone as impressive as you." You eye him up and down very obviously. You're not typically this brazen a flirt, but it's kinda nice to chat someone up like this once in a while.
The man picks up on your traveling gaze, and his smile widens. "Listen, they're not gonna be making any crazy toasts or announcements or anything for a minute... Wanna maybe go somewhere private til then?"
It's a very tempting offer. Your eyes scan the room til they find Lee. He's still engrossed in conversation with some older guy with a pudgy belly and facial hair even patchier than Lee's own sad attempts at a beard (you only tease him about that a little bit). It definitely seems like they'll be there a while, so why not?
"Do you know a place?"
"Heh. Cute. C'mon, I'll lead the way." You feel the warmth of his hand trail down to the small of your back as he guides you from the room. He takes you through a few winding corridors before stopping at a massive mahogany door. It's unlocked, so the pair of you slip inside. The only light you can see is from some kind of underlit dragon themed bauble on what looks like a desk. Maybe this is an office? You can't make out many details, but you also don't have much of a chance before the man pins you to the door, resting his forearm over your head.
He towers over you, even in your heels, in the most attractive way, and you're left with no choice but to tilt your head up to meet his gaze in the dim purple lighting of the room.
From there it's easy enough for him to press his lips to yours. Seems like neither of you felt the need to chit chat further. He's warm, and the clean scent of his cologne fills your senses. Kissing him comes naturally, intoxicatingly. You hum against his lips, and he pulls away just enough to start trailing kisses down your jaw. His free hand takes a hold of your jaw, tilting it to expose your neck and collarbone to him, which he happily bites with those sharp teeth of his. Nothing too hard so as to hurt, just enough to entice and make you squirm.
You thread your own hands around the back of his neck, pressing him just a bit closer to you. "Very nice..." You hum. "But come back here." You pull his face back to your mouth, so you can kiss him again. It'd be an issue if he left any hickies, purposeful or otherwise.
"Yes, ma'am," He laughs softly against your mouth. The hand he'd used to tilt your jaw shifts, just so, to cup it instead, but you gently take it, threading your fingers over his. You hold him there for a moment, savoring your kisses. It's easy between you, finding a rhythm to enjoy, so it doesn't take much more from him for you to squeeze his fingers just a bit and guide his hand down to your chest. He fondles you eagerly, honest to goodness groaning at that first squeeze. Or maybe he's groaning at the sound you made in reaction. You can feel him smile against your lips, biting them softly.
"Ohh, atta girl, give me more of that, yeah?" He whispers between kisses. His hand works its way under your top and into your bra.
You moan as he pinches your nipple between two warm, calloused fingers. You want to ask for more, maybe wriggle your way out of your top, see if he might match you in undressing, but the man's rotom phone loudly dings several times in quick succession. The groan from its owner is of an entirely different sort as he silences the device and checks his notifications. "Agh, damn. I'm sorry, but we'll have to cut this short. Looks like someone's wondering where I am up there, and I can't leave him waiting."
Very frustrating, but you get it. It's probably for the best, too. Lee's bound to find you missing eventually.
"Gotcha..." You sound more breathless than you thought you would.
The man gives your breast a teasing squeeze and a peck on the mouth before he fully pulls away from you and opens the door to the corridor behind you.
"Don't worry. We can pick back up where we stopped later, if you're up for it." He winks.
"Well, it'd be a shame to keep a girl like me waiting for very long, right?" You reply, slipping your hand into his as you make your way back to the event space together. Along the way, you double check that you haven't mussed your hair or makeup noticeably.
Your grip loosens and you pull away from one another by the time he opens the door for you. He gives a teasing bow, gesturing for you to enter before him, so you oblige. Inside, the same pudgy man who had been chatting Lee's ear off seems to be coming to the end of some kind of toast. The pair of you quickly snatch some champagne flutes to join in the "Cheers!" when he finishes.
The hum of the crowd then picks back up as conversations start anew, and your new friend departs quickly to wherever he was needed, so you head back to that buffet line, suddenly remembering those curry puffs that you didn't get to try. Lee can find you whenever, you figure.
True to form, a few minutes pass, and you hear your name being called the same way you've heard since you were a kid. Lee is politely pushing his way through groups of people to you. You offer him a mini quiche (you've eaten an embarrassing number of them already), which he takes without a second thought.
"Mm, thanks. You must've been bored to tears here." Lee says as he eats. "Sorry I haven't been able to show you 'round yet. Here, we can make the rounds together. I'll introduce you to my colleagues."
As it turns out, your big brother knows every person in the room by name. He couldn't find his way out of a paperbag, but he can learn faces and names apparently. They all blend into a massive blur for you, all the different gym leaders, their top gym trainers, and some guy wearing a pokeball costume, of all things.
"Aaah, there he is!" Lee eventually says, guiding you away from the beautiful ice gym leader and her adult son, another top trainer of the region. You've already forgotten their names. Emily? Jordy?
Lee puts on an air as he continues. "Dearest little sister, please allow me the pleasure of introducing you to the gym leader of Hammerlocke. I'm sure you've seen him on the telly or some such."
Ah, fuck.
"My very best mate."
Damn it.
"My closest rival."
Son of a bitch.
"And the second best trainer in Galar."
Blast it all to hell and back.
Your mystery guy with the big hands, stunning eyes, and beautiful teeth stands in front of you, smiling between Lee and you.
"Raihan, meet my little sister."
Raihan, for his part, barely falters for a second as he learns your identity.
"Champ." He says between too-tight-teeth. "I don't think you ever mentioned a sister. I'm hurt."
"You sure, mate?" It's an honest question. Bless Lee's dumbest of asses.
Raihan nods, and Lee laughs it off. "Ah, you know... She's got herself all hidden away in her flat. Not much into the whole league thing, so I must've...uh..." He looks down at you. "Forgotten? But only in the kindest way!" He attempts to placate you.
"I've been hidden in a flat in this town." You remind him, face flushed from embarrassment. Of course the hottest guy here (who has also already felt you up and had his tongue down your throat) is your big brother's best friend. "You'd think I'd have come up at some point."
"Well, you never wanna come to my matches anyway. Besides, you're the one who lives here. Why has it taken you so long to come down to the stadium? You could've met Raihan ages ago."
You curl in on yourself a bit. Yeah, it's probably not amazing form that you didn't even recognize the gym leader and second best trainer in the region, much less the man who's supposed to be your brother's best mate. That isn't a great look.
"Listen, I'm sure your sweet little sister here was just too busy with her job. She's a local celebrity, you know." Raihan comes to the rescue. Kinda.
"Yeah? I didn't realize that many people saw her. You knew who she was?" Lee sounds impressed.
"Well I've only been watching her as long as they've been broadcasting her!" Raihan laughs. "I just didn't know she was your sister." He looks down at you and narrows eyes slightly. It's probably imperceptible to Lee, but you're not quite sure how to read it. Is he mad that you didn't know him? That you didn't say who you were? "But like I told her earlier, what kinda weather specialist would I be if I didn't pay attention to the upcoming forecasts?"
In the back of your mind, you can feel it. There's absolutely a storm coming.
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wonwooslibrary · 1 year ago
svt as boyfriends ♡ jeonghan edition
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member: yoon jeonghan genre: fluff, bullet points, established relationship word count: 668 summary: jeonghan's boyfriend things <3 warnings: none! author's note: i totally forgot to write this oops but heeeey it's done and it's jeonghan's turn! school has been a lot so i'm sorry that I haven't been posting as much </3 I'm trying to write more in my free time so we'll see :O
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I feel like Jeonghan would be the “silent boyfriend”
Jeonghan gives the perfect college boyfriend vibes and I love that for him idk
Quality Time 
Jeonghan slays so hard at quality time
As I said, Jeonghan gives college bf vibes and it’s totally because of his love of quality time! 
When you are doing work, he’d totally agree to sit with you somewhere on campus or in a local cafe to study with you and help you memorize terms for your next exam! 
If you don’t go to school, he’d totally help you with your work projects too!!!
If you don’t have work projects either, he’d just be there for you if you are having a rough day, just as someone to lean on and to listen to you talk <3 
He’s so caring I love him
He would also definitely love to go on night walks with you when it’s late! He would totally find a spot where y’all can see the stars and take you there so you can stargaze and share some snacks 
Words of Affirmation 
Jeonghan is totally a “sweetie” or “baby” kind of guy and you cannot change my mind about it at all 
I can imagine Jeonghan coming home from a long practice or something and finding you in the living room. He’d sit next to you on the couch and lean against you and be all like, “Hi baby, how was your day?” 
(I’d actually scream pls) 
He would always say sweet things to you like “I missed you, baby” or “I love spending time with you” aaaaaa 
Jeonghan is a compliment machine so never think he would keep his thoughts to himself 
“Sweetie, I love the outfit you wore the other day! It looked perfect on you” 
Physical Touch
Jeonghan obsessed with little or light touches 
Loves holding hands when you’re waiting in line for something, or resting his hand on your knee when you’re sitting together on public transport 
And of course don’t forget about the back hugs when you’re doing something like dishes, brushing your teeth or literally just standing and texting your friend back
Head pats !!! Loves just patting your head and combing through your hair slightly
Y’all would be the couple that I strive to be a part of in my dreams 
Just imagine Jeonghan being a cuddly bf :( 
Acts of Service 
Helping you brush and do your hair!!! He definitely knows how to braid so imagine all the cool stuff he could do 
And if you have short hair, don’t fear: he’s got the butterfly clips all prepared just to be silly 
Definitely helps you with chores when you are busy or need to just take a break from existing 
Likes driving you places, even if you are a better driver and also enjoy driving 
He just likes making sure you get places safely and also don’t have to stress yourself out from how bad the traffic can be 
He also just likes letting you be in control of his radio 
Gift Giving 
He would totally go to your favorite cafe or bakery in the morning and get your favorite treat and bring it back while you’re still sleeping so when you wake up, you get something amazing from him !!!
Spoils you all the time but instead of it being jewelry or something expensive, he just gets you small trinkets 
Totally buys you pins for your bag when he goes literally anywhere 
Also loves to get you little decorations for your place: including stuffed animals, one being an extremely soft lamb that you decided to name Mareep, like the Pokemon
Now, for something like holidays and your birthday, he would get something more sentimental, like matching bracelets or something!!! 
He would want to get something for the both of you that he can still wear during practice, photoshoots and when he’s filming literally anything
Even if the audience doesn’t know what it symbolizes, he would know and that's very soft boyfriend of him <3
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eclysia · 1 year ago
polls done! show results sweep! ..idk what i expected honestly. thanks for playing! let me know if anyone wants a part 2 ^^
One of the rivals is kind of her father’s dead wife
this one is true. aelita, a rival you meet in sheridan village, is a living result of a curse from a spell committed long ago. in short, when her 'fathers' wife passed away, she reincarnated in the form of aelita. ketas mental state is very normal btw
There's a nuclear bomb that isn't entirely relevant to the plot
correct. in zone zero, there's a shell of a nuclear bomb found within the depths of the city. at the time of discovering it, it's easy to assume that it was the cause of the city being in ruins, but chapter fifteen tells a different story..
One of the villains gets broken into a AT LEAST a thousand pieces
yes. a villain was sent away on a teleportation pad and the device was broken mid-transport. this shattered his essence into thousands of pieces and scattered them throughout the region, frustrating nastasia to her wit's end. worst zygarde cell quest ever
An eyeless android wins a cook-off against a pro chef
correct! in ana's (said android)s sidequest, you enter a cook off with her. it's fully possible to win against a professional chef!
A Corsola stabs you if you waste its time
this is a silly one! the throat chop tutor in neo gearen city is a corsola with a knife. if you talk to it and then back out of learning throat chop, it lunges at you and your pokemon take some damage.
A murder-suicide was committed with a Doublade used as a weapon
this one did not happen in the game. it's a slight spin on a story beat that actually happened: a suicide committed with an aegislash.
A bird married at least three women, causing a majority of the game's plot
the wording on this one is deliberately a bit tricky, but it's correct. vitus is extremely likely to be an incarnation of yveltal, and him getting together with nymiera, anathea, and narcissa have caused quite a lot of things to happen ingame.
A character being bad at math is plot relevant
true, though in a bit of a convoluted way. melia mentions failing the axis high entrance exam due to her being terrible at math. during multiple beats of rejuvenation, we meet a little girl bearing eerie resemblances to her who is extremely good at math. because of this, it's difficult to discern just what her connection to melia is, rather than assuming that it's 100% her.
The best strategy for an unwinnable boss fight is bringing two Fletchling
correct! god it's so funny. so the 'unwinnable' boss fight is a yveltal with an extremely powerful move, decimation. very early in the game, you can pick up fletchling that have quick guard as an egg move! quick guard, as of normal/casual mode v13, blocks decimation entirely, and it's possible to run this boss out of PP and force it to struggle to death.
Partying too hard makes a gym fight much harder
yes! amber's gym has a hype meter that powers up her signature move the more the party in her club kicks off.
A science fair project almost breaks reality and awakens a demigod
true. this one's genuinely a mess to explain. if you're here, you already know the explanation (chapter 15) or have yet to play the game yourself. don't ruin the surprise so much :)
Correct answers + explanations will be reblogged some time after the poll reaches its end!
(also play this game when the next version comes out.)
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natasha-in-space · 2 years ago
✧ Masterlist ✧
Masterlist gets updated frequently, but do let me know if you can't find something <3
Tumblr limits the amount of links to a singular post, so the masterlist will be split in multiple posts!
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~ Masterlist of ongoing longfics ~
✿ A Crimson Rose (Suit!Saeran/gn!reader);
✿ Pocket Suit Saeran au (Suit!Saeran/cmc: Natasha Stakh);
✿ Here With You (VAE!Ray/gn!reader);
✿ Vampire!Suit Saeran Drabble (Suit!Saeran/cmc: Natasha Stakh);
✿ A family get-together (GE!Saeran/gn!reader);
✿ From the Ashes into the Light (VAE!Ray and VAE!Saeran/cmc: Natasha Stakh) - series;
✿ Shared Struggle (SE!Saeran/Self Insert) TW;
✿ Fried Food (Unknown/gn!reader);
✿ Saeran's favourite places to kiss his SO;
✿ Saeran having triplets;
✿ Saeran with a SO that is a business analyst;
✿ Saeran with a SO that is an athlete;
✿ Saeran's kid decides to become a hipster;
✿ Giving a gift to Ray;
✿ Unknown with an affectionate and cuddly assistant;
✿ Sweet Beginning (Ray/cmc Lila Lancelot);
✿ GE Saeran celebrating your birthday;
✿ Old Melody Sang Anew (SE!Saeran/cmc Natasha Stakh);
✿ Secluded Waltz (Ray/gn!reader);
✿ Looking at the Stars (Suit!Saeran/cmc Natasha Stakh);
✿ Safe and Sound (GE!Saeran/gn!reader) TW;
✿ Planting flowers with Ray;
✿ Saeran as fairytale and mythical creatures
✿ Fractured Heart (Unknown/cmc Natasha Stakh) - series;
✿ High Enough (Unknown/gn!reader);
✿ GE!Saeran comforting mc that's struggling with abandonment issues;
✿ Show & Tell (Unknown/gn!reader/Zen) CW
☆ Mundane Troubles (Saeyoung/gn!reader);
☆ Saeyoung comforting you after failing an exam;
☆ Saeyoung comforting you when you're sick;
☆ Stargazing with Saeyoung;
☆ Saeyoung motivating you to study;
☆ First date with Saeyoung;
☆ Playing with Saeyoung's hair;
☆ Saeyoung with a SO who's a computer programmer;
☆ Saeyoung comforting a SO who's struggling with chronic pain/chronic illness;
☆ Saeyoung celebrating you passing an exam;
☆ Having an argument with Saeyoung;
☆ Saeyoung wishing you a happy birthday as soon as it hits midnight;
☆ Play fighting with Saeyoung;
☆ Confessing to Saeyoung in school (set in canon timeline)
☆ Cruel Miracle (Saeyoung/gn!reader);
☆ Saeyoung with mc who's struggling with social anxiety;
☆ Thoughts on Saeyoung's trauma with the agency;
☆ Bringing a puppy to Saeyoung
\̅_̅/̷̚ʾ Cookies and Cupcakes (Jaehee/gn!reader);
\̅_̅/̷̚ʾ Christmas Reminiscing (Jaehee/gn!reader);
\̅_̅/̷̚ʾ Dance with Me (Jaehee/gn!reader);
\̅_̅/̷̚ʾ You and Jaehee getting a sphinx kitty who loves her a bit too much
✦ A Snowy Play Fight (Rika/gn!reader);
✦ 2022 Rika's birthday CG analysis;
✦ A Wilted Daffodil (Rika/cmc Chaewon Lee) - series;
✦ Overall personal thoughts on Rika and her complexity
๑ Vanderwood bonding with the Choi twins drabble;
๑ Vanderwood with a SO who's the opposite of them;
๑ A Playful Afternoon (Vanderwood/gn! reader)
* Yoosung with a SO that is a pet groomer;
* Yoosung with a blasian SO TW;
* Yoosung's kid turns out to be a major animal-lover;
* Yoosung and mc who has an allergy to dog/cat hair;
* Yoosung's family reaction to his eye injury;
* Discussing how Yoosung and Matsuda from Death Note would be great buddies;
* Meeting Yoosung after knowing him in high school;
* Thoughts on Yoosung going through therapy
𖤓 Jihyun going through therapy;
𖤓 New Tomorrow (Jihyun/gn!reader);
𖤓 Jihyun with a mc who's similar to him
ᗢ Jumin going through therapy;
ᗢ Jumin with a SO from Daegu;
ᗢ Jumin with a SO who's a famous idol
⟡ Zen confessing his love to you;
⟡ Zen with a disabled mc
Random headcanons that live in my head rent-free;
Cuddling headcanons for the whole mm gang;
Choi twins comforting a SO that is struggling after the death of a loved one TW;
Mystic Messenger gang as Disney Prince's;
Jumin, Jihyun and Rika with a SO that they've met before during their childhood;
RFA + Minor Trio as trainer classes in a Pokemon au;
Mystic Messenger gangs professions in a Stardew Valley au;
Zen and Jaehee comforting their child who is struggling with workaholism;
Yooseven headcanons;
RFA + V and GE!Saeran with a cheerleader SO;
Warrior Cats/Mystic Messenger au brainrot;
Picking up the entire Mystic Messenger gang headcanons;
RFA as fairytale and mythical creatures;
Jumin and Saeran soulmate au drabbles;
RFA + minor trio with a punk mc;
Engagement rings headcanons;
RFA + Saeran with mc who's studying to be a veterinary neurologist;
RFA + V and Saeran making you gingerbread cookies;
Analyzing Yoosung's and Saeran's relationship after Yoosung's good ending;
RFA + Jihyun with the child that grows up to be 'daddy's kid';
MM gang as Sailor Moon characters
Mysme-fictober 2022
Mystictober 2022
Cmc info-sheets:
✽ Natasha Stakh (Saeran's cmc);
❦ Chaewon Lee (Rika's cmc)
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professional-benaddict · 4 years ago
i’m thinking about little!peter who can’t function without a routine, so any time there’s a change to his daily routine, he gets all upset and overwhelmed 🥺 can you tell i’m projecting? and then his daddies comfort him and always help him get through it 👉👈
lOwkey highkey peter is me sksk i need a routine otherwise i get Upseti🥺🥺
Daddies Stephen and Tony, +18 Little Peter, Littles Are Known, optometriest, eye exams, anxiety, crying, comfort, fluff
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It’s the same every weekday. After daycare, Peter has a snack at home and watches TV until dinner is ready. He needs that time to relax after all the noise and excitement at daycare. Then, after dinner, when he has regained some energy, he plays until it is bedtime.
However, today Daddies say they have different plans. Peter has to get his eyes checked at the optometriest before they go home. And Peter is not happy about it.
“I’m sorry, honey, but they didn’t have any other times that fit our schedule. It’s just half an hour, and then we’ll go home. I brought you a snack that you can eat in the car.” Tony says, leading Peter by hand out of the daycare. Stephen is a step behind them with Peter’s backpack in one hand.
“But-” Peter doesn’t know who to explain it. His chest feels a bit tight, as does his throat. If he could make a guess, he is feeling afraid. But, he has had his eyes checked before. He isn’t afraid of the optometriest, only babies would be afraid. So what is it?
Peter decides not to cooperate, since he cannot articulate his distress any other way. He stiffens his knees, making it harder for Tony to pick him up and place him in the carseat. The boy even lets out a whine.
“Baby, I’m not hurting you. You’re okay.” Tony soothes, strapping the boy in. Then he hands Peter a granola bar and bag of apple slices. “Enjoy your snack, hm? You can have a juice box once you’ve eaten.”
Peter latches onto the comfort of snack time, even if he’s not having it on the sofa while watching Pokemon like always. He is still upset, but hunger is the priority now, so he snacks anxiously, chewing a bit faster than usual.
As they near the mall where the eye clinic is, Peter’s distress returns. He clutches his empty juice box in his hand.
“Up we go.” Stephen says in a sing-song voice, freeing Peter from his carseat and then swinging him down to the ground. However, the boy latches onto his Daddy’s leg instead of starting to walk by himself. “You want up?”
Peter nods. Being in Stephen’s arms brings a little comfort, but Peter is still stiff and nervous. And it only gets worse when they get to the eye clinic and wait for Peter’s appointment. When the optometriest, a pretty woman named Kelly, comes to fetch them, Peter finally breaks into tears.
Everyone in the eye clinic turns to look, and even Kelly seems a bit taken off guard by the Little’s intense crying. Daddies panic a bit at first, but they quickly gain back their composure.
“Sweetheart, it’s okay. What’s got you so upset? Talk to Daddies?” Stephen coos, bouncing Peter gently in his arms.
“Oh, Petey baby… It’s okay to be scared, we get it. Cry it out, it’s okay. Let’s go inside, yeah?” Tony suggests, looking at Kelly. “Could we have a moment?”
The woman nods right away, showing the family to the exam room where they can have some privacy. She closes the door after them, saying that they can come fetch her when Peter is ready. Stephen goes to sit down in the big eye exam chair with Peter in his lap, and Tony crouches down in front of them, rubbing Peter’s back.
Peter’s cries quiet down a bit when he realises he is alone with Daddies. But, he still cannot explain to them why he is so upset.
“Wanna go ‘ome…” That is all he can manage to say.
“I know, sweetie. But, we have to do this. It will be quick, and painless, and we’ll be here the whole time. You can sit on my lap. I’m sure Kelly doesn’t mind.”
“Who’s Kelly?” Peter asks, making both Daddies chuckle lightly.
“She’s the optometriest. She’s gonna look at your eyes.” Tony informs.
“Do you think you’re ready now?” Tony asks. Peter feels Stephen squeeze him a bit tighter. It feels good.
“Guess so…”
“Brave boy.” Tony smiles, standing up and kissing Peter’s forehead. “Then we can get takeaway on our way home. What do you say?”
“We eat on da sofa? And watch Pokemon?”
“Oh, all right then. Just this once.” Tony grins. “I’ll go get Kelly.”
Peter feels a lot better after crying. The eye exam isn’t the most fun thing ever, but Peter pulls through. Daddies are relieved to know that Peter’s eyes and eyesight are perfect, and they can wait a year before the next check up. A year feels like forever, so Peter isn’t upset. All he wants now is fries and Pokemon with his Daddies on the sofa.
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otnesse · 2 months ago
Well, for starters, Love Hina was a Romantic Comedy manga made around the same time as Pokemon, and definitely got a bit of popularity by the early 2000s to the extent that it actually was considered a gateway anime/manga for various anime fans. It was written by Ken Akamatsu (and in case the name sounds familiar, aside from being the creator of Negima, he also is currently a politician in Japan, trying to prevent dubbing of various Japanese materials due to certain... issues currently with the dubbing process. YMMV as to whether that's good or not. Let's just say I view him the same way as JK Rowling and leave it at that.). The basic premise of the manga is this: A ronin (meaning unemployed person in this case) named Keitaru Urashima is trying to get into Tokyo University so he'd meet his sweetheart that he promised to meet when he got in. He made this promise when he was five years old, BTW, as was the mystery girl. In any case, he flunked entrance exams three times before then, and eventually got kicked out by his parents because of this. So, to basically tide himself over before he tries again, he ends up working as a landlord for his aunt Haruka's inn. However, he then discovers that he's actually the only male there since it was converted to a female-only dormitory. And his first meeting with the girls... well, let's just say it didn't go over so well, resulted in him being called a pervert. Naru is the ringleader of those girls. This formed the basis of a running gag for most of the manga, in fact, where if Keitaru finds himself in a situation where he sees the girls in compromising positions, they beat him up while screaming at him for being a pervert. One time, he actually got beat up when they if anything walked in on HIM. The scene I showed you was from the third volume, or Chapter 17 of the overall manga. I actually had to ask a fan of the manga where to find that scene after I heard about it on TV Tropes. And as I pointed out earlier, it eventually turns out Naru was in fact that promised girl (and the reason we find that out late in the manga is... well, let's just say we get a surprise final boss in the form of Kanako Urashima, who is Keitaru's adopted younger sister and very into him despite that).
Bear in mind that, this scene aside, I've never read that manga either, but I do familiarize myself with it (again, that manga is the reason alongside a certain scene in Princess vs. Princess that I hate May and Dawn, and by extension, it's ultimately the reason I was driven to bring Misty back. It was mostly my mom that caused my hatred of it, namely the whole "depicting girls as loud, whiney, obnoxious, silly, spoiled, and throwing temper tantrums" description [well, that, and apparently the girls having breasts big enough to require a wheelbarrow to carry them around in], though I gained even MORE reason to hate it after learning of that running gag. The fact that I used a particularly bad scene from the manga to defend Serena from such accusations is probably a hint that I find Serena a bit more likeable than May and Dawn ultimately, even if not necessarily well-written IMO. Heck, I'm even willing to use the scene as a defense for Misty, my OTP, if needs be [I can definitely name a similar situation she and Ash were in VERY early into the series, specifically Episode 5 just before Ash tried to challenge Brock.].). I'll give you the Wikipedia article as well as the first two chapters so you can get an idea for yourself, and if you want more, I'll even post MangaDex's link to the entire collection as well (it's going to be a lengthy read, though, as it's 14 volumes, composing about 122 chapters, including the bonus pages, two-part Epilogue, and Afterword, all written in a span of three years, almost to the date in fact):
*Love Hina - MangaDex
*Love Hina - Wikipedia
And yeah, no kidding about that, especially when we've got way too many people who claim Misty's abusive when she really wasn't.
Oh yeah, and a bit of trivia for you: Keitaru Urashima's voice actor in Japan for the anime adaptation is also the same guy who voiced Brock in the main anime. The anime isn't quite as well-received as the manga, mostly because it amplifies everyone's worst traits (at least, that's what I've heard, but then again, Naru's wikipedia article indicated she if anything was NICER in the anime compared to the manga, so the jury's out regarding that).
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I'm not saying she was right to throw snowballs but she was right to be angry.
But my point is he is throwing away all her hard work over an entire journey with this sentence
Hearing that from the person you admire the most.
It would infuriate anyone
People throw her away and consider her not enough, they don't look at her side for a moment and that's why they put the blame only on her.
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closedafterdark · 4 years ago
First Love
LOOΠΔ Park Gowon x Male Reader
11538 words
categories: fluff, smut, oral, light! bdsm, holy water required
notes: @mintwithchoco​ 👀
Read on AFF
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There’s a popular saying that you find love when you least expect it.
For some, it’s about timing. What may not work out now can in the future. For others - it’s finding the courage to tell the other person how you feel. Perhaps it may also be the person was right next to you all along; just waiting patiently. Whatever the case, the roads to one another will be connected so long as both people are willing to meet halfway.
The new school year is always an exciting time. New classes. Teachers. Classmates. Getting to wear a freshly ironed uniform after having had a restless night due to excitement. A blonde haired girl walks down a heavily populated hallway. The sounds of students greeting each other after an extended summer break. Girls chattering away about the concert they went to or the latest gossip about who is dating who. Others run down the hallway as one student throws a crumpled up piece of paper and attempts to make a fadeaway, failing miserably and earning laughter from his friends nearby and especially the person recording with his phone. She walks past several classrooms with a piece of paper in hand before finally stopping in front of a row of lockers. Looking down, she finds the locker assigned to her as well as the combination to open it. Turning the metallic dial left, right and counterclockwise left once more, the locker door unlocks.
She places her notebook and several textbooks inside the locker, letting out a sigh of a relief as the weight has been removed from her backpack. Taking a sticker from the inside pocket of the notebook, she puts it on the door of the locker. The bell above the locker area suddenly rings, startling her. It was now time for homeroom class. Having barely closed her locker, she is almost blown away by a sudden gust of wind as various students run through the hall and try to find their homeroom.
“Listen up everyone, we have a new student joining us. Introduce yourself.” the homeroom teacher said, staring at you. You approached the front of the classroom with heavy steps and slumped shoulders. All eyes were on you which simultaneously caused you to close yours. Some watching intently, others having facial expressions unable to be read. Breathing deeply, you opened your eyes and addressed everyone.
“Hello, I just moved here yesterday.”
“That’s it?” the teacher asked. You nodded, not wanting to say anything else.
“Well, okay then. It seems our class is pretty full.. Do we have any open seats?” She scanned the room. Most were already taken. As her eyes reach the final two rows near the windows, she finds an opening at the very back of the room.
“Ah, you can sit there.” she said, pointing to a seat next to a girl who was the only person to not look at you. 
“Park Chaewon, raise your hand.”
You noticed a small hand being raised as the blonde girl who it belonged to refused to look you in the eye. With the teacher motioning you to your newly assigned seat, you heard the murmurs of students after each step you took. Most were girls giggling and having genuine interest in the new person in their class, while others looked like they could burn your skin from their intense stares.
“Good luck.” one student said to you as you approached the back of the classroom.
Removing your backpack and placing the straps on either side of the backrest, you looked to your right and saw the girl known as Chaewon. Your first impression of her was that she possessed an intimidating aura, seemingly not wanting to be bothered by anyone else in the classroom. Her large, round eyes remained focused at the whiteboard in front. Catching yourself staring at her for a bit too long, you were slightly concerned as she still had not blinked once. She was diligent, taking notes earnestly using a cute pink mechanical pencil with a bunny design on it. Her side profile was further enhanced by the sunlight coming from the windows next to you.
Lunchtime was something Park Chaewon looked forward to. Besides replenishing her energy and filling up her stomach, it provided relief from the awkward looks and gossip of other students. She was a loner at school by choice. Many referred to Chaewon as the blonde ice princess - mainly due to her cold expressions and staring at people eye to eye.
Today was a special day at the cafeteria: bulgogi, rice and various other side dishes. Despite having many desserts and pastries to offer most students sought out one - the coveted pillowy soft bread filled with chocolate hazelnut spread. Only offered twice a month, it is always made in limited quantities; no more than ten at a time.
Chaewon had the unfortunate misfortune of missing out on the delicious bread as something always prevented her from seizing one: whether it be a teacher in the hall stopping her to discuss how she felt about the latest test to being bumped by students running by and dropping all of her things. Just a few weeks ago, Chaewon was late to the cafeteria due to having to retake a missed exam.
But this time was different. She calculated down to the second all the events leading up to lunch. For two weeks, Chaewon made sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep, do homework in the library or immediately when she got home. She studied the material right after class ended in order to ensure it was drilled into her mind. Being an introvert and considered “antisocial” and “uncool” by the other students meant she didn’t have to worry about offending anyone’s feelings or waiting up for them. The restless tapping of her foot increased in volume and speed with each passing second in the classroom. She kept a hand clutching her stomach, hoping it would not make loud noises of hunger like it usually did at home. A slight sweat formed on her body as the teacher’s lecture about the different types of Japanese architecture fell on deaf ears.
“... and that is why the legendary Pokemon known as Ho-Oh left Ecruteak City and the Bell Tower after the Brass Tower was burned down. Make sure to do your assigned homework.”
The moment the teacher left the room, Chaewon ran out of the classroom’s back entrance. Taking a look at her wristwatch, her eyes watched the number of seconds constantly cycle through as she timed the distance between where she currently was and the cafeteria. Stepping out of the way of two students helping another gather their belongings and almost running into another student who emerged from a blind spot to the left of her, Chaewon continued running down the hall and each step of the staircase. Placing her hands on her knees, she was mere feet from the entrance to the cafeteria. Gathering the last bit of energy she could muster, she quickly walked inside.
Getting a tray, she grabbed a pair of chopsticks and a spoon. Thankfully with no one nearby, they weren’t able to hear her stomach growled in hunger. She took the metal container of rice and a large amount of bulgogi in stride. Continuing on with the radish soup and a small amount of seaweed and kimchi, it was now time for Chaewon to arrive at the final area before the cashier. With her eyes scanning all the delicious smelling baked goods, she found what she was finally looking for.
Only to find out the last one was just sold to the person in front of her. With a heavy heart, Chaewon sighed deeply and grabbed a similar looking bread filled with vanilla cream and placed it on her tray. After paying for her meal, she found a completely empty table on the corner most part of the cafeteria. Placing her tray down, she tosses the bulgogi around with her chopsticks before eating a spoonful of rice. She tried her best to not be discouraged, reassuring herself that at least there would be something to look forward to two weeks from now. As her eyes wandered and looked at other students laughing and having a good time with friends, she can’t help but feel sad at seeing the chocolate filled bread. Chaewon being deep in thought meant she wasn’t able to hear someone place their tray next to her. She looked down at her meal until her view was replaced with a still packaged bread. With her eyes widening slightly, she turned to her right and saw you extending out your arm. You nudge your hand holding the bread towards her once more, telling her to take it. Despite her hesitance, the excitement and slight amount of drool coming out of Chaewon’s mouth has reassured you that the right choice was made giving up the still warm pastry.
The two of you make eye contact and you give her a small, comforting smile. This causes her to smile back in return and gently take the bread. You and Chaewon eat in silence - with the occasional eye contact and smiles continuing to be exchanged.
You and Park Chaewon quickly became friends - a fact that neither of you knew was that you were now each other’s first friend. The two of you talking to each other earned a lot of stolen glances and whispers amongst classmates, but that too subsided over time. It became commonplace for the two of you to share meals together during school and after studying at the nearby food stands outside the front gates.
You helped bring the best out in each other: you learned the importance of being patient and to not let your emotions get the better of you. Chaewon gained self-confidence to stand up for herself and to properly voice her concerns should they arise. Both of you became well known in your classroom and the neighboring ones; mainly due to the occasional people who tried to bully or tease her soon learning why they shouldn’t mess with her - or anyone else for that matter. Chaewon gradually was able to overcome her shyness and make more friends, expanding both of your social outreach in the school.
Just as quickly as the school year began, it ended. For the most part it was largely uneventful. Except for the one older student who was able to go home early when he was chased by a swarm of angry bees which caused him to jump into the fountain in the middle of the campus courtyard. You and Chaewon continued to grow close as friends, becoming almost as inseparable as Ash and Pikachu.
Summer was a different story. You weren’t able to see Chaewon much due to a rather long family vacation that included a month overseas. While you were disappointed, Chaewon was even moreso. She didn’t tell you, but she spent the first week of summer break planning out a list of places and things to do with you.
“Hey I’m sorry Gwonnie, this came so unexpectedly. They never want to go anywhere, but I guess there’s a first time for everything. With how things are looking, I probably won’t be back until about a week before the new school year begins.” you said during a phone conversation with Chaewon.
“Oh no it’s fine…” Chaewon replied, trying and being unsuccessful with hiding the sadness in her voice. You didn’t want to disappoint her - she had spent the last few months excited about summer vacation and would ask you questions about your interests and what you would be willing to try.
“I’ll make sure to bring back some snacks and other souvenir goodies. How does that sound, best friend?”
The two of you warmed up to calling each other that - something Chaewon took very seriously. She brought up the term when you were both at a bubble tea cafe stating she never had a friend she could open up to and be herself. Until now.
“Tch, yeah okay.” she replied nonchalantly. “... and maybe some bread?”
The sounds of the opening bell and students running across the grassy football field and outside area signifies the beginning of another school year. Park Chaewon held onto the straps of her new mint green colored backpack, happily humming along to the song her headphones were currently playing. Being an upperclassman meant she finally got her own locker - something she has been looking forward to since she woke up. Removing one of the earbuds, she was able to hear what a few passing students were saying.
“Did you hear? She’s going to confess to the handsome oppa.”
“No way, are you serious? Let’s go check it out!”
Tilting her head in confusion, Chaewon shrugged her shoulders and continued walking down the long hallway. Distracted by the thought of something else, she passed by a small gathering of people without so much as a glance.
Various clusters of students watched as two people stood near the steps and between two rows of lockers. The familiar sounds of murmurs, whispers and a few students taking out their phones to record what was happening added to the anticipation. The girl shyly moved her foot back and forth as she looked down, unable to make eye contact with the person she was standing across from. With her left hand appearing to hold something behind her back, she used her right to tuck several bangs behind her ear. She was able to use that to muster up the courage and tilt her head up.
She is the epitome of a beautiful person: long luscious brown hair, bright big eyes, fair skin that almost represented the color of a block of tofu, and proportions that would make even a supermodel envious. Her nametag rested neatly above her coat’s pocket. Word spread quickly of the new junior’s beauty - with many waiting outside her classroom holding notes and various gifts. It was then known that she rejected them all kindly. At least, that’s what the rumor mill around the school said. So it comes as a surprise that she suddenly showed interest in someone, an upperclassman at that.
“I… I’ve liked you for a long time now, oppa.” she timidly said, presenting what she was holding behind her - a bouquet of red and white roses. Her cheeks blushed as she gathered up confidence and continued. “Will you go out with me?”
Her sudden confession earned cheers and applause from the audience. Several commented on how they didn’t expect her to be so bold on the first day of the school year. Some of the people who tried asking her out looked away in disappointment. But eventually all eyes were on you, awaiting your response.
Looking around - being the center of attention was something you actively tried to avoid. Your brain began processing the new information you were given and actively trying to find the best outcome to get yourself out of the current situation. You’d like to imagine that inside your mind were miniature versions of yourself working on a desk, stacks of paper on either side of your computer as you were busily typing away. Another version of yourself wearing a golf visor suddenly approaches.
“Just got an order from the boss. Dump everything that isn’t about how to reject someone!”
“Everything?” you asked yourself in confusion.
“Everything! Come on, let’s move it!”
With your visor self putting his hands on his hips, the entire department is thrown into chaos as the regular employee versions of yourself begin to run around frantically. Announcements of asking where the nearest shredder is could be heard as you held a giant stack of papers and began to run it through. Papers labeled as spice garden tips, top 5 bubble tea flavors, and what bread Park Chaewon liked were seen being destroyed.
“Come on, let’s get moving!” Visor you yelled as he approached another version of you who was standing in front of an open cabinet. “Hurry up, what do you think I’m paying you for?”
“You don’t pay me. We don’t even exist. We’re just a clever visual metaphor used to personify the abstract concept of thought.”
“One more crack like that and you’re out of here!” Visor you said as his momentary surprise turned into a frown of disappointment.
“No, please! I have three kids!” you begged.
A trashcan is then filled with a box labeled math while yet another version of you is shoveling piles of paper on the ground into an industrial furnace. You were slightly squeamish watching paper being slowly flushed down the toilet. The once well-oiled machine of your mind became a chaotic office full of flying paper and employees losing their sanity. Having the appearance of nothingness in your eyes and with your mouth slightly open, the girl brings you back to your senses.
“Well oppa, how do you feel?” she asked.
Thankfully for your mental well-being, your knight in shining armor appears in the form of a girl carrying a guitar with one strap and a chocolate-dipped peppero in another. Closing the locker door, she gathers the attention of you both.
“Wow, you’re outright flirting with him.”
Using the peppero as a pointer she continued. “You’re wearing makeup even though it’s against school rules to do so. Your eyeliner isn’t even winged properly. Your hair is dyed which is again, also against the rules. You got him a bouquet of roses without even taking into consideration if he is allergic to them or not. And finally you’re wearing mint green colored socks. I just felt like bringing that up because I hate the color mint green.”
“Son Hyejoo…” the girl said, squinting as she reads the name tag. “Aren’t you from class 2? You guys are from game development so you wouldn’t understand how to have any social or relationship skills.” she smugly replied.
Hyejoo took the peppero out of her mouth and kept her neutral, slightly intimidating look. “What does being in game development have to do with social skills? Would you even approach him if he was just a normal guy?”
The girl smiled while grimacing and ignored her, looking at you instead. “So oppa, what do you say? Will you go out with me?”
“I thought about it and I don’t think I’ll have time to date you.” you said, putting your arm around Hyejoo’s shoulder. Hyejoo cheekily smiled as she twisted her lips to the right side of her face. “I’ll be busy with Hyejoo.”
The two of you looked at each other and smiled. 
“I just look at her face and time flies.”
“Not in front of her.” Hyejoo pretends to be embarrassed and hits your shoulder slightly. You wrap your arm around her back and bring her closer to you. At this point, both of your faces are mere centimeters apart. Hyejoo becomes more bold and continues to lessen the distance until both of your noses are touching. She tilts her head and looks at the girl once more.
“What’s wrong?” she asked. “Do you want to watch us kiss?”
“Don’t mind her. Just focus on me.” you said, tucking strands of hair behind her ear. The two of you tilt your faces and are about to kiss as you hear the girl scoff and turn away. Both of you see her walking away before turning back once more and letting out another sigh of disapproval. With her leaving meant the crowd of people began to disperse - some disappointed she was rejected and many wondering who the person named Son Hyejoo is.
Once everyone was gone, Hyejoo hit your chest and pushed you away from her while you began to laugh. “Did you see that? I told you she was jealous. She only liked you because it would increase her popularity! That’s so gross.”
“Thanks for saving me though, I really appreciate it.” you said to Hyejoo, pinching her cheek. This causes her to rub the newly sensitive area before she crosses her arms.
“What are you going to do about all her fanboys coming after you?” Hyejoo asked. The thought never occurred to you that she was the most popular girl at school. Whether you accepted or rejected her confession, there was bound to be trouble headed your way. You weren’t given very long to ponder as you noticed someone walking through the now empty area.
“Park Chaewon!”
She turned her head and removed her left earbud. Chaewon was excited to finally see you after being apart the entire summer. Tossing and turning the entire night due to excitement, she began to approach you but stopped when she noticed Hyejoo standing next to you. The intimidating and chic aura she exuded could be felt as Chaewon rubbed her arms and shuddered. This was further supported by her being a few inches taller and the way the sunlight from the windows shined on her hair and created a ray of light surrounding Hyejoo.
“How’s my best friend doing? Sorry I wasn’t able to hang out with you all summer. I promise I’ll make up for it starting today.” you said, bringing her in for a hug. Chaewon is caught off guard when her face suddenly meets your chest. She discreetly inhales your scent - lavender with a hint of jasmine. Not expecting feminine aromas to be lingering on you, Chaewon grabs onto your coat and releases what you could only describe as the cutest sneeze you have ever heard. Despite Hyejoo’s facial expression looking the same, you were certain she was surprised at what just happened. You laughed and patted Chaewon on her back.
“Oh by the way, I forgot to introduce you two. Chaewon, this is Son Hyejoo. A family friend and someone who has a very big staring problem.”
“I do not.” Hyejoo said, hitting your arm. “It’s nice to meet you. Oppa’s told me all about you, unnie.”
“Unnie?” Chaewon said, looking at you.
“Did I not mention that? Yeah, Hyejoo’s younger than you by a year.” you said, fixing Chaewon’s ribbon and straightening out her jacket. Satisfied with your work, you reach into your pocket and take out a hairpin before putting it on the side of her head.
“Hyejoo and I were planning on hanging out and playing video games after school. Do you want to join us?”
“Y-Yeah, sure.” Chaewon quietly replied.
“Great! We’ll all meet at the statue outside the front gate. See you at lunch, best friend.” you said to Chaewon before putting your arm around Hyejoo’s shoulders. You raised your hand and flashed a peace sign, showing a homemade bracelet on your wrist. Chaewon looked down at a similar one of her own - the two of you having made it in art class with your initials and the date you first met. She wasn’t sure how she felt other than disappointed seeing you be close with someone else. Chaewon continued to look on as you and Hyejoo walked away; able to faintly hear you asking Hyejoo what she wanted for lunch and her nudging your ribs with her elbow as she unsuccessfully tried to remove herself from your embrace while the two of you started laughing until you were no longer audible.
The walk from school to your house was awkward to say the least. Chaewon had her head down the entire time and simply responded with a few words whenever you tried beginning a conversation. Hyejoo on the other hand stared at Chaewon’s backpack the entire time - the only reason it being a mint green color. She has been very outspoken about her strong dislike for bubble tea and mint chocolate.
Entering the passcode triggers a catchy jingle, signaling the door being unlocked. As the three of you remove your shoes, you are the first to step foot inside the apartment. You place your backpack on a chair before turning around and see Chaewon appear uneasy.
“My parents are always busy working so I have the whole place to myself. Make yourselves at home.”
Chaewon looks at Hyejoo who quickly went to the kitchen before timidly taking her first steps - Hyejoo was a curious individual; scanning the entire inside of your refrigerator with a 360-like view while Chaewon bowed and apologized for intruding, despite no one else being home. The apartment was sleek and modern due to having been recently built. Your parents liked to consider themselves in the upper middle class of the income spectrum. While their principles were built upon the motto that hard work and being humble are essential to a successful person - it’s also nice to treat yourself once in a while.
“Seriously, you guys are out of banana milk?” Hyejoo asked you as she closed the refrigerator door shut and carried a bowl of cut up watermelon to the sofa.
“How could we not be when you drink two almost everyday. You really should cut down on it.” You said, sitting next to her and stealing a piece that was pierced with her fork. Hyejoo shot you a death glare while you smirked and pretended not to acknowledge her.
“It seems like you know your way around here.” Chaewon quietly said to Hyejoo.
“She lives next door so she’s been here everyday. Like a sister I never asked for.” you replied, rolling your eyes as you were met with a punch to the shoulder by Hyejoo.
“Are we going to keep talking or are we going to finally play some games?” Hyejoo asked as she held a controller. You grabbed the remote and instantly changed the television settings, all the while looking at her.
“Prepare to be destroyed, Son Hyejoo.”
You gave Chaewon a controller of her own before powering up the gaming console. It was white in design with a gray base on the bottom. The familiar light blue elongated oval began to glow as Hyejoo went through a cabinet and found the perfect game for you all to play.
“What did you choose?” you asked.
“Mario Kart. Didn’t really feel like playing Smash or Battle Revolution.”
“Are you sure? You always lost at the last leg of the course.”
Hyejoo looked at you as if you insulted her entire family lineage. Furrowing her eyebrows, she pouted before composing herself and stuck her tongue out slightly as her expression changed.
“I will defeat you and shred your cart all the way down to its last atom.”
While the two of you were going back and forth over who was the better gamer, Chaewon remained quiet. She felt out of place - she considered you her best friend and yet it seemed you had better chemistry with someone she just met. She wasn’t sure what to do until your question shook her out of her thoughts.
“What character do you want to play, best friend?”
“A-Anything is fine.”
“You should be Toad then. I think it really suits you. What about you, Professor Watermelon?”
“I told you I hate that nickname.” Hyejoo said. “It’s almost as bad as when you call me Olivia Hye.”
“Why? I think it’s great! Did you know that Olivia is a common English name that has its origin from the 13th century meaning olive? You agree with me right, best friend?” you asked as both you and Hyejoo turned to Chaewon.
“I-I think calling her Hyejoo is fine.”
“Man, you guys are no fun. Olivia Hye would make a perfect stage name!”
“Enough. I want to play already. I choose Yoshi.” Hyejoo said.
“I choose Metal Mario. What map are we going on?”
“Coconut Mall is the best one.”
The game is getting ready to begin and all three of you are getting into position. As the timer counts down on screen, you wipe the sweat from your hands onto your pants in anticipation. Hyejoo wastes no time and takes an early lead when the announcer states you can go. She navigates the course with ease, choosing the upper elevator. You are in pursuit using several Boost Pads to gain speed. The two of you are constantly taking the lead over one another, something that frustrates Hyejoo as she bites down on the lower part of her tongue.
While Hyejoo is busy collecting coins and several more Boost Pads, Chaewon is having difficulty navigating through the course. Her character Toad is a cute humanoid mushroom with a white cap and red polka dots. Currently in 12th place, the odds of Chaewon winning seem grim. She is a full four seconds behind the two of you. The race continues on and a Hyejoo victory is all but inevitable. With the last leg of the race being in the parking lot mall, she continues her commanding lead. Seeing Chaewon not having fun, you toss your controller and take hers, startling her. You begin the ascent from last place, passing your own vehicle and all others as Chaewon looks at you before focusing her attention on the television screen. Hyejoo smirks before realizing you were helping Chaewon catch up. Fourth place became third and pretty soon it was back to where it started - you and Hyejoo neck and neck as the finish line was in sight.
“I’m sorry, oppa.” is all Hyejoo says to you before you see a bright yellow banana peel being thrown on the road. With the momentum being built up and rendering you unable to stop, you run over it, causing your cart to spin out of control and crash. Hyejoo cheers while you hang your head in disappointment. Chaewon comforts you, patting your back softly as you look to her and smile.
“You’re buying dinner.” Hyejoo teased as she stuck her tongue out at you. Glaring your eyes at her in unapproval, you raised your hands up and admitted defeat.
“You chose that map because you knew you’d win!” you protested as Hyejoo crossed her arms and smirked in satisfaction. You turned to Chaewon who was grabbing your controllers and organizing them into one neat pile.
“What do you want to eat?” you asked.
“I… actually have to get going.” Chaewon replied.
“Already? But it’s a Friday night, there’s no school tomorrow.”
“I told my mom I would be home early. Thanks for having me over. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Wait, hold up. Let me get my jacket really quick and then I’ll walk you home.”
“No, it’s fine. I can get home by myself.” Chaewon quickly said as put on her shoes and bowed to you and Hyejoo before leaving.
“O-Okay.” you softly said as the tone of the door being locked rang through the apartment. You looked to Hyejoo who was busy scrolling through her phone.
“She’ll be okay, right?” you asked.
“She’ll be fine. She’s a big girl, she can take care of herself. What do you want to eat? I’m in the mood for some grilled bbq and kimchi, yum.” Hyejoo said, her eyes remaining glued to the phone screen.
“Seriously? When aren’t you hungry? Just get me whatever you’re having.”
Still worried about Chaewon, you pondered calling her and staying on the line until she got home. Your phone then started ringing.
“Hey, are you home already? That was quick.” you cheerfully said.
“Chaewon, what’s wrong?”
“C-Can you stay on the phone with me? I think someone’s following me.”
You quickly got up, startling Hyejoo. Your face became serious as you began to process what Chaewon was saying.
“Where are you?”
“I-I don’t know. There’s a-an alley and the light looks like it’s about to die out. Please hurry oppa, I’m really scared.”
“Just use your phone’s flashlight and talk to me like you’re talking to a parent. I’ll be there soon.”
You went to your room to put on a jacket and mask as Hyejoo peeked her head from above the sofa.
“Where are you going?”
“Watch the place while I’m gone. And order some extra food while you’re at it.” you said, stumbling as you struggled to put on your shoes and leave the apartment. Once out on the sidewalk, you looked everywhere frantically about where to begin looking for Chaewon.
“What route did you take from my place?”
“Yeah mom, we go down to Jeju every year. You like seeing the waterfall and cave, remember?”
South. With a clear direction in mind, you set off to find her. The early evening as some would call it meant a busy night scene. Restaurants open until the middle of the night, bright neon fluorescent signs that are like a signal to summon rowdy patrons to gather and exchange in alcohol and grilled meats. You passed by various couples enjoying a date or a group of friends looking to unwind after a stressful work week. Unsure of where to go next, you continued questioning Chaewon.
“What do you see near you?”
“Mom, do you remember when you got me those cute stickers from the vending machine and I used to put them on everything. Or how we used to buy Cheetos from the convenience store and walk home together? I miss those days.”
You were determined to find her, even if your legs gave out. Taking a sharp left turn and a subsequent right while almost getting hit by a car who honked their horn at you, you finally found her. Looking around nearby to find the suspicious person, there wasn’t anyone else in sight as you brought Chaewon into a hug. You took off your mask, watching as the chilly night air gave form to your heavy breathing. Chaewon’s eyes began to water as she started crying into your clothes. You brought her closer to you and gently stroked the back of her head.
“Shh, it’s okay. You’re safe now.”
The two of you help calm each other down before you release her from your embrace. Chaewon looks up and sees you smile before your expression changes.
“Why did you go home by yourself? I told you I’d walk you home!” you yelled, scaring her.
“Our places aren’t that far apart. I thought it would be fine.” she said quietly.
“Next time, Hyejoo or I are going to walk you home and that’s that.” you said, crossing your arms and regaining your composure.
“Why? You spent the entire day talking to Hyejoo more than me.”
“Why? Because I care about you, that’s why!”
8:02 AM. It’s a morning unlike any other as Detective-in-training Park Chaewon takes her seat in the briefing room. Having spent three years as a beat cop, she was excited to finally get hands on experience and advance up the promotional ladder.
“Happy Tactical Village Day!” a woman said to each person in the room, high fiving them in the process. She was extremely bright and cheerful, possessing a smile that could melt away anyone’s troubles. She turned to Chaewon and raised her hand, earning a soft hi-touch in response.
“Jung Jinsol, I’m surprised to see you so excited about departmentally mandated training exercises.” Captain Jo Haseul said, simultaneously addressing the woman along with the rest of the people in the briefing room.
“It’s the most fun day of the year!” Jinsol said, beaming. “Something you wouldn’t understand because you’re not programmed to feel joy.”
“Yes… But, my software is due for an exuberance upgrade.”
Jinsol folded her lips into her mouth and covered it with her hand. Others nearby tried their best to suppress their snickers as the captain continued.
“Pick a partner and stick with them. This is a team building exercise - I don’t mind you all having fun, but be responsible. Make sure to be on your best behavior and show everyone why Blockberry Precinct is the best precinct in our area. Dismissed.”
“Want to be partners?” Jinsol said, turning to Chaewon and batting her eyes repeatedly.
“I guess…” she replied. “But I too am due for an exuberance upgrade.”
One extremely long bus ride later, the squad arrived at the site of the training exercise. Various other precincts were also in attendance as Chaewon admired the building. It was rather dated and had seen better days, but she didn’t care. She was thankful to finally be given a chance to prove herself.
“I can’t wait for this to be over.” Jinsol whined.
“What? You were going on and on about how excited you were to be here. What happened?”
“I don’t actually look forward to being here. I enjoy getting the free souvenir bags and food they serve after. The meat melts in your mouth.” Jinsol explained as a small amount of drool began to seep out of the corner of her lips.
Shaking her head, Chaewon opened a duffel bag given to her by the event organizers and began going through the checklist to make sure everything was accounted for. As she fixes her safety glasses, she hears a familiar voice.
“Park Chaewon?”
 It was a voice she knew all too well. But she didn’t want to believe it was real. Someone who was once an important part of her life. Sighing, she turned around - a slight hope that her premonition wouldn’t be true. But her instincts never failed her before, so why would they now.
“H-Hi, oppa.”
“It’s been a long time.” you cheerfully said as you awkwardly pulled her in for a hug. Chaewon raised her hands to reciprocate but stopped halfway. The two of you stayed like that for several seconds before separating.
“Hyejoo, you’re here too.” Chaewon said.
“You don’t sound excited to see me.” Hyejoo coolly replied before tilting her head sideways and also giving Chaewon a hug. This time, Chaewon really did not know what to do and repeated the same lifeless motion she did with you.
“Small world, I really didn’t expect to see you here.” you said.
“Me neither…” Chaewon said as her voice still remained at its extremely low volume.
“Happy Tactical Village Day!” Jinsol announced to you and Hyejoo, her warm and inviting smile breaking the tension.
“I’ve heard of you, Jung Jinsol right? The famous rookie who managed to talk down the Treble Clef robber by doing a duet and singing in the rain?” you said, extending out your hand to shake Jinsol’s, only to be met with her high fiving you.
“That’s me! He wanted to send a love letter to his dearly beloved by writing, err, more like carving musical notes onto his victims. I didn’t know other precincts knew about me!” She said excitedly.
“I guess you guys are competing in the tag team free for all? Good luck.” you said, focusing your attention back to Chaewon. Her eyes briefly met yours, causing her to look away. With a slight tint of red on her cheeks, she felt the temperature in the room drop slightly only to see Hyejoo pass by.
“ Son Hyejoo, wait up! I’ll see you guys out on the field!” you said, waving to Chaewon and Jinsol as you ran to catch up to your dark haired partner.
“Everyone, listen up. There are ten hostages and thirty perps. Your mission is to safely rescue the hostages while eliminating the perps. Be careful as some of them could be disguised as civilians. The training exercise ends in two hours. Begin.”
Park Chaewon points her modified paintball gun at an empty room as her specialized glasses relay create a personal heads-up display displaying all of the information needed. She scanned the room for any clues but was disappointed to find out it was simply empty.
“Clear.” she relayed through an in-ear piece.
“I’m hungry. I knew we should’ve eaten more before this. I'm hungry, don’t want to gain weight.” Jinsol whined as Chaewon slowly walked through a hallway and entered another room.
“Seriously, unnie? It hasn’t even been thirty minutes since we last ate.”
“You call three pieces of carrot and some cashews eating? I can’t believe it took you twenty minutes to eat those by the way.”
“Focus. Is there anything on your end?”
“No, room two is clear also. What do you think about getting crepes?”
“You talk about not wanting to gain weight but want to eat crepes?” Chaewon asked.
“But have you tried Nutella crepes with banana slices? They are to die for.”
“I’m not going to cook them for you, unnie.” “I wasn’t expecting you to. Especially since the last time you were in the kitchen, the precinct almost got burnt down. I mean really, who puts a cake from the bakery with the metal tin still attached and reheats it for forty minutes? We had to air out every floor and it still wasn’t enough.”
“Not to mention the Captain calling me Chaewon Ramsay.” Chaewon whined.
“I remember that.” Jinsol said, laughing loudly into Chaewon’s ear, causing her to flinch. “You want to talk about where the lamb sauce is, it surely wasn’t in the Blockberry Precinct’s now defunct microwave.”
“One last room.” Chaewon replied, focusing her attention back onto the mission. “I’ll see you there.” Navigating through the almost endless hallway, Chaewon makes a left and looks up to see sets of stairs that could almost reach the sky. With a deep breath, she begins to climb. The first ten sets provided little difficulty, but as she continued on, Chaewon felt herself growing fatigued. The sign indicating what floor she was currently on began to increase in number. She was certain she climbed 99 floors - but in actuality it was probably twenty. Dragging herself up the final ten steps, she leaned against the wall only to see another pair of shoes standing next to her. Looking up she finds Jinsol, still possessing her patented warm smile.
“H-How did you get here…” Chaewon blurted out, swallowing her own saliva as she felt her mouth be dehydrated.
“You know there was an elevator, right?”
The two women point their guns in the air, looking at each other before entering the open final room. Their glasses showed no signs of life - but as the two go deeper inside, Chaewon finds the outline of a woman on the ground. Using two fingers, she looks to Jinsol and tells her for both of them to go straight ahead. Entering another room, they find Son Hyejoo on the ground with her hands tied behind her back and a bandana around her mouth.
Chaewon quickly rushes to her and helps her up while Jinsol removes the pieces of cloth. Hyejoo looks at her before pulling her in for a tight hug. Chaewon pats her back as the two embrace each other.
“Unnie’s here. It’s okay, Hyejoo.”
“Thank goodness you’re here. One of the civilians went off script and decided they wanted to be a perp.”
“Really? That’s pretty strange. I thought most of the people labeled as civilians don’t really care what role they got.” Jinsol said.
“I guess not.” Hyejoo replied. “I was trailing them but got caught here.”
“Let’s go find them then and win this thing.” Chaewon said, standing up and extending her hand out to help Hyejoo. As she is about to take it, someone else enters the room.
“Hey Hyejoo, why did you ask that guy if you two could trade-”
A whirl of blue paint passes by Chaewon followed by a grunt as she and Jinsol turn around to see you, having been shot by your own partner. You looked down at the giant blue stain on your vest as the pain began to gather at where you were targeted. With everyone still in a state of shock, Jinsol reaches for her gun but is shot too. Chaewon’s gun is still in her hand but knows she is unable to do anything.
“I’m sorry, unnie.” Son Hyejoo said as Chaewon herself is eliminated, thus ending the training exercise. It felt eerily similar to when the three of you played Mario Kart and Hyejoo betrayed you both. The same mischievousness seems to have not been lost with time.
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After a fresh change of clothes, the four of you gathered outside the training facility. Chaewon was no longer a blonde, though a fair amount of it could still be seen through her now darker color. She wore a slightly see through black dress with various jewels that adorned it, showing the faintest amount of cleavage. It was a blend of tasteful and awe inspiring. Her grey colored contacts and bright red lipstick were the key points that stood out to you.
“You guys want to grab a drink? I know a pretty cozy spot nearby here.” you said to the group.
“I uh… just realized I can’t. I… gotta go meet my boyfriend.” Jinsol said, winking at Chaewon before bowing to you and Hyejoo. Chaewon tried preventing her from leaving but was unsuccessful at stopping her.
“What do you say? We’re one person down, but that doesn't mean we can’t catch up like old times.”
Chaewon looked at you both and smiled nervously.
The bar you brought up had seen better days. The decor was dated with wooden tables and various sized bar stools spread out. Various neon signs were burned out, with a sign that said ‘Quality Drinks Here’ having been reduced to ‘Quality Drinks Her’. Despite all this, it seemed to still have regular customers as well as a wall adorned with alcohol bottles.
“This place is such a dump, why did you choose it?” Hyejoo asked.
The reason why presented itself. An attractive woman tending the bar was always a sure fire way to get customers to come in, and you were no different. Her long light brown hair with blonde highlights ended past her stomach. Saying she was easy on the eyes was an understatement. The mole on her right cheek and near her left eye were accentuated by her winged eyeliner and pink eyeshadow. Her fair skin only helped in bringing out her beauty even more.
“Hey there.” she said, her deep voice unexpected compared to her appearance. “Haven’t seen you in awhile.”
“Work’s been keeping me busy. How are things?”
“Same old. Drunk old guys drinking away their problems and ignoring their wives calling them. Creeps trying to hit on me and ask for my number. So you know. The usual. I see you’ve brought company.” She said as she wiped down the counter and placed coasters in front of the three of you.
“Yeah. They’re old friends of mine. This is Park Chaewon.” you said, introducing her to your left. “While the creature on the right here is called Son Hyejoo.” This introduction earned you a punch to the arm from Hyejoo as the bartender laughed softly.
“You two are certainly pretty.” she said as she grabbed a few bottles from the wall to replace the ones in front of her. She then grabbed a packet of straws and placed them under her side of the bar.
“What can I get you guys tonight?”
“I’ll take a beer. Something smooth. And dark. What about you guys?”
As Chaewon pondered what to order, Hyejoo instantly knew what she wanted.
“I’ll take sex on the beach. Make it really dirty.”
“A fine choice. We don’t really get requests for that much.” the bartender said with a smile. “And for you?”
“A virgin Cuba libre…”
“I’m sorry, can you repeat that one more time? I couldn’t hear you.” she said, placing her index finger behind her ear and leaning closer.
“I wanted a virgin Cuba libre…”
“Isn’t that just a cup of cola with ice and a lemon wedge?” you asked.
“Nothing wrong with that at all.” the bartender said, scolding you. “Don’t mind him. Your drinks are coming right up.
The bartender quickly got to work, making a show of tossing bottles into the air and grabbing them successfully while pouring exact measurements into a metal container and making sure they were shaken, not stirred. She finished Hyejoo’s drink in record time, placing it on the coaster with a paper umbrella as a decoration. Reaching into the mini fridge behind her, she grabbed a dark amber colored bottle of beer and popped open the cap for you. With Chaewon’s drink, she placed a rocks glass on the coaster; using a pair of plastic tongs to put three ice cubes and adding the carbonated beverage. Slicing a lime wedge, she wiped the rim of the glass with it before squeezing several drops into the drink.
“Hope you all enjoy it.” she said before tending to other customers.
Hyejoo wafted the scent of her drink into her mouth before taking a sip. The liquid was slightly bitter, but not something she couldn’t handle. She bit on the lime wedge and puckered her lips.
“Not bad… I see why you come here. She’s cute.”
“That’s not the only reason why I come here, Hyejoo.”
“Why else would any other guy be here if there wasn’t a smoking hot bartender?”
“The quality of the drinks has improved ever since she started working.”
Hyejoo rolled her eyes as she removed the paper umbrella and continued to drink. You turned to Chaewon who swirled her drink around.
“How’s yours?” you asked.
“It’s fine.” she quietly replied.
“So, how have you been? Hyejoo and I lost contact with you after you dropped out a month before graduation.”
“I’ve been okay.. Hoping I finally get promoted to detective.” Chaewon said.
“I believe in you. You were always great at whatever you did.” you said, smiling softly at her. “And hey look at this.”
Chaewon turned her attention from her drink to you to see your wrist still adorning the bracelet the two of you made all those years ago. A sudden wave of emotions washed over her. She knew she had to excuse herself immediately.
“I… gotta go.” Chaewon said as she suddenly left the bar.
“You know she likes you, right?” Hyejoo said, getting your attention.
“What? Don’t be ridiculous.”
“I could see it in her eyes from the moment I met her. She’s liked you as more than just a friend. And you are too dense to admit the same.”
“I like Chaewon as a friend, Hyejoo.”
“Friends don’t make bracelets together with their initials and the date they met unless they’re girls or a couple. They certainly don’t drop everything and try to find someone in the middle of the night. Plus, while your actions make it seem like all your attention is on me, I know Chaewon is in your heart. The question is, are you going to stop lying to yourself and chase the one who got away?”
Your entire past with Chaewon is replayed in your mind as you think about her smile and the way she made you feel.
“I think I just figured something out. I gotta go.” you said to Hyejoo.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
“Uhh…” you looked around and approached Hyejoo slowly before kissing her forehead and exiting the bar.
“No… pay your bill! Who raised you?” she said to herself as she swirled her drink around and took another sip.
“Why didn’t you tell him how you feel?” the bartender suddenly asked as she approached Hyejoo.
“He only sees her. I missed my chance years ago.”
You stood outside the bar and found Chaewon sitting on a nearby bench. It was rather high, causing her feet to not touch the ground. She kicked the air repeatedly, unaware of your presence. You crossed your arms and admired her for a bit before sitting down.
“I’m not dating Hyejoo. I never did.”
“I didn’t say anything…” she said quietly.
“But you were thinking about it. Hyejoo’s just a close friend. Something you used to be as well.”
The two of you sat in silence and admired the night sky. Even through a busy metropolitan city, the stars were still able to be seen.
“I can’t live without you.”
Chaewon looked at you to see you still watching the stars, pointing at a few of them as you smiled.
“Without you, whether it be a month or a day, the time I spend becomes meaningless to me. This was the conclusion I came to when I saw you again at the training exercise today. I’m sure you don’t understand what I’m talking about, though…”
Chaewon continued to look at you, not saying anything. You were embarrassed at what you just said and began to look away. She however, held your face and stared into your eyes before bringing you closer to her and planting a tender kiss on the lips. You opened your eyes and saw the same smile she had when you shared the special bread with her in the cafeteria.
One quick taxi ride later, Chaewon was about to enter your apartment for the very first time. The two of you stumbled into your apartment, laughing the entire time. From an outsider point of view, they probably would’ve thought you were both drunk. And to an extent, they were right. You two were drunk off each other.
Only your coats made it onto the couch as a discarded pile of clothes traced your steps into the bedroom. She led you to your bed, with you reduced to only wearing your boxers. Chaewon looked nervous, something you picked up on right away.
“We don’t have to do this if you’re not comfortable with it.”
“N-No. I want this. I want you, oppa.”
Chaewon gave you a quick peck before sinking onto her knees in front of you. She was met with your boxers pitching a tent. Grabbing the top hem, she slowly pulled them down. Your cock throbbed once newly exposed to the cool air, almost hitting her in the face.
She looked at your cock curiously. You felt her slim fingers wrap themselves around your base into a fist. She gave a slightly firm squeeze, causing you to moan. She began with slow strokes, seemingly preparing you for what was to come. She noticed you beginning to leak, running her thumb through it and earning herself a breathless gasp from you in the process. She brought it close to her nose and sniffed it. You laughed as she continued. The juxtaposition of Chaewon’s large eyes and innocent features contrasting her sinful action was a sight to behold.
“I’ve never done this before, oppa. Is it supposed to take this long?”
“For what? For me to cum?” you asked. Chaewon nodded.
“I… actually released a load in the shower after the training exercise.” you embarrassingly admitted.
Chaewon nodded in genuine interest as she continued pumping your shaft in her small hand. You threw your head back in satisfaction as you weren’t aware you were using her fist as a sort of fleshlight. Her grip increased as she began to stroke you faster.
“M-Maybe you could put it in your mouth?” you asked, scared Chaewon would say no.
“I just… have never done it before.”
“That’s okay. I’ll help guide you. I guess you could start with licking the precum that’s leaking out.”
Chaewon did as she was told, flattening her tongue and swiping the colorless liquid from you. She repeated this several times, causing the head of your cock to be wet. You didn’t tell her, but she spit on your dick and began to spread it all over with her hand and also by puckering her lips. It surprised you that she knew how to do that for claiming to have never given a blowjob before. But then again, it wouldn’t be difficult to know given everything is one simple internet click away. Your cock was beginning to be covered in Chaewon’s saliva as she meticulously applied it all over.
“Maybe you could massage my balls too? They’re sensitive so you have to be really careful.”
With her right hand stroking and lathering you, her left fondled your balls. The stimulation from both of your hands felt amazing, it caused the baby hairs on your body to stand erect while sending electric jolts of pleasure to your spine.
Chaewon seemed to be getting the hang of things, but now was the real test. She gave the underside of your shaft one smooth continuous lick until she found her way to your tip. Wetting her own lips, she grabbed onto both of your thighs and finally took you inside your mouth. You held your breath as you felt her wrapping her lips around the tip of your cock. A moan of satisfaction was released as her soft lips began to work their magic.
While you were sure she was telling the truth about not having done it before, it seemed Chaewon had been practicing somehow as she was constantly trying to keep her teeth out of the way and hurting you.
“Fuck... princess, that feels so good…”
Chaewon began extending past your tip, adding an inch into her mouth as she hollowed her cheeks. Her soft lips felt like heaven as she slowly became a soft ball of hair taking more and more of your length. It was moot at this point to continue instructing her - Chaewon flattened her tongue again and you felt it coating the underside of your shaft, sending even more pleasure coursing through your body. You closed your eyes and savored the wonderful sounds of Chaewon slurping on your dick, thoroughly covering you in her saliva. You felt her nose reach your base a few times, with her releasing you from the warm confines of her mouth after she gagged and was unable to continue. Your cock glistened as a saliva bubble formed just below where the tip and shaft connected. Thin strands of saliva connected you and Chaewon together as she sliced through them and giggled.
“That was amazing.” you said. As much as you loved having her in between your legs, you were ready for the main event. You helped her off her knees and gently pushed her onto the bed.
It seemed the years were kind to Chaewon - she was the perfect mix of toned, while possessed a hint of curviness. Her thighs were deceptively thick; and soft to the touch as you spread them open. You began by feeling how smooth they were before planting several kisses on them. You made a trail that slowly ascended, doing so on both of them before kissing the inner creases of the apex of her thighs. She was already sensitive, her body reacting to every contact from your lips. Like you, Chaewon also began to leak out as you stuck your tongue out to consume it. The taste was like sweet nectar, something you were happy she was releasing for you.
“F-Fuck, that feels so good…”
It was the first time you heard Chaewon curse, and with what was next, you knew it was only the beginning. You parted her damp folds with your thumbs and lowered your head to begin exploring her moist cavern. Chaewon’s body bucked upwards from the pleasure as your tongue continued to excavate the sweet nectar she possessed. You gently bit on her clit, causing her to scream in arousal as her thighs wrapped themselves around your head and pushed you deeper.
Her eyes became half-lidded and consumed by desire as you continuously lapped up her juices while stimulating her folds.
“O-Oppa, keep going. Please… don’t stop!”
It was beginning to be a bit difficult to breathe, but you were happy knowing Chaewon was on the receiving end of pleasure. You traced two fingers against her inner folds before sinking them inside her. She was extremely tight - her walls immediately latching onto and squeezing you. Your thumb remained outside, rubbing her clit as you repeatedly moved your fingers in and out of her pussy. It didn’t take long for Chaewon to achieve her euphoric bliss.
“Oppa!” she screamed loudly as it finally arrived. Removing your fingers just in time, you parted your lips and stuck your tongue out as her hips frantically raised upwards while thighs squeezed your head even harder. You could feel her toes curl as Chaewon’s orgasm caused her entire body to react. Her sweet essence coated your mouth and cheeks as she drowned you in pleasure.
You tried your best to consume it all but it proved to be too much as Chaewon continuously released her lovely juices. Violent aftershocks continued on as you helped her begin to descend from her orgasmic high. You rubbed her sensitive clit and stimulated her until you could feel her thighs hold on your head begin to weaken.
“You did so well, princess.” you said, smiling. Her juices stained your lips and chin as you planted tender kisses in between her legs.
“I-I... fuck… intens- fuck…”
She was still drunk from the orgasm you gave her. You continued praising her and kissing her thighs as she gradually began to recover and return to normal. Once she does, you embrace her and place her sweat-kissed body on top of yours.
Chaewon ran her hands through your hair as your lips found their way to her nipples, gently sucking on them as she moaned out in pleasure. Your hands did not remain idle - roaming every inch of her skin until resting on her soft bottom.
“C-Can you fuck me now? Please, oppa?”
“How do you want it, princess?” you asked.
“Can… can I ride you?” she shyly asked.
“I’d love that.”
“Wait.” she said, kissing your lips as she got off you and went to her nightstand. You turned to your side and saw her rummaging inside a drawer looking for something. Most of its contents were various night creams and lip gloss, and what appeared to be a phallic-shaped device. You were about to ask if you could help when she closed it and held something behind her back.
“What is it?” you asked.
“Something for me, but also something for you.” she said, biting her lower lip seductively. She grabbed your wrists and wrapped a thin black lace material around them before tying them together. She repeated the process to your eyes. You didn’t expect this side of her, but then again, you didn’t expect to currently be in bed with her either.
“They say sensory deprivation provides an even better experience for both partners.” Chaewon said.
She rubbed her splayed lips against your length several times before reaching below herself and guiding you inside for the very first time. The two of you let out a loud sigh of relief as your tip parted her. She was warm, wet, and dangerously tight. Her body refused to let you go, sinking your cock deeper.
“Oh fuck…” she exhaled loudly as she firmly planted her hands on your chest. She raised her hips until only your tip was inside her before slamming herself back down. She did this several times to warm the both of you up. Eventually, she placed her hands on either side of your head as her lips met yours. The two of you explored each other’s mouths as your tongues danced an elegant tango. It was as if your cock explored a newer part of her pussy with each deep entrance.
Being unable to move your hands or see Chaewon heightened your other senses even more. You were able to feel how tight she was bouncing up and down on your cock. The sounds of her moans that were like music to your ears. The smell of sweat and sex releasing natural pheromones making you want this moment to never end. But as the tightness in your abdomen continued to grow, you knew it wouldn’t be possible.
She bounced herself softly up and down five more times until she felt you raise your hips to match hers. There was nothing else either of you could have done - it was inevitable. Your cock began to throb as a warning before you finally exploded inside her. You moaned in satisfaction as you released shot after shot of thick, hot semen into her waiting pussy. Chaewon’s walls clenched against your shaft, suffocating it, which only caused you to unload more.
Her lower body felt flushed as she could feel it beginning to leak out and stain her thighs. Both of you were exhausted, but fully satisfied. She gathered her remaining strength and raised her hips from yours, removing the blindfold and laced restraint on your wrists. The two of you savored the feeling of each inch being withdrawn from her slowly. As you both struggled to catch your breath, you held each other tightly as you poked her nose and kissed the top of her forehead. Chaewon traced her name on your chest and fixed your damp, out of place hair.
The plan was originally intended to be you and Chaewon taking a shower together and getting clean. Which the two of you managed to do until you didn’t. Due to the simple nature of being in the shower with a naked woman, your cock grew hard in her hand as she was cleaning you. Making sure to go to the area where the water wasn’t at, Chaewon lathered your cock in soapy suds while you used a loofah and did the same to her thighs. It seemed both of you were thinking the same thing as she turned around and faced away from you.
Grabbing onto her surprisingly wide hips, her thighs squeezed your pulsing shaft in between them. With both of you soaped up, there was minimal effort required as your cock slid through with relative ease. Your hands held onto her as you remained patient and were awarded with savoring the feeling of her heavenly soft thighs and how the top of your cock rubbed against the bottom of her pussy lips.
You kissed Chaewon’s beautiful shoulders and the back of her neck as you continued your suffocatingly slow thrusts. Her warm thighs continued to hug your cock until you erupted. Although it was much weaker and a smaller amount, it was no less pleasurable. You continued to fuck her thighs as she made sure to milk you for all you had left. Your initial two ropes of semen splattered on the glass door loudly. Gradually decreasing the already slow speed of your thrusts while riding out your orgasm, Chaewon softly rubbed her cute butt against your crotch until you stopped.
The two of you properly washed off this time before stepping out of the shower and wrapping yourselves together with one towel. You held Chaewon tightly as the two of you gave each other steamy kisses that mirrored the hot shower just now. Not even bothering to put on clothes, the two of you plopped onto the bed. With one final tender kiss, you savored being in each other’s embrace and quickly drifted off to sleep.
“... and that’s how oppa and I started off our morning.” Kim Jungeun could be heard saying.
Park Chaewon opened up her eyes, rubbing the sleep and exhaustion out of them. She blinked several times before her vision readjusted and was greeted with a disapproving frown from Jungeun.
“Seriously…” she complained. “You asked me to tell you why oppa and I were late and you fell asleep during my story.”
“I’m sorry.” Chaewon said. “Been having problems sleeping at home lately.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah… just got a lot on my mind I guess.”
“Things will get better. They always do.”
The break room door opens and you enter, greeting Chaewon and Jungeun. You give Chaewon a fist bump before approaching Jungeun who puckers her lips, asking for a kiss. You smiled and honored her request. The loud smack of your lips connecting and disconnecting causes her to smirk in satisfaction.
“I thought you hated kissing at work?” you asked.
“How could I when your lips always taste so yummy… I mean, it’s not like I l-like you or anything. Pig.” Jungeun said, quickly switching from disgustingly sweet to the tsundere, chic woman she was well known as. This earned soft claps from Chaewon, causing Jungeun to groan.
“As expected of the supreme leader.”
The three of you were beginning to discuss where to go for lunch when the break room door is opened once again.
“Oppa. Lieutenant’s looking for you. Says she has some helpful information about a case you’re working on?”
“Got it. Thanks, Hyejoo. Guess we’ll have to take a raincheck on lunch together.” you said, getting up out of your seat. You waved to Chaewon who raised her eyebrows and smiled while kissing Jungeun’s forehead, who didn’t bother to get out of her seat and instead tilted her head up towards you. You flashed them both a peace sign.
“Wait, oppa. What is this?” Jungeun asked, grabbing your wrist which was adorned with a beaded bracelet.
“Oh this?” you said, holding it up. “I found it while cleaning through my things. Hadn’t worn it in years but decided today would be a good day to start. I’ll see you guys later.”
“I’ll call you.” you mouthed to Jungeun before exiting the break room with Hyejoo. Jungeun blushed and couldn’t contain her smile as she happily sipped on her iced americano. She turned to Chaewon who lost all color on her face.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“That bracelet…”
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autoplaysdigimon · 2 years ago
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This quiz is absolutely batshit.
There’s only one that carries on from the previous one, and it’s this one, if you choose to Fight:
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It also feels like a job interview at times...
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...as well as reminding me of a mental health screening exam.
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The quiz told me I was a Bulbasaur, and also diagnosed me with ADHD.
And then there’s this:
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WHY WOULD YOU??? That’s not bravery, that’s just removing yourself from the gene pool.
It then asks if you’re a boy or a girl. (If you’re playing along at home, and you’d rather pick “neither”, then good news! It Literally Affects Nothing. It will give you a different Pokemon based on which one you picked and the result you got, the text border will be either blue or pink, and one single piece of text refers to the player with a gendered pronoun. Gender isn’t even a mechanic in this game.)
There are 13 results, all of them natures used in the main series.
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They will each give two Pokemon, one for either gender. A Female Timid result gives Mudkip, while a Male Timid would give Cyndaquil. There are sixteen Pokemon in all, six of which can only be one gender. You know, because Cyndaquil is famously masculine.
I want to also bring attention to Psyduck’s face in the results screen:
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You stop that.
You then get to pick a partner!
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You can only pick one of the traditional starters as a partner, and you can’t pick the same type as you. No Psyduck/Totodile for you. In this part I got to show off all of the options, since my result was none of those types.
Alright, let’s get going.
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incorrectlumityquotes · 4 years ago
FULL REVIEWS: “The First Day”
After Adventures in the Elements, I was all in on the lumity hype train. Granted I thought it was going to be like Little Witch Academia where they’ll do as could as they can without making it canon. I’m still afraid it’s going to be like Star vs The Forces of Evil where they make it canon in the last minute. I hope not. I’m so sick of that crap. 
There have been shows where the main couple gets together and they stay together as the story continues. Parks and Recreation, Kim Possible, Tangled the Series, etc.
But you guys didn’t come here for a rant. You came for a review. Luz starts her first day at Hexside and it didn’t go the way I thought it would. Egg on my face, huh?
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The cold open actually starts with an animation error showing Luz in her multicolored uniform. Hello? Spoilers, guys. According to The Owl House wikia they’ve fixed it in reruns, but I don’t know if that’s true.
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Turns out the fabled “placement exam” is just impressing Principal Bump.
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Forced to use all your skills and knowledge to impress one person in order to live your life’s dream? Where have I heard that before? Oh right, the WWE. Fuck the WWE.
The placement exam goes...exactly the way I thought it would.
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Principal Bump’s response is also...exactly the way I thought it would be.
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Good for you, Luz.
So Luz begins her first semester at Hexside. Amity congratulates her (more on that later) before meeting up with Willow and Gus. Several funny jokes later and Luz meets with Principal Bump to work out her schedule. Luz wants to do a little bit of everything (Red Mage style) but, thanks to the coven system, the school districts have a “Hocus Focus” policy. Everyone has to specialize in one track only. 
This actually really scared me at the time because as a viewer it would be pretty lame to have nine tracks and only have us focus on one of them. The only other thing to do would be to keep switching characters based on which track we would want to focus on for that episode, but like typing that sentence, that seems like a lot of work for something simple. 
Luckily we get a funny shot at Harry Potter before Principal Bump employs his “eenie meenie minie this one” policy. I’m starting to think someone on the crew is really likes Harry Potter and some else in the show thinks Harry Potter is really stupid.
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Okay so he’s dead. We know that, right?
Bump picks potions for Luz because get out of my office. An inspector from the Emperor’s Coven is going to show up and he hopes to impress them enough for a donation to cover the costs of the damages from the previous episodes. 
Luz tries to get into her potions class, but it’s not as exciting as the thought. And the idea of a potions coven also bothers me. Like if the coven system limits your magic does that mean people in the potions coven can’t do shit? It doesn’t take magic to mix shit together and stir. Hell we do that IRL. No magic required. 
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I choose you to die.
It’s made even worse when Willow and some moon-headed girl have a POKEMON BATTLE right outside her window. It’s made even double worse we we get a glimpse of Luz’s class schedule. 
Potions for beginners
Potions in motion
Potions (again)
Still potions
Potions 'till you die
Potions after death
Good thing I’m not writing for the show because I would have added:
Potions, don’t you get it it’s all potions
Demonics JK more potions
Potions 2: The Quickening
How about potions on my hand
 This drives Luz to try out that crystal ball she saw where she immediately gets caught by Principal Bump because magic I guess. Principal Bump becomes an odd number because he literally can’t even and ships Luz off to the detention track. That thing that educators do when a student needs extra attention but they don’t want to do the work.
The detention track seems terrible at first. The students aren’t allowed to do anything except wait until the day ends. But when the “teacher” falls asleep, one of the girls leads Luz to The Secret Room of Shortcuts. They use this secret network of magical back doors to peek into any and every class so they can learn whatever they want. Turns out Bump put them in the detention track for wanting to mix magics. 
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And there’s the part I expect to get flack for. I don’t like the detention track kids. It’s not that they’re bad. I just think they’re kinda lame and boring. Viney could be cool but the rest seem like afterthoughts. They’re not funny or interesting and they’re not on screen enough to make me care about them. They kinda bring down the episode for me. For a show that has so many creative characters I was really surprised on how not invested I was. 
They get along well enough until Willow and Gus pull off the second laziest plot device in fiction: the misunderstanding. Yup, overhearing something without the proper context and taking it personally. It always works none of the time.
Meanwhile in the B (C?) plot, Bump is trying to use Amity to impress the inspector and it works too well. The inspector is actually a Greater Basilisk, a snake-like monster that eats magic from witches. 
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That’s not a face you wanna see everyday.
Everyone tries to fight it off but it’s a snake-like monster that eats magic from witches. Luz’s magic doesn’t come from her; it comes from nature so the basilisk can’t eat that.
Luz rallies the detention track kids to fight off the Basilisk, and I got pissed because the dog’s palm reading thing did nothing and was completely useless.
Bump gets pissed at the kids for mixing magic but Luz confronts him about it. Luz does something that angers boomers and uses logic to prove her case. Bump realizes he was wrong and just lets the kids study multiple tracks and I’m thinking how does that work? If one track has a full day’s schedule how they going to do double the work? Or do they just do half the work?
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Pokemon and Sailor Moon? Someone’s 90s anime is showing.
Luz still can’t decide on a track so Bump let’s her do all of them. Which begs the question even further, how is Luz’s schedule going to look like? Big brain hurt. Just tell yourself it’s just a show; I should really just relax.
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Meanwhile in the C(?)-plot, King sneaks into the school to eat trash, leftovers, and free food. Somehow he ends up as a substitute teacher of a class proving my point that people are basically stupid and will believe anything you tell them.
FINAL SCORE: 4 - Liked it. 
I really wanted to give this episode a 3. I was just so not impressed by the detention track kids and I know that everyone else just loves them to pieces for the seven minutes maybe of screen time and the palm reading to defeat a Greater Basilisk. Whatever.
But I liked it because of the jokes, the jabs at Harry Potter and King’s C-plot was just funny enough to push it over that edge. And there’s also...you know....
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light679 · 4 years ago
Leon caring for a stressed out S/O that's a student
First and foremost, Leon is going to make sure that you have all your basic needs are taken care of when you're at your most stressed. Especially during your exam periods, he will constantly bring you things to drink, making sure you're staying hydrated, as well as cooking for you. He's not great at cooking, but he tries extra hard to make foods you like so that you can have a solid meal rather than scarfing down granola bars and quick food. Leon will also stock the fridge with your favorite beverages, whether they be iced coffee, teas, flavored water, juice, soda, etc.
Wherever you're sitting, he'll occasionally come and give you massages, rubbing your back, neck, etc. He'll kiss the top of your head while you work, trying not to distract you and just make you more comfortable.
When you've been working for awhile and look really tired/uncomfortable, he will make you take little breaks for yourself. Leon might make you a little picnic to eat outside with your Pokemon, or just have you come over to the bed for cuddles. He might also take you on little walks to get your body moving and blood flowing. He remembers reading that exercise, even a little, can help improve your focus when you're trying to study or work on a lot of things, so he often makes sure you're moving around enough and getting fresh air. If you're feeling up for it, he'll give you a lot of kisses while you cuddle to ease some of the stress and put you in a slightly better mood. His hands rubbing up and down your back while he holds you close feel so good, and he lets you just lay there, listening to his heartbeat.
While you're working, he'll usually just quietly hang out on your bed. Maybe he'll watch you lovingly for a little bit, and sometimes he'll scroll through his phone. He'll also take your Pokemon out for a walk and make sure they get fed since you have a lot on your plate. He does a really great job of taking care of both them and you.
When your stressful period is over, you bet he'll be ready to celebrate. He'll help you get a fancy new outfit and take you out on a date and to a lot of your favorite places all in one big day date. He'll have the happiest, proudest smile on his face when you do finish everything and show him your grades. No matter how you do, he'll support you no matter what and encourage you that you're trying your best.
"You're doing great love, I'm so proud of you for always doing the best you can. You're going to be a great (your future profession), I just know it!"
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3centsofbutter · 5 years ago
Things I’ve missed about the sun - Bakugo Katsuki
Bakugo katsuki x reader
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You used to be my sun, that’s what I always saw you as. 
A bright blistering star that blinded me if I ever dared to look upon you. You were dangerous to the touch but I basked in your warmth nonetheless. I missed that about you, how you were always there for me even if it wasn’t intentional.
“Oi Baka, you gonna keep starin’ at the window or are we gonna have a conversation like regular people do?”
Hatsume waved her hand in front of your face in an attempt to pull you from your thoughts. It was a humid Sunday afternoon and you had joined your friend for tea at the mall. College exams were finally over and done with so you both decided to celebrate before you were thrown back into the busy rhythm of life. 
“Since when did they have Bakugo collectables at Toyco?”
An all too familiar face stared back at you aggressively on a giant poster advertising the new line of hero collectables plastered outside the Toyco opposite the cafe. It seemed like his presence always found its way into your life no matter how far away he was. 
“Hm, Ground Zero merch, never thought it would be this quick before that bastard had his branding stuck all over the shirt’s of kids.” She lifted the straw out of her iced tea and pointed it at your face. “You’re not still hung up over that sack of trash, right?”
You sheepishly smiled and rubbed the back of your neck, a light blush dancing on the apples of your cheeks. It had been a while since you had talked to the hot-headed blonde but your high school crush on him had persisted. You were in the support class F and frequently interacted with hero studies class A for support items and general classes which coincidentally made you form an odd friendship with Bakugo. You were both really close at one point but fell off once the school year had ended. You really missed him even though he was just a phone call away, you could never bring yourself to make an excuse to call. 
“Well, it’s really hard when his face is every third news story on TV!”
Hatsume threw her head back and laughed. 
Bakugo was strange, obviously, and was infamous amongst the school for having the worst temper and the many incidents Class A somehow found themselves in, and by default, you found yourself in the midst of the chaos. 
“Bakugo! You know my workbench is not a bed, right?”
It was after Bakugo’s kidnapping fiasco that you found him lying on your workbench in the shared support facility. It was 5:30 in the morning and he knew that only you’d be there. 
“I want you to upgrade my gear, all of it.”
His voice was soft, almost a whisper, a rarity you had never heard from him before. You decided to entertain him. 
“Gotta be more specific, Sir.” You picked up his gauntlets and ran your fingers over the minor scuffs and scratches on its surface. “You can’t level up your gear like you evolve pokemon, tell me what you want done.”
His voice was still quiet. “I just want it to be better, got anything for that?”
You placed the gauntlet down on the table next to him and pulled out a wheely chair from underneath the table. 
“Is everything alright Blasty? Things have been rough for you recently but it’s not your fault, y’know?”
He sighed and raised his arms towards the overhead lamp and stared at the scars and burns that decorated his forearms. You had never paid much attention to them before but now in the light, it almost seemed like a work of art, you remembered that Hatsume once said that each uneven patch of skin and scar that marked a hero’s body was like a war trophy, a symbol of their resilience and hardships that they faced to get where they were today. 
“I hate these scars,” He said, as he dropped his arms back onto the table. “Those bastard villains gave me 6 more to hate.”
You carefully took one of his arms and held it in your hands. His silence was enough for you to know that he didn’t mind the invasion of personal space. You lightly traced the scars with your fingertips in silence, some had faded but some were more prominent than others. 
“Your hands are rough, you know that?”
You chuckled and lifted one hand into the light, fully showing the callouses that marked them. 
“You gotta have this many when you’re working with metal all the time.”
He grunted in agreement, not saying a thing more. 
“I like your scars y’know.” You placed his arm back on the table. “They show how hard you worked to get here.”
Your eyes met for a second in which it felt like an eternity. He was the one to break it. 
You both sat in silence as you watched the sunrise from the UA windows, relishing in each other’s company. It was such a simple interaction that was forever ingrained into your memory and probably the first time you ever fully realised your feelings for the boy. 
“Maa how long has it been, 5 years you’ve liked him?” Hatsume teased as she stole a forceful of your cake. “Maybe you should call him, would be a lot better than daydreaming about him all the time.” 
You furiously shook your head. “He’s probably busy doing hero stuff y’know, he doesn’t have time for a lowlife like me.”
You pointed to the poster that almost felt as if it was constantly eavesdropping on your conversation. “He’s got bigger things to worry about, Hatsume.”
She sighed and propped her chin on her hand. 
“Mmm, maybe if you didn’t leave so early at the reunion night last month then maybe you wouldn’t be in this position.”
“You know how I am with parties! If it’s past 10 I gotta go home, not all of us are night owls like you!”
It was honestly a terrible night. There were over 30 people crammed into Yaoyorozu’s penthouse apartment and there was too much going on to have any meaningful interactions with anyone. Sure it was nice to see everyone again but it was more like small clusters of people in their own conversations and you didn’t really seem to fit in anywhere. You had talked to Bakugo that night, but only briefly before he was dragged off by Kirishima to greet some other people. You had learnt that he was currently stationed in Kyoto in a partner agency with Kirishima. 
You sighed and stared at the empty plate in front of you. Hatsume had taken the liberty to finish off the rest of your blueberry yoghurt slice while you were lost in your thoughts. 
“Why don’t you make some support gear for him?” She asked. “He always liked the stuff you made anyways.”
You drummed your fingers on the table, you guessed that was true. 
“He probably has some big shot designers working for him right now, he wouldn’t want anything a college student is making.”
“Maa, you’re so annoying you know that?”
You simply laughed at her, even you could acknowledge you were a piece of work. 
“Mum, Mum! Look it’s the real Ground Zero!”
You looked outside the window once again to see a child pointing excitedly at that stupid poster. Every time you looked at it, it seemed to infuriate you even more. 
“Can you please sign my lunchbox, Mr Hero? Pretty please!”
You did a double-take at the Toyco and noticed a very familiar blonde headed boy, albeit his hair a little shorter since the last time you saw him. He was dressed casually in a pair of shorts and a graphic tee, different from how you usually saw him on the news. You watched him as he bent down and signed the kid’s red lunchbox and ruffled his hair with an encouraging smile. It looked like the public relations training worked wonders on him. 
He noticed your staring from the across the mall and you quickly turned away. Hatsume was nowhere in sight and a napkin with the words ‘GOOD LUCK!’ messily scrawled onto it was there in her place. You began to panic as you felt the heat rising to your face. 
The bell on the cafe door tinkled. 
“Is that you?”
You sheepishly looked up at him. 
“I thought you were in Kyoto, Bakugo. What brings you here?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, “I missed home so I thought about setting up an agency around here. I guess I’ll be around a whole lot more now.”
His face was a slight tinge pink and the awkwardness hung in the air like a thick blanket. 
Hatsume hadn’t bullied you about this for all those years for you to let him slip away from you again. Maybe it was time for you to pull up your bootstraps and act upon your feelings for once. 
“Are you free tonight?”
That caught him by surprise. “I guess I am.”
“Wanna grab a bite to eat?”
The widest smile stretched across his face. 
“Is this a date?”
Your face was heating up to an unreasonable degree. “It is if you want it to be.”
He laughed. 
“I’d be honoured.”
Your sun was back to stay. 
Master list of all my stuff
A/N Getting a bit inspirational by posting 2 in a day after leaving the site for like what, a month or so? lmao.
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imjeralee · 4 years ago
Comfort in Despair: Chapter 11 - It’s a TRAP!
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Leon x F!Reader
Disclaimer: Do not own Pokemon
Galar is rich in folklore and tales of the supernatural.
As a Pokemon Researcher who specialises in ghost types, this is a great opportunity for you to investigate and learn more about the paranormal.
Along the way, you meet Leon (in the most awkward way possible) who becomes embroiled in your adventures.
^ Basically this story is about ghosts :/
Rating: General/Teen
Extra Note: this is really my attempt in writing a big case, so shout out to the awesome @crikeygatormate, @alisakagi​ and @elisanice for their suggestions :) @marydragneell​ - here is the latest update
It's a TRAP!
[It is proposed that poltergeists are actually the emotions of troubled individuals – built up during times of stress. This theory, known as Spontaneous Recurring Psychokinesis suggests that this built-up stress then unconsciously projects outwards in the form of mental energy, which effects the physical environment and produces the phenomena attributed to poltergeists.] … …
The next day, you head to Wyndon Police Station to meet Graves.
You enter the busy establishment, glancing around. Inside, various policemen and women are seated at desks, busily serving people. You tell reception you’re here to see the Chief Inspector and they let you enter and you pass a young male officer of average height standing near the vending machine with a Grapploct, Growlithe and a Herdier in police hats and corresponding uniforms. He glances at you with a grin, chewing on a Lumiose Galette.
"Back again, kooky girl?" he says with a thick brogue, “Heard you solved the Giant’s Seat case. What kinda weird hoodoo did you do this time?”
You ignore him, heading to the Chief Inspector’s office and rap lightly on the door with your knuckles.
“Come in,” says a gruff and stern voice, and you subsequently enter the room.
Manectric sleeps in his basket near the coat stand whilst Arcanine sits in another corner, biting on a chew toy, and a disgruntled-looking Graves sits at his desk, going through some files. He swerves his eyes up to you when you step in and then returns to rifle through the papers before settling them down.
Graves' office is very bland but messy and as Chief Inspector, he is neck-deep with all sorts of cases so you are quite thankful he has made time for you this afternoon. You take the black leather seat opposite him and look at his desk, glancing at the Newton’s Cradle beside a small berry planter where all the leaves are dead and the soil is dried up. There is also a shiny gold plaque with his name and job title on it which thoroughly reminds you again of the authority he holds here.
He scans your face briefly before he says, “You okay, kid?” His mouth keeps moving as you nod in response. He must be chewing gum. “Did you bring it?”
“Yeah,” you delve a hand into your bag and lift out the Dusk ball with Froslass inside; you look at her capsule in your hands before hesitantly placing it on the desk. You are parting ways with her, and you wished you had more time to study and keep her. “...Promise me she won’t get hurt.”
Graves sighs as he takes the capsule and swivels round in his seat, dragging it over to a metal cabinet and pulling out one of the drawers in the middle, dropping it inside. “You know I can’t. There are rules for pokemon that kill, it's out of my jurisdiction.”
“Tell them it’s not her fault,” you protest and he slams the drawer shut, causing you to wince at the loud noise.
“We are not going to debate about this,” Graves grunts as he returns to his desk, the wheels rolling loudly, “You know the drill; the top’s asking for an explanation for the official report. I’m gonna say Leon got taken by a Froslass, you were in the vicinity and since you’re buddies with Leon, you and Charizard followed his trail, leading you to the den. That sound ‘bout right?”
Graves nods, picks up his pen and begins signing the forms one by one. “You are aware that you’re not going to get any credit for this, aren’t you?”
“I don’t want any credit.”
With eyebrows raised, Graves then says, “Magnolia gave me an earful the other day. And I should’ve known better too; I shouldn’t have given you that information. She doesn’t want you to work on these cases anymore and neither do I. And stop talking to that homeless guy.”
“That homeless guy is my mentor.”
“That homeless guy is an ex-convict who was charged with the murder of his wife and kid.”
“He didn’t kill anyone, a demon possessed-”
With that, Graves groans audibly with frustration, rubbing his temples, “Arceus, enough with this mumbo jumbo supernatural talk about ghosts and demons, you’re giving me a helluva headache.”
“You’re the one who let me help out with this case.”
“I know, and I bloody well regret it now. What was I thinking? Things are different, you could’ve died back there - both you and Leon, and then I’d have ten dead bodies on my hands, not eight. I’m serious. Just promise me you ain’t gonna do this anymore. Nobody asked you to and nobody expects you to. You’re just a kid. You should be doing the gym challenge or doing something young people are doing these days. Like doing makeup tutorial videos and posting them online. Anything but this.”
He interrupts you hastily. “You ain’t one of us so stop acting like one of us. Stop pretending. You ain’t some private investigator and you ain’t some homicide detective. You don’t have the shiny badge, the gun or the right qualifications. If you really wanted to, you’d do it officially, sign up and take some exams or something. You'd get paid a hell lot more too.”
“Graves, I know what I’m doing and I know what I’m getting myself into. I don’t want to join the force and I don’t need to. ”
“Don’t you get it? One day you’re gonna end up dead. The next body we find is gonna be yours and I don’t want that.”
You sit in your seat with a frown, crossing your arms, “If you believed me those years ago, you and I won’t be sitting here having this conversation.”
“Don’t talk to me like that, I’m your goddamn godfather,” Graves barks, his thick brows knitting tightly, his annoyed gaze pinned on your weary form.
“If you had just listened to me all those years ago when I came to the police station then my mum and dad-“
“Goddamnit! How many times do I have to tell you? They’re dead!” he snaps at you, slamming his fist on the table and the papers fly and his pokemon look up.
Upon realization of his harsh tone and his acute frown, he stops, his expression clearing up and dissolving into a remorseful one. Graves plops backwards in his seat with an agitated sigh, fists loosening and his face becoming flushed as he sweeps a large palm through his messy hair before he emits an exhausted groan.
“Look, kid, I…I’m sorry, I ain’t good at these things…and I-I didn’t mean…you’re a good kid, I know you mean well but…this is dangerous, you know?”
“….They’re not dead,” you say quietly before you get up from your seat and head to the door.
As Graves lets out a helpless, exasperated sigh in response, your mind is hazy, filled with unspoken rage and before you know it, you have left Wyndon Police Station.
You’re in a foul mood yet you still have a meeting with Rose in an hour. Taking deep breaths, you head to Wyndon Café to buy an extra large coffee and attempt to cool off by sitting at the fountain and drowning yourself with copious amounts of caffeine.
It’s not often you have an argument with Graves but when you do, it’s usually about the questionable existence of your family.
Your wristwatch blips, indicating that it’s almost the time of the meeting so you quickly finish the rest of your drink and head to the Rose of the Rondelands, the glamorous five-star hotel to the left of Wyndon Stadium.
“This better be worth my time,” you grunt under your breath as you tiredly scrub your face with your hand.
You wonder what this meeting would encompass when you speak to reception and are directed to the tea lounge. Leon has said something to Rose about you. Couldn’t this have been done over email? Your mood improves after you're seated down on one of the plush, cosy red settees whilst being served an array of fancy tea and scones by the well-dressed waiting staff. A pianist plays the Wyndon City theme in an eloquent and tranquil pace whilst regular customers chat over their fancy three-tiered cake trays. The ambience is disturbed as footsteps approach you and you look up.
It’s Chairman Rose and Oleana.
“Good afternoon,” says Rose, who promptly looks at you from head to toe. He’s assessing you already, masquerading whatever opinion he’s already formed in his mind about you with a light smile on his face. He holds his hand out and you stand up and firmly shake hands, “Thank you for coming.”
You have only seen Rose on TV or when he’s in his civilian disguise so seeing him in person and so close is quite the surreal experience. He's shorter than you thought. His assistant is tall and beautiful, and commands an equally empowering presence with her slender frame, complete with a disciplined quietness you haven’t seen elsewhere. In fact, she seems almost…robotic.
They seat themselves down on the couch opposite yours after the formalities are over; Oleana has a designer briefcase with her, which she nestles behind her back. A waiter arrives shortly with a tray carrying a wine glass which he settles in front of Rose on the low coffee table.
Chairman Rose thanks him, picks up the glass and the meeting starts, “Leon’s told me so much about you, I had to meet you myself. First of all, I want to thank you for everything you have done.”
“You’re welcome, sir,” you reply, as Rose takes a sip whilst Oleana sits rigidly in her seat whilst keeping her monotone gaze pinned on your form. Her lips are tightly pursed together, so tiny, that they look like red dots on her face; she resembles those porcelain dolls.
“The work that you do has come to my attention, so I’ve asked you to meet me here today. I’d like to hear more about your experiences. I’m fully aware that you study ghost type pokemon and you deal with the paranormal.”
“Yes, that’s correct,” you reply, and you proceed to tell him briefly about yourself and what you do.
Rose nods as he listens, seemingly pleased with everything you’re saying, and his smile widens, “Wonderful, that’s exactly what I wanted to hear for I have a request. I’m about to open a brand new art gallery soon. The grand unveiling was delayed as it’s come to my attention that it may be ‘haunted’. The staff complain incessantly of hearing odd noises and seeing objects moving at night…I’d like you to investigate. Ghost or not, I want to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible."
This sounds right up your alley so you nod, “Of course.”
“Thank you, you will be rewarded handsomely. Oleana will handle this initial consulting fee, your remuneration and paperwork.”
“Yes, we’ll need you to sign some papers.”
“Take all the time you need and you’re welcome to bring along any assistants as long as they sign the papers too.”
“No problem,” you reply, “I should be able to get it done in one night. When would you like me to start?”
“Today, if possible. I can’t afford to delay the deadline any further.”
Rose smiles widely and you continue to engage in small talk such as The Pokemon League, the Giant's Seat Incidence, Leon, Macro Cosmos, before Rose checks his silver, expensive wristwatch for the current time. “I have another meeting at half four so I’ll take you to the gallery right now. Unfortunately I won’t be able to show you around for long."
“That’s fine,” you say and with a plan in mind, Rose and Oleana rise from their seats, gesturing and allowing you to exit first. You’re somewhat nervous and just before you leave the hotel, Oleana fishes out a white tracksuit, cap and sunglasses from the briefcase which Rose puts on quickly.
She nods after he thanks her but remains silent as Rose treks outside in his half-civilian disguise with you beside him. Regardless, the Chairman takes you around the back of the hotel that leads to a dirty and smelly alleyway which consists of a linear path straight ahead that connects to various buildings on the same street. There are a few smokers lurking outside but they don’t pay attention to you.
“This is the quickest route. Please excuse the smell,” Rose says with a chuckle; you’re stunned a man of his calibre is happy to walk through this trashy street in his expensive shoes.
The walk to the art gallery is relatively quick; it’s a few blocks from the hotel and once you have arrived at the steel door of a building that resembles the hotel, with the same red-brick exterior, Oleana takes over, fishes for the key in the briefcase and proceeds to unlock the huge door which opens with a low creak.
A long and narrow corridor with linoleum flooring lies ahead. It's a fire exit, you realise. Your group enters and Rose abandons his disguise and sweeps his fingers through his hair. “This way.”
He leads you through the corridor that splits off to another branching corridor that leads to various staffrooms and the basement, but Rose leads you directly up the stairs and finally, pushes another set of doors and you appear at the visitor’s hall which is a large and spacious, brightly-lit room. The windows are massive and the walls stretch high above your heads. It resembles the typical museum format and layout with many long and huge posters with Pikachus and pictures of legendary Pokemon outlining the various exhibits and a giant plastic Wailord hanging from the ceiling.
“Wow, this is amazing,” you say as you gawk at the Wailored display and Rose chuckles. The art gallery is beautiful...how could it be haunted?
“Thank you,” he says, and your group make their way towards the direction of the visitor’s desk where you see a member of staff manning the desk alongside a familiar figure who glances over at your direction.
You’re stunned to see that this familiar person is none other than Leon; you were getting used to seeing him in casual wear, in a thick woolly jumper or his black sweats. Donned in the tight Champion's shirt, white leggings and the majestic cape, Leon has turned into an entirely different person...
Whilst the receptionist bows her head at Rose, the Chairman looks surprised to see the Champion. “Leon? What are you doing here?”
Leon’s honey-coloured eyes settles on you briefly and you freeze on the spot, your heart begins thumping hard all over again and you inwardly kick yourself in a vain effort to stop. Luckily, Leon quickly averts his gaze to the Chairman and smiles warmly, “Hello Chairman Rose, I just wanted to stop by and make sure everything’s okay.”
“Thank you, Leon, that’s very generous of you. Everything’s fine, your friend here has agreed to help so I’m going to quickly show her around,” Rose says jovially in response; he's scrapped the introductions since he's aware you are both well-acquainted. “Well then, let’s begin, shall we?”
You wonder if Leon’s listening because he returns to stare at you and your heartbeat soars to an astronomical rate as you sneak a peek at him from the corner of your eye and you see that he has not stopped; your cheeks grows warm as you contemplate the fact that he is staring at you continuously but Rose and Oleana appear oblivious to this tension between you and the Champion.
Rose heads over to a set of double doors with the sign ‘Right Wing’ above them. You muster the bravery to fully glance at Leon briefly and when your gazes meet, his mouth moves a fraction but ultimately, he is silent, deciding it's best not to say much in the Chairman's presence especially because this is essentially, business. You cannot help but feel Leon is different once he dons the Champion cape and uniform.
He’s distant, painfully so.
Nevertheless, you follow Rose and Oleana inside the right wing with Leon trailing behind and Rose throws open the doors and it’s then you see the true extent of the art gallery’s size and the many treasures he has gathered over the years.
“We have an insect emporium, butterfly exhibit, gems display, antiques section and modern art exhibit,” Rose says proudly, and he continues rambling, going on about the other exhibits in the left wing but as you stare at your new surroundings, your chest clenches and your breathing grows laboured.
A darkness has settled within this very building.
Hoping no-one had noticed your change in demeanour (except Leon, because suddenly he appears worried for you), you turn to Rose and ask, “This is a brand new building?”
You’re aware Leon is watching you and your nerves soar through the roof, but you try your best to focus on the task at hand.
“Yes, but it’s actually smaller compared to other galleries such as the museum in Pewter City. It's only one floor."
“Did you have any problems during construction? For example, any accidents onsite?"
"Nothing that I'm aware of."
"And did you receive any warnings beforehand about the land you were building on?”
“None whatsoever. It went swimmingly,” Rose replies and you slide your gaze to the ground, to your feet.
At least Rose was smart and didn't build anything on top of ancient burial grounds. But that means there's nothing wrong with the building itself and it's to do with something inside. What is this...feeling? There's something...
Leon observes your reaction until you look up and spot a sign in the corner that says: ‘Dedicated to Edward Rose’.
“Who’s Edward Rose?”
“Excellent question, Edward Rose was one of my ancestors,” Rose says, “He was a lover of art and an avid treasure hunter himself, so the majority of these extravagant items on display were curated by him and I've decided to release them on display to the public. He was a great man."
You lift Rotom out to do an online search on Edward Rose to see what else comes up but there is limited information available.
Rose snaps his fingers and on cue, Oleana hands you several documents from the briefcase which you unfurl properly to study them carefully. It’s a map of the art gallery and several marketing leaflets containing all the exhibits. “Sir,” she says, “Your meeting will begin in fifteen minutes.”
“Thank you, Oleana. I’m afraid I’ll have to take my leave now,” Rose says, “I look forward to the results of your investigation.”
“Leave it to me," you assure them.
Rose and Oleana exit after you exchange goodbyes, leaving yourself and Leon in the right wing. Leon, having maintained a distance from you since you had arrived, finally walks up to you and stops by your side as you let your eyes wander over the papers before you fold them back up.
“What do you think?” Leon asks.
You wish he wouldn't ask you this question because you're actually not too sure. For certain, a distinct dark and foreboding presence lingers somewhere in the art gallery but you're not entirely sure where.
"Give me a minute," is all you say, before you begin to wander through the various displays and exhibits and Leon joins your side, falling in line with you, step by step. “The guards are right. There’s something here,” you utter as you glance around and he follows where you are looking but you are moving too fast for him so he has a hard time catching up.
You are purposely attempting not to look at him and he ends up following you through the right wing and all the way to the left wing, and back.
Unfortunately, you come to one drastic conclusion: “I can't tell right now. Entities are more active at night so I will need to come back when it's dark.”
Your brief investigation is over, so you and Leon exit the art gallery and onto the large stone steps. Once you’re outside with the Champion, you see that the art gallery is stationed on a cosy-looking street of Wyndon, far from the crowds. It’s more of a suburban area that is filled with quaint cafes and souvenir shops.
Glancing behind you to the building, the art gallery is very normal; it is a large and extravagant building in plain sight. A billboard stands to the left, just before the grand staircase, outlining the unveiling date and where to sign up for RSVP.
“How are you anyway?” you ask, as you stuff Rose's papers into your bag.
“I’m fine,” he murmurs, “How are you?”
“I’m good, thanks for asking.”
You don’t think it is wise to ask him why he didn’t reply to your message which you think he is aware of, because he looks sheepish all of a sudden.
“I met Ezra at the soup kitchen,” he adds and you quirk a brow, “he wanted me to give you this. He said it needs one more spirit and that you'll understand.”
He takes out the Odd Keystone from his pockets and hands you the smooth stone.
“Do you want me to go with you?” Leon asks quietly, but you shake your head and deposit the stone in your bag then scoop Rotom out, typing a quick message.
“There’s no need, I’ll ask Jace for help,” you utter under your breath.
“Jace…?” Leon murmurs, and he throws his gaze to the side.
He sounds hurt.
“Yeah, so…I better get ready for tonight. I don’t want to take up any more of your precious time either. Bye Leon,” you say quickly, before you hop down the stairs and towards the Corviknight taxi ranks.
“Ah, right…goodbye,” he says, but you didn’t hear.
You wonder if you had unintentionally made Leon feel bad.
It’s almost night-time and much preparation is needed for the case.
Although preparation in your books, is getting as much sleep as possible before you woke up later on in the evening to get ready and head out.
Along with the leaflets, Rose has sent you an extremely confidential pdf file that contains the list of all the displays and exhibits inside the gallery so you have an electronic copy. Overall, it’s a lot to go through, so you move onto the transcripts of the hauntings taken down by the terrified staff.
It’s the usual: doors opening and closing, knocking on the walls, grunting, growling and to top it all off, moving pieces of furniture.
Sounds like poltergeist activity which isn’t unusual in your books, and you finish packing your bag with your essentials.
You go through the papers Rose wants you to sign and it’s all legal affairs. If you are injured on premises, Rose and Macro Cosmos bear no liability. If you break anything in the art gallery, you’re also fully liable. No pokemon battles are allowed. If you steal, you will be prosecuted.
After skimming through the main points, you sign them and then send a copy to Jace to sign.
You’re meeting him at Wyndon at the agreed time and you’ve briefed him on the investigation. He is eager to accompany you and when you arrive, he hastily waves you over.
He insisted on matching outfits to make a statement, so here you are both dressed from head to toe in all manners of black clothing.
“Jace, thanks for doing this. What have you brought with you?” you ask, gawping at the black rucksack that’s hanging off his shoulders. He’s also got Joltik’s capsule stuck to his belt.
“Glad you asked!” he exclaims as he loops the bag off himself and unzips it after settling it on the ground. Jace reveals that he has packed a headlight, night vision and heat vision goggles, a tripod camera, heat detecting monocular, digital voice recorder and EMF recorder.
It's basically everything you don’t need and don’t use.
“At least take the headlight,” he moans when you tell him this.
“No thanks, I’m fine with my trusty torch. But you should definitely use those," you say, gesturing to all his equipment.
"Alright..." Jace pouts and packs his bag back up; he keeps his headlight on and EMF recorder in hand.
You’re supposed to meet Rose’s delegate at the ticketing booth, so you both head up the stairs, arriving at the main entrance where you and Leon stood a few hours ago in the daylight.
A security guard can be seen sitting in the booth along with a Clefki hanging from one of the hooks on the wall. You knock on the window and he looks up from his magazine.
“Oh, are you the pokemon researcher?”
“Yep, that’s me. And this is my assistant, Jace.”
“Great,” says the security guard, “the more the merrier. Thanks for coming, I'll be your guide.”
“No problem.”
The security man leaves the booth along with Clefki before he grabs a flashlight from his pocket and switches it on. “Come with me.”
You and Jace trail after the man as he wanders to the front door with Clefki who promptly sticks one key inside and unlocks it.
The lights are switched off inside and you realise it’s worse when it’s dark, and as the man shuts the doors behind you, he beckons you to follow him once again.
“My name is Horace,” he says, “I called Ms. Oleana the other day and I didn’t think they would take me seriously, but it turns out I wasn’t the only one. The cleaners, the other security guards, they all came forth and said the same thing.”
“Which is what?” Jace asks.
“I’m pretty sure Mr Rose was warned, but there’s something evil in there,” Horace says with a slight shiver, and you’re aware that he is incredibly uncomfortable speaking about it, “He has a hell lotta old stuff and it’s all in there on display….I’m certain some of them are cursed or something so that’s where we need your help along with…uh, these guys.”
You see two young men standing at the visitor’s desk; the brunette is holding a camera whilst the blonde is tapping away on his phone.
“Rose wanted a second opinion so you’re not gonna be alone in this. He’s asked these guys for help too.”
You and Jace exchange incredulous glances before you settle your gazes on the two men.  You weren’t aware of this arrangement at all.
The blonde has a tattoo of a Machamp on his neck and the brunette has a thick beard and bandanna. Both are donned in warm coats and they’re both carrying rucksacks that rattles noisily with equipment.
“Oh, if it isn't the Witch of Wedgehurst,” says Machamp-tattoo man as he looks up and eyes you head to toe. You spot a red and black checkered shirt underneath his coat and a gold necklace around his neck.
"The what?" you say, stunned.
"You know that's what people call you, right? I know who you are, I recognise you; you're the ghost-type researcher."
"Yes, but I've never heard people calling me the Witch-"
"Oh, well, you have now," he says, and as you do a double take he adds, “I’m Tanner. This is my camera man, Cole.”
“Hi,” says the bearded one, as he balances the large and hulking, black camera on one shoulder as though it weighs nothing.
“We’re the Ghostbunkers,” Tanner says with a grin.
“Yeah, have you heard of us?” he asks, and you shake your head. His eyes bulges with disbelief. “Have you been living under a rock?”
“Okay, okay, to fill you in, we visit allegedly haunted places and debunk it, okay? Ghosts? No, it’s just a pokemon or something,” Tanner says, “Most of the time, it’s ninety-nine per cent nothing to do with ghosts at all.”
“So what about the remaining one per cent?” Jace asks, and it’s a perfectly logical question but Tanner merely laughs.
“Well, that’s not our forte.”
“Fair enough.”
Tanner’s focus averts to you. “Well, this is the first time I’ve had to collaborate with someone without being told,” he then grumbles sourly. “Cole, remind me to double Rose’s rate.”
“Got it, T.”
“Rose didn’t tell you guys that we were coming either?” you ask, brow raised and Tanner nods. Pondering to yourself, you slip in a quick and polite, “Please excuse us.”
Whilst Horace the security guard and the duo look at you with unamused looks, you and Jace hurry to a corner.
"Jace, people call me a 'witch' behind my back," you murmur. You have to admit; you're not too surprised about this. You already get called a kook, what else? “This can’t be happening. Have we been played?”
“What do you mean?” Jace whispers back.
“I thought we would be the only ones here,” you reply, “And these guys? The Ghostbunkers??? What the hell?”
“He said his name was Tanner, right? And his BFF is Cole…” Jace says, before he pulls out his phone and begins searching online. “Aha! Found them…”
You both huddle over Rotom’s tiny screen where Jace has found Tanner’s ‘Ghostbunkers’ website. It appears they are also from Galar. The brief description mentions he has ten years of extensive experience of the supernatural and hunting ghosts but he created this channel one year ago.
“Arceus, ten years. That’s more than me,” you croak out whilst Jace rolls his eyes, “and he has his own channel... he has a theme song. He even gets fanart.”
Next, you see dozens and dozens of comments from his fans, declaring their support and love for him and his work.
Your blog hardly has any views, you only have a sparse number of followers, you rarely get comments and you've never received fanart. Your face falls with gloom at this thought; your esteem has being whittled away into nothingness in an instant.
“So what?” Jace is quick to cheer you up, but you give him an exasperated look and continue to look at the information provided.
Tanner’s videos channel received fifty thousand views on average. His most popular upload is a video with one million views where he spent one entire night in Lavender Tower. The next most popular upload is a video where he traversed through the Old Chateau in Eterna Forest. He’s debunked a lot of allegedly haunted places all over the world, attributing it to ghost-type pokemon.
“You gotta be kidding…he’s a skeptic, which is the last thing we need,” you grunt under your breath. “Damn, I should’ve known. I had this weird feeling about Rose, like it was too good to be true. This isn’t surprising of him at all.”
“Now what do we do?”
“Well, we’re already here…let’s see this through.”
Jace gulps. “Okay.”
You return to the men and the security guard briefs you on the recent happenings but the dynamic duo decide to set the camera rolling and before Horace can say anything, the camera is focusing on you.
“Hey, do you mind if we collaborate?” Tanner asks.
“I don’t really collaborate…”
“Suit yourself then,” Tanner looks mildly displeased with the rejection. “Well, we’re going to be filming anyway. You don’t mind, do you?”
“Great!” Turning to Cole, he says, “Let’s begin.”
“Got it,” Cole replies, and he fixes the camera appropriately, a little red light goes on. You assume it’s recording now.
Tanner clears his throat and tidies his hair before he puts on a huge grin. “Hello fellow debunkers!! And welcome back to my channel. How are ya? Tanner here tonight, with another exciting ghost-bunking mission!” Tanner exclaims, and you can’t help but inwardly groan as you watch him. “Tonight, we’ve been invited to an art gallery that’s rumored to be haunted. As usual, it’s just me and my best friend Cole – but we actually have a few guests with us today.”
On cue, Cole swiftly navigates the camera to focus on Horace who blinks blankly at the duo. “Oh, uh…hello, hi.”
“This is Horace. Horace, do you mind telling us what you do and can you share a few words about this place and what’s been going on?”
“Yeah, so… I’m one of the security guards here. Last night…maybe around two am, I was making rounds and I heard this weird banging noise on the wall, in there-“
He points to the doors behind you, where you’re supposed to be investigating.
Horace says, “I went in and checked the whole area but nobody was there. It didn’t stop, it just grew louder and louder and it moved, like it started at the end of the hall and it came closer to me. Then a chair flew across the room. Whatever it is, it’s mean and angry."
Tanner thanks Horace for the introduction and the information, the camera still rolling.
“Well, this is where I’m supposed to leave you guys.” Horace adds, “I’m the only one on watch duty tonight but I’m going to be outside so I don’t bother your investigation. You can reach me using this walkie talkie so keep this on you at all times so you can contact me,” he proceeds to hand you and Tanner each a small and sleek black device. “I’ve kept it tuned to mine but if you’re worried, the channel is eighty-two, got it?”
“Things just got interesting, folks.” Tanner says to the camera with a wink.
“I need to keep the building locked though because we don’t wanna let anyone else in, you know, in case of burglars…some of the stuff here is worth millions...so let me know when you want to leave and I’ll unlock the doors for you.”
With that, Horace wishes you luck and excuses himself and you watch him pad towards the entrance with Clefki, watching the light of his torch gradually disappear and you and Jace and the Ghostbunkers are standing in darkness.
Cole stops recording and Tanner finally drops his smile, turns to you and says, “Are you really an exorcist?”
“I’m not an exorcist,” you reply with a shake of your head.
“What with Bob the Builder?” Tanner gestures to Jace and his getup.
“Bob the-?! What?! I’m her assistant,” Jace barks, pointing to himself.
Tanner focuses on you again. “Are you some kind of spirit medium? A clairvoyant?”
“No, I’m just a ghost-type researcher.”
“Oh good, at least we’re on the same page,” Tanner says, “It’s most likely a pokemon that’s behind this, don’t you think?”
“It’s too early to say.”
Tanner sighs audibly under his breath, “Well, the art gallery is pretty big. Cole and I can take the left wing and you and your friendo can take the right wing. That means we can get things done quicker. How does that sound?”
You nod. “That sounds alright.”
“As long as you two don’t get in our way, we’re good,” Tanner replies; despite the words, he delivers them with a rather crooked smile.
You and Jace exchange brief looks before you begin to head to the direction of the two double doors that will leads to the right wing.
Meanwhile, Cole focuses the camera on Tanner who eagerly begins speaking to the camera, outlining his steps and what equipment he has tonight with great detail and vigor whilst you and Jace stop at the doors.
“I have a bad feeling about those guys,” you whisper as you switch on your flashlight and unfurl the map.
“If this place is really haunted, I hope the ghost grabs them first,” Jace murmurs under his breath.
"Ready?" you ask.
"Ready," he confirms.
You push open the door; it swings open with a low creak and slowly swings on its hinges. You shine your torches into the dark abyss of the art gallery, your gaze sweeping over the many displays. You will be here for the remainder of the night.
"Good luck!" Tanner yells, a fraction before you step inside, "You're gonna need it."
20 notes · View notes
aye-write · 4 years ago
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Summary: Research student Isla Reid has been fascinated with the legend of the Kildonian Chessmen - a trio of mythical Pokemon rumoured to have lived centuries ago on the remote region of Kildo - for as long as she can remember. So, when a museum exhibit on the Chessmen is set to open in Kildo’s Hydrogate City, coinciding with her independent research project, she packs herself and her trusty partner Furret onto the long ferry journey bound for this new region.
However, when she arrives in Kildo, thoughts of her research, new friends, and an entire Pokedex’s worth of new Pokemon, are quickly dashed. Kildo is a troubled place, beset by natural disasters and fierce rivalries among its people. Isla suddenly finds herself at the centre of a centuries-old plot to invoke the wrath of the Chessmen, and is set on a race against time to stop them, before it spells destruction for the entire region.
Other Links: Read it on Ao3!
Tags: OC Pokemon journey, OC region, Fakemon region, bisexual main character, found family, ace main character.
If you are not interested in these posts, especially as I know Pokemon journeyfic is fairly niche, please blacklist the tag #Checkmate. Most of the story will be put under a Readmore anyway!
Author’s Note: If you’re interested in more information, exclusive updates, character art, and teasers for this fic, please consider following its sister tumblr @kildo-pokedex! 
This was another chonker chapter at 4.5k that I didn’t anticipate being this long at all! The joys of plantsing, eh? I had hoped to reveal the starters this chapter, but that’s being bumped to next update. In the meantime, please enjoy the reveal of Brootser, and the partial reveals of Weldeon, Ampster and Coastrot!
Chapter Three
Despite everything, night rolled over the Whispering Pine Croft.
After hours battling insomnia, Isla stole downstairs not long after the clock in the hallway chimed midnight. Goosepimples erupted on her skin, the air chilling her to the core. Clicking on the floor lamp, she cast her gaze around the living room. A rickety bookshelf took up most of one wall, covered in dust and trinkets. It didn’t take her long to strike gold.  
The Etymological Dictionary of Old Kildonian, 1981 Edition.
Sitting at the old coffee table, she spread out her books and copies of the Old Kildonian script until there wasn’t an inch of space left. Then she opened the dictionary and started to read. She read, moving between dictionary and text, until her eyes strained in the dim light of the lamp, and the words on the page turned into incomprehensible squiggles. Just keep going, she told herself, as she marked off another decoded word. Just keep going. Just keep going. Just keep—
Isla slammed the book shut. The noise seemed to echo forever in the quiet of the living room. The intruder snapped on the main light and Isla blinked foolishly as everything illuminated around her. It was Blair at the door, swaddled in an enormous red dressing gown and a pinched look on his face.
“What are you doing down here?” he asked, pulling his dressing gown tighter. “You’ll catch your death of cold.”
“I’m… I’m not doing anything,” Isla said, trying to collect the papers together, position her body over them, anything to hide them from sight.  
“Really? You look like a student trying to panic revise a whole subject the night before an exam,” he chuckled, plopping himself in the seat opposite. “Come on. What’s up?”
Isla sighed. What was the point in lying? “I’m just trying to make some sense of these texts.”
Blair glanced at the clock above the fireplace. “At half two in the morning?”
“I couldn’t sleep. This presentation is doing my head in.” When Blair frowned, she added, “My supervisor asked me to update them with all the “progress” I’ve mad so far. Of course, I haven’t made any yet.”
“So, you’re trying to decode all these old books with…. an out-of-date Kildonian dictionary?”
“I found it in the bookcase. I thought it might help.”
“I’m pretty sure that book is older than me. Please don’t tell me you’re taking it word-by-word.”
“More or less.”
“You’ll be there months trying to sort all that lot.”
“I don’t have any other choice,” Isla’s voice cracked. “Everyone is hounding me. I can’t let this come undone. They’ll pull approval of my project and fail me if I don’t keep jumping through all their hoops.”
“Why is the legend of the Chessmen so important to you?”
Isla hesitated. It was an innocent enough question, but the thought of answering it felt like ripping her chest open and exposing the beating heart underneath. “Well...” she started, cringing at how stupid it all sounded in her head. “When I was little, I was kinda lonely. I didn’t have siblings. Or friends, really,”
Blair made a sympathetic noise.
“No, it’s okay. I wasn’t that bothered by it,” Isla lied. “But because I didn’t have many friends, I naturally leant towards books instead. And I loved fiction, like adventure stories and that, but I felt so much more connected to things that were actually real.”
Blair nodded. “Understandable.”
“Anyway, one Christmas, I got this book. I think it was called Myths and Legends of the Pokemon World and it had all the origin stories of all the legendary Pokemon from like… every region in the world. God, I ate up every single story - how Arceus created the world, the theory that all Pokemon came from Mew in some way, how Groudon and Kyogre created the land and sea. I was absolutely hooked. Then, right at the end, there were a couple of small articles devoted to a place called Kildo.”
“Typical,” Blair muttered. “Always playing second fiddle to the big guns.”
“The book explained a little bit about the legend of the Chessmen. I was just… amazed at how these Pokemon brought humans these gifts of technology and arts and whatnot and how advanced the region was for its time. And then when I read what happened next, well… I just wanted to know why. Why did the Chessmen take away what they gave the humans?  What happened to them after they became dormant? I was obsessed. When I was younger, I had this stupid dream that I would like… Oh, it sounds so cheesy now, but… like solve the mystery of what happened all those years ago.”
“It’s not cheesy, Isla. Dreams are never cheesy.”
Isla bit the inside of her cheek. “I know that. It’s just… well, this legend has been everything to me for years. I’m not bigheaded enough now to think someone like me could ever solve it. But I’d love to find something. Even if it’s just standing in the same place these Pokemon stood once, all those years ago. But now it feels like it’s slipping away from me. I won’t be able to do anything unless I get these texts translated.”
“They’re well-known texts, right? Haven’t they already been translated?”
“The only translations that exist are locked behind online paywalls,” Isla sighed. “Not exactly within my budget. The originals were family owned. I suppose you can’t blame them for wanting them kept safe.”
“Could the university not pay for you to access them?”
“Not my department. They already think the project isn’t worth the time. They’re usually into social changes, modern day life, that sort of thing. Mythology doesn’t get a look in. Even though I changed my project a bit – focusing more on how the mythology influences modern life, with the Chessmen more of like a case study – the department still don’t want much to do with it.”
“Well, that’s their loss. Your project sounds fascinating just from what I’ve seen of it.”
“This little bit you’ve seen might end up being all it ever amounts to. With Nana Morag in the hospital, my options for translations are limited, and these old texts are all I have to help me piece together where the Chessmen might be.”
Silence unfurled around them. Isla stared down at her lap, her legs shaking and her mouth dry. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d ever talked so much about herself and she found that she couldn’t quite bring herself to look Blair in the eye.
“I think I might know someone.”
Isla pricked her head up. “Really?” she said, hope throbbing in her chest.
“I have a friend who lives in Inverbrook. It’s not a huge city, but they do have a subsect of Tideburgh University there. He’s doing a Masters in Language and mentioned being involved with an elective on Old Kildonian. I can contact him for you. He might be able to help.”
Something surged through Isla like she’d just taken a shot of adrenaline. “Oh, Blair, thank you! That’s amazing!”
“No guarantees, of course!” he said, spreading his hands hastily. “He might not know enough of it to be a proper help. But he may be able to put you in touch with some other folks who can help, if that makes sense.”
“It does. A lot of sense. Thank you again.” Isla paused. “Where is Inverbrook?”
“Pretty much directly south of here. About forty odd miles or so. Following routes 29 through 26 pretty much leads you right there. Public transport is crap, though, so you’re better walking most of it. Shouldn’t take much more than a couple of days if you’re…”
He paused. Isla knew what he wanted to say. If you’re fit. Women like her weren’t supposed to be fit. And even though the thought of days of walking filled her with equal parts apprehension and dread, she forced a look of determination onto her face.
“Don’t worry,” she said. “I can handle it.”
Isla shared the news that she would be leaving in the morning as they sat down at the kitchen table. Kenneth and Skye stayed quiet, barely reacting to the news, but Rhona’s face crumpled.
“Oh, chick, are you sure?”
“I think it’s probably for the best,” Isla said. “I don’t want to be a burden, especially with you guys having your hands full with the croft and Nana Morag being ill. Having a guest is too much on top of everything. I really do appreciate everything you’ve all done, but I think it’s best that I head towards Inverbrook and start my research properly.”
A strange expression passed over Rhona’s face, one that Isla couldn’t make sense of. For several terrifying moments, she thought she’d offended her.
“You wouldn’t be a burden on us, Isla,” Rhona eventually said, her eyes brimming. “We’d happily have you here for as long as you want. It’s been lovely having you.”
Isla felt something in her heart buckle.
“We do understand that your studies have to come first. But… you said you wanted to go to Inverbrook?”
“Yes. Blair is going to put me in touch with a friend of his there that might be able to help me with some translations.”
“It might not be as easy as you think, chick. I’ve just been watching the local news. There was flooding down south. The river that goes through Route 27, which connects Port Glen to Inverbrook, burst its banks. The whole route is submerged. No-one can go through. It’s completely impassable.”
You wouldn’t have said the entire of Port Glen had only just recently been battered by a storm, Isla thought, as she set off down towards the harbour after a filling breakfast. The morning sky pinkened gently, like a mother’s embrace, and golden threads of sun drifted through soft, watercolour clouds. A cool wind kept the worst of the heat at bay as she walked. All in all, it was a fairly pleasant experience. Well, as pleasant an experience as walking would ever be.
It was Rhona that had suggested trying the ferry. She couldn’t be sure what passenger routes they ran from Port Glen, or if they only did international and goods shipments, but it was a better option than waiting the potential weeks for the Inverbrook route to be cleared or taking the (extremely) long way around the whole region.
Breathing heavily and sweating despite the brisk ocean breeze, Isla stopped to catch her breath as she arrived at the harbour. She cast her gaze around hopefully. It was quiet. Too quiet. Not a good sign in the least.  Aside from the occasional sailor pacing the docks, and the sharp, cutting cry of seabirds, the place was still and silent.
The thought of asking someone to help sent panic crashing through her like waves in a storm, but there was no other choice. The best option rested with a nearby sailor, busily looping ropes and picking apart complicated knots. A Pokemon stood at his side. Squat, muscular, with short brown fur, flecked with white, and cut into a stout triangle pattern, it was another one that Isla didn’t recognise. Every now and again, the sailor tossed it a particularly difficult-looking knot of rope, which the Pokemon expertly shredded with sharp, curved claws.
“Brootser, the Pelting Pokemon. The evolved form of Brogue. With incredibly sharp claws and powerful jaws, Brootser are highly aggressive and territorial. Even against much stronger foes, it won’t back down easily,” her Pokedex chirruped.
Isla’s hand tightened around Soba’s Pokeball as she read more details. A Fighting type. A second evolution. Being a Furret, Soba wouldn’t stand much chance in a fair fight, much less an unfair one. While she did generally feel more comfortable approaching a fellow Pokemon owner, she probably could have stood to pick one with a less terrifying partner.
All the same, she approached the sailor, keeping herself primed like a coiled spring. “Excuse me? I was wondering if you could help me with something?”
The sailor had a strong, lined face, but he didn’t seem anywhere near as intimidating when he relaxed into a smile. “Sure,” he boomed. “What can I do for you?”
“Are there going to be any sailings from this port in the next few days? Anywhere that lands near Inverbrook?”
The Brootser, distracted from its work with the knots, pressed its wet nose against Isla’s hand. Isla let out an involuntary squeak.
“Brootser, stop that!” the sailor said firmly. “Sorry, miss. He’s obsessed with leather. Have you got leather in your handbag or anything? Your shoes? I swear, he can sniff it out within a mile. I have to keep him distracted at work otherwise he’d never leave people alone. Here, Brootser, go and do this for me.”
The sailor tossed a section of rope a few feet down the docks. The Brootser growled, a deep throaty rumble, before dropping to all fours and pursuing. Within moments, the rope was ripped to little more than fibres.
Isla searched for something to say. She eventually settled on, “He’s cute.”
“He’s a menace is what he is,” the sailor said, wiping his brow. “Anyway, you were asking about the ferries? Unfortunately, the passenger ferry was badly damaged in that storm two nights ago and won’t be running any routes for a while.”
“How long is a while?” Isla asked nervously.
“We’re waiting for some metal workers to come down from Hydrogate. They’re delayed because their Weldeon team were exhausted after a big job in the ironworks. Currently we’re looking at about a week.”
“A week?”
“I’m afraid so. If you go to reception and leave your details, they’ll be able to contact you as soon as we know when the sailings will be going ahead.”
“Aren’t there any other options?”
The sailor considered. “Not here. But if you’re set on sailing and you could get to Dewbrae Town, I think they’re still running sailings.”
“Where’s Dewbrae Town? Is it close?”
“It’s up past Aberdrip City, which is an hour’s drive north of here. Then you have to pass through Aberdrip Forest and that brings you out just at Dewbrae. Maybe a couple of days walking if you keep a steady pace,” he paused, and Isla felt his eyes rake her body. “Maybe a couple more. But, if you’re in a hurry, it’s better than waiting around here. Everything’s very up in the air at the moment.”
Isla thanked the sailor, trying to ignore the heavy feeling that came over her. Why was this so difficult? She’d encountered disaster at every turn so far and, in her darkest moments, she couldn’t deny wondering if it was even worth it to keep going. Nana Morag ill, no passage to Inverbrook through Route 27, no ferry from the Port Glen docks, now she had to go all the way to Dewbrae – wherever that was – on nothing more than a possibility?
But what could she do? What other options did she have?
Rhona would know what to do, Isla decided. She had a way of sorting things out, an uncanny level-headedness her own mother didn’t have. That’s what she’d do. She’d head back to the croft and take stock of the situation. She started walking, thoughts whirling through her head like the flapping of birds’ wings. Maybe there was another way to Inverbrook. They knew the region better than she ever would. Maybe they could—
Isla gasped and swore as her foot trod on something soft. With a gust of cold air, the offending thing burst upwards and pain erupted at the top of her head. Sharp, pointed talons dug into her scalp and she yelped in pain.
“Gull! Gull!” her assailant screeched; each squawk accompanied by a swift peck to the head.
Isla’s hands closed around her attacker’s soft wriggling body. With all her might, she tore it from her head and tossed it as far as she could manage. But the Pokemon swooped back into the air, seemingly unharmed, fixing Isla with a glare that sent a tremble down her spine.
“Gull! Wingull!” it shrieked.
Recognition dropped into Isla’s belly like a stone. It was a Kildonian Wingull. The same Kildonian Wingull that had attacked Rhona the day Isla got off the ferry. At least, it certainly looked like the same one – she could hardly call herself an expert on them – but it was roughly the same size and had the same high-pitched squawk. And didn’t the Pokedex say that Kildonian Wingull only attacked people who had food? Isla didn’t have a single crumb on her. So what other motive could it possibly have for attacking her?
Isla reached for the Pokeball at her waist, panicked fingers scrabbling for the catch. But the Wingull screeched again, diving into a tackle.  The impact came low in her stomach, knocking the air from her lungs and leaving her doubled over. The second blow sent her off-balance and stumbling, eventually crashing to the ground where the pain came in sharp spikes. With a fury of feathers, the Pokemon ripped Isla’s bag away from her.
“Hey!” She wheezed. “There’s nothing in there for you!”
Her protests were rewarded with a face full of frigid water.
By the time Isla had sluiced the water from her face, the Wingull had unhooked the bag’s clasp and was digging around in her things. Hairbrush and deodorant were both ignored, the coin purse in the shape of a Quagsire got an inquisitive gnaw but ultimately left in favour of a pen, which lasted a whole thirty seconds until it splintered and was promptly spat back out.
Every inhale felt like she was being stabbed underneath the ribs, but she still forced herself to move. “Leave my things alone! There’s no food in there!”
Wingull had wriggled itself right into the bottom of the bag and had pulled out an old emergency kit that Isla had nearly forgotten about. Most of the items had already been used or dumped over the years she’d had it, leaving only a couple of travel sized Potions, a Repel Kit, and a Poke Doll, wrapped up in a worn-out bag. The Wingull squawked indignantly and decapitated the doll in one fell swoop. Then it turned back on the travel bag, scraping around and tearing at it with its beak.  
Something dropped out. Isla’s heart plummeted to somewhere near her feet.
It was a Pokeball. An old Pokeball scratched and grimy with age. A Pokeball that Isla had all but forgotten about ever since she made the decision to train just Soba all those years ago. A Pokeball that was now right in the Kildonian Wingull’s line of sight.
She saw it happening before it actually did. The hungry Wingull viewed the Pokeball as nothing more than a shiny, tasty snack. It darted forward, opened its beak wide, and engulfed the old capsule. Isla prayed that the ten year old ball would turn out to be too old to work anymore, and the worst thing to happen would be the Wingull hacking it back up again. But the Pokeball made a shrill shiiing noise as it made contact with Wingull’s beak, and the Pokemon disappeared in a flash of blue light.
The Pokeball shook. Once. Twice. Three times. Then it was still.
And Isla had caught a Kildonian Wingull.
Isla told the story of her accidental Wingull capture to an appreciative audience when she got back from the docks. And then again over sandwiches at lunchtime. While Soba curled up in the corner next to the radiator, oblivious to this new teammate, Isla released Wingull for the nerve-wracking job of introductions and feeding time. Rhona’s eyebrows rose so high that they practically disappeared into her hairline, but she didn’t protest.
“I can’t believe it’s the same one,” Rhona said, eyeing her half-eaten sandwich she was planning on saving for later. “Most try their luck once and then move on.”
“I think it’s young,” Blair said, lifting its wing to get a better look. “Perhaps separated from its mum too early. Maybe it doesn’t know any better.”
“I didn’t mean to catch it,” Isla sighed. “I’d forgotten all about that old Pokeball. We were always told to carry an extra one or two, even if we never intended to catch Pokemon, like for emergencies and that.”
“It must have been starving if it thought a Pokeball was food. Or maybe just exceptionally stupid.”
“Jury’s out on that one,” Isla said, as the Wingull pecked at a Tauros shaped pepper shaker.
“Kildonian Wingull are incredibly food oriented,” Blair lifted his plate to avoid the Pokemon’s frantically flapping wings. “Most of the bird Pokemon around here are.”
“Why is that?”
“Competition. Because there’s so many, they all compete for the same natural resources. That’s part of why people think Wingull adapted for Kildo the way they did. They couldn’t compete for most of the natural food, so they evolved to take food from humans instead. Problem is, they end up thinking all food is fair game. Hey, watch it! No! That’s mine!”
Isla suppressed a chuckle as Wingull lunged for the crusts on Blair’s sandwiches. In the kerfuffle of squawking and feathers, Isla looked over at Skye, who hadn’t said a word through the entire of lunch. Her face was screwed up.
“Skye? Are you alright?” Isla asked.
Skye made an odd strangling noise, pushed herself back from the chair, and ran for the stairs, each one thudding under her feet. A moment later, a door slammed.
“Did I say something wrong?” Isla said, horrified.
“No, not at all,” Rhona said, rescuing a glass of juice that had been upended when Skye left the table. “She’s just a bit upset. We were supposed to be going up to meet Professor Spruce tomorrow to get her trainer’s license and first Pokemon. But because Nana Morag is in hospital, I have to be here in case something comes up on short notice, and I just can’t spare the time to take Skye up to Aberdrip City. She’ll only be delayed for a few days, but the poor lass was so looking forward to it. Especially when she’s had to wait so much longer than everyone else.”
“Why’s that?”
It was only after she asked the question that she considered it might have been rude. Or none of her business. Too late to save herself now, though. Rhona’s face tightened, her mouth puckering like she was sucking on a sour lemon.
“Sorry,” Isla looked down at the table. “I shouldn’t be nosy.”
The kitchen fell quiet. Rhona let out a deep, juddering exhale and sat back down, folding her hands into her lap, the kitchen suddenly feeling about ten degrees colder. Isla took a sip of water, her mouth and throat turning to chalk.
“Skye had childhood cancer.” The words didn’t even get a chance to settle before they were tumbling out again, like Rhona was trying to get them all out at once. Like they couldn’t hurt her as much that way. “She spent most of her childhood in hospital with leukaemia.”
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.” Once again Isla found herself cursing both her mother and herself for not bothering to find any of this information out beforehand.
Rhona shook her head. “It’s alright, chick. We don’t talk about it much. Besides, she’s been in remission for a year now. But she’s missed out on so much school and she gets tired so easily.”
There was nothing Isla could say that would be enough. She had to settle for, “I’m sorry to hear that…” and hope Rhona could somehow understand just how much she meant it.
“There was a time when she was being treated that she became very low and very depressed. It was frightening. I’ve never been so worried in all my life. We were scared she was just… giving up. Then, one day, they had some Pokemon trainers visit the hospital. A lot of children there would never be able to go out training. Some wouldn’t even… you know, live to see their next birthday.”
Rhona’s voice wavered. Blair put his hand over hers and squeezed. “Easy, Mum. Don’t go upsetting yourself now.”
“One of the trainers was assigned to Skye,” Rhona continued. “But she was so quiet and so withdrawn that we didn’t think the trainer could get through to her. The trainer had this Pokemon with her – Ampster, I think it was – and it was like a light turned on behind Skye’s eyes when she saw it. I saw glimpses of my daughter again. This trainer stayed with her for hours. Just talking. She’s wanted to be a Pokemon trainer ever since. And I hate that so many things keep getting in her way.”
Rhona sunk her head into her hands. Her shoulders quivered.
Isla felt terrible. No wonder Skye had been quiet during the whole of lunch. How stupid had she been? Skye was being kept from her dream of being a Pokemon trainer and she’d waltzed into their kitchen showing off a Pokemon she hadn’t even meant to catch? It made Isla’s toes curl just thinking about it.
“Could Skye not make the journey on her own?” she asked.
“No,” Rhona lifted her head again, looking pale even at the thought. “She’s not fit enough. We were going to rent a car and drive her, but…”
“Could I take her?”
The offer slipped past Isla’s lips before she knew what she was doing. Rhona looked at her in mild shock, her mouth slowly gaping open.
“I mean, I’ll be passing through Aberdrip anyway!” Isla continued. “One of the sailors said I could get the ferry from Dewbrae Town which is just past Aberdrip, right?. I could take her along with me.”
“Gosh, that’s very kind of you, chick. And I’m sure Skye would love it,” Rhona said, nervously glancing at the stairs. “But I’m not comfortable with her making the trip back on her own. Or even just the amount of walking she’d have to do.”
“I could go with them,” Blair said.
Rhona looked at her son like she’d only just remembered he existed. “What’s that, honey?”
“I could go with them,” he repeated. “We could put Skye on Coastrot. That’s my partner Pokemon,” he added for Isla’s benefit. “He’s strong enough to carry her and we can keep her nicely bundled up. Then once Isla heads off to Dewbrae, I can take Skye back.”
“I don’t know,” Rhona said. “We need you here too.”
“Mum, it’s a day. Maybe two, tops, if we let Skye rest overnight. You and Dad can manage that long, right? You could ask a couple of the lads from the market to pitch in if you really need to. I’m sure they’d work for a hot pie and some cash in hand. And you don’t need to worry about us. We won’t do anything silly. We’ll just get Skye her Pokemon, check in for the night, see Isla off to Dewbrae the next morning and head back ourselves. Easy-peasy!”
Rhona still didn’t look convinced. “It’s such a long way, though. She’s not been away overnight in such a long time.”
“It’s a few hours of travelling, Mum. You said it yourself, Skye’s already missed out on so much. It might not feel like much for us, but for Skye, it’s her whole life. One delay after the other. And with everything the way it is right now, what if there’s just more delays? More reasons not to take her? You have to let her.”
Rhona went very quiet, her face pale.
“I’ll look after her, Mum,” Blair said. “She needs this.”
“I know you will. And I know she does,” Rhona heaved a sigh. “She’s not my little baby anymore. She’s growing up.”
“I’d like to go.”
Everyone jumped at the voice that came in from the doorway. Rhona wiped her eyes. “Oh, Skye, honey, sorry. I didn’t hear you come down. Are you okay?”
“I think I can do it,” Skye ignored her mother’s question. Her voice was louder this time, but still hesitant, like she was testing out its limits. “I want to go get my Pokemon and I’d like Blair and Coastrot to take me. And Isla,” she added, and Isla felt a smile curve onto her face. “If that’s okay with you?”
Silence widened like a chasm between mother and daughter and for one horrible moment, Isla half-expected Rhona to turn away, to start shouting, to deny her flat out. But then tears spilled out of Rhona’s eyes and her whole face softened.
“Yes, honey,” Rhona said, her voice little more than a whisper. “Yes, that’ll be okay with me.”
As they hugged, Isla felt a stray tear prick at the corner of her eye. The emotion surprised her. Yes, it was touching to see a mother and daughter hug and reconcile, but something told her it went deeper. As she looked out at the dying sky, strewn with deepening orange and slicks of black, something unsettled itself in her heart.
Tomorrow she would be leaving Port Glen. Tomorrow she would leave behind a family unit where she felt accepted. Tomorrow she would start her journey to Inverbrook.
She didn’t know which one felt scarier.
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