#if they dont interact I'm gonna eat someone alive
six-tooth · 6 months
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just two gorls hanging out
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strangebiology · 16 days
I think a lot of the people in my life who have expressed disgust or disapproval of my interest in/collection of animal remains have come at it first from the perspective of "but diseases!" like regular uncleanliness stigma. the second most common reaction is that interest in/collection of/comfort with animal remains (to be clear, i collect bones and sometimes preserved tails or pelts and these are the objects in question) is... creepy? and, the people who are most disgusted/creeped out are usually people who by and large dont interact with wild animals or livestock. my friends who are vet techs or who hunt or who practice animal husbandry are more or less unfazed.
(Re: What are actual common attitudes towards animal remains?)
Interesting, thank you!
Now, I'm wondering if people mistake personal discomfort for immorality.
I've mentioned my one video that did get some negative comments, showing the slaughter of a reindeer (you can see it here but I have warnings on it for a reason! Blood and death!) And, I think 90% or so (I suppose I could go count them) are more reasonable.
First, people are mad at the assumption that I killed a reindeer (I did NOT kill it, I just filmed it.) Then, the issue is it's being killed for no reason (it was NOT no reason, it's for food.) Then the method is criticized (this is one of the ONLY legal ways to kill them and it's quicker than it looks because of post-mortem spasms.) Then, when those concerns are disproven, the only issue left is "filming and posting it is sadistic." So...killing was no problem, but showing anyone that their meat came from a death was a problem. (Again, I respect if you don't want to see it! So please heed the warnings unless your desire to know how reindeer are killed outweighs your discomfort with watching a death!)
I wonder if sometimes people are overly focused on prioritizing their own 5-second comfort over things that matter a lot more, but are external to them, and they don't really care about others who they are not currently looking in the face of at all.
This isn't a 100% relevant example, but consider the people who don't want to donate their organs after death. A common reason to forgo something that could save and improve lots of lives is "it sounds gross!" Ickiness really should not be a factor in whether or not to save lives--the donor will never see or feel it, but since it's not their own life being saved, the 5-second icky feeling when checking the "donor" box is suddenly more important than the saved and improved human lives.
I know I shouldn't think too hard about one random experience, but I will always remember this one. I was once at a consumer survey thing for a turkey meat brand, where participants tried the meat and said what we thought about the name, taste, packaging, branding etc. We were instructed to circle what we liked on the branding and cross out what we didn't like.
One participant crossed out the part where it said "humanely raised." I asked if she had made a mistake, or...does she feel like the label is disingenuous or something...? Surely she's pro-humane treatment of animals, right??
"No," she said. "I don't want them to do that. I don't want to think about their lives when I'm eating them, and they don't need to be humane to animals that are going to die anyway." Most of the group agreed. I couldn't help but point and say "YOU'RE gonna die anyway!"
That may have been the first time I encountered a group of people shamelessly agreeing that they would rather animals suffer unnecessarily than think for one second that the animal whose body they are using/eating was ever even alive. Because not feeling guilty about something was infinitely more important to them than any amount of suffering that someone else might experience.
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cordeliawhohung · 6 months
i literally always interact with ur posts and i always try to initiate some sort of friendship but you dont !!!! idk
so, it's rather unfortunate that i feel like i have to explain myself even though i know i don't have to, but i'm going to anyway because this will eat me alive if i don't and i'm gonna set healthy boundaries here.
first, thank you for your continued support of my posts. interaction makes the site go round, and all that. but this comment feels really... transactional.
i feel like i do a really good job at interacting with people who comment and whatnot on my posts. i answer asks, i enjoy the silly ones and the serious ones, i try to be fun, be funny, be kind, be engaging, be myself, be whatever. and frankly, i don't think i understand what more you're wanting from me. i respond to a majority of comments on my posts! i sort of pride myself with how often i interact with people on here despite my busy life! if you're in my notifs often, there's probably already a decent chance i enjoy seeing you pop up, and enjoy responding to you, and enjoy engaging with you, and probably even consider you a friend if we speak often in comments, etc.
it's really hard to tell exactly what you're wanting me to do based off of this very vague ask, but if you're like, wanting to dm with me or something i'm sorry. i'm like the worst person ever when it comes to dms. i work 10 hour shifts. i have family to take care of, a mortgage to pay for etc etc. ask any of my moots, i literally never dm. i leave people on read quite often because i'm just so bad at it. i'm busy all the time and it gets overwhelming. so if you've got some sort of fomo going on that i'm part of something more than just my silly posts or anything, i promise you there's nothing you're missing out on.
which is why i stick to comments. replying to stuff. mainly engaging on posts. answering asks. etc. i'm literally giving everyone all the energy i have to give already. on top of writing!!!!
and this is going to sound really cunty, but also realize that just because you interact with someone, that doesn't mean they owe you anything. and this doesn't just go for me, but literally everyone on this site. they don't owe you a reply, or a thank you, or a comment, or anything. and that sucks but that's literally how life works. not everything is a series of transactions. everyone has their reasons that dictate why they may or may not respond or initiate what you want from them. but that's what this asks feels like. wanting something from me. wanting more than what i've been giving. wanting something i mentally, and emotionally can't provide given my circumstances.
i literally love everyone who positively interacts with me, so this feels like a punch to the gut, knowing someone thinks that i'm not doing enough by not catering to some very vague and impossible to know need. i'm not a mind reader!
sorry if this sounded short, but i'm wanting to make my boundaries very clear here. i am so so grateful for everyone who interacts with my stuff, and i show my love by responding as best as i can. most of my friendships on this site are formed by interactions that way. asking anything more from me is something i simply cannot give you.
also, anon asks will be turned off AGAIN after i post this because just on the off chance this is not received well, i'm not opening myself up to anon hate lmao.
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starleska · 1 year
stop all this wholesome >:( I wanna know your hcs on Dark!Wally. Explore how evil he is. What kinda horrible agenda he has goin on. Your choice if its still a x reader im just curious how you'd interpret it- ... Dont feel forced to do so btw feel free to ignore this if it aint yer cup of tea ToT
hahahaha, this gave me a great laugh!! you've caught me, anon - i am very much a fan of evil, devious, villainous, morally bereft and just plain dreadful characters. you'll see from my f/o tracker that i'm quite the bad guy connoisseur - i just haven't explored that with Wally yet because we know so little about what his agenda is!! it's Wally's ambiguity that makes him so fun to play with;;;
i'd love to fill this out with some potential theories, if you'll humour me 😉 gonna pop this under a spoiler tag as well just in case this speculation turns out correct, and for the warnings!!
content warnings for potential Welcome Home spoilers, scopophobia, stalking, murder, cannibalism, and cults:
Dark!Wally (or potentially, just Wally) Darling headcanons:
⭐ Wally is using us as food. ever since we found out about Wally eating with his eyes, i haven't been able to get this idea out of my head. everything from everyone looking up at the tracker on the website, to Wally watching us from the other side of the screen, has me wondering exactly why he loves us so much, and why he seems happy to engage with all of us pouring in to look at the site. i'm wondering if Wally is something of a psychic cannibal - someone who is able to devour essence through attention, particularly through eye contact. there is something he's getting from us interacting with him on the website, and i feel like his love is of the possessive variety...he needs us for something that we don't understand yet. ⭐ Wally 'fed' his neighbourhood friends to his Home, and is play-acting as if his friends are still alive by interacting with us. some eagle-eyed fans noticed recently that in one image, Wally's armchair has a stitched-on patch that looks suspiciously like Barnaby's skin. likewise, there's a very strange file name on one of the drawings Wally did on the Guestbook, in a comment talking about Eddie, where he says he 'runs too much'. we know that Home is alive, and that Wally talks to Home. we also don't know why Wally's house is the only one with apparent sentience. my question is...how is Home fuelled? and why is Wally the only one talking to us through the Guestbook if his puppet-self is alive - where is everyone else? my (very thin) speculation is that Wally may have sacrificed his friends to keep Home alive, but suffered a mental breakdown as a result, and wants to preserve their old life through the website as if nothing is wrong. ⭐ Wally is a vain attention hog who wants to be back in the spotlight. this one is bare-bones, but hear me out - this can go a couple of ways! if we choose to believe the Wally speaking from within the website is, somehow, a sentient puppet (or his consciousness is infused with the website), we could also believe that he may miss his apparently peaceful, love-filled life from another time. perhaps Wally was alive during the original run of Welcome Home, and somehow remained alive following its cancellation. perhaps he feels spurned now he's no longer the friendly neighbourhood host of the television show long-forgotten to the public...where better to try and gain a new audience than online, under the guise of a restoration project? we could even make a potential cult leader argument here... again, this is all pure speculation!! we have no idea at all what Wally's agenda is at this stage, and that's a good thing;; it's going to be loads of fun learning more about Wally and what his intentions are. i'd love to hear people's theories 😉
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sejanusxcoriyo · 8 months
Pairings: Josh Andres Rivera x Fem!Actress!reader/ Tom Blyth x Rachel Zegler
Face Claim: Coco Jones
Type: Social Media AU
Summary: Josh finally puts an end to this, or does he?
Warnings: Cussing, let me know if i forgot any
A/N: This should be the last part, anything else created will just be short AU blurbs <3
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Text messages with Josh
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Text messages with Rachel
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Joshandresrivera has posted a story
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Ynuser My lover, my everything, the apple of my eye. The 26 letters of the alphabet aren't enough letters to express how I feel about you. If I tried to describe my feelings about you, this post would never end. I will always love you and only you❤️🥰
Tagged: joshandresrivera
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Rachelzegler OMG FINALLY!
↪️rachelfan1 wait shes serious???
↪️joshynfan1 im so happy for them fr, they both seem like they are glowing
Oliviarodrigo cute couple ig
↪️oliviafan1 yes mother, be the bigger person
↪️oliviafan2 mhm, this is why i stan
↪️ynfan2 please get out her comments, she isnt looking for acknowledgement from you
ynuser liked this comment
joshfan1 so are we just gonna ignore the 7th pic? my gurl quite literally marked her mans
↪️joshynfan2 right?? like she wants you bitches to know hes hers
↪️rachelfan2 i love this for her
Joshandresrivera I love you with my whole fucking heart
↪️ynuser I love you so much more than you think
↪️joshynfan2 my parents are so freaking cute
↪️oliviafan3 they are actually cute tg
ynfan3 she looks so happy, like shes absolutely glowing
↪️joshfan2 i know, i was thinking that earlier
rachelfan3 now i know ms rachel and tom know wayyy more about this than they are letting on
↪️ynfan3 mhm, i know them bitches know every fucking thing
↪️rachelzegler i mean you not wrong
Zendaya purr we love to see it, claim your mans <3
↪️ynuser the QUEEN has spoken @/joshandresrivera we can never break up
↪️joshandresrivera like id ever leave you, aka the reason i smile every damn day
↪️joshynfan3 i want a love like theirs
↪️joshfan3 i want someone to look at me the way they look at each other in that 4th pic
↪️rachelfan4 right, a girl could WISH
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Joshandresrivera My princess, I'm so sorry for not saying this sooner, but you are my world, and I have no clue how I survived with you this long. My precious, delicate jewel, I will love you until my heart stops. Even then, the heavens cannot tear me from your arms. I love you more than words can tell, my beautiful diamond❤️😘
Tagged: ynuser
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joshfan1 yall look at how he holds her, im desprate
↪️rachelfan1 i was just about to comment that
↪️joshynfan1 pay attention to how he looks at her in that 7th photo
ynuser my man my man my man, i love you <3
↪️joshandresrivera my woman my woman my woman i love you more <3
↪️rachelfan2 just look how they interact with each other
↪️oliviafan1 did you steal her caption?
↪️ynfan1 that bitch tried to break up her relationship, fuck her caption
hunterschafer im jealous, need a man like him
↪️rachelzegler im right here babe?
↪️tomblyth rach...
↪️rachelzegler didnt expect you to see that...ily
↪️hunterschafer i never said i wanted to break anyone up
↪️tomblyth rachel i hear you giggling from under the covers
↪️rachelzegler you'll never catch me!
↪️joshandresrivera @/ynuser these are our kids
↪️ynuser who is we?
↪️tomblyth mom?
↪️ynuser 🙄
joshfan2 love how they intact with each other
↪️ynfan2 right??
joshynfan2 i love them so much, adopt me plz
Oliviarodrigo Josh?
↪️oliviafan1 see shes just tryna set things straight
↪️joshfan3 its giving desperate
↪️ynfan2 not you being desperate for another womans man
↪️rachefan3 oohh i know this is eating you ALIVE
↪️oliviafan2 shut up all, of yall, yall dont know shit
↪️rachelfan4 imagine defending a cheater..couldn't be me
↪️joshfan4 imagine begging for ex under his post abut his girlfriend...couldn't be me
Zendaya its giving desperate
↪️joshynfan3 isnt it
↪️oliviafan3 no one even likes you
↪️zendayafan1 dont speak about mother like that
↪️rachelfan5 not olivias an summoning a whole nother fandom
↪️ynfan3 they about to eat them alive
ynuser my lover boy
↪️joshnadresrivera my princess
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sandwhich-lady · 4 months
The time has finally come. Over all four years of my high school career I made a running list of quotes from high school and I vowed to post it when I graduated. And well, the time has come. So without further ado I present
Things High Schoolers Have Said: A Saga
Freshman year:
*while talking to a teacher* "this just proves short people are a menace to society"
"If we were comparing to spices, you *points at teacher* would be a ghost pepper and you *points at friend* would be ketchup"
Someone walking by: "like oh, hell is real"
"No dont trust me"
"You need to eat food bitch"
*talking about people hating pineapple on pizza* "I hope you had a satisfactory life because Imma end it"
"The eyesore of a church the sky daddy punished me with"
"Frankly, I dont know if I've been alive for 200 days"
"Are you eating a fucking egg with pineapple"
"They're like oh highschool is preparing you for college and then you get to college and your professor shows up in a t-shirt and shorts and with a jug of sprite"
"I had a very strong urge to eat my math homework" -me
"Honestly at this rate, why dont you trust me?"
"Because I still have some hope yet"
*laughs* " wow I dont know how to crush that"
"...There are cursive numbers??"
Sophomore year:
"Dont do anything you wont regret"
"I dont have the energy to bounce, Amy"
"I'm gonna quit band so I can work on actually not killing myself"
"I have the mentality of a 12 year old who just discovered sex"
"You are so white. You are *so* white oh my god the the double l in El Pollo Loco not pronounced like a hard l! It's a yo sound"
"Apparently the bugs are really horny today"
"Wait where are you going?"
"I've been traumatized enough"
*stares at smushed sandwhich like questioning the audacity*
*yelled* "You're a loser! Talk to me when you're over five feet tall!"
"Crying, shaking, throwing up. Violently shaking."
"Ah! My lightsaber is stuck" -my euro teacher
"I cant wear crocs, I'm a 6'3" white guy"
"Kangaroos are like standing rabbits"
*picking victims for a murder mystery game*
"Mr [teacher's]...wife"
"Leave her out of this!"
"Is joe biden your phone lock screen?"
*offended* "no its pitbull"
"I almost punched a freshman yesterday"
"How much would you sell your soul for?"
"Panera bread mac n cheese"
"What's the point of fanfiction if it doesnt have sex in it?"
"Nah hes 32, not years old, cause that would be pedophilia"
"You shower naked??"
"I really want to annihilate an uncut loaf of bread"
"However, I think the disco ball constitutes sexy time"
"Sometimes, we all have to get married, and polygamy can be a byproduct of that, for the good of all humanity"
"I'd rather be gay than [be around] drunk men"
"Do you think I could fuck the liberty bell?"
"If you wear those fucking shoes to prom, I will curb stomp you and leave you in the McDonalds parking lot"
"Sometimes you're a little mentally funky"
"My stomach hurts so bad right now. If I throw up, sorry 🤷‍♀️"
"People were trying to commit social interaction with me so I had to leave the classroom"
"I've been channeling all my insanity into [AP] chem all year and now that's its done... I'm just insane"
"I feel like I inhaled liquid crack"
"Why is there communism?!"- looks up in math class to see the communist symbol drawn on the board
Junior Year:
"Bro you'll never guess who I saw"
"Everyone we hate"
-on the first day of school
"Hold it STEADILY, like a BAGUETTE"
"I may be a little obsessed with soup"
*emerging from behind a pillar* "a little? a LITTLE???"
"You're gonna pass out, that's on you"
"I would kill for a baby leopard"
"Everyone in set crew knows my name because you guys keep on yelling it"
"Did you just tell me to piss in a bucket??"
"You're the adolf Hitler of ladders"
"No we're going to invade crustacean world, duh"
"What if hes not here today?"
"No he is, hes wearing his lighting McQueen crocs"
"You're a potato colored mashed potato"
*wrapped in a pumpkin blanket* "its spooky season !!"
"I'm bringing something from my culture...beans on toast"
"But it was funny, therefore I have no regrets"
"What are you testing?"
"Uhh, my will to live"
"What constitutes above average calves?"
"I hate gifts and I hate you! *trips* ...that was karma"
"I can bring sauces...I can bring a variety of sauce" (for waffles)
"Let me be your roomba" to the tune of 🎶let me be your woman🎵
"Life in the midwest used to be really lonely and isolated and like sad...seems to be the same today"
"I don't want to go to No Place for Hate because...I love hating"
"If the grades dont touch neither do you"
"Anything can be a tortellini if you try hard enough"
"Lauren, does this curve look stupid"
"Its almost kidnapping. We dont do that here"
"Would you tell us [the embarrassing nickname] if Landon rizzed you up?"
"You heartless bitch"
"My moms a marriot slut"
"I think I can gaslight her into giving me an A"
"Their buttholes would have been shaking!"
"Their buttholes WERE shaking"
"Nuh uh!"
"I feel like I should be eating more strawberries...I think god told me"
"So I have to buy it on amazon like a fucking capitalist"
"SUE ME FOR BEING WHITE" -after a heated discussion about bagels
"But like who in their right mind would name their child 'funny valentine'?"
"Wait why did you say 'happy eggs'?"
"No you are not doing a homestuck quote"
Creative writing teacher: "if you do a homestuck quote you will be penalized"
"Mine's an ant romcom"
"Get your baby out of my marmalade"
"I just had the most refreshing five minute nap"
"He bit half the worm and we were like ryan no"
"Anyway, as I was saying, you look like a penguin"
"Are you shitting my dick!"
*after taking a math quiz*
"I'm gonna throw away this pencil, its cursed"
"Got that D tingle"
"I hate it here"
"I'm either the smartest person alive or dumb as shit"
“I get chills when she sings that part”
"I get chills when you shut your mouth"
"[This theatre company] is going to have so many suitcases. Maybe next year we can do a play about planes"
"Thank you?"
"Its a compliment"
"Thank you!"
"Wheres the quicky changy... excuse my lango"
"And colleges want to see that you're suffering"
*playing a game where you pick a category and name things in that category as fast as you can* "Marvel characters. Magneto!"
"Uhh dementia"
"If my heels arent in here I'm wearing crocs"
*comparing id/drivers license photos*
"I look like I'm on drugs"
"I look like I sold you the drugs"
Student A: "Arent we just the best students?"
Teacher: "Uh huh"
Student A: "That didn't sound very sincere"
Student B: "That's because it wasnt"
Student A: "oh"
Senior year:
“I pip pip and I cheerio, it’s just what I do”
“Excuse me, I need to be a little bitch”
*to psych teacher* “I was just wondering, since you’re antisocial, how did back to school night go?”
“I’m not saying a narc and a twink is the same thing, I’m saying you look like a narc AND a twink”
“You know how to turn that on??”
“Yeah, there’s an on button!”
“Bro I went to the beach recently and like I’ve never felt water like that before”
*talking about the existence of chocolate cows*
*from across the room* “what did you just call me?!?”
“What the fuck is anthropology? Is that plants?”
*to phone* “call pickle”
“Oh fiddlesticks!”
“Oh shitdicks!”
“I caught a charizard! I’m gonna name it penis!”
“People keep calling me baby shark and I just want to *strangling motion*, I want to tell them I’m not baby shark, I’m mommy shark”
“Some of these presentations are not going to eat, and I’m gonna be mad because I love a good slideshow”
Friend: “Carissa, why is your laptop so big?”
Me: “what?!” *looks around for validation*
Other friend: “look, I didn’t wanna say anything…”
*someone absolutely headbanging to Last Christmas*
*psych teacher going on a tangent*
“What’s he yapping about?”
“The uzsh (usual)”
*while running past us* “I parked my car in fucking Timbuktu”
*a little later*
Me: “this isn’t Timbuktu, this is like Canada”
*about Winston from 1984* “Damn this bitch is weak…I could bench him”
“So not a fursona but a humansona”
“I feel like I wanna build a bomb”- said in a physics classroom hopped up on Celsius
“Ugh this is so greasy”
“Just how I like my women…I don’t know why I said that”
*about a pair of butterfly scissors* “Look! It’s a little butterfly! Flap flap bitch”
“Are you being racist against clowns?”
“I think I’m gonna go home and do a backflip”
“You’re a furry”
“And you’re a whore”
“I know :)”
“I don’t even like books but I like women”
“Who wouldn’t want this hunk of meat” - tiny Asian girl
*after saying something nice about him* “No but also Carson you suck and you’re awful and we all hate you”
*wins blooket* “I guess I am serving cunt today”
A: “If you were a worm, what’s the first thing you would do?”
B: “Uhh burrow in the dirt.”
A: “That’s such a basic answer”
B: “Well what would you do??”
A: “World domination.”
[some time later]
A: “If you were a cricket what would you do?”
B: “World domination”
A: *weird look* “uh…ok”
B: “What would you do???”
A: “I don’t know, chirp”
“She was like ‘can someone read the definition of male vocalist?’ We don’t even have a male vocalist! The entire cast is nuns!”
“I have this theory, from what I’ve observed. Guys act gayer, girls are gayer”
Psych teacher: “what are you gonna do in Australia? Engineering?”
Alumni: “I’m gonna do women”
“You know what sounds really good right now?”
“Jumping off a fucking cliff”
“I was gonna serve cunt today but I slept in. I’ll serve cunt tomorrow”
“I wish I was able to hibernate. I wish I was given the same grace bears wear given”
“What are you so happy about?”
“I have CHICKEN!!”
“I’m gonna bark at him”
“I am sorry to disappoint everyone, but I am a straight individual”
“Four plus four equals ate”
“Ooh what’s 64 divided by 2”
“Oh-“ *was trying to get eight*
“Oh my god, oh my god”
*concerned* “what??”
“My uterus.”
“This train is so hot [read: attractive]”
“That’s called a concussion sweetie”
*to psych teacher* “you have stds?”
“You think he has women??”
“Did I ask?”
“No but I answered”
“Knock knock”
“Who’s there”
“Banana- wait no”
“The chicken is suicidal, the chicken is depressed, and I am the chicken” - about why did the chicken cross the road
“If I wanna hear sonic injesting coke, then I’m going to hear sonic injesting coke godammit”
“This is my bad ear-“
“The fact that you have a bad ear is really concerning”
“Well you have two bad eyes so fuck you”
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caizen · 4 years
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i'll be back | suna r., miya o,. miya a.
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wc: unknown | not prfr
warning/s: none | genre: comfort
a/n: drama is my passion
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while you're curled up on your side, behind you is your phone, stuffed with notifications of messages and missed calls from atsumu, suna, and osamu.
you don't know when's the last time you checked your messages or talked to anyone. or even used your phone for more than you usually do.
this 'break' for your mental health to get 'better' didn't turn out as you thought it would, and now you're just feeling worse and more vulnerable than ever, wanting to just talk to someone and vent, but you don't, afraid to seem needy and dependent.
at this point, you're convinced nobody wants to talk to you again after ghosting everyone. you weren't even ghosting anyone since you didn't talk to anyone but the three. thinking about this wasn't making you feel any better about yourself and just made you pity yourself even more.
your phone rings and buzzes again behind you, but you still don't answer it. you've told yourself you'll talk later, but there's been hundreds of laters already yet you still haven't said a word to them.
"knock knock!"
were you really that in need of interaction to the point you're hallucinating?
"y/n! open up!"
"we've got snacks!"
i'm not hallucinating.
for the first time today, you finally turn to your phone and look at the messages. it stings your eyes.
from: tarotaro😒
we're coming over 2:46
gee at least read my texts 🙄 2:50
open up or we're breaking in 😘 3:12
ok but r u rlly ok 3:12
respond to me 3:13
if u dont want them here ill tell em 3:14
from: osamom
yo 3:12
we brought snacks 3:12
do u want it or no 3:13
if u dont come down in 1 minute i am eating these all 3:13
ok kidding 3:14
just come down alr 3:14
fine 3:14
we'll rob a bank or sumn if u want 3:15
get down here alr pls atsumu is not shutting up 3:15
from: who u🤨
its been days wth 3:12
r u going to ignore us like this 3:12
:( 3:13
i am sad 3:13
ew 3:13
ok ill cut it out 3:15
please just say something 3:15
r u even alive 3:15
only do you realize you've opened the door to let them in when you're now sitting down, head on folded arms on the table.
no one in the room say anything but they only watch you and sigh with you.
atsumu, having enough if your 'silent treatment', stands up and raises his voice, his hands curled into a tight fist, shaking. "what's up with you? are you seriously just gonna quit talking to us- no, not just us but everyone else? are you cutting us off from your life without even telling us why? come on! you know better than that!"
"and what if i don't?" your throat feels dry and itchy, your voice coming out raspy after not using your voice for more than a week. tears well up, but not enough to fall. "i didn't mean to do any of this! i just- i was-"
looking atsumu and everyone else in the eye was hard enough, so you don't finish your words, letting tension and their assumptions finish your sentence.
you let your head fall down again onto your folded arms on the table. even though you've already shouted, it doesn't feel enough to let go of everything you've wanted to vent out. you want to fall apart.
"you what?" osamu pulls down a growling atsumu to sit, and with his ever-so-patient, soft, calm voice and eyes, looks to you. osamu's always extended his patience when it comes to you. you feel like he's spoiled you too much. you've used him too much.
"we're genuinely worried about you," suna starts, pausing in between his words. "there are people who care about you too."
you blink, and your eyelashes fall wet, a few teardrops on the table where your eyes were. but you didn't want them to see any of that, so you sniffle and wipe it away before looking up to them, giving in the desire to let them see you like this.
"i didn't want to drag you into this mess. my mess."
huffing, atsumu's fist loosens up. "you're unfair and selfish."
osamu bites his tongue and lip, but settles to side with his brother. "you're... such a hypocrite."
"i'm with them on this," suna's voice is firm unlike the other two.
your voice cracks when you mutter out an apology, but tears don't dare fall from your eyes.
"what happened to 'it's okay to be vulnerable and ask for help'?" atsumu's brows are furrowed, and when you look at him, you know he's hurt. not as much as you were, nonetheless, he was hurt.
"it's... scary and... hard," you breathe out, intertwining your fingers. "i've wanted to come to you guys when i need or have to... but words get stuck. i'm scared of judgement too."
there's a small puddle of water om the table from the ice cream thawing and the cold drinks. when you look at it, it doesn't reflect your face. you don't see yourself, but you think you look pathetic.
"you know how i've always been scared of being another brick to carry, don't you guys?" you laugh, but the tension and all your heavyhearts keep the atmosphere from getting lighter. "i'm... still a kid, i guess."
you lean backwards, your head hanging behind.
"we joke around a lot, but we can get serious and honest too. you're not the only one," osamu sighs, slowly relieving his muscles and leaning back in the couch.
"i'm pretty sure you already know how straightforward we can be," suna's lip quirks up. he reaches out for three cold drinks, handing osamu one, the other in front of you and the kast one for himself.
atsumu doesn't have the energy to complain, so he reaches out for his own. "if we tell you it's okay then it's okay. unlike you," the can of soda whispers as he opens it. "we know when and how to say no," he ends.
thankfully, suna's opened up your drink for you. it feels cold and your tongue feels tingly when you take a sip. despite that, for the first time in a while, you feel a little more warm.
"i'll try."
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
ah, this day has been very long, hello there my dolcezza!! 💌🌠🌺 has the day treated you well? i hope it has!! things have been quite busy but i managed to get some rest time today, so i hope you did too!! ❤ so i saw that someone said i'm bruno in real life?? that made me laugh a lot!! i do wish to be like him,, considering he's one of my all-time favorite jojo characters!! (but you already know that hehe) the fact that you agree with that anon makes it even better 😂 (1/8?)
"oh and, i have something important to tell you dear,, of course i fell in love with your personality!! you may think that you're not so great and that your personality is flat and unappealing, but i wholeheartedly think otherwise!! something about your indifference and chaotic behaviors is very charming to me,, (2/8?)
frankly, i can see many different hidden layers,, your personality has much depth to it,, and you really are such a sweetheart to me, which i can't help but find appealing!! you truly are very entrancing in my eyes, and something tells me that you need to hear that more often 💞💞💞💞💞 i really do admire you caro!! (3/8?)
so most of my day was spent cooking, napping, and playing some video games (since i had some more free time!) my sister and i got to start playing eyes of heaven, and i won my first battle playing as jolyne with joot as a sidekick!! their interactions are so cute,, i love them so much!! 😊 (5/8?)
and i also played more ps4 minecraft today on a friend's world, we finally finished a huge build project, which was a giant renaissance style villa,, it took us only a week since i would play for a few hours a day (while he played up to 12 hours,, che pazzo!!) we were so happy when we finished that we started jumping up and down while on video call,, it was so funny 🌺✨ (6/9)
i also got to make some fresh marinara with my mom since our gardener neighbor brought some very large tomatoes!! we have this secret family recipe that comes from my bisnonna, so we made a pot full of it and stored it away,, i also got to help make some more pastries,, and my dad said that i should open up a restaurant hehehe,, i think it would be a nice side goal in the future but i have some big dreams to pursue first!! 🌠 (7/9)
i also slept lots today, i was very lethargic today for some reason... but we had this huge scary storms come through that really frightened my cats and i!! my twin told me i was being a baby about it, but i think he got karma when a huge bolt of lightning struck nearby,, i had to hide under my blankets and pillows the whole time 😖 (8/9)
oh well, at least i'm still alive!! it's very late, so i'll just end it here! make sure to keep taking care of yourself for me morgy darling, you are very important to me and the army!! 💗 - much much love from your sleepy fiancée, waifu anon xoxo 💖💘💕💓💗❤🌺🌼🌸🌻(9/10)
ps: 1) my friends are quite impatient about this wedding apparently!! ive been telling them that it's coming up and that they need to be patient,, but quinn started ranting to me about impatience, i'm gonna have to lecture her 😅 2) if you do ever need to hear something uplifting about yourself,, you can always count on me dear 💖💖💖💖 (10/10)"
Darling once again u amaze me....not only did one person ever said before to me that my indifference and overall behavior are charming and such...quite the contrary actually🤡🤡🤡 i still cant comprehend what is there thats absolutely charming to u but at the same time it does make me a little more happy knowing that somehow u like it😳😳😳✌️✌️✌️
On another note, i did acc hear from one of my american friends that there's alot of storming going on (we acc dont get such massive storms often and its kinda a shame since i love em) and heY i would have teased u a lil for hiding under the blankets too since thats lowkey cute but i wouldnt call u a baby, girl u wanted to join the military thats the opposite of a baby😩👊
Also u always helping out ur family with cooking and baking and saying that u have family recipes sounds surreal and hella magical jsudjsjs maybe yall b secretely some sort of sorcerer family and i believe it esp after i saw how enchanting u are dear👁️👀 and i was just gonna say i can so see u opening up a little pastry shop...even if its like a side business since ur gonna b a top vogue model after all🤭🤭 i bet ppl (me included) r gonna b standing in huge ass lines to buy handmade desserts carefully crafted by the one and only vogue waifu😤😤
Oh since u mentioned Quinn (im just gonna answer their ask here since its easier, they sent an ask sayin u been feeling lowkey wacky today??? Idk whats goin on but make sure to at least eat smth properly and dont stress so much dear...im awful w advice and comfort i know but still me and the clown army are a t u r s e r v i c e in case of anything ma'am👁️👁️
As for myself i just watched more of cowboy bebop (almost finished it a h a) and then ended up playing this cringe fail racing game until almost 1 am skhddhsh sELf cARe😩😩😩🤪🤪🤪🔥🔥
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