#if there is established timelord genital regeneration canon pls let me know but also. let me have this
ivytwines · 1 year
when the doctor regenerates, their first instinct is almost always to comment on their new body and it’s unique features (i know these teeth, don’t like the color of my kidneys, etc etc). however when they regenerate into thirteen they make no comment on the sudden disappearance of certain… body parts. this can lead me to only 3 possible explanations:
1) the doctor does not have genitals, in any regeneration. I find this to be stupid and boring
2) the doctor has always had a dick and continues to have a dick even when they are in a more “female” presenting body. trans coded doctor ftw here but I think there’s a better explanation…
3) the doctor has had a vagina before (either always like in scenario #2 or just in certain regenerations) and therefore feels no need to comment on this bodily change.
I am a firm scenario #3 believer and it allows me to come to the obvious conclusion that the tenth doctor was rocking with a pussy. I am he/him lesbian truthing for the tenth doctor at all times
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