#if there are typos or whatnot no there aren't
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side a: eddie munson
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side b side b: steve harrington
explanation post
just going to go straight to my very very stream of consciousness commentary about each song but i want to clarify that i'm an eddie munson is dirty and gross truther and also i hate that rat man (endearing). so yes it might play into some of my thoughts
some songs are kind of vibe-y and you can tell when my explanations start getting contrived and bad but bear with me. i DO have some specific keystone songs idc KEYSTONE i love the word ok anyway
“I” Black Sabbath; eddie munson you are a LOSER with OPINIONS we get it. like yes you are so persecuted by everyone sure you’re going to prove us all wrong
“Heaven and Hell” Black Sabbath; tbh added to match with heaven/hell in the other playlist, but somehow it’s kind of giving munson doctrine to me. literally googled and supposedly it’s about like band kids (??) but i think just like “the world is full of kings and queens/who blind your eyes and steal your dreams” i can literally hear eddie munson quoting it
“Fade to Black” Metallica; UGH why are there so many long periods of silence at the beginning and end of these songs. but just adding to the eddie munson i’m so outcast bad boy drug dealer thing and like. had to have metallica
“I Don’t Wanna Be Me” Type O Negative; idk if anyone can tell that i think eddie is a big dramatic loser who thinks he’s the main character (endearing?) like I AM RIGHT…
“skins” The Haunting; okay this song is saur…. like normal people scare me i’m such a freak coded
“Nosferatu” Blue Oyster Cult; a nod to Eddie Munson being a BIG LOSER NERD. ugh whatever honestly parallels a lot of kas theory fic imo, like innocent maiden steve offering his blood to vampire eddie … why have i read it several times over. in my head, this is like. eddie munson having a dirty dirty loser fantasy about king steve
“Teenage Dirtbag” Wheatus; need I say more……….
“The Sun Always Shines on T.V.” a-ha; yeah… YEAH. it’s a steve song on here. i like tried to do this thing where on each playlist there are keystone songs and this is one of them. like, the song that’s in the other’s genre is the moment they fall in love even if they don’t realize it yet. but re: the song like it’s so eddie having this realization that when he was picturing king steve, he only saw him through snapshots and now that he’s live and an actual tangible human it’s different. like LIKE
“18” Anarbor; tbh i am trying so hard to add some of these songs bc they are so quintessential to me and my connection of music to fandom, BUT IDK…. ITS HARD…. but yeah it’s very steve harrington would never really want to be with me, i’m such a bad boy. okay….
“Poison” Alice Cooper; eddie munson ur horny . eddie munson we’re sworn enemies like ur a jock and i’m a nerd and like could i light my cigarette with ur cock please please
“Falling In Love” Scorpions; “falling in love, it happens to me every day” okay eddie munson i did NOT see u doodling hearts around steve’s name in the fourth grade
“Around the Fur” Deftones; i do not know why but for some reason feeling like steve still hanging around his old crowd, and eddie getting all weird about it. IDK !! does it not just feel so eddie munson
“Closet” Fleshwater; an interlude-y song here kind of an angsty moment for eddie
“I Was Made For Loving You” KISS; SECOND KEYSTONE SONG…. this song signals the first time they sleep together. i am so sorry eddie munson but this music actually DOES give me migraines but i tried very hard
“Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away)” Deftones; eddie’s dreams about leaving hawkins and becoming famous. just in general his wishes to be somewhere he’s wanted and where he belongs. idk i feel like it’s eddie talking about all of these grand plans for his future and turning to steve and being like “and what about you?” and steve doesn’t have an answer.
“Covet” Basement; “you are everything/my most demanding dream” like like like eddie munson loving and hating that he’s in love with steve harrington who is hawkins to the bone and seems determined to die there.
“Ghosts” Scarlet House; in my head this is eddie munson angsting after seeing steve hanging around nancy wheeler or robin buckley depending on when exactly we’re setting this. but it’s very woe is me i’m lost without you. idk it could literally even just be they fought and steve is at the grocery store chilling and eddie munson is literally frothing at the mouth sobbing in his van
“Saturnine Saturnalia” VV; “there is no end to the hurting/i love you” saturnalia was a roman festival where they indulged in mischief and partying and whatnot. feeling like at this point, even if it’s fake, even if it ends up hurting me, i’ll take whatever i can get kind of feeling. maybe it’s like realizing he won’t be free of hawkins unless he lets go of steve or thinking that he’s just a stop on the way to a white picket fence. and i think that maybe this is the moment when eddie begins to realize how deeply he feels for steve.
“Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want” Deftones; PLEASE LET THE MAN GET WHAT HE WANTS !!! FOR ONCE !!! he is out here every single day dealing drugs PLEASE give him a sexy passenger princess to come with him on deals
“Black Butterflies and Deja Vu” The Maine; ik it’s a jump scare but KEYSTONE SONG…. the moment when they admit they’ve fallen in love. this is their aha moment. their AHA! moment not a-ha… but yeah…. eddie munson finally being like wait i’m in love with steve harrington and idk for how long but i’m in trouble
the future holds IDK ... just this part took me this long so PLEASE spare me i literally wrote this out on my notes app
#steve harrington#eddie munson#steddie#stranger things#FORGET THE FORMATTING#i'm not aesthetically inclined like#i literally suck okay i have three different colors of metal in my bedroom#but anyways i feel like u can tell how much i think eddie is a pathetic little loser#like he's just a GUY u guys he's just a pathetic GUY#and yeah he gets pretty intense about steve real quick in my head#but he's so busy doubting everything and generally being a nuisance to himself that he barely even notices#it kind of just becomes him without him realizing#if there are typos or whatnot no there aren't
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i love these tags this person is so right
actually, can you imagine if dave was raised by B1 roxy?
i wanna get into this actually
(ok i had to spend a few hours rewriting this because IT DIDNT FUCKING SAVE AFTER FIVE HOURS OF WRITING WHEN MY COMPUTER UPDATED WHILE I WAS AFK so it would mean a lot to show this post some appreciation. i LOVEEE hearing what other people have to say)
even though these things mom does are presented in an extravagant, kitsch, jokey way, her intentions always came from a place of sincerity. she is simply Funnie
but rose reads too far into it and assumes things that aren't there, that her mother is passive-aggressively feigning interest in rose's interests simply because the things she does are so extra. "why do all of this if not to mock me"
im telling you right now if dave lived in this household he wouldn't assume antagonism, he'd go,
don’t forget who LITERALLY patented tangible jpeg artifacts as their post-scratch adult self and scattered shitty scummed up statue of liberties all over the planet. theres no way some of that overboard artful shit wasnt post-ironic / circling back around to genuine funny sincerity
dave's natural state is funny sincerity like roxy. he's had the natural capacity for this type of humor from the start and this is the direction he goes towards when he grows out of his brother's shadow by the end of the comic. dave and roxy share an earnest “so bad its good” type of humor
(lots more under the cut; the length of this meta analysis just got unwieldly with all the pictures and whatnot)
despite the alcoholism, roxy is a supportive mother. she's not the ideal guardian but hells of a lot more supportive of her kid than bro is. if she knew dave's interests she would totally indulge in them with some over the top silly goofy haha shit as a genuine gesture simply because she loves him
rose isn't too keen on it though. but she is more similar to dirk in her natural state of thinking of overthinking shit and assuming the worst, like the tags said
and yes dave got the sweet cuddly yet sometimes backhanded ouppy gene from roxy, probably even moreso lol

roxy's even said rose "sounds like girl dirk"
side tangent here, but this is something i wanna talk about.
i dont think bro should ever be in custody of children ever but if theres anyone who would be up to the task it's rose probably. i know she'd be able to keep up with him. not only does she have a defined personality (dave is more malleable and absorbs his environment like a sponge), if anyone can pick apart B1 dirk's batshit brain and probably be right on the money it's her. lil cal has been pumping patriarchal nonsense into bro's head and rose would be able to bring the fucking facts to the table without losing her own and being a living example of a badass little girl. i also don't think bro would try to force masculine roles onto rose like he did with dave, seeing as she is a girl, so she would actually have more of a leg up and get some passes that dave was never afforded. and rose wouldn't stand idly and accept any bullshit; she is no doormat. and i think this would earn bro's respect
but anyway, from this, couldn't we conclude roxy "sounds like girl dave"?
yeah okay. we havent even gotten into their penchant for funny typos or misspeaks, deliberate or otherwise
so, dave's environment
the sentiment "god you hope you can be as good as your bro at this some day" might have been genuine at the time when he idolized bro but of course he's not able to express that in any sort of sincere fashion because he's in dirk's fucking household. and this level 10 irony shit isnt doing dave any favors
his role models were the Internet and a vague idea of what Bro was like. So he built up his facade based on irony–not the literary definition of irony, as Rose might be quick to point out, but a popular concept of irony based on the idea that things that didn’t make sense actually made sense in some roundabout way. As a master of irony, Dave probably reasoned, he could see in a way other people couldn’t why a world that was scary and didn’t make sense really did make sense, and could therefore convince those people that he was superior to them. And he would wield his knowledge to maintain the appearance of superiority by calling everything ironic and pretending he didn’t care about things that didn’t make sense, and he would use walls of vaguely rhyming words to keep everyone at arm’s length so they wouldn’t discover his insecurities (source)
roxy's style is the embodiment of post-irony. being raised by mom lalonde would be like being raised by joel vinesauce ok
what can i say ….. (getting meta about this actually, hussie got these jpeg wizard wallpapers from a spyware website. link takes some time to load because internet archive)
rose is quick to read post-irony as actually being a joke/insincere, which in bro's case would be true. but i believe dave's natural instinct, outside of the influence of bro, is to read post-irony as genuine, which is exactly how mom serves it. we see this as early as act 3 from him; he understands her motives better than rose does herself:
and in act 6 intermission 2 i think it's pretty clear
but the thing is, it's always genuine from her. dave wouldn't have to second guess it because he's not one to naturally second guess someone's sincerity; that was learned due to his bro being virtually unassailable
there two types of ironies at play here:
seems like a joke, is actually genuine (roxy)
doesnt seem like a joke, is actually a joke (dirk)
you can make the argument that the second is is more psychologically destructive because it makes you question the reality of what is genuine sentiment and what isn't. dave never knew what was genuine and what was irony so he just sort of existed in this sincerity-ironic limbo and always did the opposite of what he genuinely felt on principle even if it always did originate from a genuine place.
"it just a joke bro i was just being ironic i dont actually x" is so much more trust-breaking and psychologically damaging than "wait are you being serious" / "i am being so fucking fr rn davy gravy" / "ok thats actually pretty fucking awesome. giant ass wizard statue" / "RIGHT"
how much about dave would change do you think? his character arc would be completely different for one thing, i think he'd have it good aside from mom's alcohol issues. he'd be left with the sweet and funny parts of him that we see at the end of the comic. the fake coolguy stuff is out, but this remains. this is dave in his element and we see it as early as act 1
he'd probably have no shades growing up in the lalonde residence* either cause those were given to him by bro straight out of the crater as an extension of his own cool image. and john gave dave ben stiller’s aviators for his 13th birthday to replace them so he could “spread his wings”
dave said he was wearing them for the ironies but i kind of doubt it. maybe post-irony but there was some reacharound to it being genuine because dave never put those pointy anime shades on his face again.
*though... it’s kind of hard to imagine him without his shades at all? B2 dave still got stiller’s shades from stiller himself so maybe getting them is a universal constant. i can imagine mom getting him them as a birthday gift cause shes pretty wealthy and probably could buy it out in an auction. but also itd be cool if john still gave him it as a gift
dave is actually a lot more genuine and easy to read than he lets on even when grappling with his upbringing with B1 dirk (again, see this post). this can be seen all throughout he comic but a good example is the evolution of thoughts about his interest in the preserved dead things in his room:
if B1 roxy was dave's guardian he probably WOULD have pursued paleontology because she wouldve indulged him in it and probably find it cool and worthwhile to pursue, instead of allowing dave to flounder under ironic detachment, being poisoned by irony to the point of gaslighting himself into believing he doesnt actually believe he thinks this shit is cool. even if it was indulged in this such a way; a superficially kitsch and ironic appearing presentation, it comes from a genuine place and inspires genuine interest. just read the comments.
basically, i think if B1 roxy raised dave, their relationship would have a surface level appearance of being bizarre or over-the-top but they’d have an unsaid mutual understanding that it’s completely in earnest and just build on each other's funny and absurd gestures of affection. rather than seeing it as one-upping each other, it'd more like collaboration of some silly bullshit that you take a step back and look at full and just say, "fucking incredible"
speaking of paleontology, mom had the proto-ectobiology lab. maybe they'd be able to use the equipment to appearify paradox ghost imprints of the dead shit to create paradox clones of things from the cambrian era??? sounds like a fun mother son bonding activity. and theyd actually put the sciencey shit in the household to use
oh god i know exactly the kinds of music shed listen too also growing up as a teen in the 80s. she on that (post)-punk/art rock/new wave/new romantic mtv stuff. XTC shit fr. this is a B-52S HOUSEHOLD. maybe the associates for the campy melodramatic flair. so he gets to keep the record on his shirt cause he is an enjoyer of the shit in her vinyl collection. dave would still gravitate towards musical expression and music itself but of more variety outside of just rap, with an 80s-90s, even 70s flavor due to mom’s influence. see this for perhaps a glimpse. she probably visited new york city a lot for business trips and because the music scene was cool as hell around that time, imports came straight from jfk airport, she probably got in on that a bit and have remnants in the form of vinyls and cassettes. in this way she could be distributing void to dave (influencing him with forgotten / presently irrelevant music). now he can REALLY rave about bands none of his friends have heard of. “hey davy grvay watcha listenin to” (he holds up vinyl cover) “omg snakefinger”
btw dave lalonde would look like this to me
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Hello, I don't know if you remember me, but I'm the anon who was worried that my OC character made accidental romantic gestures due to cultural differences. It's the first comic I'm making, and there are some art mistakes and typos, hence why I have a proofreader now, but your nitpicking makes me worried about the nitpicking I can get for the afore-mentioned mistakes. My comic is a Star Trek prequel that takes place around the time the Vulcans made First Contact with Earth. Help me.
Not to be @'ing you in any way anon but my nitpicking of LO has nothing to do with you or your project. Make it anyways. If you're noticing errors or whatnot that you're worried will lower the quality of your work, then put it towards improving, not self-loathing. Having perception skills and being able to notice what does and doesn't work is half of being an artist. Finding mistakes in your own work is not a bad thing, mistakes existing at all in your work is not a bad thing. That's never been the point of my scrutinizing of LO or WT.
Please don't misinterpret my willingness to take the piss out of LO at every opportunity as some blanket viewpoint that I would apply to every single comic project, I shouldn't even have to make it clear that people shouldn't scrutinize hobby projects the same way we do with commercialized products like LO but I'm saying it again anyways - y'all are making your own projects for fun and for learning, it would be a huge dick move for me or anyone like me to go off about non-profit and non-commercial projects being made on some random person's own time and dime.
Like honestly - and please don't take this the wrong way - unless you become the number one creator on a corporate platform like WT with a comic that disrespects an entire culture's religion and promotes grooming and sets back feminism by 80 years, then my magnifying glass isn't going anywhere near you. Make your work unapologetically, and yes, that means sometimes being bad at it. Being bad at something is the first step in being kinda good at something, y'know? I criticize LO because it's a series that's constantly advertised as the best webtoon of all time but it doesn't act like it, plus all that aforementioned stuff about how much harm LO has done to Greek myth. You and Rachel aren't on the same playing field, I'm not gonna go chucking baseballs at you lol
And honestly, when it comes right down to it, I really don't care that much if I read someone's comic they made on their own and it has a typo or messy art or whatever have you (because that would be SUPER hypocritical of me to do when I've made plenty of art whoopsies and typos in my own work) that kind of thing is pretty easy to get over and be at peace with.
The shit I throw at Rachel is for Rachel because it's under a very specific set of conditions that do not apply to you.
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Weekly Roundup: Prompts (June 27-July-04)
Screw it, Akiha ABDL
Pet play: Ciel takes Arcuied round the back and puts her down like Old Yeller
Fate/Stay Night
Shinji gets isekaid after that one time he gets killed in canon but life isn't any better for him in the new world(by his standards at least)
shiki vs taiga swordfight. battle of the ages
taiga learns tiger drop which negates all damage
okay , for real , outta all the f/sn masters, i bet shirou would have the easiest time adjusting to the chaos of life at chaldea . an rin is stuck on the struggle bus with now way out the second she meets BB.
a wave of peace and quiet flows through the clocktower , why ? rin & luvia were tf'd into hex maniacs and no one wants to turn 'em back to normal b/c they aren't total assholes in that state . hell, shirou's even okay with those remaining like that , especially since luvia's taken up gardening. having a friend bring fresh produce when they pop over unannounced has done wonders for his cooking.
Rin Tohsaka being TF'd into Luvia's trophy wife
Smut, unsanitary, Ruby fully re-brainwashes Rin like when she was a kid and makes her piss herself live on stage in front of thousands of people in her old Magical Girl costume. The brainwashed Rin of course finds this very erotic and ends up fingering herself as she pisses buckets.
edit BB.exe, setvar arousal=TRUE, setvar canorgasm=FALSE, setvar pleasure=5*pleasure, exit
Gudako after eating Van Gogh's flesh from her valentine present is in great need to get another bite
kadoc & gudako should bond through shoplifting at sephora
Smut, there’s plenty of content about morgan and her husband. where’s the content of morgan and her wife??? I wanna see gudako dutifully satisfying her witch wife’s needs in the bedroom; bonus if Morgan has a dick (as in in a trans way, because fuck yes). let gudako suck her wife off dammit!!!
somebody at chaldea figures out after xxx or more years of repression they are not straight and/or cis. specifically a servant because post mortem milestones of life are extremely funny to me
Smut, I humbly request for mash/morgan porn where morgan refers to mash as her "trophy."
Ophelia Phamrsolone learns her last name is entirely because of a centuries-old typo. Several typos. Drunken insistence a scribble was legible, really.
all of the support servants of Chaldea (such as Scathach Skadi, Merlin, Waver, etc) decide to go against Gudako because she always overworks them during grinding sessions. It’s up to the writer to decide if they succeed or DIE because of Chen Gong
Raikou and Tiamat fight over who's Guda's mother. End up solving the problem by marrying each other.
The Chaldea mom club learn about the amount of servants in love with Gudako and decide as Gudako's mother(s) that they need figure out who is worthy of taking the masters hand in marriage. Cut to B.B hosting the matchmaking equivalent of America's Got Talent with them prize being to marry Gudako.
let's put beryl in the chen gong cannon
castoria and guda use each other as chew toys and nobody is sure whether or not its a sex thing or not(correct answer is sometimes yeah but not always)
Guda finds out that she has a weight gaining kink/wants to fatten up after spending too much time watching how happy Caesar and Cleopatra are
warhammer 40k tournament at chaldea ,
a few people at chaldea play 2 truths and a lie : here's gudako's list: i run a salamanders army on the Warhammer 40k table top ( true) when i took this job , my main goal was to not die a virgin & by the emperor did i succeed !(true) and i have my coochie pierced ( false)
Chaldea holds a pride parade. Turns out every single servant is queer in some way, at least once modern concepts of gay and bi and trans and whatnot are explained to them, so there's a 100% turnout rate. Somehow nobody saw this coming.
this is a *big* request but with most of his lines being translated now i crave bhima gorging the absolute hell out (wg, stuffing, anything in between)
Smut, Due to the presence of a large number of people who can actually go blow for blow with her in Chaldea, Barghest regularly engages in battle sex. Powerbomb into mating press is a hell of a drug.
Smut, After Morgan tells Gudao to get rid of all his other Berserkers and asserting that she's the only one he'll ever need, he finally puts his foot down and disciplines the former Queen of Fairy Britain. Things don't go quite as planned and naturally, this has unintended (sexy) consequences. Now, Morgan starts causing problems on purpose just so she can be "punished" by Gudao, much to his consternation.
Smut, Gudako gets sent with Mash to Aesc and the threesome is so good that all their traumas vanish, the Lostbelt is fixed, and Queen Morgan has two new Consorts.
gudako convinces castoria to kill gudao so castoria can stay with Gudako. unfortunately castoria and Gudao murder each other, and what will gudako do?
There’s a reason why despite the constant Arts farming, Castoria is still alive: She drinks 10 cups of Monster just to stay awake and alive. Bonus points if her stash of Monster Energy Drinks are stolen or is found.
Arcueid & Kukulkan, ultimate one squad
Smut, Dobryna getting summoned in place of her husband to protect him and then fucking Guda sounds like an ntr plot, so why not write it like one?
Alexander/Iskandar meets Berserker Darius only to realize his ancient rival is nothing like he remembered. Can be played for comedy but I'm imagining more the scene from Sopranos where Tony and Junior meet for the last time
Scheherazade plans for, and goes on a date with, Nitocris. Swaps back and forth between Scheherazade being anxious and hyper-over-planning for every negative contingency and Nitocris comforting her as things go very well actually.
Smut, nitocris says she wants to marry master( which ever one you want) and the other pharaoh/egyptian servants and their partner help her become a good wife in-n-out of bed due to this master pass out the first time they have sex.
Baobhan Sith keeps trying to be a mean girl, but ends up accidentally helping everyone, and gets mad about it. The last straw is when Guda praises her, so she decides, in a fit of impulsiveness, to do the most diabolical thing she can think of doing to Guda; Baobhan Sith steals their first kiss. The only problem is that Guda was actually saving their first kiss for them anyway, so it was all for nothing.
arjuna & junao try out the twin- switch trick , their success in fooling people will depend on the prompt filler
Dinofucker Olgamarie
Join us on our new Chaldea game show, “Justify! That! Atrocity!” Starring featuring guest stars like Gawain, Mordred, Abigail, and many more!
Ereshkigal and Ishtar inherited Rin's dumb Bissexual rizz and end up creating their own harem without even realizing it
chaldea summoning galahad by complete accident. meanwhile, lancelot is FREAKING OUT about this
Berserker Lancelot is always just emitting that freaky growling noise of his due to the chronic pain, and thus is constantly miserable. That is is, until Tomoe Gozen shows him Microsoft Flight Simulator, and the simple happiness overtakes the pain and rage
Smut, Director Olga Marie can't stop masturbating
Smut, Castoria + prostitution. A country girl gotta do what she gotta do all alone in britain yknow.
After Guda is captured by the mages Association so they can transfer their command seals to a more trustful user who will give better use to their army of servants, a servant finds them and begs them to escape, that Chaldea can keep them safe, while Guda begs them to kill them, that way nobody will go after Chaldea and there won't be a risk that these command seals will fall in dangerous hands
the real dobryna already had imposter syndrome due to being just a squishy human while his wife & daughter(s?) are some pretty dang strong monsters. and his wife committing identity theft in order to join chaldea just rubbed salt in the wound. now it's up to the koyan twins to solve their dad's problem , because if they don't , he's gonna run off & elope with gudako.
due to boredom, Castoria tries the Grimace Shake. It is up to the writer to decide if she dies or not from drinking the shake
FGO, again
Rasputin has a skill with a chance to trigger guts, chaldea plays a game and bet how many times they will have to kill Rasputin before he dies
Chaldea ends up summoning Saber Galahad Alter AKA the Cooler Galahad from Fate/Requiem, and Mash ends up experiencing what it's like to have a big brother, while the original Galahad is low-key seething because everyone likes his far more approachable Alter self, including Mash.
Smut, Morgan x Ronald McDonald smut
Gudako and Castoria left too many bite marks on each other just for Oberon to tease them about it.
warhammer 40k tournament at chaldea : you've got gudako with her salamander army, tomoe of all people is running a chaos undivided set up, osakabehime has her Astra Militarum (aka guardsmen) & a back up adeptus mechanicus army, and sei is in possession of some very impressive Ork kitbashes., and then there's morgan spectating ; she currently does not have a good grasp on how to play the game , but she did enjoy painting a few sisters of battle minis with gudako.
locusta finds out that people on the internet call her nasu.
Due to the constant pause in the flow of time due to the world nearly ending and the constant rayshifting that puts their physical body in suspension Guda's mind has aged much faster than their body, so i propose: Mid 40s Guda that still looks like they're is in his early 20s and acts like they're in their 60s
Jing Ke runs out of her monthly supply of booze, and Moriarty has cut her off from the bar due to making a mess last time- leaving her with only one option, Shuten Douji. She starts drinking Shuten’s Oni-wine, and begins developing Oni traits because of it.
Tiamat comforting a character with mommy issues, Raikou, Mordred or Jack would be ideal, but given the amount of tragic backstorys in this franchise, everyone needs some motherly love
Sei Shōnagon called Scheherazade’s summons pokemon once a week ago, and she’s been in an existential crisis ever since, trying to figure out if she needs to collect gym badges or not
Li Shuwen is not allowed to fist his partners anymore :(
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† finale : rindou.
request: not really
* these are the 3rd/extra endings to: ‘do you love me?’ p1 / p2
beta’d: yes but typos are always a thing
a/u: kind of want feedback on if i should finish all of the members?
* banners do not indicate age or timeline.
'You haven't spoken to him in five months.'
'I keep forgetting to change the locks, too.'
Ran hummed in acknowledgment before joining you on the couch, an arm settling behind your shoulders while his leg crossed over the other. 'He doesn't seem to be handling this little break up of yours well, you know? Drinking, sleeping around, spending like he has brains. Aren't you even a little disturbed?'
Closing the book in your hands, you tilted your head to look at him. 'Am I supposed to be concerned about a man who never once cared for me?'
'You know very well he cared.'
'And yet, here we are. Shouldn't you be at his place, playing the role of caring older brother like always?'
Sighing deeply, the latter shifted to let his head fall back against the couch, frame shifting down enough to be comfortable. 'I've given enough years of my life to make sure my brother was happy.. have I not earned the ability to cater to my own happiness for once?'
With a shift in how you sat, you reached up to start undoing the pastel colored tie, chuckling weakly. 'Older siblings have no time for happiness,' you pointed out, settling the now removed fabric neatly on the arm of the couch, 'I'm sure you know that by now.'
'You're really going to say these things while trying to undress me?' Laughing softly, he took one of your hands and tugged, guiding you onto his lap. 'Why don't we change things, then? I do believe it's time for the older siblings to have a turn.'
You could take the words in multiple ways but you decided not to seek out the one that would end up annoying you both. Instead, you turned your attention back to the buttons of his shirt, letting him initiate a kiss. It was passionate and slow, like it always was and you'd never get tired of it.
'You're fucking my brother?'
As the door slammed open accompanied by the harsh accusation, the conversation between Hajime and yourself came to a halt. You didn't bother lifting your head to look at him, continuing to write down a few numbers. 'Was this really necessary?' You questioned, finger tapping at one of the purchases.
The white haired male was more than happy to go along with you, ignoring the latter's sudden appearance. 'It was, actually.. if you're really curious, it may be in your best interest to take it up with Sanzu.'
That made sense. Before you managed to continue, a hand was pulling your ledger away and causing your mood to sour just so. 'I know you heard me,' came Rindou's voice again, 'are you serious?'
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you shifted to lean back in your chair and looked up at him. 'I don't think it's any of your business who is in my bed, first off. Secondly, if you're so angry, I believe you should take it up with your brother. No one held a gun to his head.'
'Take up what with me, exactly?'
Ran seemed to always have great timing, walking into the meeting room with a raised eyebrow. Hajime clicked his tongue and collected his books and whatnot; 'I doubt we'll finish this with.. all of this happening. I'll be in my office when this is over.' With that, he passed by Ran, clearly annoyed that his business was interrupted by the younger Haitani's obsession with drama.
No one really paid him any mind.
'Were you planning to tell me you were screwing my fiancé?'
'Ex fiancé.'
Rindou's expression showed that he was unamused by your little correction but he didn't voice that. Instead, his attention went to the older, waiting for some explanation.
'I was unaware I was supposed to keep you updated on who I was sleeping with,' Ran began, stepping further into the room to set a thin, rectangle box next to you, 'the last several months have been you going on about how this never meant anything to you.. or, was that to impress the girls you were sleeping with? Shouldn't you be giving that list to Y/n?'
When he didn't get an answer, he shifted his attention. 'We have a birthday lunch to attend.'
Your eyes widened only for a second at the fact someone other than Kakucho remembered your birthday and it made your skin tingle, heart fluttering a bit. 'You remembered,' you mumbled, almost inaudible, as you tapped a finger against the box.
Rindou straightened at the scene in front of him. 'So, what? You're both against me now?'
Ran rolled his eyes. 'Don't blame others for your inability to hold a relationship, Rindou, it's unbecoming of you. I'll never not be on your side when it comes to most things, you're already aware of that.. as for Y/n.. she simply decided what was more fitting for her.' Helping you to your feet and gesturing you ahead of him to go and try on your gift, he stopped to briefly look at his brother.
'You put yourself in this situation. I tried to help countless times and I wasn't the only one but you didn't want help. I told you several times you were going to end up alone if you didn't get your head out of your ass.. look where it got you.' Ran offered a frown, something of genuine empathy for him but it was no one's fault but his own. 'Now.. I expect you to get over it and leave my fiancé out of it.'
Without another word or staying to hear him out, Ran left to seek you out, wanting nothing more than to enjoy the remainder of the day with you.
'Is he okay?' You finally asked, looking up to the latter with a soft frown. The last thing you wanted was to cause a problem, regardless of who approached who first.
'I don't believe he's coming to the wedding,' Ran mused and offered you a reassuring smile. 'He will eventually get over it.. it may take time for him to realize just what he's done but he'll get there. I do think he'd appreciate, later on, his childhood friend back.'
It was something you'd have to think about and you'd have to deal with your own feelings but someday, you were sure it wouldn't be too difficult. 'One day,' you answered, reaching to take the latter's hand, 'I love you.'
'I love you, too, darling.'
#tokrev#Tokyo Revengers#tokyo revengers x reader#tokyo revengers scenarios#rindou x reader#rindou haitani#haitani brothers#ran x reader#ran haitani x reader
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Here's a quandary I've suddenly found myself in: where do you stand on writers deleting their own works, fanfiction or otherwise? I've had this happen to me on more than one occasion - I go to look for an old favorite and find it's since been deleted from whatever site I read it on.
On the one hand, I'm inclined to think that, "Sure. The author wrote it, it's their call. I don't own the work - I certainly didn't pay for it. It's their decision, even if it's disappointing."
But at the same time I can't help but consider the alternative - if I believe in death of the author (and I do), that an author's work fundamentally isn't solely theirs once it's been published, posted, etc., then it also seems wrong to have a work deleted. Stories aren't the sole property of their creator, after all.
But then I circle back. D'you think there are different obligations between authors and readers and the works being made in fandom space? I know if I had bought a book and the author decided they wanted it back, I would feel pretty comfortable telling them no, given I'd paid for it and whatnot. But that's a different world from fanfic and fandom space generally.
So. You're insightful Clyde, I'm curious as to what you'll have to say here (and to all y'all thinking about it, don't flame me. I haven't decided where I stand here yet - haven't heard a good nail-in-the-coffin argument for or against yet).
Val are you a mind reader now? I’ve been thinking about this exact conundrum the last few days!
(And yeah, as a general disclaimer: no flaming. Not allowed. Any asks of the sort will be deleted on sight and with great satisfaction.)
Honestly, I’m not sure there is a “nail-in-the-coffin argument” for this, just because—as you lay out—there are really good points for keeping works around and really good points for allowing authors to have control over their work, especially when fanworks have no payment/legal obligations attached. In mainstream entertainment, your stories reflect a collaborative effort (publisher, editor, cover artists, etc.) so even if it were possible to delete the physical books out of everyone’s home and library (and we're ignoring the censorship angle for the moment), that’s no longer solely the author’s call, even if they have done the lion’s share of the creative work. Though fanworks can also, obviously, be collaborative, they’re usually not collaborative in the same way (more “This fic idea came about from discord conversations, a couple tumblr posts, and that one headcanon on reddit”) and they certainly don’t have the same monetary, legal, and professional strings attached. I wrote this fic as a hobby in my free time. Don’t I have the right to delete it like I also have the right to tear apart the blankets I knit?
Well yes… but also no? I personally view fanworks as akin to gifts—the academic term for our communities is literally “gift economy”—so if we view it like that, suddenly that discomfort with getting rid of works is more pronounced. If I not only knit a blanket, but then gift it to a friend, it would indeed feel outside of my rights to randomly knock on their door one day and go, “I actually decided I hate that? Please give it back so I can tear it to shreds, thanks :)” That’s so rude! And any real friend would try to talk me out of it, explaining both why they love the blanket and, even if it’s not technically the best in terms of craftsmanship, it holds significant emotional value to them. Save it for that reason alone, at least. Fanworks carry that same meaning—“I don’t care if it’s full of typos, super cliché, and using some outdated, uncomfortable tropes. This story meant so much to me as a teenager and I’ll always love it”—but the difference in medium and relationships means it’s easier to ignore all that. I’m not going up to someone’s house and asking face-to-face to destroy something I gave them (which is awkward as hell. That alone deters us), I’m just pressing a button on my computer. I’m not asking this of a personal friend that is involved in my IRL experiences, I’m (mostly) doing this to online peers I know little, if anything, about. It’s easy to distance ourselves from both the impact of our creative work and the act of getting rid of it while online. On the flip-side though, it’s also easier to demean that work and forget that the author is a real person who put a lot of effort into this creation. If someone didn’t like my knitted blanket I gave them as a gift, they’re unlikely to tell me that. They recognize that it’s impolite and that the act of creating something for them is more important than the construction’s craftsmanship. For fanworks though, with everyone spread around the world and using made up identities, people have fewer filters, happily tearing authors to shreds in the comments, sending anon hate, and the like. The fact that we’re both prefacing this conversation with, “Please don’t flame” emphasizes that. So if I wrote a fic with some iffy tropes, “cringy” dialogue, numerous typos, whatever and enough people decided to drag me for it… I don’t know whether I’d resist the urge to just delete the fic, hopefully ending those interactions. There’s a reason why we’re constantly reminding others to express when they enjoy someone else’s work: the ratio of praise to criticism in fandom (or simply praise to seeming indifference because there was no public reaction at all), is horribly skewed.
So I personally can’t blame anyone for deleting. I’d like to hope that more people realize the importance of keeping fanworks around, that everything you put out there is loved by someone… but I’m well aware that the reality is far more complicated. It’s hard to keep that in mind. It’s hard to keep something around that you personally no longer like. Harder still to keep up a work you might be harassed over, that someone IRL discovered, that you’re disgusted with because you didn’t know better back then… there are lots of reasons why people delete and I ultimately can’t fault them for that. I think the reasons why people delete stem more from problems in fandom culture at large—trolling, legal issues, lack of positive feedback, cancel culture, etc.—than anything the author has or has not personally done, and since such work is meant to be a part of an enjoyable hobby… I can’t rightly tell anyone to shoulder those problems, problems they can’t solve themselves, just for the sake of mine or others’ enjoyment. The reason I’ve been thinking about this lately is because I was discussing Attack on Titan and how much I dislike the source material now, resulting in a very uncomfortable relationship with the fics I wrote a few years back. I’ve personally decided to keep them up and that’s largely because some have received fantastic feedback and I’m aware of how it will hurt those still in the fandom if I take them down. So if a positive experience is the cornerstone of me keeping fics up, I can only assume that negative experiences would likewise been the cornerstone of taking them down. And if getting rid of that fic helps your mental health, or solves a bullying problem, or just makes you happier… that, to me, is always more important than the fic itself.
But, of course, it’s still devastating for everyone who loses the work, which is why my compromise-y answer is to embrace options like AO3’s phenomenal orphaning policy. That’s a fantastic middle ground between saving fanworks and allowing authors to distances themselves from them. I’ve also gotten a lot more proactive about saving the works I want to have around in the future. Regardless of whether we agree with deleting works or not, the reality is we do live in a world where it happens, so best to take action on our own to save what we want to keep around. Though I respect an author’s right to delete, I also respect the reader’s right to maintain access to the work, once published, in whatever way they can. That's probably my real answer here: authors have their rights, but readers have their rights too, so if you decide to publish in the first place, be aware that these rights might, at some point, clash. I download all my favorite fics to Calibre and, when I’m earning more money (lol) I hope to print and bind many for my personal library. I’m also willing to re-share fic if others are looking for them, in order to celebrate the author’s work even if they no longer want anything to do with it. Not fanfiction in this case, but one of my fondest memories was being really into Phantom of the Opera as a kid and wanting, oh so desperately, to read Susan Kay’s Phantom. Problem was, it was out of print at the time, not available at my library, and this was before the age of popping online and finding a used copy. For all intents and purposes, based on my personal situation, this was a case of a book just disappearing from the world. So when an old fandom mom on the message boards I frequented offered to type her copy up chapter by chapter and share it with me, you can only imagine how overjoyed I was. Idk what her own situation was that something like scanning wouldn’t work, but the point is she spent months helping a fandom kid she barely knew simply because a story had resonated with her and she wanted to share it. That shit is powerful!
So if someone wants to delete—if that’s something they need right now—I believe that is, ultimately, their decision… but please try your hardest to remember that the art you put out into the world is having an impact and people will absolutely miss it when it’s gone. Often to the point of doing everything they can to put it back out into the world even if you decide to take it out. Hold onto that feeling. The love you have for your favorite fic, fanart, meta, whatever it is? Someone else has that for your work too. I guarantee it.
So take things down as needed, but for the love of everything keep copies for yourself. You may very well want to give it back to the world someday.
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I may or may not have forgot about the anons that aren't pain, fluff, and chaotic/chaos while typing that. Oops... It wasn't on purpose, I swear!
My take on age: I think I may be around the same age as 14 and flower, Ghost slightly younger than you, Fluff and Chaos the same age as you, and Comfort a tad bit older than you. (Also I sometimes forget that comfort and fluff are in fact not the same person, my bad) (if I missed anyone else, accept my apologies, please)
I just did a slight digging through all the asks while I was eating lunch, turns out Pain and I are the same age.
(live reaction from the digging: wtf, I haven't even scrolled through a whole day?)(also: same, pain, same, messy's art is love at first sight indeed)
✗ sona is a slimey blob of green jelly [with the memory of c!Ranboo]
ohhh lots of input from ✗, first off, anon sona, a slimey green blob of jelly! :D
(also i feel you, i scroll down every now and then to see typos and whatnot and realize i have ways to go)
on the age take; WAIT i actually thought you were younger than pain :00 so thats a surprise on my part (not that much younger, like a year or smth)
#asks#anon sonas#:0000#also dont mind me melting at the fact you also think my art is love at first sight :'((((
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as per @jenjensd who posted screenshots, here is the typed version (edited typos):
My fiance (26f) and I (27m) met at college. We were in our school's performing arts program and met in a puppetry class. In the class, we designed our own puppets. Mine, named Hat Boy, and my fiance's, Daisy (she's better with names) were what we initially used to talk to each other and flirt in class. We fell in love, and in a way, we've considered Hat Boy and Daisy in love as well.
Years after graduating, we still use Hat Boy and Daisy both at home, and at our local (but fairly prominent) theater where we perform muppet shows with high-end, muppet style puppets.
While planning our wedding, we realized we wanted Hat Boy and Daisy to be a part of the ceremony. They've been a part of us since the beginning, and it just felt right. We also invited our entire troop of puppeteers from the theater and got the idea that we should have our wedding completely officiated by "puppets" and that our wedding parties would be made up of puppets (and our closest puppeteer friends!). We figure it'll make for incredible pictures.
Here's where we aren't sure if we are TAs or not: We're insisting that all of our guests also participate and use puppets. In lieu of gifts, we've asked everyone to purchase high quality (but not nearly the quality of professional puppets) puppets to use during the wedding. We took the guess work out of it and directed them to several vendors, some of who offer some really cool options. Everyone could realistically expect to spend $150-500 depending on what sort of details and whatnot they wanted.
We also want everyone to "wear" their puppets during the entire wedding and reception. All puppets we're suggesting can be mounted on and controlled with one hand. The puppets are meant to be "guests" at the wedding in the same way all of our human guests are as well.
Well let's just say, there are a LOT of people not happy. Both of our parents, my wife's sister, and family members on both sides have complained that this is completely unreasonable. They're concerned about how are they going to eat and drink? How are they going to dance (you don't need hands to dance, so idk where this complaint came from)? We of course don't expect people to have their puppet on their hand while in the bathroom, but everywhere else, we'd really like to insist on it.
We also made sure that our hors d'oeuvres are all finger foods. There will be plenty of cocktail tables so people can put down their drinks. We even made sure that all of the food for the dinner itself is portioned so that it can be eaten in bite sizes with just a fork without having to use a knife.
We really think this would make for a special day. We only get to do it once, and think that it will be an event that all our guests will remember for a lifetime. We have a hard time believing that once there, they wouldn't have a blast.
So reddit, are we TA for making what we think is a silly but harmless and reasonable request for one special day? Thanks for reading.
here's the thread
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I don't think my message went through. I noticed I had a typo on there just as I was waiting for it to send. I'm glad that OOR is being recognized by a broader audience, even if some of the English versions of songs aren't my favorites or the collabs. You should check out Man With A Mission, The Bawdies, Sekai no Owari, and The Bonez. Oh, I like Jay Chou also and there are quite a few Taiwanese artists that I enjoy listening to.
My lifestyle isn’t very healthy but I’m trying to make small changes. Hopefully I am able to stick with a consistent workout routine. When I was younger I used to get in trouble for reading so much. My parents were always telling me to do something else besides reading. Since I’m always curious about other languages reading is a good way to study. I know school can be stressful and once I get a job hopefully I can continue my studies.
What type of anime are you into? I think the last thing I watched was Tonari No Kaibutsu-Kun. How long have you been into K-pop? I started listening to K-pop around mid 2008. Do you watch any variety shows or dramas?-Wonpil anon
Oh man thanks for the recommendations. I’ve heard of Sekai no Owari before back when I was really into owl city (don’t judge me). How did you know about all these bands? Or is it just from finding them through the internet?
I guess it can be difficult to try to stick to a new routine or building a habit, since it takes like 21 days to build a new habit or something like that. I’m sure you can do it though (since you seem so much more mature than I am, and probably have a lot more self-discipline).
I actually read a whole lot when I was younger too. I think that’s how I was able to learn English quicker, and learn vocabulary and whatnot. I swear reading Harry Potter in elementary school taught me English. And then my dad would always nag me to go practice or something instead.
I guess I like mystery animes, but there isn’t a specific genre that I always watch. I’ve seen Tonari No Kaibutsu-Kuntoo, I thought it was pretty funny and sweet. People have been pushing me to watch Steins Gate so I’m currently watching it. I’m only on episode 4 so nothing exciting has happened.
Wow you’ve been listening to k-pop a lot longer than I have. I think I probably started listening to it late 2014 to early 2015. I wasn’t really exposed to a lot of music other than classical music growing up. What got you into k-pop?
I don’t really watch any variety shows on a regular basis (usually only when someone I know is on). I’ve watched some dramas, but rarely ones that I can watch all the way through. I really loved Signal though, and I have yet to find another one as good as it was. Maybe you could recommend some dramas or variety shows to me?
I hope your day went well :) I had a 4 hour rehearsal until 11 yesterday (and more today and tomorrow) so I am barely hanging on for dear life. Anything exciting happening? Hope you have a great day~
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