#if the kids dont believe make them believe xoxoxo
iiwaijime · 25 days
HELLO HELLO LINA !! sorry i’m sending this late i had work yesterday and i literally KNOCKED out right after but OMG YOU READ ALL MY ASKS? :((((( (/POS) all my yapping is so much i can’t believe you keep up with them <333333333 MATH KID ERA OMG don’t burn yourself out but i’m glad you’re understanding things!! it always feels so rewarding when you get the material so you should definitely feel proud of yourself!! AND I SEE YOU ON SAV AND NESS’ BLOG A LOT AND I THINK YOURE THE CUTEST EVER !! i hope you had time to nap because naps are fun and i can’t wait for your iwa smau!!
AND IM GOOD !! THANK YOU FOR ASKING!! work has been better but i’m getting so so so tired more often now because of it but other than that i’ve been so well!! AND THANK YOU LINA YOURE SO SWEET <333333333 I HOPE YOUVE EATEN !! MAKE SURE TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!! ILY ILY ILY!! <333333 XOXOXO
READINF THE ASKS IS LIKEEEE reading the newspaper kind of!!!! a very interesting newspaper!!!!!!! ANYWYAS!!!!
im not burning myself out dw!!!! but thank u for saying that!!!!🫂🫂🫂 going to become an academic weapon again guys the validation is like NOTHING else
THANK YOU THOUFH!!!!!!!! NO UR THE CUTEST EVER!!!! I LOVE SEEING UR LITTLE STORIES AND LIFE THINGS IN GENERAL!! i took the tiniest nap and my haters woke me up fr (they made me have dinner) I CAN'T WAIT FOR MY IWA SMAU EITHER ITS SO!!!! <33333 im so excited to write it and make them go through Things together!! also shoutout to my bb @akaakeis bc!!!! she helped me w some technical things and hyped me up to do in the first place and i would just like to say that i love her very much
you're sweeter actually!!!!
i just finished eating (this needs to be studied) I HOPE YOUVE EATEN ALSO!! TAKE CARE POOKIE ILY🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
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drivc · 5 years
nbd but i really wanna do a m/m band au plot where muse a and muse b are always shipped together by their fans bc they’re such good bros and they always joke in interviews about it but nobody realises that muse a is actually genuinely serious about this and help how do i tell my best friend i’m in love with him when everyone thinks it’s a joke
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reallyautomaticvoid · 6 years
Calling It: Where's the Beer, Replacement?
Character: Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Bart Allen
Summary: Jason stops by to have a beer. Tim is not prepared for this.
Warning: some angst, swearing, reference to alcohol
Tim groans and nestles deeper into his pillow.  His bed is warm.  The world is cold.  He’s not getting up unless there is an alien invasion.  Even that is a coin toss.
“Normal,” an overly chipper voice bore into Tim’s skull, “I’m all for you sleeping.  Especially when you’ve been up for a week straight and don’t think we don’t know about that, dumbass.”  A being leans close to Tim’s ear, “we have eyes everywhere.”  
Tim snarls, pulling a pillow over his head.  “Fuck off, Bart.”
“Any other day, I would, fuck knows you need the sleep, but unfortunately, today isn’t your lucky day.” 
Bart pulls Tim’s blanket off of him before stealing his pillow.  Tim blinks at the sudden bright light and cold air.  
Glaring at Bart, Tim shivers.  “What?”
“Okay, so, you know how you love me and stuff?”
“Not at the moment, no.”  Tim tries to snatch his cooling blankets from Bart, but speedsters.
“Okay, great.  You know how you want the Tower to stay standing?”
Tim’s eye’s narrow.  “What?”
Instead of answering Tim’s question, Bart took the opportunity to pick Tim up (Bridal style because Bart’s an ass sometimes) and speeding them from Tim’s room to the kitchen.
“Get him out of my kitchen, or I’m calling Con,” Bart mutters in Tim’s ear before running off.  Probably to call Con.
Tim blinks at the back of a person, in a leather jacket, who was digging through the fridge.  The only two people in the Tower are him and Bart.  
So, who the hell is digging through their fridge?
And why the hell didn’t any of the Tower’s security go off?
Clearing his throat, Tim watches, as the person—man—didn’t jump.  Or flinch.  Or stop his search of the fridge.  
Instead, the man turns to arch a brow at Tim.
Jason—Jason fucking Todd— was digging through his fridge.
“Replacement.”  Jason turns back to the fridge.  “Where the hell is your beer?”
“Beer?  What are you talking about?  How the hell did you get passed security?”  
 “Dont’ worry about it and yeah, beer.  You know, the stuff ya drink.”  Jason pulls out a container of what was Thai food.  Popping the lid before sniffing it, Jason jerks back his head.  “Whoo, what the fuck is this?”
“Pad Thai. Jason, what the hell are you doing here?”
Wrinkling his nose, Jason says, “This is not Pad Thai.  This is a new life.”  Turing, Jason dumps the Pad Thai in the trash.  “I’m lookin’ for a beer.”
Sighing, Tim says, “you came to Titans Tower to look for a beer?  Jason, there are liquor stores in Gotham.  So, really, what are you doing here?”
This time when Jason turns to face Tim, he closes the refrigerator. “I’m here checking on ya, Replacement.”
Tim stares at Jason who stares right back.  
Fifteen seconds.  Jason blinks.
Thirty seconds.  Tim twitches.
One minute.  Jason scratches his nose.
“No, seriously, Jason.  Why are you here?”
“What?  You think I can’t worry aboutcha and that I’d come by and check on ya?”
“I think it’s more likely your here for the beer.  Do you need intel or something?  Because I’m busy.”
Jason snorts.  “Yeah, I can tell.  Nice boxers by the way.  I like the little hearts.”
Blushing, Tim looks down because, yeah, he is in his boxer shorts.  Just his boxer shorts.  The ones with the little hearts all over them with little cuties sayings all over like XOXOXO and BEE mine written all over them.  
He’s going to kill Bart.
“No, asshat.  I don’t need anything.  Ya missed your last two call-ins and haven’t answer any my emails.”  Jason looks Tim up and down.  “You don’t look dead so what the fuck?”
“I’m almost nineteen, Jason.  I don’t check-in anymore.”
“I’m twenty-one.  What the fuck does our age have ta do with checken’ in?”
“I don’t check-in with the Bats anymore.  I’m not their responsibility.”
Jason stares at Tim for a moment before cackling. “Oh, please, please let me be there when you tell Bruce this.  Or, better yet, Dick, let me be there when you tell Dick.”
Tim controls the flinch that threats to overtake him when Jason says this.
“Jason.  I haven’t check because they don’t care anymore.  I’m just the IT guy or an extra body for when the apocalyptic is threatening to blow shit up.  They don’t care anymore.”
The more Tim says, the more Jason looked pissed.  
“Since when has dis been a thing, Replacement?”  Jason’s voice was low and dangerous and all Red Hood.  Fan-fucking-tastic.
Since Dick kicked me out as Robin without so much as a good job kid, we’ll be seeing you around.  Since Damian had come out in his Robin uniform without Tim getting so much as a ‘hey, heads up, this thing is happening now’.  Since Damian had made it clear that there wasn’t any room at the Manor for him anymore.  Since I brought Bruce back and I didn’t get so much as thanks for the assist, kid.
Since he was flying without a net. 
“Since I became Red Robin.”
Jason sucks at his teeth, sizing Tim up.  
Tim’s muscles began to tense.  Tim took a half step back, subtly trying to get into a fighting position just in case.
Jason clicks his tongue at Tim.  “No need for that, Replace—Tim.  Really,” Jason rolls his eyes at Tim’s cocked eyebrow, “we’re not gonna fight.”
“Really?” Disbelief dripping from every pore in Tim’s body.
“Really, Tim.”  Jason’s voice is warm and soft; the tone normally reveres for hurt young children.  Not one of Red Hood (Jason’s) normal tones.  Not a tone for Tim.  “I’m not gunna hurtcha, kid.”
“I’m not,” Jason repeats causing Tim to jump, wondering if he said it out loud.  “Nah, kid, yer just easy to read.  Remember, I did quite a bit of time studying you.”
“You were trying to kill me.”
“Semantics.  Besides, that’s how I show I care.”  Jason cracks a grin and Tim, to his great surprise, is suppressing one himself.
“Next time, I’m fine with flowers.”
“Not chocolate too?”
“Nah, I cut sweets out of my diet last year.  It’s not good for you, you know.”
Jason snorts.  “Nether is vigilantism.  Gunna give dat up too?”
“Never,” Red replies.
“Cool dat.  Now, listen, Tim: I wantcha to check in with me every now and then.”
“I don’t need—” Tim starts, but Jason cuts him off.
“I know you don’t need to, Replacement, but I wantcha to.  I’ll take a ‘not dead’ every month or so, ‘cause really, I know ya can handle your own business but since ya help me out last month with pit visit,” Tim flinches at the memory of trying (and somehow succeeding) in talking Jason off that very murdery ledge.  Nobody (including Jay) wanted a revisit from that Red Hood; the one that would shoot you as soon as help you.
Jason clears his throat.  “Anyways, I’m…concerned about your welling being now.”  Jason wouldn’t meet Tim’s calculating gaze now.
He could mean it.  Jason could really be holding out this olive branch.  Tim wants to believe in him.  Wants to believe in his Robin.  Wants to believe in that.  But his gut on the other hand—
“Are we going to hug now?” Tim lightly asks, trying to breaking the tension. “Because, I gotta warn you, I’m not much a hugger.”
Jason snorts.  “Hell, no, Replacement.  I’d say we should drink beer, but you don’t have any.”
“Jason, I’m eighteen.”
“It’s not legal for me to drink in California at eighteen.”
“Again, so?”
“Or to own alcohol.”
“Didn’t Bruce teach ya to make fake IDs?”
“Not for buying alcohol.”
“Aren’t Garth and Raven over twenty-one anyways?”
Tim splutters.  “I mean, yes, technically.”
By this point, Jason has a massive shit-eating grin that Tim has ever seen on his face.  Or anybody else's face.
“Replacement, I’ve seen the movies.  I know what eighteen-year-olds get up ta.  And do you honestly expect me ta believe that a much of Metas—who regularly fight to prevent the end of the world can’t get their hands on some booze?”
And Jason—Jason fucking Todd—just stares at Tim.
Sighing, Tim finally relents. “There’s some PVR in the meat drawer.” 
"PVR?  Shit, Replacement, I thought you had class."
Thanks for reading!
AO3 link here:
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michellerps · 7 years
rules: answer all the questions and tag 20 honestly tag as many other blogs as you want [ tagged at the end of the post ]
tagged by: @ncnipelekai who i love a lot tbh!!! thank u!
1. DRINK: water 2. PHONE CALL: my grandma 3. TEXT MESSAGE: no phone so no texting 4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: deadwater - wet 5. TIME YOU CRIED: uhhh a day ago?? maybe two? i also laughed rly hard earlier and my eyes teared up. 6. DATED SOMEONE TWICE: nah 7. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: regret isnt the word i’d use. i wouldn’t kiss this person now but back then i liked him, so no. no regrets. 8. BEEN CHEATED ON: not that i know of, but i don’t think so. 9. LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: yes 10. BEEN DEPRESSED: 24/7 fam 11. GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: i’ve only thrown up while drunk once and it wasn’t even from the alcohol lmao. it was well over a year ago though, maybe even two. 
12. purple 13. pink 14. blue
15. MADE NEW FRIENDS: yes 16. FALLEN OUT OF LOVE: no, i was never in it 17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: i’m sure 18. FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: in the last year??? i’m not sure. 19. MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: nah 20. FOUND OUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE: i been knew 21. KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: i dont have facebook but also i haven’t kissed anyone so big no
22. HOW MANY OF YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE: no facebook, but i knew 99% of them when i did 23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: two cats, annie and sami. we took sami in about a week ago.  24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: legally i wanna make michelle my first name bc its my middle name now but its what i’ve always gone by. 25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY: nothing lol. had dinner. got presents. chilled. im not a big fan of big celebrations, i like to be alone.  26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP: i woke up at like 11 today bc my nephew and niece were being loud and i couldn’t sleep anymore. 27. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: i may have been asleep? or i was chilling on here, about to sleep. 28. NAME SOMETHING YOU CAN’T WAIT FOR: for the next wrestling event here to be announced. 29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: like 30 minutes ago, i went in the kitchen and she came in and scared me bc i thought she was asleep lmao 31. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: an asmr video lmfao 32. HAVE YOU EVER TALKED TO A PERSON NAMED TOM: my dads real name is thomas and my brothers name is tommy lmao so yeah 33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: other people’s drama fucking with my life 34. MOST VISITED WEBSITE: tumblr or twitter probably 35. HAIR COLOR: purple 36. LONG OR SHORT HAIR: long 37. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: not really, aside from “celebrity crushes” ya know 38. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: uhhhhhhhhhh i’ll come back to this 39. PIERCINGS: no, used to have my ears pierced but they closed up 40. BLOOD TYPE: I DUNNO 41. NICKNAME: chelle for short, thats really it 42. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single af 43. ZODIAC: scorpio 44. PRONOUNS: she/her 45. FAVOURITE TV SHOW: brooklyn nine-nine 46. TATTOOS: nope 47. RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED: right 48. SURGERY: none 50. SPORT: pro wrestling 51. VACATION: i used to love clearwater florida when i was a kid 52. PAIR OF TRAINERS: deadass i dont even own a pair so
53. EATING: i have a milky way im eating rn 54. DRINKING: water 55. I’M ABOUT TO: fall asleep 56. WAITING FOR: my energy and motivation and will to live to return from war 57. WANT: to cuddle 58. GET MARRIED: i dont care tbh. if it was really important to the person i wanted to be with forever then i’d do it but i’m fine either way. 59. CAREER: i was doing book keeping now im a professional disappointment 
60. HUGS OR KISSES: hugs 61. LIPS OR EYES: eyes 62. SHORTER OR TALLER: taller 63. OLDER OR YOUNGER: older 64. NICE ARMS OR NICE STOMACH: arms???  65. HOOKUP OR RELATIONSHIP: relationship??? but neither right now 66. TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: hesitant i guess. troublemakers give me anxiety when i’m around them.
67. KISSED A STRANGER: no 68. DRANK HARD LIQUOR: yeah 69. LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: no. i could never lose glasses bc they’re always on my face. 70. TURNED SOMEONE DOWN: yeah 71. SEX ON THE FIRST DATE: im a fucking virgin 72. BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: yes 73. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN: nah. not in a romantic way. 74. BEEN ARRESTED: no 75. CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED: yes  76. FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: uhhh i wouldn’t say i’ve ever FALLEN for a friend but had lil things for?? yeah. real bad in 6th/7th grade. that was probably the closest i got to falling for a friend.
77. YOURSELF: tbh no 78. MIRACLES: maybe 79. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: no 80. SANTA CLAUS: no 81. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: sure, if ur feeling it why not 82. ANGELS: i might
84. EYE COLOR: mine is green, idc about other peoples. all eyes/eye colors can be pretty. 85. FAVORITE MOVIE: scream
i shall tag: @erinwritesstuff @clexawrites @underdogfromtheundergroundrps @cinciscrapper @hhauntedless @nayroleplays and anyone else who wants to do it!!! feel free to ignore xoxoxo
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besidesycu · 7 years
brayson carter hadley,
the love of my life, the man of my dreams, my happily ever after, my knight in shinning armor.
you haven’t spoken to me in a week, and it’s killing me. i haven’t slept, and i relapsed, again. i’m just constantly stuck with my thoughts, and you know what a horrible place it is inside my head, alone. the kids are upset, they haven’t seen much of you. addi thinks we’re getting a divorce and no matter how many times i promise her she doesn’t believe me. i wouldn’t believe me either. they know something is wrong, and i don’t know how to fix it for them. gannon misses you, i mean don’t get me wrong they all miss you, but it’s affecting gan the most. i guess he takes after me, huh?
i know that this is my fault. i know i should have told you about being in her life. her...she has a name. you might remember it. we both fell so in love with this name when we first brought up having a family. gracelyn emma. our little princess. our first born. i dont know what i can say to make you see or feel the way i do. i held her in my stomach for nine months. i talked to her, i sang to her, i grew attached to her, even though we had already decided she’d be better off without us. i knew that giving her up was better for her. i knew that it would be the best option for her, but i’m selfish, we both know that. nine months she was inside me and in a second she was no longer mine. not that she ever was. five hours of labor for nothing. i pushed that beautiful seven pound baby out of me to hear her tiny little cry, one i knew i was never going to hear after that. i couldn’t look at her. i was already so attached to her, i knew the moment i laid my eyes on her i’d change my mind about everything. but i couldn’t, because i needed you. i gave up our daughter in fear of losing you. i was depressed, and no matter what you did i couldn’t shake it. a week after she was born i e-mailed her adoptive mother asking for an open adoption. i didn’t tell you because i was scared i’d lose you. i was scared that you’d tell me to cut all ties with her, and i couldn’t bare losing her again.
gracelyn emma. our daughter. that first picture i ever seen of her, i cried. she looked just like you, and it hurt so much knowing that i had gave birth to this little girl who looked like an exact copy of the love of my life and i couldn’t have her. she’s beautiful. she has your eyes  and your perfect lips. she’s so smart, caring, loving. she’s your mini me to a tee. she loves you more than you’ll ever know, brayson. i never uttered one bad thing about you to her. she’s so excited knowing that she has your eyes. and some days she just goes on and on about you, even though she’s never met you. she’s so damn excited about finally getting to meet you, and i wish i could have been there.
i’d also like to add that i said yes because i love you. because you were and still are my everything. you made my days brighter just with that silly morning smile you’d give me. i married you because you were the only stable thing in my life. because i couldn’t picture a life without you in it. i wanted a family with you. i wanted to be mr. brayson hadley. i wanted you. i needed you. even though giving her up for adoption fucked with me, i don’t blame it on you. and i need you to know that. you did not fuck up my life in any way. you saved me over and over and over again. you are my rock. the only man i could ever see myself with for the rest of my life. you are my every fucking thing. i don’t regret marrying you. it was one of the best decisions i’ve ever made in my life. don’t you ever forget that, okay? it’s you and me against the world, remember, baby?
you and the kids, all five of them, deserve better than me. i’m weak. i’m a mess. i can’t function without you, no matter how hard i try. i run back to drugs every time we fight. you deserve to be happy, baby. you shouldn’t be forced into taking care of me plus the kids. you have never left my side, and for that i’m so grateful for. but i know i can’t keep putting you through this. i can’t keep putting the kids through this. thank you for saving me eight years ago. thank you for showing me what love really is. thank you for never giving up on me, until now. thank you for making me a daddy to five amazing kids. i love you more than you’ll ever know, brayson. and i’m so sorry for everything i’ve put you through. i promise i’ll never hurt you again after this.
i’m hoping by the time you read this,  i’ll have succeed in my plan and addi will have found me. make sure you let her know this was not her fault. make sure she knows how much i love her, along with the other kids. i’m sorry that i’m forcing you to live without me, but i know you’ll be okay. you’ll find someone you can’t possibly live without. someone who will love you unconditionally. someone who will take care of the kids. you’ll be fine, bray.
i love you so much xoxoxo
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