#if the jinmins a little shitty pls pls pls forgive me both me and jt were stuck on it the entire time
save-me-liar · 7 years
BTS Dragon AU
Dragon Keepers - soulmates with a dragon Dragons - tightknit community oriented species with low populations
Jin - dragon (pink scales with silver wings, eyes, spikes and claws) Yoongi - dragon keeper (elf prince) Hoseok - dragon (gold scales with green wings, eyes, spikes and claws) Namjoon - dragon (purple scales with blue wings, eyes, spikes and claws) Jimin - dragon keeper (human) Taehyung - dragon keeper (human) Jungkook - dragon (black scales with red wings, eyes, spikes and claws)
Humans scorn dragon keepers for having a non-human soulmate unlike the rest of their species while also fearing them for their ability to use magic. On a completely different perspective elves see the dragon keepers as blessed for being mated to such a powerful being.
Humans have no ability to utilize magic while elves only possess nature-oriented magic. For dragon keepers this means they have to be educated by their mates on the wide array of subjects they have access to after they’re fully mated.
Fully “mating” with a dragon includes magically intertwining the dragon and the human/elves’ souls together for all eternity. This provides the human/elf an immortal life like the dragon as well as gifting them the full ability to manipulate magic.
The dragon keepers soulmarks are exact images of their soulmate’s dragon forms. Humans gain their marks at ten years old while elves gain them at fifty (the equivalent of ten human years).
Traditional soulmarks usually consist of gaining their other half’s name imprinted on their wrists. Humans are usually mated with humans (same for elves), usually considered due to the extreme differences in life spans. A few rare instances of human-elf mates have been recorded but they’re considerately rarer than even dragon keepers.
Dragons use the hundred years they have to age until they’re considered mature enough to venture out in search of their mate to learn how to shift into human forms, become masters of their natural affinity in elemental magic (earth, air, fire, water), how to brew potions, etc. and are expected to teach their mates the same (excluding the shifting) when the time comes.
Despite living in extremely close clusters dragons become isolationists when searching for their mate and do not return to their nests hometowns until they’ve mated completely with their chosen one. This is due to an instinctual need to both protect their future mate as well as erasing any chance of another dragon stealing their future mate despite the futility of such an endeavor considering their souls literally are only completed when they’re together.
[putting the rest under a read more now]
Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon
Yoongi is the second prince to the Northern Kingdom, leaving his parents relieved that he’s not the heir when his soulmark appears because they know his future is set away from their home.
Yoongi isn’t so thrilled about his mark because even if he’s a dragon keeper he has two dragons intertwined on his back. That is not normal in any sense people usually have one dragon so what the fuck.
Apparently it means he’s going to be partaking in threesomes for the rest of his eternal life, but whatever.
Hoseok arrives in the Northern Kingdom three years after he leaves home after visiting the other elven kingdoms. It’s considered normal to visit the elven kingdoms when first searching for a mate since human dragon keepers are far more spread out and harder to locate due to the stigma they face.
It’s tradition for any dragon keepers within the elven kingdoms to gather and bare their soulmarks for a visiting dragon. Having experienced the event many times over his 230 years of life, Yoongi finds it just as engaging as his etiquette lessons.
The visiting dragon is pretty though, with a heart-shaped smile, golden blond hair, and a killer jawline and fuck whoever has him as his mate is a lucky little shit.
By now everyone knows about his dual soulmark on his back so he’s really nonchalant about showing up to the meeting shirtless. Then they witness Hoseok shifting into his dragon form.
Lo and behold it’s actually his mate this time around.
Yoongi’s not okay. Even if he is a lucky little shit.
Noticeable silence when the other elves leave, his parents included, and Yoongi’s just nervously avoiding turning his back to Hoseok’s curious green eyes. Fuck, even those golden scales are pretty what the hell.
After a few minutes Hoseok transforms back into his human form and approaches Yoongi with a comforting smile. “You don’t have to be nervous, ya know.”
“Ah, yeah I kinda do.”
Then Yoongi turns around while watching Hoseok over his shoulder and he watches the mixture of surprise, curiosity, confusion, and jealousy crossing over the other’s face and can only offer a hesitant “sorry…?” as consolation.
But then Hoseok finally recognizes who is intertwined with his dragon form on Yoongi’s back and he starts cackling.
Yoongi is understandably confused. He had been dreading this meeting for a hundred and thirty years he expected rage not maniacal laughter and his snappish “what the fuck?” is sort of expected in all honestly.
“T-that’s my best friend!” Hoseok gasps out, clutching at his stomach.
Yoongi quirks an eyebrow, repeating a more calm, “what the fuck?”
Hoseok explains that his friend isn’t even a hundred yet - is a year off from his calculations - so he hasn’t even started searching for his mate.
Yoongi takes it in stride, even if he is very annoyed when Hoseok refuses to share any more information about the third member of their threesome. He won’t even tell Yoongi his name, the little shit.
They speak for hours, learning about one another until it’s time for dinner and Yoongi hesitantly brings Hoseok to meet his family.
“You’re the fucking prince?”
“The second prince.”
“Oh that’s much more relieving.”
Yoongi’s family might love Hoseok more than they love him, what the fuck?
They spend the next eleven months in the Northern Kingdom, getting to know one another. Yoongi’s still hesitant to take the official mating mark and bond their souls together for all eternity - understandable, given it can take decades for some elves to accept it.
Then Yoongi brings up how he’s nervous about his other soulmate (who Hoseok still refuses to talk about, damn him) and how their dynamics will work out.
“I mean, technically if he’s my soulmate that also makes him your soulmate. Are you okay with that??”
“He’s hot as fuck and a total nerd, I don’t mind. Sharing you will probably be a bit of an issue at first, though?”
“Instincts, darling, instincts.”
They come to the joint decision that Hoseok should go meet with the “three” part of their threesome lest he traverses the same route as Hoseok and takes three years to reach the Northern Kingdom.
Hoseok is very, very unhappy with leaving Yoongi alone for even an hour so the two weeks it takes to fly back to his hometown is extremely stressful.
Hoseok almost makes Namjoon plummet into the ground when he tackles him in the air when the latter finally leaves their nest hometown
“Dude you’ll never believe what happened”
Hoseok spends a few hours telling Namjoon about Yoongi - well, about the whole ‘two soulmates’ thing, not so much about Yoongi himself - before demanding that they immediately start flying back to the Northern Kingdom.
Namjoon’s a little shellshocked but he’s completely on board because hell yeah, Hoseok already knows where his soulmate is. Technically it’s Hoseok’s soulmate too but his instincts are still growling at that part.
When they finally reach the castle Yoongi’s in one of his (despised) etiquette classes and is far too relieved when Hoseok bursts in. Then he realizes what Hoseok being back means, and he’s up on his feet only to watch a purple-haired, gangly limbed, attractive as fuck man accidentally turn over the table full of millennia old glass dishes.
Amidst all the shards of glass Yoongi’s shot a bashful smile and fuck, Yoongi is a lucky little shit.
“Uh, Yoongi, this is Kim Namjoon. He’s my best friend, a complete mess, and apparently our soulmate.”
They’re interrupted by Yoongi’s teacher screeching about the broken antiques and Namjoon is just hella sheepish even as he stands there, scratching the back of his head and staring at this dainty little elf woman who’s full of rage. After a few minutes of just letting her highlight the historical artifacts that were just lost Namjoon shrugs, waves his hand and bam, the dishes are magically put back together.
“Okay, he’s a complete mess but at least he learned how to rectify things when he smashes them to pieces?” Hoseok offers.
Yoongi is very, very impressed and his teacher is very, very shook. Yoongi takes his chances to grab Hoseok and (gulp) Namjoon’s hands and ditch his class before she can come back to her senses.
He takes them back to his room and they spend hours upon hours talking to one another. Yoongi’s brother eventually comes to find him because Yoongi’s teachers complained about him missing classes and he’s very, very shocked to find a blue-eyed man growling alongside Hoseok.
“Uh, who’s this?”
“He’s part of our threesome.��
“Dammit Hoseok.”
Yoongi’s parents are very ecstatic that their son has found both of his mates even though Hoseok had ignored the elven customs of presenting the dragon keepers to visiting dragons and just dragged Namjoon through the castle. They’re happy to meet Namjoon regardless, even though he manages to break three plates, two wine glasses, and snap the spokes of his fork all within the time dinner is served. At least he fixes each item afterwards.
Throughout the next few months there are various incidents where Hoseok and Namjoon’s instincts overtake them and they start growling and swiping at one another for approaching Yoongi.
That’s not even including the horror that is sleeping in the same bed during the rare instances it occurs.
“Okay, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you two?”
Queue twin pouts “instincts, darling, instincts.”
“Is this going to happen forever?”
“Nah, it stops whenever we finally mate either each other.” Namjoon reveals, get dual deadpan looks.
“You knew that all this time?”
“I mean, yeah?”
“Well why didn’t you just say that instead of letting sunshine here just repeat ‘instincts, darling, instincts’ like a damn fool?!”
“Rude” Hoseok muttered.
“It was meant to be”
“I mean, I thought he told you?” Namjoon questioned.
“Fuck no he didn’t!”
“Hey, in my defense not even I knew” Hoseok grumbled.
“I hate you both”
“You can’t hate us, we’re literally going to be spending eternity together” Hoseok pointed out.
“Well why don’t we just get a headstart on that?” Yoongi drawled sarcastically.
“What?” - Hoseok
“What?” - Namjoon
“What?” - Yoongi
Yoongi starts nervously laughing only to be pounced on by Namseok with demands on if he’s serious or not. Yoongi somehow distracts them (read: he may or may not kiss both of them for the first time and then flee) for now and the subject is dropped for a bit.
‘a bit’ is in actuality only a day but they’re put off for another month after Yoongi reveals that he’s thinking about it.
Yoongi’s birthday is fast approaching and it’s while he’s in the middle of being formally fitted for the extravagant celebration his parent’s throw each year that he realizes he just wants to spend the day in bed with Namseok and maybe have them feed him cake by hand that he realizes he’s ready to be their mates
He may or may not choose to hide that fact from his parents because it’s tradition that the morning after a dragon marks his soulmate that he brings them back to his nest hometown.
Yoongi meant to be more romantic when he revealed he was ready to be mated (since his last admission was by accident) but honestly it was just gasped out when Namseok was showering him with kisses that night like they had started doing.
Basically innocent kisses took on a whole different purpose after that.
The next morning Yoongi’s brother walked in to see Namseok helping Yoongi pack (magically being able to shrink things was amazingly helpful) while barely being clothed. He also notices how many hickies are covering his brother’s milky skin and refuses to acknowledge it.
Yet again Yoongi’s brother is faced with dual glares and accompanying growls but at this point he’s used to it and only questions “what the fuck?”
“I may have become mated to these two dumbasses last night”
“Our parents are going to be pissed”
“I know, I’m planning on telling them then leaving immediately, shh”
“Good luck man”
Yoongi’s plan does not go off without a hitch like he was hoping.
But traditions are traditions and amongst all his mother’s screeching about his approaching birthday celebration and how rude it is to just cancel it the boy’s depart with promises to visit in a few years.
Two weeks traveling by dragon back makes for a pissy Yoongi
“My ass is aching you fuckers!”
“I can make it ache for a different reason?”
“Namjoon stop trying to be smooth you’re literally a child”
“You’re only three years older than me!”
“You’re both children shut the fuck up”
When they finally get back to their nest hometown Hoseok and Namjoon’s (and everyone else) is shocked that they both share the same soulmate. It’s rare but it’s not unheard of so they’re left to peacefully move in together and maybe bend each other over every flat surface available.
A few years later they get new neighbors in the form of VKook and JinMin and Yoongi starts regretting his existence.
Taehyung and Jungkook
Taehyung used to be a popular kid around their small village. He was, he swears, but then he was ten and whilst everyone else gained their soulmate’s names on their wrists he got a menacing black and red dragon etched around his body from his neck to his fucking toes.
Bad news: he’s the new village pariah
Sorta good news: there was already a village pariah and his new best friend is Park Jimin who’s also a dragon keeper but his soulmark is on his ass how hilarious is that? Taehyung feels a lot better about his own mark now. I mean, sure, some of his tattoo is on his ass but at least not all of it.
More good news: at least Taehyung’s grandmother still loves him despite his parents declaring him devil spawn and dumping him on her like burnt rice.
Even more good news: Taehyung’s new best friend Park Jimin moves in with him too because Taehyung won’t take no for an answer after learning that he had been living out on the street for two whole months after his shitty parents had kicked him out on his goddamn birthday.
If Taehyung wasn’t ten years old he’d be knocking on their fucking door and punching Jimin’s parents in their faces. Maybe he’d stop on Jimin’s dad’s dick too.
Taehyung might have a vocabulary ill-befitting of a ten year old but don’t tell his grandmother, she thinks he’s an angel.
Eleven years later and Taehyung and his platonic bromate for life and forever-together best friend Park Jimin are still living with his grandmother but then she’s sick and she dies and Taehyung can’t stop crying because that’s his grandmother and she accepted him when nobody else will and why is life so unfair??
They have to leave though, they have to leave the house his grandmother had lived in all her life and they have to leave her little grave under her favorite cherry blossom tree because now they’re alone and they have no protection against the villager’s and they have to leave before they’re run out of town by an angry mob because they’re vile, sinful demons.
So Taehyung and Jimin pack whatever they can carry and collect any money they can (Taehyung even disguises himself so he can get a good deal without getting ripped off and sneaks into the town jeweler to cash in his mother’s expensive necklace and earrings set that he may or may not have snuck into his old house to steal) before they leave their hated hometown.
The most important item they bring, though, is Taehyung and Jimin’s furbaby Soonshim who is the sweetest dog on the entire planet. His grandmother had let them keep the little runt of a pup they found in a back alley and now he’s big and can fight off the wolves that threatened his grandmother’s goats and Taehyung would rather lose his arm than lose Soonshim.
The looters that try to steal all of their goods two weeks later soon learn this because Taehyung takes a stab into his fucking bicep when one of the fucker’s aimed for his dog. Taehyung then proceeded to crush his dirty fucking face into the rocky ground below them before he passed out while Jimin used those unexpected muscles of him to suckerpunch the other one straight in the nose.
They then proceed to loot their looters (they even gain a new spiky collar for Soonshim fashioned out of one of the edgy fucker’s belts) before continuing on their way to the next town.
It’s in the next inn they crash at (bargaining dinner and a night’s stay in return for washing dishes the entire night) that Taehyung encounters Jeon Jungkook.
The bunny-toothed man had red fucking eyes but no one seemed to fucking notice??? Not even Jimin, what the fuck?!
“What do you mean you can’t see them they’re fucking glowing you blind little-”
“I’m not little-”
“Well your brain’s little if you can’t even comprehend-”
“You can see my eyes?” Bunny-man-demon-eyes questions, leaving against the bar top a few stools down from where they’re inhaling their hard earned dinner.
“Um, no?” Taehyung squeaks.
The man stared at him, scary eyes narrowed menacingly before he chuckled (holy shit that was cute, what the fuck) and pushed down his hood (holy shit he’s cute, what the fuck) to smile charmingly at Taehyung (holy shit, what the fuck).
Dropping his tone lower, Taehyung could barely hear the following question among the din the filled the diner’s full dining room but he did hear and it made ice shoot down his spine. “You’re a dragon keeper, aren’t you?”
Tugging in an unfortunately noticeably manner at his shirt’s high collar (damn his soulmark’s left front foot, why did it have to be right on the back of his neck?) Taehyung smiled his signature boxy smile. “Nope!”
The bunny boy had a scarily good deadpan expression. “Bullshit.”
By this point he had migrated over to the stool right next to his side, Jimin noticeably stilling in dangerous anticipation and Soonshim growling between their ankles. Taehyung narrowed his eyes into a glare. “Who the fuck are you?”
“A dragon”
“What?” - Taehyung
“What?” - Jimin, the eavesdropping bastard
“Woof?” - Soonshim, the most adorable puppy ever.
The scary eyed man smiled that bunny grin again. “I’m Jeon Jungkook and I’m a dragon. You’re quite possibly my soulmate considering you can see through my glamour.”
“Glamour?” Taehyung questioned, at a loss on how to acknowledge the rest of the boy’s - Jungkook’s - statement.
“Illusion.” Jungkook clarified.
“Prove it.”
Within the next second Jimin was grasping painfully at Taehyung’s wrist, whispering frantically. “Holy shit his eyes!”
“What did I fucking-”
“No you shithead they were brown before! Then they were red! And now they’re brown again, what the fuck?!”
“Magic.” Jungkook was smirking and it made him look like an asshole but it also made him look like an attractive asshole and fuck-
“So, soulmark? You show me yours I’ll show you mine?” Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows and wow, nevermind. He may be attractive but Jungkook was a fucking dork, holy fucking hell.
“I thought dragons don’t have marks?” Jimin questioned in confusion.
“I was alluding to my dick, but I could just show you my dragon form instead.” Jungkook admitted with a nonchalant shrug.
Taehyung stared.
Jimin stared.
Soonshim growled. What a good boy.
“Dragon form first, though.”
“You gotta room?”
“Are you gonna fit??”
“Hell no, but if you tell me where your window is I’ll leave and fly by it. I’d be run out of town otherwise.”
“Fair enough.”
Thirty minutes later they were gifted with the sight of a gigantic fucking black dragon with red wings and claws and eyes flying around their inn, inky scales glowing in the full moon light.
Thirty more minutes later and they were letting Jungkook into their bedroom while Jimin and Soonshim frantically walked out.
“I’m taking him for a walk, his eyes don’t need to be violated.”
“Jimin we’ve bathed with Soonshim, what the fuck-”
“Violated?” Jungkook questioned in confusion before practically swallowing his tongue as Taehyung shucked off his shirt. Before he could comment on all that smooth, tan skin that was suddenly revealed Taehyung’s hands were unbuckling his belt and pushing down his pants and now his back was to Jungkook and that ass, those boxer briefs need to go-oh wait, holy shit.
Starting from Taehyung right shoulder and spiraling all the way down his back and his right leg all the way to his toes and he just noticed how the wings were wrapped around his stomach in a makeshift hug and Jungkook was staring at himself imprinted on someone else’s body and fuck.
“Okay well. Ah. That’s-well then.”
“Look who’s cocky now.” Taehyung muttered sarcastically, glancing over his shoulder with a  mocking smile.
“My cock’s certainly involved somewhere here, yes.”
“Goddammit you loser.”
“Excuse you”
“You’re excused”
Jungkook certainly was excused because now Taehyung was leaning over, those boxer briefs straining over his plush ass as he leaned down to pull his pants back up and Jungkook almost whimpered as that beautiful skin was once again concealed.
He couldn’t even stop himself when Taehyung moved to pull on his shirt again, rushing forward and gripping the human’s wrists gently. When their eyes met (a mix of surprise and confusion versus something dark and heady) Jungkook let out a low whisper, slowly moving his gaze down Taehyung’s torso. “Let me look for a minute?”
“Um, sure?”
Then Jungkook’s hands were smoothing over Taehyung’s arms, ghosting along his collarbones before skimming down to his ribs where his soulmark’s wings first started becoming visible around his front. Jungkook was methodical about following the outer membrane of the wing, all the way down to the tips where they met right below Taehyung’s bellybutton and wow, this guy was something else.
“That’s a lot more than looking.” Taehyung whispered quietly.
Jungkook hummed thoughtfully before grasping at the boy’s hips (smirking at the gasp Taehyung couldn’t repress) before slowly, slowly turning him around. Jungkook chuckled when Taehyung leaned his back against the dragon’s chest, leaning his head down to ghost his lips along that frustrating front leg that Taehyung always struggled to cover and-
After their first meeting that was a lot more touchy-feely then it probably should have been Jungkook started traveling with the two.
He’s was quick to question their relationship (“you’re not dating right?” “oh my god i wanna barf he’s like my brother”), why they called Soonshim their furbaby (“because he’s our son” “but you just said you guys weren’t-” “we’re platonic bromates for life don’t be jealous you overgrown lizard” “what did you just call me”), if Jimin was a dragon keeper too (“yeah, do you wanna know where his mark is??” “one more word and i will literally strangle you don’t test me”), and why they were traveling together (“the villagers thought we were devil spawn and the only person who accepted and loved us died” “holy fucking shit i’m so sorry”), and anything else his nosy ass wanted to know
After that last question things were quiet for a bit as the two humans stewed before Jimin decided to ask if Jungkook knew any pink dragons
“Um, what type of pink? And what other color? I know this guy who’s, like, violently hot pink with blue eyes?”
“No, more like the color of sakura petals? With silver wings?”
“Ah, no, sorry dude. Maybe he’s from some of the eastern nests- I mean, um, towns?”
“You can just call it your nest it’s not that weird”
“I’m undercover, Taetae, I can’t use nest.”
“Oh my God he’s already calling you Taetae I’m going to barf”
“Shut up Jimin” - VKook
Jungkook continues to travel with the duo until they end up meeting Seokjin. It isn’t until Jimin’s fully bonded with the older dragon that Taehyung finally allows Jungkook to mate with him which is understandable but kind of annoying because Taehyung is a fucking cocktease
Jimin too, but that’s more from the dude walking in on them whenever Jungkook’s got Taehyung all hot and bothered and then they’re both left with a case of blue balls.
They move in next door to Jimin because Taehyung refuses to part with his bromate for the rest of eternity and Jungkook’s finally got his instincts to stop making him growl whenever he sees the two cuddling together
Soonshim is the honorary furbaby with four fathers now and constantly switches between their apartments each night.
Soonshim gains three new fathers when Taehyung and Jimin becomes friends with their elven neighbor Yoongi and his two mates Namjoon and Hoseok
Yoongi has no say in this friendship, which he’s very salty about
Seokjin and Jimin
When Jimin’s mark appeared, he was horrified. He knew what it meant, he knew the repercussions that he’d be forced to accept
So when he ran home on his birthday in tears, expecting the kind and loving support from his parents, he was instead greeted with an angry and humiliated mother and father
They insisted on leaving town, knowing that people would talk and that Jimin would  single handedly ruin their reputation. It was in this mode of thinking that they dropped off their child at an orphanage in the dead of night and went on their way
No has heard from them since, Jimin sometimes would hear whispers about a couple that was attacked and buried in shallow graves a few miles out from the neighboring town but he chooses to stop listening after that and decides not to worry about them anymore
At the orphanage this kids bullied and beat on him because he didn’t have a normal human mark
A week into his new arrangement they discovered that he did indeed have a mark, but one frowned so deeply upon that when the caregiver found out, they made no attempt to stop the harassment even with Jimin walking around with a black eye or bloody nose
Eventually he decided enough was enough and ran away, unsurprisingly no one bothered looking for him
He stayed on the other side of town and got by begging for scraps and spare change
In doing this, he found a pregnant stray dog that seemed to go wherever food called, leading the two of them to become partners
The dog would sniff out the food while Jimin would do the begging, it was a good thing they were both cute otherwise they’d both be screwed
A month and a half later Jimin found solace in Taehyung and the two clicked instantly, especially when he saw the claws of a dragon etched onto the back of Taehyung’s neck
Jimin cried when Tae brought him home and his grandmother told him he could stay with them
Not much later the dog ended up only having one puppy that both boys absolutely adored
Only one day the dog isn’t with the puppy and is found dead on the side of the road somewhere nearby, leading the pair to take in the puppy and name him Soonshim
Eleven years later and Jimin is just as heartbroken as Taehyung at their grandmother’s passing, she practically raised him after all
They leave town together with Soonshim in tow
Jimin is nervous as fuck and absolutely dreading the day he meets his soulmate because of the location of his mark, he’s going to humiliate himself without even trying
It’s a soft pink dragon thats mouth starts at the very bottom of the small of his back, the head and neck nearly taking up his entire right ass cheek before wrapping around his waist, the wings were folded back and sat at the bottom of his stomach and the edge of his pelvis before the tail curled neatly around his left butt cheek
Doesn’t help that Taehyung likes to bring it up every waking hour either, it’s just left him even more mortified at the idea that he’s just going to be one massive fuck up
Then Tae meets Jungkook
He’s the biggest brat Jimin has ever met,Taehyung being a promising contender beforehand
Secretly, he’s really jealous that he’s forced to play third wheel while they get to fawn over each other
He’s also walked in on them so many times half (and even one time completely) naked that he wants to set his eyes on fire so he never has to witness anything like that again
Then they were walking through yet another town, Taehyung practically wrapped around Jungkook’s arm and giggling as they tripped over one another when the dragon’s head snapped up, pausing and growling at the open air, brown eyes flashing red and Soonshim was growling right along with him, hackles raised
“Jungkookie, what-”
“Was that a plural why was that a plural-”
“Shut up Jimin, there’s like four of them around the corner.”
“Should we check it out??”
Jungkook was quick to refuse, nudging Taehyung into Jimin’s grip because after months of traveling together the dragon had finally stopped getting all jealous about their skinship before he was the one rounding the corner
Jimin and Taehyung only shared one glance before they were bolting forward, peeking their heads around the corner and staring at Jungkook approaching three men surrounding another one
Turns out Jungkook is a lot more powerful than his young age would suggest because he sends two of the dragon’s sprawling into the dirt and snarls right in the face of the other
When they eventually scuttle off it turns out the other dragon they were harassing was still healing from a case of poison, thus why he didn’t kick the other dragon’s asses himself
Always such a welcoming species humans were, especially inn caretakers. Not racist at all, nope
“But, why would those guys harass you anyway?” Jungkook questioned
The poisoned dragon, Jin, grinned sheepishly. “They might have been from my old nest”
“Old?” Taehyung questioned in confusion
“Ah, I’m not very...favorable there. Especially since I’m stronger than all of them, head dragon included.” He looked smug, if bitter
“Have you found your soulmate?” Jungkook questioned after an awkward silence
Jin snorted, shaking his head. “Nope.”
“Well, at least you’re pretty. Nice hair, by the way.” Jimin said, with that odd self-deprecating human that had never left after his time on the streets
“It’s just brown though?” Taehyung muttered in confusion, staring at his bromate
“Uh? No? It’s pink.”
Jin and Jungkook instantly snapped their heads in his direction, eyes wide. Jimin rose an eyebrow in question before remembering how Taehyung and Jungkook had met and oh no, really? This is how they meet?
“Oh shit.” Jimin squeaked.
Jin was too out of it from the poison coursing through him to do anything other than flop to the ground, wailing into the dirt. “I didn’t want to meet you like this! I wanted romance! But oh no, I’m just poisoned and barely lucid!”
“I literally meet Taehyung in a bar” Jungkook informed, depositing a quick kiss on his soulmate’s temple
“Still cuter than this” Taehyung muttered unhelpfully
An hour spent with Jungkook cautiously attempting to heal the poisoning with Jin’s own internal magic helping and then the four were quick to find a clearing at Jimin’s demands (“I need to see your dragon form or you’re not getting anywhere near me, no offense” “fair enough”)
Then there’s a ginormous light pink dragon towering above them three times the size of Jungkook, silver wings spread wide and iridescent eyes staring down right at Jimin
Then Jin - beautiful, broad-shouldered Jin - was standing in front of him again, asking about his soulmark and Taehyung was cackling as Jimin’s face soon resembled a tomato
Jin frowned in confusion, looking between the two. Even Jungkook was chuckling in amusement. “What?”
“His mark is on his-” Jimin’s hand was quick to smack over Taehyung’s mouth, too busy gaping at his soulmate - his soulmate - to answer coherently
“He’d have to take off his pants.” Jungkook finally answers, causing Jin’s eyebrows to shoot up in surprise, watching the smaller male as he body tackled Taehyung straight to the ground in an effort to quell the man’s laughter
“Are they-?”
“No. They call each other their bromate for life.”
It’s another two weeks with Jin joining them on their travels before Jimin finally shows him, Jin backing off until the other is more comfortable with him, though he has seen a few hints of the mark whenever Jimin’s shirt rode high and his pants rode low
Jimin learns just how plush Jin’s lips could be that night when he traced over every edge of the mark - every. edge.
Then it’s been almost a year of having each couple walk in on the other, Jungkook’s at the limit of his patience but his goal above all is Taehyung’s happiness so it’s not until Jimin finally let’s Jin mate with him that he gets to mate Taehyung and then they realize-
Jin has no home, no nest, and Jimin and Taehyung refuse to be separated from each other
Jungkook is silent for a few good minutes before saying that he’ll vouch for Jin, saying that his father is rather close to the head dragon, that it wouldn’t be a problem
Then the four are flying off towards their new home, their new nest, their new futures together, Soonshim balanced easily and carefully between Jin’s gigantic claws
Taehyung and Jimin complain about their asses hurting, just as Yoongi had done years earlier and then they’re introduced to other dragons, other dragon keepers, and move in right next to an elf and his two mates
They’re happy, all of them are in the end, but no one is happier than Soonshim with the seven hands that will slip him scraps under the dinner table.
[Here’s what we imagined the dragon keepers soulmarks looking like (obviously different colors to match the boy’s colors but we worked with what we had): Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jimin]
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