#if that makws sense
barbatoskisser · 5 months
I feel like I have more dog than cat vibes but I can't tell for sure.
I mean yeah, your kinfa right
But i can just as easily see you as an old and wise feline as i can seeing you as an old and wise canine
You dont have the energeticness of a pup, or the mischeviousnesw of a kitten eithwr
So im thinking just, like,
I had the words -
You have the loyality of a dog yeah, but the calmness of an older one
Your quite calm and easy to talk with
So yeah, just a medoum aged doggo
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v-anrouge · 10 months
ppl always talk abt how writers need to make rook weirder but nobody ever talks abt how they should make rook more affected like maybe it's just me but rook doesn't strike me as the type of guy who never blushes or gets flustered rather he feels like he'd blush really easily when it comes to someone he likes and finds attractive especially if they flirt with him like u know he's getting red faced heart as he gets so dramatic about how dangerous you are and how you make his beat so fast and makes him feel like he's your prey
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solidwont · 5 months
high as shit and I just tried to argue my (also high as shit) boyfriend into believing that humans can be on another planet in fantasy just because the author said so because he literally couldn't wrap his mind around being okay with not knowing why humans are on this planet (ex. evolution, sci-fi stuff, etc) when the answer is literally just "because the author said so"
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sheepfulsheepyard · 4 months
brooooooo i have not stopped thinking about the taryn/ghost court of shadows mission to another court
bestie 🫣 I am SO sorry that I am SO late but i promise i was literally thinking about every day because i was like i have VIBES but i need WORDS to respond!!!
okay, so i was super inspired by your idea of taryn luring all of the queen’s enemies to her for the court of the shadows by pretending to be the dissatisfied, slighted sister. and i was also turning over some ideas about the “wild” faerie who more or less shun the courts and reside the deeper, feral woods because locke’s father was a wild fae but—here was what got me—the ghost’s mother is also (implied to be) a wild fae.
and so the premise is that one of the lesser, smaller courts that’s situated much deeper into the woods (the “court of evergreens” or something idk) finally come to pay their respects to cardan and jude at the palace. since it’s such a comparatively backwater, remote place, being around two years late isn’t necessarily the faux pas that it would be. most importantly: it’s the main point of contact for the vast majority of the wild faerie, so the actual court itself is much smaller in comparison to other courts, with most participants being wild fae who cycle through every couple of decades and stay for a few years and move back out to the wild.
and when the lord of this court shows up to the palace, he decides that as a rural prince, he’s missing out on the trends of all the other gentry. so: he requests that the king allow him the hand in marriage of the queen’s mortal sister. after all, if the king of elfhame has a mortal queen, shouldn’t all the other faerie lords ought to follow suit? imitation the sincerest form of flattery (and loyalty), of course.
[and this is where some actual plot that I haven’t thought of yet would have to kick into gear, mainly what the evergreen court’s lord is larger goal is, why he actually wants a mortal bride to show his loyalty to cardan, how the court of shadows picked up on something suspicious, etc]
a whole running thread I’d like to also tug at is whether or not the wild fae are actually more or less human than the gentry we’ve already been acquainted with—in their looks, in their seclusion, in their regard for mortals—so also a part of this is that the lord is subtly disregarding jude as queen and taryn as his bride, but going straight to cardan.
but. basically this boils down to the court of shadows agreeing to a plan that taryn puts forth. she will go to the court for a year and allow the lord to court her so she can gather information all the while. it’s decided the lord has a year and a day to woo her before he proposes to her.
jude does not want any of this to happen, but taryn—who has only recently been granted something like probation/liaison status with the court of shadows—is very desperate to prove herself not just to the court but to herself. she wants to prove that she can charm and play and manipulate the faerie better than locke did her.
now, the catch is, of course, the ghost is going with her as her “attendant”/bodyguard/contact. and the ghost is watching all of this from sidelines somewhere between disbelief and growing anger, because he saw snippets of how miserable taryn was with locke, and he cannot believe she seems to want to replay this entire drama again from the start.
leander’s there as really the only anchor and i want a huge part of this to be like. taryn trying to figure out what went wrong with her, with locke, with them together, to somehow come up with a satisfying explanation—she secretly wants to see if she can find locke’s father, though she’s terrified of what that would actually mean in consequence. basically taryn trying to stumble her way back through her own decision-making and looking for a future.
but more on the day-to-day side is her and the ghost essentially fending for themselves in hostile environment that is also nothing but revels, picnics, hunts—so they’re so very close to each others’ own decision-making it’s starting to get extremely personal. I really, really want the ghost’s mother to show up—maybe as the member of the court, maybe not even recognizing him—and idea that taryn and the ghost really are on the edge of the wild, the edge of mortality, the edge of a mask. something something how you’re both living in an elaborate masquerade with everybody but each other.
this was VERY rough im so sorry I don’t even know if this is making sense ahhh!!! but here are also a couple of fun points i wanted—
when the lord of the evergreen court comes to propose to “the queen’s sister” in front of the entire court he does NOT make it clear which one and vivi immediately hides
locke’s father shows up at some point and maybe tries to. i don’t know. kill taryn for killing locke 🤷‍♀️ we love family drama
the wild maybe grow to less human features the more time they spend in the wild? i’m wondering how this would affect the half-human ghost…
taryn and the ghost sleeping back-to-back to guard for intruders
the ghost gets brought along as part of taryn’s retinue and as leander’s “sword instructor” despite the fact leander definitely isn’t old enough to walk
anyway thank you for putting your amazing tarynworks out into the world 💖
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sinmv · 2 years
a very important aspect, i think, of trent reznor’s songwriting and why it comes across so intense and genuine and impactful (and - listen - so bisexually) is - despite the number of songs he has regarding pain and rejection and bitterness towards a partner - his lack of casual misogyny. though he makes it consistently and intensely clear how miserable he feels about himself and how angry he is at others, it’s never in a way that makes you think he just hates women. even in reptile, for example, where he calls a woman (well. a “she”) “whore,” it’s not used in a derogatory way but with perhaps adoration, longing, self recognition.
as another point, he doesnt tend to describe the appearance of partners. he focuses very heavily on how people make him FEEL (physically and emotionally), and expresses a visceral and very intimate sexuality and attraction, without ever describing someone physically or remarking on their beauty or “sexiness.” it makes his feelings seem more genuine and also more easily relatable; you could picture anyone. you could picture him.
and, his consistent use of “you” or “she” to refer to partners in his lyrics, instead of petnames like “babe” or something like “that girl,” also adds to the sense of intimacy and personal respect, even towards people he clearly hates. he doesnt see himself as better, by default, than whoever he’s singing about, even if he sees himself as (correctly or incorrectly) the victim. you have to feel for him.
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enoshimastims · 22 days
mamasita ( /term of endearement ) is it rent lowering enough (/sil) to ask for a falin x laios x marcille of dunmeshi fame board *twirls around* theyve been roating on my mind lately (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)u can choose the type or stim!! 🍮🍮🍮
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shy-peacock · 1 year
Imagine Namaari is lost in the crowd- and Raya and the others are looking for her and she gets on top of Tuk Tuk to get a better look and spots her so they make their way to her and it’s like
Raya, teasing: get a little lost there dep la? 😜
Namaari: yeah yeah, whatever…😏
“Thanks” ☺️
“No problem, Maari.”
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starpros-sunshine · 1 year
I don't know if I ever talked about this on here before but it's been on my mind from time to time and that is the idea that Wataru one time catches a really bad cold so he just avoids Eichi for the time being (Because Hey. Maybe. If you're sick with a bacterial disease that spreads really easily. Maybe try not to pass it on to the guy with the autoimmune disorder. Just a thought.) But he doesn't tell anyone about it because he's The Hibiki Wataru he doesn't get sick.
So the only ones who know about this are his roommates because it's kind of hard to hide this from people you share a room with especially if you stay cooped up in your room a lot to try not to infect others with your cold and also a runny red nose and a sore throat aren't really a good look on someone that's not the biggest fan of open vulnerability. (If you ask yourself why he would stay in his dorm I have no idea either my guess is the guy just doesn't have anywhere else to go on short notice it's not like he has a flat outside of ES or something so as long as I don't have that figured out he'll have to stay in the dorms)
And yeah no back to point do the gist of the thing is Eichi notices that Wataru tries to stay away from him and he does not know why and it makes him sad and kind of angry and because he's Eichi of course he wonders if it was something he did or if it was just Wataru finally realising that Eichi just isn't what he deserves or whatever else self depreciating things could cross your mind in a situation like this.
So basically then he goes to the first person he would think of to know if he did anything wrong in regards to Wataru: Rei. Rei is mildly confused but reassures him Wataru didn't say anything in that regard.
And this entire scenario just boils down to Eichi wondering why Wataru is avoiding him and thinking it's his fault so he goes around asking everyone he could expect a proper answer from without thinking to ask Wataru himself because a) he's avoiding him. Why would he risk making things worse? And b) it's stupider and funnier this way and this entire scenario is just me laughing at their communication or lack thereof completely ignoring the underlying issues that would've caused it. And I know this is dumb and stupid because everyone else in ensquare would need to be an idiot for this to work so I'm ignoring that bit as well and just regarding it as something that would be funny in theory but would never happen. Or actually youcan set this entire scenario at Yumenosaki and then it could make perfect sense this seems exactly like the kind of stuff to happen to dramatic highschoolers
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thestrangestperson · 1 year
Let's talk about Aziraphale dancing two big topics, shall we?
Aziraphale refuses to accept poverty could be bad. Why would God etc permit it if it could ever be bad? What!? Noooo... Poverty is good! To climb the ladder to success (in the traditional sense), you get far more opportunities to do good and be good and yadda yadda.
So Crowley says "Nuh uh" and shows him how poverty is not, in fact, the extreme pleasantry it is made out to be. Aziraphale felt "Well it's uncomfortable, but it can lead to good!" and Crowley said "No you moron, these people are born poor and have to 'do bad' or they will die even poorer, fuck the system"
If you asked Aziraphale the old "Is stealing bad" question, he'd be confused.
"Well yes of course."
"But what if it's to feed a starving family? Or a child? Or someone who has been deprived?"
Aziraphale does not want to accept death. Crowley makes Aziraphale face the masses of human casualties that would come about from Armageddon regardless of who wins. During "The Resurrectionists", Crowley forces him to face death again. He is handed the tumour belonging to a seven year old boy, as a way to make him understand the importance for cadavers and the fact that not everything is good or bad.
Crowley uses Aziraphale's empathy for humans and avoidance of death to help him convey points. It's like a beloved pet. You don't want your dog to die, but they will. Aziraphale doesn't want that dog to die, and wants to pretend it never ever will.
After the pre-zombification Nazis got squished, he didn't seem distraught - just uncomfortable. He minds when innocent humans that he cares about die, he cares about the children and the people he deems good. It bothers him greatly that they do die eventually. He is prevented from saving Wee Morag because well, death is inevitable. Crowley wants him to get that. Aziraphale wants to try to save everyone - when he can't.
He doesn't want to think that God would EVER let anything bad happen to people. He doesn't see how any system designed like that could be flawed or bad or uncomfortable for people. Genuinely he believes every corporate lie, and Crowley spends his time picking them apart and explaining them to him in various ways. Deprogramming.
Poverty is not a wonderfully good part of the ineffable plan, death does happen and it happens to everyone and we don't get to pick who or when, humans do have uncomfortable moments. They get sick. They become homeless. They starve. They cry. They ache. Aziraphale does not believe that the plan would allow these terrible things. But it does. It encourages them. The system works. Crowley knows it works, and he's trying to show Aziraphale that.
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karda · 1 year
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mlp realness
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wibble-wobbegong · 1 year
anybody else ever see this photo of mike and immediately start crying because i do
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just like . okay wait no look at all the previous times we get shots of mike and will like this
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there’s been so much heartbreak and pain surrounding his relationship with will beforehand and every time they’re put face to face it always seems like mike is forcing himself to hide and it’s only wver hurting him but here we finally get to see him being earnest and hopeful that will won’t leave him. we finally see mike feeling looking will directly in the eyes and asking for just a little bit of hope and love and then immediately after it’s completely crushed because he’s forced back into being with el.
this direct confrontation with them where they don’t look away for even a second is just repeatedly associated with painful moments but we get this one. this one moment and it’s ripped away almost immediately after and i hate it and it makes me cry
like even with their happy moments they’re side by side and one of them isn’t looking or glances when they’re expressing deeper emotions except here where they hold eye contact the whole time and then and then and then
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weathernerdmando · 7 months
I was driving home yesterday and apparently for 10 minutes, according to my smartwatch, my heart rate was 100+bom. Sitting there. Driving.
If that's accurate, what the fuck.
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a thought. grian's described (in litd) getting blacklisted as a death sentence, and while a big part of that is probably his self loathing & his blacklisting induced desire to not go hang around idk hypixel or somewhere, if the bad end fic by scarabies is any indication grian's picked up some of watcher culture (enough to speak in galactic while under stress). he might've picked up the "leaving the group and not coming back is a drawn out suicide" idea. making a blacklisting an execution.
While me and Rabi's fics differ a bit in some aspects (i hadnt come up with a huge amount of lore when they posted their bad end fic), i do enjoy the idea of Grian knowing how to speak Galactic and sometimes reverting to that when extremely stressed. Theres also the matter of Watchers having different mouth parts than your typical Player, so Galactic i think is more suitable for that in particular!!!
Tbh, the reason it was a death sentence wasnt just because of the way the Watchers stressed interdependency (although thats DEFINITELY a factor). It had more to do with the logic of the situation: the hermits would likely tell the other life members, and Scott in particular knows a lot of people. It wouldn't be out of the question for him to keep an eye out for Grian, and get him preemptively blocked from high-traffic servers like Hypixel. And Grian wasn't in the position to disguise himself at that point, so he wrote it off as a lost cause before even trying, and stuck to the outer edges of the server cluster Hermitcraft S9 is located in.
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georgialawman · 3 months
my personal kakashi timeline confusing canon be damned is like. Uhhh. Obikkrin are all the same age. Maybe kakashi’s around a year younger. But for the most part they’re the same age. They’re all enrolled into the academy at the same time but bc kakashi’s such a try hard/already knows shit (and bc his dad just died so he has no guardian) he’s moved up to higher classes with older kids because yayayayay little prodigy lets fuck him up. He graduates early and is genin at like. Idk. Maybe a year and a half/two years after his enrollment. Kakashi makes chunin only when the next exams come around (who knows how long that takes SHRUG). Kakashi is chunin for a good few years and makes jounin at 12.
during kk’s chunin years, obirin probably end up in the next chunin exams after the one kakashi was in. Blah blah blah. They’re chunin yay.
Anyway! So minato has been assigned obirin. Tbh based on a lot of things they could’ve just had. Another teammate? Before kakashi??? (could be shizune tbh. she leaves the team to go w tsunade) But that teammate goes away for whatever reason and they’re down a member so that guy gets replaced with…. drumroll plz… KAKASHI!!
why? because kakashi was a mean disaster child. There’s no way he got along with the class of older kids that he graduated with&subsequently would’ve been teamed w when he was such a little jerk. SO. To fix this little problem of kakashi not being able to get along with peers At All due to his personality, he gets added to a team with two members of his original class for the sake of “socialization.” Get around kids ur age, boy. Maybe that will fix his attitude problem.
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cringengl · 1 year
Please you’re 18 you kids are ruined when season 5 drops and coming for all of you not that most of you will be around can’t even understand the wider audience and think the show was tailored made for yourselves y’all exist in an echo chamber all validating eachother with your stupid conspiracy theories
I'm a little bit tipsy atm so idk if I'm understanding this ask but I'm suprised that u think this is an echo chamber with people validating each others conspiracy thesroeus with all the non stop discourse lol
Also wdym the show isn't made for kids/18yr olfs??? Like who else is it made for??? Reddit users who relate to Ted wheeler??? Pretty sure Shawn Levy said that the show is an "anthem for the marginalised and imperfect"
I'm assuming that ur sending me this ask bcus I'm a byler shipper and u think that they have no chance of becoming endgame but I'm pretty sure byler is a much better fit for marginalised and imperfect than mleven
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