#if tamba dies its so over
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#tetro danganronpa pink#tetro danganronpa#tetro pink#danganronpa#(doesnt look like it but js trust me)#tetro danganronpa fanart#watari nishino#nishino watari#okazaki hanano#hanano okazaki#okatari#watazaki#yeah chapter 4 took me out behind the shed#im not ok im not im not ready for tomorrow wataris not dead shes NOTTTTT UAHGUH#if tamba dies its so over#i will follow your flame#screams cries throws up#my art#super excited for tomorrow though#god pleaseeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pleeeeee
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Hey hope you're having a great week! n.n. What's been your favorite thing about Tetro Chapter 4 so far?
Thank you! My week been a bit stressful, but otherwise alright for the most part.
Sooooo with how far ch.4 going, I feel like I have multiple favorite things with it. Like to list them out
More Hama and Wada book club content
Wada gets a banger new redesign from the beloved problematic king himself Hiroaki
We get to see the aftermath effects ch.3 had on Ken, Wada, and Watari. Ken feeling like everything is grey now that Kazutoshi is gone, Wada feeling like he can’t take care of anything(including himself) and that he should’ve died instead of Isono, or Watari feeling guilty over Okazaki’s actions which eventually lead to her killing 2 people.
As much I hate it because I want them to be happy, I do love seeing how much affect the killing game has on everyone as they’re either breaking down, questioning their faith in their religion, thinking they’ll die young, or survivor guilt of wondering why they made it this long.
Momomoko character development
Nishino becoming more flesh out(she became a top fav of mine after her student spotlight interview) and being able to look back on her actions with better context on why she acted that way.
Oh! While it's not a lot, its enough to have Tamba lore to know exactly her background with her talent and folks….she deserves to go with Hama and Watari to Hama’s house after listening what her parents did to her. Glad to finally have some info on her to flesh her out. I hope we get more before the next BDA or in a potential student spotlight if she lives long enough to get one.
HASASHIGEKI CONTENT WOO HOOOO❤️💙 I love it! They are so doomed tho
The entire episode of Bruises had me in shambles. I wish I could undoom Mai and Ojima from the narrative so they can live happy with their families and Ojima to get therapy.
Honestly a lot of this chapter is great so far and I just know its going to tear us into big emotional pieces before the big finale of ch.5
#tetro danganronpa pink#dr tetro#tetro danganronpa#tetro pink#wada masanari#hama ran#watari nishino#mai hayashi#yanagi shigeki#hiroaki nakamigawa#ojima takeshi#tamba ruiko#ken hasegawa
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//So....Tetro Pink Chapter 3's Deadly Life Part 2 and the Class Trial.
//It had a...lot going on with it.
//Thoughts are below the cut:
//When we last left off, Tsuno gently opepned the door and got skewed for her efforts, right in front of Wada for extra emotional damage. Netherless to say he takes this well, as the others arrive and wonder what tf is going when Mai points out that suddenly, investigation has become very unsafe because if there was one trap, that could mean mulitiple traps.
//The trap itself was a spiked plate which was on a pully system triggered by simply opening the door and there was literally no way that anyone could have predicted, Tsuno was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
//Wada is quite catatonic for obvious reasons and when Okazaki shows up, he literally loses his temper and actually stabs her. Given all the shit she's done to him in the Chapter, this felt very justified especially when Wada confesses to Mai when she asks about what Okazaki has been doing to him, and she's undestandably pissed at Okazaki because she deserved to get stabbed.
//Trail time and the obvious question is asked; what if there is mulitiple blackeneds? Monomoko answers with saying they are playing by V3 rules and if there is two blackeneds only the first counts, meaning unless the deaths are done by the same person, only Kamimura's death needs to be looked at, Tsuno's death for the most part can be ignored as the blackened for her will gain nothing. Unless of course its the same person.
//Wada is immediately accused as the killer but not only does Mai point out there is a ton of evidence that shows he was being framed but they managed to figure out that the killer doesn't trigger the BDA and since not only did Ken trigger the BDA for Kamimura but also Wada triggered the BDA for Tsuno, neither of them could be the killer. It takes a while to clear Wada which gets annoying because certain people (read: Tamba) get very stuck in on that, but eventually the conversation turns to when Kamimura died, which with all the blood, implies he was killed in the art room, and even though he was taken from his room, not only did the killer steal his key, but they used the 3D Printer to clone said key to get in. They also realised the struggle they found in Kamimura's room was faked by the killer as he was already unconcious when they find a drug which could knock someone out and a ideal place they could lace it, being the special food Mai cooked for Kamimura in the resturant event since he still had some left over and once again proving why parties should never happen in Killing Games.
//There is a lot of emotions during the trial as Yanagi is put on the spot due to his lack of alibi which he confirms eventually he was trying to pick the lock to the locked room as while bashing the door open is a violation of the rules, lock picking might not be and he was trying to do so, but failed miserably. Hirokai was more focused on his petty grudge against Yanagi then solving the case and Ken at mulitiple times, loses his tempers and shouts at everyone to just focus on the evidence and logic and not their grievences against each other. Also Hirokai's failed unliving attempt was exposed by Ojima in order to disclose where the cynanide went.
//Eventually to Bubble's dismay, turns out Tsuno and Kamimura's deaths were done by the same person and as such they realised the culprit had to spend all of yesterday to steal Kamimura's key and clone it via the 3D printer, all of last night to set up the spiked plate trap in the woodshop and finally all of the morning to not only kidnap and kill Kamimura, but also be largely absent from the investigation seeing as they went to the dorms to trash Wada's and Tsuno's rooms. As such it had to been someone who had no alibi for any of those times, didn't matter if they didn't have one for one or two of those time periods but if they were absent and unaccounted for all three, they would be suspecious. And when everyone was saying their alibis, only two people were narrowed down; Tamba and Okazaki.
//Both were physically strong and not only could set up the spiked trap but also overpower Kamimura, but what it came down to was how the culprit moved Kamimura from his dorm to the art room which was a considerable distance without being spotted. Tamba wearing barely anything would have had to use a blanket which would have been easily detected but Okazaki has a coat, and she used said coat to huddle with Watari eariler in the chapter, which we find out said coat was big enough for her to hide inside of it, and Watari is much bigger then Kamimura. She also claimed she knew what everyone was doing but as Ojima pointed out, Okazaki has been hall monitor for a while now so she must have picked up on what everyone's daily routines were and claim she saw them do so. It ain't looking good for Okazaki, especially when Watari demands her to take her coat off, because with the sheer amount of blood Kamimura bleed out, and the fact he wasn't discovered that long after he expired, Okazaki wouldn't have had time to clean herself off before the BDA went off. So Okazaki took her coat off, and Hiroaki immediately threw up since she was coated in blood. Of course she tries to play it off as Wada's stab attempt, but there was too much blood for it be from when she was stabbed and so the jig is up.
//Normally when Chapter 3 culpirts are exposed, they do a complete personality shift and go absolutely psychotic. We seen this happen in the main series, as Celestia's accent breaks down when the gears turn on her, Mikan becomes deranged when sus is on her, Korekiyo goes completely delusional with his "sister" when people start to suspect him, in the Another series Kinji also goes loopy when people figure him out and I don't think we need to go into detail how much Kanade breaks down...it speaks for itself. So...what does Okazaki do? Well...she takes her mask off so we finally see what she looks like...and goes completely full Card Carrying Villian. You see, Okazaki as it turns out, was a self proclaimed phantom thief who robbed and stole from people in her home district, and sees herself as a supervillain. Tsuno comes from her area and Okazaki has a very one sided rivalry with Tsuno as she sees her as her greatest arch-nemesis and wanted nothing to do but one up her and in a Killing Game; that meant killing her. That's right, Tsuno wasn't just a death for the sake of it, she was the intended target all along. As for why she killed Kamimura it was for three reasons. Firstly she wanted to alert people that the killer used tools from the Woodshop, which due to nobody going on there wouldn't have been on the agenda and wanted Tsuno to investigate, bonus points if Wada was there so he could be even more devestated, secondly she knew that Kamimura was one of the more competent people in Class Trials and wanted him out of the way as he could rumble her and thirdy it was to completely break down Ken as he was another one who could have figured her shit out, but if he was too emotionally distraught over the death of his only friend, then she could get away with it.
//While this was happening not only does Okazaki's sprites with her mask off completely take up the screen but also some very cheesy cartoony supervillain music is playing in the background which apprenetly was composed by Tek Soda, Okazaki's VA. To say this was a total tonal mood whiplash was an understandment since EVERYONE in the stream was completely flabbergasted by what they were seeing and we all, including myself, was lost for words. I had for the longest time seen Tetro Pink as a much more grounded universe when compared to other Danganronpa titles where nothing too crazy happens, but Okazaki's true self was a glimpse into what normal Danganronpa is like with the wild personalites and absurdity. Neitherless to say nobody likes this at all as various characters especially Ken, Wada and Watari were completely appalled not only that Okazaki did kill, but she killed for such a stupid reason.
//All three were having a bad time but Watari was probably experiencing the worst of it. With Ken and Wada yes them losing their friends sucked, big time but at the very least they have the memories of their friends and they can move forward in honour of them, but Watari...can't do that. Not only was her best friend in this Killing Game the one who killed them, but she had a side to her she knew nothing about. It would be too easy to say Okazaki never cared for Watari, but as a further knife twist...it turns out she DID care for her, and did genuinely enjoy the times they spent together playing staff, but since Okazaki is so convinced she's the Joker, she saw Watari as a future sidekick to her to help with her latest evil schemes, much to Watari's complete horror.
//So what did I think about the whole thing? Well for one I feel vindicated. I said for a very long time, that Okazaki screamed Chapter 3 killer and that I didn't trust her due to the vibes she gave off. This got me so much hatred from the Tetro Pink community, and the ONLY reason I thought Ojima was because I didn't know if there was one or two killers, and if was mulitiple killers Ojima made sense, but if it was the same killer, then only Okazaki would have done, what she done. So yeah I'm laughing on how much the Tetro Pink Community is breaking down over Okazaki being the Chapter 3 Killer, because I'm like "I told you so." Occam's Razor is a bitch and you need to use it more.
//On her personality shift its...interesting, I'll give you that. The emotions are still raw and I do need time to process them so I cannot give you a accurate summary what I think. This might require a second viewing to see if its a good twist or if its another Kanade; good for shock value but doesn't hold water upon repeat viewings.
//But of course that's not the worst twist with Okazaki, though her execution was brutal af because she got the Viserys treatment. No it comes with when Scientist 01 breaks composure and briefly mentions a name for Okazaki before referring to her as her number, but this name startes with a Y which Okazaki never had. Well in a conversation with Scientist 05, it turns out that Okazaki's real name was Yume Yonekura and is the child of Scientist 01.
//I have been getting SO MUCH hate from how I'm viewing Staffside and chief among them is people who cannot grasp why I have no empathy for anyone on the staff, and think I'm some kind of sociopathic monster because I don't care when *insert scientist name here* is being tortured or shows human compassion, and says I don't have a heart. And then we get this; where Scientist 01 threw her OWN GODDAMN CHILD INTO THE KILLING GAME WITH NO REMORSE!
//Koroko might have abused Mikako serverly and was a horrible mother to her, but she never killed her. Junko might have had backstabbed and killed Mukuro but it was part of her idealogy to feel despair and did hate the fact she killed her own beloved twin sister. Not only did Scientist 01 kill her own child, but she was very unaffected by the whole thing and when Scientist 05 expresses remorse, she more or less implies that if he keeps up with this discussion, his own daughter will be part of the next Killing Game roster.
//Let me make it very clear to you. Its clear you people have a lot more empathy and compassion then myself. I wouldn't go as far as to call myself a sociopath, but I do have a lot lower levels of empathy then the average person, and if I see a organisation committing horrific acts against humanity and Tetro Pink's motives are just pure evil, end of story, I completely shut off my heart and don't give a single monkey's what happens to them beyond them getting the consequences I know they will never get because with Tetro getting a second season, these scientists are gonna completely and utterly get away with everything. I'm reading Staffside for context and understanding the lore more then anything, I'm not looking to emphasis with anyone, because the organisation has more then crossed the moral event horizon.
//And if they do recieve consequences, they are not gonna go back to society, they are gonna be arrested, crimes get exposed, their families completely abandon and disown them ESPECIALLY as this being Japan, their lives are ruined as well, and the fact they are "just following orders" doesn't really hold up in court, it might save them the death penetly, but the public won't have much sympathy for them.
//This is also why when Bubbles called out people for sending hate to Vonbabbit and the team behind Tetro Pink, and said they are unwelcome in his community, I didn't say anything because I knew the second I spoke up there, I would recieve even more hate from people due to my views on Staffside. From now on, I'm completely and utterly banning any talk on Staffside and any asks regarding it will be deleted, since I do not want to think about it anymore. You will also never hear anymore about me talking about Staffside.
//In addition, anyone who also does what they did to Bubbles and uses this as an excuse to send hate to Vonbabbit is also kicked out from here.
//I apologise for the rant-y bit here but I have had to deal with a lot of shit last week due to the Tetro Pink community and I've lost a lot of patience as a result and I just want lay out the groundrules going forward.
//Overall while Tetro Pink's Chapter 3 is certainly one of the better ones, its too early to say if its the best one so far as I still think it has to compete with Trigger Happy Havoc's original Chapter 3.
//I just know Chapter 4 is gonna be horrible big time.
#review anon talks#review anon rants#tetro danganronpa pink#tetro danganronpa spoilers#i apologises for how ranty i got near the end#but i've had to deal with a lot of insufferable fans#and my patience was running thing#especially because my reasons for reading staffside#isn't the same as most other people's#and as such this was always gonna clash#but i don't want to talk about it anymore#trial was fun though#and didn't need a dizzy pic#as it wasn't emotionally draining#it was just absurd more then anything
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It is NOT a good day to be a tetro danganronpa pink fan!! I’m devastated!
Spoilers below!
Two of my favorites characters are DEAD
I THOUGHT OKAZAKI OR TAMBA WOULD BE BEHIND THE DOOR BUT NOOO ITS A TRAP! WHO HAD TIME TO MAKE A GIANT MECHANISM?? WHY DID THEY TIE KAMIMURA UP AND WHERE DID THEY GET THAT SPIKE TRAP? Also if they’re two separate killers that would be VERY interesting. I doubt they are, but the concept would raise some tension at the trial.
ALSO WHERE ARE TAMBA AND OKAZAKI AT ALL?? THEY KINDA DISAPPEARED! Maybe Okazaki got fed up with Tamba and ditched her? Yet she was also going on about how important the investigation period is in the first place. Ughhhh tetro pink has such a cool cast and it’s been fun to tune in on Fridays for updates but this is just sad
While I’m at it, I might as well mention the very explicit attempt to frame Wada. I think Okazaki wrote the note just because of the direct and formal statements. We’ve seen her threaten Wada into silence so that would check out. That being said, if Okazaki is the killer - why would she go through so much trouble with the way Kamimura died? He probably didn’t need to be tied up, it wouldn’t have taken much to kill him in the first place but the crime scene just felt targeted? Angry?? I don’t know how to explain it, but Okazaki and Kamimura never really interacted so if anyone was going to be subjected to his death - it would be Tsuno. Tsuno’s the one who stood up for Wada and as we know from [Good Child], Okazaki didn’t like getting reprimanded for locking him up. Her logic is right to her and wrong to everybody else.
Is that too obvious? It seems like it fits perfectly which makes me think the evidence is going to lead elsewhere. I can’t imagine anyone else making a double murder that is this elaborate. I do think Wada killing Kamimura is a faint possibility, but there’s no way he could stomach taking out his tongue or KILLING TSUNO FOR THAT MATTER
Hhhhh my brain buzzing with theories I love this stupid cast sm
#tetro danganronpa pink#tetro danganronpa spoilers#tetro pink#tetro spoilers#spoilers in general#i have so many questions#with so little answers#im filled with dread and anticipation#this is a long rant whoops
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Okay there were no fish references in day 17
but it gave me some pretty good reasons to believe that Kamimura is gonna die this chapter.
warning. spoilers and um… a lot of yapping
Forensic testing
Now, we don't actually know if he has the right things he needs available to him, but if he does, that sounds way to good to be true. I mean- I'm pretty sure forensic testing takes a while anyway right? so maybe I'm over thinking it and they just won't get to use it if Kamimura dies or not.
I also saw some people saying the chemicals in the chemistry lab could be used as poison.
I was honestly predicting that the chapter three victim would be poisoned purely based on the fact that Tamba has been stupidly bringing up poison every trial. There's no way she's not going to do it again and be wrong, right? Twice is already stupid but three times? Not even Tamba is that stupid, right?
plus, the title “Finish Line” is um… What the hell does that even mean?
sounds like Kamimura’s finished, boys/hj
Okay, this might have nothing to do with Kamimura but I saw this comment and got really happy

I was honestly thinking this because, despite what she constantly says, Monomoko has actually shown to care about the students, at least more than most of the other staff has. Monomoko has always shown concern for Kamimura because of all his medical issues.
She also provided Hasegawa with Paxil and Wada with oxygen when he wasn't breathing correctly.
I never said anything about this theory because I never wanted to get my hopes up or look stupid, but since someone else said something might as well give my two cents.
I saw a lot of people saying that the victims body is gonna be dismembered. I honestly don't see how else this room is gonna be used, but hey, they might surprise me.
Only thing I gotta say here is that I agree with Hayashi on “More rooms means more places we need to check next time somebody dies.”
With less people and more rooms investigations are going to be a lot harder. Then again, with less people comes a more narrow suspect pool, so in that sense, it might be easier.
While Okazaki practically bullying Hasegawa because he has no friends is hilarious, she is right. Without Kamimura, he’d be alone because he doesn’t start interactions with anyone else.
She says that the same goes for Kamimura but I think she's wrong about that. As much as he doesn't want to admit it, he cares about Tamba, and I’d say he's pretty comfortable with Tsuno too. He’s also had a little bonding moment with Yanagi during the investigation. While he obviously isn't super close with them, he definitely interacts with people more than Hasegawa does.
The only person I could really see Hasegawa being comfortable with is Tsuno… Maybe Tamba, but if he thinks Kamimura hates her then he might keep his distance from her when he can.
I'm probably looking into things way too much but I think that Okazaki questioning Hasegawa about Kamimura being the only person he’s ever with helps foreshadow Kamimira’s death.
They're making the woodshop off-limits like they did with the pool. This practically mean nothing though. Since its not against the rules of the killing game people are a lot less likely to care, like how Hasegawa and Kamimura went to hang out in the pool room that one time even when Hayashi banned everyone from going there.
also “If any of you touch any of the shit in there without knowing what you're doing with it, I’ll kill you”
highly, highly doubt this is a real threat cuz he knows he’s not capable of killing anyone… but I still want to note it.
(Uhh I don't think there is anything else to report from day 17 but if I change my mind I’ll post about it. ��)
#Youtube#tetro danganronpa pink#tetro pink#tetro danganronpa#hasegawa ken#hasemura#kamimura kazutoshi#hama ran#watari nishino#yanagi shigeki#hayashi mai#tamba ruiko#okazaki hanano
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