#if someone air drops me a premade one ill do it but for now Them's Me And Anon's Thoughts :)
todayisafridaynight · 2 years
Y5's plot is a little messy from there being five protagonists, but I feel things converged pretty well regardless of that. Even though I wish they had more time to interact with each other aaaaaa. But I did start to get a bit confused around the end of Shinada's part because I was trying to keep track of who was actually important to stuff overall. And also baseball. Trying to understand all this terminology what's going on I don't have time to learn the plot anymore, game 🙄
Gameplay? God. The moment I was starting to get used to Saejima finally I had him snatched away from me by the story. So it felt like I was relearning his moveset every time afterwards 🫠 Akiyama is so easy to fight as, but Shinada was giving me slightly similar problems to Saejima. The enemy rate encounter in the old games was insane and they should go to jail for making the decision to do that tbh. I got into nearly 200 street fights at the start of the game. And kept running into fights right after I finished one. Directly. After. I found myself not doing a lot of side stuff. I think part of it was from trying to get to certain parts I really wanted to see, and part of it was because of who knows what really... The only character's side story I did was Saejima's, and I did almost all of their substories, tho. Besides Haruka's. I can see how someone who wants to do everything would get instantly burnt out. I just didn't
Story? Why the F U CK didn't they bring up Kiryu's thoughts and feelings on Majima after he hauled ass back to Tokyo to find answers. That was the whole initial reason he was there, and the writers were like "nah. Let's not touch that with a ten foot pole but here's Kiryu threatening to end that twink Baba." He didn't even directly react to knowing he's still alive. Like, that's one of the most glaring problems I have with it. It feels like someone ignoring an elephant stomping in the room. However I have to admit I didn't care for the out of left field relationship drama Majima had in the past. It was like a huge brick was dropped on me and then am anvil
Five catches some weird heat from people who want to pretend the whole thing never happened, and those that gave up on it super easily. To each their own of course. I just don't think it's nearly that bad, personally. Four is definitely my least favorite of the bunch. Next to six
my thoughts below the cut cause this post's already long </3
unfortunately for the rest of this website, shinada's baseball scandal was easy for me to follow on account of me being a baseball lover myself. BUT yeah i can totally see how the typical player will get lost on things like 'stealing signs' and either might take too much time googling terms and rules to pay too much attention to the plot, or not bothering to do that and just proceeding with the story without fully understanding what's happening
on that note though like i said in the last post, shinada's the strongest point about this game for me: him and his co-stars are just such fun characters, and my favorite thing about shinada is that his play style reflects his i'm-just-a-guy-fghting-for-his-life character. it's incredibly rough, unrefined, and sluggish- nothing you'd expect from a regular fighter like maybe kiryu or akiyama. from purely a gameplay standpoint though i get how it could be irritating when you're shifting from characters you're familiar with who move relatively similar to. Shinada. (affectionately). especially if you weren't using weapons beforehand and now you're trying to become accustomed to them if you don't want to raw dog his gameplay
speaking of akiyama though, while i did like how he and haruka get to team up (i also think the protags shouldve had more time to hang out, if not at least invite each other to karaoke </3) his part felt so short. t'was foreshadowing for being sidelined in y6, but yk even for the three seconds we get to play with him, and despite the minor nerf done to him, i love him too much to be too upset. plus that air-combo shit's Wack
all things majima related in Y5 were weird, but park was especially. Off. for me. as an antagonist, she's great- hell, even NOT as an antagonist she's great. but it's just a weird feeling how the game wants us to sympathize with her and ignore how she's been threatening kiryu and haruka this entire time and treat her like a martyr. i dont think park's the worst charcter and most evil character ever, but that's prob a post in of itself honestly. what does make me feel weird though is her and majima's relationship- i guess it's just weird hearing about it after y0 though, but i'm not forgetting this game was made way before y0 was even conceptualized. it sucks that we don't get to know about majima's reaction to her death though, and honestly i was hoping they would get to reunite at haruka's concert: he said he wouldn't see her until he was dead, and according to every news outlet at the time he sure was dead, if you catch my cold.
back to majima though, it DOES suck how we don't get to see how kiryu reacts to majima not actually being dead. it's as you said, that's the reason why he even came back in the first place, and now that he's fine we're just going to have to assume how he felt
for me, five was alright. yakuza game plots are hardly anything to write home about (unless it's 7 tbh i love 7 sorry not sorry), so i'm not overly pressed about the plot being the way it is. besides, i cant be mad about the plot when part of the plot is 'daigo's on thirteen doses of copium so he runs away and decides to give 20 mil yen to his old classmate cause Dreams'.
the only game plot that actually does deserve a 'that's so stupid' comment from me is Y4's plot 🥴
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moonlit-mizukage · 4 years
Tsukishima Kei x reader Ache 2
Genre: Angst with a fluffy ending
Word Count: 1.6k 
Summary: It's been one month since (y/n) left tsuki, she won't answer any one now, but when Yamaguchi sees her unexpectedly, Tsukishima is now given a second chance with his love. 
Characters aged up!!
AN: This part was highly requested in my inbox so here is part 2 of my Tsukishima angst! Thank you for all the comments and requests for this part! I was really happy to be making a part 2!
Read part 1 here!    |   Masterlist 
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It's been almost one month since the break up between Tsukishima and (y/n). Tsukishima was acting more distant with everyone then he was before. If he wasn’t working he was at home, hugging a stuffed stegosaurus (y/n) had given him on their first year anniversary. Yamaguchi would show up at his apartment to make sure he was eating. Yamaguchi was trying to reach out to (y/n). She responded once telling him she knew he didn’t care about her, then blocked Yamaguchi right after. 
Even though (y/n) was putting on an act that she was fine to Yamaguchi, it was the farthest thing from the truth. She sat in her apartment, longingly gazing out her window most nights. She would stare down at the city lights remembering all the evenings she spent out with tsukishima close by where she was. She decided one particularly rainy night that she would head out to get some groceries. 
The rain was coming down almost as if it was a waterfall. (y/n) had left her apartment forgetting to grab her umbrella or even a jacket with a hood. She walked up her block to the nearest store entering inside. Not too far from where she was standing, a wide eyed Yamaguchi had spotted her. He was picking up something to take over to Tsukishima’s house for them to eat. (y/n) just grabbed a simple bowl of cold soba already premade in a small cooler. She left as quickly as she came. Yamaguchi was one person behind her in line. She didn’t seem to notice him. She was lost in her own thoughts. He knew she wouldn’t talk to him as anyone who tried she would block them, claiming Tsukishima made himself very clear. 
Yamaguchi knew how bad Tsukishima was doing so he couldn’t help himself from walking at a safe distance behind (y/n).He was having a silent battle with himself over if this was just creepy or if he had a good reason. He looked up noticing she was climbing up the stairs to what he assumed was her new apartment. He watched as she walked up to what looked like the fourth floor, third apartment from the end. He stepped under the side protecting himself from the rain as he pulled out his phone sending a quick message to Tsukishima. 
Upstairs in the apartment, she dropped her soaking wet coat down on the floor. She approaches her bathroom as she falls to her knees, crying once again. The empty rooms are constant reminders to her of what she once had. She thought she may have seen Yamaguchi out tonight, but she worries that she had just imagined it due to the overbearing loneliness she had felt lately. 
At Tsukishima’s apartment, Yamaguchi was now walking in the door to a sad Tsukishima sitting, still holding his dinosaur plush. “Did you get my message?” 
Tsukishima reached for his cell phone that was sitting on top of a small oak table in front of him. 36 4th floor 3rd from the end. “What is this supposed to mean Yamaguchi?” 
“We are going out, come on.” Tsukishima looked down at his pajama pants. “Don’t fight me on this please.” Tsukishima sighed. 
“Can we just take the car so I can stay inside? It’s raining.” 
Yamaguchi sighed and picked up the keys. “Let’s go.” 
Yamaguchi drove them down to where he was earlier that day. He pulled up into the small grocery store he was already in that day. He left tsukishima in the car as he went in. 
“What are these for?” Yamaguchi dropped flowers onto Tsukishima’s lap. Yamaguchi then began driving the short distance in the continuing rain storm. He pulled up in front of (y/n)’s building. 
“(y/n) lives here.” 
“How did you… when did you.... Where?” 
“The place I texted you.” Tsukishima was already out of the car closing the door before Yamaguchi could finish. Tsukishima was running, not being cautious of how slippery it was when he tripped on the last step, scraping his right knee off the wall of the fourth floor knocking him over. He looked down at his ripped pajamas as his knee was freshly wounded, bleeding. The flowers were now damaged as he had landed on them. He regained himself as he rushed towards the door Yamaguchi had messaged. 1...2…3 There. He thought to himself as he hammered on the door. Tsukishima did not realise how hard he was knocking anymore as he just kept going, desperate to see her once again. 
On the other side of the door, (y/n) was sitting in her window again sniffling. She assumed it was from the rain making her ill, not aware she had started crying again. She thought about how nice it would be to have tsukishima here to nurse her illness away. Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud hammering on her door. She slowly approached her door as she looked out the peephole. There stood a tall blond figure, touching his ripped open knee. Tsukishima?? She thought she was imagining it as she pulled open her door. 
He looked up to meet her eyes, sleep deprivation clear on her face along with marks from what looked like tears. Her hair was messy and wet, eyes puffy and swollen. She held her arm up covering her mouth as the other held the door tightly. 
“Kei, you’re bleeding...” She reached out to him pulling him inside her apartment seating him on a couch. 
“(y/n), these are for you.” He hands her the damaged flowers in his hand. She takes them and sets them down on the little table. “I’m going to get something for your knee.” She rushed off to the bathroom. 
Tsukishima looked around the apartment, it looked as if someone was moving out rather than living there. She came back rushing to him. 
“What happened Kei? Are you okay?” She picked it up to clean his wound. 
He groaned out in pain. “I slipped running up the stairs, I didn’t want to wait another minute to see you.” 
“Kei...” she said as she looked him in the eyes. Tears could be seen forming at the sides now. He reached over and brushed them away.
“Please just hear me out.” She nodded in agreement. “I’m not good with expressing my emotions… I made a mistake. Well many mistakes. I should have tried to talk to you about how I was feeling. I wasn’t intentionally pushing you away. I did avoid you and I was rude, and I was just-” He took a deep breath. Tears now falling down his face. 
“It’s okay Kei, take your time.” She said as she placed her hand on top of his. 
“I didn’t want to break up. I was just, distancing myself so I could hide my surprise for you.” He reached into his pajama pants pocket and pulled out a ring. “I was going to propose to you (y/n), on our second year anniversary this month. I just was scared you would say no, and then I just distanced myself and then I skipped dates to avoid telling you. I just acted like a huge prick and I-” 
Tsukishima was cut off by (y/n) pulling him into a kiss. Tsukishima at first thought he was imagining it. He moved his hands up into her hair, adding more passion into the kiss. The two only pulled away when they needed air. 
“Kei, I am sorry too, for everything. I feel so bad for what I said to you. Loving you isn't a mistake, it's the greatest thing that has happened to me. I missed you so much.”
Tsukishima pulled her into his chest, his heart beating in her ear drum. 
“I love you more than anything, I’m so sorry for everything too. This last month has been terrible without you, will you come home with me (y/n)?” She pulled away looking up at him.
“Of course Kei. I missed you more than anything. I know you have troubles expressing your emotions, but let's work on it together.” 
“On one condition,” she looked at him with clear confusion on her face. He let her go fully and got down on his non injured knee. “Will you marry me (y/n)?” 
“Yes! Kei  I love you so much. I can’t believe you had this in your pocket.” She said leaning down, giving him another kiss. 
“I love you too, so much, I always have it in my pocket, just in case I saw you again.” She looked at him as she covered her mouth with her hand, 
Oh, and (y/n), thank you for giving me another chance and making me the happiest man I could ever be.” He pulls you into a hug again. They stayed there for a while. “Oh, Yamaguchi is in the car.” 
She chuckled, “Let me grab my bag and we can go.” 
“Is this your apartment?” he asked. 
“No it’s my friends.” 
On that note the Tsukishima helped her grab her bag as they headed out, back to their once shared apartment. 
Back in the car, Yamaguchi apologised for following (y/n) and not trying to talk with her. She didn’t seem to mind now that she was back in Tsukishima’s arms. Yamaguchi dropped them off as they headed upstairs. The two changed as they climbed into bed together. Tsukishima pulled (y/n) into his chest. 
“I missed holding you like this.” He spoke softly into her hair. 
“I missed it too Kei.” She said, as she gave him a light kiss on his chest.
Tsukishima’s dinosaur plush was no longer his go to hold as it was still sitting on the coffee table in the living room.
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uncannyarcana · 3 years
Excerpt: Uncanny Arcana Chapter 1
Word Count: 1799
There was something quiet in the transition from fall to winter. Summer was a time of activity and motion and energy, and Spring was the cautious, long stretch after waking up. Between those two, when the air turned cool and the world ebbed into a comfortable quiet, filled with toasting fires and snow boots and throws the size of couches, the universe offered a breather. Time for reflection. Preparations for the year to come.
Something Beaumont Saint-Victor very much wanted as she dug through the last boxes from the move earlier that day. Most everything else had been unwrapped and allocated to its new home within a home, from bathroom to living room to kitchen.
“Remind me again why I’m the one cooking tonight?” Essie called from the kitchen. Esther Ramsey, as Beau found out early into their five-year relationship, held many talents, but cooking anything more complicated than premade or frozen dishes, was not on the list. The kitchen and all things culinary were Beau’s domain, and she planned on making a proper house-warming dinner once everything settled, but a full day of back-and-forth from the moving truck and a couple trips to their old places for forgotten left her barely enough energy for her current task. Essie had done an equal amount of work and somehow drew from hidden energy wells
“Because your hot shapeshifter girlfriend strained her back lugging our bed frame upstairs,” she called back from the couch in the living room. “And you need the practice.”
“Aw, poor baby. So if I call Joel he’ll back up that excuse?” From her tone, Beau knew she was joking.
“He’ll probably tell you to remind me to lift with my legs next time.”
She heard Essie laugh from the kitchen and smiled to herself. Joel Brannon had been Beau’s best friend for almost thirteen years and the only one out of the three of them that had the right license for the moving truck. Together he and Beau ran a bakery with a small apartment above it, which they’d shared until a few days ago when the bank approved the mortgage for the new brownstone. He’d helped with the heavy stuff before heading off on a business lead earlier that day, promising to call if anything came of it.
She paused to pick out a newspaper-wrapped object from the box. Folding back the paper, she revealed a black ceramic sculpture. “Does your seal thing go on the mantle or in the bathroom?”
“What seal th—oh, my walrus! He’s the centerpiece of our living room! He’s going on the mantle, of course.” A moment later she muttered, “I’m mildly offended you had to ask that…” Another small jest, though by the volume she wasn’t sure if Essie meant her to hear it. Most others wouldn’t have unless they were standing right next to her. Beau wasn’t most others, though.
Long ago, before the gods had names history remembered and humans were just banding together in larger settlements, magic ebbed and flowed through the world like water in a river, calm and gentle in some places, chaotic and dangerous in others. Creatures of legend walked the same earth as humans, and for a time both coexisted with each other with cautious respect. The old gods were the source of that magic, and as a gift to their most devout followers, shared some of that power, creating the first Uncanny beings. Shapeshifters, vampires, and witches. Able to control small magical facets within themselves, they eventually found their place in the world, from valiant protectors to cruel overlords.
As more organized religion spread, Uncanny found themselves pushed to the shadows in fear of being destroyed in the name of new gods that drew followers with conquest in mind. Eventually, magic and monsters went the way of legend. Entire species went extinct. Those who managed to stay alive long enough to pass their gift also passed their fears and hesitations of interacting with their human cousins to the next generation. It was safer skirting and surviving in the dark than exposing themselves in the light.
In Beau’s case, risking a peek out from under the curtain had reaped pleasant results. She’d met Essie in the bakery while the latter was finishing her Master’s degree at the local college. At first Essie’s excuse had been its close proximity to campus and the free Wi-Fi. Then it progressed to good food and strong tea. Next the student discount that only applied to her, which Beau swore wasn’t as exclusive as she made it out to be. The final step came when Essie asked Beau to a movie after she closed up for the night. They’d been together ever since.
After an altercation with another Uncanny local on Essie’s behalf, Beau fully drew the curtain back, easing her into the fact all the creatures she loved researching and tracking were in fact real, and most held day jobs because rent was a bitch no matter the species.
Sometimes supernatural senses had their drawbacks, Beau reminded herself. The memory of the first time she spent the night at Essie’s apartment came to mind. The walls had actually been a decent thickness, but the damn neighbors hadn’t understood the concept of consideration, and nothing was a better mood-killer than the muffled, rhythmic beating of a headboard against a shared wall.
At least Essie hadn’t suffered through the other sounds.
She snorted with a short laugh and went over to the fireplace, placing the walrus in its new home beside their little Hearth Guardian. A housewarming gift from their friend Kat, a witch and a well-respected doctor in the city., The stained ash wood sculpture was about four inches tall and carved in the shape of a housecat. It helped ward off bad energies, she’d explained as she finished etching a protection sigil underneath the doormat that morning. Beau scooted the two figurines closer together before returning to her spot on the couch. More items found their places in the living room, things equal parts hers and Essie’s, and soon Beau moved onto a larger box labeled “Bedroom.” A small knot settled in her stomach.
“Hey, babe?” she called over her shoulder.
“I’m gonna go put some stuff upstairs. Holler if you need me.”
“I promise not to burn down the house while you’re gone.”
Beau half-smiled, but the feeling swirling in her gut was neither pleasant nor welcome. Wordlessly, she ascended the stairs, box balanced in one arm as she stepped over the baby gate that kept Strudel, their Cairn Terrier mix, on the ground floor. His bowl, bed, and toys had been some of the first things they’d configured in the new place, and he had resigned himself to snuggling up in his plush bed beside the unlit fireplace as his parents continued redecorating.
The master bedroom was the second door on the right, preceded by the one full bathroom, and across the hall from what would become Essie’s editing studio. Beside that was a small guest bedroom that still needed furnishing, but that would come in a day or so.
Beau nudged their bedroom door open with her foot and slipped inside. Looking around, it seemed almost complete save for what she held in the box. Beau set it down on her side of the bed, closest to the door, and cut the tape seal on top with the pocket knife she kept in her back pocket. Most of its contents consisted of personal knick-knacks and memorabilia, mostly Essie’s, which Beau either put aside for her to position how she liked or returned them to their places from memory.
Her things filled out the bottom. She didn’t have quite as much as Essie, considering that not so long ago her life had been ill-suited for collections. Still, each one was taken out and put in its place with care, their range only going as far as her nightstand. When she came to the last item, hidden away underneath everything else, she paused. It was a black wooden box just large enough to house a few manila folders, tape recorder reels, and an old picture with singed edges. Beau stared at it for a long time, almost afraid to touch it, lest the things inside would spill out and somehow pull her down a road she never wanted to walk again. A familiar tightness filled her chest.
Five things. Count five things present with you right now, Beau’s grounding techniques echoed in her head.
The bed, her pillow, Essie’s pillow, the lamp, the window. She breathed in, held it for seven seconds, and slowly released. In, hold, out. In, hold, out. Beau grabbed the box and slid it under the bed. Then she turned and went back downstairs.
Miraculously, the house hadn’t caught fire while Essie was left unsupervised, and the smells that greeted Beau at the kitchen entrance made her mouth water. She made an exaggerated sniffing noise as she padded up behind Essie.
“As I live and breathe, is that progress I smell?” she asked, exaggerating her southern-Louisiana drawl while gently wrapping her arms around the shorter woman’s waist. Short wasn’t very fair, though. Average, Beau should say, in height and build. Essie played softball back in her college days, and had the sweatshirt to prove it, although nowadays it functioned as a sleep shirt, which she paired with a set of baggy sweatpants and tube socks.
Essie laughed, the sound light and pleasant. “Maybe you should have more faith in your girlfriend, Saint-Victor.” Habitually she pushed her glasses back up. “Everything go okay upstairs?”
“Yeah, just had to take a minute.”
“The box?”
Essie’s shoulders dropped a bit, but only for a moment, before she turned and offered Beau a taste of the stew. Beau took it, carefully considering the flavor.
“Needs more spice,” she admitted, swallowing.
“You do realize you live with someone from Atlanta,” Essie said flatly, going back to stirring the pot.
“Atlanta’s still in the south. And a little heat’s good for the winter. Clears your sinuses, warms you up. ‘Specially now that’s getting cold out.”
“That’s why God invented coffee, hon’.”
Beau hummed a response, resting her chin on Essie’s shoulder when the latter leaned back, taking in the coconut scent of her dark hair. She kept it up in a loose ponytail more often than not, a stark difference to Beau’s smoky black hair buzzed close at the sides and only slightly longer on top, hinting at natural waves. “But, seriously, it’s great. Reminds me of home.” They fell into a comfortable silence, the only sound coming from the bubbling of the pot and Strudel’s tags clinking together as he trotted into the room, impatient for his own dinner.
And then Beau’s cell phone rang.
0 notes
kinkycritters · 8 years
Little Tally Pt. 2
Mama and Daddy think it’s a good idea to get some fresh air. Tally does not.
Warning: non sexual discipline/spanking And fluff. Cute fluff.
Stick around, in the next part, Brian will come over for a play date with Papa Sam and Daddy Liam. 
DO NOT tag this with anything that will be seen by the CR fans or cast.
Taliesin groans softly as he rolls over in bed. He is in the guest room, which often times serves as his bedroom for long periods. He doesn't bother with checking the time as he gets out of bed. The bright sun pushing through the slats of the blinds tell him it's plenty late into the morning and time to get up.
The house is quiet, Tal doesn't here talking or the tv, and he doesn't smell cooking. Shuffling around the room for a moment he grabs his cellphone, headphones, and Mischeif, before going out to the living room. Sure enough, no one is up, and the master bedroom door is closed. He isn't very suprised, sense they had got home late last night after the premier.
Taliesin dumps his things onto the sofa before changing direction to the kitchen, where he finds himself a package of poptarts and a juice pouch. With his breakfast found, the boy returns to the sofa which is warmed by the morning sun shinning bright through the front windows. He puts his head phones in, starting up a video on his phone to watch some gameplay as he eats.
After a couple of videos and the long gone poptarts, Marisha appears in the living room doorway in her tanktop and sweats. Taliesin takes his head phones out in time to hear her call, "he's in here babe." She comes over to the baby. "What mess have you made?" She brushes crumbs off his tshirt. "Sticky. You made yourself some breakfast huh?"
Taliesin nods, "mmhhmm. Yup. Was hungry."
"Yeah. Sorry mama and daddy didn't get up till now. You want some fruit salad?"
Taliesin scrunches his nose a little. "Is it pineapple?"
"Nope. None. Its got kiwi though." She assures.
"Oooh. Kiwis." Taliesin abandons his spot on the sofa, grabbing his garbage to toss as he heads to the kitchen. Mama grabs a bowl and the large bowl of chopped fruit from the fridge.
"Too much." Taliesin says as she scoops a rainbow of fruit pieces into his bowl.
"You've had alot of junk. Do your best to finish this." She kisses his head and hands the bowl over.
"Okay mama." Taliesin nods.
Matt comes in as the little is sitting down with his fork. Matt wordlessly sets a small pill planner down next to Tal. Most of the compartments were open and empty, with only Saturday sitting shut with the three pills and a gummy vitamin. Matt goes to the fridge and returns with a big cup of chocolate milk. The nice premade kind from the glass bottle.
With a kiss to his head from the other man, Taliesin then opens up his pill box. He chews the vitamin up for a moment then pops the three pills, swallowing them down with big gulps of choclate milk and a small shiver.
"Good boy." Matt pinches his cheek abit.
Taliesin just nods, saying nothing about his medicine as he returns attention to his bowl of fruit. "What we gonna do today?"
Matt moves towards Marisha where coffee is being handled. "Not sure yet bug. Is there something you need to do?"
"No. But wanna do something."
"I'm sure we will do something." Matt assures.
Marisha speaks softly. "We've been meaning to go to the art museum over by old town."
"The Spencer?" Matt whispers too as he fiddles with his mug. "I don't know if Tal is gonna be up for something like that."
"Taliesin loves that kind of crap."
"Yeah, but Tally can get antsy in places like that. We don't want to set him up for a bad day. We don't know where he is."
"He seems plenty big enough for a museum today." Marisha looks at the back of Taliesin who is still only dressed in his pajamas of a tshirt and underwear.
"We have to make sure." Matt shakes his head. "He had a rough patch yesterday and it breaks my heart to see him so upset. He really is trying to just be good this weekend. I don't want to push him to much."
"Of course Matt. I don't want to just set him up for failure. We wait till after lunch. If he seems up for it then we go. If not...maybe see if there is a craft class in the arts district?"
Matt nods slowly. "Okay. Sounds good. Sounds like a plan." He finishes fixxing his coffee just in time for Taliesin to scoot up behind them.
Taliesin is looking at them both expectant but quiet.
"Hmmm. What is happening inside the babies head? Looks like he wants something." Marisha smirks a little before sipping at her mug.
Taliesin pouts at her and holds his hands up, cupping them.
"You look plenty awake baby bug," Matt shakes his head.
"But but...please?" The little pleads, trying to keep himself from whinning.
"Asking so nicely," Matt grins. "Go ahead buddy."
Taliesin grins and starts up a coffee for himself as well. When they had first started playing together, Matt and Marisha had attempted to cut Coffee from Taliesin when he was little Tally. But all that got any of them was more trouble. Grumpy, jumpy, jittery Taliesin and two thread bare care givers who couldn't handle the fits and sour additude of someone who depended on the caffine drug as much as they did. Taliesin was allowed coffee, though still less of it then he drank when working as an adult.
"Do you wanna just lay around the house for now baby?" Marisha ask, "we will go out and do something tonight. Kay?"
"Okay. Busy mama?" Taliesin twists his mouth up.
Marisha just laughs. "I'm allways busy baby. But just a little bit today. Daddy will play with you. You guys can play some games."
Matt grins at Taliesin and nods. "Wanna do some co-op, buddy?"
"Yeah!" Taliesin grins and takes a quick drink. "And maybe a little craft? With mama. When she's not busy."
Matt looks skeptical. "A little craft? How little?"
"Bracelets?" Tally grins.
"Alright. Bracelets sound not too messy." Matt allows. "We will play games then mama will make bracelets with us."
"Sounds good to me," Marisha nods. "I gotta sort through emails baby. Be a good boy for daddy." She kisses Taliesin's cheek then kisses Matt before leaving them to go hide away in her office.
Taliesin look up at Matt for a moment before taking another drink and returning to his breakfast. Matt gets himself a matching bowl of fruit before sitting with his boy. The conversation quickly turns to the Spiderman movie, and Matt thinks that Marisha may be right and Tal might be feeling pretty big today.
After a few dozen rounds of OverWatch, Taliesin makes a break for the bathroom. "Can't hold it any more. Be right back." He sets his controller aside.
As Tal leaves, Matt can't help but think that yeah, Taliesin was hardly down in his little space at all. He wasn't sure what has pushed the boy up this morning, but it was fine. They let Taliesin move around his head space naturally. He just has to abide by the rules unless explicity stated other wise.
Matt sends Marisha a text, checking to see if she wanted anything to drink or was ready to come do that craft.
'Tally needs to go outside and get fresh air. We all do. Ill come out and have a walk with you two. See if he wants to feed the ducks.' -Marisha
Matt glances at his watch and sees it is nearly lunch time. 'Sounds good,'-Matt. He shuts everything down and gets up to go get ready.
"What are you doing? Aren't we gonna play some more?" Taliesin is standing at the door now, hands fiddling at his chest.
"Maybe later. Marisha is about to come out."
"Oh! Bracelets!" Taliesin cuts in with a big smile. "Ill go get the stuff."
"Whoa whoa little man. New plan. We all need some excersize. Family walk to the park. You wanna feed the ducks?" Matt tries to bribe, watching Tal's face fall.
"But. We were...gonna do bracelets." He frowns. "I don't wanna go out. It's gonna be hot."
"It's not that hot, we just walked yesterday. We are gonna go to the park. It'll be nice. You love the park." Matt is hopefull, trying to think of the right way to talk Tal into going on this walk. "We are gonna do the craft later."
"But I wanna do bracelets. You said we was doin' bracelets!" Taliesin grabs the bottom of his shirt, twisting it in his hands.
Its pretty clear that Taliesin was dropping fast and needed to calm down even quicker. "Tal. You wanna go sit down for abit before we talk about this any more?"
"Only if you're gonna change your mind," Taliesin snaps, nose scrunching.
"Hey. Watch the tone, you are not gonna be happy if you keep this up." Matt warns.
"Not gon' be happy either way cause you're being dumb and making me go walk." The boy spits his words out like he is being made to do a much worse offence. Matt is entirely unimpressed by the little boy's sour mood.
"I think you need to go right to your bed and go have a time out before you get yourself in some real trouble little boy." Matt straighten's up, making sure he stood above Taliesin as he puts on his best stern look. Inside he was pleading with Taliesin to go calm down before this escalates any further. No luck.
Taliesin whines for a moment. "Thas' ..thas' not fair! I can't be in trouble jus' 'cause I don't wanna walk."
"You're gonna get introuble for your smart mouth mister. Come on. Time out." Matt holds his hand out, "you can go sit with Mr.Mischeif and calm down." As Matt reaches out to take Tal's arm, the boy whines again and stomps his foot. Matt tries to grab Taliesin before he can go down, but it was no use. As soon as the foot stomps the living room rug, Tally goes down, sinking down onto his bottom with an 'oof.' Taliesin looks up at Matt with wide eyes for a moment, suprised to find himself on the floor. Matt opens his mouth but before he can get a sound out, Taliesin escalates the situation by flopping down on his back, covering his face with both hands.
"Taliesin. No. Knock it off right now. You are not going to have a trantum about this." Matt snaps.
"Not!" Taliesin barks back, kicking one foot.
Matt has no chance of pulling Taliesin off the floor. "Yes you are. You are being naughty. You're gonna be in big trouble if you dont take your bottom to the bed room immediately."
"It's attached!" Taliesin sticks his tongue out at Matt.
"That's it." Matt grabs Taliesin's wrist. "Up. Now. You're getting a spanking. I'm done being nice."
"No! Nooo!" Taliesin tugs aganist the hold. He gets his hand back and flips onto his hand's and knees to flee.
Matt catches him by the shoulder, landing two smacks joined by Taliesin's loud protests. The little boy reaches back to try and stop his daddy. It only causes him to fall onto his belly.
"What are you two-," Marisha comes in, prompted by all the noise. She is cut off by the sight, face settling into her own firm mask.
Matt says nothing to his fiancé as he swats Taliesin over his Minecraft sweats.
"Daddy! Daddy stoooop! Ow ooow!"
Matt grabs the boy's arm above the elbow and tugs, getting back to his feet. "Up. Now."
Taliesin scrambles up with Matt's help.
"You are going to go to your bed for your time out." Matt continues to spank Taliesin now that he's standing, keeping a firm hold on the little's arm.
"Ooow. Yees daaady! Yees!"
Matt let's him go, and Taliesin immediately rushes past Marisha, not looking at her as he scrambles into his bedroom.
The door closes down the hall, and there is a beat of silence befor Matt sighs heavily, rubbing his face for a moment. Marisha crosses the room and puts her arms arouns him. "You're such a good daddy." She says softly.
"Yeah yeah." Matt hugs her and shares a soft kiss. "I'm alright. Just had to calm down for a moment."
"What happened?" She keeps her arms around Matt.
"I told him we were going to go to the park and he got upset that we weren't doing crafts. I told him we could later. Gave him plenty of chances to calm down. But he really pushed me." Matt shakes his head.
"He's good at that," Marisha smiles a little. "And you're much more patient then I can be. I would have smacked his butt long before he got a chance to get to the floor like that."
"I know I know. Sometimes if I keep calm he will break through and he tells me what's wrong and we can skip any trouble. Other times it just bites me in the ass and he just gets worked up." Matt let's Marisha go and heads over to the table to straighten up their game stuff and some glasses. He pauses and catches sight of the beloved purple cat abandoned on the sofa.
"Go. I'll clean in here." Marisha shoos Matt. "You need to check on him anyway."
"Yeah." Matt grabs the cat and takes a deep breath before heading towards Taliesin's designated room. When he pushes the door open, he spots Taliesin down on the floor on floors, rooting around beneath the bed. His little boy yelps at being spotted out of his timeout spot, and leaps onto his bed, starring at Matt with wide eyes.
"What are you doing off your bed little one?" Matt's voice is calm now, gentle.
"I - I was jus' um...oh." Taliesin is stammering before he spots his kitty and holds his hands out. Matt hands it over and watches the boy cuddle the toy close.
"Were you looking for your kitty?"
"Yes daddy."
"Okay baby." Matt sits down by him.
Taliesin is still sniffling, cheek pressed  to his kitty now. Matt sits down next to him, folding his hands in his lap as he watches Taliesin hiccup.
"Am I in trouble?" Taliesin finally breaks their silence.
"Are you still gonna brat off or are you gonna be behave like the good baby you are?"
Taliesin manages to blush under his big, crocodile tears. "I'm gonna be good."
"Alright. Then you aren't in any more trouble." Matt reaches over now, pushing back Taliesin's hair. But Tal won't stop crying. It's not praticularly hard sobs, but it's steady whines and whimpers and lots of fresh tears.
Matt gets off the bed and goes to the long vanity. When he opens a top drawer, he can hrar the babie's sobs pick up behind him. "Hush. Daddy is just getting your paci. No more tears." He returns with just that. Poping open the plastic container it was stored in.
"Open," Matt holds it up to Tal's lips. The boy hesitates just a moment before accepting it. Matt hopes, as he sits down, that the pacifier will help push Taliesin down in his head space and ground him some. The poor baby was so worked up. He just needed to be a baby, then he would calm down.
"So," Matt starts to speak again. "Mama and I will help you clean up and get changed before we go on our walk. Do you want to feed the ducks?"
Tally just nods now, not even trying to speak around his pacifier. The one he's been given is navy blue and red, and it bounces rhythmicly as he sucks.
"Okay. You can't take the dummy but you can take Mischeif. Sound good?"
Tally nods again. His tears have stopped, leaving him with just little sniffs and hiccups.
Marisha knocks softly before coming in. Her face falling into a warm smile as Tally holds his hands up to her. She coos softly as him as she takes his hands and kisses his forehead.
"Oooh look. Look at my baby. He is so cute." Marisha smiles at him. Tally just shakes his head in response. "No? My baby isn't cute? Oh but he is. So so very cute."
Matt reaches over and starts to poke at the boy's sides, then begins to tickle him. Taliesin lets out a squeal from around his pacifier and falls back on the bed trying to retreat. Matt stops but Marisha leans down and kisses his belly.
"That was very cute."
Tally is panting softly as his caregivers spend a few minutes petting and coddling him in the bed. Kisses exchanged between them all.
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