#if only modern day artists got this kinda enraged support for their works being preserved and protected lol
face-palming-fox · 2 years
since they turned reblogs off i’ma just post a pic and not their name
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but honestly. who cares? LOL i like starry night as much as the next gay but the notion that people actually care about art and artists is actually laughable to me cos no. u fucking don’t. there’s artists NOW struggling to have their art noticed, appreciated, respected because everything is out there ripping off their art or stealing it in some way or form for profit. and hell, a lot of old masterpieces are just cheap merchandise now. u see how much van gogh is on products these days? u appreciate the art and the artist? i bet he’s rolling in his grave that his expressive medium is now tapestries and purses and tshirts and whatever else it’s been printed on. 
but aside from the fact that people are shitting on modern artists on a daily basis (much like all the old masters were also shat on in their time, way of being an artist i guess) the more bits and pieces i’ve learned from the coveted artists of the past is.. a lot of them. were VERY shitty people and their art wasn’t seen as ‘great’ until they died? this feels very in line with the same way people basically worship statues or historical pieces while ignoring what they may mean and wanna keep them around JUST because it’s something old and historical. i can’t say much for van gogh; i think he was just a very mentally sick, depressed man as far as any info i’ve heard about him goes. but still.
you care about art and preserving things of the past. lol. sure. if you really cared about preservation that much, maybe you should put that energy towards preserving things that affect modern day people but some how i feel like y’all aren’t ready for that convo. you’d rather bitch and whine about keeping ancient items as if any of you would actually go view the original pieces and act like people can’t ‘appreciate art’ within two seconds of a click on a device.
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