#if my ocs are my silly little dolls to play pretend with
rileys-battlecats · 3 days
girl help I started writing down oc thoughts and have started contemplating the logistics of how a city carved into the walls of a ravine would have access to fresh water
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spirituallygone · 3 months
Venting because I can't on any other socials and I'm feeling so bad I can't take it anymooroeoeee tw for divorce and shit
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Idkbskahfbska ok I know I could write it down in notes but it doesn't help, I want someone to hear/read it but I can't access anyones attention at the moment. I have always been emotionally abused by my mom. Yes, she did fulfill all of my basic needs - she always made sure I was fed and clean. Though that's basically where it ends. She never played with me and even forbid me from owning certain toys that were part of many other peoples childhood (LittlestPetShop or Monster High for example). Every once fucking year I got a chance to finally play with her and trust me I felt like it was some kind of a special event to be able to play with her. And when I finally got to it - she lost interest soon by saying things like "oh... you really want to play THAT?" (simple playing with cars or roleplaying as barbies) or by saying "actually, I'm tired, i'll go to sleep so maybe next time". The only time she would spend time with me was to yell at me for not doing my homework fast enough. When I was little I pretended to be sick so often (which worked due to some past hospitalizations and issues) just so she would be kind for me for once. All the toys I had were from my dad. He owns shit and is way more busy than my mother but he would always try to play with me even a bit and he never judged things I wanted to do. My mom would sometimes also argue with my dad for letting me do "stupid nonsense" (which was just PLAYING which all kids do!!! I WAS A KID!!!). It now gets to a part thag might sound silly and people might not understand but I have always created OCs but I could never properly create a mother for them. When I was playing dolls for example I also just picked the mom then made her sleep all the time because I had no idea what purpose she could possibly have. And I was (and deep down still am) so shocked when people talk about their moms as kind womsn they can always hug or talk to. I feel like I only have father and it was never enough because as a girl you can't tell an adult male everything. Now my dad is cheating on my mom and he is supposed to be the villain but... my mom still hasn't changed. I have so much trouble saying "I love you" even platonically to my friends because... this word shouldn't be used so often (it can be. but I don't get it because through my childhood no one ever told me I'm loved). My friends never came over when I was a kid (first time I invited someone over was when I was like 11) because I didn't know it was even possible to play with someone... like spend time? Because why would anyone pay attention to me right! I am crying so much writing this wtfjsjdf I'm sordy if it's messy. My mom lives in another place right now because of the situation between her and dad and I could choose who I wanna live with so I obviously chose my dad. I feel like I live alone though because he comes home late and I'm just left alone. Like I always eas. And yet I have nothing against my dad. Maybe I am just overreacting it all because I am autistic (diagnosed) but I feel like there must be some sense in how awful I feel. I am not even sure how love is supposed to feel like. I am now 101% sure I love my girlfriend. She makes me happy just by existing and doing anything. But I will always feel like I lack attention bdcause of my childhood and I feel so useless talking about myself because I don't get why would anyone want to spend time with me. I wish I could play with someone like I always wanted. My god I barelt see my screen now I'm crying so hard. I hate my life. I hate hos much attention I need yet it never feels like it should because what I deeply need is to go back in time, be a kid, and have a mother that loves me. And I swear to god one more time I hear someone saying "but she's your mom she surely loves you she just doesn't know how to show it" I'm gonna fucking cut myself and send them those pictures bdcause WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT. YOU'RE NOT ME YOU HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT MY MOM. She doesn't love me and she never did. She didn't even want me at all I was not a planned kid.
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mayraki · 3 years
✧ the hotel room - bucky barnes
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-> violadvis’ gif
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summary: after an awful night with your family the only thing you want to feel is bucky’s body against yours.
check out my bucky barnes x oc series let’s play fire with fire
warnings: family members being mean. fights between reader and family. oral (f. receiving), cowgirl, unprotected sex (don’t be silly wrap your willy). if there’s anything else, please, let me know. +18!!
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“Did you order the pizza, baby?” You asked the second you walked into the living room. Bucky was sitting on the couch while his fingers were moving around the TV controller, touching every single button to get the movie going. You smiled at his confused face as you sat down next to him, waiting for his answer.
“I can handle a phone or putting a channel on, but a movie?” He said still with his eyes glued to the TV and all the options it was showing as his fingers were pressing more buttons. “I can’t seem to understand it.”
You let out a tiny laugh before taking the controller from his hand to press the button that said ‘back’ and then, when the movie list came back to the screen, you clicked another button to soon see the movie slowly loading to start. “There.”
“You just did that with two buttons, two!” He rested his back on the back of the couch frustrated. “I’ve been sitting here for like fifteen minutes. And yes, I order the pizza. It should come any minute now.”
You let out a tiny smile as your head went towards his chest to rest on it. “To be fair, I haven’t teached you yet how to put a movie on, so is alright if you can’t. It’s hard for you, Buck.”
“I just wanted everything to be ready for you, doll.” He said softly while his cold metal arm was now around your shoulder and his fingers were caressing your cheek, making you feel the coldness of them in your skin.
You locked eyes with him to get closer and leave a little kiss on his lips. Feeling his warm lips you let out a tiny smile enjoying the feeling of it against yours. He grabbed your cheek with his right hand to pull you even closer to him, even if there was no place left. “I think we have a couple of minutes left before the pizza gets here, doll.” Bucky said softly against your lips.
As his eyes were glued to yours, you could noticed the desire in them. You couldn’t blame him, since yours had the same thing in them. “Really?” You asked as a grin escaped your lips. “And what to do think we should do in those minutes we have?”
Without giving you an answer, he let out a smile and quickly, with his strong metal arm, managed to grab your waist and pulled you up to gently place you on his lap, while your two legs ended between his waist. Soon grabbing his cheeks with your hands, you pulled him in for another simple yet hot kiss. You could feel his hands on your waist grabbing them with strength, but then they quickly moved towards your back to touch the skin under your shirt. So, with slow moves you felt how his fingers started to trace your lower back while pulling your shirt up.
While the hotness in your body was growing and the kiss between you and Bucky was getting quicker, without giving him the chance to do something else you started to move your hips slowly against his pants. His hand quickly stopped to break the kiss and look at you with lust in his eyes. “Fuck, doll.” He said almost in a whisper gaining a smile from your lips. But the moment you were about to unite your lips with his once again, the doorbell rang, making you let out a sigh as your head rested on his shoulder.
“I guess it was less than a couple of minutes.” He said the moment you moved from his lap and ended right by his side. He got up while letting the biggest sigh and then walked towards the door as your eyes were following him, admiring every little detail of his body. “Thank you so much, have a good one.” He said with a little smile after giving the delivery guy the money and some tips. Instead of closing the door once the guy was gone, he looked down and stayed put for a second before kneeling down to grab something off the floor. Curious, you lifted your body over the back of the couch to have more sight on him and the floor, so noticing a couple of papers on his hand, you furrowed your eyebrows confused.
“What is that?”
He turned around and closed the door behind him. “I don’t know.” He said confused as he was walking towards the tiny table in front of the couch to leave the pizza on top of it. “Is like some sort of invitation.”
“What? Let me see.” The moment he sat down he handed you the paper. Quickly grabbing it you read the first word on top of the paper thinking that it was some sort of mistake, but as soon as your eyes were finished with that tiny title, your heart sinked to your stomach. “Oh my fucking God.”
“What?” Bucky asked going back to you since he was opening the box of pizza while you were reading. “What is it?”
You closed your eyes letting out a long sigh not wanting to read what was left on the paper. But the moment you felt the invitation leaving your hand, you opened them again.
“The future Mr. and Mrs.” Bucky started reading. “Join us for an engagement party honoring. George and Kimberly.” As soon as he finished he turned to you with his eyebrow furrowed, confused like the first time he saw it. “Do you know these people?”
You slowly nodded tilting your head to the left while your eyes were slowly wondering around the invitation. “George. That’s my little brother.” You pointed at his name in the paper which made Bucky turn to it once again, but then soon went back to you.
“Your brother is engaged?”
“Apparently. I didn’t even know he was with someone.” You shook your head. “But I think me going is not an option. So you can throw it away.” You got closer to the pizza and grabbed a piece. Ready to grab the controller to play the movie, you took your free hand towards it but when you noticed Bucky still reading the invitation, you looked at him. “What?”
“Why aren’t you going?” He asked locking eyes with you. “I mean, I know the story you have with your parents and all, but he’s your brother.”
“I’ll call him later and celebrate it with him and his fiancé alone, I’m not putting up with my parents and my stupid family. Buck, I’m not discussing this, so, c’mon, let’s play the movie.”
After you grabbed the controller and started the movie, Bucky let out a low ‘alright’ and proceeded to grab a piece of pizza to enjoy the movie with you.
After that day, you definitely forgot about the invitation and the party. You moved on by living your life like you did years ago. With your work, your tiny apartment, new friends, and then soon, with your boyfriend Bucky Barnes. Your mind was busy to even give it a tiny second of thought, either way, you already made a decision. You weren’t going.
But even though you tried, the moment that you saw the invitation once again on the tiny table in front of the couch the next night, you stared it for too long as the memories were slowly going back to your mind.
The tears, the screams, the loud fights, the fake relationship to please people. You remembered those days to be the worst years of your life. You being pressured to be someone else just to be the rich happy family your mother always wanted it to be. Your dad with his incredible obsession with his work, that at some point you didn’t even see him for weeks. And then, when he was home, he was either drinking or watching a football game, not even giving five seconds of a attention to the five year old little kid trying to show him a drawing that they made. Then, it came your older brother. He was a nightmare. People always talk about having a older brother as something so fun and memorable, but not with yours. Nothing about him you wanted to remember. Making your childhood a living nightmare, calling you names, breaking your toys, insulting you as you two were growing up but then pretending to be the innocent little boy for mommy when she walked by. He was the spoiled brat you tried to escape since you started to think for yourself.
The only one that managed to make your days better was your little brother, George, the only one you remain with a little relationship the moment you left the house. He was the one more similar to you. Not wanting to be fake just to please the rich families around you, liking to just be chill and watch movies instead of going to fancy parties like your mother insisted. He was your best friend growing up. Even if he was like your twin, he had at least something that went with the family, he liked to work with your dad. That was the only thing that made him survive all those years back in the house. But you didn’t have anything. It broke your heart to leave him when you did, but it had to be done for you to be better and enjoy your life.
So, when you got the chance to leave them, you did. As soon as you turned 18, you grabbed every little saving you had from your job and rented the tiniest apartment you could afford. And from then, you built a family and a life of your own, trying to leave every ugly memory you had from them on the past.
You weren’t going.
You repeated as you sat down on the couch to rest and feel your body relax as it was trying to release everything bad from the day. But when you closed your eyes, the sensation of your phone vibrating in your back pocket made you opened them again. Knowing that it was almost dinner time and Bucky always called you around that time, without reading the name in your screen you answered the call to later bring the phone to your ear.
“Hello?” You said with a smile.
“Hi big sis.” You heard the voice of your little brother on the other side of the phone making you sit up straight as a surprised smile came out of your lips. “Nice to hear you again.”
“Georgie. What- what are you doing calling me?”
“I wanted to say hi, you know, since you’re my big sister and all.” Hearing his voice filled your chest with happiness as the memories of him and you playing around appeared on your mind. You two were just kids... but not anymore.
“You sound like a man, G.” You heard a little laugh coming from him.
“Yeah, well, it got deeper. Hey, I wanted to ask you something. Did you got the invitation for-?”
“Yeah, I did.” You nodded. “Why didn’t you told me you were seeing someone?”
“Y/n, I can ask you the same thing.”
You let out a tiny laugh. “Touché.”
“So...” You could notice the hesitation on his voice. He wanted to ask you something and was looking for the courage to do it. Deep down you knew what it was, but still waited for him to ask it. “Are you coming?”
You let out a tiny sigh and closed your eyes feeling your stomach turn. You hated feeling like that, like you would disappoint your little brother. But you didn’t want to go. “I’m sorry, Georgie. It’s just-”
“You don’t want to see mom, dad or the rest of the family, I get it. I do, believe me.” The hurt on his voice made your heart shatter into pieces. “But- I would love to see you there, Y/n.”
“I know, I know. I suck. But what if I just take you two to a fancy dinner. Just the three of us a week after the party. My treat.”
You let out a tiny proud smile because of your idea, maybe that was going to fix everything, but the moment your heard a sigh coming from his mouth, the smile quickly disappeared. “I would love that, but we leave to Mexico a day after the party because half of her family lives there.”
“How about after?”
“We leave for a year.”
“A year?” You asked softly disappointed. You let your back rest on the back of the couch as you closed your eyes once again. The moment you were about to open your mouth, the front door opening cut you off. Bucky walk into the apartment holding bags of food and a little smile on his face.
You turned away from him as you heard your brother speak again. “Can you come, Y/n?” He asked with the same tone you did seconds ago. As soon as a little sigh came out of your mouth Bucky sat down by your side and left a gentle kiss on your cheek. But noticing the strange look on your face, soon furrowed his eyebrows and mouthed ‘who’s that?’ but you didn’t answered, you just stayed silent not knowing what to say next. “I would love for her to know my big sister, I know she would like you, a lot. And I know you would too.”
“I love you too much, you know that?” You said after letting out a long sigh.
“Is that a yes?” He asked excited. Noticing this, you let out a little smile and nodded.
“Yeah, I’m going.”
“Y/n! Oh my god, I’m gonna see you. This is amazing. I love you sis!” As soon as a laugh came out of your mouth Bucky took his right hand and placed it on your thigh to gently caress it. You did the same and took your hand towards his, resting it on top to wrap your fingers together. “Maybe you can bring that boyfriend of yours, too.”
“Oh,” you locked eyes with him with the intention to say that he wasn’t available, not wanting him to deal with your family, but instead you shrugged your shoulders and let out a softly: “Maybe.”
The moment you ended the call Bucky got closer to your face with a little smile still placed on his lips. He looked down to yours as you bit your lower lip, looking straight to the desire on his eyes. “Hi.” He let out almost on a whisper.
He ended the space and united his lips with yours to feel that warm sensation against your skin. His hand now on your cheek made the kiss even deeper but before it could lead to something else, he broke the kiss and without moving further away from you, asked: “Alright, who is the person you love too much and where are you going?”
You let out a tiny laugh hearing his jealousy tone but with a little bit of joke in it. Grabbing his cheek to caress it with your thumb you looked down to his lips but quickly went back to his eyes, melting under his sight immediately. “My little brother, and I guess I’m going to the engagement party.”
“You are? I thought you said you didn’t want to.”
“I’m going because of my brother, that’s it.” He nodded before giving you another simple kiss on your lips before getting up to get the food he brought. As you were following his every move with your eyes, you bit your lower lip wondering if you should tell him about what George told you.
Inviting Bucky to the party meant him finally meeting your entire family. Meeting the people that once made you feel miserable and have the worst years of your life. Who knows what could happen? Maybe nothing, maybe a lot. But you did know one thing, if you were going to deal with your family the entire night you definitely needed Bucky by your side.
“This sucks.” You said letting your head rest on the back of your sit by Bucky’s side as he was driving the car. You felt his hand touch your thigh which lead you to slightly tilt your head towards him.
“You looo beautiful tonigh, doll.” He said softly giving you a quick look. Inevitable, you let out a smile as your were biting your lower lip. The way this man made you feel was incredible, making you feel the best of things even on the worst moments. “It’s gonna go fast, I promise.”
“I hope so.” As soon as you said those words the giant hotel building covered in bright lights appeared in front of you. Fancy people walking up the big and long stair while smiles where plastered on their faces. Some women even had white gloves on their hands, the men were wearing expensive suits, that made you smell the old and extra fancy perfume from your car.
Bucky handed the keys to the man working as the valet and then quickly walked closer to you while you were getting out of the car. The dark green dress you were wearing quickly fall towards your knees the moment your feet touched the ground. It started to move along the wind as well as your hair making you feel a little bit chilly, but the moment Bucky touched your waist to start walking and you felt his body next to yours, it all immediately started to fade away.
As you were slowly walking the steps up to the front door you could feel your heart beating faster. Even if you didn’t want to feel nervous to not make the night worst, seeing all those people being fancy like you remembered when you were a kid made you bring all those awful memories back. You let out a long breath the second you noticed you were next to step into the building.
Unintentionally, as you were waiting you looked inside the hotel to check if anyone you recognised was in your sight. But luckily, nobody that you knew was there. Just old rich people talking and having drinks in the reception.
“I didn’t know your family was this rich.” Bucky said softly by your side while his eyes were wondering around the big hotel. You nodded but before you could let anything out it was your time to say your name to enter the party.
“Y/n Y/l/n.” You said with a little smile to the man with a suit standing outside the front door and it didn’t took him long to find your name and nodding with a smile. Seeing him move to the side you started walking towards the inside, but not before receiving a key from the man you talked to seconds earlier. “A key?” You asked confused the moment it touched your hand but it was too late to ask since he had already moved on to the next in line.
As yours and Bucky’s eyes were wondering around the room, you slightly opened your mouth surprised at what they were seeing. It was as fancy and expensive as those parties you attended with your family when you were young. But your surroundings didn’t seem to matter to you, all you could think about was you reuniting with your family. It made your heart beat faster as your fingers couldn’t stop playing around with themselves. Turning around your rings, pulling them on and off leaving heavy breaths as your eyes were still following the people around you.
Noticing this, Bucky grabbed your waist and pulled you closer, making you turn around to face him and unite his lips with yours. As soon as you felt his warmth against you the speed of you heart started to slow down as well as the air coming in and out of your nose. You let out a tiny smile the moment he took his right hand and placed it against your cheek to slowly caress it with his thumb. “Ready to go in?” He asked softly and you nodded, after letting out a tiny sigh and realising this was it.
“Y/n!” You heard a male voice calling your name but as soon as you turned around a couple of arms wrapped your body with them, making you soon recognise your little brother.
“Gergie.” You said softly letting your chin rest on his shoulder. “You know how to throw a party, baby brother.”
“Oh, c’mon.” He said once he broke the hug. “You know it wasn’t me who did all of this.” You nodded but then quickly turn to Bucky who was standing by your side with a little smile. As you were getting ready to present him, George spoke before you. “And this is the boyfriend, am I right?” George took his hand to shake Bucky’s while he just nodded with a smile.
“James Barnes, you can call me Bucky.”
“Bucky, alright.” George did a quick look to you as a grin came out of his lips but before he could let out a word a girl called his name. “Oh, that’s Kimberly. She needs me. Y/n, I’ll introduce you two later so don’t go anywhere.”
“I won’t.” You said with a smile, even if the first thing you wanted to do was ran as fast as you could from that party.
Since the moment you sat down on your table next to Bucky and some old random people, the only thing that you did was eat and have a laugh with Bucky. He knew that you were ready to have an awful night, he knew your story and how bad it was, so he made the mental note to make it a good night for you. Kissing you, making you laugh, remembering embarrassing moments or just stupid things you two did together. At one point it felt like you two were just in a bar having a normal date together.
Even if that helped, you still felt the looks of the people around you on him and you. People that you used to know as a kid or just because you had a similar face as your family, making them wonder who you were.
Soon later, George went looking for you with the intention to introduce you to his future wife. Even if you expected her to be the rich woman your mother would want his son to marry, she was the opposite of that. She was one of the sweetest girls ever, with her beautiful smile that would light the room and with her funny personality she did made you laugh a couple of times since you started talking to her. George was happy, you did noticed that. He was excited and proud the moment you fell into a conversation with Kimberly about a movie you two liked, seeing his sister and his fiancé like each other was all he wanted and it made him fall into a more deep whole of happiness. And that, was all that mattered to you. After spending 20 minutes talking to each other, Kimberly was needed to be somewhere else and, after saying goodbye with a smile, left you and George alone.
“She’s sweet, G.” You said the moment you noticed your little brother waiting for your reaction. “You better now fuck it up.”
He let out a tiny laugh before shaking his head. “Don’t worry, I won’t.” He did a quick look towards your table to see Bucky having a nice conversation with the old lady by his side. “You better don’t fuck that up, either.”
“Uh, uh,” you shook your head “I’m the big sister here, I say what you do and don’t.” You said jokingly gaining a laugh coming out his mouth. “I haven’t seen... mom. Or dad, yet.”
“They’re around.” George said with his eyes wondering around the room but once he came back to you, he let out a tiny smile.
“I know they’re around, but thanks to you and your fiancé for inviting like a thousand people so is not as easy and I thought it would be.” You said leading George to let out a tiny laugh as he was shaking his head.
“You’ve met Kim so you can go if you want, seeing you happy and hanging out with my girl is what I wanted for tonight. But, if you want to stay, the key they gave you on the entrance is for your room. You can use it when the party is over if you stay until late.”
You nodded. “Damn. You did take this party seriously.”
“It was Kim, her idea.” You nodded already knowing the answer. Soon your laugh joined George’s as he was getting closer to hug your body tightly. But just like before, he was needed somewhere else.
“I think Mrs. Harrison is flirting with your boyfriend.” He said before letting out a big a smile and turning around leaving you confused. But once you turned around to see your boyfriend and noticed the old lady he was talking to earlier was now closer and was trying to touch his strong metal arm.
Biting your lower lip trying to not let out laugh you started to walk towards them as you eyes were glued to Bucky trying to be as friendly as possible to the old lady flirting with him.
“Going somewhere, little sis?” You heard a voice behind you making you stop quickly.
“Michael.” You said annoyed before turning around to lock eyes with the tall man in front of you.
“Nice to see you, Y/n.” He said with an arrogant smile as his hand was holding a glass of champagne.
“I would say the same, Michael...” you said with a smile “but that would be a lie.”
“Mom and dad know you’re here.” He said ignoring your comment completely. “You know?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Good for them.”
The arrogant smile still on his face made you feel disgusted. He was standing like he was the best thing on the world and wanted to show it. But the only thing he had was dad’s money, nothing more. “You’re stupid for leaving all of this, Y/n.”
“I’m happy, Michael, believe it or not some people just don’t need millions to be happy.”
“You? Happy? With that-” he pointed behind you towards Bucky “man? He looks like a man that you just picked from the street and took him here. C’mon, y/n, you can’t be serious.”
You let out a tiny fake laugh and walked closer to him to make it very clear for him: “You’re just a little bitch, Michael. And if you’re just insecure about your love life because you could never make a girl happy like ‘that man’ does, just say that.” Even if he tried his hardest to now show that your words hit him, you definitely knew and let out a tiny smile before turning around to walk towards your table, but before you could, Bucky was already behind you.
“Is everything alright?” He asked softly with his eyes glued to Michael behind you. Nodding, you grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the dance floor where some people started dancing as soon as the music became louder.
Wanting to feel Bucky’s body against yours, you pulled him closer as soon as you where surrounded by people dancing. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he grabbed your waist and moved your hips along the music. You smiled to yourself since you noticed the little dance lessons you used to gave him for modern music paid off since his hands were moving your body like a professional.
Grabbing your hand to turn you around, he wrapped his fingers with yours and spin you around to finally grab your cheek and unite his lips with yours in a simple kiss. Playing with your lips he moved them around making the kiss even more deeper while your bodies were feeling the music. He grabbed your waist with his two hands as a little laugh escaped your lips the moment you broke the kiss. Everything bad you felt moments ago was gone, and your chest was nothing but filled with electricity and warmth.
After that song came another one and another one, making you and Bucky dance for at least five songs without a break. But as soon as you felt your throat getting dry you pointed towards the table and Bucky nodded without taking his hand of your waist ready to lead you to the drinks.
“I’ll get you something.” He said loudly enough against your ear before giving it a little kiss and with a smile, leaving you behind.
As your eyes were following him back away, you gently bit your lower lip enjoying your sight. His arm on that shirt looked extremely good so you found yourself not blaming the old lady wanting to touch them before. His back was wide and it was fit, it could be seen through the shirt. Your eyes slowly went to his hand making you remember all those times he picked you up to lead you the bed and do all those things you loved so much.
He was all yours. And that single thought, made your insides go wild.
“You seem happy, dear.” As soon as you heard those words and that voice your breathing unintentionally cut short and your heart sinked to your stomach. Not wanting to turn around you closed your eyes hoping that it was just your imagination playing games with you, but that voice spoke again. “Y/n, I’m talking to you.”
“Mom.” You said the moment you turned around to lock eyes with those dark eyes. She had a little smile on her red lips while her hand was holding a glass of whiskey. That old dress made her waist look thinner and her legs to seem longer. Like she always liked.
“It was nice seeing you dance with that man, you know, like you do in the night club.” You immediately took the word ‘nice’ as sarcasm for the way she said it, making you let out a tiny fake smile trying to eat every bad word your brain wanted you to scream. “But he looks like a good man, Y/n.” You furrowed your eyebrows confused at her nice words, but then when she opened her mouth once again, you went back to normal. “Never thought you were going to end up with someone like him, to be honest. Always thought you were gonna end up running away with someone covered in tattoos and with no future whatsoever.”
“Someone who’s covered in tattoos doesn’t mean that they don’t have a future, mom.”
“Ah, there it is.” She said nodding. “You, never agreeing with me.” You rolled your eyes getting up from the table to leave her behind not wanting to face her, but then her voice stopped you. “You got a job, Y/n?”
“Yes I do, mother.”
“A good one? Do they pay you good?”
“And your place, is it big?”
“Big enough for one.”
“Oh,” she said quickly to then soften her tone “so you don’t live with this man.”
“No- what is this? Some sort of interrogation?” You asked loudly gaining a couple of eyes on you. Noticing this, your mom looked around angry at the way you behaved that walked closer to you and grabbed your arm to pull you aside. “Mom, what are you doing?!”
“Lower our voice, would you?!” She asked in a loud whisper while looking around and letting out fake smiles to the people around you two to let them know everything was alright.
“Oh, so that’s why.” You said while looking at her and a loud laugh came out of your lips. “You still don’t want to break that perfect family fake shit you built when I was a kid, got it.”
“Watch your language!” She quickly turned to you and pointed her index fingers in your face. “You broke our family the moment you ran away. The only one to blame here is you.”
“Me? I broke it? What about you wanting me and my little brother to be something we’re not? You literally built something fake! All because you wanted to be the perfect family and make everyone envy you! You didn’t give a shit if any of us were hurting.” As you felt the anger and pain grow inside your body, not wanting to make a scene and ruin the party for your brother you closed your eyes to let a big breath out.
“You could never understand what I did for you when you were growing up, the way you treat me-! Disgusting!” She said in a loud whisper. “You’re so ungrateful. I gave you everything you wanted and now-”
“Everything I wanted? Back then the only thing I wanted was for you to be there for me. But the only thing you cared about was you and your perfect little family. But I didn’t give a shit so you started to treat me like you didn’t care at all-”
“Please! I did care.”
“Throwing money at my face wasn’t going to make me do all the things you wanted. I’m not Micheal.” You felt your throat hurting but at that point, you couldn’t stop. “I just wanted for you to be my mother, to care, to caress my hair and tell me everything was gonna be alright. But you didn’t.” You got closer to her face and felt the air coming out of your mouth mixing with hers. You could noticed the anger in her eyes but just like she always did, she would bottle them up and save them, showing nothing but fake happiness and wealth. “You treated me like I was just trash. And, oh boy, I know how much you don’t like trash.” Since there was no words coming out of her mouth you knew that you were hitting the part that annoyed her the most. Not being able to control you and having you in the palm of her hand. “Remember what you said to me? The moment that I left the house? You screamed at me: When you fail don’t you ever come back because this door won’t be open for you.” You felt a tear coming down your cheek as you were getting ready to say your last words. “See me now, mom? I didn’t fail. Are you disappointed?”
Slowly shaking your head you turn to the side looking for Bucky and once you noticed him waiting for your drink, you stepped aside ready to leave your mom behind, but once again, her voice stopped you. “He’s gonna leave you, you know?” She said softly yet intimidating. You stared at Bucky as the tight nod became even stronger in your chest. “A man like that won’t stay with a girl like you.”
Without hesitating, you turned around to face her and say with the same exact tone as her: “If he does, don’t wait for me to come home and run into your arms.”
As quickly as your feet allowed you, you turned around and made your way towards Bucky, who was now holding your drink with a little smile on his lips. But at soon as he noticed the sadness plastered all over your face and the little tear dripping down your cheek, his eyes were now covered in worry as he was getting closer and closer to you. “What happened? Are you alright?”
“Can we just get out of here?” You asked softly grabbing his arm and he quickly nodded by letting the drink aside and wrapping his fingers with you ready to walk out the door.
Now in the reception, as you were walking away from the party you noticed all the people making line while waiting their cars. Not wanting to wait, you stopped as an idea came to your head. Bucky gave you a strange look the moment you turned to the side and started to walk up the stairs towards the room. The moment you grabbed the key from the pocket of your dress and read the number ‘14’ to look at your designated room and get away from everyone else once and for all.
“What are we doing here, Y/n?” Bucky asked confused by your side but you didn’t respond as you were still focused on finding your room. The moment you arrived at some dark corner and saw the little ‘14’ in the door, you quickly opened the door with the key and walked inside the room dragging Bucky with you.
“Fucking finally.” You said sitting on the bed and covering your face with your hands annoyed. Ignoring how confused Bucky was, he got closer to you and sat by your side to gently caress your shoulder with his right hand. You uncovered you face the moment you felt his lips leaving a simple kiss on your cheek. Letting out a little smile you touched your forehead with his and let your breathing mix with his, enjoying the little hot breath of his against your skin.
“What happened, doll?” He asked softly.
“My family, that happened. She just- sucks.”
Taking your head towards his chest, you rested against it while his chin was resting on top of your head still with his fingers caressing the side of your shoulder. Letting out a breath to relax your chest you closed your eyes and felt the hot air coming out of your mouth. “We can stay here if you want.” Bucky said almost in a whisper after a couple of seconds in silence.
You looked up to wonder your eyes around the room. It was definitely fancy. Something that you weren’t used to. The moment your eyes stopped at the tiny fridge and you noticed the five different types of beer sitting in there you tiled your head and for the first time after a long time you let out a genuine little smile. “Yeah, we can stay here for tonight. I want to break my dad’s wallet.” Bucky confused followed your body as you got up and walked towards the fridge to take out two beers. You waved them gaining a little laugh from him, and that unintentionally, made the tight nod you had in your chest to slowly get undone.
“I can’t believe my dad rented an entire hotel to make an engagement party. I mean, look at this-” you said getting up from the bed to sit down on top of the dresser “I can use this as a seat!” Bucky let out a little laugh as his eyes were staring at you. Once you looked up at him, you felt a little tingle in your stomach making you bite your lower lip.
The way that he was laying on the bed with just a simple black shirt on and his pants, his hand under his head making his arm look even more strong than it already was. As soon as your eyes noticed the slight piece of stomach of his since his shirt was a little bit lift up, your mind started to go wild without a warning. Imagining your fingers against his stomach, tracing his abs up and down slowly while his hands were gently touching your thighs making you weak like he always did. Your legs between his waist feeling him under you, filling your bodies with lust and desire as the minutes were passing. And before you could think of something else, you started to feel your skin getting warmer.
“Come here.” You said almost in a whisper pointing with your head towards your body. Bucky let out a tiny smile before getting up from the bed and slowly walk to your body that was still sitting on top of the dresser. Opening your arms you instantly wrapped them around his neck the moment he arrived in front of you. Resting your head on his shoulder you started to feel his perfume entering your nose, and wanting to feel it even more deeper, you took your nose and gently pressed it against his neck. Noticing this, Bucky started to caress your thigh on top of the dress you were wearing after taking a little step closer to you body and feel the warmth your body was giving him.
The poor light surrounded the room didn’t let you have a good look at him even though he was close, but you knew since the moment you stared at those pink and thick lips you knew that you wanted them against yours. So, without waiting another second grabbing his cheek with your hand you pulled him closer and ended the space between you two.
Immediately feeling his soft lips against yours, you opened your legs wide to let his body between them and deepen the kiss even more. You wanted to feel the electricity running through your veins, so grabbing his other cheek with your other hand, you pulled him even closer against you to feel every single angle of his lips on yours. The kiss was happening in a slow speed but even if it was, you could feel the hotness of it.
The way his lips was playing with yours it looked like it was the first time you two had kiss, wanting to remember every single detail of the other so taking the time to experience and taste each other. But the moment you felt his tongue touching you, you opened your mouth even wider to let it twist with yours. His soft and quick tongue made its way to yours and started to control it up and down slowly, making your heart sink to your stomach as the butterflies were going wild inside of you.
Every time he moved his fingers against your thigh the more you wanted to feel them between your legs. You could feel it tingling under your dress and underwear, feeling the wetness starting slowly inside. Taking your right hand you grabbed the one that he had on your thigh to take it towards your underwear. Breaking the kiss, he slightly moved backwards with his eyes locked in with yours, seeing the little sparkle in them as you let out a tiny smile. “Fuck me, Bucky. I want you to fuck me right now.”
He let out a long breath making you feel the hot air hitting your face. There was nothing else that you wanted to experience more than him inside of you, fingers, his dick, anything of him would be enough. Maybe it was the anger that you had inside of you for fighting your mother that it was making you feel that way so quickly, or maybe those last words that she let out to you... you didn’t know. All you knew is that you wanted Bucky to press his body against yours and fuck you right on that moment.
Gently grabbing your cheek he pulled in to give you another kiss, but then quickly broke it to look you in the eyes and see the lust in them. You could feel the sweat starting to come out of your forehead as he slowly started to trace your underwear up and down. Letting out a little breath of enjoyment, you grabbed his arm to feel it move against you. “Fuck, Bucky.” You said in a whisper making you shiver and let your head rest on the wall behind you. Embracing every movement he was making you opened your legs wider and let out yet another long breath.
As your chest felt heavier you let go of his arm and placed them beside your body to lean your back backwards and not arche it in the wrong way in the process. His fingers were still slowly tracing your underwear up and down while his other hand was slowly caressing your thigh. But once you opened your eyes you felt his hand gently tracing your skin and stopped once it arrived in your waist. The coldness of it could be felt even if you had your dress still on, but according to Bucky and his hand, it wasn’t going to be in your body much longer.
“Lift your waist for me, doll.” He said softly making you feel shivers down your body. Without questioning it, you pushed your body upwards with your hands to let Bucky, with a quick move, take off your underwear and leave your dress up to your stomach, softly resting on your waist and dresser under you.
Without giving you a time to take a breath, Bucky took his fingers and quickly touched your folds to trace them up and down gently. His index finger was making tiny circles while it was going downwards towards your orifice. But once there, he didn’t sink it in like you expected, instead, he joined with his middle finger the message he was doing to your folds. Making you want for more, he didn’t speed it either. “Bucky-” you whispered almost begging for him to touch you more deeper. He knew what you wanted, but he had the need to treat you like a princess and take time to make the final line even better.
“What, doll?” He asked looking at you waiting for your eyes. But you didn’t open them, the enjoyment of his fingers against you was making you fall into so much lust and desire that you didn’t even noticed them being closed. “Open your eyes, doll. I want to see how much you want me in your eyes.”
As he told you, you slowly let your eyes see the man that you had in front of you. Once you did, a little smile escaped his lips and without making you wait another second, took his thumb and started to caress your clit gently, doing tiny circles, rubbing it side to side, left and right, every movement possible.
“Shit-” you said as soon as you felt his thumb gaining speed but he took it down immediately, making you feel your folds warmer and tighter between your legs. He loved to see you under his touch, messy and letting out breaths or words you couldn’t control. He adored it. So taking his sweet time with you wasn’t news for you.
The air getting hotter around you made you feel your little hairs getting stick to your skin as the seconds were passing and Bucky was still focused on your folds and clit. Switching fingers, he took his middle and index finger towards your clit and quickly regain the speed not wanting you to lose everything you were feeling under his touch. Now, having his thumb free he slowly rubbed your orifice which lead you to let out a tiny smile.
“What? You want me inside of you, doll?” He asked softly but with a little bit of cheekiness on his voice. Biting your lower lip as a smile was coming out, you were ready to pull him in for a kiss, but before you could lift your hand up feeling his thumb inside of you made you stop and let out a tiny moan. Getting closer to you he paused right before your lips and whispered softly: “You better we quiet, we don’t want the people in the room next to us hearing what we’re doing.”
“Fuck them, Buck. Fuck all of them.” You answered softly before ending the space between you two to give him a little kiss. Wanting to take control of it, you made the rhythm slow and moved your lips with decision. But you in control didn’t last long since the moment Bucky started to move his thumb inside of you, you pulled away breaking the kiss to close your eyes with strength. Even if it was as simple as his thumb, his movements were the thing that got you weak against him. He started to make slow circles as he was getting in and out of you. Moving his arm up and down you grabbed it once again to feel it move and make your body even hotter because of it. As he was moving you could feel the tight nod becoming stronger in your lower stomach. Making little tingles as you arched your back feeling all of his fingers speed their rhythm. But bofore you could reach that wanted orgasm, he stopped and took his fingers off you.
With your heavy breathing you locked eyes with him as he was letting out a little smile. Taking you hand to his cheek you pulled him closer and united his lips with yours to feel his skin against yours like you wanted. Slowly after leaving your lips, he went down to your neck and left little kisses on it while your skin shivered under his hot breath. Arriving at your chest, he soon grabbed your dress and quickly pulled it up your body, leaving you with naked in front of him. His eyes took their liberty to admire your bare body as your eyes were still glued to his face. The fascination he had while watching your body made the butterflies in your stomach to fly uncontrollably as well as a little laugh escaping your lips. Hearing this, Bucky locked eyes with you and let out a tiny smile. “You’re so damn beautiful, Y/n.” He said softly but he didn’t give you a kiss like before, instead, he went down to your lower stomach and started to leave gentle kisses on it.
His movements there didn’t last long since he quickly moved towards your folds and clit to press kisses in them as well. Locking eyes with you, he took out his tongue and waited for you to let out a long breath before licking your innner lips with it. Arriving at your clit, with the tip of his tongue started to trace it around slowly making you let out a simple low moan. Slowly speeding up, you could feel once again the warmth against your folds and lower stomach. The tingle sensation made you let out another moan and quickly look towards Bucky to see his tongue moving uncontrollably against your clit.
“Please, Buck, don’t stop.” You whispered grabbing his hair and wrapping your fingers with it. Your legs started to slightly shake between his head and without being able to control it, you lifted your thighs and widen them more to feel him against you even more deeper. You could feel the wetness of your walls dripping inside of you, and that was soon handled by his middle and ring finger quickly sinking into you. Seconds after you could feel your walls pounding as his fingers were moving every single way possible. Your clit was almost reaching that wanted point the moment with his free hand grabbed your inner thigh to widen your folds even bigger to help his tongue and make you finish. Seeing the lust in your face Bucky speeded his tongue as much as he could in your clit as well as his fingers inside of you.
Closing your eyes as soon as you felt your body melting and getting weaker under his touch, the warmth inside and out between your legs made you let out a softly moan as the orgasm was slowly fading away. Your chest was quickly moving as air was coming in and out of your mouth. The moment you felt your hand that was resting on his head lift up, you opened your eyes to see Bucky heading towards your neck to leave a simple kiss in it. Soon he moved towards your lips and stopped right in front of them while his eyes were glued to yours.
“You’re so good to me, Bucky.” You said as a little smile escaped your lips. He grabbed your waist and pulled your body closer to yours making you widen your legs between his body. While your breathing was now going back to normal, Bucky was now gently caressing your naked body up and down as your hot breath was mixing with his. Grabbing one of his cheeks to give him another kiss, you wrapped your legs around his waist and took your other hand towards his chest to slowly caress it down until it reached his belt. Slower making it undone, once it was lose, you quickly pulled it and dropped it on the floor making a loud noise in the process.
Reaching down to his crotch area you massaged it gaining a little smile escaping from his lips. Soon enough, a little bulge appeared against your hand. “That fast, huh?” You asked cheekily once you broke the kiss.
“It’s all you, doll. All you.”
Uniting your lips with his once again, you lifted your waist the moment you felt his hand going towards your ass to lift it up and walk towards the bed. Surprisingly, instead of going towards the comfy mix of pillows on top of the bed, with his strong body placed yours on the floor making you feel the coldness of it immediately. But you didn’t mind, wherever he wanted you be, you were going to be there.
Without breaking the kiss you took your hands towards his pants and clumsily pulled it down towards his knees. With a quick move he had no longer clothes and was as naked as you on the floor. Since he was kneeled down in front of you, a little smile escaped your lips as his big erection was all your eyes could see. Biting your lower lip you locked eyes with him and noticed the desire to touch you in them, he got closer to your face making you feel his dick against your folds. Letting out a long breath of enjoyment you close your eyes embracing every movement he was doing. With his arms by your side he pulled in for another kiss but soon took his right arm to grab his dick and slowly sink into your vagina and feel that incredible sensation he always gave you between your walls.
“Fuck.” He whimpered while slowly entering with his dick. Once fully inside, he dropped his hand by your side and flexed down to unite his lips with yours again. He slightly dropped his body on top of yours for you to feel his V area against you. Taking your hand to the side of his stomach, you started to slowly caress it while his body was still on top of you waiting for you to get used to his dick inside you. But knowing that it didn’t took you long, since you’ve felt it before, he started to grind against you making you let out a moan in the process.
His skin rubbing your clit gently made you shiver under his body and grab his ass with your other hand to feel it move. “You look so good under me, doll.” He said with his heavy breathing against your lips. You took off your tongue and touched his lips as the hotness of his and your body was raising.
Feeling his dick fill your body with lust the more he moved inside of you, you bit your lower lip avoiding the loud moan wanting to come out. Stopping with the grinding, he slowed down and took off his dick off of you to gently rest it against your folds. Catching your breath you took your hand and started to brush his hair with your fingers while he was still holding his body with his hands beside your head.
Not wanting to waste time, you grabbed his dick and gently started to rub your fingers against his tip. He smiled and let out a breath. “You’re such a horny girl.” He whispered before giving you a kiss.
“It’s all your fault- I have to take care of my needs.” The second you were finished with your sentence you wrapped your legs around his waist and with your whole strength, pulled your body upward to hug his shoulder with one arm as your body swing to the side and end up right on top of him. Surprised at your move, Bucky let out a big horny smile to soon take his eyes towards your body. His metal hand started to play with one of your breast as you grabbed his dick and started to rub it with your hand up and down. “Fuck..” he whimpered closing his eyes. Not giving him a chance to take a breath you moved your hips towards his waist and quickly sink his dick inside of you.
Digging your fingers on his chest to help your movements you started to grind against his dick and let out a tiny smile seeing him getting weak under you. With quick hand, he grabbed your ass and started riding him with you. Taking control of the rhythm he started to move you faster as little moans were starting to come out of his mouth. Wanting to feel them against your ear you reached down and placed your head in his shoulder. Shivering under his breath you touched your chest to his while feeling his dick making your walls pound once again. You could feel your lower stomach shaking as his hands were moving you quicker on top of his.
Taking your lips towards him you placed a little kiss on them and without moving, you started to move your ass up and down making his dick go in and out of you. “Shit- Y/n, don’t stop.” He said in a whisper making you melt while your breathing was getting heavier and your legs were getting tired.
Saving you from your legs not working anymore, Bucky grabbed your waist and with a quick move, changed positions. Once again, you found yourself under his body while his dick was going in and out. Not ending with the rhythm and your bodies starting to feel tense, he placed his hands beside your head as the noise of his body hitting yours hit your ears, making you feel even hotter.
You grabbed his chin to pull him closer to your face and look at those blue eyes and the lust in them as he was reaching that wanted organsm. With your other hand, you took your fingers towards your clit and stated to rub it to feel the combination of him inside of you and your clit, wanting you to shatter when the end came.
He started to grunt as he was strongly and deeply sinking into you. “C’mon, Buck, cum for me baby.” You whispered with a heavy breathing feeling your walls strongly pounding and your clit letting out a slight tingle feeling.
Now the room was filled with your moans, his grunts and his body hitting yours. You wrapped your legs around his waist as soon you felt your clit shattering against your fingers. You could see the lust on his eyes as he let out a moan, feeling your insides getting filled with his cum you grabbed his cheeks and gave him a kiss as you and him could feel the orgasm slowly getting away from your bodies.
The moment he dropped his body in top of yours you started to caress the side of his stomach as his and your breathing was trying to go back to normal, while your body was processing what just happened. “Fuck- Y/n.” He let out gaining a little laugh from your mouth.
“Fuck indeed.” You grabbed his cheek so your thumb could trace it and his lips and you eyes were wondering around his eyes, loving every second of it.
He moved a piece of hair hanging out over your face and pulled it away to grab your cheek as well and worship your face. “I love you, Y/n.” He said softly against your lips making your butterflies go crazy.
As soon as he let out those words you unintentionally remembered your mom’s words making you feel a tigh nod in your chest. You didn’t want to believe her, you knew that Bucky loved you and wanted you by his side, but the thought of him not being around you and being with someone else was going around your mind. So, with the lowest tone possible, you closed your eyes as soon as you touched your forehead with his. “Don’t ever leave me, Bucky.”
Hearing those words, he left a kiss on the side of your lips and whispered softly: “Never, doll.” Making you melt under his voice, once again.
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@dmonchld @whitelilykim @randomuser0917 @gloryekaterina @hoodpankow @positionsfyou @je55hire-cat @wakandabiitch2 @dilanajx @suggie-bear-bri @melchills-j @kenny-2318 @heyitssun @siriusjohnpotter
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cirusthecitrus · 2 years
5, 11, 36 for the ask meme!
Thank you for the ask!^^
5. Do they have any nicknames or pet names or other aliases?
They do! Like I mentioned in that one big post, for their appearances people loved to call the twins angels or dolls
The boys also came up with nicknames for each other! Hec-Tor likes to call his brother Lis for short, while Anillis calls him Tori :3 (but only when he's in a silly goofy mood and tries to piss Hec-Tor off, Hec-Tor haaates that name)
Oh-oh, also, fun fact: back when I still didn't know that og motu Horde Prime and Hordak had other (real) names, the twins had no names at all. So for a short while to me they were not Anillis and Hec-Tor, they were Biba and Boba, then Pupa and Lupa, then Tweedledum and Tweedledee and then many other cursed names gpfofpppf
11. Do they enjoy pranks or do they hate them? Are they likely to fall for a prank?
Yes, actually! Well, they used to, now they think they're "too old" for pranks, but they loved them as kids. They were two mischievous little shits, you know c:
They especially liked to pretend to be one another and confuse or even scare people (at least until Anillis had his hair cut short and it became easier to distinguish one from the other, but I'll talk about it more in the next big post!)
And no, it's not easy to make them fall for any prank, but when it happens usually Hec-Tor is more impressed than anything, while all Anillis can feel is utter embarrassment. He tries to play it cool and laugh it off, but in his mind he already sees that prankster dead lol
36. Tell us something about your OC that doesn't make it onto the page?
Hhhm, hope I read it correctly and it means some thing that got changed or crossed out and is no longer a part of their story and character i swear i'm not dumb t-t
If so then I'll say only two big things got changed/removed
First is the twins' attitude towards magic. In the first draft Anillis already despises magic because he himself can't control it and use it to cure his illness, while Hec-Tor claims actual magic users to be selfish, pathetic and weak and even tries to attack them for refusing to help his brother
Now these two don't hate everything magic, it's more complicated actually, especially since magic is a very important aspect of their religion. For the most part they're just wary of it, but they also wish to study it someday
Another thing is the dynamic of Anillis' relationship with Hec-Tor. I'm thinking about the early version of this au, and i'm actually shocked to realize how little love there used to be! How unlikable young Prime used to be! Anillis was an asshole to his twin, more controlling, and manipulative and jealous and fake, it's like he actually hated his brother. Anillis was already just like canon Horde Prime, and that's not right, cause this whole au is about Anillis slowly and gradually changing, losing everything "human" and real and good in him and only then becoming Prime as we know him
So yeah, I like the current Anillis much more, because the concept of Horde fucking Prime actually being capable of unconditional love fuckes me up just right :p
I like that now Kur brothers' main problem is their codependency and not Anillis being terrible to his brother, they're equally terrible now!
Now I look at my boys and I can believe that Hec-Tor is important to Anillis, that Anillis cares and worries about him too. Now I can believe that Prime loved (or rather used to love) this person more than himself
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twstdreams · 5 years
hi! i’ve seen a lot of romance headcannons so if it’s ok with you could i plz request some family headcannons? what would it be like having leona, ruggie, ace, cater, and epel as big brothers? (reader is little sister) if you’re not comfortable writing this you don’t have to! thanks for reading my request:)
YES, YOU CAN! I love writing siblings and platonic content. I will happily accept family and friends centred requests. My OC has a platonic relationship with everyone, and in another fandom, I wrote an entire series with Big Brother! Character and Little Sister! Reader. Given that I have sibling(s) too, this is well within my comfort range even if I’m the older one. 
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Big Brother! Leona, Ruggie, Ace, Cater, and Epel & Little Sister! Reader
Leona Kingscholar
100% is lazy and abuses his older sibling privileges. This exchange is common for the two of you:
“Go get this for me.”
“Because I’m older!”
You two exchange playful jabs all the time. Him calling you weaker or silly, you replying about how he’s lazy and you could beat him anyway since he never gets off his butt
You have definitely whacked his face with a pillow
Speaking of which you adore waking him up to see his scrunched up expression as you remove the pillow from under his head and pull away the blankets
When you were younger, you definitely used water once or twice to wake him up when you were really pissed
Leona isn’t actively protective, yeah you’re weaker than him, but that doesn’t mean you’re actually weak
His position and power usually are enough to ward off someone, but if anyone decides to physically hurt you and leave a mark, they better be prepared to get it back tenfold. It’s basically a direct challenge to Leona, and any idiot that thinks they can hurt his little sister and get away with it has to be put in their place 
He brushes it off as whatever, maybe a slight against his pride, but you know if you were ever really in danger, he’d help you
You’re never getting help with your homework though
Ruggie Bucchi
Now that he’s older and your family isn’t in such a tight place, he shares, but OH BOY did you two fight when you were kids
Food, toys, clothing, stationery, you two fought over it all
“HEY! That’s mine!”  was a very common phrase
Looking back, it’s a little embarrassing, especially for Ruggie given he’s the older sibling, but hey kids are kids. Neither of you brings it up often if only because both of you have so much ammo against each other, it would never end
You both care about each other but very much need your own personal space and things
You have probably thrown a slipper at one another telling the other sibling to get out of your room
If you two shared a room, at one point in your childhood, there was a string dividing the room in two
With age, the two of you have mellowed out but you still fight from time to time. No, you’re not doing the dishes for him, you already have to do the laundry!
Ruggie is a pretty helpful older brother, but you gotta ask. He’s not going to hover over you or constantly ask how you’re doing
At the end of the day, the two of you have each other’s back 
Ace Trappola
The two of you have fun and goof around a lot, Ace isn’t very serious and his brightness shines when you play games together
He’s a pretty chill older brother, not overbearing at all
When you two argue, it’s ugly. You have explosive fights because he goads you and can be quite mean, and you aren’t one to just roll over and take it. 
You’ve lived together for a long time and Ace knows how to hit you where it hurts. If he’s not careful, he can be quite cruel and brutal 
Ace doesn’t intend to be so mean, but you’re both growing up together and it took a while to establish boundaries
He always wavers when you cry, he hates seeing tears trail down your face and he despises that he’s the cause of it all
He helps you here and there in little gestures like reminders to do things or wake you up so you’re not late for school
Yes, he loves you, no he is not going to do the chores for you
Cater Diamond
He is the nice older brother that all your friends think is so cool
He knows all the latest trends and rumours, so it’s easy to treat him like your friend. He just gets it and you don’t have to explain things to him
He comes off as pretty loose when it comes to you, and he does respect that you’re independent but he keeps an eye on you
When you were a kid he indulged you as his cute little sister and dressed up for miniature tea parties 
He gives you many head pats and ruffles your hair lightly
Despite all the cheeriness, it’s in your fights that you remember he can be so heartless
He can and will hold a grudge for as long as he needs. Days after fights are so heavy that your heart feels like lead. Apologies are stifled and awkward but necessary. 
If he apologizes too, then it’s fine after you two give each other a bit of space. If you feel like you’re always the one apologizing, it can get messy. You feel hurt by it, but even more so, you’re tired.
He cares but he’s not always empathetic, and he is more than willing to let you sort out your own mess. If things get out of hand, then he’ll step in and help
Epel Felmier
He is so sweet, sweeter than apple pie to his darling sister
Guaranteed, you look like a doll and Epel goes shopping with you to pick out cute pieces and accessories
The genes in this family are blessed with porcelain smooth skin and long wispy lashes
As kids, you’d constantly play pretend and Epel would be your prince or knight as you two went on adventures
You hate if anyone suggests Epel isn’t a good brother because of his fragile aesthetic and dispel all rumours
There are no secrets between you two and the two of you share a lot of furtive knowing looks and inside jokes
He totally gives into your tears. Epel absolutely cannot handle it when your eyes begin to well and tears spill
He’s pretty doting, so if you want boundaries, you have to be firm and fair. Epel won’t take it well if he feels like you’re trying to shut him out of your life.
He has a couple peculiarities or pet peeves that you have to abide by, he can be pretty finicky at times
Epel loves you with all his heart and you love him too
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silveryfairy · 4 years
hey man if it's not too much trouble, could you give us a brief rundown of the Nocturnes? It's just, every morning I wake up and there's a new one, and I Care everyone in this establishment a lot though I don't really know them, thank you kindly have a nice day
let my preface this by saying: aayushi, i love you, and your enthusiasm and interest for the things i create never ceases to bring me joy. you are the kind of friend i think everyone should have and i say that completely genuinely outside of this bit.
i say that as an apology in advance for what i’m about to unleash upon you, because what you’re going to see is the product of my friend @himepapillon and i’s absolute BRAINROT and what comes of it when not only two people make an oc universe from scratch but what happens when we then have to explain that universe to other people
you are in no way required to retain this information as to be completely honest me and jeremie haven’t fully either and we’re the ones who MADE this shitshow. below is the shoddy family tree i lovingly crafted in ms paint
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let us begin. 
for starters, i’ll specify some things:
1. not every oc on this chart is mine, as it’s a collaboration between me and jeremie - the koenig family and bishop family belong to faer but the rest is all me baby! for the sake of your soul i will only be going into my half of this Mess
2. the universe this takes place in is a pretty wacky and silly one, just, like, Slightly removed from reality. these characters are all completely batshit insane and do things that no human being probably should. it’s all portrayed critically, as the general concept of this whole thing is “the goings-on of a bunch of unhinged corrupt rich people”. we kind of flip flop on how seriously stuff is played but if i had to slap a genre on this it’d be, like, black comedy drama. i know a lot of these concepts sound kinda fucked to write but that’s just because i’m trying to describe them in a SOMEWHAT concise way without going into Super Introspective mode
the nocturnes are an incredibly influential and rich family in the uk that tends to produce very influential and rich people. they’re also all a little bit insane. the main characters of this Saga are the sons of desmond and xanthes, the family’s resident Power Couple and biggest figureheads. they suck ass but that will become apparent the second i talk about their children.
from oldest to youngest, the nocturne boys are:
ichor nocturne, 25 - the eldest, ichor was disowned from the household when he was 18 for unruly behavior, sent to live alone on a farm so he couldn’t tarnish his family’s image any further. since then, you’d think the isolation has driven him a bit mad - he’s a very prolific cotton farmer and has been doing astonishingly well for himself, running his farm on his own with only his parents’ inheritance as help. ...that, and, of course, the blood of the people he executes to keep his crops growing - or so he believes. he moonlights as an executioner in the small town over, exterminating the ‘pests’ of the city. despite his newfound violence, he still routinely checks in on his siblings, finding ways to mysteriously end up at their door to pay visits. the older brother instinct still hasn’t left
icarus nocturne, 23 - the second eldest (only by technicality, as he is a twin), icarus is the family’s golden child! but not in terms of business or anything, oh no - icarus is a famous heartthrob teen (sorta) musician! he’s been in the limelight since he was a little boy, being an actor as a small child and getting into music as he grew. his general Look(tm), accompanied by infectiously happy rave music, is a trademark cutesy mask over his face with oversized clothing - meant to express as much energy as possible as he bounces about the stage. in reality, he lives a life as forced and controlled as possible by virtue of... living the fucked up life of a child star. but his parents have someone to take the fall - so, what of his twin?
achilles nocturne, 23 - icarus’ younger twin, which wouldn’t mean much... in any family but this one. achilles has had it drilled into his head since the beginning that he was a mistake next to icarus, to the point where legally, he does not exist. following icarus beginning his career, achilles was unpersoned completely - living in the family’s basement with the height of his education being for a very specific purpose... needing to be icarus’ body double on tours and for paparazzi - after all, they can’t have icarus’ purity tainted by all those clamboring fans! it’s a godawful situation. on the bright side, though, achilles has found a hobby where he can be himself: twitch streaming! yes really. under the name of 1upanonymous, hidden under a mask just like his brother, achilles at least has a fanbase that can love him for who he is! ...uh, kind of.
tomasine “tommy” nocturne, 16 - the youngest of the bunch, and it says a lot about his siblings’ capabilities that he’s the technical heir to the nocturnes’ various businesses and fortune. tommy is just a feral 16 year old that doesn’t give two shits about any fame or fortune, he just wants to party and drink and have fun like any other kid his age! he’s rebellious, loud, and charmingly annoying (to his brothers anyway), and has no real care for the gravity of his family’s situations beyond finding it annoying that they want him to be all PRIM and PROPER and BUSINESSY EEWWWWW. he’s just a funny loud little child trying to live his best life. loves his brothers fiercely
already a mess of people. and really, all you need to know about or really keep in mind are those four: the upcoming characters are largely just side ones we came up with because we thought it’d be funny to flesh out this fucked up family more. so let’s get into the anatra branch of the family - headed by jael nocturne, xanthes’ brother and the siblings’ uncle
jael anatra-nocturne, who i am not giving an age for my own sanity trying to decipher this fucking timeline - a crude and playful uncle, jael is someone the nocturne boys either love (icarus, tommy) or hate (achilles, ichor). constantly joking, as he expresses affection with loving insults - kind of a money-driven asshole, but a lovable one - he’s a career politician and met his current husband, joaquin, on the job. or, well... no longer current, because jael’s funny life of debauchery, toxic masculinity, and making fun of his nephews, came to an abrupt end when he was assassinated on live television. yipes!
joaquin anatra-nocturne, who also does not get an age - jael’s former secretary and current widow, joaquin is the local wine uncle. im not sure if that’s a classification but it is now, because he is one. an unapologetic gold-digger, he (publicly) took jael’s death frighteningly well, and is now living his best life with a revolving door of new boyfriends. his relationship with jael was a genuine and very loving one, and joaquin IS devastated by his death, but both of them just found the bit of pretending to be this loveless gold digger/politician couple very funny, and being as suspicious as possible around his husband’s death is exactly what jael would have wanted joaquin to do
taddeo anatra-nocturne, 14 - the youngest child of these two, a shy little boy with big Child In A Horror Movie energies. makes potions in the backyard and probably decorates his clothes with animal bones n stuff when he’s older. despite this he’s pretty harmless, nice and fiercely loyal - tommy especially thinks he’s fun and likes to hang out with him at family gatherings - just so long as you look past the creepy dolls he likes to talk to and fires he likes to set. especially close with jael and wants to be a miniature version of him, buuut still being a shy tween taddeo hasn’t been able to act on that much.
dailon anatra-nocturne, 20 - the adopted second child of jael and joaquin, dailon is a moody and unstable delinquent that was snatched up by them just as he was about to age out of foster care. while he has a chill ‘cool-older-even-though-he’s-younger-cousin’ demeanor, the tension when he’s around his parents - jael specifically - can be cut with a knife. dailon hates his dad: ‘someone who expresses affection with insults and jokes and likes seeing people pissed at him’ and ‘someone who’s volatile, short-tempered, and sullen after living in a foster home most his life’ are just as bad of a combination as you’d expect. dailon gets himself into a lot of trouble, and is an overall very self-centered prick, but we’ll get more on that in a bit.
HELL FAMILY...2!!! that’s the last of the families to cover, buuuut there are still some other names on that list - mostly connected to dailon. this is REAL “just going on in the background” shit that you also do not need to know whatsoever (except for mitzi she’s pretty important she’s just down here for organization purposes) - i just like to play god and make characters get into drama.
[tw: cheating, unhealthy relationships, stalking]
mitzi “moon” altberg, 23 - achilles must feel very far away by now, but we’re back to him for a second! mitzi is his ex-girlfriend he met online, a fan-to-employee-to-lover and one of the maybe two people outside of the family achilles has shown his real face to. however, achilles growing up deeply unstable - between his parents’ abuse, having spotlights on him and adoring fans both as icarus’ body double and as a streamer, and in general not really growing up to be any kind of well developed human being - made this relationship a complete disaster. he grew obsessive and controlling - and when she tried to ignore him, he broke his one rule (to never go outside without permission) to find the hotel she was staying at in real life and show up to confront her. the incident was completely covered up, both by the nocturnes and with their connections, and so mitzi was forced to stay silent. this entire thing is based on this song! as time heals wounds, though, mitzi will end up doing pretty well for herself and putting achilles behind her - even getting a new boyfriend, jared!
reynard fiala, 20 - dailon’s (ex-)boyfriend, who he’s enraveled in his own weird soap opera subplot with. reynard is a relatively chill person, with an interest in art and taxidermy - just as morbid as dailon’s brother, but in a more. Normal way. genuinely a sweetheart who does not deserve what happens to them: getting cheated on with dailon’s best friend. yipes^2! while it's earth shattering in the moment, all reynard will really want to do come some time to process is to move on and for him and dailon both to heal in peace... far away from eachother (which is easier said than done since taddeo thinks reynard is super cool and loves having him over, the awkwardness between them and his brother be damned)
jared summers, 21 - the most normal person here. a longterm best friend of dailon’s, and yes, the very same one i just mentioned. he’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer - what we in the industry would call a himbo if his dumbassery didn’t cause very real damage - who had been pining for dailon for years and him dating was no deterrent, and dailon, thinking the world revolves around him as he tends to do, accepted jared’s confession so they just kinda started dating on the side. jared has the moral backbone of a pool noodle, and even after it causes dailon’s relationship with reynard to fall apart, will need a wholeass intervention to be staged to make them both realize just how shitty they’re being. after that, though, jared will end that mess and be on his way to becoming a better person himself - with the help of a sweet girl he’s met online.
jared and mitzi dating in the future is the most contrived thing on the planet but just hear me out that it’ll be HILARIOUS for achilles to check in on his ex-girlfriend and find she’s dating his cousin’s best friend, who said cousin was apparently dating on the side. very small world, it is. 
anyway, thank you if you’ve somehow stuck around to read this entire thing - this isn’t even getting into jeremie’s half of this whole ordeal, which includes some of these fellas’ friends and partners, as well as more crazy rich people nonsense. it’s been very fun to think about and i do love it all dearly, even if putting it all together it’s SUCH a mess.
we don’t intend to make anything Legit out of this, it’s honestly just a fun way to pass the time. it’s the adult equivalent of playing dollhouse. in our minds this is like a 20 season soap opera but actually explaining it to other people it’s just like this
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but thank you again for letting me babble i hope it was somewhat entertaining! and again, godspeed if you managed to read this much XD
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myheadisinvaded · 5 years
On With The Show… chapter 1/heaven (part1)
Word count- 1,581
Warnings- sexual talk (?), mention of drugs, idk what else to list
A/N- feedback is appreciated, thanks for giving me a chance (if you read it) There will be multiple parts, this is kind of presenting everything.
This will be a romantic Douglas Booth!Nikki Sixx x Oc, there will be some Mick Mars x Oc as a best friend/mentor 
His glossy blue eyes reflect the raindrops rolling down the window, the clouds are grey and they seem to be crying with him. The guilt and regret is building up inside his body, feelings he never wanted to feel again are starting to come back. Now they seem to be against himself, he never wanted to cause someone he loved the same pain his mother caused him.
Blair is the dream daughter, in college, studying every night, doesn’t really party, doesn’t date around. She’ll drink every once in a while but she’s never done drugs, smoked, she’s a good kid. Her single mom has always greatly appreciated her daughter. Blair indulges in her music, hard rock, glam rock, punk, anything heavy, full of guitars and drums she’s there for it. She plays some music herself, she’s learning guitar, piano and her voice has always been something she’s proud of. The genres she loves don’t match her at all which always creates interest in her. The innocent child like vibe she gives off is charming and has kind of made her the sweetheart. She’s not by any means the most popular but anyone she meets, likes her.
October 1983, she has just turned 21
Her arms are up, her hands in devil horns, she is feeling happy and full of excitement and energy. Motley Crue is her favorite band and she was able to come see them, finally! She made sure to put on her cutest black dress with her best black heels, her hair in her natural loose curls and light make up. Not the most rock of outfits but she feels pretty and that’s what matters. She hopes to catch his attention, after all she had heard it wasn’t too hard, but somewhere in the back of her mind she knew there was no way it would actually happen. She decides to just enjoy the music, front row, and not worry about it. Her eyes focus on Nikki first, he seems focused on the music and having fun on stage. She moves them over to Vince and then to Mick, and finally to Tommy. Watching them rock out and feel the music was amazing, she had always hoped that one day she would be able to do that but she doesn’t feel any where near talented enough, her eyes go back to Mick. The way he plays the guitar, its mesmerizing. The smile on her face becomes bigger and her eyes lock with Mick’s. He smiles and keeps on playing, sending her a small wink before moving around the stage with Vince and Nikki. Her eyes move back to focus on Nikki, the adrenaline coursing its way through her body from being noticed by Mick, or at least she hopes she was. The songs are all equally as fun and energy filled, Shout at the Devil, Live Wire, Take Me To The Top,Looks That Kill, Helter Skelter, etc.
The concert comes to an end, the crowd screams for more but to no avail, the energy is still high and everyone is buzzing. Girls are flooding to the backstage area, she follows the crowd, partying with Motley Crue would be a dream come true but right now she wants to at least meet them. Blair is able to get past to the backstage area, not a hard task at all, she sees everyone heading towards the back but when she glances to her left there is a hallway leading to the dressing rooms, the hallway also contains something that makes her heart flip, their guitars and basses. The ones they used tonight are roughly hung on there and she can’t help but walk in that direction instead. She immediately spots the black guitar, scraped all over and Mars in white on it. Her eyes dart around, she isn’t going to steal it but she also assumes no one would want her to play it either, who cares, it's quiet and no one seems to be here, they are all probably partying anyways. Her heels click against the tile, her black baby doll velvet dress flows around as she tries to tip toe. 
When she has the guitar in front of her she gingerly picks it up and holds it in front of her eyes for a minute, the strap is still warm and sweaty. With shaking hands she puts in on, adjusting it a little, since she is shorter and her arms are short as well. She starts playing something quietly, it sounds a little weird, given that its an electric guitar and its not plugged in but its still super cool that she’s playing with Motley Crue’s guitar. Blair begins to get a little carried away, jumping around and pretending to be giving a whole show, whisper singing Live Wire. Eyes closed, head thrown back, rocker face on, she doesn’t realize when Mick appears in front of her, arms crossed, unamused eyes, and eyebrow raised. She does a little kick and jump and finally opens her eyes. Her body freezes when she sees him, he holds her stare, trying not to smirk. “I-i-i’m so sorry” she manages to stutter out. He huffs “Fucking teenagers... “ as he shakes his head but he recognizes her from the front row, her soft features and school girl look stands out.. Her arms start shaking again and when he notices that, he feels a little bad, “Give it here kid, you're holding it wrong”. Taking the guitar off of her she shakily hands it back to him and he gives her a half smile. He makes sure shes watching as he puts it on, readjusting the strap “Damn, you’re short” and places his hands on it, “If you want to be able to rock out comfortably you have to learn how to hold it, you had it on too tight too, i know you have short arms but loosen it up a little and you can slide it around” he looks at her face, she's watching him intently. He spends the next 5 minutes showing her different tips and tricks.
“So… we’ve been here for a minute and you haven’t said a word, I normally don’t like to be the only one talking, much less talking  this much” he chuckles lightly “Tell me, what’s your name?” She smiles, finally having calmed down after the initial shock of having one of her idols teaching her. “Blair Storm” she states proudly. Mick raises his eyebrow once again “Stage name?” he questions. She shakes her head, “Pretty cool, huh?” she's still smiling. He gives her a grimace and nods “yeah, sure kid” He looks around and sighs ‘Hey, how about we go sit in my dressing room, we can keep talking there.” his back was beginning to hurt so he was glad when she quickly agreed and he let her in through the door that was right beside the instrument rack. Once they're both inside he motions for her to take a seat on the couch in his dressing room, he sits beside her and looks at her, his regular unamused expression on his face, he can’t help but let a small smile crack through when he sees the excitement in her eyes, the sweetest smile on her face. “Why aren’t you out there partying?” he asks curiously “Well that was my plan but then i saw your guitar and just came in this direction” she shrugs her shoulders and he just nods slowly, reaching over to the table and getting some Jack Daniel’s “drink?” he asks, she nods so he pours her some over some ice and hands to her. Little does he know that she’s never had whiskey before and her heart begins pounding.
 He just takes a swig from the bottle and watches her slowly take a drink, her cheeks become bright red and she begins coughing. Her throat is burning and she screams “Oh my god!!!” Mick tries to not laugh but he can’t help it, he does stand up from the couch and goes over to her “Just breathe, its ok” he rubs her back as she gasps. Embarrassment fills her small body up.
Nikki and Tommy had been making their way down the hall, coming to get Mick and see if he wanted to come drink with them when they hear the screaming, assuming he’s got a girl in there they start laughing and acting like silly teenage boys. “Duuuuude he’s finally getting some!” Tommy jumps in excitement as they make their way to the room. When they get closer it’s quiet and Nikki wiggles his eyebrows, his hand on the doorknob, ready to bust in and catch their friend in action.
Mick had given her water and she had calmed down, not only was it her first time drinking whiskey but she had also been so nervous that it went down the wrong way. Mick was laughing at her as she slowly started laughing as well, her cheeks were flushed pink. “Damn, kid, it sounding like I had given you straight up rubbing alcohol!” As they are both laughing it off the door slams open, making Blair jump and almost spill the whiskey she had been able to start sipping on. Tommy sees Mick and some hot chick sitting like 3 feet apart on the couch and sighs, making a frowny face “aww man! Did we miss it?” Nikki looks at Mick and then at the girl, she's way too pretty to be a groupie and not drunk enough. “Miss what, drummer?” Mick asks with his monotone voice and a frown on his face. “You getting some pussy man!” Nikki laughs, his eyes focused on the girl. Mick shakes his head and before he can say anything Tommy does a facepalm ‘We interrupted it right before it happened didn’t we?” Mick sighs and rolls his eyes, shaking his head. Nikki looks at him “You mean to tell me that you’re just sitting here boring this girl to death?” Blair lets a small laugh out and finally speaks “Um actually we were just hanging out and he was teaching me things about guitar” Nikki rolls his eyes and confirms  “So boring you to death. Why don’t you come party? We’ll go have some fun” he says, a devious smile on his face. Her face immediately goes back to a deep pink shade but she stays quiet, she looks over at Mick and her gives her a nod. 
“I’ll go party” Blair stands up, fixing her short dress. “We’ll finish later, kid” Mick says as he lays down, arms crossed over his chest, sunglasses on. “Bring me more booze” he demands. “Oh here, i’ll leave this bottle with you” Tommy sets it down on the table beside Mick. Nikki smirks and takes Blair by the hand and leads her out of the dressing room. Tommy follows behind them and runs past them, yelling loudly “Wooooooohhh” Nikki laughs and starts walking faster. “Wanna do some blow?” he asks as he pushes the door open, a brand new world before her eyes.
Tags: @triplehaitches
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diinofayce · 6 years
White Elephant Stampede
This was a request from @tatertot1097 . They wanted the Avengers playing White Elephant presents. I hope this was what you were looking for!
Pairing: None, Just Avengers | Word Count: 1.7k | Warnings: Lack of reader or OC, non-canon, fluff, some language | A/N: I went without a reader or OC for this one because it just fit better I thought for this. So most of it is kind of from Pepper’s perspective.
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“Wait, what is this?” Steve asked as the large red stocking with the fur lining was passed to him.
“I’m not reaching my hand into your weird…play time sock,” Bucky grumbled crossing his hands over his chest and levying Tony with an icy stare.
“Pull a name out of the stocking, keep it a secret. Playtime sock? What weird Christmas porn did you find?” Tony’s nose crinkled and he whirled around to look at Bucky with confusion before raising a silencing hand. “On second thought, please don’t tell me.”
Beside him, Natasha rolled her eyes at Pepper who giggled - a pleased blush rising high on her cheeks.
Steve pulled a slip of paper from the stocking and peeked at it before passing it to Sam who followed suit.
“Who’d you get,” Sam whispered, passing the stocking to Bucky and leaning to peek over Steve’s shoulder who pressed his slip of paper to his broad chest.
“You’re bad at secrets,” Steve admonished.
“Guys, it’s called Secret Santa for a reason,” Pepper chuckled, swatting at Sam’s knees playfully.
Natasha took the stocking from Bucky and pulled a name, looked at it, then pulled it back and pulled another one.
“Cheater! You’re cheating,” Wanda called out, pointing at her friend and laughing.
Natasha stuck her tongue out at Wanda and winked. “I pulled my own name, otrod’ye.”
Wanda gasped and snatched the stocking from the redhead, pouting as she shook the stocking and pulled a name from the bottom, examined it and then handed it to Vision.
“What is a secret Santa?” Vision asked carefully, peeking into the mouth of the stocking before reaching it and pulling out his own slip.
“You just have to get a gift for the person on your slip. It takes away the pressure of having to get something for everyone, we’re a big family. But you don’t tell anyone who you got so then when you open your gift you guess who gave it to you,” Pepper explained simply, rubbing her hands together with an excited smile.
Bruce took a slip of paper and finished the loop with the Asgardians behind him.
“We should probably put a dollar limit on gifts,” Bruce said softly casting his eyes over to Tony.
Tony scoffed as the rest of the group mumbled in agreement.
“We could always do a white elephant,” Pepper suggested and a bunch of confused gazes swung her way. Pepper blinked in surprise for a moment and shrugged. “You know silly gifts. Gifts that aren’t exactly practical.”
“Like that time Bucky thought a good birthday present was a paperclip wrapped in two rolls of duct tape?” Sam muttered and Bucky smiled fondly at the memory.
“I never said it was a good present,” Bucky quipped and Steve frowned at his best friend, mouthing ‘behave’ behind Sam’s back which caused Bucky to roll his eyes.
“You could have at least put like a gift card or something in there!” Sam accused.
“I used up the dollar limit we were given that time on duct tape,” Bucky shrugged innocently, wincing as Steve punched him on the shoulder.
The stocking finally made it’s way back to Pepper through all the chattering and petty quarreling. Pepper looked over this little haphazard family that was formed through blood and tears and smiled to herself. They weren’t a traditional family, but they were hers.
They had decided to unwrap presents on Christmas Eve, Pepper had organized for them all to go to the Children’s Hospital on Christmas morning to visit the kids and bring presents so they chose to have the evening to themselves. There hadn’t been a mission in a while so everyone was in good spirits and happy to all just be with each other.
Bucky sat between Sam and Steve, grumbling murderously under his breath at the itchy ugly sweater that Steve and Sam had forced him into. Wanda and Natasha were whispering mischievously as Wanda used her magic to float a mistletoe above the heads of random duos, Clint and Tony being the most amusing one so far because neither man was the type to back down from any sort of situation. In the end, Pepper had to pull her husband back into her arms and threaten Clint with castration if he kept getting hot and heavy on her man. Thor and Loki had returned from some sort of adventure and they were speaking in hushed voices with Bruce in the far corner, looking serious, but broke apart with smiles when Rhodes beckoned them over to join the festivities.
The small shoddily wrapped pile of presents sat on the coffee table in the middle of them all.
“Who wants to play Santa’s elf?” Pepper asked the group and was met with a handful of confused faces.
“Oh! I can!” Wanda squealed excitedly and red magic enveloped the presents, they floated out and found the laps of their receivers.
They went around in a circle, starting with Steve who unwrapped a little book the size of a breast pocket titled ‘The C.I.A. Manual of Treachery and Deception’. Steve raised one blond eyebrow before looking around the circle at the group, his baby blue eyes landing on Natasha. “Seriously, I could be a spy if I wanted to,” Steve moaned and Natasha laughed, clutching her sides in glee.
“No, you couldn’t. So study up.” Natasha grinned wickedly.
Bucky went next, unwrapping a jug of motor oil, a large bottle of KY Jelly, and a car wax kit. Bucky blinked at the items in the box on his lap, Steve looked hesitantly between the gifts in his best friend’s lap to his face waiting for the potential meltdown, but Bucky simply tipped his head back and let out the most genuine laugh anyone had heard from the man in a long time. It took a minute for Bucky to calm down and wipe away the tears that were streaking down his cheeks.
“Was this you?” Bucky asked Sam, elbowing the man in the ribs.
“No, but I wish it had been,” Sam said picking up the large bottle of lube in his hand. “I don’t understand what the lube is for, though.”
“That is for both the Sergeant and the Captain,” Vision piped up looking stoically between the two men.
There was a pregnant pause before the entire room burst out into fits of hysterical laughter, Steve and Bucky looking positively pink in the face with embarrassment.
Eventually, Sam unwrapped his present, guessing correctly that the old Walkman with Marvin Gaye’s ‘Troubleman’ cassette in it was from Steve. Thor unwrapped a little snake Beanie Baby and after deciding that Loki would have given him a real snake correctly guessed Bruce as the gift giver. Rhodes got Loki an old Swiss Army knife that had all the other attachments replaced so that it was just little daggers no matter what he pulled out. Loki gave Natasha an actual Black Widow spider and Thor gave Tony a screwdriver, but when Tony went to pick it up it gave him a sharp zap of electricity. Thor laughed harder than any of them. Clint gave Rhodes a pair of roller skates and earned a new pair of headphones from Tony. Clint and Rhodes spent the rest of the night pretending to enjoy the gifts that opposed their disabilities. Wanda unwrapped a little charm bracelet that had both a red glass stone that reflected the light and on the opposite a silver heart charm, with tear-filled eyes she looked up at Pepper questioningly and when Pepper shook her head she looked around the circle before landing on Sam.
“I was never good at giving white elephant gifts,” Sam murmured and let out an ‘oof’ when the small girl tackled him deeper into the couch in a tight hug. Pepper had given Bruce a series of meditation CDs with the Blu-Ray of Wreck-It Ralph tucked in the middle, which he thanked her for softly.
When it was Peppers turn she carefully tore away the wrapping because out of all of the presents it looked to have been wrapped with care and had a large white and gold glitter bow on top. Under the wrapping was a small garment box and she smiled wryly imagining what gaudy outfit Wanda had probably picked for her. Wanda was always teasing Pepper on how pristine and uptight she always looked, knowing that Pepper was anything but. What she didn’t expect when she pulled away the tissue paper was a little white newborn sized onesie that said: “My Mom Is A Superhero” on it in black writing.
Pepper’s hand fluttered to her tummy as she looked up with watery eyes at Wanda. “Did you read my mind?” Pepper whispered, her voice cracking.
Wanda looked confused, her brows pinching. “I didn’t have you,” Wanda answered, shaking her head just as Vision opened his brand new spice wrack with all the spices in their jars labeled.
Pepper’s gaze swam to Bucky, who was the only one left. His cheeks a soft blush and he shrugged his shoulders slightly, his eyes casting downwards.
“How did you know?” she asked and Bucky scoffed, rolling his ice blue eyes.
“I’m a spy, doll. I knew weeks ago.”
“Knew what?” Tony asked, bouncing over to peek over the couch at the present on Pepper’s lap that she still hadn’t shown the group. “Wait. What? Is this…is this real? Pepper? Honey? Is this real?”
Bucky’s eyes got round and he looked between Pepper and Tony with horror. “Oh god, Pep, you hadn’t told him yet?” Bucky asked sounding chagrin.
“I hadn’t told anyone,” Pepper answered before holding up the onesie to the group. The group blinked, jaws dropping before everyone erupted into cheers and congratulations. Everyone jumped to their feet to give hugs and pull out the alcohol in celebration.
“I’m going to be a dad! Holy fuck…I need to sit down. I’m going to be a dad,” Tony started cheering before growing a little faint.
Pepper stood and crossed the seating area to Bucky who stood to greet her. Slowly she wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. “Thank you,” she whispered into his shirt.
“Yeah. Sorry, I ruined you getting to tell him,” Bucky apologized, gently hugging the petite woman back.
She leaned back and shook her head. “No, Bucky, this was absolutely perfect.”
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stopforamoment · 6 years
My Funny Valentine
My masterlist is at the end of my bio.
Book: The Royal Romance (After Book Three) Pairing: Bastien Lykel x OC Rinda Parks Word Count: 804   Rating: F for Fluff
Author’s Note: Obligatory disclaimer that Pixelberry Studios owns the TRR characters and my pocketbook with those darn diamond scenes. OFC with all of her quirks is all mine. My apologies if Tumblr or I do something stupid when I try to post this. The keep reading link shows up on my laptop but not my phone. Ugh.
Thank you @asherella-is-a-dork-3 and @bobasheebaby for always being my sounding board! Thank you @cora-nova @silviasutton1989  ​ @riseandshinelittleblossom @innerpostmentality​ for being my thirsty Bastien friends and for still being a part of the journey! @kennaxval thank you for encouraging me to be part of the February challenge!
Summary: This is for the February prompts #12 Family and #26 To me, you’re perfect. In the Bastien and Rinda series we’re only at the end of 2018 right now, so this is also a sneak peak into February 2019. A few things have changed that I haven’t finished writing about yet!
My Funny Valentine 
Rinda was never a fan of Hallmark holidays like Valentine’s Day—the expectations for romance, proposals, the perfect date. Instead, she preferred the special moments in-between that were special only to her and her beloved. In her mind, each day should be Valentine’s Day when you love someone and do the little things that keep the relationship strong. However, she did love the fun of Valentine’s Day cards and thought it was the perfect holiday to tell friends and family that you cared by doing sweet, cheesy little things. Rinda told Bastien that she wanted to spend Valentine’s Day with her favorite guys—him, Henry, and Mr. Ariti. Henry invited Phillip over for a sleepover so his parents could enjoy a night out. Alex was also invited, but he had to help his parents at their restaurant, so Rinda promised that they would do another sleepover soon. She also invited the Manikas toddlers to stay for a short time, but with her frequent headaches Mr. and Mrs. Manikas understood that she needed to take things slow. They appreciated having a few hours to themselves to relax. Rinda spoiled her Tiger by making melomakarona cookies for him. Brigitte gave her the recipe and spent an afternoon teaching Rinda the secret Lykel family tricks to make them exactly the way her brother liked them. Rinda also made a large family meal for everyone and silly school-aged Valentine’s Day cards with cheesy puns, plus an additional message specific for each person to let them know how much she loved them and appreciated them. Alex rolled his eyes and pretended to hate it, but he secretly loved to read that she was glad Henry had such a good friend who was such a great football player—especially when he scored goals in the pot of spaghetti sauce. After dinner Bastien could see that Rinda was getting tired, so he got her comfortable on the couch and gave Will and Owen the special washable markers so they could create artwork on the large pieces of paper taped to the living room wall. Yes, the chaos of their household moved with them when they bought Mr. Ariti’s home and he moved back into his starter house. Mr. Ariti sat with Rinda on the couch while Bastien and the the older boys did dishes, and she leaned against him, taking deep breaths until her painkillers kicked in. “Did you have a good talk with Madeline today?” Mr. Ariti gently kissed the top of Rinda’s head. “Yes. And thank you for keeping her suncatcher in your kitchen.” “Of course, Mr. Ariti. And it’s still your kitchen and still your home. You are always welcome here.” Then she snuggled against him, falling into a restless sleep until Bastien gently kissed her awake when it was time to get everyone ready for bed.
. . . . . They were in the kitchen, just the two of them, and Bastien took his Tria into his arms. “How are you, sweetheart?” “I’m doing a lot better, but thank you for taking care of everything. You know I hate how these headaches slow me down.” Bastien kissed the tip of her nose. “I know, Tria. But you need to take it slow for as long as it takes.” Now he gently kissed her forehead. “But do you feel like dancing with me?” Rinda looked up at him, her eyes a luminous green. “I always want to dance with my beloved Tiger.” Bastien smiled and started playing Frank Sinatra’s “My Funny Valentine” on his phone, and Rinda laughed. “You are too perfect for words. This song is too perfect.” Bastien laughed with her as he took his Tria into his arms and sang to her. You're my funny valentine, Sweet comic valentine, You make me smile with my heart. Your looks are laughable, un-photographable, Yet, you're my favorite work of art.
Rinda leaned into him, relaxing because she knew she was safe in his arms. Is your figure less than Greek? Is your mouth a little weak? When you open it to speak, are you smart? But, don't change a hair for me. Not if you care for me. Bastien gently kissed the scar that ran across her temple toward the crown of her head. The scar that made her hair even more of a troll doll rat’s nest because that hair would never grow back. But that scar made his Tria even more precious to him, the reminder that he could have lost her, but he didn’t. Stay little valentine, stay! Each day is Valentine's Day. Bastien took Rinda’s left hand and kissed the ring that encircled her third finger. “To me, you’re perfect. Ich liebe dich, Frau Lykel.” I love you, Mrs. Lykel.
“Und ich liebe dich, geliebter Ehemann.” And I love you, beloved husband.
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lahusti · 7 years
Many Stories to Write, Too Much Procrastination
Do This: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, whatever
I didn’t get tagged bc I’m a loner but honestly it made me curious about what I have laying about as I’m an unorganised ass. I use working titles only because naming all of my files story[nr] would lead to misery. Here I’ve tried to order them by their type from the most recent to the ancient ones I still want to finish one day.
dinner - a short Johnlock fic I’m actively working on. John references some stuff from ASiB that has a romantic subtext for the two of them, it leads to an open discussion.
FMSBINGO1_dance - a ca 1.5k Claire/Izzy (Shadowhunters) fic. Happens between S1 and S2. After fighting some demons they have a victory dance to cheer them up. Yes, I like writing weird things. I’ve decided I’m not happy with how it turned out tho so I mostly pretend it doesn’t exist.
hair - a ca 2k Johnlock fic. The prompt was basically about Sherlock enjoying John’s fingers in his hair and inventing silly excuses for it to happen. 
The Professional Home-Wrecker - 17k of Johnlock. Sherlock wrecks the relationships he is hired to wreck, often using his acting skills. When he meets John, he asks him to assist; John naturally agrees. I can’t remember what the rest of it is about and I’m not about to muddle through, but there’s Moriarty there somewhere.
bobheads - 1.5k of Johnlock. Inspired by a prompt. Basically Sherlock receives bobble head dolls of himself and John and starts playing with them in secret, one day John finds out.
spider - Remember that news story of how one night a guy screamed like a woman and trashed his apartment, the police was called, and it turned out he was just killing a spider? Well, I made it happen in 221b and Johnlock love confessions ensued. in about 500 words.
temp!Fem!S2 - Johnlock. A witch cursed Sherlock’s body to turn into a woman’s whenever he was bored. Once he accidentally runs into John in his other form and can’t make himself refuse John’s advances. There’s angst and lots of plotholes since I can’t plan ahead and needed to churn words out as fast as I could, thus I don’t really know what the witch(=Mary?) and Moriarty were trying to achieve. 19k of cringe
3kinks - Sherlock/Mycroft. For a prompt, warnings for some illegal kinks!
story - 6k of what was supposed to become a long Johnlock fic. The first part would happen in kindergarten (which might be a mistake bc initially I kinda built it around a non-UK system). There’s Moriarty, Mrs Hudson, and a bunch of OCs. Then John has to move away, Sherlock is devastated and deletes him. They meet again similarly to canon, everything is the same as in canon until Sherlock has to recover his memories for a case. Pining and angst (and possibly Mary) happens.
[talking birds] - 600 words of what’s supposed to become a How To Train Your Dragon-esque fantasy novel. I think I haven’t typed up some of my notes so it’s probably doomed already.
competence - a 3k-long short story of competence and good/bad intentions. Possibly horribly clichéd but whatever.
experience - a 2k-long short story of a guy who’s possibly bipolar and who forgets to take his meds one day and what happens when his mates get him into some shady stuff
ghost - a short story. A history teacher goes to an old manor. There the ghost!manservant asks her to accompany his ghost!master to dinner to try to set them free. The servant knows he can’t rest until his master is happy/at peace, and he thinks falling in love might help so he keeps setting him up with women. The teacher figures out the answer is gay love
A fanvid: BBC Sherlock - You touch my tralala/The ding dong song, because that’s my kind of humour. I’ve got some p good notes, lots of materials, maybe 20 seconds of vid, and no prior experience.
Looks like I’ve given up all of my attempts at Merthur fic
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