#if my grandma visited my dreams and made me my favorite food again i would never emotionally recover
quenepacrossing · 9 months
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baby boi, i was not emotionally prepared for this conversation 🥲
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talktomeinclexa · 2 years
Mend The Heart You Broke (Heal The Wounds You Caused)
By: TalktomeinClexa
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Angst, Panic Attacks, Suicidal Thoughts (none in this chapter)
Status: Complete (9/9)
Summary: Clarke and Lexa led the perfect life. Married, two children, a big house, a group of reliable friends. Until Lexa cheated on her wife and the idyllic picture was smashed to bits. Three months later, Clarke is still trying to put the pieces of her heart together when Lexa slowly comes back into her life. The path to forgiveness will force the artist on a self-introspection journey that won't leave anyone unscathed. But isn't true love worth the fight?
Chapter 9: Forgiveness Is The Way Forward
October passes in a blur, and no amount of bargaining, pleading, or crying at the injustice can stop the course of time. Soon, the Sunday marking Clarke’s 37th birthday is upon them, bringing her closer to the dreaded 40.
“Remind me why I agreed to this?” Clarke asks as Lexa drives the four of them to Abby’s house for lunch. An invitation the brunette accepted on behalf of the — slightly stubborn — artist before spending days convincing her that it was a good idea.
“Because it’s your birthday, love,” her wife replies with a smile. “She wants to spend time with you and the twins. Besides, she has made lots of effort recently. Maybe it’s time to bury the hatchet.”
“Fine. But if she’s a b-i-t-c-h to you, we’re out of here.”
“Kids, are you excited to see Grandma?” Lexa asks, interrupting Aden before he can figure out the word. Really, whose idea was it to teach them to spell?
The children’s happy cries lift some of Clarke’s reluctance. She hasn’t spoken to her mother much since “the conversation” — as she has dubbed it in her head. Only perfunctory messages to schedule the twins’ visits. Nothing personal. Abby has apologized to both Lexa and her and waits for her daughter’s forgiveness as she promised she would.
Lexa might be right. It’s time Clarke allowed Abby fully back into their lives. The brunette seems to have found it in her heart to forgive her mother-in-law for her appalling behavior, depriving Clarke of a reason not to.
They park in front of the house a few minutes later, and Clarke’s heart rate picks up again.
“Come on in,” Abby greets them, standing by the door with a hesitant smile. “Hi, kids. My god, you’ve grown at least an inch since two weeks ago! Hello, Lexa. It’s good to see you again.”
“You too, Abby,” the brunette replies without missing a beat, drawing the older woman into a side hug while the twins rush inside, excited to see what’s cooking in the kitchen.
Abby turns her head to face her daughter, her smile faltering slightly. “Happy birthday, honey. I’m glad you came.”
You have to thank Lexa for that, Clarke wants to snap back, stopping herself in time. Her mother is trying, and she promised Lexa she would make an effort too.
“Good to see you too, Mom,” she forces out instead, her smile feeling more like a grimace, but it does the trick.
Despite the blonde’s apprehension, lunch is pleasant. Abby cooked some of her favorite food, and the chocolate cake she ordered is a gift from the heavens. Between the twins’ jokes and Lexa acting as a bridge, the conversation moves from stilted to natural, and Clarke soon feels like her argument with her mother was nothing but a bad dream.
“Thank you for bringing her today,” Clarke hears Abby whisper in Lexa’s ear as they say goodbye.
The doctor is hugging her wife again, longer than earlier, and Lexa holds on tightly until they separate with wet chuckles and wipe away a couple of stray tears. Perhaps it’s not too late for them to build a positive relationship over the ruins of the previous one.
This time, Clarke goes willingly when Abby opens her arms, and she feels her mother sigh in relief.
“Happy birthday again, honey,” the older woman says, placing a peck on Clarke’s cheek.
“Thanks, Mom. And thank you for the food; it was delicious.” Seeing the quiet hope in the brown eyes staring back at her, she takes a deep breath. “Why don’t you visit us next Sunday? We could all go to the park if the weather is nice.”
None of the adults misses the olive branch hidden in the proposal, and Abby gratefully accepts when Lexa nods approvingly. If it goes well, they might invite Gustus next time. Anya and Raven too. It has been ages since their family spent the day together, all in one place.
The atmosphere in the car is lighter on the way back, the cloud of angst and anticipation gone at last. The two women listen to their children sing with a smile, humming a few lyrics here and there to accompany them.
“How are you?” Lexa asks after a few minutes, taking Clarke’s hand in hers while the other remains firmly on the wheel.
The blonde ponders the question as she watches the view through her window. “I’m good. You were right; it felt nice to see her. I hadn’t realized how much I missed her.”
Lexa sends her a smile, squeezing her hand twice. She’s too good to say, “I told you so,” and Clarke loves her all the more for it.
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I was in a toxic friendship
I want to preface this by saying I am so much happier right now and I am no longer friends with this person. Haven’t seen or heard from her in over a year. I also want to be clear this was a friendship I had in real life, not tumblr. I think however this story’s lessons can be applicable across the board to online friendships and even relationships with family members. Please, if you ever feel belittled by your “friends,” and you bring it up to them and they brush it aside and think you’re overreacting, it’s not a friendship. 
I was friends with this person, let’s call her Stacy, for about ten years before I realized I no longer wanted to speak to her or be her friend. I met her in the ninth grade and we bonded over Disney World and other things and I could talk to her about anything, including this huge crush I had on a twelfth grade boy. She came over to my house sometimes, though not a lot, and as high school wore on we started going to the mall together, stuff like that. I went to college in a different city and she came to visit me sometimes, and we even worked at the same theme park, though different departments. For all intents and purposes this was my best friend, though Stacey got upset when I also called my cousin my best friend, even though she spoke of her sister as her best friend.
She got a boyfriend when we were both around 21/22 or so, I think we were both juniors in college, though she took a semester off because she hated school and thought it was weird I was a double major. She told me her boyfriend was thirty and she met him at work. I thought the age gap was a little big, but I wasn’t one to judge. Later on I found out he was 36 and she told me she lied because she was worried how I would react. I met him and I thought he was nice, but when she got engaged when we were both around 23, I had only met him that one time for a birthday dinner she had, and my mom and dad told me they thought it was kind of strange. They also said it was weird to them whenever I hung out with Stacey it was only for like an hour, two at most, especially since my cousin and I could spend days and day together at sleepovers, chilling and being ourselves, interpretative dancing, lol. Privately I also found it odd I could talk to Stacey about anything, but when I asked questions about her life and her thoughts she’d barely talk. Her grandma passed away, she loved visiting my grandma because she could have one through me. One day I broke down and admitted my grandmother is a narcissist, and she is different behind closed doors. she berates me, used to call me fat, berated me. Stacey didn’t believe me. I can’t say when she started not being such a good presence in my life, but these were some seeds, and it got worse--slow at once and then all at once as they say.
Anyway, I was a bridesmaid of hers and her sister was the maid of honor--a mutual friend was another bridesmaid and there was one more (super sweet girl and I don’t even think Stacy talks with her much anymore either LMAO) and at this point in my life I was really into my first fanfic IWD. I was consumed with it, to put it bluntly. This is another story entirely but I spent so much of my college career as an English major writing for academia, and when I was finally writing something for me, I bloomed. I talked to her about it and she kind of laughed about this Cullen person but she liked to read fanfic herself so was whatever about me doing it. I shared with her my first piece of commissioned art and she laughed at Lydia thinking Lydia was just me, and I told her, no, she wasn’t, she’s based off of several old hollywood ladies and I actually made her avatar in game, but she wouldn’t believe it. I actually ended up saying “would you think this if I were white and she were white as well” and she laughed and didn’t understand. Needless to say the whole incident rubbed me the wrong way. I ignored it. Her wedding happened, her sister made a good speech, then when all the groomsmen did a speech for the groom the other Bridesmaids and I thought we had to do something, so we got up there and made an impromptu speech. I called her my sister and I told her I loved her. I didn’t know it then, but I didn’t believe her when she said “love you too.”
I wanted to go back to school, and I ended up in a Masters program after the wedding. My summer semester, my first, went well, starting in June and ending in July. I finished IWD and went to another fic, Stacey making fun of Sophie, my OC for that fic too, because I just straight up made her part Hawaiian like I am. When I told her I had little representation growing up other than like Lilo and Stitch and now Moana, (which I don’t like TBH but another story lol.) she asked me what the big deal was about that. Why did it matter that no main character ever looked as I looked? I couldn’t explain to her how much writing a character who was like me in a fanfic mattered. We planned on going to Disney World, me, her, her sister, and the other bridesmaid, but don’t post anything on facebook because she didn’t want to invite the other other bridesmaid. I wanted to go to a nightclub with her for my birthday but she didn’t want to go because her sister couldn’t enter, so after my whole family, plus her and her husband ate at my favorite restaurant, she went home even after I begged her to come with my and my cousin. She said it was stupid. Also, her husband was a huge ass to wait staff. Alarm bells went off for all of us.
But I was looking forward to Disney in December that year. (2018) I didn’t have a job at the time but was actively looking. Well, I got a job after interview after interview at restaurants that wouldn’t hire me, my dream job researching Shakespeare. It fell through. (I was promised to actively help the professor research, it fell through.) She paid for the trip without me knowing and I had to pay her back 800 dollars on writing commissions which I severely underpriced. because I was worried no one would pay otherwise. School wasn’t going well. Put it simply I felt really dumb and stupid and like I didn’t belong, (we were reading Ulysses!!!) which I later learned was a common sentiment with my classmates who began the same time as I. I will admit my relationship with academia is rocky at the moment, but I genuinely do love to write, love to research, love to make discoveries about new texts. Stacey saw how stressed I was and sad and got angry I was so sad, and asked why was I in school anyway Am I going to be on my deathbed and wished I studied harder? I didn’t have the energy to tell her it wasn’t about “studying harder,” it was that I loved writing and reading and wanted to be a part of academia. Learning makes me happy, expanding my mind. She belittled me anyway, thinking getting a Masters was dumb and I wouldn’t get a good job.
At Disney World I was so happy. I hadn’t been there since I was a child. She made fun of me for wanting to meet Ariel, for wanting to ride Soaring and being afraid to check grades when a classmate said they were up. I got so stressed I cried at the Japan pavilion at Epcot and stress ate sauerbraten at the Germany pavilion (Amazing by the way, I love German food.) She basically dictated the entire trip--we went to Universal for Harry Potter World at her request and refused to ride the spider man ride with me (it was fucking fun too-girl missed out.) All she wanted to do was stand around in Harry Potter world all day, (LOL now right?) I wasn’t that big of a Potter fan anymore, even at that point, and she told me I was going to stay there anyway and like it. She dictated the entire trip and when I questioned her about it she said I wasn’t listening to to her--we were following the agenda. Our last day there we went to a “Hawaiian” restaurant and made a comment about my “Hawaiian privileges.” I just didn’t have the heart to tell her that the crap we ate didn’t hold a candle to real Hawaiian luau food.
When we got back I was mentally drained and melancholic because I wondered why Stacey was so cruel to me. She always had a biting wit, but before it seemed playful. Now it was cruel, mocking. She made me feel so incredibly stupid. At this point my cousin got engaged and I cried because I wanted so badly to be in love with someone and get married. I was angry and I lashed out at people I shouldn’t have. I was later diagnosed as depressed. I felt like my life was at a standstill and matters with Stacey didn’t help. I also had a huge writing crisis--I told Stacey something I will always remember and always regret because she doesn’t deserve to know: I write the romances I want because no man wants me.  At this point, Stacy turned me into her project. She didn’t like how sad I was at Disney World, it put a bummer on her trip, and when I told her she seemed off she brushed it off. Her plan was to get me on dating apps and basically settle for anyone, even though I had used apps before and don’t like them, but when I got back on Bumble she basically patronized me and told me she was proud of me and “small steps.” On bumble, I wanted to vomit. (for the record, I am not against dating apps, I know success stories, but at that time I was not emotionally ready to date.) Also, she would teach me to drive so I could go on dates, but only in my Dad’s truck. 
I wish I could say I broke it off, that I told her not to talk to me again, but Stacey stopped talking to me first. However. the day she stopped was when I told her she was wrong and I wouldn’t listen to this anymore. What happened? I mentioned I was demisexual.  She said it wasn’t real. I said it was real to me--I don’t experience sexual attraction unless I have bonded with someone. Sure there are people I like to look at, but it’s not a sexual attraction. She asked about my crush on Tom Hiddleston, Cullen, “that robot guy” and was like yeah you’re sure demi, and lol it’s not real. It wasn’t just her words, it was the mocking indifference. 
I went off. I told her she didn’t have the right to tell me what was in my brain or how I felt. I knew who I was and who I am. I should have also told her I wasn’t her project, but I left her that day and it was the last time I saw her.
I talked to my dad that night and mentioned it to him, being demi, and you know what he told me? I think I’m the same way. I think I almost cried. 
I tried to talk to her again but she didn’t want to see me. She had “personal issues and was busy” I pissed her off. Good, I say now. But after this happened in March of 2019 I thought I had no friends. She was my only friend, and I lost another mutual friend (one we went to Disney with) because she knew Stacey longer than she knew me. But you know what happened in April? My cousin asked me to be her maid of honor and I fucking wept, because there was my best friend--my sister all along. Just because she lives in another city and we are growing up and it took me longer to figure out my career than her doesn’t change the fact that we have a bond that can’t be broken. My cousin is one of my favorite people and if you know her you love her--it is impossible not to. And when I told her about my fanfic and about being demi she wanted to know, wanted to listen. School got better too--I started chatting in class more and come to find out, one of my classmates also broke up with a toxic friend. God I love her and I miss her--wish I could see her. (thanks COVID) 
There was more, but this was a lot, and I spent more time writing this than I thought I would. I wanted to write it because seeing a few posts float around made me remember, and I want ya’ll to know, leaving a friendship is scary. Sometimes it can be worse than leaving a lover. But it is a brave thing to do. Part of me that knew I should have left at the first racist comment (oh yeah, she called me a pineapple one day before the Disney trip, did I mention it’s a slur for Hawaiian people? If my grandma were there she would have clobbed her.) but I stayed because I didn’t think I had any other friends. Well, I did and I do, and I know now friends lift each other up, not belittle or talk behind your back. They listen to me when I talk about how important my writing and my characters are to me. 
Sometimes I still miss her--but mostly the high school her that I knew before she met her husband. I don’t know if he changed her or this was her all along, perhaps both. I got fired from a job in November 2019 (which now I’d like to thank them because I got a better and more fulfilling job with a boss that respects me.) and when I cried outside the place, humiliated, I wanted to call her and vent like I used to. I didn’t. Now I don’t want to call her anymore or talk to her. I’d rather spend time with people who care, people who don’t kick me when I’m down. Since then I am so much stronger, in so many ways. The worst times in my life yielded the greatest lessons I have ever learned. 
If you made it this far, thank you. I did tear up a little writing this, but please know: it can be hard to walk a new path, but it is brave. You are brave. You don’t deserve to be belittled *hugs*
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prismatales · 4 years
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Through our lifetimes
Word Count: 2.7K
Bingo slot: Reincarnation
Pairings: Kirishima Eijiro x Reader
Tag/Warnings: Fluff, Slight Angst, Soulmates AU.
Synopsis: According to legends, when both soulmates turn eighteen, they start remembering their past lives together. You’ve known about that story ever since you were a small child. The question is....are you ready to meet your soulmate?
Another entry for the bingo event, hosted by the @bnhabookclub ! This time with the Reincarnation prompt! This is also a birthday present for my dear friend @pixxiesdust , who’s one of the most precious friends that I’ve ever had the chance to meet! Happy birthday Zeze! We love you! 
Beta readers: @todoscript & @etegomanere
Credits for the Kirishima cap goes to @eraserhead-transparents!
There’s an old myth about soulmates. One, that only a handful of people could tell you about. 
An old story your grandparents have always talked about ever since you were but a small child that was just starting to learn how to speak, let alone memorizing things.
According to the stories, when both soulmates become close to turning eighteen, they start to remember their past lives together. They’ll keep seeing glimpses of these moments in the past the closer they get to this age, and when the day finally arrives they will start to remember each and every single moment of their past lives.
How was it possible that an old couple that always showed their family nothing but unconditional love and support, was able to tell you about this old myth like it had been something that they had experienced themselves?
It was pretty simple...It was because they had experienced it themselves.
Every single summer, you’d spend it visiting that small, cozy home in the fields. It almost felt like you were living inside one of those fairytale books that your parents would always read to your younger self before going to bed. 
The days would go by listening to the stories about their past lives. You’d enjoy the nice breeze of summer, accompanied by an ice-cold pitch of sweet, tangy lemonade your grandfather would happily prepare for his two favorite ladies in the world.
It was a routine deeply engraved into your memories. Two tiny hands holding a glass way too big for them, filled to the brim with the sweet drink while you sat over your grandmother’s lap. Her wrinkly fingers would always caress the top of your head softly as she kept talking, and talking, and talking about the memories of her past lives with enthusiasm.
Despite being ridden to a wheelchair, your grandmother always made an effort to help her husband in their beloved fields. She would always help out by holding this huge basket over her lap, a way to help out the man standing in front of her, who was too busy choosing the best of their crops for their daily meals.
If there was something they took pride in, it was teaching you not to be a picky eater. There was something about their crops that made them so delicious, so different from the ones that your mother would always bring home from the supermarket.
It created some precious memories for everyone in the family when they saw the pictures of a small toddler, barely learning to walk, yet she already had her tiny, chubby face buried in a tomato.
As you grew up, it became a habit to come back during summer with the happiest smile on your face while helping out, carrying that huge basket filled to the brim with the delicious crops.
And many years later, once you finally started visiting them on your own, the habit of visiting the old couple every summer never died down. Some people your age would rather go to parties during the summer, or vacation to relax somewhere else.
But not you. 
Each summer break would be spent visiting that same house, enjoying the nice breeze with a glass of tangy lemonade, smiling at the old couple as they kept telling you about the stories of their past lives.
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Sighing deeply, you stared at the sliced tomato in your fork. Its color is pale in comparison to the ones from your grandpa’s fields, but even if their taste doesn’t even come close, food must never go to waste, so quickly, you start eating the delicious meal.
It’s just a typical lunch; a plate of pasta laid before you, carefully served in the shape of a small spiral, covered with a fine portion of tomato sauce, a sprinkle of parmesan cheese, and basil adorning the plate as the finishing touch. 
The dish came accompanied by two slices of bread, toasted to perfection with a nice touch of melted, garlic butter. 
Lastly, a nice portion of salad drizzled in balsamic vinegar as a side dish that, even though it was delicious, it couldn’t come even remotely close to those hand-picked crops back at those precious, grassy fields.
The taste of the salad may be bland in comparison, but it’s the company all around you that made the meal taste way better than what it was. 
After all, it’s your very first get together after graduating from UA a few months ago. And the best part? It’s all happening during your birthday.
Being surrounded by your former classmates was always a nice way to pass the day. After mentioning how this would be the first summer you’d be unable to visit your grandparents, all of your friends came up with a plan to cheer up the dejected, young woman patrolling the city with a melancholic smile.
It was expected that you would feel this way after spending years visiting the old couple in that lovely house, but you knew it was bound to happen the moment you chose to become a hero.
So the morning your birthday came up, everyone had quickly dragged you out for the day, barely giving you the chance to get ready before being taken to one of the longest outings you’ve ever experienced.  
From shopping sprees to a nice restaurant for lunch, and many other kinds of activities, the day literally flew by surrounded by those that could be considered a second family. 
But as much as you adored the effort they put to raise your spirits, nothing could distract you from the dreams that you kept having for the past days.
Like the one where a young woman kept sneaking out of her house at night. A beautiful dress, that judging by the intricate design and the puffiness of the skirt was from the victorian era, was carefully dragged around as she walked cautiously through the dark, empty streets. She just kept walking, occasionally turning into a different direction, until a hand shot out through an alleyway, dragging her yelping self with little effort. 
As terrifying as the gesture seemed, nothing but warm laughter came out of her lips when a pair of arms wrapped themselves around her, holding her body against a firm chest.
“You’re late!” A voice exclaimed from above, resting their jaw against her head lovingly, their bodies swayed together as they enjoyed the other’s presence in their little hiding spot. “Did you have a good day?”
Pulling her head back, she looked at her lover’s face with a tender smile, wrapping her own arms around the stranger’s waist. “Much better now that I am with you.” From the way she stared at this man, the love they shared was more than obvious before they shared a soft, tender kiss. 
But through your eyes, it was impossible to see what this stranger looked like because every time you had one of these dreams...there was a black blur over his face.
And of course...not all of these dreams had a happy ending.
Like that one couple, that despite trying their hardest to be together, their love became impossible the day she was betrothed to someone else in order to pay off her family’s debt. Her beloved, in a fit of heartbreak, went traveling overseas...and he was never seen again.
And then there were others, where the lovers never got a chance to meet, spending their whole lives waiting for the moment they could finally meet their special someone, just to realize, that in the end, faith had taken their loved one away before they could finally find each other.
“What do these dreams mean exactly, grandma…?” You asked this to your grandmother during a sunny day, pushing her wheelchair around the fields while she carried the same, worn-out basket in her wrinkly hands that were still full of strength. In the meantime, your grandfather was too busy picking some crops.
The moment you mentioned these strange dreams to the older woman, her face lit up with the same brilliance as that of a lighthouse in the middle of the darkest night. The basket fell out of her hands from the surprise, much to her husband’s surprise.
“Oh, my goddess! Honey! She has a soulmate! Our little girl has a soulmate!” She almost hopped out of her wheelchair from the joy. Seeing her being so excited that she almost stood up despite her legs being so frail, made the news even more exhilarating for the family.
You snapped out of the little trails of thoughts by a hand waved in front of your face. Blinking in surprise, you came face to face with a pair of red eyes and a slightly concerned face.
“Everything okay?” Kirishima asked, standing by your side while everyone else was engaged in their own conversation. “You’ve been spacing out for a while now.” 
Warmth began creeping up your whole face, embarrassed about spacing out on your friends. You smiled awkwardly at the red-headed guy at your right side before giggling softly as you looked up at the vast and clear orange sky, filled with some of the fluffiest clouds you’ve ever seen as they took different shapes, some of them being cuter than others. It was amazing how fast time would pass by when you were surrounded by good company; it was already starting to get dark.
“Sorry, I was thinking about my grandma. We usually sit in the garden at this time of the day while she tells me this story.”
In the middle of your little speech, you failed to notice the way Kirishima kept staring at you fondly, knowing from past conversations at high school just how much you adored the old couple.
“You really look up to them, don’t you?” 
“Yeah, I do.” Looking back as everyone kept walking in their own groups after today’s outing, your attention then shifted back to the guy walking alongside you.
Who just happened to be your high school crush, but after all the hardships that occurred three years ago; such as the constant fighting against groups like The League of Villains, The Shie Hassaikai, and others. Dating became the least of your worries. 
Especially now that you were on your way to become official pro-heroes, starting out first as sidekicks, of course. Your love life could probably wait...and hopefully, your future soulmate would understand…
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“It’s getting pretty late, let me walk the birthday girl home!” He offered with that characteristic smile of his that could light up an entire room by itself.
“You really don’t have to!” 
“I insist! What kind of guy would let a girl walk alone at night?” 
Sighing in amusement, you gave in to his offer. Aftersaying goodbye to everyone else, both you and Kirishima began walking together in the direction of your small apartment.
The sky had already turned dark by the time you reached a small lake near the building.
“Hey, Kiri…Do you believe in past lives?” It was his turn to look back at the sky, stretching his hands behind his neck with eyes closing deep in thought and eyebrows half furrowed as well.
“Well...It’s not something I’d lose sleep over, but it could be interesting!” He opened a single eye and looked in your direction, the small grin together with those cheerful, red eyes could easily rival the beauty of the sunset itself. “You believe in them?”
“Well, yeah! I’ve heard so many stories about people who are able to remember their past lives, I think it would be amazing to know about ours!” He hummed quietly, nodding to himself in thought.
“What kind of stories have you heard?” He was genuinely curious. That, and seeing the joyful look on your face the moment he asked about it made it all worth it because seeing his crush happy was enough to make Kirishima equally joyful.
“Oh! This is my favorite one! According to the stories, when both soulmates turn eighteen, they see their past lives together!”
You kept explaining every detail to him, unaware of just how quiet he had become the moment you mentioned that once both soulmates turned this age, the hidden faces from their dreams, belonging to their lovers from a past life could finally be seen.
“What if they had an age difference? Say, five years?” He was starting to become more interested in the idea of these soulmates.
“Then they’ll start having the dreams once the youngest of the two also turns eighteen!”
“But what if one of them...dies before meeting each other?”
“Well...they’ll never know their soulmate...not all lives have a happy ending…”
“Oh, that’s...pretty sad.”
“Yeah, it is.” You looked back at the street, muttering softly to yourself. “Hope I can find mine, though…”
“Did you say something?”
“Ah! N-nothing important!”
After some slightly awkward silence, you finally came close to the building where you lived. 
“Well...Here we are!” You stood in front of the gates. A bright smile was directed to Kirishima, who stood a few feet away, but still close enough that if he lifted his hand, it could easily brush against yours. “Would you like to come in? I have some matcha cake waiting inside!” 
“You sure it’s okay?” 
“Of course, silly! I’m a firm believer that birthdays must always be celebrated with cake!” He couldn’t help laughing at your enthusiasm. 
But you didn’t get the chance to say another word before something flashed before your eyes. A burst of images began flashing at an overwhelming pace, different memories began coming all at once at an alarming rate that made you hunch, leaning on the gate and holding your aching head, throbbing painfully from the sudden wave of memories coming at all once.
Everything came so suddenly; all those dreams from your past lives came rushing like an avalanche.
That couple embracing each other in the darkness of the alleyway. The one that got separated because of a family dispute and the one that ran away together, everything just kept coming back. 
And when they finally stopped, the very first one that you remembered stayed still before your eyes. The couple from the victorian era were embracing each other tenderly before he grabbed his lover’s face by their chin to give them one of the sweetest kisses you could ever witness.
His face was no longer hidden by shadows, and it was like a burst of colors painted this seemingly dark room filled with nothing but black and white with the brightest of shades. Like the sun itself had stepped inside that room.
Because that smile, that bright smile that could easily rival the sun...it was Kirishima’s smile.
Turning your head back slowly with eyes wide open, the first thing you noticed was that your so-called friend was hunched over, holding his head painfully before slowly opening his eyes to look at you, with the same look of absolute shock in those bright red orbs that were always full of life, despite everything he had gone through.
Neither of you moved for a solid minute and just stayed in place looking at one another before a tearful smile began appearing on your face.
“It’s you…!” 
Carefully, your hands pushed against the wall for impulse, at the same time that he took a single step, before breaking into a short sprint until he reached you, taking you into a heartfelt embrace that was eagerly reciprocated.
“How did I ever get so lucky?” He whispered, voice nearly breaking from everything he felt in that moment. Neither of you had the willpower to let go, not caring about anything, or anyone else. 
“All this time...all this time, you were always right in front of me.” You whimpered. “We’ve been having the same dreams for a whole year and didn’t know it!”
“You’re not going to leave this time, are you?” You nuzzled closer to him, hugging him as tightly as possible and completely afraid of losing your soulmate all over again like in those past lives.
“Never, I could never do that to you!” He kissed your temple lovingly. “Nothing will tear us apart. I promise!”
@bnha-ra @bnhabookclub @gallickingun @godtieruwu @hanniejji @mysticalite @savagetrickster @shoobirino @songsforbnha @sugacookiies @unbreakableeiji @wesparklebitch @pixxiesdust @hawks-senseis @yikerb​ 
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peaceisadirtyword · 5 years
His favorite color (Werewolf!Ivar/Reader)
A/N: I’m so late, I'm sorry😭 I wrote this for @tephi101​ Dark Disney and Other Fairytales Writing Challenge ♥️ I chose Little Red Riding Hood with Ivar because I really wanted to write a fic in which Ivar was a werewolf, so... here it is! This was due for last week, but I'm fucking terrible and I couldn’t finish it until now💔 I’m really sorry! I hope you like it though😘
Warnings: Dark themes, smut (dubcon), mentions of blood... I tried to make this really dark, I hope it’s not pathetic lol
Words: 2449
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This edit belongs to @naaladareia​ (check her post) and I absolutely loved it♥️ She kindly let me use it as a cover for this fic, (thank you love!😘). And take a look at her blog, she’s very talented!
You had the tendency to not listen to you mother. 
You thought you knew best. She was only being protective, wasn't she? You lived in a safe zone. Nothing ever happened, not even inside the dark forest. 
And it was such a nice day! You couldn't just waste it staying home, you needed to go outside. Who knows when would the sun shine like that again? You lived in a dark zone, with long winters and brief summers. You yearned to feel the sun warming your skin. 
She told you not to go out. She begged you to stay home helping her to cook and to work on the farm. Some of the animals you had had gone missing and she was scared to lose more, so she wanted you and your siblings to help your father to build a fence around the farm to keep them safe. 
You promised you'd be back at midday. You were only going to have a walk anyway, maybe visit your grandmother who lived at the other side of the forest. She had a little farm there, too, and she made the most delicious food you had ever tasted. Maybe if you went to see her, she'd give you a bit of that cheese she made. 
So, after promising your mother you'd be alright and putting on your new red hood that your mom and you older sister had made for you and which was your new favorite, you stepped into the forest. 
Though the sun was warm, it wasn't hot enough to take off your hood. And you loved it so much that you actually didn't want to. 
Your plan was simple. To find a clearing in which you could lay down and relax feeling the sun on your face. Though when you reached the clearing there was no sun to feel. 
You frowned looking at the sky. While twenty minutes earlier there was a nice clear, blue sky, now you could only see dark grey clouds. 
Where did the sun go? 
You groaned and sat down, rubbing your face with your hands. You couldn't have this bad luck! 
As you decided whether to head back home or to go to your grandma's house, you sat down under a tree, resting your head against it and closing your eyes. At least you could rest a bit in there, right?
But a noise startled you. 
It was a crack. Maybe a branch broken by an animal. It was weird as the animals never got close to the clearings, and preferred to stay near the river, where they could eat and drink more freely, hiding from the hunters' eyes. 
You would have just discarded it if you hadn't heard the deep growl that emerged from behind the bushes next to you. 
You stood up, gasping as you saw something moving in the darkness of the forest. It wasn't a rabbit or a small deer. It was something much bigger... And that growled. 
The villagers had gotten rid of most of the predator animals on the zone, that killed the animals at the farms and even attacked people. You thought there won't be any dangerous animal that close to the village. 
You might be a bit wrong. 
"Hello?" You cleared your throat, hoping it was just a hunter that tried to chase a deer. 
No one answered, but that thing growled again. 
You turned around, ready to leave the clearing and take the path to your grandmother's house, closer than your own home. But then you saw something emerging from the bushes. 
It was too big to be a normal wolf. It was completely black, but what caught your attention were his eyes. They were blue. A blue as deep as the one you loved to see on the sky. 
You gasped in fear, completely frozen. Your whole body shook as the animal approached you slowly, still growling. 
Some tears rolled down your cheek as you whimpered in pure terror. And another growl made you snap out of your trance, and you turned around and started running. 
You knew there was no chance that you could escape the wolf, but at least you'd try. Your first mistake was to go into the forest, where it was dark and you barely saw anything. The wolf was agile, you could hear him running after you, and you tripped constantly. Your tears barely let you see where you were going. 
And then you fell down. 
Your foot got caught on one of the thick roots that emerged from the earth, and you landed on the floor, your heart beating faster and faster. 
The wolf reached you. 
You could hear his paws against the earth. He circled you slowly, and you closed your eyes in fear, waiting for him to kill you. 
Please, let it be quick and painless, you prayed in silence, the tears rolling down your cheeks and falling to the dirt under you. 
But it never came. 
You opened your eyes slowly, only to find the wolf looking at you, completely still. His strange eyes were fixed on you. 
You moved, getting away from him as you panted and whimpered in fear. The wolf moved. You could swear his expression changed. Could a wolf smile? It was like he was making fun of you. Like it amused him to see you shivering and crying in fear. 
You couldn't take your eyes off of him. His eyes looked almost... Human. It definitely wasn't a normal wolf. 
He stared at you for what felt like an eternity. Until he just turned around and left. You stood there, completely still. Not truly believing that he had left. That you were still alive. 
Shaking, you managed to crawl under a fallen tree, to be more protected in case the wolf decided to come back and finish you. And there you sobbed, trembling and trying your best to be silent, even if you could barely breath. Maybe it was the adrenaline, the fear or the relief of being alive which made you pass out, hiding yourself under your red hood as the first drops of rain started falling.
It was only a dream. 
You sighed in relief when you felt the warmth on your face. You just fell asleep. There was no wolf, no rain. Just a beautiful, sunny day. 
But... Was a tree that comfortable?
You opened your eyes slowly, still sleepy and not really knowing where you were. 
The warmth didn't come from the sun, but from the fire that crackled in front of you. 
You gasped and sat down. You weren't leaning onto a tree, and you weren't in the clearing. 
You were in a bed, in a wooden cabin. 
Startled, you looked around. It seemed like you were alone, but you weren't at your house, and neither at your grandmother's. 
You still wore your red hood, now stained and wet. You could hear the rain pouring outside the cabin. 
Someone must have found me, you thought, someone saw me and brought me here. 
You still were scared, as you didn't know who picked you up and what intentions they might had, but at least you weren't alone on a dark forest with a giant wolf chasing you. 
The wooden door opened, and you gasped, looking at it and pressing your back against the wall next to the bed, clinging onto the furs that had been covering you. 
A man entered. He walked slowly, grunting and leaning his whole weight onto the crutches he had under his arms. He was a cripple. You frowned as he discarded the crutches after closing the door.
"I see you're awake" he said softly, not even looking at you. You didn't answer, looking as he crawled towards the bed. When his eyes fixed on yours, you shivered. Those eyes... "How are you feeling?"  
"I'm fine" you muttered "Who are you?"
You didn't know him from your village, and he seemed to be a foreigner. He didn't respond right away, but crawled to the bed and looked at you with amusement and a smirk on his pouty lips. 
"My name is Ivar" 
You frowned. He was definitely a foreigner.
"You're... Not from here, right?"
"You could say so" he chuckled, and his intense blue eyes lightened up "What's your name?" 
"Y/N" you answered warily, biting your lip.
Ivar hummed. His stare made you nervous, it scared you. You were sure you knew those eyes, but you couldn't remember from where. 
"Y/N" your name sounded soft and somewhat different on his lips "What were you doing wandering through the forest on your own? It's not very safe for a woman all alone" 
"I... I was going to my grandmother's" you explained "She lives at the other side of the forest, in a small cottage near the lake"
"Nice" he smirked again, and you had the feeling that he was playing with you "But you shouldn't go into the forest all alone, there's dangerous things wandering around" 
"How did you find me?" You asked, narrowing your eyes at him. Ivar tilted his head, crawling onto the bed with a grunt. 
"I heard you screaming" he shrugged "And I found you under a fallen tree, asleep. I couldn't just leave you there, could I?"
Your eyes fixed on the crutches, abandoned next to the door. 
"How did you bring me here?" 
Ivar seemed to know exactly what you were thinking, and he took a deep breath before smirking in that mysterious way. 
"I had help" 
You frowned, suspicious. 
"Where are we? Is this your house?" 
"We're a bit far from your village, so I'd suggest you spend the night, it's dark already"
You looked through the window. The sky was already dark and the forest looked even darker. You knew you couldn't go back home through the forest, it was too dangerous, especially with that giant wolf wandering around. 
But to stay there with him, who gave you shivers wasn't a good idea either. 
Well, it's not like you have a choice. 
You ate dinner with him in silence, still wrapped on your red hood and sitting on some furs on the floor next to the fire. You could feel his eyes on you the whole time, which made you even more nervous. 
"Is your husband waiting for you at home, Y/N?" 
The question startled you. Your mother said you should have gotten married a year ago. She had been looking for possible suitors for you for a long time, but you always said no. You didn't want to get married. Not yet, at least. 
"No, I'm not married" you shook your head. 
Ivar hummed again. His eyes darkened as he examined your body. You knew those eyes, but from where?
"Why?" His voice was soft and had an innocent tone. 
"Because I don't want to" you muttered. He smiled at you and, before you could react, he was crawling towards you. You gasped and moved backward  involuntarily. His hand grabbed your hood, caressing the fabric softly. 
"I really like it" he muttered, licking his lips "Red is my favorite color... Red like the sky when the sun goes down, or the red on a woman's skin when she blushes" he whispered, and you blinked, nearly hypnotized by those eyes. He leaned into you "Red like blood" 
You gasped. He was beautiful, especially under the dim light that came from the fire, you found yourself staring at his lips, until he moved to kiss you. 
You whimpered into the kiss, a bit taken aback. His lips moved softly against yours, almost hypnotizing. You couldn't remember kissing him back, but suddenly your hands were tangled on his braided hair and letting him lay you down on the furs, with his body over yours.
You moaned into the kiss. Your mind was completely clouded and you just stopped thinking. Ivar grunted as he moved down your neck, with his teeth grazing your soft skin. You felt him inhaling your scent, and his eyes darkened. He gripped your neck with his hand, making you gasp. 
He ripped your clothes, leaving only your red hood intact. He growled when he saw you naked, your skin contrasting with the deep red of the hood under you. Ivar hid his face on your neck, he could feel your blood running through your veins under your skin, and the warm, delicious scent of your flesh. He was tempted to bit down on you, but he held himself. Those weren't the plans he had for you that night. 
His lips closed around your nipple. You arched your back and moaned, with your eyes closed and your fingers on his hair. Ivar's hand travelled down, and his fingers caressed your sex, grunting when he felt the warm wetness between your legs. 
He pressed onto your clit, and you moaned again, moving your hips against his hand and biting your lip. Ivar smirked before pushing one finger inside you, feeling your whole body tense up.
He started moving his hand, enjoying how your body moved against his, kissing and licking your skin. He fingered you until he felt you were wet enough. His hard cock pressed painfully against his pants. He took off his clothes, smiling as you whined when he got away from you. 
When he thrusted into you, you gasped in pain. He waited a few moments, and then started moving his hips, growling in pleasure as your walls squeezed him. 
You moaned and trembled under him, feeling like you were asleep and it was all a -really good- dream. You felt the intense pleasure but it was like it wasn't your body. 
Ivar leaned into you to bit your neck, and you moaned in pain, digging your nails into his shoulder. Then you felt his breath against your neck, and gasped when he whispered into your ear.
"You're mine now"
You woke up when the fire was already dying. The cabin was warm and you had some furs covering your naked body. You felt Ivar just behind you, his strong arms around your waist. Wasn't all of that a dream? You could barely remember a single thing, just an intense pleasure and then... Nothing. 
You tried to move, but his arms gripped your waist, making you stay still. Your head was beating faster and faster, and you closed your eyes, trying to calm down. Maybe if you waited until dawn, he'd let you go... 
And then you remembered it. You remembered Ivar's eyes, that intense blue that you had seen before. And you felt him moving against you, his lips kissed your ear softly. 
The wolf.
Tags: @mblaqgi​ @alicedopey​ @lol-haha-joke​ @hallowed-heathen​ @naaladareia​ @tephi101​ @captstefanbrandt​ @love-hate-love​ @titty-teetee​ @readsalot73​ @moondustmemories​ @therealcalicali​ @chimera4plums​ @blushingskywalker​ @awkwardfangirl02​ @gruffle1​ @justacripple​ @love-dria​ @heartbeats-wildly​ @letsrunawaytotomorrow​ @inforapound​ @sallydelys​ @hellogabysblog​ @winchesterwife27​ @hecohansen31​ @youbloodymadgenius​ @xinyourdreamsx​ @eteramfools​ @tgrrose​ @flokidottirsstuff​ 
I hope I didn’t forget anyone! Thank you for reading💕
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shananigans402 · 3 years
1-65 will do, please. Thanks fuck face :)
I knew exactly who this was and I was so tempted to not reply, but your punishment is having to read through all my answers and remember them forever or you fail the friend test. To everyone else, please do not click unless you want to be very bored, my answers are not interesting lol
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1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? Nope
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? Assuming 5 is the most, 1. Maybe 2. 
3. The person you would never want to meet? The person who sent me this (jk I’m excited for our eventual meet up where we hit up a strip club first thing 🙏)
4. What is your favorite word? I answered with ‘conniption’ the other day and still have not found a word I like more.
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? Already answered this, fruit tree! I also like palm trees, maple trees, and willow trees. I know that’s not the question, I’m just saying random shit now.
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? It took me a long while to remember where I was this morning. I honestly don’t remember, I was rushing to get ready for an early morning meeting.
7. What shirt are you wearing? My Orlando Strong shirt 
8. What do you label yourself as? Lesbian
9. Bright room or dark room? Bright room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping? Possibly checking on a feverish little beeb who was going through it with her second dose of the vaccine.
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? No idea. I like various ages for different reasons, but this age so far is not bad. 
12. Who told you they loved you last? Probably my sister 🤷‍♀️
13. Your worst enemy? The person who sent this ask.
14. What is your current desktop picture? The apple pic of Catalina island that changes based on time of day (yes it’s the default, don’t judge me)
15. Do you like someone? Lol yeah I hope so 😂
16. The last song you listened to? Pretty Girl by Hayley Kiyoko 
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? Definitely @raginage
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? I feel like I can only attack Raginage so many times. Can I pick a fictional character? This week I was real mad at Dave in The Darkness. BaBe!​
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? Lol no one, you’re talking to a person who feels very uncomfortable with anyone doing anything nice for them.
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional) Not this again. Last time I said eyes? Still no pics, sorry
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do? What would I look like? Do I get to design myself like a sim? I honestly don’t know what I’d do because I doubt the world needs another clueless white man walking around, so maybe just stay at home. 
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? Nope. And my last answer to this was awful. I do think I have a fantastic ability to annoy my friends but in a way that’s just amusing/endearing enough to make them still want to talk to me 😌
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? Unique? Uhm well my two big fears are confined spaces and deep water so a submarine is like my worst nightmare.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. Oh this is going to sound so odd. To be clear, I’ve had better sandwiches, but my go-to is provolone, turkey, roast beef, and spicy brown mustard or whole grain mustard. Please don’t judge me.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? Travel budget for future trips to visit my buds and get into trouble and eat food. I know $100 won’t go far, but it’s something.
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? Well, after my last answer I want to visit my friends! But there are too many people to visit and I only have one ticket. So change of plans. I’m going on a solo trip to Greece. Or Argentina. Or Iceland. Or Bali. Damn, I’m indecisive. 
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be? Rabble red blend. Just a solid red wine. Also because @viola-lloyds stole my answer the other day (Juneshine; to be fair I asked her this question but whatever) and I don’t want to copy her.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? Oh I answered this one, something about respecting others. Yeah, a nice rule like that. Want to establish some healthy communication on this island.
29. What is your favorite expletive? It’s still fuck
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? But what about my PLANTS. Can they count as loved ones? Probably my laptop, I know that’s lame but like...I have a lot of stuff on here. Or the collection of cards I have that my granddad drew little drawings in, I want to get them all framed.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? To be honest, I don’t know if I’d change big life events in case it altered the trajectory of where I ended up. So idk maybe the ending of Bly, let’s give those lesbians have a happy ending!
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! Italy! But wait, let’s get back to this sleeping with celebrities and super-powers bit...
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? Oh that’s a really tough question. I always wanted to meet my great-grandma Olga because she seemed like a really awesome lady. 
34. What was your last dream about? I can’t remember, this is bothering me because I wish I could! I’m sorry. My gf recently had a dream where I kissed a dude right in front of her. It made us both very uncomfy lol
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? I hate this question because I can only think of one thing.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? For surgery, yeah
37. Have you ever built a snowman? But of course!
38. What is the color of your socks? Not wearing any? I was wearing blue ones earlier. Jfc my answers are so boring.
39. What type of music do you like? Lots! I tend to listen to indie, classic rock, and some pop
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Sunsets!
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? Chocolate or a variant (chocolate peanut butter, chocolate caramel)
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer) LA Rams or Seattle Seahawks. I know they’re in the same division. It’s tough. (Please don’t ask me why these teams)
43. Do you have any scars? Yep, mostly from burning myself on ovens. I simply get too excited for my food.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate? I...have graduated? 
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Well bestie recently said I have “lesbian hands” and I think that’s code for man hands so maybe that hahaha
46. Are you reliable? I try to be!
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? How many more times will I watch The Darkness before I learn my lesson? (Related: When does other bestie finally admit to her fetish?)
48. Do you hold grudges? Not typically, no
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? A dog and an otter? Can we domesticate otters? No, a horse and a large bird, create a pegasus and then free travel.
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? Oh god. I don’t even know where to start today tbh. Damie and pokemon and cosycon and looming and feet and [redacted] and developing apps for VP. So many fantastic conversations. 
In real life, probably the time I was at a laundromat in Italy and this guy wandered in with a beer, sat next to me and my male roommate, assumed we were a couple, and proceeded to give us bizarre life advice. I wish I could remember more of it, but it was so odd.
51. Are you a good liar? Hmm I’m okay at it I think, that is, I can convince people I’m serious when I’m actually joking. But I don’t like actually lying if it’s not just teasing someone. 
52. How long could you go without talking? Probably a few days if I had to.
53. What has been you worst haircut/style? The haircut I got before studying abroad! It was too short and I was so sad.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake? For a birthday? No. For fun? Absolutely.
55. Can you do any accents other than your own? Not well, no
56. What do you like on your toast? Butter and/or honey and/or jam
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? My beautiful depiction of a scene of chapter one of Private Dancer. 
58. What would be you dream car? An electric car of some sort. I don’t know enough about cars tbh
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain. Nope but sometimes I’ll play music and dance and maybe softly sing.
60. Do you believe in aliens? Yep! Definitely 
61. Do you often read your horoscope? Almost never unless someone sends it to me.
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? Already answered, A
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons? Dinosaurs! 🦕
64. What do you think about babies? What do I think about them? They’re pretty cool. Just tiny little humans. 
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of. I was very nice and let you correct your mistake and submit one after the fact:
In your opinion what is the best thing you can cook, like your speciality? My favorite thing to make is pasta, I started making my own sauce and I’d love to make pasta from scratch sometime.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Girl I Met On The Internet, 6/6 (Crystal x Gigi) - Strawberry
a/n: and it’s a wrap! for now anyway bc i totally dont have a fic coming based on the good news nicky had for jaida! i just want to say thank you to every single person who read, liked and reblogged this story. it means so much to me, i’m so glad people enjoyed the strange idea that came into my brain. <3 (also! i wanted to let you guys know that i’m planning on posting this fic on ao3 as well, probably after this chapter is posted on here. my username on there is drivingmecrazy !!)
crystal: does everyone’s spring break start this weekend too?? anyone doing anything??
jan!: mine does! i’m staying home all week, jackie is leaving me :(
nicky: my spring break isn’t until late april!! wtf :(
heidi: ha loser
heidi: i’m going to play animal crossing all weekend i can’t wait
Jackie: I’m going to Canada to visit family on Sunday. Jan, if you want we can hang out on Saturday if you’re going to miss me that much. :P
nicky: i’ll hang out with you jackie
jan: i hate you nicky
jaida: i have a pageant next week!!
jan!: yaas gorg
nicky: bring home the crown!
crystal: GO JAIDA!
nicky: also jaida call me. i have good news for you :)
gigi: crystal you already know what’s going down
crystal: do i now?
Crystal had somewhat of an idea of what was going down. She had been granted permission to sleep over at Gigi’s house, and they would be going on their date the following day. Gigi would not tell Crystal anything about where they were going, and refused to give her any hints no matter how much Crystal begged. 
The next morning, on their walk to school, Crystal finally got a hint. 
“You tweeted about it. That’s all I’ll tell you.”
“That’s not helpful at all!” Crystal had almost 30 thousand tweets, her Twitter was her space to say weird things without being judged too harshly, and she had a lot of things to say! She thought about things she might’ve tweeted about wanting to do, or places she wanted to go, but came up empty handed.
“Well, you have the whole day to think about it. I’ll meet you after school, yeah?”
Gigi’s mom offered to pick them up after school, even though the walk from their school to Gigi’s house wasn’t far. Crystal finally met Nancy, Gigi’s beloved dog. Crystal didn’t want to do anything besides hold the dachshund to her chest all night, but Gigi wouldn’t let her, saying it wasn’t fair for Nancy to get all of the attention even though Gigi does the exact same thing with Tic Tac.
They made homemade pizza for dinner, and played monopoly with Gigi’s parents and her brother. Gigi’s brother thought Crystal was cute, and hit on Crystal; trying out a ridiculous pickup line on the green haired girl every chance he got. After they called off the game, Gigi excused her and Crystal to her room.
“So quick to leave, Georgina,” Crystal teased, sitting down next to Nancy who was using Gigi’s strawberry cow pillow pet as a headrest. 
“Wanna spend time with you. Can we cuddle?”
“Yeah, of course.”
They sat in silence for a while, enjoying each other’s company until Gigi spoke up.
“I couldn’t do it.”
“Couldn’t do what?” Crystal asked, lost.
“Come out to my friends. I thought I was ready but obviously I’m not.”
“It’s okay, Gigi. You’ll know when it’s time, don’t rush it.”
“I just want to be more open, I guess.”
“That’s good, but it’s not going to happen overnight. You have to take baby steps, G.”
“Was it hard? To come out?”
“To who?” Crystal snorted, “You know I don’t have any friends. I’m pretty sure everyone at school already knows, though.”
“Does your mom know?”
“Probably. She got a little too suspicious when I started liking Poppy.”
This turned into revealing who their first gay crush was, and how and when they figured out they liked girls like the rest of their friends liked boys. Crystal told Gigi about how she originally tried to fake like One Direction so no one would suspect anything, and Gigi told Crystal about how she refused to listen to any music sung by female artists for half a year before they decided to go to sleep.
Crystal had woken up first. She didn’t bother waking up Gigi, going to scroll through Twitter instead. It was still early, but the group chat was on some bullshit, Jan changed her display name to Nicky and changed her profile picture to Nicky’s to mock her. Nicky did not find this funny in the slightest, but Jaida did.
nicky: i’m nicky i’m french i love stealing my friends gfs
jaida: omg period!
jaida: proof?
nicky: croissant
THE REAL nicky: i cannot stand jan. this is why jackie should date me instead
Crystal couldn’t stop laughing, which ended up waking Gigi up. Gigi was grumpy at first, but that changed when she realized they needed to get ready to go on the date she had planned.
After they had gotten up and dressed, they sat next to each other in front of the giant, floor length mirror next to Gigi’s closet to do their makeup. Gigi stopped doing her makeup after putting on her foundation, deciding that watching Crystal do her eye shadow was more entertaining than finishing the look she had in mind.
“Stop looking at me, you’re making me nervous!” Crystal giggled when she noticed Gigi’s stares, not actually wanting Gigi to stop.
“I’ll think about it,” Gigi paused, pretending to think, “I will not. You look beautiful.”
Crystal squawked, “I barely have anything on my face!”
“What are you, gay or something?” Crystal teased, making Gigi poke at her sides, “Stop being a dork and finish your makeup!”
“Fine. Only because we need to get going soon.”
“Wait, you know how to drive?” Crystal asked, getting in the passenger seat.
“Yeah! I don’t have my own car yet, but I got my license on my 16th birthday. I am not enforcing the stereotype at all!” Gigi grinned, opening the garage door and starting her mom’s car.
“I’ll be the judge of that. Can I play music?” 
“Yeah, sure.” Gigi handed her the aux cord and started backing out of the driveway. 
“Okay. This is the ultimate test,” Crystal stated, starting to play a song. “Which One Direction song is this?”
The song in question was good, but Gigi didn’t recognize it. She had only listened to ‘Midnight Memories’ because it was Crystal’s favorite album, and she knew for sure Crystal wasn’t playing a song from that album. “Is it from ‘Made in the A.M’?”
“Trick question! It’s one of Niall’s solo songs. It’s called ‘Dear Patience’!” Crystal laughed, thinking she had pulled off the biggest prank in the world.
“Oh, fuck. I should’ve known there was only one person singing.”
After fifteen minutes of driving, and Gigi almost running a stop sign, they finally pulled up at a cute little thrift shop on the outskirts of town, and Crystal was just about shaking with excitement. “I love thrifting! I’ve only been once, but it was so fun! I found that jumpsuit I wore that one day while thrifting!” She rambles, rushing to get out of the car and inside.
“Wait, when I did tweet about this?”
Around the time they had first started talking, Crystal had tweeted about how her dream date was going thrifting. Gigi naturally stored this information in the back of her mind, even though at the time she never thought she would need it.
On their walk from the parking lot to the store, Crystal held her hand out, which Gigi hesitantly accepted.
“We should play a game! We should split up and pick out an outfit for the other person without them knowing and then meet up and try them on!” 
Gigi’s heart swelled, Crystal was so cute. “That sounds fun, but how do I know this isn’t just a trick to dress me up in something hideous?” Gigi teased, making Crystal blush.
“I would never, don’t be ridiculous,” Crystal scoffed, “I’ll save that for the next time we go thrifting!”
Crystal let go of Gigi’s hand to open the door for her, splitting up as soon as they walked into the shop.
It didn’t take them very long to pick out their pieces. Crystal stayed true to her word, picking out a light green, halter top dress for Gigi. Gigi, on the other hand, had picked out a hideous pair of neon pink, zebra print leggings and a red flannel shirt.
“Gigi, what is that?” Crystal scrunched up her nose in disgust.
“You like patterns, why not clash them?” Gigi tried to defend herself, but could barely finish her sentence before bursting out laughing.
“No! I’m not getting that! I’m not even going to try on that outfit. It’s yucky.”
“That’s fine, give me the dress you picked out for me. I need that.” Gigi snatched it from Crystal’s hands, walking quickly to the dressing room.
The dress looked gorgeous on Gigi. Crystal was so glad she took their game seriously. 
They looked around together for a little bit before wandering from each other yet again. Gigi somehow ended up with a pile of clothes that you would only see in a very successful thrifting haul video on YouTube. Crystal had stuck to the men’s section, immediately claiming some loud button ups and with a little digging, she found a very specific, out of place t-shirt that said something about how ‘real grandmas drink Dr. Pepper’ that she found hilarious and needed to own.
“What does that say? Some grandmas play bingo, real grandmas drink Dr. Pepper?” Gigi questioned when they finally met back up, “What does that even mean?”
“I don’t know, but it’s sending me. I need it!”
“So you hated my outfit I got for you, but you’re buying that?” Gigi teased.
“You do not understand the art of highly specific shirts, like these, babe. I’ll have to teach you all about them later.”
Gigi thought Crystal was an idiot, but she couldn’t stop smiling.
After paying for their clothes, they got back into the car. Gigi started driving, not telling Crystal where their next stop was. The stop happened to be the Taco Bell drive thru, which Crystal was excited about. “Okay, I do remember tweeting about wanting to go to Taco Bell.” 
When they got their food, Gigi placed the bag in the back seat, making Crystal raise an eyebrow. 
“You’re a messy eater, so we aren’t eating in the car. My mom would kill me if we made a mess.”
While Crystal tried to convince Gigi she was not a messy eater and her mom’s car would be fine, Gigi pulled up to a park.
“Can you find a spot to sit down at so we can eat it there?” Gigi requested. It took Crystal about two seconds to travel from the car to the grass, settling down in a shady spot underneath some trees. Gigi joined Crystal, holding a blue blanket as well as the brown paper bag.
“It’s not a picnic blanket, I couldn’t find one but I hope it works.”
“It does! I love picnics!” Crystal hops up so Gigi can lay down the blanket, going to retrieve the drinks that they forgot in the car. 
Their lunch was filled with flirting, stupid inside jokes and Crystal loved every second of it. She knew for sure by the end of the day she would not be single anymore, but the lack of confirmation was making her antsy.
Once they were done eating, Gigi collected all of the wrappers and cups, walking across the grass to the nearest trash can to dispose of them. When Gigi came back, she had a huge grin on her face, “Well, Crystal Elizabeth. I would like to think that I successfully wooed you, if only you could do something for me in return…”
“What do you have in mind, Georgina?” Crystal giggles, hoping Gigi couldn’t tell how nervous that statement made her.
“Crystal Elizabeth, I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?” 
“God, yes. I’ve been waiting for this for months.” Crystal exclaimed, immediately being pulled into a kiss.
They stayed at the park after that. Crystal’s inner child had jumped out after the kiss was broken and she wanted to play on the playground. 
“Wait, Crystal! Come here, the light looks good right now and we need to take our reveal selfie!”
Their date came to an end when Crystal’s mom texted her asking to come home. Crystal’s mom had no idea what she was interrupting, as Crystal did not tell her mom what they were actually doing.
“I hate it here, I would let this date go on all week if I could.” Crystal pouted, buckling her seatbelt.
“If there’s any other place you want to go this week, we could go on our second date.” Gigi smiled, reaching out to hold Crystal’s hand.
“Be careful, I know steering with one hand is peak lesbianism, but I don’t know if you’re a good enough driver to do that yet.” Crystal joked, even though she gladly accepted Gigi’s hand.
“Oh, shut up. Like you could go ten minutes without holding my hand.”
Crystal kissed Gigi again when they got on her street, Gigi parking a few houses down for privacy.
“This was fun. I really am happy with everything. You completely wooed me, Georgina.”
“I’m glad. Does this mean I can call you my clown girlfriend now?” Gigi jokingly asked, making Crystal let out a tiny scream.
“As dumb as that sounds, yes. You can.”
Gigi did not let Crystal get out of the car without getting another kiss.
Crystal entered her house, her grin slowly fading when she saw her mom waiting for her.
“You took a while to come home.” Crystal’s mom started, under the impression she was at Gigi’s house. “What took you so long?”
“Yeah, sorry. I couldn’t find my charger.” Crystal felt bad for lying to her mom, but she didn’t want to tell her what happened yet.
“Oh, your generation and your phones. I was starting to get worried.”
“Mama, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. I’m going to my room now, is that okay?”
“Yeah, I’m about to start dinner. We’re having your favorite!”
The second Crystal got into her room, she locked her door and jumped on her bed, logging onto Twitter.
crystal: good evening l a d i e s
jan!: HEY!
jaida: crystal!
Jackie: You haven’t been active today, what were you up to?
heidi: not jackie demanding answers
nicky: ooooh
gigi: well, since you asked…
crystal: :D
gigi: my girlfriend crystal and i went on our first date today. isn’t she beautiful??
The group erupted into chaos the second they saw their selfie, congratulating the new couple for finally getting together. Crystal wouldn’t have it any other way. She would be forever grateful for being added into Elites Only, and even more for the special girl she had met there.
gigi: so, any ideas for our second date?
crystal: tons, babe. i’m gonna blow your mind.
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Survey #469
“i am hungry for some unrest  /  i wanna push it beyond a peaceful protest”
Do you have any goats? Can't say I do. Are you going to be getting any new pets soon? No. Would you rather be a panda or grizzly bear? As a protected species, I'd say a panda. Do you like BBQ sauce? I hate it. Can you do a twirl like a ballerina? No. Does your house have a pool? No. Do you own an iPad? No. What’s a topic you’ve drastically changed your opinion on? A LOT. Many years ago, I was very conservative, now I'm definitely more liberal. What’s an achievement you hope to see humanity accomplish in your lifetime? I'd really love to see great improvements in nature and wildlife conservation. Are you and your SO Facebook official? We're like... half official? He never checks his notifications, EVER, so he hasn't verified our relationship status. Instead, it just says on my profile "in a relationship with ____ (pending)." I don't mind, though. "Facebook official" doesn't mean much to me at all. What matters is that we know. Have you ever bathed in a river or a lake? I've swum in them, but I most certainly haven't bathed in one. Have you bought a bag of potato chips in the past week? No. I avoid chips because I'll eat too many. What was your first job? And how long did you work there? I was a sales associate at GameStop for like two months, but keep in mind I was VERY rarely on the schedule, so I probably didn't even work for a week's time in total. Can you drive? I can, but I don't do it well and don't have my license. My permit's even long expired. I plan on forcing myself to practice and get licensed once I get new glasses, though (whenever I can afford that...). Right now I couldn't even pass the vision test. I just have to do it; public transport isn't big here AT ALL, and I can't keep relying on others to get me everywhere. Do you spend too much time online? Way, way too much. Extremely high odds are, if I'm conscious, I'm on the computer. I want to change that so badly and experience other things in life way more regularly, it's just an addiction that has been an issue since I was first exposed to the Internet. Do you like to travel? I barely ever get to do it, but yes, I love it. How did you first notice the last person you kissed? Well, it's kinda hard NOT to subconsciously notice the guy who played the fuckin' huge-ass tuba in band, ha ha. Why will/won’t you and your ex get back together? THE ex, because 1.) I'm sure he wants nothing to do with me, and 2.) because I'd be much too worried he'd leave again if I relapse with my depression badly enough. Do you use the words "I love you" too lightly? Definitely not. Do you like pizza? Legit, are there people who don't like pizza???? Do you use an alarm clock? I use my phone for that. Name something that is currently making you happy. Girt is making me really, really happy. I'm still not happy at my core, but, y'know. A person can't do that, anyway. What do you want for Christmas this year? Stiiiill a 40 gallon for Venus with proper equipment... I need a fucking job. That's going to be my answer possibly past Christmas because I just completely rely on my parents financially. Are you excited for the holidays? Very, except for Thanksgiving. I'm way more hyped for Halloween and Christmas and all it entails than usual. Name one tattoo you would like to get someday. I'll give ya one I don't think I've mentioned. On top of one of my hands, over some sort of fiery graphic, I want "Gefährlich ist wer Schmerzen kennt" (translated to "whoever knows pain is dangerous") written in fine text. It's a lyric from the song "Feuer frei!" by Rammstein that I just find very powerful, and not necessarily in an dark way. Are you afraid of stink bugs? Yes, because they're a form of beetle, which tend to scare me. Do you wear contact lenses? No, but I wish. :/ There are piercings I want that would look stupid with glasses. One of my eyes has such bad vision that I need a weighted contact in it (don't ask me exactly what the difference is), and I could feel it way too clearly in my eye, and it made it heavy. Wearing those contacts did NOT last long; I went back to my glasses. Have you ever danced in the rain? No. What was your last dream about? Astonishingly, I don't remember. Where was the last place you went besides your house? The doctor's office. Do you feel like you're judged for your looks? Being someone who is by definition obese, I'm certain some people do. Do you fight with your parents a lot? No. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over. Why? I never have been. Do you like hot sauce? Yes. How bored are you right now? Very, very bored. As a side effect of depression, I experience severe anhedonia like... constantly, at least to some degree. No exaggeration. It makes my life a fucking drag. It's why I take surveys so much; the randomness of the questions is at least a momentary distraction. Do you think you would make a good model? Hell no. Even if I was in a physical shape for anyone to be interested in photographing me, I would feel WAY too awkward. Are you a good singer? No. Do the Emergency Alert System noises on TV freak you out? Yes, because I immediately assume it's a tornado warning. Describe your perfect date. Actually I'm planning something for Girt and me hopefully on Halloween (or if he has to work, at least close to) that is like absolutely effin' perfect for me. Carve some pumpkins together, make those Pillsbury Halloween cookies, and binge some spooky movies. :') Do your parents trust you? Yeah. Do you like pot roast? No. Have you ever thought about being a stripper? No. Are you flexible? No. Can you wiggle your nose? Nope. Have you ever played Mario Kart? Yes. My younger sister especially was sooo good at it; she doesn't even play video games and yet she was hooked on it for a while. How often do you go shopping for clothes? Almost never. I really, really need to for undergarments and pants now. Do you have a high IQ? I don't know my IQ, but I very much doubt it. Would you ride a motorcycle if you had the chance? No. They scare me. Have you ever been bitten by a dog? No. Do you like the smell of cinnamon? yessssss Do you like frogs? I love those lil bug-eyed cuties!!! :') Are you afraid of dying? Not massively. I mean yeah, I don't want to die and the fear of the unknown is there, but I really don't think I'm as scared of it as most people. Do you like bananas? Yeah. Where's the last place you've been to out of state? Lake Gaston in Virginia. What are you listening to right now? I'm watching another playthrough of Fatal Frame 3. Gotta say it's probably my favorite that I've seen/played of the franchise now. Would you rather use a trackpad or a mouse? Mouse, for sure. Do you like steak? Yes. What was the best gift you've ever received? My late dog. Tell me one of your pet peeves. Consistently trying to make conversation with me when I have headphones on. It's a bitchy pet peeve, but a pet peeve nonetheless. Do you like to keep your nails painted? I don't paint my nails or care to. Are you a Duck Dynasty fan? I was a long time ago when I actually watched it. I wouldn't watch it now because I don't support the overly-conservative cast, having followed a couple on Facebook for a time. Have you ever played with Silly Putty? As a kid, for sure. I loved that stuff. Do you take in a lot of caffeine daily? Yes. :x Do you know a lot about history? Definitely not. Are you allergic to pollen? Yes. Would you rather play Xbox or PlayStation? I'm a PlayStation gal. Have you ever worked at a fast food place? No, and I neeeeever would. Hungry people are the worst. Do you like hot tubs? Meh, I have to be in the right mood. Do you know anyone who is battling cancer? Not at this current moment. Are you good at doing fractions? NOOOOOOO, or doing ANY kind of math. Have you ever auditioned for a talent competition? No. Would you rather get high or get drunk? I've never experienced either, but probably high. Being drunk is usually synonymous with being sloppy. Do you like the Silent Hill movies? AYEEEEEEEEE I'm the chick to ask! I love the first one, it's brilliant and loyal to the idea of the series but still unique from the original story of the pilot game. The second one is objectively fucking awful story-wise and is SO all over the place, but I can still enjoy it as an obsessed fan of that franchise. Did you ever want to be a doctor? I wanted to be a vet for a long time, if that counts. [TW: SUICIDE] The last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them? I probably cried some/was teared up to some degree when he visited me in the ER after my overdose. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 1 month? Is this written for a middle schooler? No shit I could, and have in the past on more than one occasion. Have you kissed someone with braces? No. Is this the best year of your life? Nooo sir. Can you have more than one best friend? Yeah. What do you like better: hot chocolate or hot apple cider? Hot chocolate. ooo: What are your full initials? BMD. Would you ever let your grandma set you up on a blind date? She's dead, but if she wasn't? HEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL NO. Do you ever wonder if you will get in a car accident and die? As someone who is terrified of driving, absolutely. I'm primarily more concerned about becoming paralyzed from the neck down, though. I'd rather die than that. So your ex comes to you and says “I want you back”, what do you say? I'd probably say, "I'm happy to finally be able to say 'no'" or something along those lines. Maybe even just a simple "no." Which was worse for you: freshman year of high school or of college? College. I was so fucking depressed and lost. What is the last language you spoke, other than your first? German. Would you ever consider moving to a different country? Canada, yes, if it didn't mean leaving my family and now boyfriend. What is your favourite food from your culture? Burgers. @_@ Other than your name, what was the last name someone called you? Britt. If you could find one long lost friend of the past, who would it be? Megan. I found her on Facebook before and sent her two messages over the past something years, but she never responded. It's frustrating, like I was so close to reuniting with her, but not close enough. Do you wash your hair or your body first when taking a shower? Hair. Have you ever been to a nursing home? Yes, with my mother to visit someone.
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albonium · 4 years
I was tagged by @f1fantrash, who also happens to be the first person who followed me ! (it took me two days to realise I had not posted it but left it in the drafts, sorry)
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag blogs you want to get to know better
Tagging (only if you want to <3):  @dhyamn @becometheknifemaster and @f1neline
1. Name/nickname: Julie, friends call me Juju or Ju, my nickname in uni was mamie (grandma)
2. Gender: female
3. Star sign: cancer
4. Height: 180 cm / 5′10
5. Time: 23:25
6. Birthday: July 4th
7.Favorite bands/groups: My taste in music evolved a lot these last few years, if I had to say favorite bands ever then red hot chili peppers (they’re my most listened to artist according to spotify), muse, linkin park, public service broadcasting, m83 and acdc (another thing I picked up from my dad along with F1). These days I listen to a lot of enter shikari and breton.
8. Favorite solo artists: same as before, my tastes evolve a lot over time. Favorite ever I’d say Lorde and Francis Cabrel (old french singer). I listened to nombe on repeat in 2020
9. Song stuck in your head: fire burning by Sean Kingston
10. Last movie: I don’t remember the name but it was a terrible french movie, I watched it because my grandma wanted to.
11. Last show: I think it was star trek discovery ?
12. When did I create this blog: sometime mid-season but I actually began using it after it ended
13. What do I post: I can’t write, draw or do edits (I don’t have enough patience to learn and do stuff), so most of the time I have to find the balance between posting every dumb thing that goes through my mind and nothing.
14. Last thing I googled: “mediapart vaccin naufrage”, I searched for an article about how the french government fucked up and lied once again in their handling of covid 19, this time regarding how they did not prepare enough to begin the vaccination campaign
15. Other blogs: None active but I still have my first tumblr from 2012.
16. Do I get asks: only once, the rest so far has been spam
17. Why I chose my url: I love dogs, F1 and Toto Wolff boom
18. Following: 63
19. Followers: 31
20. Average hours of sleep: depends, normally 6 hours but in these days of endless lockdown who knows ???
21. Lucky number: i’m not superstitious but if i have to pick a number then it’s always 4, both my sister and I were born on the 4th
22. Instrument: guitar
23. What am I wearing: gray joggers, white polka dot tshirt and a black hoodie
24. Dream job: R&D lab tech (pretty much what I did last year, the dream part would be to find a company that I’d love working for. I first wanted to work in aerospace but turns out that any company that works with space has at least a tiny bit of military/weaponry involvement and that’s a big no no. I’m currently thinking that the dream would be either something in the medical domain or working for the CNRS which is the french national scientific research organisation)
25. Dream trip: I don’t think I really have one big dream trip (I have loads of them). Hawaii would be nice. Beaches, awesome wildlife,  beautiful scenery to go hiking. I’d love to see an active volcano and maybe even an eruption. There’s a lot of history and culture there too and I love learning about the places I visit. Only downside is that it’s really touristic and I don’t feel good in places with too much people. I’m planning on going to french Guyana to see a rocket launch once COVID magically disappears or something. With the way things are going I won’t see Ariane 5 but Ariane 6...
26. Favorite food: call me basic but I love pizza
27. Nationality: french
28. Favorite song: The same one since I was a child : I will survive by Gloria Gaynor, but the version made for the 1998 football world cup. My parents and my grandparents had the CD and it was the only thing I wanted to listen to. I had a weird obsession with Zidane too and had a shirt with his face on it.
29. Last book read: the end of everything (astrophysically speaking) by Katie Mack
30. Top three fictional worlds: I’m not sure with this one but I’d say star trek ? I can’t think of any where things are good in general.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by tigerfan1205
Name 5 people that are very important to you. Other than my dad, mom, and Angela, I can’t think of anyone else. Andi’s a very close friend but they’re not necessarily I’d-take-a-bullet-for-them levels yet.
Do you like eating chocolate covered cherries or strawberries? I don’t like fruits, so no. I like chocolate-covered unhealthy stuff though, hahah.
What does your 9th text say in your outbox? Ughhhh I remember this tab being in my old cellphones but I can’t quite remember if this is referring to texts I’ve sent, or my drafts. Anyway, my phone doesn’t store text drafts and I can no longer recall my 9th last sent text.
Ever had a really scary dream? Tell me about it. I’ve had loads of nightmares but my least favorites have always been the ones where someone I love is shot and they had to pass away in my arms. Out of all my scary dreams, those are the ones that send me crying in my sleep/as soon as I wake up.
Where is the coolest place you've been on vacation? Vigan was great because it really felt like visiting a 17th-century town. Singapore and Shanghai were also fun because it felt cool going to places much richer than ours and getting to interact with technologies that we will never get to have here HAHA
Would you rather have salad or french fries for a side dish? Erm, unless the salad has spicy tuna in it, fries all the way please.
Ever been to California? Did you like it? No. Idk, it’s not the first place on my list if I am to visit the US though. Places in the East Coast and the Midwest personally appeal more to me - and I’m fully aware it’s because they’re well-known for being passionate wrestling hubs.
What's your favorite thing about the town you live in? I live right smack on the boundary between the more urban sprawl of Manila and the quieter, more peaceful and quaint mountain part of my city. It’s very easy to access either depending on what I’m in the mood for.
Do you like Mexican food? What's your favorite dish to eat? It’s great, but not my top favorite cuisine. My favorite dishes would have to be fajitas and chimichangas.
Favorite kind of pizza is? Quattro formaggi all the wayyyy. You’ll never see me ordering anything else.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? If so, how long have you been dating? No.
Any brothers or sisters? Do they make you mad? I have one of each. My sister will sometimes piss me off, but it dies down quick. My brother did something unforgivable to me two years ago so that’s how long I have been constantly mad at him.
Are you nosy? Eh, sometimes? For the most part I know my place though. I let people share the amount they’re willing to, and very rarely do I try to pry.
Ever been to a bar? What was it like? Sure, had my fair share of favorites too when going out was still a normal thing. For me, bars are the best if I’m with the right mix of people. If I’m in a crowd I’m not necessarily close with, it can definitely dampen the experience as I will only be feeling awkward. The people in the bar will sometimes be a factor too – I will most likely feel annoyed if I’m somewhere that’s clearly populated by high schoolers or college freshies as they can get super rambunctious and loud.
Are you old enough to drink? Yes, have been for the last 4 (almost 5) years.
What's your favorite kind of flower? I enjoy looking at peonies.
Would you rather have pasta or chicken? Right now, probs chicken - preferably chicken wings because that sounds the most fucking yummmmmm rn. We’ve been having pasta a bit too much at home so it would’t hurt to skip it for now.
Have you ever dated someone, but made them not tell anyone about it? Yeah. Gabie and I got back together in our final months of high school. We were about to graduate and it was crucial we kept our record clean so that the school won’t strip us of our diploma and prohibit us from marching (it was Catholic school, sooo homophobia and stuff). Because of that, we had to keep it secret for about a month and a half. As soon as I got home from the ceremony and my family dinner, I shared the news on social media. So I didn’t exactly make her keep it secret - it was a mutual understanding.
What's the meanest thing you have done to a friend? I honestly can’t recall a time i deliberately set out to be an ass to someone I considered a friend. The one thing I can recall was accidentally misgendering Andi when I was still getting used to their pronouns, but I didn’t do it on purpose.
Have you ever kissed anybody with the name starting with a C or R? No. Those are my initials though, ha.
Why did you and your last ex break up? She wasn’t ready, she wasn’t down for commitment, and she felt suffocated having only been in a relationship throughout her late teen and early adult years. She really made herself sound like such a victim and she made it sound like commitment is the biggest sin, and so I blamed myself a lot during the first few months of our breakup; but I’ve since made a conscious effort to turn my mindset around and convince myself that I’m not at fault. Bye gaslighters.
Have you ever had a really bad fight with a best friend? Angela and I only had petty fights and our last one was in like 5th grade. Gab and I got into heavy arguments, but only when we were in a relationship and never as friends.
Do you like spaghetti? It’s okay. I like other types of pasta better.
Which color: orange or red? Red.
Do you know any songs by Katy Perry? Do you like her music? She’s...popular lmao, so yeah I know a good number of her songs. She’s in the middle for me; some songs I really enjoy, like E.T., Dark Horse, and Thinking of You (a personal fave); and there are some that didn’t grow on me as much, like Wide Awake and that awful Christmas song she recently released.
Ever had a near death experience? I suppose. My almost-car crash is the event I always cite.
Which number: 5 or 19? 19, for no reason whatsoever.
What's your favorite song by Taylor Swift? Why is that your favorite? Wildest Dreams; it meant a lot to me on a personal level for a time; right now it’s kinda doing it again for me. From her newest album, I really like dorothea also because it’s a bit relevant to my life at the moment.
Pick one: apples or oranges? I guess oranges. I don’t like fruits but I’m more likely to take a liking to orange-flavored stuff, like juice or chewy candies.
Do you know anybody named George or Bob? I don’t think so.
What do you like better, being single or in a relationship? Why is that? I like being in a relationship; commitment comes easy to me and I love looking out for a significant other, supporting them in their dreams, and generally just having someone to focus on, build a future with, and spoil. Being single hasn’t been bad and I guess I won’t mind if I never found someone; but in the grand scheme of things it’s really nice to be able to love someone.
Are you close with your mother? Not really but our relationship isn’t as strained as it used to be.
Have you ever dated someone named Kyle? Nope.
If you still go to school, who sits next to you in your fifth period? I can’t remember the last time I had five classes in a day, lol.
Who was the last person to ring your doorbell/knock on your door? I think it was my mom, earlier this morning when she arrived back home from her daily jog.
Does anything on you itch right now? Yeah actually; the opposite elbow got itchy just now.
If the last person you kissed came to your house now, what would you say? “Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”
If your ex called you crying, what would it most likely be about? I have no clue, and she would never do that so I literally can’t imagine even a hypothetical reason for this. It has to be a super serious situation, likeeeeeee idk, maybe a death. *knocks on wood aggressively*
Who was the best kisser out of all the people you have kissed? I’ve only kissed one person, so can’t compare.
Name everyone you have texted today. This media guy celebrating his birthday today so I had to ask him for his details so we could send him a gift, as well as the contact person for the cake shop that we got in touch with to order said gift for the birthday celebrant.
Who was the last person you spoke to for over 5 minutes over the telephone? Maybe my grandma when she called a few months ago.
How many times have you went to the bathroom today? Around three times total, I think.
Who do you currently live with? My dad, mom, Nina, my brother, Kimi, and Cooper.
What do you like better: sour or sweet candy? Sweeeeeeet. No sour anything for me, thanks.
Have you ever been told that you have an annoying laugh? No but I hope this isn’t an actual thing people say to other people. They can think others’ laugh is annoying, but I think it’s one of those things that you can just try to get over and is unnecessary to raise lol.
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iggy-theeskimo · 4 years
Thanks for the tag sweetie @he4rtofsteel💖✨
1. What are you wearing? Jeans that look like grandpa's jeans, a colorful crop top with a lilac knit sweater.
2. Ever been in love? Of course, Grace Slick, Brian Jones, David Gilmour, Syd Barrett, Nick Mason, David Bowie.
3. Ever had a terrible breakup? Yup.
4. How tall are you? 1,60cm (I don't know how much it would be in feet and inches, sorry)
5. How much do you weigh? Around 56kg.
6. Any tattoos you want? I would like it but I would have to think of a tattoo that I want too much, because I am very indecisive and it may be that after a while that tattoo does not mean anything to me, but I would like to tattoo an octopus on my left arm (like John Frusciante's, don't ask why).
7. Any piercings you want? For now, nah. Not my favorite thing.
8. OTP? A what? I'm🤡
9. Favourite show(s)? I don't watch a lot TV but I like That 70's Show, Seindfeld, The Office, Game of Thrones and a lot of varied documentaries.
10. Favourite band? My favorite bands always vary actually, but the one that I consider my favorite forever is Pink Floyd (I think it was obvious)
11. Something you miss? I miss being able to go to the outskirts of the city for a while, being among the mountains and putting my feet in the river, I hope I can do it again soon.
12. Favourite song(s)? Well, there are many but the ones I have been listening to often for now are: Wild World by Cat Stevens, My Sweet Lord by George Harrison, Always See Your Face by Love, See-Saw by Pink Floyd and I'd Rather Go Blind by Etta James.
13. How old are you? I turn 16 in a few days :)
14. Zodiac Sign? Virgo like Freddy Mercury and Roger Waters.
15. Hair Colour? Dark blonde but not so dark
16. Favourite Quote? Many. “Solo en sueños, en la poesía, en el juego —encender una vela, andar con ella por el corredor— nos asomamos a veces a lo que fuimos antes de ser esto que vaya a saber si somos” by Julio Cortázar in his book Rayuela. ("Only in dreams, in poetry, in games - lighting a candle, walking with it down the corridor - do we sometimes peek into what we were before being this, who will know if we are").
17. Favourite singer? Janis Joplin, Freddy Mercury, David Gilmour, Robert Plant, Judy Garland, Florence Welch, Joan Baez and surely I forget many.
18. Favourite colour(s)? Brown, dark green, yellow, gold, purple and silver.
19. Loud music or soft music? Both actually, quiet music low and hard music louder.
20. Where do you go when you’re sad? I like to be in nature (same as the girl who nominated me)
21. How long does it take you to shower? 30 minutes/one hour lmao, I like to take a relaxing bath but it depends on how long I have.
22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 20 or 30 minutes.
23. Ever been in a physical fight? Nope, I'm pretty calm. In 2018 a classmate wanted to hit me after school for being a weirdo but I was able to stop the fight in time, something bad would have happened to me because I can't hit anyone ;)
24. Turn on(s)? Effective communicator, being kind to others, helping others, respectful towards others, someone who doesn’t like conflict and prefers peace, compassion, good sense of humour, groovy sense of style, good taste in music, non-verbal communication, respecting my need for space and respecting that I value my personal freedom, open minded but has their own opinions, willing to enlighten me, being able to let go and be free with me, piercing eyes, nice smile, being able to understand me (same as the girl who nominated me again)
25. Turn off(s)? Manipulation or toxic actions, being disrespectful, inappropriate jokes, believing that you are better than everyone, not being grateful, not respecting my personal space and personal things, etc, etc.
26. The reason I joined Tumblr? I wanted to get into a place where I can share my nonsense and taste, share ideas and jokes in a non-toxic place like Twitter. Luckily the people I have talked here are nice and the pink floyd community and other bands are pretty good💖✨.
27. Fears? Many people are afraid of the death of oneself but I am more afraid of the death of my loved ones, the ocean gives me a lot of panic (although I would love to dive) and I am afraid of being standing next to a statue or something carved with shape that is bigger than me, like the cat litter statues in Egyptian.
28. Last thing that made you cry? The movie about Judy Garland, gosh💔.
29. Last time you cried? Last night.
30. Meaning behind your URL? Iggy the Eskimo is the nickname of the naked girl who is in some photos of Syd Barrett's The Madcap Laughs, and I love her so much (not much of a story behind my URL really).
31. Last book you read? Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, very good.
32. Last song you listened to? Green is the Colour by Pink Floyd.
33. Last show you watched? The Office.
34. Last person you talked to? My grandma or my boyfriend, I don't remember.
35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted? They are my grandmother and my boyfriend, I mean ?
36. Favorite food? Pasta :) if you want my heart just give me pasta. And I'm trying to start being a vegetarian.
37. Place you want to visit? I want to travel all the world really, but Greece, London, Scotland, India and Nordic countries are my fav.
38. Last place you were? The last place where I traveled? To Bariloche, south of Argentina in January of this year :)
39. Do you have a crush? Yup.
40. Last time you kissed someone? Some days ago i guess.
41. Last time you were insulted and what was it? It's weird that people insult me because I don't usually do bad things and mostly when I'm surrounded by people they rarely notice me, so I really don't remember when they last insulted me.
42. What color underwear are you wearing? Calm down honey
43. What colour shirt are you wearing? Multicolour, are these t-shirts that are dyed.
44. What colour bottoms are you wearing? Dark blue jeans.
45. Wearing any bracelets? Noup, although I usually wear some.
46. Last sport you played? Maybe volleyball in February at school (I probably played bad).
47. Last song you sang? I sing pieces of songs all day so I don't remember which one was the last one.
48. Last prank call you remember doing? Idk, maybe when I was younger and have friends.
49. Last time you hung out with someone? Loooooooooong time ago.
50. Favourite movie(s)? The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep, The Godfather (all), Judy, Rocketman, The Wall and many that I do not remember lol.
This took me a long time so if you read everything thank you💖I'm not sure if the people I'm nominating have already been nominated but
@artsyhippie @divine-and-decaying @whatdyoumean-interesting @herrmiu (only if you want to) and anyone who wants to ✨
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yvnseong · 5 years
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘥 𖧷 𝘤𝘩𝘢 𝘫𝘶𝘯𝘩𝘰
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hello again! so following the release of “many summers past” i got the uRGE to write the second story I mentioned in the first post. before that though i’d really like to thank everyone who read it and said such nice things, i’ve never gotten such a response for ANYTHING i’ve ever written and i’m just so thankful and so happy everyone enjoyed it :)). this is still inspired by @asdfghjilysm , hope you enjoy this continuation of the story <3 (this only makes sense if you’ve read “many summers past” so please read that before this)
@x1-imagines (hey bub I know you’ve been waiting for this ♡)
Junho’s eyes crinkled slightly as he sat on the grass of our backyard playing with Cocoa and Brownie, the two dogs we had adopted not long ago. I smiled gently cradling Cocoa on my lap as brownie played excitedly with Junho. “You told Yunseo the story with Eunsang?” Junho said suddenly.
I smiled softly, “She was bound to find that photo one day love. I did tell her, poor girl started crying after I told her.” I said gently chuckling at the girl. Junho softly laughed along with me knowing Yunseo cried at pretty much anything remotely sad.
“I still miss Eunsang some days.” Junho said his eyes looking up at the sky a sad smile present on his face.
“I do too love.” I responded looking down at Cocoa gently rubbing the top of her head as she settled further into the warmth of my thigh. There was a moment of silence before it was interrupted suddenly.
“Grandma! Grandpa!” Yunseo came walking in excitedly from the house. Her school uniform wrinkled slightly, the bow tied around the neck of her shirt pretty much undone by now. She walked towards us and plopped herself down in front of Junho and I, shortly after she was tackled by Brownie.
“Hey honey!”Junho and I responded in sync prompting us to look at each other before laughing. “How was your day at school?” Junho asked turning his attention towards Yunseo.
“It was fine, extremely tiring but otherwise I’ve had worse days.” She said while petting Brownie who laid over her lap. The petite girl almost getting engulfed by the decently sized dog.
“What made you stop by today love? You usually only visit on weekends.” I asked as I watched Cocoa move towards Junho where she decided to settle on resting against his leg.
“I came by cause I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the other story.” She paused as Brownie began to bark for seemingly no reason what’s so ever. As her barking ceased she finished her statement, “The story about you and Grandpa.”
Junho watched me begin to adjust myself again on the grass where we both sat. “This story’s a little longer, are you sure you want to hear it today?” Junho smiled slightly beginning to relive the events. Yunseo smiled at the smile the grew on her grandfathers face, she nodded her head quickly.
“I’m sure.” She stated confidently. I smiled at her, as I gently took Junho’s hand in mine and began to fiddle with his wedding ring, a habit I’ve had for more that 4 decades.
“Alright then.”
Summer 1969
Y/N sat on her bed unable to do anything other than cry. Being unable to comprehend the gravity of what her mother had just told her. Her mom sat at the edge of Y/N’s bed, hand on her back in a failed attempt to comfort you. He wasn’t gone. He couldn’t be. You had seen him just yesterday. It wasn’t real.
Her head hurt, a pounding sensation at the back of her head as she sobbed. Your hands gripped onto a pillow tightly, your face buried into the pillow trying to make yourself believe that he was still here with you, that maybe you’d wake up and it’d just be a really bad nightmare. Yet deep inside, you just knew it was true even if you desperately hoped it wasn’t.
Just two weeks ago Y/N and Eunsang had been running around the park joyously, now not even a month after you were watching him and his mother being buried. It was painful to say the least, your body trembled as you tried your hardest to suppress tears. The bouquet of flowers clutched tightly to your chest fell. Right as you realized you had dropped the flowers you looked down to pick them up, but before you could someone else had.
You looked to your left to see Cha Junho, Eunsangs best friend, and one of your decently close friends. He gently handed you the bouquet of flowers offering a very obviously forced smile. His eyes, nose, and ears were tinted red as he solemnly stared at the floor trying his absolute hardest to stop his tears. Standing side-by-side you both stood there quietly waiting for the burying to be comeplete so you could place your flowers and finally try and part with him.
You watched as his sister looked up from the grave to see you, she could barely muster a smile before she ran up to you tackling you in a hug. She buried her head in the crook of your neck as your arms wrapped around her frame beginning to cry with her. She pulled a small photograph from her purse as she pulled away and gently handed it to you along with a delicate bracelet, your tears only fell harder looking at the two objects.
“Eunsang had these with him till the very end, and he wanted you to have them.” She said in a choked out whisper. You smiled softly at the picture she handed you, and through her tears she also smiled. “Do you want to say goodbye?” She asked knowing very well that you had been standing nearby waiting for it to be cleared out so you could say goodbye without anyone hearing what you had to say.
You nodded, sniffling before turning to look at Junho who now stood with another one of Eunsang’s friends. Turning away you walked towards where the fresh dirt layed, you gently placed the bouquet of white roses onto where his body layed. You crouched down in front of the grave beginning to whisper, hoping that Eunsang could hear you.
“I’m sorry, I’m really really sorry. Thank you for the bracelet Eunsang. I really love it. I’m sorry we won’t be able to see eachother anymore, but just know you’ll never been forgotten. I love you.” Eunsangs sister sniffled and you breathily laughed through tears.
You and Junho walked towards a nearby cafe. Not talking to eachother if anything barely acknowledging eachother. You were going to be picked up by your mom there and Junho’s parents owned that cafe. It was pretty much unavoidable. When you arrived at the cafe Junho opened the door and let you walk in first to which you mumbled a quiet thank you before moving to sit with your mom at a table by the large window.
“How are you honey?” She said smiling, in some way trying to console you. Your voice hoarse, lips quivering, and eyes threatening to overspill with tears once again you mumbled out ‘im fine’ but it was apparent you weren’t.
A plate of food was put in front of you, there stood Junho. “It’s on the house.” He said quietly, before walking off to the back most likely to change into his work uniform. You looked down at the food realizing it was your favorite. For a moment, just a moment, it felt like you weren’t totally alone.
End of Summer, beginning of Fall 1969
Starting school was horrible. Over what was left of the summer you and Junho had become friends. It started off with talking to eachother about Eunsang, sharing how hard it was without him, then slowly you both opened up to eachother about your more personal lives. You weren’t best friends, but you knew quite a lot about eachother,
Everybody knew about Eunsangs death. They rubbed it in your face, constantly asking questions, and pestering you with it. It was horrendous. Everyday when lunch time came around you’d sit on the floor of the biggest bathroom stall and couldn’t help but cry. It was a horrid feeling being pestered about a lost love when your not even ready to talk about it to the people closest to you.
Then it happened. The one day that would change everything.
The day was normal, you got up, got ready, ate, walked to school, and waited on a bench before school started. You mostly sat quietly thinking about anything at everything. When they came around. The three girls you hated most. The girls who made it a point to make your days so bad you had seriously thought of switching to a school 4 miles away from your house. There they started with their daily taunts, except this time someone kept them from finishing.
“Will you three shut up?” A voice rang, you knew that voice, it was Junho. It always seemed to happen like this. Something happened and Junhos there for you before it could get worse. The girls of course flashed their long eyelashes, twirled their hair around their fingers, and tried to flirt their way out of a confrontation with everyone’s dream boy.
“But Junho, we weren’t doing anything!” Kyunghee whined, gently pouting at him. He scoffed rolling his eyes before moving past them to stand in front of you holding his hand out to you.
“Hey Y/N, would you like to sit with my friends and I?” You placed your hand in his and started to stand up, before nodding and walking off with him.
Summer 1971
Oh my, things sure had changed. Over the last two years you and Junho had become best friends. Every week you both took weekly trips to visit Eunsang and his mom’s grave, to place flowers, clean up, and just talk to him and keep him updated on how you two had been. Your love never wavered, but it was different now.
You both sat cross legged in front of his tombstone, telling him about how recently you’re niece had been born, and how one of your older sisters had recently started dating Sihoon, one of Eunsangs friends. Junho laughed and brought up how Sihoon had practically almost fainted the day he planned to ask her out. You laughed, gently moving to rest your head on Junho’s shoulder.
“I miss him.” Junho said his arm moving around your shoulders, his right hand resting on your shoulder. You smiled before replying. “Me too.”
Fall 1971
It was a breezy autumn day and you had forgotten a sweater. Typical. Junho, Dongpyo, Minhee, Hyeongjun, and you had headed out for a day to the beach, it was much colder than you expected. You sat on the blanket placed over the sand shivering as you watched Dongpyo and Minhee battle it out on who got to eat the last cookie that you had baked while Hyeongjun was looking for seashells on the wet sand by himself and you had no idea where Junho had went.
You laughed at Minhee’s face as you watched Dongpyo run off with the cookie quickly followed by Minhee who yelled out, “Come back you twerp I want that cookie!” Mid laugh you felt a sweater being draped over your shoulders and someone plop themselves besides you.
“I can’t believe you forgot your sweater.” Junho said laughing at you. You looked up at him pouting, “The forecast didn’t say it’d be nearly this cold.” He smiled looking down at your face. Your cheeks flushed and you looked away as you slipped your arms into the sleeves of his jacket.
His eyes examined your face and his heart fluttered, keeping his feelings from you had been so hard, but he was willing to give you as much time as you needed to heal. You turned to look at him, his face being shined on by the sun as it began to switch places with the moon. He looked gorgeous. You smiled shyly your eyes never leaving his. He found himself leaning down, his nose bumping against yours, he smiled shyly. Your face leaned forwards and your lips connected. Everything felt so right.
Winter 1972
Christmas time, a very joyful time of year. You and Junho smiled as you watched your niece excitedly wait for you to hand her the gift you had gotten her. Your eldest sister smiled watching Hyunjoo excitedly smile at the box wrapped in decorative paper. She hurriedly ripped the paper and was very happy to see a doll. She smiled and instantly ran throwing herself at you, pulling you into a hug, a long string of thank you’s coming from her mouth.
The gifts from beneath the tree began to lessen until there was none. Your mom began to start picking up the wrapping paper scattered across the floor and putting it into a trash bag. Until Junho interrupted, “There’s still one more gift.” He said.
You turned around shocked to find Junho knelt on one knee. Your hands flew up to your face, a rush of emotions overcoming you, tears beginning to prick your eyes. “L/N Y/N, I know how difficult the past few years have been for you, and I’m so incredibly glad you’ve let me come onto your life. I want to be with you and love you for the rest of my life, and if you’d like to, Will you marry me?” Tears began flowing from your eyes and you gently laughed, falling to your knees and wrapping your arms around his neck, “Of course I will!” His arms snaked around your waist pulling you closer as you cried softly. His lips gently landed on your forehead.
You families clapped exitedly at the news of your engagement. At just 20 years old they watched you two knowing, just knowing, that maybe it’d actually be forever
Fall 1973
Junho’s arms wrapped around your waist pulling your body closer to his. He rested his chin on your shoulder quietly standing there with you. You smiled gently, giggling at the face he made when you turned your head. Your hands continued washing the dishes as his lips placed gentle repetitive kisses on your right cheek.
“How was your day at work love?” You asked him as you put dishes onto the drying wrack before moving to get a towel to dry off your hands.
He sighed as his arms loosened around you allowing you to turn around to face him. His hands reattached themselves tightly to your waist pulling you up against his chest before leaning to place a chaste kiss to your lips. “It was tiring as ever. I’m just glad I’m home with you now.” You smiled slightly, your forehead resting against his shoulder, you lifted your head up to place a kiss to his jaw. He smiled shyly.
“I ate dinner a while ago, but I left some for you in the fridge. I’ll reheat it.” You said as you pulled yourself from his warm embrace to go reheat his food. He leaned against the counter smiling to himself, “I love you Y/N.” You giggled quietly to yourself as you put the soup you had made earlier in a pot, turned on the stove, and placed it onto the burner. You walked to him again and looked up at him, “I love you too.”
You both now sat together at the table talking about your day. You listened as he complained about a co worker who had been especially irritating today. There had been a very important topic your mother had been pestering you about. The doctor’s visit. You began fiddling with one of the rings you wore on your left ring finger.
“What’s making you nervous?” Junho questioned, very aware of the habit you had when you got nervous. You crossed your legs a let out a long sigh. Your hands sweaty you rubbed them over your legs before you finally gathered your courage to tell him. “I went to the doctors today.” He nodded waiting for you to fully finish what you had to say.
“I’m pregnant.” You said wincing at the words you had finally said out loud. Your eyes shut, you weren’t sure what to expect as a response. He stayed quiet. You opened your eyes to see him begin to tear up. He blinked rapidly before he gave you the biggest smile he had ever given you. He stood up and let his head fall, his hands going up to cover is face as he cried. You instantly shot up, your hands gently cupping his face and wiping his tears.
His hands fell down to your waist and he pulled you into a kiss before he practically fell to his knees. He leaned his forehead against your stomach where the baby was growing and just gently smiled as he began to press kisses to your stomach. Your hands moved to his hair, you gently carded your hands through his brown locks and smiled.
“I know you don’t know me yet, but I’m your dad. I just wanted you to know I already love you.”
Spring 1979
You watched happily as Junho sat on the floor playing with Sunghoon. It was Sunghoons birthday and you were but a few months away from having your third child. Your five year old boy stood up excitedly, Junho followed suit running around with the action figure chasing after Sunghoon. Miyoung, your two year old girl, was curled into your stomach while sat on your lap.
“You’ll never catch me!” Sunghoon exclaimed as he dashed across the living room, Junho very nearby replied, “Yes I will!” In an instant Sunghoon had been lifted up off the floor and into his dads arms, he squealed as Junho moved to sit cross legged on the floor and began to tickle him. You giggled along with them, Miyoung quickly began to ask to be let go which you did. She ran towards her brother and dad and began to softly hit her dads hands trying to save her brother.
Once Junho let go Sunghoon quickly scrambled away from him, but hugged Miyoung closely smiling and saying, “My savior!” You smiled fondly as Junho came to sit besides you, his arm wrapped loosely around your waist as he kept his eyes on his two children. He smiled, “I can wait for our last.” You giggled softly leaning your head on his shoulder, “Me neither.”
Summer 1982
Sunghoon ran straight towards you, Miyoung following closely behind as they ran towards the bench you were sat at. Eunju, your youngest child, smiled as she reached out for Sunghoons hand, which he instantly took. Sunghoon had a special space in his heart for his sisters, he really loved them.
“Where do you want to go Eunju?” He said softly, Miyoung was crouched in front of Eunju gently adjusting her hair before standing up and taking her other hand.
“Slide.” Eunju replied, her eyes set straight on the slide in the near distance. Sunghoon and Miyoung giggled slightly at their younger sisters lack of words, but walked towards the slide instantly after hearing her request. You smiled happily, you watched Sunghoon sit behind Eunju and Miyoung sit besides them on the slide next to them. They went down and you could hear Eunju’s quiet giggling.
Junho plopped down besides you on the bench holding out a small flower he had found. He took your hand and gently placed the flower into your hand following the small kiss he placed on the back of your hand. You took a further look at the small flower and smiled. Junho watched fondly as you got excited after recieving flower from him, even though he had made it a habit to bring you flowers quite often.
“Thank you Junho.” You said turning to look at him quickly, before returning your gaze to the children now on the swings. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips quickly before responding, “Of course my love.”
“Daddy kissed mommy! Ew!!” Sunghoon and Miyoung said in unison, Eunju unaware of what to do added onto it with a small unsure ‘Ew.’
You giggled softly before you stood up and said, “Hurry up! The ice cream man is over there! Whoever makes it there last has to clean up the mess you guys make at home!” You began to run in that direction, closely followed by Sunghoon and Miyoung. Junho stood up quickly and picked up Eunju and began to run after you three.
He smiled to himself, before laughing. “I can’t believe you guys left me!”
“Daddy now you have to clean up at home!” Miyoung said giggling.
Summer 1992
“Sunghoon will you shut up? It’s just a date.” Miyoung said frustratedly as she put her shoes on.
“It’s not just a date! It’s your first date. You have to be careful.” Sunghoon said in return, Eunju sat on the bed in the bedroom she shared with her older sister and watched.
“Oh my god, Sunghoon you don’t have to protect me anymore. I can protect myself. I promise I’ll be careful, and be back by 8.”
“7:30.” Sunghoon said firmly ignoring his sister.” She sighed in annoyance before once again stating, “8.”
Before Sunghoon could reply Eunju had said, “7:45?” Miyoung and Sunghoon looked at her and smiled fondly. The put their stubbornness aside and looked at eachother, “7:45.” The said in unison.
Eunju smiled happily her braces on display as she stood up and began to look for a book to read. “Unnie, promise you’ll be careful?” Miyoung smiled lovingly at the sister just two years younger than her, “I promise.”
“Hurry up Miyoung remember I’m the one driving you over there.” She cursed under her breath before saying bye to Eunju. She ran down the stairs saying quick goodbyes to her parents and ran out the door into her brothers car.
“It’s her first date already.” Y/N said sadly. Junho sulked silently, “My little girl is growing up so quickly and I don’t like it.” You giggled silently before you smiled to yourself after hearing the car start, “She really is growing up.”
Fall 2002
Y/N and Junho walked down the hall excitedly, Junho held a ballon and flowers and Y/N held another ballon with a teddy bear.
“Junho I’m so excited.” He looked at you and smiled, “Me too love.” You continued to smile, your hand getting slightly sweaty.
“Junho it’s our first grandchild!” His eyes crinkled and he laughed at your excitement, “I know, I know! I just can’t believe we’re going to have our first grandchild already.” You arrived at the door and Junho instinctively opened the door and let you walk in before him, he always did that.
You walked in and came into view if your daughter Miyoung and her husband at her bedside, he must’ve arrived earlier this morning. Eunju sat in the recliner sleeping, she had been with her all night. Sunghoon was rushing home from a business trip eargerly wanting to meet his niece.
“Mom, dad, meet Yunseo.” You looked down at the small baby girl in her arms. You almost comepletly dropped the bear and let go of the balloon. Junho quickly grabbed the balloon before you let it go. Miyoung laughed softly. “Would you like to hold her Mom?”
“Of course I do!” You said smiling as you sat by her bedside after her husband had moved. You took Yunseo into your arms and smiled. You leaned down and pressed a small kiss to Yunseo’s forehead.
“I love you.”
“Wow.” Yunseo said taking in the whole story. “I had no idea mom and dad were high school sweethearts!” Junho laughed at her state of shock. Yunseo tucked her hair behind her ears and just sat there. She tried her hardest to process the whole story.
“You and Grandpa met because of Eunsang.” She said quietly, not really present. I nodded softly. “When was the last time you visited him?”
I thought about it for a while not really sure, “I’m not exactly sure, but’s it’s been a very long time.” Junho sat in thought before answering, “Maybe 20 years?” I looked at him trying to do the math before agreeing, “20 years sounds about right.”
“Do you ever want to visit him again?” Both Junho and I nodded, “Of course we’d like to visit him.” Junho smiled and began to stroke the back of Cocoa’s head.
“It’s really been 50 years without Eunsang huh?” I smiled sadly, “It has been 50 years without him. It’s so unfortunate he only got to live for 16 years.” Junho nodded in agreement. “He never got to have his 17th birthday.”
Yunseo watched as both Junho and I reminisced, she smiled quietly. “I have to leave soon but this weekend will you both take me to visit him?” I smiled, “Of course we will.”
Yunseo gave us both a quick hug before she said her goodbyes and walked off to her house just a few blocks down. I walked towards the table with Junho now sat with food about to begin to eat.
“Eunsang deserved so much better.” Junho stated looking down at the bracelet that matched the one Eunsang used to wear. You looked down at the bracelet he had his sister give you the day of the funeral. They matched. “He really did.”
The fall the followed would change your life for the better, but as you looked down at your bracelet that matched with Junho’s you can’t help but think maybe, just maybe Eunsang had hoped you two would end up together. Junho remembered the promise he made with his best friend a month before his death. He promised him no matter what he’d make sure Y/N was happy.
Eunsang rested at ease knowing you were both happy. As summer ended, the fall that followed changed everything you knew. Maybe it was for the best
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alright friends here we go. @goodlesson tagged me (thank you 💙) so we are doing this. all 73 questions!!
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? 4, fuck you coronavirus
describe yourself in a hashtag? #yeet
if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? no. can i just get a hug or maybe steal a hoodie from dan smith or tom holland
if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? it’s a disaster but hopefully you’ll love it anyway!
what’s one thing people don’t know about you? one time i won a spelling bee and it was so traumatizing that i swore i’d never do another one ever again
what’s your wake up ritual? wake up, pretend i don’t have to do anything, remember that i do actually have to do stuff, start school. and breakfast happens somewhere in there
what’s your go to bed ritual? snack and tumblr and music
what’s your favorite time of day? i’m a big fan of golden hour because photography. also midnight, i dig it
your go to for having a good laugh? john mulaney
dream country to visit? besides all of them? the czech republic or new zealand!
what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? signing to run in college? i know i did it, but i surprised myself with it honestly
heels or flats/sneakers? yes.
vintage or new? new styles purchased at thrift stores
who do you want to write your obituary? i’ve written my own epitaph six times and i don’t even want a gravestone
style icon? shailene woodley, taylor swift
what are three things you cannot live without? trail running, music, sweet tea
what’s one ingredient you put in everything? parmesan fucking cheese. i said what i said
what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? oh no who from bastille do we kick off the dinner invite
what’s your biggest fear in life? rejection in any form 
window or aisle seat? window cause i like my views
what’s your current tv obsession? working my way very slowly through NCIS
favorite app? pandora
secret talent? i can sing the entire Hamilton sound track. any part. from memory.
most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? i ate a mango with cayenne pepper on it in panama. i did this knowing full well that i a) hate mangos, b) hate cayenne pepper, and c) was already sick. aside from that, it was the best trip i’ve ever taken!
how would you define yourself in three words? adventurous, cynical, smart
favorite piece of clothing you own? chacos baby
a must have clothing item that everyone should have? sneakers. with arch support.
a superpower you would want? i’d love to be able to move undetected
what’s inspiring you in life right now? oh god. um. all the people giving us access to livestreams and musicals and arts in general. and not just the artists - the organizers, the computer people who are making it functional, you are all doing amazing jobs and i adore every single one of you.
best piece of advice you’ve received? sometimes it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission
best advice you’d give your teenage self? when people invite you places, go. you’ll like it more than you think you will
a book everyone should read? the immortal life of henrietta lacks
what would you like to be remembered for? trying new things and being kind.
how do you define beauty? if it makes you happy, it’s beautiful. no one else gets a say in what makes you happy
what do you love most about your body? i’m really good at running and i wouldn’t be able to do that without my legs or my lungs. so.
best way to take a rest/decompress? music, read a book, cup of tea
favorite place to view art? outside always. if you take me to a sculpture garden i’ll love you forever
if your life was a song, what would the title be? "Is This My Decision Or Am I Just Following Everyone’s Advice”
if you could master one instrument, what would it be? can i say singing? i wish i’d joined choir so much
if you had a tattoo, where would it be? possibly my back?
dolphins or koalas? why would you make me choose
what’s your patronus? penguin
best gift you’ve ever received? my grandma gave me my grad present early and it’s a quilt made of all my old tshirts!
best gift you’ve given? i gave my grandparents prints of some of my photos and they loved them!
what’s your favorite board game? i... honestly don’t love board games that much. i love cards against humanity but that’s cards so
what’s your favorite color? teal
least favorite color? orange
diamond or pearls? diamonds
drugstore makeup or designer? drugstore always
blow-dry or air-dry? air-dry bc i’m lazy
pilates or yoga? yoga
coffee or tea? yes
what’s the weirdest word in the english language? hippomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is both improbable and ironic
dark chocolate or milk chocolate? milk chocolate but i love them both
stairs or elevators? hi, future collegiate cross country runner here, i’m that jerk that literally runs up every flight of stairs
summer or winter? winter
you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? ice cream
a dessert you don’t like? lemon anything ew
a skill you’re working on mastering? i’m trying so hard to practice drawing but i am struggling so much and i’m not getting much better and that doesn’t help motivation. but i’m doing my best!
best thing to happen to you today? running in the rain!
worst thing to happen to you today? ap calc test that i will surely fail
best compliment you’ve ever received? this lady that i absolutely idolize from my church told me that she was amazed by the depth of wisdom i possessed and i definitely cried
favorite smell? cinnamon
hugs or kisses? HUGS ALWAYSSSSSS
if you made a documentary, would it be about? effects of climate change in developing countries and how they are fighting it because no one talks about them enough
last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? legitimately i never cry at anything. but i just got done watching Help Me Chase Those Seconds and since it’s late and i’m already emotionally compromised, i came pretty fucking close.
lipstick or lipgloss? lipstick
sweet or savory? sweet
girl crush? shailene woodley or bea miller
how do you know you’re in love? um
a song you can listen to on repeat? the entire wild world album
if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? des linden
what are you most excited for about this time in your life? moving to college if covid clears up in time
tagging: this is so, so long so definitely don’t do it if you don’t want to. @prismaticheretic @atrophicgalaxy you’re up!
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wishfulthinking29 · 4 years
All the asks 🤗
jasmine; what mythical creature do you wish actually existed?
lavender; soundcloud or vinyls?
primrose; what book does everyone right now need to read?
The Traveling Cat Chronicles
lunar mist; do you like wearing other people’s shirts/jackets?
yes! primarily one persons, they know why they are :)
bird of paradise; what was the best thing that happened to you this month?
:) :) talking to that one special someone again.
gardenia; what’s a promise you’ve recently made to yourself?
to love myself more. or at least to try
lion’s fairytale; would you rather be the sky, the ocean or the forests?
the ocean
whirling butterflies; would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
i don’t want to but ://
marmalade skies; do you plan your outfits?
no i don’t, I just pick out whatever and get ready in like 10 minutes lmao
apricot drift; how do you feel right now?
everlasting daisy; what’s the last dream you remember having?
it was weird... i was in prison?? with my coworkers??
queen’s cup; what are you craving right now?
lavender dream; turn ons/offs?
turn ons? honestly, loyalty, and communication.
turn offs? argumentative people, people who complain all the time but never do anything to fix their problems
water lilly; when was the last time you cried? why?
probably in the car today?? i didn’t like CRY cry, but just a lil bit lol.
lily of the valley; did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize?
yes but it was a fake apology.
winterberry; do you bite or lick your ice cream?
honey perfume; favorite movie ever?
desert rose; do you like yourself?
depends on the day you ask me lol. today? ehhhh maybe but I’m working on it
snapdragon; have you ever met or seen in person a celebrity?
unfortunately nooooo
night owl; how many countries have you visited?
none :((
heliotrope; have you ever been in a castle?
creams and sky; what’s the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done?
I’m not really a crazy kinda person but?? i guess sex in public?? lmfao
lantana; what’s on your mind right now?
her :) :) always
pumpkin patch; what’s your zodiac sign?
cancer :( i’m a crybaby lol
tulip; name 5 facts about yourself.
1. I’m so kind people take advantage of me.
2. I love animals!! so much!!
3. I love cooking!
4. I love reading!! even though I haven’t read much lately :(( 
5. I’m scared to drive or be in a car anymore.
daphne; do you believe in karma?
yes, a million times yes
queen of the meadow; ever been in love?
definitely. and not just “love”, i mean the true, real, raw kinda love you see in movies :)
wisteria; whom do you admire and why?
her. because she is so brave, and caring, smart, loving, and forgiving and so so beautiful. so gorgeous in every single way.
angel’s face; what was your favorite bedtime story as a child?
i had so many!!
remember me; did you make someone laugh today?
i hope so
iris; do you believe in ghosts?
omg yes to the point i get afraid to walk in a dark room.. or a light room lmao
lilac; if you could go back in time which time period would you visit?
THE 60s. PEACE LOVE (and drugs lmao)
caramel kisses; would you want to live forever? why/why not?
only if it were with her
primula; what makes you sad?
a lot of things.
rain lily; was today typical? why/why not?
yeah, I usually go to the grocery store on my days off
queen anne’s lace; who do you trust the most?
my grandma and my aunt
lady’s slipper; what did you have for breakfast today?
cold pizza
forget me not; do you have any regrets looking back in your life?
too many
lunaria; what’s your favorite fictional universe?
Harry Potter!!
violet; favorite tv show?
Breaking Bad or The L Word are my all time favorites but I have so many!!
sunflower; share a favorite quote.
i’ll reblog it after I post this
snowdrop; what does your ideal day look like?
it would consist of absolutely fucking nothing lmao, just laying in bed, watching netflix and CHINESE FOOD
tiger lily; do you have any hobbies?
i used to
peony; share a small random book passage that means something to you.
there’s too many :(( but it would most definitely be from Milk and Honey
tea rose; what’s something you always wanted to do but were too scared?
cut people out of my life lol
honeysuckle; do you usually date people your age or older/younger?
older bc folks my age be playing lol
sweet pea; who means the world to you? why?
her because she’s always been there for me, always loved me and cared about me no matter what and even after years of not talking at all. she’s my soul mate
love in the mist; best books you’ve ever read?
there’s so many, but probably anything from the Thoroughbred series. Or Indefensible.
foxglove; who is your favorite cartoon character?
Bobby Hill
magnolia; coffee or tea?
tea of course!!
crown imperial; would you rather be extremely rich or extremely loved?
extremely loved
snowflake; are you a dog or a cat person?
both, i can’t choose!!
bell flower; what is your biggest addiction?
my biggest addiction will always be cutting. i can get away from drugs and the people who gave them to me but i can’t get away from myself and my own thoughts
cosmos; do you ever think about the galaxy?
yes, definitely
moonflower; what’s your favorite color?
crimson!! or any dark red
freesia; do you have a good relationship with your parents and siblings? why/why not?
lmaooooo not really
sundrop; are you a morning or a night person?
night, all the way. the moon has my heart
poppy; have you ever dealt with a mental illness?
yes, every day
clover; how would your friends describe you?
hopefully that i’m kind and loving and caring..
dandelion; do you consider yourself and extrovert or an introvert?
lilly; what’s something you love watching/reading but you are too embarrassed to admit you do?
straight porn lmao
anemone; describe yourself in 3 words.
loving, caring, smart
lotus; best memory as a child?
any trip to Hilton Head Island. Or my grandma singing “you are my sunshine” or my aunt singing that song “zippity do da, zippity a, my oh my what a wonderful day“
angelonia; what is your eye and hair color?
my eyes are blue and my hair is like blonde/brownish
dahlia; do you like crystals?
buttercup; if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
all the hate and racism going on
baby’s breath; what’s your hogwarts house?
calendula; biggest pet peeve?
messy people lmao
blanker flower; would you rather go to a cocktail party with your best friends or stay home and read a book/watch a movie with your pet?
stay home!!
blazing star; share a secret.
but if i shared it, it wouldn’t be a secret now would it??
carnation; would you rather live longer or happier?
petunia; who’s story is your biggest inspiration in life? why?
i don’t knooooowww
bluebell; do you wear glasses?
yes bc i’m blind as fuck
nymphea; forest or river?
orchid; do you like exercise?
depends on the day lmao
pansy; do you like poetry?
yes, a million times yes
morning glory; any special talent that you have?
hmmm.. idk if this counts as a special talent but i’m really good at giving head lmfaoooo
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earnest-jumping · 4 years
For the asks— do all the even numbers!
That’s so long, fuck- ok here we go!
2. I am outgoing until I can’t mask anymore, or I have a sensory overload.
4 I like to think I am easy to get along with!
6 ,,,Attracted as in romantically? I have no idea. But in a platonic way, similar interests, concern for my wellbeing and happiness, understanding and knowing of my limits and able to compromise!
8 Real life, no one. But Drake Mallard lives rent free in my mind
10 My roommate! We are very similar in many ways and we have some similar backgrounds, so we talk often about them and everything going on right now as well.
12 current 5 favorite songs: Vices by Mothica, Garden Song by Phoebe Bridgers, A Letter To Time by Livingston, Peace by Taylor Swift, and Cherry Wine by Hozier!
14 I believe in miracles. This world is too random and spontaneous for things people deem miracles to not be, ya know? But I don’t believe in luck. Circumstance plays into it, as well as pure chance.
16 Oh, fuck no. I would not kiss them again
18 My guy I can’t even tell you what was really a crush and what was heteronormativity forced on me from grade school onward. So... no?
20 I live in a dorm and I fuckin love my neighbors rn. On one side they’re both enby like me, and on the other they’re super sweet and polite!
22 I really want to visit Europe. Classic american answer, yeah, but I love history and theirs is so much more interesting than ours
24 My favorote part of my daily routine (that is consistent, student teaching and classes are nuts) is spending time doing homework and hanging out with my roommate at the end of each day, before she goes in to work the night shift. It’s calm and gives us a chance to catch up!
26 When I wake up I usually groan and fall back asleep for another ten minutes. I make sure to have a few alarms set so I don’t sleep through the morning!
28 My roommate. We’ve known each other for three years and she doesn’t judge me or make me feel uncomfy- it’s really nice as someone with autism to be able to live in close, constant contact with someone who you trust and are comfortable around!
30 Hmm...maybe? Marriage isn’t something I’ve ever truly thought about in a realistic sense- sure, I’d imagine a wedding and what mine would look like if I had one. But I’ve never imagined actually GETTING married to someone.
32 I will not have a threesome with celebrities because I am ~traumatised~ and do not like sexual intimacy
34 I don’t play sports, but when I was little I was part of a gymnastics class!
36 I have indeed liked someone and never told them. It was honestly for the better lmao
38 I don’t think I can really describe a dream person? I’m not very keen on having a list to check off when looking for a partner. If anything, though, I’d say trustworthy and caring.
40 I’m already out of high school lol. I’m in my junior year majoring in Early Childhood/Special Education!
42 Being extremely quiet for me usually means sensory overload, depressive thoughts, or my rejection sensitive dysphoria rearing its ugly head. Most of the time its a mix of the three.
44 Trip to puter space > bottom of the ocean, any day. DEEP SEA SCARES ME!
46 I’m paranoid that everything I’ve ever done in my life is all for naught, and I’ve faked everything about myself subconsciously.
48 I have been drunk before! My seven year old self accidentally drank a full margarita instead of the kiddie version my grandma made with sprite instead of alcohol.
50 The color of the last hoodie I wore was grey!
52 One thing I wish I could change about myself is I wish I didn’t have so much weight. It’s not fun trying to navigate the world as an afab nonbinary person with people telling you it’s “just because you don’t like your body”.
54 My favorite store is Walmart for groceries (broke college students holla) and Torrid for clothes! (They have cuter stuff than anywhere else, and carry my size always)
56 My favorite color is Blue! Kind of a dark sky blue, like sky blue 3 or 4
58 I just had some Hershey’s candy drops as the last thing I ate!
60 In fourth and fifth grade I won two school writing competitions and got a trophy for it 😌 I wrote about the Titanic (thank you special interest)!
62 I have never been arrested, and I’m not planning on it any time soon lol
64 My first kiss was a dare and I hated every second of it cause the guy was an ass about it until it happened (he’d been badgering me for weeks)
66 Uhh I’m gonna be honest and say no? As much as I love my tumblr friends (ayy hi guys) I’ve known my friends in real life for longer and those bonds are just, amazing and so strong.
68 Tumblr > Twitter, any day.
70 my best friends’ names are: Emili, Autumn, Maggie, and Erin
72 My towels are grey
74 I have many stuffed animals- uh probably seven or eight.
76 Not answering this one lmao
78 My favorote ice cream clavor is Graham Central Station from this place called Bruster’s! It’s really good.
80 I am wearing blue pajama pants because ~comfy~
82 My favorite movie is Coraline! I watch it repeatedly
84 Mean Girls > 21 Jump Street
86 Nemo is my favorite character from Finding Nemo!
88 The last person I talked to today was my roommate
90 I love my baby brother Reid!
92 I am not currently in a fight with anyone.
94 I own three sweaters/hoodies- I need to get more!
96 My favorote actress is and always will be Kiera Knightley.
98 I do not tan a lot- naturally or artificially. I just burn #whitepeopleproblems
100 I am feeling *tired*. A bitch is exhausted today
102 I regret everything from my past
104 I don’t tend to miss people that much? I’m not good with emotional connections to people that last after they’re gone.
106 I feel like I’ve broken my mother’s heart- for coming out, for rebelling, etc.
108 I should be working on homework but I am not.
110 I have indeed liked someone so much it hurt- in the sense that liking them was not good for me and led to a lot of heartache.
112 The last person I cried in front of was my parents, and it was not on purpose lmao
114 I’ve been out of my state lots- Florida, South and North Carolina, West Virgina, Delaware, Massachusetts.
116 Nope, not currently listening to music.
118 I fuckin LOVE chinese food
120 I used to be afraid of the dark, not anymore. I love it now.
122 Cheating is NEVER okay.
124 I do not believe in love at first sight- I barely believe in love 🤷🏼
126 I am indeed currently bored
128 I would love to change my name- legally and personally. I’m not sure “Ryn” is suitable anymore
130 I don’t like subway. Not a fan of sub sandwiches
132 The last person I had a deep conversation with is my roommate
134 Pfft, no. I can’t count to one million my brain wouldn’t focus that long
136 Due to the fact I live in a community dorm hall, I sleep with my door closed and ~locked~
138 Straight hair
140 Winter > Summer
142 My favorite month is October! Atlanta Pride, my birthday, and Halloween! Plus it starts getting colder!
144 Dark>Milk>White chocolate, in that order
146 Since it’s now morning, yes today has been a good day so far
148 My favorite quote is anything that has to do with being a decent fucking human being
150 The first line of the page is “You were right”.
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soundofseventeen · 5 years
The Great Escape (Joshua Hong)
My longest fic to date and it had to be the boy I can’t stand lmao and predebut at that. I own nothing! -Bee
Word count: ~7000
Tumblr media
Based on: The Great Escape, his audition
Joshua smiled at your annoyed ranting, clearly finding humor in the day’s escapade that set you off all while enjoying the popcorn you managed to snag for him after your shift at the theater. While he couldn’t decipher if your groans were louder than the LA traffic, Joshua found amusement in the way you got everything out of your system. 
“Well, I’m glad you’re finding this funny. If I wanted to work with animals, I would’ve applied at the zoo.” You wrinkled your nose. “And please step a little bit away from me. No offense, but you smell.”
At that, your best friend shoved his hand into the bag, threw the kernels at you, and proceeded to rub his greasy uniform on yours, which elicited a smile and a squeal of protest from you. “Find me a better job than McDonald’s and then I can stop.”
“But that involves work.”
“Would you rather have me smell like deep-fried oil the rest of my life?”
“It’s better than picking up after people...don’t look at me like that; you’re supposed to feel sorry for me, not the other way around.” You held your hand out and he readily shrugged out of his backpack, digging through his homework and other school paraphernalia until he found his water bottle and tossed it to you, all while grumbling how you had no respect for him, so you squirted it at him and walked in front of him, which made him indirect you louder.
“What? Is there something you wanna tell me?!”
“No, nothing at all.”
“I don’t wanna go home yet. Can we go have dinner and then go? It’s the same routine day in and day out.”
Joshua smiled at you again, though the setting sun made it a little hard to see it. “And where does Your Highness wanna go? We are broke teenagers who can barely afford a meal even with these jobs.”
You grabbed his wrist, ready to cut through an alleyway in search of food. “Leave that to me.”
Joshua’s most annoying habit wasn’t that he chewed loudly or that he was rude to the waitstaff (but any of those would’ve been if he had them), but rather how he savored his food. It didn’t matter if he was on the brink of starvation or had somewhere else to be in 10 minutes, he enjoyed his meal and no one could rush him to finish it. He made small talk here and there but preferred to keep quiet, and from past experiences, you knew the frustration whenever he’d say he had something to tell you. 
You watched him delicately twirl the spaghetti around his fork and bringing it to his lips, blowing on the noodles before biting into it and then wiping the nonexistent marinara sauce that had been leftover, and repeating the process. Your fries were long gone and instead of starting on the chicken tenders in front of you, you were equal parts amused and exasperated at how slowly he was eating. 
“I’m gonna be celebrating my birthday here by the time you’re done,” you joked.
“Don’t worry about me; worry about your food. Who’s the one who gets mad if it’s not warm?” Ever so slowly, he reached for his soda, almost dropping it from the condensation on the cup, and sipped it, all while not breaking eye contact with you as if daring you to fire back a retort. Being at a loss for words, you scowled at him and choosing to eat while it was indeed warm.
The quiet of the evening soon became a bit too rowdy to your liking when screaming fans were seated left and right. The downside of living in LA was that there was always a concert somewhere and the controlled loudness became chaotic. Tonight, it seemed that One Direction played at the Forum because that’s where most of the conversations stemmed from, ranging from tired parents listening to their children replay the night to the young adults talking about their favorite part of the concert. The various ringtones pinged left and right and it felt like you were at the front row because “OH MY GOD THEY TWEETED!!!” and tears flowed while they tried not to choke from the water to soothe their hoarse throats. 
“Are you ready to go?” Joshua asked kindly. He was nowhere near finished, but for the sake of your sanity, preferring to eat on the way home.  He waved the waiter over, who simply apologized for any inconveniences (to which Joshua smiled and said that it was no problem), and brought the to go boxes. He bid you both a nice night and you chose to walk home, despite it being quite a ways away. He liked walking behind you for reasons unknown, especially when it came down to eating. “People are crazy, huh?” 
“I don’t mean this in a bad way, but I don’t get how people, girls especially, go nuts over boybands. You’d think they’d never heard music before.” You turned around, risking to walk backward for the sake of stealing some leftover spaghetti.
“I mean, it must be a different experience to be able to go on stage and sing. It’d be nice, don’t you think?”
“I think you’ve been holding out on me with this spaghetti.” You reached for more but Joshua surprised you by closing it on you. “Asshole.” He grabbed your shirt sleeve and yanked you to the side so you wouldn’t walk into a pole. “I take that back.” You turned around again, back facing him. “So a celebrity life, huh? I never pictured you as the type to want something like that.” Granted, he usually brought his guitar outside to the front yard when it was you two hanging out and he sang sometimes. It wasn’t all that great per se, but he had that potential that he could be. 
“I think it’s just something bigger than this everyday life. You know you’re changing lives and vice versa.” He stared past you as if envisioning the lifestyles of the rich and the famous. 
You smiled at him, not wanting to break his reverie. You weren’t one to crush dreams, let alone his and you weren’t about to start now. Instead, you took his plate and stuffed your face with his dinner, making a silent promise to make it up to him. Anytime you spent with him was always your favorite, even if you were irritated after a long day.
Weekends normally meant catching up on everything you neglected throughout the week, be it a book you had started reading, a paper that needed writing or even just running an errand as a favor to one of your parents. One of the downsides of living in LA, however, were the tourists who had no idea what they were getting themselves into by deciding to visit the area (thus getting lost, overwhelmed or both) and the locals who complained about them. You weren’t fond of either but what could you do besides sucking it up? Even with that hold up, you managed to finish earlier than planned and rather than heading home, you decided to visit the Hong household. 
One of your favorite things about visiting was seeing Joshua’s grandpa planting something right in plain view and seeing his grandmother watching reruns of Korean movies or shows from her younger days inside. They usually spent their days looking after the house while Joshua’s parents worked and well, no one had anything to say about it (but even if there were, any objections would be handled with a smack to the arm with a dishrag.) You were no exception to the rule or any in general, given with all the time you spent with Joshua. That meant you also learned a lot of things from Korean to its table etiquette but you still struggled with the former.
Joshua wasn’t home when you got there, and neither were his grandparents so it was just you and his parents making small talk and catching each other up on your lives, Joshua’s mom yelling out her inputs from the kitchen fixing a broken sink while his dad’s comments faded into an echo because he was putting the sheets back on his bed and you leaning against the counter, sipping your soda, telling them about the latest treasure you found in your closet: an Eeyore stuffed animal that hadn’t seen the light of day in years as a gift from Joshua after spending your second Christmas together (he liked to tease you that you had similar personalities.), a binder that contained two spelling tests and a worksheet on improper fractions that had sealed your fates from acquaintances to actual friends, and notes that had managed to not get confiscated in middle school.
A while later, the three missing people walked in just as you finished helping Joshua’s mom put some dishes away, Grandpa holding most, if not all, of the bags, Joshua walking behind him with his grandma, arms looped and walking at her pace. “And that is why we go out to the market every Saturday,” she raved to her grandson who listened earnestly. “Sure everything is a little bit more pricey, but it’s as close to the real Korean food as you can get. It reminds me of my days as a little girl.”
“The fact that you remember your time alive during the Great Depression astounds me,” his grandpa joked, which earned him a slap to the shoulder. “I’m kidding. But she’s right. Don’t forget your roots Jisoo. Nothing is greater than home.” He smiled at you when he noticed you in the room. “And you? How are you?”
“Yah!” His grandma cut in, arms wide open, “Are you too good for this family now that you have a job? You don’t even stop by and say hello anymore. How do you know that we didn’t get sick or something?”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“After coming by for so many years and you think we won’t miss you. As your punishment, you’re helping me make Bulgogi. Now don't just stand there, wash your hands and let’s get started.”
“Actually Grandma, why don’t you go take a rest? You’ve been up all morning. I can help Y/N with that.”
She looked at him and then she looked at you, making you feel more like a murder suspect than a helping hand. “You better come to me when you finish making the sauce. If it isn’t good, you will start again.”
“Yes halmeoni,” you saluted her, simultaneously flashing her a smile and getting straight to work. You chopped the vegetables while Joshua prepped the sauce, exchanging the morning stories of your time apart. 
His escapades involved throwing a lone french fry at a seagull and following him around and almost attacking him when it saw he didn’t have anymore and seeing someone getting arrested for graffitiing gang signs on a wall. He snorted when you told him you almost got run over by a family bike riding on your way to the post office and choked on the barbecue sauce he was tasting when you remembered about the poor soul strung out on some kinda drug and fighting a bush, rambling nonsense about the government. 
“Here, try this beh peuh,” he said, holding out his stirring spoon and dabbing a bit of sauce on your hand. “What do you think?”
You made a face at his concoction, searching for your soda. “I think you put too much of the sesame seeds and not enough salt. Wow, that’s gross.”
“You obviously have no taste. It tastes perfect.”
“No, you just don’t know how to make this.” You pushed him out of the way, filling the blender with the missing spices and throwing some of the barbecue in. “And you call yourself a master chef.”
“I learned from my grandma.”
“I learned from your grandma too and it doesn’t taste anything like this. Fill it up to here with water and mix it until you can’t see any of the garlic. Then mix it back in.”
“No,” he crossed his arms. “It’s fine like this.”
 “Joshua Hong, if we serve this sad lunch, you will be disowned from your own family and so will I because I let you do it. Trust me this time.”
“Grandma!” He called out to the head chef of the family. “You’re our mediator. Is this good? I think so but Y/N says I’ll no longer be associated with the family. Try it.” He walked over to where she sat on her favorite recliner, a Korean game show playing on the TV and fed it to her.
“Dear boy, I wouldn’t feed this to the dogs out on the street. Try again.” A few minutes he brought her a modified version of everything you added to it. “It tastes the same,” she shook her head. “It’s not hard to make this, children. If I have to get up and make it myself, you’ll be sorry.”
“What does she know?” Joshua mumbled to you. “She lost her sense of taste years ago.” 
You held back a laugh, grabbing his shoulder to keep your composure, completely missing the look the lady in question she threw in your direction before she called her husband. It was another memory for the books, especially when he finally admitted defeat and said you knew better. As punishment, you made him wash the dishes you used and smiled when you heard him finally turn on the radio and sing along to every hit song he knew, sounding off key here and there but pleasant nonetheless.
In the next couple of weeks, you saw neither head nor tail of your best friend, other than his occasional social media post which was fine by you. It was the time of year where his church held fundraisers and carnivals and anything that required massive amounts of people. Some he did willingly; others because he couldn’t say no. He stopped inviting you with him long ago when you started picking up excuses from working a couple extra hours to helping some long lost relative who was recovering from surgery, but he had his grandmother and he even gloated that she made better company than you did so it wasn’t a complete loss, his performances being the only exception.
And if you didn’t ask for more hours and go straight to bed after work, you would’ve marched up his front steps, barged through his front door, and confronted him about this calamity because how dare he ignore his best friend?! (But you started wondering where everyone was when you had knocked on the door and no one answered. The weeds growing in the garden and the pile of mail in their mailbox also raised your questions and anxiety. And you didn’t wanna think the worst when you found the spare key in your room and went back, only to find a clean and obviously vacant home.)
You made mental notes to tell him about the newest movies you thought he’d like and also saved some money to treat him to dinner since you had long ago picked up that he wasn’t in the greatest of moods after being gone after so many days. 
After 23 days since his last interaction, he skidded back into your life three minutes after you clocked out, having hung up on a friend had canceled some plans last minute. “Hi?” You took in the sight of his Winnie the Pooh PJs, disheveled hair and the throw blanket in his hand, all the questions rushing through your head. 
“I need to tell you something,” he said without preamble. “Can we go have dinner or something? I just got off the plane and came straight here, My treat.” He smiled at you hopefully. 
About an hour later, you stared at him as he slowly cut off a piece of his steak, while you impatiently bounced your leg for his news. You didn’t even know what you ordered but you ate it anyway, stabbing your fork into it and shoveling it in your mouth. “What have you been up to?” He asked, trying to make conversation. A quiet night in a Los Angeles restaurant was uncommon and he seemed to wanna fill the silence. He smiled at himself when he saw your jaw drop and fighting to not give him a well deserved sarcastic remark.
“Same old, same old. Wreck-It Ralph came out the other day and I was thinking we could watch it soon. I begged my coworkers to not let me go into the theaters where it showed because I don’t wanna see the credits. The scary movies look dumb so I won’t bother with those.” You burned your tongue on the fork having kept it in the hot food for a little too long so you pushed your plate away, resorting to tapping your fingers on the table. If Joshua noticed, he didn’t comment. 
“Is it sad?” He knew he was drawing out the suspense more than he had to but he was looking for the words, how to phrase it, and steeling himself for your reactions.
“A lot of people left crying,” you responded, thinking of all the strangers who you saw drying their eyes or blowing their noses. You decided if you kept talking, he would share his news with you sooner, so you went ahead and told him about the petty thefts around town, upcoming concerts you wanted to go to, rumors that you heard and celebrities that you had confirmed were in the area. He listened as he ate, not really making comments. He nodded here and there to show you he was paying attention, but he himself remained mum on what he wanted to talk to you about.
“Are you ready to go or do you have room for dessert?” He eyed your plate of food, surprised that you ate more than he expected, given he put you more on edge the longer he prolonged everything.
“Joshua,” you groaned, “just cut to the chase. I can’t take it anymore. Tell me!” You stopped momentarily. “You’re not going to prison, are you? No, wait...you got someone pregnant.” You snapped your fingers. “You ran away and they found you somewhere in Mexico City, where you joined a banda, and you were playing at a quinceanera.”
“You need to stop watching so much TV.” He let out a small laugh. “So dessert?”
“If I say yes, will you tell me already?”
“It’s your choice.”
“I’m serious. If you wanna stay and eat more, we can. Or if you wanna go anywhere else, we can and I’ll tell you either way. It’s just...I don’t know how you might take it, so I want to make sure you’re comfortable.”
“Is it that bad?” you asked after a moment of silence. The worst thoughts raced through your head. He looked good, a little tired maybe, but he seemed healthy and in good spirits.
“No, but...it could change our lives and I’d like your opinion on what I should do.”
You ended up in a park with kids practicing for an upcoming softball game, so you had to walk a good distance to not get distracted at the noise. You sat on some swings, barely rocking from the movements, letting your feet drag on the wood chips as you watched the joggers pass, counting three people with the same pink sweater and seven walking their dogs. Joshua had yet to say a word and at this point, you were afraid to ask him anything. Instead, you enjoyed his company, feeling grateful that despite whatever he had to say, he still managed to elicit a calming presence. 
“So, I went to a thing with my church in San Diego,” he finally began, staring out at whatever beyond he was picturing in his head. “And from there we hit most of Southern California until we had one final thing to do here. And after one of my performances, a scout from South Korea came up to me. He said I had what to takes to make it big over there. At first, I wasn’t interested because it seemed too good to be true. But then he offered us some plane tickets to go visit the studio and see for ourselves and, you know.”
You nodded, finally understanding and easing the pent up anxiety. “That’s where you guys were all this time. I thought you up and left town or something.”
“We did and got to see a lot of- they’re called trainees working to debut and they seemed nice. One of them gave me their number so we could stay in touch. His name was Jeonghan. I also got to meet one of their singers who goes by Bumzu and he does a lot of other neat things too. And a boy group called Nu’est who debuted earlier this year. They sound really good. We can check them out on YouTube later if you want.”
“So when do you leave?” You could already feel the food turning in your stomach, ignoring the last part of his suggestion. It’s not that you didn’t want him to pursue his dream, but you couldn’t imagine him not being by your side and vice versa to see each other completing your milestones...together. That’s what your friendship consisted of: being together. 
“Oh, um about that. I told them I’d think about it. It seems like there’s a catch to it. I’m not 100% sold.” He dug into his pajama pants and pulled out a business card from his wallet and handed you a business card with information from a Pledis Entertainment. You frowned at the Hangul, concentrating on translating it while he continued speaking. “They gave me this in case I changed my mind but I should do it soon because they have a deadline coming up.” He paused his swinging. “What do you think I should do?”
“I...I don’t think this is a decision I can make for you.” 
“But you’re a big enough influence that’d help me decide.” He resumed kicking his feet. “If you want me to go and see the hype of an idol life, tell me and I’ll go. If you don’t want me to go and make a fool of myself because I flew out for nothing, tell me and I’ll stay.” 
“From what you’re telling me,” you said slowly, picking your words carefully, “I don’t know if you should. I mean I could be wrong, but what if something goes wrong over there and you’re by yourself? Or if all the hard work you’re gonna put in doesn’t pay off? You, of all people, deserve to have your dreams come true and to see you come back because it doesn’t work out? I don’t know if I could bear to see your face looking so sad. But in the end, it’s your choice.” It felt wrong to tell him those words, but you couldn’t lie to him, but you couldn’t tell him how selfish you could be.
The foundation of your friendship might not have been cemented with the glorious days of playing in the sandbox; rather it was due to him seeing you struggle with your spelling words during the weekly test and him sliding his paper to the side so you could see the words and then retaking it after school in separate classrooms because you’d gotten caught. And when you mixed that with spending lunch recess with your teacher to help him with converting fractions to decimals and percentages, it seemed like a recipe for a lifetime of memories, especially when you added the permission on both sides of the parental figures to go to each other’s houses. It seemed like there was nothing you couldn’t conquer as you got older.
“Don’t worry,” he smiled at you, “I didn’t put too much thought into it either. It’s a long shot and they were asking for too much anyways.” 
“They were gonna charge you just to audition?” What kinda high class-
“No, they asked for my diploma.”
“You fucking idiot.”
No matter how hard you tried not to see, you always managed to catch Joshua staring at the business card on the fridge and it ate you up with guilt even though it was his decision too. You caught the lingering looks and how he’d shake his head as if shaking away an image and facing you with a smile. And when his Korean friend Jeonghan began Skyping him to show him how everything was going, you always swore you’d see a flicker of regret cross his features as Joshua laughed along and reassured him that life was great here and even showed him the things he managed to find at the Korean markets that apparently he couldn’t find anywhere else. He started looking into colleges and another part-time job to pass the time and all you could do was simmer in the turmoil because he chose not to speak of it. “It’s for the best, Y/N,” was all he’d say.
The days passed, with the deadline rapidly approaching and his mood dropped subtly, often tuning you out and playing his music or movie to drown the silence and his misery. His family didn’t seem too concerned at his choice but let him ride it out because he’d get over it soon. 
He finally asked you to come to an evening mass with his family because he’d be giving a small performance and because you knew he needed all the support, you agreed, saying you’d be at the front door waiting for them, for him. So, in the most presentable (and uncomfortable) clothes you owned, you sat first-row front and center with his grandma and several people you didn’t know waiting for the priest to finish his sermon and let your best friend do his thing, which he did.
One of your favorite things about seeing Joshua play the guitar? Seeing the way his eyes literally sparkled every time someone saw him play. You’d seen it multiple times even when he practiced with just you in the room and it never failed to take your breath away. The way his fingers moved effortlessly through the chords and the way he focused solely on the words coming from his mouth. You weren’t immune to those charms, what with the way your hands would get clammy and your heart would pound and you just looked at him in awe because he normally didn’t have that effect on you. 
You looked around the pews, seeing his audience with similar reactions. A lot of them held out their phones, recording and singing along; others for some reason dabbed their eyes because apparently, an angel had blessed them that day. You saw his parents looking proud at their son and trying to hide their smiles as those around them sang their praise at Joshua’s talent. 
As for you? You knew what you had to do and the thought had you wiping your eyes frantically to avoid breaking down. You flashed him a thumbs-up as he finished and he nodded his thanks. He normally stayed behind his parents after mass but he figured you needed to get dressed into something that didn’t make you wanna claw out of your skin, so after taking you home to change and after grabbing a quick dinner from McDonald’s and enjoying it as the last rays of the day came to a close and the night making it feel later than it should’ve.
“When did you get so good?” You asked him. “Last time I heard you, your voice cracked. A lot.”
“Practice,” he shrugged modestly. “I couldn’t have done that without YouTube and their tutorials. And you? When did you decide to come to church without an excuse?”
“When you said you wanted me to come.” You took a deep breath. “I’ve been thinking.” “About?” He asked his mouthful of food, something really unlike him. The small thing must’ve boosted his spirits and it showed. “It must be really scary if you’re telling me. Let me guess. You’re gonna storm the Bastille next time you get a day off? Or are you finally gonna head off to a college far from here? I guess LA isn’t too crazy for you after all.”
“Joshua, I want you to audition.” Before he could say anything else, you continued, wanting to get everything out before you took everything back. “I want you to go for this because it’s your dream. You don’t belong in just one place, you belong everywhere. I shouldn’t have told you not to do it. Seeing you tonight, I know that now. I’m not scared of you coming back because you failed. I’m scared of seeing you turning down this opportunity and you not seeing what you can do. I don’t want your biggest regret to be staying here. If anything, your biggest regret should be meeting me.”
He missed your attempt of a joke, staying quiet for a moment, letting your words sink in before he gave you the biggest smile you didn’t realize you missed until you saw it. A few minutes later, you found yourselves in his room, him introducing himself to the camera and you behind it, capturing his every moment. The ache in your heart seemed different as you heard him sing, feeling ashamed for wanting to keep him from this and feeling proud for putting your pride to the side and letting him have this.
You knew that no one in your life deserved a fighting chance more than Hong Jisoo, and whatever the outcome, you couldn’t have been more proud of him because he gave it his all. When his parents returned home for the night, you kept your composure long enough to say your goodbyes and went home a crying mess because you already missed him.
The main menu on the TV replayed the anime’s theme song and you swore you’d be hearing t in your sleep tonight. Joshua swore he was only a few pages away from finishing the manga of the same way and then you could start the series. For the last week, he had tried to be productive balancing work and home, with just getting by in school. But apparently, his inner nerd and his friend Jeonghan didn’t let him focus on anything other than the book currently occupying his hands. You remembered not so long ago how you threw a pillow at him because you had long ago finished it and were about to start it but he begged you to wait for him to read it so you could watch it together and why you agreed was beyond you. You finished the last of your water, looking up at the ceiling in hopes to make the time go by faster but all you could hear was Joshua’s gasps of surprise and the pages turning. It felt like years when he finally finished and his punishment, you threw the empty water bottle at him and told him to press play because if you didn’t watch it soon, you’d explode and you had to be at work soon and you wouldn’t be able to handle the anticipation of not starting now.
You got up to grab some chips in the kitchen, seeing as though your best friend wasn’t pressing play anytime soon. “You want anything?” Silence. “Joshua!” Nothing. “Then starve.” But you grabbed a bag just for him because you knew he’d want some. He was still engrossed at whatever he was seeing on his phone, the only difference was the shit-eating grin on his face. “Why so happy?”
“I got my diploma.” 
“Okay and?” 
“You asked,” he shrugged. “But since you wanna know, I can get ahead on any credits I choose so I can get into a good college and I can graduate early. But also I don’t have to wake up early anymore.”
“When did you get so smart?” You tossed the bag of Doritos at him, hitting him in the face and doing your victory pose. “Now press play. If I have to wait longer to watch this I’m gonna die. Jisoo Joshua Hong, are you even listening to me anymore?” You sat down next to him to see what rendered him speechless.
Instead of answering you, he showed you an email from none other than Pledis, the smile on his face not faltering. “I-they accepted me. Y/N, I have a shot! Oh my god, this is amazing! I have to call Jeonghan! We’re gonna train together! It’ll be so good to have someone I know there. He’s gonna be so happy when he hears-hey, are you okay?”
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak. You could feel the prickling in your eyes but whether they’d be tears of sadness or happiness remained unclear. On the one hand, he could live his dream, make millions of people happy even if for just a moment, like he deserved. You knew the effect he had on people and others needed to experience that if they ever got to know how annoying and he could be. On the other, you couldn’t be by his side like you’ve always planned to. You’d have to support him from afar. You wouldn’t be able to see him every day anymore. You’d probably fade away to strangers who’d only get in contact with each other if he ever came home since you knew you couldn’t afford plane tickets to South Korea and what if you weren’t in the same area if you were in the same state? That alone caused you to cry, hating yourself for being upset at the news. 
“Beh peuh, you forget how much I know you. Do you not want me to go?”
“I do, but what about us and this friendship? What if you forget everything here once you’re this big celebrity idol? You’ve been my best friend for so long and it's too late to find someone to replace you.” You tried to find humor in the situation but failing to do so. You didn’t want anyone who wasn’t him. You knew no one else would tolerate your impulsive dining out or walking all through LA no matter the distance or even being at home with no concrete plans for the day. “I’m sorry, I should go. I have to get ready to go to work.” You stood up, and all but ran to the door, the anime long forgotten and not bothering to listen to your best friend calling out your name.
Staying out past midnight to close up wasn’t exactly something you prided yourself on. If anything, you were out the door by or before dusk set it but you needed a distraction, anything to forget the nagging of your day’s problem. It surprised you nonetheless when you saw Joshua waiting for you patiently as if it was another day. He smiled at you, not saying a word, instead waiting for you to say something. You wished you could’ve avoided him so you could gather your thoughts and think rationally rather than emotionally. 
You walked aimlessly for a while, no one saying anything until the silence became unbearable. “I’m sorry,” you finally told him. “I want you to know how happy I am for you. Really I am, and I’m sorry if it looks like I’m trying to keep you from that. It’s just that when I see you, I think how we’re not gonna be together anymore doing things. Like I won’t complain to you about who pissed me off or you won’t tell me about that lady from church who always makes you laugh. I wanna be there the days you sell out arenas and buying tickets to see you perform, not just hear about it. It won’t be the same anymore.” You cursed yourself for already wanting to cry again. 
“I get you. You’re a major part of my life too. But Y/N, it’s not set in stone if I’ll even get to do this. Maybe I’ll be there halfway through and they’ll decide I don’t fit a mold they have and I need to come home. Or maybe I’ll decide that this isn’t what I thought I wanted. You’ve always asked me to trust you, so now I’m asking you to. Can you do that for me? Good,” he said when you nodded. “Now there’s something I wanna ask you.”
“Oh my god, is this the part where you tell me you’ve been in love with me for as long as you can remember?” Your eyes widened in horror. 
His actions mirrored yours. “Please stop reading every friends to lovers book you come across. You will ruin other friendships like that. Now listen. You can breathe, oh for the love of- Y/N, I’m leaving in two weeks and I need to know if you wanna come with me.”
You pointed to yourself when the words sank in and you were able to get your brain working again. “Me? You want me, an inexperienced idiot to fly off with you to an unknown country while you’re there. Why?”
“Truthfully, I want you there too. My friend Jeonghan said it happened with his friend Aron from Nu’est, only he went as the supportive friend, but I know you’re not interested in stealing my spotlight. They provided the extra ticket even though I said we could pay for it...but only if you wanted to.”
“How long am I supposed to stay?”
“As long as you want to ride it out with me. What do you say beh peuh? Are you- no. Can you take this chance with me?”
You exed down the last full day, the butterflies in your stomach ever-present as ever. Joshua looked at you with the eagerness in his face since he found out about the audition. His room, once a place of endless homework hours and weekend movie marathons was now mostly baron, except with clean sheets on his bed. His closet was now empty of everything he owned, having gotten a head start with shipping to the new country. It was nothing but a place of memories, both good and bad, but nothing you would ever change about it. At this time tomorrow, he’d be an official Pledis trainee, and with that thought, often came a swelling in your heart that made it hard to pass your throat. The last thing he needed to do today was return his McDonald’s uniform and pick up the payday, all of which you accompanied him. 
Considering it was the last day, you did many things from shopping for groceries for your homes and enjoying the last few moments. You even went to his church to watch get his blessing from the priest who bade him a safe trip and a prosperous future. He spent some time with his old friends that weren’t you, but not really saying why he was leaving for the homeland his grandparents loved so much. You cried throughout the day every time you realized you wouldn’t do this again anymore, but it was another memory for the books. Joshua spent the few hours at home, eating dinner with his family and triple-checking he had everything ready for the long flight ahead. You often loved countdowns but there was something bittersweet about this one, especially because of all the goodbyes involved. 
It was a little after midnight when you met him in his front yard, breathing heavily as you made your way to the main streets of Los Angeles, ready to change the last of your lives. One last night causing mayhem to remember the way it felt when Joshua’s mischievous side came out. 
You watched him climb on a shopping cart and begged you to push him across the parking lot, which you did because no one knew who you guys were, except teenagers having fun until the security chased you out and starting your next misadventure. You made peace with your pasts in an empty ice cream parlor, shoveling spoonfuls of ice cream like shots for every question you didn’t have an answer to and spilling secrets you didn’t know the other had. 
You passed tons of nightclubs afterward, laughing for no reason other than because they all played the same songs and because the smell of weed flooded everywhere. You walked on the walk of fame, waving at random cars passing by because for all you knew it could be their last day here too, and pointing at the museums you wished you would’ve gone to more times despite the prices. You enjoyed the quiet moments with Joshua too every time you sat on a bench to get some rest. 
You didn’t plan on staying out the whole night but somehow you did and when you went back to his house, the first few rays of the morning sun were starting to show. His family was already waiting for him, luggage in tow and ready to go. The drive to LAX felt like it went too fast despite the never-ending traffic and soon you were there, watching him say his last goodbyes to his parents for the time being, and then it was your turn to do the same. 
 He looked over at you, putting his arm around you and hugging you close. You could see how tired he was from the night out but he also never looked happier. 
“Are you ready to go?” You asked him.
“With you by my side? Let’s do this.” As you walked through immigration, a million thoughts swirled in your head, but one thing remained certain: with having Joshua at your side, you’d never feel more free or alive than now at this moment. Two best friends ready to see how much more your lives would change with The Great Escape.
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