#if it was ok for L's team to pay the difference
beccasafan · 2 years
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ariaste · 2 months
Hello, published author here who just noticed a thing in the s3 teaser that may help us to determine the timeline:
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This is not an ARC. ARCs, aka "Advance Review Copies" or "Advance Reader Copies" are sent out in advance of the publication of a book in order for magazines/newspapers/whoever (and these days, online book influencers) to review it, and for booksellers to have a chance to read it so they can order copies for their store and hand-sell it better on publication day. ARCs usually go out around 3-4 months before publication.
ARCs are also sometimes called "advance uncorrected proofs" because they usually haven't been through copyedits yet (aka typo-finding and punctuation-checking). ARCs are always clearly marked on the front cover as what they are, to make it harder for people to sell them online and so that bookstores don't accidentally put them out as merchandise.
We know that the IWTV team knows this becaaaaause, from the end of s2e8:
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*THAT'S* an ARC. You can see how it says so all over, both "advance reader's copy" and "advance uncorrected proof". It's also a paperback (as ARCs usually are) rather than the hardback that Lestat is holding -- all very typical and correct.
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And here is a finished copy. And we know exactly how far after publication it is, because:
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Daniel also gives a shout out to a "book fair" and Atlanta, which I take to mean the Decatur Book Festival, which takes place in October. So that means the book would have been published in June -- nice timing! Get all that good Pride Month promo for this gay-ass vampire memoir. So far we are nailing the Expected Publishing Industry Timeline And Behaviors.
So the only thing I can tell you definitively about what this means is that Louis got that ARC probably in February, aka around eight fucking months ago at the end of s2, and still hasn't even skimmed it, and that is HILARIOUS of him. not a shred of guilt on him about it either. (if you get a print ARC (as opposed to an e-ARC) and you don't even read it, it is polite to be a little embarrassed about that. not my personal best friend Louis DPDL tho.)
As for whether Daniel is a vampire during the s3 trailer -- the thing we are all clamoring to know -- I have two possible ways the timeline could be working, given the publishing industry stuff:
OPTION 1: Louis leaves Dubai -> Goes to New Orleans for Depression Hovel reunion, refuses to get back together with Lestat -> Lestat "I will woo him back with a Song, just like last time. ok that didn't work I'LL GO BIGGER. that didn't work. BIGGER" Lioncourt starts his rockstar career as a Gotta Get My Man Back tantrum -> Daniel finishes the manuscript, delivers it to his publisher, and sends an ARC to Louis (February) -> Book is published, bestseller (June) -> Daniel (who was turned at some unknown point) goes on TV about it (October) -> famous currently-bestselling journalist gets in touch with up-and-coming rockstar to get his side of the story -> Lestat has a mental breakdown on camera about how Louis is not even paying attention to all the albums he is recording, hurtful, tragic, heartbreaking
OPTION 2: Daniel DEFINITELY got out of Dubai alive -> [all of the above up to "Daniel sends an ARC to Louis"] -> book is getting great reviews -> already-famous Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist gets in contact with up-and-coming rockstar to do the sequel even before the book is out (slightly odd publishing choice but when you have two Pulitzers, the rules are different, so it's not implausible) -> Daniel gets his finished copies of the book (which brings us to probably May at the earliest; you don't usually get your finished copies more than a month in advance) and has one on set for interviewing Lestat -> Lestat has his sexy little rockstar breakdown on camera -> Daniel is human for interviewing Lestat but gets turned by Armand somewhere in the five-month span between finished copies arriving in May and his TV interview in October.
Option 1 gives the show writers a little more timeline wiggle room, which can be useful, but Option 2 is more Dramatic and builds extra tension if Daniel is trying to do this interview while not having a good time with his Parkinson's. Either way Louis is just out here not answering anybody's phone calls or reading the lovely ARC he was so thoughtfully sent bc he's busy redecorating his house.
THAT SAID, please take all of this with a grain of salt, i have been losing my mind over the s3 trailer and i may have missed something
this has been your war correspondent a report from the publishing industry. thank you and goodnight
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Ok so, I am actually really interested about the DMU now.
How do people apply to work in Naegis Household in the DMU? Obviously those mansions aren't going to clean them selves, nor are their owners going to lift a finger?
Can you join regardless of social status? Do you give up your money and possessions? Do you get a cool uniform?
Do they actually do work or just get turned into dumb silicone inflated slaves? Or both?
Do they serve Naegi directly or his bimbo wife or both?
Sorry if it's too many questions at once!
Oh lore questions,I love those.And of course it's not too much.
The workers are divided between three sections in the Ludenberg castle(s):
A section dedicated to pretty boy dress like vampire who job is being pretty boy dress like vampire for the pleasure of serving Celestia and do classic housework, they are actually paid!But they do have to wear chasity cage and obey Celestia every orders.
A section who is, well slaves, that's where Aoi and Kirigiri stand, slaves are marked of a big "L" on their asses and wear Chasity cages they are no less that furniture to be used,given humiliating tasks and are used as easily accessible sex toys, there are to get back a debt that they will never be able to pay back anyway (the debt of Kyoko is of 34 billions dollars and Aoi is of 150 billions with 40 percent annual interest).
The last section is more specific,it's a combat/bodyguard intervention team composite of 50.000 agents that use the different castle as base,they either play bodyguard, intervention and other "dirty work"they are typically recruited around mercenary, terrorist,ex police member or people who will do anything to avoid prison or revenge,Kirumi briefly work for the section 5 (bodyguard) meanwhile Mukuro is stationary at the main residence in Nagoya (when she is not trying to get into Makoto pants), they aren't "paid" in the sense that they don't touch any money, but they are under express protection from the "house" and got diplomatic immunity.
You apply by sending your resume directly at the main house,if you are a pretty boy who don't mind dressing like an emo of course.
Or you can get into a debt you cannot pay by playing Majong with Celestia.
Celestia is too busy being the prime minister of Japan and Makoto the  Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications (not counting there other activity) to have time to care about the house.
Makoto enjoy gardening, however,so it's not rare he take cares of the flower himself.
Status is irrelevant, competency is,you don't even need a degree,you just need to know what you are doing.
That's at least true except for the slave,Celestia pick her female slave around people who she deemed can out shadow her (hence why Aoi and Kirigiri) so in that case your social status play at your disadvantage.
For the army part, everyone can enter as long as they pass the test.
Except if you are a slave,no.
A very fancy one indeed,the combat uniform of the intervention section are black and have ranks.
For some reason the one given to female tend to show their curve more.
The slaves are typically forbidden to even think and are constantly overstimulated until their brain fried.
Slave are given surgery and pumped with silicone until they barely look human anymore,they also get barely any food and what they got is pumped with estrogen as a way to make them submissive,they are also forbidden to read,listen to music and have to get "common therapy session" (Aka:overtsimulation through constant show of slavery related suggestive image),to give an exemple Kyoko Kirigiri who used to be able to get Celestia in the corner in any game,is now barely able to do middle school level math,and aoi even forgot how to speak or write.
It's to be noted that none of the girl is allowed to have bigger assets than Celestia.
They also have a small section of Sissy slaves,Makoto is disgusted by them, but they bring money when they are prostituted so,heh, good enough.
There "work" is the one that can be made by kids,and sucking cock all day,all night until they collapse.
It's a lucrative business.
Celestia is typically more appliqued in the "sex" part of the sex slave,and the Butler have to answer to her specifically,Makoto handle the business part, except for Kirigiri and Aoi who are his slaves and his only.
The intervention section are typically handle by the general of each sections,but Makoto can veto any decision.
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miasanmuller · 1 year
My dear friend Bella @probayern tagged me to make my Bundesliga predictions for the next season so here am I :) Let's just hope I get more good things right this time than last year lol
Bundesliga prediction time: answer the following questions about this bundesliga season
1. Top 5 Bundesliga Teams at the end of the season? 2. How far will Bayern get in the DFB Pokal? 3. How far will Bayern get in the Champions League? 4. Who will be Bayerns top goal scorer? 5. Biggest surprise? (could be anything) 6. Biggest disappointment? (could be anything)
Ok so obviously we're at the top as usual, with L*ipzig as a close runner-up. Dortmund and Neverkusen are also at the top 5 but I'm not quite sure where. As for the last team... I guess almost everybody will go with either Union on Freiburg and they'e likely the safest bets, but I'm chosing not to make an exact prediction for the fifth team as I believe the Bundesliga enjoys surprising us with some wild cards from time to time. So I'm guessing the fifth team in the top 5 will not be Union, Freiburg or Frankfurt, but a completely different team no one expects lmao.
Quarter-finals bye
Honestly? Honestly?? If we make it out of the group stage alive I'm throwing a party lol I think we die at quarter-finals again.
*sigh* I'm going with Kane because we payed a lot for that man to do specifically that and I want to believe this money was well spent.
We'll have a working midfield by the end of 2023 and it will be surprisingly good. I'm unsure whether it'll be with Josh + Laimer or Laimer + Leon or if Josh and Leon will somehow make it work or if we'll sign someone else or whatever. But I think we'll get over the midfield chaos soon enough but we will have defensive problems so we'll suffer anyway
Manu won't come back this year, only in the beginning of 2024... and he'll never be as good again. I don't know how this will affect us bc I'm confident we'll eventually sign another GK soon... But this will have a huge effect on the morale and will have divise effects on Bayernblr. Hopefully I'm wrong about this one, but considering how thing's are going... And maybe this doesn't quite fit as a disappointment since this is something most of us are kinda expecting, but I also think we all have at least a bit of hope of seeing him coming back just as great as he was so yeah.
And with this sad note I finish my predictions lmao I'm tagging @thomas-mvller @miss-i-ship-it @shrimpeon and @acrazybayernfan to submit their predictions too :)
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uc1wa · 9 months
Ok, so, it's the middle of the night and I have some thoughts about the beauty of accents that I need to share, this is probably be ranty and unnecessarily long so bear with me (or don't it's your blog, right!)
I'm Canadian but i listen to this band from Japan and I have for 17ish years, the lead singer sometimes sings in English and I love his accent. Most of the time he sings clearly and I can understand what he is saying even if he pronounced something incorrectly and sometimes I can't because it's a metal band and I probably wouldn't fully understand without reading the lyrics even if he didn't have an accent.
So, while listening to them tonight it got me thinking about accents, like jjk happens in Japan so obviously they would speak Japanese, I watch in English because I don't know Japanese, but I was wondering what Geto, gojo, and the rest of them actually speaking English would sound like. Obviously they wouldn't sound like the English VAs.
Accents tell you so much about a person that most people don't even realize. More than just where they are from. Accents come from languages having different sounds and different cadence in speaking. For example, there is no "L" or "th" sound in most Asian languages. So those are difficult sounds to make when learning english. Like, the singer in the band I listen to sings a line in English "gasp for breath" but it sounds like "gasp for bress." If you pay attention to where your tongue is in your mouth when you make a "th" sound compared to a "ss" sound it's not very different but if you didn't grow up moving your tongue that way or haven't specifically been told where to put your tongue you're not going to make the sound like a native speaker. Same with the "L" sound coming out as an "R" sound, very minor differences in tongue position. And to be fair even if you know where to put your tongue and have a minimal accent, if you speak too quickly you'll naturally go back to moving your tongue the way your muscles are used to and your accent will come back. On the flip side Swedish uses almost the exact same set of sounds as English so while learning either language is still a difficult task, pronunciation isn't and when most Swedish people speak English they have very minor accents. (I'm one of your hockey anons and my team has had a LOT of Swedish players over the years so I looked into why they didn't sound like Swedish people you see in movies, it's because Swedish people don't actually talk like that at all 😂) So the language(s) you grew up speaking affect the way your muscles move.
Language also affects the way you perceive the world. For example, the Inuit have between 40 and 70 words for snow! Imagine knowing the difference between that many types of snow! Like I said, I'm Canadian and I can only think of snow with adjectives in front of it (packy snow, frozen snow, fluffy snow) but it's still all the word snow. But it goes deeper than that. There is a stereotype that Asian people are amazing at math so "they," I don't remember who at the moment, ( the moment being 1:38 am) did I study on it, and they found that students in Eastern Asia consistently could remember more numbers when given a list of numbers than north American students could. But Asian students in North America were a mixed bag. They realized the Asian students in North America whose numbers were comparable to the east Asian scores weren't native English speakers, their first language was an East Asian language. Whereas the Asian students whose first language was English had numbers comparable to the rest of the English speakers. Most east Asian languages have a very simple way of counting, like Japanese, from my minimal understanding, the number 84 would be spoken as eight ten four, whereas in English each set of ten has it's own name which causes a longer processing time in your mind. (84 in french is 4 20 4, you have to do math just to count! I assume that would make french speakers even slower at math than English speakers, insert that video of the new York cabby going off about french numbers) also the individual numbers tend to be a single short syllable and that also quickens processing time. This allows east Asian native speakers to remember more numbers than native English speakers. Being Asian doesn't make you better at math, being a native Asian language speaker does. It's not race, it's language.
If you think about it the laws of the universe are defined by physics, and what is physics but math in motion. So, your language literally affects the wiring in your brain and your perception of the world around you.
You can hear the way a brain is wired from the way someone's tongue moves, how cool is that? AND, it can change depending on where you grew up, even with the same language! I tongue from Scotland will move differently than a tongue in Oklahoma! And you can hear it and I love it! I love accents so much. 😩😩😩
Back to jjk, would Geto put in the effort to minimize his accent? I don't think so, honestly I don't think cult leader Geto would even attempt learning English since Jujutsu is mostly in Japan, why would he want to talk to monkeys? (Also, Naoya? Not learning English either, too proud of his family line and honestly not willing to be bad at something, like everyone is at the beginning) Gojo on the other hand, I think he would learn English (to annoy more people) and know lots of words but not necessarily speak clearly, he's the best at everything right? Why wouldn't he be the best at English? So he puts no effort into minimizing his accent, doesn't think he needs to, spoiler he does, haha. I think Yuuji might learn for fun or to understand Jennifer Lawrence interviews, I think he'd have a decent accent but speak clearly.
Anyways, do you have thoughts on this? This being accents in jjk (or any anime) Or am I deliriously tired and not making sense.
finally answering this now that i can give this the attention it deserves. beforehand note, this is such a coincidence bc i took an anthropological linguistic class last sem! also HELLO ONE OF MY HOCKEY ANONS!! MISSED U!
in terms of jjk! most (besides kyoto ppl) are from northern jp, miyagi i think!! i'm from the osaka-hyogo area so there is definitely a different dialect in comparison to miyagi! i do speak more similar to that of kyoto ofc since it is closer. but, just like any city, there are sayings that are foreign in one and the ssame in another.
Most east Asian languages have a very simple way of counting, like Japanese, from my minimal understanding, the number 84 would be spoken as eight ten four, whereas in English each set of ten has it's own name which causes a longer processing time in your mind.
this part was crazy^^ to me. honestly, as somebody who speaks japanese, i never thought of this on my own though it makes perfect sense. saying this as a data science major who grew up being trilingual HAHA
gojo... i honestly think he' grow up speaking english. coming from the most notorious clan in all of jujutsu, i feel like it would just come natural to him and his clan to speak both jp and english. yuuji w the jlaw interviews made me LOL btw.
so, something funny ab naoya (specifically naoya cuz he;s fucking crazy ofc) is he speaks the kansai dialect (this is what i speak as well so ab to clown myself in the process. yk how in english there is like a "valley girl" way of speaking? kansai is the jp version of that. so naoya the all and powerful speaks japanese like a socal valley girl would speak english.
anyways, i loved reading this! language and anthropology in general is so interesting to me. its so cool learned about different people and what makes them... them!! another silly to imagine, when i was little i would sometimes accidentally use an accent from one of my languages when speakig another. imagine a 5 year old xi speaking spanish in a japanese accent lol
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jiishwa · 1 year
since i finished death note recently i just thought I’d share some of my overall thoughts about the series under the cut, yknow, just for fun or whatever…
•firstly i really wanna talk about misa’s character. i honestly feel like she was such a waste, being as she was kind of the only long term main female character, i really wished she would’ve been like dumb and obsessed with light as an act but been super smart and cunning behind the scenes. i wish she would’ve been a more even match for light and used her “im in love with kira” act as a way to just get closer to him and observe him so she could play him, and light thought she was easy to control and manipulate all along so he wouldn’t have seen any eventual betrayal coming. just thought that would’ve been a cool plot twist. all that being said, i still wouldn’t say i hated or even disliked misa as a character, i just wish she would’ve been more complex because i think that could’ve been way more interesting (and we love to see a girl be evil lol).
•one of the things that kind of did get on my nerves, however, was that i felt there was just waaaaay too much mind reading and 5d chess. like, at times, i felt like i was just skimming over super wordy sections (and it’s not because i don’t like words. reading books, aside from manga, is actually one of my biggest hobbies. i love words) because they would eventually become confusing for me, especially when two “masterminds” were going on about how they’d been playing each other all along and i would just be like “ok. im lost. also how could you both have foreseen and predicted that much? anyway…” and i felt like it didn’t leave much room for any real plot twists since, well, we always knew what everyone was thinking. Even when they reveal the final “gotcha” moment at the end there almost wasn’t any pay off in that for me because the entire series I’d gotten used to people finding new crazy ways to one up each other.
•team matsuda let’s gooooo!! i absolutely loved matsuda and im so glad he got to make it to the end! i really thought light was gonna get away with killing everyone before somehow getting caught but im glad that wasn’t the case in the end. matsuda was like the task force’s resident golden retriever, he was the only hope in all that darkness sometimes and i just. matsuda was my favorite character that’s all i have to say.
•i feel like maybe this was sort of the point, but i think light is probably the most unlikable “protagonist(?)” I’ve ever read like. i dunno. i just see him and my brain goes “yeeeeesss king, give me nothiiiiiiing” like on one hand i feel like i have no opinions on him but on the other if i saw him in the street id probably wanna sucker punch him just for being such an arrogant dick all the time lol.
•there was too much time in the middle where it felt like nothing was really happening. Like specifically after L’s death where everything just takes place in their secret hideout. not gonna lie there’s a good portion of the middle that was pretty boring to me and I wish we could’ve maybe seen some things from other peoples perspectives or i dunno, gotten some flashbacks or something to learn more about certain characters but that’s also probably the part of my brain that’s like “obsessed with lore” and wants to know “useless” information just for fun.
•i did not expect L to die that fast. like i knew he would die, eventually, but i definitely thought it was gonna be more towards the end than only halfway through (and maybe that’s why what followed for a while after that was sort of boring to me)? i dunno, but i definitely enjoyed L as a character more than light.
•i thought Near was just ok. i would’ve sort of liked it for light’s main adversary after L to have had a different approach/personality than L. Part of me is sort like “why get rid of L just to replace him with someone exactly the same?”
•I would’ve really liked to know what happened to misa and light’s mom and sister after his death. since they wouldn’t have been told he was kira since those who were still alive who knew swore to keep kiras death a secret, i would’ve liked to know what kind of cover up story they were told, what their reactions were, and where they ended up after the fact. also would’ve liked to know what ryuk was up to too. those final few pages showing all those people who still worshipped kira (i think that’s what that was supposed to be right?) felt sort of out of place to me but that’s just a small nitpick.
•as much as i have my criticisms though i really did enjoy finally getting around to reading death note, since it’s basically considered a classic at this point, and at the very least I’ll enjoy some of the memes a little more lol.
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Headcanons for a teen Avenger with ADD/ADHD
I have ADHD myself, so this is kinda based off of my own struggles. My experiences will most likely not match your own exactly, but please don’t think your experience is invalid, because ADHD affects everyone differently.
(Y/F/A)- your favorite animal
(Y/F/O)- your favorite object
The Avengers took you in when you were 10.
You were already diagnosed, so they knew what they were getting themselves into.
Tony was the first to notice, as he struggled with it himself.
You made yourself at home with Tony because he related to you the most.
After 6 months, you felt comfortable with every Avenger, but Tony was still your favorite.
Soon, all of the Avengers began to notice your erotic behavior and it only got worse as you got older.
You were a shapeshifter, so your ADHD/ADD was shown through your powers.
You tried not to shift in the compound, as you were working on controlling your powers, but it was really hard when you got excited.
When you did get excited, you began to fight uncontrollably, and you got tics
Then you shifted into a (Y/F/A)/(Y/F/O).
You could also be found sleeping anywhere in the compound
On the kitchen floor, the roof, someone else’s bedroom (how’d you get in there???), in the gym, the couch was one of your favorite spots, the kitchen island, basically wherever you could lie down.
Steve finding you in his room
“(Y/N)? You ok?” He’d ask, poking you
“Hmmm go away” -you
“Uh ok” -Steve backing out of HIS room.
“Hey guys (Y/N) is sleeping in my room?? Did one of you let her in???” -Steve
“Oh yea I found her in my room the other week” -Bucky
“Me too” -Wanda
“Same” -Peter
“Ive found her on the kitchen island and floor a few times” -Tony
As well as sleeping a lot, you also had a lot of energy, and with energy came tics
At first, you were embarrassed by them and would try to suppress them until it hurt.
Only then would you let them out, but they came out as whatever whenever
When senator Ross was presenting the Sokovia accords, you yelled “Bitch” in the middle of the meeting
Everyone went silent and turned to you
You ran out, embarrassed
The team confronted you later, and you confided in them
They had gotten used to your tics and little outbursts of energy
Wanda thought they were cute
They confused Vison
Some Avengers would giggle at them, (not at you, but with you)
You had trouble concentrating during Steve’s meetings and run throughs of missions
You’d begin to fidget, sometimes pace the room
It’s not that you were ignoring him, you just COULDN’T FOCUS
Other days, you were hyper-fixated on whatever Steve had to say
You’d track everything
And then just FORGET the next day
It was super frustrating, and you were embarrassed once more
Everyone was empathetic
Thanks to Wanda, who once read your mind and had a panic attack
“SO. MUCH. HAPPENING.” -Wanda, after reading your mind
You had no sense of danger, so you kind of got hurt a lot
But it was all in good fun
You always put people before yourself
Except when it comes to competition, then everyone else had to DIE
You had a lot of “moments” on the battlefield
“OH HOLY SHIT DON’T BLAST THEM!!” -you after using it
“(Y/L/N), language!” -Steve
“Hey, uh-, guys? What’re we doing again?” -you LITERALLY 10 MINUTES AFTER DROP OFF
You just singing random songs and getting totally off track all the time
Everyone would call you “Crack Baby” and that very much pissed you off
Eventually “Crack Baby” just became your code name, so you got used to it
Even though having ADHD/ADD had its downsides, it also had its upsides and the Avengers loved you just the way you are
Even if you were a Crack baby
“Hey Steve?”
“Yes (Y/N)?”
“Could you help me with something?”
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“My- uh- my bed is on fire.”
“Yeah, where’s the fire extinguisher?” -you, very calm.
“(Y/N) WHY ARE THER FIRE ALRAMS GOING OFF AND SMOKE COMING FROM YOUR ROOM???” -tony running down the hallway with the fire extinguisher
“Oh! You have it! Can you put the fire out? It’s on my bed. It started in the toilet but it spread.” -you, still VERY calm
“wHY” -tony
“(Y/NnNnN)” -Steve
“Yeah, sorry. You can pay for it though, right Tony?”
“ARE YOU SERIOUS KID?” -tony spraying the fire
“Yes?” -you
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i-just-like-goats · 3 years
Miya Atsumu x Female Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: The Inarizaki team have all placed bets on when you and your longtime best friend Atsumu will finally get together. Kita is close to losing the bet, time for him to step in.
It is known to all students at Inarizaki High that Atsumu was a lady’s man. Sure he wasn’t a womaniser or a player, but that didn’t stop him from breaking hearts everywhere he went. His mere dismissal of a girl would lead that girl to burst into tears, straight up rejections even worse. His casual flirtatious comments did not at all help with his reputation, leading oblivious girls to believe he actually held interest in them. How wrong they were.
Whereas you. You deemed yourself nothing special. Nothing too flashy, unlike a certain someone. You didn’t stand out in a crowd, and most certainly never attempted to shine or take the spotlight. You left that to your best friend.
Miya Atsumu.
“Hey could you-“
“Will you please put in a good-“
The first two girls had left, their hopes crushed, you felt relieved they had gone to class until another girl replaced them and effectively disrupted your short lived peace.
“Y/N!” She said, her voice oozed with fake sweetness.
“Do I know you?” You asked bluntly.
“We sit next to each other in chemistry, silly. Don’t you remember?”
“So I was wondering if I could ask you a favour?”
“If it’s homework we had none. If it’s class work I’ll send you my notes. If it’s anything else; leave me alone.”
“I just need you to give this little gift to At-“
“Not interested.”
With that you swiftly walked away, which left the unnamed girl open mouthed with shock. This was the daily routine you had to put up with. Reject all of Atsumu’s fan girls who approached you in order to reach him. Truth be told it was extremely tedious, but you couldn’t really complain - after all you were the one who befriended him. It was a small price to pay for being friends with him.
“Hey I was wondering if you could set me up with Atsumu?” A different girl asked.
Scratch that it wasn’t small. At all. It was a big price to pay. Very tedious. Very irritating. Very time consuming. By the time you reached your first class - English - you were already exhausted and plopped yourself into your seat.
“Don’t you look wonderful?”
“Well you wouldn’t look so hot either if you had to fight off Atsumu’s admirers in the space of one morning.”
Osamu noticed your sharp tone and held his hands up in mock surrender. You shook your head at him and started writing down what your teacher was saying.
Lunch came around and you made your way to your usual table next to your best friend.
“There’s my favourite best friend!”
All eyes were on you as you made your way to Atsumu. Some looked with contempt. Some with envy. Others with anger. All harboured ill feelings towards you. He had that certain look in his eye when you walked over to him, like you were the greatest thing in the world. His smile widened once you took the seat across from him, Atsumu’s eyes sparkled with joy as though it was his first time seeing your face again. Suna scoffed at his expression, not before taking a sneaky picture of proof about how much Miya Atsumu was whipped for Y/N L/N.
“Where were you all morning! I missed you so much,”
“I was dying,”
Silence. Atsumu tilted his head in confusion. Next to him, his twin stifled a laugh.
“Bro, your girlfriend here was busy fending off the wild animals that make up your fan club. She had no time to see your stupid face, and the last time you saw her was yesterday,”
Everyone in proximity of your table tensed up at Osamu’s words. From the table next to yours, Atsumu’s fan girls glared daggers at you.
“Yesterday was ages ago,” Atsumu whined.
“That’s what you focus on?” You ask incredulously.
Instantly Atsumu’s demeanour changed and he glanced to his left.
“Way to go Osamu, now Y/N’s on their hit list,” Atsumu said dryly.
“Well if you didn’t flirt back none of us would be in this mess,” Kita kindly passive aggressively informed his teammate.
Ever since Atsumu’s first official match, girls had been flocking to Atsumu like a swarm of bees to their queen. Every day the Inarizaki volleyball team had to deal with squealing fan girls gushing over Atsumu’s talent for volleyball, essentially distracting the players and disrupting practice. At first Atsumu shamelessly flirted back, basking in the attention, now he, as well as the others were fed up. In short, Kita was tired. Tired of the fan girls. And most importantly tired of the fact that you and Atsumu weren’t dating yet. At this rate Kita would lose the bet that Osamu and Suna had coerced him to take part in. He had bet that you and Atsumu would be dating by the end of the month, which was this Saturday, and the way things were going between you two, he’d probably have to ask you out himself for Atsumu in order to win the bet. On the other hand, Osamu bet that Atsumu would ask in their third year, Aran bet that you would actually ask instead of Atsumu and Suna bet that Atsumu would ask at the end of next month. It was decided that the losers would do what the winner wanted for a day, with no complaining whatsoever. A whole day of getting the team to do what he wants without complaints. A dream come true for Kita.
“It’s the end of the month on Saturday. Two days,” Osamu sing songed.
“So?” You asked.
“Oh, nothing,”
You dropped it and shrugged. Opposite you, Kita sent a saccharine smile towards Osamu, while the latter playfully smirked back. Kita had a plan.
Two day passed as usual, nothing significant happened; that is until the end of the second day. As usual, you made your way out of Physics with Atsumu; your best friend filled in the silence with his cheerful chatter. Unusually, Kita stood there at the end of the corridor.
“Hey cap! What brings you here?” Atsumu inquired.
Kita seemed to snap out of whatever was bothering him, for his face returned from his previous scrunched expression to his more neutral expression.
“Hm? Oh I came here to speak with Y/N. If that’s alright with the two of you?”
You nodded, though intrigued as to what Kita wanted to talk to you about, Atsumu on the other hand stayed silent. Before you left with Kita, he crushed you with a hug and sent puppy eyes at your retreating figure, walking next to his captain.
During the walk out of school grounds, Kita mentally prepared himself to convince you to ask Atsumu out, allowing both his and Aran’s plan to work, so that the pair won the bet - Kita was too engrossed in his thoughts. A while passed before you and Kita spoke; you were already halfway home before you confronted Kita.
“You have feelings for Atsumu, don’t you?”
Kita panicked at your sudden dialogue and spoke the words that first came to his mind. His panic was not conveyed through his steady tone of voice. Truth be told, it was more of a statement than a question, it certainly caught you off guard. The latter half of the sentence seemed to be added hastily as though to soften the bluntness.
“What makes you say that?” You answered evenly, and turned your face away from him, a small blush settled firmly on your cheeks.
“Answering my question with a question I see,” he teased, “Everyone knows, the both of you don’t hide your feelings very well, it surprises me that you two aren’t dating yet,”
“I know he has feelings for me, I’m not an idiot, I see the way he looks differently at me and I see how he’s more clingy towards me than the others. I’m not an idiot,” you repeated.
“Then what’s stopping you?”
“I don’t know,”
“I think you do know. Idiot,”
You pouted and let out a huff.
“Fine. Fine,” you finally conceded, “I’m not an idiot but I am a coward. I guess - as cliché as it sounds - I don’t want to ruin our friendship. What if it doesn’t work out and we end on bad terms? Years of friendship would be wasted and gone in an instant. I just. I just don’t want to risk that happening,”
“What’s life without a little risk,”
At Kita’s attempt at lightening the mood, you scoffed and shook your head.
“Sorry, that was unlike me. What I meant to say was you won’t know until you try. Sure there is that possibility that the relationship may end badly and the precious friendship between you and Atsumu would probably be lost, but there is also a chance that this relationship will end happily, with no heartbreak. I can’t guarantee that everything will be peachy; obviously there’s going to be some problems along the way but knowing your stubborn personality I am confident that you will fight for you and Atsumu, because I know you care way too much for him to let him go,”
Kita’s speech surprised you, this was the most encouraging thing he had said to you. Ever. You smiled.
“Thanks Kita. I really needed that,�� you said as you finally reached your house.
Kita made his way to his house, waving as he walked down the steeet. He left you with a lot to think about.
Later that evening you called Kita again, and talked until he decided that it was time to go to sleep.
That morning you walked to school with Kita in a comfortable silence. Once you reached school you spoke.
“Ok I’m going to do it,”
“Yes you will,” Kita encouraged.
Confidently you walked up to your long time best friend, then suddenly turned the other direction.
“I can’t do it,” you cried out.
Exasperatedly, Kita shook his head and forced a strained smile.
“Y/N do you want to do this or not?”
“I do,”
“Then go get him,”
“I’ll do it while we walk home,”
Anyway, the school day passed, honestly you couldn’t remember what happened, it was all a blur.
“Atsumu?” you called.
“Do you want to walk home together?”
“Yes! I’m still kinda annoyed you walked with Kita, Kita of all people instead of me,”
“Sorry about that ‘Tsumu,” you replied bashfully.
With that you both made your way out of school. Little did you know Kita, Osamu, Suna and Aran followed you both from a distance. Osamu and Suna because they just wanted to go home. Kita and Aran to make sure you confessed.
“Get ready to do what we want for a day,” Kita stated.
“What do you mean ‘we’?” Suna questioned.
“Kita and I formulated a plan,” Aran answered cryptically.
“Guys shut up Y/N stopped walking,” Osamu whisper shouted.
You had indeed stopped walking, leaving Atsumu to carry on walking and talking. You had been quiet the whole walk, which wasn’t unusual, as you normally let Atsumu talk, while you listened. You were just too lost in your thoughts.
Atsumu had finally noticed that you were no longer by his side.
“Hellooo. Earth to Y/N,”
“I like you,”
Atsumu was taken aback. That was not a reply he was expecting.
“I just really like your smile, your personality even though you can be quite big headed at times, I like your laugh, I just like you for you, not in the way that those girls like you for your looks and skills. I like everything about you even your flaws,”
“Whoa, for real?”
You glanced at his expression and burst out laughing.
“You look like surprised Pikachu!” you wheezed out.
Atsumu joined in with your laughter. The two of you continued laughing for several minutes.
“I like you too,” Atsumu said once both your laughter finally died down.
You turned your gaze towards his eyes. His beautiful eyes that held all the stars in the galaxy.
“That’s a relief,” 
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brissonistheloml · 3 years
I can’t stay away - Owen Power
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Warnings: One swear word i think
Word count:2661
a/n: Let me know what you guys htink of this and if you want a part 2. enjoy!
Hi, Im y/n hughes. Yup you heard me right. My last name is hughes. My brothers are Quinn, Jack and Luke. Luke and I are twins.This is our first year at Michigan and he’s already taking the spotlight. Shocker. I’ve wanted to stand on my own for so long but i’m stuck in my brothers’ shadows. My whole life I’ve always wanted to sing, but coming from a hockey family, that was never really in the question. Now it’s time for a change. I’m going to stay as far away from Luke’s hockey team as possible. Or so I thought.
It’s my first day at Michigan and I’m already running late to class. Perfect. I run down the hall and end up hitting some guy. 
“Hey, watch where you’re going!”
“Oh my gosh i’m so sorry!”
I help him pick up his books and when I loop up I know I’m in trouble. He’s perfect. His brown flowy hair. Eyes so perfect I could stare into them forever. The I realize I’m staring.
“Uhm I’m really sorry. It’s my first day and i’m already late for my class.”
“It’s ok don’t worry about it. Where are you heading?”
“Uhhh room 237f, Mr.Colin’s philosophy class.”
He looks at me for a second before answering.
“You said this is your first day right?”
“Yeah, why?”
“That’s a junior class.”
“Yeah I know. How do you know that’s a junior class? Wait, are you in that class?”
Why am I asking him all these questions?
“Uh yeah I am, but I'm not a junior. I'm a sophomore, it’s my second year.”
“Oh that’s cool.”
This is getting kinda awkward.
“Do you want me to show you the way to the classroom? You know, since we’re both running late now.” He giggled
Oh my god his laugh is so cute.
“Yes, thank you.”
“No problem.”
He smiled and we started walking.
“Hey, uh, I never caught your name.”
The boy said while he shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Oh, my name’s y/n. What’s yours?”
“Nice to meet you y/n y/l/n. I’m Owen. Owen Power.”
We both laugh as we reach the classroom.
“Well, here’s the class. I should probably warn you that this guy likes to yell at his students when they’re late.”
“Oh, alright. Thanks.”
Owen opens the door for me and we walk in the classroom. All the attention instantly turns to us.
“Well look who finally joined us. Good morning Mr.Power. Who’s your friend?”
“It’s her first day. It’s not her fault she’s late either.”
What? Yes it is. Why is he covering for me? 
“Then who’s fault is it?” Mr.Colin asks.
“It’s mine.” Owen speaks up.
What is he doing?
“You know the drill Mr.Power. You’re staying with my after class.”
Mr.Colin says while turning back around to start writing on the board again.
“Owen, why’d you do that?”
I ask while he points out where he usually sits.
“Because I don’t mind staying after class. This is my only class today and by the looks of it, I think you have a class right after this that you need to get too.” He says as we go to sit down.
I see his friends. I can immediately tell that they all play hockey. Great. There’s my brother. I thought he was taking a different class.
“y/n? What are you doing here?”
“This is my class Luke. What are you doing here?”
“Wait, wait. You guys know each other?” Owen asks, a little confused.
“Yeah. She’s my sister.” Luke saya like they’re all just supposed to know that.
“You’re his sister?!” Owen kinda yells.
“Is there a problem Mr.Power?” Mr.Colin yells at Owen.
“No Mr.Colin, sorry” Owen says as we sit down with the team.
I’ve already broken my promise to myself that I would have nothing to do with Luke and his hockey team. But now I’m stuck all because of you Mr.Power.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were a Hughes?” Owen askees in a whisper, leaning really close to me. 
“Because Owen, It’s my first day and I’ve always lived in my brothers’ shadows ok. I wanted to start fresh, but I guess that’s going to be harder than I thought when I go to the same college as my twin.”
“You’re twins?!”
“Yes, Owen. Pay attention to the teacher. I’ll tell you more about it later.”
“I have to stay after class, remember?”
“Give me your number so we can get together sometime then. I’m pretty sure we’ll be seeing a lot of each other now that Luke will probably make me come to all his games now.”
He laughed and gave me his number and we did our work. 
After class, I said bye to Owen and started walking around to find my next class. I heard Luke say bye to his friends and next thing I knew he was walking beside me. 
“Hi luke”
“So much for you not having anything to do with hockey, eh?”
We walked in silence for a bit then luke finally spit it out.
“Do you like Owen?”
“What? Luke I just met him and I’m pretty sure he likes other girls that he’s known longer than me.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Whatever luke, I have to go to class.”
“K bye.”
I walk into my math class and all I see are hockey guys. What the hell is with this school and hockey guys. It’s my first day and I already want to transfer.
I sat through my class already knowing most of what the professor was teaching and I couldn’t stop thinking about what luke said about how he thinks Owen already likes me. I mean, we just met. 
The class is over and I grab my things. I walk out of the building and start walking down the street to the building my dorm’s in. I hear running behind me, so I move over to the very edge of the sidewalk. It’s luke and his hockey team. Great. 
“Hey, y/n”
“What do you want luke”
“We’re going to our dorms”
“What building are they in?”
Great. The whole hockey team has dorms in the same building as me. It’s a big building though, I might not run into them as much as I think i’m going too.
“Where’s owen?” I asked
“I don’t know. We thought he would’ve been with you”
He’s still with Mr.Colin. I forgot.
“He’s still in class with Mr.Colin because of us being late.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot about that.”
We reach our dorm building and we all go our separate ways. Most of the team goes with each other. I assume their dorms are close together or they’re just hanging out. I get to my dorm and go inside to find my roommate and her boyfriend. I go straight to my room because now I can’t be in the living room. I drop my bag on the floor and flop on my bed. I pull out my phone and see I got a message from an unknown number.
Hey y/n, it’s Owen. I saw you leaving the building and I wanted to come see you but Mr.Colin is keeping me for another hour. How was your other class? What was your other class, I never asked you that earlier? If you’re up for it, do you want to get pizza or something when I’m let out of prison?
I laughed at the end, then responded.
Hey Owen, class was ok. I had math. I was hoping to see you too after class but I forgot you had to stay. I would love to do that with you, whatever you want to get is fine with me.
He responded almost immediately.
Ew, you had math. That’s gross. I took math but I don’t really like it. It’s so fucking boring. Ok, that’s great, I’ll text you when I get out of class and I’ll come pick you up.
Owen that doesn’t make any sense lol. We’re in college, if you don’t like math you didn’t have to take it. Ok, my building is 7b and my room number is 203.
I know, but my mom persuaded me too much to take math and now it’s too late to change my class. Oh cool, we’re in the same building. I should be there around 5 if Colin lets me out on time.
Haha yeah, I found that out on the way home. I was escorted by my brother and your hockey team. Oh and do Brendan and Matty always run around like crazy people or is it just me?
Yeah I figured they would walk you home anyway haha. No it’s not just you
I put my phone down and all I could do was think about Owen. Oh my gosh, what am I gonna wear? I can’t go out with him like this, I look horrible. Then I got a text from luke.
“You’re going out with Owen? I told you he liked you.”
“Luke, we’re going out as just friends. Just to hang out, nothing more. And stop saying he likes me or I’ll get mom to yell at you.”
“I don't think he wants it to be just as friends but we’ll see in the future. That’s not nice y/n.”
I just leave it on read. I have to get ready. I look at the clock.
Damn it. I don’t have very long until Owen gets here. I quickly go over to my closet to see what I can wear. It was warm outside when I came home, so I think I’ll go with leggings and a t-shirt. I quickly curl my hair and slip on my shoes. I hear a ding and I look at my phone. It’s Owen.
Hey,y/n. I’ll be there in 2 minutes
I start to panic a little bit. What if I don’t look good enough? What if he already has a girlfriend and he’s just being nice because I’m new? The last thing i want to do right now is text luke for advice but i’m doing it anyway.
Luke, i’m nervous. What if i don’t look pretty enough for him? What if he has a girlfriend and he’s just playing me?
Y/n you’re my sister ok, it’s kind of weird if i tell you you’re gorgeous but you are very pretty and i know for sure anyone else would agree with me. Owen doesn’t have a girlfriend, he hasn’t in like 2 years so don’t worry.
Thank you luke.
I hear a knock at the door. It’s probably owen. I get up and slowly walk out of my room. My roommate and her boyfriend are gone. I walk over to the door and slowly open it. There stands Owen, shyly looking down with his hands in his pocket. 
“You ready to go?”
“Yeah just let me grab my keys”
“Ok. oh and you might want a jacket”
“I’ll be fine”
We leave and Owen starts leading me down the street. 
“Where are we going?”
“There’s this really good pizza place down the road. It’s in a plaza with a bunch of other stuff. I’t my favourite. It’s a little bit of a walk though, is that ok?”
“Yeah, yeah it’s fine”
We walk in silence for a little bit and then I start to feel goosebumps on my arms and I think Owen was quick to notice.
“Are you cold?”
“No, i’m ok”
“You sure? I can see your goosebumps y/n”
“Owen it’s just wind, it won’t kill me”
He handed me his hoodie.
“Owen, no”
“y/n, yes”
“But then you’re going to be cold and I’m gonna feel bad”
“I’ll be fine y/n. I play hockey in a cold rink all the time, i’m used to it. Please just take it”
I hesitantly take his hoodie because I feel bad.
“It looks good on you”
Oh my gosh. I’m blushing. I can feel it.
“Are you sure you’re not cold?”
He laughs a little.
“No, y/n. I’m ok”
“Alright, but if you get cold take it back”
“I won’t get cold”
“But what if you do”
“I won’t”
I was cut off by Owen picking me up and running. 
“Owen what’re you doing”
“What does it look like I'm doing?”
“I don't know, you just picked me up then started running!”
“That’s exactly what I’m doing, good observation y/n”
Then he smiles. Damn that smile. Owen stops running but doesn't put me down. 
“Owen put me down”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me y/n, I said no. I’m not putting you down.”
“You know what Power? You’re a feisty little girl.”
“Excuse me? What did you just call me?
“You heard me.”
“Ohhh I get it. We’re playing that game.”
I give an innocent smile.
“What game Owen?”
He laughs and throws me over his shoulder.
“Suck it up sweetheart”
Oh god. Him calling me that sounds so. So. Right.
“Why’d you do that?”
“Because you’re being sassy, that’s why”
“Well so are you.”
He doesn’t answer and just continues walking. It’s been about 10 minutes. 
“Are we there yet Owen?”
“How long?”
“About 3 minutes”
“Can you put me down now?”
I deeply sigh.
“You can sigh all you want, i’m not putting you down.”
“Why won’t you put me down?”
“Why don’t you want to be held?”
“Because I want to walk next to you”
He puts me down carefully but doesn’t keep walking.
“Why aren’t you walking with me?”
It looks like he got lost in his thoughts. What if he’s rethinking asking me out to do this? 
I walk back to him and wave my hand in his face.
“Owen? Are you ok?”
“Hm? Yeah i’m fine. Let’s go”
I grab his arm and pull him back.
“No, what's wrong?”
“Nothing, it doesn’t matter. Let’s just go get the pizza ok?”
“I’m not going until you tell me what’s wrong.”
“Fine. I was  hoping this was going to be a date but I was to afraid to ask you because we just met today and I don't want to pressure you into anything and i don’t even know if you want to be my friend, so i just let it go and now here i am screwing things up.”
“Owen. Oh my gosh, you’re not screwing things up at all and of course I want to be your friend. I was texting luke right after you asked me out wondering if i was even going to be enough for you or if you were just going to play me but i’m here with you and i promised myself i wouldn't get involved with any of my brothers friends or anything hockey but now that plan is gone because i don’t think i’ll be able to stay away from you after tonight.”
At this point, tears are starting to flow down my cheeks and Owen softly brings his hand up to my face to wipe them away. 
“Y/n, you are enough for me. I don’t think anyone else could possibly be better for me than you are. I don’t think I'll be able to stay away from you either. I could barely be apart from you today after you left class. I was texting the team all day asking them if they had any classes with you so they could tell me all about you.”
I hugged him.
“I don’t even think words can describe how I feel about you Owen. I feel like i’ve known you forever”
“That’s a good thing right?”
“Yes Owen, that’s a good thing”
“Ok, good. Let’s go get that pizza now, yeah?”
Tags:@trevvorzegras @prettyboyjackhughes  @2manytabsopen @80sdrysdale @alexis-34 @iibratzbaby  @agrock @hopefulfriendshels 
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sequinsmile-x · 3 years
Can l request a short fic ? A fight between Hotch and Emily? Angsty and them make up sex pr whatever? l feel like we all need it pretty please??
Ok...this ended up being a bit fluffier than I intended?? But still some angst in there for you <3
Feel free to send me more of these friends. I really enjoyed writing this!
Words: 1.3k
Warnings: Cursing.
When she looked back on it in the weeks to come she would recognise that she was in the wrong. That despite her relationship with Aaron, her decision on the case to directly disobey his orders hadn’t been just insubordination, but downright dangerous.
Emily had ignored his request to wait for back up when she arrived for an interview with a witness, only to find the unsub with his latest victim. She’d removed her earpiece, not wanting to hear his demands to wait for them to arrive as she storms the room, her gun raised as she entered.
The team are only a few minutes behind her, and end up rescuing her as well as the girl she had gone after herself.
Aaron was furious. He yelled at her, the closed door they stood behind as he shouted about how she had disobeyed him doing nothing to stop the others from hearing what was being said. She gave as good as she got, neither giving each other an inch despite their personal relationship.
She sat away from him on the jet, purposely choosing a seat where she was alone as she pretended to sleep on the journey home. It was only when she got into her car and drove home that she felt the emotions rise.
“Fuck.” She whispers to herself as she drives off. He had been so angry.
It was still relatively new between them. 10 weeks since he had fumbled out an invitation to a date as they left the office one day. She’d found it endearing, how she somehow made this man nervous. Things had changed between them since she had got back from Paris. Something that had always been bubbling underneath coming to the surface, brought forward by his offer to help when she had bad days. It started as coffees before work, before it turned into drinks afterwards. Sneaking away for moments between just the two of them when they were away on a case.
She didn’t hesitate to say yes when he asked her out, pressing a kiss to his cheek as she left the elevator. They hadn’t defined anything, hadn’t specifically said what they were to each other. It unnerved her, made her skin itch with anxiety when she was alone. Able to convince herself that he didn’t feel for her what she felt for him.
When they were together it was a different story. His hands trailing over her skin, paying close attention to the scars as he did. He made her feel special, like she was the only person on the planet.
And now she couldn't help but wonder if she had messed it all up.
She’s only home for 20 minutes when there is a knock at her door, and she knows it’s him before she answers. She sighs as she opens the door and lets him in past her.
“What are you doing here, Aaron?” She says, closing the door as she turns to face him.
“We need to talk.”
“You did plenty of talking earlier.”
“No, that was me speaking to you as your boss when you directly disobeyed an order.” He says, some of the edge from earlier coming back to his voice. “I’m here as your…”
He trails off, the undefined nature of their relationship hanging in the air between them. It makes her angry again, her defenses coming up immediately as she tries to protect herself. The ever present concern that this meant more to her than it did to him making her chest feel tight.
“My what, Aaron?” My boyfriend. My fuck buddy?” She crosses her arms across her chest as if she was physically holding herself together. He stares at her, his hands in the pockets of his pants. “My what, Aaron?” She repeats, defeat in her voice as she automatically assumes the worst.
“As your boyfriend, Emily.” He says as if it is the most simple thing in the world. “I thought I’d made that clear.”
“When?” She says frustrated, throwing her hands up in the air. “We’ve never discussed it.”
“I asked you out. We’ve been together for almost 3 months.”
“You are terrible at this.” She says after a moment, disbelief all over her face.
“At what? Being a boss or being a boyfriend?”
“Both were questionable today.” She scoffs, looking away from him again. “I did the right thing.”
“You put yourself in danger unnecessarily.” He exclaims, frustration pouring off of him as they start this conversation again.
“I saved that girl's life.”
“By risking your own.” He all but shouts, before blowing out a breath, running his hand through his hair as he tries to calm himself down. “I’m not going through this again. We won’t agree on it. As your boyfriend, I just wanted to make sure you were ok after someone pointed a gun at you today.”
She stares at him, seconds ticking by until she realises he was serious. He wasn’t going to engage in this argument with her again.
“I’m ok.”
“Good.” He replies, nodding at her as he smiles. “I can go if you’d rather be alone. I just wanted to see you.”
She practically has to force herself to stop herself rolling her eyes at him, residual frustration at him being just so perfect flicking at her insides.
“Why are you like this?”
“Like what?” He asks, frowning at her. Confused at the sudden change in conversation.
“So...fucking reasonable all the time.” She says, looking down at the floor. “It makes it impossible to stay mad at you. It’s infuriating.”
“Sweetheart.” Aaron says, a smile blooming on his face as he closes the gap between them, grabbing her hand and squeezing it. “If we want this to work this is how we have to do things. Talk things through, work it out.”
He watches her face relax, the tension that had been set in her jaw fading. Her eyes soften, and she purses her lips as if she is trying to hold her anger in place. It makes something that he knows is love unfurl deep in his belly.
“If you say so.” She grumbles, fighting the smile that threatens to overtake her face. She looks up at him and gives into the smile, taking the hand that wasn’t linked through his to cup his cheek as she leans in to kiss him.
Aaron pulls her closer, his hand on the back of her head to hold her in place. They break apart and press their foreheads together.
“I didn’t do the right thing during my marriage, Emily. I don’t want to make the same mistake with us.” He skates his knuckles gently down her cheek, his nose nudging against hers.
Emily nods, not really sure what she can say in response, forcing words she worries it is too soon to say back down her throat. She kisses him instead, both of her hands buried in his hair.
“You know the best part of arguing?” She says breathlessly as she pulls back. “The make up sex.”
She squeals when he lifts her, laughter escaping her as she secures her arms around his shoulders so she doesn’t fall. Any comments she has about him hurting his back by carrying her dies as he attacks her neck, his teeth catching on her jaw.
Later, when they lay tangled in her sheets, both worn out and fresh from the shower, she sighs contentedly as he wraps her in his arms. His embrace a safe place she treasured, something she was already struggling to sleep without on the nights they spent apart.
His back is against her chest and he pulls her tighter to him, his lips pressed against the back of her head.
“You ok?” He asks, his hand palming her bare hip.
“Yeah.” She replies, turning her head to kiss him quickly before she settles her head back on her pillow. “Just thinking.”
“Anything special on your mind?”
She’s half asleep when he asks, and in the morning she would refuse to accept she’d say something so cheesy when he reminds her.
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iwaisuke · 3 years
confessions; but not remembering it
ft. kita shinsuke, sakusa kiyoomi x sick fem!reader
genre: fluff
a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts for a while and then i rushed bc i was getting tired 🙃 also. sakusa's is a little ooc. sorry ab that
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» the clean yet musty smell of rain filled the gym as the boys practiced. it was a surprisingly humid and rainy spring day today here in the country side of hyogo
» "achoo" you had been sneezing and coughing all day. you also had a terrible headache but took some medicine to see if it would help. the spring allergies really getting to you
» you didnt reay have the time to be worrying about yourself. As a 2nd year manager of the inarizaki team, (recommend by suna) and the boys working so hard practicing for nationals there was no way you'd let this little cold get in the way. you had to work just as hard as everyone else!
» "hold on, im about to hang up your jerseys to dry"
» "i got you guys some fresh towels!"
» "i can run and grab that coach. im headed that way anyways"
» the coach called for a short break to rest up for a bit. everyone was sore and exhausted from practicing every day. "here. i filled your water bottles up!" handing them to all the boys. "y/n you're all wet" akagi sounded concerned.
» "hm? oh its alright. I'll dry off in a minute. i took the shortcut to the drinking fountain to refill your waterbottles instead of taking the long way" you nonchalantly said. "so you ran through the rain like an idiot?" suna threw a clean towel over your damp hair and ruffled it. "suna!! stop!! you're gonna ruin my hair"
» "like i said. its alright" you reassured the boys.
» kita, on the other hand had noticed your fatigue. although he wasnt as perceptive on peoples feeling and thoughts as well as others, he could easily pick up signs like yours. he admired you dearly for how hard you always work for the team. how you willingly did anything to make them smile. how you always put others first before yours. needless to say, he had a bit of a crush on you.
» "l/n san. i think you should take a break too. there's no need for you to be running around for us while we're resting" kita assured you. "i still have a few things left on my list to do.. but afterwards I'll take a break!" kita let out a sigh. you were stubborn sometimes and kita knew you were the kind of person to not stop until you're finished.
» "I'll be right back. i gotta grab the laundry"
» making an excuse to leave, your heart was beating fast. you knew kita's words were the kind he'd say to anyone, but it made your heart feel fuzzy when he'd look out for you.
» the stone cold captain who you thought he was, actually was so kind. he was just a little awkward like you, and a little blunt with what he said sometimes. but you learned the great qualities he carries and how much he actually cares about others well being. he was a hard worker and you couldnt help but absentmindedly fall for the captain.
» running up the stairs to the second floor of the gym, you felt a shift in your step. head becoming dizzier than it was just 5 minutes ago. legs trembling, you started falling before feeling a presence behind.
» kita's arm wrapped around your waist, supporting you in efforts to not letting you fall over. "i told you to rest l/n san" kita said sternly. "you wont benefit anyone if you keep overworking like this."
» you knew kita was right, but you really didnt want to rest knowing you'll be letting the team down by not working hard.
» "i promise I'll rest as soon as im done with this one thing" pleading with kita. he let out a sigh, knowing you really wouldnt until you did finish so he allowed you to do so.
» finishing grabbing all of the dry jerseys and bringing them downstairs to pass out to everyone, you didnt really notice atsumu and osamu spiking volleyballs at each other until aran yelled
» "y/n! watch out!" honestly, you were too tired to move out of the way so you figured, it do be like that sometimes, and allowed the ball to hit you.
» or... so you had planned the ball to hit you.
» kita stood in front, blocking the impact of the spike that you had prepared yourself for. there was agitation in kita's eyes. more than you usually noticed when then twins were miss behaving. concern washing over, he looked you straight in the eyes
» "... is there something wrong kita san?" lifting up his hand to your forehead, he let out a sigh. "why didnt you tell me earlier you had a fever", then walking over to the coach meanwhile atsumu and osamu come over to apologise for being reckless.
» "get your stuff. we're going home" kita said bluntly.
» "huh? but practice is-"
» "please l/n san. for me"
» kita would only take yes for an answer this time. no if's ands or buts. so here you were, walking home with kita. only the sound of raindrops hitting your shared umbrella being heard.
» muscles starting to ache a little more and your legs becoming more tired than they were when you left the gym, you began to walk a little slower every step
» "get on my back l/n" "its ok kita san, i can walk. its already enough that you're walking me home" "i didnt ask if you wanted to. im telling you to"
» you couldnt tell if it was the fever that made your face warmer or if it was kita's words. nonetheless, you got on kita's back. he was a lot stronger than he looked and you couldnt help but stifen at being so close to your own crush like this.
» "relax. I'll make sure you get home." he reassured. you leaned into his back, warmth seeping in, your eyes began to feel heavy.
» "kita san" "yes?" "thank you for always watching out for me"
» a comfortable silence was met as the sound of rain filled your ears.
» "kita san" "hm?" "did you know..." your voice softened "i like you a lot kita san"
» did he hear you correctly? if he wasnt paying attention he wouldve missed what you had said, being drowed out through the pitter patter of water. now his heart thumping louder than ever before.
» "l/n san-" he was about to go on but was met with the gentle rise and fall of your chest and the soft snores of you on his back, knocked out from exertion. kita let out a light chuckle, finally relieved you were resting.
» you had missed the next day of school, but when you came back the whole volleyball team bombarded you with love.
» "WE'RE A FAILURE TO NOT NOTICE YOU FEELING SICK" atsumu cried. "how could we let our one and only precious manager get ill for taking care of us" akagi, clearly dissapointed in himself. "please let us know when we can take care of you too y/n" aran said.
» "its no big deal. really!" waving your hands in defense. "it was just a small cold. but i do have a question though"
» all the boys gathered around to hear what you had to say
» "how did i get home?? i really dont remember what happened after i almost got hit by atsumu"
» it shocked the guys honestly. you genuinely didnt remember a single thing due to your fever. "wait? you don't remember kita taking you home?" suna replied, your face becoming red. "k-kita san took me home-?" "yah. he left in the middle of practice to do so" osamu added.
» immediately, you got up to find the captain that apparently took you home the other day. he was in the storage closet cleaning and grabbing the equipment for todays practice.
» "kita san" "oh. l/n. glad you're feeling better" his smile brightened the musty closet. "about that, im sorry for troubling you and having you take me home the other day. i honestly dont remember what happened after i almost got hit by atsumu. my mind was really fuzzy that day, but im truly thankful for you going out of your way for me. it really means a lot"
» kita was dumbfounded. you really dont remember? "no need to apologize l/n. it was my responsibility as a captain. and afterall, what good would i be if i couldnt even take care of the person who means the most to me"
» your heart raced. 'person who means the most to me' ? cheeks blushing a rosy pink, you were internally thanking the musty store room from being dim.
» with arms full of equipment, kita walked by you and stopped.
» "by the way l/n san. did you know?"
» ears perking up at the vague yet familiar line
» "i like you a lot too l/n san"
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» now we all know sakusa HATES germs and for the past week and a half, he's been telling you to keep up with washing your hands, wearing a mask at all times even when you eat omi it doesnt work like that. pls especially since you are prone to getting sick easily no matter how hygenic you are. your immune system just hated you. PERIODT
» you remembered sakusa scolding you for running out of hand sanitizer and then the next day you were out of commission. bed ridden with laryngitis, cough, slight fever, the whole works. it was like your body was making fun of you or something
» you texted komori, asking him to take notes in class for you and relay homework information while you were at home resting up. but there was one request you had and made komori PROMISE.
» "he's probably gonna notice your absence y/n. he'll find out about it either way"
» "well if you dont tell him then he wont know. its not like he even cares about where i am like that"
» "thats what you might think. but i know he's gonna say something i can garuntee it"
» the next day at school, sakusa did notice your presence missing. it was quieter not having a 3rd person in the group of friends. not having you around to talk to him when komori was gone.
» pulling out his phone to text you, he asked where you were that day.
» "on a family trip :D !!! forgot to tell you, but I'll tell you all about it when i come back!" you wrote, attaching an old selfie of a different trip you went on to make it more believable.
» you had hoped this silly cold would get better in a day, but soon that day turned into 2 and then 3 and then 4... you pretty much missed the whole week of school at that point
» Friday rolled around and komori was on his phone all day. sakusa noticed his cousin fidget in his chair more than usual and it irked him to see him like that
» "what's with you today?" one eye raised, sakusa finally asked. "uhhh nothing really" komori wasnt very good at keeping secrets lets just start off with that, but he was trying his best.
» "well clearly somethings wrong. you're fidgeting." "well haven't you noticed somethings been different all week?" komori hinted
» sakusa sat there in thought. nothing's been different? he ate the same breakfast he usually does every morning. all his studies have been well. there were no tests this week so there was no reason to be anxious like komori was and even if there was, he would've done well anyways.
» "just tell me what it is." sakusa was starting to get annoyed. "y/n..." komori started. "y/n?" "do you know where she's been this week?"
» did you not tell komori about your family trip? you usually told komori everything, but then again you didn't tell him either until he asked you about it.
» "she said shes on a trip?" he nonchalantly said. komori's eyes started watering. "A TRIP TO THE HOSPITAL THATS WHAT IT IS" he blurted out. komori didnt mean to let it slip , he was just so worried about your well being.
» "hospital?? what are you talking about. did she get injured on her trip?" "no omi. shes been sick all week and her mom just texted me saying she went to the hospital today because shes had a fever for 3 days straight. there is no family trip"
» sakusa's heart shattered. you were sick and didnt even tell him?
» before both he and komori knew it, his legs were running faster to get to the hospital than he had ever imagined he could ever run.
» and there you were. fast asleep in a bed with an IV drip. your face flushed, forehead sweaty and shallow breaths escaping your chapped lips. you were a hot mess but sakusa didnt care. stepping to your bedside to greet your mother she explained to him that she had to go to work and asked if he could watch over you until she gets back.
» sakusa said yes without even hearing the whole thing. his heart and mind saying yes to whatever it took to get you to feel better.
» gosh how he hated hospitals, but what he hated even more was the fact that you were in the hospital and he didnt even know.
» the doctor came in for their evening round and ensured sakusa that you were indeed getting better! your fever had broken not too long ago and your body was working extra hard to heal itself up!
» "is there anything i can do to help?" sakusa asked. he felt helpless in this situation just watching your face distort in uncomfort every now and then, and coughing your lungs out.
» patting sakusa's shoulder, the doctor told him that just being here for you is enough. "you gotta be a strong boyfriend for her alright son? she'll be able to go home tomorrow first thing in the morning if her fever doesnt come back"
» sakusa slumped in his chair at your bedside, the doctors words ringing through his head. 'boyfriend huh?' he thought to himself. "if i was her boyfriend..." he whispered to himself, "i would be a failure for not even knowing my girl was sick..."
» to kiyoomi, you were beautiful. even now in this sad state you were in. deep down he locked these growing feelings he had for you inside of him because he always felt like you were a better match with someone else and after this stunt you pulled of lying to him about going on a family trip, it only made him feel worse.
» it was now night time and you finally began to stir in your sleep, the fever finally gone. sakusa reached out to move some hair that was stuck to your face, fingers tracing the outline of your jaw. your eyes slowly opened and met with his dark orbs.
» "y/n?" "saku- wait this is just a dream. omi wouldn't be here. he hates hospitals" you let out a forced laugh and then a sigh through your sore throat.
» you reached out to sakusa's hands that were resting on the side of your bed. "omi would never let me hold his hand because he'd say im passing germs to him so hopefully dream omi wont be the same" you were aimlessly talking to yourself, not even realizing that this really wasnt a dream.
» he squeezed your hand in return. hoping that you wouldnt let go any time soon. a funny smile appeared on your face just at the thought of him. "even if you're stupid for not realizing how much i like you... i cant wait to see you again omi" you whispered before falling asleep again.
» sakusa didnt know what to do. he sat there frozen in his chair. it was his first time hearing you call him omi. heck. you literally just confessed to the boy. his brain was running wild. groaning in distress he let go of your hand to step out for a breath of fresh air now that you were back asleep.
» it was 5am and your mother came back to the hospital and thanked sakusa for staying by your side. He left in a hurry to make sure you didnt see him there.
» Monday rolled around and sakusa was waiting outside of the school gates for you. he had planned on asking you about your "trip"
» "good morning sakusa!!" your bright and cheery voice rang through his ears. honestly he was trembling inside. the memory of you confessing to him still fresh in his mind.
» "how was your trip?" you stopped dead in your tracks. "haha... it was good !! sorry i forgot to get you a souvenir" you were trying to play it cool but sakusa could tell you were forcing yourself. "i wouldnt want a souvenir from where you came from so its fine" sakusa's words threw you off. "i - im not sure im understanding what you're saying sakusa?"
» you felt a tug on your hand. "dont you mean omi?" his voice husky as he whispered into your ear. cheeks flushed, your brain felt like it short circuted. you've always tried your hardest to not let it slip that you want to call him omi since he hated when people called him that.
» sakusa smirked at your cute reaction he got out of you. letting go of your hand he began to walk into the school leaving you at the gate dumbfounded. "and by the way. you're just as stupid for not realizing how long ive liked you too"
-» ˚⸙͎۪۫⋆
thank you for your order! enjoy~!
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See Something You Like? Epilogue
Pairing: Rebels Rex x Reader
Word Count: 2K
Warning: Yearning, teasing
A/N: 😚 😚 For all my lovely readers 💕
Making your way through the mess hall, you see you’ve beaten the lunch rush and quickly bee-line towards the caff station, filling up two mugs and putting them on a tray. Ria had commed you about meeting up on your break, and knowing how busy she was that morning, you decided to have a fresh cup waiting for her. You grab a couple hot plates, thanking the cook, and find a spot not too far from the entrance. As you sit down you keep an eye on the entrance so you can wave Ria over when she gets there. Taking a sip of caff, you settle in your seat and your mind drifts back to last night, and earlier this morning.
Rex had been a most thorough lover, and true to his word, hadn’t finished with you until the early hours of the morning, leaving you both exhausted and satisfied. You feel your face heat up when you think about all the sounds he coaxed out of you, the praises that dripped from his lips as he brought you to orgasm and the tender way he took care of you afterwards, making sure you were alright. What you most enjoyed was how he held you when you both drifted off, arms holding you close as your head rested on his chest, whispering how you were his sweet girl.
You can’t help the giddy smile that covers your face when you recall how grumpy Rex was earlier that morning. He had done his absolute best to persuade you to spend a few more hours with him in bed, but you had a meeting you couldn’t miss, and you had reluctantly left him pouting in the sheets as you got ready. Eventually, he too started getting ready for the day, though not without hinting at all the things he could be doing instead, with you and a mirror, brushing up against you and sneaking kisses when you weren’t paying attention. Needless to say you left your room a blushing mess, with Rex following not far behind, smirk plastered on his face.  
You’re so caught up in your thoughts that you don’t see Ria enter the mess hall and make her way over to the table. "Hello there, sunshine!” She calls out as she sits down, bringing you out of your daydreaming. 
“Ria, hey!” You say, passing her a cup and watching her clutch it to her chest, breathing the scent it in as if the steam alone would give her energy. “Long meeting?”
“You have no idea,” she groans after taking a sip “nerf herders can’t tell the difference between a gear shift and brake pedal.” 
You wince. “Ouch. Well, hopefully your afternoon will get better.” You perk up “Isn’t that new transfer set to arrive today?”
She looks at you suspiciously. “Where did this cheeriness come from?” She eyes you from over the rim of her cup “usually you’re right up there asking what other problems they’ve caused, and if I need help hiding a body.”
“No reason,” you say, laughing “just having a good morning, that’s all.”
Ria takes a moment to give you a look over while you sip your caff, before her eyes widen. “Omg! You got down and did the dirty dance!”
“Ria!” You groan “Do you have to say it like that?”
“What?” She says without remorse, “would you rather I call it the frisky foxtrot? Mattress mambo? Tantric tango?”
“Shhh! Someone will hear you!” You hiss, cheeks heating up as you look fervently around you, “where do you even come up with these things?”
“You’re not denying it,” she gives a little shriek of laughter, wiggling in place “you, my friend, got some good lovin’ and I need all the deets!” She gives you a look, “especially after all the stunts you pulled me into to avoid a certain someone.”
“I do not have to confirm or deny anything” you say, hiding behind your caff.
“You may not confirm anything, but your neck is certainly making a statement.” She leans over to pull the edge of your collar down “that’s quite the necklace you’re wearing there sunshine.”
You can feel your face turning three shades of red as you slap her hand away, hastily pulling the collar of your shirt up. “Ok! Ok, so maybe I had a bit of fun the other night, there’s no need to let the whole base know.”
Ria grins triumphantly “That’s more than just a bit of fun” she says, making the little air quotes “that’s a full on romp with the promise of a repeat” She wiggles her eyebrows comically and you can’t help but laugh, hearing her join in.
“Alright, yes, I did indeed do the dirty dance, as you said” you say once your laughter has died down. 
Ria makes the motion to continue, attention on you. “And? That can’t be all it was or else you wouldn’t be like this.” She motions to all of you “All glowy and really happy.” 
You give her a sly look “Let’s just say that he certainly has the moves to keep you coming back for more.”
Ria squeals and looks about ready to combust with all the questions you can see buzzing around her head. “So are you going to see him again? Or is it fated to be a one-night of lusty wonder?”
While you want to tell her all about Rex, you want to keep him to yourself for a bit longer so you keep your answer simple. “We’ve already planned to meet up again.” You duck your head shyly, smiling. “He makes me happy Ria, really happy.” You fiddle with your cup, looking back up at her “I didn’t think he’d feel the same way, but he does.” Your smile softens as you think of Rex and how he looked when you told him you wanted him by your side for a lifetime. The look of adoration is one you’ll treasure for years to come.
Ria looks at you in wonder, “Wow, he’s the real deal huh?” Watching you nod she squeals again, doing a little happy dance in her seat. “Best. News. Ever!”
A booming voice calls out close by “What’s the best news ladies?”
You and Ria both look over and see Gregor striding to you table, standing next to your seat. “Got yourself more excited than a restless Joopa.”
“No reason,” you say “just girl stuff.”
“But you’re more than welcome to join us.” Ria chimes in, gesturing to the seat. “We’re ‘bout to start venting about the doofs in engineering.” 
You know Ria and Gregor share shifts on the occasion, overseeing repairs and helping out with different teams, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary for Gregor to join you sometimes for meals. 
"Don’t mind if I do.” He sits down, big grin on his face, as he turns to face you. “I was actually looking for ya, figured I’d find ya here with this one.” He jerks his thumb towards Ria.
You point to yourself “Me?”
He nods “Mhmm. Was curious if ya’d seen Rex this morning. He missed training with Wolffe and I, and I thought ya might’ve seen’im”
You sputter and can see Ria giving you a calculated look, so you hurry to give an answer. “I’m not sure, but I thought I saw him when I was heading to the office. It looked like he was making his way towards the training room.” 
Gregor looks at you, a strange look in his eyes, and you try not to fidget in place. That, paired with the look Ria is giving you is making you antsy, and you wonder if you should just make up some excuse about paper work and dash away. Before you can say anything Gregor grins, giving you a thumbs up.
“Glad to hear it, thought he might have gone MIA for a moment there.” He lowers his voice, as if sharing a secret. “Wolffe can sometimes get pretty intense, especially during training. Likes to bring out the chompers if he hasn’t had a good meal.” He laughs at the looks you and Ria give him. “By the way, Rex said he wanted to talk to ya yesterday. Did he find ya?"
“Yes, down at the shooting range.” You huff, “we actually ended up having a bit of a competition, see who could hit the most targets without looking.”
Gregor looks intrigued “Oh? How’d that go for ya?” 
“l ate blaster dust.” You grin wryly “Let’s just say I won’t be challenging Rex to a shoot out anytime soon. Didn’t even stand a chance.”
“Was it the C-501 sim?” He asks. When you nod, he laughs “Ha! of course he’d win that one.”
“Oh?” You say confused, “Why’s that? It's only recently been added.”
“That’s because it was designed for us clones, way back on Kamino.” He leans in conspiratorially, “What the Kaminii didn’t realize was that it was too easy, so we ended up getting a little creative with it.”
“Creative how?” Ria leaned forward eagerly, soaking up this new information. You have to admit you’re intrigued as well. 
Gregor was really getting into in now. Checking to see there were no other eavesdroppers, he huddles the two of you closer. “Well, there were the usual things like spinning in place before firing, making noise before a shot,” he counts them off on his fingers “shooting from someones back, doing a handstand.” 
You and Ria just stare at him as he continues on his list. “But the best was hitting the targets without looking.” Here Gregor starts to grin, as if he was watching it himself “and no one was better then good’ol Rex." 
“Really!?” Ria jumps in before you can comment, “How did he do it? Blindfolded? Eyes closed?” She’s practically climbing out of her seat to get to him, not that she’s noticed. 
Gregor pushes his chair back to give himself some more room. “Well,” he says as he starts miming the actions. “He’d start off by facing the range, then he’d turn to his opponent. He’d make sure to look them straight in the eyes, something about establishing dominance, and then BLAM! Start firing each target.” He gives a hearty laugh “I’m not surprised ya didn’t win, he’s the reigning champ. No one has beaten him.”
Ria’s babbling on excitedly to Gregor, wanting to know all his secrets of the sims and training, but your mind has zoned out.
Reigning Champ? Never beaten? He already knew he was going to win, even before you had set the bet. You give a small huff of laughter, thinking back on his confidence, how easily he set you up in his trap. Well, well, you think to yourself looks like I got played for keeps. 
Your musing are interrupted when you hear Gregor call out a greeting to a couple rebels who walked into the room.
“Wolffe! Rex! Come over’ere!” He waves his arm wildly, as they make their way over.
You can’t help but stare as he makes his way over, a slight swagger in his steps. One could presume it’s just how he carries himself, with his military upbringing, but you know better. That’s the walk of a man who finally has what he wants, and is not afraid to show it. His eyes linger on you neck before meeting yours, a smirk pulling on his lips.
You smile back, mind already working out your next challenge. You were your town’s best racer for five seasons, before you joined the rebellion, and the base did have a couple racers lying around. Why not even the odds? Winner takes all.
Rex sits across from you, and you tilt your head to the side, just enough that he can see the marks on your neck, the others engaged in their own conversation. The look you give him sends his heart beating faster, the calculated look in your eyes promising an enticing reward. Knowing his attention is on you, you quickly mouth best two out of three? While he doesn’t respond, his eyes tell you his answer, sending a thrill to your core.
Challenge accepted.
Tag List  @samrubio @justanotherstarwarswhore @bvcketfvcker @grumpymuffinmama @justanothersadperson93 @fat-zygerrian @deewithani @idolized-sea-salt @i-am-bad-at-blogs
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moostaronce · 4 years
You’re My Ideal Type
Request: I’m bad at thinking or suggesting scenarios but I really want a fluffy scenario of loona Jinsoul x fem reader if u r ok with it,thanks🥺💙
Pairing: Jinsoul x Fem Reader
A/N: Never a problem, I’ve got you. I hope you like it. Feel free to request more even if you don’t have specifics, it lets me try to be more creative. 
P.S I feel like it was a little rushed since I changed my mind the day of upload but I hope you like it because I’m satisfied with the concept as a whole. Also, if you can guess what song inspired this I’ll give you a virtual cookie. 💛
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“Hurry up Sol unnie or we’ll be late for practice.” Jungeun called out to her friend.
The two girls along with 4 of their other teammates were going to be late to their volleyball game if they didn’t hurry. They had been caught up talking and walking like turtles when Jungeun noticed the time on her phone. So now here they were running down the hall to their locker room. As soon as they enter, they are met by their coach angrily tapping her foot and their captain Sooyoung shaking her head while pinching the bridge of her nose. They didn’t need words to know they were in trouble. Before they knew it their worst fear came to be reality.
“Jinsol and Jungeun, you’re out for the whole match.” Jinsol’s jaw drops and Jungeun practically chokes on air. 
“But coach we’re supposed to start tonight!” Jungeun cried out almost in anguish.
“You should’ve thought of that before you showed up late so now the other six that showed up on time will be starting.” Coach left no room for argument or discussion and just walked away. Sooyoung followed behind her, having nothing more to add herself. 
The girls get changed in silence and make their way out to stand on the sidelines. The game begins and things go without a hitch. That is until someone comes off of the other team’s sidelines that Jinsol has never seen before. From the sound of the opposing crowd this girl sounded like bad news for her team for sure. She leans forward to get a good look at the girl’s face and actually gasps when she succeeds. 
“Wow. Who is that?” Jinsol doesn’t mean to say it out loud but her teammate Yeojin heard her loud and clear. Yeojin was probably too small to even be on this team but she had hops and strong arms so the coach kept her around. 
“Oh that’s Y/N she’s a transfer and apparently she’s become their secret weapon since she showed up. Why?” Yeojin leaned over to the older girl in curiosity.
Jinsol didn’t respond right away. The moment she looked at you she recognized it. You were exactly her ideal type. Her eyes fixed on you and they wouldn’t look any where else. She could’ve been in mortal danger but missing the chance of catching your eye was something she refused to do. The hope that you would look her way just for a moment was intense and as if it was by design, you did. Your eyes scanned the gym like you were looking for something, and in the back of your mind maybe you were. The search comes to an end when you spot her. 
The two of you are standing pretty far away but the space between you began to feel unusual. A bizarre kind of feel that can’t quite be named, stirring up electricity between you. Jinsol watches as your lips part and you remember to take a breath before your teammates nudge you to focus. At this moment Jinsol has decided, she needs to talk to you or even just to be in your immediate vicinity. Her eyes didn’t leave you the whole match, even when coach finally had mercy and put her and Jungeun on the court. The match ended with your team winning by a hair and all Jinsol could think about was getting to you before you got on your bus to leave.
“I have to have her.” She muttered it under her breath and Jungeun looked over at her in confusion. The blonde followed the brunette’s eyes until her own landed on you packing up your stuff to leave.
“Who? Number 25?” Jungeun squints at the number on your back but she’s so loud when she asks that you look up and around.
When you look over to the other side of the court you see Jinsol and can’t help the small grin that takes over. You planned to approach her but she comes to you first with a rare kind of confidence you aren’t used to seeing first hand.
“Hi, I’m Jung Jinsol.” Her smile is nervous but bright and it draws you in.
“Y/N, Y/N L/N. It’s nice to meet you Jinsol, that was an impressive match. If you had been in a little longer I think you could’ve killed us.” She smiles sweetly at you and goes against her better judgment. Jinsol touches your arm in as flirty a manner as she can, lingering on the touch to make it clear she was indeed flirting.
“Thanks but with your skills there is no way I could’ve come out on top.” 
You glance down to her fingers, daintily tracing your bicep then back up to her ridiculously pretty face. You can’t deny how attracted you are to her and she’s clearly throwing you signals so you decide to ask for her number. Jinsol beats you to it though, she grabs your coach’s sharpie off a discarded clipboard and writes her number on your bare forearm.
“You better call me. I really want to see you again Y/N.”
The look in her eyes shows nothing but hope and sincerity, so you give her your best smile and a kiss on her hand before taking your leave. Neither of you are usually the type to be so forward but there was just something about your chemistry that felt different. Something about each other that made you both a little weak just by meeting the other’s eyes. Jinsol heads  to the locker room with a newfound bounce in her step, nothing could possibly ruin her day now. She just hopes you’ll at least text her.
The next day during lunch period Jinsol is sat with her 11 teammates as usual but she picks over her pizza instead of scarfing it down as usual. At first no one really notices or pays any mind, until she feels someone rubbing comforting circles on her back. When she looks over it’s Kahei giving her a concerned look.
“Are you okay Sol?” At their oldest’s concerned voice, the other members look over to see if everything is okay. Jinsol just shrugs in response. Technically everything is okay but she can’t help feeling disappointed that you haven’t tried contacting her. Jungeun catches on rather quickly and gives her a questioning look.
“25 didn’t text you, huh?” Jungeun patted the older girl on the head after she practically does a faceplant on the table. The others look at each other in confusion.
“25? Who’s 25?” Hyunjin leans on the table with interest.
“Oh! You must be thinking of Y/N unnie. She’s the new member for the team we played last night, Southside.” Yeojin speaks nonchalantly and everyone looks over at her with curiosity, including Jinsol.
“Unnie? You know her Yeojinie?” Heejin speaks up with the question they all wanted to ask.
“Oh yeah, she’s a family friend. Our moms are best friends, so she comes over to my house sometimes. She’s basically my big sister.”
“Oh so I’ve been replaced, huh?” Haseul speaks up in mock offense
“You said your only sibling was a boy so yes, Y/N unnie would never disown me like that.” Yeojin crosses her arms and turns her nose up at Haseul while Jinsol burns a whole in the side of her head with her gaze.
“Yeojin,” the younger girl looks to her nervous from her tone.
“Hook. Us. Up.” She doesn’t break eye contact even when the rest of the table starts smirking at her.
“Oooh Jinsol likes Y/N.” Yerim’s tone is teasing but Jinsol really pays her no mind. All she’s seeing right now is Yeojin and a direct doorway to you.
“But didn’t you already give her your number?” Jungeun chimes in and gets a nod in response.
“I wrote it on her arm.” Jinsol confirms it but becomes nervous at Yeojin’s shake of the head.
“You should’ve put it in her phone. She probably went home and showered it off without thinking about it, so she couldn’t reach you even if she wanted to. Here let me give you her numb- oh.” Yeojin pauses looking at her phone when she sees a text in all caps from you.
YeoYeo: Actually I’m with her right now.
Unnie<3: NUMBER
Unnie<3: NOW
“I think I was right about her losing your number Sol unnie. Here I’ll send you her number and send her your number too. Save it as soon as you get it, okay?” Yeojin speaks while typing away at her phone screen.
Jinsol sits upright waiting for her phone to register Yeojin’s text with a new kind of energy. Not long after she finishes naming you in her phone, does she get a text from you. She looks up at Yeojin and thanks her until the younger girl gets tired of hearing it.
The two of you talk all day through text even transitioning to phone calls over the next few days. Without even realizing Jinsol finds herself wanting to to know every thing about you. What you’re doing, how you’re feeling. The two of you have even set up little training dates together and practice. One by one, little by little, day by day her feelings grow for you more and more until she decides she’s waited long enough.
You are on a walk holding her hand when Jinsol stops you in your tracks. She gets nervous under your curious gaze but she convinces herself that it’s now or never. The warm smile you give her only further assures her that this was the right move. You had to feel the same, right? Would you really be here with her smiling at her like this, looking at her like this, holding her hand like this if you weren’t the least bit interested? Surely not.
“What’s on your mind Sol?”
“Just…Y/N would you like to go out with me? Like actually date me?” She’s worried by the dumbstruck look on your face and the way you awkwardly release her hand to rub the back of your neck. Then you open your mouth and her jaw drops.
“Oh I um… I kind of thought we were dating already?” The sheepish look on you made her want to coo at you but she was lost for words.
“I mean I guess I should have said so but I mean think about it Jinsol. All my free time is yours, I practically hang off of your every word like I’m out of my mind. Any where you go I wanna follow and I pretty much do, I figured it was pretty clear that I thought we were in a relationship.” 
You can’t seem to make eye contact with her and Jinsol can’t believe you get cuter by the minute. She tries to meet your eyes but you keep looking the other way. Her hands reach up to hold your face affectionately and make you look at her her. Now is when you both start to realize just how close she’s gotten and this close you can really see just how pretty her brown eyes are. Jinsol smiles at you sweetly and gives you a small peck on your lips, shocking you stiff.
“From now it’s day one, okay?” Her smile infectious and you return it tenfold.
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fandomtookoverlife · 4 years
Pairing: Hotch x fem!reader 
Summary: you received some life-changing news the day before, now you’re trying to keep focus and get a confession out of an unsub. Keeping focus has never been so hard, with your mind spinning and Hotch sending you further down the rabbit hole. Somehow things get even worse when the psychic unsub announces your news for all to hear. 
Note:  italics are reader thoughts 
Warning: anxiety/panic attack, break down, swearing 
Word count: 1.7k
Category: angst(?) 
A/N: this is not based on the cm with a psychic. Def channelling my own breakdowns while writing this, I hope it comes off how I intended.
I might do a second part where we learn of Hotch’s and reader’s relationship and we then jump to his reaction
Back story: in my mind the reader and Hotch like each other fucked, it became awkward and here we are
Other blog: @mac99martin
Fuck psychics, sitting there all-knowing when everyone knows they’re full of shit, you don’t like psychics on normal days, when they’re unsubs, you hate them even more. Fuck psychics. 
Ok maybe your new found hate for psychics isn’t totally about them, (although the one in front of you definitely plays a part in it) you may have found out some very stressful, very shocking, life-altering news yesterday and you also may not be dealing with it very well. And by not dealing with it well, you mean not dealing with it at all. You've been avoiding and ignoring it, the rational part of your brain is telling you that this is not something you can ignore, but the other part of your brain is absolutely terrified and is using the case as an excuse not to deal with it. And you are using your dislike for psychics as an outlet for your emotions, is it right? No. is it healthy? No. but it’s helping and you’re freaking out so what are you going to do? 
Speaking of not helping, Hotch is with the unsub now. Not only is he not getting anywhere with her, but he is also so horribly distracting. You seriously need to focus but looking at him, all it’s doing is sending you into a spiral. All you want to do is put this unsub behind bars but your mind is fighting with itself: one part actively fighting to keep your brain far away from the topic that will remain nameless and unthought about. The other going in circles of panic and anxiety and terror. The unsub is helping the first, she’s a handy distraction. Hotch is helping the latter, you so much catch a glimpse of him and you revert into the frenzy that is your mind. Fuck, this fucking sucks, ok come on can’t focus on that, you can’t cry or stop breathing that can wait till later, now you need to focus. 
And that’s where the loop starts all over again: Focus-Hotch-Spiral-Focus-Hotch-Spiral...
-Focus You’re so lost in the war going on in your mind you completely lose all sense of reality only noticing that Hotch is not only no longer in the integration room when he calls your name. 
You try your best to snap out of it and control your breathing, but looking at Hotch, Hotch looking at you, you feel like you're shaking while your body remains perfectly still, your heart is pounding and you stop breathing. Okokok-breathe, focus, what’s going on right now. 
“Sorry, what was that?” Ok not bad that sounded pretty normal if you do say so yourself. 
“I asked what you thought.” His voice was stern and annoyed but his face looked worried. 
Snap. The. Fuck. Out. Of. It. “Oh um,” wait who’s said what, shit I really should have been paying attention. “Well clearly she wasn’t responding to you,” ok pretty good, actually now that you think about it she wasn’t responding to any of the male officers when they arrested her, “and she didn’t respond to the male officer earlier, anytime she talks to a man she becomes confident and flirtatious” Flirting: Hotch-Spiral, Focus “we should see how she reacts to a woman.” 
Ok, so you had your ups and downs but all in all that went pretty well. You avert your eyes from Hotch’s, focus focus focus focus… “Ok you’re in.” 
“Wh- me?” 
“Yes… you.” 
You know what? this can be good, small room, nothing to focus on except the case, no Hotch, ya I can do this. You give a nod, pick up your file and walk into the room. 
“Hello Ms.Shaw, I’m ssa Y/N Y/L/N.” you look down at your file making a show out of opening it while also keeping an eye on her. 
When Hotch entered earlier, doing something similar, she straightened her back and leaned forward, making a show out of her breasts, she half smirked and half-smiled when she looked up at him. 
When you introduce yourself she sat back in her seat, crossed her arms and glared at you. Unlike when she saw Hotch, she looked very displeased with you. 
You sat down across from her and gave her a smile, she narrowed her eyes and furthered her glare towards you. She eyes you up and down for a second before practically sneering at you, “what do you want” 
“I just want to talk” you put simply 
Maintaining eye contact she leaned forward “Bet you do” 
At this point, with Hotch, she had a smile on her face, enthusiastic to speak with him. Right now, she’s almost challenging you, she’s even getting defensive. 
“Probably want to talk about those murders you think I did” 
“The murders you did do” you respond all while having a sweet smile on your face. Won’t that just piss her off, and it does. 
She just hums in response, her face stone cold, staring you up and down, and then, she smiles, “I think we should talk about you.” She says it almost sweetly but you can tell that there’s mischief behind it. 
“Ya, you’ve been… busy lately…” 
you really couldn’t guess where she was going with this at this point, nowhere good so, “as have you” you retort back. 
“Hmm, but in different ways,” she smirks 
Hell ya in different ways, I’ve been working my ass off and you’ve been murdering people. 
“See I’ve been busy working, as a psychic, I use my power to help people, it’s very time-consuming-” 
Right power, helping, you don’t have and you don’t do shit 
“While you,” she looks you up and down again, “have been getting a very different sort of busy, haven’t you?” 
….wh- what is she- what is she even implying right now?
Busy like- and that’s when you’re reminded of your… state. Remembering hits you like a ton of bricks, solely because you had forgotten, the thought has your mind clouded again and your anxiety spiking. 
You’re back down a spiral, get back on topic this isn’t the time, “I’m not sure what you're getting at.” Breathe, “Oh come on, you know,” and she looks down again, if the table wasn’t in the way, you would say that she’s looking at your stomach, no no she’s not why would she- how could she- your mind is biased, it was already thinking about that and it jumped to conclusions, get back on topic. You can’t be thinking about this now. -focus. 
She leans in but doesn’t lower her voice, glancing up at the mirror, she’s very aware that people are listening in, and she doesn’t mind, “you’re pregnant” 
Wtfwtfwtfwtf no no no no, how could she possibly know that, you just found out, it’s not like your showing, she can’t know, how the fuck did she know that? 
She can see it all over your face, your mind is jumbled with thoughts again and you’re freaking out. 
She just sat back and smiled watching you break down, but she wasn’t done yet. 
The people behind the mirror couldn’t see your face to see how bad you’re freaking out, that mixed with their own shock, they weren’t helping, not that they nor you would know how they would help. 
“You looked surprised that I know that, you doubt my skills” skills- what- psychic- whatever 
“Or maybe you’re just in shock, you just found out recently right,” she clicks her tongue, “must be quite the surprise.” You feel so overwhelmed, this was supposed to get you away from all of that, your spiralling again, unable to pull yourself out of your break down that has been going on since you found out. Once again just the thought, the reminder, has you feeling like you can’t breathe, like you're going to be sick, like your head is spinning. “I can see this is a lot for you, but I think you’re forgetting one thing,” 
Spiral-spiral-spiral forgetting? Wha- wh- spiral-spiral-spiral-Hotch 
Your heart stops, you look her dead in the eye, you can see it, the mischief, she knows, she opens her mouth to say something- “SHUT UP” you stand up and yell at her. You’re panicked and desperate,
Your outburst shocks everyone behind the mirror, but it only makes her smile wider, “what you don’t want everyone to know?” 
“STOP” your losing it 
“Or you don’t want him to know?” 
(ok fine, maybe she is psychic)
“SHUT UP” you scream, your voice is cracking and your breaking 
“What you don’t want everyone to know your pregnant and that one of them got you-”
“STOP!” You slam your hand on the table and your eyes are watering. 
Morgan busts through the door, taking you into his arms and steering you out of the interrogation room and into the viewing room, only giving the unsub a glance as he slams the door behind him. 
Once you are in the viewing room you turn away from your team, your eyes still glossy, you’re shaking, you can barely breathe, that panic attack-mental breakdown you’ve been putting off, it’s finally catching up to you, and your feeling every second of the overwhelming… you don’t even know, just everything, and still trying to hold it in as you hyperventilate and remember the people around you. 
You do your best to hold in your emotions for a little longer as you go to leave the room, away from people. You hear Derek’s voice, “how much of that was true?” 
One more second one more second one more second, 
In out, in out, in out, “every word” is all you get out before you lose it and you basically run away. 
“Shittt,” the event weighs heavy on the team’s mind as they make sense of what just happened, “well, it wasn’t me.” Morgan, trying to lighten the mood best he can 
The team looks around the room “Well it certainly wasn’t me” Rossi horrified at what has just played out in front of him 
Spence's face goes absolutely red when Derek looks at him; he doesn’t have to say anything because as hotch speed walks out of the room, it is very clear who the father is. 
Tags: @spencers-renaissance @averyhotchner
(I’ll tag anyone in part 2 who asks for it in the comments😘😘)
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candyopala · 3 years
Stuck in his ways, chapter 1
Sinopsis:  After deciding to settle down after a whole life of mercenary work, Y/N moves to Konoha and becomes a nin thanks to an old favor the Nara clan owed her. She is assigned to a jonin mentor, but he is not too happy about his new task since he is a man stuck in his ways and a bit closed off. Will they be able to work their differences out?
Chapter summary: First impressions are important, especially when they are bad. 
Words: 1.3k
Chapter: 1/? 
“You’re at least an hour late, Obito”
Another restless night, two old ladies needing help with their groceries, Kakashi bothering him again to go on one of those blind dates, yeah, of course Obito was late again. The Uchiha flinches as he hears this as he goes through Minato’s office door. He does not try to come with any excuses, his former sensei knows him too well to fall for any of it, and so he just apologizes. 
“You know, I sometimes tend to go too soft on you but this is third time this week you’re late. That’s a lot even for you.”
“I’m sorry sir I promise this won’t happen again”
“It won’t because I’m suspending you from getting S ranked missions until you change this behavior. I can clearly see that something is not wright with you lately”
Great, just great. 
“Anyway, I was going to assign this one to a jonin with less experience and prestige as you, but I think I’ll be giving it to you since I’m sure you need to cool down a little, get some rest. You will be training a new chunin I just promoted exceptionally, not in a team due to specific circumstances, just one student. I want you to evaluate their abilities and teach them the ways of the village”
Obito immediately hunches his back forward in a mix of disappointment and frustration. He has been working so hard lately on his missions in an effort to impress, he wants to be the next Hokage, after all. Fine, he has been a little tired and unmotivated lately but hell, he still is better than most ninja, he does not deserve to be babysitting chunin like that. 
Minato hands him a folder and gives him some more detail about the student in question, but the Uchiha does not pay any attention on it. He lazily starts making his way to the training field he was told his new pupil would be. Obito figures he will just borrow those bells from Kakashi and put them through it, no way in hell anyone will be able to pass this test with him as the teacher and he will get rid of this situation quickly. 
One quick look through the file and Obito immediately recognizes the face on the top of the first page. The outsider joining the village. Great. Her face on paper stares back at him, the unmistakable cold look of someone that just kills for a living with no clear objective but money. As if he was not already uncomfortable in the position of teacher, it had to be someone his prejudices will not allow him to fully trust and on top of that, another person to give him that look, that awful look they have when they first see him. 
Leaning into a tree, Obito keeps reading the papers. Ex merc, over a hundred captured S ranked missing nin, taijutsu and blade techniques, uninteresting details about the girl’s life. What on earth Minato had on his mind to allow someone from outside into the village’s ranks? He knows they are still struggling with reduced numbers since the war, but for Kami’s sake, village secrets cannot be told to just anybody like this. 
He takes another look at the picture and the word pretty comes up in his mind, only to be immediately shut down by a pile of self-imposed negative thoughts. 
“Hm, probably just a weakling traitor” He thinks aloud while still gazing at the folder. 
 Y/N sits close to the top of a tree observing the training grounds. These few weeks have been… exhausting. She never thought that settling down would be so complicated, but some of that is on her for choosing to be a village ninja and not opting to just open a small bakery or something. 
They told her that her new mentor was supposed to meet her here, but she has been waiting here for over an hour and a half and… nothing. As if having to get used to ranks and authorities was not overbearing enough, she will have to deal with someone closely bossing her around. 
After a while, she hears footsteps in the direction of the clearing she was in. A tall man appears, from this height she can only make out his black colored hair and jonin vest. This must be her supposed mentor, he has a beige folder and he is reading it intently. He appears to not have noticed her presence, so she decides to get down and approach him silently as to find out if what he has in his hands is about her. What can she do? She is a curious being. 
Jumping down silently and getting closer from behind, he has not noticed her yet. She is able to look at the open folder, the jonin is staring at a picture of her. A bad picture if you ask her opinion, almost a mugshot. 
“Hm, probably just a weakling traitor” the man says clearly referring to her picture. 
“Ok, rude” is what she is able to say in response, while in truth she really wanted to spell out her entire extensive catalog of insults
Caught off guard, the man immediately points a kunai at her neck. A single red glowing eye meet hers, joined by a face half covered of scars that look incredibly painful, a vision that for sure would intimidate anyone. Y/N, on the other hand, has her interest growing bigger by the minute. She has heard of the dojutsu possessed by the Uchiha family in her travels and she knows they are native to Konoha, but she did not expect to meet one of them so quickly and to work with them on the field. The man is also strikingly han- uneducated, yes, uneducated. 
Deciding to discuss the awful thing he said about her just now later, Y/N raises her arms as sign of peace: 
“Calm down, I’m the one you were staring at in your creep file.”
Confused, the man stares at her and back at the picture a couple of time before finally letting his guard down. Putting the kunai back in his pocket, he finally speaks: 
“It’s not a creep file, it’s mission information. I’ve been assigned to be your mentor while you’re new to the village. Obito Uchiha, nice to meet you.”
“It’s not a creep file alright, but it is a little creepy to be staring at people’s faces for too long and saying mean stuff about them. Anyway, I’m Y/N L/N, nice to meet you too sir.”
Mr. Creep Uchiha seems quite lost until he visibly realizes what she is talking about, and then he gets visibly uncomfortable and a little mad, hence the pout forming in his lips.
“Are you sure you should be talking to your superiors like this?”
“Are you supposed to welcome new people like that?”
Awkward silence follows for a bit before Obito starts walking to the middle of the clearing, Y/N takes this as a lead for her to follow him. Stepping into the sun now, the Uchiha finally speaks again: 
“I want to see you fight” Is all he says, with a small conceited smirk creeping in. 
“Weren’t you supposed to explain things to m-“
“It won’t matter if you are too weak to even go out on a mission later. I’m not big on having my time wasted.”
Y/N is stumped. Normally she would have already jumped at him for treating her like this, how dare he talk to someone like that? To not even acknowledge her. But in this new situation of hers she is obligated to not do anything, the only thing that escapes her mouth is a small whisper of the word asshole. 
“Catch these bells. Fail to do so and I’ll make sure you’re kicked out from here forever. We’ll talk about everything else later.”
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kiwibirbs-library · 4 years
Not What You Expected
a/n: hi hi so i had this idea after seeing a bunch of things on how everyone thinks kags is super scary but he really is a cinnamon roll and about how hes only really seen like because of middle school. So imma play off that. im thinking about making this a type of series but idk on who other than like three charcters soooo
btw this is kags second year so the third years arent there there to much. Im also going to warn you right now this is INCREADABLY LONG as crap and the stories are uneven i got carried away
word count: 3460 words
warnings: fluff of the century, not read through
pairing: Kageyama Tobio x fem!reader
summary: Tobio Kageyama looks like the type to be mean at any time of day to anyone. Of course of the past couple of years you’ve learned different. Over plenty of moments you’ve seen that reputation get proven wrong.
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not my art
The Day You Met
Tobio Kageyama.
The name is known around Karasuno now that he’s a second year. Normally that’s a good thing. But his name was known for being a guys the was mean and snappy. A name known for a guy with no friends and no sociability. 
You had never met the guy. Never even seen him in all honestly. You had transfered from Fukurodani half way through this year so it wasn’t to surprising. Still you would think you would at least see him at some point. I mean he even came to the school while you were there. Bokuto had told you about him enough times to know that much.
So when one of your friends invited you to a practice game they were having,, you took the chance to finally see the dude. And dang when you saw him, you SAW him.
There, in the middle of a game that tired YOU out by watching, was this guy running around and jumping like crazy. Everyone was so focused on him and how he was moving. Your eyes how ever were focused on the tall boy with black hair near the net. He seemed so focused on everything. The players, the ball, the net, everything. It was crazy to watch him. He seemed so serious at first but then when he would score a point with a serve his eyes seemed to sparkle. He didn’t smile to much or anything but his eyes just screamed excitement. 
When he set the ball for set point and it landed the whole team yelled in excitement. The tall boy whipped around to his team. Before his eyes could lower from the stands they locked on yours. You both just stared at each other for a second before he went back to teams celebration. Your friend pulled at your arm so she could go talk to the friend that told her of the game. 
She hooked her arm with yours and started down the stairs toward the gym doors. Who was the friend again? Ya- something? You two waited in the hall when a small girl came through the doors. She gave your friend a small smile, walking over to talk to her.
“Y/N this is Yachi! She’s the teams manager, Yachi this is Y/N,” she introduced you two. She smiled, saying hi. You three talked until she needed to go back to the coachs. Thats when you saw him again. He was walking with the small speed demon from earlier. He seemed like he was snapping at him but the small kid wasn’t phased by it. He turned forward where you were standing, locking eyes with you again. You didn’t miss the light pink that hit his cheeks. None the less, he ignored you as they passed by.
Tobio Kageyama, interesting.
Your friend waved goodbye to you as she got into her mom’s car. As they drove away you grabbed your jacket from your bag. When you looked back up you could see Kageyama at a vending machine in the corner. He leaned down, grabbing a carton and stabbing a straw into it. You watched him as his eyes sparkled again when he grabbed it. You laughed a little as you watched him. Here he was getting so excited over a carton of milk. 
You watched him as he left. He was going in the same direction as you. As you followed behind him the sun began to set. There was a quiet meow from a bush up ahead. Your eyes wandered to the noise. When you reached the maker you found a small black kitten. As you stepped closer you found someone else there too. 
Squatting behind the bush, holding a finger out trying to get the small cat to notice him, was Kageyama. He looked frustrated that the cat wasn’t paying him any mind. The kitten turned its head away towards you. It immediately started to you after it saw you. Kageyama followed the animal with his eyes until he saw you. You were sitting on your heels, scratching behind the kitten’s ear. He watched the exchange for a second before standing up to leave. When you looked up it was a lot darker and he was slowly leaving your sight. The wind started picking up and there was wierd rustling coming the trees. All of it was slowly starting creep you out. Looking in front you caught sight of the tall boy again and before you thought about it you were running up to him. 
To say he was shocked when his sleeve got pulled was an understatement. He jumped comically high into the air. He looked down at you with fear before relaxing a little. He was tense and looked a bit confused. 
“um can I help you?” he was leaning away from you but you still had his sleeve in hand. 
“oh I’m sorry. It just got kind of dark and I was hoping I could stick closer to you? Sorry I just wanted to not have something happen,” you said letting go of his sleeve. He looked throughly confused still but (ahem he does have a sister after all) he nodded.
“ya that fine,” you smiled at him and he blushed slightly. As he walked you followed close behind. Then he turned to you. “are you going to stay back there?” he looked over his shoulder to you. It took you back but you took the offer. Jogging up besides him and thanking him a comfortable silence drifted over the two of you. You would have thought you would be scared or intimidated but no, it felt really nice to walk next to him. You turned to him.
“by the way, I’m Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you.”
When You Met The Team
You were with Kageyama at the vending machine before he had to go to practice. He pressed the button, handing you your own drink before grabbing his own. You leaned on the wall as you two talked. 
It had been a couple months since that walk home, and you had made an effort to say hi every now and then. You didn’t really know why but it was nice talking to him then. And now you were comfortable enough to meet up everyday before his practice. It was always a peaceful interaction and he was always so quiet and calm.
Of course when a little ball of energy came into the picture that changed fast. He came running around the corner and barreled towards Kageyama, not seeing you yet scince you were hidden by the vending machine. 
“KAGEYAMAAAA!” Kageyama flinched turning to the smaller kid. “Come set for me before practice starts!” he hopped up and down.
“ya ok I’ll be there in a second,” Kageyama turned back to you. “sorry I’ll talk to you tomorrow Y/N.” You smiled and nodded to him.
“ok have fun with your practice.”
Hinata froze. That was a girls voice. A girls voice that was talking to Kageyama. He poked his head around the vending machine. When he saw you and confirmed that it was a girl he whipped around to look at him.
“YOU KNOW A GIRL?!” he yelled out. You flinched back while Kageyama jumped back.
“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN?! YES I KNOW A GIRL HINATA YOU DUMBASS!” he yelled back. As they yelling back and forth, you slipped out from behind Hinata. 
“um Tobio I’m gunna head out,” you patted his shoulder before giving Hinata a small smile before walking off. They both quieted down, watching you go to the road look around then walk down the sidewalk. As you disappeared the two boys turned to each other before Hinata smirked. He bolted down in your direction, Kageyama chasing after him. He raced in front of you, sliding to a stop.
“Hi! I’m Shoyo Hinata! What’s your name? Do you know Kageyama well, you called him by his first name too,” he smiled widely at you. You however had been incredible surprised by his sudden show that you were stumbling backward. Kageyama was the one to stop you from fully falling over. 
“I- uhh hi? I’m Y/N L/N, um yes I do know him,” you stuttered. Kageyama, who was still holding onto your arm, glared at Hinata.
“HINATA DON”T DO THAT YOU IDIOT SHE ALMOST FELL!” he yelled. Your eyes widened. You really hadn’t heard him yell other than that first practice game you watched. He stiffened with his tone, remembering you were still listening. 
“SHUT UP! Oooo wait did I embarrass you or something?” he snickered “No way, did you actually get a girlfriend?!” he looked shocked.
“SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND YOU IDIOT!” you looked up to see his beet red face an you laughed. They both turned to you with a confused look.
“is there something wrong Y/N?” Kageyama asked you.l
“no no I- I’m sorry. It’s just I’ve never seen you like this, you’re normally calmer than this,” you laughed. Hinata snorted
“Pfft I don’t think I have ever heard anyone call him calm,” Kageyama seemed to almost growl at him. You and Hinata continued to laugh however. Thats when Kageyama’s worse nightmare happened. “OH Y/N you should come to todays practice!” he bounced on his heels. You smiled widely and nodded, both of you turning to face Kageyama. “isn’t that exciting Kageyama!” Hinata poked.
Kageyama glared at him mumbling something.
“Tobio? You good?” Hinata smirked at the sound of his name. Kageyama blushed slightly, continuing to glare at Hinata.
“no whatever come on were going to be late,” he turned on his heel and started back to the gym, Hinata and you skipped after him. Hinata went on about the other kids on the team. He was in the middle of saying something about a tall guy with glasses when there was a yell. 
A guy with a shaved head was standing in the door way, hands on his hips and a wide, kinda scary smile, on his face. A small guy slid into the space behind him, a bleached section of his hair swinging with the momentum. 
“well you two are never late wh- oh...” the guy with the buzz cut stopped when you came out from behind Kageyama.
“helloo pretty girl I have never seen before! Whats your name?” the short one asked with a smile. You just smiled and introduced yourself. Hinata bounced into the gym, telling them about how he invited you to watch. They followed along with the excitement, introducing themselves and throwing in some complements here and there. They whole time Kageyama was grinding his teeth and glaring. He stayed quiet though, not wanting to full on yell in front of you. He followed behind you into the gym, the other third years noticing you as well. The three came up to you and introduced themselves. The captain, Enoshita, was in the middle of telling you where you could sit when Nishinoya flew in out of nowhere almost jumped on you in the process. You weren’t paying attention to what he was saying out of surprise. 
There was a faint snickering from somewhere, gaining your attention. A tall boy in glasses sat on the floor, laughing into his hand.
“honeslty, you should calm down around Kageyama’s girlfriend a little. If you don’t it looks like he’ll crack a tooth,” he said quietly. You turned to Kageyama and sure enough, he was glaring on the wall quietly, teeth grinding again. You laughed lightly at how he stiffened and yelled at the kid with glasses. Noya snickered along with him, switching his attention to poking at Kageyama. 
“its not like that idi-”
“Y/N!?” Yachi came barreling up to you. You smiled, finally seeing someone you were familiar with. She gave a glance to the boys, gently pulling you away. “sorry if they were a bit overwhelming,” she laughed as you two got the stage area. 
“oh don’t worry its actually really nice to watch. Not to mention I’ve never seen Tobio so, I don’t know, uncalm I guess,” you laughed. Yachi gave you a look.
“oh you’ll get used to it. He’s normally like this. I do have to admit that hes a little more intense today,” she giggled.
You ended up staying throughout the whole practice. You watched on the stage as they played against themselves, walking over at one point to help Yachi through the balls up. At one point Kageyama missed a set or two and they bounced off his head. It took about ten minutes each time for the boys to refocus from teasing him. 
By the end of the practice it was dark outside. Yachi had already left, her mom calling her to get home for dinner a little earlier tonight. You waved a goodbye to the team and walked outside, sighing at how uncomfortable you were with walking alone at night.
“wait up!” you turned to the familiar voice. Kageyama jogged up beside you. “sorry I just remembered you don’t like walking home alone at night,” he rubbed the back of his neck. You smiled up at him.
“thank you Tobio,” you paused for a second. “sorry for embarrassing you in front of your team.”
“you didn’t embarrass me. It was actually nice to know you were watching,” you looked back up to him. He was turned away but you could see the red glow to his cheeks. You laughed lightly, returning to the peaceful silence you two could always hold with only one thought. 
‘scary my ass’
The Day You Started Dating
Out of all the time you spent with the young setter, this was both one of the sweetest and scariest. 
You had a steady schedule now. You went through your classes, went to the vending machine to meet Tobio for lunch, more classes, and then meeting the boys for club. After meeting them all you became a somewhat unoffical manager, helping with set up, clean up, and over all practice. You were enjoying it, and when you all went to matches you were able to meet people and socialize more than you were. 
You were especially excited for this coming up trip. It was a training camp with the tokyo schools and you were ecstatic to see Bokuto and the team again. As you all filed onto the bus you were practically bouncing off the walls with Hinata in tow. The newer first years watched in slight fear that you two might explode. Even though you sat with Tobio you were still basically having a race with words with Hinata. Unknown to you, however, the tall boy had been waiting for your attention the entire ride.
“Y/NNNNN!” Bokuto was speeding down the stairs in front of Shinzen. 
“BO!!” you yelled back. he picked you up and spun you around in a hug, both of you laughing. The rest of Karasuno watched the interaction in semi-shock. 
“you need to come visit at some point! I haven’t seen you since you transfered!” he said as he set you down. 
“I know, I know I’m sorry,” you both continued talk as the rest of the team came down. Akaashi casually slide into the conversation when he met up with you both. Soon enough he was calming Bokuto down a couple knoches after detecting Tobio’s aura of death from beside the bus. The team was able to catch onto it too, snickering and poking at him. 
This continued throughout the rest of the week. Between Bokuto’s constant hovering with you and the overall simpingness from E V E R Y O N E with all the girls in general, not leaving you out, Kageyama was on the edge of murder. He really wanted your attention more and more throughout the week, but you were busy half of the time. It wasn’t until the third day that he fully snapped.
Karasuno had just lost a set and were taking a breather before their next match and you were talking with the shinzen manager. Shinzens new captain came up to you and joined into the conversation. Kageyama noticed immediately, his attitude getting worse by the minute. He unconsciously moved closer to hear.
“so you’re with Karasuno right?”
“yes I am.”
“oh cool cool. So are you... seeing anyone up there?”
“umm not really,” his head whipped in your direction. You were alone with the captain now, he was slowly leaning closer to you as you backed away.
“not really? So is that a yes or no?” he asked again. It wasn’t even like he was making a big scene or being mean about it, but you were still uncomfortable. You probably looked normal but Kageyama could see it. The way your eyes were shifting between him and around the room. The way you were leaning backward and shuffling backward at the same time. The way you held his gaze when you found it. He immediately stood up and walked over to you. The captain took notice quickly and backed off a little with the glare he was getting. 
Tobio grabbed you hand, throwing one last glare, then pulling you away and outside. He sat down and pulled you in between his legs. You were currently confused, flustered, and scared. Confused because what was happening. Flustered because you were now located basically in his lap with his head on your shoulder. And finally scared because the glare he just gave the other player was scarier than any other he’s ever thrown to Hinata or Tsukkishima. 
“um Tobio?” you tried to turn around to look at him but he help you in place.
“I really didn’t like it,” he said quietly.
“what?” you turned your head a little.
“I really didn’t like him hitting on you. I didn’t like how I haven’t been able have your attention these past few days. I really don’t like that,” he mumbled into your shoulder. You smiled lightly. You knew you should be trying to comfort him in a way but, listening to how he was talking, you could only smile .
“Tobio can I turn around?” he stiffened slightly before letting go of your waist. You turned, sitting on your knees. “you know, if you wanted my attention, you could have just asked,” you giggled.
“harder said than done with a girl that is constantly surrounded by guys,” the start of a smile spreading on his face.  
“oh please, you could steal me away at anytime and I wouldn’t complain,” you flirted. He blushed at the comment. 
“so like does that count at school too?” he asked looked back up to you.
“as long as anytime means what I think it means, then yes,” you laughed again.
“and at random times of the day?”
“yes,” the laugh you had was growing.
“and  at practice?”
“oh.my.GOD. Tobio just ask me out!” you laughed into his shoulder. He was bright red and had been for a while. His smile was growing despite that though.
“isn’t it cheesy if I just ask ‘will you go out with me’?” he was starting to laugh too. You both just sat there, his hands on your waist and you head on his shoulder, shaking with laughter.
Little did either of you two know you would get caught in a couple of minutes by one shocked coach Ukai after not being able to find Kageyama.
It wasn’t anything really special. Just everyone after buzzing with excitement about after parties and pictures. You had run out to meet your family and friends a little late. You saw everyone in a little group, the now third years on the team, their families, and a couple others. You could see Nishinoya and Tanaka jumping up and down and patting Hinata and Kageyama’s heads. You smiled as you got closer to them, knowing that they didn’t need to come. Kageyama saw you and smiled softly. You sped up slightly, running head on into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. 
There were groans from the boys, while their parents cooed and awwed. He always was like this with you though. No matter how pissed or upset he was he would always smile when you showed up. It meant a lot to you, knowing how he hated the teasing. 
Thats when he did what he never does. He pushed you away slightly, then taking your chin in his hand. When he kissed you there were quiet gasps and gags from your little group. 
“sorry I just needed to do that,” he mumbled against your lips. Once again you could only think one thing as you smiled back to him.
‘scary my ass’
a/n: dang that was long ok thanks for sticking through it tell me if you would like this with more of the charcters :)
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