#First fic
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geraskierfanficprompts · 2 days ago
Humankeeper's first chapter is out!
And you can read it here! (and if that doesn't work, here's the exact same link but copy-pastable lol - https://archiveofourown.org/works/63921304)
I wanna thank everyone for giving me so much love on prompt 149, it really makes me happy :)) And now a taglist of people I think would be interested in the chapter! Also let me know if you think that reblogs on this post for future updates or new posts entirely are a better idea. And if I should add any of you guys to a tagging list for it! Much love!!! GFP!!!
--- @bakewrite @houseofcharobones @intermixforyou @acaciajules @elkstier-ryttlius @starrschaos @itendswithakiss @wintersshadows @turquoise-kitten @ahumoki0 @carrottheluvmachine @spooky0ats @alphabeticalcrabattical @jahakibe @akelafang
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storiesofthev01d · 23 hours ago
Pairing- Daryl Dixon x GN! Reader
Summary- Quiet memories and flowers with the pookie
TW- none really, curses once or twice
The pair looks across the open field, memories flooding back of when they had first met- you, half-dead all on your own, but alive. And Daryl, his crossbow pointed to your head and his eyes guarded as they always were. You both just stood there, tension crackling in the air as one waited for any sublte movement from the other. Your breath had caught when he shot, of course expecting the worst from this strange, roughed-up looking man. A muffled thud and rustle of grass behind you convinced you to breath again, noticing- wow. You weren't dead [somehow]!
It was quiet now, the air stinging with a sharp cold and the rotting smell of walkers that had passed through the area.
Despite the almost dead air, the sight was a needed break from the crumbled buildings and long-forgotten cities and towns you'd see every day. Wildflowers- pops of yellows and hazy blues grew with an enviable freedom, and the sun caught on the tips of the dense grass. The earthy scent in the air was noticable, subtle touches of wild mint and freshly watered grass. As if the world hadn't gone to shit. As if folks weren't dying everyday in horrific ways.
"I thought you were some fallen angel when I first saw 'ya," you tease quietly, the soft hush of wind a soothing whisper for peace, even if fleeting.
"I thought you were alrea'y dead," Daryl responded gruffly, his eyes on the horizon.
You give a soft chuckle. That was fair. Your body was caked in mud and blood- both yours and of walkers. Being all out on your own, focused on the slightest shuffle of feet that could mean life or death, you weren't exactly putting a lot of effort into lookin' pretty.
"Still," You continued, your eyes following the other's to the fading sky. "Why didn't you shoot me then?"
Silence once more draped the pair like a weather-worn blanket. You glanced at him, trying to figure out why he didn't answer. Did he just not hear? Was he ignoring you? Or maybe he just didn't have an answer?
You didn't get a response, as Daryl then began making his way back to the grazing horses you two had arrived on. You blinked, unsure if to be slightly offended or just sum it up to Daryl's odd personality, though followed him anyways. It's not smart to be out at night.
A/N~ agrhagrgabsg haii! Thank you for reading! This is my first fic, so... wow! I got unneedingly nervous posting this.
I'm not entirely sure if this is just a drabble or the start to a fic, because, to be entirely fair, I am winging all of this [as I'm sure many of us are]. I also was trying to add images, but I couldn't figure out how to make them smaller. Sorry chat 😔. Hopefully more works like these soon, though [and taking less time]!
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tenderwatches · 1 day ago
summary: jayce???? shutting up and listening for once???
omg is this character development? 🦋
Jayce remembers the light, dreamlike feeling of the night they’d cracked Hextech.
A strange numbness overcame him that night, some higher function becoming the only thing he could dedicate resources to.
Jayce imagines this feeling is what a high must be like, drifting in the cerebral but contained within the body alone. Just the two of them, floating together, orbiting a breakthrough.
The lab has a similar, intimate quality to it tonight. Sky and Thomas have long since retired, leaving only Jayce, Viktor, and echoes of times long past. There is something truly right about it—two dedicated scientists still hard at work in the wee hours of the morning. It could be a moment pulled out of so many years of their partnership. The clock outside struck two a moment earlier, but the lateness of the hour disturbs neither of them.
Even the usual air of general resentment between them has become muffled in this time outside of time. It’s all about the future now, and the heavy weight of the past falls away. Jayce can’t find it in himself to be exhausted; the energy of their work even seems to lift Viktor. Jayce notes that there is a light to his eyes tonight that chases the shadows of his illness back a bit. He cherishes this observation, especially considering he noted Viktor feeling so poorly last month. Presuming at least tonight is a good night offers a far brighter update to add to his growing list of speculations on Viktor’s health.
Jayce leans against Viktor’s workstation, peering over his shoulder at a gleaming shard of synthetic hex crystal through a large magnifying lens.
Viktor sits in a chair beside him, close enough that his arm brushes Jayce’s thigh as he writes. His partner feverishly checks and rechecks Jayce’s equations, letting out little hums of approval or concentration as he works.
Jayce examines the fragment at length; the shard glints in the exact right shade of blue, but a shiver of wrongness still pulls at him. He blinks, blinks again, and maybe—maybe it’s there—a slick of something in the light, a dark streak clouding the magic.
He’s trying to catch it again, like a shadow darting away in the corner of his eye, when Viktor sits back. Dropping his pen to the side, he sighs and rubs his hands over his face.
“Your math is sound,” Viktor states, his voice thick with fatigue. “This should, by all rights, give us the results we predict based on what we understand of the runic patterns and velocity needed to create the stabilisation and access the potential of the magic itself. But it simply…”
“Doesn’t?” Jayce supplies, and catches what he thinks might be the edge of a smile flash across Viktor’s lips.
“Precisely,” the other man confirms, dropping his palms to his lap. He peers up at Jayce’s face. “There are answers here, but also something we have not yet accounted for. This combination of chemtech and magic, this reaction it has created…”
Jayce nods, following his thoughts without needing to be told. “It’s back to our ignorance about the process to create them again. We can’t predict the outcomes because the input isn’t one-for-one. Chemtech introduces a new variable.” They’ve fallen into their old rhythm, and he’s in too deep to linger on the agonising nostalgia that gives him.
He watches Viktor bite his lip as he ponders the problem, tracing the motion as his teeth sink into the softness there. Jayce succumbs to the momentary torture because he can’t bring himself to look away.
Viktor reaches for a synthetic crystal and tests its heft with a tiny toss. “Tell me what you know of Clan Ferros.”
Jayce leans his hip fully against Viktor’s desk, contemplating the prompt and finally lifting his eyes to the ceiling above. “Well, they are an old clan,” he begins, reaching for what little he remembers from what Mel told him back when she gave him an accelerated lesson on the city’s merchant clans. “Well-established, well-connected, innovative, and ruthless.”
Viktor makes a soft huff beside him. “You realise this hardly distinguishes them from any other.”
Jayce cuts him a look at that cheeky reply. “Yes, yes, taking potshots at the elite is always a grand time,” he dismisses with a half-hearted wave of his hand. “But there’s something about them that’s… unique.”
Viktor nods, biting back any further reply, and gestures for Jayce to continue.
“They’re more subtle. From what I can tell, they hold their cards close to their chest. They’re tactical, smart, and willing to do anything to advance the family.”
He watches his partner consider those facts, working through them like he might evaluate a set of schematics and nodding as he connects the pieces. “This is all true,” Viktor agrees, his tone going steely as he catches Jayce’s gaze with his own. “But they’re hiding more than just some secretive creation process. They are… well-known in the Undercity,” Jayce notices him look askance, tone uneasy, “to say the least. So, I dislike on principle the idea of playing their games. But the potential power they hold with these crystals…” Viktor trails off, shaking his head.
Jayce watches him comb back his hair with a long-fingered hand, his gold eyes lowered in thought. His quiet intensity is striking; the seriousness of his expression colours Jayce’s curiosity with a hint of concern, but he dares not ask what thoughts have elicited such deep consideration.
“Jayce,” Viktor starts again, tone just as serious as his countenance, “I cannot stress enough how this might spell utter calamity. We must understand these crystals and their nature before we make ourselves complicit in Camille Ferros’s plans for them.” There’s an insistence to his words; something that hints of darkness he hasn’t yet shared.
“So that’s it then.” Jayce, in spite of his worries, can’t help but to love Viktor’s passion. So many others view Viktor as stoic or unemotional—but Jayce knows the depth to which Viktor truly feels for those around him. “Before anything else, we need to crack their formula right out from under them.” His heart beats faster at the thought, the strange electric feeling in his blood. He has a feeling of connection to his self from years ago, tiptoeing through dark hallways, following Viktor as they risked everything for their first breakthrough.
Viktor seems not to feel that same excitement. He eyes the crystal fragment still glittering beneath the glass like it will open to him and expose its secrets through will alone. His expression smooths out a bit, and his eyes go solemn and wistful. “We must solve this, Jayce.” His voice is soft; it sounds like a plea.
“I know.” Jayce quiets long enough to study Viktor and the emotions appearing to war inside of him. He blinks when Viktor’s eyes flick back up to his face.
“Do you, Jayce?” There is something in them he hasn’t seen in ages. He looks a touch mournful still, but there is something warmer there too. Hope, he realises. A hope in its infancy, imploring Jayce to help him reach this possibility.
Viktor’s finger lifts to track along the desk, moving across the surface in an idle pattern.
“Do you know what this breakthrough could mean, not just in the wrong hands, but the right ones?” As Viktor speaks, the motion of his finger brings his hand close to Jayce’s thigh before it pulls back again. The repetitive movement is aimless and idle, yet Jayce can’t help but feel it as strangely sensual. Viktor’s own eyes follow the gesture without intent. He seems to try and work through a complicated series of internal arguments before speaking once more. “The Undercity is… not doing well.”
Jayce swallows and nods. He’s in new territory, he realises. This might be an olive branch extending, some fragile step back in the direction of a time when they truly trusted one another.
“I’ve heard some of it. With Caitlyn pushing back on the chem-barons down there, I know more than most topside,” he offers, and pauses as Viktor simply shakes his head. Something he‘s said is wrong; he‘s disappointed Viktor. He steps back, catalogues his remark, and realises he‘s making assumptions about what he does or doesn’t understand about the life Viktor and others like him must lead down below. Old habits, he supposes, but he clears his throat to spare himself the burn of humiliation and offers a tentative, “So… what… is it really like?”
Viktor sighs, and Jayce almost regrets asking until he replies, “It is one thing to hear the stories, but to live it?” He stops his fingers’ motions, curling them into a fist instead. “The air is… well, it has never been good, but the Gray grows heavier all the time, thicker until it burns with every breath. Chem-barons flood the streets with shimmer. There is violence on the doorsteps of people just trying to go to factories and make enough money to eat.” He huffs out a bitter sound, blinking back what must be memories of these indignities while Jayce watches transfixed, afraid to shatter this honesty. “Nobody up here cares about that, though,” he laments, and sorrow makes his voice leaden. “The Undercity is a resource to be used, managed, and kept in line. There are always more... more sump rats to feed to their factories, more desperate people to press under their heel.”
Viktor’s blunt descriptions are hard to hear, harder still because they cause an almost reactionary desire to absolve himself of blame—he has always cared for and agreed with the same goals and desires that Viktor had shared with him. But he smothers that urge for defensiveness—maybe he’s always been on Viktor’s side, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t been a part of the problem. He sat on the Council himself, after all, and was too caught up in the tangle of political games to think of the people being slowly crushed by them. At the end of the day, Jayce’s fragile good intentions are as substantial as the wisps of the Gray oozing up from the fissures below, and perhaps just as deadly. They’ve certainly kept him blind and content up here for far too long. He thinks of his own secret work, sequestered close by in the locked drawer of his own workstation. His mind wanders to a point in which he might share his work with Viktor, and what Viktor might say about the progress he’s made—but he crushes that urge.
No, not yet; not until I’m further along.
Instead, he focuses on Viktor, on how his strong eyes burn still bright and beautiful in a face far too haunted. Jayce reaches out then, unthinkingly, the same way he would have years ago, and cups a gentle hand over the top of his partner’s shoulder. Viktor doesn’t shrug away his touch. Impossibly, he leans the slightest bit back into its warmth. For a startled moment, Jayce thinks he’s imagining it—but Viktor’s weight is solid against his palm. He holds his breath, keeps quiet, cautions himself to simply listen. The other man inhales, long and steadying, and continues.
“These crystals could change everything. They could empower people who might actually be able to do something about the air quality, or the stranglehold of the chem-barons. I need to do this for them. Nobody else up here will, Jayce.”
Jayce feels his fingers curl inward, pressing through the thin barrier of his partner’s clothes to try and draw out the sensation of the skin he knows is beneath it. “I want that too, Viktor, I swear it. I knew the moment I was handed these what it could mean.” Visions of earlier years, of limitless ideas. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about our dream to improve things down there since—well, since—you went back.”
The admission is childish, but Viktor looks oddly fond. “Selfish of you, Jayce, don’t you think? To hinge your care for the people of the Undercity only on my being counted as one of them?” The air feels charged around them, heavy in a way he hasn’t ever felt before. Viktor is so… present, warm and alive under his hand.
“I know,” he admits, feeling small. He knows it’s selfish—it’s also unfair, narrow-minded, and uncharacteristically short-sighted in that he has completely abandoned thoughts of the future for ones of the present, a present which Viktor occupies. It speaks to every uncharitable aspect of him; he hadn’t understood, hadn’t seen, maybe still doesn’t really see.
Inside of him there is still a little boy that wants to believe in the bright shine of Piltover’s promise: people can achieve greatness if enabled to help themselves. He‘d grown up thinking the best way he could help people was to build them a better hand with which to hold a hammer. But clinging to his ignorance has only ever been disastrous, and Viktor’s the one who has paid the price for it.
He doesn’t really know where to start with trying to make amends, but honesty seems right. Maybe the best way to start helping is to admit the flaws in himself, starting with: none of this has ever been about being a selfless hero. Viktor would understand this.
Viktor has always seen through his speeches about progress, recognising his drive comes from wanting to prove himself as much as it does from wanting to help others. Viktor, who has never judged him for it, because he, too, knows the feeling of being driven by more than altruism alone. But maybe, at the end of the day, that can be enough.
Maybe Jayce can be content with being just one man doing a single good thing. “I am selfish. But let me do this for you, V.”
It’s only when his partner turns away and Jayce returns to his own work that he realises Viktor hadn’t corrected him on the old nickname. We’re in this, he thinks, together again.
When that’s the case, nothing ever seems impossible.
Summertime, 984 AN - nine years ago
Progress Day was alive around them, the full roar of the day in motion, and Jayce stood in their patrons’ tent, trying desperately not to be ill. He could hear a gaggle of children from beyond the fabric of the Kiramman tent, screaming with joy as they chased after some number of fluttering airborne inventions that littered the sky.
“Jayce, if you don’t stop pacing, we will have to pull you out of the trench you dig into the ground.” Viktor’s voice was light, but after a year working together, he was deeply intimate with the telltale lilt of his partner‘s voice that away the act. He glanced over to where the man sat, palm on the gleaming red and gold handle of the cane Jayce had gifted him. “I don’t know how you aren’t.” He spotted Viktor’s wry smile, and neither of them even had to look down at Viktor’s bad leg before Jayce realised his faux pas. “Right, sorry.” At least he knew Viktor well enough now to not instantly feel sheepish.
“I assure you, I would join you in your aimless path around this tent if I thought it would help, bad leg be damned, but having to rewire the entire stabilisation cage last night makes it impossible for me to feel the same sense of urgency.”
Despite the placid expression his partner wore, his shoulders were a stiff line of tension, betraying his own nerves. His good leg jiggled up and down, and he kept flicking his eyes to the tent entrance. Jayce laughed (it came out oddly strained) and ran an absent hand through his hair before stopping to hurriedly smooth it back into place. It was as if both of them were waiting for the headsman, not Cassandra Kiramman, to approach and wave Jayce out for his much-anticipated presentation.
Months of labour, only for the whole thing to go dark the night before they were ready to demonstrate their breakthrough to hundreds of eager citizens. Viktor‘s cheeky reminder almost prompted Jayce to melt on the spot. “Oh god, I can’t believe that happened. If that thing shorts out while I’m up there, I hope it takes me with it.” He rubbed frantic palms across his face as he imagined making a grand show of their breakthrough, only to have it do absolutely nothing.
He thanked every star in the sky that his partner was an unremitting genius when it came to engineering. Jayce had always been proud of his own capabilities, but Viktor was another animal altogether. He could watch those slender hands all day if only it would give him insight into how Viktor managed to weave such complex mathematical beauty into his work.
His partner lifted a brow at him now as he came to a rest and slumped into a chair across from him. Though he painted the picture of careless repose, he covertly exercised extreme care to avoid creasing the perfect cream linen of his summer suit. His mother would never forgive him if he undid all her hard work to make him look worthy of the attention he would be receiving today.
“I can assure you, Jayce, my engineering is far more stable than that. Honestly, as if I would ever build something that would say... detonate a building unprompted,” Viktor mused, his face unsmiling. His dry delivery never failed to make Jayce laugh; he snorted and chucked a gear he scooped from the table across the few feet between them. Viktor flinched, looking utterly aghast when it thudded against the centre of his chest.
“Shut it, you. I know what you’re doing,” Jayce admonished, and his partner shrugged, affecting innocence that only made Jayce want to laugh more.
“Defending the honour of my circuitry?” Viktor suggested, as if this was the sole purpose of his teasing.
“Distracting me,” he retorted firmly, watching as Viktor let the hint of a smile skip across his face at last.
“Is it working?“ he questioned, and Jayce couldn’t help but feel a surge of affection for his partner, his best friend, really. And wasn’t that new? Aside from Cait, he’d never really had a friend like this—and Cait was more like his bratty kid sister. Her teasing always felt more like pulling pigtails than this gentle, easy banter.
Something about how their minds connected felt different, sacred, and natural in a way he never understood could be possible. They’d done wonders these months together. All at once, every wild dream of his childhood had moved from frustrations on a page to wonderful possibility. He could have all of eternity and never be able to explain to the man across from him what these accomplishments meant to him.
“Ugh, sure, fine, you win; I’m absolutely no longer thinking about how I could easily fall on my face out there and undo months of work and our dream in one go,” Jayce whined instead, though the flutter of nerves was already quieting. Viktor’s confidence in him always eased these frantic times.
“That will not happen, Jayce.” His certainty was so resolute, Jayce could only be shocked that it wasn’t a lie for his sake.
“I would love a dose of that confidence,” he snarked, though the statement was based in sincerity. He knew how to fake being self-assured, but he wished for a dose of the cool, unaffected grace Viktor so often employed instead of his frantic, boisterous approach. In moments like these, Jayce busied himself doling out compliments and self-effacing humour tinged with the right cocktail of self-deferential bullshit. It seemed the best way to ease the sensibilities of the rich investors waiting for them out there.
“It’s not confidence; it is logic. If it fails, you will simply come off that stage knowing a moment does not undo the journey of a lifetime of work.” Viktor leaned forward, the intensity in his face pulling Jayce in as well. “We know this works; we’ve proved it works. This... this is a show. We can always perform again another day.”
Jayce smiled at that, how simple Viktor made it sound, always breaking down life’s complexities with such little effort. “Show must go on?“ he offered, continuing the metaphor. A swell of joy rewards him at seeing the amusement in Viktor’s eyes at that.
“Or so the saying goes, yes.”
A fondness welled up inside him at how utterly well-balanced they were as partners. “Wish you were up there with me, V.” He saw the discomfort colour his partner’s warm expression at that, eyes shifting away. He looked a touch vulnerable in the moment, and Jayce felt a flash of regret for pulling him out of his good mood.
“We talked about this,” he muttered, sounding oddly ashamed. Jayce leaned forward, reaching across to set a hand on his knee.
“I know, I know, it’s just—we’re partners!” He gave a small smile but didn‘t push the issue. Viktor’s admission that he abhorred the prospect of public speaking to a crowd of rich Piltover citizens had been hard for him to tell Jayce. Jayce had felt trusted; a part of him needed to be able to do this in return, after all Viktor had given him.
“Yes, well, my name is where it truly matters—the patents—and you will look better out there than me,” Viktor managed with an attempt at his earlier good humour. Jayce squeezed his knee gently and leaned back, watching as Viktor traced the motion with his eyes.
“Besides, if you get too nervous to talk or you say something stupid, you can flee back here to me and gather yourself. Sure, you will look a bit shifty, but…” He trailed off, fluttering his fingers as if to say, ‘Isn’t that the case already?’
Jayce laughed then, richly and honestly. He really was feeling good—well, better—more himself, at least. Viktor was right; he could do this. They’d already done more impossible things.
The grin he flashed was broad and childish. “Gods V, I can’t believe it. We did it, huh? We’re really going to change the world.” He thought back to days spent drawing mages in the margin of notebooks, combing tomes in the corner of every library, collecting scraps, recollections, and tall tales to shape his dreams. Here it all was—the endless possibility he’d dreamt of.
Viktor smiled at him, then. A real smile, soft and secret, a face he wondered how many people Viktor bothered to show. His clever face always expressed such severity; warmth only broke through this way when it was the two of them, chasing breakthroughs.
“Indeed we are—a goal worth braving the stage for, surely?“ Viktor suggested. Jayce could only nod and stand, stepping to the looking glass the Kirammans had set up in this makeshift ready room. He adjusted the fall of his hair, straightened his tie, and reached for the charismatic, self-assured version of himself to present to the crowd. “Alright, alright, I’m done melting down.”
“At last,” Viktor taunted, and Jayce shot him a look before turning his arms out for inspection.
“Shut up. How do I look?“ Amber eyes moved across his chest and up to his face. Viktor’s eyelids fluttered a bit, as if he’d been unprepared to be asked to comment on Jayce’s looks. Maybe he was a bit embarrassed to be used as a mirror.
“Perfect…” Viktor managed with only a slightly strained note in his voice to belie the small moment of awkwardness, which Jayce ignored in light of his own anxiety.
“Great... Okay, well, here she comes.” He puffed out an exhale and glanced over to Viktor once more. There was nothing waiting for him out there that could top what they had already faced together.
“Wish me luck.” Jayce beamed back at his partner, and, buoyed by his encouragement, stepped out into the light.
𓊈 first chapter |previous chapter| next chapter on AO3 𓊉
AN: how was this chapter so short (3.9k-ish words?) and yet took so long to edit (wait it didn't i just discovered some incorrect maths i'm so good at this) - anyway, this was chapter 12, 'Dreams of Potential' in our fic, Lies We Tell Ourselves! We like to post a whole chapter on tumblr the day before we update on AO3 to spread the joy ✨ so if you enjoyed it, perhaps you can binge the (*counting on fingers*) next thirteen chapters to catch tomorrow's update ;P but whether you're reading here or there, tysm for coming along the ride with us!!!! now, Watch wants to watch some bloody violent tv show w me... smh... not my jayvik... 👀
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ao3polls · 6 months ago
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downhillrepose · 5 months ago
an old love
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overview : father charlie mayhew reunites with an old lover he was head over heels for before he began his journey into priesthood.
pairing : father charlie mayhew x fem!reader
word count : 1152 (and it’s still ASS)
a/n : this is my first fic so please excuse.. everything… while i try to figure it all out! xx
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it was an early sunday evening when father mayhew was interrupted while planning his next sermon. the doors to the church pushed open, the loud hinges and heaviness of the door stirring him from his concentration.
father mayhew looked up from his altar to the entrance of the church, not necessarily surprised to have someone else join him in the holy place, but startled nonetheless by the sudden intrusion.
a frazzled young woman stumbled in, her wide eyes looking around to the tall pristine ceilings and stained glass windows before settling on father mayhew’s tall figure on the stage.
though a sin, father charlie swore his heart stopped beating when his eyes finally settled on the woman in his church. could it really be? no… no, it’s not possible.
charlie’s eyes widened beyond belief, definitely sure this time that his heart stopped beating. “Y/N..? is that.. you?” his voice was breathless, rough with disbelief.
“oh, charlie,” you beamed, quick steps scurrying over to the altar, stopping short before the steps. “i’m so glad to see you..” your eyes raked over his attire, “oh! i’m sorry, father charlie.”
frozen, charlie just stared at you before he somehow got the courage to say something. “Y/N.. what are you doing here? it’s been..” he trailed off, not wanting to say how long it had been since he’d seen the woman he fell in love with.
“forever?” you finished for him,
“yea, forever,” he gulped, slowly moving from behind the altar to descend the steps. his eyes never left your frame.
your gaze followed him as he made his way toward you. the closer he got, the faster his heart beat. is it about to come up his throat?
“i’m sorry to barge in on you like this it’s just that i got word that you were here and had to see for myself,” you softly smiled. how are you smiling right now? how are you not in complete and utter pain like he is?
charlie just blinked, finally in front of you now.
“right, i have to explain myself, god, oh! GOSH,” you corrected yourself, hand over your mouth. “i’m so sorry, i’m an idiot.”
this finally made charlie’s face lighten up, you hadn’t changed at all. “it’s okay, Y/N, really,” he felt his lips tug upward. you were still the cutest thing in the entire world.
you just blushed, embarrassed. “i.. i just finished my degree abroad, you know...? anyway, when i got back home my dad said that you were a priest now and i… well, i had to see you. couldn’t believe it.”
charlie raised a brow, “how come?”
you clasped your hands in front of you, “nothing, really, i just always envisioned you to be out of this old little town.. traveling.. doing whatever your heart desired. like you said you would…” your gaze flicked to the floor, your shoes suddenly very interesting.
charlie hummed, “no, i couldn’t leave this place.. trust me, i tried.” charlie’s gaze suddenly turned to a dim one. a dark, glum cloud seemed to hover over his head.
you raised your head at that, eyes locking with charlie’s once more. you opened your mouth for a moment before abruptly closing it. you contemplated for a moment before forcing a smile on your face.
“well i’m just happy to see you, charlie” your eyes flickered over his face, almost as if you were trying to imprint the image of him in your mind so you would always have it.
charlie didn’t say anything at that. he opened his mouth just to close it, too. he shook his head slightly, hand coming to comb through his hair.
“are you sure?” he clenched his jaw.
your eyes widened at that, flinching at his brazenness. “of course i am, charlie..” your hand moved to his arm before hesitating, tucking your hands behind your back in tight fists.
charlie saw this, his jaw clenching even tighter, he was sure his teeth would fall out. “i’m sorry it’s just hard to believe when i’ve been here the whole time.”
“no, Y/N, what are you doing here? really?” his tone became defensive, building a wall around his heart right in front of the woman who helped him tear it down all those years ago.
you didn’t say anything, eyes wide looking up at him.
“i never left, Y/N.. i never left…” his voice was barely above a whisper, eyes hardened in faux credence.
your lower lip quivered, looking away.
“i’m sorry.”
“for what? for abandoning us? or for never coming back?” charlie bit out. according to his beliefs, charlie should forgive, but something inside him still ached from when you left, it wasn’t that easy.
“everything, charlie.. everything.” your eyes were glistening with tears when you looked back into his. charlie’s heart sped up at the sight, hand itching to take your face in his palms.
as the first sob of yours was let out, charlie couldn’t stop himself, pulling you into his arms and into his warm chest.
“shh, shh, baby.. don’t cry.” his hand caressed the back of your head and neck, head coming to rest atop of yours.
your heart clenched in your chest. “i’m so sorry, charlie.” the words were slightly muffled against his chest, but he knew what you said.
palms coming to cup your cheeks, he wiped your tears with his thumbs, eyes locked on your red and watery ones. “shh, it’s okay..”
you shook your head, “no, it’s not.”
charlie’s eyes softened even more, if that was possible, “sweetheart… come here.” he brought you back into his arms for another embrace.
“missed you so much, charlie, i just.. i couldn’t face you after what happened. please. you knew i missed you, didn’t you?” you raised your face from his chest, neck craning up to look into his eyes.
“well, i do now…” his ring covered hand came to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “just wish you came back sooner.”
your eyebrows crinkled up again, “i know, i’m sorry i just thought you hated me and i couldn’t bring myself to face you.”
charlie brought his forehead to yours, “oh, sweetheart, i could never hate you..” his palm caressed your cheek. you leaned into his touch, releasing a heavy breath.
the two of you stayed like that for a while, the silence of the church engulfing you, making it seem as though you were the only people in the world.
charlie broke the silence first, eyes soft looking down at you, “what do you say we get something to eat? that diner is still open, and you can tell me everything..”
you softly smiled, sniffling, “i’d like that a lot.”
with your arm locked in charlie’s as he led you out the church doors, he realized something:
a million years could go by without seeing or hearing from you, but his connection and devotion to you will never falter. ever.
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so… that’s it! im so sorry the ending is so rushed and just. bad? im sure grammar and the present and past tense verbiage was annoying asf pls forgive me :,,) im new to writing (writing my own stories i mean) and am open to criticism! constructive pls..
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empress-ghoul · 1 month ago
You’ve gotten good at getting a sense for these sorts of things. A feeling in your chest, a twist in your gut, a sixth sense, if you will. You think you’d prefer your sixth sense to be seeing ghosts, rather than sensing when creepy men are going to approach you.
You just wanted a drink. It had been a long fucking day at work and you just wanted a drink without worrying about actually talking to people. That was why you sat at the end of the bar.
Maybe you should have just bought a bottle of wine on the way home. Your sixth sense had told you that going into the bar was a bad idea. At least then this guy wouldn’t be talking to you.
He was attractive at least, but you couldn’t be in less of a mood and he was practically sitting on top of you.
“Rough day?” he asked.
Your eye nearly twitched. “Something like that.”
“Yeah,” he scoffed. “I can tell.”
And he was rude. Cherry on top.
You rolled your eyes and shot him a glare, your lip curling slightly into a snarl. “Yeah,” you mimic. “You don’t look too hot either, asshole.”
Cash is handed to the bartender and you reach for your bag. He beats you to it, gripping the strap in an iron hold. Indignation rises. Part of you wants to wrestle it back, but the other part knows you’d just end up embarrassing yourself.
“We got off on the wrong foot,” he begins. “I’m Johnny—“
“I’m not interested. Bag. Now.”
You hold your hand out, but something tells you he’s not the type to listen.
That feeling is confirmed when he laughs. Yet another cherry on top.
“How about this; I buy you a drink and you get your bag back after?”
There’s a beat of silence where you nearly laugh. Was he serious? You’re about to ask him when he’s suddenly ordering for you and holding your bag in his lap.
You had to bargain with your tired mind, telling yourself that you were getting a free drink out of this. Frustrated, yet resigned, you sit back down.
He grins at you and your sixth sense prickles the back of your neck.
Johnny was good at talking and part of you almost felt bad. He seemed lonely. You were certain only a lonely, mildly insane person would steal a purse and buy the purse owner a drink just to have someone to talk to.
But you were lonely too. Only a lonely, mildly insane person would let him buy more drinks after getting their purse back.
You barely noticed the hand on your thigh. By the time you did, he was right in your face.
“Bonnie thing, aren’t you?” he purred.
That’s how you ended up getting tugged back to his apartment. He kept an arm around your waist and your bag in his hand the entire walk. Right outside the door, when his hand was on the doorknob, you realized how bad of an idea this was.
One night stands weren’t exactly your thing, especially not on a weeknight. You had a little bit of dignity, after all.
Plus, your sixth sense practically vibrated in your chest to tell you to turn and run. But suddenly the door was open and he was pushing you inside.
The door shut and locked behind you both, and suddenly you were standing in front of a wall of a man. Your throat tightened when you felt Johnny’s arms around your waist, trapping you in place.
“What’d you think, LT?” Johnny asked, squeezing you tighter.
He sounded so eager, so hopefully.
You stared up at the man in front of you. He looked…bored? Almost uninterested. Similar to a wolf who caught a meal too easily.
Despite being tipsy on the walk from the bar to here, you were suddenly stone cold sober and frozen in place.
A massive hand gripped your jaw, tilting your head up. A calloused thumb brushed over your bottom lip, yet you couldn’t find it in yourself to scream. Only tremble as Johnny rubbed a stubbly cheek against your soft one.
“This the one you told me ‘bout?” the enormous man asked.
Something hard pressed against the fat of your ass as Johnny smiled. “Yeah, the one from the train,” he preened, clearly proud of himself. “Can we keep her?”
Maybe you should have just bought a bottle of wine on the way home.
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fanfics-i-find-here · 4 months ago
Do I know you?
Jason Todd X Reader
Synopsis: In the aftermath of a brief Kidnapping, Red Hood seems to think your important and wont stop hanging around your apartment.
Or in other terms, Jason got scared you were gonna die and doesn’t want to leave you alone
Notes: Reader is a waitress at a local bookstore/coffee shop that Jason frequents and he has grown very fond of her. They are vague acquaintances And she does not know that Jason is Red Hood. This is literally my first-ever attempt at a fanfic and Jason Todd has been rattling around in my brain. I might attempt to make this like a short series or something. Anyway, I hope it's enjoyed!!
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Masterlist
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“I think I have a new favorite stalker,” you say loudly out your open window.
 Keeping your window open in Gotham was probably the worst idea you could ever have but your curiosity got the better of you when started to notice the fleeting red hanging out across the street and occasionally on your fire escape over the past two weeks. At first you were worried considering your recent encounter with Scarecrow as an attempted research rat.
However, the longer the red stayed near the easier it became to recognize. His helmet was shiny, which is what made it so easy to spot him. How that was helpful to a vigilante you didn’t know. Red hood was watching you and you had a feeling it was to make sure you were okay. You had heard of other bats checking on Civilians after traumatic incidents when they could, but every night for two weeks seems a bit excessive and he hasn’t actually talked to you. So what was he doing?
With no response to your jab, you lean out your window and repeat yourself, making a point to stare at the red helmet on the building across the street.
“I said I think I have a new favorite stalker!” You continue to stare him down.
Even in the minimal street lighting you can see his body tense, ready to run.
“Maybe he’d like to chat?” you tilt your head in questioning. You don’t why you asked. You were bad at keeping a regular conversation. If he came over and did, in fact, decide to chat, it might end up a short conversation. 
A clattered thud pulls you from your thoughts and you gaze turns from the opposite roof top to the very large man now standing on your fire escape next to your window. You can’t help but stare at him. 6” something and built like a brick wall. Intimidating even leaning against the building.
Was he this big when he saved me?
“Hi?” is the only response you could muster. The urge to slam the window closed and shut your curtains itches at your finger tips. He stares at you, or at least you assume as much, the helmets white eyes giving away nothing. No wonder people were terrified of Red Hood. You haven’t even done anything wrong and you could wet yourself  right here and now.
“Hi” You don’t know why your shocked to hear the modulated voice. He had talked to when he saved you from Scarecrow but it was still strange to hear. Slightly robotic but definitely a person underneath.
You realize that, maybe, you’ve been staring for too long.
“Tea?” you back away from the window and head for the kitchen expecting him to follow, as well as taking a moment to breath.
You just invited a good/bad vigilante into your home! What is wrong with you?  Your mind is a swirling, anxious debate as you fill your kettle.
“I only have Green tea, I hope you don’t mind.” you yell from the kitchen, unsure if he was even in the apartment.
“Not at all” His voice is close then you anticipated, assuming he stay close to the window.
Instead you turn to find him sitting comfortably at your dining room table, watching you move about the kitchen. He looks out of place in your soft warm toned home. His brown leather jacket the only thing that could blend in. The harsh red bat on his chest sticking out like a sore thumb. Your gaze lingers a moment at the holsters on his thighs, suddenly realizing that if he wanted to do something to you, you were screwed. You turn back to your cabinets and pull out a couple of mugs, pushing away the thoughts. Red Hood was good guy, despite what previous attempts at bad he had in the past. You stand at the counter and stare at your kettle, willing it to heat faster. After a moment, You hear a distorted sigh.
“You wanted to talk?” Red Hood asks
You shrug your shoulders without turning, not entirely prepared for a conversation just yet. Red Hood doesn’t push you. The kettle begins to whistle, and you pour the two mugs, settling tea bags into them. You pick them up and set one in front of red hood, and settle into the seat opposite his, blowing on your tea. You take a sip and promptly burn your tongue, hissing in pain.
“it’s hot”
Your eyes fly up to Red Hood. You choke out a thanks, Having not realized he had taken off his Helmet. You let eye linger across his face, very handsome. A scar on his lips, that rests in a smirk, and another across his cheek. As you eye move up you let out a startled laugh, Another mask keeps his eyes hidden.
“What?” He asks, The smirk on his lips grows.
As your laughing fit slows, you pause to breath.
“You wear two masks.” You pause waiting for him to laugh. All he does is furrow his brows.
“it’s funny” you insist but he doesn’t respond. You settle down again. Well as much as you can considering the man in front of you, staring at your mug, slightly embarrassed
“So I’m your favorite stalker? You got a few?” Red's voice rings out in the silence. It’s rough and deep, like he’d been yelling.
A flush creeps up your face. If you were embarrassed before, you were definitely embarrassed now. It had taken you all day to come up with the throw away comment. You thought It was funny. You also didn’t think you would get this far in your interaction with Red Hood.
“Not really, just the one I hope” you chance a glance at him to find him still unsettlingly staring at you as a he takes a sip of his tea, now cooled. Your mind searches for what else to say.
“That’s good, I wouldn’t want that either” Jason finally breaks eye contact with you, looking around your apartment.
With his stare no longer on you, you take the opportunity to really take him in. Despite the scars on his face, there was kindness there. And despite his intimidating stature, he seemed to pull himself in, like he was afraid to take up space. His forearms exposed through his suit. What a weird design. Not that you were complaining. Overall, Red Hood was hot. You flush at the thought.
“Thank you, by the way” you rush out, “for saving me… it really means a lot”
Jason turns his gaze back to you. You brave up and hold his stare. Suddenly thinking, he looks familiar. You furrow your brows for a moment.
“Do I know you?” You ask before you can stop yourself. You physically cringe and try to back track.
“I mean, obviously I know you, you saved my life and all but I mean like I know your face? Maybe, not that it matters. Course you wouldn’t tell me if I did know your civilian identity because then it wouldn’t be a secret. I just think I know your face but that doesn’t mean that I want you to tell me. And maybe you just have one of those faces…” you continue to ramble some more. Jason watches you carefully and finishes his tea. You pause to breath in your rant and he jumps in.
“Thanks for the tea” he grabs his Helmet, sliding it on before continuing, voice changed, “and your welcome, for saving you.”
You watches as he walks back toward the window, frozen and unsure what to do. As climbs out onto the fire escape you yell out.
“Your welcome and you don’t have to hide outside, you can come in next time.”
He’s gone before even finish the sentence. You sink back in your chair.
What is wrong with you? Why are you so awkward? That was terrible!
You try to push the interaction from your mind as you close the window and go about spot cleaning your apartment. Once done your anxious thoughts return.
This is going to be a long night. You think as you turn into bed.
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whinypuppi · 6 months ago
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ᶜʷ: ᵖᵘᵖᵖʸᵍⁱʳˡ!ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ , “ᵃⁿⁱᵐᵃˡ” ⁿᵉᵍˡᵉᶜᵗ , ᵖᵉᵗ ⁿᵃᵐᵉˢ , ᵖʳᵃⁱˢᵉ , ᶜˡᵃʷⁱⁿᵍ & ᵇⁱᵗⁱⁿᵍ , ᶜᵒˡˡᵃʳⁱⁿᵍ , ᶜʳᵉᵃᵐᵖⁱᵉ , ᵇʳᵉᵉᵈⁱⁿᵍ ᵏⁱⁿᵏ
not proofread!
the night satoru gojo decided to adopt a hybrid, you were the lucky girl. he could hardly contain himself when he saw your sweet little face, wide eyes, puffy tail, and laid-back ears. he knew how nervous you were—poor baby. probably so sick and tired of being caged up all day. despite what their website said online, they completely neglected all of the hyrids here. the entire “hybrids are people too” went straight out the window.
despite your malnourished condition, he knew you were the one. $2500? no problem. he sure had it on him and paid in full instantly. during the entire process, you were so shy and scared—shaking like a leaf. either the staff were mistreating you, or you had a bad experience with a past owner. either way, he sympathized with you. he wanted you to know you were safe.
when you came home with him, he already had stuff set up for you. he planned on getting a dog or a cat, and considering you were a dog, he had things set up for you. hybrid food, water, blankets, a soft but sizey bed, and training pads (just in case).
“well, here we are, puppy! your forever home!” he grinned ear to ear, letting you sniff around cautiously so you could get used to your surroundings. his friendly voice did make you somewhat ease up, but you couldn't be sure.
“it's better than that shelter, for sure. are you hungry?” that made your ears perk up—slowly turning to look from him. it was almost amusing how you tiptoed on all fours while taking in the sight of your new home.
“oh? is that it, puppy?” he spoke enthusiastically, but also in that tone you'd speak to a baby. “they didn't even tell me your name, pretty. what is it?” you slowly whispered it, sitting in front of him timidly. he repeatedly it, humming and letting it roll off of his tongue. it had a nice ring to it.
you'd been with gojo for a couple of weeks by now, having completely gotten attached to him and unable to be separated from him. you'd whine and sniffle if he left you alone. you couldn't even sleep separately anymore.
everyday, your became needier and would crave his attention constantly. he'd even take you out for walks with your pretty little pink color on to burn off some of your energy. it was weird how your body language was beginning to change, but he didn't question it.
that was until the day you went into...heat. actual heat. he facepalmed at not having thought about it beforehand or even doing research before he adopted you.
when you woke up, you panted, your face was hot, and you clenched your thighs. gojo was still sleeping silently next to you—his chest rising and falling with each gentle breath he took.
you clung to him, huffing in a frustrated tone before grinding your lower half against him. it felt good. the mini stimulation nearly made you bite your lip. you hadn't even felt something like this before—having been in the shelter all of your life, and were always forced to take heat suppressents in the form of bitter pills.
you kept up the movements, only thrusting your hips forward gently at an attempt to not wake him. you cried out into his clothed shoulder—burying your face into the crook of his neck and inhaling his scent. he smelt manly from the intense yet inviting cologne he always wore. it smelt extra good this morning for some reason.
your tongue ran over his pulse while lapping at his skin and leaving little bite marks. not enough to hurt or wake him, but noticeable and would probably get him questionable looks if they lingered long enough.
“satoru,” you whined breathily, acting like a bitch in heat (which you were) as you picked up the speed of your thrusts and claws dug into the flesh of his forearm. your panties he bought for you were already drenched and clinging to your pretty pussy, some of your slick dripping down your thigh.
your legs shook, your heart raced, your tongue lulled out, then everything stopped—
satoru groaned softly, eyes fluttering open as he ran a hand through his hair. you eeped, pulling back. the knot that was bound to snap in your stomach dulled, leaving an unfamiliar ache. it made you feel sexually frustrated, but at the same time—so so guilty.
you loved satoru a lot. he was your owner and took special care of his sweet girl, but this? whatever you were doing was wrong in your eyes, and it surely would be in his too. bad dog. he'll take you back to the shelter for being a disgusting mutt.
“mm, baby?” he spoke in his usual tired voice, yet it felt so different this time around. you swore you got chills and your ears fell back. that low and sultry tone shot straight to your core.
“m-morning,” you mumbled, eyes drifting away from his curious ones as you tried not to look guilty. the way you chewed on your bottom lip and your timid ears gave it away, though.
“it sounded like you were hurt. are you okay, sweetheart?” he asked with worry, unlike his usual sweet-as-honey tone.
you nodded vigorously, but it was an obvious lie. he held his arms out, gesturing for you to come closer. “you don't have to lie to me. makes it feel like you don't trust me. hurts my feelings.” he pursed his lip, pulling you close and petting you. he scratched behind your ears and gently pulled your little tail, just trying to get a rise out of you.
when you let out a whine, he stopped, and his eyes widened slightly. he's pulled your tail gently in the past to tease you, but this was the only time you made a noise like that.
he instantly took note of the rising blush on your cheeks and building embarrassment, petting you once more. “um, sweetheart.”
you looked up at him with your pretty eyes he admired even more than his own, yet they were glazed over with...something he hadn't put his finger on until now.
“are you in heat?” he knew it might've been an embarrassing question to ask, but the way you were behaving, and that little noise you made lit a flame in him that shouldn't have. it was the only logical explanation, anyway.
a pause, your body tensing, the way your breath hitched. he got his answer by that alone, but hearing you admit it would've riled him up beyond comprehension. “s-satoru, 'm sorry! please—don't take me back to the shelter!..” you were already pleading—thinking your badly-hidden secret was given away. tears brgan to weld in your eyes, yet he held your cheek lovingly.
he frowned. did you really think he'd hate you that easily? you were his sweet puppy. he would never! “sweetheart, look at me.” he tilted your chin up, wiping the tears from your pretty eyelashes.
“'m not mad. i wanna help you, pretty girl. would you like that?” the idea made your thighs clench, and you nodded shyly.
he wasted no time lifting your shift over your head and instantly being met by the sight of your perky breasts. what he always forgot to do was buy you bras, but he never had an issue with staring. he respected you, at least, but now he could stare all he wanted. your body was perfect and your nipples hardened from the slight brush of his fingers against them, combined with the cold air.
“please—hurry. wan' you s'bad.” your voice was whiny and he chuckled, maybe even thanking you for being able to get to it. your eyes shot down to the boxers he slept in, a bulge straining against them.
“always so needy,” he mumbled, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before standing up and tugging his boxers down with a content sigh. you wanted him to feel good too, considering it looked painful as it twitched with your eyes on it.
“like what you see?” of course you did. he was already bigger than you height-wise, but hell, he was nearly 8 inches. he was gonna split you open. your pussy clenched around nothing at the sight, and you tried not to gasp.
“i promise i'll be gentle. you can tell me to stop at any time.” he reassured you, ruffling your hair before lifting your hips carefully to slide down your pants and pretty panties. you were fucking dripping. his cock pulsed.
“so wet...” he ran his finger over your slit and watched you squirm. “all f'me? i feel special.” he brought his thumb to his lips and sucked gently, grunting in content as if you were the sweetest little thing he ever had the pleasure of tasting.
“'toru, you're teasin' me—” you huffed softly, your legs attempting to close from his heavy gaze, but he dug his nails into your hips and held your thighs apart.
“ah ah ah.” he clicked his tongue, shaking his head. “none of that, pretty. i wanna see all of you. especially this pretty cunt.”
he leaned forward, his breath fanning over it and making you even wetter. he inhaled deeply, but you attempted to push his head away out of shame. he surely didn't have any.
he knew you were getting impatient, and he was too, so he spared you both any more excruciating waiting and brought his tip to your clit. the gentle rub he did against it made you jolt, your tail starting to wag. cute.
“it'll sting. bare with me, ok?” he warned you, pressing another kiss to your cheek, then neck. he was careful with you, but he knew you wanted it rough.
when you nodded in acknowledgement, he slowly began to slide the tip in, and he swore he couldn't breathe. how could you feel so heavenly he could hardly put his tip in without wanting to thrust impatiently?
you sharply gasped, whimpering as more tears pricked at your vision. “sh, sh. i know, i know—fuck. you feel real good, puppy.” he praised you, rubbing your ears as his pelvis connected with yours. in one dangerously rough thrust, he was fully inside of you, and you whined pathetically, big globs of tears already streaming down your puffy cheeks. he just couldn't help it—you were so tempting. so wet and warm...he wanted to be in you forever.
he groaned loudly, muttering out curses as you dug your claws into the back of his neck. your legs were already locked around his waist which helped you with stability, but it hurt an insane amount. he was aware of this and already started to feel guilty, but it faded almost instantly when he felt you clench. you breathed out a shudder, letting your head fall limp agaisnt his shoulder when his thrusts continued.
“god—haven't ever felt a cunt like yours before, puppy,” he spoke in almost a whiny tone, which made you try to suck him in deeper. that spot he hit inside of you against your velvety walls with each buck of his hips made you wail, yet you didn't want it to stop.
“yeah...yeaaaah. just like that. my sweet girl's so tight all for me.” he would've cried from how heavenly your little cunt was if it weren't for the broken moan and pathetic laugh he used to cover up how he was falling apart with each thrust.
he was already so sloppy. he couldn't help it. you'd forgive him, right? you were his sweet puppy—without a doubt, you would. you wanted to be bred, anyway. it was an instinct. having him breed you and fill you full of his cum—maybe even have his babies made you squeal.
“shit shit shit— 'm so sorry, sweet girl. gonna cum in you so early. you aren't mad, r-ight?” the way his voice cracked on the last word added to your wetness. he knew all you could do was let out little noises, so it was mostly a rhetorical question.
the absolute squelching and skin slapping was beyond unholy, but sounded so good to his ears. he was on cloud nine—eyes rolling back as his thrusts became rapid and his cock slammed against your cervix aggressively. he was moaning with each thrust, and you couldn't stop crying. there was no possible way you could stop. the pain mixed with pleasure was so unbearably good.
“FUCK! baby, gonna let me breed you? fill you to the brim and make you have my kids? does it get you off, sweet girl?” his voice sounded so broken, yet sultry. with one last, sloppy thrust, he completely filled you up and made you brokenly sob. your pussy spasmed and your thighs quivered, cumming as well all over his cock.
“my sweet baby.” he kissed you so gently you barely felt it due to the overstimulation and how out of it you were.
he praised you constantly as he cleaned you up and let you rest in bed. every couple hours he was coming in to bring you water or tend to your needs. sometimes he'd even lay with you to help with your separation anxiety. you loved him so much.
his poor, sweet puppy.
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h8aaz · 1 month ago
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⋆ ࣪. — BLUEBERRY!SAM — .࣪ ⋆
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SUMMARY .ᐟ . . . BLUEBERRY!SAM loves getting messy. too messy. the only ways he does is when he's eating his favorite fruit, and when he's eating you.
WARNINGS .ᐟ . . . big nsfw — MDNI!!! . use of petnames, mostly baby . f!reader . cunnilingus + fingering (duh) . sweet n hungry sammy .
GABS YAPS .ᐟ . . . this is my first fic on here ever so pls be nice to me!! likes, comments, + reblogs are very appreciated <33.
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"sammy..." you whine out in a soft yet broken voice as sam continues to eat blueberries out of the container, all while eyeing your half-naked and sprawled out body on the motel bed.
sam hums at your tone as he pops another blueberry into his mouth. the purple colored juice of the small fruit leaks down his chin, meeting the half dried stains of the past ones he's eaten.
"what's wrong, baby? tell me. be good f'me and tell me." the side of his mouth twitches to a soft smirk. the teasing and deep voice that rumbles from his throat goes straight to your bare core. it doesn't help that the squishing of fresh, wet blueberry juice falls from his lips.
you begin to clench on the open air, bucking your hips up softly. you restraint yourself from touching your aching cunt, knowing whatever he's going to do will satisfy you beyond comprehension. but it's still difficult to wait.
sam eats yet another blueberry, dragging his eyes down to your wet folds. "so precious. wonder what you'd taste like with a bit of..." he finally got off his chair and made his way over to you, chewing another berry as he did so.
he slowly kneeled down at the edge of the bed. he grabbed your legs and pulled you closer, gaining a soft gasp from you. his face was mere centimeters away as he smiled at the sight before him.
"added flavor." he groaned while his hot breath fanned against the soft flesh of your inner thighs and the drenched state of your cunt. you let out a small moan from the warmth his words gave you.
"so tell me, sweetheart," he flicked his gaze up to meet yours that was looking down at him. he took in your lust blown eyes, frustrated brows, flushed cheeks, and agape mouth. "what d'you want?" he spoke softly. his voice dripped like honey, but the purple mess around his mouth and chin, slowly making its way down his neck, was making him look far from a sweet man.
he looked hungry. the leftover juice wetted his lips in a way that he almost looked like a vampire in the soft lighting provided by the bedside lamps. he eyed you like a starved man, despite literally eating half a container of blueberries.
you couldn't hold it back anymore. you wanted him. needed him. you forced out your voice, a small twinge of whine at the end of the single word you let slip, "you."
you bucked your hips once more, getting slightly closer to the brunette. "please, sammy. please." you begged. and it worked.
sam immediately buried his face between your legs, pulling you flush against him by your legs. you let out a loud and desperate moan as his blueberry covered tongue worked its way between your folds.
he let out a gutteral groan, the noise sent vibrations against your delicate flesh. you gripped his hair between your fingers and yanked slightly, gaining a moan from him.
the white of your cum mixed with the pink toned purple staining his face. he brought his stained fingers to your hole, plunging them inside and curling them upwards. you let out obscene noises as he continued to hit all of the right spots, all while his tongue circled and softly sucked at your clit.
you shouted his name through pants, whines, and moans as he worked through you. his fingers sliding and curling at a soft, sensual pace while his tongue licked roughly against your pearl and folds.
he savored your taste mixing with the blueberry juice. he pulled away for a moment, earning a pouty whine from your lips. before you could beg him back, he had grabbed a blueberry and stuffed it against your opening, connecting his lips right after.
he licked and sucked against you, pulling the berry out and biting into it, spurting its juices against your cunt. the juice mixed with your own as he continued to move against you, gathering the mixed mess with his tongue slowly.
the sounds of your moans and the wet drags and pops of his tongue and fingers working filled the room, especially when he continued to eat the small fruit against you one after another.
the tight coil burning in your stomach began to break. "mm- sa-sammy," you panted as you grinded against his face, his nose poking your clit, making you moan loudly. "m'gonna-"
"cum f'me, baby. my sweet angel." sam purred against you. the sensation was too much for you to handle. and then you felt the band snap.
the sounds that flew from your mouth were nearly pornagraphic as you shook against sam's face. your fingers tightened their grip on his hair while your thighs locked his head in place. he continued to dig into you while you rode out your high. your back arched as he licked up your orgasm, all that was left were the wet strokes and purple tint his tongue left in it's wake.
your limbs collapsed back against the bed, trying to catch your breath. sam kissed your cunt softly before pulling back and licking his lips. he got up and hovered over you, moving the messy and sweat coated hair out of your face before caressing you cheek.
"you good, baby?" he smiled at your post-glow face before kissing your cheek. "mhmm." was all you hummed before opening your previously closed eyes and grinning weakly at him.
"thank you." you whispered before bringing his face to yours, his warm lips meshed with your cold ones, the taste of you and the fruit prominent. your lips moved in perfect synchronization, tilting your heads to get a better angle. his tongue slipped around against yours for a good while until the two of you had to pull away for air.
"i love you." you panted. sam chuckled softly, pecking your lips. "i love you more, baby." he sighed before laying down and pulling you to his chest. "we're doing that more often, y'know that?" he kissed the top of your head while you smiled and nodded your head, too tired to verbally agree.
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mid-80s · 2 years ago
fixing eddies bangs
pov: eddie asks you to fix his bangs
cw: grinding, implied sex
you immediately say yes.
it has been a dream of yours to cut eddies hair or to style it in any way and you hop at the opportunity when it's presented.
you're both on the floor of eddies room, him practicing for his gig the following night, you picking an outfit for him for it.
you don't know when you'd become his personal stylist, but you always find yourself picking out his show outfits.
suddenly eddies soft tune that he's been playing stops. "can you cut my hair?"
the question out of the blue, as they hadn't even been saying anything before, simply content in the others presence.
you turn around, stunned, and look at him with a look that says really?
"c'mon, i know that styling my hair is like a wet dream of yours," you roll your eyes and turn back to his closet, being stubborn. "but i really need my hair cut for tomorrow!" you don't budge. "you're my bestest friend in the whole wide world and i would really like you to cut my hair." nothing. he rolls his eyes.
and that's how you ended up sitting on a flustered eddies lap cutting his bangs.
he kept squirming and you're no expert, so didn't want his hair to look worse than it already did. soo you sat on his lap. not the best idea for either of you as now you have to try not to squirm as eddies manhood is rubbing up against your clit just right.
you're both a blushing mess and you pray he can't feel your pussy twitch from his big hands around your waist, the cold from his rings giving you goosebumps through your thin shirt (that's probably his, you don't remember), and his big doe eyes, staring at you like you're the prettiest thing on earth.
and you're not far off as that is exactly what eddie is thinking.
having the girl he's been crushing on for years a half an inch away from his face is not helping the feelings he's been trying to push down, or his growing boner.
it's just the way you press your lips in a line when you're focused, the furrow of your brows, the tilt of your head. ugh, the twitch of your tight cunt against his boner. fuckkk.
he feels his cock jump at that and he knows you feel it too. and as much and he doesn't want to admit it, he's kind of glad you do, especially now because he knows you're feeling the same.
just a few more snips. you tell yourself. it's not helping you feel better because you have absolutely no idea what to do when you're done. eddies grip on your waist tightens and your pussy twitches again.
and then you feel eddies cock twitch. like it's fucking mimicking yours. you finish his hair, and look him dead in the eyes.
"fucking finally." you sigh, breaking the heaving silence hanging over your both.
you brush the hair off his face and practically throw the scissors on the counter while keeping eye contact and eddie looks at you terrified and confused.
you kiss him at the same time you grind against his fat fucking cock. you can't believe you didn't realize how hard he was before.
eddie tries his hardest to kiss you back but can't hold back the moan that comes deep from in his chest.
this is gonna be a long night.
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regulus-lantsov · 8 months ago
˖⁺。˚⋆˙French not Monégasque | PG10 part one˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: pierre gasly x Ferrari!user ( she her )
genre: social media au,
warnings: cheating ( not really it's just twitter going wild ),
summary: in which everyone thinks user is leaning french for her teamate and riot when she isn't 🩷
fc: Kika Gomez and other face claims ( It's my first smau so yeah )
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, Ferrari and and others
yourusernamesenna Welcome to my little world full of good taste in music, an addiction of coffee, Hermes and also I have a little job called being a F1 driver for Ferrari ! 🏁🏎️💨
tagged : yourbff, Ferrari
user10 : Senna ! Senna ! Senna ! 🇧🇷🇧🇷
yourbff : Meu Deus, quente, quente, quente ( My god, hot, hot, hot )
yourfriend1 : Hermes the best cat and his lame owner
yourusernamesenna : BITCH AND BLOCKED user56 : Already a PR nightmare yourusernamesenna : PR ? I don't know what it his
Ferrari : ❤️💛
charles_leclerc : This cat is the literal devil
yourusernamesenna : Don't you dare insult the literal love of my life french adjacent or i'll push you off the track charles_leclerc : pierregasly she's bullying me yourusernamesenna : LOSER
pierregasly : You should have come to Alpine
yourusernamesenna : FORZA FERRARI SEMPRE
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourusernamesenna, maxverstappen1 and others
pierregasly part time driver full time catsitter
user46 : Is the cat Max's ???
user 78 : He looks like YN'S but why would he has Hermes ???
Landonorris : So cuuute @oscarpiastri can we have one, pretty please
oscarpiastri : No you can't take care of anything. oscarpiastri : I MEANT WE AREN'T TOGETHER DO WHAT YOU WANT charles_leclerc : 👀👀👀 yourusernamesenna : 👀👀👀 user45 : I don't who has more couple energy charles and yn or Oscar and Lando
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liked by pierregasly, yourusernamesenna, arthur_leclerc
charles_leclerc She ate and left no crumbs. Happy birthday to my teamate ❤️💛
tagged : yourusernamesenna, pierregasly
user67 : The "❤️💛 " ?????
user73 : YN AT REDBULL ???
pierregasly : Bleu et sa couleur 💙 ( blue is her color )
landonorris : Happy birthday to the queen of the paddock
user27 : And we all say : CHARLESYN FOR THE WIN
user78 : CHARLESYN FOR THE WIN user6 : CHARLESYN FOR THE WIN your friend2 : CHARLESYN FOR THE WIN user6 : @yourfriend2 you know something ? 👀👀👀
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part 2
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antivanwyvernwrites · 1 month ago
She woke up warm. Warmer than usual. The magic of the lighthouse always kept her room at the perfect temperature, as it did with the rest of their little island. This was the comfortable warmth one got from being nestled tight into blankets, or being close to someone.
She felt nestled between the back of the sofa and.. Blinking once, twice, she realized the wall in front of her was no wall at all. It was the sleeping form of Lucanis, wrapped around her. And by the sense of smell, which also awoke, she was not in her own room. She was in the pantry, where the smells of different spices hit her.
She blinked a third time. This was not where she had gone to bed last night. Lucanis’ small cot in the pantry seemed small enough for him alone. With her, even with her slight build, it was less than cramped. She was between him and the wall, his arms wrapped around her to protect her from the cold surface. She was scooted down, facing his chest, and his legs wrapped between hers. Her cheeks grew warmer by the second. While they both knew there was something between them, they had not shared a bed yet. Or a proximity as close as this.
Slowly, she turned her head up, catching the rarest of sights: A sleeping Lucanis. Her heart skipped a few beats. He was handsome when awake, but sleeping, he was beautiful. Seconds passed as she kept staring, until she was forced to blink again. When he was in focus again, a jolt went through her as a pair of eyes stared down at her. Purple eyes. Spite.
ROOK. AWAKE! Spite grinned with Lucanis’ face. Seemingly pleased with himself. He didn't move, just looked at her, expectantly.
“Hello, Spite. Any idea how I ended up here?” She was almost afraid to move. Not for anything Spite might do, she truly believed the demon didn’t mean her any harm. But she didn't want to leave just yet.
YES. I CARRIED ROOK. ROOK IS SAFE HERE. He proclaimed. Still with a proud grin on Lucanis’ face. Safe? In the pantry? Or..
“Is this your way of saying you understand space a bit more? Since Lucanis said he preferred the pantry for its choking point?”
Spite nodded enthusiastically. YES! ROOK IS SAFE IN PANTRY.
She gave a slight nod.
After their run-in with the venatori the day prior, she might have made a comment. The team were minding their business in a more secluded part of Dock Town, when they got attacked by a group of venatori. She might have made a comment afterwards that she wouldn't be surprised if venatori popped up in the aquarium in her chambers, as they seemed to appear everywhere they went these days. It hadn’t occurred to her at all that Spite was listening. Making her sleep in the pantry, protected by Lucanis and Spite. Perhaps Spite had thought she felt unsafe alone in her chambers. It was sweet in its own way, but she had a sneaking suspicion.
“Spite. Did you plan this with Lucanis, or did you come up with this yourself?”
Ah. Her heart sank for a bit, and started to slowly untangle herself from the still sleeping assassin. Even with their growing affection, she wasn’t sure how well received it would be for Lucanis to find her uninvited in his bed. If she could still sneak away before he woke, maybe she could convince him Spite was just messing with him.
“Thank you for the sentiment, Spite. But maybe check in with Lucanis next time. I don’t think-”
She froze, looking back up. Staring back at her was the familiar pair of dark eyes looking down at her. She had joked they were the color of coffee because of how much of it he drank, but they had almost a golden hue to the dark brown eyes, and she nearly got caught in his look, until the situation came crashing back down. Her cheeks burned hotter.
“Hi,” it felt more like a squeak.
“Why are you in my bed?” He blinked a few times, and she was almost glad of the blush which crept up his neck as he took in the scene of them. In the position they were still in. Still, she felt bad for him and pushed herself as far back into the wall as she could. Which as this point wasn’t very far. She had managed to untangle their legs before he woke, but his arms were still around her.
“Spite, he-”
WE PROTECT ROOK. Spite said for both of them, and by the smugness in his voice, he still failed to see any problem with their current situation. He sounded as smug as the cat who had swallowed a pigeon.
By his frown, she could tell Lucanis was given the explanation by Spite, and by the facial expressions that followed, she could tell he was not exactly pleased by the demon's antics. She could feel his fingers flexing at her back as he silently argued with Spite. For once, she didn’t mind that she wasn’t privy to their conversations.
“I’m sorry, I will get going,” she said as she started to scoot herself down to the foot of the cot. 
Before she got that far, his hold on her tightened, and his chin rested on the crown of her head. 
“Don’t go,” his voice a whisper against her hair. “I don’t mind. Really”
A moment passed as she relaxed into his embrace again, timidly placing a hand against his chest. His heart beat a steady rhythm underneath her palm, slightly racing.
“Are you sure? If you’re uncomfortable..” she left the words hanging in the air, really hoping he wasn’t uncomfortable by it. She knew she really wasn’t, even if it had been a complete surprise. Although not an unpleasant one. “With you? Never,” he simply stated. A smile formed on her lips as she let her cheek rest against him as well.
They lay in comfortable silence, even Spite keeping calm. She could almost imagine him sitting by one of the crates by the door, keeping watch for any invading venatori.
“Spite said you were afraid of venatori in your room?” Lucanis asked after a while. She sighted.
“I think Spite needs a course on sarcasm.”
Neither spoke for a moment, and warmth crept up her spine and to her stomach as Lucanis slowly began tracing his fingers up and down her spine. In unrushed, lazy strokes.
“Not sure how I feel about being abducted in the night, but next time-” As soon as she spoke the words, she clapped her mouth shut, but it only earned her a low chuckle from Lucanis.
“Next time, I’ll invite you myself.” Her entire face flushed, and she thanked the maker he couldn’t see her face. By being this close to him however, had the added benefit of listening to his heart race for a moment as he spoke the words. She suspected he might enjoy this as she did.  
“Deal,” she agreed, settling back into his embrace and a dreamless sleep. The world could wait an hour more. Maybe two
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adorifyy · 14 days ago
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SUMMARY ! ... reader got cursed with the desire for something, but she didn’t know what it was. Not until she got together with Sam Winchester, anyway.
WARNINGS ! ... S M U T, piv, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), size kink, first time tg, dom!sam (?) nicknames (sweetheart, baby, Sammy, Rapunzel), fingering, witch curse, overprotective parents, teasing, handsy!sam, sam sucking on your nipple, missionary (?) possessive!sam (but also gentle!sam), slight degrading, no use of Y/N
A/N ! ... omg first time writing a smut fic, scared first time nervous, kinda writing a smut fic. 3.3k wordcount
PAIRING ! ... sam winchester x reader
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You were just a young adult when that witch that you and your parents were hunting cursed you. Even after your dad killed the witch, you had that weird, tingly feeling in your body that left you feeling dirty, and cursed.
You weren’t sure what the curse was, mostly because you had never been with anybody, well, you had, just before the curse. But since the curse had latched itself onto you, your parents didn’t let you date anyone. Hell, they barely let you do anything, because they feared what would happen.
So you were stuck for the next few years wondering what kind of curse the witch casted upon you. You had left your parents’ hold just three years after it all happened, so you were hunting alone, and you were trying to figure out what kind of curse the witch put on you, and you kept wondering, not knowing what to do.
That is, until you started dating Sam Winchester.
Ever since you and Sam had gotten together, you had this weird.. hunger and the feeling of.. intense need for something. Something that you didn’t know what the said thing was.
The only thing you knew is that you needed something concerning Sam.
You two had agreed to take things slow, and he understood that you wanted to take your time until you were ready to have sex with him. You’ve had sex with people, before the curse, but as mentioned before, your parents hadn’t let you date after the curse, so it’s not like you were a virgin.
You were sitting on your bed in the bedroom that belonged to you and Sam in the bunker, reading a book that sat on your lap, with your bent legs supporting it as your hair lay in a low, standard braid as you read the book.
You felt the bed dip beneath you as another person sat down on it, and the hunger and need started to flood your system again, but as usual — or as you’d learned to — you ignored it.
You looked up at the familiar, shaggy haired, giant of a man you’ve grown to love and adore, and saw that smirk on his stupid face that made you want to kiss it off his stupidly handsome face of his.
“Hey, sweetheart. Wanna have a movie night? Just us two. Dean went out to a bar and I doubt Cas would come to check up on us. He’s too busy with angel stuff.” He said, that level tone of his that seeped onto a hint of mischievousness.
“Sure. What movie are we thinking? Horror? Action? Disney cartoons that you so adore, Rapunzel?” You said as you closed the book, the sarcasm in your voice noticeable. You had often teased Sam about his love for the movie ‘Tangled’ and you often called him Rapunzel because of his long hair.
Oh how the hated that nickname.
“First off, I told you not to call me that nickname..” he paused as he climbed onto the bed next to you. “Second, I don’t mind which movie. Your pick. I don’t care.” He said as he kissed the top of your forehead.
“How ‘bout Star Wars? I know how much you love the movies, you big guy.” You said, discarding the book onto your nightstand as you flashed him a teasing smirk.
“Star Wars is a perfect choice, sweetheart.” He said, smiling at you.
As you and Sam we’re curled up in bed, watching Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, it felt like the perfect moment. You wanted to freeze time and be stuck here forever. With the way one of Sam’s hands was cradling your hip as you clinged onto his side, laying your hand on his shoulder.
And then, Sam started getting handsy, which fueled that craving and hunger that the witch had cursed you with. His hand drifted onto your ass, and squeezed it, which made you smirk knowingly at him as you raised your head from the screen, now focusing your vision onto his handsome face.
“Sammy, why’re you getting so handsy for, hm?” You say, trying to sound teasing but the hunger for him in your eyes showed him that you were just as needy as he was.
He leaned his face closer to yours, pecking yours lips once, twice, until you got impatient and pulled him in for a kiss, a kiss that was filled with passion, need and hunger.
You moved one of your legs to the other side of him, straddling his lap as he as up and made out with you, with your hands around his neck and his hands at your waist. You were both in that position, the room quiet except for the sounds of lip moving against lip.
You had moved your hands to unbutton his shirt, but then he pulled away and grabbed your wrist, smirking at you as he shook his head. “No way, sweetheart, m’taking over.” He said, his voice deep with passion and hunger as his dominant side of him was brought onto the surface.
He was about to ask you if you were sure about this, but the hunger in your eyes answered his unspoken question as his hands from your waist grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it off. He started kissing and nibbling from your neck to the in-between of your breasts, which was mostly covered by your bra, but he made sure to kiss and nibble all over you.
He once again moved to your neck, sucking on the plain skin and then running his tongue over it, as if he wanted to soothe the marks.
He reached behind your back, in order to use his hand to unclasp your bra, which made you tilt your head back and arch your back towards his face as he used his hands to slip the straps off your shoulders as your hands flew to his hair, grasping at the strands of it.
He pulled his head away from your neck to admire your breasts. “S’beautiful for me, baby..” he said, returning his head to your neck, kissing over it, and then over your collarbone until he eventually kissed over your nipples. One of his hands moved from your waist to cup your other breast that wasn’t being worshiped by his mouth.
His mouth on your nipples made you moan, and the fact he made sure to cup your other breast and knead it was enough to make you roll your head back once more as you arched your back more towards his face.
He flipped you over, so that you were laying on your back, and so he could get better access to your body. He moved his kisses from your nipple to your stomach, trailing over in a straight line until he reached the waistband of your pants.
He looked up at you, as if asking permission. He may be a dominant man, but he wanted to make sure it was pleasuring for you, aswell.
When all you did was nod, he straightened up and gripped your chin. “Use your words f’me sweetheart.” He said as his hands sneaked around your waist.
“Yes, Sam.” You managed to say, if not moan. You were so deep in pleasure as you let the hunger that lingered in you ever since you got cursed get the better of you.
Your words was all it took for him to move his hands from your waist to unbutton your pants as he ducked his head to your neck one again, kissing and sucking at every inch possible.
You moved your hands from his hair and resumed unbuttoning his shirt, and this time he didn’t stop you from doing so.
As soon as he unbuttoned your pants, he tapped your hip bone with his fingers, and then gently said “Lift your hips f’me, sweetheart.” And when you did, he basically threw your jeans off and discarded them somewhere on the floor.
The Star Wars movie was long forgotten when he started helping you unbutton his shirt, since it seemed you were struggling.
The curse still pulsed under your skin, a lingering reminder of the witch’s cruel magic, but in Sam’s presence, the weight of it eased. He made you feel safe.
“I just need you.” you whispered, working open the first button, then another.
Sam let out a slow breath, his control razor-thin. His muscles tensed as you spread his shirt apart, revealing the hard lines of his chest. He caught your wrist, halting your movements.
“You’re shaking.” he murmured, his thumb stroking against your pulse point.
“I need to feel something real, I need to feel you, Sam.” you admitted, voice barely above a whisper.
His eyes flashed, something primal flickering beneath his usual restraint. Then, in a single, fluid motion, he guided you back against the pillows, his weight settling over you. He was careful, keeping most of it off you, but his presence alone was enough to send shivers down your spine.
His fingers brushed your ribs, trailing down to your bare waist, just above the lace of your panties. “You’re so damn beautiful,” he rasped, his lips hovering just above yours. “Even cursed, you’re still the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen.”
Heat pooled in your stomach, and you arched slightly beneath him, seeking more. He groaned, his restraint wavering as he pressed his hips against yours. Even with the fabric of his jeans between you, the pressure sent a delicious ache through your arching core.
Sam kissed you then — slow, deep, possessive but with a hint of need and hunger. His hands traced your body with purpose, mapping every inch, reminding you that you were his to take care of, to worship. He didn’t rush. He wanted to make sure your first time with him was pleasurable.
You whimpered against his lips, nails digging into his shoulders as he rolled his hips, teasing, torturing. “Sam…”
His forehead rested against yours, his breath hot and uneven. “I’ve got you, sweetheart. I’ll take care of you.”
His fingers trailed against the waistband of your red, lacy panties that has a wet patch in the middle of them. “Y’so wet for me, baby..” He said as he removed his forehead from yours, so he could see your beauty when he pulled down those panties.
You whined at his touch, needing more. “Sam, I need you, I need you to fuck me.. please, Sammy.” You moaned out, desperate for him.
His jaw clenched at your words, at the way you begged for him, voice trembling with need. Sam had always been careful with you—always put you first, always made sure you felt safe. But right now? Right now, you weren’t asking for careful. You were pleading for him, raw and desperate, and that was all it took to snap the last thread of his control.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he groaned, his lips dragging down your throat, teeth scraping against sensitive skin. “You have no idea what you do to me.”
His hand trailed lower, fingertips teasing along the edge of your panties, feeling the heat radiating from between your thighs. You squirmed beneath him, seeking more friction, but he pinned you in place with his weight, his free hand gripping your hip firmly.
“Look at you,” he murmured, voice thick with desire. “So needy. So perfect.”
His fingers slid beneath the lace, barely brushing against your soaked folds, and you gasped, your body arching into him.
“I know, baby.” His voice was rough, breathless. “I know what you need.”
He pulled back just enough to watch you, his eyes dark, possessive. His fingers moved with slow, torturous precision, circling your clit, teasing, never quite giving you what you wanted. The friction was enough to make your toes curl, but not enough to push you over the edge.
You whined, hips bucking against his hand, but he only smirked, pressing you down into the mattress. “You’re always so impatient,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your jaw. “But I wanna take my time with you.”
You whimpered, fingers digging into his shoulders. “Sam, please—”
His fingers slid lower, slipping inside you with ease, stretching you in the most delicious way. You gasped, nails raking down his back as he set a slow, deliberate rhythm, his thumb circling your clit just enough to keep you on the edge.
“That’s it, baby,” he praised, watching the way you came undone beneath him. “So good f’me.”
Your breath hitched, thighs trembling, pleasure coiling tighter and tighter inside you. He leaned down, lips brushing against your ear. “Cum f’me.”
And when he curled his fingers just right, you shattered, pleasure crashing through you in waves as you cried out his name.
He didn’t stop—he worked you through it, kissing you slow and deep, his free hand caressing your side, grounding you.
As the pleasure ebbed into something softer, he pulled back just enough to look at you, his forehead resting against yours. “I’ve got you,” he murmured, lips ghosting over yours.
You exhaled shakily, hands reaching for his belt. “I need more, Sammy.”
His breath hitched, eyes darkening. And then he was kissing you again, deeper this time, his control unraveling completely.
“Then I’ll give you everything.” He said, unraveling his belt, revealing his rock hard cock, now even though you couldn’t see his length because he was still in his boxers, you knew he would be huge, just by the sheer size of his body.
The room felt hotter, the air thick with tension as Sam’s words settled over you like a promise.
Your breath hitched as he pushed his jeans down, the fabric sliding over his thighs. Even though he was still in his boxers, the sight of him made your stomach tighten. The thick outline of his cock strained against the fabric, the sheer size of it making your heart race.
You swallowed hard. He was big.
Sam caught the way your eyes widened, and a smirk ghosted across his lips. “You okay, sweetheart?” His voice was rough, but there was something tender in the way he spoke to you, the way his fingers brushed against your cheek.
You nodded, even though uncertainty flickered in your eyes. “You’re just… big.”
His smirk deepened, but the warmth in his gaze never faded. He leaned in, pressing a slow, lingering kiss to your lips, his hand sliding down your side, fingers tracing the curve of your waist. “We’ll go slow,” he murmured against your mouth. “I’ll take care of you.”
A shiver ran through you at the weight of his words.
He hooked his fingers beneath the waistband of your panties, tugging them down with agonizing slowness, his gaze never leaving yours. You felt exposed, vulnerable, but with Sam looking at you like that — like you were something precious — you weren’t scared.
His fingers ghosted over your bare thighs, then dipped between them, spreading you open. His touch was gentle, reverent, but the way his breath caught told you everything you needed to know. He wanted you. Badly.
“You’re so wet,” he groaned, his thumb swiping over your clit, making you gasp. “S’fuckin’ perfect.”
Your body arched into him, desperate, aching. “Sam, please.”
His jaw clenched, restraint flickering in his eyes as he pushed his boxers down. And then you saw him. His rock hard cock.
Your breath caught in your throat.
Thick, long, intimidatingly big, the tip flushed, already leaking precum. You had suspected he would be large, but seeing him now? A mixture of anticipation and nervousness coiled in your stomach.
Sam must have noticed because he chuckled softly, gripping himself at the base, stroking slowly. “We’ll take it slow, baby” he reassured you, pressing a kiss to your jaw. “But I need you to relax f’me, okay?”
You nodded, spreading your thighs wider as he settled between them. His cock brushed against your entrance, teasing, stretching you slightly, and your breath hitched at the sheer size of him.
He groaned at the feeling of your slickness against him, his forehead pressing against yours. “You ready, sweetheart?”
You nodded, fingers digging into his biceps. “I want you, Sam.”
His breath shuddered, and then, with no warning, he pushed in.
The stretch was immediate, a sharp, almost overwhelming sensation as his thick head breached your entrance. You gasped, legs tensing around him. Sam cursed under his breath, his hands gripping your hips, holding himself back with everything he had.
“Jesus,” he ground out. “You’re so tight. So f’ckin tight.”
You whimpered, adjusting to the sheer size of him. It was unlike anything you had ever felt before, so full, so deep, even though he had barely pushed in.
He kissed you slowly, his hands stroking your thighs, your waist, easing you into it. “Breathe for me, sweetheart. You’re doing s’good.”
You forced yourself to relax, exhaling shakily. Sam took that as his cue, pushing in deeper, stretching you inch by inch.
Your nails raked down his back, and he groaned at the sensation. His muscles trembled with restraint, his jaw clenched as he held himself back from thrusting into you all at once.
Finally, he was fully inside you, his cock buried to the hilt, filling you in a way that made your head spin. You felt impossibly full, stretched to your limit, but the burn was slowly melting into something more, something deliciously overwhelming.
Sam let out a shaky breath, his forehead resting against yours. “Fuck,” he groaned. “You feel so good. S’fuckin’ good.”
You whimpered, shifting slightly, and the movement sent a shockwave of pleasure through both of you. Sam sucked in a breath, his hands tightening on your hips.
“You okay?” he rasped, voice strained.
You nodded, a small moan escaping your lips. “Move, Sammy. Please.”
His restraint snapped.
He pulled back slowly, dragging his cock almost all the way out before snapping his hips forward, filling you again. You cried out, pleasure sparking through every nerve.
Sam groaned, his grip on you tightening as he set a slow but deep rhythm. “Fuck, baby. Y’feel so goddamn good.”
His lips crashed against yours, swallowing your moans as he rocked into you, his cock stretching you perfectly. He was big, thick, and every thrust sent a delicious pressure deep inside you, hitting spots you didn’t even know existed.
His hands roamed your body, one sliding up to cup your breast, the other gripping your hip, pulling you into each thrust. He was rough, dominant, but there was an underlying gentleness to every touch, every kiss.
“You’re mine,” he murmured against your skin. “You were made for me.”
You clenched around him, and he groaned, his pace faltering for a moment. “Shit, sweetheart—do that again.”
His thrusts grew rougher, deeper, his hips slamming into yours, skin meeting skin in a sinful rhythm. The pleasure built higher, hotter, a fire consuming you both.
Sam’s fingers found your clit, rubbing tight, desperate circles. “Cum for me,” he growled, his voice dark, commanding. “Cum all over my cock, baby.”
Your body obeyed, pleasure crashing over you in waves, your vision going white as you cried out his name. You clenched around him, and Sam cursed, his movements growing erratic.
With one final thrust, he buried himself deep, groaning your name as he spilled inside you, his cum slicking your walls as warmth filled your body, his body shuddering with release.
For a moment, neither of you moved, just tangled together, breathless, bodies still pulsing with aftershocks.
Sam finally lifted his head, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “You okay?”
You nodded, a sleepy, satisfied smile tugging at your lips. “That was… incredible.”
He chuckled, his hand running soothing circles over your hip. “Yeah,” he murmured, kissing you again. “It really was.”
And as he pulled you against his chest, his warmth surrounding you, you knew—Sam had just given you everything.
And then, you felt the hunger and need from the spell begin to fall apart. You didn’t feel hungry for him, for his cock, you didn’t feel the need for sex.
Sam had cured the curse that the witch lay upon you all those years ago, and oh god were you thankful, no more having to ignore the need whenever Sam was close.
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seungmininmynheart · 1 month ago
First Encounter Didn’t go as planned.
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Paring: Idol!Bangchan x Idol!fem!reader. Genre: Fluff. Summary: Reader is a new soloist at JYPE and has a thing for Bang Chan. Authors Note: This is my first fanfic on tumblr so yay. Also Grammar and spelling is not my strong suit. I hope you guys enjoying reading this as much as I enjoyed making it.
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It was late at night and you sat at your desk at the JYP dorms. Your manager who you share a room with was already asleep. You were still up though, scribbling in your notepad. Writing down a little to do list, 1 say hi first, 2 strike up a conversation, 3 Leave a great first impression. You finished writing and crawled into bed, excited for tomorrow. You were excited because tomorrow is the day you meet Bang Chan
Your alarm woke you up. despite not getting alot of sleep you felt great and excited. Today was the day you get to work with Bang Chan. It was in your schedule to record your new debut song. Your manager had told you that you’ll be recording with Bang Chan. You’ve admired him and his music for the longest time. You kinda had a thing for him since before you joined jyp.
You Joined jype after winning their newest survival show for a female soloist. It was already done airing and you were on schedule to debut in a couple months. Your survival show had gotten pretty popular online but most people were happy you won.
You dressed comfortably but nice since you were going to be in the studio most of the day. Your manager just finished dressing too and she knocks on the bathroom door.
“you done in there yet? we gotta get going.” she called out.
“One minute” You respond back. You didn’t know your manager that well yet but she was nice to you and very patient. You check your expressions in the mirror, You gotta make sure your smile looks nice today.
“Okay I’m coming” You walk out the bathroom grabbing your bag, hat and Mask before following your manager out to the car.
You were already familiar with the layout of the JYP building. You knew the way to dance practice rooms, the cafeteria, and Recording studios. You stopped by the cafeteria first eating breakfast with your manager. You saw a couple of faces you recognized.
After breakfast you felt good because right now you were going to record your debut song. You check your hair using your camera making sure you look okay before going to the studio. You had prepared what’d you say to him. You had the perfect plan and couldn’t wait to be face to face with Bang Chan and be able to talk to him.
You were right in front of the door to the studio. You held the handle slowly twisting it. The door swung open slowly and looking in you see a couple staff members and Young K. You quickly greet him making sure your face doesn’t give away your confusion. You sit on the couch looking at your manager confused. She just shrugs.
After finishing your first recording of your debut song Young K lets you know that’s all for today. You thank him on his way out and the staff that were there helping. You walked out last, seeing your manager in the hallway wrapping up a call.
“I thought I was working with Bang Chan today?” You asked her confused as you guys started walking.
“I thought so too, There must’ve switched I guess.” She tells me. You were bummed out even though Young K is still someone you admire. You were disappointed that you had planned your whole first encounter with Bang Chan just for it to not happen. First encounters are always so hard, because nothing goes as planned. you sigh.
“Wait where are we going right now?” You asked
“Vocal lessons remember? your teacher is waiting” She reminded you of your schedule for today. She went on about your schedule for the day but you weren’t listening because you had just heard a familiar voice. You look infront of you and walking just a couple steps ahead with his back facing towards you was Bang Chan and right next to him was Han. Suddenly all background noises were cancelled.
Just three steps in front of you was your idol you could just walk up to him and get a chance to greet him and Han. You would strike up a conversation and he’d ask your name and you’d leave a great first Impression. You imagined how it’d go down in your head.
“Y/N, are you listening?” Your manager asked. You stop walking and pay attention facing her again.
“Hm?” You say.
“What’s up? are you tired” She asks. You shake your head letting her know your okay but when you look forward again he’s not their anymore. In the short moment you stopped to talk to your manager he had disappeared. Dissaspointed once again about how your day isn’t going according to plan and you just missed your chance.
The rest of the day was uneventful except seeing Yeji in JYP cafeteria when you were eating lunch. It was getting late and after practicing dancing for a couple hours you were tired. Your manager had some things to do leaving you to practice alone. You were sweating and tired you took a couple of selfies before grabbing your stuff to leave for the day. It was 10pm so you were just going to grab a taxi to take you back to the dorms.
You put on your mask and hat before walking outside, and you realized it was raining. You thanked yourself for remembering to grab your umbrella before leaving this morning. As you were pulling out your umbrella from your bag you heard a sigh.
“No way it’s raining, this is just great” You heard the familiar Australian accent. Your heart stopped turning around to see Bang Chan just two feet away from you. Even if he had a mask and a hat on you could still recognize him. You quickly greet him and he greets you back.
“Do you have an umbrella?” You asked nervously trying to sound causal but respectful.
“No, but it’s okay my car isn’t parked far” He reassures you. You suddenly get an idea to leave a good impression. You offer your umbrella to him.
“You can have this I have another umbrella in my bag” you give him a sweet smile.
“Are you sure?” He asks you. You nod and he accepts your umbrella. Your hand grazing his, this moment couldn’t get any better for you. He opened the umbrella thanking you.
As he started walking away you felt on top of the world. Even if you didn’t get a chance to introduce yourself and he didn’t know your name or would be able to recognize you because you had your hat and mask on.
“I owe you now, Y/N!” He called out before turning around and continuing to walk away. You couldn’t stop the smile on your face or the happiness you felt. You didn’t know how he knew who you were but this moment was something you’d always cherish.
The whole encounter was beautiful. You stood there for a minute even after he was long gone. You didn’t have another umbrella but it was okay.
Ding Water droplet landed on your cheek as it started to rain harder but you didn’t mind. Nothing could ruin your mood. You didn’t bother to grab a taxi you just put your hood over your head and ran. The dorms weren’t far away so it was okay.
When you opened the door to your apartment you were dripping wet. Your manager who was already home was shocked, ran to grab you a towel before you could even take your shoes off.
“What happend? I thought you were gonna take a taxi home?” She said handing you the towel trying to dry you off.
“I guess I forgot” She scolded you about taking care of yourself and to bring an umbrella if you wanted to walk. you didn’t mind thought. You were smiling so hard that your cheeks hurt. You couldn’t wait for tomorrow.
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Do Not Re-upload Anywhere.
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gayforolderwomen · 2 months ago
You wanted to be touched didn't you?
Pairing: dark!Agatha x reader + hinted at Dark!Rio x reader
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Agatha and Rio have kidnapped you, they've left you completely alone and isolated for months in hopes that you become touched starved, it works and Agatha uses it to her advantage
Warnings: 18+, smut, dub-con, non-con, mommy kink, fingering (r receiving), kidnapping, manipulation, implied mind control, Stockholm syndrome, extremely brief breast play, r has a pussy, r is referred to as a girl, use of 'good girl', touched deprived r, panty soaking, slight overstim, mention of a strap-on, lmk if I missed anything!
A/N: this is a dark fic please pay attention to the tags! This is my first fic so please be nice and there's probably going to be some spelling/grammar mistakes sorry lol
You don't know how long it's been
One moment you were walking peacefully in the woods the next two women appeared and you passed out, you woke up in this cell and ever since then it's been silence. No footsteps above, no muffled voices, no human interaction at all
Your meals just appear at the same three times everyday, the cell window too high up and small to tell where you are but at least it gives you a sense of time
It's been roughly three months you think since they took you, you don't know who they are or why they did this but the thing that confuses you the most is that they haven't even come here. No visits at all and it's starting to get lonely, you even tired calling out a few times but recived no response
All you have is the confines of the cell, you sit on the old mattress that's been your bed for the past few months and suddenly a door opens
Your heart leaps as footsteps descend the stairs and she appears. Fear lingers in your chest but the woman approaches the cell with a warm, deceptively kind smile on her face, as if her softness could vanish any minute but you'll take anything right now
"Agatha, Agatha harkness" she states with soft credence
Without waiting for your name Agatha opens the cell door and watches your reaction carefully, you stay still for a moment studying the woman. She's definitely one of the women that took you but she's being so kind and at least she's talking to you
Against your better judgement you stand up from the mattress and hug yourself slightly suddenly feeling awfully touch deprived
Agatha smirks slightly and slowly approaches you. Once she reaches you she cups your face in her hands, her touch gentle and grounding
You almost immediately nuzzle into her plams as if it were the most natural thing in the world, easily lulled into a false sense of security as Agatha's thumb caresses your cheek. She coos at you quietly and brings you closer to her body, her strength a subtle reminder of her power in the situation
"Sorry to keep you waiting little one I just had to make sure you'd be a good girl for me, you're a good girl aren't you darling?"
She asks with a sultry lilt, one of her hands moving from your cheek to wrap around your waist possessively, pulling you flush against her, her other hand still gently cupping your cheek caressing it almost as a distraction to her firmer grip on your waist
You don't even pick up on the implications of her question and just nod, nuzzling into her hand a little more just greatful to be touched
"Use your words little one" Agatha gently chastises her grip loosening slightly as a warning
You almost instinctively panic when her grip loosens desperate not to lose the gentle touch you been without for months
"I'll be good, I am good. I'm a good girl" you say quickly trying to nuzzle into her palm again, an aching need in your body to be caressed
Agatha smiles, a slight darkness flashes in her eyes, too quick for you to take notice. Her grip goes back to how it was cupping your cheek with one hand, the other holding your waist to hers
She leans in slightly, her hot breath tickling your ear "that's a good girl, you deserve a reward for being so good, don't you think darling?" She husks in your ear her tone no longer disguising the lust it's laced with
Agatha doesn't wait for your response this time and her hand leaves your cheek, prompting a small pout from you which Agatha chuckles at
"such a sweet little thing, so desperate for mommy's touch hm?" Agatha teases slightly, pulling back just enough so that her hand can slowly slide down your neck to your chest brushing against your breasts in a fleeting touch
Your cheeks flush slightly heat stirring in your stomach at the name Agatha gave herself. Before you can think clearly Agathas hand cups your breast through your clothes feeling your nipple harden easily, she smirks her plan has worked perfectly, leaving you alone for months waiting for your body to start craving any kind of touch and now you're as responsive and pliable as she had hoped
Her other hand now leaves your waist instead brushing across your stomach occasionally dipping under your shirt to feel the soft skin beneath, her long fingers teasing your pantie line watching your face with a careful determination
The action makes the heat in your stomach grow and you let out a sound of desperation and confusion, almost a whine, you've been aching for another persons touch but this isn't what you imagined
"Wh- i-" you stammer before Agatha raises her hand that was cupping your breast to shush you
"shh baby girl, mommy's gonna make you feel good, you wanted to be touched didn't you?" She says before her fingers slip under your panties and press against your clit, eliciting a gasp from you and making your hips buck involuntarily
Agatha smiles holding back a laugh "see doesn't this feel good darling?" She says as she starts pressing circles against your clit
A strangled moan escapes your lips and despite your mind reeling at the sudden change in situation you feel your body reacting, your folds starting to become slick with arousal, your hips bucking slightly more
Agatha presses her body against yours and starts waking you back until you hit the wall of the cell "oh baby you need me so bad don't you? Mommy's got you" she coos in an almost teasing manor enjoying seeing the way your body betrays your mind
Her thumb is now circling your clit occasionally pressing down hard to hear your beautiful sounds. She can't hold herself back anymore and slips two fingers inside you with little resistance, your warm slick walls enveloping her digits
You let out a whimper that quickly turns into a moan as she curls her fingers inside of you, the pain from the stretch mixing with the pleasure
"Does that feel good baby? You like mommy's fingers inside you?" Agatha husks in the your ear before starting to leave hot open-mouthed kisses on your neck
You let out an almost pathetic moan in response your mind suddenly too foggy to speak, it's odd though your mind was perfectly clear a mere second ago
Her fingers start to pump in and out of you, giving you no chance to think further, curling them perfectly in time with her thumb strokes on your clit. Her other hand holding you firmly against the wall trapping you completely. Your hips buck and twitch desperately not even knowing if you're trying to get away or want more
Agatha moans softly at the sight of you so confused and desperate, your walls clenching around her fingers each time they push in
"That's it's baby take mommy's fingers, you're so good for me" she says a hint of pride in her voice and she pushes a third finger into you once again giving you no time to think as she fucks you against the cell wall
The sound of your moans echo through the basement and your hips start to shake slightly the pleasure pain starting to get too intense, the mysterious fog clouding your brain coaxing you to just give in, Agathas lips still pressing against your neck as her fingers pump into you relentlessly her thumb curling your clit with increased power
"Go on baby, let go, cum for mommy" she commands in your ear before capturing your lips in a searing kiss, her tongue demanding entrance and dominating your mouth claiming you completely
The fog in your brain thickens feeling almost like a blanket wrapping around you, lulling you into security and compliance
Agatha keeps you pinned to the wall as your legs start to shake, her mouth still dominating yours swallowing the slurry of moans you produce and then it happens, a high pitched moan, your legs shaking so badly that Agatha is the only thing holding you up, pleasure crashing through your body and cum enveloping Agathas fingers soaking your panties in the process
Agatha finally pulls back from the kiss still holding you up to look at you, your face flushed, chest heaving, legs trembling, it's the most perfect sight to Agatha. She keeps pumping her three fingers in and out of you making you ride the high of your orgasm, her thumb pressing hard against your now swollen clit before pulling out and stepping back making you fall to the floor with a thud but the fog in your brain barely registers the pain
Agatha takes the fingers that where inside you and brings them to her mouth licking off the cum with a moan "oh sweet girl you taste delicious, I wish I could devour you right now but it's Rio's turn"
Agatha says and suddenly the other woman that took you appears in the cell. Rio, she stands over your trembling body and leans down, her hand dipping beneath your panties and proding at your entrance feeling how wet and stretched out it is
You want to squirm away, your body already tired and overstimulated but the fog keeps you still, keeps you compliant
"You did good my love, she should take my cock nicely" Rio states with a low growl of approval "clear her mind though, you know I like it when they're feisty"
It's then you notice Rio is completely bare, apart from a harness fastend around her hips
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hynzsn · 9 months ago
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☆ choi san x male reader
꩜ .ᐟ fluff
contents: playful!san, boxing, boxing match, locker room, kissing, kissing hands / arms, thigh grabbing, sitting on lap, pet names (baby), teasing
wc: 1.3k
summary: san asks his boyfriend to kiss his swollen knuckles after winning yet another boxing match.
a/n — this is literally like my first time writing a fic yall omfg!!! feedback is heavily appreciated, i’d really love opinions and thoughts on this. please spare me if this is complete trash >.< i’m still getting used to this and learning as i go along <33!!
♡︎♡︎♡︎ likes, comments and reblogs are highly appreciated ♡︎♡︎♡︎
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
and with the ring of the bell, the match that felt like it could’ve lasted a lifetime was finally declared over.
san was notorious for his opponents never passing anything but the second round, but today was different.
“and there we have it, ladies and gentlemen. referee kim hongjoong has called a stop to this contest at 3 minutes and 30 seconds into the third round, declaring the winner by knockout. choi san!”
despite his body physically feeling drained, san raised his arms to revel in that joyous feeling of being the winner, to have defeated the obstacle in his path to complete stardom—his opponent. in the crowd was y/n, wearing what seemed to be both a look of concern and frustration.
when san’s gaze fixed upon y/n, he recognized that look—the look he’d seen more times than he could count. for a second, san’s mind jumped to the countless times he’s had to reassure y/n, and it looked like today was going to be the same.
san wanted nothing more than to run over to y/n, exhausted body and all, but he knew right now wasn’t the time.
so, following protocol, san dropped his arms to his side and sauntered over to the ringside, where the medical staff could tend to his injuries and check for any signs of more serious damage. luckily, his opponent hadn’t caused any major damage; all he had were swollen knuckles and a slightly bruised left rib from where his opponent had gotten the better of him.
but that doesn’t take away from the fact that his opponent had more energy than the sun itself, an absolutely little firecracker that wouldn't go down. the crowd’s energy was still at its peak, but it was expected given the performance that san had just put on.
his eyes never left y/n’s, not even for a split second, even with the medical staff gently placing an ice pack on his slightly bruised ribs or with his coach practically drowning him in praise and awe. no, his eyes were on his beloved, the only person he cared about in this venue right now.
“locker room, meet me there in 10,” san mouthed, his eyes filled with nothing but love as he waited for y/n to respond.
y/n had responded with a simple nod, a smirk playing on the corner of san’s as he anticipated the moment of finally being with y/n. he’s been craving his boyfriend ever since y/n gave him his ritual good luck kiss earlier.
oh, y/n’s kisses felt like heaven for san; they felt like home. he could still taste the lingering scent of pineapple mint that radiated from y/n’s lip balm, a taste he had grown very fond of.
 ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
once the medical staff had finished tending to his needs and had given him a thumbs up, san practically bolted to his locker room, and with the thought of y/n in his mind, it gave him an adrenaline rush like no other. there was also the fact that during the checkup, it gave him more than enough time to sit back and take a much-needed rest, giving him the respawn he needed for his time alone with y/n.
with the swing of his locker room door, san was only faced with nothing but an empty locker room. it was okay, though. given the number of people in the venue, he could only imagine the struggle to escape, from the wild fans to the mess on the floor from disposable cups and spilled food. he had expected for y/n to arrive a bit late.
he took the time to sit down on the locker room’s bench, purposefully choosing to position himself where his eyes could lock on the door, just waiting for y/n to arrive.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
the door to his locker room had finally swung open, and there was y/n walking in with that same concerned look. god, he looks so beautiful, san thought to himself.
“are you hurt?” y/n asked, rushing over to where san was seated, the shakiness in his voice showcasing just how concerned he was.
before san could even get an answer in, y/n had cut him off.
“what did the medical staff say? i want to know everything.” his eyes were boring into san, but all san could see was the amount of love y/n harbored for him, and the feeling was more than mutual.
“calm down, baby,” he said, his voice nothing but a soft and reassuring tone.
“i’m fine. just swollen knuckles, and my rib is bruised slightly, but nothing a little ice pack couldn’t take care of. there’s seriously nothing major.” san wrapped his arm around y/n’s waist, bringing him in even closer and sitting him down on his knee.
“really? are they sure? that fight looked... rough. y/n comfortably sat on san’s knee, his eyes still boring into san as he tried to search for any signs of discomfort or dishonesty plastered on his face, but was met with nothing.
“yes, baby, the medical staff team knows what they're doing. i wouldn't be sitting here with you right now if I wasn't okay.”
“but... my knuckles do hurt a bit. there is something I need—something that i desperately need, baby. and you're the only person who can give it to me.”
“what is it?” y/n had practically jumped out of san’s thigh, ready to get him whatever it is that he desperately needs.
a smirk played on the corner of san’s lips; this was exactly the moment he'd been waiting for.
“kisses…?” y/n repeated, a small frown appearing on his face as if san had just asked for the impossible.
“yeah, kisses. kisses from my beautiful boyfriend. am I asking for too much?” san asked, his voice taking on a teasing tone.
a blush slightly creeped up on y/n’s face. “no, I just thought that you were going to ask for something, you know… serious.”
“but this is serious, baby!” san protested, his voice now a soft whine. his duality, from one minute being teasing and cocky to whiny and pouty, was seriously impressive, almost scarily impressive.
“look.” san held up his hands for y/n to see, showing his red-swollen knuckles. “don’t i deserve some tlc?" i just fought my ass off out there.”
y/n couldn't resist that soft, whiny voice—not now, not ever. it was as if a siren’s song had pulled him in.
the blush on y/n’s face deepened.
“okay, okay.”
y/n softly took san’s hands into his, bringing his hands up closer to his lips and tenderly planting kisses on the swollen knuckles. all the while, he kept eye contact with san.
san let out a soft sigh at the feeling of y/n’s lips on his skin. it felt like he was floating in the clouds with every kiss. y/n’s kisses were so soft and so loving. so… so… san couldn't even think; all he could do was just revel in the way y/n kissed his swollen knuckles.
“this is the best kind of pain relief anybody could ever ask for. kisses from my baby, ” he purred, closing his eyes and leaning back on the bench, the back of his head back against the lockers, as y/n kissed up his hands, going from the back of his hands to his wrists, even working his way slowly up his bare arm. the feint taste of sweat and musk lingering on y/n’s lips.
“you’re so cheesy,” y/n said, a slight chuckle escaping from his lips as he gave san’s arm one last kiss, directly on his bicep.
san opened his eyes and watched as y/n now made his way up from his bicep to just inches away from his lips. his mouth suddenly got dry, his tongue darting out to wetten his lips.
“yeah, I am. but you know you love me for it, baby,” he said confidently, closing his eyes again and pressing his lips against y/n’s in an affectionate and soft kiss. 
y/n eagerly returned the kiss, moving his lips to match san’s rhythm, letting his body loosen up as he felt san’s calloused hands gripping onto his thighs and pulling him down onto his lap.
 “yeah, I do.”
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