#if it runs in deletes a unit and then tags a vehicle in melee as amove-blocker then it could cost 200p still be cost efficient
Tbh the new Eversor Assassin looks hella busted.
Scouts 9. Moves 9. Has a one-time-boost for additonal 6 move. Can advance & charge. Even assuming only a 3 for the advance and a pessimistic 6 on the charge, that means it can cover 33 inches of field in the first turn. Note here that a typical field for a 2k game is only 60 inches long, and No Man's Land is often only 24 wide. This is ABSURDLY fast.
And once that things gets to melee it will SHRED - 9 attacks hitting on 2s with TRIPLE EXPLODING SIXES gives is an extremly potent high-roll potential. It might not just delete the character in a unit (what the supposed job would be) but also the entire unit with it.
The game starts and that thing runs at you at the speed of stupid, the ultimate fire-and-forget tool that requires zero setup or synergies.
Ever-sor? More like Ever-YEET!
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