#if it goes curly i would actually just get a buzzcut im not even kidding
little-red-fool · 22 days
Think the only stuff I’m scared about going on T is things to do with head hair. I can deal with excessive sweating, thicker skin and body hair, and I’m not even concerned about my voice becoming “too deep” anymore because then I can finally sing male country songs properly. MPB and receding hairline though? Fuck no I need my thick shaggy hair. Also I heard some people’s hair texture changes, if mine stays the same or becomes dead straight I’d be happy but I would actually cry if it got wavier/curly, I don’t need that in my life. It would look awful on me and it’d be so much more of a hassle to deal with, I get frustrated at my current mildly wavy hair already. Hopefully that won’t happen because the men on both sides of my family have thick slightly wavy/straight hair with decent hairlines so I’m PRAYING I get their genes, specifically my dad’s side because their hair is immaculate, even well into their 70s. My dad’s nearly 50 and has barely any grey hairs and a full head of hair. No MPB or receding on his side. Like at all. Even on my mum’s side my grandpa had most of his hair in his 80s albeit with a somewhat receded hairline. I take way more after my dad than my mum though and look almost exactly like him when he was around my age anyway so I’m praying I look more like him when I’m his age, but I have no idea how T’s going to affect my hair and that’s genuinely the scariest part about it for me 💀
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