#if i write self insert im not using the y/n thing
dc-himbo · 1 year
So I think I'm going to start writing some actual fics. I'll probably mainly post them on AO3, but I might do some cross posting here to promote. (Not sure yet.) I'm not sure on pairings, but I do know that the self insert/OC characters I will be writing will be transmen. I am on the fence about if they will be self inserts or actual characters. Seems like Tumblr is skewed to self inserts so I might just write in second person.
Anyways, what characters do you all want to see? How do we feel about OCs verses Self Inserts? Any tropes? Head cannons?
I know I probably won't get any interaction on this, but any feedback is appreciated.
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cas-writes-stuff-ig · 7 months
Cheering Her Up
f!/nb! reader x regina george (you love to make Regina feel better)
She calls you "duck" (ITS FUNNY/CUTE I PROMISE)
closeted bi Regina, and openly enby/lesbian reader
reader binds their chest with transtape/kt tape
secret relationship
cheering her up
Regina is taller than you
Word Count: 1853
(Originally supposed to be a one shot)
kind of alludes to sex but not explicitly
Regina lets you write your own diss in her Burn Book, so Gretchen and Karen don't get suspicious as to why you're not in it. (a bit of transphobia and homophobia, t-slur/d-slur)
Past bullying and some self-deprication
Reader is a weirdo but Regina likes it
Reader likes classic rock and old hits, Regina pretends to despise it
She lashes out at you but its all good in the end :)
Reader likes to sing
Part 2 of Cheering Her Up (A Party)
a/n: this is a huge self-insert for me, I was really vibing to Bob Seger earlier (btw this is the second thing ive written in like 5 years spare me)
ALSO feel free to message or comment any feedback is appreciated 🙏
Before the sophomore year, you were sure Regina totally despised you. She openly criticized any gay person she came across. Sophomore year, you were seated next to her in math and history, and you felt like you were going to be destroyed.
But when you came over to her house for a project, she asked "You have your first kiss yet?"
It caught you off guard. "Uh, no. Why?" your voice squeaked, although you knew she was a bitch. You were attracted to her.
She got close to your face and smirked, you could feel her breath on yours. "No reason," She grabbed the back of your head and kissed you. You didn't kiss back out of shock and Regina pulled away and went red, she opened her mouth to say something to excuse her actions, but you leaned in and kissed her again. That moment opened a whole new door for both of you.
After that, you and Regina got really close. Outside of the school halls, and in the comfort of Regina's mansion, you were secretly her best friend but also her friend with benefits. She isn't out yet either, she still has too much pride to be seen with a loser, but you don't mind waiting for her.
She was slightly nicer to you than others at school. She was actually pretty kind to you behind closed doors. She cared about you even if she never said it out loud. So about a month after you started hooking up, you were at her house and she handed you her Burn Book which was open to a blank page with only your picture on it. "I don't want Karen and Gretchen to get suspicious as to why you're not in it."
You could deal with the insults and the taunts, it never bothered you that much, so you wrote something that used to bother you 'Y/N L/N is a tranny dyke'.
The thing that did get to you was in 8th grade when you confessed to a girl, and she told everyone in your PE class that you watched girls change in the locker room. Everyone shunned you after that, but you grew thick skin. In freshman year you found your place amongst the loners and the nerds. You were content with it.
"Are you sure you want that in there?" Regina asked, what you wrote about yourself was harsh.
You nodded "Regina, I'm out of the closet already. It's a secret everybody already knows" You closed the book and handed it back to Regina and she tucked it away. "If I walk like a duck, swim like a duck, and quack like a duck, I'm probably a duck" She laughed at your joke, and you corrected yourself smiling "I mean dyke"
"You're so stupid" Regina replied, but it wasn't mean or full of scorn, she just shoved your shoulder. She changed your name to "Duck" in her contacts.
A week later you found out what your contact name was, you laughed at her a little and she got defensive "I'll change it then" and you quickly stopped laughing and took her phone.
"No no, keep it, please Regina it's cute" You yanked her phone out of her hand and tried to keep it away from her. You laughed again and ran around her room holding her phone, but she cornered you, pushing your chest, then your back hit the wall. You were breathless from running and grinned, though her face was stern. "I'm sorry, Gina. Please keep it, it's fine really"
The look on her face made you lose your confidence and you backed down, and handed her phone back, "Thanks loser" She tucked it back in her pocket, and she had a smug smile. "You're lucky I'm in a forgiving mood today" and tilted your chin up and kissed your lips.
After that day, it became one of your inside jokes, and "Duck" became one of your nicknames.
That summer she invited you over to swim at her pool for the first time. "Hey loser, hurry up" she opened the door and led you to her pool.
You brought your only swim trunks and taped your breasts back to go swimming. She was in a tight bikini and she slipped in the pool, you took your shirt off, and she was staring at your body.
You weren't sporty, but you went to the gym, it's not like you had rock-hard abs, but you were toned and Regina hadn't seen you like that in the sunlight before, you beamed as you basked in the warm sun.
"Hey Duck, get in here" she beckoned you, you seized an opportunity to make a joke.
You bent your knees and flapped your arms a little walking back and forth at the edge of the pool "Quack quack" You giggled out. Regina cracked out a smile that evolved into laughter, her laugh warmed you more than the sunlight.
When you slipped into the pool, she was still laughing at you. "You're such a dumbass"
She splashed water at you when you tried to come and hug her in the pool. "Hey!" you yelped as the water got in your face and you splashed back.
After you just relaxed in the pool, you floated on your back, eyes closed, and sun-kissed skin. You didn't notice how Regina looked at you, but you heard water swish as she walked toward your floating body. You cracked an eye open, the sun was behind her making her look ethereal. Regina's blonde hair glowed, she looked like an angel, not the bitchy Queen Bee at school.
"Hey," you tried opening your eyes but just squinted.
She leaned down and said "Hey" back in her sweet voice and kissed you gently.
The summer pushed you closer together, of course, she had her fair share of parties she went to with the Plastics. You were there at parties too, but you both only shot each other glances. The days she hung out with the Plastics, you missed her company.
You got your license over the summer and when you got the message that she was back home, you hopped in your Mini Cooper and drove to her house and picked her up. Though she usually drove you around in her Jeep.
"Where we heading today?" you asked as she hopped in the car
She ignored your question and her attention was on your music "Earth, Wind & Fire's 'September'? Really?" she criticized your music taste.
She buckled in and you said, "What's wrong with my music taste Regina?"
"God you really are a loser" she insulted, you could tell she was in a mood today. You were a little hurt but tried not to take it personally. "7-11 can you grab me a Diet Coke?" you nodded and started driving.
You skipped to the next song and what played was Bee Gee's "More Than A Woman" You smiled and sang along to it. Hoping Regina would get the hint you were singing it to her.
"Suddenly you're in my life, A part of everything I do. You got me workin' day and night. Just tryin' to keep a hold on you..." Your fingers tapped against the steering wheel and you moved your shoulders to the beat of the song.
She just groaned and pressed her temples, you thought she really hated it but from the corner of your eye, you saw a corner of her lip lift slightly. After seeing that you sang your heart out a little more at a red light you turned to her momentarily "More than a woman. More than a woman to me" and grinned wide.
"Hey! Keep your eyes on the road!" she pushed your head to look back at the road.
At school when Junior year started, Regina and you acted like you two were nothing, you both devised a facade as to why you interacted at all. It was a half-truth, everyone at school thought Regina paid y/n to do their math homework. But you only did that sometimes, and usually just helped her.
Today when you met at her house she was upset about something. "Regina, what's wrong?" you asked worriedly.
"Nothing, stay out of it" she snapped at you and she stomped up the stairs to her room.
You followed her "Regina come on," she turned on her heel and looked at you angrily and lashed out.
"Why are you even here? You're not dating me, stop acting like it" She yelled at you.
You paused and your heart faltered "Regina..." you said quietly. She turned back around and she slammed her bedroom door. Regina crawled in the sheets and just went to sleep. You didn't follow her in. But you walked downstairs to her kitchen and opened her fridge.
When Regina woke up she smelled some kind of pastry downstairs and light music. She opened her door and crept down the stairs, as she approached the kitchen, she heard your humming.
The next song started to play, your back was turned and you were using her mom's apron and mittens, pulling out a batch of brownies from the oven. When you sang alone, you were cheesier and poured your heart into each song, then you placed the brownies onto a cooling rack on the island counter and pretended to hold a mic.
"Still like that old-time rock and roll. That kind of music just soothes the soul" You closed your eyes and turned around still pretending to hold a microphone "I reminisce about the days of old, with that old-time rock and roll" Regina just smiled stifling laughter.
But when you started playing air guitar, at the part with no lyrics. You heard her giggle and your eyes shot open, face reddening "Regina! You're up!" she just laughed at your incredible dorkiness and walked up to you, this was the highlight of her day.
You brushed off your embarrassment from getting caught when you saw how happy it made her. And you walked closer to her and continued to mouth the song and dance around her. Still wearing her mom's frilly apron. You took her hand and spun her around and she still laughed at your silliness.
You stopped and walked back to the counter where she followed, "Brownies?" you smiled.
"Yeah, sure" She sat down at the table and you cut two pieces out.
When you handed her a plate, she looked up at you and spoke softly "Sorry about earlier..."
You smiled softly and took her hand as you sat next to her "Its okay, don't worry about it" You let go of her hand and then asked, "You feeling better now?"
"Yeah, thanks duck" She leaned towards you and kissed your lips. "You're so fucking corny" Regina pulled away.
You smirked "You secretly love it"
"I do" She responded, you almost choked on your own spit at her admission. She reveled in your panic and took a bite of the brownie you made her.
Only you could make her smile like this, and laugh like this, you knew that, and you had your silent victory.
Part 2 of Cheering Her Up (A Party)
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s-ublimewrites · 10 months
writing sonnets (melissa schemmenti x f!reader)
synopsis: your students tease you relentlessly and melissa can't help but to join in
words: ~1.4k
warnings: none i think? wholesome borderline crack
note: im not sure i ever actually gender the reader here? but f!reader to cover my own ass<3
Don’t get it twisted - you love the inquisitive nature of your students, you really do. It’s something every eighth grade English teacher longs for. But your fourth period class has a certain knack for getting you off topic with their curiosity. On this particular day - a Friday, so blissfully close to freedom - you have relinquished all control and let them fall down the rabbit hole of fanfiction, of all things. Leave it to middle schoolers. 
They had only been learning about first, second, and third person narration - so innocuous, you didn’t see how you could possibly be derailed. Maybe you’d make it through the lesson, and you could relish in the four minutes of silence you get between periods, and-
“Where is second person narration used?” Angel doesn’t bother raising his hand, and you don’t bother admonishing him.  
You think briefly. “Honestly, not many pieces of published works use it - not that I’ve seen, anyway. We don’t talk about it much. I’ve really only seen the second person used in one place.”
You intend to leave it at that, but of course, Angel pushes. 
“Where?” he asks. 
In the second you use to inhale before tackling the question, Kennedy takes the liberty of answering: “Fanfiction, duh. That self-insert stuff.”
You can’t help it - a laugh bubbles out, and this is the moment everything begins to spiral. 
“Yeah,” you collapse into your desk chair, “Kennedy’s right. Fanfiction.”
Kennedy takes the opportunity - it’s been presented to her on a silver platter, really. “You know about fanfiction, Y/L/N?” 
“Sweetheart, my generation invented fanfiction. And I’m a writer. This was my game before you were even born.”
Angel is on his feet, his hands slamming on his desk and his voice rising with excitement, “WHERE CAN WE READ YOUR FANFICTION?” 
“Oh, my God, no. You can’t. It’s not on the internet or anything, I’d just, like… send it to my friends, or whatever,” you insist, hands coming to cover your red face as you laugh. 
The class, buzzing with chatter and giggles, continues to harass you. “So, what, Ms Schemmenti reads your fanfiction?”
Your hands are still covering your face. “No, Ms Schemmenti most certainly does not!”
“That’s because the fanfiction is about Ms Schemmenti. Y’all see how Y/L/N be looking at her in the halls,” someone says, and several others voice their agreement. 
“She’s down bad for real.”
“What?!” your head snaps up, eyes searching for whoever made the comment. The bell rings before you can get your answer. “Get out of my room, you absolute little monsters. Have a good weekend, please read chapter th- oh, okay, you’re gone. Cool. Awesome.” 
You look at the camera. It zooms in on your red, deadpan face. You drop your forehead onto the desk. 
When you walk into the lounge at the end of the day, you slump into the chair beside Janine, who’s engaged in a conversation about a scrabble tournament (sober scrabble - boring) with Jacob and Gregory. Barbara listens, not contributing, surely stockpiling the information so she can tell Melissa later. Melissa, who is thankfully not in the room at the moment. You think you would burst into flames. 
Janine halts her conversation about triple word scores when you throw yourself down into the chair by her. 
“Rough day?” Janine asks tentatively. 
“Long. The kids were focused on literally anything other than The Outsiders.” 
Janine nods. “I get it. Fridays, y’know? It’s always hard to keep them on task.” 
“Well, Y/N,” Jacob starts with a smirk, “my students were actually pretty interested in the topics of your class today. It’s all they could talk about when they sat down for seventh period.” 
You glare at him hard and warn, “Jacob. Do not.” 
Janine looks back and forth between you both and turns to Gregory. “Is there something I’m missing?”
“No,” you say sternly. Your eyes don’t leave Jacob’s shit-eating grin. “Not a thing.”
Jacob, it seems, has exceptionally few survival instincts and carries on giddily, “Y/N’s students found out she writes fanfiction-“
And, oh, good, Barbara is listening now, too. “Fan-fiction?” 
“Why is everyone saying that word today? It’s all I’ve been hearing in the halls since, like, fourth period.” Melissa asks, striding into the break room and taking the seat next to you. 
“I’m going to have to transfer schools,” you say, closing your eyes. 
Melissa pays this no mind. “All the older kids keep looking at me, too. It’s weird.”
You glare daggers at Jacob, whose face must hurt from the width of his smile. 
“So weird!” Jacob says innocently. 
Melissa narrows her eyes. 
“Why are you being weird? And not normal Jacob weird,” she questions, turning to you. “Why is he being weird?”
You slam your boot into Jacob’s shin under the table. “He’s not. No one’s being weird.” 
Melissa’s eyes flick back and forth between the two of you suspiciously. “Okay, someone tell me right now - what the hell is a fanfiction, and what does it have to do with me? And, apparently, Y/N?”
“Melissa, I am so glad you’ve asked, allow me to explain-“ Jacob starts, leaning across the table toward Melissa. 
“Oh my God,” you cut him off. Time to swallow your pride. 
You explain the situation… sort of. You explain in a watered-down way that incriminates you less. 
“So, yeah, they found out, and because I said ‘friend’ they connected it to you, and they misconstrued the whole thing, and it’s literally not a big deal-“ you're rambling and she knows it. 
“Wait,” Gregory stops you, “so this is why I heard Angel say ‘Y/L/N be writing sonnets about that red hair’ during lunch?”
Janine raises her eyebrows. “‘Sonnet?’ Pretty good vocab word.”
“Thank you, Janine! And thank you for focusing on the important part of the matter at hand: my impeccable teaching skills.” 
“So,” Barbara chimes in, “do you or do you not write these little stories about Melissa?”
“Barbara!” You’re mortified. “No! I do not!”
At long last, Melissa speaks. You don’t need to look at her to know there’s a smirk on her lips. “She doesn’t need to. Clearly, the material writes itself.”
“Melissa,” you plead. 
Melissa laughs that laugh, the one that makes the corners of your mouth turn up despite your discomfort. 
“Maybe that could be your end-of-the-year writing project for the kids - make them write that fanfiction,” Melissa teases. 
“You’re just as bad as Angel!” You laugh incredulously and let your hand smack Melissa’s shoulder. The others don’t miss the way Melissa doesn’t break your fingers at the gesture. 
In fact, Melissa's eyes soften as she bumps your shoulder with her own. “No, no, I can see it - newbie woos the Philly Eleven. There’s potential there.” 
You roll your eyes. “Well, I am pretty charming.”
“I’m going home,” Barbara stands up with a polite (if somewhat exasperated) smile, “Very glad we got this out of the way. Have a good weekend, everyone. Y/N… call me later.”
Barbara pats Melissa’s shoulder with a pointed look toward you, and takes her leave rapidly. 
“Uh,” you stare after her. “Yep. Bye, Barb.” 
Melissa’s eyebrow quirks up. “What was that?”
“Dunno,” you reply. “I’m sure you’ll know everything approximately five minutes after I hang up with her, though, so don’t worry.” 
Janine butts in (ah, yeah, the nerds are still here), “You guys call Barbara? Can I have her cell number? I always want to ask her but-“
“No,” you and Melissa say in unison, and Janine sighs heavily. 
You heave out a sigh of your own. “I need to go home - moreover I need to be somewhere no one is asking me about my nonexistent fanfiction habits.”
You stand, and Melissa stands with you as you both gather your belongings. “Impossible. I have your phone number.”
You “accidentally” smack Melissa with your purse, and Melissa “mistakenly” shoves her chair into your leg in a way that makes your knee buckle, and the rest of the Abbot crew watch the scene in morbid fascination. Because the cold hard truth is that if anyone else had dared to do… well, any of this, Melissa would be shoving her earrings into her pocket and removing her heels. Fight or fight instinct, y’know? 
Instead, though, she just swears at you in Italian as you head for the door, grinning widely when you return the sentiment in plain english. 
Ava entering the lounge halts you in your tracks. 
“Y’all will never guess what Angel just emailed me,” Ava exclaims, holding up her phone. “Did you know he knows the word ‘sonnet’? Proud of him.”
“Forward me that?”
Another smack from you. “Melissa, stop!” 
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itskattkm · 10 months
Tumblr media
Based on a request
Tara Carpenter x Fem Reader
Warnings: Christmas stuff, slight fluff, being nervous and shy as f*ck
A/N: Sorry for my bad writing, sorry for switching the perspectives :D I hope that the translation was at least good. Have fun. I tried my best.
When you’re home
Y/n sat on her armchair in her two-room apartment as she comfortably drank a ginger tea. When she took a sip of it, she slightly twisted her face and whispered "spicy." She smiled and looked out the window. It was snowing and the snow breathed the city of New York into a beautiful white. She ran over to the window and sat down on the window sill to watch the snow.
It was her first Christmas in New York. Before that, New York seemed to be a dream world for her. A world she only knew from movies. If her ten-year-old self could only see her now. She lived in a small overpriced apartment near her college. She studied (insert) and even had a girlfriend.
She was surprised herself. She could never have guessed how things would develop after she moved here. Y/N had a girlfriend. How strange.
As y/n continued to observe the falling snow, she had to think of Tara. What did Tara do right now ? She asked herself. She hadn't seen her girlfriend for a week because they were both busy with their exams. Now it was finally the weekend. For now, that meant that she could switch back and relax. No learning for now.
A flashing light attracted y/n attention. She looked to the left and could see how her neighbors opposite the house decorated their windows with fairy lights. "Oh shit," y/n said to herself. She had forgotten to buy and decoration for Christmas herself she totally forgot because of all the exam tasks, after all, tomorrow was already the first Advent. Y/N sighed and put her cup aside. This was her first Christmas alone. Without her family. Otherwise, her mother had made sure that everyone in the family came to decorate. She always bought the Christmas decorations.
Suddenly y/n cell phone rang. She looked over to the living room table and saw a picture of herself and Tara.
She answered and said shy "hey"
Tara laughed into the cell phone "y/n where are you? We're waiting"
Y/n looked confused out of the window
"What do you mean?" She asked laughing slight
Tara sighed slight
"Decorating. Christmas. You. Me. In... my apartment?" She said in a cute way
Y/n laughed and felt her heartbeat running faster "is this your way to ask me if I Wanne come over to decorate with you?"
Tara hesitated with the answer and grinned broadly when she said "maybe?"
Y/n grinned "wow who's the shy one now?"
Tara laughed "thin ice y/n... thin ice"
Y/n grinned wider and felt the heat in her cheeks. Normally y/n was always the shy and nervous one of both, but there were those rarely sweet moments when it was exactly the other way around.
"Okay Fine..." said Tara and sounded like she was giving up "would you like to come over for decorating? Since it will be our first Christmas together?"
"But it's not Christmas yet" I said teasing
Tara sighed again but y/n could already see in front of her eyes how Tara smiled, her dimples came out and the slight blush appeared in her cheeks.
"My god do you two always need so much time to get to the point?" I heard Sam say on the other side of the line.
Suddenly the cell phone rushed at Tara's side and Sam said to Y/n "please come over y/n. We wanted to decorate the apartment and we had the idea to invite you"
I smiled broadly and nodded even though she couldn't see it.
"I'll be there in 20 minutes... Should I bring anything?" I asked out of intuition and looked through my apartment. Im such an idiot I have no decoration at all I thought.
"Yes, I had the idea that the three of us could eat something... meet Tara in the New Bodega store you can help her with the groceries," said Sam
"Okay, I'm on my way"
Both ended the phone call and y/n put on her coat and gloves. She packed her keys and left the apartment. Outside, she immediately hit a light gust of wind with thousands of snowflakes. She straightened her coat and made her way to the bodega. As it was getting more and more windy, she tried to hurry.
When she saw the lights of the bodega, she sighed with relief and ran across the street. She ran into the bodega and a warm wave hit her. She took a relaxed breath and looked around to find Tara. At that moment, a laugh also had to refrain. Tara was too small to be able to see her across the shelves. And just as this thought went through y/n head, Tara appeared in the next aisle and looked at her warningly "I know exactly what you just thought" she said and pointed her finger at y/n.
Y/n laughed nervously and was thrown off by Tara with a pack of napkins the next moment. Y/n just caught the pack and looked at Tara with a crooked head "Sorry...?" Said y/n shyly.
Tara's facial expressions became gentler and she smiled as she slowly approached y/n. She grabbed her coat and pulled y/n closer to kiss her.
Y/n closed her eyes for a brief moment and had felt a pleasant wave of goosebumps all over her body as Tara's gentle lips touched her.
"What will we cook later?" I asked Tara as we separated from each other.
Tara looked at the little note in her hand "Just some pasta. Nothing special. But on Christmas Eve... you'll get the best Mexican food you have ever eaten"
She said excitedly. Y/n sprays a pleasant warmth in her body when she nervously said "so I’m invited for Christmas?"
Tara smiled wide and moved closer to y/n
"Your my girlfriend... did you though I want to spend Christmas without you?"
Y/n shrugged her shoulders "Yes but... Sam... your family?"
Tara slowly put her arm around y/n waist and kissed her gently on the cheek as she whispered "your my family now..."
Tara detached herself from y/n and searched the shelves for the last ingredients. Y/n looked at her with admiring eyes as she still felt the kiss on her cheek and Tara's words repeated themselves in her head. If only Tara could know how important these words were for y/n. Y/n didn't even knew it herself until that moment. Y/n came out of her trance and followed Tara.
Finally arrived at Tara's and Sam's apartment. Y/n Smiled amazed it was the complete opposite of her apartment. It smelled like baked cookies and there was decoration everywhere. When she entered the living room of the carpenter sisters, it was felt with warm light and a large Christmas tree.
"Wow..." y/n said speechless and looked at the top of the tree that touched the ceiling.
"Sam had to exaggerate a bit with the tree" said Tara and laughed behind y/n.
"Yeah sure... at least we have a Christmas tree. Now let's get this started," said Sam, who came out of her room and pressed a box into y/n hands. Tara brought the groceries to the kitchen and I stood in the living room like a lost deer. I looked around nervously and didn't know where and how to start. My heart began to beat faster and faster and I looked around slightly panicked.
The next moment, Tara took the box from me. She smiled warmly at me "Take off your coat and then help me..."
I nodded silently and went back into the hallway where I hung up my jacket at the cloakroom. I took off my gloves and went nervously back to the living room.
I stood in front of the tree with my arms crossed and looked up to the top with a concentrated look. Since the tree was too big, the top was bent a little because of the ceiling.
"If I get scissors... I could try to cut off the tip. So that a star still fits on it," I said shyly to Tara.
Even before I could finish my sentence, Tara was already holding scissors in front of my face.
I laughed lightly and took it from her.
After I took one of the dining table chairs and climbed on it to get to the top better, I struggled with the scissors to cut through the wood of the tip.
"How's it going up there?" Tara asked and without looking I knew that she was just grinning. I sighed "if you want you can give it a try," I said in a sarcastic tone and looked down at her.
She stood there with her arms crossed and grinned dirty "no thanks. Im good. I like the view tho..."
I looked away nervously and couldn't resist a slight laugh. I immediately felt the heat in my ears and shortly afterwards in my whole face.
After a few seconds, I managed to cut off the tip. And then threw it at Tara with a grin as I got off the chair.
"Hey!" She called and threw the tip back.
I caught it and put it on the living room table.
"I have to admit... I feel a little overwhelmed," I said nervously and looked at the tree and the boxes with the decoration.
Tara hugged y/n from behind and put her head on her shoulder.
"Relax..." she said.
I sighed "relax? Decorating the tree was always stressful at home. No matter how I and my dad had decorated in, my mom then corrected everything afterwards," I said and laughed nervously.
Suddenly I felt Tara's lips on my neck and I got very stiff.
I felt a tingling at the point where her lips had touched me. My thoughts were empty and I began to perceive more the pressure of her arms around my body.
"It's okay..." she now whispered in my ear and I had goosebumps again.
I went to relax my body and let myself fall into Tara's embrace. She held me tight and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek.
"Come on lovebirds..." said Sam and joined us in the living room.
Y/n blushed slightly again and started decorating the tree with the carpenter sisters. They began to tell each other their weirdest Christmas story's and made sure to not break any Christmas decoration.
When we finished decorating the tree, Sam and Tara began discussing about who could be the one to put the star on the top. I just kept grinning watching them discussing.
"Tara you don't even reach the top and I bought the tree" she said teasing and held the star up so Tara couldn't reach it.
I had to keep my laughing back so hard. I never thought Sam would really tease Tara because of her size.
"Oh really? Watch me!" Said Tara competitive and managed to get the star out of Sam's hands.
Tara walked towards y/n and said
"Pick me up"
"What?" I said and laughed.
Tara looked at me with a tilted head and a slight serious look.
I stopped laughing and nodded. I bent down and put my arms around her thighs and lifted her up the next moment.
Sam laughed "I can't believe it"
We laughed when I held tara up so she could reach the top.
"Everything okay up there?" I asked grinning after Tara still didn't manage to put the star on.
"Why don't you try?" She said slightly annoyed, but I heard a smile.
I grinned broadly and held her tighter.
"Im good... I like the view" I said teasing and looked up at her while her ass wasn't far away from my face.
Tara stopped in her move and looked down at y/n with a grin, before putting the star on top of the tree.
"Finally..." said Sam and left into the kitchen.
I breathed out and let Tara down careful.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek.
After decorating the rest and eating together it was already dark outside.
"Thank you for the invite..." I said shy and finished to clean the last dish from our dinner.
"You don't have to be y/n... you’re part of the family" said Sam with a warm smile and touched slight y/n’s shoulder as she left the kitchen.
Again I had that goosebump on my whole body. Family. I repeated in my head.
I turned around and leaned on the kitchen counter when Tara walked towards me and grabbed my hands and intertwined our fingers.
"You good?" She whispered and moved closer to y/n
"Yeah why?" I asked quite and looked into her dark welcoming and shining eyes.
Tara shrugged her shoulders and smiled shy
"You seemed to be a bit off..."
Y/n let go of Tara's hands and placed them on Tara's hips and pulled her closer in.
"I'm good..." I whispered with a slight smile.
Tara moved her hand slowly around y/n neck and moved even closer whispering "you stay the night?" Her lips brushed slight y/n’s.
Y/n blushed and grinned shyly.
"Only... if you help me next weekend to decorate my apartment cause I totally forgot about Christmas and have nothing for my apartment".
Tara smirked and kissed y/n deep before whispering "I'll take care of that".
One week passed. It was Friday evening y/n was lying on her couch in black joggers and a hoodie. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
Y/n furrowed her brows and got up. Who could that be. She didn't had invited anyone. As soon as she opened the door she saw Tara, Mindy, Chad and Sam. Holding many shopping bags and boxes in their hands.
"Hello there!" Called out Mindy like y/n always did.
They walked past y/n and got into her apartment.
"Damn we got some work do to here" said Sam. While y/n looked confused after chad, Mindy and Sam. Tara was standing beside y/n with a wide grin.
"I told you I'll take care of that"
Y/n looked shy at Tara "thank you..." she said quite.
There was this spark in Tara's eyes again. She moved closer to y/n and held up suddenly a mistletoe.
Y/n blushed more and felt caught off guard.
Tara kept grinning "your so shy sometimes I love it" she whispered while grabbing y/n by her chin and kissing her deep.
Y/n felt herself melting away in Tara's hands. She felt the warmth of her hands on her face and her soft lips on hers.
She pulled Tara closer and kissed her back
After both stopped kissing, y/n rested her forehead on Tara's and whispered "you feel like home to me you know that right?"
Tara smiled and caressed y/n cheek
"I know..."
Y/n kissed her softly and pulled her arms around Tara "we're family now..."
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richeeduvie · 4 months
Can someone please explain to me the whole baby thing? And dog bone au? And all these aus im so confused
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This is asked every five months and I'm happy to explain it each time! I'll put it in the pinned post! This is a long one so sorry yall
So Dog and Bone is the title to the AU for a self-insert x Roman Roy fic compilation. There's no actual series yet…sorry, I know! How long has it been? But these fics range from entire one-shots that center around a plot that can lead into another one-shot/drabble, with the content of said piece becoming important to the whole AU, to just cute, fluffy or smutty drabbles and blurbs. Most of them are based on requests. Your request could become a big part of Dog and Bone!
Baby is the name for the self-insert. Fics will flip from a second person to third person POV, so you'll see her referred to as 'Baby' a lot. I don't consider her an OC because there's no and will never be a physical description of her and to be honest, I only started to referred to her as Baby so I could write third person POV fics when I'm lazy and don't want to go heavy in internal monologue, which is what I do for second person POV fics. I never use 'Y/N' for her or any self-insert. But many see her as other people and not themselves and I love that too!
Personality-wise, you'll find her to Roman's soulmate. Although she is still a victim of being out-of-touch due to her wealth, she's managed to be kind and respectful and just something that Roys don't have outside of her. She's the ultimate nepo baby with Logan just giving her some vague career path at Waystar to keep her around. She mostly works in marketing and spends her days with Tom and Greg. So, the story of DAB (lol). Baby is the childhood best friend of Roman (and Shiv). In the AU, Baby's biological father was Logan's best friend and business associate. She met the Roy family when she was five and when Roman when almost seven. She was meant to be the best friend of Shiv, but Roman stole her one day when Shiv when to get more toys and baby Baby was on the swings. His sister is still pissed about this to this day.
Nothing much has been mentioned of Baby's bio dad just yet, but it was a one-time thing (so understandable is yall don't remember) that we see Logan giving Baby the medal her father gave him after his funeral. He's dead and apparently fought in a war, or maybe just liked collecting medals as much as Logan did.
So, facts about the dead dad:
Maybe was a veteran
Was hinted to have given Baby an eating disorder
Died when she was eight
Possibly kept her away from her mother
Logan's her godfather, but it was Frank to take her in after her dad had passed. Frank ON TOP!!!! PAPA FRANK!!! Baby's mother is very distant and she's really only seen her for a few holidays throughout her childhood. I've always imagined her to be those wealthy hippies feigning spirituality and did maybe try to get Baby in terms of custody, but didn't try a lot - not even after Baby's father died. So, Baby gets to stay with the Roys with Frank being her guardian. With this, it's just co-dependency and possessiveness growing.
Roman and Baby don't really have friends outside of each other. They do everything together and eventually start doing relationship sort of things together. They take each others virginities. Roman gets panicky and painful in the muscles if Baby has to leave him for more than three days. It's great, but nothing's official.
They live this way until Roman gets with Tabitha.
Now, you may be thinking 'Why does he begin a relationship with Tabitha if he's so possessive and seemingly satisfied with the situation he has with Baby?' Well, I have two fics that'll help you to explain Roman's stupidity:
Why Does Rome Still Date Tabitha (They Don’t Have Sex, but Still) Kendall Wins!AU Confession
The latter of the two is a bit more personal and truthful for Roman. It can be noted that as much as I am a GerriRoman supporter, their relationship does not happen in the DogandBone!AU. Only because one, frankly, I don't know how to or have the desire to thread it throughout the story because I already kept Tabitha's plotline…which is Roman's downfall. You will see. And two, you'll find that Roman and all of the Roys, really, have a lot of themselves changed all because they have one genuine friend that's cared and loved them since childhood so that big part of Roman's plotless plot-time in canon is gone here. Grace didn't happen as well because Jesse Armstrong said so lol.
As I said, the genuine friend line applies to all of the Roys (excluding Logan, except for his AU…), but it really applies to Kendall. Going back to the point where Baby and Roman are fourteen/fifteen and fifteen/sixteen, he gets sent away to military school. I made it so he's only there for two years to which Logan just doesn't care to send him there anymore because I want Baby and Roman teenage puppy and needy love for as much as I can get it. During this time, Kendall has this belief, this kindness to take in Baby when she's at her loneliest.
and…so…Kendall and Baby's whole thing?
The link above sums up their whole situation but I'll elaborate a bit more here because there's Tern Haven. Tern Haven happens in the OG!DogandBone!AU and KendallWins!AU, the grooming situation happens in every AU.
Of course, Roman comes back and Baby sobers up for the most part and leaves groomer Kendall's ass in the dust! It's when Roman starts dating Tabitha decades later that Kendall, who never actually made a move on Baby, brings hell and tragedy to the family. Baby's not so keen on continuing to have sex and the weird thing she has with Roman as he is with Tabitha around, so she becomes lonely and thoughtful in the need to reconnect with friends, maybe start dating herself. She's there during Tern Haven and can't go to Roman's room to hang out, Tabitha's there. She doesn't bother Shiv and Tom, she could talk with Frank, maybe? Maybe, but she makes her way to Kendall's room.
And whatever high horse Kendall put himself on for not doing anything with Baby, maybe not being in love with her - or at least having no awareness about it, whatever was starting with Naomi, it's gone when Baby enters that room.
Again, Tern Haven happens in Kendallwins!AU and the OG!AU. The only difference is that after, Roman is either successful in pulling Baby away from Kendall, or he isn't. This is where it can get confusing as it can with all the AUs because there's so many little splices of moments within content that really helps you understand how things happen but I can say that the Kendallwins!AU is just sad, scary, and dark.
But enough of that!
After Roman's successful in getting Kendall away from Baby, he immediately breaks up with Tabitha and they heal from what happened. Kendall declines quickly during this. Logan dies and they get married after the GoJo sale. They have Baby Jr. On occasion, we'll have fun and write them having two more kids, Baby Jr Jr and Roman Jr, but they aren't canon - or they at least would get a canon fic like Baby
FICS TO HELP: Romulus Sneakers | Dad Frank feat. Baby Roman Call Them Brothers Back in Town Bone and Her Heart Roman’s a Friend Stealer While you were sleeping Touch Me (I'm Sick) Date Death | Part One Date Death Part 2 Babied (He Loves It) Violet, Blue, Green, Red To Keep Me Out Phone Call Home Baby Baby in “I went to Market” Baby in ‘Too Much Birthday’ After the GoJo Sale Telling Roman She's Pregnant
Baby Jr is an unrealistically perfect angel of a child that belongs to Roman and Baby in their AU and was born a preemie with a slew of health problems, but because I love her so much, it's becoming a running joke for her to just exist in every AU, somehow. if Baby's there, Baby Jr's there. She's named fittingly. You'll see her a lot in smaller blurbs and fics. Another running joke is that she hates Kendall in every AU, though she's barely mentioned outside of the OG! and Loganwins!AU.
Baby Baby's First and Last Day at School Bear Baby Jr! Baby Jr Doing Something Dangerous Connor Taking Baby Jr Fishing Baby Jr seeing Baby Roman with Glasses
They aren't mentioned a lot anymore because we don't get so serious about them and it was more just to have fun with the story, but the OG!AU does have some variations to how the plot goes. You have Baby and Roman having Baby Jr before season one where Tabitha and Tern Haven are things that obviously never happened:
If Roman Knocked Baby Up Logan Bullying Baby Jr YoungBornBabyJr!AU With Roman Forcing Baby to Marry Him Roman Drunk and Loving If Roman Knocked Baby Up in Their 20s If Baby Jr was Little in The Pilot Logan’s Baby Jr Favoritism Where’s Your Daughter?
Then, you have Baby dying and Roman killing himself to leave Baby Jr an orphan: Come Time, Baby Jr Missing Mommy.
Or you have Baby AND Baby Jr dying to leave Roman killing himself after his last moments of suffering…which, I can't find, but do we really want to read that?
If you don't want to suffer, it can end simply as a nightmare Roman had in the night. Here's another Nightmare Blurb.
Listen. I CANNOT be the only person who has consistently written for Logan. I CANNOT! But I do and Baby is unfortunately the victim of a joke turned into a horniness for an old, old man.
Logan doesn't actually have a fic establishing the Loganwins!AU. Everything that's longer than a blurb are moments that already take place after they've gotten together. Tern Haven does not take place here because it appears that this…intimate relationship takes place before season one. Roman doesn't get together with Tabitha in this AU because he's really fucked up about his soulmate having sex and marriage with his…Dad. His abusive Dad. Baby Jr does exist here! This started as a joke to get people grossed out over old man Logan cock, I played it so I was DISGUSTED to appease any requests that were sent in. I really was. I don't know what happened. But a lot of what is written expands past Logan x Reader and more about the AU itself, which happens with Kendallwins! and the OG!AU too.
FICS TO HELP: THE OFFICE CONFRONTATION Mondale The Second Baseball Sick Baby Jr Mom(my) Siblings and Baby Jr Buzz off! Sister Shiv Recital Alone Baby Jr How Does The Relationship Begin? How Does Logan Propose? Are Baby and Roman Still Close? Pregnancy Announcement in the AU They Bought a Cat Who's Baby Jr's Godfather? Panty Stealer Roman's Twitter Argument
You guys are lucky I can't find the smut fic I wrote. But it's here on this blog. Somewhere.
Nvm here it is my bad: Reflections.
There's the Loganwins!AU, then there's the Affair!AU, which was established pretty recently. It's where Baby begins an affair with Roman while she's married to Logan and Baby Jr ends up being Roman's daughter, not his little sister. As much as I have accepted my great enjoyment in indulging the Logan lovers, I do think this is Baby at her most Succession.
She gets the benefits of being Logan's wife and his favorite wife, a cute daughter, Roman at her heel, whining for her to really be with him but knowing he'll never leave her at her denial. She's horrible, a whore. A baddie winning.
FICS TO HELP: Baby Jr being Roman's Daughter Roman and Newborn Baby Jr Baby in the Affair!AU Roman revealing she's his to his siblings "Dada" A Slight Confrontation How does it start? In Dad's Bed
So, I explained most of it above, but these are the fics to help understand just how messed up DogandBone!Kendall is. He's a different man, guys.
(Also Stewy was there. Stewy was her friend. A flawed twenty-something year old who didn't care enough to separate himself from Kendall when noticing the red flags of him and Baby, but he denied, denied, denied. But he also gave Baby some sense of being…ya know, a kid…cause he saw her as a CHILD)
Tern Haven:
Tern Haven EXTENDED TERN HAVEN More of Tern Haven (…Yay…)
Ken's Groomer Era:
Sleepover Drugged Up Heart Does Baby go Clubbing With Kendall? The Birthday (Big One) Kendall being Confused That Baby's Not Jealous More of Ken being Confused That Baby's Not Jealous Sleepover 2 Kendall's Birthday Gifts....
The Aftermath:
Smacktalking During Too Much Birthday Bad Bit
There's more, of course. There's always more.
After Tern Haven, Kendall has Baby. He's won Baby. He gets more addicted to drugs while making her dependent on them. He turns her into nothing - and just for him. He's scary and paranoid when it comes to Roman. A variation of the AU would be the Babydies!AU, where she accidently overdoses after he leaves her alone. It's a lot. This is not a fun AU, guys. But I like to write it!
Housewife Thing Waystar Press Conference Accusing Baby Jr of Not Being His Roman Trying to Get Baby Back From Kendall A Slight, Brotherly Confrontation Daily Does of Horror (Heroin) Mention of Heroin Handsy Baby and Kendall and Pills Panty Stealer Brother Roman's Dick Pics Saying Roman's Name Flower Delivery
No Time Needled Memories
Shiv's AU isn't even a win!AU, technically. We haven't really dabbled in the idea of her winning. Just more of her yearning, but all in all, this woman wants Baby soooo badly. Too sad she has the guilt of being a woman. And her father. And Tom. And the denial hot on her skin.
Calling Shiv Shiv
Apparently the man can get obsessed and they haven't even kissed in his AU, yet. Fitting considering the shit he pulls with Greg. It's Baby at her most guilty due to her friendship with Shiv.
I give crumbs and only crumbs. But we're getting something started with Wedding Bells (Part One)!
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I hope this helps! xoxo
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callofloony · 10 days
Smooch. (Ghost)
Tags: Fluff, no smut, no use of y/n or “you” pronouns but can be read as self insert, gn partner, they/them for Ghost’s partner
A/N: (The author of this post is a minor and does not write nsfw, 18+/nsfw blogs dni!!) Just some softness with Simon bc im completely and totally enamored with him :33
~ Writing under the cut ~
Dude, Simon is sooo obsessed with getting kissed, especially neck kisses cuz i imagine his neck is rlly fucking sensitive bc of some injuries he sustained from ages ago.
He loves being pulled by his waist close to his partner’s body, especially when he least expects it. He could be over the sink doing dishes and he’ll just feel a loving hand pull him away from the chore and litter his neck with kisses, causing him to blush and smile dumbly.
He loves giving them too!! When he’s big spoon he’ll lean in and press a soft kiss to his partner’s neck as their eyes start to grow heavier and flutter shut, getting one last smile out of them as they both fell asleep.
He’s just a huge puppy beneath his intimidating military demeanor, even though he can kill and not even bat an eye, sweet thing just loves attention and being loved <3
French or chaste, a peck or passionate, he doesn’t care, he’ll melt in an instant no matter what. Even if it’s just a light brush against his partner’s own lips while they’re being a tease, he’ll fold IMMEDIATELY
His favorite ones however, are slow kisses, ones where he’s gently pulled into it and gets to feel soft, passionate lips press against his own for a long moment.
Usually his face will be held or his cheek will be stroked, and it’s so much innocent touch and tenderness in just one kiss that it leaves him absolutely reeling. Cuz contrary to popular belief!! He’s not a sex machine, and deserves tenderness too !!!!
Bonus points if it’s a morning kiss, one where they’re both laying in bed all drowsy and just pull each other close to wake up with each other’s lips on their own, being a motivator to get up each morning, even if he don’t wanna bc cuddling in bed is so much cozier,,,
He just wants to be doted on,, eueghhbb
A/N: idk guys i just lovehim so much he makes me so sick eeughuhuhhhhe snifflesg .,,… ALGSO!!! Sorry if that little blurb abt him not being a sex machine offends anyone cuz i feel like it comes off as passive aggressive ??,, write and enjoy whatever you want, i don’t care !!! but imo there’s not enough content of the cod men just being loved on, and it saddens me when everything on my dash is just hardcore smut i never asked for 😞😞 LET BUFF DUDES BE SOFT !! FUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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lonelyroommp3 · 4 months
u dont have to answer this but i was wondering if u could elaborate on ur opinions about rpf -- bc i kind of agree with you that it's like, it's fine and it's not morally wrong or anything but it def is a little weird? idk ive never been able to rly explain my feelings about it so im curious what u think
honestly my main view on rpf (whether of the y/n self insert variety or the gay shipping variety) is it's literally fine as long as you're not putting it anywhere the people involved are going to see it. like when you boil rpf down to its bare essentials it is just fantasising about a famous person (or multiple famous people, in varying combinations), which is something human beings have been doing in their brains since people first started becoming famous. and i think expressing those fantasies through creative outlets like fic, art, 2013 polyvore outfit boards about going on a yacht trip with harry styles, etc is an entirely natural progression of that impulse
and in that way i sort of view it as similar to any other fantasy you might have about another human being: it is totally normal and essentially morally neutral, i hope you'd agree, to daydream about a person you fancy, whether those daydreams are PG-13 or heinously X-rated, whether they're a friend or acquaintance or stranger or celebrity. where it would become weird is if you went up to said person completely uninvited and said "hey, would you like to hear in elaborate detail about the things i thought about you doing to me while i was masturbating last night?" - and so i think the same applies to rpf. like obviously don't send your rpf to the person in question, don't show up with BLINK TWICE IF THE BABY IS FAKE signs to a louis tomlinson concert, archive lock your rpf on ao3, don't proudly post about it on websites that the people in question are active on especially in this age of algorithm-based social media where unless you lock your account you have no real surefire way of ensuring they'll never see it, etc etc. every time i see people talk shipping in the comments of an official f1 post a part of my soul dies
i think another big thing about rpf to me is that all celebrities are essentially playing a fictionalised version of themselves. no matter how authentic they seem to their fanbase, when you combine things like media training + PR/marketing obligations + building a Persona + the pressure of competing in a sport (for athletes) + the level of code switching inherent to being in what is essentially a public facing job, we as fans & observers are not seeing the real harry styles or taylor swift or charles leclerc or whoever else. we are seeing the version of that person that they want us to see (or, in the case of historical rpf, you're writing about a ghost reconstructed from fragments distorted through the lens of missing evidence, potentially biased historians, potentially even more biased first and third party accounts, etc), and so i don't really view rpf as inherently invasive because you're not really writing about the real person, moreso the constructed image of Celebrity Of Choice.
of course, that is not to say that rpf can never become invasive: the clearest example would be ship truthers harassing the people involved due to what they perceive as "evidence" of some great forbidden love story, but i'll be real there is a lot of F1 rpf specifically that i side eye from a distance because of how it will use drivers' intensely personal real life trauma as a plot point, which is a line i'm not really comfortable crossing with real living people, especially not when it comes to dangerous sports lmao. but i think that is an issue with some rpf enjoyers' boundaries and not an inescapable root problem with the very idea of rpf imo
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xn4vyl1c1ousx · 14 hours
Guess who’s back, back again. Shady’s back, tell a friend.
Cw: uhhh kinda self insert (still using y/n but putting my personality onto them) cause i’m coming back (YIPPEEEE), not much tbh
Wc: 441..
now playing… Without Me - Eminem
back to navi…
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“Kacchan watch out!” Izuku yelled as he used Black Whip to grab onto a falling boulder that was headed straight to Katsuki, throwing it into the nearby trees to not let it fall on him.
“Woah! Nice catch Deku!” Kirishima shouted from the other side of the plane.
They stood in the middle of a forest, surrounded by trees. yet the spot they stood in, held no trees. it was only surrounded by them.
“fuck where’s that damn crazy extra when we need them.” Katsuki grumbled as he set his explosions off, making him fly into the sky.
He looked around, trying to see if he could find anyone or anywhere to go to. Yet there was nothing but trees. You couldn’t see through them due to how thick and close together they were.
“Tch.” The blond ticked as he landed on the ground with a scowl on his face.
“Did you see anything up there?” Eijiro asked as he jogged over to Katsuki’s side.
“Nothing hit trees. Where’s Y/n when we need them, can’t believe that damn idiot went on hiatus right before this mission. They knew we would need them.” Katsuki grumbled as he adjusted his gauntlets on his wrists.
“I know they had a good reason, i just wish they told us.” Izuku said as he looked around at the trees around them.
A sudden crack was heard. The three boys looked around ready to fight whatever villain or wannabe villain was about to pop out from behind the thick shield of trees.
Soft humming flowed through the air, sounding familiar yet different.
Suddenly a figure emerged from the thick shield of trees, dragging behind them 3 villains with their quirk.
“You damn bastard! Why didn’t you tell us you were coming here?!” Katsuki growled as he turned to face Y/n, who just so happened to be the one dragging the villains.
“I knew you dumbasses wouldn’t be able yo find these three, sooo i came back from my hiatus just to help you three, you’re welcome.” They giggled as they secured the three unconscious men to a tree and went over to the three hero’s.
“Did y’all miss me? i bed you did!” They smiled brightly at the men, Izuku smiling brightly, Eijiro looking pumped and Katsuki.. Katsuki wanted to kill you, but held back and settled for a scowl.
“Your lucky that quirk of yours has a shit ton of uses. Next time tell us when you’re going to do something crazy like this.” Bakugo crossed his arms, a small sense of pride in his chest as he saw you giggle at his words.
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A/N: HELLO EVERYONE, i’ve been gone for soooo long omg i can’t believe i haven’t posted or interacted with ANYONE for so long. then i got bored and started writing this and got the idea to surprise rue ( @rueclfer ) with it cause im coming back baby!! My uploads will be VERY inconsistent cause college has been eating my ass and i hate it. i’ve had very weird interactions that i will DEFINITELY use to write stories, i may (MAY) some kind of promptober thing for halloween but i will most likely not so don’t get your hopes up. Anyway, i hope you guys are happy for me to be back, i will be interacting again and hopefully be involved with the MHA community more! anyway that’s all, toodles luvs
GENERAL TAG LIST (tag list for ALL my works!)
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Just started writing a fic (maybe series) for E42! Miles. Its really soft, cause all ive seen are him being a street nigga ( no hate cause ive been fuckin' them up.) but i've been craving a softer, more healed miles. He can't be angst all the time. He's the prowler, but not the prowler in this fic. (Mamas knows he is, but he doesn't really go out and do prowler things until (maybe) later.) This is a self insert, but no use of Y/N. This fic is set up for BLACK READER because i am a Black writer. And i dont know how to write for non-black readers.
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Anyway, I just wanted yall to know.
Edit: As im writing its kinda givin' Mama Rio forced her son to get therapy, so now he's like a 1610 Uncle Aaron. Emotionally intelligent and stable, but kinda shady sometimes.
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supermaks · 1 year
Yes pookie I do write f1c yes I have clowned on self insert and will continue to do so but Im not about to imply these 'y/n' social media authors are perpetuating a ‘cesspool of misogyny’ without acknowledging my own reproductions of capitalist, heteronormative, white supremacist and yes, particularly, homophobic and transphobic models. CRAZY how the thing about op's type of surface level literacy is that it’s literally just somebody’s own sense of superiority wrapped around framework that exists in a vacuum. Talking about girls/women being their ‘own voyeurs’ wid a lil Atwood quote and then going back to cope posting about millionaire men having gay drama without a lil bit of pause or reflection on how these 2 might intersect bro I can’t stand it its so empty it's nothing. Theres no purpose to that but posturing. And the tags of other rb's echo that. Like 'no my voyeurism is different than theirs because my characters are ‘fictional’, and these 15 year olds want to 'perform' as if the intention behind creating the ‘y/n’ fantasy thru social media doesn’t come from the same place as using celebrities to play queer roles wid each other that u as an author find satisfying by completely erasing the gender orders and logics of possession inherent to the spaces where they exist as real people. Especially in a space like f1 lmfao. It’s ALL escapism that’s the whole fucking point. It’s fantasy it’s delusion it’s not real but it justifies itself thru the author's own perception of what an 'ideal' reality is, and yes, that reality is always dominated by men. So why are we all of a sudden talking down to self insert as if the same power structures arent present in most fan work, as if the 'fictional approval' of y/n and the celebs peers isnt as important as the search for 'content' that institutionalizes real person f1c and its own levels of performance-based accuracy. Why isn't that present in this analysis or is its purpose just to clown on young girls wid capcut accounts because u don't find their reproductions worth the price of admission. There’s no ethical consumption of real person fanfiction lmfao SORRY my gay little maxiel is not more feminist than ig edit of sharl leclercs quirky model gf receiving fictional meme approval on twt just because mine has manifested itself thru a projected queer identity that I want to perform thru them by making them fuck and theirs is performing thru aesthetics by going on pinterest. We're all 'performing' for men because we're all responding to billions dollars worth of marketing driven by an industry that wants to keep marginalized bodies at the margin trying to buy their way in. Fans respond to that by faking their own status either wid gay f1c or self insert or both or whatvr. The parasocial nature of how celebs move today and the type of access u have wid social media means fans are more likely to turn to that medium to fantasize about how it wud be if they were perceived like that and they got the likes and the comments and the fans. So I agree wid op that its not actually 'y/n' , but like, not sure how 'wild' that is compared to most f1c considering literally, the whole point of fanfiction is that u play wid already familiar and existing structures until they reflect something that is more recognizable to u. I do that by turning these guys into multifaceted queer versions of themselves, somebody else might do that by editing an ig post, somebody might try both. So I dont agree wid any feminist analysis of f1c or self insert that isn't the very least intersectional and that is willing to make assumptions about how 'y/n' authors perform the male fantasy without mentioning how the same happens in every type of f1c. Im suspicious of its intention and I find it lacking
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cocobittiebites · 1 year
Headcanons about the Main Four + Y/N (afab)
I just wanted to preface that this is just my Headcanons and all of this is for fun! If the characters seem ooc mind your buisness and let me live my delulu life. j/
Also for after having a convo with a friend of mine Y/N is gonna be specified at the top of post if their female, male or gender neutral presenting! Also I know Y/N is suppose to be a self insert but I lover writing personalities so heres some head canons that I have for her!
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Always somehow smells like rain water and eucalyptus
Though he's tried to preserve as much of the traditions and customs of the kurta clan, he's slowly losing it as he goes deeper and deeper his attempt to avenge them.
Keeps a diary but is never consistent with it (sounds like his friendships)
Has the biggest rbf ever and no one is brave enough to point it out.
Absolutely despised fast food, would only eat it if it was the only option for him.
Has never kissed anyone on the lips in his life and most likely will never (sorry guys)
Has the best skin out of the whole group, he doesn't even do much its literally water and face wash
According to him his phone doesn't work, so he doesn't have Spotify to stream new artist (pls call your friend back). I do believe that he would listen to jazz and folk music.
Says he's above petty shit talking but once you get him going, he doesn't stop.
Up until he started wearing suits for his body guard job he use to hand sew his clothes.
Constantly forgets to get hair cuts and gets annoyed when his hair covers his face.
Doesn't respond to texts or calls. In the groupchat he just reads the messages and its rare that he shows up to the group hangouts
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Has a consistent smell of old spice and axe body spray
Has a thing against germs so he always has hand sanitizer on hand for whenever and wherever
Needs to be able to read something to learn it, thats why learning nen was hard for him. (apparently writing down knowelege is sacrilege in the hxh universe but whatever)
Hates modern art with a passion, all he sees are splotches of paint on a canvas with an overpriced tag attached to it.
I hate to say is girls, but he was not a feminist until Y/N beat the shit out of him for saying some bs analogy about locks and keys (if yk im sorry that yk). Would have definitly listened to one of those alpha male podcast. Kurapika almost broke his arm trying to hold Y/N back.
Has kissed one girl in his life, but it was BAD like real bad. He kept doing the kissy face (yk what I'm talking about) and gave the poor thing the ick.
Owns a planner yet never uses it.
Music taste is that of a middle aged father: Eagles, Alice Cooper, Chicago, Radio Head
The best gift giver and honestly the most thoughtful when it comes to his friends.
He'll listen to everyones problems. Honestly such a dad.
Biggest gossip, cannot shut his mouth to save his life
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Smells like iron and burnt sage (grandpa zeno looks like he would be into that hippie shit ngl)
Wants to learn how to surf so bad but doesn't have the time
Y/N gave him a fidget spinner as a joke for his birthday, but he ended up loving it.
Only texts in the groupchat via meme reactions. Responds for both Gon and him because they're always together. Either way Leorio is just happy that someone is responding.
Is so judgmental on what you wear.
Thinks he's cool and edgy for listening to green day and panic! at the disco but really its what every twelve year old boy does.
Met Y/N before the rest of the group so now she's #number1trustedadult. This has caused her a lot of problems with the Zoldyck family, especially with Illumi.
Tried flirting with a girl once but in twelve year old boy fashion he ended up accidentally insulting her. He hasn't attempted to talk to a girl ever since.
Has ice cold skin, like touching it is like touching a corpse thats been stuck in the freezer
Bought purple shampoo for his hair because he noticed that the hard water in most places was discoloring his white hair.
Illumi has been blocked on everything except email, so every once in awhile he'll get random emails from Illumi's spam account.
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Our sweet boy probably smells like salt water and wet forest
Has a wildlife analogy or story for every occasion
Killua has been trying to get him to change outfits, but he absolutely refuses to go into a department store after Aunt Mito lost him in one when he was younger.
Will eat absolutely anything edible.
Has a collection of stuffed animals from everywhere he and Killua have been.
He use to feed all the cats on the island. It gotten so bad that all the rodents on the island are nearly extinct because he's been keeping hundreds of felines alive.
The best swimmer out of everyone.
Does not have a specific type of music he likes but Killua got him to listen to the Weekend and they've bonded over that.
When he was younger he really wanted younger siblings because there weren't many kids on the island.
Has accidentally gotten high trying to eat a wild psychoactive plant on accident
Forgets he has a phone most of the time and when he texts back its mostly in emoji
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She probably smells like lemons and ink (you'll learn eventually)
A GIRLS GIRL (author would write her with the other female characters, however I feel like Y/N would have beef with them due to moral reason)
Like probably has thrown hands with Illumi in multiple occasions for saying that she would make a great Zoldyck house wife.
Really good at puzzles and anagrams.
Horrendously bad at math. Give her a problem more advanced than arithmetic and she's done for.
Has Aunt Mito on speed dial.
During the hunters exam she was paired up with Hisoka during the tower phase and lets say the two have a very (one-sided on Y/N's part) beef.
She's a specialist
got the ick from Chrollo for saying she's not like other girls
listens to all the sad girl artist: laufey, phoebe bridgers, taylor swift, lana del rey, fleetwood mac, e.t.c
Was a camp counselor for a few summers and made friendship bracelets for the whole group.
The only one in the group who has been to therapy (as she should).
Texts frequently in the groupchat, but is very bad at calling back.
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goldenhypen · 1 year
hi em! i was gonna make this anonymous but ta heck w tht LOL okay so this is gonna b a long one js bc i wanna b as clear as possible for u but i jus wanna kno ur opinion on this n im sorry if this sounds redundant (given what ur whole acc is abt) but i saw this tiktok that was basically talking abt how ppl who read rp (real person) fanfics r weird , disgusting , and freaks (that one hurt ngl😭) and ig bc i never interacted w ppl who read them i had no idea this was such a controversial thing yk? so it kinda hurt and i got hella defensive bc these fics have helped me thru some hard times n r my safe space (esp ur acc i love it sm ur fics r quick n easy reads but so so good! and i love tht u write wholesome sfw fics i don’t like / can’t read nsfw rp fics) and r good when i need a quick romance fix bc i have none irl (tmi fr sorry!) but honestly it made me feel horrible abt myself bc im like damn am i sick freak for reading this even tho i read the sfw n wholesome ones?? n they were sayin the y/n , self inserts were even worse! 😭 n idk if this makes me ignorant but for the life of me i couldn’t figure out what made it weird! nsfw ones r different but regular romance or fantasy? esp since i never see this take when ppl mention they used to read one direction fanfics or mindless behavior & august alsina ones (these were popular among the black community for context!) like everyone laughs n reminisces i feel like ppl r a lot more critical n harsh on kpop stans tbh but i even thought abt deleting my tumblr bc i felt wrong for doing so it made me question myself for awhile just being honest anyways i’ll get off my soapbox im so sorry this is so long i jus wanted to give as much context and detail as possible! if this is too much please disregard but idk i just wanted an opinion on this take from a fix writer and i assume u read some too correct me if i’m wrong! thanks so incredibly much in advance and i hope we can b friends one day! 🧸🎀✨💌💕🫶🏽
this is so real of you omg ok first of all, thank you for going out of your comfort zone to do this! things like this make me so happy cuz you coming out of your way to do this (comfort wise and time wise since it must’ve taken you a while to write sm, esp considering the technical difficulties 😭) makes it all the more meaningful. and i rlly appreciate you coming to me of all ppl too! so thank you!
secondly, i agree with you on all the things you had to say !! i was once in your shoes, and if i’m being completely honest, a part of me is still navigating this as well. like some things i still question for example is if there is rlly nothing wrong with this, why do i feel the need to hide that i read/write? but for the most part, rn i am definitely set on there being absolutely nothing wrong with this! i can definitely see where these other ppl are coming from if they had never thought much of fanfiction or reader inserts etc. bc it’s probably similar to how i felt before being more exposed to fanfiction. but imo these are fantasies i just imagine in my head anyway and are almost like dreams to me yk? and so imo, they’re harmless. in fact, writing and reading ffs help grow my creativity, which is smth i value. cuz not only am i doing this for entertainment, i’m also doing it for the art (this is in terms of writing more so than reading but can still apply to both). however, similar to you, i do believe that imagines can be taken too far, as that is what aligns with my beliefs, such as nsfw fics (which is not anything personal at all to nsfw writers!). that imo can be harmful for the mind and spirit etc. (sorry if this is getting too deep and personal 😭)
ugh this is honestly so nice to talk about and have someone relate to on this cuz literally the things you are saying describe me !!! and dw, i have and never had any love life,, it’s non existent, believe it or not! so dw, you’re not alone 😭 like we can be delulu tgt 😭😭 and ahahaha yesss like i can’t tell you the amount of times i considered deleting this app or stopping writing/reading. it was challenging to process. but after doing so, i have come to the conclusions i mentioned earlier (how i think reading sfw fics are harmless). it’s literally just a form of harmless entertainment lol so i don’t see why ppl have to be so judgmental about it and can’t just mind their own business 😭 so dw, coming from a fellow reader and someone who has faced the same dilemma, you are not at all a freak 😭 and don’t let anyone let you think otherwise 😤☹️
also i can’t go without saying a huge thank you for all the kind things you had to say about my works :((( <3 that is so sweet of you to say and is so encouraging. it’s smth i’m finding i need a lot of, esp lately, so i rlly appreciate that and it means a lot. this whole ask and talking about this is rlly quite meaningful to me tbh 😭 so thank you for coming to me and being so brave to bring this up! 🫶🏻 also, yes let’s be friends omg !! i’d love that 🥹🫶🏻
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ahaura · 1 year
my thoughts about character/reader fics are as follows:
firstly want to preface this by saying my feelings may stem from 1) growing up primarily on ffnet where certain types of formats were not allowed iirc (ex: second person POV, choose your own adventure) and so if people wanted to make a self-insert they had to make an oc like everyone else 2) it possibly being a genuine new creative wave that i am not familiar with or 3) following/coming alongside the implementation and popularity of tiktok or 4) something else
secondly i want to say that i have been writing for years & wholeheartedly support OCs whether they're general OCs or self-inserts i think for the most part if there's a sandbox you can build castles in go for it yk?
thirdly i do. wholeheartedly. and entirely. understand wish-fulfillment. i am not a wish-fulfillment or fantasy or fun-having hater. im genuinely not
HOWEVER. it feels like in the last few years? couple years? last year???? there has been a MAJOR uptick/flood of reader/character fics in literally every aspect of fandom like you simply cannot escape it. it's in every single tag for almost every single movie for so many characters. which. like. is annoying for people not into it but i'm not saying, like, it's harmful. annoying =/= bad.
i love my fellow writers i love people reading i love people having fun etc etc etc
all those disclaimers being said. i am SO unbelievably tired of them in a way i have not been tired of a trend in fandom in a very long time. (and im talking about a trend rather than a serious issue.)
i DO think that it requires effort to write reader/character fics. however my beef with them is that they are effectively one-size-fits-all cardboard cut-out wish-fulfillment slots. the goal SEEMS TO ME to maximize engagement. to fulfill the wishes and fantasies of as many people as humanly possible. but the thing is... there is no one-size fits all. there are undoubtedly people who cannot squeeze themselves into the cutout made by the writer.
and moreover i don't think that is the funnest thing to write. is it WRONG to write it? no. is it BAD? no! but i simply wish. that more people would not focus as much as pleasing as many people as humanly possible with their writing and instead do what fulfills THEM. and i don't mean in the "how many comments/how much engagement" you get. i mean, what creatively stimulates you.
that doesnt mean this doesnt require creativity or that some people dont geuninely enjoy writing them. im not saying that.
what im SAYING is that i am SICK of seeing it everywhere and i would ENCOURAGE these writers to TAKE CHANCES! i personally do not find a blank-slate cutout appealing!!!!!! i love, love, love OCs!!!! whether they're general or self-inserts! i love it when writers take chances, when they give their characters defined/explicit traits and personalities! im sick to death of this "y/n" bullshit give me a name give me a general appearance give me an attitude give me a past give me SOMETHING - for lack of a better word - REAL!!!!!! something with meat! something i can chew on!
i have personally tried to get into it. and it's not for me. i can say that too, my POV is definitely influenced by that. that's whatever. im not trying to make a moral argument here
second person POV is fun to write in! you can write (OC or not) in it if you want to! it's atool like any other! use it!
i am just. SOSOSOSOSOSO sick of seeing it EVERYWHERE and while im sure it is genuinely creative and stimulating for some people it just feels so. game-ified like those tiktoks that are like "POV: im you're s/o" or whatever like there's nothing WRONG with it but i DO think that sooooo many people are missing out on both the reading And the writing aspect! stories are not SUPPOSED to be "one size fit all!" the goal of art, IN MY OPNION, should not be to maximize engagement! and also WHY is it in every tag cant you guys like make a separate sight for it. ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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inkyquince · 2 years
inky im like so glad that you have experience with searching for male readers and ending up with a fic that was horribly tagged or they make the reader as feminine as possible. you are my favorite writer because of how inclusive you are, i love the gn aspect and i love being able to read something and feel all giggly. i hope both sides of your pillow are cold
This legit had me stop for like... Several minutes and be in my feels, y'know?
This was beyond sweet to receive and a thousand kisses for your sweet words.
I do like using gn reader a lot, but I also do wanna have works with fem reader or male reader, just cuz I know its unfair when there's x amount compared to y amount, yknow? But I do feel bad cuz I had really neglected male readers, and sometimes just using amab with gn pronouns ain't enough, so I did wanna make sure I get he/him pronouns in when I can.
I really don't like writing like... Detailed readers? I even avoid using the word hair, and stick to scalp, or grabbing the neck, because I know I sure as hell don't have long enough hair to grab, and it just takes you out of it, yknow? I dunno how long ur hair is, lmao, my best friend shaved all of hers off recently.
I'm pretty sure everyone remembers the fanfiction era where you would go into a fic and right off the bat, your skin color would be "ivory white" or you'd "pull your hair into a ponytail" and I was lucky, because when I was younger, most of it did apply to me, while not applying to some of my friends, either because they were poc, had shorter hair, weren't women, a whole range of reasons. Only when I started doubting my gender did the bombardment of female readers in fanfic start to irk me, but I couldn't even be mad about that, because they were writing from their own POV.
It's why I really love following certain authors on here and seeing tags like "reader is black coded" or "gender neutral reader but they have a cock/vagina" etc. There are legitimately no downsides to being vague just so people could be included. Hell, I remember writing a personalized fanfic for a friend and it was the first time he had ever read something for a black male reader, n it just... Felt jarring, yknow? Like, when you never had to either ignore sections in fanfic, or just quit one, because while it was good, or anything, you can't suspend your disbelief properly, when it insists things about you.
Like, I quit fanfictions because they made the reader... Too fucking stupid for words, and I knew I was a dumbass, but not stupid. I couldn't get until way later, in my mid teens, the feeling of something bigger being insisted about you. It's not great opening a piece of fanfiction and reading that you're a girl, that you're white, when you aren't.
I was lucky enough to be able to relate to those older fanfictions until a certain age, and when talking to my friends about it, it just kinda hammers home how unfair it is, but you can't even be angry at a majority because, they don't really... Realize they aren't being inclusive? They're legit just living their lives and I just kinda hope that the influx of a vaguer reader, or even better, a reader specified to be a gender, or poc coded, would make them drop the white, long haired, female Y/N that's had a chokehold on self insert fanfiction for over a decade.
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
i know you didn’t ask for my opinion but… i actually prefer named oc’s than y/n’s, and im so happy that you mostly write fics with names oc’s!!! there’s not a lot of those… so what i usually do when i read bts fics with y/n’s or “____” (to insert your own name), i usually have a placeholder female celeb for each member, instead of imagining myself as the female lead 😅😅 think of it as me watching a tv show starring bts!! that’s why named oc’s are more preferable to me 🥰🥰
(for example, halle bailey is usually who i pair jimin with in y/n fics)
I always love discussions about this. I know my readers over-index on OC-preferrers because that's mostly what I write. I had never seen the YN-insert thing until I joined this fandom but it is BY FAR the most represented, I see way fewer ocs. It's so interesting how people approach it! Mentally if I read a YN, it isn't me either, I just sub in Yuna or Yun as a name and it's still a complete character in my head, not me. As opposed to if there's a story where I wanted to self-insert into the main character for whatever reason, I just do that, doesn't matter to me if there's a name there or not LOL, I think the last time I did that was reading the first book of Outlander 😁, just call me Claire for a book thanks. I also have no problem "being" in the head of a main character who is nothing at all like me, I actually love "being" a character for a story who isn't much like me. I also know there are readers who very much use reader insert to play out a mental fantasy/scenario and that's awesome too! I learned so much writing a YN, and also about how alienating this experience can be for readers when characters who are still coded for certain details (ilke race or nationality or even dominant personality traits.)
I loved the psychological part of my narrative ethics course in college that talked about this kind of thing.
Halle Bailey as a face-claim for a Jimin romance is so good!
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simpforboywonder · 3 months
Quick question to my fellow fanfic writers. Do you write y/n, reader and picture yourself or do you write a “loose” (for lack of a better word) version that can be applied to most other people. This isn’t a critique question, I just genuinely don’t remember fanfics 5 years ago being so personal. Like I get it, we all wanna write a good, long book butttttt we have lost direction of the definition of a self-insert. Bc I feel like whether reader is a good cook, doesn’t like coffee, or is described as a size somewhere between 10 and 16 is very much something that is notttt in works of fanfics. What happened to just putting OC in the tags. Because a lot of authors as of late put so much specific things about the reader that it takes so much out. Idk if it’s just because I think too much but I feel that if you are writing this book and reader is more of a character why not just switch up the names and publish the book and make some good money off of it. Also AUs with RPF is very scary to me because this is a literal real life person and you have changed them and who they are completely how does that work. This makes no sense but I just wonder how you compartmentalize the fact that you’re literally fiction about a REAL person who could stumble upon it at any point in time. That’s literally like your crush seeing you wrote your name and their last name on your notebook THATS EMBARRASSING. Why does the embarrassment not translate just because the person is famous if anything I would be scared if my work became popular because then there’s an even greater likelihood that they could find it and just sit back like “😀🫣”. Idk maybe I should just sit quietly and enjoy the literature. Another thing that’s completely random but why are there so many !ncest fics out there on the internet. I know the Winchesters are fictional characters BUT WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO SEE TWO SIBLINGS TOGETHER AT ALLL. I’m so thankful I can exclude tags on AO3 bc WTFFFFFF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. WHY DOES THERE HAVE TO BE !NCEST THERE IS NOOOO REASON FOR THAT. Could all that says to the rest of us is that you get down like that 🤨. Also non-con works… how do you write that? Coming from a person with GREATTTT compartmentalization skills, how on earth can you write 150 THOUSAND words of grape scenes back to back to back to back. What is going on at home and in your MINDDDDD😟. Like there’s one author I alwayssss stumble upon and everytime I see her user I just get scared BECAUSE EVERYTHING SHE WRITES IS NON-CON. But also this author gave me the hardest ick after they made reader SLAVE AROUND FOR A MAN WHO LITERALLY HAS A GIRL. Like reader was doing his homework and shit and neglecting her own work and HERSELFFR for him. That level of people pleasing is crazyyyy and I’m underplaying how bad all the things were in only the first 5 chapters. And now I can’t resd Vampire fics ever again because that author ruined it and I can’t even comment anything because the author already replied to someone who was of course petrified by the level of disrespect reader was allowing and the author literally said when she was in college she used to do that for a guy who had a gf and I was just like 🙈🚶🏿‍♀️ because whaaaaaaaat gurllllll. YOU COULD NEVERRR GET THAT INFO OUT OF MEEE. Also whyyyyy?!?!?! How fine was that man🤨 like I genuinely need to see. Suguru I understand. A REGULAR- DEGULAR HUMAN MAN WHO IS IN A RELATIONSHIP (with someone else) IS DEFINITELY NOT GONNA BE THE REASON IM STRESSING MYSELF OUT AND SLACKING. I’m sorry to all who stumble across this rant in advance. 👨‍🌾🤞🏽
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