#if i were a creator i'd hope that someday a conservative would say about my work “that's what happens when hippies take control"
Just found a conservative website with pretty detailed reviews of Dracula adaptations and the 1979 movie was described as "This movie is what happens when hippies take control of the production." I can't take literally anything about this adaptation seriously and this line still made me go "yes.jpg"
It turns out that my longtime suspicions were correct: James Hart was inspired to write his screenplay that eventually became Coppola's movie by Langella's performance, just not in the movie but the play it was based on. The 1979 movie itself was also inspired by the said performance, which makes Langella a much more important figure in the development of the Dracula myth that I initially thought. Which is quite ironic considering that his movie is quite obscure now in comparison with many other Dracula adaptations.
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