#if i like normal yanan
neomuni · 7 months
oh so the official pentagon instagram account and the members aren't even following yuto anymore.... I see
wooseok and kino off doing their own thing
jinho in crezl
changgu in build up
hongseok traveling, shinwon...?
yanan seemingly not even existing anymore, at least outside of China
only hui still doing the 'normal' thing of finally getting a solo
Like... I want them all to be happy and fulfilled and well-paid and to do exactly what they want, but if this is the end of Pentagon... didn't it deserve better?
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winwintea · 4 months
waitwaitwautwhattt???? Yanan don't tell me you went on a date with TEN. Ohmygod why do have these weird thoughts. Anyways Xiaotinggg yayyyyyy . I lovee her. And finally Jaemin got to spend time with the kid he basically bore, yeah Jisung. And what does creme de la meow meow mean??? I'm getting desperate for the next part, can't wait. Also enjoy your stay in Hongkong. Don't forget to go to Disney land and star ferry.
MAYBE 😋😋 or maybe i’m just playing with y’all and it’s another person i haven’t introduced yet 🤷
XIAOTING I LOVE HER 💕💕 (kep1er disbanding and i’m coping so hard) she and dejun and jisung… this dynamic, i’m gonna have such fun writing it too
OKAY LET ME EXPLAIN THE CREME DE LA MEOW MEOW JOKE SINCE I THINK THERE MAYBE A BIT OF A TRANSLATION ERROR 😭😭 discharge is a normal process. 💀💀 basically if you got a vagina you probably have discharge 💀 sorry to tell y’all this loud and clear but just like how we bleed out of our ass we also sometimes have clear and white fluids called discharge as well
CREME DE LA MEOW MEOW IS A JOKE MY IRL FRIEND CAME UP WITH BC WE THOUGHT DISCHARGE WAS… so weird and so basically “cream of the 🐱” came to be 💀💀😭😭
AND WHO DO YOU THINK I AM ????? Hello of course i’ve already been to disney, i’m the biggest disney park fan you have ever seen 🫡🫡 (i live very close to wdw in orlando ahaha) i’ll post some pics later fr 🫡🫡
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andoqin · 1 year
The Ingenious One
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What a ride this drama was! From the stunning shots, to the smart writing, to the plethora of well acted side characters it just had so much to give me. 
Let’s start with the characters:
Snipping this for length.
Yun Xiang:  Driven by a need to avenge the death of his 300 people family village, eradicated for seemingly no reason, he goes on a quest to find out who did it and why. For a Wuxia drama it’s very interesting to have our hero be a person wholly lacking in fighting skills, in fact the only thing he can do is run, and even that doesn’t last for very long. He is not someone who has a heart of gold in fact his plans will sometimes even endanger his friends, though the more he gets to know them the less that part becomes and he uses his brain to help them where he can.
Shu Yanan: Orphan, adopted by someone of Yun Xiang’s sect, she vows to avenge her adoptive father’s killer and thus her paths cross with Yun Xiang. In contrast to him, she is one of the strongest fighters of the show and physically is much stronger than him, which often makes hilarious things happen. The two of them are immediately drawn to each other and their bond is a big part of what carries the show for me. Shu Yanan is a cypher for the first half of the show, not letting the viewer know most of her thoughts and putting on a mask, even in front of Yun Xiang (but then again, he too changes masks so often it’ sometimes hard to keep up) and only in the latter half of the story does her true motivation/storyline come out but I didn’t mind that. The first half was used to build up their connection and the second half was used to delve deeper into her origin (story) which provided a very nice balance.
Su Mingyu: Initially a spoiled princeling of a rich merchant family with no business aspirations but Big Dreams about being a HERO of the Jianghu but no actual knowledge of what that means. Well he learns, pretty quickly, that despite appearing awesome and brave, actual fighting involves blood and death and the show makes it a point to drive that home. He is a skilled fighter and later on learns to become a man that can support his loved one and family but it does take him some time to get there. He is an AMAZING boyfriend tho, 10/10 in that regard, as far as spoiled rich princelings go you can def do worse.
Ke Menglan: Daughter of a disgraced official, cast down into the lowest societal tier in the very stratisfied Ming Dynasty (or at least it’s based on that) where upward social mobility was all but impossible, she tries her best to get back to the “normal” citizen-tier because she does genuinely love Su Mingyu and their marriage is literally not allowed. She is the very capable manager of what later becomes Yun Xiangs gambling house and their little club-hub and I love that she got her own story about dealing with who and what she was and loved the resolution for that arc since it was her choice and she has faith in SMY.
Jin Biao: Last but certainly not least in the main character gallery is my sneaky bigass sword dealing 10 gold jin per head demanding softie. His plot such as it is, is the simplest, but how can you not love a dude who uses his murder-gotten gains to support jianghu orphans??? Also I loved his little romance plotline, happiness for them always.
And this is just the main characters, there are SO many side characters that play an important role, some that come in later in the story, some that are dispatched earlier (usually bc they’re villains, or bc they get to go on a long deserved trip with their butler/assassin bf) and to put them all in here would cause my fingers to fall off, so i’ll just put a few favourites here:
Mo Bufan (and Kang Qiao): MBF is technically a senior of Yun Xiang, but he’s kinda let go of their sects teachings for the most part and embraced that capitalist lifestyle with his ... protegé? (I always read them as a couple tbh). Like YX MBF is not really a fighter, and they have a very interesting connection because of that, because it takes them a long time to be more than reluctant allies but they do become such great bros it is a delight to see.
Liu Gongquan and Princess Mingzhu: They come in towards the latter half of the story, one as the daughter of a Prince and the other as a former protege who is now an imperial investigator. He is at least as smart as Yun Xiang and it’s great to see them sort of work at cross purposes, feeling each other out and then coming to a tentative alliance. The princess is the usual sheltered naive girl type, but she shows these occasional flashes of smartness that are delightful to me (and LGQ hehe) and it’s great to see that clearly it is mostly a case of her lacking experience and not brain.
This is not nearly all of them, once again but man I gotta swivel to the villains now, because nothing in a show like this works without villains and oh do we have some interesting ones here:
Tang Xiao is our first initial big hurdle, and by god is he a slimeball par excellence. As the owner and proprietor of most of the cities gambling establishments he wields a lot of money and influence and uses it to menace women, be a creep and probably smell really bad. We get to see how he comes to hold on to his position though, because he is clearly adept at wheeling and dealing with people by any means necessary, though in the end that bites him in the butt. What makes him more interesting to me though is the fact that he has two very devoted underlings, one of whom is a female fighter who doesn’t talk much, wears an iconic hat and generally has a terrifying aura but who is very gentle to one of the female sidecharacters who gets caught by Tang Xiao, drugged (and probably abused). I had IMMEDIATE Black Sails Anne flashbacks in my head and though i am loathe to even put Tang Xiao and Jack into similar categories I do wish we could have explored the relationship between TX and his female underling (sorry I forgot her name) and just *why* she did the things she did for him.  At least Tang Xiao did have a very deserving end and I cheered hahaha.
Kou Yuanjie: He was the second Big Hurdle, but he was more of a “stock standard” bad guy: Spoiled Bratty princeling who was power hungry and Big Mad that his older sister is better than him in pretty much every regard: fighting, brain wise, not a psychopath, etc. He can’t stand any minor inconvenience and will use people as he sees fit, even going so far as to let his one devoted underling, who adores him for reasons unbeknownst to me, get killed. She even suspects he’s being shady, but then he kisses her and makes her forget her doubts, basically walking to her death, it’s not great. 
The Big Bad: I have to say as far as villains go, he left me a bit cold because he was using circular rhetoric to justify his end goals/plans, but the impact he had on the story and our characters is significant so I was fine with it.
So yeah, the fact that even my goldfish brain can retain so much for these characters should tell you that they left a lasting impression on me, which is truly not easy.
Let’s talk about the plot now, because on its face it is a fairly standard story, but the characterwriting especially lifts it above and the way the show manages to not spin its wheels but keep the tension going by introducing new revelations slowly but also giving other storylines the ability to breathe while not losing focus was very good for me. I think the ending is not the blockbuster type that I personally would  have preferred, but after everything it felt earned for our characters and I am happy with where they ended up. 
NOW LET’S TALK VISUALS, because this show knows how to set up a scene, how to block a shot to tell a story. So often visual storytelling in cdramas is an afterthought at best it is especially noticeable to me when a visual language is established in a drama and made clear to the viewer. This is not to say this is some Every Frame A Painting sort of show, but whenever the drama wanted to put emphasis on something, it did. 
One of the main ones was the focus on characters’ eyes and faces, there were a lot of closeups of the actors’ eyes and or faces and that’s where having expressive actors helps because I didn’t need dialogue to tell me what a character was feeling. Sometimes it was more obvious, sometimes less so, but it displayed an interiority to these characters’ lives that I feel is missing from many many many other shows. 
The gorgeous cinematography can just speak for itself tbh.
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FINAL VERDICT: 9.5/10 maybe a 9 depending on my daily mood but mmmm so good.
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pentagonieslut · 2 years
m.list !!
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lee huitaek/hoetaek (hui):
[hui's high pitched screams are in place of no works. - cube staff]
jo jinho:
ko/go shinwon:
yeo changgu (yeoone):
[causing silent chaos somewhere, lurking]
yang hongseok:
adachi yuto/yuuto:
kang hyunggu:
[embarrased he has to match hui and shinwon, hiding]
jung wooseok:
kim hyojong (e'dawn):
i will write romance + smut for him on request. he just got out of a relationship with hyuna. be nice.
all members:
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kim hongjoong:
[ran away to the studio to work on something]
park seonghwa:
[poor mama can't catch a break]
jung wooyoung:
[he's trying to get rough-talked again because he likes it]
jeong yunho:
[him and minjae are going around and calling each other brothers]
song mingi:
[just being happy little mufasa]
kang yeosang:
[ordering as much chicken as he can]
choi san:
[being a sex demon again]
choi jongho:
[breaking apples and singing tears]
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moon taeil:
[being a grandpa, he's sick of this shit]
qian kun:
[yelling at the younger members starting from 99s-jisung]
seo johnny:
[he's eating chicago pizza and crying]
lee taeyong:
[febreezing all the fucking dorms]
kim doyoung:
[he's hiding in his room]
kim jungwoo:
[he's being a puppy to get taeyong to cook]
dong sicheng (winwin):
[running from taeil's monstrous love]
nakamoto yuta:
[eating taiyaki and sharing with shotaro]
jung jaehyun:
[he's preparing to work overtime]
chittaphon leechaiyapornkul (ten):
wong yukhei/wong xuxi (lucas):
[freaking out about the discovery of nana and nearly crushing louis]
na jaemin:
[reminding lucas he's nana for the third year in a row]
xiao dejun (xiaojun):
[jasmine is really muscular]
wong kunhuang (hendery):
[he's in macau touring with big byung]
liu yangyang:
[he's freaking out in german, give him a second]
zhong chenle:
[flexing his money again]
huang renjun:
[he's planning the death of a dream member]
lee mark:
[my baby said she wanna dance she wanna leave me, huh? FUCK]
lee jeno:
[let him recover from being tied up and being ridden]
jung sungchan:
[he's playing games with your heart, i'm sorry]
lee donghyuck (haechan):
[consistent with his 37.5% show rating]
osaki shotaro:
[he's being the cutest fucking otter alive and you're here for it]
park jisung:
[he's on his way to becoming a tiktok fuckboi]
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moon hyunbin:
[casting a spell for peace, maybe?]
choi seokwon (tan):
[can put you in a chokehold but has a cute face so like- I TAP OUT]
kim byeonggun (hwi):
[cupid is making him do secretary work]
terazono keita:
[still waiting on the phone papa rain promised him]
yeom taegyun (tag):
[leave mans alone, he's doing highschool rapper 4 n stressing]
gil dohwan:
[he's yodeling..somewhere]
park sungwon (won):
[snuck out for a poetry slam]
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son seungjun (castle j):
[producing some type of track]
nam seungmin (bic):
[he's not a pen, promise]
song minjae:
[dammit minjae..you're so tall, i mistook you for yunho!]
no huijun:
[getting a black belt in taekwondo]
bang junhyuk (win):
[he's making your brain rot with his deep voice like felix]
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lee hangyul:
[putting you in a choke hold with his all day performance]
park junseo:
[he's dancing his bones off]
jeon minwook (j-min):
[trying to go to the olympics in professional flexibility]
jung gun (yoojun):
[making 'fuck you' necklaces to choke bit with]
kim hyunwoo (muzin):
[trying to meditate before he goes off]
ryu yeongseo:
[trying to become the next twice member]
na gyumin (doha):
[drawing webtoons about the chaos of this group]
noh minjae (bit):
[tormenting yoojun and j-min with cucumbers]
nam dohyon:
[auditioning for SMTM with his milk mixtape]
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[he's so pretty they're making him model schoolgirl uniforms]
[he's being hyper again...MOOM]
[his mind is blank leave him alone]
[eating dango and watchinge veryone with a happy smile]
[lurking somewhere
[he's telling everyone he's not a athlete]
[flustered about something]
[working out again]
[chicken GK, chicken GK, chicken GK]
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jinkoh · 10 months
no cause your so real for that ahaha, oh my god yeah idk what it is but i always am d drawn to chinese members before i even find out their chinese 😭
like yanan, minghao, jun, chenle, ningning, and many more 💀
it’s honestly their either a chinese member, scorpio or dancer with crazy fashion sense 🤭
and yes more pentagon talk i’ve been waiting to find a friend to talk to about the members and ofc ik your biased shinwon heheh but wooseok i totally get ahaha i would love to talk about them ahah but yeah yanan in this drama is gonna give me a heart attack i already loved him in used for my talent but this now… it will be in my head for months just like juns drama ☺️
OMG AND YES JUN MINGHAO AND YANANS FRIENDSHIP… wait just realized majority of my biases are friends and in a group chat, chenle yanan jun minghao and the other chinese members of nct are in a group chat together 🫶🏽
yes anton my little (actually huge) antonie he’s korean american and the youngest in the group he’s a reall shy sweatheart :)
gdhsghdj that's so funny somehow i love that hjdhfkjh and at least one is all three of that (looking at hao--but i'm curious if someone else fits all 👀)
oh you're always welcome to scream abt ptg here--i am so not normal about them fhjdfhjdsh wooseok was actually my first bias in ptg (also i used to think that scoups and him look v alike--and scoups was also my first bias in svt🤭) hdjsah yeah i can see that~ juns drama must've been so tough on you--i didn't watch it but i did see the "breakfast scene" since it went so viral and like--were you okay?👀
omgg that's so cool, i love that. i am always so soft about idol friendships ❤️
ooh he sounds so cute 🥺 (what is it with maknaes and being tall af hdjshj)
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bomnun · 2 years
I'm so lost in this whole thing but how could there be a future for pentagon if Hui debuts with bepler?? Do people seriously think they can vote for hui and expect pentagon to comeback??
Cube sucks, they probably will debut a group with Doha on it 🫠💀 before we get a ot8/ot9 comeback
I think most universe’s strategy is to keep him in high ranks until the final and then stop (not that this is likely to work considering the general public has eaten up Mnet’s script), unless he drops out before that. I stand by the fact that I don’t think he’s in there to redebut. Why would he pretend he wasn’t on the show for the longest time? Literally until the day the participant list came out he was posting from and participating in Pentagon’s schedules as normal. His participant bio has Pentagon’s “Just do it yo!!” entered as his favorite song, and instead of wishing for a high rank he says “rather than rank, it’s about proving”. Plus that one deadpan comment of hoping everyone finishes above him. Plus him not even in his intro saying he wants to redebut.
As recently as this Tuesday, you have members saying they don’t have plans on quitting as a group (x) . I feel like this is as explicitly as Kino can say it under the current circumstances. Right after the Boys Planet participation came out Shinwon said this on a now deleted Vlive, and I think it lines up more or less with what Kino said … two days ago. This to me shows that the members have no intention of disbanding, and as I’ve said many times before, they’re very aware of how shit the fandom is feeling, and wouldn’t lie about this if there was no hope at all.
The more time passes I’m convinced the Pentagon comeback was canceled because Cube is tight on money. There’s even a possibility they’ve canceled/postponed a BTOB comeback (recently an article came out they’d have an April comeback, but it’s since been deleted, and just today Cube announced (G)I-DLE is coming back in “April or May”; if this comeback happens it’ll have been 6-7 months since the most recent Cube artist comeback), and BTOB are not a group they’re planning on getting rid of, even though they clearly have no idea what to do with them. A friend of mine says Jian and Huiyeon were probably cut from Lightsum, and Yanan hasn’t come back because Cube doesn’t want to (or is unable to) pay to support them, so paying termination fees to Jian and Huiyeon and leaving Yanan hanging in China saves money. With this in mind I wonder how soon NBG can actually happen… They teased them last year, but if they’re struggling for funds to make BTOB or (G)I-DLE come back too, how are they going to debut a whole new group soon?
My current guess is Cube didn’t want to/couldn’t pay for a Pentagon comeback, and got a deal or threat from Mnet (sucking up to Mnet is like Cube’s only industry connection), and managed to convince Hui he has to do this (based on what I’ve said above and, just, Hui’s personality, he’s not ditching the group like random people on the Internet like to say), and also tried to make him think that Pentagon are unable to comeback because of their own results, and not because the company is running low on money.
Also, initially, I thought that Cube’s master plan here was to separate Hui from Pentagon, defame the others and paint them as bygones and then keep Hui, but considering the editing he’s getting on the show this show is hurting his individual reputation and image the most … it’s all so messy and weird?? I don’t understand what a company unable to financially support their artists gains from trying to paint one of them as complete failures, including one of their biggest individual assets both as a performer and producer.
Also Shinwon has been namedropping Hui A LOT on Bamra the past week or so, a while previously he didn’t even mention his name… I’ll do my part as a Bamra listener and read too much into that, lmao.
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kmwonpil · 4 years
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y a n a n ♡ (◡‿◡)
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ggunight · 4 years
AHDJDHG somebody asked yanan if his mandarin was better or hongseok’s and he was like what’s the point of asking that
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moonsjun-archive · 5 years
the more i see cpop idols casually getting asked questions abt astrology the more it hurts that jun hasn't gotten any in his chinese interviews yet like i saw these from yixuan from uniq's interview and just imagine jun spilling abt svt's signs like this i NEED it
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kyswoo · 3 years
Pentagon reaction
having a kid with them
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pairing: yandere!pentagon x reader
genre: yandere au, fluff(?), some angst idk???
request: "can you do a yandere pentagon reaction to having a kid with their s/o?"
masterlist 🌸
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the kid is like the physical representation of your love, so he will cherish them as much as he cherish you, the kid basically shows everyone that you are his
usually he treats your child really well and gives them everything they want, so they might become a little spoiled
but if the kid do something that annoys him he might yell and ground them
you have to tell him to not be so harsh on them since they're just a kid
since he doesn't want the kid to be afraid of him or something, he will give them something to make them happy
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you know he can get violent sometimes so you are afraid he might do something to your kid, so you are always around them
he gets jealous you give your child so much attention so he just ignores the kid whenever they come to him
your child might ask you something like "does dad hates me?", hearing it makes you feel so bad, so you try to make Hui pay more attention to them, he might give them some gifts from time to time but that's it
your kid ends up getting scared everytime you two argue because he can be really loud, so eventually they get afraid of bothering him and try to stay away from him
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he doesn't hates neither loves your child,
if they ask him something, like if they want to eat something or buy something he will gladly do it
but if they try to make a fuss he will just say something to scare them making your kid run to you crying
when you tell him to not say such things to your child he will just say he didn't said anything like that and tell you to control your kid better
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just like Jinho, he thinks the child is like a extension of you
so he will actually take good care of your kid, showering them with love
he would be like a very overproctive dad, not letting them out very often and controlling everything they do and every step they make
he will do everything he can to make them happy as well, because he knows you care about them a lot so if they are happy you will also be happy
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°•Yeo One
he will try to take good care of your kid, but he does get jealous whenever you give more attention to your child than him
he would get all pouty and you have to give him a lot of attention later
or else he would think it's all your kids fault and ignore or say something mean to them
besides that he would spoil your kid a lot so you think he is a good dad, but if you are not around he would just ignore them as well
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he won't pay a lot of attention to your kid too, if he is in a good humor he might buy them a gift or something
but he doesn't likes seeing you give them so much attention and leaving him aside
so if the kid does anything that annoys him he would take it out on you
"if you didn't spoil them so much I wouldn't have to do this" your kid starts being afraid of him doing something to you, so they are always quiet when he is around
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he is always taking care of your kid so you wouldn't give them too much attention and forget about him
so this way he can get more your attention than your child
if your child misbehave is all your fault because he treats them well, so you are the one that have to be punished
but he still tries to make you stay away from them as much as he can
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he actually likes the idea because it's one more excuse for you to stay with him
"I mean it's our kid, they need both their parents right?" he keeps saying this so you won't even think of leaving him
he is always close to your kid because that makes you stay close to him too
he tells your kid about how everything changed once he met you, so they might think it's a normal behavior to do what he does
(I wouldn't be surprised if your child became a yandere too)
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he doesn't really know how to take care of them so he usually just do what you ask him to do
he knows you would be upset if he didn't treat them well so he tries to spoil them as much as he can
if the kid throws a tantrum or something he will just ignore them and leave it for you
but whenever the kid needs something he will do everything he can to satisfy them
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huihuiheart · 3 years
Flufftober D31: Petal Parade - Pentagon
Flufftober 2021 Masterlist
Pentagon Masterlist
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Pairing: Pentagon x GN Reader (Not explicitly romantic)
Genre: Fluff
Summary: When you’d accidentally shared something about yourself thinking it wasn’t that big of a deal you didn’t expect them to react like this. 
Warnings: Some slight anxiety (like social anxiety), but I think that’s it.
Word Count: 314
“No one has ever given me flowers.”
The words rang in your head through the whole day, haunting you as you remember how the boys reacted to it. It didn’t seem like that big of a thing to you anymore, but they had been so stunned that you felt as if it was your fault somehow. It seemed odd to you that it would be such a big deal, perhaps to everyone else though it was just a normal part of life so of course, it would be odd if you were an outlier. Sighing softly you chalk it up to just overthinking things too much again and pull up to your home. Brows furrowing as you notice the boy’s cars there, but no one is around to greet you. Stepping inside you’re greeted with a row of vases lining your bar counter, a small card on the front of each. Them stating who each bouquet is from and the meaning.
Daisies - From Hyunggu: Loyal love
Yellow Tulips - From Wooseok: Your smile is sunshine.
White and Red Camelia - From Jinho: You’re adorable and a fire in my heart.
Fern and Gardenia - From Hui: Secret Love
Heliotrope - From Chunggu: Eternal Love
Blue Salvia - From Yanan: I think of you.
Dwarf Sunflower - From Yuto: Adoration
Peony - From Hongseok: Happy Life
Hydrangea and Ivy - From Shinwon: Selflessness and Affection
Following the sounds of conversation outside the sliding glass doors, you find that they have set up a picnic for all of you in your backyard, planning to take advantage of the beautiful fall weather. Vases of assorted flowers decorating the table they had set up for you all, as well as flowers scattered around just for the aesthetic of it. It is all extremely gorgeous and very brightly colored with all the elements involved.
“Welcome home! Come sit and eat with us, it’s really nice out today.”
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winwintea · 4 months
congrats on 200!!
i am so excited for your smau and i've been keeping up with it. (you post everyday and i didn't even realize... literally keeps me entertained everyday)
i know you asked if we wanted to see a relationship chart with all the characters and i was wondering about that? sometimes it's a little confusing and i feel like it's further elaborated on but it'd be cool to know!!!
keep up the good work !!!!!
ur words make me happy i love chenle sm and i'm so glad people actually find my smau funny and entertaining..... 😭😭
YES SO I WAS GOING TO DRAW OUT A CHART BUT MY ASS IS LAZY SO HERE'S EVERYTHING WRITTEN OUT zhong chenle | 22 | econ major - brother's with yanan - bff's with jisung - childhood friends turned exes turned close friends with yizhuo - close friends with renjun & dejun - only friends with minghao bc he's yanan's best friend yanan | 27 | english major - brother's with chenle - bff's with minghao - close friends with dejun & yizhuo - friends with renjun & jisung only bc they're in the same friend group - used to be close with xiaozhan (dejun's brother) but he lost contact with him ning yizhuo | 21 | music major - exes with chenle & jake sim - close friends with yanan, dejun, & renjun - sometimes have a big brother-little sister sibling dynamic with minghao - friends with jisung xiao dejun | 24 | med major - exes with yuqi - has an older brother named xiaozhan - one time fling with jake sim - shares classes with minghao - close friends with chenle, yizhuo, & renjun - friends with jisung. - helped yanan discover his sexuality 🤯 huang renjun | 24 | engineering major - shares classes with haechan (hates his guts) - close friends with chenle, yizhuo, jisung, & dejun - thinks that yanan is the only other normal person in the friend group - friends with minghao park jisung | 21 | law major - shares classes with y/n - BFF's with Chenle - close friends with renjun - basically friends with everyone else lmao including those in y/n's friend group xu minghao | 26 | law major - shares classes with yuqi & dejun - BFF's with yanan - close friends with yizhuo - friends with renjun, chenle, & jisung y/n l/n | 21 | law major - shares classes with jisung - roommates with yuqi & riku - close friends with ricky, haechan, & jaemin song yuqi | 24 | med major - bff's with y/n - roommates with y/n & riku - exes with dejun - close friends with haechan & jaemin - friends with ricky
na jaemin | 23 | psych major - close friends with y/n, haechan, yuqi - shares classes with riku - friends with ricky
lee donghyuck | 23 | engineering major - shares classes with renjun - close friends with jaemin, yuqi, and y/n - friends with ricky - thinks riku is a brat
maeda riku | 20 | psych major - shares classes with jaemin - roommates with y/n & yuqi - harasses haechan a lot - close friends with ricky
'ricky' | 19 | econ major - close friends with riku & y/n - technically son of chenle's dad's rival - friends with jaemin, haechan, & yuqi
hope this helps !!!! <333
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Pentagon “Your child asks for a sibling”
Pentagon Masterlist                                         Group Masterlist
Ask:  Hi i know your req is closed but im just asking this before i forgot abt it again .. Can u do pentagon's reaction when their son or daughter ask them for little sister or little brother while they're on family dinner ? I mean that would be cute or is it just me ?
A/N: I made it a bit more open, not just at dinner. Also I try to make these as gender neutral as possibly but it’s really hard. I’ve also decided to stop writing for Dawn, I still love him but I just don’t see him as a part of Pentagon anymore and it’s hard to write for him like that. I’m sorry if that upsets anyone.
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You had been chasing after your young son all day and you were absolutely exhausted. You really couldn’t help but wonder where little kids got all their energy from and you were praying that Hui could kind of take over when he got home. But when he got home just as tired as you were, you both had to take a moment to just sit. 
“Can I have a brother?” Your son asked, looking at you two completely exhausted on the couch. His question caught you incredibly off guard and Hui couldn’t help but start laughing, so hard that tears were coming out of his eyes. “We’re so tired already, Y/S/N. A brother would tire us out completely.” Hui explained to the bummed out boy. “OR, a brother could play with me while you two rest.” He bargained and Hui shot you a side eyes. 
“Our son is good at bargaining, I’ll give him that. He’s making me reconsider.” 
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Family dinners out, they weren’t something that happened often but they were moments that were cherished. It just so happened another young couple with 2 kids were sat next to your daughter, Jinho and you and well she was having the time of her life playing with the siblings. 
“Can I have a brother or a sister.” Your daughter asked, coming back to your table with a pout. The other family laughed at her question, seeing how it caught you and Jinho incredibly off guard. You exchanged looks with him, only to see him laughing into his food. “Can I?” She asked again and Jinho spoke up. “I have no problem with it, but it’s up to your mother/father too.” You looked at him and back to your daughter, then to the family trying to see how you would get out of this one. 
“We’ll think about it. But it might take a while.” 
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Due to the world situation, You and Hongseok had to take matters into your own hands when it came to studies for your kids. Your son was at that age where he was too young for school, but not too young to learn and languages were best off taught young. 
“If I had a sister, would she learn this too.” Your son whined as Hongseok practiced vocabulary with him. You couldn’t help but laugh, he was already putting up a fight with studies. That would be a trip later on. “Yes, she would and you would be helping her.” Hongseok said and you nodded in agreement. “I want a sister.” Your son quickly said, making you laugh. Hongseok raised an eyebrow, turning his head to you with a smirk. “I mean it can be arranged.” You scoffed at Hongseok’s words, looking to your son. 
“We’ll think about it.” 
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You had splurged to watch the new Disney movie with your little girl, who was just, oh so excited to see it. You had to admit that you and Shinwon were too, but her excitement really made it worth it. 
Stroking her hair as she laid with her head against Shinwon’s head, she smiled at all the families being reunited. “Can I have a brother or a sister?” She asked, catching you and Shinwon both incredibly off guard. Shinwon burst out into laughter, needing to cover his mouth because of how loud it was. You couldn’t help but giggle too, petting her hair. “I’m down to look into it.... if daddy is too.” You said seriously, glancing up to Shinwon who’s expression had changed quickly. 
“I am more than willing to look into it.” 
Yeo One/Changgu: 
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More kids was something you and Changgu had often discussed. But something you had never come up with a finalized answer for. Wasn’t really until Changgu wanted to take some family pictures that it was brought up again. 
“I should have a brother.” Your son stated, hands on his hips as you tried adjusting his hair for the pictures. “Is that so? I think we should have a say in this, don’t you.” Changgu asked after setting up the camera. “I guess.” It was endearing how unaware kids could be. You looked back at Changgu who was smiling. “A brother might not be a bad idea though, or a sister maybe even.” You started, seeing both of their smiles grow bigger. 
“Not a bad idea at all.” 
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Yanan was unsure about kids at first, so one was a big step already. But he had taken on being a father amazingly and you were both incredibly contempt with your little girl. The time you all could spend together was amazing. 
“Can I have a sister? Or a brother? Or both?” Your daughter asked after pouring you both a “cup of tea”. She was cunning for a 5 year old, you’d give her that. Coaxing you both into playing tea party with you so she could ask for a sibling. That was territory you and Yanan hadn’t even talked about. As you opened your mouth to say something, he beat you it. His response caught you incredibly off guard. 
“More kids... that sounds nice. I wouldn’t mind more kids.” 
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“There you two are.” Yuto said as he found you both in your sons room, laying in bed with all the lights on. This was rare, because well it was late and normally you were already asleep. “Y/S/N got scared of the dark and couldn’t sleep.” You said, petting your son’s head. 
“Ah, I know what that’s like.” Yuto said, joining you both in your son’s bed. You smiled at him, patting his arm as a greeting because you hadn’t seen him all day. “I don’t want to sleep here alone. I need a brother.” His words were almost sad. You and Yuto glanced at eachother, another kid was never off the table for you too. “I mean, if you’re on the same page as us. I don’t see why we couldn’t try and look into it.” You said, stroking his head. Yuto smiled to himself before leaning over and kissing your cheek. 
“We should definitely do that.” 
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It was their grandmother’s birthday and the whole family had gathered together to celebrate. With food, gifts and just nice family time, Hyunggu absolutely treasured these moments. They were so important to him. 
So when your daughter blurted out something during dinner, you couldn’t help but choke on your food. “I want a brother. Or a sister. Daddy, can I have a brother or a sister?” Hyunggu was speechless as the rest of the family giggled and he just looked at you with wide eyes. “I think that might be something we should talk about at home, sweetie.” You said, looking at her and she huffed. “I agree.” Hyunggu said and the conversations around you picked up again. He leaned down to his daughters height and glanced at you before speaking up. 
“But I think something can be arranged.” 
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“I can’t find you!” You called jokingly as you and Wooseok searched through the giant pile of stuffed animals for your son. You could hear his giggles and you could still very much see him but he didn’t need to know that. 
“You have so many stuffed animals, it’s almost like we have more than 1 kid with how many there are!” Wooseok joked, plucking his son out of the pile. “I wouldn’t mind a sister... or a brother.” Your son said, falling back into the stuffed animals. You looked at Wooseok with raised brows at your son’s suggestion and he started laughing. “So you really wouldn’t mind a sibling huh?-” You started and watched your son’s head nod. “You wouldn’t mind sharing your toys or your room... or us?” You asked leaning down to his level and watched him nod again. Wooseok pat your back lightly and smiled at you. 
“I guess this means we need to talk.” 
A/N: I love Pentagon’s comeback so much. It’s so goood! I haven’t been in a Pentagon mood in forever but every time I’m here, I’m just so happy. They really spark joy. I need to be here more often. 
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cyncialwoo · 3 years
Little Things Yanan
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-pairing: yanan x reader -genre: (agnst?) fluff -words: 2k -A/n: Might make a part two to this...
~~~~~ Is it always good to have these kinds of deals? No. Does it matter to the people in the relationship? No– well.. Maybe sometimes. Not at first anyways, but isn’t that how everyone jumps into these deals? You couldn’t remember the exact day it happened or what age you were exactly, but you remember the moment like it was the only thing that ever happened in your childhood. You and Hongseok had been friends since forever. Days sharing secrets and running around with each other. Those days were usually bright and filled with sun and energy. Maybe the reason why it stuck out so much was because it had different energy. It was sometime in the afternoon. It was one of those rare occasions when you were over his house. You were sitting with them on the couch in the living room. The couch was set back up against a window. Now the sun was setting, maybe it was winter. You two were facing the opposite of the couch and looking out into the horizon. The memory of the sun made everything hazy, you guessed it was some kind of curse that the sun had. Hongseok had seemed sad at the time, and he was quieter than usual. You nudged him on the shoulder. “Hey what’s wrong? You seem sad.” Your voice dripped in worry. Hongseok finally looked up at you. His eyes were glossy and his lips were pointing down. “What if I never find love and never get married like my mom?” A tear fell from his eyes. At that point in time you were too young to understand that. Your family was there and that was your normality, but Hongseok’s normality was different. He was raised by a single mom which now had affected him. Even though you didn’t understand him fully you held him close in your arms. “How about if we’re not married by 28, we’ll marry each other?” Hongseok finally looked back up at you. His eyes were glossier than before, but now he was smiling. That was your favorite part about this memory. His smile, and you wanted to keep that smile forever. “I promise.”
It had been years since then, but it didn’t feel like that. Time always flew by when you were with him. You have stood by Hongseok since forever, but that doesn’t mean that the relationship between you two was always close. There would be times in your friendship when things weren’t close, or you didn’t talk to him that much. It had felt like you lost that once strong connection that you had with him since you two were little. Yeah, you two had noticed it, but no one spoke on the issue. It was more of a laid-back relationship where no one really argued or picked sides with other friends. Maybe that’s why you could go days without talking with him. The relationship started like this in highschool when he started to have a peak of interest in other girls. Even if you saw another girl clinging to his arm it didn’t hurt. Or that’s what you had told yourself. It did bother you. Maybe that’s why you had grown distant, you didn’t want to grow in between him and his girlfriend. You didn’t want his happiness to fade away, and that promise that you had made as a kid was if he didn't find someone, not you. You watched him from afar, not being the reason his smile would wipe off his face. It’s not like your relationship with him was always from afar because you two talked, just not with other people. You felt guilty because it felt like you were a secret you had to hide, and he felt guilty because he didn’t want to make you feel left out of his life. You were still something special to him.
Nevertheless, the two of you kept living your lives as you were. The idea of stepping over the other boundaries and making them upset was too much for the both of you. You both watch each other and copy mental notes. He forgot about the promise as time passed on with Layla, his girlfriend. She grew up knowing your close bond and had given you a warning in the beginning of her escorting Hongseok.
The two of you had met “coincidentally’’ in the girl’s bathroom. You were washing your hands while she walked towards you with other girls. She leaned against the sink that was next to yours. She made sure that the lollipop made a loud sound when she pulled it out of her mouth. You looked up at her confused. At this point in time you were still fairly close with Hongseok and it was the winter of your Freshman year. After watching him for a while, the girls in the school started to grab the confidence to begin to ask him out. Layla was one of those girls. The only difference was that she had a problem with you. She looked you up and down with one of her signature dirty looks. You weren’t stupid, you had seen her giving you those all the time. That was when he was giving her those nice loving looks. “Let me tell you this right here, right now. I am interested in Hongseok, and if I’m going to date you’re going to need to back off.” You kept silent. You knew Hongseok liked her and that if you said anything she wouldn’t hesitate to ruin your long-term friendship. “Just promise me that you’ll make him happy, okay?” You gave her a look of warning. You really didn’t like her attitude, but if he could be happy dating her, you had no other say. “Oh I’ll do just that.” “Then I’ll keep my distance.” “Deal”
After that day as Layla slowly made her moves you slowly distanced yourself from him. Maybe you should’ve kept strong and held onto him. You watched as he slowly ditched the weekends to hang out within you to hang out with her. You encouraged him each time and told him how he deserved to go out with someone he liked. Yeah maybe that was sarcasm. Maybe it still is now. She kept her promise, so that at least was worth it. As time passed on he got closer with her, it hurt less.
It was late at night. Your ceiling was something that you found yourself staring up at lately. You would wonder, would he keep his promise? Layla treated him good even though she had been such a bitch to you. Does he even care about you, or does he distance himself from you because you did it first? Would you ever get an answer to your thoughts? The best thing that you could do is move on, but it was easier said than done. You picked up your phone scrolling through contacts and people who you talked to lightly. Maybe there was someone who you could build a new relationship with. It would take some time, but it would be worth it in the end. You wouldn’t use that person, but it would be nice to start anew. Your eyes met the contact information of Yanan. You had worked on a project with him some time ago. It wouldn’t be so bad if you just checked up on him? People do it all the time. “Hey how have you been?” You bit your lip, was this too out of the blue, and would he even respond? It had to be worth a try, right? “I’ve been good. Late night?” You forgot about that for a second. It was almost midnight and you texted him. “Yeah, you too? Sorry if I woke you up.” You bit your lip again feeling a bit guilty. You stared at your screen a little too intensely hoping you hadn’t woken him up and made him a little upset. Your face instantly turned into a smile when he responded with a: No you didn’t i was already awake c:. That made you feel a little bit better shooting back a “Good :D.” The conversation felt like it had gone on for hours with you two talking back and forth about teachers, assignments, and even a little bit about yourselves. Everything seemed like it was falling into place and it felt great. It honestly felt like you got your best friend back again and all that was said just put a smile on your face, a big one. It was truly amazing.
Your eyes had widened when you finally checked the time to see it was a bit past two in the morning. You shot back a little “yo it’s like two and we need to sleep or we won’t be able to focus on monday.” You smiled while sending it to him. Yanan replied with, “I don’t even study. Plus I won't sleep until I know you’re fully going to sleep. Nobody means goodnight when they say it unless they’re in person.” You cracked a smile at that, “I guess you’re right with that one, but how are you even going to know if I’m actually going to sleep, or just ignoring the messages?” You smirked at your ‘smart’ remark. “I guess then I’m just gonna have to trust you lol.” You smiled and shook your head against your pillow. “Okay , bet.” You smiled down at your phone and shut it off. You were actually willing to fall asleep for him. How did this get this far? This was down bad. The rest of the weekend went by as just chats with Yanan all day long and it moved from platform to platform till he hit the DMs of your messages. It got that deep into it till a message popped up from Hongseok. You blinked at it and stared at it for a while ‘cause no way that was for real. You were in the middle of texting Yanan while leaning against your locker in the morning and his name popped up. You stopped in your tracks of typing, but you couldn’t build up the mental courage to see what it was all about. You finished typing a “You wanna go out with me for lunch today? Meet me at the front gate.” You sent it with a smile before turning to look at the message that was sent by Hongseok.
It was a simple “hey”, nothing too important. Not to you anyways, you lied to yourself. A sort of hurt and anger washed over you, but you also couldn’t blame him. You had a part in this too, or more like it was all you and none of him. You shot back the same message he sent you before moving towards your first period class. “I dont have any plans for lunch today, are you free.” Your lips twitched upwards then downwards. Why would he text this to you now, and where did this even come from? “I’m sorry I already have plans today”. Delivered. That was it. You weren’t going to give him any more attention than needed. Your phone buzzed again and you swear your body unlocked your phone on it’s own. “Then could I join you?” You closed out, no. “Ghost him”, you told yourself but it didn’t help that when your lunch period came around he came running to find you. Oh, and find you he did. You were catching up with yanan about the day so far, excluding the part that Hongseok texted you. That’s when he pointed out to you that someone was coming towards you two. You freaked out looking at Yanan and grabbed his shoulders to run with him to the nearest convenience store. “What was that?”Yanan looked at you a bit concerned. You were catching your breath, but Yanan was curious and pushed it. “Ex-”, You barely started and Yanan didn’t let you finish your sentence. “Ex?! Why are you running from your ex? Was he bad?” Yanan got more concerned by the second. “No, no. Ex-best friend. Dang, let me finish.” You smiled and laughed a bit. Yanan began to laugh with you. You two grabbed snacks and some water talking and laughing about what just happened.
Hongseok watched you two from the doorway of the convenience store. His lips were turned down in a frown. Could he be replaced that easily by you? Who was this new guy anyway and where did you find him?
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jinkoh · 2 years
Pentagon - their s/o having PMS/period cramps
SFW; Warnings: none; reader who gets periods (obvsly)
anon requested: hi! can i request a pentagon reaction to their s/o having period cramps? tyy
a/n: tmi but not me literally receiving this ask while I was having cramps myself lol
Thank you so much for your request, anon<3 I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you enjoy it too~
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this baby would be so worried 🥺🥺
He'd keep asking you if you're okay
If he can he'd work on his laptop from the bed, so that you can snuggle up to him
But he's a super busy person and he might not be able to be there with you physically :/
If he had to go to the company he'd call you often and send you messages, asking how you are & telling you to make yourself comfy in bed
He'd get your favorite comfort food and painkillers on his way home
Lots of hugs and cuddling
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I feel like he'd be kinda calm about it
He'd want to know if your symptoms are normally like this or if it's different/worse to make sure nothing is wrong
If it’s different from usual he’d make a doctor’s appointment for you and accompany you there
If your symptoms are normal, he'd provide you with tea and pain killers to ease the cramps
Would baby and cuddle you and tug you into bed
"Oh no, my baby is in pain, you poor little thing."
Would sing to you too, if you wanted him to
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Oh god, he'd be so worked up about this
Obviously he has no control over your pain and symptoms, but he'd still be so frustrated that he can't just take the pain away from you
He's always prepared though - he'd probably have some kinda PMS kit ready for you - ginger tea, heat patches, your favorite snacks, pads, supplements (iron, magnesium, vitamin A) and a cute plushie friend to cheer you up<3
Goes out of his way to take care of you and will not let you stop him
Wants you to feel at ease and rely on him
Tells you to lean onto his shoulder or hold his hand when the pain gets bad (and is 100% serious about it)
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I feel like he'd be the type to suffer with you in the sense of
“You have PMS? No, we have PMS”
He'd spend all day in bed with you and watch your favorite shows
Taking naps together 🥺🥺
Ordering food is a must – “we have PMS, how are we supposed to cook?”
Might whine about how terrible this is, "How dare your body is doing this to us again? We just had this last month :("
But it'd be funny and cute and it'd cheer you up a lot
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He'd be pretty calm about this, he knows it's not something unusual he has to be worried about
But he'd be really soft with you~
Making sure you're okay and asking if there's anything he can do for you
"Do you need something from the store? Should I make a tea for you? Is your heat patch still warm or do you need a new one?"
Takes you in his arms and rubs your back comfortingly when the cramps get bad
Coos at you or hums softly
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Honestly he'd be a little panicky about this
He wants to help but he doesn't know how and would be so scared to do something wrong
He’d probably feel relieved if you just told him how he can help/what he can do for you
Would be more than happy to do it all!
Wouldn’t know if it's okay to hug you since he wouldn’t be sure if you want to be touched
But if you open your arms for him he'd be so happy to cuddle it all better 🥺
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Really calm about it and zero embarrassed
Periods are just a natural biological occurrence after all
You need pads or tampons? No problem, tell him what kind and he'd get them for you
You had a little accident on the bed sheets? It happens, he'd take care of it
Wants you to be comfortable and not waste any energy on feeling embarrassed or ashamed
Ready to keep reassuring you if you need him to
Would love to just hold you in his arms and caress your back until you fall asleep
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Asks you what you need and want and will do his best to provide it
He'd have a calm exterior and he knows this isn't something dangerous
But he can't help worrying whenever you wince in pain :(
Thinks it's really unfair you have to go through this
Would want to stay close to you so he knows you're okay
He'd take care of you really sweetly, telling you soft things, caressing your hair and bringing you a tea
Sits next to you in bed reading while you take a nap
Reads to you softly if you can't seem to fall asleep
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He'd probably be a little caught off guard
Like you're obviously in pain but you tell him it's normal? And not to worry? How is he supposed to do that?
Might get a little awkward and embarrassed if you tell him that it's "just" PMS
Wants to help but doesn't even know where to start so he'll ask very generally
"Is there like… something I can do? Do I need to call someone or uhm…?"
Does his best to do whatever you ask him to
If you just ask for cuddles, he’d wrap himself around you and let you snuggle into his chest
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pen1ag0n · 3 years
that hi teen video is so cursed i cringed so hard when watching... i get those girls are umm teenagers but younger generations do need to learn abt boundaries.. fanservice is a slippery slope but still. that's a person not a vending machine. maybe im a hag but like. why would u wants to bite kino ???? how is wooseok a vampire ? yanan looked zoned out
that channel is has a lot of weird shit there, like i get it there's a target audience for all sorts of things but it doesn't mean you have to produce that type of content... it may seem harmless for now but there are things we do not need to normalize
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