#if i had been AFAB i would have been Reagan
ivys-garden · 5 months
Oh I've got a story sorta like this
My freinds mum works with this women whose children are named Dana and Samantha, which she noticed since she liked Supernatural, but she didn't actually think that this women had named her children after Sam and Dean.
But then she remembered that this women's surname. Was Winchester.
So, curious, she asked and the women just went "What's Supernatural?" And her mum is still embarrassed about it to this day
But more importantly, by some Cosmic fluke these twin girls had the names Dana Winchester and Samantha Winchester. And I find that hilarious
Also, there was the time when I met the family of one of the children from the nursery I "work" at, the child's siblings we're called Mason and Mabel and the mum was wearing a mickey mouse t-shirt, so 90% sure she's a Gravity Falls fan, never was brave enough to ask her though (the third child had a normal name though)
And technically I had a fandom name, I was named after a director by my father, now that could lead to some normal names right? Steven, Alfred, Stanly, Tim.
But no.
I was given the directors SURNAME as my FIRSTNAME
Imagine walking down the street and meeting a Spielberg Jones or a Hitchcock Johnson.
That was me. I was Hitchcock Johnson. (well not actually but you get the idea)
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newwwwusername · 1 year
Guilty Party : History of Lying - Dan/Bella - Autism Acceptance Month Prompt 9 : Canon Autistic Character
Prompt : Write a fic around a character that is CANONICALLY Autistic. Now, what qualifies as canon? If the crew behind the show has confirmed it to be intended (examples : Entrapta from She Ra, Dr. Brennan from Bones) ; The show explicitly says they are Autistic (examples : Sam from Atypical, Shaun from The Good Doctor, Tina from Bob's Burgers) ; There are in-show comments/jokes around that character being Autistic/having Aspergers (examples : Abed from Community, Reagan from Inside Job) ; They are vaguely confirmed as neurodivergent, if not specifically Autistic (example : Dan from Guilty Party (Season Two)) Headcanons : FTM!Dan, Dan has Autism and Major Depressive Disorder
Dan hadn't found it too crucial to get a diagnosis but, as college went on and on and especially after how difficult the lying course had been for him to get through, he decided it would probably be better in the end to know what exactly was so different about his brain, and Bella encouraged his search for answers.
It took some time to find a doctor who he could trust to give him an accurate diagnosis considering that he was assigned female at birth and a lot of neurodivergent diagnoses (such as Autism or ADHD) presented differently in AFAB people. He also knew that the research and diagnostic criteria for such things was based on that of people assigned male at birth, so even with a doctor who'd take him seriously, he knew the screening might not be 100% accurate in every regard.
Still, he pushed forward with the process and eventually was screened for Autism, ADHD, OCD, and any other stuff they might find along the way. This screening resulted in a diagnosis for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, and another diagnosis for Gender Dysphoria, the last of which he found mildly amusing because he already had been diagnosed with it multiple times when he'd first pressed forward in medically transitioning.
"I got my results back" he told his girlfriend, slightly nervous. She'd never been hateful to him for his quirks or anything, but it had always been a little awkward with her because she was painfully neurotypical and just didn't get it. He never faulted her for this since, again, she was still kind to him, but it made striking up this particular conversation all the more nerve-wracking. So nerve-wracking, in fact, that he just emailed her the PDF of his results to look over before retreating to his dorm room.
Bella chuckled lightly to herself as she opened the email and looked through his results. The more she read about it, the more it made sense. Her boyfriend was Autistic. The MDD diagnosis also tracked with a few depressive episodes he'd had while they were dating. He handled them well, but it still worried her, how the light in his eyes would just vanish and how he would hardly eat for flickers of time.
She also remembered what he'd told her about Autism presenting differently in AFAB people, so she opened up YouTube and searched "autism in girls" to find some research material for later. It was weird, typing that in, because she never saw Dan as a girl (because he wasn't), but she also knew that would probably be the quickest way to find what she was looking for. She picked a few of the top results that seemed to be from actually Autistic people, put them away in a little playlist for her to watch later, and pocketed her phone.
Dan heard the knock at his door, quickly bookmarked the psychology textbook he'd been rereading to distract himself, and opened it with a weak smile. Bella smiled down at him. "You wanna go get some lunch with the others?"
Dan's smile became much more genuine as he eagerly nodded and left his dorm room with his girlfriend. They didn't talk about his diagnoses anymore that day, but he felt more seen than he had in his entire life.
Do not repost on other sites! If you want to participate in this month's challenge, there are 15 Autism prompts that you can find here
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amorremanet · 7 years
10 facts about meme: Lucy? And Adelaide, if you don't mind doing two?
send me one of my oc’s and i tell you ten facts about them
This is the shitty, “I fell asleep instead of doing this last night, and then, when I was almost fucking done, trying to make tumblr instant messenger stop doing something made it decide to click over somewhere else, and Firefox apparently doesn’t let the Lazarus extension work anymore, so I lost everything and am completely skimming out of frustration because the original was detailed and cool, and I lost basically all of it” version
1. Has never completed a Pokémon game with a grass or water starter. She just doesn’t bond with them as much as she does with the fire starters, and any time she tries to pick a grass or water starter, she inevitably gives up, restarts, and picks the fire starter instead.
2. Since she turned 18, she’s made a point of giving blood as often as possible, because she’s type-O negative (the universal donor), and the Red Cross is pretty much always running short on blood, which can leave a lot of people totally screwed when they need to get transfusions.
3. Doesn’t believe in astrology and dismisses most of things in that vein as a cold-reading scam that’s based on exploiting people’s ability to project themselves onto anything…… but she does have an interest in dream interpretation.
4. She finds recipes confusing, and is even more befuddled by the Food Network and, “how to make [x baked goods]” videos on youtube, to the point that she finds them more stressful than getting a, “We need to talk” text from her parents. And yet, she is not confused by instructions in a chemistry lab.
5. She loves her red hair, but hates being called, “ginger.” It’s not that she thinks the word is offensive or anything; she just thinks that it sounds weird and slightly disgusting.
6. One of her favorite forms of, “teenage rebellion” was watching televangelists (or more accurately, having them on while she did other stuff because it’s really easy for Lucy to tune them out), which Lucy wouldn’t have liked so much if she’d actually paid attention to any of them (because of how televangelists exploit their viewers’ pain and suffering, get rich off of it, and don’t have to pay taxes on most of that money because they call it, “religious donations”) — but it did successfully annoy her very Catholic parents and very Catholic, “he’s a legit priest and everything” uncle.
7. A horror movie can be as political or politically coded as it wants. Unless it does something truly novel with the genre, like Get Out, then Lucy will probably just roll her eyes, complain about how many people value, “edginess” over quality, and then go watch The Great Mouse Detective for the umpteenth time. It’s not even that she gets squicked by horror movies, because she stops at dismissing all of them as edgelord garbage and doesn’t give them a chance.
8. She has even less patience for the films of Christopher Nolan, and literally the only one that she doesn’t go in too hard on is The Dark Knight, which only gets any consideration because Heath Ledger died not that long after making it, in ways that were pretty heavily associated with the movie in popular culture.
Not that she really cares about Heath Ledger, or even about the taboo on speaking ill of the dead, but she figures that he isn’t Ronald Reagan levels of terrible, or worse, so it’s easier to just not get into it with people over Heath Ledger when all that she wanted to say was that The Dark Knight isn’t actually that great
She will, however, talk shit about Ronald Reagan pretty much any time she’s given an opportunity, and especially if her Mom and Dad are around (because they were big Reaganites, back in the day, and annoying them with her hatred of the Gipper keeps them from paying attention to things like how her, “best friend” Sara Grace is actually her girlfriend)
9. Her answer to the question of whether she prefers cats or dogs will probably be something like, “iguanas” because she hates the assumption that it’s not possible to love cats and dogs more or less equally, but she also has better things to argue with people about.
10. She can’t whistle, she’s not really a very good dancer, and the last time she tried to tie a cherry stem in a knot with her tongue, she wound up swallowing it.
1. At 5’11”, Addie is taller than her big brother and their Mom (who are both 5’10”), and when standing up as best man when Max and Linda got married, she didn’t try to make him feel short, but she did wear a nice pair of heels and didn’t really go out of her way not to make him feel short, either.
2. By all rights, Addie probably should’ve been diagnosed with ADHD a while ago, but because her childhood and adolescence lasted from about 1986-2000 (when she turned 18), and because in 2017, ADHD is still badly misunderstood and under-diagnosed in AFAB kids, Addie got missed and made it to 33, thinking that all of her ADHD symptoms are just personal quirks or failings.
3. Her favorite color is purple. The darker the shade, the better.
4. Her ability to interpret song lyrics is often questionable. Like, on one hand, she’s totally made the mistake of hearing, “There’s a bathroom on the right” instead of, “There’s a bad moon on the rise” during the chorus of Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Bad Moon Rising”
—and on the other hand, she completely missed that most of Missy Elliot’s “Work It” is explicitly about cunnilingus until Pete asked her what the Hell she thought the lyric, “Go downtown and eat it like a vulture” was referring to, especially given its proximity to Ms. Elliot talking about shaving her chocha. (All Addie has to say for herself is that she got caught up on the, “Girls, girls, get that cash / If it’s 9 to 5 or shakin’ your ass” verse.)
She also thought that Spice Girls were singing about group sex in “Wannabe,” rather than singing about making sure that your significant other can get along with your gal pals, and she kept thinking this until mid-September 2012.
5. As far as her family knows, Addie almost got arrested on her 18th birthday and had to run from the cops while she and a few friends were kinda drunk and screwing around in New York City. What really happened was that her birthday was on a Saturday, so they signed themselves out of school for the weekend, went to NYC, and saw the revival of Jesus Christ Superstar because her parents bought them tickets.
Then, they used fake ID’s to get some alcohol and got kinda drunk. Then, while they were screwing around in Brooklyn instead of going to cousin Jeremy’s place and crashing for the night, they wound up going by a gay bar, where Addie tripped over her own feet and got caught by a cute butch lesbian who happened to be dressed as a sexy cop for a themed party at said gay bar and had gone outside for a smoke break.
Then, one of Addie’s friends mistook this poor woman for a real cop and insisted that they run, and despite putting it together in the cold, sober light of day that there had been no actual danger, Addie told Sebastian the, “We so totally almost got arrested” story because she thought it sounded cooler, and at this point, it’s been 15 years, and she doesn’t see a point in correcting her family when her younger cousins get the, “Don’t get too rowdy on your 18th birthday or you may end up running from the cops like Adelaide” cautionary tale.
6. She would probably try to play real-world Quidditch, if she could get anyone to play with her, but that’s not going to happen, because everyone who knows her also knows that Addie is competitive as fuck, and that playing “muggle Quidditch” with her is a good way to get at least mildly injured.
7. She can see where the dislike that a lot of people in her life have for the All-Stars comes from, but personally, Addie doesn’t buy into it herself. She doesn’t really care to defend them, either, but at this point, she feels like most of the world’s problems can’t be solved with super-strength or heat vision, and they’re more complicated than the All-Stars’ image would allow them to handle, so it’s best to see the All-Stars as entertainers, rather than actual heroes.
Not that she begrudges anyone their annoyance with the fact that the All-Stars make, “we are actual heroes” a cornerstone of their so-called “brand,” but if you ask Addie, it’s not all that much different from how U.S. politicians lie up one side and down the other about basically everything, and how much of U.S. politics is increasingly little more than a theatre spectacle to cover up what’s actually going on
Oddly enough, Addie is accidentally on to something with that, because a lot of the supervillains in this universe are not truly participating in any shadowy conspiracy…… but they are being manipulated by members of one, and alternately being used as a source of talking points, or as distractions, so that the folks in said shadowy conspiracy (who are a mix of mutants and not) can push through their own agendas and try to secure their own power at the expense of anyone who gets in their way
Not that it’s really here or there at the moment, but this is totally going to bite them in the ass, partly from the people they’ve been exploiting and screwing over for decades putting shit together and pushing back, and partly because they decide to bank on installing a puppet who isn’t as easily controlled or as easily made to serve their agendas as they think. Anyway, as I was saying.
8. If Adelaide hadn’t gone into the family business and started vying with Max to see who’s going to become CEO when their Dad retires, she probably would’ve gone into advertising. If not that, she most likely would’ve gone to law school.
However, despite the fact that her Mom and several of her cousins are lawyers, Addie’s notions about how being a lawyer works are mostly derived from Legally Blonde, Ally McBeal, and Law and Order: SVU, so it might be a good thing that she has no idea what she’d actually want to do at law school.
9. Popular wisdom holds that she only isn’t the worst driver out of her siblings because Sebastian is the one who should’ve racked up multiple DUI charges by now, by all rights shouldn’t have his license anymore, and rarely uses it these days anyway because he, “doesn’t have PTSD, he just doesn’t like driving okay, it kinda freaks him out” (…which it does because of the PTSD that he allegedly doesn’t have but that’s another matter)
Addie holds that this popular wisdom is misogynistic bullshit being passed off as familial teasing, because actually, she’s a much better driver than all three of her brothers (with both cars and motorcycles, though only she and Seb have ever driven one of those, so it’s a little unfair to Max and Ambrose)
—and she may not know how to fix more complicated car problems, but she can at least get a better grasp on what might be wrong than, “I don’t know, it keeps making a thunka thunka thunka sound if you go above 60 mph” and she has more than once fixed something for her brothers that turned out to be something like, “You were driving with the parking brake on, dumb-ass”
10. Her go-to karaoke night songs are Cyndi Lauper’s “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” and Rick Springfield’s “Jessie’s Girl” — the latter of which would be funnier to Adelaide if she’d intended to sound hella bi when she first started doing it, rather than picking it because she was kinda drunk and knew all the words, then getting really into singing it and having no conscious idea where those emotions were coming from
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