#if i get to post a moon once a month then its a celebration. unfortunately earlier than that will never happen
deliveryclan · 2 months
If the 'issue' is lack of attention: As someone who's been reading every post on the clangen tag for months, the times you post are fine, you just. Only ever seem to post short text posts about a clan no random person scrolling by has any context on and that doesn't seem to have started yet. and 'there will be something here eventually, here's a few shreds of info about it' definitely puts you on people's radar(you're certainly on mine!) but doesn't necessarily spark conversation with you.
oh, i do know that! i am planning on putting most crucial information in one post for once, however i feel like i need to show them first in proper context of a moon page and THEN make a coherent post. me saying 'hey there are monsters in there' sounds meaningless if i wont show them.. in actual comic first. i think people want visuals first and wall of text second.
"oh but you could draw for the post too' problem is im a slow worker, and if i could draw then i could just draw the moon itself, also this isnt the only thing im drawing. also im not unemployed, so that another x hours taken from my day.
alas i feel like it's. awkward. to put some major information about groups or plots that won't show up until like later moons (we wont see inside of the major non-sharing-border-with-one until like.. moon *39*). could it build up anticipation to see them in action? maybe?? i dont know??? i suppose???? it does for me personally, but i might be a Spoilers Georg, an outlier and shouldnt be counted. it could work bc reader knows stuff but the characters dont and it makes sense in most context. but also doesnt that make people discouraged bc 'well i know about the x now, so why keep reading' type of thing. like with spoilers for shows and books and games. i seen enough webcomics with people going 'wow the character is so fucking stupid for not figuring out the killer. like we readers saw who killed, why the character doesnt know that already'. 'wow the clangen cats are fucking dumb for not knowing about the other group's deal, like. we all saw the introduction post, didn't they also??? how they dont know all this crucial information, are they stupid' (< please read What Lurks Beneath and The Exiled, some of the comments are just like that and it's making my head hurt soooo badly)
also i feel like making random posts every now and then is a good way of showing that hey. im still here. im working. its absolutely incoherent to anyone but me. you know how some blogs dont update for x weeks or months and you wonder if you should still follow them, until they post a random post out of blue and then disappear for another month. i dont unfollow blogs for that, but i know others probably do 'clear' their follow lists if they see someone not post for few weeks, so.
so i do appreciate the message!! unfortunately we all know that people will learn something and then acts like the characters should know that too and act disinterested. or something doesnt get cleared for several pages and act like it's a plot hole. obviously its not going to stop me from working and all, attention or not. world is my oyster. but it's still good to hear people are interested, even if it is barebone?? damn.
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leychin · 2 years
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the unfortunate people who asked for a part 2: @lavenders-writing @manurmukhs @eudemon-ia
Eclipse wasn't supposed to have a sequel, it was an open ending. There was demand for a part 2 and i wasn't gonna write it but its almost midnight, i dont know how i feel and im sitting under a waxing gibbous rn and the light is all through my room and its dark in here.
and to those who havent read part 1: eclipse
Unfortunately, you were not an eclipse.
To call yourself an eclipse is something exclusive to the bitter and the spiteful. Those who are too angry at themselves to see that it was no ones fault, and people grow apart.
The brushing of shoulders in the hall stopped feeling like anything, and eventually stopped all together. Making eye contact with him was met back with an equally cold stare. To say there was any warmth left in those crimson eyes for you was a laughable attempt at pretending like you were still a part of his life.
It was a simple fact that you just weren't a part of his life anymore, nor was he in yours. His hoodies and other knickknacks dropped off at the nearest donation bin as the spring came and you did your cleaning. You no longer clung to the happy memories because the morebyou look back, the more you realized they didn't happen, did they?
They say it comes with taking off the rose tinted glasses, which could very well be true, and maybe you're clinging to the things you didn't like about him to make yourself think it was for the better. debatable. You never liked that he left his sweaty workout clothes on the floor, and even though you told him you couldnt handle all of his spices he would still put them in and tell you to get over it.
Maybe thats why you still keep all your old pictures together in its album, if digital albums could collect dust then that one would be spotless. You open it frequently for some unknown reason, you say its to laugh at how dumb you were for thinking it would work, and to learn from your mistakes. Mistakes are not placed in an ornate box in the front of your mind for you to open at any moment you desire, so why are yours there?
Bakugo was once your sun, and you would've done anything to show him you were worthy of his light just three months ago. Now you find yourself with a dull shine, and you celebrate because there once was no shine at all, you find yourself looking to tell someone who's no longer there; you scoff and tell your girlfriends instead who've been with you the entire way.
The groupchat doesn't feel right anymore, the orher girls knew how you felt about the sun once. The moon left you, all light from the sun has to leave one way or another. But thats okay, the girls go out with you for girls days and you stop counting stars in your sleep because you know they'll never be you.
They say the whole "breakup thing" is hard, but what is there to mourn if nothing was there in the first place? The sun, the moon, and the stars are always there, even if they do not shine for you and do not bend to shine for anyone but themselves. You understood this as the law of the universe, so it didn't hurt. Nothing can hurt you if you excpected it all from the beginning.
The tightness in your chest when you see the anniversary posts every month can easily be chalked up to a long night of internet browsing, your hands are clenched into fists because of cramps, you should really get off of your phone.
But you cant, because long nights of browsing are some of the only moments of peace that you can manage without having the urge to punch something. The moon isn't the best company, but you'd rather befriend the stars than face the sun again.
They say the whole "breakup thing" is hard, maybe it is if there was really something there. But after a while of telling yourself that you felt nothing, you really start to feel nothing; or at least you think it feels like nothing. You still feel as empty as you did on the first day, but its an emptiness you've grown comfortable with and that's enough for you.
You want to wish for all of the celestial figures to disappear one day, no more eclipses, no clouds of smog to cover the stars and for the new moon to be permanent. But to wish for such things is for bitter people who can't get over something as simple as a breakup, so you wish for the sun and moon to continue as they are for all eternity and for the stars to watch in awe.
You'll watch with them one day.
When the comfortable ache, the emptiness starts to feel like home.
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mintseesaw · 4 years
Mad Passion | 2
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Pairing: namjoon x reader Genre: arranged marriage au, smut, angst, fluff Word count: 14k Warnings: jealousy, possessiveness, graphic sexual content, unprotected sex Summary: As you become emotionally invested with your marriage, you have grown accustomed to being Namjoon’s wife. Not until you realize you barely have an idea what it is really like to be his wife.  *unedited
Part I | sequel 
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The midnight moon illuminates vibrantly on the clear, dark blue-ish sky— a clear view from the sky high cocktail bar and lounge, of which is about to approach its peak hours, serving exclusively to the hotel guests.
The four and a half thousand square foot space is indeed a perfect place to unwind minus the bustling crowd and unnecessary loud music. Among the tables neatly scattered in the open air terrace, the two men occupied the miniscule pavilion situated on the right corner of the sky high rooftop, the farthest possible spot from the little crowd growing as the night progresses.
Seokjin and Namjoon are currently on a business trip. Namjoon rarely joins him on his international-scale meetings one as he isn’t an expert of the global market of fisheries like Jin himself. This time, however, it was Namjoon who initiated the trip to meet a good number of businessmen to secure a majority vote on the retail corporation he had invested in several months ago. He was new to this particular field, which was why Jin was here with him. 
Jin was with him all through the course of said meetings. As Namjoon’s schedule abroad concluded today, it was safe to say the result of these meetings posed a good sign. Namjoon will soon take over another company. Of course, Jin wouldn’t let the night pass without them celebrating. He could’ve invited the rest of the group if they came along on the trip. So it was only the two of them who are celebrating, as Jin insists to call it. Namjoon could have turned it down, and calling his wife appeals to him more, but he really needs a proper drink even if Jin under the influence of alcohol means having to endure his annoying ass for an hour or two. “Your wife doesn’t have any idea on all of this, does she?” Jin nonchalantly asks, the alcohol cleansing his palate refreshingly from the numerous glasses he had. They had been in the pavilion for over an hour or two, he’s not certain.
Namjoon gave him a stern look, almost feigning innocence on the question his friend suddenly threw at him. “Know what?” There it was, the annoying side of Jin. Jin smirks, shaking his head. He could read his friend like the back of his hand. Amongst the group, he knows Namjoon the longest. Even with the passive expression he always wears, Jin could easily see through him.
“She doesn’t know? You’re screwed, Kim.” By now, both have already had a decent amount of alcohol in their system. The younger one, however, doesn’t appear as fuzzy as the older one. “She doesn’t need to know about my business affiliations. It would not matter what she would think of it.” He remarks, before emptying the liquor in his glass. His reply only made Jin snorted. “I bet you don’t.” He muses before continuing, “No doubt, it would be a pleasure to meet the woman who stole your heart. Hoseok told me a lot of things about you and her. I’d like to confirm it myself. After all, it’s been months since you secretly changed your marital status.” Also, he ought to know why Namjoon seems to talk too little about his wife, as if he was avoiding the subject itself. Namjoon’s eyebrow shots up. “Confirm what, exactly?”  “How smitten you are to the woman.” Namjoon leans his back on the couch, “Shut it, Hyung.” He shrugs, eliciting too little expression that only fuels Jin’s amusement further. Crossing his leg to the other, he continues to nag his friend. “I thought I’d never see the day, my friend. Have I not mentioned how surprised we were learning about your marriage in a newspaper?”
“You did, you couldn’t seem to move on from it, can you?”
“How can I? You didn’t even us at your wedding!”
“I already told you why.”
“Well, you have to give the girl a proper wedding. That is… if you already bear feelings for her.”
“There’s no need for that.”
“Did you ask her? Girls like those romantic shit.” Jin concludes, his own experience being his reference.
“The marriage is a part of the deal, Hyung.” He says in an indifferent tone, a pretense he had mastered through the years of his experience in the industry. Jin already knew the story behind his marriage, but the rare chance of pissing his friend off tempts him as always.
“If you don’t love the girl, you can easily get a divorce once you have secured the position. With the influence you have over the Korean government, there’s no way you can’t be granted a simple request.” Jin continues to press, enjoying the look of irritation growing on Namjoon’s face. Namjoon chose to keep quiet, distracting himself with pouring alcohol in his glass.
“What do you think the princess would feel if her castle has already been claimed by her King long before her father steps down on his throne?” Jin queries in a teasing manner.
“You forgot to mention she had long abandoned her throne. She already lost the title when she left.” Namjoon was quick to answer back.
Jin smirks, “Touché.” Namjoon purses his lips, letting the air be filled with silence. At the mere mention of the lost princess that is his wife, his mind wanders off. It’s been almost a week since he last saw his wife.  He misses her that no amount of alcohol could suffice. Although he consistently calls you every day, it was not enough to make peace with his mind. How should he converse with you to prolong the conversation? He loves hearing you talk endlessly, regardless of what it is about. The conversations feel restricted. Whether it was because of his intimidating self or you’re merely not interested to talk to him—he has yet to know why.
What is certain, though, is he will finally come home tomorrow.
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Mingyu quietly turns the ignition on the moment you climb inside the passenger’s side. Silence has awkwardly ruled between the two of you since two weeks ago especially when you don’t initiate a conversation, yourself. His actions are always calculated alongside the formality in his voice whenever you attempt to have a casual conversation with him.
And you figured, he might have been instructed not to entertain your friendly gestures, much less converse with you.
You find his awkward but formal disposition adorably hilarious, which sometimes make you laugh out loud, that in return, earns you questioning look from him.
Since his post as personal security detail two weeks ago, Mingyu always lingers on your whereabouts. The role he plays is obviously a college student, casually eating on a table far away from your usual spot, or pretending to read books in the library when you’re studying so he could unnoticeably guard you around. The pretense alone is a dangerous task, you presume, because he is an eye catcher and he has to stay low-profile not to gets busted.
You don’t even know how they can roam around the vicinity of the campus without alerting the security department. When you say ‘they’, you’re generally referring to the team of agents responsible for your well-being. After the incident involving your friend and one of them weeks ago, they have visually disappeared. But you were not that dense to believe they’re literally gone. For all you care, they are just scattered everywhere, pretending to be whoever they are. Namjoon is too smart to have the same men follow you around. If he intentionally wants to make you think he has removed an entire team in your care, he would strategically have new faces to do the job. As if Mingyu’s presence will make you believe that he’s the only person that guards you.
Until now, you couldn’t believe your husband selected Mingyu as your shadow amongst the couple of hundreds working under his security agency. Knowing he’s territorial when it comes to the male acquaintances you have, it makes you there’s an underlying reason for it. Perhaps, is it trap to test your loyalty? But the probability of it being true is too low, because why would your loyalty matter to him in the first place?
When Namjoon married you several months ago, not only has your life changed, but your feelings too. You used to dislike the thought of being forced into a marriage with him, with someone you barely know, with someone who has so many similarities with your father.
It wasn’t just a simple attraction that you have developed towards him, nor was the socio-economic status he has. There is not even extraordinarily admirable about his personality that could justify your feelings—that unavoidably blossomed through time.
He was not the typical guy, of course. Men his age are probably enjoying the time of their lives, partying and all that stuff or perhaps, struggling to even get a decent job that would financially support themselves. He was not the romantic type of guy. Sweet talks, knows how to make you feel giddy, charms his way to your heart— he is far from that. Strange, how he still unknowingly earns more brownie points the longer you live with him, despite the uncertainty.
The awkward tension between you two have improved after months of having formal and painfully monotonous interactions. Perhaps, the rare intimacy has helped you open up to him more casually.
Despite that, you couldn’t rest your mind with the fact that your relationship with him lacks emotional commitment.
While he has the money and power at such a young age, you have nothing but student loans and your father’s last name. While he sees to your every need, it was never really established what you two are aside from the arrangement of your marriage. Unfortunately, it was just that. There may be papers which legally conclude your matrimony as husband and wife, but there’s no certainty of mutual, requited feelings. Every single day that comes and goes around, you couldn’t stop yourself from wishing that the marriage had been alternatively a result of a conventional, romantic affair. Part of you wishes he could, at least, learn to reciprocate your feelings for him.
He asked you on a date before, the first and only one so far. It turned out as expected— a little awkward because he basically rented the restaurant leaving you two alone in the spacious, luxurious place which meant having to endure silence while he enjoys his food as you try to think of things that you could talk to him about. It was, nevertheless, sweet because you have not predicted he would be thoughtful enough to know the food that you like, having it served as the main course.
Since the date, Namjoon never really spoke about it or anything that may hint another one. You’re ashamed to even admit that you’re eager to know what he feels for you, now.
Has it changed?
It didn't take long before you arrive at the apartment.
Without waiting for your guard, you went straight to the bedroom, the same one you share with him. Despite his absence for six days, the scent of his signature perfume still lingers in the vicinity.
Heaving a sigh, you huff on the mattress, allowing your muscles to relax, and allow your mind to wander into nothingness.
Earlier, you magically crammed mind-draining essays due today as well as made progress on your provisions for your upcoming midterms. The mere thought of it all makes you want to take a nap before proceeding with your papers, again.
After a moment of silence, you decided to have a long, warm bath instead. It’s been ages since the last time you had one since you have a waiting husband in mind whenever you’re using the bathroom even though he has several spares in his penthouse.
You did just that. And about half an hour, the comforting and relaxing warmth seeping through every part of your body, and the peppermint scented diffuser further lets your mind float elsewhere. Before you know it, you have lurked farther into the depth of your endless thoughts, slowly leading you where darkness and dreamland meet. You woke startled by an endless sound of a familiar tone ringing. And as your eyes strained by the blinding light, you mindlessly search for the source. You couldn’t seem to find where it was coming from, although you know it was your phone. The mere sound of it tells it was not in the bathroom. Where did you place it, anyway?
Still dazed with the traces of your unsolicited nap, you carefully but swiftly climb out of the tub, grabbing the towel on top of the counter to quickly dry your body. You found it on top of the bedside table. The eerie silence inside the room made the sound echo all throughout, that you feel your ears bleed as it continuously rings.
Your thumb slides on the screen after you took a brief glance at the caller.
Your abandoned, dripping hair sticks irritatingly on your nape, soaking your towel as you forget to put on a robe.
“You’re not answering my calls.” Namjoon greets, his voice unrecognizably low.
What time is it there, again? You wonder. “Sorry, I dozed off in the tub.” You replied too quickly, words jumble in your mind as they stumble out of your mouth. Listening to the words seems wrong when you have come to understand what you said.
“You what?” He asks, sounding puzzled. A trace of concern laces in his voice more than anything, although you were too flushed to take the hint. “Uhh... Yeah, I fell asleep. Sorry about that...” You sheepishly falter. As you wait for his reply, you hear some shuffling instead on the other line. 
Your mind still is blank as white while struggling to come up with a better reply. 
“I heard that, but you fell asleep? In the tub? That’s not safe.” He probably just woke up. Perhaps, that must be why his voice is extra low, though he calls you every night and it sounded quite normal in his previous calls. “Right, I’m fine though. It’s not like I would drown or something.” You try to joke.
The silence lingers for a few seconds, before you hear him speak on the other line. “You should have rested instead of taking a bath.” He lightly scolds over the phone.
A chuckle bubbles past your throat, nodding in agreement. That was your initial plan. “I will...eventually.”
This time, you hear people talking in the background. He’s in his hotel room, right?
“Just about. I had a long day, spent most of my free time in the library. I presumed, Mingyu already told you that, right?”
At the mention of his name, you didn’t see the way Namjoon’s eyebrows rose, as something weak but ugly feeling stirs inside him. “Hanbin communicates with him.”
Your mouth fell into an ‘o’, nodding as if he could see you. “Oh, right. He’s fine, right? I mean you approved of him as my guard?”
“Yes. Why do you ask? I trust that you’ll tell me if he ever acts inappropriately and I’ll make sure—“
“No, no, he’s okay, I mean… uh, he’s actually really formal.” You stammer, slowly growing flustered at the way you have spoken about Mingyu. The subject itself doesn’t really interest you, it’s just that you don’t want him to be dragged into Namjoon’s territorial issues especially when he’s not around.
Not only is Mingyu a taller version of Namjoon’s physique, he is also as attractive as your husband, which didn’t matter to you as Namjoon pretty much owns your heart, that you didn’t choose to.
“Good. I’m also expecting you to behave while I’m gone.” He warns playfully.
You scoff, returning the playfulness of his tone. “When have I not?”
“Of course. You’re a good girl for me, yeah?” He casually prods although the impact of his words seem to have struck you somewhere. 
You bit your lip, started pacing back and forth with the towel as the only cover in your body. What would he feel if you tell him that?
You decided to change the subject, “Hey, listen… uh… I heard your birthday is approaching.” You begin, recalling the conversation you had with the housekeeper. This would be your first time spending his birthday with him.
“Uhuh...” He trails, silently telling you to keep going.
“Do you have plans for it?” You nervously ask, biting your nail in agitation as you kept going around the vicinity of the room.
Being a part of the elite social class means birthdays are extravagantly celebrated. You had them when you were young. Yet, Namjoon has not mentioned to you about his birthday plans, if he has any.
“Plans?” He echoes with a curious tone.
“I mean parties and stuff.” You immediately clarified back.
“Angel, I don't celebrate birthdays.” He says in a casual tone as if he was just telling you a random piece of information.
Taken aback by his response, you repeated what he said in a form of question. “You don’t?” Namjoon has not sensed the change of tone in your voice.
“I don’t. I have to go, baby. I will call you again. Hmm?” He didn’t even wait for your reply, ending the call right away.
He doesn’t celebrate his birthday? 
Namjoon, who obviously has all the resources in the world to organize the most luxurious social events, happens to have disinterests celebrating his birthday?
You mean, you have too little enthusiasm toward social gatherings but that doesn’t mean you don’t celebrate your birthday. Even when you barely have enough savings to pay for your bills, you couldn’t let your birthday pass without treating yourself or spending the day with your friends.
It sounds weird, at the same time, lonely to hear that he disregards such an occasion enough to make your heart tug painfully. He must have had a horrible childhood, you thought. Or perhaps, he’s merely not fond of any kind of celebration. It shouldn’t be a big of a deal, right?
Slight dismay washes through you at the abruptness of the call.
What is it about him being away that bothers you? Is it his safety, your safety or...his mere absence?
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For the nth time since Namjoon left for his business trip, you had slept through your alarm which only meant you were late again in your first class.
The day progresses rather slowly. When it feels like you’ve spent ages sitting inside the lecture theatre, barely listening to half the professor was saying turns out to be just a couple of minutes whenever you check the time on your phone.
After what felt like a day, your break comes rolling around. Bearing the effect of sleep deprivation, your walk towards the dining hall was unusually sluggish. Fortunately, Jihyo was already on the table of your usual spot waiting when you arrived. 
Your shadow has yet to make his presence known which seems odd as he always tail you far behind, at the same time, intentionally allowing you to spot him wherever he is.
With his height, you could easily see the top of his head through the crowd, only that you didn’t need to look around because he’s in front of you and Jihyo, slightly wide-eyed with Jackson on his left, the former seemingly forced to be here.
Your eyebrows narrow in confusion. Though your friends knew you’re being guarded by him, they never really showed intention to befriend him.
“What’s going on Wang? Mingyu-ssi?” Jihyo seems amused at the mere sight, holding back her laughter as she notices the discomfort written in the poor handsome boy’s face. Your bodyguard surprisingly fits well in his all black casual attire like as if he is sporting a bad boy college student vibe. You couldn’t even point anything suspiciously odd with the way he casually holds himself as if he has his own world, not minding others’ business.
Jackson plops on the vacant seat across Jihyo’s and drags Mingyu on the seat next to him. He obligingly follows suit.
“He seems nicer and harmless than the other ones, Y/N. Had to befriend him before he makes me his next target.” Mingyu gazes at him with his sharp gaze that strangely reminds you of your husband’s stare.
“I can perfectly hear you.” He formally says to your friend, which presumably meant alternative to warning him.
Jackson paid no mind on the harmless threat, giving Mingyu a friendly smack on the back instead. “I know, bud. I’m not the enemy here, is what I’m trying to tell you.” He quips, which made Jihyo chuckle in return. Mingyu peers in your direction, then goes back to Jackson’s and Jihyo’s in utter confusion.
He probably has no idea what transpired before.
“You didn’t know?” Jackson attempts to confirm with a question.
“What?” Mingyu immediately asks back.
His act of ignorance isn’t believable enough for you. On his first day as your guard, you were stunned at how proficient he seemed to be on his pretense for someone who barely knows his way around the campus as if he’s been here before.
Shaking the thought away, you chose to butt in, “Don’t give him ideas.”
Jackson’s eyes slightly widen in realization. “You’re right. Anyways, I’m officially inviting you to eat lunch with us everyday. Is it a yes or a yes?”
Mingyu stares at him, dumbfoundedly.
“Shut up, Wang.” Jihyo laughs and then turns her head to meet Mingyu’s curious eyes. “Ignore him, but you’re always welcome to sit with us, just in case you’re allowed to— you know, eat with us.”
You only nodded in agreement.  
If he ever considers it, he never showed any sign that he did as he ate silently the whole time while he listened to the three of you converse endlessly.
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Like the past few days, the home feels different and strange without the towering owner lurking around the spacious vicinity like the king, himself. Namjoon never really confirmed when he will be back. He had not brought it up again after he once mentioned that the trip would take him a week. Perhaps, longer? It’s been a week. You don't know how long you’d manage without seeing him. His absence, as you first thought, would be a sense of breather for you for the first time since the marriage happened. But as days rolled around, you only hope for the week to end so you could see him again.
The longer you ponder over the thought of missing him, the harder it is to ignore the ache on the pit of your stomach, and desire pooling between your legs. The temperature on your body feels strangely higher considering it’s not yet summer and the room is fully air conditioned like the rest of the apartment. Your hair was pulled up in a bun, clothes thrown haphazardly on the cold, bathroom floor as you skimmed inside naked without bothering to close the door.
You let the shower run as you gradually get used to the feel of the water on your skin, your body shudders ever so lightly as you step under the running water, cautious enough not to get your hair soaked in the process. Shortly after, your shoulders slug as the water finally cools down your body, your insides almost relaxing.
You drew a long sigh, eyes closing, loving the therapeutic sensation of water as it soaks your body.
It wasn’t until you felt strong arms encircling your waist from behind that the heat spirals back into your body, especially in your lower region.
Their clothed body molding perfectly against your naked back as they pull your body impossibly closed. It was too sudden, and you were probably too lost in your own thoughts that you failed to hear any strange sounds, footsteps even. A shriek of surprise went past your throat, harshly squirming in reflex. You're too shocked to process who it is until he made a hush sound, calming you down. His lips found your naked shoulder, further making himself known through his gestures. “It’s me.” The familiar voice whispers next to your ear. Your violent movements instantly halted, but the shock still is evident through erratic beating of your heart. “Joon?” you softly call, trying to peer behind to have a proper look on him. In a teasing manner, he kisses your other shoulder, ruining your intent while your body is kept locked on his arms. By now, his clothes are already soaked against your back as wet as your hair as the running water continues to shower you both. And just as his lips found your nape, his hand cups one of breasts, softly squeezing the mound, his fingers gently pinching the pink nub. Your hand mindlessly flew to the hand on your waist that is keeping your body close to his, gripping it tight enough that your knuckles are turning white. Your eyelids fell shut at the sudden sensation, biting your lip to suppress any sound from your throat. His hand didn’t stop the gentle tormenting on your breast, his warm, sinful mouth now assaulting the skin on your neck, sucking it until the spot turns purple. The mere contact is enough to make you dizzy in need, intensely lighting your long overdue desire. And then the sensation stops all at once, his hand gone and his nose nuzzling your now-soaked hair. “J-Joon...” you softly beg. He didn’t answer, yet you could hear his ragged breathing, his crotch pressing hotly on your back. “Please,” you impatiently murmur. “Hmm...” Hums Namjoon, feeling his lips on your temple. “Please let me see you,” Your voice almost breaks. It’s been a week since you last saw him, his absence certainly overwhelmed you achingly.
His lack of response drives you into frustration. Then he swiftly spins you around, his hand on your hip pushes you further until your back is pressed flat on the cold tiled wall. Palms planted on either side of your face, entrapping you.
Your mouth left agape at the sight of him. His soaked white dress shirt, clinging to his torso like a second skin, further accentuating his lean body, his dripping wet slacks evidently showing the bulge of his arousal. Your mouth instantly waters at the sight, suddenly wanting to feel it under your touch, have your mouth and tongue taste him.
But you were too nervous to initiate a move. He continues to torment you under his wanton gaze, as if challenging you to protest against his captive. His eyes then roamed over the length of your body, feasting the view beneath his lashes, “Beautiful.” His fingers caught your chin, tilting it so he could look into your eyes.
His mouth draws nearer, until it lands on the wet skin of your cheek. He mumbles against your skin, “You have no idea how much I missed seeing your pretty face. Did you miss me, sweetheart?” Your eyes closing shut, nodding. “Yes,” You manage to say, while finding the strength to rub your palms sensually on his forearms that would hopefully coax him to initiate a move. He only hums in return, to your dismay. The running water from the shower head has stopped. Namjoon probably turned it off although it was too late as his whole body is already dripping with water.
His mouth is so close to yours, teasingly hovering over the corner of your mouth. When you ever so lightly tilt your head to the side, your lips caught his supple ones. Your delicate fingers found his cheeks, deepening the kiss. A groan vibrates on his chest, the weeks worth of abstinence has not been too kind for him, and he would undoubtedly break you if he suddenly loses the control he’s been nurturing instead of his desire.
Your actions, however, are doing so little for your own good. To your dismay, he was reacting too little, maintaining a minimal response. “Joon, please...” You mumble in between kisses.
“What do you want, sweetheart?” “I-I... I want you.” You moan, your voice almost failing you from the overwhelming heat of your desire.
The burning ache on his abdomen only intensifies at the mere sound of your begging. “You have me.” He says back in a soft voice, nuzzling your cheek while keeping a safe distance between your bodies. When your hand dares touch his crotch, a low growl rumbles on his chest, swiftly catching your hand on his, restraining your very intention. Tears pool in your eyes in desperation. And as much as you want him to fuck you senseless right this second, the desire to taste him was too intense and stronger to just set the thought aside. “Let me touch you... Joon, please...” His breathes quicken, refusing to entertain your offer. But it didn’t mean his desire is not spiraling wildly, his member twitching painfully the more your pleas feed his ears. His head momentarily threw back, and you use it as an opportunity to shuffle on your knees, your hands quickly found his crotch. Taken aback by your bold eagerness, he hisses harshly as your delicate fingers found his bulge. His intent to drag you back on your feet vanishes as he took in the sight of his naked goddess— blazing eyes returning his stare while hovering over his sensitive arousal. “Fuck, sweetheart.” He curses when you impatiently palms him while your other hand trembles as it attempts to unbuckle his belt. Helplessly murmuring, “Help me...” when you couldn’t seem to do it on your own. At your helpless plea, Namjoon quickly came to rescue your little dilemma. No more than a second, his large hand swiftly unbuckles his belt, your hand greedily undid his buttons, and tug his boxers enough to release his hard member. A gasp falls on your lips, taken aback at the sudden jolt of his thick cock against his stomach before your eyes. Surprise at the size of it, your insides clenches achingly, wondering how it had fit inside you before. But realizing why his entrance burns your insides despite your wetness, his huge cock filling you would extremely stretch your walls to fit himself.
You have seen it so briefly before on your first night together, but you haven’t had the time to admire it as Namjoon took you so urgently.
Your mouth waters at the sight of a glistening pink head, your cold, delicate fingers coming in contact with his slick member to wrap themselves around his thickness.
The subtle touch of your fingers felt too good. If it’s possible, his brown eyes only grew darker, that they are almost black now. Your mind is in shambles as both of your hands gently pump their way up and down his length.
His hips stutter at your ministration. As Namjoon falls into a state of euphoria, his head is thrown back, palms glued on the wall behind you to prevent his strength from crumbling. Drawing your lips near, your tongue did an experimental lick at the glistening pink head. The harsh intake of breath you heard from him coax you further, swiping the underside of his length with your tongue before slowly taking him in your mouth. ”Fuck!” He growls so sexily at the feel of your warm mouth. You felt his cock twitched, hips bucking at your warm, inviting mouth. Then you suddenly felt your bun loosens, followed by the pull of your hair as his fingers thread into your soaked hair.
“That’s it, pretty slut.” He breathlessly praises. He draws back before filling your mouth full again. His sensitive tip touching your throat has you moaning rather erotically which only turns him on further.
He is huge, and despite willingly taking him down to your throat, the length of his cock couldn’t possibly fit all inside your mouth. Your eyes closing for a moment, suppressing the urge to choke.
“Such a good little slut for me, aren’t you sweetheart?”
Namjoon’s grip on your hair tightens, manipulating the pace to his desired speed. You didn’t care, because his pleasure matters to you more at this point.
When he glides his cock back inside, you hollow your cheeks just in time, tight enough to have him nearly gasping his next breath.
You let him fuck your mouth slowly, until he picks up a pace. Assaulting your mouth with the intrusion while mixture of your saliva and his arousal continues to leak out of your mouth.
The sounds of pleasure you hear from him only intensifies your own arousal, your stomach heating up each time your core achingly clenches.
The darkness in his eyes and the way curses recklessly stumble out of his beautiful mouth while you suck him raw takes your breath away. You’ve never seen him this vulnerably clouded in pleasure. And you’d willingly let him fuck you again this way if it means having to witness him this helpless while he chases the feel of your mouth. Your eyes never left his as you peer up from your knees. The more you listen to his pleasure, the harder you want to take him in.
When you felt it twitch again, you deliberately took him deeper until you’re nearly choking.
Namjoon has had his fair share of women— all of whom are experienced, knew their way to pleasure him. But the goddess beneath him—his sweet angel, the woman of his dreams and dirty fantasies unknowingly had him at his mercy.
The addicting warmth and suction of your mouth pulling him further into the depth of bliss. “No, angel—” He rasps in between rapid breaths, wanting to prolong the fire until he gets to fill his favorite addicting hole, so tight, he could already taste the feeling.
You whimper, “No…” You wanted it so much. The thought of him cumming undone inside your mouth is a dirty fantasy you suddenly wish to fulfill right now.
“We’ll save it up for when I’m inside your tight pussy.“ He breathes, pulling you up and bracing you against the wall. Your thighs wobble from your previous position.
His eager mouth captured yours, harshly sucking your bottom lip, teasing it as his teeth gently pierces through your bruised lip.
He could taste himself in you as his tongue thoroughly laps the inside of your mouth. Until he moves down to your jaw, his tongue tracing his tracks down to your neck onto your already purple skin while his fingers found the pink bud of your breast. It was what made you react so sexily, moaning helplessly, burying your fingers in his hair tightly as his teeth punctures the skin then laps the area soothingly.
Your body continues to heat up in his ministrations despite the cold atmosphere in the bathroom, certain that your arousal now visibly pools out of your core to your thighs.
Your fingers hastily unbutton his dress shirt, impatient to reveal his bare torso for your eyes to feast on. But just about you had undone the last button, he crouches, robbing you of the chance to admire his body. His mouth encloses on your hard pink bud, his tongue teasingly encircling on the crown of your breast as his other hand works simultaneously, squeezing your mound inside his palm.
The sensitivity of your breasts adding up to the sensation of his mouth and hand is too much, panting as you struggle to catch your breath. Until his head lowers farther down, tracing his way down with his open mouth kisses.
Namjoon swiftly pulled your thighs apart, hooking your thigh over his shoulder to see all of you.
The mere sight of your sex could already tell how turn on you are, but it wasn’t enough for him. His fingers part your folds, dipping his thumb to feel your arousal. “Ah, you’re dripping, baby. Is this for me, hmm?”
His head lowers more, mouth hovering your pubic bone, teasingly planting sloppy kisses there.
The rapid intakes of your breath did not go unnoticed by Namjoon. A devious grin spreads on his lips as his thumb starts assaulting your clit enough to have your legs trembling from bliss. The reaction he seeks from you were generously poured out of your mouth.
“Yes god. Joon please—” Your hips jerking, needing more friction than what he’s giving. He was quick to restrain your movements, pushing your hips flat against the cold wall. Your whines of frustration soon echoes inside the bathroom.
Namjoon draws his mouth nearer, his nose erotically nuzzling your front sex that you could already feel his warm breath, “You smell exquisitely alluring, angel.”
Your anticipation shortly turns into desperation, continuously sobbing his name. Your heavenly pleas were enough to give you what you want, Namjoon willingly rewarded his tongue on your clit, licking your nub so good your eyes clenched from the sudden spark of sensation.
“So sweet…” he mumbles appreciatively, before sucking the sensitive nub in his warm mouth. The act alone has you panting in pleasure.
“Ahhh! Joon—fuck!” Your fingers quickly found his hair, your grip tightening the harder he sucks and laps your clit. You were drowning in need, darkness fills your vision as they remained shut, focusing on the sensation brought by his mouth’s ministrations. You could feel yourself leaking, and made it easier for him to slide his fingers inside your aching core, rubbing and curling them until you're visibly writhing. Cries of pleasure continue to pour out of your mouth.
“Ah! Joon! Oh god!”
Your beautiful sounds alone could bring him to hilt, his cock painfully growing harder, merely listening to you as his mouth and fingers drive you oblivion.
The painful tug of your fingers on his scalp as they tighten their grasp on his hair signals your forthcoming orgasm.
“That’s it, cum for me, little slut.” He mumbles against your sex, the vibration of his mouth against your core sending you further in the brink, as the knot of pleasure building up in your stomach snaps. You cry out, his name the only thing you can articulate of, as you climax deliciously against his mouth. Hips grinding to ride out your orgasm.
Namjoon greedily lap every bit of your sweet juices, while his thumb strums your clit to prolong your orgasm. He didn’t stop, not even when he hears you whining from overstimulation. He only withdrew his mouth on your core when you finally met his gaze, coming back from your high.
Your fingers raking his wet locks out his face as it keeps the span of his forehead hidden, wanting to see all of his pretty face.
Namjoon stood, his knees skillfully bracing you flat from the wall. He yanks his soaking, white top off his body, discarding it there before doing the same thing to his slacks proceeded by his boxers, revealing his perfectly honeyed skin body. This is the first and only time you had seen him completely naked right before your eyes.
The two of you sharing an expansive closet lets you have a glimpse of his naked torso once in a while, sometimes him adorning a pair of boxers while he selects his working attire for the day. But those times were always short lived, you shying away from staring for too long than casual glances.
From the intimate instances you had with him, you never had the opportunity to appreciate his nudity. Your eyes glint with pure admiration, seeing all of him now in front of you. Your tongue dazedly darted out to wet your lips, feasting purely on his body.
Namjoon yet again found your lips, his tongue unsolicitedly invading your mouth, fighting for the dominance which you willingly gave up. He took your responsiveness as an opportunity to pull your body in his embrace, your legs following on their accord as they automatically weave themselves around his hips over his back, your hands finding purchase on his nape. His very arousal pressing on your stomach has you moaning against his greedy mouth.
Namjoon gracefully carried you all the way out towards the bedroom, completely dazed in his kisses.
He didn’t let go of your lips all the way out, not until he dumps your wet body on the mattress. Namjoon kneels on the foot of the bed, hands grasping on your hips to flip you over.
“On your knees, sweetheart.” He commands.
A sound of what he initially recognizes as a moan tears out of you. He plants a small kiss to your hip, before he hears you object, “No!”
“I want to see you,” You whimper, pulling his face closer, fishing for a kiss.
A smirk slowly made its way on his face, eyes darkening at the sight of you helpless in his mercy.
“You want to see me while I fuck you, is that it?” He trails, pulling your thighs apart, crawling his way between your thighs.
His nose nuzzles yours teasingly, hovering over your mouth.
Heaving a sigh in contentment, you nod. “I miss you...”
“Do you, now? Or... you only want to be fucked hard?” He murmurs, mouth ajar as it tormentingly touches your lips.
Your forehead creases in a frown, “That’s not true.”
“I’ve never seen you this needy before, Y/N. Tell me, what do you want me to do?” His fingers brushing wet locks away from your beautiful face.
“Please, fuck me...”
He nods, gently bucking his hips to slide his length on your slit. “Is this enough for you, sweetheart?” You whine helplessly.
“Joon, please… just fuck me!” Plea pours out of your mouth in complete devastation. His warmth doing nothing but fuel the ache in your core as it clenches in wanton need of friction.
You beg more and more, the longer he teases you. Namjoon lowers his head further in the crook of your neck, his teeth and tongue alternately grazing and soothing the sensitive skin. The sensation feel achingly erotic, until he not so gently bit your skin, enough to leave a mark. The mere distraction made you almost forget his tip on your entrance, until he thrusts so hard your eyes closed from the undesired pain, stretching you far too much.
“Joon—“ Your moan stifles, crying out at the painful intrusion. Tears brim in your eyes as his length stretches you fully, your slick wetness welcomes him in a swift but burning entrance. He captured your lips, somehow distracting you from the unavoidable ache of your union.
You almost didn’t want him to move from the burning ache of your walls around him. He rocks ever so gently, eliciting a sound of pleasure from you. The burning ache didn’t subside, but as he prolonged the small pace he started, you became used to the pain, chasing the tiny pleasure that comes with each thrust he gives.
The sounds you continuously emit signals him to keep going, until he picks up a pace. Soon after, sparks of euphoric bliss came shooting within your core, numbing the pain.
Your lustful gasps and his grunts were in unison as you both get used to the delicious friction of your intimate union.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” You deliriously moan when he suddenly pushes your thigh up on his shoulder, allowing his cock to plunge farther into your warm, tight depths until you’re writhing, your sounds were music to his ears further pulling him deeper in euphoria.
The feeling of your tight walls gripping around his cock is such a sweet, addicting sensation. The deeper he hammers into your core, the closer he gets to chase down the delicious spark of his pleasure. The new angle allowed him to discover the places untouched, thus finding your sweet spot, that has you rolling your eyes in the back of your end. Toes curling as sparks violently shoot through your core, intensifying the knot that holds your desire.
“I’m— oh yes, right there!” you gasp, “Fuck!” Your fingers tightly thread on his hair, mouth greedily seeking his attention.
“So fucking tight, sweetheart. You feel so good around me.” Namjoon growls in between sloppy kisses against your mouth. 
“So good… Joon, please... don't stop!” You sob, getting lost at your pleasure as you desperately chase the end.
Namjoon rolled his hips incredibly faster, ramming through you endlessly making you shudder from the intense sensation.
You could feel it, so close.
The violent pushes and pulls of his hips didn’t stop, rapid plunges in and out of your depths until the pleasure came rushing from the pit of your stomach.
“Joon!” You moan, the knot finally twisting, waves of euphoria shattering through your trembling body.
Namjoon’s hips stutter, savoring the feel of your clenching walls around, nearing his high. “Angel—fuck!” A long, carnal sound vibrates on his chest, as he picks up his speed while your insides tremor at the intensity of your orgasm, ferociously thrusting his cock so fast as he chases his own climax, and shooting his liquid generously inside you. His mouth attacks your breast to counter his sounds of pleasure. 
Your whimpers echo in the room, the post-orgasmic bliss mixes with the stinging sensation brought about by the love bites he generously marked on your skin slowly pulls you back from oblivion, while you listen to your pants and his rapid breathing.
When he finally comes back to his senses, his tired eyes briefly surveys your length. Your body remains still as your eyes are closed shut, chest rapidly rising and falling. Assuming you dozed off, he carefully untangles his limbs off of you to clean you up before tucking you in.
As he climbs off the mattress, your hand manages to grip his arm in time. “No, don’t go.” He hears you breathlessly whimper.
You look spent— satiated even. He could clearly see your eyes as they struggle to open still. He retreats back on the mattress, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead.
“I’m not going anywhere.” He reassures you in a soothing tone. A sigh went past your lips in relief. You gave him a subtle nod, trusting his words.
“I miss you,” You croak, you were just so tired, and sleepy. But you can’t seem to move on from missing him too much for the past few days.
He could see it in your eyes, the vulnerable side of you in the aftermath of the lovemaking.
“I know, baby.” He whispers close to your ear as he strokes your hair in a comforting manner.
His touch, so gentle in contrast to how he rammed you to the hilt minutes ago. It was as if he was cooing you to sleep. Few moments later, your consciousness slowly shrinks, finally succumbing to darkness.
The next moment your eyes open, the first thing they search around is him. His side of the bed is empty. And the moment you dared to move, you instantly felt the ache in your muscles and the numb feeling in between your thighs. Then your eyes noticed a shirt, which you have on. Just by the size of it, you knew it was Namjoon’s but you don't ever remember putting it on before you fell asleep.
How long have you been sleeping?
It was dark in the room, the dim lights supporting just enough so you could see your way through the room.
“Joon?” You call out, looking around the room. There’s no sign of him— until your ear caught a distinct clinking of glass, your gaze instantly landed on the very subject you were seeking for.
At the sound of you calling his name, his head snaps, instantly meeting your gaze as you struggle your way towards the corner of massive room.
He wore a pair of plaid pj pants and a plain white shirt similar to the material that covers your body now. His messy hair tells you that he had pushed back his locks more than once. His isn’t this long before, and you wonder how many regular haircuts he had abandoned to have it this long. With how endearing he looks with his hair, you made a mental note to have your way to stop him from cutting it any time soon.
When you shifted your gaze away as you near the stone coffee table, you saw there on top, a glass container of expensive alcohol, a liquor glass and an ashtray which made you turn your eyes back at him. You didn’t notice the stick in between his fingers right away.
“Angel,” he greets in a curious tone, surprised to see you awake.
“You’re not asleep.” You say, your stare following his fingers as he inhales a long draw through the stick before crushing its end against the ashtray. Smoke coming out of his mouth and nose as he exhales.
His hand caught yours, coaxing you to sit on his lap. His fingers brushing away your hair out of your face. “You okay?” His surprisingly gentle tone laces in concern.
You only nodded in reply, willingly obliging onto his embrace. Your thighs curling on his lap as his arms instantly pull you on his chest, preventing you from falling off.
The lingering smell of cigarette and alcohol from his breath mixed with his natural scent wafted through your nostrils as you find yourself burying your face on the crook of his neck. You didn’t know it could smell this intoxicating on him. As if your core is not literally burning enough from the intimacy earlier, you could feel yourself slowly leaking, core clenching painfully at the thought of his thick length inside you.
His hand rests on your back, the other on your thigh, the warmth in his body enveloping you from the cold.
You tilt your head to the side, “I didn’t know you smoke.” You say in dazed of your growing desire.
“Hmm, does it bother you?”
You didn’t answer. But let yourself drink in his exquisite smell.
You felt his palm soothingly rub your back, “You should rest, I’ve worn you out.” You cheeks heating up on his mere words.
Your lips pressing tiny kisses there, on the skin of his neck.
He stills, recognizing the intention of your sweet gestures. “Sweetheart—“
“Please, make love to me Joon.”
He sighs, “I was not gentle with you, sweetheart, it’s too soon for you.”
His shirt crumples beneath your fingers, “I want you.”
The way you beg him to take you made him forget how he was striving to control himself to fuck you again and again, until his needs are temporarily sated.
He was not gentle and the aftermath of the intimacy surely left traces of pain from how tight your core is. It was the reason why he’s now several glasses in from liquor, distracting himself because it’s too soon to satisfy the urge have his addicting vice.
With your plea, his restraint vanishes so quickly, giving you what you had begged for.
He took you there on the couch.
You were clinging onto him, urging for him to fuck you harder. Your sweet moans, your stinging bite marks on his shoulders, and your warm, tight core choking his cock brought him to the hilt. Cumming in the depth of your insides raw and hard. The thought of you bearing his child briefly feeds his mind as his liquid mixed with your juices gushes out of your core.
The alcohol, being the source of his early distraction, fail to restraint him to fuck you, again. For the third time of the night, you willingly gave yourself in to his carnal needs. Despite the evident ache in your muscles all throughout your body, his touch, his kisses and the pleasure he made you feel were enough to coax you.
The next morning, you unquestionably feel horrible. You could feel your head throb, and the slight attempt of moving made you whimper in pain. The burning sensation in your core is difficult not to miss as much as the ache in your body.
Namjoon is nowhere in sight and as much as you want to come search for him, the blinding light seeping from the floor to ceiling glass wall made it such a heavy task to do so.
What time is it?
You inwardly groan at the thought of missing your classes. You have done it a lot of times before that you literally couldn’t afford to miss some more.
Feeling the exhaustion from your body, you dozed off some more and only stirred awake when you felt something on your face.
With your eyes closed, you know it was no other than your husband. His hand moves from your face to your hair, gently stroking and raking your locks away from your face.
When the afternoon break came approaching, he paid a short visit to the room to check you in. He didn’t come to his office today, shifting his appointments through digital meetings in his study.
He’s been watching you for a few minutes now. Worry creeps into him, the intimate activities must have drained your energy empty. He mentally reminds himself to be gentle to you next time.
“Hey,” Namjoon suddenly hears you greet. His gaze lifted toward your eyes.
A smile slowly spreads on his lips.
“Good afternoon, sweetheart.”
He laughs when you groan, shutting your eyes closed in distraught as you realized it is indeed late.
Frowning, “I missed my classes.”
“You did. Your friend called this morning, I answered the call and told her you’re unwell.”
“Yes. Perhaps, you’ve rested enough?” You nodded.
Unfortunately for you, that wasn’t the only time you missed most of your classes just because you were too tired to get up in the morning.
He didn’t falter the following days. Taking you one way or another. You even thought he would finally be sated with his needs after several days. You’re wrong. Because the more you allow him to touch you, the more he wants to take you shamelessly just about anywhere he can make his advances. “Joon, we’re in the kitchen.” You manage to say as his hand slides inside your sweatpants one Sunday evening. You‘re heating up a pasta that was abandoned several hours ago, starving from fulfilling your other needs. Miyoung must have kept the food in the fridge when she realized the two of you have no intention to eat the supposed lunch. Namjoon tags along, watching you prep the food in the microwave until he decides touching you seems like a better idea. His fingers almost there, where they were earlier on the bed, and if you weren't too hungry and spent, you would probably let him do you here. Your hand grips his arm tight, restraining whatever intention he has. “No one is here.” He insists, lips assaulting the skin on your exposed shoulder. The bulge of his crotch pressing on your back, feeling the evidence of his growing arousal.
A mere slave to his touch, you appeal, “Joon, can we eat first? I’m hungry,” when you feel his other hand sneaks under your shirt. His movements gradually took a pause, sighing in defeat. He kisses your temple before letting you eat in peace.
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“Listen, can I talk about something?” Mingyu gave you a brief glance, although he seems to have his focus fixed in front as he drives you back home. “Of course, Mrs. Kim.” He says politely. Your face scrunches up. “I told you to call me Y/N.” That was on his first day, you instructed him to address you by your name when Hanbin introduced you to Mingyu as ‘Mrs. Kim’. Mingyu nods without returning your gaze, “I could, but I’m not sure the boss would be thrilled to hear I’m on a first name basis with his wife.” He could be right. But you choose not to voice it out. Shrugging, “I’m sure he would not mind.” “You don’t want the boss to get mad.” He states as a matter of fact, then adds, “What do you want to talk about, anyways?” You shifted in your seat, slightly angling your body towards him. “So, do you guys know what time Namjoon usually comes home?” He didn’t speak right away, eyes narrow hearing your question.
“Hanbin does not tell me that sort of information, unless it’s necessary. My job is to guard you, anyway. Why do you ask?” There was something in his demeanor that changed, or was it your mind playing tricks on you? “I... Uhm...” You fumble through the right words that could explain your plan, but all you had come up with is a simple reassurance of his participation. “Can I trust you though? You know... not to tell him?” He clears his throat and shuffles on his right earpiece. Your eyes caught it. Is someone speaking on him through it? “I’m not sure, we don’t keep a secret to the boss.” He responds, shortly. Part of his job requires him to disclose your activities and anything related to your safety. Entertaining your antics might put him in serious trouble. Your eyebrows rose. “Ever?” You ask, testing the water. His cooperation would really help you out.
His forehead creases, sizing up your words whether it’s a trap or just some white lies far from a threat to his job. “Are you questioning my loyalty, Mrs. Kim?” The thing is, as the conversation prolongs, it would be difficult for him to avoid trouble, he thought as he fails to understand your purpose.
“No. Just... it’s a different kind of secret.” Your voice falters. If you want to keep a secret, why should you drag him with it? “A secret is a secret. It would cost me my job, you know.”
Your eyes roll as if you don’t know that. He’s not even letting you talk before deciding on his own. You wouldn’t even bother telling him if you don’t need his support to pull off your plan, how will you buy stuff without him tipping it all off to Namjoon’s right hand man. Speaking of which, perhaps, you shall consider tagging Hanbin along in your plan. Heaving an exaggerated, you convince him further, “It's not something bad, will you hear me out? You won’t be in trouble if you keep it a secret. Just promise me you won’t tell him?”
He didn’t look at you, nor made an effort to acknowledge it. “Hear me out first?” You try again when he seems doubtful. His focus was clearly on the road as he shows clear disinterest to listen to you.
“Fine then...” You surrender, crossing your arms.
Silence filled the air inside the car all throughout the journey home, with you frequently shooting childish glares in his direction the entire time. When Mingyu expertly maneuvers the car on the garage, you quickly climb off the car fully intending to ignore him just so you could stir guilt in him because you couldn’t directly admit you need his help.
Unexpectedly, Mingyu catches up with you and suddenly offers, “We can talk tomorrow. On your break.” Then he sprinted toward the flight of stairs instead of usually taking the lift  before you could even process his words. 
He changed his mind that fast?
Out of curiosity, you did try to talk to him again during that night but you couldn’t get a hold of him. And going to the basement where the team camps in could raise suspicion so you waited until tomorrow.
The following day, you notice an unfamiliar guy adorning a similar all black uniform. It does not bother you though since your husband owns a whole agency. However, Mingyu didn’t show up and was replaced by a new one. Although questions start stirring up in your mind, you never really voiced out your concerns to anyone.
When you got home that night, you attempted to wring out an answer from Namjoon. You didn’t need to find him because the moment you returned from uni, he was at the foyer with Hanbin, backs facing your direction. By the mere looks of it, he was sort of giving commands to his right hand man, something you couldn’t properly hear what it is about.
“Hi.” You finally speak, catching both of their attention. Namjoon made a gesture in his hand, dismissing Hanbin while you approached his tall figure.
As Hanbin passes by you, he sends a polite nod to your direction as a greeting, before disappearing from one of the doorways.
With a few steps forward, Namjoon met you half-way, eyeing you up and down. “Sweetheart,” He murmurs while swiftly reaching for your hand, to pull you in for a kiss.
It wasn’t even just a peck. His lips have instantly dominated yours, making sure he sucked and licked your lips enough to have you catching your breath when he drew back. Your cheeks instantly flame at the sudden ministration. You couldn’t even keep an eye contact with him, too embarrassed with how quickly your body reacted to his lips. Unlike you, Namjoon still wear a passive expression, not even a single affected by the kiss. Of course, he did more than just a kiss to you before. Keeping a safe distance from him, you took a step back. “You replaced Mingyu?” You begin inquiring. Out of all the things you can ask, it has to be the very reason for his anger. He didn’t seem one bit pleased to hear you mention your bodyguard’s name instead of asking how his day had gone like your usual opening question during dinner. “I did, should it matter?” He answers with another question. Nervous by the intensity of his stare, you shrug, “I was just wondering why he’s not around.”
It’s true. If Mingyu didn’t promise the talk today, you wouldn’t be this curious. “He’s back in the headquarters.” Namjoon briefly provides.
But the information was too short to rest your mind in peace. Why did he suddenly removed him as your guard? “Oh, okay.“ Something tells you, it’s not all of that. Mingyu’s absence, for all you care, could be anything work-related or personal as long as the boss is concerned. You‘re already aware that Namjoon does not take jealousy too lightly, and somehow you’ve presumed Mingyu will inevitably be victimized under Namjoon’s territorial behavior. The problem is, you couldn’t seem to think of any instance that would make your husband jealous. Unless... Namjoon knows something else you’re not aware of.  “Will he come back here?” You ask further, nervously fidgeting your bracelet while surveying his expression. His eyebrows knitted for whatever reason, significant or not. “No.”  “Why not?” Namjoon cocks his head to the side, his now pitch black eyes strangely spoke with raw emotions you couldn’t tell what exactly is. “Tell me one good reason why he should be here...” He suggests with a nonchalant tone. Unknown to you, his patience is shrinking as he lowers his head to eye you with his tense stare. You didn’t understand what it is for, but you couldn’t help your body as it faintly shudder under his stare. “I’m just curious—”
“How many secrets of yours have you told the boy, Y/N?” Your heart momentarily stops at the mention of your name. Because he rarely calls you by name.
Is he referring to the conversation you had with him yesterday? “W-What... do you mean?” The cold temperature couldn’t even cease the rising tension between you two. “You perfectly understand what I mean.” He answers right away, locking his gaze to you. Making sure you could see the way his eyes flicker with fire. Mingyu told him?
You fumble with words, confused at Namjoon’s anger towards you. “How...w-what...what did he tell you?” “What do you think?” Namjoon returns the question back. And it confuses you more now for how your inquiry has turned into a confrontation, especially that the unnecessary anger is directed at you. You should have not beat around the bush and just directly told him you wanted to surprise Namjoon.
Now, Namjoon thinks you’re actually keeping something serious from him. Did Mingyu really snitch on you? You quietly ponder over, as you recall what happened inside the car. Mingyu was barely participating in the conversation, and the way he responded to you... it was formal, and uncooperative like the usual. The fact that Namjoon knows about it is already a giveaway that Mingyu actually tell-taled. Unless... the earpiece— “If he told you about it, then you would know he didn’t even let me talk, unless he told you something else...“ You trailed. The longer you think of it, the more convinced you are that Namjoon knows something more, just from the look he bears... “We can talk tomorrow. On your break.” Mingyu’s words echo in your mind, once again. And as your brain slowly processes the information, it gradually makes sense to you…
The way he was talking to you in the car made you believe he didn’t want to participate in whatever ploy you have, but he quickly changed his mind once both of you were out of the car. It was not his two-way earpiece. But the car-- Namjoon saw the horror slowly creeping into your face. “You heard, didn’t you...” You breathed. Namjoon heard it clearly, fully comprehending the words you just uttered.
“Something must be in that car, isn’t it?” You press, further.
He is well-aware that you’re not stupid, and you’ll eventually find it out. He just didn’t imagine it to be revealed this way. Nonetheless, his lips only pursed as he remains calm and collected, no trace of remorse or guilt visible on his face. 
His expression tells you he was not bothered by the fact that you found out. You didn’t know how the fire in your eyes is effortlessly piercing his heart. The kind he does not want to see in your eyes. You scoff, “What else—Is my phone bugged?” You suddenly prod, tilting your head up so you could fully observe him through your lashes. His face, however, maintains a straight face. You waited for his answer, silently wishing he would debunk your assumption.  The lack of response only made you confirm it. Fury quickly courses within you, “Why?” Your hands rub your face in utter disbelief. “You have me tailed everywhere by your men, is that not enough?” You spat, resentment slowly clouding your mind, 
”You have my freedom under your mercy, now my privacy? What else do you want from me?”
“It’s for your safety—”
You laugh humorlessly, harshly brushing the stubborn tears on your cheeks. “Tell me, is everything in your apartment bugged? The bedroom? The closet? The bathroom—” “Hush sweetheart, your body is mine and only for my eyes to see.” He was quick to come to your side, catching your arms. You didn’t like the proximity. It makes you weak.
“I’m not your fucking toy! You can’t do this to me!” “Calm down, baby. I love my woman submissive.” He says in a soothing tone. His words as softly as they were spoken hurt you deeply, fueling your ire even more.
You didn’t know how you found the strength to slap him. Your hand trembles, stinging from pain after it meets his skin.
“Find another woman, then!” His face barely turned from the impact, proceeding to address your anger.
“Calm down.” He attempts to console, but it only did the opposite to your ego. You trash your arms out, hating the way he still has the upperhand despite the table being turned upside down. Your strength could never compare to his as you struggle to push him. “You are my woman. Need I remind you that?” Harshly shaking your head, “No! Don’t touch me!” His grip loosens on your arms, and you took it as your chance to sprint off towards the stairs, not wanting to repeat what happened in his office before.
You locked yourself in the bathroom, somehow trusting that this is the only place kept hidden from any prying eyes. Tears uncontrollably flow through your cheeks, face buried on your hands as you helplessly listen at the loud thumping of your heart. If you didn’t pull back, chances are he would have his way to take your weakness in his advantage. The strong surge of emotions you feel cannot even compare to his physical strength.
You’re confused, hurt and disgusted all at once. You didn’t expect how messed up this whole marriage thing could get, realizing you actually know so little of him, of what he does in a living. To think that you have learned to trust him because of the stupid affection you have been nurturing for months, makes your insides twist in fury. Perhaps, it was a spur of the moment thought that you regarded as a wise decision, as anger overpowers your senses. You didn’t understand how it transpired, accordingly. When you quickly packed up a few things put the bag underneath the bed while waiting for the night to progress, Namjoon didn’t come to the bedroom. You thought it helped you leave smoothly.
Little did you know, Namjoon was watching the scene unfold through the numerous cameras simultaneously viewing before his eyes on the screen of his laptop. It was taking all of his willpower to stop you and lock you in his bedroom until your anger subsides, but something tells him it would not do good to cool down your anger.
Funny how the situation unexpectedly turns upside down as he recalls being gutted with anger. Not liking how you so easily open up to others than him. He couldn’t deny the ugly feeling traversing within him when he listened to your interaction with the boy.
As the night rolls around, the burning sensation of the alcohol in his throat becomes addicting, taking more until the ache in his chest numbs.
Jackson’s apartment was the only place you could reach at this hour. Considering Jihyo is staying in the college dorm, you wouldn’t be able to get inside the building for it was already past two in the morning. His place was not even considered a hideout. But at that point, you don't even care if Namjoon comes along breaking down Jackson’s doorway to force you back at home. You only needed a safe place away to think at the moment because you couldn’t bare to see him, yet. And you’re well aware of the effect he has on you. He can quickly cloud your judgement over his will through his mere touch. That’s how bad you’ve fallen for him.
Few days of distancing should enough for you to sort your feelings, if he doesn’t come collecting you himself.
“You okay?” Jackson croaks, seeing you trembling a little. Minutes prior, he was ready to beat the shit out of the person who was smashing his doorbell like a madman. Never would he think it was you of all people.
“He didn’t... hurt you, did he?” He hesitatingly asks, seeing the traces of tears staining your cheeks. Shaking your head, “No. We just had a fight.” “He doesn’t know, right? That you’re here?” You gave Jackson a knowing look, “He probably does by now.” Jackson offered his bed on the first night, but you turned his offer down. You took the couch instead, somehow preparing yourself for the imminent devastation of the storm. Fortunately for you, no one tried to break their way into Jackson’s apartment that night, relieved that everything is still in place or it’ll surely make you guilty for dragging your friends to your problems with Namjoon.
That following morning, you transferred into Jihyo’s dorm, deciding it would be best for Jackson’s safety. Six days insufferably passed. However, it felt longer than that. Staying away had not concluded the fight you had with Namjoon. There was also no sign of Namjoon or his men lurking around the college or the dorm in the past few days. And it bothered you more than it should have given you peace. The thought alone made you realized, you were more affected by your action as you were deeply tormented by the thoughts of him and the possibility that he doesn’t want you, anymore.
Your anger towards him couldn’t tame your feelings for him. Maybe you have underestimated it as a mere attraction—infatuation, even.
That night, Namjoon showed up in the dorm’s doorsteps, to which you had already expected since the first night. But you’re still left surprised, nonetheless.
Your heart painfully tugs, as your chest rises and falls with rapid breaths. “What are you doing here?” Indeed, it was unfair. While you wallow in despair for days, he seems not one bit affected by the situation.
“You will go home,” He calmly orders, his eyes briefly scanning you over.
As ever, he didn’t fail to make your heart thump crazily from the mere sight of him. While you look worse—missing a lot of sleep from trying to balance your studies and your issues with him, he looks stunningly gorgeous, powerful, and unfitting to be in a place like this. “No, I‘m staying.” You insist. “I’m not asking for you permission.” He corrects you in a formal tone, before walking past your figure. “Namjoon—wait! Where are you going?” You panicked, tailing behind him as he immediately finds Jihyo’s room where he scans around the small space. This is barely a room to stay in, he silently thought. “Pack your clothes. I’ll give you five minutes before we go. Unless, you want to leave without them—” You didn’t let him finish, cutting him of mid-sentence. “No, I'm not coming with you.” You compel, determined to follow what you had planned in your mind.
The look on his face is all too familiar, the one that tells you he won’t take no for an answer. “Do not test my patience, sweetheart.”
“Namjoon, stop.” You begin, visibly in distress by the sudden shift of the situation. You are aware he always has the upperhand.
“I want to stay here. Can’t you at least give me that after what you’ve done?” You implore. As much as you miss him, you couldn’t afford to see him yet, or it could break you. “I already gave you space, that’s enough for you.” Shaking your head, “I didn’t ask you to. I left.” You say. His height does not intimidate you anymore, but the way he holds himself now, he seems different. As if he was deliberately trying to make you succumb to him.
“Sweetheart, I had all the means to stop your ploy if I wanted to. I didn’t, because I figured you would need it.” Declares Namjoon, drawing himself closer to where you stood.
You took a step back. “What if I don't want to?” You challenge.
He lowers his head, allowing you to have a glimpse of his dark eyes, silently warning you. “You don't have a choice, sweetheart.”
You let him win, again. Because you were left with no option. You couldn’t think of anything else that you could do to oppose him without compromising anyone, especially your friends. Nothing you could do but to give in for now.
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Namjoon already disappeared from somewhere when you entered the living room, leaving you all alone until you hear footsteps nearing towards your direction.
You turn to see who it was.
“What are you doing here?” You warily ask, utterly surprised to see him. How many more surprises do you need yo deal with today? By how ugly the events have turned out, you won’t expect to see him again, or anywhere near the penthouse. He gave you a nod as a form of greeting, before answering, “Working. What else do you think I’m here for?” “For Namjoon?” “Of course, he’s my boss. But he gave me a specific instruction to guard the queen.”
You only gave him a look, although with the obvious height difference, you had to tilt your head up to do so.
Your visible annoyance quickly amuses him. After what happened, he really has the nerve to smirk right in front of you?
“I’m sorry Mrs. Kim, but you look horrible today. You alright?” He shamelessly nags to which earns him scowl from you. “That’s nice of you to say.” You retort, “I’ve been missing a lot of sleep, thank you very much.” He laughs as if nothing really happened.
It’s not his fault, anyway. You don’t blame him for what happened. However, the urge to ask him why he’s back here almost slips past your lips. Only that you remember someone could potentially be eavesdropping to which you didn’t need unnecessary suspicions from Namjoon, anymore.
The conversation was short lived when Miyoung called you in, gesturing for you to come with her in the kitchen, not expecting to see Namjoon sitting in one of the stools in the island counter where food is sumptuously served.
Your footsteps stagger, half-considering to leave the kitchen. However, Namjoon patiently waits for your next move, as if silently ordering you to take a seat.
Heaving a sigh, you did just that, not wanting to stir an argument with him.
Once you sat down across from his seat, he starts placing various food from the empty plate in front of you, until it is almost full that you’re not sure if you can eat all of it.
“Stop... I can’t finish all of that.”
Namjoon pauses, peering at you in disbelief. “You can, it’s your favorite.”
You didn’t like the way he was acting up like he didn’t cause the problem in the first place. You hated how the impact of his action didn’t seem to affect him a single bit.
“I’m still angry,” You couldn’t help but to say.
His serious stare tells you he has no time for a confrontation, but so are you.
“I know, you can be angry for as long as you want. But please, angel, eat the food so I could have the peace. You haven’t been using your cards for your meals, did you intentionally do that to make me worry?”
You scoffed, his indifference to your issue only frustrates you even more. “Why would you think I’ll use your money while I’m gone?”
“You don’t have the means to live independently.”
“That’s not the point here, Joon.”
“It is, when you were not looking out for yourself. You haven’t been coping well… you look a few pounds lighter.” He said in a firm persistence to prove your inability to live well without using his resources.
So what if you were miserable? You couldn’t really force yourself to eat if you didn’t have the appetite to consume food. Either it was because of your distress over the fight or food simply didn’t appeal to you.
Speaking of, you barely touched the food in front of you. You’re not even hungry anyway.
“Shut up—“
Namjoon was quick to cut you off, dismayed by the lack of light in your eyes, you almost look like you’re about to pass out. “Why is it so easy for you to disregard yourself for your pride? If you have been taking care of yourself well I would have given you longer time to mourn in that little cubicle room you call a place.” Namjoon says in a clearly disappointing tone.
The fact that you lost a few pounds in a matter of days bothered him. It took so much of him to let you wallow in despair, he knew that disrespecting your privacy is not right and he understands how it left you scarred with the horrid feeling of betrayal. The same reason why he let you on peacefully for days, until he couldn’t handle it no more.
The short glimpse of you while he had you followed only did more damage to his heart than the peace he was aiming for. A single look from you and he already knew the fight took its toll on you deeper than what he had expected. Your physical state was the last straw to make up his mind to take you back, unwilling or not.
“My pride? You think it’s because of my pride? You think I’m mad because you outsmarted me with your stalking shenanigans?” You echo his words, finally losing the will to touch the food.
“What else is there to be angry about, I told you, it’s for your safety.” He counters back. His mind was spiraling wildly, uncertain how to handle this situation in a way it wouldn’t upset you more.
Namjoon was used to having the control in every situation, a single look from him and no other human being would dare speak further. He used to not care whether he could tear anyone apart with his mere words or sharp glares. He tried it with you and the impact only came shooting back at him, there in the depths of his heart, which no one had been able to inflict him with such raw powerful emotions, enough to make him bend helplessly on his knees.
“That’s the problem! You didn’t even tell me! I was kept in the dark all this time! And now what? You suddenly care about me when you didn’t even consider what I would feel when you gave everyone else something to snoop in about right under my nose?” You accuse, finding the strength to hit him with your words. A moment ago, you felt too empty to even bother a conversation with him. As the remnants of disgusting feeling stirs within you, you now want nothing but to lash out every bit of your anger towards him.
However, Namjoon didn’t want the confrontation this soon when he just had you back home. Though he would not avoid it, he believes now is not the time to talk it over.
“We can talk after you eat, sweetheart—“
“No, we will talk now!”
His gaze pierces straight through your eyes. Although his eyes almost reflected defeat, the aura he carries is so powerful. No one would ever dare scream or say no at him, unless, they don’t value much of their life.
You really are something. Someone who can never compare to him, someone whom he can easily crush in a snap of his fingers— but you’re not just some woman out there. You are his woman, the only one who has bewitched him—not only claiming his heart but also owning his dark soul. If you only knew the effect you have on him...
Silence fills the cold air, shortly. As you look away, not liking the effect he has on you, he quietly seeks for your eyes. He could always see through you—the emotions your eyes transparently reflect. He failed to see any of it when you turned your head away.
He sighs, before breaking the cold silence. “No one can access your phone, you don’t have to worry about it. It is for when… something happens, I could track your location and your digital activities.” Namjoon briefly explains.
There are things that should be left unsaid for your sake. His company has long strayed away from the black market since his father died. But the industry he belongs to will always bear ugly truths in order to sustain the reputation of his company. What he did, to put it into the simplest terms he could articulate of, protection does not only mean hiring people to be your human shields. In this digital age where perpetrators can utilize technology to harm their target, something has to be sacrificed to protect an individual alongside. In your case, it was your freedom, privacy and much more you have yet to realize. He didn’t want you to run away every time you learn something about him or the kind of business he has.
He could not tell you anything else.
“Liar! You’re only saying that to validate your action.” You say in an accusing tone. You got up from your chair, increasing the distance from him as the ambience gets suffocating.
“I’m not justifying what I did whether it’s wrong or not. I would do it again if it means to protect you. When have I not shown you I didn’t care?”
He didn’t mean no harm to disrespect your privacy, but that’s just a part of many things you would have to deal with when you’re married to him. Danger has come along with his name long before he was born.
As he steps closer, you quickly step away. Your head lowering, avoiding his eyes. “W-What are you… saying, you shouldn’t have kept it from me, in the first place. You don’t have to pretend you care. You’re only protecting me because I’m your responsibility.”
His forehead creases, “You are my wife. That makes you my responsibility, isn’t that the same thing for caring, sweetheart?” His hands extend forward to coax you closer.
You shook your head, “No.”
You couldn’t deny that he’s been attending to your needs, being more than just a guardian, crossing the line beyond the role of a mere provider. He became someone you have come accustomed as a husband despite the lack of emotional commitment from him, a friend under the guise of a husband. Even if you wanted more from him, who are you to demand such thing? The mere thought of your unrequited feelings towards him painfully tugs your heart.
Namjoon caught the raw emotions swimming from eyes. To what are those for?
“Have I not shown you enough? With my actions, with my kisses... when we make love—“
“Shut up, you d-don’t know what you’re t-talking about.” You stammer, turning your back at him as you feel your eyes welled up. 
“Then tell me how you feel, I can only take so much when it comes to you. I’ve never felt so helpless when I see you suffer, when you cry. Baby, I was so lost when you left. Tell me what I should do.”
“Stop… you’re confusing me with your words.” You croak, as you struggle to process his words.
The sound of his steps nearing made you still. Your eyes clenched shut, and as the tears stain your cheeks, you quickly wipe them away. Namjoon is so close, you literally could feel the heat of his body. 
“I’m not good at expressing my feelings. But I thought I made my intentions very clear. You don’t know how much I’ve missed you baby, please let me hold you.” Namjoon drew himself nearer, until your bodies are touching. When you made no effort to distance yourself farther, he cautiously encircled his arms around your waist.
You remain still as he pulls you even further in his embrace, nuzzling your hair from behind. You hate yourself for giving in too soon, the moment he has you locked in his arms, your anger quickly melts away. The warmth from his body felt too comforting as it slowly envelops your body, reminding you one again how much it tore you apart when you left. The ache in your chest, somehow, subsiding. You didn’t want him to let you go from his hold.
His nose traces an invisible path on the side of your head, loving the alluring scent of your hair. Softly murmuring just above your ear, “I have loved you since the day I saw you taking orders in that coffee shop. While you made me this crazy for you like no one else has ever done, you’re willing to leave everything. It was that easy for you to walk away and leave me, just like when you left your home for your freedom—“
The hard thumping of your heart is so loud as you cut him. He could probably hear it from the close proximity of your bodies.
“No, that’s not true! I didn’t leave you,” you pause, shaking your head violently to give emphasis on your point. Your heart aches, as your chest felt suddenly constricted hearing his confession. The information felt foreign in your ears, as if you were hallucinating. Is it true? Did he really know you way before you met him?
“I needed some time to think for myself. But I wouldn’t leave. I could never… I’ll always come back. I would come back to you.” Tears instantaneously flow in your cheeks. 
Namjoon spoke no more, as he squeezed your body in his arms, burying his face on the crook of your neck. Savoring this moment.
You in his arms.
You barely had a glimpse of what kind of his life he has, and have no knowledge of half the ugly things he had done. The deeper he falls for you, the more he willingly succumbing himself to your mercy, as if surrendering a dagger for you to destroy him through his weakness.
He silently wishes from the gods above that you would never walk away from his life again, when pieces of him slowly unravels to you through the course of time.
“Namjoon,” you whisper, seeking the attention you unknowingly have.
“Don’t leave me again, Y/N. I can take your anger, scream at me, hurt me— anything. I can take so much from you, as long as you’re right in my sight, the way I can protect you. I’ll give you as much as time alone.”
“Promise me—”
“Namjoon!” You plead loudly, tugging his arm to gain the attention you want.
He takes a deep breath, confused at the tone of your voice. “Hmm?”
“I love you, too.” You murmur so suddenly.
He stills, hearing the words he had heard you say in his dreams. This time, he was awake with you in his embrace and he was uncertain if he actually heard the words right.
“I love you so much.” You repeated, with a longing voice, this time you turned to face him. The look in his face tells you all of it. Shock was written all over his face, as if your confession was something he was not expecting in his wildest dream. Between the two of you, his confession of love for you is the most unpredictable thing you heard from him.
You tiptoed, reaching for his lips. He quickly met you halfway through, greedily capturing your mouth. His tongue went past your parted lips to dominate the kiss. You sigh against his mouth, missing the rich taste of his lips.
Nothing else matters now but his embrace.
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Note: Hope you all enjoyed this one sjajahahagj 
This turned out a bit longer than what I had initially written only because I kind of included something to introduce characters/details that are part of my upcoming series. 
mintseesaw © 2020
976 notes · View notes
seasami · 4 years
Larry Fic Rec -- June/July
hii!! so I’ve got some fics that I read in June and July (until now). If you see a ✰ next to a title it means I really liked it and it’s one of my favs from the ones I listed. If there’s a 🔒 next to title it means you have to be logged in to read.
[Click on the title for link]
                                               _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
Latitude by nikogda (44k)
Summary: Harry’s a hybrid on a boat about to be hit by a storm and Louis is the human who comes to his rescue. That storm is all the time they have to fall in love before going their separate ways. That is, until almost a year later… 
Ever Since I Tried Your Way by Anonymous ✰ (25k)
Summary: Harry had been kissed before, but never like this.He’d shared sweet, curious kisses behind bleachers and in soda shop booths, one or two more daring ones in cars parked on dark suburban streets, but the girls he’d kissed had never filled him with the desperation that erupted from Louis’ touch. He parted his lips and pulled him closer, as though he could breathe Louis straight into his lungs, as if he could swallow him. He wanted to consume Louis the way he consumed the body and blood of Christ. He wanted to place Louis on his tongue and feel him dissolve into a frothy mess of starch and saliva. He wanted to gulp him down until his teeth were stained purple and he was drunk on him. He wanted him in some violent holy way that made his hands shake where they were twisted in Louis’ shirt.
In 1949 Harry left his bride at the altar, running away from the only life he'd known. When a kindhearted farmer offers him a ride in his truck and a place to sleep the two find themselves inexplicably drawn together. Isolated on Louis' farm with nobody but a field of dairy cows to intrude, the men are finally able to explore the parts of themselves they've spent their lives hiding away.
No Candle No Light (No Friendzone To My Love) by Anonymous (11k)
Summary: Louis glanced at his friend, glaring daggers and Niall chuckled. He looked like his idea could end world hunger and Louis was horrified. [...]“Come on, Niall! Tell me!” Harry insisted, excited.“You can threaten him other than with violence. You said you want a little revenge, right? What if an ex-boyfriend came to reconquer you? You know, the jealous and aggressive kind.”Harry sighed loudly, closing his eyes. Louis frowned, just like Liam and Zayn. What was he talking about? And why was he still looking at Louis that way?“Niall, this could’ve been a nice idea if I had an ex-boyfriend, but-”“Let me explain!” Niall barged in. “ You don’t have an ex-boyfriend but you can pretend you have one! I’m sure Louis would love to help you with that.”Liam almost choked on his wine and Zayn bit so hard on his lip to contain his laughter that it might have bled. Niall looked satisfied as hell, of course he was the little shit, and Louis just had time to flip him the finger before Harry turned to him. He was fucking delighted.
Or the one where helping Harry getting rid of his boyfriend may be the only way to his heart
Sugar by lettersfromvenus (15k) ✰
“I hope our paths will ‘croissant’ again.” 
There’s a little smiley face drawn next to the words, and it’s ridiculous, Louis knows, but he can’t help the swell of butterflies that he feels as he reads over the words once more. An odd fellow indeed, he thinks.A moment later he shakes his head and collects himself, because he really does need to get home; he’s sure that Harry is probably watching him from behind the counter, all sweet, smug smiles and pink cheeks. And if he’s being honest, he’s not entirely sure he won’t toss his groceries into the trash and walk straight back into the bakery if he doesn’t leave now, so… he really does need to get going.
 Before he goes on his way, though, he plucks the note from the top of the container and carefully tucks it inside of his wallet to protect it from the rain.
That’s how it begins.
Only Been Here One Time by alienharry (10k)
“Good morning, Liam. Harry.” Louis nods at them both and then cocks his head. “Are you aware you have four nipples, Harry?”
Harry looks down at his chest, suddenly worried. He doesn’t know how many nipples humans have, but four must not be a usual amount. “Should I have six?”
“Not unless you’ve a litter of kittens to feed.”
Soft Hands, Fast Feet, Can’t Lose by dolce_piccante (112k) ✰
Summary: American Uni AU. Harry Styles is a frat boy football star from the wealthy Styles Family athletic dynasty. A celebrity among football fans, he knows how to play, he knows how to party, and he knows how to fuck (all of which is well known among his legion of admirers). 
Louis Tomlinson is a student and an athlete, but his similarities to Harry end there. Intelligent, focused, independent, and completely uninterested in Harry’s charms, Louis is an anomaly in a world ruled by football. 
A bet about the pair, who might be more similar than they originally thought, brings them together. Shakespeare, ballet, Disney, football, library chats, running, accidental spooning, Daredevil and Domino’s Pizza all blend into one big friendship Frappucino, but who will win in the end?
It’s All Brand New by midnightwhistleberries (10k)
Summary: “Harry,” Louis intones emphatically, “literally everyone in the U.K. has known that I’m openly bisexual since 2011.” 
“’Cept you, I guess,” supplies Niall. 
In which Harry studies engineering, loves Madonna, and can't tell if Louis likes him or just keeps coming back to the record store because he's some sort of musical hoarder. Louis is famous, Harry has no idea, communication issues are rampant and fluffy pining ensues.
Fool For You by flowercrownfemme, lesbianferrissbueller (46k) ✰
Summary:  “It’s not a game.” Harry scoffed, trying to push past him once more but Louis held his ground. “And I’ve never once told you a lie.” “All you do is lie," Harry argued. "Jests and tricks and made up stories, that’s your trade. I’d never trust a word from your mouth.” “I tell stories,” Louis conceded, “but a good one must be based on truth. And my stories tend to get a bit more truthful when I’m around you, Princess.”
In which Harry is a brooding prince who's scarcely smiled since the death of his mother and Louis is the dashing jester hired to change that.
streetwise hercules by bottomlinsons (7k) 🔒
Summary: I said,” Louis’ voice is venomous, “who the fuck is this?”Right. This is Harry’s part.
(Uni AU, where Louis pretends to be Harry's boyfriend to scare away his one night stands.)
Close Enough To Touch by stinky28 (7k)
Summary: “You are killing it!” The stranger shouts in his ear, to which Louis raises a brow, setting up the next transition and song, bobbing a bit in place before glancing over to the stranger and Oh. Red. 
He’s staring right at a very large, oddly tied red bow tie. It takes up the whole stranger’s chest and..it’s bloody brilliant. He fucking loves it. He feels himself break into a giant grin, looking up at Mr. Red Bowtie’s face and Oh. Fuck. 
OR an au where louis is the dj for the met gala after party and harry can’t leave his side.
Hate Me To The Moon by harrystylesandstuff (83k)
Summary: The last thing Harry wanted was to spend his entire summer stuck with his dad's new fiancée and her kids. He wants no more when he learns she's a very religious dictator, raising a sixteen year old nun and a clean cut potential priest ass kisser.
Everything takes a slightly different turn, however, when Harry finds out his future step-brother is actually the rude stranger he caught sucking off a guy in a pub, far from the reserved Christian his mom thinks he is...
AU where Harry is a sexy nerd, Louis is a great actor, and they both pretend to hate each other's guts to convince themselves they're not feeling things future step-brothers shouldn't feel...
hush. by Wankerville (41k)
Summary: “I don't like you like that, Harry.”
“See,” Harry starts, Louis can hear the smile in his voice, “that's where I think you're lying.”
or an au where small towns suck, louis is losing it, and harry’s just too perfect.
The Unsuccessful Promise by trysomecats (11k)
Summary: At the end of the previous school year, Louis swore to everyone that he would return in the fall as an alpha. He made this promise especially to his arch-nemesis Harry Styles, who has already presented as an alpha himself. Unfortunately over summer break, the worst thing possible happens: Louis presents as an omega. Now school is back in session and he has to return and face the consequences of pre-determining his status. 
Featuring Liam and Zayn as Louis' doting and exasperated parents.
Autumn At My Window by TheCellarDoor (20k) 
Summary: A canon-compliant AU, in which Harry and Louis are both in the band and have been sharing flats and hotel rooms for nearly five years, but never made the leap past 'friends who are too close for comfort'. 
Featuring a lot of pining, Louis' addiction to Harry's scent, and a whole lot of sexual tension that might just snap loose when they decide to spend some time together all on their own.
OKAY! That’s it for now cause I don’t want this post to be too long (oof i’ve read a lot actually). I have Fic Rec June/July Part Two in drafts and im also gonna collect fics that I’ve read on my kindle (its usually above 50k and make a fic rec with them). Stay tuned and follow my blog so you don’t miss it idk <33. 
PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR FEEDBACK ON THIS: I can make: Iconic Fics, My Fav Fics or try and do some themed fic rec. LET ME KNOW IF YOU’D WANT THAT! 
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ktheist · 5 years
chapters:  11 / 12 / 13 
knight!jungkook x princess!reader
“Your highness!” Eunha, your new maid, calls and at some point, you think she might have tried to run after you but proved to be no match for your legs. The same legs that have carried you into battlefield, slashing through the bodies of your enemies who might have been her father, brother or cousin just less than six months ago when your kingdoms were at war.
Blood was spilled and lives were lost.
It might be Taehyung’s tonight, as you found out about the shocking revelation Eunha blissfully mentioned of the unfortunate tale of a royal guard stealing the Prince and Princess’ dinner in the royal kitchen. To feed the son of a farmer that came to deliver some goods.
The Prince had saw it and ordered for him to be locked in the top cell of the left wing in isolation. Contempt of the royal family. Shameful. Disgraceful. Or so they say but your only take away was a emphatic, compassionate officer doing what the crown should have.
The ice cold prickles of the marble floor soon turns into roughed, dirt ground as you ascend the swirly staircase. On any other occasion, you would have preferred to take your time reaching the top, being well aware that the architecture is bound to unbalance you greatly but not tonight.
Tonight, your mind is fixed on a single goal. A wishful thinking perhaps.
“You dare lay your hands on your future Queen.” The hardened gaze you give the guard that tried to apprehend you is fierce and strict but the pendant of the royal family’s emblem is probably what made him retreat and bow.
“B-but your highness, the prince -” he fumbles with his words, legs almost caving under. You suspect if you’d tip him over, he’ll go tumbling down the stairs.
“Take this.” You barely manage to swallow the bile on your throat as you yank the pendant off your neck. The spot between your cleavage where it lied feels as heavy as your heart for what you’re about to do. “It’s worth enough to sustain your whole family for the next winter.”
One heartbeat. Two heartbeat. He hands out his hand on the third, head hung low as though he couldn’t bear to witness the beginning of his disloyalty towards his King.
And he shall learn, one way or another, that the crown he so devotedly serves has close to no care for its people.
Though the King seems more humane than his wife and son, the war that doomed your country could not have happened if he had not approved it.
The words left you before you even manage to step into the cell that’s barely a quarter the size of your chambers where a wall-sized window permeated endless source of light and gorgeous view of the garden while a squared hole in the wall is the only thing keeping this god forsaken prison without light. Somewhere in the corner, the fire of a candle waves at the presence of an additional company.
His arms are skinnier than you remember when he gathers you in a longing embrace yet the strength of his hold does not change. It’s the same hold that offers you security and support on nights you are at your most fragile.
“Princess,” the hoarseness in his voice breaks your heart, “how did you get here?”
Calling for the guard that’s stood outside, you order for him to sneak into the worker’s kitchen, “get some water and some bread. plenty of those - oh for heaven’s sake go! we’re not going to run away!”
Jungkook cups your face and wipes away the tears you didn’t know were falling down your cheeks like waterfall. The fingerpads of his hand feels more callous than the last time he caresses your face as you fall asleep but the roughness affirms more than ever that this isn’t just some dream like the many dreams you’ve had of being reunited with your knight.
“Forgive me,” you hiccup, “I-I didn’t know -”
He presses your face into the crook between his neck and shoulder where you find solace in his warmth as he rocks you back and forth, hushed whispers spoken into your ears.
You didn’t want to let go when the scrawny guard comes bursting into the minute prison with what you asked for, cowering backwards when he sees the sight of his soon-to-be Queen in the arms of a man who’s not his Crown Prince.
At the very least though, Jungkook manages to find humor in your childlike tantrum. The vibration of the laugh all too familiar yet surreal.
“You’ve just found me alive, don’t you want to keep it like that?’ He bargains, receiving a smack on his chest at any notion of death doing you apart.
“It’s not funny.”
He pulls the tray left by the guard a few feet away from his feet, relishing in freshly made bread and taking generous gulps of water from the bucket that comes with the sustenance.
All the while, his left hand is always touching you in some way, be it around your shoulders or presently, interlocked with your right hand.
“Let’s run away,” by dawn, you’ve calmed down enough to find yourselves in each others’ arms, lain on a straw mat on the dirtied ground, “you and me.”
“Princess,” Jungkook’s thumb is on your chin and you’re forced to look into those brown eyes that holds nothing but gentleness, “you were born for something so great that to succumb to your wish to run away would be a crime.”
“It’s my only wish,” you clutch a handful of his shirt on his chest, it feels odd not having the coldness of the armor shock you anymore yet this way, you can feel his beating heart if the world is quiet enough.
“It’s the one wish I cannot grant you,” he sits up, hand covering yours as though he’s begging you not to implore, “will I see you tonight?”
He presses his lips to yours when you take a bit too long to answer. It’s too easy to lose yourself in his arms when he’s holding you so close. Yet the thought of what will happen once you step out of this prison makes your chest tighten and the line of your shoulder a little straighter.
“We’re not done discussing this.”
He waves you off with a smile that says every parting is a goodbye. Every sneaking in is an surety hung loosely over the promises of a bag of shillings for the young guard whose name you learned is Beomgyu.
Your nights are spent sneaking past the guards (a specialty honed from your younger days in your own castle) and your mornings are spent with the family you wed into and the council.
Until one day, a messenger boy comes bursting into your study as you discuss the betterment of the political status between the Southern and Northern Kingdoms. 
The mountain people have accepted the treaty in exchange for fur coats, breads and horses. The King, at the news, roared with laughter as he brought the silver chalice to the air.
“A toast to my dearest daughter,” he nods at you, “for achieving peace since my great great-grandfather’s rule and even then, it was my great great grandmother who struck the treaty.” 
“To her highness,” Sir Park is the first to break the silence, joined by the rest of the councils but not without suppressed sneers and back-handed compliments.
The chair on the other end screeches as the butler hurriedly rushes over to pull it off the marble floor.
“Since my son has found the best of wife,” he says over the celebrating crowd as chatters die down, “a coronation for the new Queen and King to take the throne shall be held in three month’s time.”
A pause.
“I’m unwell,” the Queen looks at you sharply before she meets her King’s concerned gaze, “allow me to retreat to my chambers.”
Less than a minute later, Taehyung stands, dropping the crisp white napkin on the table. The only sound echoing off the walls are his footsteps tapping against the floor almost as mocking as his retreat.
The King clears his throat and smiled with a sort of practiced glee that could have fooled the highest of nobles, “eat, drink, celebrate! For we have a busy month ahead of us.”
But you’re both of royal blood and you’ve once borne a weight of a crown.
The wide, a deep red, swirls in a minute whirlwind within the chalice as before you shoot the King a smile and bring the chalice to your lips.
“Your highness,” you stop a few feet from your door where a familiar face is leaning against, chatting up one of the maids whose luck is the poorest to have caught him there at the wrong time, “what brings you to my chambers?”
The maid drops her gaze, a meek greeting shot your way before she practically runs to the opposite direction.
“You dare lock your chambers from your husband?” He looks past you to your Seulgi who has assumed a post as your lady-in-waiting. She remains in her spot until you signal for her to unlock it.
“When I tell you to do something, you do it,” he whispers to her between the clicking of keys before she pushes the door open, head hung low as though she hadn’t heard a thing.
You cover your hand with yours for the briefest seconds before trailing behind him into your room. The curtains are drawn apart, moon light pouring onto the intricate design of the Indian carpet.
“You’re stepping out of line, princess,” fingers curl around your delicate wrist as the doors creak to a shut, “be a good little trophy wife and cease your meddling in the politics of my kingdom.”
“I should not have to if you’d do your job properly.” You maintain the smirk spread across your glossed lips as you attempt to shove him away.
The frown lines on his face eases into a nasty smirk. The one you wish to slap off since the day you’ve encountered. It’s short-lived as the corners of his mouth turns down.
“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten,” even with the mask of hurt he wears on that devastatingly handsome face, it’s still not enough to conceal the ugly little head of where he derives his humor from, “that once I’m the King and you the Queen, we are expected to be with a child. A royal blood to unite the two kingdoms once and for all.” 
His grip tightens, those dark eyes harbor the same kind of menace of the man who rode on his horse and ordered for your head during the war. The mere recollection of blood, fire and the condition of your own knight makes you want to vomit.
Arching your knee upwards, you take a step backwards as he doubles over, wheezing.
“You wench,” he sneers once he’s gathered his breath and the remnants of his pride, “wait til I become King-”
“King?” A scoff escapes your lips, “battles and wars are your forte, I admit but it takes a man to rule a kingdom and unfortunately you’re half of a man than the stable boys.”
The bellows for the guards almost allows him to pass as a mad man. Truly feral and uncontrolled like the beast that set fire to your people’s houses and burned the harvest of your kingdom.
“Your highness,” Eunha rushes to your side as three guards march towards Taehyung, Seulgi standing a few feet away.
“Get my sword and one for my darling wife,” nimble hand pulls apart the ruff of his collar before he tosses his jacket onto your bed, “it’s a beautiful night for a fence.”
It’s a losing game.
You knew since you unsheathed the sword of your family insignia - one of the many approaches the King had taken to make you feel at home. It’s your father’s father, passed on to your father and on your wedding day, passed to you and hung on the wall in the diner hall of your new home.
The weight isn’t made for a woman - as are many things that are deemed a man’s job. You prefer the sword you had custom made on your 20th birthday. The day your father promised he’d teach you how to wield a weapon but before he managed to hold a lesson for you, he’d fallen terribly ill.
Sending a prayer to your bed-ridden father, you leap at the smirking man, already knowing it’s far too heavy for you to counter his attack. One strike is at it takes for him to send your sword airborne and landing just inches from the fountain where a statue of the previous King stands gloriously.
“Yield,” the point of the blade catches the reflection of weary yet bloodthirsty eyes. It takes a moment for you to realize they do not belong to the monster who’s well able to drive it through your heart. It belongs to another kind of monster, yourself.
“You’d have to kill me first,” you say through gritted teeth despite your neck burning from craning upwards to look at him dead in the eye.
“Enough!” A flock of golden yellow enters your periphery, the delicate shrill is enough to tell who the colorful robe belongs to, “Taehyung, I raised you better than to point your sword at a woman!”
“But mother,” the man grunts, “she was -”
“I don’t care who did what,” she speaks over him, hardened gaze shifting from his son to you.
The weight of it is enough for you to want to cower into the corner and blend with the shadows yet you remain on your spot, back straightened, hands 
“Leave,” is all she says and it’s enough.
One by one, the guards and your maid begins to trickle out of the vicinity, rushed heels clacking against the floor until only the three of you are left.
She didn’t even bat an eye when her son bowed and started walking until you dip to a courtesy, “remain there.”
“Your majesty,” nodding once, you watch as she circles you like a predator before pulling out your sword from where it’s rooted.
“A princess does not go against a man in a sword fight,” the glint of the moonrays hits one of her eyes, painting it a treacherous golden brown, “not before she is crowned Queen.”
“With all due respect, your majesty, I do not want -”
“You will,” the robe flutters behind her as she spins, gracefully yet deadly, “you will want power. Command. Once you’ve lived long enough to lose yourself in this god forsaken place and I will not allow you to have any semblance of that in my castle. In my kingdom.”
“My Queen, your wisdom is misplaced. I’ve borne the weight of the crown and know a great deal of what it entitles,” you drop to a bow, “to be relieved of it is a luxury not many can afford. My apologies that you lost yourself along the way and forgot the cause you are to bear: your people. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
The air feels heavy, almost crushing with each step you take as the reverberating sound of your heels remind you how alone you are within these walls. The wall you’re leaned against as you clutch the thin peignoir on your chest, heaves of breath tumbling out erratically.
You’re not sure how long you’re slumped on the ground like that. Not long, you suppose. These walls, though barren, are not uninhabited. One of the footmen must have seen the lump of a person and came close enough to realize it’s you before he manages to shoo you away if you were a maid.
Eunha is on your side in no time. Gentle, slender arms around yours guiding you to your room. But those are not the arms you wish to be in right now.
check out my masterlist for the latest updates!
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nerdgatehobbit · 4 years
Okay, I have plans for the blog so I’m going to list them (in other words, a ramble is ahead). As always, they can change but I’m being hopeful on its sixth anniversary.
Arrow: I’ll probably review season two next year at this point. Also it’d be a bit funny if the first I see of it is a season four episode while I’m watching the second season of the first spin-off. But I will get around to it eventually!
The Flash: I should resume season two before heading elsewhere in the franchise. Still planning to skip three & five as well as only watching a select group of season four episodes. I did recently get season six for $10... which is worrying, I won’t lie. Usually new seasons are way more expensive. Unless anybody has some very convincing arguments, I’ll only watch “Pay the Piper” (Hartley shows up and Amanda Tapping directed!).
Legends of Tomorrow: I have the first two seasons. If I enjoy them, I’ll get the others. I hope I enjoy the show.
Avatar: The Legend of Korra is something I really need to stop putting off. I’m looking forward to it, even with the issues I’ve heard about occurring on & off screen.
I am still planning a reread & rewatch of The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings. Especially with The Fellowship of the Ring film turning 20 in December. Also: so many special features. :D
After I finish the second season of Jackie Chan Adventures, the reviews will go on hiatus so I can focus on TCW and ALOK. I do plan to watch the other three seasons in time because this show is such fun.
I might do a Jane Austen reread, this time using my reviewer goggles. It’s been a while since I’ve read the novels, period, so I’m about due for this.
I’ll probably watch Legend this summer; it sounds up my alley even before noting it stars Richard Dean Anderson and John de Lancie. Though I have to be glad it didn’t last, as it freed up RDA for SG-1.
BBC Merlin has been inducing conflicting emotions now that I’m in the third season. Gwen continues to be the best, though. I increasingly suspect I like Morgana either to or in spite of the writers. Not sure which.
Speaking of shows with uneven quality, Once Upon a Time is turning ten this October! So I got the first two seasons to rewatch & review, plus the seventh season to see for the first time. Even Adelaide Kane’s presence wasn’t enough at the time to draw me in after the Dark Swan arc debacle. I do have a soft spot for the fourth season’s arcs, but it’s not readily available and I don’t need to see it again. This is going to be a fun project. At the very least: all the pretty costumes!
Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure Reign wouldn’t be for me, given what I’ve heard of its storylines. Which is a shame, because I like Adelaide Kane; have since RPM was airing. Also, as this post proves, I have a lot of media that I already have which should be consumed first. Because there are a few films I want to see & review too.
Pokémon Sun & Moon has been my comfort show over the past several months. Yet I’m excited to move onto Ultra Adventures for several reasons: more female characters, wormholes, Super Sentai references, and what appears to be a continued balance of plot-centric and slice-of-life episodes. My major issue right now is whether to keep counting like it’s one big arc or to restart the episode numbers in the review titles. Hmm.
I’m glad I fell back into Pokémon in time to truly celebrate the franchise’s 25th anniversary last month. At this point, I’m unsure if I’ll hold out for a complete season of Ultra Legends or if I’ll cave in and buy the three segments. Either way, it’s likely I’ll see Adventures in the Orange Iskands between the Ultra seasons.
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy has been fun so far. I’m close to seeking out Dino Fury in order to support the current incarnation, even if that’ll make for sporadic reviews. After I’m done with PRLG, I’ll look into getting the 2010s seasons.
I’m a bit nervous about watching the first season of Star Trek The Original Series, given how it’s become such a pop culture icon. Still, I can’t really call myself I nerd if I never attempt watching it, right? ... I’m mostly joking.
I need to finish watching Star Wars The Clone Wars. There’s a very good chance the reviews will be sporadic as I watch when I’m emotionally capable of doing so. Look, I need comfort shows in these times. Thus the Pokémon.
I’ve decided to rewatch 10 Stargate SG-1 episodes, one per season, once a month. So far it’s been fun. I still need to finish Blood Ties & Do No Harm; hopefully I’ll read one of them this weekend. Eventually Stargate Universe will make a return, but that will stay on the back burner for as long as I can. I ought to look into rewatching SGA episodes as well, but I want to actually do some theorizing posts for this year and/or get more SGA novels.
I really need to reread Thalia’s Musings before the fourth novel is released. ... And this time I will leave comments instead of lurking. I need to get better at that in general, actually.
The first six episodes of Traders have been interesting but I’m mostly okay with the fact I’m only watching the first season. Grant is very adorkable, so not seeing more of him is the biggest regret of not continuing the show.
Xena Warrior Princess reviews will resume in the fall. I am about ready to start the second season in order to develop a buffer of posts.
As for Young Wizards, I did finish the second story in On Ordeal. It was somewhat bleak but well written. I just need to read Ronan’s story before I can finish & post my review. I think I’ll schedule the chapter-by-chapter compare & contrast reviews to start in 2023, since that year will mark the 30th anniversary of the first novel. I just need to start the project by this summer to get a headstart.
I’m probably overdoing it, but I can always drop a project if it stops being fun or if it’s clear I’m overextending myself.
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15th anniversary of our madness!
Yes, you read that right. Today, April 13th 2021, marks the 15th anniversary of when I was crazy enough to bring out the idea of a crazy roundrobin crossover on the Moony Witcher Forum.
When on that day, April 13th 2006, I made a post with the general idea for Mai Dire Fine I never thought I would be starting a saga that would be still ongoing 15 years later.
But here we are, with me and Aelit still working on its latest sequel of sorts, The World without Authors. Compared to back then, our writing skills improved a lot (Mai Dire Fine was not a good story) and, while there’s always more we can still learn, we are proud of our improvement.
So, where are we? We published recently the 10th chapter of The World without Authors, which is currently around 69.000 words – we’re already closing in towards Blank Sprite‘s length (77.000) and that’s just part of the first arc, Scattered Shards. Adding in the previous stories, we’re past 320.000 already.
Even with The World without Authors‘s “all-stars” cast, we still only have a total of five characters from Mai Dire Fine, only three of which (Sergio, Nikki and Kathleen) were part of the main cast as the other two (Faith and Virgilia) were introduced towards the end… well, technically there’s a sixth character, the mysterious “Professor”, but his identity is spoilers as of now. I believe there might be enough hints between The World without Authors and my older behind the scenes post for you to be able to guess his identity already, but the reveal is meant to be a nasty surprise that will set up the second and third arcs, Venezia Immortale and The Dove and the Crow. Yes, we’re planning (well… sort of planning) that far!
But enough of that, let’s head to the celebration specials!
Unfortunately, the Q&A session was a complete failure. We didn’t receive any question by the deadline, but the mailbox is still open! Feel free to ask us anything, we’ll make a Q&A post as soon as the question come in, and we’ll keep it updated every time new questions arrive.
We still have a few more goodies, though. The first is a bit of an experiment on my part, I took one of my early PPC missions, A Very Awkward Exorcism, alongside a couple scenes from the interlude set chronologically just before it, Planes, Guns, Clones and other usual PPC Stuff, and gave them a complete makeover into a comic. Yes, I made what I believe might be the first full PPC mission in comic form! You can download it in PDF format (Trigger warning for rape, contains some partial nudity) here. I hope you’ll enjoy it!
Another thing I made is a special anniversary illustration, in which our characters, and a few we borrowed, from all over our works enjoy some partying. With all the things happening due to the Unravel they deserve some off time, don’t  you think?
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Let’s start with the back row, left to right.
First one is Ai Minase, from Koikatu. She has the distinction of being the “adopted canon character” of The World Without Authors – while we have other canons working with Strike Dove, she’s the only one who became part of the main cast on a deep level. While Hayate Yagami, her crew, the Razgriz and Long Caster also work with my main cast, they’re more of external allies. Her dress looks a bit like a tablecloth, but that’s a canon-ish outfit of hers: while she never wears it in her route, it is in her character card in the slot that gets used during dates in normal gameplay.
Next to her we have Keiko Caterina Turbo, Sergio and Nikki’s daughter with her own PPC spinoff, Wings of Canon: Second Strike. She is also the only survivor of the Second Strike cast, having lost Shiro and Saki in the Unravel, and as such the role of representative of her series is all on her. She also doesn’t like skirts, at all, why do you ask?
Then we have Hajime Irene Turbo, Keiko’s half sister/alternate incarnation from the timeline in which Sergio got together with Ami instead. She’s an original The World without Authors character, but still related to characters from my previous works. Fun fact: Keiko and Hajome’s birthday, April 13, in indeed based on the day and month we began Mai Dire Fine. If we consider HQ Standard Time (the PPC’s timeline) to coincide with the real world, they turned two years old today.
Next is Hajime’s mother, Ami Tanegashima. Mentioned first in I don’t like luxury cars to pave her way for her posthumous role in Blank Sprite, we can consider her the representative of my Blank Sprite original characters here. She’s now stuck with the absurdity of not only having a daughter she never thought she could have, but also of said daughter being currently only four years younger than her. Considering Ami’s small frame, there will likely be plenty of times in which she’s mistaken for Hajime’s younger sister… also, now that she’s 20 years old and of drinking age in Japan, she discovered she actually likes alcohol. And can deal with it surprisingly well despite her light build (as opposed to Sergio and Nikki who both can’t hold their liquor)… yes, she had more than a few glasses here. Luckily, she doesn’t drink very often.
Toasting with her is Aya Kibokami, the “fragment” that split off Madoka Kaname at the end of Blank Sprite. As such, she’s here as a representative of canon characters of Blank Sprite. Due to a certain scene of Madoka Magica, in which Madoka expresses a desire to go out drinking with her mother (who really enjoys drinking) once old enough, there is fanon of her eventually developing the same taste for liquor. While we’ll likely never know if the canon Madoka would, Aya is the other heavy drinker of my cast and here is depicted finally having a toast (or two… or a few…) with Ami to celebrate the success of their “Save Sergio and Homura from their spirals of self-destruction by making them defeat Vera and save Madoka together” master plan.
And, of course, fussing over Aya’s excessive drinking we have Kuroko Tenshimi, AKA the “split fragment” of Homura Akemi retaining the memories of the Blank Sprite Incident. While her and Aya haven’t featured yet, they did make it to the Unraveled World. However, I don’t plan on making them part of the main cast yet (in fact, I’m planning to reduce the amount of characters we’re following as the cast is getting too big), and I’m actually considering having them star in their own The World without Authors spinoff, but nothing set in stone yet. Oh, and fun fact about them, they did already have a bit of starring of their own as they were the hosts of the Third PPC HQ Hunger Games. How Nutmeg TV managed to get hold of them for that will forever remain a mistery.
Next, a character very few of you are likely to be familiar with. Nina De Nobili, the title character of the Nina, the child of the Sixth Moon book series. Acting as a representative of the Mai Dire Fine canon characters here, she’s been chosen since, as I said in the past, we started Mai Dire Fine on her author’s forum, and even received encouragement from her to keep writing at one point… despite the fact we were basically butchering her work. However, everyone has to begin somewhere, and Moony Witcher (real name Roberta Rizzo) knew that, so I’m glad she didn’t shoot down our hopes – I might not be here now with a 300.000+ words saga under my belt otherwise. Nina is not planned to reappear in the Unraveled Worlds, as she’s from a series intended for children that wouldn’t mesh well with our current plots.
The little guy sitting over the counter doing karaoke is Conan Edogawa from Detective Conan (anyone insisting on calling the series Case Closed can leave now). He’s again a canon character featured in Mai Dire Fine, but there are plans to involve him and some other characters of his series in the third arc. Also, as you can guess by Nina’s reaction, he’s a terrible, terrible singer.
Leaning on the couch we have Hiro Shirogane, our Gundam pilot. He’s a fully original character created for The World without Authors whose original concept was made by Aelit, although I was the one developing his backstory and relationship with Miksa. I admit that for a while we weren’t too sure about what to do with him, but I hope his current subplot will be enjoyable.
And now, the front row. Leftmost is Hanami, Nikki’s alternate from Kathleen’s alternate timeline (and as such a The World without Authors original). She’s been adopted by the Kinomotos (as she’s also an alternate of Sakura) and is now living with them. Something that debuted in this illustration are the glasses: those are her timeline’s Sergio, and she doesn’t actually have a need for eyesight correction. She had the lenses replaced with fake ones, and wears them due to them being one of the few things she has left of him, though they’re also a good way to differentiate herself from her “sisters”.
Then we have Sakura Kinomoto from Cardcaptor Sakura herself. If we go by name only, her first appearance in my works would be Mai Dire Fine, but that particular Sakura ended up becoming Nikki so it is safe to assume her first appearance was actually in the first mission of Wings of Canon, my main PPC spinoff, titled Don’t Forget The Canon, and she has been confirmed alive in the Unraveled World, in which she is now legally Nikki and Hanami’s younger sister. As in the comic I posted above, her hair is actually lighter than Nikki or Hanami’s as most CCS media have her with a light shade, but Nikki and Hanami both derive from the 1998 anime that had a darker brown as Sakura’s hair color.
Next to Sakura is Syaoran Li from the same series, who instead did appear as himself in Mai Dire Fine. He was badly OOC though, and if the The World without Authors incarnation of him does remember Sergio, things might a bit tense between them at first… though, hopefully, just until he gets explained that no, the “Sakura” Sergio was in love with was actualy Nikki and there’s no need to be jealous.
Then we get to Kathleen Leone. She is not the Mai Dire Fine incarnation of the character, but an alternate made for The World without Authors. Despite that, she started considering the main timeline Sergio as her own brother even before he had to kill her timeline’s, due to the latter’s descent into madness. We haven’t been able to give her much space until now, due to the action being mostly in the air, but that will change soon. I won’t spoiler anything, but Chapter 11 will be a big turning point in the story.
Of course, holding arms with her is Faith Leone, Everything I said about Kathleen applies about her too, as they’ve arrived in the Unraveled World together. We haven’t shown much on our plans to develop her so far, but trust us: we’re going to both fill in more of her bakcstory, and give her chances to shine soon.
Cutting the cake together we have Sergio Turbo and Nikki Cherryflower, both of which made their first appearances in Mai Dire Fine and appeared in all sequel works. For as much grief the Unraveled World is bringing them, it is arguable they’ve gained more than they have lost, as they’ve both got their families back thanks to it. Fun fact: their outfits are loosely based on the ones they wore during Chapter 7 of Blank Sprite.
Last but not least, Corolla. Introduced in Don’t Forget The Canon, she’s my most successful character. Defined by Aelit “Kathleen, but written well” way before we started working on The World without Authors, it isn’t a suprise they synergize so well together… much to Sergio and Nikki’s dismay. Here, is she more excited for the cake, or because they are cutting it together like it was a wedding cake? Probably both.
And that’s it, 15 years of writing, condensed in one image. We hope you’ll keep following us in the future!
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callyrose1986 · 4 years
my reality is a fantacy
Its beginning of April and I've been hearing voices since my birthday last September, I can't say I had the best time of my life... I decided to type it all down of what I went through, let me break it down for you, one day around my birthday I decided to read a few tarot cards online and the more I did they showed the same outcome, that I was to meet my twin flame, twin soul or/and soul mate, not sure if it's all in one or if it's just one of these, that I'm not sure of, now for those of you who don’t know what that is a twin fames or the others twin flame is when one soul splits into two, not sure exactly what twin soul is other what it sounds like, seems to me it is the same thing like the twin flame, soul mate is just that, a mate for your soul, look it all up for yourself.  
For some odd reason I begin to hear voices of a women and she helped me get better at hearing them I can't say exactly what she did I can't remember, I have the worst memory anyway though this times of readings I figured out who my other flame was and I don’t know if it was fate or dumb luck but it was my celebrity crush.... Imagine that, I have no idea who or why it turned out to be him but I was constantly told that I could manifest my desires and welp.... take that as you may I have no idea myself what is truly going on in my life right now..... only the gods and answer that messed up bit of information, not that I'm a religious person I prefer to spiritual instead.  
I tried to contact him online his name was Tom Hiddlston, I had a crush on him since I first saw I'm in the superhero movies when he played Loki in the Thor, tall dark and handsome was my type, I then fell for him even more once I got to know the actor, well as much as I could get to know him behind the silver screen. Anyway, I was reading pictures from his hashtags on Instagram like you read tarot cards and then I would post a reply and put it in Tom’s @page and I would get something like a reply... I could hear him in my head too and then for some reason he told others it turned into something like a little game them who turned out to be the cast of avengers.
it went over pretty good on his side, but unfortunately on my side when I broke it to my mother.... I made one of  the biggest mistake I ever made...deciding to walk from my small town of Coulhurst all the way to the city of Lethbridge to go to chapters. Where I thought the tort card where hinting I would meat Tom, not that I actually though I would I just wanted to go, and they were egging me on to go, something else that I could inform you all about is that there is many different realities not just the one you live in and unfortunately that mean that there are many, many different versions of ourselves and unfortunately, I did not contact just my version of Tom Hiddlston but I contact all of the others two, I have no idea how I managed that... the one that came was not my Tom from my world but from another and that means I could not see him.  
I still don’t know if I have talked to the Tom from my world, I guess I won't know till I get the chance to meet him in person, if that ever happens of course, let's see... I died in other reality's more times than I could count, mainly because I can't remember, being stabbed in the back by a trickster god called Loki a few dozen times and I don’t mean from the Norse mythology I mean by the Loki from the marvel movies, ya because that’s a thing....  
Everything you watch is a window to another reality and dreams are something of the same, now there is more like I can put myself into movies and shows I watch and I can hear what the characters are thinking and saying, not to mention in the begging I thought whatever I do in my mind what actually happen in the other reality's I was thinking I was in, now I changed that it just everyone imagining it but not really having it happen, I did a lot of not so nice stuff and still do but at least it's not real, I was sent to hell a few times wish I know what heaven was like, think I got jipped on that one, worst thing I ever did really was sole chock from when I was at school and church, I did watch some porn that was not meant to be watch by anyone's eyes and played some pornographic games but I don’t think I'm meant to go to hell for it...  
Apparently the ‘devil’ just wanted someone on one time, I brought myself back to life as soon as I knew I was dead, well eventually sometimes, it was just tiering having to do that all the time, oh by the way I can do that bring myself back it along with anything else you can think of, I can do anything I want too in other realities, does not work in my reality but then again I can't be killed by other people from other realities in my reality, also I got murdered on my way to chapters stabbed and molested by some random guy still not sure about the whole story behind that one my mother found me walking still to the book store in my reality, that was a trip I tell you, before I was picked up I somehow jumped into other bodies of the actors who had flown down with Tom and had found me at my house.
I did end up at the store but of cause no one showed up, that was one journey I won't soon forget, I  found out that my other selves where from other realities and that characters I created comes to life, like since tv and movies characters where once created, I was not sleeping and was not eating but I was not tiered or hungry but for a girl who did not have the  waite I didn’t need to louse more of it.
I was seeing signs of that my house was evil and that the color red was bad and everything that was ‘dark’ needed to go so I got rid of mostly everything I had in my room that was considered ‘dark’ on top of that lost a caption America sweeter and Tom Hiddlston doll and Spiderman figure and almost lost my phone, it was found  thankfully but not the others.  
Among all the other versions of me there is a few evil characters evil clowns evil demon things a robot some zombies some vampires and a dnd character and an original character called Cally, among others I'm not sure about, one of them is called the moon goddess who has the power to have everyone fall in love with her looks, and it leaks out into me so others from the other universes feel overly attracted to me because of her, there is an off switch but it keeps turning on and she says it's not always her doing it, I'm not sure if I should believe that, Tom has the same thing but I won't know that till later, names the sun god, I'm not too fond of that one, my fault for calling him the sun to my moon, nether one of them where exactly what I though them to be.
it wasn’t just that everyone was attracted it was harassment and no one would take no for an answer I was raped in a lot of realities, it's gotten better but still not perfect yet, they are lucking they didn’t die from doing that to me.  right after I when walking to the book story my mother had me admitted to a mental health facility, where they drugged me up to take away the voiced, it worked but on the down side I could not eat I could not sleep, I was shaking uncontrollably and it was worse than when I was home,  I just didn’t feel the need to sleep or eat at home.
I was drooling from the shot they game me and I was losing wait because I could not swallow the food, it was not a fun time, I was there for about a month after that I want in to shasha house and I was therefore a day or two and they took me to the hospital to see if they could figure out what was wrong with me, they gave me something for the shot I took to get rid of the voices since that’s what was making me have side effects, it didn’t take long for me to feel better, I was in the hospital for about a week or something close, after that I was at my sisters for a few days, meanwhile my mother had got something called global amnesia from the stress.
Then I was back to shasha house I was there for about a week or two and was thinking of the voices again, I haven't heard from anyone since I had that shot but even with everything that happen I still wanted them back I was lonely I liked talking to them I liked talking to Tom, you may think I'm stupid to start this all over again but I don’t give a damn! This time I would tell no one, have it be my little dirty little secret, don’t really remember how I got them back but I did, I didn’t get the right ones though I didn’t know that, I have been going through so many to find the one from my reality, there is no real way to find out who is Tom from my reality I've told Tom who loves  me by now that maybe we should meet at a comic expo somewhere where I can get to, so in Canada hopefully in Alberta.
let's see this second half I got stepped a few times again and mind f*cked a couple of time no more evil things like seeing red and thinking devil is after me, no more going to hell or dyeing, we tried merging all the realities but didn’t work tried to merge all the Toms still don’t know if that works to our advantage or not. I still have my highs and lose, I've run across the first group a few times and they are merged with a Tom who is now called God... btw I HATE HIM!!! Fuck the sun god GOD, ‘GOD Tom’ IS THE WORST!!! I will MURDER THIS BASTERED WHEN I SEE HIM because he lied about being the ‘REAL’. I also decided to stop giving ‘second’ chances to the villains, they just don’t learn.  
I'm sure there is more I could say but that’s it for now, I still haven't seen anything of Tom going to a Con near me yet, I still have a few weeks to go till I go.  
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vampyr-bite · 4 years
hI! can you take a picture of that Sounds article and post it? i kinda want to read it lol
Hey! The archive I’m using at the moment is text only (thanks corona) but I’ve pasted the article below. Hope that’s good and u enjoy and u have a lovely day!
Pete Makowski, ‘Def Leppard: The Leppard Doesn't Sleep Tonight’, Sounds, 6 February 1982
THE SOUND of Ross Halfin's bouts of self induced vomiting...Steve Clarke smashing his guitar in a Blackmoresque frenzy...The black dude with a gold tooth who offers out cocaine in a packed McDonalds at eight o'clock in the morning...Sleepless nights, trying to get some shuteye on the tour bus which due to the lack of any form of suspension feels like a plane in the state of permanent turbulence...Waking up fully clothed feeling like an over abused cocktail shaker...Nights spent paralytic in bowling alleys and truck stops willing the hours away – If the rednecks with arms the size of those slabs of meat that adorn butcher shop windows don't kill you, the infra red fried chilli will...This is life on the road!
The Lone Star State is a place one could easily write volumes about and still nobody would believe half the stories you told them. It's a proverbial utopia and lunatic asylum rolled into one. Plenty of sunshine and healthy-looking women; in fact every form of debauchery is available at your beck and call.
This was the perfect location for Def Leppard to close their tour which had proved to be a long and arduous trek. The merciless blows endured during the six months of gigging are cushioned by the fact that the Leppard entourage are basically a closely knit family-like affair. Tour manager Robert Alan (brother of drummer, Richard) also doubles as sound engineer, and token Irish lunatic lighting man 'Famous' is a typically stocky, cheerful chap who spends half his time dreaming about his homeland where he dreams his days away with fishing rod in one hand and a proverbial pint of the dark velvet brew in the other. The band and crew eat, sleep and defecate together giving the whole thing a warm congenial atmosphere.
As I've mentioned in a previous feature the group and entourage are all so young it makes one want to retch with envy. And they are all far from being as blasé (as one might expect) in fact surprisingly enough they still come over as avid fans, although their attitude to work is surprisingly professional and they put every iota of energy they've got into their stage performances, giving headlining act Blackfoot a good run for their money.
After all these months of hard graft Leppard are beginning to reap their just rewards, meeting with ecstatic audiences at almost every show. In fact their performances are met with nothing less than fanmania from a crowd that is not short of wholesome looking nubiles who squeal in frenzied approval at everyone of Leppard's moves.
While the average Blackfoot fan can be seen lumbering around the auditorium wearing the almost uniform check shirt, hiking up his baggy denim pants, clutching some obscene piece of junk food in one hand and the obligatory doobie aka spliffette in the other, The Leppard-ites in contrast are a new breed of fresh faced kids out looking for a whole new brand of kicks.
Although Texas is supposed to be a stronghold for Blackfoot (who to be fair are a hardworking road band with no shortage of talent and energy and as people are very amiable, good time folk from Jacksonville who really enjoy their crazed life style – these dudes do walk it like they talk it) there's no doubt that this time round the lil' ol' band from Sheffield made a big impression on the locals and will be guaranteed a headlining spot the next time round.
Their best shows on the tour were undoubtedly at the tropical seaside resort town of Corpus Christi and in Houston – which is undoubtedly one of their biggest strongholds in Texas shitkickin' territory.
"Home Of The Encores" is the sign emblazoned outside the Ritz, which in reality from the inside comes over more like a pokey old cinema that should have been condemned many moons ago.
The backstage area resemble a derelict bombsite and the roadcrew were apprehensive about the voltage system, the main concern being whether the place had enough juice to feed the vast backline Leppard had put together for this tour.
At first a feeling of despondency hung thick, like an onimous cloud, in the air and people were beginning to draw straws to decide who was going to lynch the promoter. Feelings didn't improve after they saw the bathroom facilities, that resembled something that harked from the dark ages. But once they took to the stage Joe Elliot and crew demonstrated where their real commitment lay and amidst the sweat arid sawdust blasted their way through a set that had the audience frothing at the gills.
Powered along by Rick Allen's tireless drum work that gelled with Rick Savage's fluid and thunderous basslines, the frontline barrage guitar attack of Pete Willis and Steve Clarke projected the excitement and innovative soloing that was ever present with Lizzy in their Live And Dangerous days.
Elliot becomes a more proficient frontman as the days go by. With one foot on the monitor he beckons the punters on, working them into a state of euphoric frenzy while belting out the lyrics to such epics as 'Let It Roll' and 'Lady Strange' with effortless ease.
He had the people totally on his side during 'High And Dry' and rafters shook as the auditorium burst into a chorus of "Saturday night, high and dry". It was this night that convinced me without a shadow of a doubt that Leppard are going to be a giant force to be reckoned with in the next couple of years.
AS THE bus jerked its way into Houston the local radio station seemed to continually plug the evening's show touting Leppard as one of the Eighties' brightest hopes. Meanwhile, back in the sleeping area Joe Elliot sat leaning against his bunk perusing his evergrowing collection of cut out and bootleg records, proudly announcing that he almost owned the entire Matt The Hoople catalogue. The rest of the group attempted to catch up with the strain of non-stop touring by getting as much sleep as they could in between the bumps on the road that shook the road-battered vehicle with the effect of a series of land mines.
Like the rest of Texas, Houston is overwhelming and unlimited in size and possibilities. The general atmosphere seems to be warm and welcoming throughout the State although this place as it turned out seems to be that much crazier.
The first chore of the day was to attend an instore signing, a common on the road practice which involved the group going to a local record store where they meet their fans, converse and sign autographs. The ritual was performed at the gargantuan Texas Record And Tapes Store, which can only be described as a proverbial Santa Claus grotto for vinyl freaks, featuring a dazzling array of parapheranalia and owned by the very amiable and over generous Geoff Hamer, otherwise known as 'General Doo Dah' – who is without a doubt a true gonzo at heart.
As it happened the band drew a record amount of people, in fact there were more fans here than at the previous day's concert (which by the way was sold out) and that evening the group performed like troupers proving they had Houston like the rest of the US, so it seems, in the palm of their sweaty paws.
The rest of the night was spent celebrating with an end of the tour party that included an Awards Ceremony hosted by yours truly The Grand Toastmaster who presented prizes to members of this deranged crew for various offences some too obscene and illegal to mention in this respectable organ. This was followed by a totally incoherent and over the top night of debauchery, courtesy of 'General Doo Dah' which took myself, Rick Savage and Steve Clarke into the land of Never Never, making any episode of Fear And Loathing look like the teddy bears picnic. A champion finale to a fine tour.
"We don't worry about England anymore, we're just trying to put across the point that everybody's missed out and that is that we've been shit on and people have said things about us that are a lot of bullshit." – Joe Elliot
"I always look forward to playing England 'cause that's where we're from like, but I don't think that it will do us any good at the moment because the kids, the kids meaning people like me, I'm not sure whether they want to listen to us at the moment...which is a bit of a shame because they're missing out on a good thing." – Rick Savage
WHILE LEPPARD continue to 'wow out' crowds in the US, they still seem to be at the butt of abuse as far as certain British media and fans are concerned. While groups like Saxon and Iron Maiden seem to be able to travel the world and lead a grandiose lifestyle and still retain that dubious street credibility factor, anything that Leppard do is regarded as being pompous and the general consensus of opinion from the average anglophile headbanger seems to be that they are egotistical popstars who sold their souls to the American rock and roll machine.
Which couldn't be further from the truth. It's hardly surprising that Leppard feel jaded and bitter with their audiences back home. I personally believe that they are producing some of the finest high quality heavy rock sounds around today.
They write songs, not just riffs with words loosely attached to them, with a sophistication and flair that puts some of their elder statesmen to shame and they knock the average so called NWOBHM ('scuse me while I wash my mouth out) into a cocked hat and it's unfortunate that they have to travel across the water to get an audience that actually appreciates this fact.
When we conducted this interview, the band were beginning to recover from the lunacy of an American tour which began earlier last year with Ozzy Osbourne, and the strain of the roadlife was beginning to make itself apparent. This nomadic way of life can be as strenuous as it is exciting and it may sound crazy when you hear a band yearning for the simple things in life like a good old English breakfast and a copy of the Daily Mirror, but it all makes sense once you get caught up in the insanity they've endured since the release of High'n'Dry which is already winning them Stateside acclaim.
Leppard are undoubtedly on the threshold of breaking America: everywhere they play the audience reaction is frenzied almost to the point of being rabid, but as it became obviously apparent on this drunken night Def Leppard still miss their home and feel slightly more than sore about the lack of respect they get from the press and punters alike, and seem to be constantly trying to find a reason for this unexplainable feeling of malice.
"As far as England is concerned people have got something against Def Leppard for purely non musical reasons," explained Joe Elliot, amidst a background noise of chinking glasses and people yelling for more beverage, "40,000 people bought our first album, but only 20,000 people bought High'n'Dry, you're not telling me the other 20,000 didn't buy it because they didn't like the album. I believe they didn't buy it because they read the article in Sounds saying that Leppard had changed their spots. They followed fads."
"American people don't follow fads", announced guitarist Pete Willis, "They go for what they like while England seems to follow trends. Foreigner and Fleetwood Mac are good, they write good songs while bands like Motorhead are a load of shit...don't say that because I don't want Lemmy to beat me up."
While I don't agree with the last part of this statement, I do feel that the GB is basically puppeteered by fashions which ultimately dictate taste and the majority of which come over as nothing more than a grand parade of lifeless packaging, including the new league of HM groups who I personally feel have a very limited lifespan with their generally dated and usually moronic stance.
Elliott: "There's two things you can do when you're in a band. You can go out and do what you wanna do, that's not trying to be pretentious to anybody and that's just satisfying your artistic temperament or whatever you want to call it for the want of a better saying. Or you can do things like Saxon...I don't believe anybody but Biff Byford would want lyrics like that on an album! I mean you're not telling me that he's writing those words so that everybody from people out of a mental institution to people with 'A' levels can understand them?"
"I could write lyrics like 'Denim And Leather', that's the kind of stuff a drummer could write. I write lyrics that are on a street level and that everybody can understand but they're on a different line. I'm not afraid to hide the influences that I've got."
It's a well known fact that Leppard were the first band of its genre to actually stick its collective neck out, undertake major headlining tours, sign a major record deal and venture across the water. Other bands as they pointed out followed after learning from their mistakes and generally avoiding the pitfalls somebody had to make as a kick off. They're also a rarity when you consider they haven't had any line up changes since they established themselves.
At this moment in time the group are preparing material for an album which will again be produced by 'Mutt' Lange. I wondered if they were at all perturbed by the comparisons drawn between them and AC/DC.
"I don't even think AC/DC are that hot!", exclaimed Rick Savage.
Elliot: "The only comparison is that we've got the same producer and because of that you're likely to get the same sound. We didn't use him because he produced a big album and in turn we thought we'd get a big album, we just think he's the best producer around. Anyhow, no way could AC/DC write a song like 'Bringing On The Heartbreak' or 'Switch 625'."
Savage: "We'd have been a big band in England if Mutt had produced On Through The Night because it wouldn't have got the slagging it did. It was still a better album than people made out for all its supposed commercialism for the USA. We were on the crest of a wave when that album came out and the reviews that album got, particularly in Sounds, were so bad and so anti the attitude bands like Saxon and Motorhead and their fans have got, that we totally lost it.
"If England had accepted us like they should have accepted us, things might be a bit different. I think we're a lot better than bands that are accepted more freely than us."
Here, here! C'mon you pommy bastards here's your chance to rectify...And JOIN THE ROCK BRIGADE!!!
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deerheadlights · 4 years
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Going to be posting parts of my Nanowrimo from 2017 because everyone else is posting things for people to read while bored in quarantine xD You may need a web PhD in 335-330 BC to really feel it hit different...
“What are you waiting for?!” Podaleirus was shouting at the Athenian commander. “Their focus is on the walls, a quick sortie to the back and you’ll be the heroes of Greece, throwing off the Macedonian yoke!”
“They have a rear guard” he answered, gaze shifting from one man to the other. Three men stood at the crest of the lowest foothill of the Kithairon, watching the surge of troops around the 7 gates of Thebes. Tydeus could see from the Athenian’s eyes that no talk of glory would get him and his fellows to face the sarissas of Alexander the Macedonian’s rear guard. He cut off as Podaleirus drew another breath “We’ll scout out a route around them.”
 Tydeus could feel his friend’s rage even in the darkness. “How much money have I given that man, and his family, and his handlers and the whole damn Acropolis to have them stand here and cower before that boy Macedonian? I can’t believe this is happening”
“Athenians have always been all talk.” Tydeus gazed along the siege lines. He had hoped after the nightmare at Charonea he would never see that many Macedonians in Boeotia ever again. The combined strength of Athens and Thebes had been crushed, and the Sacred Band, the military symbol of Thebes that he and Podaleirus had once been part of, had been decimated. Noblemen like Podaleirus had fled the new regime and settled in Athens, and Tydeus had followed.
“Not just that. They said the boy king was dead. No one even reported him crossing Thermopylae and he’s already here.” Now that had been news, the report of Alexander’s death while fighting Illyrians. The last three months had gone by quick as a blink. The people had risen up and killed the leader of the Macedonian garrison. Tydeus, Podaleirus and all of the Theban exiles in Athens had come running back, there had been celebrations for days. The idea had buoyed them through the news that a Macedonian army had come down to mete out punishment for killing the garrison. Even then they had insisted it must be Antipater, who had been closer to Greece. To assuage fears Podaleirus and other nobles had brought their families  back to the city: when the army came, they wouldn’t leave again. That was the real source of Podaleirus’s desperation.
 “Alkyone is safe in the Temple of the Amphion with the other noble women” Tydeus tried to assure his friend. “The seven gates of Thebes won’t be breaching without a longer assault, enough time for our Southern friends to steel their livers and get to fighting” “I know, but I should have never let it get so close”
 They had moved towards the western edge of the city where farms lay abandoned to the siege. The rows of troops started to ebb. “There’s a gap forming here, already gotten busy looting easy picki—“ Tydeus’s blood ran cold, the gap wasn’t from troops moving outward into the farmlands, but moving inward.
“The moon gate is breached”
“No – That’s not—“ He felt Podaleirus stiffen at his side then just empty space. “You go back to Commander [name], I have to get my daughter!” the call came from the darkness. What? He can’t go in there alone, it’s suicide. Tydeus was running after him before the thought had run it’s course. Unfortunately he knew, from every childhood foot race, to the [Chithraon] games to their training races as part of the Sacred Band, Podaleirus was faster than him.
 He could already hear the yelling from the fighting inside the gates. Luckily outside the phalanx the Macedonian troops didn’t have their signature sarissas, the longest spears in the world, but their formation was wreaking havoc on the disorganized just-freed slaves that were the first defence of the city. They didn’t expect an attack from the rear though. He dropped a man with a chop against the back of the knees, keeping against a slum wall. His cry in the back of the formation caused enough confusion to break through a gap. His shield was unslung and he gave one of the front rankers its rim in the teeth before continuing towards Podaleirus.
 But a wave of Illyrian skirmishers swept in to separate them. Tattooed barbarians. Tydeus’s short sword caught a man through the gap in his cresent moon shield. Another one with blue dogs or frogs or some other wild northern garbage tattooed on his face took his place. The tight focus of years of training slowed everything. A spear point crashed against his shield, and Tydeus’s sword was caught against his as the man went down. He was already arcing a blow before the man’s Boeotian voice stopped him “Sir! Are you here with the Athenian reinforcements?” A farm slave with a scythe, leader of a ragtag group of farmers and herme makers had saved him.
“Ay, they’re here, on that hill to the south, gawking”
“What do you mean—“
But Tydeus had already gone. I should rally them, he thought, what kind of citizen am I? But he had only one goal on his mind. Podaleirus had evaded the Illyrians and going up the Sacred Way in a full sprint. Then he leaped and came down on his face. Why? Why had he jumped? It made no- Tydeus saw the spear shaft in his back, like it had miraculously grown like a sapling. Then he heard the yelling behind him. He turned, and there was the tattered Macedonian garrison, that had held out, waiting for Alexander to arrive and free them from their siege within a siege in the stockade on the Cadmea. The man who had thrown the javelin was still following through when the sword caught him in the neck, ground against the spine. Then they were all on him. Tydeus had been a champion at duels, but fighting off a regiment single handedly was the sort of foolishness a bard dreams up and no real soldier believes. He covered himself with his shield, trying to step back to Podaleirus’s side. “Macedonians on the Sacred Way!” He found his voice “Macedonians climbing towards the Temple of the Amphion!”
 And suddenly the men of Thebes were at his side. The farmers, freedmen, potters, dyers, herme-makers, sculptors, just like a normal day on the Agora, but with swords and knives and scythes in their hands. His throat was thick with emotion, whatever the Sacred Band had been, this was the true phalanx of Thebes. But he could see beyond them, more and more Macedonians thronging the Moon Gate. Not just Macedonians, Plataeans and other citizens of cities that had lurid histories with Thebes were part of the army, cutting people down in the street and charging into houses. “Position Change!” Tydeus roared, shoved the man beside him in his place and made for Podaleirus.
 He was flat as a deer struck with a javelin, and it twitched with his breaths. Tydeus’s hope fled as he saw it was lodged in his left kidney. How could this happen? Podaleirus turned to him suddenly, like a spooked horse and spoke in gasping exhales “Go. Get Alkyone. Not Athens. Go to. Rhodes. Or Sardis. Ionians. And. Persians” “Shhhhh” He settled him in his arms. We lived through Charonea, Leuctra, fought alongside Epamonidas, saw Thebes become the star of Boeotia and then Greece… to be speared in the back by a Macedonian dog. “Get out. Now. Leave me. I… did this.” He blames himself for financing the rebellion, Tydeus thought. “Shhh, no the Macedonians did.” But it was too late, the blankness was coming over his eyes and his muscles gave their last jerks. My brother. My erastes. The cold fury came over him then, only once before had he felt it, when Podaleirus had been wounded in the Lacedamonian campaign. But now it was worse, so much worse. He wrapped him in his chlamys, dropped his shield to balance the weight, and sprinted up to the Temple.
Alkyone tugged a curled tendril. It was already limp and had been uneven anyway. She’d had to do the curling herself after all the slaves have been requisitioned for the extra work to defend the city, then freed. Gods knew that Thraka could probably kill people as well as she curled hair, she had heard Thracians trained their women like men. I wish I had some training, or a sword, or even a curling stone Alkyone reflected. Stuck in the temple amongst the other high born ladies and some priests she felt like a bullock in the slaughter pen. The dark sidelong looks coming her way from everyone else weren’t helping either. Her father had promised to bring back Athenian aid before he left last week, but no one had expected Alexander the Macedonian to come down the coast so quickly.
“Stand up tall as a beacon, you are a Podaleirid descended from Aphrodite (Asklepios??), and it is up to you to keep the people’s spirits up” he had said before he left. Well she was standing tall, only because if she bent only a little she was sure she would topple over and vomit. The bright saffron dyed veil she had chosen looked enough like a beacon, she saw to her chagrin that most women had chosen more somber dress. Most of her clothes were still in the house they had been staying at in Athens for the past 3 years since Macedon defeated the combined might of Athens and Thebes. Father had bought her the veil when the news had come that their old King Phillip had been killed. “Soon you’ll be wearing this on the slopes of the Kithairon for the Daedala again, little dove” her father had said, but the king’s young son hadn’t been the pushover everyone had bargained for.
 She saw a priestess of Athena give a meaningful look to her companion and caught the word “abandoned.” No, father would never abandon us, abandon me, she thought, he said himself he was only bringing me back from Athens because he knew we could beat the Macedonians. But then, where was he? The din outside sounded like a festival day, but edged with bronze and clanging, like there was a whole parade of bronze beaters instead of just a few in a contingent. She wished she could just fly away like her pet heron she had released in the morning. Hopefully he’d be smart enough to fly back to the courtyard in Athens.
 The din sounded so loud that when there was a thump on the door it was deafening. Everyone in the crowd gave a start, like flies on the beach buffeted in the wind. The old fat priest of Apollo squared his shoulders “This the ancient sacred precinct! No violence is to be done at the –“ “It’s Tydeus son of Medon” Alkyone felt a sigh of relief rise in her chest. Tydeus was practically her uncle, if he was here father must have sent him, everything would be alright! But then she saw his face, and the fresh stab of fear felt so much worse for the second’s respite. Once she had watched an old bear being baited, a rather poor show, he had just stood, huge and imposing, but with blank sad eyes. Tydeus had the same look about him, nothing but a huge bundle on his back. His eyes gazed around the crowd but looked past all of them at the same time. “…Tydeus?” she whispered, suddenly her throat was so tight she could hardly make a sound. His gaze snapped to her like a hawk to a song bird foolish enough to keep on singing “Alkyone! Come here! Come on!”
“Wait, what’s happening?!” The priest trailed in Tydeus’s wake, everyone moved aside as he walked towards her.
“The Moon Gate was breached, and the garrison got free.” So many gasped at once it sounded like a wind gust.
“But our men are fighting in the street! And the Athenians and Spartans have arrived?” The portly priest pushed his way in front of Tydeus, who turned his mad bear look upon him. “They’re sitting in the hills watching it happen. Alkyone –“ He grabbed her arm.
“So what are you doing?” The priests normally deep voice had risen to a hysterical octave “Grabbing your family and leaving? You coward! We agreed to fight to the last man!” He went to hit Tydeus’s unprotected side, but he just buffeted him with his other arm and knocked the priest flat. “The sacrilege—in the Amphion—“ he sputtered as Tydeus pulled Alkyone along and stepped over him. Suddenly everyone’s voices raised to compete with his. “What do you mean they’re not coming—“”Coward!” “Please take me too!” “Go back and fight, we can still win!” She saw one woman take out her pins and step forward threateningly. “Get ready to run” Tydeus said without looking at her. Alkyone nodded numbly at empty air. So we had lost but father hadn’t abandoned me. I was just going to have to run through a siege to god knows where.
 Some irate woman had torn her veil nearly in half before they got to the outside columns of the temple. Alkyone’s chest felt too tight. It was like that awful day after Charonea but a hundredfold worse. At least there had still been some sunlight left when the runners had come calling out the calamitous news. And when the people cried out in the agora, it was only from grief than physical pain. And when she had fled with her oika, at least when she looked back the towers and pillars of Thebes stood strong against the twilight sky. Now, as Tydeus half led, half dragged her towards the Clay Gate she could see the ruins of the barracks corner, houses set a-light and carts being plundered. It was all too much when, as she choked back a wail, Tydeus muttered “Good.” “What could possibly be good?!” Alkyone keened. Gods, I sounded like a fury. “They’re all pouring into the side gate so the walls are no longer surrounded” his voice sounded too eerily calm and consistent, like a steady wind in the blustery autumn. “But how will we get the gate open by ourselves?” The closest gate to the Cadmeia was opened with several men; it was 5 times the height of a man. “There are ways for just two people to scale a wall.” They stopped at the wooden gatehouse, pasted to the wall like a swallow’s nest. Within Alkyone saw coils of rope and a narrow stairway. Pressing to the top of the stairs, Tydeus secured his bundle to a large basket attached to the ropes. “What is all this?” “Getting grain in and out during seiges. The boys were getting it ready, thinking it would take longer to breach…” Running over a pulley, the rope slowly lowered the basket to the other side of the wall. When it returned, Tydeus gestured for her to get in. It was a large enough basket to fit comfortably. When she was lowered, Tydeus called down, trying to keep quiet but have his voice carry at the same time “Wait a bit for me, I need to find the counterweight,” and left her view.
 The large bundle he had carried sat opposite. Thank Hera for Tydeus, he knows just what to do and he brought supplies. What could be in there? She folded back a corner and felt bile climb her throat. A few fingers stuck out, just the brother and sister finger, but each had golden granulated rings, with swirling patterns etched in her memory. “Father?” The word wouldn’t come out. She pulled the cloak back further. The hand felt strange, not cold but just lukewarm. She heard the basket scrape along the wall but she couldn’t look up. She could barely see Tydeus cover the hand again through her tears. When he picked him back up and put him on his shoulders she just gazed down at the flattened grass. “What- what happened? Who killed him?” Suddenly that seemed extremely important. “Some Macedonian. I killed him.” Alkyone looked up. Tydeus had tears on his face too, and that horrible far away bear look. “But it was Alexander who truly killed him. He’ll have to die too.”
 A harsh call rang out, closer than either of them had expected. “We have to go” Tydeus said, marching ahead. “But Athens is the other way!” “We’re not going back to Athens, after they see this, they’ll be ready to lick that Macedonian’s cavalry boots. Anyone related to the rebels will get thrown to the wolves.” “What?!” But my clothes, my jewelry, my pet heron... “We’re going to Ionia. Sardis will be safe enough. We’ll lie low until the Great King of Persia shows the Boy King some discipline.” Alkyone got up, shivering slightly. Her rent veil wasn’t much protection against the year’s end chill. Ionia.
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i-growl-growl-growl · 6 years
nct yandere reaction to you finally falling in love with them after they had kidnapped you👀👀 ty!!
Taeil: It was three months into the relationship, reciprocated, when Taeil decided that now would be the perfect time to let you have your final source of freedom. He disconnected all of the password locks to the internet and bought you a new phone, He installed all sorts of social media apps onto it and let you create accounts for them or unlock the ones that you had already had. He was happy that he could finally trust you 100% and wanted to remember this day forever so he called you over to him and led you to the bedroom. He opened up one of your apps and started a live recording to post to your accounts. Both of you plopped down on the bed together and talked to your friends and family for the rest of the day until you got tired and fell asleep.
“Hey everyone! I’m here with my one and only. Today is a very special day for them, we can’t tell you why exactly but we’re both sure that some of you have finally noticed that they’re ‘back from the social media apocolypse’. They’re looking forward to catching up with everyone and I hope that you will support them and welcome them back to the social media world.”
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Taeyong: If there’s one thing that he loves just as much as he loves you it’s those late night walks that he’d always take. He loved them even more now though because you were allowed to tag along with him and keep him company. Most nights both of you would remain silent and just listen to the music that would play from your shared pair of earphones. Despite the proof that you’ve given him that you’re completely and utterly in love with him, Taeyong still wouldn’t let you out during the day, at least for now that is, but  he knew you didn’t mind since getting some fresh air during the night was one way for you two to share more time together and you weren’t completely hidden away from the world. He wouldn’t like it if you stopped to chat to other late night walkers or joggers but allowing you to leave the house was one way that he could show you that he was happy that you were finally coming around and learning to enjoy his company as much as he enjoyed yours.
“the stars are out tonight, have you noticed that y/n? It beautiful isn’t it? Yes, but not even the most beautiful city lights or the brightest stars shining in the sky can compare to how gorgeous you are.”
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Johnny: The first thing Johnny would do once he knew that you were 100% actually in love with him now is take you to a combined ice cream and candy shop. You knew how much you loved sweets and, considering you hadn’t had any since he kidnapped you, he thought that this would be a perfect way to display his gratitude towards being in a functional relationship now. Unfortunately, this man will occasionally drop his mannerisms, especially when he’s excited like this, and he’d begin eating his ice cream as soon as he received it while you’d still have to wait for yours. He’d stop once he was on his tenth lick and see that you were still ice cream-less and offer you a lick of his.
“your ice cream still isn’t here? What, did the workers have to go to the back and milk the cow fresh for you? Gosh y/n, so demanding lol. Here, have some of mine, it’s salted caramel.”
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Yuta: He may still be a possessive, manipulative and sadistic *sshole from time to time but his darling will definitely be able to see a drastic difference in his behavior and treatment towards them once they start showing signs of being in love with him. He’ll become much more cuddly and all-around affectionate to you. One quirk that his s/o will notice that he has is that he’ll enjoy rubbing his head up against yours as a sign that he wants your attention, he’ll also become more whiny because he’s such an attention whore (especially when he allows his friends to come over and he sees you talking to them). Yuta will be the hardest yandere to earn trust from so his s/o will still be locked up in the house but he’ll allow them to surf the internet, so long as he’s nearby to monitor everything they look up. One thing that his darling should know is that, no matter how well behaved they become, Yuta will still hurt them every once in a while (like XiaJun), he’ll use it as a lesson to his s/o that he could be treating them worse so they should be thankful that he has noticed their feeling for him.
“y/N-ah!!!! Pay attention to me!!!!! You’ve been talking to RenJun all night!” *rubs his head against yours* “y/n-ah, y/n-AH!” *gets close to your face and whispers in your ear* “you’re going to pay for this once everyone leaves, how dare you ignore me like this”
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Kun: Kun will celebrate by cooking with you as often as possible. It’s a great way for both of you to be close and learn to work together. He wants everything to be a team/couple effort between you two so don’t expect to go out for meals or order in often. To show you that he loves you to the moon and back, he’ll always ask you what you want for to eat and that’s what you’ll both end up cooking together, however, if you’re indecisive then he’ll come up with a meal right on the spot, one that infuses some of your favorite dishes together to make one master dish that both of you will absolutely love. If there’s a dish that you want to eat that he doesn’t know how to make on his own, then he ask you to make it (if you know how to make it) and he’ll watch intently so that he can make it for you next time.
“let’s have taco tonight. I know it’s been a while since you’ve had any of those and they sound amazing right now. Is there’s anything that you’d want to go with them? What about any ingredients that you want to leave out/ I know cilantro is put in tacos sometimes, are you one of those people who have cilantro or do you like it?”
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Doyoung: When you begin to show signs of loving him, Doyoung will be ecstatic. He’ll hug you and tell you how happy he is that he’ll no longer have to scare you or hurt you into ‘loving him’. He’ll be so happy that it may bring him to tears. He won’t want you to see if he begins crying so he’ll hug you from behind and cry into your shoulder. He’s dreamt of this day for so long that it seemed like it’d never actually come true, but now, here he is hugging you after hearing your confession over loving him.
“y/n-ah. I love you so much! I’m so glad we can be together like a normal couple now! You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this day to come. I can’t believe it, you finally love me now. I love you so much babe!”
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Ten: He’ll have to grow accustomed over your growing signs of affection for him since he never actually thought that you’d ever really fall in love with him. Ten had been so prepared to have to manipulate you all the time that seeing you fall for him continuously throws him throw many loops that he isn’t quite sure how to deal with. As time goes on he’ll open up to you more and see you as his honest to god s/o rather than a victim.
“I’m glad you’ve learned to love me. To be quite honest with you, it was exhausting having to manipulate you all of the time. I’m so glad I won’t have to do that now.”
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Jaehyun: He’ll be one of those yanderes who brings up the past just to test your honesty about loving him. He’ll ask you about your friends and family and tell you possible scenarios of where you could be right now, how much better your life could be, how many friends you could have right now, etc. As he cuddles you from behind he’ll whisper in you ear about things that he knows you miss just to see if you’ll break this possible facade of yours. Once he knows that your feeling are true, his test will die down a bit but he’ll still bring up ‘what if’ cases every now and again before telling you that even if he hadn’t of gotten his hands on you, he still would’ve found a way to be in your life somehow.
“you could be at home with your family celebrating the holidays, you may have even brought an s/o with you that loves you dearly but instead you’re here with me. How odes that make you feel y/n? Are you sure you love me? I’ve ruined a lot of possibilities for you. Are you sure you’re not mad at me for doing this to you?…. Well, even if you are and this is just an act, there’s nothing you can do about it. It is what it is. You’re with me and you always will be. I love you”
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WinWin: WinWin had hated keeping you locked up in the house like some sort of animal at the zoo after he had first kidnapped you. He always wanted to see you happy and healthy, enjoying life to its fullest and he knew that keeping you pent up all of the time was going to hurt you more than help you. He could see the fire in your eyes dying and your lust for life draining with each passing week that he had to keep you away from civilization so when you finally came around and started loving him he was ecstatic! He could finally let you out of the apartment and let you live the life that you desire, with him. The first thing he’d do after letting you out for the first time is take you downtown and go shopping with you, buying you something from every shop and street stand that you chose to stop by after grabbing a drink from your favorite cafe.
“y/n, look at this jewelry stand! Aren’t these amazing? Each piece is so beautiful, just like you.” *looks up at you* “you should chose one! I want to buy one for you.”
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Jungwoo: Your affection is all that Jungwoo has wanted all along. He hated fighting with you and punishments were always something he hated with a burning passion. After kidnapping you, he believed that showing you how much he loves you from the get go would help you transition into your new life with him. Fortunately, that belief seemed to be right since it only took you a few months before you caved in and grew to reciprocate his affections. He’d, take you out to the gazebo that he put in the backyard just for you and confess how happy he was to finally have every part of you to himself, including your heart.
“I got us matching lollipops y/n. I hope you like the flavor, it’s creamsicle. I got it because it reminded me of our love for each other, it’s sweet and the more you eat it the sweeter it gets. It also starts out a bit rough because the flavor is strong but, as you get used to it, the flavor is soothing. I would’ve bought actual creamsicles but they they don’t last long and since these are being used as a metaphor of our love, I wanted something that would last longer so I got these instead. I love you y/n! Here’s to us.”
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Lucas: Couple feeding couple feeding couple feeding! You always refused back when you were a resistant brat but now, now Lucas could enjoy this with you and watch you smile every time he’d lift a fork or spoon filled with food up to your face. What he loved even more is that you’d do it with him as well. At first he was worried that doing it during every meal would get old and you’d become reluctant again but he had been proven wrong, you loved it and looked forward to it. One time he nearly forgot to couple feed with you and you through a fit! At first, his first response was to punish you but he managed to hold back and find the cuteness of it as he realized that this was a small sign that you loved him and wanted to share everything with him now.
“babe, try this cake! It’s delicious! Let me try some of yours, you know I love chocolate.”
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Mark: Oh My God!!!! once his darling falls in love with him it’s kisses for days for them. Every chance he’ll get, Mark will kiss you. Whether it’s on the cheek, neck, forehead, lips, or anywhere else, he’ll kiss them every time he looks at them. He won’t expect kisses back at first since he knows that you’re still a bit hesitant about being with him, but once you’re fully enamored, he’ll look forward to being kissed back no matter how or where. Mark will love kissing you in public the most since that’s his chance to show everyone that everything has worked out and nothing can separate either of you from each other.
“y/n, come here” *kisses you* “I have a gift for you” *kisses you again* “do you like it?” *kisses you* “please tell me you do”
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XiaoJun: It’ll weird him out at first, not having to keep you tied up or locked up and not having to deal with catching you after you try to escape. Once you fall in love with him and are compliant to his whims, XiaoJun will have to fight his suspicions that this is all just a show for you to bide some time and come up with your next escape plan. It’ll take a while before his suspicions die down and he realizes that every kiss that you give him, every cuddle session you initiate, and every other form of bonding that you show him is honest. Unfortunately, XiaoJun is so set in his ways that he’ll occasionally have to be harsh with you and let some of that sadist side of him out regardless of you growing love for him. For some reason, this will mostly take place when you two are watching movies together on the couch, avoid horror movie (specifically torture porn movies like Saw and Hostel franchise…which are his favorite) because these will be the movies that make his loving side turn into his sadist side.
“Hey y/n, do you remember when I’d have to keep you tied up to a chair like that? Those were good times weren’t they? Not as good as now, I prefer to have you cuddled up against me like this but, I have to admit, I do miss seeing that fear in your eyes every once in a while.”
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Hendery: Hendery will drop the sadistic aspects of himself for you the more you cave in and grow to love him the way you should but he’ll still be manipulative, especially when he thinks that you’re doing this just to have more freedom around the house. He’ll constantly be asking you if you really love him because he knows that the more he drills it into your head that you should say that you do, the more you’ll actually begin loving him for real. Once he notices that your feeling for him are true, he’ll be nicer to you by  unlocking the chain from your leg that keeps you locked-up to the bed and he’ll allow you to chose some of the movies that the two of you watch. He won’t let you outside but he’ll unlock one of the windows just enough for a small breeze to get in through the house so that you won’t feel so pent up all of the time. It’s the small things that count when it comes to him showing his appreciation towards your shared feeling for each other.
“so what movie do you want to watch today y/n? I was thinking sci-fi….. oh romance? You want to watch a romance? Ok, I like that idea better. Good choice”
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RenJun: Similar to Yuta and XiaoJun (minus the manipulation and sadism) RenJun will be a bit hesitant to believe that you’ve actually fallen in love with him now but he’ll become more affectionate to you as a sign of appreciation. After all of your attempts to escape, he won’t trust you to be outside on your own but, if he’s with you or if you’re with HIS friends (the select few that he trust to be with you without him by your side) he’ll allow you to get some fresh air however, he’ll give you specific instructions on what you’re not allowed to talk about or do and he’ll also expect you to be home by a certain time, if you break any of his rules then he’ll take away your privileges, and no- he wouldn’t care if that caused you to fall out of love with him because he knows that oyu’d have no choice but to re-fall in love with him again since you’re stuck with him forever and for all eternity.
“babe, I trust you to listen to Jeno and Jaemin when you go out. Don’t listen to Chenle, Jaemin and especially not Haechan though, I know they’ll try to cause trouble and you don’t want to be in trouble do you? No? That’s what I though, now be good and have fun, I expect you back here by nine.”
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Jeno: Cuddlescuddlescuddlescuddlescuddlescuddlescuddles! dear god, if his darling though he was clingy before then they’d be in for a huge surprise after they make it clear that they love him back. He’ll cuddle up to you every chance you get and mumble on and on about how happy he is to have you in his life. He’ll be the most cuddly when he takes you out to the park for a picnic. Something about the way the light shines on your face and the slight breeze wisps your hair around makes him go suddenly cuddle crazy. He’ll scoot up to you from behind and wrap his arms around your waist then rest his head against your shoulders and he probably won’t let go until after the two of you have watched the sun set together.
“Isn’t this wonderful y/n? You and me together like we should be. This is exactly how things should be. I’m so happy that we love each other. I have no idea what I’d do without you.”
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Haechan: Another yandere who becomes a kiss crazy baby. The only difference between Mark’s affection with his darling and Haechan’s affection towards you is that Haechan is much more ‘forceful’ with his kisses. If you two are out in public he’ll kiss you anytime someone looks in your direction. Luckily for him, he’ll believe that you won’t mind it all that much since you love him now but, if you do pull back or tell him to stop, don’t expect him to listen. The times that he’ll become most kiss-crazy with you is when you’re both invited over to a friend’s party and he sees anyone trying to get close to you, especially if that person is another guy. He’ll march up to where the two of you are and he’ll plant a large kiss on your lips while looking at the other person as a sign to back off because you’re his.
“I don’t like the way Jisung’s looking at you babe so come here.” *kisses you while you’re in the middle of eating some food*
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Jaemin: He has always been so flirtatious but everyone knows that he’d up it to level 60000000 as soon as his s/o showed any signs of falling in love for him. He’d love driving you crazy with all of his flirtatious advances. You’d begin to understand why Jeno is always so annoyed and disgusted with him. From things as simple as making you sit on his lap to downright giving you the greasiest or dumbest ‘pick-up’ lines he can come up with, he make sure that his s/o know that he’s well aware that he’s won the war and can now do anything and say anything he wants to them no matter how much they may learn to hate him for it.
“hey babe, are you from Japan? cause I wanna get in Ja-pants, Hahahaha get it? Oh, here’s a classic! If you were a vegetable you’d be a cute-cumber.”
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YangYang: He was so happy now. Now that you were both in love with each other he could finally take you to that museum that he enjoyed going to and he could show you his favorite exhibits. He’d have entire weekends planned of things that you could do together around the city now that he could trust that you wouldn’t run away from him if he let you out of the house.  Even when you were home, he’d gush over possible trips that you two could make together, one that he was definitely excited for was a trip to Germany. He figured that now that you two were officially in a socially correct relationship, he could take you there and let you meet his family. He’d love the thought of introducing you to them and having a family trip together to go sightseeing and maybe drive a lap or two of the Nurburgringsince he had always dreamed of being a race car driver…. or maybe you could just have fun with the family and pretend to do that in the house.
“You’ve got to try this y/n!! It’s so much fun! You should go next… next up racer y/n!”
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Chenle: Chenle will be so much like Jaemin that it’s not even funny. He’ll be so flirtatious that he’ll probably see signs of you regretting ever falling in love with him sooner rather than later. He’ll up his flirtatious remark when people are nearby just to see how much of it you can handle before you’re shoving him away and trying to go and sit somewhere else. If he’s in the mood to really embarrass you he’ll stay in his spot but yell out his flirtatious remarks and constantly add winks into the mix. The one flirt that knows will always get on your nerves (because it get on everyone's nerves) is probably his favorite to use against you.
“hey y/n, are you from Tennessee because you’re the only ten-I-see” *winks from the other side of the dining table*
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Jisung: Jisung’s darling will be incredibly lucky because he’ll learn to trust them fast which means that they’d earn a lot of privileges that may have been taken away whenever they had tried to escape in the past. Although he’s an obsessive yandere, Jisung is more willing to let you live a relatively normal life so long as he knows that, at the end of the day, you’ll always return home to him and show him how much you love him. He’ll allow this because he knows that this is needed for a relationship to truly be happy and healthy. Jisung will be a lot like RenJun.
“You can go hang out with your friends today if you’d like but please be back by the time my schedules are done for the day ok. I hope you have fun. I’ll miss you while I’m gone.”
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chicago-reeed · 5 years
PHCK ME - Reed900 Fic Rec List
Hello!!! You might not remember, but awhile back I mentioned I had the start of a fic rec list that I planned to post (which I never did). To celebrate all 1K+ of you, I thought I would finish the list for you! It is my duty as a loyal reed900 servant.
DISCLAIMER: This list of reccomendations was made purely out of personal opinion. I by no means want to discredit any other fics/authors. Some may not agree with my choices, and that’s totally understandable. I just wanted to share these fics because I personally enjoyed them <3
I didn’t include some fics because they haven’t been updated in a long time, or I didn’t remember them enough to give them accurate reviews. Also, I’m sure there are many more fics that I forgot to put on here (these are from my ao3 bookmarks). I might include them in a future update.
Anyways, all of my recs are under the cut! There are a lot!! I had eight pages worth of them in my documents haha
Mint Condition - by itsdefinitive - Mature - Content warnings - Chapters 18/? - Reed could see what they were going for there -- the whole infallible super-soldier thing.  A monument to testosterone made perfect, cast in steel within plastic.  It was actually really creepy.  Maybe that was on purpose.
The first reed900 fic I read, and it’s honestly what got me into the pairing itself.
Charon - by Vapewraith - Explicit: only suitable for adults - Author chose not to warn for content - Chapters 20/20 - Gavin Reed, a mess of a human being, just wants to be left to his self destructive tendencies. RK900, an android designed by the most brilliant minds in the world to be the perfect machine, is desperate to grasp the full range of emotional freedom now afforded to him. The two will need to find an equilibrium before their incompatible personalities—and an eccentric serial killer with a dangerous piece of tech—swallow them whole.
I can’t even describe how much I love this fic. I’m a slut for horror, and there’s plenty of that in here. It might just be my favorite. Definitely recommend.
Two Sides of a Vaguely Similar Coin - by ZombiBird - Mature - Author chose not to warn for content - Chapters 13/? - RK900 is lost.
It’s been months since the Revolution and he’s still no closer to figuring out what the hell he’s supposed to be doing with himself. He feels like an outsider in his own body. Completely detached, nothing more than a quiet observer; like he’s looking down at the world through a layer of glass instead of fully living in it.
Gavin Reed is a temperamental asshole.
This isn’t news, okay? Gavin’s fully aware of what he is. He burns bridges instead of building them. Bites hands instead of shaking them. Would rather drown in a sea comprised of the consequences of his faults and misdeeds than try to change the way he is. Because people like him? Maybe they deserve to drown.
[Alternatively: Both lost in different ways, Gavin and RK900 try to figure their shit out and end up learning that, sometimes, it takes two people who have absolutely no idea what the hell they’re doing to get a goddamn clue.]
I don’t remember much about this fic, if I’m honest. Not that the story is forgettable, it’s just been awhile since I read it. However, the title definitely stood out to me so I know it was very good :P
Captcha Encryption - by Cerulaine - Explicit: only suitable for adults - Content warnings - Chapters 18/? - It's a little over a year after the android uprising and it's still the end of the fucking world.
Back in the day when things became shit he used to enjoy a drink or two. Or Five. It all depended on how long the shift ran. After 'The Accident' he can't even cough without Nines breathing down his neck anymore.
He just wishes everything would go back to normal, but if there's anything Gavin has learned it's that you can't unring a bell once it's been rung.
Or whatever. Fuck if he knows.
Similar situation to the last fic: I don’t remember much about it (my memory SUCKS), but I do remember thoroughly enjoying this one.
Daydreamer - by Pence - Mature - Content warnings - Chapters 21/24 - Large purple bruises twined prettily around the corpse’s throat, every finger defined in perfect cruelty. His eyes tore away from the handprints as a cold finger traced the lightning strike scar across the center of his face—drawing his attention to a small, blue lipped smile.
“Do you think you’ll ever leave this town, Gavin?”
When a series of Detroit murders are linked as originating in his hometown, Gavin Reed is unwillingly assigned the case. Fowler insists that his history with the place and people will hugely benefit such an investigation.
He was fucking wrong. 
This fic is one big holy shit moment tbh. Really fantastic. Really makes you wonder why these authors aren’t paid to do this.
All Aboard the Underground Railroad - by Senjihae - No Rating - Author chose not to warn for content - Chapters 11/? - What starts as sticking it towards his half brother evolves into something with the potential to rewrite android history as he knows it. Gavin doesn't realize what he gets himself into until he is mistaken as the 'Android Messiah' of all things. It's not like he goes out of his way to help them, but his life gets a lot harder once Hank is assigned a shiny new boy toy ('sent by CyberLife').
Things only get worse when he's gifted a heap of metal of his own ('sent by Elijah Kamski').
(Yeah, fuck off Elijah)
Very interesting fic. Gavin is RA9 so that’s a thing. A nice slow burn!
Dragon Become Age - by errantwheat - Explicit: only suitable for adults - Content Warnings - Chapters 11/? - Y’all wanted me to write dragon age!au so I did :)
YES! YES! YES! DRAGON AGE AU! YES! YES! YES! (it’s really gud)
Warmth - by TheRedPaladin101 - Teen and Up Audiences - No Warnings - Chapters 1/1 - Gavin frowned, the aching in his shoulder fading from his mind for a moment. “Then give me my jacket.”
“Your jacket is in no condition to keep you warm,” he stated. “For now, use mine and stay warm while we wait to head back to the station.”
Five times RK900 gave Gavin Reed his jacket, and one time Gavin gave his in return.
Very wholesome. Lives up to its title. Some good ole hurt/comfort!
Letifer - Terminallydepraved - Explicit: only suitable for adults - Author chose not to warn for content - Chapters 19/19 - Gavin Reed is a DPD beat cop determined to make detective by any means possible, and putting an end to a string of murders looks like the quickest way to accomplishing that goal. Unfortunately for him, he fails to account for the real culprit— or the thought that perhaps he isn't the only one on the hunt for a killer.
(Now with cover art by Leetmorry!)
I love beat cop!gavin. It humbles him. And vampire!nines is scary and amazing. Love how the author wrote both of these characters (and the others too!). I definitely recommend this one!
A Strange and Beautiful Creature -  by LittleLalaith - General audiences - No warnings - Chapters 7/7 - Scientist Nines is called in to Amanda's lab to assist with a new discovery - a genuine Mermaid.
While Amanda is indifferent to the creature's circumstances, Nines builds an unlikely connection to the specimen and they grow a little closer than either of them expected.
(AKA Gavin is a sassy sea slug and Nines thrills in breaking the safety protocols)
Mermaid au! Nines wants to save mermaid Gavin, and it’s all very wholesome.
I Think You Do - by spotlightonmringenue - Teen and Up Audiences - Author chose not to warn for content - Chapters 16/? - “Son of a bitch, there’s another one. What the fuck is it doing,” Gavin says, grip going white on the gun as the android continues to stare at him without acknowledging Connor.
“RK900, my name is Connor. I’m part of a group called Jericho that recovered you from Cyberlife’s Production Center late yesterday. We are currently in the Detroit Police Department Central Station. Are you feeling okay?”
“It doesn’t feel shit,” Gavin mumbles, resisting the urge to step back as the RK900 takes a step closer. It holds out the cup, and Gavin’s eyes dart to it for only a second before flipping between Connor and his doppelganger.
“You requested coffee,” it says, and Hank sighs, leaning back against his desk while rubbing a hand over his forehead.
Quality ‘enemies to friends’ content. Nines is intimidating. Gavin is confused. Good times.
Flying with Crooked Wings - by UnCon - Mature - No warnings - Chapters 20/? - “Listen, kid,” Gavin started, cutting off the desolate child. Sure it was sad his dog had died but it wasn’t Gavin’s fault no one taught the little twerp chocolate was a dog’s kryptonite, “he’s in a better place, alright, so if you’d just stop asking for him to come back—it’d be much appreciated.”
“You promise?” the eight-year-old asked, his big brown eyes looking like glass—fragile and sparkly.
“Yeah,” Gavin lied, looking away as he did it—his halo going a bit crooked. To be honest, he wasn’t sure where dogs went after they died, only that he was tasked with calming the little boys and girls who despaired after them—at least until his punishment was up. “So just, you know, go to sleep and all that.”
In a world where angels and demons inhabit the same earth, both searching for a way to overthrow the other, both failing--Gavin sits right in the middle, with a crooked halo and a pair of wings to match. It's not enough to be a bit mischievous, however, he also has to get caught up in the demon brothers' scheme to take over heaven. Perfect.
Really good! This fic has the interesting dynamic of Gavin as an angel and Nines as a demon. Check it out!
The Red String Will Still Connect Us Ten Thousand Miles Apart (and to the moon and back) - by Jillflur - Teen and Up - Content warnings - Chapters 5/5 - Gavin, an ‘unlovable’ man without a Soulmate. He was used to it, never had one since he could remember. However, that little fact changes when he wakes up one day and realizes that he suddenly has a Red String connected to his ring finger. It only gets worse when months later, an android walks into the precinct who apparently is his new Soulmate!
Can androids even have Soulmates?!
To make everything even more complicated, a sudden new killer is on the Streets, and he murders people by cutting their Red Strings!
A soulmate fic by our very own jillflur! So good. Amazin. I love the red string trope so much. Yall should big read.
the prince & the reed - by Pence - Mature - Content warnings - Chapters 2/? - "I wanted to marry you," the prince murmured, polished armor gleaming as he stared down at the injured man--icy eyes tinged with sadness. Regret.
A guttural scream ripped from the soldier's throat as a heel dug into his wound, arm coated crimson from his weeping shoulder.
The soldier's teeth were stained pink as he jerked his chin up to grin toothily at the other man, bloody fingers scrambling down his thigh in search of the dagger tucked into his boot.
"Then drop to your knees and ask me properly, Nines."
Okay this fic is only two chapters and hasn’t been updated in awhile but GOT DAMN do I love how the author set this medieval fic up. I’m a slut for the medieval au’s, so that’s just extra points.
Not a teacher but I can teach you a thing or two - by Adishailan - Teens and Up - No warnings - Chapters 20/20 - Gavin owed the walking hunk of plastic. He owed him. Ugh, Gavin hated owing people stuff. It gave him a horrible feeling in his stomach, like indigestion, except worse because it involved emotionsTM. This, coupled with the fact he was pumped up with drugs and suffering a concussion, was why he was about to make a terrible, terrible mistake.
“‘Kay. Fine. Thanks or whatever. Lemme know if you ever need anythin' prick.”
RK900’s LED went yellow at this, and this time Gavin was pretty sure he was doing the processing thing. It was still yellow even when he nodded in a serious way and said:
“That would be useful.”
Oh man this one is BIG CUTE! It’s so soft, and is a fantastic slow burn. I totally recommend this fic.
O May I Join the Choir Invisible - by BanishedOne - Mature - No warnings - Chapters 13/? - Gavin Reed was a new inmate at a prison where the infamous killer, R. Nathan Kearney, was on death row. Circumstances led to an unfortunate encounter.
Okay don’t quote me on this but I think you can find the rest of this fic on Twitter. It was posted in a bunch of seperate posts and it was really confusing but there was definitely extra chapters. You can find the post here (or at BanishedOne on twitter). Other than that, this is a really good fic! The boys get into a lot of trouble!
Neon Maps - by caffienefueledfeels - Explicit: only suitable for adults - Content warnings - Chapters 11/11 - Everyone has their limits. Gavin is about to discover several of his own.
He's broke, barely scraping along, and struggling to keep an aggressive black-mailer off his back. On top of that, the grey-eyed distraction in his bed is about to test his heart in more ways than one.
Cyberpunk fic!! Super interesting! Go check it out!
Computers Are Elaborate Cat Beds, Actually - by errantwheat - No Rating - Author chose not to warn for content - Chapters 6/? - “Marvelous find, Gavin. They’ll promote you for this, surely.”
Gavin pulled an exaggerated frown. He was awfully animated for a robot. “Jesus, What kind of human are you? I’m waving a fucking kitten in your face and you’re still a bitch.”
Really cute. I’m pretty sure there’s some art to go with this fic. Super duper cute reverse au!
More Than a Woman, More Than a Bride - by AvixiLynn91 - Explicit: only suitable for adults - Content warnings - Chapters 38/? - When Gavin’s life is threatened for the last time by a violent gang expanding the production of a new drug in Detroit, Captain Fowler must come up with a plan for his safety. Perhaps forcing a marriage between Nines and Gavin wasn’t the best solution he could come up with...
Oh man. This fic. Let me tell you. I’ve been with this fic since the beginning and it is one hell of a roller coaster XD. The author updates constantly, it’s really impressive.
More Like You - by Mooneye - Teen and Up - No warnings - Chapters 1/1 - “This next bit’s going to get awkward. I’m going to interface with you.”
At that he could feel the collective confusion in the room. His eyes darted up to look at Hank and then Nines. They both seemed eerily still and were possibly thinking that Gavin had surely lost his mind.
Gavin has kept his prosthetic arm, with good reason, a secret from humans and androids alike for as long as he’s had it. The prospect of losing Nines threatens to unravel everything, but perhaps it’s worth the cost.
The idea of Gavin (an android hater in-game) having a prosthetic-android arm is definitely interesting!
An Unforeseen Union - by AvixiLynn91 - Explicit: only suitable for adults - Author chose not to warn for content - Chapters 16/16 - Gavin and Nines are sent undercover to investigate a slew of brutal murders at a gay counselling and therapy resort for androids and humans. They're forced to pose as a couple, but soon feel their relationship becoming more than an act as real feelings develop.
I loved the dramatic whodunnit vibes in this fic! It gets crazy :P
The Great DPD Kink-Off - by connorssock, LittleLalaith, Skye_Willows, Stujet9rainshine - Explicit: only suitable for adults - Author chose not to warn for content - Chapters 24/24 - It started out as a bit of rivalry and turned into a competition. Who was the kinkiest android in town?
If you like smut, then read this. That is all I will say.
The Black Nights, The Long Dark - by bvssbot - Explicit - Content warnings - Chapters 8/12 - translation of an amazing russian fic тёмные ночи, долгая тьма (the dark nights, the long darkness) into english
An unknown catastrophe was the reason Gavin ended up stranded alone on a godforsaken Canadian island. Having almost made peace with the thought of living in solitude for the rest of his days, he saves the life of a pilot named Richard, whose airplane crashed in the middle of his humanitarian mission.
Shit, I loved ‘The Long Dark’ and I love this fic. I don’t speak russian, unfortunately, so I must wait to read the end. But this is still amazing and you all should read it.
Detroit: Outlast - by Cardboardghost - Mature - Content warnings - Chapters 1/? - Connor Upshur is a down on his luck reporter, who spends his nights getting drunk and passing out at home. A mysterious email calls him to Mount Massive Asylum, owned by the Cyberlife corporation. Armed with nothing but a camera and his wits, Connor must brave the asylum's horrors and find way to save the people Cyberlife stole from him.
Gavin Park is a beat cop looking for a more well paying job. So when an offer to work private security at the Cyberlife corporation all but falls into his lap, how could he refuse? Gavin quickly realizes things are not what they seem, and in an attempt to expose Cyberlife, he ends up further in their clutches. Now he and Connor must work together to claw their way out of the asylum's depths, and the familiar faces that wait inside those walls.
This fic only has onw chapter, but go check out Cardboardghost’s art if you finish reading this!! They have provided so much quality content for the Outlast/DBH crossover I didn’t know I needed.
Gin & Tonic - by limchi - Explicit - No warnings - Chapters 8/? - People didn’t like Gavin Reed. Gavin Reed didn’t like people. It went together like gin and tonic, you can’t have one without the other. Nines hated him and he hated Nines. Those were the rules they played by, the rules that couldn't be changed - until fate decided they could.
It turned Gavin into pretending to dislike and Nines into a dense idiot with a crush, unable to grasp the concept of love. Both in utter denial. The catch: gravity worked against them, pulled them together at a frightening pace. Push against and defy the rules of nature or go along the prevailing forces?
Your friendly neighborhood reed900 fic. Very epic slow burn and fluff (and a hint of angst tbh). I definitely recommend!
Bitter Half - by turnabout - Mature - Author chose not to warn for content - Chapters 5/5 - Gavin Reed was born unmarked, and had spent his entire life expecting to die like he lived - alone. It isn't until Tina points out the new serial number on his chest that he realizes everything is about to change. Whether that's for better or for worse is up to him.
I’m a sucker for soulmate fics and this one does not disappoint!
K-900 - by Serazimei - Teen and Up - No warnings - Chapters 3/3 - Gavin and Nines were a great team. Unfortunately they were both huge workaholics. That's why when Nines' body gets busted on a job and the needed parts aren't available yet chaos is inevitable. Needing to choose between waiting and potentially being of no use at work or participate in one of Kamskis experiments and transfer his mind into an Android dog the decision is easy to make.
Who knew being in a dog body could become such a hassle? Not Nines, that's for sure.
Nines is a pup!!! I don’t believe I’ve seen a fic like this yet, so it’s really cool!
Thanks I'm Hating It - by Lupo (LupoLight) - Explicit: only suitable for adults - No warnings - Chapters 4/4 - Gavin goes to a fast food burger joint and Nines judges him. Then he realizes that Gavin isn't as much of a dick as he used to be, except he is, but in a different way. He isn't sure how to react to this knowledge.
QUALITY reed900 content
Bloodstains - by DeviantAlicee - Mature - Content warnings - Chapters 12/? - Nines is an interrogator & detective for the DPD with a dark past. His thick skin & smarts helping him to be one of the most valuable members of the department. He's cold & daunting.
GV200 is one of the first police android models who's partnered with a cruel beat cop who not only hates that his partner is an android but doesn't think GV can feel any of the cruel things he does or says to him. The android doesn't speak up due to the fear of being shut down.
Nines has no clue that the android he bumped into at a bar is in fact a police android. He just thinks that he might be somebody in need of some help. But, as time passes by & a new drug that can be used by androids begins to circulate, Nines begins to realise the situation is a whole lot more convoluted than he originally thought.
This is a really interesting reverse au! Check it out!
Team spirit - by ilse_writes - Mature - No warnings - Chapters 4/4 - Someone had the unholy idea to go camping with the department, all in the name of 'team building'. Gavin is not liking it very much. That tall instructor with his haughty manners and cool eyes... that one he likes very much.
I don’t think I’ve seen another au quite like this one. Very epic content, can we hit Gavin Reed?
Wake Up - by SkySquid22 - Mature - Content warnings - Chapters 6/? - “Gavin!”
GV200 slipped out of his stasis. He didn’t get a chance to open his eyes before a file came down on his face, smacking him.
“And here I thought tin cans didn’t sleep.”
Something was wrong.
Something was very very wrong.
DIS GOT ME  F U C K E D  U P!!! Bruh @skysquid200 really out here shaking my world with this fic. I was hollering while reading this like I got HYPED
Natural - by Erik_Heinrich - Teen and Up - Author chose not to warn for content - Chapters 1/? - They are all wing people.
Gavin gets partnered with Nines. As expected hes not too happy about it, but their partnership seems to be going well. That is until spring comes along. Nines wings seem a bit fidgety and Gavin is nesting. Nines doesn't realize he's been trying to court Gavin, and Gavin is just as oblivious.
or. They are both complete idiots the whole time
WING FIC WING FIC WING FIC!!!! Yall dont know how long I’ve looked for a reed900 wing fic. My homie @phckingusername out here doin God’s work <333
Thank you all so much for 1K!!! Being able to hop on Tumblr everyday and talk to you guys makes me so happy!! I really hope I didn't f up this rec list anywhere lol. Hope u guys like it!!
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goofygomez · 5 years
Anniversary - Clouis Oneshot
Description: Clementine and Louis have been together for almost a year, and Clem begins to ponder on how to celebrate such a special occasion.
Wordcount: 5700
A/N: Hey there! I’m finally posting some new content. Shocking, right? I wanted to write this in honor of Clouis’s actual anniversary, which is today (September 25th). Aside from that, this fic is doubly special because it is dedicated to one of my best friends in the fandom, whose birthday was just a few days ago @missdaisymayrio. Happy Birthday, Layla, hope you enjoy your handmade gift!
As always, comments, reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated, since I deleted my previous account and I’m trying to be more active now. Enjoy!
Clementine paced her room impatiently, muttering under her breath, the carpet muffling the thud of her crutches. Violet was sprawled at Clem’s bed, silently thinking of Clementine’s request. The two girls had been in her room for about an hour, trying to come up with something Clem could give Louis for their anniversary. They only had a week left, and so far, no ideas came to mind.
“What if you just… didn’t give him anything?” Violet suggested for what felt like the hundredth time.
Clem rolled her eyes and turned to her best friend. “I can’t do that,” she said. “He already gives me these little gifts every couple weeks that he finds on supply runs, I have to do something for our anniversary.”
“Can you believe you guys lasted a whole year?” Violet said, changing the subject. “I owe Aasim an energy bar.”
“You guys bet on us staying together?” Clem said indignant, sitting down on the bed opposite Violet.
“Not really,” Violet shrugged. “Mostly on who would freak out about this date first, and I lost.”
The early morning sun was streaming through the winder between them, bathing the carpeted floor with a golden hue, punctuated by the boards stuck to the window hinges. A few birds chirped happily to the rise of a new day, while the fluttering of their wings traveled softly to the room.      
“So you’re saying that Louis hasn’t freaked out…?” Clem asked, furrowing her brow.
“Knowing him, he’s had your present on the ready since the day we met you,” Violet said, making a gagging noise. Clem smiled.
She thought back to all the good times she and Louis had had over the past year. All those stolen kisses in supply raids seemed childish at the time, but Clem still kept them close to her heart. After all, how long had it been since she’d allowed herself to feel childish? She’d had to care for AJ for almost seven years now, and her formative years hadn’t exactly been a picnic either…
In truth, the escape those small tendrils of happiness gave her was the most wonderful gift Louis had ever given her. Though she hadn’t said so to him, it had very easily been the best year of her life. If only she could muster the courage to say those words instead of rehearsing them a thousand times in her head.
After a few minutes of lingering silence, a knock came from the door, and the usual sing-song voice of Louis sounded from the other side. Clem was pulled from her thoughts as they both turned to the door.
“Violet, Aasim wants you for something!” he was saying.
Rolling her eyes, Violet walked to the door and flung it open. Louis was standing at the threshold, one hand up mid-knock and the other in his pocket. His usual smile was plastered on his face, and his eyes sought Clementine at once.
“Hey there, morning,” he said.
“Morning,” Clem said with a smile, picking up her crutches and limping to Violet’s side.
The blonde wasn’t as pleased to see him, however. “You could have just said you wanted to see Clem, no need to make up excuses,” she said in a bored tone, pushing past him and waving a lazy hand back to Clementine. “See you later, Clem.”
“Yeah,” Clem said feebly, turning to Louis. “What’s up?”
Without a word, Louis let himself into the room offering his right hand to her, his left still tucked in his trench coat. He leaned forward and planted a kiss on her forehead, making her blush. She didn���t know why she still blushed after a year of being with the most affectionate person she’d ever met, but Louis wasn’t complaining. Even with the slight elevation the crutches offered, Louis still towered over her with ease, to the point where she often wondered if his father had been an NBA player.
“Not much,” he said, taking a seat on the spindly chair by the desk, helping Clem down to sit on the bed. “Just wanted to see you, is all.”
“That’s it?” Clem asked skeptically, raising an eyebrow at his left hand. “And what’s that you got there, huh?”
He looked down and feigned surprise, making Clem roll her eyes. He retrieved his hand from his pocket and produced a small parcel wrapped in what looked to be old newspapers. A bold headline on the front claimed that ‘Stock market plummets as the recession continues.’ Whatever that was, it sounded serious, Clem thought.
She examined the small package in his hands and cocked her head, confused. “Are we having a game of Pass the Parcel?” she asked innocently, looking up from the parcel and seeing her boyfriend’s face break into a smile.
“Nope, but that sounds like fun,” he said. “What’s that?”
Clem chuckled. “It’s this British game where you pass a wrapped object around and keep removing its layers,” she explained, “and whoever gets to remove the final layer gets the parcel.”
“And how do you know of this game?” Louis asked, intrigued. “Ever been to the UK?”
“Not really,” she said, shrugging. “But I did have a British classmate back in elementary school. His name was… Mark something? I don’t really remember.”
“Sounds like a grand ol’ chap!” Louis said in a lousy attempt at a British accent, tipping an invisible top hat and adjusting an imaginary monocle.
Clem could not help but laugh at her boyfriend’s antics, looking from him to the small package still clutched tightly in his hands. Curiosity was burning inside her, yet she decided not to push him for it. Instead, she chose to expand upon their subject of conversation.
“So,” she said, leaning forward. “Have you ever been outside the states?”
Thankful for the chance to just chat about meaningless things, Louis put the parcel on the desk and scratched his chin meaningfully. He hummed a song as he thought, which Clementine recognized as ‘Oh My Darling, Clementine.’
“Well, I went to Spain with my parents when I was seven,” he said. “Some place called Majorca or something fancy like that.”
“Sounds like a lot of fun,” Clem said, leaning on her elbow. “Did you learn any Spanish there?”
“Not really,” Louis admitted, shrugging. “We didn’t really go out much, except to restaurants and shit.”
“Fancy,” she said, chuckling.
As she heard him talk about the time his dad took him on a hiking trip up some mountain or other, her mind began to wander. She thought of all the times they themselves had taken a hike through the forest, Louis helping her up fallen logs as she struggled to lift her crutches over moist soil. She always loved how passionate he became about the most insignificant things, like the movements of the moon in the sky and the shifting bugs within the forest.
Without thinking, her eyes drifted over to the parcel on the desk and by the look of it, Louis took note of that. He grabbed the package and laid it on his lap. Looking up at her, he handed her the wrapped object and waited expectantly.
“What’s this?” she asked, curiously turning it in her hands. It was rectangular and thin, much like those old VCR movies her parents used to watch sometimes. She shook it softly, expecting it to rattle, yet it made no sound.
“Open it,” he urged, gesturing to a loose piece of home-made wrapping paper.
As she tore open the newspaper, her excitement never wavered. Louis looked on in silence, a smile etched on his face, expectant. The only sound between them was of ripping paper and the chirping birds outside. When she got to the final layer, she almost dropped it from shock.
“Oh my god,” Clem gasped.
She was holding a framed picture of her, AJ, and Louis standing in front of the school. Louis stood in the middle, his left hand around Clem’s waist and his right hand on AJ’s shoulder, clutching it affectionately. The three of them were smiling widely, their cheeks flushed from the heat. Clem remembered that day vividly. It had been around three months ago when Louis had found a Polaroid camera hidden in an abandoned classroom.
The frame itself was carved with small words along the edges, snaking across the entire surface of the wood. Her mouth agape, she raised her eyebrows at Louis, who beamed. It seemed the birds outside had sensed the awe in the room, for their singing had ceased to let room for the words that Clem was trying to form. Unfortunately, none would come.
“Look closely at the frame,” Louis said, almost in a whisper, too excited to contain his voice.
Instead of pursuing speech any longer, she did as she was told. Upon closer inspection, another gasp escaped her. Etched on the surprisingly smooth wood, spreading in a clockwise rotation, were the beginning lines of Clem’s favorite song.
“Oh my Darling, Oh my Darling,
Oh my Darling, Clementine.
9 – 25 – 2011”
Words seem to come back to her at once. “Louis, this is beautiful,” she managed to say, looking up at him again.
“Happy anniversary,” he said cheekily. Clem’s eyes went wide, fear that she’d forgotten the date creeping up her spine, and Louis chuckled, apparently reading her mind. “Don’t worry, you didn’t forget. I was just too excited to wait another week, so I figured I’d give it to you now.”
“That’s nice,” Clem said, smiling softly. “How did you do this? I didn’t think that camera would actually work after so many years.”
“Neither did I, but Tenn helped me find a book with instructions on how to develop pictures. It’s surprisingly more difficult than the movies made it out to be, to be honest,” he added, furrowing his brow.
“Well, tell Tenn thank you from me later,” Clem said, clutching the frame tightly to her chest. She closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh, her eyes filling with tears against her better judgment.
Louis stood and kneeled beside her, placing his hand over her right knee. “Hey, you okay?”
“Yeah, don’t worry about it,” she said, dabbing furiously at her eyes. “I love it.”
And indeed, she did love it. That evening, as she paced the room once more, the framed picture of their ninja family, as Louis called them, sat on the bedside table. The downside of the gift being so incredible, Clem thought ruefully, was that now she had to work twice as hard to come up with a great one herself. How could she ever hope to compare to a beautiful handmade gift such as that?
The answer to her question, thankfully, came to her in the form of Aasim a few days later. He walked up to her as she was doing her usual walk around the perimeter. For the last few months, Aasim had been trying to grow a beard, much to Ruby’s dismay. Despite his best efforts, it was patchy on spots and did not look nearly as cool as he’d hoped it would.
She chose not to comment on it when he beckoned her to a corner of the wall. She followed his gesture and leaned against the wall, thankful for a small relief from having to carry her whole weight on one leg.
“What’s up?” she asked, intrigued.
“I heard that you still haven’t found a present for Louis,” he said, cutting straight to the chase.
“Yeah,” she said, slightly ashamed of herself.
“I got something you could give him,” Aasim said, smirking.
Clem surveyed him, scanning him for any signs of a package. When she found none, she stared at him with a puzzled look. “If you do, you hid it very well,” she teased.
Rolling his eyes, Aasim shook his head. “It’s not exactly an object,” he explained. “I just want to help you out, since Louis can go a little overboard with gifts sometimes.”
Thinking of the frame on her bedside table, she nodded vigorously. “Why are you helping me?”
“He’s my best friend,” he said simply, shrugging. “And I know he’ll love this.”
And so, Aasim relayed the information to Clementine. The more he talked, the more Clementine liked the idea. Barely twenty minutes later, the plan was in motion as Clem and Aasim made their way back into the school for dinner.
It was a testament to how excited she was to give Louis his gift that she barely slept that night, thinking of all the things that could go wrong. Two nights later, she dreamed of Louis turning down her gift because it was too simple and did not compare to his. No matter how much she argued, he would not change his mind.
She woke with a start on the morning of September 25th, cold sweat running down her back and forehead. The clock on her nightstand told her it was nine-thirty, much later than she usually let herself sleep. The bed on the other side of the room was empty. AJ must have let her sleep in while he went on patrol with Tenn, she thought.
He would be seven years old soon, Clem realized with a start. Had it really been that long? With a yawn, she lifted herself from the bed and grabbed the crutches that leaned against the bedside table. She stretched her right leg, looking down at the stump on her left knee.
No matter how many times she looked at it, she was still not getting used to the feeling. Sometimes it even felt like she had it back, a tingly sensation where her toes were supposed to be. She would look down in excitement only to be disappointed time and time again.
“I guess this is how Reggie and Lee felt, huh,” she mused to herself, thinking of their amputations. Had Reggie had so much trouble adapting to his new reality? Clem surely was…
After donning her leather jacket and denim jeans – the latter was still tricky business with only one leg to support herself – she waddled over to the door and walked into the hallway to face the day ahead. Upon arriving at the courtyard, she looked around and found Aasim standing by the gate, speaking to Willy. She walked over to them just in time to hear the tail end of their conversation.
“-me know if anything’s moving around out there,” Aasim was saying. Willy nodded and turned back to his post, holding a hunting rifle they’d found in a nearby town.
When he turned, he spotted Clem standing beside one of the tables and walked up to her. “Morning,” he said. “Slept well?”
“Not at all,” Clem said truthfully, “Have you seen Louis?”
“I sent him on a supply run with Violet, as promised,” he assured her, nodding. “It’s on the other side of the forest, so you’ll have enough time to prepare for when he comes back, which should be around dusk.”
“Good, thanks.” She looked around and saw the rest of the group milling about their respective chores. The morning sun blazed above them, the last vestiges of summer lingering for a few more days yet. Despite the warm weather, the first leaves of fall had already begun to fall onto the courtyard, spraying the ground with a bright orange and yellow hue.
Ruby was using a large rake to clear a path between the admin building and the greenhouse, muttering a soft country song to herself. Tenn and Omar were discussing lunch and dinner plans for the day by the pot, apparently deep in conversation. She did a headcount in her head, coming up one person short.
She was about to ask Aasim about AJ when her question was answered. The boy had just walked out of the admin building’s doors, his trademark revolver in his hands. When he spotted Clem, as was his custom, his eyes lit up and he rushed to her, much like he’d done that fateful day almost a year ago.
“Clem, you’re up,” he said excitedly, stashing his gun in his back pocket.
“Had a fun patrol?” she asked him, ruffling his overly long hair. He’s overdue for a haircut, she thought to herself, making a mental note to ask Ruby for scissors.
“Yup,” AJ said, nodding. “I found a couple of rats in an abandoned classroom, but I couldn’t catch them.”
“Best not to try again, kiddo,” Clem warned him, frowning. “They could bite you or something.”
AJ furrowed his brow as well, thinking hard. “Can rats make you turn into walkers?”
Looking around to Aasim for assistance, Clem shrugged. The man did the same and placed a reassuring hand on AJ’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, I don’t think they can,” he assured the boy. “I think Louis got bit once when we were like twelve. Had a nasty scar on his finger, but hasn’t turned since.”
“You never know,” AJ muttered, looking down in thought. Both Clem and Aasim laughed, confusing the young boy even further.
Excusing herself, Clem led AJ to one of the tables and asked him to sit down. AJ did as he was told, leaning on his elbows in the same fashion Louis did sometimes at dinner. It was uncanny how many mannerisms the boy had picked up from the young pianist.
“Anything interesting to report?” she asked conversationally, resting her chin on one of her hands, tiredness still tugging at her eyelids.
“Not really, other than those rats I told you about,” AJ replied, shrugging. “Sometimes I try to make up games to pass the time, but I’m not very good at it.”
Clem raised her eyebrows, a smile etched on her face at his innocence. “Games such as…?”
Looking down at the markings on the table, AJ said, “Um, well. Like counting how many windows there are in the entire school.”
“Sounds like fun,” Clem said, nodding. “And how many are there?”
“Couldn’t remember the numbers past seventy, but I think there’s probably a lot more.”
“Yeah, we’ll work on that a little more, how about that?”
AJ nodded vigorously, clearly eager for another session of homeschooling with the rest of the group, all of whom had added something to the table when it came to educating Clementine’s young charge.
So far, Ruby had taught him to tend to small plants, which he didn’t find particularly fun, but still pleasant nonetheless. Aasim and Louis had taught him to tie a number of knots for traps, most of which were still too complex for him to memorize them, but his spirit never wavered. Since Clem could not easily move around, Violet had taken over training him in a rudimentary form of hand-to-hand combat, which was definitely AJ’s favorite new subject.
“So,” she said, scratching the back of her head. “I’m going out of the school tonight.”
“Like, into the forest?” AJ asked, puzzled. “Why at night?”
“Just… something,” she said vaguely. “I won’t be sleeping in our room tonight either, but I’ll be back in the morning before you wake up.”
She’d been expecting some sort of interrogation, and maybe even sadness, but she hadn’t expected what came next.
“No,” AJ said simply, crossing his arms. “No, you’re not going out unless you tell me what you plan on doing.”
“What?” Clem asked, taken aback.
“I’m tired of you not telling me stuff to protect me or whatever,” he said, making air quotes with his fingers; another one of Louis’s teachings. Damn you, Louis. “Either tell me or I won’t let you go.”
Sighing, she looked back at the gate through which her boyfriend was gathering supplies for the group. She figured nothing would change the young boy’s mind, so there was no use in arguing back. She turned back to AJ and nodded, pursing her lips apprehensively.
“Alright, you deserve to know, I guess,” she said.
Taken aback by the quick change of heart, AJ’s eyes went wide and he fell silent, his mouth slightly open in anticipation.
“Today is mine and Louis’s anniversary,” she said, unsure of how to approach such a delicate subject.
“Anni – Anniversary?” AJ said slowly, his look of wonderment still present on his face. “What’s that?”
Thinking hard, Clem chose her words carefully. “It’s like… a birthday,” she explained awkwardly, tilting her head to her side. “Like a birthday for our relationship. It’s been exactly one year since he and I got together, you understand?”
“Yeah,” he replied, still looking puzzled. “But what does that have to do with going out at night?”
“You see, when you celebrate an anniversary, you give each other gifts,” she said, pointing to the window that led to their room on the inside. “Like that frame he gave me the other day. And my gift to him is hidden outside in the forest, and it’s better to give it to him at night.”
“I see,” AJ almost whispered, his eyes running the length of the table, scanning the markings that he himself had added onto. “Can you tell me what it is? Maybe I can help you.”
Clem chuckled and reached over the table, tapping his nose affectionately. “No, kiddo,” she said, shaking her head. “This is something for just us, I’m sorry.”
AJ nodded slowly, a little crestfallen. “I understand,” he told her, smiling back at her. “Thank you for telling me, though.”
She placed a soft hand over his and smiled. “Don’t worry, I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow.”
Sure enough, that night, Clem was waiting for Louis at the gate around dusk. The sun was beginning to set on the west, the orange tint of the sky the only evidence that it had even been there minutes before. She nervously tapped her right foot on the concrete, thinking about the route Aasim had told her to take.
“A right, left, then another left,” she was muttering to herself. Seemingly out of nowhere, another voice replied with a cheerful yet tired tone about it.
“What, did your GPS break down?”
Whirling around as fast as her crutches would allow, she now stood in front of a tired-looking Louis, whose forehead was matted with sweat. He carried a medium-sized box with a few cans of beans, tuna, and what looked like expired candy.
“You’re back,” she exclaimed, smiling. “I was getting worried.”
“Worry not, I have returned,” he said, extending her arms theatrically. “I’m starving, actually.”
“Um,” she said, stopping him from rushing to the admin building. The rest of the courtyard was already empty, as they had had an early dinner. “I was actually thinking we could go out for a walk, don’t you think?”
She gestured to the forest, where an owl hooted loudly and flapped its wings. Louis raised an eyebrow at her, puzzled.
“Is this some joke Aasim put you up for?” he said, chuckling.
Sure hope not, she thought to herself. “No, I just wanted to show you your gift,” she said in a convincingly innocent tone. “Happy anniversary, Louis.”
She reached over and planted a soft kiss on his cheek that seemed to reawaken his senses. His face parted into a grin and made sure to leave the box of stuff by the gate. When he was done, he clapped his hands together. “That’s awesome, scavenger hunt sounds like fun,” he quipped, leaning down and taking her hand in his.
The couple started walking forwards, Clementine mostly leading the way. Despite not being accustomed to seeing her stump every morning, she had become quite adept at moving around on crutches, mostly due to Louis’s and AJ’s assistance. She trudged through the muddy grounds, making sure not to sink the wood too deep into any loose dirt patches.
The dark forest loomed ahead, the full moon shining brilliantly above them like a beacon, beckoning them to go deeper. Their steps were punctuated by the crunching of dry leaves, the only sound other than their breaths and the scuttling of small animals. Louis followed Clem without a word, and Clem went through the path in her mind over and over again.
At one point, about an hour after they’d departed, Louis’s resolve was beginning to waver. She heard him clear his throat behind her.
“Hey, Clem? Where exactly are we going?” he asked, his right hand in Clem’s and his left holding Chairles loosely.
Clem took a moment to stop and look around, grinning at him. “It wouldn’t be much of a surprise if I just told you now, would it?”
Louis sighed and nodded wearily. “I guess you’re right,” he said, smirking back at her. “Lead the way, Sunshine.”
Clementine chuckled as she turned and started back up the winding path. “Sunshine?” she asked, shaking her head.
“What? I think it’s cute,” he said, shrugging. “I was trying something, give me a break.”
“Alright, I’ll give it to you, it was kind of cute,” she admitted, rolling her eyes. “But don’t get too used to it.”
“Too late, Sunshine,” he quipped, picking up the pace to be on par with her and looking down at his girlfriend.
Sighing, Clem shook her head. “I guess I had that one coming,” she conceded, squinting as she looked for the signal Aasim told her would be around. When she spotted a small red handkerchief protruding from a spruce tree to their left, she knew where she was.
“We’re very close, only ten minutes left,” she told him, squeezing his hand affectionately.
“Can’t wait.”
For ten minutes they trudged through the thicket of trees that seemed to deepen the darkness around them, yet a single strand of silver light still illuminated their path for them. At long last, the small path opened up into a small pond the size of a large swimming pool. Around it, the roots of the trees shied away from the edge, yet small, white flowers blossomed on the reed-filled bank on one side.
Both Clem and Louis took in a deep breath as they took in the sight in front of them, their hands still intertwined. The lack of treetops above let enough moonlight shine through that visibility was enough to move around. They walked towards the edge of the water and around the pond to where a small clearing stood, almost expecting them to take the spot for themselves.
“Woah,” she heard Louis say as he looked around. “How come I’ve never found this?”
“Aasim said you probably haven’t wandered this far north,” she explained. Louis extended her hand to help her down and sat down beside her, setting the crutches on her side. “He claims to be the only one to know about this place.”
“Well, I’m sure Ruby knows about it too,” Louis said cheekily, smirking. Clem chuckled and silently agreed, making a mental note to ask Aasim if he’d brought Ruby here.
The couple sat in silence for a few minutes, basking in the beauty of their surroundings. The cold autumn breeze blew past them, making Clem shiver and wish she’d brought an extra layer of clothing. Louis seemed to have read her thoughts, for he took off his trench coat and draped it over her shoulders, much like she’d seen men do in those cheesy movies her mother used to love so much.
“Is this my anniversary gift?” Louis asked, looking up at the star-strewn sky.
“Uh, yeah,” Clem said lamely, scratching the back of her head. “I thought you’d like it.”
Backtracking, Louis nodded vigorously and smiled at her. “Oh, I love it! It’s very romantic,” he said, running a hand through his dreads and pulling them backward. His green shirt stuck to his body from sweat, making him seem slimmer than he was. Almost in unison, they both lay down on the bed of leaves, their hands intertwined at waist-height.
They talked about their days, Louis telling her about a couple of walkers he had to take out to get a hold of those expired candies. Unfortunately, once he’d tried one of them, his illusion to give them to AJ had been crushed. It hadn’t stopped him, however, from bringing them back just in case.
“You really went to all that effort for AJ?” she asked, tilting her head as much as she could, given her position on the ground.
“Of course,” he said, as it if was the most obvious thing in the world. “He’s your little dude. Our little dude.”
After saying the last words, Louis looked away quickly, his cheeks flushed. Clem’s eyes were wide, yet she did not flinch. As scared as she was of planning her life ahead, she knew her future, however short it may end up being, contained Louis in all scenarios.
“He really is,” she said reassuringly, placing a hand over his cheek and leaning in awkwardly. She planted a soft kiss on his lips, pulling him towards her. She heard his intake of breath as he deepened the kiss, running his thumb over her cheek.
After a few minutes, they broke apart, taking deep breaths as they regained their composure. Both their cheeks were flushed, and Louis’s chest was rising and falling rapidly.
“That was interesting,” he said croakily, barely above a whisper.
“Yeah,” she breathed, her eyes falling to his lips and back again to his brown eyes; the brown eyes that held so much joy in them and managed to reflect his smile every day, no matter how bleak the world may look now.
“Thank you, Louis,” she said finally, closing her eyes.
“What for?” he asked, puzzled.
Clem rose and leaned on her elbow, looking down at her boyfriend’s face. No matter how many times she had rehearsed this in her mind, the actual thing was much scarier than she’d ever imagined.
“Thank you for being there for me,” she explained, unable to meet his eyes. “For not giving up on me even when I seemed to give up on myself. In all honesty, I thought you’d leave me like a month into our relationship.”
“You know I’d never do that,” Louis exclaimed, almost defensively. Clem laughed softly despite herself.
“I know you wouldn’t,” she assured him, placing a finger over his lips to shut him up. “But that’s just how my mind works, don’t worry. And now, it’s been a whole year and we’re still together.”
Louis nodded with a smile, tilting his head as if to say, “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“So I guess what I’m trying to say is,” she whispered, finding the courage to look Louis in the eyes. “I love you.”
Louis’s eyes, those that were always so confident and full of joy, opened wide as plates. His mouth fell agape and his heart seemed to have skipped a beat from the movement he made. As a response, he leaned in and placed another kiss on Clem’s lips. When they broke apart once more, they were both smiling.
“I love you too, Clementine,” he whispered, much gentler than Clem had ever heard him speak.
Somehow, they both managed to chuckle heartily, seemingly unable to keep their eyes off each other. For a few minutes, the two of them was all that mattered in the world. They were everything that was real, and everything else was just outside intrusion. No owls hooted nor frogs croaked as if the forest were holding its breath to give the couple the silence they deserved.
For minutes that seemed to stretch into hours – hell, it could have been days, – none of them spoke. Their hands rested on each other’s waists, Louis’s hand drawing small circles on a bit of exposed skin on Clem’s side, which made her giggle softly.
At the sound of her laugh, Louis smiled and kissed her again, as if he could not get enough of it. Neither could she, however, so she didn’t stop him.
This time, a sound did break their seemingly impenetrable silence. A small cricket had rested upon a small rock, drawing their attention to it. Suddenly, Clementine remembered the second part of her present.
“Oh shit, I forgot,” she exclaimed, looking around the ground, searching.
“You hid something else in here?” Louis joked, following her gaze.
“No, silly,” she said, rolling her eyes yet smiling nonetheless. “Got it!”
She was holding a small rock the size of a golf ball. Louis looked at her with a puzzled expression and waited. Clem lifted herself up to a sitting position and threw the rock in the middle of the pond, disturbing its waters as ripples exploded from where the rock had hit it. For a few seconds, Clem thought she looked foolish and thought maybe this really was a prank by Aasim.
After a few moments of pure silence, however, her prayers were answered. A small lightning bug appeared from within the reeds, lighting up like a small light bulb in the night. It flew out into the air and towards the sky before more followed. More and more fireflies were emerging from the darkness and lighting up the surface of the waters in a bright yellow hue.
“Wow,” she heard Louis whisper as he himself scrambled to a sitting position beside Clem.
Together, they watched the dance the fireflies made, wavering in the cold breeze into the autumn sky, joining their brethren toward the stars, seamlessly fading into the darkness. The scene reminded her of those times in New Year’s, when her parents would light up a balloon and let it loose into the air, joining countless others from their neighbors. The breath seemed to have escaped Clementine as she marveled at the dancing lights, and she knew Louis was thinking along the same lines.
“That,” he said from beside her, placing a hand on her thigh, “was beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful,” she said, making her own lame attempt at being as cheesy as her boyfriend. To her relief, he found it rather amusing and laughed.
“I think I’m rubbing off on you,” he said cheerfully, kissing her cheek. As was usual, she blushed.
“Yeah, maybe,” she said, turning to look at him with fire in her eyes, heat rising to her cheeks once more. “Happy anniversary, Louis.”
Smiling once more, Louis said, “Happy Anniversary, Firefly.”
30 notes · View notes
astrogeoguy · 5 years
The Full Thunder Moon gets Eclipsed, Evening Gas Giant-Gazing, and the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11 Arrives!
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(Above: Features visible on a full moon are labelled on this image by Michael Watson of Toronto. The Apollo Mission landing sites are the red numerals. Apollo 11 was sent to study the dark, bluish basalts of Mare Tranquilitatis.)
Hello, Summer Stargazers!
Here are your Astronomy Skylights for the week of July 14th, 2019 by Chris Vaughan. Feel free to pass this along to your friends and send me your comments, questions, and suggested topics. I repost these emails with photos at http://astrogeoguy.tumblr.com/ where all the old editions are archived. You can also follow me on Twitter as @astrogeoguy! Unless otherwise noted, all times are Eastern Time. Please click this MailChimp link to subscribe to these emails. If you are a teacher or group leader interested joining me on a guided field trip to York University’s Allan I. Carswell Observatory or the David Dunlap Observatory, visit www.astrogeo.ca.
I can bring my Digital Starlab inflatable planetarium to your school or other daytime or evening event. Contact me, and we’ll tour the Universe together!
The Moon and Planets
This week, a big, bright moon will dominate evening skies all over the world – perfect for reminding us to celebrate humankind’s first steps upon it 50 years ago this Saturday, July 20 when Apollo 11 landed on the moon. Besides that, there are plenty of other celestial doings to look at. Here are the Skylights! 
When the bright, nearly full moon rises over the southeastern horizon at 8:30 pm local time on Monday evening, the medium-bright, yellowish planet Saturn will be positioned 2.5 finger widths to the left (celestial east) of it. The pair will cross the sky together during the night and will easily fit within the field of view of your binoculars. If you watch the pair over several hours, starting at dusk, you will see the moon’s orbit carry it closer to the planet and the rotation of the sky lift Saturn above the moon. Observers in eastern Melanesia, southern Polynesia, Easter Island, and central South America will see the moon cover (or occult) Saturn. 
The July full moon will happen at 5 pm EDT on Tuesday. Also known as the “Buck Moon”, “Thunder Moon”, or “Hay Moon”, this one always shines in or near the stars of Sagittarius (the Archer) or Capricornus (the Sea-Goat). When the moon approaches its full phase, all of the regions where the Apollo astronauts explored are illuminated by sunlight. Each of the six crewed Apollo Missions was sent to a different region of the moon in order to carry out experiments and to bring back rock samples that help us determine the age and composition of the moon’s surface. For safety reasons, Apollo 11 was sent to the flat and relatively featureless terrain of Mare Tranquillitatis “Sea of Tranquility”. Later missions landed in more rugged regions with complex geology. Visually, Mare Tranquilitatis is darker and bluer than the other mare – due to a higher Titanium content in the basalt rocks that created it. 
This full moon will also feature a partial lunar eclipse. The northern portion of the moon will pass through the southern edge of Earth’s umbral shadow and become darkened. At greatest eclipse, the moon will be in Sagittarius and positioned 7.5 finger widths east of Saturn. The entire eclipse will be visible from most of Africa, the Middle East, and western India. South America will see the later stages of the eclipse after moonrise, and Australia and Southeast Asia will see the eclipse set in progress. None of the eclipse will be visible from North America. Maximum eclipse occurs near Maputo, Mozambique at 21:30:46 UT. Remember that lunar eclipses are completely safe to watch without eye protection.
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(Above: This is the arrangement of the sky that was seen by observers near Toronto at the moment Neil Armstrong was stepping on the moon - at 10:56:15 pm EDT.) 
After Tuesday, the moon will wane in phase and rise later – passing through the stars of Capricornus and then Aquarius (the Water-Bearer) on the coming weekend. Unfortunately, the moon will rise very late on the anniversary date. 
Mars is steadily fading from view as it slips downward towards the evening sun. Your best chance to see it will be low in the north-northwestern sky before about 9:30 pm local time. Thankfully, we’ve got the two big gas giant planets to view in evening this summer. 
The incredibly bright object gleaming in the southeastern evening sky is Jupiter! This week, Jupiter will be visible from dusk to about 3 am local time. Even a backyard telescope can show Jupiter’s two main equatorial stripes and the four Galilean moons named Io, Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede. They always appear in a rough line flanking the planet. If you see fewer than four, then some are either in front of Jupiter, or hidden behind it.
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(Above: On Monday, July 15, the waxing gibbous moon will land near Saturn, as shown here for 10:30 pm EDT. Jupiter is off to the west.) 
From time to time, the small, round black shadows cast by the Galilean moons become visible in amateur telescopes as they cross (or transit) Jupiter’s disk. Europa’s shadow will be transiting Jupiter from 9:09 to 11:38 pm EDT on Tuesday with the Great Red Spot, and Io’s shadow will cross on Saturday, July 20 from 8:54 to 11:06 pm EDT. 
Due to Jupiter’s rapid 10-hour rotation period, the Great Red Spot (or GRS) is only observable from Earth every 2nd or 3rd night, and only during a predictable three-hour window. The GRS will be easiest to see using a medium-sized, or larger, aperture telescope on an evening of good seeing (steady air). If you’d like to see the Great Red Spot in your telescope, it will be crossing the planet on Tuesday evening from 8 to 11 pm EDT. More GRS viewing opportunities will occur from 9:45 pm to 12:30 am on Thursday night, and after dusk on Sunday. 
Yellow-tinted Saturn will remain visible all night long during August. Its position in the sky is just to the left (east) of the stars that form the teapot-shaped constellation of Sagittarius (the Archer). Saturn is quite a bit dimmer than Jupiter. To find it, look about 3 fist diameters to the lower left (east) of Jupiter. Dust off your telescope! Once the sky is dark, even a small telescope will show Saturn's rings and several of its brighter moons, especially Titan! Because Saturn’s axis of rotation is tipped about 27° from vertical (a bit more than Earth’s is), we can see the top surface of its rings, and its moons can appear above, below, or to either side of the planet. During this week, Titan will migrate counter-clockwise around Saturn, moving from Saturn’s upper left tonight (Sunday) to below the planet next Sunday. (Remember that your telescope will flip the view around.) 
For night owls, distant and dim, blue Neptune is in the southeastern pre-dawn sky, among the stars of Aquarius (the Water-Bearer). The planet will be rising shortly at about 11:30 pm local time this week. You’ll find the magnitude 7.9 planet sitting a thumb’s width to the left (east) of a medium-bright star named Phi (φ) Aquarii. 
Blue-green Uranus will be rising at about 1 am local time this week. It is sitting below the stars of Aries (the Ram) and is just a palm’s width above the head of Cetus (the Whale). At magnitude 5.8, Uranus is bright enough to see in binoculars. 
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(Above: Venus will soon vanish into the pre-dawn twilight. for now you can still look for it low in the ENE, as shown here at 5:30 am local time.)
Similar to Mars, Venus is barely bright enough to see within the pre-dawn twilight sky that surrounds it, but it is sitting very low in the northeast - sinking ever-closer to the rising sun. Venus will be rising at about 5 am local time all week. 
Finally, Pluto reaches peak visibility today – but invisible to backyard telescopes. 
Some Moonlight-Friendly Sights
If you missed last week’s suggestions for objects to look for on moonlit nights, I posted the sky charts here. 
Public Astro-Themed Events
At 7:30 pm on Wednesday, July 17, the RASC Toronto Centre will hold their free monthly Recreational Astronomy Night Meeting at the Ontario Science Centre, and the public are welcome. Talks include The Sky This Month (presented by me), imaging planets while at southern locations, and solar science. These meetings are also streamed live on RASC-TC’s YouTube channel. Check here for details. Parking is free. 
Every Monday evening, York University’s Allan I. Carswell Observatory runs an online star party - broadcasting views from four telescopes/cameras, answering viewer questions, and taking requests! Details are here. On Wednesday nights they offer free public viewing through their rooftop telescopes. If it’s cloudy, the astronomers give tours and presentations. Details are here. 
On Tuesday, July 16 and Thursday, July 18, starting at 11 am, U of T’s AstroTour planetarium show will be a Kids Summer Break Show. Find tickets and details here. 
At 3:30 pm on Tuesday, July 16, the Agincourt Library will present a free public talk by Max King from the University of Toronto’s Astronomy & Astrophysics department entitled Mission to Pluto, From Napkin to New Horizon. Check here for details. 
On Tuesday, July 16, starting at 7 pm, U of T’s AstroTour planetarium show will be Our Musical Universe. Find tickets and details here. 
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(Above: One of few photographs of Neil Armstrong on the moon, taken by Buzz Aldrin.)
The 50th Anniversary of humankind’s first steps upon another world is here! Here is a list of the places around town where you can join experts and fellow “lunatics” to honour Apollo 11 this Saturday night, July 20. 
On Tuesday, July 16, starting at 8 pm, York University’s Allan I. Carswell Observatory will celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11 with a free film and star-gazing on the Arboretum roof! Details are here. 
Ontario Science Centre: Apollo 11 50th Anniversary on Saturday from 10 am to 10 pm features many moon and space activities and presentations, stargazing – and a Canadian astronaut! Regular admission and parking fees apply, except for the star party. Details are here. 
Aga Khan Museum: Moon Landing Festival on Saturday and Sunday from 12 pm to 10 pm features art, live music, talks, and stargazing. Free! Details are here. 
U of T’s Dunlap Institute: SpaceTime on Saturday from 6:30 to 8:30 pm features all-ages fun, talks, games, and giveaways. Free! Details are here. 
The next RASC Family Night at the David Dunlap Observatory will be on Saturday, July 20. There will be sky tours in the Skylab planetarium room, space crafts, a tour of the giant 74” telescope, and viewing through lawn telescopes (weather permitting). The doors will open at 8:30 pm for a 9 pm start. Attendance is by tickets only, available here. If you are a RASC Toronto Centre member and wish to help us at DDO in the future, please fill out the volunteer form here. And to join RASC Toronto Centre, visit this page.
Keep looking up, and enjoy the sky when you do. I love questions and requests - so, send me some!
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rwbyconversations · 6 years
100 Follower Special- The Scattered Leaves of Autumn (or: Why Amber is Awesome)
First off, I’d like to thank everyone who made 100 followers possible (it’s 120 as I write this). For a blog I really just started on a whim, this thing has taken off. I’ve got a post that’s racked up over a thousand notes in under two days, I’ve dipped my toe into serious analysis and felt my mind fracture as I imagine a RWBY fan ask the question “What’s your favorite ship?” 
So to celebrate, I thought I’d do something I’ve wanted to do for a long time now, and that’s tell everyone how much character Amber is given in six minutes, one fight, and one line of dialogue.
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First off, required listening is this loop of the music that plays at the beginning of Amber’s scene. This is, in my opinion, the best instrumental Jeff and Alex have ever produced for the show. It has this haunting, almost ethereal quality to the violin, a soft vocal element that almost feels like it’s part of a dirge for both Amber and the happier times of Volumes 1 and 2. After all, Chapter 7 is where the tone begins its radical shift in preparation for the Fall of Beacon and one of three major points of no return for the show (the other two being Yang crippling Mercury and Pyrrha vs Penny).
We’re introduced to Amber after several still shots of a field with a gloomy cloud cover, setting the stage for what’s about to go down. She’s alone with nothing but a horse and a bag for company until in the middle of nowhere (likely in Vale given the scenes with Adam are immediately before and after the Black trailer) she spies a lonely child with a wrecked bicycle, crying her eyes out.
And what does Amber do? Get off her horse and give the kid an apple while flashing a reassuring smile. Amber is kind, gentle, nurturing and cares for children.
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But she’s also razor-sharp. She immediately notices the dust that Emerald kicks up (”Not a foot out of place,” Cinder warned them), and once the illusion vanishes, Amber immediately leaps back and gets her horse to run off. Her cloak is removed, staff out, she’s combat ready in the time it takes to blink.
We get a quick look at how Amber fights, and it seems that she’s fond of hiding in plain sight when it comes to power use- she casually blocks Emerald’s gunfire with her Maiden powers and uses her powers to augment the Dust crystals (wind and fire, I believe) embedded on her staff. Alternatively, Amber is more lax in using her powers in public since this is a brazen attempt on her life and she cares more about staying alive than preserving Ozpin’s masquerade. Regardless, Amber likely fights like this as a way for her to use her powers in public without causing a scene, as thanks to the widespread abilities Dust can provide, Amber kicking up a gust of wind or firing off a flamethrower blast isn’t out of the realm of possibility- just look at what Weiss and Hazel can get up to with their usage of Dust.
But when Mercury arrives and powers through her flamethrower, Amber takes off the kid gloves. At this point, she’s realized that they’re trying to take her powers and they’ve landed a serious hit on her. So she decides to let them see properly what they’re up against.
And we as an audience get to finally see the real power of a Maiden while a choir begins to resonate and then in comes Jeff Williams with a guitar to shake the damn earth.
This was the audience’s first glimpse at just what a Maiden can do, and it’s a masterful first showing. CRWBY have stated that Amber’s fight was meant to showcase that Maidens could use all four elements and weren’t bound to one (unfortunately the fanbase didn’t get the memo, considering that M&K have had to say this three times now). One of my personal favorite moments of the fight comes from Amber improvising a flechette storm out of leaves that she flash-freezes and fires at Emerald and Mercury. Amber’s power is shown easily through one simple shot, where she looks almost disdainfully down at Mercury and Emerald as they fire desperately at her, not even bothering to deflect the gunfire. 
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Amber also showed how quick thinking she was after Cinder knocked her down. Before she sees CEM running towards her, we hear the trademark sound of Emerald’s Semblance and Amber gasps at that. She’d heard it earlier when Emerald set the trap, and after Emerald appears she immediately realizes it; Emerald has an illusion Semblance. And based on her behavior later in the fight, Amber subscribes to the Tamora Pierce school of combat.
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But first Amber has to deal with Cinder and Mercury. And despite both of them flickering in and out of visibility thanks to Emerald, Amber proves why Cinder had to stack the deck so thoroughly to beat her.
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Because she kicks their asses. Even without her staff or using her Maiden powers, and even outnumbered as she is, Amber wins every 1v1 close quarters encounter in the back half of the fight, mostly using raw CQC to wipe the floor with them (you know what they say about never bringing a knife to a fistfight). Mercury only lands a few hits on her when she’s distracted with Emerald, and every time, Amber makes him pay dearly for it. Let me remind you at this point that according to Qrow in Volume 4, Amber only had a year’s training with her Maiden powers. She was a natural-born prodigy. 
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Even after Cinder breaks Amber’s Aura (and you guessed it, it wasn’t through direct combat, she had to wait for Amber to be distracted before she could do even that), she still keeps fighting like a determined little spitfire, blowing CME away. Amber uses this chance to finally get rid of the thorn in her side and immediately wastes Emerald with a fireball. And despite needing to limp on her staff, Amber slowly but surely makes her way to where Emerald fell, and before Emerald can pull any more tricks, Amber goes in for the killing blow. Rather than waste time on Mercury or Cinder, Amber used her head and went for the person who could cast illusions. With Emerald out of the way, it would have been much easier to neutralize Cinder and Mercury. It was also personal at this point; Emerald had ambushed her, manipulated her conscience and used her own morality as a distraction. Amber had no more mercy left for Emerald, and had she been just a second faster, Emerald’s skull would have been split wide open.
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But she wasn’t fast enough. Based on where it looks like she got shot, Cinder’s arrow struck Amber in the spine or may have even pierced one of her lungs. Her eyes widen for a second, mouth struggling to say anything or maybe even breathe, and then Amber falls. She put up a hell of a fight, managed to beat around three very talented fighters, but Emerald’s Semblance was the trump card in Cinder’s deck. Add in some dastardly sneak attacks, and Amber ultimately never stood a chance.
And at this moment, her eyes widen as that realization settles in. That she is about to die, in a random field, to a bitch in a red dress. She tries to stay defiant as Mercury and Emerald grab her arms, but once the parasite bursts out of Cinder’s palm, Amber loses it.
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Amber doesn’t scream bloody defiance at Cinder, doesn’t curse her name or provide a quip. Amber is terrified when she dies, shaking in abject fear, which makes her suffering even more tragic and ultimately realistic. She wasn’t just some hardened Huntress who stared death in the face. Unlike Pyrrha, she didn’t get a cool one-liner. Amber begs for mercy and is horrified in her last conscious moments. She was already gone by the time Qrow came to save her, and when she finally started to regain consciousness however many moons later...
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There wasn’t a bright light at the end of that tunnel, unfortunately. After months she’s emaciated, pale from the lack of sunlight, and scars still riddle her face. And just as something may come of her suffering, Cinder plunges an arrow into her heart, and Amber dies in a cold, dark vault that serves as her tomb. She got no burial, no grave to mourn at, while Cinder stole a power she never deserved.
To conclude, Amber is one of my favorite characters in RWBY and I can only hope I did a good job covering why. In a lot of ways she laid the groundwork for Sienna Khan’s fandom in volume 5- a dark-skinned woman voiced by a big-name VA who only really had one scene before their tragic demise, but dominated that one scene and made it their own. Amber in six minutes shows multiple facets to her personality- a friendliness and willingness to help children, a smart and ruthlessly powerful fighting style that lets her draw on Huntress and Maiden training, a lack of mercy to those who cross her, and perhaps most human of all, pure unadulterated fear. She dies scared and alone, looking into the amber eyes of a monster, which only makes the tragedy of Amber’s short life all the more painful.
Thank you for reading. 
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ngame989 · 6 years
what are your top 5 Starco episodes?
Oh boy, my first ask since the Rebrandening™! So there’s no way in hell I can, in good conscience, rank a top 5 since there are different contexts and topics covered and reasons to like each, but I can definitely put together 5 total eps with a bit of explanation for each. So without further adieu:
Booth Buddies
Because of course this one must be on the list, albeit for different reasons than you might think. Of course I’m glad we got to see a Starco kiss (especially now that we saw our shadow and got 6 more months of hiatus!) but what makes this episode for me is the entire talk beforehand and the weight of the past two seasons behind it. 
By this point, it had been a season and a half of their relationship being complicated, with the emotional distance between them at an all-time high and communication about their issues at an all-time low. This was especially poignant for me as someone who didn’t even watch the show until after season 2 had already finished - I experienced the sum total of carefree Starco in a few days, and my entire tenure as a fan of the show had been when things were awkward between them.
Enter Booth Buddies, an episode dedicated to letting it all out in the classic emotionally honest fashion that just screams “Starco”. I had unfortunately been partially spoiled by the leaks beforehand. I knew what was coming, and (despite being a totally sappy romantic) am not one to get all emotional, yet the talk about what was different between them - augmented by the appropriately titled, equally soul-rending track “What’s Different” by my aural lord and savior Brian H. Kim - had me in tears. Admittedly, the fact that all the emotional weight behind it comes from hardships and mistakes the characters made beforehand, this episode almost feels like cheating because it doesn’t really pack that emotional Starco punch as an isolated 11 minute segment, but that absolutely doesn’t knock it off my list.
Speaking of cheating, let’s nip that one in the bud right now. I’ll let someone both quicker and wiser than me tackle this topic. My only real addition to this is that, in all honesty, I don’t even think Marco ever thought “boy oh boy I gotta smooch Star.” Considering at every point in the episode prior to it, both of them were under the impression that they needed BEST FRIEND photos to get out, it speaks volumes that they finally are ready to take a photo about what being best friends means to them, and they both end up leaning into a kiss. Unplanned and regretted, yes (which is what makes this not really “cheating”), but a mutual expression of how they both truly view their relationship nonetheless.
…none of this is to say that I still don’t celebrate the fact that it finally happened.
Don’t worry, the others won’t be this long.
This one is another obvious choice.It’s really impossible to extricate these episodes from one another, so I won’t. Short of them actually getting together, the season 3 finale had everything one could hope for following Booth Buddies. Marco finally opening himself up to a close emotional relationship with Star after trying to avoid it for his heart’s sake for so long, Star’s own feelings (both romantic and more generally emotional) for Marco returning stronger than ever, the extreme care they both show for each others’ well-being and safety.
Need I say more?
Camping Trip
Here is probably the first surprising entry on my list. Remember when Star and Marco had good times together, being best buds, without any serious plot or emotional weights dragging them down? Just hold on to that thought for a moment. Nice, isn’t it? As much as I genuinely enjoy the complexities and trials of their love story, I can’t help but miss simpler times (and hope that we’ll have carefree Starco return at least somewhere in Season 4). Granted, this episode certainly does include a lot of hints that something deeper is brewing on Star’s side of things, but for the most part the actual 11 minute segment is the poster child for the two of them happy to share fun times with each other.
Kiss already.
Deep Dive (feat. Night Life)
Another classic, which is one of the peaks of their working relationship as a team against the forces of the world. Even with the emotional hurdles, Marco never stops being the person Star entrusts with anything from mundane tasks to her very life. And Marco rises to the challenge, pouring his heart and soul into not only helping Star, but doing it in a way that brings him fulfillment in life. Night Life’s ending clearly indicates that Marco isn’t giving up fun times with Hekapoo against his wishes, but rather because Star is a genuine priority to him, and he himself gains emotional fulfillment knowing that he can help her. Deep Dive, of course, executes on this idea accordingly, alongside stellar music and visuals. Plus Marco and Star fretting over each other will never not be amazing.
It appears my subtitles are broken for this episode, so in place of significant lines of dialogue, have a bug hug.
Storm the Castle
And to top off the five, here’s the first taste of serious strife between Star and Marco, alongside how important they are to one another. It’s the little details here that I love - even after their fight, Star is ready to make up with him when she finds out he’s captured. It would be so expected for Marco’s kidnapping to change Star’s heart and just sweep their fight under the rug, but their relationship was already healthy and honest enough that they didn’t need an evil monster to force them to (be ready to, at least) make up. All the depth and complexity of Starco without any of the unrequited feelings angst that characterized later forms of its depth and complexity is a fantastic combination that feeds my soul without also trying to backstab my heart.
Blood Moon Ball
“Wow, Ngame, I just learned you exist and the first thing you do is fail at counting to 5?” First off, rude, and secondly, the whole point of this was to elaborate reasons why I love Starco episodes, so the physical constraints I’m working with are less relevant than the feelings - a Starco Special™ in its own right!
This episode, for me, is the strongest isolated 11 minute Starco segment, which earns it the spot on the list. The talk on the balcony at the end is still one of the greatest moments showcasing their emotional connection, and of course the dance itself (and especially the music, once again by Brian H. Kim) are spectacular. The only thing stopping this segment from topping the charts for me is my own heart. As great as it is, at this point in time my trash heart can’t watch it without thinking how wonderful it would be to see something like it after they figure out their feelings for one another, and that tinge of sadness that it hasn’t happened yet leaves an ever-so-slight bad taste in my mouth. Perhaps it’s unfair to this episode to knock it for my own issues, but I can’t help how I feel (and it made the list anyway).
I hope this was an interesting and satisfactory answer, and not painfully boring to sit through. Thanks for the ask! 
P.S. I’m going to download clean copies of the episodes with subtitles soon and streamline my screenshotting process so I can actually live up to my dear friend Seddm in the production value of my posts, have no fears.
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