#if i did do anything with him methinks he def would just go on a sideblog... 🤔
bcneheaded · 2 years
I am thinking about..... another oc of mine that I have never once played with but has the same angsty edgy vibes as artemis + the ex-bbg, doing some good now trope. I've rambled about him briefly I think on another blog ?? he's called "The Vagrant" bc I love not actually naming my characters fdguidjgdjg but hes basically a wandering exorcist, the reason his entire kingdom was destroyed, soul spliced with a higher demon's essence etcetc hes like slowly dying but tryina do something good with whatever time hes got left etcetetc wears a mask constantly bc never seeing their face is apparently my favourite thing to do to my characters as well jjfjfjs
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vio1315 · 5 years
Y, O, U, Vadim And A, B, C Cusick
Y: You1. how old were you when you created them?
I was today years old
About October or September of this year (2019)
2. what inspired you to create them?
Had to fill in a not-oc villain role in the story and was starting with the redesign
Was also being super in love with classic Disney villains and wanting to make something like them
3. were they different when they were first created?
Kkkkindaaa? If we go back to how I wrote the not-oc, extremely diff. But I consider this a diff char, and he??? Mostly is the same. 3 days after I made him I mostly had him down, but on day one I didn't have him a Sha'li or any of him developed really. Just that he was Extra
4. do you enjoy writing them more than other characters?
I haven't written him much but I like him decently. I need to write him more honestly, it will help me nail him down
5. what’s your favorite thing about them?
He's a ham!!!!! I also like that he's just plain stubborn. Super petty. Like logic? He don't care! He gonna spite! And he doesn't justify it that much. He kinda knows what he's doing unlike most my other chars
O: Optimism1. are they optimistic or pessimistic?
Mmm, he probs leans pessimistic 
2. are they openly optimistic, throwing it on others?
He tries to be for people like 12 and under, though sometimes that age line blurs a bit
He's bad at it but he tries
3. are they good at giving advice?
Hmm.... as much stupid stuff as he does, he could be worse. He is actually an adult surprisingly, and it shows sometimes with how he has an okay grasp of the world. So with younger peeps he can give okay advice, especially because he is gonna look out for their best interest way more than his own
4. is there anyone in their life that throws optimism on them?
I think he is gonna meet Kydin and so... yes
But at the start of things, not really
5. were they always optimistic?
As a kid he was slightly more optimistic and hopeful, but he lost it all
U: Underdog1. have they been bullied?
If abuse counts then ye
2. have they bullied anyone?
I mean he kills some people, but he doesn't really drag anything out actually
3. have they been physically attacked by a bully?
I mean... def by his parents and maybe some peer fights, but it was not really what I'd term as bullying. At least with peers he fought back more fairly 
4. have they ever been doubted?
Yeah, particularly in terms of his beliefs, it drew a lot of side eye from his elders and scolding
5. have they surprised people with being good at something?
Lol, I mean when he came back as a villain yeah
Mostly though perfection was expected, so he could only ever disappoint 
Cusick time
A: Aptitude1. what are your oc’s natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young?
Since young it is def animal care. As soon as he could walk he was trying to interact with them and learn from them.
2. what activities have they participated in?
Activities? Sounds like a group thing of which he did none. I mean unless you count the being hired to help the army
3. what abilities do they have that they’ve worked for?
Speech, writing, memorization of plant effects/etc, learning how to make good ciphers, learning basically everything about living alone like building shelters and gathering food and growing plants etc etc
4. what things are they bad at?
People. All social stuff, at least in a genuine capacity.
Like literally anything that takes two he is bad at. Ironically horrible at teamwork. 
Anything that requires understanding people too. Like he would actually be crap at getting a white elephant gift too. 'I got them this textbook I like. Who would not get use out of this'
5. what is their most impressive talent?
His magic talents and just memorizing all of it as well as being physically able to carry it out
B: Basics1. what is their hair color?
Blond, unintentionally a little bleached
2. what is their eye color?
3. how tall are they?
5'8 - 5'10 range
4. how old are they?
25-28 range
5. how much do they weigh?
Idk, I know it shifts a lot to a bit underweight to average though
C: Comfort1. how do they sit in a chair?
Hmm. Usually exactly standard, sometimes with a hunch or leaning into reading or what he's doing. He actually prefers standing I think, though. Sometimes if he's playful he'll be weird about it
2. in what position do they sleep?
I feel like on his back
3. what is their ideal comfort day?
I think he dislikes it to an extent, but if he can chill out he would be down for physical contact and mild destruction of Something. He'd like to teach something too methinks. Very much assuming he is around someone he likes. Mostly he would prefer isolation if that limited pool was unavailable
4. what is their major comfort food? why?
He is not big into food, but he likes fresh veggies. They make him feel good and that's all there is to it
5. who is the best at comforting them when down?
Def Agathe. The pool of people who even can is around two as is, everyone else would just irritate him and make him bottle it
Thank you!
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tyrannobro · 7 years
Baloo, Ty and Milo! 8-10, 11, 19, 23, 36, 43, 49
8.  Is there a meaning to their name?-Baloo’s name could be either a certain movie Bewear singing about Bewear Necessities or the name of the first bearmon to befriend humans being named Baloo. Could be either or really-Ty’s mom literally named him after Tyrantrum cause dinosaurs are cool-Milo was named after a flower the Alolans use in leis and very very rarely for food. Same family of flowers as Mallow too
9.  What makes them, them? -For Baloo prolly her aggressive, just you fukn watch me bro personality-For Ty its prolly the unintentional terrifying feel he gives off when you see him. He’s harmless but he looks like he could hurt you-For Milo prolly his bright green shirt. No one else wears that much green in the whole region and when I think green, I think Milo
10. What do they want to be when they grow up/what do they want to do with their lives?-Baloo wanted to get married and open up a bakery cause she loves baking so she’s halfway there-Ty always wanted to be a specialist with a certain type of Pokemon like a Gym Leader or E4 member-Milo will not admit that he wants to open up a flower shop. He won’t
11. Do they have parents? What are they like and how do they act with their child(ren)?-Baloo and Ty “had” parents and their mom was a super awesome lady who was the perfect mom. She liked to play, talk about them all that good stuff and got physically aggressive if any of them were threatened. Their dad was kind of a basket of dicks tho-Wicke is Milo’s mom and she’s well... Wicke. She coddles and babies him some even with the whole “ew mom pls no” vibes he tries to give off
19. This there anything special about their family?-Baloo and Ty’s whole family dates way back to medieval Kalos where their first patriarch made a blood bond with an ancient Dragon Pokemon. Since then their family has been considered “half-dragon” which means literally nothing other then a preference to that type sometimes-Milo doesn’t know much about his family but Wicke being from Sinnoh and speaking often to him means he’s picked up the Sinnoh-an accent she has. Its only prominent when they’re upset and it sounds absolutely terrifying
23. What is their friend group like?-Baloo has a group of very odd people for friends. Like Hau, Plumeria and Soliera are all rad let’s go! Then there’s Mina who is just “no let’s not. Let’s stay here”-Ty is somehow friends with Kukui and Guzma which kinda makes their whole group dynamic a spectrum varying in levels of intense-ness-Milo has no friends. Except Mallow. But she’s his soonly wife. Still counts methinks
36. What is/was their school like?-Baloo has a rough four years of schooling. She knows basic things but once you put words in with the math she’ll tune out-Ty went to school on and off but never stuck to any real subject. What he does know was home taught to him by Drasna-Milo was pretty much schooled by Lusamine. None of it was typical nor would one learn it in any Pokemon School but she wasn’t doing it to make him smarter for the world. He was being made smarter for her
43.  If they could have one thing in life, what would it be?-Baloo: “Cocaine and bitches” A shiny Entei-Ty: Def a shiny Articuno, he loves birds-Milo: “The years of childhood innocence I lost because I was kidnapped and raised by two Nihilego-tainted sociopaths”
49. Would they consider themselves as a good person, bad person, or morally grey?-Baloo likes to think she’s a good person but so often makes poor choices you wonder a bit-Ty thinks he’s an ok person, anyone else will say he’s a good person but he thinks he’s aight-Milo 100% thinks he’s a bad person. He believes there is no redeeming himself after what he did under Lusamine and Faba’s orders. Wicke and Mallow try to convince him otherwise but he can’t 100% believe them
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