#if i can write this much Why Cant I Write A Decent Drabble is what i wanna know
moonlightcrusader · 3 years
The "Can I help you little bro?" drabble was adorable and I loved it! :) Keep up the awesome work. I do have another prompt if you'd like: "Someone's got a case of the giggles." (One of the Peters thinking of a prank they just pulled or possible a tickle scene? The choice is yours :) ) Have a great rest of your day/night!
Awww thank you so much!! I’m so glad you loved it ❤️❤️ and AHH I LOVE THIS PROMPT SO MUCH WKDMDN I HOPE YOU LOVE WHAT I CAME UP WITH!!
Also, yes fellas it’s true, I’m shadowbanned🥲☹️ Don’t know why or how long, but that doesn’t mean I’m not taking requests! My inbox is open , i just wont be able to message or comment back to you guys! :(( plus, my allergies are making me feel under the weather, so it somewhat helps when I write!
Hope you enjoy, I may have gone overboard with fluff! :))
Hey!!” Peter 1 squealed as he felt himself being tugged from the ceiling, his sticky fingers trying their best to stick despite the force. “I didn’t do anything, I swear!!”
Peter 3 simply narrowed his eyes as he kept tugging. “You ate the last pop tart box I was saving for me! You knew that I was saving it after I came back from work!! I was thinking about it all day!”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about!” He called down.
“Uhh… still don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“Oh you little brat,” Peter 3 suddenly had an idea. “Then why do you have chocolate crumbs on your face? When Peter 2 comes home, immmaa tell him. And you know he gets angry when someone disobeys rules from the family meetings.”
Peter 1 instinctively put his hand to his mouth to check for crumbs, suddenly paling at what he just did. By the time he realized, it was too late.
Peter 3 held a squirming little Pete in his arms. “Let’s see, what do I have here? I just dislodged a very little cheeky spider from the ceiling,” He carefully held him at arms lengths as the kid continued to squirm frantically. “And I finally outed the culprit.”
Peter 3 shook his head, deciding what he should do in the meantime until Peter 2 got home.
He carefully plopped Peter 1 onto the couch the same time as he webbed his arms and feet. The kid continued to squirm.
“Hmm, well, I can’t ground you, don’t have the authority for that,” Peter 3 hummed playfully as he paced besides a now snickering Pete. “And I cant put you on timeout, cause , again, don’t have the authority for that….oh what is a Pete to do!”
“Let me go, have a truce, and I’ll buy you a new box of pop tarts? Just let me go man,” Peter 1 giggled as Peter 3 closely approached him.
“You know you are really giggly for someone who’s in trouble, I wonder why,” He had a faint idea, but tested it out anyway by poking the kid’s sides. When he received a loud, “HEYHAHA!!” He figured a decent, suitable punishment for the tiniest Pete.
“You look like the grinch right now dude, what are you possibly smiling about?”
“Just about how adorable your laugh is, I mean, just,” He scribbled a couple fingers to the kid’s neck and he heard a loud gurgle as he felt his fingers being turtled.
“Aww, someone’s got the case of the giggles! I just had a feeling the baby of the family would be super duper ticklish!!”
Peter 1 felt his face heat up. “Nuh uh man. It’s just my spidey senses acting up.”
“Well then, we gotta train those senses not to,” his fingers suddenly made a claw gesture and had them slowly descend from the air, watching as Peters face scrunched with anticipation. Peter 3 felt himself pout from the cuteness.
“Listen, maybe we can make a deal-
Pete 3 suddenly attacked Peter 1’s sides and stomach, absolutely enjoying the loud laughter.
“BWAHAHAHA—HEYYOOO NO NO NO!! NOOO!!” Peter 1 squealed as he tried squirming away from wiggling fingers. “HAHAHHAHEEEEE!!”
“Awww, aren’t you just, so, ADORABLE!!?” Peter 3 cackled evilly as he tickled faster, which brought up the pitch in Peter 1’s laugh. “Goochy goochy goo!” He knew he was being over dramatic and possibly cringey, but hey, his pop tarts are gone! What’s a guy to lose? His dignity?
“NUHOOHOO!! M’NOT A BABY!” Peter 1 tried to hold in his laughs now which just turned into small hiccups. “M’ NOT A BABAYBBYY!! HAHAHA!!”
“But you are the baby brother, it’s supposed to be this way. I, the older one, embarrass you. Peter 2, the oldest, has the older brother rule to embarrass us.”
Peter 3 decided that was enough embarrassment and punishment for now. He pulled his hands away, letting Peter hiccup and breathe.
“Easy there,” Peter 3 untied the webs and was prepared when Peter 1 weakly tackled him and tried tickling him, but the tickling was so weak he barely felt anything.
“I don’t like you- you anymore,” Peter 1 breathed out as nervous giggles escaped. “Traitor.”
“I’m the traitor? Seriously? Am I the one who ate someone else’s property?” Peter 3 raised a playful brow at Peter 1 who just laughed into his shirt.
“Sorry- they were really good!” The kid mumbled.
“It’s alright kid, we all make mistakes and learn from them.” He patted his head as he felt the kid drifting off.” Nooo, don’t go to sleep! I’m gonna be so bored!!”
“Peter 2 doesn’t come back till later, what are we supposed to do? And you tireded me out, man.”
“Tireded isn’t even a word, but for the sake of you being tired I’ll let it slide. Hmm,” Peter 3 wondered, how to keep themselves entertained until Peter 2 came back.
“Wanna eat his stash of the pepperoni pizza we had yesterday?”
The kid’s head perked up with a large smile on his face. “He still hasn’t ate it?!”
“Nope, so that’s why it deserves to be eaten by people who eat it in one sitting! Come on, onward to the fridge, woo woo!!”
Let’s just say when Peter 2 got home, use of older sibling privilege was used to teach them a lesson. *evil older sibling privilege cackle*
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a879a4-blog · 7 years
1, 14, and 29! :D
42 character development questions | accepting
ooohh boy i had to put this under a read more because it got ridiculously long, i even had to shorten it ( if only i could write this much for threads and drabbles sigh )…….. Here We Go
1. How do they move and carry themselves? Pace, rhythm, gestures, energy?
When it comes to body language, Kovir is… usually pretty expressive, as you might have already guessed. They are known to walk with a slow, provocative strutting gait; sometimes even adding a bit of hips swaying here and there — you could basically call it a model walk… But that is to say, assuming they can get away with it; they are able to tell when something is going to be way too inappropriate / unprofessional to do in a determinate situation, and they wouldn’t dare to behave like this in front of, say, motherfucking Zarkon ( they’d likely tone it down a bit even when around someone like Sendak, I suppose; better safe than sorry ), but yeah… pompous would be an accurate word to describe them. Kovir is essentially a peacock ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Strutting aside, they also tend to gesticulate a lot and dramatically. ( i.e: opening their arms wide when making a speech in front of their soldiers, putting their hand(s) to their chest, not to mention all the poses they’d make with their weapon… ) When it comes to the amount of energy they put in their movements, that kind of depends on the mood: generally speaking they tend to move somewhat slowly, some might even say languidly, as if trying to conserve their energy for the right time; but Kovir is actually quite easy to excite depending on the circumstances ( hint: their axe. give them a reason to use their axe and fuel their bloodlust ) or the people they are around with, and in that case… oh boy. It would be like watching a bunny doing the blinkies, ESPECIALLY if under the effect of their medication, which is… most of the time anyway…
This might not be surprising, but I guess it’s worth mentioning that when Kovir is genuinely angry — and I don’t mean it in the “Oh I’m so outraged now!!! >:(” way, you wouldn’t see any of these traits because their demeanor would change drastically: it’d be an uncommon sight, but if they do get to that point you can bet they’d throw whatever elegance and drama out of the window, and even if they didn’t express their rage verbally their body language, scowl and grip on their fuming axe shaking would be more than enough to get the message across. Being in the same room with a livid Kovir would be the kind of atmosphere that’d make most subordinates that know better go completely silent.
14. What do they care deeply about? What kind of loyalties, commitments, moral codes, life philosophies, passions, callings, or spirituality and faith do they have? How do these tend to be expressed? 
As a Fleet Commander who has been part of the military since they could just barely be considered an adult, they do feel a certain loyalty towards the Empire… but it’s something more related to fear and resignation than like, genuine devotion. Had they complete freedom to do anything they wanted with their life, they would have likely pursued a dance career — that was one of their dreams when they were a teen — not join the army. Kovir has long since accepted their life as a soldier ( “ The Empire is absolute; how could you ever hope to make it out alive if you rebel against it? ” ), and in some way they are thankful that at least it has given them a purpose, a role in society. They know what their place is, even if it means they could die at any moment because of it.
…Now, things have gotten somewhat more complicated with the introduction of Commander Vetara. Before she stepped in, Kovir’s commitment was very simple: serve the Empire as best as you can and bear with it because that’s simply the kind of life that was given to you, something something Victory or Death™, make Lord Zarkon happy. But Vetara, in a few words, gave them the support and validation that they so desperately needed, and at the time the concept of showing genuine compassion to your low-ranked subordinates was entirely new to Kovir.
With the development of their relationship, Kovir’s loyalty for their superior became much, much greater than whatever allegiance they felt for the Empire ( which, again, was built on fear: it was either to be a follower or die ). All the effort they put in their work was and is ultimately because of her, not anybody else. She might have been missing for a long time by now, but she’s still a huge influence in Kovir’s life, to the point that they have selected bits and pieces of her character and philosophy, assimilated them and essentially turned them into part of their own identity. Granted, their research has gotten a bit more passive over the years due to their duties obviously not allowing them to dedicate their full time looking for her whereabouts, but they would spend their entire life looking for the truth — as long as they don’t die before then.
Over the course of their life, something Kovir has learned is that the weak are simply meant to be trampled over by the strong; stepping stones to be used to progress, nothing more, nothing less. The end justifies the means etc. etc. Kovir’s morality is pretty corrupted — there aren’t many things they wouldn’t do to fulfill an objective. But even then, they generally don’t feel any particular hate or animosity for whoever they deem as weak… annoyance at most, maybe, but mostly just disinterest. Which is why Kovir tends to be willing to engage in “friendly” conversations even with those who are supposed to be the enemies if they don’t have a reason to resort to violence right away, and has even spared innocent bystanders occasionally. The suffering of others, first of all, is a necessity for the sake of the “greater good”, although this doesn’t negate the fact that they do take pleasure in playing with their victims before killing them off sometimes; it’s just nothing personal ( usually ), as they would say.
Despite how messed up their morality is, there is one thing that they are definitely never going to do on their own volition, and that is to use lethal force on children. They’ll avoid harming kids as much as possible if they can help it, and they also don’t enjoy hurting pregnant people or new parents for personal reasons. The only case in which they would actually go through with something like killing a child would be if they got forced by a higher-up, and even then they would hesitate a lot in doing so… not to mention it would make them feel absolutely miserable afterwards.
tl;dr: kovir loves vetara and they might as well die after finding her, their philosophy is no hard feelings but if the weak are not to be exploited then what else do they exist for, get over it, killing children is BAD tho u piece of shit… also vetara is love, vetara is life 
( i was gonna elaborate the ‘how do they express all this shit’ part but i don’t wanna make this any longer omg… long story short: kovir’s axe alone essentially symbolizes their loyalty, their commitment, their passion and their calling all in one, pretty much )
29. What kind of activities, interests, and hobbies do they have? What significance and impact do these have in their lives, both positive and negative?
The main activities Kovir carries out throughout the day involve training / working out, reading / writing reports, and anything else pertaining work really ( though they genuinely enjoy exercising as a hobby )… but responsibilities aside, socializing with others. There’s nothing new about this: Kovir is a social butterfly and not at all shy about interacting with complete strangers, but unfortunately also happens to have the bad habit of getting a bit too overfamiliar, resulting in them invading others’ personal space without giving a shit ( they have their limits thankfully… the most aggravating thing they’d do to an ally would probably be to pick them up without their consent ) — but that’s another story lmao
Basically, drinking, partying, dancing… these are all things you might get to see them do outside of their job. They also really enjoy taking care of their appearance and looking good at all times — if their flaunting didn’t make it any more obvious — to the point of getting somewhat fussy ( they hate getting dirty and messy ). Sex is, admittedly, another important aspect in Kovir’s life and has been for a long time, even before creating the persona they are making use of today. Another hobby of theirs that doesn’t involve the company of people is taking care of flowers and collecting gemstones and other pretty objects ( bonus points if they also shine and sparkle ), something you would definitely see if you ever had the chance to walk into their personal quarters.
Kovir’s extremely social behavior is essentially a façade and a form of escapism to disguise and distract themselves from all their negative feelings, as well as a means of giving other people a reason to like them; Kovir wants to be noticed and validated, they want to be praised and trusted, they want to be relied on and they want people to depend on them, both for their exploitatory purposes and their own personal pleasure. Recreational substances like alcohol are other unhealthy coping methods of theirs that unfortunately do little more than provide temporary relief, but hey, what is Kovir without all their self-destructive mechanisms.  Nothigng .   absolutley nothi
thought machine broke
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omggiogiothings · 7 years
22 and 5 pleaseeeeee
22.)“Your cycle is Fucked up because of all those suppressants you took.” -Lance
5.) “You're feverish, so stop being stubborn and go lay in thenest.” -Shiro
Shklance / Alpha Shiro & Lance, Omega Keith
Here you go bby. More under the cut CAUSE I CANT WRITE DRABBLES APPARENTLY.
The issue with suppressants was that they only looked atimmediate effects and not the long term ones. Keith had gone on themwhen he decided heats were The Worst and he'd rather avoid it then worry if thebirth control worked. Dating Shiro and Lance had certainly been an experienceand Keith never had an issue until it came to sharing his heats with them.
With their first pregnancy scare Keith decided no fucking way, and hopped onto thepills for immediate effects.
It had been pretty decent until the doctor pulled him aside andgently explained he needed to give his body a rest. There wasn't anything wrongwith suppressants, he explained, but we recommend having you go through a fewheats if you're looking to have children in the future.
Keith, despite not wanting a child now, wanted to eventuallystart a family with Lance and Shiro. So he had agreed, getting onto the programas the doctor explained the repercussions and possible side effects. The firstfew cycles would be hell if he was unlucky, otherwise it would continue asnormal.
He didn't outright tell the others what would happen. He justmentioned he'd be off suppressants and gave them a fair warning date about whenit would happen.
He was fine up until his cycle should have happened. Everyonewaited for the week with bated breath only for absolutely nothing to happen.Keith was worried, wondering if he had made a mistake but his doctor reassuredhim sometimes his body needed time to kick back into gear.
When it did happen, it had lasted for a day. He was curled up inhis nest, waiting out for when he felt ready to invite Lance and Shiro in whenthe feeling just vanished.
It happened a few more times over the course of the month thatLance, not one to beat around the bush said, “Your cycle is Fucked up becauseof all the suppressants you took.”
It led to an argument with Keith lashing out. He was annoyed andtired at his body. There was a worry that maybe he had messed up their chancesat ever starting a family together. But his head also hurt and his body ached.He was coming down with something and didn't know if it was because of his heator something else.
Shiro came home to a tense household with Keith deciding enoughwas enough and resisted every single impulse he had if it wasn't going to throwhis body back into a heat. He knew the others were just as anxious. He wassmelling like preheat for weeks now.
“Hey.” Shiro called out gently as Keith twitched from the pileof books he was cleaning out from the shelf. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine.” He snapped, shoulders tense. He realized he was lashingout again and rubbed at his forehead with a sigh. “Sorry. I fought with Lance.”
Shiro sighed, shifting from his spot behind the couch. Keithrecognized it was Shiro trying to decide who needed comfort more so he decidedfor him. “I’m fine. Lance is upstairs.”
In his nest, hereminded himself, making him slam a book down onto a pile a little moreforcefully. Shiro came over and knelt down beside him to give him a kiss beforefreezing and reaching out to gently touch at Keith’s face.
“Babe, you're burning up.”
“I'm fine.” He said, testy. “Just my body not being able todecide if it wants me to get Fucked or not.”
His hormones were out of whack and he knew Shiro didnt deservehis attitude but at the moment he was too tired and frustrated with himself tocare. Shiro was a saint, rolling his eyes and kissing him again before gettingup to check on Lance.
Keith stayed on the floor for awhile, sorting books out inalphabetical order and ignoring how stuffy his head felt. Sleepy, hot, and justexhausted he got to his feet to head upstairs before remembering Shiro andLance were up there. He remembered the way he treated the both of them andgroaned before stumbling onto the couch for a nap. He'd finish sorting out thebooks in the morning before going to apologize to Lance.
Satisfied, he turned in for a nap.
When he woke up, he was shivering and felt like shit. The doctorhad mentioned getting sick but he couldn't tell with so many symptoms clashingwith him during a heat. It was dark and he was still on the couch. He couldn'ttell how long he'd been asleep but he assumed Shiro and Lance hadn't venturedback downstairs since they got home.
His annoyance came back with just a smidgen of hurt. They werein his nest without him. The Omega in him whined at the discomfort of it,making him curl into himself. Once he was able to ignore that instinct he gotto his feet and headed to the kitchen for a drink of water.
While pulling down a glass from the cupboard, he trembled andthe glass slipped, hitting the counter before shattering on the ground. Thesound was piercing, making him since and curl into himself.
He breathed heavily, not moving and aware of how cold he wasdespite the way he was sweating.
“Keith?” Shiro asked, sounding half asleep.
“Mmsorry. Dropped a glass.” He moved back, planning to clean itup but stumbled over his feet. Shiro reached out and caught him.
“Whas goin on?” Lance asked from somewhere behind him.
“Keith, you're burning up.” Shiro brushed back his hair, evenKeith shivered.
“I'm cold.” He whispered.
“You're sick.” Lance mumbled, reaching forward to feel againstKeith’s forehead and letting out a slow whistle. “That's a fever for sure.”
“I'm fine.” He snapped back, but lost his energy as Shiro helpedhim stand.
“You're not.” Lance bit back. “So come back to the nest with usand sweat it out."
The sound of his nest felt good but it also came with ickyfeelings he couldn't place. “No.”
“Oh my god, why?” Lance groaned, rubbing at his eyes. “Why do wehave a boyfriend who doesn't understand the concept of self care?”
“Shut up.” Keith whined, feeling his chest tight and not knowingwhy he just didn't feel good.
Shiro, finally having enough picked up Keith effortlessly.“You're feverish. So stop being stubborn and go lay in the nest, Keith.”
“Contradicting when you're carrying him there.” Lance pointedout helpfully.
Keith fought a little at the jostling before he found himselfthrown onto the small nest he had prepared in there. He could feel the warmthfrom where the other two had been laying with him and curled up instantly.
In the morning, when he was more coherent and eating the soupLance had made (with strict instructions from Hunk) he apologized.
“No.” Lance said gently. “I’m sorry. I was a little insensitiveover your suppressants and I'm sorry. That wasn't right of me to call you outon it when you probably already knew all about it.”
“But I'm sorry.” He tried, peeking at the both of them. “Forbeing a dick these past few months. I don't wanna just blame my hormones beingout of whack. I'm being stupid about it too.”
Lance sighed, reaching over to brush his hair back. “If itmatters, you probably got the greatest character development arc.”
He snorted, shoving him away weakly. Everything felt settledunder them but he knew he still had to admit something. They always pushed forcommunication and it wasn't fair that he always held back on them.
“The doctor asked me to get off suppressants.” He admitted,getting their attention quickly. “He asked me if I wanted kids in the future.That if I did, I needed to take breaks so my body doesn't just reject it if westart trying.” He gave out a little shrug, playing with the blanket. “I justassumed it'd be easy to jump back into my cycles but I was on them for toolong. I'm just, I was scared I guess? Cause I know how much you guys want afamily and I thought I ruined that chance for us.”
“Keith.” Shiro started, sharing a look with Lance. “We want afamily but there are other ways to get it. We would never want you to dosomething you weren't comfortable with, even if we wanted it.”
“I want to.” He blurted, blushing. “I want to give you guys afamily. I'm okay with it. If I wasn't, I would have stayed on thesuppressants.”
He peeked at them, seeing the fond look on Shiro’s face beforehe leaned over and kissed his forehead. “Lets talk about this when you'rebetter. Well go with you to your next appointment and see if there's anythingwe can do to make this easy for you.”
Lance nodded, taking his hand before flopping into Keith’s lap.“Yup. I'm sure there has to be birth control we can take to make sure you canhave a heat without consequences. You don't have to take this all on your own.”He missed the back of Keith’s hand gently.
Keith sighed, wondering how he got so lucky to get the bestpartners in the world.
And then Lance gave that smile that meant he was going to saysomething stupid, “So… you wanna make babies with me?”
Keithshoved him as Shiro let out a bark of laughter.
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indominusregina · 7 years
The Bet: Terms and Conditions
Tumblr media
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Warnings: Douche at a bar (a guy who cant take no for an answers), swearing
Word count: 2k
Song inspiration: Cute - Stephen Jerzak
Notes: This is for @just-some-drabbles “JSD Rom-Com Challenge” My prompt was “Is that the best you can do?” and will be appearing in a later chapter. I’m actually super excited to share this work, as it’s been in my WIP for actual months. Life has been hectic with family vacations and changing jobs, and I can’t even begin to describe how good it feels to sit down and write again, even if it’s challenging. Enough about me, though! On with the story. Feeback is always appreciated!
Masterlist || Series Masterlist || Part 2
The lights strobe around you as a beat pulses through your head, resonating through the rest of your body. The club that Sam chose isn’t your usual scene, but it was his turn to pick the venue for your monthly outing. Glancing around the dance floor, you finally spot Natasha and Wanda, teaming up against one poor man who clearly has no idea what’s about to hit him. Natasha locks eyes with you and silently gestures for you to come over, but you shake your head and raise your glass as a toast instead. She shrugs and focuses her attention back on her victim and you chuckle softly, glancing down at your drink. That’s when Sam nudges you.
“Check out Frosty over there, striking out again.” There’s a glee in his voice that forces you to look up. Following his gaze, you see Bucky talking to another girl, annoyance clear on her face. Even from across the room, you can see her lips form a hard ‘no’ and her head shakes firmly. Bucky’s shoulders sag before he nods and slinks his way back to your table.
“So much for being a womanizer, Barnes. I guess women nowadays must have something they didn’t in the 30s.” Sam smirks and you press your lips together, knowing what’s coming next.
“Oh please, Bird Brain, tell me what they’ve acquired that make things so different.” Bucky’s rolling his eyes as Sam’s smirk grows wider. Sam leans across the table, looking Bucky dead in the eyes as he deadpans his response.
“Standards.” You bite the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing as Bucky’s eyes narrow and he shoves Sam away, the other man’s laugh booming loudly enough to contest the beats pumping from the speakers.
Nat sidles up to you as Sam is doubling over in laughter, even in the face of Bucky’s glare. Turning, you quirk an eyebrow at her and mouth ‘Wanda?’ She shrugs in response, and you nod, knowing that Nat wouldn’t leave her in an uncomfortable situation without backup. You turn back to the scene developing in front of you just as Bucky’s anger is about to surface, fist clenching as he stares at Sam wiping the tears of laughter out of his eyes.
“So, Barnes, why exactly is Wilson laughing this time?” Natasha asks, drawing Bucky’s attention to her and away from Sam.
“My advances were rejected by a dame and he thinks his bad jokes are hilarious.” The plates in his metal hand shift again and you step in.
“What happened, Buck?” Your curiosity shows plainly on your face and he sighs before taking another swig of his beer.
“Well, I was talking up this lady, right? Things were going well, I’d bought her a drink and we were chatting away from her friends and then I tried to give her one of my lines and she just…” He shrugs, frowning.
“What did you say to her?” Natasha shifts, curiosity piqued.
“I said ‘You’re a swell dish. I think I’m gonna go for you.’” Bucky says with a wink. A moment of silence descends over the table before the three of you bust out in laughter.
“Oh come on, not you two as well!” Bucky frowns as you try to reign in your giggles.
“S-Sorry Buck. It’s just….” You snort and take a few deep breaths to calm yourself.
“It’s just that line is terrible.” Natasha finishes before you can regain your composure.
“That line would have gotten a girl to come home with me in a flash back in the 30s!” He frowns and you shake your head.
“Maybe, but Buck, it’s not the 30s anymore.” You shrug and excuse yourself to go get another drink, a mirthful smile still on your face. Just as you catch the bartender’s attention, you can feel someone’s hot breath on the back of your neck.
“Hey pretty lady, can I buy you a drink?” You turn just enough to see the face of the man speaking. Although not entirely unattractive, you aren’t interested either.
“No thanks.” You turn back to the bar and open your mouth to tell the bartender what you want, but the man speaks up again.
“Oh come on, don’t be a bitch. It’s just a drink.” You close your mouth, taking a deep breath through your nose before turning and facing him again.
“Listen, we both know it’s not just a drink, and I’d really rather not. So thanks, but no thanks.” You turn back to the bar, the bartender having moved on after seeing you strike up conversation. Frowning, you lean forward again to try to grab their attention.
“Whatever. Ugly bitch. Good luck trying to find anyone else who’d be willing to buy your stupid ass a drink.” The man slams his hand on the bar beside you, causing the woman on the other side of you to jump and spill her drink all over your dress. You sigh as the man storms away and the woman apologizes profusely despite your reassurances.
“No really, it’s fine. Gives me an excuse to get out of here without my friends judging me.” You give her a sincere smile as you pat away as much liquid as you can with a few napkins, then head back to your table.
“What happened to you?” Nat looks over your dripping dress as you shrug.
“Long story. But since I’m now covered in what smells like a piña colada, I’m heading home for the night. See you tomorrow.” You give a wave and head towards the doors.
“Hey, I’m coming too!” Bucky hurries to catch up to you and you arch a brow at him. “I’ve already struck out for the night, so I’m not enthusiastic about being here, if you know what I mean.” He answers your silent question with a shrug, and you nod in response, punching in your destination for an uber. By the time you weave your way through the crowd, your uber is only a minute away. Bucky starts to move towards one of the waiting cabs when you grab his arm and hold up your phone.
“Uber, my friend, is cheaper. And it’s almost here.” You smirk and he shakes his head, muttering under his breath about how times have changed too much for his liking. When your driver, Luis, shows up, you both slide into the car. Bucky holds the door open so you can go first and you smile gratefully at him.
“Hey you two! Having a good night out? I see we’re going to the Avengers tower. Do you know someone there?” Luis lets out a stream of words before Bucky’s even in the car. You exchange a glance as Bucky slips in next to you.
“Actually, we-” You start, and are cut off immediately.
“Wait a minute! I recognize you guys! You’re the Winter Soldier and (Y/S/N)! This is so cool! Actually, a friend of mine is a superhero too. We’re totally super tight. He goes by Ant-man. This one time, he totally kicked the Falcon’s butt!” Bucky grins, and you roll your eyes as he asks Luis to go on. Luis is talking at a mile a minute, launching into story after story, and you find yourself getting lost in the lights of the rushing city as you tune him out.
Before you know it, you’re pulling up at the tower, and despite his earlier encouragement, Bucky seems relieved to finally be getting away from the talkative driver. After bidding him a quick goodnight with a promise to give him a decent rating, Luis drives off to find another audience. “Well, that was certainly entertaining. Not sure I understood half of what he was saying.” Bucky shrugs as he holds open the door for you.
“Honestly, I tuned him out after he started in on that story of Ant-man beating Sam’s ass in a fight at the compound.” You push the buttons in the elevator for both your floor and Bucky’s. The rest of the ride is comfortably quiet and when the doors open for your floor, you bid Bucky goodnight before hustling to your room to finally change out of your sticky dress. After a quick shower, you don’t even bother putting on pyjamas as you fall into bed.
The next morning, you awake early and throw on some comfortable clothes. You make your way to the kitchen, knowing that you’ll have to make the coffee for Natasha, who should be up soon even despite her late return. As soon as you’ve poured a mug, the redhead appears, almost as if it was a summoning ritual. “Morning.” You greet and receive a small nod in response. Mornings with Natasha tend to be quiet and subdued until you’d finished the first mug of coffee, allowing you both to wake up slowly. Today was no exception. Mid-way through your second cup of coffee, you’re chattering away about last night and what happened to you before you left, as well as what happened with Natasha after.
A cough has you both looking up and at the offending noise. “Good morning ladies. I’m here. Now what are your other two wishes?” Bucky says with a wink. There’s a moment of silence before both you and Natasha burst out in laughter. “Again?!” Bucky scowls as he plops down next to you.
“Where’d you find that one, Barnes, slimeballzrus.com?” Nat quips and you grin, biting your lip to avoid laughing.
Bucky groans, plopping himself down in the seat next to you. “It wasn’t that bad, was it?” He frowns, and you pat his shoulder as reassuringly as you can.
“Oh Bucky, it really was.” You sigh, giving his shoulder a quick squeeze as he buries his face in his hands.
“I thought that one had the best chance!” His voice is muffled by his fingers as you and Nat share a look.
“Did you spend this morning looking up pickup lines online?” Nat asks, and Bucky nods.
“Oh Barnes, if you’re only using pickup lines you find on stupid websites, I’d bet you couldn’t even make Steve blush.” You tease, as Bucky’s eyes light up and he lifts his head.
“Well, how about you?” His face morphs into a sly grin, and your confusion builds.
“I’m sorry, what?” You look at Nat, who seems to understand, a smirk forming on her face.
“You said you’d bet I couldn’t make Steve blush, which might be true, since I’m not really his type, but I’d bet I could make you blush.” Bucky’s grin grows as your eyes widen, realization sinking in.
“Bucky I- you- I wasn’t serious!” You sputter. “Well, I mean, I was serious, but I didn’t actually mean I’d bet on it!” You look over at Natasha, who’s offering you no assistance.
“No, I think this sounds interesting. Barnes gets two weeks to make you blush using pickup lines.” Natasha proposes, and you groan.
“If I win, you have to help me get a girl. You’ve got to be my - what do they call it? Oh, wingman! You’ve got to be my wingman.” Bucky waggles his eyebrows at you and you frown, shaking your head. “What, are you afraid you’re going to lose?” You scowl, eyes narrowing as you glare at Bucky.
“Fine. But if I win, you have to be my fake boyfriend whenever some drunken idiot comes up to me at the bar and tries to hit on me.” Bucky starts nodding and opens his mouth to say something when you hold up one finger. “For a month.” He frowns, and you raise a brow at him. “A month, or no deal.”
“Fine. One month.” Bucky concedes, and Nat pipes up again.
“Great. The terms are set. Barnes has two weeks to make you blush using any pickup line he can find. He wins, you wingman him. You win, he helps ward off douchebags at the bar. Do you both agree?” You nod, and so does Bucky. “Then shake on it.”
You extend your hand while Bucky extends his. His large hand engulfs yours as he pumps your hand slowly, twice.
“The bet starts now.”
This is going to be a long two weeks.
Part 2
Tags: @childoftimeandmagic 
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beepbeepliv · 6 years
I know you said It ships but could you write something henclair, with its all my fault. pretty please 💕
I love to fuck with my favourite characters and Dustin is a fave so I apologise babe
Dustin gets spiked. Sorry for the shitty ending... i remembered it was supposed to be a drabble TW: super vague mentionsof intent to rape
“I won’t go, if you don’t want me to,” Dustin said, for thefifth time, glancing back at where he knew Lucas was stood, just staring. Heshook out of his daze and shrugged.
“No, go! You should go! I’m just… not sure about him.” Hesaid, still confused within himself at why he didn’t want Dustin going out. They’dbeen together for 4 years, he knew the younger boy would not be leaving him forthis guy, but he still felt off about the whole thing.
“Dude, his father is a director. He said he saw potential in me. I can’t pass that up!” Dustincontinued, putting down his comb and getting up from the dresser to approachwhere Lucas was still stood, crossed armed.
“I know, babe, I know.” He replied, pulling Dustin closeonce he was within reach, so they were both pressed against the wall, “I know...I can’t help if I worry about you,”
“I’ll be fine! I’ll text you the whole way. If he triesanything. I’ll bite him, and Dart will sense my pain and come running,” Almoston cue Dart started howling from his cage, Lucas smiled over at him fondly andDustin heart swelled at the amount of love Lucas had for Dart.
(He had squealed the first time he met him. “Oh my God. Hethinks he’s a wolf! Dustin, I love him,”)
Dustin still saw a bit of worry in Lucas’ expression.
“Fake dating someone isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever done,”Dustin murmured, then he growled, trying to lighten the mood, and it workedbecause Lucas’ concerned expression morphed into disgust. He pushed Dustin onthe shoulder and turned to walk away when he was caught by the waist and pulledback. Lucas struggled, trying not to concede too quickly.
“Boys who growl don’t deserve boyfriends,” He yelledobnoxiously
“No! baby, don’t leave me I’m sorry.” Lucas finally laughed,spinning around in his boyfriend arms, he placed his hands on Dustin’sshoulders.
“How sorry?” he asked cheekily.
“ooh, let me show you,” Dustin replied, wiggling hiseyebrows, Lucas rolled his eyes but kissed him anyway.
 He obviously didn’t go to the door when Dylan came around topick Dustin up, they could have played it like he was a roommate but Lucasdidn’t need any reason to feel jealous and do something stupid like kiss Dustinto assert his masculinity. He was fine just watching from the upstairs window.
He did get a text soon after he left
8.33 – Dustin: I toldyou, you were hotter. Nothing to worry about *lennyface*
Lucas couldn’t help his laughter.
“Fucking loser,” he murmured heading to the bedroom, he andDustin had set up a pretty decent fort before he had to leave, and Lucas wasn’tjust going to let it go to waste. He had only seen Black Panther once… thisweek. It was time to watch it again.
He let Dart out and the small husky immediately jumped athim,
“Okay boy, c’mon let’s go watch some black excellence,” heyipped as if he understood and followed him back to the bedroom, settling inbeside him and licking at his face. He laughed and snuggled up close as hepressed play.
Turns out he didn’t have time to feel bad or have anyworried thoughts about Dustin and Dylan because he was getting constant textupdates. At least every 15 minutes.
9.07 – Dustin: You may have to watch your back babe. Dylan’s got anextensive Pokémon collection.
9.07 – Lucas: DnD is better. It’s okay, I’ll date Will
9.10 – Dustin: Don’t you dArE
Lucas giggled and turned to show the messages to dart, whoyapped, recognising the small icon as Dustin. He headbutted the screen.
“Who would get you in the divorce?” he asked, “Me or yourdaddy?”
Dart yapped once. Lucas nodded.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Lucas focused back on thefilm till he felt his phone go off again.
9.23 – Dustin: Damn, Pokémon and a rugby player. Get you a man that doesboth amirite? Why don’t you ever offer me your jersey?
9.25 – Lucas: We don’t have jerseys you idiot, but you can wear mygross basketball shirt anytime!
9.25 – Dustin: mmhmboyfriend sweat. Rawr
Fucking loser, Lucas thought fondly as he led Dart back tohis cage and fed him dinner, he refilled the water bowl before locking him in. Hewould usually let him roam, but he wasn’t currently aware enough to take goodcare of him (Dart fucking loved to escape, and Lucas was too tired to go outsearching – plus it was dark). He didn’t want to fall asleep and wake up andhave him gone. Dustin would genuinely murder him.
He returned to another text.
9.31 – Dustin: he puts pineapple on his pizza. At this point I maynever come back babe byefelicia.gif
Lucas just rolled his eyes, pressing play on the movie. DamnDaniel Kaluuya was nice to look at, even if his character was an idiot.
There wasn’t another text for a while but at this pointLucas wasn’t even worried anymore. He actually felt sorry for Dylan because hewas sure Dustin was spending more time on his phone that paying attention tohim.
10.00 – Dustin: Yikes well he just asked me to come back to his placeto take some headshots for his dad… that sound like a proposition to me…thoughts?
Lucas bit his lip, contemplating, he didn’t want Dustin tomiss out on any opportunities because of him. But he also did not want Dustingoing over to this guys house. He trusted his boyfriend, definitely but hecouldn’t speak for the other guy. He must have been thinking for too longbecause another text came in soon after.
10.03 – Dustin: I’m taking that as a no.,, I thought as much, justwanted to cross check. I’m in the bathroom now so I’ll just go back out, downmy drink and say I have to head home. The fort still up babe?
10.04 – Lucas: I never want to take it down.
10.04 – Lucas: Also… if you really want to go...
10.05 – Dustin: Shut up Lucas. Rollseyes.gif
Lucas sniggers and places his phone down in the bedsidetable. He really, really didn’t want Dustin going home with Dylan – so he washappy. He went downstairs to go refill his popcorn and ran into Stan, one oftheir roommates cleaning up. He held back the urge to roll his eyes. He lovedStan, really – but that boy loved to clean.
Lucas tried his hardest, all the time, he ready did, but he wasstill learning how to live with someone with OCD and wasn’t sure what to do.
“Hey dude, do you wanna come up and watch Shrek with me?” heasked. Stan kept scrubbing – a bit frantically.
“No, No I, uh, I have a date with Richie in 30 minutes,but,” he paused, breathing frantically, “I can’t leave until it’s clean,” hefinished. Lucas nodded, out of his comfort zone. He wished Dustin was here.Dustin was fucking amazing at calming Stan down.
“Okay, I’ll help. We can get this done in like 10!” Lucasoffered, placing the bowl down.
“Really? Thank you, thanks!” Stan shoved some cleaning materialshis way and Lucas chuckled, getting to work on the dishes.
Lucas and Stan manged to clean up in 20 minutes leaving Stan10 to freshen up and get out the door. He was pretty proud of himself. Hesorted his popcorn and ran back up, swearing when he realised he didn’t pauseit.
“Can’t miss Shrek, this film is iconic,” he whispered tohimself, laughing at his own joke. As he rewound the film he noticed his phoneflashing and remembered Dustin. It was coming close to half ten- he was probablytexting to say he was close by. Lucas picked up his phone to check
10.10 – Dustin: Bill paid, walking to the car! Keep the fort warm forme!
10.12 – Dustin: Luca I don’t feel god,,, Cld you make msome soup for,,
10.15 – Dustin: he lockd the doors and im sleep
Lucas’ heart dropped, and he felt his vision tunnel as thesound of the film faded into the background. He must have read that wrong or hewas misinterpreting.
10.15 – Dustin: this isn the way hoe…. Hes not takjin me home. Imscared
This was not happening. This was not happening. Not to Dustin. Not his boy.
10.16 – Dustin: oh my g,
10.16 – Dustin: I think;; he spiked me.
10.16 – Dustin: I thi he spik my coke
Lucas stopped reading the text and looked at the time. Itwas 10.34. This had happened almost 20 minutes ago. He was such a badboyfriend. Anything could be happening. His mind was going wild with possibilities.Anything could be happening. Heneeded to find Dustin and get to him but, no car, they had no car. How could he--?He had to—Steve! Steve had a car. He was a three-minute bike ride away.
Lucas’ mind was made in an instant.
He ran down, stumbling on the stairs and quickly openingSnap-maps to find Dustin. He located him and sped down to Steve’s, it was dangerousbecause he was nervous, his hands were shaking, and he couldn’t really see. Healmost got hit multiple times, but it was worth it for his boy.
He banged on Steve’s door obnoxiously and repeatedly till hecame down. He was in pyjamas, but Lucas didn’t have the heart to make fun ofhim for going to bed to early.
Steve took in his state and expression and his frown lightenedup.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, grabbing his car keys from the standin preparation.
“Dustin—I – I can’t. It’s all my fault, spiked— his drinkgot spiked. We- we need to go. 16 Pembrooke Drive. Steve now, Steve! He spiked him!!Anything could be—he could be— oh god!” Lucas didn’t even know when he begancrying, he was so frustrated and couldn’t believe he was wasting so much time.Dustin had been alone and out of it with the guy for at least half an hour. Whoknows what was happening?
Luckily Steve seemed to understand and nodded solemnly,
“Get in,” he said, beeping the car open and speeding off assoon as they were both in. He inputted the directions into the satnav. Lucas reluctantlywent back to Dustin’s texts
10.13 – Dustin: Sorry, I sosrry, so sorry,. ‘’; I cahkgkn’t
10.13 – Dustin: u wer rit; I sorry ii lovv . I cant ;’kgkjl
“Fuck,” he whispered, feeling more frustrated tears comepouring out, “fucking fuck,” he slammed his hand on the dashboard.
“Lucas, we’ll get there. He’ll be alright.”” Steve said, hisvoice calm and steady, contrasting his death grip on the steering wheel. Lucasdidn’t believe him.
“This is all my fault, I shouldn’t have let him go. Stupid,stupid, stupid,”
“Hey, hey listen up shithead. Did you spike him? No. so stopthat self-blame shit, cause that’s not helping him right now.” Lucas’ mouth slammedshut and he nodded. Steve was right. Focus on Dustin.
They got there, and Lucas was tumbling out of the doorbefore the car had even come to a full stop, he distantly heard Steve reprimandinghim but just ran forward into the house, ramming the door with his shoulder. Hejumped back as pain flared up in his arm, but only took a moment to recover beforehitting it again and again.
“Shit, Lucas, step back,” Steve said, when he’d finallycaught up, pushing Lucas back and picking the lock.
They ran in to find a shirtless guy standing in front of thefridge, holding a bowl of grapes. Lucas felt anger flare up in his gut as hetook in his dishevelled hair and unclasped jeans. The guy frowned when theywalked in, taking a step back,
“Who the fuck are you? Why are you in my house?” He asked,
“Dylan Ffion?” Lucas asked, stalking towards him. The guy shrugged,dropping the grapes and crossing his arms defensively,
“Who’s asking?” Lucas reared back and decking him across theface. Groaning when he pulled his shoulder more and bruised his knuckles, thepunch wasn’t as hard as he would have liked but the shock factor helped him asthe guy flew back, clutching his nose. “What the fuck, dude?”
“Where’s Dustin?” he asked coldly, the guys eyes widened in realisation,but he quickly schooled his expression, grabbing a cloth to catch the bleeding.
“fuck! What are you a jealous ex? I don’t have to tell youshit about his dating life,” dating life,Lucas felt disgust grow in the pit of his stomach.
“Look, you fuck, Dustin texted me saying you drugged him,you piece of shit, so unless you want me to leave and go straight to thestation, you’ll tell me where he is and pray to God I find him in a decent condition.If I find that you’ve harmed a single fucking hair on his head, I’ll skin you.”He reeled off, stepping into the other guys personal space. He seemed tofinally be understanding how serious the situation was and began stutteringthrough an excuse.
“n-nah dude, you’ve got it wrong. I was j-just helping him. Hehad too much to drink and…” Lucas scoffed rolling his eyes and grabbing Dylan bythe collar, cutting off his spiel,
“Where. Is. he?”
“Upstairs, first room on the right,” he choked out just as Stevewas pulling Lucas off him,
“Dude you don’t wanna get done for assault, go get him. I’lldeal with this shithead,” he said, shooing him upstairs. Lucas heart was in histhroat as he ran up and to the room Dylan had said, he bit his lip when he sawDustin, passed out on the bed. He could almost pretend he was asleep form thisfar away, but upon approaching him he could see the faint tear tracks on hischeeks. His heart was in his throat as he approached the bed.
“Hey Dusty,” He said, gently shaking him, “Can you hear me,love?” Dustin groaned on the bed, his eyelids flickered, and his fingerstwitched. Lucas took his hand tightly, feeling his eyes tear up, “C’mon baby,wake up please,” he murmured, rubbing the back of his knuckles with his thumb. Allhe got in reply was another groan. He ripped of the blanket, cringing when hesaw his boyfriend was just in his underwear,
“Shit, Dust, where are your clothes?” he asked quietly,looking around the room. He grabbed a dressing gown, wrapping Dustin in it andpicking him up. On his way out, he noticed Dustin’s jeans on the floor, andgrabbed them as well.
“Steve can I have your keys?” he asked as they walked by theliving room.
“Fuck” Steve uttered when he turned around and saw Dustin inLucas’ arms, “Of course,” he threw him the keys and all Lucas could think as hemade his way back to the car was that he let his happen.
“Never again,” he whispered, kissing Dustin’s forehead, “Neveragain,”
lmao sorry for the shitty ending
send me a word (or phrase) and an IT ship and I’ll write u a drabble//headcanon for it :)
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gh0stpkmn · 8 years
ok sorry for droppin rambly shit in the yooran tag again but! ok. headcanon:
while happy supportive yooran where they’re instantly bffs is so Good and Pure, i feel like another possible way they could start out is.... they Dont like each other at all. they’re almost enemies. they have beef. 
putting this under a readmore because its Long sorry. also a link to the beginnings of a fic for this.
(i feel i should mention that i wanted to include the inevitable Rika Conversation™ where saeran is having a relapse/regression moment and slipping into ‘Unknown’ territory bbbbut that seems a bit too heavy and doesn’t really fit in anywhere here. that could be a separate post or ficlet idk)
OK SO. How does this dumb thing start?? let’s set this scene
so... while it’s unlikely that saeyoung would let saeran interact all that much with the rfa until he feels he’s ready (maybe around time of the little rfa get-together in secret ending 2) i’m imagining a scenario where... yoosung is briefly at the bunker.
i wrote this interaction in a lil’ drabble bbbut idk if i’ll write everything as an actual fanfic.
  it’s HERE if you want to read it tho!!!!
ok. after this exchange yoosung is just suuuuuper taken aback. he tells himself to brush this off because, again, saeran has been through some shit. he’s probably just not used to people yet. deep down though, he feels kind of hurt and offended.
saeyoung probably just. interrupts to diffuse the situation or smth and tell yoosung that maybe he should leave. apologizes for his brother’s behavior blah blah blah “he just needs time to adjust to everything.”
but. it keeps happening. and the weird tension from their first meeting kind of just.. carries over into their next interaction. and the next. and the one after that
it’s at a point where saeran is less aggressive, less abrasive... he’s just very shy and withdrawn like we see in secret ending 2. he talks in the messenger sometimes, but not often... but when he comes to the chatroom and yoosung is online, he logs out. at rfa meetings / get-togethers, he avoids yoosung
because yoosung is exhausting to be around and he Cant deal with it...(saeyoung is too but he has to deal with that 24/7 anyways)
gradually, saeran opens up to the rfa a little more. he talks a bit more in the chat. sometimes tries making a few jokes. he comes to most if not all the rfa events with his brother. and obviously he’s way more comfortable around his brother and mc, but also he’s on decent terms with the other members.
except. for. yoosung!
now he’s not actively avoiding yoosung, but not making any attempt to talk to him either. if they have to talk at all, interactions are very brief and stiff and uncomfortable. they tolerate each other, but barely. 
eventually saeran starts making little comments now and then? like. they’re probably stuck together working on an rfa thing, or yoosung is over hanging out with saeyoung and saeran passes by to the kitchen or to say smth to saeyoung IDK. they have moments where they’re forced to spend time together, and it’s just very very tense.
and at this point Yoosung is Annoyed!!! because saeran is so rude and won’t even try to be friends with him. what an asshole. god.
he gets even angrier when saeran starts making little quips at him. little tiny comments every now and then and they’re not always outright rude or mean but.... his tone is very Deadpan and kind of sarcastic... sometimes he will be rude and mumble a complaint abt yoosung to himself or mock him under his breath, which yoosung hears and gets mad and huffy about
the Last Fucking Straw is at an rfa event of some kind. maybe a party?? yeah. yoosung walks in, ready to have a fun time with his rfa family. he is So prepared for the party and in a great mood. he’s greeting them, everyone is showing up and greeting each other. and then he turns his head 
and sees saeran standing there, blank faced. and before yoosung can force himself to be polite and say hello, saeran just says, deadpan
“your roots are showing”
YOOSUNG IS DONE!! He’s so pissed off!!!!! he fucking knows his roots are showing! he’s been so busy with school that he hasn’t had a chance to touch up his hair in a while. he can’t even bring himself to ignore the comment and try to be nice, he is d-o-n-e. 
his face gets so red, and his fists ball up, and his shoulders tense and he explodes 
“Saeran, what the HELL did I ever do to you??? Why are you like this? I’ve been nothing but nice since we met, but you’re always so damn rude!! What’s with you? Why can’t we just get along and be friends?”
he’s embarrassed at himself but more pissed off that saeran isn’t saying anything. his expressed has barely changed, but he’s blinking at him and looking maybe just a little confused, tilting his head a bit
nd he’s like.
“we are friends”
yoosung is. So confused. SO FUCKING Confused. 
“what? but you hate me!”
“um. no.”
“but you’re always mumbling under your breath that i’m annoying! you say rude things and mock me!”
saeran just. shrugs. avoids eye contact and shove his hands in his pockets.  he says “you are annoying” like it’s a fact and kinda. walks away to go do other things
yoosung is left there confused and frustrated but not as mad as he thinks he should be
OK and like? insight into saeran’s side..... saeran’s annoyance w/ yoosung just gradually fades away as he gets better and opens up to people, but he feels weird at first doing a complete 180 and treating yoosung super friendly. part of him also isn’t ready for yoosung’s dramatically cheerful “gosh i KNEW we could be friends” and big hugs and all that
also because.......... he likes seeing yoosung huffy and frustrated. it’s really funny to him. he likes it? a lot more than he probably should to be honest. and at this point he just automatically considers them friends. at least in his mind? idk. his thought process is like “i don’t totally hate them and i think they’re okay to be around so... friend.” 
as for the roots comment he made?? it goes a bit deeper than all this fluffy silly stuff. like... for saeran, it’s really easy to trigger flashbacks or panic attacks for him? so many little things remind him of his mom or mint eye, rika, etc. it’s hard... i feel like there’s some vague discomfort he feels around yoosung when he’s reminded about how strongly yoosung cares/cared for rika. 
and it’s easy enough to keep it under control because yoosung doesn’t talk about her that much anymore, bbbbbut like. sometimes... saeran remembers someone mentioning that yoosung dyed his hair to be closer to rika. they don’t really look alike (bc she was adopted if i remember correctly?) but the blond hair and the significance behind it can get to him sometimes. 
so when yoosungs natural roots start showing he is... really relieved? really happy too tbh. bc he kind of maybe sort of genuinely likes hangin around w yoosung! and now he can see that little sign that he really is his own person, not just some kid who idolizes (idolized?) the person who abused him. ye.
anyways from here on saeyoung probably teases yoosung when yoosung asks him what the Fuck is going on w his brother. he’s like 
“lol how did you not notice that he likes being around you? it’s so obvious. he wouldn’t do things like stay in the room while we’re playing games to stare at the back of your head for 3 more seconds if he didn’t like you!! come on, dude.”
(yoosung didnt notice that tho whoops)
and “the teasing or whatever? pissing you off? holy shit dude that makes it even MORE obvious that he’s chill with you”
yoosung stays confused until he decides to talk to saeran about it and they start like. actually having proper conversations. and hanging out. and they both feel pretty awkward at first but their relationship gradually develops until they’re really good friends.
and then eventually, really good boyfriends. whooops.
that’s it’s own post altogether tho so i’ll leave it at that
if ur reading this, thank u for bearing with me thru my rambling. god.
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