#if i can play it on my phone i don't want it on my ps5
fadewalking · 1 year
okay ya'll exposed me, the rumors are true-
I do not appreciate a side scroller game.
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alotofpockets · 9 months
Stay the night | Wanda Maximoff
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Prompt: "The weather is getting worse. Why don't you stay the night?"
Masterlist | Marvel masterlist | Words: 1.7k
When Wanda moved into the neighborhood with her two sons a couple years ago, you had quickly befriended your new neighbor. Since then Wanda had become a good friend of yours and you’ve watched the boys a lot over the years, you often worked from home, so you offered to watch them whenever you could. Recently you and Wanda had started dating, everything was still rather new, and you hadn’t told Billy and Tommy yet, though Wanda was convinced they wouldn’t mind it since she knew that they already loved you.
It was Christmas Eve, you had just come back from the store, deciding that you could spoil yourself for Christmas. You bought yourself a PS5 after enjoying your PS4 for a long time. While you were installing the new Playstation, an idea popped into your head, so you reached for your phone to send Wanda a message. Y/n: Hi Wands, I just installed the new playstation, and I was wondering if maybe I could gift my PS4 to the boys. I know they always love playing on it when they are here. I wanted to run it by you first though, what do you think?
Wanda: You got it! I know you’ve been wanting it for a while, so I’m so happy for you :) I think the boys would absolutely love that but after all these Christmas expenses, I don’t think I have the money to buy it from you..
Y/n: Oh no, don’t be silly, a gift is free of charge x 
You smile at your phone, Wanda was such a good person, and such a good mom. 
Wanda: Are you sure? Y/n: Yeah, of course, 100%. I can bring it by tonight after the boys go to bed, that way you can put it under the tree. Does that work for you?”
Wanda: Thank you so much, you are the best. The boys are going to love it. I’ll text you when you can come over. See you tonight x
You pocket your phone and continue installing your new Playstation. The rest of the day goes by quickly, and you light up when you receive Wanda’s text. It had started raining a bit, so you grab your coat and an umbrella, before you make your way over to the Maximoff’s. You text Wanda to let her know that you’re at her door, not wanting to wake the kids. You smile when you hear Wanda’s footsteps reach the door, but your smile falters when you notice how stressed she looks. “Hey, sorry, I still have a lot of wrapping and preparing to do. Vision just dropped off some stuff for the boys, and left them all unwrapped, so I have to do double the wrapping tonight.” You reach out for her and bring her into a hug. “It’s going to be alright, I can help you wrap the gifts.” 
Together you work on wrapping the gifts, making fast progress as a pile of red and green presents filled the bottom of the Christmas tree. Wanda was getting visibly less stressed now that you were there helping her out. Outside it started to rain harder, and the wind was picking up, neither one of you was paying much attention to it though, as your focus was on the presents and each other. 
When you were done wrapping all the presents you took a little break before you would have to clean up the mess you had created in the living room. Wanda makes her way over to the couch, you follow her and pull her down with you. “You are an amazing mom, you know that right?” She leans her head on your shoulder. “Thank you, darling. You know that you are an amazing girlfriend, right?” You smile and kiss her head. “Yeah, we’re both pretty great.” 
After sitting down for a moment, Wanda notices the weather outside, and turns to you. "The weather is getting worse. Why don't you stay the night?" Your brows furrow slightly. “Are you sure?” You had stayed the night before, but never when the boys were also home. “Yes, I know your house is closeby, but I’d rather not have you walk outside in this. Plus, I would love it if you spend Christmas with us, and I think the boys would too.” After placing another kiss onto her head, you tell her that you would love to spend Christmas with them as well. 
Together you clean up the makeshift wrapping station that was the floor, as well as some final touches on the present placement, before heading to the kitchen where the boys left out some cookies and a glass of milk for Santa. The two of you share a look before both grabbing a cookie, and eating it, making sure to leave a lot of crumbs on the plate. Wanda takes a final look around the living room, “Ready?” You hold your hand out for her to take. She nods, “Yes, it looks beautiful. Thank you for all of your help.” She takes your hand, and you head to her room. “Any time.” You say with a soft squeeze to her hand. 
Christmas morning started by the boys knocking loudly on Wanda’s door, “Mom, wake up! We want to see if Santa came.” Even though it was a rough wake up call, you smile at the eagerness of the twins. “Why don’t you go to the kitchen and check if he found the cookies and milk, and I will be right down to check out the tree with you boys.” After you hear them walk downstairs Wanda turns to you. “How do you want to do this?” She asks you. You place your hand on hers, “However you want to, I’ll follow your lead.” You share a quick kiss, before you both make your way downstairs in your Christmas pajamas. 
“Mom, he ate the cookies!” Billy said as soon as Wanda reached the kitchen. The boys both run to hug her, not having noticed you yet. “That’s so exciting! I bet that means he left some presents for you as well.” The boys jump up and down excitedly. “Boys, before we head to the living room, I wanted to check with you both if it’s okay if y/n joins us for Christmas this year.” Both of their eyes widened, “Yes, please mommy, that would be so much fun.” Tommy shares. Their excitement warms your heart. “Merry Christmas!” You say walking down the rest of the stairs, they both come running into your arms. “You’re already here!” 
You eat a quick bite before you check out the living room, a tradition Wanda created because she knew how much the boys would be into their toys later. As you are cleaning up the plates, Billy turns to Wanda. “Mom, we know that you and y/n are together, you don’t have to hide it from us. We just want to see you happy, and y/n makes you happy.” Wanda looks between her kids, they know? “You two sure are smart and observant, boys. So, you’re both okay with that?” They both nod, “Can we go check if there’s presents now?” Wanda smiles, “Yes, we can.” 
Wanda shares a happy look with you before following the boys into the living room. The boys were ecstatic, looking at all the presents under the tree, pointing out the ones that had their names on them. You loved seeing the family so happy, and took a lot of pictures of the boys unwrapping the gifts, knowing that Wanda was too busy with living in the moment with her kids to do so.
“Mom, Santa left a present for you too!” Billy exclaimed, as he handed his mom a small box. Wanda was confused since she didn’t buy herself anything, wanting the focus to be on the boys. She unwraps the box and finds a jewelry case, filled with a beautiful necklace. She shows her kids and then also shows you, even though she knew that this was your doing, as it was the necklace that you saw her looking at last week when you were walking around the mall. “Thank you Santa!” She says, just like the boys do after opening their presents. “Help me put it on?” She asks you. You take the necklace from her hands and gently hang it around her neck. The boys had gone to find their next presents, so Wanda quickly thanked you for the gift. “It’s beautiful, thank you so much. I feel bad that I didn’t get you anything yet, I swear it was on my list, but I must’ve forgotten about it.” You shake your head and place a soft kiss on her shoulder, “You gave me the best gift, spending Christmas with you and the boys.” 
After the boys are done unwrapping all of their presents, and have played with a few of them, you quietly ask Wanda if it’s okay to give your present to them now. She nods and you get their attention. “Hey boys, I know Santa has given you a lot of amazing presents, do you think you have room for one more present?” They both nod their heads like their life depends on it. You grab the present from the cupboard, “This is a gift from me.” You say as you place the present down on the coffee table. Both kids stand up to hug you and thank you, before even knowing what the gift was. They work quickly on opening the gift, eyes widening upon realization. “You’re giving us your PS4?” Tommy exclaims. “I am indeed. I think you will have a lot more fun with it here.” 
You promise the boys to set up the Playstation tomorrow, wanting the boys to spend the day playing with the toys that their parents got them. While they are busy playing with their new toys, Wanda takes you to the kitchen. “Merry Christmas, darling. Thank you so much, I’m so happy you joined us for Christmas.” You step into her open arms and wrap your arms around her waist. “Merry Christmas.” You say back and kiss her lips softly. 
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aviixol · 1 year
E42 Miles Relationship hc's ☆
-Fem reader is implied.
-there's some cursing?
a/n: HELP I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. Okay, but a lot of this is a lot of rambling and random ideas about my fave <3
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͟͟͞͞➳❥ Miles acts completely different when he's with you rather than when he is with his friends or around others. He is totally like I wouldn't say soft but he is definitely more of a lover boy when it's just you two.
"Ma. I'm sorry, you just know how it is when I'm around the guys, they would be on my top if they saw how I act with you" Miles mumbled into your shoulder as he held you close to him after a long day out with friends.
͟͟͞͞➳❥ Miles LOVES to Facetime on the days y'all don't spend together. It's not a short call either, he'll call you early in the morning, just have a whole day and talk to you, definitely sleeping on the phone too.
It was early in the morning when you heard your phone right, you whined with annoyance as you rolled over to grab it and saw you were getting a call from 'mi corazoncito', you answered and rubbed your eyes "I'm sorry for waking you baby, my phone died but I missed that beautiful face of yours"
͟͟͞͞➳❥ COMPLIMENTS GALORE. Literally alllllll the time he just talks about how pretty you are how good you look, how good you smell, complimenting your jewelry, everything.
͟͟͞͞➳❥ Miles hates arguing, he would much rather just try and have a conversation than argue about something. He doesn't want to say anything wrong when he argues so he avoids it at all cost. On occasion, he does argue with you, after he def babys you and makes sure you're okay, and make sure he didn't hurt your feelings.
"Mami, eschúchame" Miles said as he sat next to you on your bed, he had one hand on your knee. This was his first time over after the argument "I'm sorry that happened, but I'm not mad anymore I just wanna make my baby feel better okay?"
͟͟͞͞➳❥ He convinces you to play video games with him. I can see Miles being on the game a lot, but of course, he wants you to feel included so he gets you to play as well.
"Hey, can you download this game, I'll cash app you the money to buy it now," Miles said through the phone screen, which was set up on his desk and he had his ps5 controller in hand.
͟͟͞͞➳❥ Miles spoils you, whether it's something small like if you needed a new lipgloss, or a drawing to something big like a new pair of sneakers, a Pandora bracelet, Shein cart, anything really if you want it, it's yours.
͟͟͞͞➳❥ Miles loves to listen to music with you, y'all make playlists together. Y'all do listening parties when your guys' favorite artist drops. He has also probably serenaded you on multiple occasions.
"Ma, Uzi just dropped pink tape, let's see what this shit 'bout," Miles said as he looked up from his phone while he was at your house on a late night, he handed you an Airpod and played the album.
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this was my first time writing like a hc's post?! if you liked it and want more my reqs are open so leave me something!! <3
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goldentoshi · 2 years
warnings: cursing, suggestive comments
all of the bonten boys were sitting down in the dinner room after dinner and a meeting. they just got off a zoom call with their manager when sanzu opened his mouth to ask. question.
"when the fuck did you and y/n become a thing?" sanzu asked.
"a few days ago." rindou shrugged, as if it was nothing. he honestly wasn't paying attention, too focused on texting his new 'girlfriend'.
"didn't y'all like dispise each other a few weeks ago." mochi asked.
"things change." rindou chuckled, his entire focus on his phone.
favorite idiot: i changed your name in my phone just in case someone sees you texting me
rinrin <3: yours is favorite idiot and i'm not changing it
favorite idiot: ofc you wouldn't 🙄 we also should probably start texting like a couple…for the same reason..can you come to ikea with me tmmw too?
rinrin <3: does y/n want me to start calling her princess and sweetheart?
rinrin <3: sure, why not. i want a new bed anyways. what time do you want me to get you?"
favorite idiot: how about 1pm? we can get food after
rinrin <3: sounds good to me
favorite idiot: could you just not bring your motorcycle? i've never been on one before
rinrin <3: awww what're you scared?
favorite idiot: ngl, yes
rinrin <3: don't worry princess, you can hold on to me if you need to
favorite idiot: you promise?
"what has you smiling over there, loveboy?" ran asked his brother. when he didn't get a response, he calmly walked over behind him and stood, looking over his shoulder. "oooh your favorite idiot is texting you."
"fuck off ran." rindou said, shying his phone away.
"how did you get a girlfriend before us?" kokonoi asked. "especially one as fine as y/n. that girl would've got all the work."
"dude. don't talk about his girl like that." kakucho said to his friend.
"i'm just saying, y/n is probably the sexiest woman i've ever seen in my fucking life." koko shrugged. “lucky i didn’t get a hold of her. would’ve fucked fucked the life out of-“
"she got any single friends?" takeomi asked, cutting off his much vulgar housemate, “someone who isn’t in a relationship.”
"katara is sing-"
"dibs." ran said before rindou could even finish his sentence.
"what the fuck, no fair!" koko said.
"hey, dibs is dibs." mikey finally spoke before going back to his ramen.
"katara is so fine." mochi said. "two pretty best friends."
"stay off tiktok." takeomi laughed.
rindou quietly walked away as the group continued the conversation. something about koko's words made him...angry. for all everyone know, you were his. "fucking asshole." he muttered before starting grand theft auto 5 on his ps5. "hitting on my girl."
his girl? that made him freeze as the thought crossed his mind. everyone thinks that y/n was his girl. not ran's, not haru's, not even mikey's.
rinrin <3 : come see me baby. i miss you.
hopefully that didn't sound too cheesy. oh god, she's not gonna respond-
favorite idiot: okay rin. i miss you too.
"you okay?" y/n asked. as soon as she had arrived to the gaming house, rindou practically dragged her to his room before shutting the door.
"yeah." rindou said before the realization of what he did hit him. he tried to hid the blush of embarrassment that grew on his face before he spoke. "i know this isn't exactly apart of our agreement but i just, i dunno, was lonely."
"ypu don't have to say that, rin. you need me , call me. kay?" you reassured him. “we’re still friends right? i mean, you can call me for anything.”
“yeah, okay.” he mumbled, a feeling he’s never felt bubbling in his chest. “sorry for scaring you.”
"it’s okay rin, i swear. wanna play minecraft?"
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serendipity : a very good coincidence, often leading to something really awesome.
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lestappenforever · 1 year
Heyyy!! I saw that you’re doing lestappen prompts. I loved all the prompts you’ve done till now <3 May we have number 43. “I’ve never met a more stubborn person in my life.” “You like it.” “Do I?”
There were so many good options, it was tough :( 😭
Hello, my darling! Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm so glad you're enjoying my silly little Lestappen drabbles. 💕
And you most certainly may! I know you didn't ask for Lando's involvement, but you're getting it anyway because I adore him.
43. "I've never met a more stubborn person in my life." "You like it." "Do I?"
It's not exactly unusual, Max and Charles fighting — bickering — over something minor.
In fact, it's an exhaustingly normal occurence and frankly, Lando is sick of it.
He has long since lost track of what exactly it is they're arguing about now as he sits on the couch opposite them as they all wait to be called in for the pre-race press conference. Next to him, Yuki is watching them intently, as if he finds the whole thing fascinating and amusing, as opposed to what it actually is:
Exhausting as hell.
Next to Yuki, Nico is pretending to focus on something on his phone, but the way the corner of his mouth quirks up when Max accuses Charles of being 'completely unreasonable', tells Lando that he's listening intently to Max and Charles.
Rubbing at his temples, Lando lets out an overly dramatic sigh in an attempt to get them to shut the fuck up. The sigh is completely ignored by everyone.
"How can you even say that? Barcelona should not even be allowed to play in the Champions League. FFP exists for a reason!" Charles insists, gesturing wildly with his hands.
They're arguing about football, now. Which Lando can't even begin to understand, because he's pretty sure they were talking about condiments just a couple of minutes ago.
Lando tries to stop listening. He fails.
"I've never met a more stubborn person in my life," Max says, eyes narrowed and locked on Charles.
Charles doesn't miss a beat with his response, eyes shining. "Yeah, well, you like it."
Max cocks an eyebrow at that — at the sudden change of mood between them. "Do I?"
The Monégasque doesn't falter, and he smirks at Max. "You do."
Lando kind of wants to stab himself in the eye with a fork. Repeatedly.
Max doesn't get the chance to argue, because a woman steps into the room and announces that it's time for them to go on stage.
Lando has never been more relieved in his fucking life.
That night, Lando invites himself to Max's room under the pretense of playing FIFA, knowing Max always brings his PS5 with him on race weekends. He invites Charles, too.
Lando arrives first and goes to let Charles in when he knocks on the hotel room door a couple of minutes later. Once Charles has taken a seat on Max's bed next to the Dutchman, a controller in hand, Charles plucks both the controllers out of their hands and heads for the door.
"What are you doing?" Charles asks as Lando reaches the door.
"I'm sick of you two bickering every single day, at every single race weekend. Either kill each other or fuck, I don't care, but you're not getting these back until you're done," Lando tells them, waving the controllers in the air.
Charles is blushing and Max is gaping at him, but neither man seem capable of speech.
And Lando takes that as his cue to bolt out of the room, taking the controllers with him.
He doesn't need to ask which option the two of them went for when Max comes to his room to ask for his controllers back three hours later. The absolute state of Max's hair tells him everything he needs to know.
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ohitsjustgen · 11 months
Hawks x Dabi x Reader
"Hey Feather"
Hawks says landing onto the balcony of your shared apartment. The winged hero looks around but doesn't see you sitting in your usual spot.
"Feather?" He calls out again hoping for a response this time.  Walking into the bedroom he pushes the creaky door as it opens up to reveal you and Dabi playing on your PS5.
"Touya? Why the fuck are you in my house?" Hawks says getting furious. His wings begin to shake out of anger letting some of his feather fall in the process.
"Oh hey birdbrain" Dabi says, not averting his gaze away from the screen of your flat screen tv. The stitched villain shrugs "I just invited myself over. Y/N seemed bored anyways"
A moment of silence goes by and until the winged hero storms off slamming the door behind him. The slam started you making you jump. Gazing at the villain you decide to speak first. "I should probably go check on him". You get up and open the bedroom door letting it creak open like before. You walk into the living room and glance onto the balcony. The hero was perched on the edge peering over the busy Tokyo cross walk.
You wrap your arms around his waist attempting to comfort him but he shoves your arms away from his waist before speaking.
"Why him out of all people? Why hang out with him?"
"We were just playing a game keigo, what's the big deal?"
The man is now in mid air flying 2 inches away from the balcony facing you, he has fear in his eyes. You've never seen that before. Usually he would be holding a smile onto his face but now..?
"What's the big deal? The big deal is Y/N since you dont see the potential danger you're in right now, is that you let a WANTED VILLAIN into our house to play video games?!"
"You let Dabi into our house all the time before? What's the difference now huh?"
Anger begins to grow in both of you. Letting the atmosphere thicken so thick that you can cut it with a knife.
"The difference is that...well the difference is..."
Keigo sputters.
You yell at the man
He covers his mouth after letting his true feeling show. Touya walks around the corner slowly clapping at his confession.
"Well done keigo now the truth is out"
You stare at keigo in shock at what he just confessed. Too many things going through your mind at once giving you a major headache.
"W-what do you mean?"
Keigo looks down in shame. Not wanting to make eye contact with you he apologizes in a small whisper
"I'm sorry Y/N"
Tears swell in your eyes as you push past Dabi who was standing behind you. You put on your shoes grab your phone and begin to walk out of your apartment. With no specific destination to go you roam the streets hoping that the tiredness would wear off eventually.
"Ugh what am I doing? I don't even know where i'm heading to."
You stop in front of a bar named "Rum on the Rocks"
"Ehh it wouldn't hurt to have just one drink"
At the end of the night you ended up having 5 in total.
"Alright I'll take it from here" you hear someone say from behind you. He takes you by under the arms and drags you off the stool you sat at.
"Your a fucking idiot you know that right?" Says a familiar voice. While trying but terribly failing at trying to look at the man your vision become blurry.
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cinnamonest · 7 months
Have you played HSR!!!
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I did get some asks a while back but it's been a while no worries! Just to clarify, I haven't played HSR because I don't have the means. I'm a console person + PS4 user (which is how I play genshin). I don't have a PS5, I don't have a PC capable of running games, and there's no way my phone can fit it storage-wise (and I prefer to avoid mobile games unless there's no other platform available anyway).
I want to get the PS5 eventually, so I would then. Not sure why they didn't make it available for PS4.
I'm also working to update my page for an FAQ list of things I haven't played/seen since I get a lot of questions on it, I'll link that when its done.
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xx-celestia-xx · 4 months
Ben drowned x reader
Part 1
WARNING !!! English is not my first language :) contain : stalking, school shooting, cursing, gore scene, bad english, and chaos,
You been quiet all the time in class, people would often ignore you or just make fun of you for always being on your phone or just playing video game all day even at scholl you didn't give up on playing, barely studying for you exam which is bad, and you know iot, butr you didn't care you wanted to talk with your friend, from all around the world and online on your ps5, you play so much game yet you still bad in some of the.
You often play survival game, or adventure game you found them atractive you don't know win though.
Right now your in class waiting has time goes by, english class...
you always bored in english class, first because your French but worst is that you know how to speak english and right now you learn boring things, you knew everythings already, video game and watching video helped you a lot to learn english but now you bored has fuck to be in this class, you answer without even listening, the teacher is happy but wish you at least don't draw in class or be on your phone !
each time she grab your phone or ask you to stop drawing, which you still keep doing without having her seeing one thing.
When the bell ring you run out of class, fanaly you can be on a small break to play !
You run out saying bye and go outside behind a bulding under a tree so you can see your screen.
You sit down on the grass and start your game happy now, you play a lot of game on your phone but always get bored since yourphone was not that game, you don't have the money after all so you only play on that small phone of your.
barely 2 minutes later, a bell ring, but not the usual one, saying "the prinsipale is needed in the meeting room".
oh boy you knew what that mean...
did the school just go into shooting mode !?
You stand up and go behing a bush byt decide to go in and look through the leaf, there was people there, the have knife, axe or more like a machet, and they were probably 5 of them there !
You look closely, they look weird, why did that guy have his mouth open like that !?
one even have a clock in her eyes, frolm what you can see.
You hold your breath at that, why did you have to come to school that day ?
You see a guy looking like Link from zelda, is he cosplaying while doing a murder ?!
Before you understand what happen, you see him diseppears into the phone of his friend, you froze in place, how is that posible, does your glass are dirty or something !?
How did he just go into a phone like a fucking glitch in a game !!
You hide even more when you see this.
fuck i'm so screwed, they already have blood on them what the fuck is happening here !?
You look again before you see them heading to your science building.
oh fuck i hope they all locked their room- i don't think the will survive this if they didn't !
After a minutes you hear scream and another alarm in the building, one you didn't hear at all
It hurt your ears so bad it's so loud
You panic and try to get out of here.
A lot of people start to run toward the exit.
But there was other people waiting for them you knew it, you run toward the gymnast, you could climb the fence and run into the small field to get away.
You go there and see corps...
your teacher corps in front of you, blood alll over the place, headless, organ out, they even draw with his blood on the wall, that make you sick
You run past that holding your phone and try to call the police, but your phone was all black, what the hell when did it turn off !?
You jumps over the fence and fall on the floor, your were panting already but keep going, you stand up and run away has fast has you can from this place.
Once far enough you sit behind a tree and gasp for air, you never run this fast in your life ever.
You look at your phone and see it glitch, you look at it shocked but curious.
before you see someone appears smiling, this was this creepy guy from before !!
"well shit-" Your reaction seem to make him look at you amused and surprise by that calm tone
"yeah fuck this, get out of my phone i'm scared enough just kill me at this point-"
He smile even more creepy, he like that you can see it, before you know it and hand come out and grab your neck harshly making you gasp of pain.
You close you eyes but nothing happen, the hand let you go before you see your phone back to normal when you open your eyes.
"what the fuck just happen-..."
You didn't want to figure this out and stand up running away going back home.
It took you a while but once home your brother come to you and look if you ok, he hear of it already, he is just happy to see you alive and safe now
You go to your room to lay down and calm down your phone on the desk.
You hear noise and look at your tv on the wall in front of your bed.
You look scared at that, it was glitching before you see the same guy waving at you amused, you know you can't escape him anymore, even if you try he will be here.
"awwww something wrong little girl~" You try to stay calm when you see the text on the tv, before all the sudden he come out.
You back away when you see him coming closer now on your bed, your bed was on the floor so he just knees down and crawl to you in a creepy way.
He have a knife-
You panic and kick him in the jaw
"get away you pervert ! i won't let you rape me or kill me !"
he hold his jaw before he look even more creepy
"aaawwwww but i was just planning on killing you, but i can also have fun with you~"
you push him away in panic, he go back in the tv laughing
"i'm scared to sleep tonight-...."
time goes by and soon it was time to sleep, you did managed somehow to sleep, but what happen that day stay in your mind and wake you up every 2 hours at this point.
But when you do woke up you see your tv glitch, yeah that's it you going to die-
You gasp out and sit yourself seeing that, fear spreading through your body faster than your blood, has you froze in place
cold shiver running down your back while you look at it, soon you see a character that look like link in your tv, standing in a forest.
"what the fuuuck- come on i just want to sleep have mercy-"
The tv glitch again, and again and again making the character appears closer to you, before it jump scared you, you let a scream out at that.
But soon shut up when it crawl out of the tv and is on your bed now.
You hide under your cover has it get on top of you, his creepy voice whispering to you
"come on little girl~ come out or i join you under that~"
You didn't obey and stay hidden, and soon you feel him get off only to feel him under the blanket now grabbing your feet has it crawl closer to you.
soon enough he was on top of you his glowing red eyes on you.
"let's play a game, if you win i let you live, if you don't i kill you~"
you gulp but nob, he get off and get the blanket out of the way, seeing my ps5 already one now.
"let's see what game we can play mmmmmm~ how about this one, simple and easy, roblox but a horror maps"
you just nob having no choice, you already hate that...
Has time goes by you calm down and almost was enjoying, you hated horror game though, and you feel like he do know it somehow
You get a jump scared and fall back curl up holding a scream, and that make that devil laugh sadistic that you are scared.
"fuck you so scared of that, i love it, let's play more~"
"i wanna diiiiie" he look at you at that and smirk
"i was joking please noooo" he shake his head at that before playing again, you didn't even know where did he get that controler from or how is he able to play with you right now but he does, his character look like him in real life, but you never saw all of the feature he have right now on his character, did he hack that too ?
You sit back and start to play again.
"you hack or what i never seen does clothes !"
"yes i did~" you look at him at that.
"really...... you idiot"
"watch you mouth~" you shiver at that voices and look back at the tv in two second, yeah his voices is hot when he try to scared you, but at least that work since you got a shiver.
"h-how about we play a game in team hehe-" You trying to not die tonight ? nooooo nit at all
He look at you the blood falling from his eyes creep you out but say nothing.
"mmmm could be fun to have to revive you every second by how bad you are at gaming" you look at him shocked
At least he do want to team up but calling you bad, what a bitch !
"i'm n-not bad ! i play a lot you idiot !" You put your hand on your mouth, oh he going to kill you
"watch your mouuuth~ or i ripe it open and let your family discover you dead in your bed" You gulp and nob fast at that.
oh shit he is scary-
"focuses now or i just kill you now"
"y-yes sir !!" He look confuse at the sir but keep going amused at how you just got scared at him saying that when it was just a simple sentence for him to say that.
After maybe a hour you were tired, tired has fuck, he still energic how the fuck !?
Soon you gave up laying down KO
"just kill me already..." He look at you and just smirk
"nah, your too much fun to torture~ i see you tomorrow hehehe~"
and with that he disappear in the tv leaving you here all alone
"i wanna die-"
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kimmimaru · 7 months
So, my choices for ever getting a chance to buy a PS5 are either: start playing the lottery and win, OR rob a bank. Now, the lottery thing is at least legit but there's little to no chance of me winning anything at all. But a bank robbery is a lot of effort and too much risk as I am very small and not at all imposing in any way, shape or form. I would likely just be laughed at. Also, I don't own a weapon to rob a bank WITH. I saw the latest trailer, which I have tried to avoid but gave into temptation, and apart from the absolutely confusing scenes I saw (Zack holding Aerith's unconcious body? Sephiroth at the church? What...the fuck is that?) Why is the black materia so BIG? Its not only massive but looks like a Halloween crystal ball prop with a spider web design on it. Did I misunderstand what the pattern was? I will never know unless I watch a let's play on youtube or something, but finding one where no ones talking over it is usually rare. Also I get annoyed because they don't play how I play. Stop letting your health get that low??? TAKE A DAMN POTION OR USE HEAL. Not that hard and its giving me anxiety.
And then they show a scene of Sephiroth aparently holding Cloud's face lovingly against his man tiddies. I'm sorry but since Sefikura is my OG ship, it makes it even more annoying that I can't play it. Am I whinging? Yes. Its only a game, its not essential to life, but...BUT it's my all time fave game with my all time fave characters in fancy HD graphics and my all time fave world looking mindblowingly stunning. It is sad and I need to vent. Adding a special mention: Vincent's voice. I liked his previous VA tbh, but this one is pretty good too. No one should talk like that. No one. It should be illegal. Its almost on par with Sephiroth's previous voice, that man could read a phone book and it'd make people weak at the knees. I remember watching AC for the first time and when Sephiroth says: on your knees I want you to beg for foriveness. I nearly choked on my drink. Edit: I have been reminded that it is the keystone, not black materia. My dumb self forgot about that bit entirely, I blame sleep deprivation. Haven't slept properley for a while and I wrote this at 5am. Well, hopefully people can forgive me.
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twicesserafim · 1 year
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"Change for us, since you ruined me."
Warnings: Arguments?? and smut.
Sakura professional gamer/streamer au [a, f, s]
[gxg] [g!p sakura]
Not proofread so sorry for spelling errors 😭
Dating a gamer wasn't hard. There were a few simple rules,
When playing games she will scream and be loud, don't complain.
Don't bother her when she's playing games, unless you're about to die.
When she's live, don't even come near the room, she doesn't want people to know about you.
Don't stop her from spending money on her games.
Never, and i mean never. Tease, text or call her when playing games.
Oh and, what happens in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom. You don't take it anywhere else, god forbid her gaming room.
Now.. why? who knows. It's just her thing, but you don't complain or ask, it's not that you aren't curious. You just didn't want to bother her or interfere with her games.
Because no one can, not even you or her mother. Games are on top of everything to her. And that is starting to annoy you, you've been dating sakura since the beginning of her career, 2016. 7 years, yet there isn't much progress.
Very rare or just common pet names, if anything there were even less then before.
At this point you thought you guys were never going to get married, i mean come on, 7 years and no progress? it's like she sees you as a close friend, and not her future wife.
And don't even get me started on sex, there's aftercare, but there not much. She loses a game, goes upstairs, uses you to take her anger out, orders you ice cream or a drink to the house and goes back to game.
She's gaming continuously and you're over it.
If this is what your relationship and the rest of your life with her was gonna be like, you don't want any part in it.
"saku-chan" Rule 2, broken. "what? didn't i say not to bother me while i play games?" "can we talk?" "later" "you better remember" "yeah, yeah" You scoffed and knew she wasn't gonna remember.
This isn't the first time you've tried this. "we should break up." "what? y/n. this is a horrible way to get my attention." "i mean it" "no you don't" "well then what am i supposed to do, sit around the house and wait for my girlfriend to get off her games.. but the time never comes?!"
"are you kidding? over some games? we've been dating for years!" "how many?" "well.. i- uh.." "sakura!" "im sorry! i don't even know what day it is, okay?" "when's our anniversary?" "um, let me check my phone"
"it's not on your phone" "what? yes it is." "then why didn't you remember?" "what do you mean?" "yesterday, kkura. our anniversary was yesterday." "no it wasn't. there's no way- shit." "yeah. and when was the last time we went on a date?"
She remained silent as you raised an eyebrow. "can't remember, can you?" "i.." "and after 7 years, im still a secret? we've been together for as long as you've been active!" "well people think i'm single so they.. give me more money.." "that's not good. i've seen your streams, you know?"
"wait, you have?" "im glad you wear bras." Sakuras eyes widened. "you saw those?" "the people that pay you to take your shirt off while you game? yes." "y/n.." "let's break up" "no!" she yelled out in panic, fully taking off the headset.
Standing up and grabbing your wrist so you couldn't go. "i'm sorry" "you're not sorry" "i am, i swear!" "prove it" "prove it?" "you know i can see what you buy because our bank accounts are joined, right?"
"huh? and what about it?" "a keyboard, a new monitor, a tv, another monitor, a mouse pad, a ps5, 3 more controllers, 2 headsets, 2 mic's, 7 new games and a mic stand? you don't need any of that!" "you can't be serious. that's my money!" "and you're throwing it around like it's a toy!"
"am not!" "are too! saku, you have 3 montors, 2 headset, a mic, a mouse, a mouse pad, a laptop, a computer, a controller, like 200 games and lights. what else do you need?" "everything i bought" "you don't need that."
Rule 4, broken.
Sakura scoffed and said back, "you know nothing." "maybe, but i'm like 2 years younger, yet my job is more stable, i make more and i'm more mature." "mature? debatable." "your rules are stupid."
"whatever." "you're always screaming, i can't sleep." "and? im gaming!" "can you consider my feelings for once? because god, saku. I can barely feel if you love me or not." She couldn't find the right words to say so you just continued.
"it's stupid, it's so fucking stupid how in love with you i am. And i don't even know why! i barely see your stupid beautiful face, your annoying voice is never talk to me, the cute smiles you show are never for me, do you even want to get married? ever?"
"of course i do" "then what's stopping you?" "money" "and that's because?" "..gaming?" "right. and do you want to get married?" "to you? yes." "then prove you do" "how?" "figure it out" "but-" "i don't know what i got myself into, but this isn't what i was expecting or wanted"
"what?" "i feel like you only keep me around so we have sex" "what? no!" "then what? i because i don't why im in love with you" "huh?" "jeez. because you don't talk to me, i barely see you, so it's not looks or personality"
"did you just call me ugly?" You sighed before groaning. "you're so pretty it's annoying and infuriating" Sakura didn't say anything, but she was biting her lip, holding back a smile. "don't smile, it's not the time."
She immediately put on a straight face, making you raise an eyebrow. You looked at her for a few seconds before sighing. "listen, kkura" "mhm, im listening." "im leaving." "what?" she wanted to ask, like a yell but it came out as a whisper.
"i always knew you were too selfish, i don't know why i looked the other way, i just wanted and waited for you to change. I shouldn't love you but i couldn't help it. now it's my turn, my turn to be selfish. i'm sorry, but this time.. i chose me."
"what are you talking about?" You only shook your head, walking out of the room, sakura went after you as her eyes widened in horror, you already had your bags packed. "no, stop, what are you doing? please don't go."
"i let you in and you let me down, i swear when you talk you just like the sound. One too many times i let you ruin my life because i thought you would change, but i see it now. All the yelling and kissing and fighting, we could never see eye to eye, i don't speak boyshit, miyawaki."
"are you calling me immature?" "yes." "last name basis..? what are we? strangers?" "maybe" She rubbed her temple and you looked at her, dead in the eye. "maybe you'll find someone that can put up with this, but i'm over it."
"i'll change." "what?" "i don't want anyone else, i want you." "because i'm the only one that actually wants and cares for you?" "no because.. i know i was wrong, i admit it, i'll cancel all my orders for everything i bought, i'll sell the stuff i don't need anymore, i'll take you out, i'll start loving you the way you deserve, i promise."
You hesitated so she continued. "streams are 2-3 times a week, not everyday. And maximum 5-6 hours long. Videos are 1-2 times a week. so some weeks i'll only work 3 days, i'll still make money. The world is gonna know about you, they'll know how much you really mean to me, all the rules i made.. lets forget about them, okay? just please don't go."
"last chance, and if there's no change, i'm leaving, and never coming back." "deal."
"saku-chan" you mumbled as she smiled, turning to you, "yes baby?" "what are you playinggg" "just this horror game, it's kinda scary" "can i watch?" "yeah, of course" Sakura muttered, grabbing a chair and looking at the camera.
"and as you guys know, it's my girlfriend, y/n!" You smiled as the chats were filled with teasing comments, sakura had mentioned how her fans feel like friends now. You read a few, seeing.
'ooh, sakura you're blushinggg'
'the way you called her baby owngdjshdh'
'she's so cute 🥹'
'do you guys plan on getting married?'
"of course we plan on getting married we've been dating since 2016" you laughed as sakura smiled. "soon, baby. don't worry." "you better" you teased as she chuckled, "i will" she muttered, kissing your cheek but her eyes didn't leave the screen.
"ah!" "shush, it's late" "i'm sorry, darling." "mhm" Sakura looked over to you and she couldn't barely hold back a smile. "kiss?" she whispered, you placed a kiss on her lips as she licked her lips, biting her bottom lip, holding back a smile.
She turned to you, looking at your lips again, placing a hand on your cheek, removing it from the mouse. "your hands are sweaty" you groaned as she shrugged. "so? i've been playing for like 3 hours" "i know"
Sakura left a peck on your lips before staring into your eyes but her eyes moved to your lips, her breathing got faster as she gulped and bit her bottom lip once again. She turned to the camera and quickly said.
"i think i gotta go early, i'll see you guys soon!"
'someone's in a rush lol'
'sakura making moves??'
'that girl is so in love wtf'
'damn.. be safe, sakura'
'use protection!'
You chuckled as she ended the live, sakura immediately connected your lips as you gripped onto her shirt as the kiss got deeper and more passionate. Her tongue slipping into your mouth.
"fuck. you're so cute." she groaned, her voice filled with lust. "rule number 6 broken" you teased as she rolled her eyes. "we got rid of the rules 2 years ago, i promised i would change and i did" "good" "yeah.. really good, now shut up and strip."
"in here? your gaming room?" "i don't wanna go upstairs, i need you, now." You were taking too long in her opinion, you were only wearing her t-shirt and her boxers, so it was quick to take off.
Sakura removed her shirt too, She picked you and placed you onto her chair, since it had a back so you wouldn’t fall backwards, you quickly leaned the chair back as she pushed the arm rest away. "spread your legs, hurry up."
You complied as you felt her shove the tip in first, before pushing more and more in making you whimper as she groaned. "fuck.." sakura breathed out. You grabbed her face, pulling her closer and kissing her making her cock so deeper into you.
Causing both of you to moan at the feeling. "be quiet, baby. you told me i can't scream since it's late, so you can't either.. spread those legs wider, let me pound into you." "how am i supposed to be quiet then?"
You whispered, dazed as she chuckled. "sounds like a you problem." "oh fuck! saku!" "relax, baby" "wait, it hurts" you whined as she stopped for a few seconds. "are you okay?" you nodded, "you can move now.." "are you sure?" "please"
Sakura only chuckled,
That was a wild night in a gaming room, i'll tell you that much.
"i wanna marry you" you whispered into sakuras chest, "i wanna marry you too, babe." she whispered back, rubbing your back as your cuddled into her. "trust me, soon." "okay, love you" "love you more."
"anyways-" "babe!" you called out as sakura turned around at your urgent voice, "what's wrong? what happened?" "turn the live off" "what?" "turn it off" she heard how panicked your vice was and nodded.
"i gotta go, my wife is calling me." sakura spat out, turning off the life and rushing out of the room, to you. "did you call me your wife?" "we're engaged, same thing. now what happened?" "im pregnant." "you're what?"
"i.." "i heard you, you don't have to say it again." You pouted, slightly teary eyed making sakura frown but also panic slightly. "why? what's wrong?" "are you mad at me?" "no, darling. i'm happy. this is good. We're staring a family together"
Sakura smiled, pulling you closer to her and rubbing your back softly, a teary chuckle leaving her lips. Your eyes widened in surprise. "are you crying?" "im happy, darling." "happy tears?" you asked confused.
She doesn't cry often, so this was shocking for you, you've never seen her cry happy tears before. "happy tears" she whispered back making you smile, both of you just holding each other for a few moments until sakura spoke up.
"baby?" "hm?" "i love you so much, more then anything." "i love you more" "impossible."
"If you asked me 3 years ago, i would've never thought this day would've happened, and i would let you 'ruin' my life, again and again if this was the results, you changed so much it shocked me, i know you could change, i just didn't know you could not only reach my expectations but go above and beyond. At first our relationship was a little rocky but i'm glad you didn't let me leave, i love you, with my soul. Just in case my mind forgets and my heart stops, my soul will never stop loving you, Saku-chan."
Sakura was tearing up as she mumbled, "well.. i guess it's my turn. You made me feel so many emotions i didn't even know i could feel as a person, i feel so stupid for letting you slipping through my fingers too many times, i'm so glad you gave me once last chance, so now i have a wife, a kid and my life has never been better, i love you with every part of me. I would do anything and everything for you, i love you, y/n. forever."
"baby" "hm?" "where's keiko?" "in his room" "and what about katsuki?" "she's in my arms, baby." "oh, is she sleeping?" "new borns are always sleeping" sakura joked as you smiled, your second born let out a cry as you frowned.
"what's wrong, baby?" you whispered as a worried yet happy look was plastered on sakura's face. "you're so cute" "who?" "both of you." You held back a smile as you picked up katsuki, holding her in your arms.
"i'll go check up on keiko" "okay, kkura."
And there you were, after being together for 16 years, and being married for 6.
You had 3 kids and were happily married.
Maybe change really does happen.
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blazehedgehog · 3 months
Thoughts on the Last Nintendo Direct for the Switch?
It was alright. A lot of people are very excited by what was shown but, I dunno.
A lot of modern Mario RPGs are pretty hit-or-miss, so Brothership isn't necessarily an instant win for me.
Nintendo World Championship could be interesting. It's probably a better take on the NES Remix idea than previous games, and the way they're doing online multiplayer could prove to be pretty cool. It's a shame it isn't live, but I suppose racing against ghosts means you don't have to worry about latency.
The thing is, with both NES Remix and this, I also want the option to just... play the full versions of these games. No timers, no competitions, just the raw games. But Nintendo's not going to do that. They'd also rather have you subscribe to their NSO service, too.
Fantasian is mostly interesting to me for the fact that a lot of the backgrounds are effectively pre-rendered -- but not using CGI. They apparently made realworld dioramas using actual model making material and photographed them. That's cool. The rest of the game seems like generic JRPG fluff.
I've tried over and over to like Donkey Kong Country Returns, both on the Wii and the 3DS, and it just rubs me the wrong way. I've said it's something weird with the controls feeling sluggish, but I think it's also the level design. It feels like it stretches some of its ideas pretty thin. Like we did not need a whole world dedicated to minecart levels. I'd hope the DKCR remaster is the version I'd finally enjoy, but I don't have my hopes up.
It's cool to see the "HD-2D" Dragon Quest games, at last. Those old phone versions they have on the Switch are awful. But also the only DQ game I've ever connected with was the demo for DQ8, so I dunno how much this tickles my fancy. But I've also never given a real one of these games a chance.
Hearing "timed exclusive for the Nintendo Switch" for Denpa Men is weird, given that was a 3DS game. I always thought it was first party. Is this also coming out on PS4? PC? Very strange.
Glad to hear about the Marvel Vs. Collection. I was just scrolling through my XBLA library on my 360 a few days ago and lamenting how I only own MvC2 and not MvC1, even though I like MvC1 better. Weird it's apparently only coming out for last gen; there aren't native PS5/SX versions of this or the Ace Attorney Collection. Just PS4/Xbone/Switch. With backwards compatibility I guess they don't have to bother with a native version, but still. Weird.
Zelda looks good and is a long time coming but I wish it wasn't so different. Like I have faith it'll be interesting but it does disappoint me it's going to be more puzzle-y and not an action game. After so many years of asking for the ability to play as Zelda, for them to say "well she CAN'T swing a sword like Link!" feels a little compromise-y. I'm sure it'll be fine.
That was not enough Metroid Prime 4. They picked the most unceremonious, least exciting way to show it, too. I actually thought it was them announcing remasters of Prime 2 + 3 like they did with Metroid Prime 1, because it's just generic "shooting nameless space pirates to metroid prime music" footage until the end.
Rewatching it, I can definitely see how people are saying it's a Switch 2 game, though. Like that Metroid Prime remaster seemed like it looked really pretty, but this feels like a step above what the Switch is normally capable of, at least as far as 60fps goes. Like compare for yourself. Prime remastered on the left, Prime 4 on the right.
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Look at the ridges in her shoulder panels, and how they're a 3D modeled groove with inset detail in Prime 4. That detail is probably just a texture in the Prime remaster. And just, like, how much better the material work is overall.
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I could see this being 1080p 60 on Switch 2 but only 30 on the OG Switch.
Also please show me new guns or mechanics or something next time.
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1000punks · 10 months
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i know these are low quality but i play bg3 on a ps5, not pc. all i have is shitty phone photos of my tav. hahah
lore dump under the cut, if you want to miss it, nbd.
this is Festé, my non-binary tiefling ranger.
they used to have long hair but chopped it off because of the Troubles (act 3). in the canon-matrix i have created for them (hahahah) they keep their hair long but usually done up in a braid. kind of plain, to be honest. if it were an option in bg3 i would have had them in long anime girl hair. this picrew is closer to the vision i originally had for them:
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(i also have fanart of them i drew but i can't find it rip)
they are one of my retired 5e characters and their backstory is a little chaotic, lots of retcons and parallel timelines because my dm never lets us have an easy game. basically, there was this sorceress that it took us five (oog) years to get a party together and beat, because people kept either leaving, moving or their pc died in game. it was a homebrew, so a lot of wacky things happened.
they're non-binary- mostly because they cannot really be bothered with gender when there's a weapon to wield and a potential friend in distress.
on that note, it was actually everyone around them who starting referring to them with neutral pronouns. they just... never made a definitive claim of being one gender or another. one pc in a former campaign (a centaur barbarian named Basios) once referred to them as "my non-descript friend!" and that was hilarious, and it also stuck.
it's canon based on past 5e campaigns that they don't like elves. they have a secret hate-on for elves. so maybe a certain pale elf has something to do with that- we may never know.
they have a husband and an adopted kid in one of those timelines.
i recently resurrected them to play through the netherdeep campaign with a new group.
i'm inserting their adventures in baldur's gate as what they were up to before they met their husband.
their husband is a lawful evil wizard named Mordren who loves living in a cave and murdering people who enter the cave.
Festé was the only other person besides him to walk out of that cave alive, uwu.
in bg3 canon (my save file), they're an Astarion truther and definitely have carried the "i can fix him" torch for a long time.
they're a bit of a happy dumbass, and they don't talk a lot.
it's hard to get them riled up, as it were. they're a relatively calm, accepting and objective person.
the only thing they're really scared of is losing someone they've made a connection with.
they have had a lot of lovers but they're not the type to make a big deal of it. everyone was someone they loved fully and in a respectable way.
they're the character that is most like me, in a way. i played them really honestly in bg3 to how i would respond to a lot of the dialogue. so in a sense, not a lot of role play was going on in their run.
after the events of baldur's gate, they'll probably go on to have some more small adventures before the big encounter with the sorceress i mentioned. i would say during the events of the bg3 they'd be roughly 26-27, and they were 32-33 during the sorceress campaign.
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fangswbenefits · 11 months
And I’m also a little peeved because I don’t have like a desktop or ps-5 or anything so I can’t get into Asterion(pls tell me that’s how you spell it), and I want to do badddddd.
And I wanna get a laptop or something to play the sims but not I’m not sure if I can even play the sims on a laptop or if I have to get like, a whole ass set up
I've had an account for a while but was too lazy to post there since I don't currently have a computer, and editing on my phone is a fucking pain in the arse 💔
It's Astarion 😁 And I totally feel you. I still wish I could play this on a decent computer, cause it's not the same as playing on a console, but my gaming pc is having issues and money is tight atm. A ps5 would probably be more affordable than a gaming PC, but if you prefer mouse + keyboard then go with a PC!
You can get into Astarion by watching his actor play the game (if you fancy the idea, that is 😁). Neil is super fun and chaotic and he's romancing Astarion with his character. He calls it Astarbation 😭😭😭
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thedeliverygod · 6 months
What would you do/buy if you had unlimited funds for a day
random but okay lol
first purchase would undoubtably be a new car because mine is a 2006 and now that I'm commuting to work every day my fear of it dying on me is ever present
a house because obvs a place to live is essential
anything my parents need especially my dad because he has had zero income for a while now and much like me has been selling things to make ends meet.
new clothes... I've been screenshotting stuff and saving it to a "window shopping" folder lately so I can hopefully get some things when I have some spending money. Because of my weight gain I wear a lot of clothes that don't really fit and aside from physical discomfort it gives me a lot of body dysmorphia too. I did buy a new pair of jeans to wear to work because I hate switching back and forth between 1 pair of jeans and cargo pants. haven't had the chance to wear them yet because of my work's server imploding & having the past 2 days off lol.
a bunch of cat food/litter so I can stay well stocked for a while.
pay off my payment plan for my surgery & also my phone [I think my phone is almost done but my surgery is definitely not lol]
whatever the fuck I want in the grocery store I want because I'm tired of everything being so expensive I have to pick and choose what I truly ~need~
edit: oh oh a shit ton of grubhub/door dash gift cards so I can get easy food on my bad days.
a ps5 so I can play FF7 rebirth and eventually KH4 lol
the rest of the older stray kids albums I don't have yet + skzoos I don't have
the damn yato figure that is impossible to get for less than $700 (at least a nendo is coming out soon so I can pre-order him)
I think that about covers majority of things that come to mind right away. of course if I ever won the lottery or whatever I'd hire a financial advisor but in this magical situation where its an endless amount of money within 1 day that wouldn't be necessary.
as an after thought I would love to book a vacation somewhere; anywhere really. preferably outside of the USA because I haven't left it yet but tbh I'd be happy to go anywhere. But with this stipulation in place I would have to make sure everything was pre-paid or else I wouldn't be able to do it (like most hotels wait until after you check out to charge your card etc so idk if I could afford a hotel stay atm). the easiest thing I could think of is honestly Walt Disney World because I could just buy a shit load of gift cards and pay with them for everything because I've known people who have done that but yeah lol.
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yandere4lyfe · 10 months
To my very first anon who requested Fontaine ask, I am very sorry to say that unfortunately I have no clue about genshin. I know the characters because I fell for them and I try to learn about them as much as I can, but the world building and stuff is something I do not know well because I am much too poor to play the game. And I don't mean too poor to afford the game, I know it is free to play on mobile and such. What I mean is that I cannot afford to upgrade my phone because the mobile app is not supported by it, PC, or get a PS4 or PS5 to play the game. I have wanted to play this game since my favorite animator got dragged into the genshin impact hole, but I literally have nothing to play it on. I could watch others play it to get an idea but I like to play the game myself because there are always little details that gamers miss that could be good writing material for future fanfics.
So I'm very sorry that I couldn't answer your ask, it would've been spoilers for me, but if you have another ask, feel free to send it. Heck, feel free to drop some lore on me or some headcanons on your fave genshin characters!
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menalez · 2 years
Seriously, mom's are terrible with daughters during gynec appointments.
I went to a gynec itching. I was also having trouble with painful cramps. I was on my period, and she couldn't examine me. She told me that it could be some infection.
To my mom, she separately told that i could be "using" my private parts... Gurl, I masturbate a regular amount, but I've never put anything inside, and even if i do, it's none of people's business. She also said she'd examine and tell my mom in the next visit. My mom, a total asshole, doesn't tell me anything, but tells my DAD, MY FUCKING DAD THAT I'VE BEEN USING MY PROVATE PARTS?!! And i didn't know any of this till this point.
The second visit, after examination, the gynec was too busy (lunch time) so my mum couldn't meet. Later in an argument, where i confront my mom about her bodyshaming me and how i lost my confidence and live with anxiety because of her, how much her physical abuse has hurt me, my mom starts crying about how much she cares (paying for school and providing food...) and how disappointed she was when gynec said i was using my pussy? My pussy is there for me to use, what's the point? But can i even win against a narcissistic woman? I cried pleading i didn't, and i was suppressing my rage when she said dad was disappointed.
Should I ask my dad how often he jerks off? Dumbasses. The double standards at home. My brother, 6 yrs younger, comes to me asking if i can flash my boobs to him. He was found with sooo much porn history and what not. Bad connections with friends (mf be 13) and my dad's like, if guys don't see this, they'll do much worse. Like, they're trying to pull him to religion to stop him from bad stuff too, took away his phone/tab and gave him a PS5 cuz boy needs to play .. i am forced to wear hijab, and i was today shamed by my dad that i didn't keep plate and water for him during lunch (mind you, I'm not having lunch, cuz mom underprepared, and i was asked to make my own)
god anon thats such a nightmare im sorry u dealt with that. i guess u live in a muslim country n shit like this is why i also never saw a gyno in my life and esp not in my home country (bahrain) bc the gynos there have so many stupid backwards fucking ideas like they still do "virginity checks" which are proven bullshit and ig now i know that they also act like they can tell u masturbate on the basis of very stupid shit. and ofc the double standards in brown societies where the son is raised to be entitled and expected to do absolutely nothing whereas the daughters must cook, clean, be chaste, not have any desires in any sense, only be the perfect daughter who does whatever the parents want, etc is fucking aggravating. the whole "well he can do that hes a boy/man and plus he could do worse if u dont let him do this :(" is bullshit as well.
im sorry you are going through so much misogyny from your family anon, to the point of being forced to wear a hijab and being policed on your body so heavily. it must be so exhausting and i hope you get to live away from that one day
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