#if hw2 even gets a dlc
roxtron · 5 months
At this point I don't even care if the next project is HW2 dlc steel wool needs to announce SOMETHING
At least even when SB was developed we had an announcement and teasers to keep us excited.
Right now we have nothing. Let's be real, most people aren't going to give a shit about the same game being released on a new console. We're all DYING for new content of any kind at this point.
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camzverse · 20 days
i miss vanessa fnaf so much it's not ok
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puhpandas · 3 months
every day I think about the insanely good potential that a Carnival freeroam has like it could have an incredible atmosphere brand new animatronic variations vanny cassie villain it could give EVERY character screentime and not feel too cluttered it could heal me
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ohno-the-sun · 9 months
Hold on important Sun Help Wanted thoughts
In my opinion even though Sun is very passive aggressive and spicy in hw2 (beloved) I think it’s interesting that it’s still shown that he does genuinely not want to hurt people
Like in the whole ruin section especially in contrast with the normal section he’s so defeated and sad and self deprecating
Like he clearly knows he’s dangerous and is trying to keep people away
And this applies to both him and moon since you can actually get killed by him here
Literally saying it’s better if he was just left to rot
He may be a rude bitch but fuck he’s been through the ringer
And also combining with ruin dlc— he still wants to be whole with Moon despite everything that’s happened between them I can’t —
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justaduckarts · 8 months
This is entirely /lh but
"Sun is an unhinged, sassy theatre bot"
"Sun is a soft, anxious bean"
What if he was both. People tend to act diferently around different people.
Sun obviously doesn't like the fazbear staff, look how badly they treat him. He is filthy and uncared for.
But based on what Cassie says in the DLC, he must be nice- and probably even enjoys being- around kids.
I think that it's unfair to say Sun is just one way when people are multifaceted. In my mind, Sun being sassy and a little mean is probably learned behavior from his environment. That is what AI do. They learn.
Look at Freddy. He's the star of the show so he receives priority treatment. He is adored and he obviously adores the kids who look up to him. He speaks to Vanessa respectfully despite her nasty attitude. Why?
I think part of it is his programmed personality. But the other part is learned behavior. He knows (or at least thinks) that the staff are there to take care of the building and of him. So even if Vanessa isn't nice, he explains the behavior away. He is even upset by the concerning behaviors displayed by his friends.
But when you look at Sun, you see someone who is obviously very anxious at the idea of getting into trouble- which is why he is so pushy about making sure Gregory stays in sight and safe.
I think a lot of it is because of Moon. Moon's outright dangerous behavior, mixed with the staff not seeing the two as separate, has led to Sun being the way he is.
All of this to say, I really love seeing all the different interpretations. These are just my thoughts and headcanons, obviously, but I've seen a lot of distress over HW2's Sun and wanted to share what I thought about the whole thing.
Have a good day <3
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ciralincixx · 9 months
i wasn’t expecting my last post to get so much traction lol. welcome monty enjoyers also im srry if that post was how u found out he wasnt in help wanted 😔
heres my sketch concept of what i was hoping we’d get int hw2 but i guess i’ll have to hold my breath til the dlc(if we even get one :/)
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i thought it would be SO COOL if we got the equivalent of captain foxy’s pirate ride fron the first help wanted, but with the gator gondolas in monty golf
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can you see it do you see the vision
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I'm about ready to just boycott Steelwool games from now on because of Monty not being in Help Wanted 2.
Before you @me saying I'm be over dramatic. It's just been so annoying how Monty is treated in the games.
Security Breach: He takes the most dammage of all the Glamrocks, despite the fact no worse than any of them. Hell Roxy deserved her shattering the most for how cruel she could be.
Ruin: Roxy gets a full on redemption/ second chance because she’s Cassie's favorite. That's it. There is nothing indicating she’s shown remorse for wanting to kill Gregory.
The player can show kindness to Chica and repair her voice box. For absolutely no reason, too.
Sun/Eclipse gets a form of closure
Monty gets electrocuted and fucking dies.
Then in HW2 he doesn't appear at all, and it wouldn't be as noticeable if it weren't for the fact that he is the ONLY animatronic too not appear.
I don't get why. Does Steelwool hate him or something? Did they look at Glamrock Bonnie fans saying they hate Monty for killing Bonnie, and this is there "apology"
On the topic of him killing Bonnie. I'm more annoyed that it is being used as justification to get rid of him. That he’s "pure evil" and so doesn’t deserve to appear.
By that logic, Scrap Baby shouldn't be in HW2 cause she's homicidal, and there's nothing to indicate she's under mind control.
Even then, why not play that up? Make Monty evil, outside of Glitchtrap. A purely malicious animatronic.
I do like the idea that even when the Glamrocks were "safe" and couldn't harm guests. Monty found a loophole. He can't harm guests, but nothing in his programming can stop him from harming an animatronic.
Why can't they make him a villian then?
Why couldn't we have a game where you have to repair staff bots that Monty has broken, keeping an eye on the doors (and in the hard mode an ear out for the vent) while Monty stalks around Gator Golf. Then the game ends when, instead of a staff bot, it's Bonnie's body brought to you. Then, in replaying, a sharp eyed player could see the moment Monty attacked Bonnie.
Or, make him as "friendly" as the others. Give him a minigame where you help him sign autographs, and you need to be a bouncer for obnoxious fans (played by staff bots). If you don't keep them away enough or fail to give him photos to sign in time, he gets angry, and you have to calm him down.
What's most upsetting about Monty not being in Help Wanted 2 is that this was a chance to give him a good final send-off.
Now fans of Monty have to hope he appears in an Update or DLC. For the latter, it is shitty that we have to potentially pay more just to see him.
Monty deserves better, not as a "person" in the universe, that it's still up to debate. Just as a character in Security Breach.
This has just snapped the twig
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an-archaic-archivist · 8 months
Me: (Before the release of Security Breach) "Vanny seems like such a cool and creepy villain! Why does she act like a kid? What did Glitchtrap do to her? And poor Vanessa has suffered so much because of him too. I can't wait to see what their dynamic is like! Their mental struggles will make such a compelling story!"
(Security Breach releases. Vanny gets 4 whole lines and Vanessa gets 3 scenes and a few tapes. All the lines used in the trailers aren't in the game. Implying that their roles were heavily cut.)
Me: "Oh. Well that's disappointing. Maybe that new book series will expand on their characters! That would be the perfect place to give that to the people looking for it! I mean, that whole series is about stuff that happened at the Pizzaplex and she works there! How could they not give her a story?"
(All 8 TFTP books release. Vanny and Vanessa aren't even mentioned in any way, shape or form.)
Me: "Oh come on! Nothing? Well...that new Ruin DLC looks pretty cool. And SteelWool knows by now that people want more Vanny and Vanessa. Plus, we wear her mask in the trailer! That's gotta mean she'll play an important role right?"
(Ruin releases. Vanny gets one cameo and some graffiti on the walls and Vanessa still isn't mentioned.)
Me: "God damn it. I dunno, Help Wanted 2 might have some stuff in it? It looks like a simulation thing, so they could do something cool with that?"
(HW2 comes out. Vanessa isn't mentioned again. Vanny only has one scene at the very end. An ending that implies that the PQ ending in Security Breach is the canon one. Meaning that we may never see her again. Plus files in the game and a voice actor credit imply that her role was cut down again.)
Me: "I GIVE UP."
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cl0zzie · 2 months
Okay, so you know how almost everyone either headcanons or theorize Michael possessing Glamrock Freddy?
Well I can though "what instead Glamrock Freddy, Mike possesses Helpy"
Because I see Michael being more connected to Helpy then Glamrock Freddy.
I mean in Pizzaria Simulator I personally believe we play as Michael (makes sense narrative wise) even though we never see him.
But you know who we do see? Helpy. In store when Mike buys things Helpy is there, in minigames Helpy plays them when Michael tests them, in the Night Shift Helpy on top of the computer.
Now these aren't the only reasons why I headcanon Milpy (I couldn't think of a good name:/)
With how Steel Wool is using Helpy alot more we see insite of Helpy as a Character.
In HW: Helpy is just kinda there... While yes he doesn't play a major roll we see little gifs in loading screen where he performing a task of a level. But then that when the Dreadbear DLC happens
HW(DLC): in DB Helpy can be found in Foxy Pirate ride Helpy is there as a sorta guide on where the player goes ( shoot him and he'll flip around and player is tooken to a secret area)
And Mike is connected to Foxy (He wears a Foxy mask in FNAF 4, canonically gets jump scared by FT Foxy in night 3, and losely if you like The idea of Mike being Foxy in the 'Go, Go, Go' minigame.
Helpi is something I can't really explain since I don't know if he just hacked by Glitchtrap or if Helpi he's own person... So Imma skip that.
HW2: Helpy is shown to kinda just be Faz Bear's employee insert of sorta (if that makes since) and test dumby.
(Also in the Medical minigames a add on the tv plays a Ad of "Pickels Vs Popcorn" and Michael eat popcorn and in pizzaria simulate he can get sponsored or buy pickles.)
But moving on is where I want to talk about a little scene in HW2 after the player takes Helpy prize thing (That Helpy was telling them to "not waste time" on the tv screen) after that and a minigame Helpy can be seen on a screen Sitting on a beach sipping a Exotic Butter soda, in a book called the Survival Logbook (who is owned by Michael) he does these little doodles and one of them is a drawing of a beach.
Now was this mostly loosely strung together conwesidents (probably)
But god damnit I wanted to justify a stupid headcanons I had for months now.
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witherfide · 9 months
OOH? whar are your thoughts on sun in help wanted 2 👀
the unfiltered passive aggressiveness? the snarkiness behind every line? them???? in general??? ugh. everything about them in hw2. i am obsessed
i am sososo glad we get to see more of this pretentious, showy, theater side of them! the little nibble we got of that in the DLC was as far as i thought it would go, but i was very happily mistaken!
every line is so fitting for that "used to be a performer" side of Sun, with the amount of confidence and 'art critic' vibes they are giving
i love this side of their personality. so. so much.
the dramatics are real and they are HERE
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starry-pierrot · 9 months
Help Wanted 2 Ideas and Theories (spoilers)
I'm going to start this off by saying that I'll be disagreeing with a lot of theories I've seen around, but this is in no way meant to attack or invalidate those theories. At this point no one can claim anything as fact as the game in my opinion makes everything much more confusing and nothing has been actually confirmed.
But there are things we can talk about : 3
From here on out there will be ending spoilers and basic spoilers in general. And just another quick reminder these are just my thoughts and I'm in no way refuting other ideas or theories as if it's fact.
So I guess I'll start off with the one I've seen most.
There is a theory going around that we the player are a child, which just doesn't make much sense to me. I get where the idea came from, specifically from Sun calling us a child, but the rest of the game doesn't fit this narrative.
I've also seen people talk about how in Help Wanted (First one) that we were playing a game the whole which is true but the game itself was meant only for Fazbear employees. Not children. I personally chalk Sun's use of the word 'child' to either a writings mistake or that part of the game is actually a game and not at all real.
You see in HW2 we have two realties, the mask one and the real one and each side has their own games. The Arts and Crafts specific game has two versions, one being in the Mask Reality and the other being in Reality. We can tell the difference because one is in a very clean environment while the other seems to take place before Ruin.
So my problem with the child theory is that...it just wouldn't make sense. The program we are playing is again only meant for employees, the game I believe takes place just before Ruin (Sun's broken down, Roxy gets her mask in game, Chica is busted up). It's the in-between for the two games.
With this in mind what kid would be around the Ruined Pizzaplex and somehow managing to figure out and work said program to even play these games? Let alone getting down into the old location. The game starts off directly speaking to an employee and no one else besides Sun mentions anything about the player being a child.
So if we're not a kid-what are we? Well I have a few ideas. First the most usual answers to this could be Cassie's Dad, she speaks about him in the past tense meaning he's either already gone or could have left recently. Personally I'm not sure if i subscribe to this idea, it's not a bad one and I can see it fitting but I don't have any or seen any proof to this being the case.
Another idea is...that we are playing as a staff bot. And this isn't just because of the ending where a Mask Bot gives Cassie her mask it's that Fazbear has replaced almost all their employees with bots. Clearly the system is still up and running and you'd think that if some bot was supposed to go through the training, ended up surviving either the fire or earthquake (Not sure which is true) then it would just resume as if its a normal day once the shaking or fires stopped.
I don't know how much water that theory could hold.
But there's one more idea I had. Before in Ruin it was discovered that a backpack had been left behind with Gregory's name on it. Clearly there have been repeated returns to the pizzaplex (allegedly) so maybe we are playing as Vanessa. She would know how to operate the systems. I can see her going back to make sure that the Glitchtrap virus was fully gone.
We also know that Gregory was able to get into the systems so maybe they hacked a staff Bot and are playing remotely?
Not to mention the dialogue eluding to us looking like we would have a kid.
At this point I don't think the game gives us enough clues to really be sure what is going on and who we are actually playing as. There's a supposed DLC attached to the files so until we cover more things I would say who we are playing as is up in the air. ---------------------- Vanny Virus
Glitchtrap is dead. He's gone. Vanny quite literally squashed him and now the new big bad virus is Vanny.
Nothing really substantial here just wanted to write this part down.
Sun's personality
Am I the only one who didn't quite see him as an asshole? I swear everyone just equated being sassy with being an ass.
We know how he was with Gregory, he was very kind and playful at first. But since we are playing with a program meant for staff only I suspect he's just sassy with the employees.
I still love him.
Okay I've ran out of steam with this one but yeah! Those are basically my thoughts. Again I'm not posting this to attack anyone for their ideas, I'm just sharing my own thoughts like everyone else.
Feel free to reply and discuss!
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mantisfriendd · 9 months
I want to do a drawing similar to my Ruin artwork for HW2 but Im having trouble imagining how I would do it, the story of HW2 is a lot more subtle then Ruin, SB, or even HW1, and in order to draw much of anything like that I'd have to rely on a lot of speculation.
I should probably just wait for the DLC (which I assume is going to happen?) HW1's dlc completed the story of that game so I'm thinking we might get some context whenever that happens for HW2
maybe I'll just draw Helpy in medical distress instead, wouldn't be as grand and dramatic but it would be funny.
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askroahmmythril · 4 years
New Hyrule Warriors Characters I’d Love to See
So for stress relief lately, I’ve been going back to Hyrule Warriors Definitive, unlocking all the weapons and working on finishing the adventure maps.  So of course, this put it in my head to think of other characters I’d like to see if a theoretical HW2 happened, like, keep the cast and add on to it as most Warriors games tend to do.  So here are some I’d love to see.
C’mon, he needs to be in.  Myself, I’ve never played Skyward Sword (rumors of it getting a Switch port make me hopeful), so I don’t know TOO much about him other than his hair’s amazing.  Kit suggested he have a portable Groosinator for his weapon, a cannon he carries under his arm, and for sweeping attacks could swing it outward by its fuse.
He’s been in a few games now, and there’s a fitting common LoZ item he could use for his weapon that hasn’t been referenced at all in HW : the Shovel.  Obviously he could swing it around, swipe it through the air for attacks, but over on my Twitter, it was suggested we could reference his “gravekeeper” job by having him dig up undead type enemies for support, like Stalfos, Poes, and Redeads.
One has to figure a HW2 would add some BotW content, and for starters, I’d love to see the four champions.  I mean, hey, HW is all about time and dimension bending shenanigans, so I’m sure we can excuse having them around and alive.  I could see Mipha actually having more of a “support” type special attack.  They’ve done things like this in Dynasty Warriors before.  Like, she’d have a spear based moveset for her weapon based on her trident (BUT GANONDORF ALREADY HAS A TRIDENT, eh, some warriors have similar weapons with different movesets, so I think we can get away with it).  But I could see her special attack doing some damage, but also healing allies around herself.
Yep, continuing on.  Thing is, while the Bow is an item, and does show up in a few other movesets here and there (Zelda’s special attack, part of Ravio’s combos), we don’t have anyone that SPECIALIZES in just using a bow, so he could fill that niche nicely.  I’m sure there’s some way to work his Revali’s Gale power into the moveset, likely his special.
The trick would be making him different enough from Darunia, but he does have a totally different weapon in that sort of “club sword” he carries, forget exactly what it was named in game.  He too could probably use his power in a support way, granting a defense buff to allies in the area where he uses it.
I could see her having a nice, fluid attack string with her scimitar, elegant and dance-like.  Naturally her special would have her snap her fingers and call down lightning.
.......What?  Warriors games are no stranger to silly “joke” characters, and honestly I love the idea of running across the battlefield as a large bird and clobbering enemies with an accordion.
He’s been in enough of the games to where I feel like he deserves to get in.  I’m admittedly not quite sure what he’d do though.  I mean, we have Ravio, showing the idea of a fighting merchant can work, but Beedle’s stock doesn’t really have much in the way of weapons or such, does it?
I honestly thought we were going to get him in the Phantom Hourglass / Spirit Tracks DLC pack.  He just seems like someone who should be there, you know?  I’d guess his weapon would be his spyglass, though as to how it would work, I’m at a loss there.
The Resistance from Twilight Princess struck me as having some interesting characters, and Shad was my personal favorite.  He does have that book with a dagger in it, I could see him using the book to put buffs on himself for his dagger attacks or something.
I also really liked Ashei’s style, again we have the “similar weapons” deal, but her focused nature I think could lend itself to a different form of rapier fighting.
Obviously we could also use more villains, and I feel like Vaati’s probably a major enough one to get a nod.  Admittedly I haven’t played many of the games where he featured, so I don’t remember that much about him, but he’s just one of those that feels like he should be there.
One of the rare instances where there’s a boss that’s probably humanoid enough to work as a warrior, I could see her having fire and ice attacks as different charges in her attack string.
The Lady
Because hey, the villain side could use a joke character too.  I feel like The Lady from Tri Force Heroes would fit the bill here, rapid jabs with her closed parasol, lines mocking the lack of style of her opponents, possibly even moves referencing the powers of some of the costumes from the game.
Also, two new weapons I’d like to see for existing characters :
Sheikah Slate for Sheik
One could make the case that it would be more fitting for Link or Zelda to use it, but, eh. they already both have multiple weapons.  Sheik just has her harp.  And I mean, technically Sheik IS Zelda, sooooo....  I think it would be fun for her to have attack strings casting runes from the slate, using Magnesis to pull out metal cubes and sweep them around for attacks, Stasis for her special, Bombs of course, I feel like there’s a lot they could do with it.
Four Sword for Toon Link
Really I just like the idea of controlling a mob of four Toon Links running around in different formations.  Perhaps a neutral charge would change their formation a bit.  Either that or the clones would just jump in during parts of attack strings or something.
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puhpandas · 2 months
with this current game setup how do u guys think SW would reveal GGY
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puhpandas · 2 months
looking back at my early hw2 theories is so funny because it's such a completely different view of what on earth its story is than I have now and I think that goes to show how all over the place it is
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puhpandas · 4 months
what do u guys think the hw2 dlc is gonna be about
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