#if he opened his door to them in the middle of the night wearin this
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lordspreyer · 4 months ago
Carmichael sleeps with one of those old-fashioned night caps (pompom ball included) on his head. His Gran is Scottish, and when he’d sleep over at her house as a child, Wee Willie Winkie was one of the nursery rhymes she often recited to him. In the book of nursery rhymes she had, the illustration of Willie wore a nightcap. Carmichael wanted to look just like him. So, Gran made him a cap.
Obviously, he can no longer fit the cap Gran made him when he was a young boy. It now hangs off one of the bedposts on his bed for decoration for sentimental reasons. The pompom is very frayed, but he loves it.
Carmichael kept the habit up into his adult years because wearing a cap made him feel cozy, resulting in better sleep. Now, he has an adult-sized sleep cap that is pin striped and made of silk. His pajamas match: Pinstriped long-sleeved button up shirt and pants.
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atleastpleasetelephone · 2 months ago
Pairing: 75!Elvis x bratty!reader
Word count: 2.4K
TWs: Smut, reader calls Elvis daddy and sir, reader is bratty, Elvis is dominant, spanking, begging, praise kink, possessive kink, copious amounts of cum(!), licking of said cum, panty stealing!Elvis.
A/N: I was looking at the photo below and started imagining what it would be like to wake up the morning after the night before and put that jacket on... kind of like a fancy version of putting on your boyf's hoody.
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Waking up, you roll over and see the sleeping form of Elvis Presley lying next to you. Last night comes back in flashes, the show, the kisses, the after party… you groan and rub your eyes. Looking over at him again, long lashes tickling his cheeks, furry sideburns that tickled your skin some time early this morning… one pyjama’d arm outside of the comforter. You peek under your side of the bedding to confirm your suspicions - you’re completely naked.
Wondering idly where your clothes are, you watch him, chest rising and falling as he continues his peaceful slumber. You stay like that for a while, and then your curiosity gets the better of you. Pulling back the covers, you slide your legs off the bed and let your feet dig into the thick carpet beside it. Checking quickly that you haven’t disturbed him, you stand up and wander round to his side of the room, looking for your clothes. All you find is his jacket from last night, the one he was wearing onstage. A flash of a memory pops up, you trying to free him from the million and one layers he’d been wearing, getting somehow tangled and him laughing, eyes crinkled, belly heaving. Picking up the jacket, you’re surprised by how heavy it is. You sling it around your shoulders and put your arms through the sleeves. Checking your reflection in the mirror, you can’t help but admire the way the shoulders sparkle as you move. They’re so pretty. You do up the single button in the middle and then check the status of sleeping beauty in the bed again. He still hasn’t moved a muscle. You turn the door handle slowly and then pull the door towards you, poking your face through the gap.
The scene before you is messy and brings back another ghost of a memory of the night before; a blur of bodies, laughter and singing. Some of the bodies are still there, one asleep in an armchair and a couple lying on the floor. There are bottles and glasses strewn everywhere, as well as odd shoes and random items of clothing left behind by their owners. You squeeze through the doorway and then carefully close the door behind you as silently as you can. Padding through the rest of the suite looking at the detritus of the night before, you finally find what you’re looking for. Or, some of it. There’s your dress, and your bra. Your panties are nowhere to be seen. Neither are your hose, but thinking about them reminds you of Elvis between your legs, tearing them off with his teeth. That explains that, then. Picking the clothes up, you finish your little tour of the suite at the coffee machine, setting up a pot and waiting for it to brew. The noise makes a couple of people stir in their sleep, but none of them wake up. You grab a packet of cookies that you find under the counter along with a freshly poured coffee and take your spoils with you back to the bedroom. Slowly, quietly opening the door…
“Where’ve ya been?”
His voice is hoarse and he doesn’t sound pleased. A supposition on your part that’s confirmed by the look on his face, frowning, an exasperated hand running from brow to chin. Looking like he couldn’t believe you’d leave the room without permission.
“Tryna find my clothes,” you explain, slipping into the room and closing the door behind you.
His eyes skate over you in his jacket, and only his jacket, and the look makes your nipples harden with excitement.
“Ya find ‘em?”
You nod, making your way towards him. “Most of ‘em anyway.” Cocking your head to the side, you squint at him a little. “You seen my panties?”
“Well I can tell yer not wearin’ ‘em now.” An eyebrow raised in challenge.
“I would be,” you counter, tossing your dress and bra onto an armchair near your side of the bed. “If I knew where they were. Thought you mighta seen ‘em.”
You take a sip of coffee and watch his reaction.
“You accusin’ me of somethin’, little girl?”
“If the shoe fits.” You throw the pack of cookies at him. “Want a cookie?”
His mouth curls into a smile and he laughs a little. “Yer somethin’ else, ya know that?”
“Want a sip of coffee to go with? Or I could get ya your own?”
You move closer, almost within grabbing distance.
“An’ go out there again with no panties on?”
“Well, if I knew where they were…” head to one side now, one hand on your hip.
He shakes his head slowly. “C’mere. Put that down.”
One step nearer and now you’re definitely close enough to touch, setting your cup down on the side and smiling at him. He pulls the covers back, revealing his hard-on straining against the material of his pyjama bottoms. You bite your lip.
You don’t need telling twice, taking his hand to help you back on the bed and into his lap. His hands slide up your thighs and you can see him admiring the view between your legs. Not wanting to waste any time, you reach into his pants and pull his dick out, stroking it lovingly. His breathing gets heavier and he glances up at your face.
“Ya look good in my jacket.”
You smile, wickedly. “Want me to ride you in it?”
He nods eagerly, then moans as you shuffle forward a little, rubbing him against your pussy.
“Fuck, baby.”
Moaning a little too, you keep sliding his dick against you, covering it with your arousal.
“You like that?” You tease, knowing fine well he does.
“Mmm. Put it in, baby. Need ta feel ya.”
Your brain short-circuits to last night, his head between your legs, your fingers in his hair. He’d said it was too late, or he was too tired, or too drunk, or too old. But he’d made you cum again and again with his hands and his mouth.
You get onto your knees before sinking slowly down onto his length for the first time, gasping at the way he stretches you out. His eyes are squeezed shut as a breath puffs out through his full, pink lips.
Roughened fingertips dig into your hips as you sit there, getting used to him. His eyes open slowly and he stares at you. You stare back.
“Your dick feels good.”
Elvis isn’t used to women being quite so vulgar, and his eyes go wide at the words.
“H-honey,” he stammers a little as you start to roll your hips. “No need fer that kinda language, i-is there?”
Nibbling your lower lip you try to hide your smile. “But Daddy, it feels good.”
You see the blush rising over his face at your words and the smile sneaks through against your will.
“S-stop it.”
“Stop what?” You’re wide-eyed, putting on the expression of an innocent girl who doesn’t know what she’s doing. “Stop moving, Daddy? That what you want?” Your hips still.
“That filthy language, little girl,” he chastises, trying to win back the upper hand. “Don’t wanna hear that coming outta that pretty lil mouth a yours.”
You remain still, tilting your head to the side, questioningly. “I only called ya Daddy.”
“Well I didn’t ask ya ta, did I?”
His fingers dig into your flesh again, and this time it hurts a little. You wonder what kind of game you’re playing now, but you can’t stop.
“You don’t like it?”
His jaw clenches and his eyes darken. “Move.”
His tongue runs along his lower lip slowly, and then makes it way over his upper lip too. As if he’s contemplating what exactly to do with a girl who disobeys him.
“I’ll move ya then.”
His hands are big and strong, and they move you up and down on him with ease. You press your lips together firmly and try your best to look like you’re not enjoying yourself. He looks at you with interest, you can see him analysing your every move, each little look, how heavily you breathe. You feel like he knows you’re pretending, but you have to keep it up. Can’t let him think he’s won.
“Ya look so pretty,” he observes. “Gettin’ fucked on my dick.”
Your eyes go wide, almost involuntarily. You’re outraged, you can’t help it.
“You just told me off fer bein’ vulgar!”
He smirks, and you know he enjoyed getting that rise out of you.
“That’s my prerogative, honey,” he explains, a finger moving to flick the jacket button open, exposing your naked torso. “Like ma girls ta be polite.”
“Even when they’re gettin’ fucked on your dick?”
He slaps you hard on the side of the thigh. You squeal.
“What did I jus’ tell ya?”
“But yer not being fair!” You whine, your composure completely gone.
He smirks, saying nothing in response, which makes you even more mad. How can he be allowed to say whatever he wants, and you’re not allowed to cuss? Or talk about his dick? Or even call him Daddy? You find yourself making a bratty whining noise, huffing out the air in your cheeks and frowning moodily. It just makes him smirk all the more, still moving you up and down on him.
“Ya want me ta be yer Daddy, ya haveta do as yer told.”
You whine again and he slaps your ass this time.
“C’mon, little girl. Don’t make me spank ya til yer sore.”
The look on your face is still defiant and he recognises it immediately and shakes his head, clicking his tongue too. He lets go of your hips and you sit down on him with a bump. One arm wraps around you, pulling you tightly against him and making the jacket ride up a little.
“Yer gonna do as yer told, baby,” he purrs into your ear, as his other hand moves back just enough to deliver a hard slap to your ass cheek.
You try not to react, but with your body pressed against him like this he can feel everything. Your breathing changes, you make involuntary little noises as he keeps spanking you, your pussy grips him like a vice. You grit your teeth as he keeps going, hard slow slaps and then three or four fast ones in a row. Eventually you can’t keep it together any longer and you groan into his neck.
“Please stop… please.”
You hear his low chuckle in your ear. “Ya gonna be a good girl f’me?”
“Yes. I promise.”
His lips drag up your neck, giving you goosebumps.
“No more cussin’?”
“N-no more cussin’.”
You feel his lips curling into a smile against your skin and you want to be annoyed that you’ve lost, but there’s something about him putting you in your place when you’re being a brat that’s making you embarrassingly wet right now.  
“No callin’ me Daddy ‘less I tell ya ta?”
“No… I promise… I’m sorry,” you breathe.
“Oh. Good girl,” he coos back.
You feel yourself melt. This back and forth between you is electric, you’ve never felt a spark like it. You want to be good for him. More than that, you want to be naughty and for him to make you be good for him. He lets you go and you start to move up and down on him, bouncing on his dick, your hands on his shoulders for balance. The look on his face is one of pure satisfaction; knowing he’s successfully broken a bratty little girl and made her his.
“Ya gonna make Daddy cum?”
You nod quickly. You do want to make him cum.
“Yes,” you whisper.
He grunts with pleasure, and you feel his hips buck into you erratically now. You moan too, it feels so good and you don’t care that you can’t cum like this. All you want is to please him. Without warning, he picks you up and plonks you back down on his legs, telling you to finish him with your hand. You do, and it’s seconds before you and the jacket are covered in him. The noise he makes when he finishes is so sexy you immediately want to find out what to do to make him hard again.
He looks up at you through hooded eyes. “Made a mess a my jacket, honey.”
You nod.
“Why don’tcha lick it clean?”
There’s still a hotness between your legs and that desperate urge to please him, so you do as he says, licking your sleeve and lapel and then running your finger over your belly, collecting the semen there and sucking it off again. When you’re done with yourself you get off him, lying to one side and licking his belly clean too. His hand goes to your face.
“That’s enough, pretty girl.”
He slides down beside you in the bed and kisses you deeply. Pushing the jacket off your shoulders he pulls you in close, tangling your legs together. When you eventually both draw breath, his forehead presses against yours and you look into his beautiful blue eyes.
“Thank you,” comes out of your mouth before you can think about it. 
He grins. “Ya were good fer me in the end.”
“Good enough to… call ya somethin’?” You venture.
“Maybe,” he teases. “Still wanna know what happened ta yer panties?”
You’d forgotten all about the panties, but you are interested so you nod, watching him reach into one of his pockets and pull out a black lacey pair that you recognise. He waves them in front of your face and grins.
“You kept them!” You can’t help squealing.
He smirks. “Sure did. Somethin’ ta remember ya by.”
“Am I leavin’?” You ask, trying not to let your voice wobble.
“Not unless ya want ta.”
You shake your head. “No sir. I wanna stay here and please you.”
He drops the panties onto the bed and grabs your face with his hand. You can hear the satisfaction in his tone. “I think sir is a very good place ta start with that, baby. You please me enough an’ imma let ya call me daddy.”
“Yessir.” You tingle all over with excitement. 
He moans at the honorific and starts to kiss you again. This promises to be a very fun day indeed…
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed:
@vintagepresley @arg-xoxo @from-memphis-with-love @msamarican @blursedblegh @returntopresley @eapep @everythingelvispresley @i-r-i-n-a-a @sissylittlefeather @arrolyn1114 @jhoneybees @cattcb @polksaladava @lookingforrainbows @jkdaddy01 @ccab @epthedream69 @lustnhim @elvisslut @pomtherine @that-hotdog @ladelinee @angschrof @fairybloodsucker @deltafalax @makethemorning @elviswhore69 @ilovequeen978 @wildhorseinkansas @pocketfulofpresley @dkayfixates @iloveelvisss @kxnnxy
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seros-girl · 1 month ago
braces appointments
katsuki bakugo x f!reader
plot: you accompany bakugo to his braces appointment only for him to come out without a new color
“these appointments cant be that bad” you told him as he drove to his orthodontist office. “easy for you to say when you have natural straight teeth” he grumbles out as he squeezes your hand.
bakugo has had braces since he was in middle school. he’s grown real tired of them now as a third year UA high student who’s on the brink of graduating.
“can i pick your next color kats?” you asked smiling up at him and he briefly glances at you before turning his eyes back to the road. “sure” he sighs softly letting a small smile come out upon seeing your excited reaction.
“hmm you have orange on right now” you mumbled to yourself as you told katsuki to smile for you. “orange powerchain okay” you said thinking of many colors. you thought back to your hero costume its a dark purple and you hit his forearm softly to get his attention.
“dark purple” you said and he nods his head. “dark purple it is” he said as he parked in front of the ortho office. he turned the car off and walked around to open your car door for you. he grabbed your hand and opened the door for you to walk in first.
you took a seat as he walked to the lady at the front desk. “name?” she asks him typing on the computer. “katsuki bakugo” he says and she nods typing on the computer again. “have a seat she’ll be right with you” katsuki nods and sits next to you, hand on your thigh.
“let me see smile kats” you said softly to him holding his face. he smiles showing off the orange powerchain and his rubber bands that helped correct his crossbite.
“katsuki” an ortho assistant calls out and he gets up to walk in. “you’ll be fine here?” he asks you and you nod your head. he walks in and for the next 20 minutes you sit there, gossiping with mina about her date with kirishima the night before.
you looked at announcements iida and momo had put up in the “class A announcements” board you can see through an app they all made you download. “all done katsuki?” you hear and you get up to see katsuki doing his payment for the month.
“yes thank you so much” he says and the receptionist smiles. “next appointment with be in 2 weeks for a check up” she says and katsuki nods putting his card away after paying.
“see you then!” he waves as he walks through the door and to be greeted with your face. “let me see” you said holding his face as he walks the both of you out. “wait babe” he laughed softly careful not to show his smile to you yet.
he closes your door and makes his way around to his side. he props his phone up on the dashboard recording the both of you. you look at it confused and back to him.
“whats with the phone kats?” you asked him smiling softly at him. he smiles at you and you immediately jump up to hold his face.
“you got them off?!” you said excitedly as you admired his new smile. “you look so handsome” you gushed as you laughed. “did it hurt when they took them off?” you asked still having a hold on his face.
“no” he laughs softly at your reaction. “do have to wear these though” he said pulling out a case. “whats that?” you asked him and he opens it only to see the case is empty.
“‘m wearin ‘em. ‘s a retainer” he says smiling at you again and popping off the bottom one with his tongue. “‘s to help my teeth not shift” he explains and you nod in understanding.
“dont forget to wear them” you pointed your finger at him as katsuki pops the bottom one back in, closing the case, and turning on the car. “not letting 5 grand go to waste are you kidding” he says as he backs out of the spot and drives off back to UA.
“everyone is gonna freak” you said holding katsuki’s hand like you always do. “spark plug is gonna make a big deal out of it” he shakes his head. “hey during trainings and stuff would your brackets not break?” you asked him and he shook his head no.
“i know how to be careful with them” he says confidently. “i was a good braces patient what can i say” he shrugs and you laugh. “well you looked handsome both ways” you said leaning back in your seat admiring him.
“nah i looked like a nerd” he says shaking his head and you shake your head. “well you were a handsome nerd” you said and he smiles at that. “does your mom know?” you asked him and he said yes.
“they let her know everything” he shakes his head as he drives up the hill to UA. he parks in his parking spot near the third year dorms.
you immediately see kirishima, sero, jiro, denki, and mina come out waiting for you guys. bakugo gets out and goes to your side to open the door. “thank you” you said and he hums in acknowledgment.
“lets see em bakugo what color are they now” kirishima said smiling so wide. he flashes them a smile and immediately goes back to frowning.
“wait!” denki said and turns to look at sero. “you got them off!” mina said as she told katsuki to smile again. he smiles showing off his white new smile and everyone goes crazy.
“just in time for graduation man” sero claps him on the back as bakugo smiles wide. “mouth will be open all day ‘m not letting 5k go to waste” he mumbled as he grabbed your hand to lead you back inside.
“finally we dont get to hear him complaining about how much his teeth hurt after every appointment” sero teased as denki and kirishima laugh.
“i dont complain!” bakugo fired back and you patted his back to calm him down. “your heart” you always remind him he cant lash out as much as he wanted to now.
“bakubro looks so handsome. y/n wanna share?” kirishima said nudging mina as you whipped your head to look at him. “in your dreams shitty hair” you pouted and katsuki laughs at that.
“kacchan you got your braces off” izuku announces and everyone in the common room gets up to look at his teeth. you stand off to the side with mina and laugh.
“relieved you dont have to care for his dramatic ass after every appointment?” mina says bumping her hip into yours. you watch as iida inspects bakugo’s teeth and you smile. “nah i loved doing that” you said looking as your classmates surround bakugo.
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slippinninque · 1 year ago
✨🦋You (Learned To) Like Pretty Things, Too🦋✨
a/n: thank you for all the love and encouragement that you all give! I'm grateful for every pair of eyes that land on my scribbling! I love me some soft!Fontaine and I hope to do more of these! tell me what you think!
warnings: MINORS DNI, 18+, cursing, long-fic, sensual/erotic moments, clothing kink, weed/smoking,
Fontaine pulled up outside of your work, leaning up against his car and looking like an absolute dream after such a tedious week. You met him with a sweet kiss, smiling against his lips when he hummed.
"Now why you tryin' to get me in trouble with Ms. Glenda?" Fontaine pinched your chin when you pulled away. He took your hands into his, rubbing his thumbs over your knuckles.
Your face felt hot. You sorta forgot that you were still in the middle of your work's parking lot, but who would really care anyway?
The entire week you worked your ass off and cleaned up the messes of other overworked employees. You deserved a public smooch at least.
You took a peek over your shoulder.
Sure enough, there was Ms. Glenda slow-moseying to her car as she looked over her shoulder at the both of you.
That old woman was the gossip. Anything that she hears, everyone will have heard by the next business day.
" 'Night, ma'am!" you called, giving a wave and not waiting to see Ms. Glenda's response. Fontaine snickered at your wide-eyed expression of embarrassment, opening the passenger door for your escape.
"Good night, ma'am." Fontaine called as he rounded to the driver's side. You couldn't hear what Ms. Glenda said, but it made him shake his head with a little grin.
'Messy ol' granny...'
Once inside the Pontiac, you felt the greys of the day melt onto the road.
Fontaine's fingers tapped a rhythm on your thigh and he cruised right onto the highway.
At your questioning look, he just shrugged a bit, "Missed you, wanna ride around for a bit witchu."
You smiled and snuggled into the passenger seat, "Well, that's fine then! "
He patted your thigh and asked you to put on some music. While slipping through stations, you told him about your day. The emails you send and the calls you had to suffer. Off went your wedges and you took the tie from you hair, scratching your fingers into your thick roots.
Eventually your conversation lulled with the both of you enjoying the ride. Fontaine's ass would mess around and drive out of state if you didn't have to clock in the next morning.
The thought left you feeling dreamy. You and Fontaine trade in your cars for a little RV and you both roam the states. You yearned to see Fontaine beneath the the open sky, you wanted to kiss him and taste salt water on his lips. There was something about him that gave you the impression that he'd love camping.
'Soon,' you promised yourself, feeling around for a moment before Fontaine's hand found yours.
"Why you sayin' my name like that? I ain't even touchin'you like I wanna..."
Fontaine's tone was teasing and his golds flashed with a smile that ignited the butterflies in your stomach.
Your mouth dropped open when Fontaine made one final right. Then you were parked in a tucked away space, facing familiar frosted windows.
A bougie boutique that you were brave enough to peruse only online. They had the best quality stuff when it comes to luxury and it wasn't that far away from where you worked. How Fontaine found out, you'd never know.
"How'd you know about this place, 'Taine?"
"What, shit's exclusive or something?"
"No. At least...um, can they do that?"
"It ain't--I checked for memberships an' all that shit."
Of course Fontaine checked, because he's Fontaine. If the boutique did have a membership, not only would you be enrolled but he'd probably be extra about any available perks as well.
You couldn't explain the sudden feeling of shyness that came over you.
As if could see them fluttering into your chest, Fontaine reached out and tipped your chin towards him.
"Now, lemme say that you be wearin' them slacks lately, sexy as hell."
"You think my slacks are sexy?"
"Sexy as hell," Fontaine patiently assured, "I wanna see somethin' else though. You've been working hard and what you be sayin' to me? You deserve nice things."
His imitation of you made you grin but you couldn't stop the sass.
"Hm, a lot of people say that y'know."
Fontaine hummed and brought his face closer, now squishing your cheeks to kiss your pursed lips. He moved back just enough to ask,
"Remember our deal?"
"Ye', I r'member ouhr deah."
"Good. Imma give you a stack an' your going spend it on what you want. You gonna bring me change?"
That got you another kiss before he released you to smile-pout to yourself.
"That's what I wanna hear. Now let's get go fo' I take your pretty lil' self to the back seat."
"Yes, Big Daddy 'Taine."
You opened the front door when you heard Fontaine pull up, staying behind the wood for a few final moments as he swept in like a rain cloud.
"So, you gonna tell me why you've been duckin' me all day--
His grumbling snapped off into a grunt at the sight of you. Grinning while you locked up, you couldn't help but to think 'success!' as his silence stretched on.
Fontaine could only stare, expression both stunned and delighted. Eyes running from your hair to your heels, taking a half step back to take in more of you.
He ran his hand down his face and the motion made your mutinous brain blurt a thought about him not being into it. Was it too much? Too dramatic?
"Jesus Christ of Nazareth."
Covering your face as you lost battle with your composure, you went a little pass him to strike the pose you've been practicing for hours.
"Just call me 'pretty', that'll do just fine."
He whistled lowly, swiftly getting back in your space. He pulled you into his arms, twisting you both and looking down at your swishing hem. You couldn't help but to ask if he liked it.
"Don't ask me questions like that when your lil' ass was holding out. How the hell did you hide this from me anyway?"
"If you must know, a lady can get a lot of mischief done in 20 minutes when left on her own," You batted your eyes at him coyly, "That move you had to shoot while we were at the boutique gave me more than enough time."
For all appearances, you appeared to be a professional burlesque dancer. Your hair bounced as a result of a bomb perm rod set and you wore his favorite perfume.
The panty set you wore were only gleaming, clear quartz beads strung daintily together, acting more like decorations. The matching bra gave you the perfect push n' plump. That wasn't all, though.
You found a radiant corset, the butterscotch color adoring your brown skin when you had it on. Handsewn with champagne and clear crystals, some close into the fabric while others trickled down on silk strings. It bracketed your cinched form prettily and it reminded you of twinkling stars.
Honestly, the corset was for Fontaine and the robe was for you. The color was the same of the corset and the completed look cast you into a glow. Soft, extremely sheer material that was lined with plush faux fur at the sleeves and hem. Whenever you walked, it felt as if you were being followed by clouds.
You decided to wear it beneath the corset to an attendant's suggestion. It sealed the deal and even you couldn't help but flaunt to yourself in the mirror as you finished getting ready
He groaned appreciatively as he ran a few knuckles along the curves of the corset, going down onto a knee to peer closer at the beading and crystals. He lifted he hem of your robe, making an appreciative noise at the of the texture. The sight was enough to take your breath away.
"I have go back and tip those ladies again." you made a note to yourself.
"This is some good shit, pretty girl." he rubbed at your cinched waist and chewed his lip at the sight asking,
"Ain't think you'd do me like this. You good, though? Are you comfortable--these shits can get tight."
Already expecting the question, you nodded as sincerely as you could, "Those women there are the experts. Took really good care of me. One of them said this is something like training wheels to what she normally wears--it's more comfortable than I thought."
"Good. This a bad mu'fucka, goddamn." Fontaine stared up at you with hungry eyes, "Matter of fact, c'mere sweet thing..."
He stood and herded you to the couch and sat you down, then sitting flush at your side to press a kiss to your lips. Every other kiss would come with a grunt or a mutter to himself about how pleased he was that you were all for him.
The last of your anxiety slipped away. Fontaine's hands-on rumination lulled you into that buzzy space where you wanted nothing but pull him on top of you.
Then he had to be disruptive, suddenly standing as if he got popped with hot-comb.
""Hold on, lemme wash my hands--better yet, lemme go shower real quick."
You turned away from him, dramatically rearranging your furred hem, "Oh, so you're just going to leave me here like this?"
Honestly, you were expecting some bodice ripping. Maybe him bending you over and knocking a few beads off of you. You pouted up at him, hard.
Fontaine's leaned down enough to press a kiss to your nose, pulling back enough so you can see his eyes drink in your form up close.
"I ain't touching my sweetie with dirty hands and when I come back, I'm takin' my time." he pinned you with a fervent look when your eyes finally met.
"So, have all that you want done by the time I'm back on this couch. Understood?"
Your answer was fluttering your robe around yourself, curling a leg up onto the couch and draping your arms along the back of it.
Fontaine's grin was smooth as he clasping his hands before him, you saw him considering to stay for a moment before he turned away. A moment later, there was the sound of something clattering into the tub and the shower turning on.
You laughed up at the ceiling and couldn't help kicking out your legs giddily. All your jitters gone now and replaced with anticipation, you got to your feet to get one more thing.
It felt like ages before Fontaine returned, but when he did you sat up straight.
You smiled at the way he stopped to take you in again, unfairly handsome in his black tank and grey sweats.
Feeling foxy, you crooked your finger at him to come closer and his answering laugh held promise at it's center. When he was close enough, you lifted a leg to show him your pointed heel.
Fontaine's gaze kept yours while he took hold of your ankle. He took another half step closer, the heel of your pointed-toe pump pressing into his sternum.
"You found 'em " he breathed, running his fingers along where the soft, crème suede meet your skin. He felt the point of the shoe, down the arch, and along the heel before placing it back onto his chest.
"Mhm! The pointy-shits! I had to make my own pompom, but I think it's cute. What do you think?"
Fontaine didn't say anything at first. He pulled your leg across his lap when he sat down next to you. Fontaine ran his free hand down from your ankle to where jewel met softness, making your breath stutter.
"I ain't doin' much thinking. Just wanna to feel you."
You shivered in anticipation. You kept your leg straight as it was lifted to meet Fontaine's face. One of his hands was busy kneading your thigh as he closely inspected the mesh before rubbing his cheek against it.
"Fontaine..." You couldn't help the girlish giggle. He gave a roguish grin before hiking your leg higher, making you squeak. The robe spilled around your semi-split and Fontaine gave a lewd whistle as he stared between your legs.
"Do you like the color? I know how you feel about purple and all, but gold has been growing on me lately."
"Gold is all you ever are, baby."
"Oh my--stop it, you!" You shook him off and primly scooted to lounge on the opposite end of the couch.
Fontaine was set to prowl after you when you held up a finger to him. You pulled out a blunt and lighter from your cleavage and presented them to him, wriggling your brows.
Fontaine's head reeled back before he chuckled. He came close enough to take it, and you plucked another one out as you stretched your legs back over his lap.
He shook his head and flicked the lighter, both of you sharing a flame. You leaned back into the arm of the couch and sent your smoke into the air.
You both sat there, smoking and enjoying the sight of each other. Despite you being the one wearing all the fluff and fancy, Fontaine had those arms out and the scent of his soap wafted enticingly every time he ashed his blunt.
His expression was soft, those jewel-dark eyes roaming all over you when he finally spoke,
"Thank you...for doin' this."
"Thank you? Why would you thank me?"
"I know I can be a bit...assertive at times. I ain't want you to think I wanna control you, y'know wha' I'm sayin?"
You only nodded your head, looking at where the smoke curled away from the tip of his blunt.
"I like being seen by you. You showed me things I didn't--I convinced myself not to want and now...I want them. I only want them from you."
The words drifted in silence as Fontaine's eyes finally still on yours, prompting you to continue.
"I wanna know you want, 'Taine. How can I give it to you?"
"Lookin' like what you are. Valuable. Precious. My perfect lil' Venus. Anythin' I could want--you already gave. Just tryin' to catch up."
"You already did, pretty." Fontaine ran a finger from your knee to the tip of your heel, reverently.
Your eyes misted as you as you lost your words. Speechless, you only wanted one thing in the moment.
Fontaine saw the change in you, putting out his blunt the same time as you in time to welcome you back into his embrace. You pushed a little more until you stretched over him in a sprawl.
Words couldn't express how you felt, the feeling bouncing in your heart. Love didn't seem like it was enough. All you could do was kiss him and hoped that he understood.
He enveloped you at once with restless hands. You chimed beneath his touch as he felt every crystal and bead, leaving them to swing against each other as he moved on.
Fontaine kissed you slowly, savoring every sound you made. Teasing you for more, pulling away enough to make you lean after him. You wanted to feel more of him, running your hands beneath his tank to the warm skin beneath.
When you felt his hands go to the back of your corset, you wriggled in protest until Fontaine pulled back with a pout that had you laughing.
"Don't make that face, I almost forgot--I got something for you, too"
Fontaine released you pretty easily at that, but you didn't have to go far. You reached beneath the couch to pull out a small box. Still sitting on his lap, you flicked off the lid to show him what was inside.
Brow raised, Fontaine reached out to remove the polaroid camera from it's casing. You bit your lip, feeling where he was hard beneath you.
"So, I was thinking, we could start a little...album together." You whispered, resuming your sprawl across his chest after tossing the box aside, "Of all the things I wear for you. Maybe this is more of a gift for the both of us but wouldn't it be fun?"
After all, you hadn't even touched the other things you've brought from the boutique. All of your focus was on pulling a fast one on Fontaine. He shifted, briefly pressing against you as he sat up further against the arm of the couch.
Much to your delight, you can tell Fontaine was flustered. He was fiddling with the camera, his smile surprisingly meek as he finally spoke,
"Can I take one for my wallet?"
"Anything for you, Big Daddy 'Taine."
Fontaine's smile appeared in full force and it felt so good to see that you sighed, melting against him and meeting in the middle for a other kiss.
end notes: phew, this took a long while and i thank you if you read to the end lmao. i'm still learning how to write and post on this site and i'm building up more courage to experiment but thank you so much to those who check back in!
Let me know if I y'all wanna know 'bout them pictures he took 👀👀
taglist: @megamindsecretlair @mysterychick93 @thadelightfulone @mag1calenchantr3ss @cocoeffects @wide-nose-and-wonderful @hobiesmain @thickeeparker @prettypink-princesss @longpause-awkwardsmile @thadelightfulone @motheyesofnight @nickidub718 @eggnox @kindofaintrovert @sageispunk @blowmymbackout @daariesqueen@sevikasblackgf@justabovewater20@mybonafidefeelings @mcondance
113 notes · View notes
Mr.Loverman pt.II | Finn
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Reader: female | Finn x reader
Notes: I took way too long to write this damn, also anything Finn related it dedicated to the girly pop @barneydinostar you got me into Finn, its gotta be for you.
Warnings: Very, suggestive, nudity, but not written in full blown happens, I will link that in the masterlist when I finish writing it.
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Y/n opened up the work shop for the first time in a while that morning. Opening all the windows and leaving the back door open, she did a quick sweep before sharpening her tools and getting to work. She finished off the last details to the morning orders, earlier than expected, the goodnights rest giving her an unsual boost in energy.
"Morin!" Y/n shouted to her boss, putting another toy on the shelf to dry.
"You're here early."
"Yeah." Y/n answered walking his way, "slept really good last night."
"Finally, get a new bed?"
"Oh. Uh... some new cusioning for now." Y/n smiled, wipping paint on her apron, "any how I completed the moring orders detailing and paint."
"You finished it?"
Y/n nodded, "all of it?"
"Yeah?" Y/n spoke with a chuckle, "Why so surpised?"
"And you closed the shop as asked."
Y/n nodded, "yeah,"
He hummed, "Work on the soldiers sword, I want you on that all day."
Y/n nodded, "Okay."
She was dismissed as she went over to the back table, unwrapping the fabric, sketching the hilt would be a good choice first to get a full idea with non-chipped parts, and once that was finsihed and hung she carefully lined the peices together.
She wondered if Finn was still asleep in her small little apartments.
Well, he wasn't asleep, but was in her home. Hiding in fact. He was in her study room, peeking out the crack in the door as Ronin was folding the blanket Y/n had tossed over him and was putting it back in its spot. Going out the door wasn't and option. Yet the window was.
He was careful to climb out the room and onto the branch, "Sargent Major?! Is that you!?"
He looked down the group from last night coming out of the tavern below. They had just finished breakfast.
"What are you doing up there!" One shouted.
"You idiot what man comes out a womans house barefoot for no other reason!"
"Oh..." Another started, "Oh! YOU AND Y/N SMASHED!? DUDE CONGRATS!"
Ronin was quick to look out the window and Finn was quick to jump to another branch to hide.
"Oh shit you smashed Ronin?....That's....just as cool too I guess..."
"I don't know. Feel like the commander would just be werid to smash -"
"Yeah he defenitly likes degrading-"
"Who was in here!" Ronin shouted at the soilders
"You idiots shut it!"
"Go! Go!"
They all rushed off in a hurry, Finn going off to the side to quickly make his way down and away from the tavern. Making his way to an all to familiar home.
He knocked on the door to where his sister opened it up: "Aye! Finn! Mama! Finn's here!" His sisters cheered hugging him happily.
There were three of them, well three here at least.
He smiled hugging them back the best he could with his things in his hands.
"Aye! What are you wearin?" Margo complained, she oldest of the younger girls here, she in the early stages of training to become a leafman.
"Come on! Come in! Mama's making breakfast!" Immie cheered, she the youngest, still in the younger years of grade school, she pulling her brother inside.
"Ah. I can't stay for long Immie." He spoke kissing her cheek, "Morin Margie."
She kissed the middle sister on the cheek, she doing the same to him, she would be finishing up her schooling within the year to follow Margo's steps.
They dragged him inside happily, letting the door close behind them without a care. They all bombarded him with what he had missed as they dragged him into the kitchen where his mom was cooking.
She turned her head, "Aye! My baby boy!"
Finn smiled as she kissed his cheek, he smiling in response, and returning the greeting, "Hey Mom."
"Hey Mom? What are you? Not my baby anymore?" She teased.
"Mama." He strained she laughing before hugging him tightly, "what are you wearing-"
She was quick to step back, "no shoes? Finally you remember- where you in the dirt?"
"It's...a long story." Finn started.
"Go..fix yourself up, you know where your spares are, quickly, I want to hear all about this long story. Girls."
They looked towards their mother, "set the table for one more."
They were quick to do so, Finn's mother shooing him off to go get fixed up. He passed by a few rooms before going to the closet to grab his spare chlothes, he redressing in the bathroom, before putting his armor on, lacing up everything tight and secure. Before walking out to his mother and sisters.
"Ah, you always look so handsome with your leafman armor on." His mother told.
"Mama." He spoke.
"What? I'm not wrong." She told, "Now tell me why you came dressed here like you rolled out of bed."
Finn pulled out a seat for his mother to sit: she took the seat before sitting himself, and breakfast was passed around.
"I. Well. I did." Finn told.
"Forget to do laundry again?" Margo teased him.
"I wasn't at home." Finn corrected her.
"With Ronin again? You two were always inseperable." His mother spoke, "How's the sweet boy doing?"
"I'm not sure if we're even friends anymore." Finn answered softly rubbing the back of his neck.
The room fell silent.
The bowl of plum duff was handed to Immie. She only looked at her brother, who knew what to do. He was helping her put a spoonful into her bowl.
"Dear. I." His mother started, "Sorry, I'm just..."
"Shocked." Margie answered, "What happened?"
"I." Finn started, "I don't even know."
"Finn." His mother spoke grabbing his hand: "What happened."
Finn looked at his mother and sighed, "Just...there's this lady- woman- she..."
"The Queen?!" His mother snapped, "Finn what the hell!"
"No! No!" Finn was quick to answer, "Not Tara....her name's Y/n."
His mother physically relaxed, and did the table, "She's his ex? He use to like her? To bad- he left on his way and so did she-"
"Y/n is Ronin's sister.- Twin sister," Finn was quick to add.
Immie reached for the tea pot, Finn quick to grab it and fill her cup.
"Thanks Finn." She spoke holding the cup with two hands, he putting the pot back down and ruffling her hair shortly.
"Then what is the problem?" His mother questioned.
"I stayed the night at her home yesterday,"
"She lives alone?" His mother inquired, to which Finn nodded, "Then what is the problem?"
"Mama it's his best friend's sister," Margo said.
"Well, one person is always gonna be another's best friend, someone is always going to be someone's sister." Their mother spoke, "Does she like you?"
"I. I don't know. I think. I hope," Finn answered; "or she likes the flirting..."
"No one likes the flirting for the hell of it," His mother said; "Gets strung along and messy, and no one ends up happy after it,"
Finn was quiet, "I've only spent a day with her- well-"
"Wait, you fell in love with a one-night stand?" Margo laughed.
"No! That's not what happened!" Finn argued.
"Sounds like she fucked her way into your heart-"
"Margo!" Her mother scolded, "filter."
Margo rolled her eyes, "Yes mother."
Immie was too engrossed in her Plum duff and porridge to listen to the conversation.
"Listen, Finn,"
Finn looked at his Mother, "You love this girl? For a while it seems, from afar?"
Finn didn't bother to answer, "It's nice to fall in love with a painting, but you don't know the artist" she spoke, holding his hand.
"I've had great talks with her already Mama,"
His mother smiled; "Good, have more, learn her well, and let her learn you well, you may just be her muse, and an artist can never run away from their muse, beware-"
"The double-edged sword,"
Y/n looked over at her boss; "What?"
"What you're doing, it's a single edge, flat diagonal top, not a double edge to a point."
"Older design older sword style."
"Oh," Y/n responded, looking over the sketch, "Thanks."
Y/n erased the sword point replacing it with a diagonal cut and handing the sketch over to her boss; "Look good?"
He lifted up his glasses; looking over the work, "And you got the detail from mirroring?'
"Hm...go with it." He told her, she nodded, getting the sketch back before sketching the missing detail in the wooden peices she had fixed together.
She continued to work, unbothered and focused. With moring orders done, most of it was people coming to pick things up. She went from sketching to loosely carving into the wood.
His hand held onto the carved doorway, Finn looked around for Ronin, maybe he could just avoid him for the moring?
Finn turned around, "Ronin-Good Moring!- And Queen Tara! Your highness!"
Finn was quick to bow, "Oh come on Finn. We've all been good friends since we were little now."
"Old habits die hard." Was Finn's response as Tara chuckle.
"Did Ms.Y/n get home alright?"
"Ms.Y/n?" Finn asked.
"The woman from yesterday." Ronin was quick to fill in.
"Oh! Yes, Yes! I took her to her night job as she asked of me. She works at Red's Tavern."
Tara smiled: "thank you."
Finn nodded: "and there were no problems?" Ronin pushed.
Finn shook his head: "No."
"At all? No comments,"
Finn shook his head no. Ronin relaxed a little on the inside, his sister had just been pulling his leg.
"I couldn't put my sister in better hands." Ronin spoke placing a hand on his friends shoulder.
"Oh- Uh! Sister?" Finn asked, "I didn't even realize the resemblance...heh...how- how come I've never met her before?"
"You know sisters." Ronin told another way of saying: 'It's a really strained relationship'
"Ah.. yeah I do. Have a few of them myself." Finn chuckled nervously, "Well, uh, I should go do- uh, something over there."
Finn was quick to walk away if his feet carried him any faster, he'd be in a full sprint. Ronin sighed.
"Something wrong?" Tara asked.
"Nothing," Ronin answered her, watching her start to walk off, she only gesturing for him to follow.
"Come on." Tara urged, Ronin following her words as they made their way down a hall, "Lets go talk."
Finn sighed as he made distance from Ronin, he looking back to see him walking away: and a group of soilders were quick to jump infront of him.
"Oh Sargent Major!" They sang, he stopping to look towards them, the group of soilders from the Tavern smiled at him sweetly, and he was quick to try and go the other way yet they caught up to him quick, "So sir whats the mission today?"
"Instructions would be nice Sargent Major."
"Well we'll-"
"Do you even know what we're doing today?"
It was clear they were teasing him in all good fun, as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Well? Maybe we could ask Ms.Y/n."
"Yeah! What do you say? She'd know."
It was clear as day that Finn was turning red: "Okay. I was with Y/n last night-"
There were loud whistles and cheers, "Well!? How'd it go?"
"Yeah! What happened!"
"They smashed you idiot duh-"
"We did not!" Finn argued, the group becoming quiet, waiting for the internary of Finn's night, "We just talked - aren't you her friends? Shouldn't you be asking her?"
"Y/n doesn't kiss and tell."
"I didn't kiss her." Finn told them.
"Come on, Sargent Major, nothin'g? After all that, looking at her. You look at her like we look at her pie."
"Nothing happened." Finn reassured them, "Now can I get to my office? Please?"
The group split, allowing Finn to walk through with ease they watching him walk off in a hurry.
"We're keeping Commander away from Him and Y/n aren't we?"
Y/n streched, she had been hunched over for a while now, rough details done on both sides, she heard her bones pop as she hummed in satisfaction.
"Go on lunch."
"Already lunchtime?" Y/n asked standing up.
"Take an early one. Go get somethin' to eat." He spoke, he sat over a table leg he was carving.
"Want anything?"
"I'll get you...mary's bread and honeybutter?" Y/n asked.
He only hummed as Y/n smiled.
"I'll be back." Y/n told him, hanging up the apron and grabbing her bag before leaving out the back door. It was a quick trip over to the bakers, Mary was an old woman who lived with her wife and two cats, a family owed bakery known for their honeybutter and dark oak choco truffles.
There was a small line inside the small bussniess, everyone happy with smiles as they mingled amongst one another. She waited patiently, looking out the window at the people. Some shopping for the week, others heading to work. Leafmen patrolled casually. They're there for any added support, any civil dispute that too frisky.
"Ah Ms.Y/n! How are ya doin this morin?" Mary asked.
"Very good thank you." Y/n smiled, "Yourself?"
"Ah happy as always deary." Mary answered, "Now what could I get you?"
"Bread and honeybutter for the old man. A bag of dark oak choco truffles for me."
"Ah I'm all out of those truffles deary. Anythin else?" She asked grtting out the fresh bread.
"Slice of Berry Creampie," she recommended pointing out the last slice of pie: it a fairly light purple pratically white, though if Y/n didn't know any better she'd say it was the light that gave it that color.
"Sure sounds good."
Finn had never been more glad he was asked to go out on civilian patrol, away from Ronin.
He was walking with another soilder, younger and inexperienced, when he saw her.
There, she was coming out of Mary's bakery with a small box, a smile on her face. Everything that happened last night came back, and it came back quick. The touches, how her fingers ran along his shoulders, how she held his hand. The kisses, he swears his cheek still burns where Y/n placed a kiss.
How they slept in the same bed.
He wonders how he didn't almost take things further; even by just kissing his lips. Would Y/n have even accepted such a gesture? Maybe it would have been blown off more as a one night stand than anything else.
"Hey! Finn!" Y/n called, she walking towards his frozen spot, his partner not realizing and walking off.
"M. Ms. Y/N! Good. Uh.Morin'' Finn told her.
Y/n smiled, "Im sure its afternoon by now."
"Ah. Maybe." He spoke in return.
Oh to see such a smile under me. Finn could feel his ears getting red. Not the time
"You're on lunch too?" Y/n asked happily.
"No! No!" Finn started, "Civillian Patrol...you?"
Y/n nodded, "early lunch."
"That's always nice." He spoke.
"Mhm." Y/n agreed.
Fuck she's just so pretty. Finn gulped, and his face grew red to match his ears.
"You're lookin a little red there, you okay?'y/n asked.
"Just warm is all." He admitted.
"Don't tell me staying at my house got you sick?" Y/n questioned.
"No! No not at all, I...had a good time last night." Finn told her.
"Im glad." Y/n smiled, "Wanna do it again?"
"A.again?" Finn asked.
"Yeah sleep over? Talk. I had fun." Y/n told, "You're good to talk to."
"I..." Finn tried to answer.
Say yes, you fool!
"I. Ms. Y/n. I..." Finn tried to answer, "I..um..."
I could just be honest. Honesty is key.
"I would like to do it again..."
"That's good to hear. I almost thought I might have scared you off." Y/n chuckled in relief.
"No, you couldn't even if you tried." Finn told her.
A pause.
"O.oh..." Y/n answered, she shifted in her spot, her box coming in towards her: he was making her flustered.
"I. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable-"
"No, no that's..not what you did."
Oh. Oh
"Maybe... since I dont work tonight at the Tavern...we could-have dinner? At my place?"
Finn's mouth ran dry causing him to only nod aggressively.
"I'll see you at mine after you're shift then?"
Y/n smiled and started to walk off; she backtracking to kiss his cheek and then left casually. He turned around to watch her walk off and turn the street corner.
"Sargent Major Finn!" The young soilder called, running back over, "Sorry, I didn't mean to leave a partner behind, a leafman-"
The young soilder paused: Finn too busy looking where Y/n had vanished from sight.
"Hm?" Finn questioned: still never tearing his eyes away from the area.
"Are you alright sir?"
Finn looked towards the soilder: the haze of adorment still in his face: "Yeah..."
"You sure?"
Finn was like that the rest of the day. If someone wanted to go on break, they asked him: if they wanted lunch, they asked him. It was always a happily laid back "yeah mhmm.." As he went back to thinking about Y/n.
He wish he would of woken before her: to see her sprawled out hair, and peaceful expression, he remembered her hands being rough; most likely from the manual labor she had been doing all her life: from her time with a sword and bow to hammering out the metals and carving the hilts of swords...he wondered if all her skin was rough: her lips weren't rough; it was most likely just her hands. He wondered if she snored, that "cute" snore or that loud snore you hear from your father after dinner. Yet he hadn't been awakened like he use to when we was younger with his own fathers snoring.
Oddly enough, he took to doodling: nothing important really, just little spirals and stars, not bothering to lift the pen off the paper despite how dry it sounded after a while.
He hopped he could contuine with Y/n-friends would even suffice him enough if she had decided not to be a lover. He would rather have her in his life than not have her at all.
His pen ran dry: dryer than sand, and he finally dipped the pen back in ink letting his mind return to her.
But to have her....oh...
To have her hand and kiss her knuckles when she returned from work. To squeeze her sides coming up behind. To have her as his seemed like a dream far away. To kiss her and to whisper to her. To hold her when she's sad and to look up at her in awe when mad, moonstrucken by the idea of her standing in her ground. Nothing could defeat her: not by the skin of her nose or the glory of winning there owes she stood strong in her ways.
Perhaps a result of being alone?
Left in the home with no roof or no stove, she rised to the occasion without hesitation. To fight the god that is the parent and to fall as deep as you can get it. To loose yet to still go on takes some dedication.
"I knocked multiple times-"
Finn's head came out the clouds: "Ronin! I uh-" he was quick to stand up from his desk.
"Tea." He spoke setting the cup infront of his old friend.
"Ah...thanks." Finn thanked, looking down at the ember colored liquid and Ronin took a seat.
"We should go over some of the reports."
"Any daily reports?"
"Oh! Uh! No - no. Not today... most was...resolved through talking..." Finn answered, looking out the window the sun settting: "What time does Y/n stop working?"
Finn's head shot towards Ronin: "Why?" Ronin asked.
"Oh..uh- my...uh...Mother made her a tea blend! A thanks...shs's repairing the family sword, you know she's always been a gifter..." Finn tried to cover up, "I was hoping to give it to her...after her shift..."
"She should be home by now." Ronin informed." Should that is,"
"Extra hours?" Finn questioned with a smile: by the time he'd be out of this, he'd be a rather good liar, not a good thing.
"Long Story." Ronin answered.
"I know a few of those myself." Finn sympathized, he sitting himself down finally, "You...wanna talk about it?"
Ronin only gave him a "Really?" Look as Finn chuckled.
"I never met her before the other day." Finn informed: "How come you've never introduced us?"
"We...never sat right with each other." Ronin told him.
"Older sister?" Finn questioned: "I know the feeling"
"Twined." Ronin spoke, "Moring and Night."
"She's Moring I presume?" Finn asked, but he only got the shake of the head, Ronin? The Sunshine twin? Yeah right, "You're the moring twin?"
"Don't believe in ever superstition you believe." Ronin chuckled sipping his tea.
Finn was quiet: he knew from here they had been twined, they had a bad relationship Ronin seemed desperate to fix.
"So. Why not...talk it out?" Finn tried to recommend.
"We don't, talk."
Finn was silent for a moment, "You do that alot you know,"
"Do what?"
"Live in what you can't control while trying to control it." Finn commented.
"What's that suppose to mean?" Ronin asked, though it felt like a demand, a snap of the attuide.
"Well- I- From how my sisters-"
"She's not your sister."
It fell quiet and the air thick: "I. I shouldn't have spoken on the matter I'm sorry." Finn was quick to apologize.
Ronin was silent: he didn't mean to be a dick, yet he was.
"I'll find her eventually," Finn told him, "thanks."
"I didn't-"
"No, it's fine- I'm defensive of my sisters too," Finn cut Ronin off, standing up: "I should just go check on the new recruits see how they settled in,"
"Thank you for the tea Ronin."
Finn was quick to leave; if he was honest; he wanted to defend Y/n. Then again, he knew Ronin, and emotions were never his biggest strong suit, especially talking about them.
Y/n got home with fresh groceries later than she had wanted and was quick to start something for dinner. She still had to get in the shower and change.
So stew was the best option: throw everything in a pot and call it a day, just after she browned the meat....and seasoned the veggies...and quickly tossed the bread in a low fire baker to warm.
Damn making dinner was hard.
Quickly browning the meat, she was quick to brown some of the vegetables as well, throwing seasoning in as well. Tossing everything into a pot, she was quick to put it over the fire and close the lid: she going to take a shower as quick as she could. There weren't many clothes she had to pick from; so, she went with her most unused top; a cream shirt with quarter sleeves, with her lesser used trousers; they black; yet not to dark.
Checking on the stew quickly, she turned her attention to sweeping in the other room to pass the time.
Yet something smelled burnt, and soon she could taste it. Running into the kitchen smoke came from the brick oven: her bread that was ment to be getting warm.
"Shit!" She cursed, reaching inside she burnt hands and tossed it into the sinks basin, tossing whatever water she had near by on it.
She coughed, trying to wave the smoke away, and was quick to open her windows and curtains to air out her home.
She looked out the window, some usuals at the Tavern calling up to her seeing her stick her head out the window.
"Oh!" She waved, "Hello!"
"Are you alright up there?!"
"Just fine! Thank you!"
Y/n went back to her sink; looking down at the bread, "another for the farmers bin."
Y/n was quick to pick up the bread and toss it in with her other food scraps, no bread with stew sounded bare; maybe red would let her steal enough for her dinner date. Looking at the pot once more she figured she could run and grab bread from downstairs if she was quick.
She rushed out her door and down the steps.
"Oi! you're off today-"
"Can I take some bread?"
Red raised a brow, "You have that pretty solider boy coming over, red head."
"Yeah." y/n answered.
The kitchen went quiet; as the girls looked at each other.
"He breaks you; I break him." Red warned.
"I'm sure I'd break him first," Y/n told.
"Or the bed, Ah! Oh, Solider Boy!" A woman teased; she peeling the skin off of veggies.
Other girls laughed as Y/n rolled her eyes.
"Ah~! Daddy! Solider boy please fuck me harder!"
"Haha!" Y/n laughed sarcastically.
"Oh! Wait I got one! Solider boy! Fuck! You're gonna break the chair! Solider Boy please!"
The room filled with laughter, until Red snapped at them; they growing quiet.
"Take yesterday's left-over loaves they're going to go bad anyway," Red told her, Y/n nodding, as someone from kitchen staff tossed her two loaves, she catching them luckily.
"Thanks Boss!"
"Go, go!" Red waved her off, as Y/n rushed to run up the steps.
"AH! Ronin! Please daddy!" One of the girls teased.
"You idiot that's her brother!"
"What? She gets to fuck his second in command I get the brother!"
"If you could even approach him!" Y/n shouted back; "Maybe brush your teeth first!"
"Ah! You slug sucker!" She shouted back.
"Hornet Fucker!"
There were laughs below as Y/n closed her door, "She got you good with that one Marz!" she could faintly hear below her.
Y/n could only chuckle as she went to re-toast her bread; making sure she kept an eye on it this time.
"-And so, I told him-"
How long was this going to go on for? Finn nodded as if he was listening; yet with the sun going down in barely five mintues he was in well, a rush.
"Sargent Major!"
"Right- sorry-repeat what you were saying!"
"There trying to take down my fruit stand! I've been there for years!" An old farmer complained.
"His family doesn't have the proper paperwork-"
"Paperwork!? What about doing your job!"
"I am doing my job!-"
"Okay! Okay!" Finn stopped the two; "Look Mr. Pines, I know where your fruit stand is, and it can stay there-"
"But sir-"
"Thank you-"
"But we will work on getting you proper paperwork- we work with the people not against them, new recruits are often still strung hard from there training." Finn told the man, "We'll have everything filled out on our end, and call you in within a few moons, for now, you can sell from your stand."
"Thank you, someone has common sense around here!'
With that Mr. Pines stormed off, Finn rubbing over his eyes; "I apologize Sargent Major-"
"You didn't do anything wrong; you may go, fill out the paperwork for Mr. Pines please, and return it to my desk as soon as you can?"
"Yes, sir,"
Finn sighed leaning back in his chair; the solider still there; "You may leave,"
With the bow of a head the solider left, why did the simplest things get out of hand sometimes? Especially at the last minute? Looking up at the sky; he could make it to Y/n's house, he just...had to run a little. Or to not look rushed he could use his bird.
The longer he thought about it the smarter it sounded; he could pick her up something on the way as well.
He was quick to run to the stables; avoiding any signs of Ronin or the group of soldiers who had teased him about his little "fling" with Y/n. Taking his hummingbird out he saddled her up, she shaking her wings causing the saddles metal to cling.
"Shh, shh, I know it's late girl," Finn spoke, rubbing her head, before looping the belts through the loops and tightening them to perfection.
He was quick to lead the bird out of the stables before hopping on and taking flight. It wasn't far by flight to Y/n's house, yet a quick stop to the farmer was ideal; she suggesting some marigolds, or even some honey. Yet a poncho in the back caught his eye, it dark green with light green leaf embroidery, and best part of it all; it had a hood.
"That? for a date gift?"
Finn nodded; it was an odd ball thing to get someone; perfect for an odd girl; well, odd in a good way.
"Please ma'am."
"Well alright; I'll wrap it in a bow for you then." She told.
And just like that, Finn paid and was off to Y/n's house, truth be told he hopped off his steed before even fully landed, excited to see her again. He hoped she liked the gift.
The tavern was busy; it always was and he weaved through customers and workers to the back, almost running into a man with a fully tray.
"Sorry! Sorry..."
"You're good...can I help you with something sir? Customers aren't allowed back here-"
"Oh, uh, I'm here for Y/n- Ms.Y/n."
The man raised a brow, "Ayo Red! Solider boy's here! He allowed up to Y/n's place?"
"Red hair!?" Red called back.
"Send him back! Ruf!"
Finn was let in, he more aware of everyone else now that he was in a full place. If his memory had him correct; the stairs to Y/n's place was in the back and up the steps.
Yet he was stopped by twins, two women who worked there with freshly sharpen knives in hand.
"Where you think you're goin?"
"I was allowed-"
"Rhetorical question."
The women of the kitchen huddled around him; "I- am I misisng something sorry Ladies-"
A woman snorted; "Ladies? Please, that title comes after killer-"
"alright tone it down." Red ordered, "you,"
She pointed at Finn; "me?" He asked confused.
"You fuck with Y/n, you won't be making kids in the future you understand?" She asked.
"I wouldn't hurt her ma'am."
"Please, it's what the last one said-"
"I'm not the last one." Finn spoke up in his defense, low "oohs" went around, standing up the Red was dangerous.
"Let's hope not- digging a grave is so tiring. Even with full kitchen staff."
"I might as well as help dig then, my grave," Finn spoke; "only a fool would drop a woman like her,"
Red's threat became a light chuckle of respect; "Part ways ladies, Y/ns got a fly to catch,"
They parted ways, allowing Finn to pass; and go up the steps. As he walked up the steps his confidence went to nerves.
It was true; Only a fool would drop such a gem. He cleared his throat before knocking on her door.
The door was opened fairly quickly, and she stood there smiling; "hey, Finn!"
She smiled brightly at him; "Hope I'm not late,"
"Just on time," Y/n spoke, "Just finished the stew, tables set with dinner and everything."
"Next time I'll have to cook for you, you've done a lot already."
"Eh," Y/n shrugged walking off as Finn followed her, closing the door behind him, "Come on! before it gets cold!"
He followed her into the kitchen, the small table set accordingly, and stew bowled and still steaming.
"Smells amazing," Finn complimented, Y/n chuckling.
"hope it holds up in taste." She spoke, Finn smiling as she put a pitcher of freshly chilled tea on the table.
"Come on sit now," Y/n told him, going to sit herself down.
"Please let me," he spoke quick to walk over and pull her chair out.
"Thank you," She smiled, taking a seat as he pushed her in.
"Before, we uh, eat." Finn spoke, sitting himself on one knee, throwing Y/n off.
"I got you a gift," He spoke setting the bow wrapped gift in her lap.
"Oh." Y/n spoke; "thank you- I, you don't have to on a knee of it though-"
"I- Sorry!"
Y/n chuckled as he was quick to rise to his feet, she quick to grab his wrist before he stepped back, and look from the gift back up at him; "May I open it after dinner? I'd hate to ruin it,"
Finn gulped, "Whenever you wish."
Y/n's hand went from his wrist to his hand, giving it a tight squeeze; "Thank you, I mean it, I appreciate it,"
She liked when he kissed her knuckles last time.
It was his immediate decision to raise her hand and kiss her knuckles as he did before. She smiling as his lips lingered a bit longer before he pulled away.
"Please," She started softly; "sit and eat, I'd hate for it to get cold,"
Unhappy to let her hand go; he followed as asked. sitting himself across from her at the small table, it had been a long time since she cooked; sure she baked before; pie after pie, but cooking wasn't she did often; not even for herself.
To seem less suspect, she act like she had started to eat; more worried about his reaction.
"Do you like it?" y/n asked.
"it's good," He smiled.
Y/n sighed in relief before lifting up her own spoon to taste.
Finn was a liar.
How could soemthing be so over seasoned and underseasoned at the same time? Unsalted but salted worse than sweat? She almost gaged at her own creation, but forced herself to swallow.
"Finn," She started, her mouth dehydrated from one taste of the stew.
"Yes?" He asked.
"You know...if you don't like it, you can just say so, I rather you be honest than try and not hurt my feelings," Y/n told him.
Y/n nodded.
"it's horrendous,"
yeah...there it was.
"I'm a baker, rather than a cook," Y/n chuckled, Finn smiling at her, "To be honest, I think I ruined my own appetite,"
"...I think you ruined mine too," Finn told her, "sorry..."
"You mind having pie for dinner?"
Finn watched her get up and pull a covered pie from the cupboard, "It's a day old, still good,"
Finn nodded as Y/n smiled, grabbing two forks and moving her chair besides Finns, she taking the sad bowls of stew and setting them on the counter.
"Dessert's always better than real dinner anyways,"
Y/n took a seat, handing Finn a fork.
"So how was your day? Tell me all about it,"
What seemingly was meant to be a nice dinner, sophisticated just the slightest, turned goofy; if people had seen them; they would of thought they were teens instead of full-grown adults.
Elderberry pie was for dinner, they fork fighting for middle and crust pieces, laughing at one another and playfully booing as the other one.
"Oh, come on! You had the last middle piece!" Y/n teased playfully.
"Gotta fight harder," Finn laughed; a hand over his mouth while he ate and talked.
"Oh? Is that so?" Y/n laughed, "Alright, Sargent Major,"
He watched her stand up; seemingly mad in a flash, and he looked at her worriedly, as she walked behind him, "Keep your head forward,"
He was quick to do as told, feeling her come into contact with the back of his head he could feel his ears becoming warm.
And just like that the pie was gone from in front of him, he quick to get up; that pie was worth fighting for.
"Y/n- Come on!"
"Aw! I'm sorry did you want another center piece?" Y/n teased, her fork diving into the center to take a chunk and eat it, "Mhm! So good!"
Part of the fruit puree was smeared across her lip and cheek as she wiped her mouth with the back of her sleeve.
"Want some Sargent Major?" Y/n continued to tease, he taking a step forward as she stepped back.
"Y/n be fair about this," Finn tried to reason, "I'm still hungry?"
Finns plead received an eye roll, "Oh? There's a bakery down the street."
There's a bakery right in front of me, was Finns only thought. His eyes watched her hips; if they turned, she'd sprint.
"You're a big boy, Sargent Major, I'm sure you could make the trip to eat someone else's -"
"I don't want to eat someone else's pie-"
"Oh yeah? And why's that?-"
"Because I won't be with you."
Y/n paused, her teasing dug herself in a hole. If she hadn't been with him the whole night she'd of thought he was drunk by how red his cheeks and ears had gotten.
Y/n set the pie down on the counter, "I didn't mean for it to come out like that," Finn told her.
"No. I. I. Thats on me." Y/n answered,
"I'll go." Finn told her standing up.
"No wait! You don't have to leave!" Y/n was quick to stop him.
She grabbed onto him, "Really. You don't,"
"The last thing I wanna do is make you uncomfortable -"
"No! No. You didn't really!" Y/n told him, "I'm sorry,"
"Don't apologize-" Finn spoke.
"No. I teased to far. Please. Let me apologize." Y/n pleaded, grabbing his hand, "Im sorry."
"It's okay."
"You apologized, right?" He spoke softly, his hand coming up to cup her cheek, his thumb rubbing over her cheek to wipe away the pie filling, "It's okay. Really."
From her cheek, to her lips, his thumb rubbed away pie filling, Y/n couldn't help but stay suck, after all her years; no one had rubbed over her lip as he had; no one touched her so simply yet filled with infatuation.
She watched him look at his hand: most likely trying to avoid her gaze: and seeing pie filling on his thumb, his reaction was to clean his thumb with the help of his mouth.
"You do know how to bake." He complimented.
Y/n's gaze was intense, Finn feeling it and looking her way, realizing what he had done out of a childish instinct.
"Sorry!-" He pulled his hand away from his mouth, "bad habit-"
Finn went silent as Y/n grabbed his face firmly, his hands coming up to catch her elbows as he was pulled in.
Yet his grip on her elbows tightened, and Y/n paused.
"I..." Finn started softly, "I can't..."
What? He could feel Y/n's hands become clammy, nervous she had overstepped.
"I can't kiss you," Finn told her, "If I do- I...If I do..."
"You don't have to explain yourself, if you say no Finn,"
"That's not it, if I kiss you now, I won't be able to stop." Finn admitted, "And I'll want it all, to kiss all of you,"
"Kind of selfish don't you think? -" Y/n teased playing off her twist gut of nerves.
"Then I'm selfish," Finn answered her firmly, from the bottom of his eye he watched her teeth catch on her lips.
"And...if I would like to be selfish with you?" Y/n questioned.
"You can't." Finn told; "Whatever you tell me, I'll do, I'm yours."
With his answer; Y/n pulled him in for a kiss, and his hands slipped from her elbows to her sides and quickly wrapped around her torso. Her arms hooked around Finn's neck, a unbusy hand running into his hair as they kissed.
It was quick after the first few kisses that Finn took charge. He leaning her back: the slightest arch to back, which he followed with a hand. She tasted like elderberry pie, and she smelt faintly like iron and wood. He wondered if all of her tasted this good.
He pulled away from her lips: her hot breathe coming into contact with his lips.
"Stay the night," Y/n told him, her grip on the back of his neck firm with her thumb rubbing up and down the skin softly.
"Y/n...I..." Finn started, this was completely different: last time she had it so sweetly: now? Now she was firm with her words, her words sounded more like a demanded request, and he'd gladly fulfill them if he was right about the situation at hand.
Finn's hand slipped down her back, and to the hem of her shirt and slowly did he lift the side of her shirt as his hand creeped up to her skin. She was quick to grab his wrist when his skin met hers.
"Sorry-" Finn was quick to move his hand, yet she only let it pull off her skin.
"Your hands are cold," Y/n told him, letting go of his wrist, "reflex..."
"Still I should have asked-" Finn spoke.
"It's okay, I liked you touching me." Y/n admitted, leaning back into his hand, her hands coming to rub up and down his armored chest, "stay the night, I'm sure I'll figure out some way to get those hands warm,"
Finn was quick to nod, "So. Top or bottom?" She questioned with a smile.
Finn fell back in Y/n's messy bed, naked and full of sweat, panting heavy and hard, Y/n laid next to him, his arm under her head as her heavy pants matched his, hair a mess and sweating just as bed as Finn.
He wrapped his arm around her neck, pulling her into to kiss the top of her head. Her head coming up to rest on his shoulder.
"Are your hands warm?" She asked teasingly.
"Are your insides warm?" He teased back as slapped his chest playfully.
He could only chuckle and leaned to take her lips in a kiss.
"Love you." He muttered against her lips.
"Love you too," she mummbled back, kissing him back, before hiking herself up on an elbow to look down at him.
A smile in return for a smile, as her fingers came to dance along his face, lovingly rubbing along his cheek and eyebrow bone, admiring his looks by touch.
"What?" He chuckled.
"Nothing..." Y/n smiled, her fingers running into his hair, "Wanna go again?"
"You can go again?" He asked, mostly shocked.
"I still have my stamina from being a leafman." Y/n teased, "don't tell me leafmen slack off now. That's quiet disappointing."
She laid herself flat on her back, as Finn followed her, he the one now hiked up on an elbow, looking down at her, she smiled at him.
"I can ensure you no leafman slacks off." Finn defended.
"That so?" Y/n asked.
"That a challenge?"
"Maybe it is-"
Finn was quick to steal her lips as she chuckled into the kiss. She sat up during the kiss, pushing him back onto the bed, breaking the kiss. She climbed over him, his hands coming to hold the dips in her hips, rubbing up and down them. She leaned down to kiss him, she enjoyed the scruff of his beard tickling her chin, it made her chuckle here and there.
Yet there was a knock on the door, and Y/n ignored it, she too busy on the track to getting laid again.
Yet they kept knocking, and it became hard to ignore.
"What!?" Y/n shouted towards the door, "Who is it?"
"The tooth fairy!"
Y/n groaned and got up, dressing in whatever she grabbed and making it to the door. She opened the door with anger.
"What!?" Y/n argued.
"Well good morin' to you commander," Buffo spoke.
Y/n glared at him, "You need somethin' Buffo?"
Leaning against the door frame she crossed her arm in an angered matter. Looking through the door, Finn was in clear sight.
"Hate to ruin the bunnies but I need to get paid, you're pops owed me a lot of money!" Buffo spoke, "or else,"
Y/n watched a bodyguard stepped up, a second one besides them; "Not froggy enough to come by yourself buffo? Had to bring the hoes?"
Buffo snarled; "You should be glad I like you commander."
Y/n rolled her eyes, "You owe me my money,"
"I have your payment- not due by tomorrow."
"Well Christmas came early this year,"
Y/n slammed the door in his face; "Y/n-"
"Just give me a minute,"
She was quick to dip into the kitchen, and walk back out with a pouch, walking back towards the door she swung it open before throwing it at him, it hits him in the face hard.
"Oh, did I mention it's in coin? Like usual." Y/n snarked, "Now don't you or your boyfriends ever show up to my house again, or I'll be eatin frog legs,"
"I'm a toad!" Buffo argued Y/n slamming the door.
"And I'm a burlesque dancer," Y/n rolled her eyes. before looking over at Finn.
He was at his side looking up at her, "sorry-"
"No...it's...fine." he told her, Y/n walking towards the bed as he reached out to grab her hand, "I've got a thing I suppose for powerful woman."
"Oh?" Y/n chuckled, climbing onto the bed, sitting on her knees besides him.
"Stamina has been restored." Finn told, tugging her closer as he rose to kiss her lips.
She kissed back, smiling into the kiss, he pulling her down onto the bed as she laughed, his hand running up the shirt she was wearing. Y/n pushed him back, rolling them the opposite way she laid above him.
Pulling away she smiled at him; "Goodnight," She told him.
"Goodnight?" He asked in a playful tone.
"Yep," Y/n chuckled rolling over, wiggling her way into the bed.
"Y/n," he complained.
His arms came to wrap around her torso and bring her into his chest, kissing her shoulder, "You know its a really bad look, me naked and you not."
"Want me to join you?"
"I wouldn't mind."
Y/n chuckled, sitting up, as Finn followed, he watching her hike her shirt up and pull over her head.
"I love your back," Finn spoke.
Y/n chuckled, "My back?"
"And what's so great about it?" Y/n questioned.
"Curve? Strength?" Finn questioned.
Truth be told, he didn't know exactly what he liked so much about her back, she had freckles, really light ones, a scar here and there from her time as a leafman, lightened up over time of course.
"So pretty..." he spoke, kissing her bare shoulder, she shifted and he whined slightly, pulling his view away.
And off came her pants, leaving her bare allowing him to enjoy the view once again.
"Okay happy?"
"Very much so."
Y/n chuckled, and with a teasing tone, she spoke, "All right then, goodnight!"
Back in the covers, he followed her as she yelped in laughter. He grabbing and bringing her close and attacking her with kisses along her face.
They fell asleep unexpectedably, her head resting on his chest and his arm around her.
Her sleep shifting woke him, he groaning as she rolled the opposite way.
"Mhm...Morin..." Finn greeted, but got no response, turning to face her back he wrapped an arm around her torso, tugging her closer.
Y/n let out a low hum, she waking up, "Morin..." she spoke with a yawn.
"Did I wake you?"
Y/n shook her head no softly, "old habits die hard. Use to wakin up early..."
She turned towards him: smiling tiredly at him: "I had a lot of fun last night."
Finn smiled back: "Me too," his hand came up to move back her hair out her face.
"You hungry?" Y/n asked.
"Yeah,' he answered, "But you are not cooking again,"
"Oh whatever," She rolled her eyes.
"You did ask for my honesty, last night," Finn teased.
"I also asked for your-" Y/n started but Finn tossed a pillow at her in a teasing matter, he sat up in the bed.
"You didn't have to ask for that," Finn told her as she pulled down the pillow, he pecking her lips before climbing out of bed.
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workingforthewidow · 1 year ago
‘What you were wearin’ on the first night we met’
Welcome to part 2 of the Sun to Me series.
This story is NSFW and not for minors- if you are under 18 go ask your legal guardian if you can watch the movie.
Warnings: kidnapping, forced marriage, dub-con, attempted non-con, abuse, Stockholm syndrome, age gap (15 years- K&C are 19 Sinclairs are 33 soon to be 34 yes we will have a birthday party for them). Don’t like it don’t read it,
Proof read quickly. It’s 9pm and I’m about to sleep but wanted to get this out! I will proofread again in the morning!
Please reblog! I love seeing what y’all comment and tag :)
Request open see the pinned post for guidelines!
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‘Oh my goodness why is it so hot? Sure it’s the middle of August but damn it shouldn’t be this hot. Ow fuck why does my head hurt?’ The thoughts swirled around Katie’s brain as she slowly came back into consciousness. She felt a weight around her neck and reached her hand up to feel metal encircling her throat. Her eyes opened and she took in the room around her. She was on a mattress on the floor and the metal around her neck was attached to the wall like she was a dog on chain. She looked down to see she was wearing her clothes. But the small joy disappeared when she realized they weren’t the clothes she had earlier. Someone had gone through her bag and changed her clothes.
The room was dimly lit with candles everywhere. That explained the heat. She could barely see around farther than 5 feet away. She looked around and couldn’t see or hear Caroline anywhere. Panic started to fill her body. Her breathing started to quicken.
“CAROLINE! CAROLINE!” She started screaming hoping to get some idea of where her sister was. She kept screaming her name until she heard a door swing open.
She pushed herself back as far against the wall as she could fear taking over the panic filling her. Tears filled her eyes as long jean clad legs came into view. Her eyes trailed up to see man with long black hair wearing an expressionless mask staring down at her.
“My sister, where is my sister?” She chocked out a sobbing beg.
The man continued to look at her before pulling out a notepad from his pocket and writing on it. Then he held it down to her.
~She is safe. So are you.~ He took back and began writing again.
“Why am I here? What are you doing to us?” She whispered though her sobs.
The man continued writing.
~I will explain later. I am going to get you food you have been asleep for 10 hours. Are you allergic to anything? Or your sister? Bo probably won’t think to ask that.~
Katie’s head spun again. So this guy and Bo knew each other. Maybe this guy was the owner of the museum, it would make sense seeing as it looked like this mask was made of wax.
“We can’t eat seafood. Fish or shellfish of any kind. But that’s it.” She said trying to hold back the tears. She thought back to all the crime shows she had watched, maybe if she went along things will be okay.
The man nodded and patted her head awkwardly like he didn’t know how to act around her. Maybe she was the first person he had ever held hostage. The man then turned and walked back of the room leaving Katie alone. Her only thoughts were on Caroline before she passed out again.
When she woke again there was a paper plate with what looked to be a peanut butter sandwich and chips, and a bottle of water set out next to her. Along with was a note with her name on it, spelled wrong but she knew it was meant for her. She opened the water bottle and was relieved when it popped like a fresh bottle does. ‘Okay so it’s most likely not poisoned.’ She thought picking up the sandwich noting it looked and smelled fine. She took a drink and started eating while she read over the note left for her.
~You are safe I promise. I do not plan to kill you. Your sister is safe as well. Bo won’t kill her.~ Kill it said kill not hurt, so maybe they did plan to hurt the girls. ~My name is Vincent, Bo is my twin. Whatever you need I will get for you just tell me. I hope you can learn to like it here and feel like it is your home. You are mine now and I will take care of you. Just be good and I can be good to you. I will be a good husband for you, my angel.~
‘Oh my god. Oh my god. They want wives? Why us?’ Her tears came flowing out again. Hadn’t enough bad things happened to them? First their parents die and they have to sell their house. This trip was suppose to be a fresh start. Drive to the coast and find a little place for the two of them. But now two psychos planned on keeping them.
Her sobs were so loud she didn’t hear the door open or Vincent’s footsteps as he approached. It wasn’t until he put his hand on her chin making her up to him did she notice him. She jumped and tried to move away from his touch but he tightened his grip on her chin holding her in place.
“Please, can I see Caroline? Please. We, we’ve never been this long without talking to each other.” She begged and pleaded with him.
He shook his head and used his other hand to brush at her hair which had fallen out of place sometime during her sleep.
Okay if she couldn’t see Caroline she at least needed to move a little, her legs were going to go to mush if she didn’t use them.
“Okay, umm can I take a shower and use the restroom? Please.” She tacked the please on at the end hoping it would better her chances. He looked at her and at the door and nodded slowly. He reached in his pocket and took out a key. He undid the metal collar around her throat and took her hand to help her stand.
“Thank you.” She said it barely above a whisper. He lead to other side of the room she hadn’t been able to see before. Her suitcase was there- so she was right he had her things. He pointed to the suitcase and she opened it getting some clean underwear and a bra, blood rushing to her cheeks as she quickly grabbed a purple satin set. Why did she let Caroline help her pick her clothes?
She went to grab her jeans but he stopped her, pulling out one of her dresses, a simple purple dress. Okay so this is how the game is going to be played. She could play along, so far he hadn’t physically hurt her or done anything immoral (besides kidnapping). She could play nice and work to find Caroline and get out of this hell. Away from the twin demons.
Once she had clothes in her hands, he put his hand on her back and led her down a hallway into a bathroom. Her toiletry bag already on the little shelf above the toilet.
The man, Vincent, looked at her then pointed to a watch on his wrist before holding up both hands then one hand. It took her a minute but she got it.
“I have 15 minutes?” He nodded and went to close the door and glared at her. “You’re going to stand at the door and wait for me?” She guessed again earning another nod. She nodded back and as soon as the door was closed started the water as hot as she could make it. While the water warmed she used the toilet realizing it had been well over 24 hours since the last time she had been able to use one. Once the water was hot she stepped in, and in an effort to conserve time she brought her toothbrush and brushed her teeth while she wet her hair. Not seeing any soap or shampoo she took the little travel bottles from her bag. Hopefully this Vincent man would get her some more if he really did plan on keeping her.
She showered as quickly as she could and climbed out of the shower drying off with the towel that had been hanging on a hook. She got dressed and brushed her wet hair highly doubting there would be a hair dryer anywhere. She looked in the mirror and was pleasantly surprised to see that she didn’t look completely awful. Sure her eyes were red and a little swollen from all the tears but maybe her mama was right, a good shower is good for the soul. She took one last look and opened the door.
True to his word Vincent was standing in front of the door, his back facing her. He turned and looked her up and down. He took her hand a walked her back to the room she was in before. But instead of going to the bed he sat her in a chair before standing behind her. She had no idea what was going to happen and her breath began to quicken. It slowed when she felt a brush being gently pulled through her hair, his hands even gentler than her own. After a few minutes he stopped and started parting her hair. It took her a moment but she realized he was braiding it. She stayed silent waiting for him to finish. She felt him drop her hair and then felt his fingers tracing the lines of some of the tattoos on her shoulders. His touch was light like a feather. Once he was done he awkwardly patted her head again and took her hand bring her back to the mattress.
While walking the short distance Katie felt her hair and noted he had done an amazing job at a double French braid held together at the end with what felt like average rubber bands. She would have to get her hair-ties from her bag and try to get him to use those if this would be common practice. She wondered if his mother had taught him to braid or he taught himself with his long hair. They got to the bed and he gestured for her to sit back down. Her eyes widened when he took the metal collar in hand, “Please, I promise I won’t run or do anything stupid. It… it… hurts. Please.” The tears had returned, running down her freshly cleaned face.
Vincent cocked his head looking at her and she assumed he weighing his options. He moved to another area in the room and she could hear him rummaging around some boxes. He returned seconds later with handcuffs. He held them in one hand and the metal collar in the other, giving her the choice. She didn’t trust her voice not to crack from the sobs and pointed to the handcuffs before holding her arms up, praying he didn’t make her put them behind her back. Thankfully he took her arms in front of her and locked the cuffs into place before pushing her, forcing her to lay down. Once he was sure she’d stay he walked away again before returning with his notepad and pen.
“Oh umm, you spelled my name wrong.” She said carefully, hoping her tone conveyed that she wasn’t upset or mad. Maybe having a somewhat normal conversation with him would help her situation. It was a pretty common mistake for someone to misspell her name. “You spelled it like how Captain Janeway spells her name. But my name is spelled like Catherine Zeta-Jones.” She couldn’t see his face but she could feel his confusion. “Oh um those pop culture references but I guess y’all don’t get much tv or movies out here. My name is spelled C-a-t-h-e-r-i-n-e not K-a-t-h-r-y-n, it happens all the time. I just thought since I’m living here now and all I should tell you. But if you want to call me Katie that’s fine. Most people do. And that is spelled with a K, K-a-t-i-e.”
Vincent nodded and scribbled down his reply, ~I like Catherine. Pretty name for a pretty girl. I will talk to Bo and see if you can see Caroline tomorrow. Do you want dinner?~
Caroline. He would let her see Caroline. That meant she was alive right? He couldn’t be that cruel as to give her false hope. “Thank you. I really just want to sleep. If that’s okay. There’s just so much going on.” It was then she realized she didn’t even know what time or even what day it was. She was in a basement of some sort with no clocks or windows.
Vincent nodded and wrote once more, ~Sleep would be good for you. I will be in the next room working. If you need anything come to me. I will know if you try to leave and it will not end well for you or your sister.~
Katie’s eyes tears up again, she hoped soon her tears would dry up, “Okay. I promise I will be here.” He stayed for a few minutes and watched her as she fell asleep before going back to his studio.
Caroline could feel pressure on her wrist and on her ankles. She tried wiggling them to no avail. Her eyes slowly opened but quickly widen when she took in her surroundings. She was in some kind of doctors chair with her hands and feet secured down. She couldn’t see Katie anywhere.
“Katie! Catherine!” She screamed hoping her sister would come out of somewhere.
“Baby if you wanna keep that tongue in your pretty little mouth you better shut the fuck up.” She heard a voice above her and looked up to see a sewer grate and the mechanic, Bo, standing over it. “I’ll be down there in a minute, you just calm down.”
Calm down? How the hell could she calm down? She was tied down in a basement and her sister was missing! What was she suppose to do? Katie had always been the one with the plans. Katie would know what to do. Thinking of her twin made the tears really start coming down her cheeks. Was she dead? Had he hurt her?
While these thoughts floated in her head she heard the door being pushed open and watched as Bo walked in like he didn’t have a worry in the world.
“Good morning baby. Slept a lot longer than ya sister. Heard her crying to Vinny already.” Katie was alive. Caroline didn’t say anything as Bo got closer to her and brushed her hair away from where it had fallen in her face. “Stop wiggling. Gonna mess up your wrist. Now if you promise to be good I’ll take the cuffs off. Let you eat and take a shower.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a knife.
Caroline looked to him with fear filled eyes and nodded.
“Wanna hear your words baby. Be a nice girl and use your manners.”
“Please take the cuffs off. I promise I’ll be good.” Her voice was soft and quiet like she was thinking over each word she said before saying it.
Bo smirked at her and carefully slid his knife under the duct tape undoing her wrist and ankles. He offered her his hand and helped her stand up, “Good girl. That wasn’t so hard now was it? Come ‘ere. Got your suitcase from your car. Picked a nice little outfit for you.” He lead her through a long hallway to a small bathroom. Her bathroom bag and a stack of clothes sat on the edge of the sink.
Bo pushed her in, following behind her, and closed the door.
“You have 15 minutes. After that I’m opening the door. Your choice if you want an audience yet or not.” He said holding her face to keep her eyes on his. “Tell me you understand.”
“Yes, 15 minutes. I understand.” He seemed to take that answer and stepped out of the room.
She made quick work of the using the restroom and getting in the shower. She tried to think of what was happening but all her thoughts lead her back to Katie. Trying to distract herself, she almost started her hair routine but cringed when she realized that was a mistake. It took her 10 minutes to get through the whole thing and that didn’t include washing her body or anything else. Maybe she was faster than she thought. If she had at least 10 minutes she could just do the routine quickly and hope the shampoo falling from her hair would be enough to wash her body for now.
“Bo?” She called softly hoping he wouldn’t open the door, “How much time do I have?”
“9 minutes.” His replied was muffled by the door.
Okay she could do it. She started the routine quickly running through all the steps. She finished and grabbed the towel off the sink drying herself before getting dress. Just as she was finishing putting on her bra and underwear, a soft baby pink matching lace set, the door swung open revealing a very happy looking Bo.
He let out a whistle and looked her over, pausing at her chest for longer than she liked. “Guess I do get a show today. Look at you didn’t expect to see all that on you.” He gestured to her tattoo covered body.
“Katie’s a tattoo artist and a seamstress. I do hair and makeup. We practice on each other. Hers is just a bit more permanent.” Caroline was suddenly very aware of how little clothing she had on. “Can I get dressed now? Please, sir.” She asked batting her eyelashes innocently. He said wanted a nice girl with manners and she’d be sure to use all the training her southern belle mama had put her through. Katie may have more book smarts than she did but Caroline knew how to play a man.
Bo’s smirk somehow got even darker than it already was, “Now look at that. She does have manners. I like that baby, you can keep that up. Put your clothes on hurry up. Need to eat.”
She took the clothes off the sink feeling his eyes watching her every move. She was expecting her tiny shorts and a crop top but he had taken one of her dresses. She pulled it one and tried to get the zipper up her back but failed. She tried again and huffed when she couldn’t get it.
“Let me do it baby.” His fingers moved down her spine slowly enjoying how soft her skin was. He easily pulled the zipper and moved her wet hair over one of her shoulders. Bending down he kissed the other shoulder where it met her neck.
“Thank you.” She said trying to keep up the act. She decided to try her hand at a request to see what she could get, “Can I… can I, please, dry my hair? Or can you do it? My dress will get messed up if it get wet. My hair supplies bag is in my suitcase.” She looked up at the mirror in front of her and caught his gaze. He was smirking again.
He kissed her neck again and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her back to his chest. “I guess since you asked so nicely I’ll let you. Can’t have my pretty little wife walking around in messed up clothes.”
Caroline felt like she was going to vomit. Wife. What the fuck was this psycho talking about? She was so wrapped in her head she didn’t even notice he had left the room and came back with things. She went to grab them but he held them in one hand high above his head. He was at least a foot taller than her so the objects were far from her reach.
“If you want them you gotta pay the price baby.” He pulled her against his chest and pressed his lips to hers. Her first reaction was to pull away but she reminded herself to play along. She let him kiss her, letting him move his lips against hers, and when his tongue traced along the seam of her lips she let him in.
He finally pulled away after what felt like a lifetime, “Good girl. Do that curly thing again. I like that and keep it down.” She nodded and started drying her hair trying to do it as quickly as possible.
Bo stood in the doorway blocking her in just in case she decided to be brave and get away from him. Damn she was pretty. His pretty little housewife. He had always wanted the perfect family. Pretty little wife to cook and clean while he went to work. He’d come home and she’d be waiting at the door for him beer in hand and a welcome home kiss while their kids ran up to him wanting hugs from their daddy. It would be perfect just like he dreamed.
“Bo…. Bo?” He didn’t hear her softly saying his name until she put her hand on his chest. “Are you okay? You looked as spaced out as I do when Katie starts going off about whatever book she’s reading.” She giggled softly thinking of her sister and Bo thought it was the prettiest music he had ever heard.
“Just fine, baby. Thinking about how pretty you are and what a good little wife and mama you’re gonna be.” He ran his hand through her soft curls happy she had followed his directions. “You promise to be good?”
He made it sound like he was going to offer something. She’d take anything she could get at the moment. “Yes, sir, I will be good.”
“Good girl. Gonna take you home now. Gotta lot of work for you and that sister of yours if Vincent lets her out of the studio.” He took her hand and led her out of the underground. Seeing sunlight was nice and feeling it against her skin was even better. They walked to his truck his hand holding hers tightly a sign for her not to run. He opened the truck door and helped her up before climbing in the driver side. He pulled her across the bench seat and wrapped one arm around her waist while driving with the other.
‘Play the game Caroline it’s just a game.’ She reminded herself to give her the courage to do what she was about to do.
She turned her head and pressed her lips to his cheek briefly, “Thank you, this is my favorite dress.” ‘Be calm and play the game.’ He’s a man, Mama always said all men what two things- food and sex. One she could do with ease, the other not so much. Mama raised them with the church to be good pure girls.
Bo took his arm from her waist and moved his hand to her thigh, squeezing a little harder then she was expecting. “You’re welcome baby. You keep being good and I’ll make sure you have everything your little heart wants.”
One more try, she would try one more time to see Katie today, “Can I see Katie yet? Please just for a minute.” She had been able to hold back the tears for a long time but finally thinking about her sister again made them flow.
Bo sighed and rolled his eyes gripping her thigh again. “Not right now. You make me a good lunch and start your housework and maybe I’ll think about it. Okay?”
She nodded and wiped the tears from her cheeks. Luckily this time he didn’t make her speak it. Her voice would probably crack if she had to speak right now. Finally they made it to the house and he lead her inside to the kitchen.
He open the fridge and grabbed a beer, “Make whatever you want with what we got. Make a list of things you’ll need and I’ll have Lester pick them up next time he goes out to the city for supplies,” he noticed the confusing on her face at the mention of Lester, “Les is the youngest brother. Me and Vincent are twins but Mama said I’m the older one. Then Lester came 3 years later.” He didn’t know why he told her all that but maybe it was good he felt comfortable telling her about their family that fast. She was the new Sinclair matriarch in a sense. “Now get to cooking baby. You got a lot to learn to be a good little wife.”
She rummaged around the kitchen finding enough things to make chicken and beans. There didn’t seem to be a fruit or vegetable in the house at all. Those would be first on her list. While she moved around the kitchen finding things she needed to cook, Bo sat at the table with his beer and went over his expectations for his new ‘wife’.
1.) No leaving the house without him or one of his brothers being with her
2.) Make sure all meals are made on time. He can’t be late for work. (Caroline wondered how you can be late for work when you are the owner and boss.)
3.) When he comes home at the end of the day she was to be at the door waiting of him, smile on her face and beer in hand, ready for his welcome home kiss
4.) Make sure the house stays clean, can’t have anything dangerous out once babies start coming. But only rooms with the doors open. He closed all the rooms she wasn’t allowed in.
5.) If she sees anyone in town besides one of the boys she was not allowed to speak to them unless it was to direct them to the boys. As soon as the strangers were gone she was to go to their room and hide. And if she heard screams- no she didn’t.
“Get all that through your pretty head, baby?” He asked her while she plate his food and sat in front of him.
“Yes, stay home, cook, clean, don’t talk to strangers, beer and kiss when you come home.” Like a good southern wife. He didn’t have to tell her most of those rules her mama already had. Hopefully if her twin was with his twin he wasn’t wanting what Bo wanted. Katie didn’t grasp all this the way Caroline did. Katie’s nose was too stuck in books to learn anything about this.
“Good. Where’s your food?”
“Not hungry. Just tired.” She even yawned at the end. He had said she slept all night but she felt like she had been hit by a truck. Bo pulled her onto his lap and held a sliced chicken to her lips.
“You can take a nap after you eat something. Can’t have ya withering away on me. You gotta be nice and healthy for our babies.” His other hand ghosted over her empty midsection as if to pretend a life was growing instead. Caroline had to control herself not to cringe and slowly chewed the meat. That seemed to satisfy Bo for while. He ate the whole meal occasionally feeding her bits of it.
“I knew I found a good one,” he said kissing her shoulder, “That was better than anything Mama ever made. You still wanna nap?”
Caroline yawned and nodded her head, “Please.”
Bo smiled and stood still holding her in his arms. She wrapped her legs about his waist to hold herself. He carried her up a staircase and into what she assumed was his room.
“Once I know you’re really gonna be good I’ll let ya redecorate. Give it a woman’s touch.” He said laying her down on the bed and pulling a blanket over her. “I gotta go see Vinny. You stay here and nap. If you wake up and I’m still gone you can go to the kitchen and wash dishes. I’m being nice since you’re still learning but after today dishes are done before bed.” She nodded as he continued this time getting in her face his forehead against hers, noses touching. “If I come back to this house and you aren’t in this room, the bathroom next door, or the kitchen- I will take my shotgun and shoot your sister in between the eyes, before coming for you. Understand baby?”
Tears sprang to her eyes immediately and she nodded her head fiercely, “Y-ye-yes, Bo. Yes, sir. I understand. I promise I will be good.”
That seemed to make Bo happy since he kissed her softly and left her to fall asleep.
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hyrsamx · 1 year ago
@senatusstarters location: Lupercalia CENTER STAGE notes: the mayor's performance
All these bands and not a single one of them could hold a knot to Hyrsam's performability, his charismability, his uniquability, and his talentability. There was the unsubtle clop of hooves that were decked out in the sort of gems that these lycans could never afford, his satyr entourage in their best Valentine's Day outfits were dressed in synchronous style. Music filtered over the speakers and in a canonically accurate open-chested red velvet suit, Hyrsam took to the stage, actively avoiding eye contact with Caio as he did.
"If you see a faded sign by the side of the road that says 15 miles to the… Love Shack! Love Shack yeah." "I'm headin' down the Atlanta highway, Lookin' for the love getaway Heading for the love getaway, love getaway," "I got me a car, it's as big as a whale And we're headin' on down To the Love Shack I got me a Chrysler, it seats about 20 So hurry up and bring your jukebox money."
"The Love Shack is a little old place Where we can get together Love Shack baby, Love Shack bay-bee. Love baby, that's where it's at, Ooo love baby, that's where it's at Sign says. Woo… stay away fools, 'Cause love rules at the Lo-o-ove Shack! Well it's set way back in the middle of a field, Just a funky old shack and I gotta get back."
"Glitter on the mattress Glitter on the highway Glitter on the front porch Glitter on the hallway."
"The Love Shack is a little old place Where we can get together Love Shack bay-bee! Love Shack baby! Love Shack, that's where it's at! Huggin' and a kissin', dancin' and a lovin', Wearin' next to nothing Cause it's hot as an oven The whole shack shimmies! The whole shack shimmies when everybody's Movin' around and around and around and around!"
"Everybody's movin', everybody's groovin' baby! Folks linin' up outside just to get down Everybody's movin', everybody's groovin' baby Funky little shack! Funk-y little shack!" "Bang bang bang on the door baby! Knock a little louder baby! Bang bang bang on the door baby! I can't hear you Bang bang on the door baby Bang bang on the door Bang bang on the door baby Bang bang."
"You're what?… Tin roof, rusted! Love Shack, baby Love Shack! Love Shack, baby Love Shack! Love baby, that's where it's at Love Shack, baby Love Shack! Love baby, that's where it's at."
Elmas operated the lighting and special effects seamlessly as fireworks dazzled the night sky over Lupercalia, an eruption of synchronous lasers that she'd been assigned the day before and somehow had pulled together with less than twenty-four hours notice. Naturally, Hyrsam was a star, and as he stepped out stage to his adoring fans, a new entourage of fresh satyrs were there snapping photos of him and begging for his autograph.
"They love me, they love me, I know I can't help it." Hyrsam said as he attempted to settle the crowd of adoring satyrs and mortals alike that had begun to gather.
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metalbuckaroo · 4 years ago
Okay so I’m a sucker for protective/possessive moments with Bucky so I was thinking something like either dbf! Bucky or biker! Bucky knows the reader’s ex wasn’t great and while they are on a date or something, he sees the reader’s ex harassing her and the ex gets a little physical (nothing super serious)?? Maybe the reader goes to get them concessions or goes to the bathroom and that’s when her ex sees her and tries to like corner her and get her back?? Idk you can have fun with it I’m not picky. Also congrats on almost hitting 1k followers!! :) xx
Summary: a night meant for just Bucky and his girl doesn't go as planned
Warnings: gross, toxic ex, unwanted attention, lil angsty, lil fluffy, lil smutty, cursing.
AU: Biker!Bucky x F!Reader
AN: Since I've done so much dbf bucky the past couple days and haven't done biker bucky in a hot minute I chose biker, and this also may be a little peak into a new biker!bucky series I've been planning out for awhile.
Gif not mine
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Bucky patted at his pockets, shifting around in his seat to feel his back ones. "I forgot my wallet in the truck." He sighed, going to stand from the booth.
"I'll go get it, just sit back down." You said, giving him a soft smile. He didn't argue, just nodded and leaned back into the seat. "It's in the glove compartment."
Going to the single cab truck that was parked a few spots down from the front door of the diner, you pulled the creaky door open, the dome light flicking on to light the dark space.
Bucky kept everything but gloves in the compartment. Unopened packs of cigarettes, extra lighters, gas receipts; the gloves usually stayed on his hands or in his back pocket.
You quickly grabbed the brown leather wallet and shut the truck door, seeing the waitress walking towards the table Bucky was at through the large windows.
"Hey, you. Been awhile." You froze from the familiar voice talking behind you, not taking your hand from the door. "Hi, Jason." You mumbled, glancing at him when you went to walk back towards the entrance of the diner.
He walked closer, blocking your path and making you back towards the truck again. "How have you been? Heard you moved away but, here you are."
You cleared your throat and looked to the windows where Bucky was sat, looking down at his gloved hands. "I'm, uh, here with my boyfriend. So, if you'll just let me-"
Jason blocked you from going around him, holding his arm out so you couldn't pass. "Boyfriend? Please, hun. No other man could want you after I had you."
Your blood went cold, skin crawling from his words. "Well, you can tell him that. I'm sure he'll appreciate it." You spat, pushing pass him.
Bucky looked out just in time to see Jason grab your wrist and jerk you back towards him. The action making him push out of the booth and shove the glass door open.
"Get the fuck off, Jason." You seethed, trying to pull your arm from his bruising grip. "That's such a pretty dress, though. You never wore dresses when we were together. Let's try again." He said with faux innocence. "You never let me."
A gentle, yet grounding touch to your sides from behind eased your nerves; Bucky's gruff voice filling your ears. "I don't like people touching what's mine. Especially my girl."
Jason sneered at him, releasing your wrist. "Your girl? You let her out in a dress like that?" He scoffed. Bucky pulled you closer to his front, trying to put as much space between you and the man as he could. "Most know better than to touch or even look at her. Now, move." Bucky's voice was chillingly calm as he glowered at the shorter man.
"Must not have fucked her yet, she's ruined. All because of me." Jason said with a low chuckle. "Get in the truck, cherry." Bucky said, his tone softer towards you as he urged you to walk away. "Buck-"
The hard look he gave made you shut up and walk around to the driverside, jumping slightly when Jason was shoved into the side of the truck's bed.
You looked over you shoulder to see the much larger brunette stalking towards him, expression on his face that would make anyone with some sense slither away in cowardice. "I don't know who you think you ruined, but it's not her. I suggest you stay as far away from her as possible, she's mine and I don't share."
You scooted to the passenger side and cranked the handle to roll the window down, poking your head out to look at Bucky. "Buck, please. Can we just go somewhere else?" You pleaded, wanting out of the situation as quick as possible.
Bucky backed away, glaring at Jason for a moment before turning around. "Yeah, better listen to your whore. It's all she ever w-" Jason was cut off by a swift right hook knocking him to his knees.
"Dumb fucking bastard, that's not how you talk about a lady." Bucky spat through gritted teeth, looking down at the man who was holding his bleeding nose. "Anything but a fucking lady. Let her out in a dress like that and she'll cheat on you with the first guy who gives her a compliment."
Kneeling in front of Jason, Bucky cocked his head to the side. "I know how to take care of my girl, unlike filth like you." He spat through gritted teeth.
"Bucky Barnes, truck, now." You ordered, Bucky standing and looking at you, a softer look to his face as he made his way to his side of the truck.
"Sorry, baby." He mumbled, shoving the keys in the ignition before tugging you to the middle seat.
Tonight was suppose to be a night without club and bar talk, and jackets. Just you and Bucky, at a small diner just outside town. Now, Bucky felt like it was ruined and could tell you were still stressed by the way you fiddled with the glove on his hand.
"Want it off." You huffed, getting a nod from Bucky who took the velcro strap between his teeth and pulled it; taking his hand from the wheel just long enough to tug it off.
His warm hand went back to your thigh, thumb pressing soothing circles into the skin. "We're taking the back way home." He exhaled, his grip on the steering wheel not letting up.
You looked over at his stern expression, knowing exactly why he wanted to take the back way home. The reason making you squeeze your thighs together.
"I shouldn't have let you go get it. I'm sorry." Bucky mumbled, giving your thigh a light squeeze. "You don't have to say sorry for every little thing." You said, shaking your head at him.
His jaw clenched, the way your ex had looked at you replaying in his mind. It made his stomach churn.
The truck was suddenly pulled to the side of the dark road and jammed into park. "C'mere, wanna talk to you." He said, pulling the lever to tilt the steering wheel as high as it could go. "You can talk to me from here."
"No, I need you to listen to me fully. Come here." His tone had a demanding edge to it as you shifted around to straddle his lap.
Leaning his head back against the headrest, Bucky took a slow, deep breath, hands on the outsides of your thighs. "I don't want you listening to a damn thing he said. Got me?"
You nodded, toying with one of the buttons on his shirt. "What he says doesn't matter. I've got you, Sarge." You said softly, fingers moving to wrap around his dog tags. "Hm, that's how you wanna play?" He chuckled, hands gliding further up your thighs.
"Maybe." You shrugged. A gasp passed through your lips when the thin fabric of your underwear was ripped at the sides. "You gotta quit doing that, won't have any left."
"If you'd quit wearin' 'em, I wouldn't have to rip 'em."
You lifted your hips long enough for him to shuffle his pants down enough to free his erection, lips engulfing yours as your fingers carded into his thick hair.
Bucky's thumb pressed to your clit, rubbing slow, deliberate circles as he pulled away. "Want you to make yourself feel good. Alright, baby? Do whatever takes your mind off of it, I'm all yours and you're all mine." He purred, both of your chests heaving from the kiss as his metal hand lifted your hips. "Right?"
You nodded, biting back a whimper from the stretch he caused when you lowered onto him. His hand held your jaw, pulling your face closer so he could nudge your nose with his. "Say it, sugar. I wanna hear it."
You popped open the buttons on his shirt, gliding your hands up his muscular abdomen and chest before leaning to his ear. "All yours, Sarge."
A low groan pulled from his chest, you lips ghosting across his scruffy jaw. "There's my girl." He cooed, hands guiding your hips in a grind.
"So tight and wet for me. Take me so perfectly." He groaned, rolling his hips up into yours as you bounced as much as you could in the cramped space.
"Fuck, James" you panted, already feeling the pressure building in your lower stomach with each movement. "Already, cherry? I knew I was good but damn- can feel you milking me."
Bucky moved his thumb to press sloppy circles to your clit, your fingers digging into the skin of his chest as warmth took over; making him groan and snap his hips up.
You felt the muscles of his abdomen tense before he let out a low groan, rolling his hips into yours through both of your highs.
Thick arms wrapped around you and held you close, Bucky's lips brushing your shoulder and stubble scratching your skin. "I'll always take care of you, sugar."
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tobesolonely · 4 years ago
grammy night
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A/n: like most of you, watching harry perform WS did something to me. i rushed to my computer to write this IMMEDIATELY... not proofread but i hope u all enjoy nonetheless! Thanks @nationalharryleague​ for looking this over and hyping me up.
summary: y/n wants to show her grammy winning boyfriend just how proud she is of him💕
warnings: smut, mentions of the pandemic!
word count: ~3k
my ko-fi! thank you :)
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
You decided that “Harry Styles, Grammy-nominated artist!” had a lovely ring to it.
Harry knew how proud you were of him; you had been making it known to him in the days leading up to his big night. You fretted over him more than you usually did, showered him in an obnoxious amount of compliments, and were the most intimate you’d ever been with him–– but who was he to complain? 
Obviously, he knew you could care less whether he won or lost, and quite frankly, he didn’t care either. Just being able to perform at the Grammy’s, much less open it, was the opportunity of a lifetime. The fact that he was hitting such a big professional milestone with you by his side just made it that much better. You were both buzzing.
It had been months since Harry had performed. You knew how much he missed being in front of a live audience and hearing people scream his name, conceited as he was. He had been spending so much time rehearsing the one song he was performing, wanting it to be absolutely perfect. Your boyfriend was a perfectionist, after all! If he was going to do something, he either did it one hundred and ten percent, or he didn’t do it at all.
Although you were used to your boyfriend’s pre-performance jitters, it still wasn’t an easy sight to see. He would pace so much that beads of sweat would collect in his hairline; he’d shake, tremble, and have to be reminded to breathe. You’d think after ten years of doing this he would be a pro, but he was only human, after all. 
“Been so long since I performed in front of people,” Harry muttered to you, examining his reflection in his make-shift dressing room. “‘M nervous.”
“Don’t be nervous,” you reply, coming up behind him to rub his shoulders. He shoots you a look in the mirror. “I know it’s easier said than done but you have nothing to worry about. It’s “Watermelon Sugar” honey–– you’ve got nothing to worry about. You’ve performed this one dozens of times.”
“Things are jus’ so different now,” his voice drops an octave. “What if people are tired of the song?”
“I don’t think people are tired of the song.”
“It played on the radio a lot. Came out in 2019––”
“...And you’ve been busy with other things. No one’s gonna be upset that you haven’t released new music in the middle of a pandemic H, I promise you.”
Harry’s gaze meets yours again in the mirror briefly before he tilts his head back, silently asking for a kiss. You plant one on his lips before grabbing a tissue from a small table beside him, dabbing at his hairline.
“Stop sweating everything off, Harry,” you playfully scold your boyfriend. “Make-up artist has already been by to touch you up three times already, she’s probably running out of product.”
Your boyfriend lightly chuckles at this, causing you to smile. “I’ll just tell my body to cut it out. How’s tha’ sound?”
“Sounds good,” you reply, leaning down to kiss his nose. “You alright?”
You notice Harry deeply inhale. “I think so. How do I look?”
“Like a Grammy-nominated, soon-to-be Grammy-winning, artist.” 
Harry’s skin flushes. “Stop it…” The sound of three short knocks on the door of his dressing room causes panic to flood his features.
“Hey, look at me,” you gently grab your boyfriend’s chin, turning his gaze up towards yours. “It’s my job to believe in you when you don’t believe in yourself. If you get nervous just know I’ll be sitting as close to the stage as they’ll let me.”
“Promise. Now, go make me proud.”
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
“Breathe me in, breathe me out…”
If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought Harry’s nerves in his dressing room were all theatrics. He was so in his element on stage, you were one hundred percent sure no one knew he was so nervous twenty minutes prior that he was turning green. He kept looking out into the small crowd, searching for you, and flashing you a dimpled grin once he did. 
You were enjoying watching him prance around the stage while trying to keep up with the band on stage, looking a bit too proud of himself when he was able to stay on the beat while rhythmically snapping his hips along to the song. As the song came to an end and the dimmed lights started coming back on, you were led back to Harry’s dressing room by one of his guards as you heard the next performer being introduced.
“How did I do?” Harry asks loudly, adrenaline still coursing through his veins.
His voice causes you to jump. “You scared the shit out of me! How’d you get off stage so quickly?”
Harry grabs your arm and pulls you off the couch, wrapping you in a tight, sweaty hug. “Don’t know. I basically ran to ya.”
“You did incredibly,” you tell him, lips ghosting over his. “Just like I knew you would. I don’t wanna say you were nervous for nothing, but you kinda were.”
“Don’t wanna hear your teasin’.”
“Did you see how everyone was looking at you?”
“I only saw how you were lookin’ at me. I was only lookin’ at you.”
Your body heats up at Harry’s admission, causing you to look away. “You’re so cheesy, H.”
“I think I would’ve been about fifty times more nervous if you weren’t here with me,” he presses his nose against yours. “Thank you for bein’ here, Y/N. You make this whole thing so much more doable.” Harry places one… two… three wet kisses to your cheek before pulling away, walking back over to close the door he left open during his excitement to re-join you.
“Yeah,” Harry turns to look at you as he pulls off his jacket. The sight of his bare chest causes you to thickly swallow. “‘M gonna put what I was wearin’ on the red carpet back on. We’re gonna move outside.”
You simply hum in response to what Harry said, sitting back on the couch to scroll through your phone as you wait for him to finish changing. Everyone was congratulating Harry on his performance and wishing him luck on his nominations. You read all the good luck texts for him that were sent to you out loud, watching as his smile grows bigger and bigger from all the love he was being showered in.
After helping Harry powder his T-zone you let him lead you out of the small room and out into an area with spaced-out circular tables, most of them with just two or three seats at them. The Grammy’s in the middle of a pandemic was unlike anything you had ever seen before, and you were pleasantly surprised at how smoothly things were running. Jeff is already sat at the table when you and Harry join him and you can visibly see him let out the breath he was holding.
“Your boyfriend ran off stage so quickly I thought I was gonna have to set up a search party to find him,” Jeff tells you, a slight hint of annoyance present in his voice. He then turns to Harry and says, “Fix your mask, please.”
“It is fixed,” Harry grumbles but adjusts it nonetheless, causing you to giggle. 
Even though it was obvious your boyfriend was enjoying himself, you could still tell he was extremely nervous the closer it became to announcing the winner of the category he was nominated in. His grip on your thigh kept growing tighter and tighter and although you didn’t hate it, you worried he might cut off your circulation soon if he didn’t let go of you soon.
“H, take a deep breath,” you lean over to whisper in his ear. “You’re gonna make my thigh fall off.”
“Sorry, love,” if you could see his mouth under his mask, you’d see him biting his plump lips. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this nervous in my fuckin’ life.”
“Have I?”
“I dunno. I’m asking you.”
You see Harry’s eyes crinkle. “Maybe when I asked you out for the first time.”
“You are seriously so cheesy.”
Harry doesn’t respond, just takes your hand in his and directs his attention back to the stage. His palm is sweaty in yours but you don’t release his grip on your hand, wanting to offer him as much comfort as you possibly could.
When they start naming the nominees for Best Pop Solo Performance, you literally have to remind Harry to control his breathing. Although he won’t be upset if he doesn’t win, you know it would still mean quite a bit to him if he did.
“And the winner for Best Pop Solo Performance is… Harry Styles!”
Your mouth falls open in shock as you turn to fully face your boyfriend who was looking down at your intertwined hands, eyes wide in surprise. He genuinely wasn’t expecting to win and that made this victory that much sweeter. 
“Harry!” You yell to be heard above the cheers and applause of his colleagues in the crowd. Jeff stands and grabs Harry’s hand, pulling him out of his seat and into a tight hug. You stand up and clap loudly in admiration for your boyfriend, willing the tears not to fall from your eyes. He removes himself from Jeff and pulls you into him, your head pressed against his chest.
“I won a fuckin’ Grammy!” Harry shouts.
“I know!” You shout back, probably more excited than he was. “Get up there!”
Your boyfriend quickly removes his mask and hands it to you before hurrying to the makeshift stage, hugging the presenter before touching his Grammy in awe. He picks it up and then slowly sets it back down, shaking his head in disbelief. 
“To everyone who made this record with me, thank you so much…” 
You can’t stop the few tears that spill over your waterline–– you were so unbelievably proud of him. You’re not even paying attention to his acceptance speech as you’re too preoccupied with looking at everyone staring at your boyfriend in admiration. 
“Lastly, I want to thank my girlfriend who’s sitting right there next to my manager, Jeffrey. She’s my number one fan, always believes in me when I don’t believe in myself,” he looks down at his shoes bashfully. “Wouldn’t be half the man I am today if it weren’t for her. This is our Grammy, love.”
You blow kisses to your boyfriend, ignoring the feeling of everyone’s eyes on you. As far as you were concerned, you and Harry were the only two people around at that moment. Your heart couldn’t have been any more full.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
To absolutely no one's surprise, you and Harry couldn’t keep your hands off each other for the remainder of the night. You were relieved there were no after parties being held that Harry would be expected to attend due to the pandemic because you could not get him alone fast enough.
“Slow down, Y/N,” Harry sets his Grammy on the foyer table as he kicks off his shoes. “Just us, innit? We’ve got all night, haven’t we?”
“I’m just so proud,” you tell him breathlessly, sucking on the underside of his jaw. “Let me show you.”
“You have been showin’ me. A lot, actually,” Harry leans his head back and closes his eyes in pleasure as you lick tantalizingly slow against his veiny neck. “Guess one more time wouldn’t hurt, though.”
“Do you want me to blow you or not?”
“Oh, so that’s what’s gonna happen here?”
“If you’re gonna be annoying, then no.”
“Kiiiding,” Harry rolls his eyes, pressing a gentle kiss to your nose. “C’mon, let me get you upstairs.”
”You’re the one that won a Grammy, not me,” you remind him. “Let me make you feel good.”
Harry lets out a quiet hum, guiding you towards the couch. “Exactly–– I’m the winner. Doesn’t that mean I should get what I want tonight?” He falls backward onto the couch, pulling you atop his lap. His hand roams down the front of your dress and he squeezes your breasts roughly, clearly delighted that you decided to forgo a bra tonight.
“I suppose,” you answer, biting back a moan. 
“You suppose? Not in the mood for it tonight?” He starts to retract his hand but you grab his wrist, stopping him.
“I am!” You don’t even try to hide how desperate you are for your boyfriend.
“Gonna let me taste you, hmm?” As Harry asks his question he slowly slides off the couch and onto his knees in front of you, bunching your dress up around your hips. He leans in close to your already dripping center and inhales deeply, a blissed-out look on his face. “Smell fuckin’ incredible. I gotta taste ya.”
You spread your legs wider without even thinking about it, almost as if it’s on instinct. Harry easily moves your underwear to the side and immediately connects his lips with your clit, not giving you time to adjust to the sensation before he’s just going at it.
“Oh, Harry…”
“Rings on or off?” His voice is muffled due to your thighs being clamped around his head, but you can still understand what he’s saying.
Harry chuckles against your cunt before sliding his index finger in with ease, loving the way you immediately clenched around the digit. “Y’like that, lovie? Wanna take another one?”
“Please.” Your boyfriend already has you breathless despite the fact that he was just getting started.
Harry slips his middle finger into you along with his index finger and starts curling it up in the way he knew you liked, trying his hardest to stimulate your g-spot. He looks extremely focused; leave it to Harry to make a night that was supposed to be all about him, not.
“S’fuckin’ tight,” he says, more so to himself. “You’d think with all the shags we’ve been ‘avin lately you’d be used to my fingers by now.”
You let out a loud groan at your boyfriend’s dirty talk. He knew that it was one of your biggest kinks so he usually overdid it just a tad bit. It’s not like you were complaining, though.
“Guess that means you’re not fuckin’ me hard enough, huh?”
Harry stops his movements and looks up at you through slightly hooded eyes, an amused (but not really) look on his face. “Not fuckin’ you hard enough? Well, why didn’t you just say so?”
You can tell by the tone of Harry’s voice that he has it out for you now, but there’s no use in recanting your statement. He was about to make sweet, primal, love to you and god were you ready. Harry goes back to mercilessly fucking into you with his thick fingers, speeding up or slowing down his pace based on how you clench around him.
”Fuck, H.”
“Feels nice?” He goes from moving his fingers in a ‘come hither’ motion to a scissoring motion which feels just as good if not better.
“Yeah, really nice,” your fingers are tangled in Harry’s hair and you know he’ll give you hell later for getting it all knotted. “I’m close.”
“Already? Haven’t even properly fucked you yet,” Harry removes his fingers from you aching cunt agonizingly slow, wiping them on his expensive Gucci trousers. “Guess I’ll jus’ have to fix that, yeah?”
“I guess so.”
“You’ve got a mouth on you tonight, pet. Is that really any way to treat your Grammy-winning boyfriend-”
“Harry, come off it!” You exclaim, letting out a loud laugh as you watch him stand up and unbutton his pants. “You’re insufferable, I swear.”
Harry shoots you one of his blindingly bright smiles, wiggling his eyebrows as his pants pool around his feet. “Hey, ‘m just statin’ facts.”
He collapses onto the couch and pats his lap, giving his leaking cock two quick tugs. “Ride me.”
“Just because you won a Grammy doesn’t mean you don’t have to ask nicely anymore.”
“Y/N, my beautiful, dazzling, elegant girlfriend, will you please do me the honors of riding––”
“Why do you make everything so weird?” You groan as Harry laughs and pulls you into his lap with ease, wincing when your thigh brushes against his cock. Wordlessly, he places his hands on your hips and helps you sink down onto him, taking his lip in between his teeth to keep from yelling out.
”Fuck me…”
“I’m about to,” you reply, resting your head on his shoulder as you adjust to his size. His hands roam the expanse of your back as he waits for you to get used to the feeling on him, wanting to feel every part of your body all at once. Without warning, you begin sluggishly rolling your hips. You were in no rush anymore; you had him inside of you, and that was all you wanted from the start.
“S’that all you got in ya?” His tone is cheeky, almost mocking. “I think you can give me more than tha’.”
“I dunno if I can.”
“Why’s that?” Harry bucks his hips upward slightly causing you to let out a loud gasp.
“I just want you to fuck me. I don’t wanna do any work.”
At this, Harry quickly flips you over so your sweaty body is now below his. You moan at the sensation the new angle immediately brought you. “Want me on top like this? This is how you wanna have me, angel?”
You nod. 
“Answer me.”
“Yes, Harry,” your eyes squeeze shut as Harry begins quickly thrusting into you. “God, yes. That feels amazing.”
“Yeah? Do you like it when I fuck you like this?” Harry reaches his hand down to thumb at you clit and raises an eyebrow while awaiting your answer.
“God,” you grab onto your breasts to prevent them from bouncing around as Harry’s thrusting into you but he rips your hand away.
“Wanna see ‘em.”
“Right there,” you moan, no longer trying to bite back your sounds of pleasure. Between Harry eating you out, fingering you, and now fucking you harder than he has in ages, you were a few sloppy thrusts away from coming all over his cock. “I’m gonna cum–”
You know he’s teasing but you still reach between your sweaty bodies to swat at his bare chest. “Don’t tease!”
“‘M messin’ with ya, puppy,” Harry pushes his curls out of his eyes. “I’m almost there- you first. Cum for me, Y/N.”
Harry doesn’t have to tell you twice. You spasm around his cock as soon as he tells you to, lifting your hips up to meet him as you could tell he was growing tired. Harry pulls out moments later, muttering a quick, “Where do you want it?” before finishing on your chest.
The silence that fills the room is comforting but of course, it’s cut short by your pest of a boyfriend.
“If that's what I got just for winning one Grammy, what would I get if I won the others?”
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peakyblindersxx · 4 years ago
I'm so shy to request a smut but you don't have anonymous option so I guess I'm gonna go like this shamelessly aha 😳👉👈 but would you mind writing for S1 Tommy and his wife? Like she's in the kitchen you know doing wife things cooking and such and he comes back home and he's in the *mood* so he just approaches her and lifts her apron with dress up and, boy oh boy, they have their way with lots of dirty talk? 💀 If you're not into this then it's completely fine! But don't publish this ask then because I'm going to die out of embarrassment 🤣🤣
a/n: hey babe! first of all, i’m so sorry i don’t have that option on, i’m about to fix it and never be embarrassed!! ty for requesting this, i loved writing it and i hope you like it :) i've got another tommy request as well as a tommy & john fluff that i'm working on next!!
let them wait - s1 tommy shelby x wife!reader
warnings: nsfw!! smut, choking, daddy kink, slight breeding kink if you squint
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It was almost 9 pm when you heard Tommy’s car pull up out front, the shiny new Bentley rumbling to a stop. He had phoned you earlier, asking to push back dinner as he had some things he had to get done, sweetly crooning into the receiver that he promised he’d make it up to you. You wanted to be mad, but couldn’t, annoyance bubbling over into lust as he told you all the things he’d rather be doing right now, most preferably you. 
"Want you waiting for me wearin’ that black silk thing I bought you last week,” he’d rumbled, his cock growing hard with the thought of you spread out on the bed for him, the sounds you’d make as he fucked you. 
“It’s called a slip, Tom,” you’d giggled in response. 
He had grunted. “Don’t care what it’s called, long as I can get you out of it, darlin’.”
So, you’d headed to your closet, rifling through the various lingerie sets until you found the one you were looking for. Tommy loved spoiling you, ordering various expensive garments from Italy, France, and even China just because “I thought you’d look good in ‘em, Mrs. Shelby.”
He savored the taste of his name on yours on his tongue, feeding into his insatiability towards you. You were his, and he knew it, but nevertheless, Tommy fucked you like he had to prove it to the goddamn King. He was demanding, taking everything you offered, and you practically melted at the filthy words he’d whisper in your ear, even in the middle of your wedding night. “Fuck ‘em,” he’d growled, pounding into your wet cunt as he held you up against the wall, sending your vision spinning. “My house. My wife. Let them wait.” Even after an entire year of marriage, he practically had the libido of a teenage boy. You weren’t complaining, however.
You snapped out of your daydream, discarding all your other items of clothing to slip on other than the short silk dress, tying your apron on over it and putting nothing on underneath. You made your way back downstairs to the kitchen, short heels clacking against the wood. By the time the food was in the oven, Tommy had arrived. You heard his keys jingling as he opened the door, walking into the kitchen behind you as you stood at the kitchen counter, putting away a stack of dishes. He pressed himself against your back, his cologne wafting over you, pressing soft open-mouthed kisses to your shoulder as you felt his already hard cock press against your ass through his pants. 
“Y’look so fucking pretty,” he murmured, rough hands slipping up your dress, the metal of his rings cool against your inner thighs as his fingertips brushed against your aching core. 
“It’s all for you, Daddy,” you moaned, heart pounding as Tommy dragged a finger across your wet slit, earning a groan from him. 
“Christ, got nothin’ on underneath, and you’re talkin’ like that? I’m going to have to take you right here, over the counter, sweetheart,” Tommy rumbled, lifting up your skirt to reveal your already-dripping core, your cheeks flushing at the feeling of being exposed like this, the granite of the counter cool against your face. He took his time drinking you in, watching the way your pussy clenched when he placed his thumb just to the right of it, spreading you open. 
“You like when I look at you, darlin’?” You couldn’t think of the words to respond, frozen in Tommy’s gaze. A sharp slap to your ass jolted you out of your haze.
“I asked you a question,” He reprimanded, a shiver running up your spine at his demanding tone. He was used to getting what he wanted, and you were all too happy to give it to him.
“Yes, Daddy,” you whimpered, legs trembling in anticipation. Your heart was almost pounding out of your chest, just waiting for him to touch you, something, anything. Tommy loved how desperate you looked for his touch, yet you refused to move or even say anything, knowing the consequences if you did. You were his, and he knew it. He took advantage of his position, slipping a finger inside you abruptly, the cool metal of his rings a contrast to your already-wet heat. The noise that left your mouth in response was so obscene, Tommy almost wanted to shove his cock inside of you right there and then. Yet, he held himself back, reveling in the way your hips moved against his hand as he added another finger, curling them slightly to press up against your g-spot. “Please, Daddy,” you managed to get out. “Need you inside me.” 
Tommy’s eyes dilated with lust. “Since you asked so nicely, darlin’,” he replied, freeing his already-hard cock from the confines of his pants. “Can’t help meself when you look so sweet beggin’ for me.”
You let out a moan as Tommy pushed himself inside you, grunting as your cunt stretched around him, walls fluttering as his dick pressed up against your cervix. “Already dripping, aye, sweetheart?” He chuckled, sending vibrations through your body. Before you could respond, Tommy was fucking you relentlessly, cries of pleasure falling out of your mouth as he pounded into you. 
“Can’t help yourself, can you?” he grunted, before reaching around and placing two of his fingers in your mouth. “Should keep ‘ya quiet.”
You couldn’t help but suck on his fingers like they were his cock, eliciting a groan from Tommy as he somehow increased his pace. “Keep doin’ that, you’re gonna make me put a fuckin’ baby in you,” he vowed. 
You weren’t even able to find the words to respond, stars flashing across your vision as Tommy fucked into you even harder, moaning around his fingers. You couldn’t help yourself, and he loved it. The thought of Tommy filling you up with his cum put you over the edge, and you came not once or twice, but three times as he fucked into you persistently, crooning in your ear how beautiful you were when you came. Finally, you found the strength to respond when he carried you to the kitchen table, his hand around your throat as your eyes met his blue ones.
“Want you to come in me, Daddy. Want you to fill me up,” You cajoled, looking up at him from under your eyelashes. Tommy let out a grunt as he rammed his cock into you at a bruising pace, sending your eyes rolling back in your head. The sight of you undone for him sent him over the edge, his hot seed spilling inside of you as Tommy kissed you, both of your chests heaving in pleasure. 
Tommy pulled out of you with a grunt, eyes glued on your cunt dripping with him. “Meant what I said, you know,” he said. 
You smiled lazily up at him. “Should stay on my back then. They say it helps with getting pregnant.” 
Tommy couldn’t help but press his lips onto yours with fervor. “Christ, woman. Gettin’ me hard again already.”
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bangtaninink · 4 years ago
‘cause i’ve been aimin’ for heaven above
read sanctuary and when night falls i am your escape for @athenakyle
You let out a quiet sigh, cheek resting atop your fist as you flip through the pile of paper on your desk. A curt knock on the door pulls you out of your thoughts, and you straighten up to see your secretary in the doorway, a knowing smile playing on her lips.
“You have a visitor,” Jinah says, biting the inside of her cheek to hold back a grin.
“Is it my brother?” you groan, shaking your head. “I’m not available.”
“Nope. Even better than that hottie.”
“Please don’t talk about my brother like t—”
“‘Sup, gorgeous?” Jeongguk says, poking his head in through the doorway, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Oh. Well, I take it back. Talk about him however you want; he’s only my step brother anyway.”
“Can I get you guys anythi—” Jinah starts, raising a hand.
“We’re good, thank you,” you say, rolling your eyes as you pull Jeongguk into your office while shutting the door behind him, jerking your head to silently signal to your secretary to leave.
“I brought lunch,” Jeongguk announces, holding up a grease-stained paper bag with a grin. “I hope you’re in the mood for burgers and curly fri— oh shit. Are you still on that diet? Fuck.”
“It’s fine.” You shake your head and chuckle, taking the bag and walking to the small sofa set against one wall of your office. “I finally lost those five pounds I’ve been trying to shed for months.”
“I hope that didn’t come from your boobs or ass.” Jeongguk pulls off his jacket, dropping it on one arm of the sofa before sitting down next to you, humming at how soft the cushions are. “I mean, I’ll still fuck you, but you know… less to grab.”
“Always a charmer, Jeon. Thank you for accepting me in all my shapes and sizes.”
He hands you your burger with a wink.
The small gasp that leaves your lips quickly turns into a quiet moan, hand gripping the pillow behind your head tightly as Jeongguk wraps his lips around your nipple, your back arching off the sofa. 
“Mmm, good to see — and feel — that these are still intact,” he says, grinning up at you. “Oh wait.” You huff out disbelieving laughter when you feel his hand curl around your waist, reaching down to grab your ass, giving it a light squeeze. “Yep. All good. Nice work on the diet, sweet cheeks. Not that I think you needed it, but if it made you happy, I support it.”
“I appreciate that, babe, but I’d appreciate it more if you finished what you started, thank you.”
“Oh, well since you asked so nicely…”
Grin never faltering, Jeongguk sits up against the cushions, pulling you up to sit on his lap, kicking away the paper bag full of burger wrappers and an empty cardboard box where mere crumbs of what used to be fried potato now lay. Dress bunched up around your waist, he groans when you roll your hips on his lap, thin cotton and lace the only things separating you both. 
“Your secretary’s pretty,” Jeongguk says, grabbing handfuls of your ass with a satisfied moan as he gently sucks on the sensitive skin of your neck, careful not to leave a mark. 
“Thought you didn’t mess with married women,” you chuckle, fingers tangling in his newly dyed silver hair. 
“Oh shit. She’s married? Never mind then.”
“I’m surprised you’re looking at other women in the first place.” A little breathless, Jeongguk lifts his head to look at you, eyebrow raised. “Thought you and Hana were ready to take it to the next level.”
“Oh, fuck you,” he groans, hiding his face in your chest and pinching your ass lightly when you start to laugh. “Don’t bring her up when you’re practically naked in my lap.”
You gasp and lean back, crossing your hands over your chest to cover yourself. 
“Don’t tell me you think of her when you’re sleeping with me! Jeon Jeongguk, you jerk!”
“You’re such a boner killer, you know that?” Jeongguk says, trying to sound annoyed; the laughter in his voice gives him away. 
“Hmm… didn’t seem that way last Tuesday… or the day before that, and the day before that, and the—”
A short knock at your office door interrupts you mid-sentence, and you throw your head back with a groan. 
“Fuck my life,” you mutter, climbing off Jeongguk’s lap to start fixing your dress. “Raincheck?”
“I’m gonna hold you to that,” Jeongguk sighs, lifting his hips off the sofa to zip up his jeans. “Can’t believe I’m gonna be blue-balled when I brought you curly fries.”
Snorting, you throw your panties at him, letting them land on his bare chest as you smooth out your dress and open your office door. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” Jinah says, clutching a binder folder close to her chest as she steps into your office with wary steps. You hold back an amused smile, watching as she tries very hard not to look in Jeongguk’s direction where he’s still shirtless, your underwear still on his chest, and scrolling through his phone. “Um…”
“Yes, Jinah? Something important?” you ask, eyebrow cocked. 
“R-right. These are some other forms you need to sign, and, um… that conference call is starting in twenty minutes.”
“Cool. Is that all?”
“Um. Y-yeah?”
“Are you not sure?”
“No, yes! T-that’s all.”
“Okie dokie. Thank you.”
You laugh and nudge Jinah to walk backwards, watching as her feet seem to move on her own accord, despite the way she gulps, eyes wandering over to Jeongguk eventually, who looks up from his phone to give her a little wave goodbye. 
“Uh, Jinah?”
“Yeah?” Jinah replies, quickly and loudly.
“The forms?” you ask, holding your hand out for the binder. 
Your secretary damn near throws the folder at you, rushing back to her desk.
“I think you may have a new admirer,” you say, walking back to your desk, setting the binder folder down on the pile of paperwork you’d abandoned earlier. “Hana’s gonna be so devastated.”
“Please,” Jeongguk groans, pocketing his phone before reaching down to grab his shirt. “I’d rather your married secretary than Miss Borderline-Stalker.”
“Dramatic. Hana seemed nice enough that night we all had dinner.”
“One time, Hoseok hyung did a little experiment to see how far her creepiness—”
“You mean, ‘admiration’, right?”
“Hah. Sure. How far her admiration—” You shake your head and laugh at the way Jeongguk curls his ringed fingers in air quotes. “...goes. You know she’d think I’m still cute if I murdered a small village out of sheer boredom.”
“Aww,” you coo, lowering your hand mirror and pressing a hand to your chest while Jeongguk pretends to gag. “She’d really support you through thick and thin. That’s adorable, Guk.”
“You can sleep with her instead then,” Jeongguk sighs, holding your wrist before you can go back to fixing your lipstick, pressing a kiss to your lips. “Call me later.”
You watch him grab his jacket and the trash, walking out of your office with a little wave over his shoulder. You look back down at your reflection in your mirror, rubbing your lips together and wondering why you suddenly feel flustered. 
“I’m surprised you have time to be here, princess,” Hoseok says, not taking his eyes off the TV, blindly reaching for the bowl of popcorn.
“It was either this, or some gala or gallery opening or… something. I dunno,” you reply, not moving from where you’re leaning against Jeongguk’s side, head on his chest.
“You picked our dumb movie night over fancy dress and champagne?” Jeongguk asks, looking at you and reaching down to poke your side before returning his arm to where it was wrapped around your shoulders. “You need to reorganise your priorities, bub.”
“What, you’d rather be in a tux, mingling with middle-aged rich people who think the kind of music you guys make is ‘useless noise’?”
“Okay, fair point.”
“Can you guys shut up? We’re getting to the good part,” Taehyung says, clearing his throat and shuffling closer to Yoongi; Jeongguk shares a look with you, rolling his eyes. “And our movie nights are not dumb, Jeongguk. The only thing dumb about movie night is that you end up sobbing like a little girl after half the movies we watch.”
“I do not!”
“Aww. You’re a softie,” you coo, tickling his chin.
“Stop that,” he groans, swatting your hand away. “It is perfectly normal to tear up while watching The Notebook.”
“And Titanic, and Schindler’s List, and—” Yoongi lists, smirking. 
“Shut up! Ugh. You guys suck.”
You chuckle and rub Jeongguk’s chest, letting your arm rest comfortably across his waist. 
By the time the credits begin to roll, the others have all fallen asleep, you and Jeongguk not far behind from joining them. Without removing his arm from your shoulder, he raises his hips off the couch to stretch his back.
You take a deep breath, quietly groaning when you sit up and stretch your arms above your head, the hem of your shirt riding up to expose a sliver of your stomach. When you settle back down, you see Jeongguk looking at you, eyebrow arched, smile playing on his lips.
“Really?” you say, scoffing quietly.
“I am but a man, sweet cheeks,” he replies, hand on his chest. “A man with needs.”
“And I am a woman, sir. A woman that needs to sleep.”
“Fine. Another raincheck then.” Yawning, he gets up and stretches again. “Need a shirt? Or you planning on sleeping in what you’re wearin’?”
You stop wiping the corner of your eye, looking up at him, taken aback by this… subtle implication that you’ll be sleeping over for the first time.
“You want one of my shirts to sleep in or are you good?”
“Or do you sleep… naked?” Jeongguk gasps dramatically, lips turning up into a smirk.
“Shut up,” you groan, shaking your head and kicking his thigh. “Such a perv.”
“And I reiterate: I am a man with needs. C’mon. Let’s go to bed.” He laughs quietly at the look you give him. “To sleep.”
“What about these guys?”
“Pfft, leave them. Their neck problems are not yours, bub.”
You wake up to the smell of coffee and burning toast, a weight on your waist pinning you down onto the bed. 
It takes a moment when you open your eyes to comprehend that you hadn’t fallen asleep in your own bed last night, and that the weight on your waist was, in fact, Jeongguk’s inked arm holding you close to his chest. He stirs when he feels you shift in his hold, taking in a deep breath and hiding his face in your hair. 
“What time is it?” he asks, voice croaky with sleep.
“No clue,” you say, fighting the urge to fall back to sleep, the warmth on your back seeping through the material of your shirt — Jeongguk’s shirt — inviting and relaxing. 
“I bet you ten thousand Won the fire alarm will go off in the next minute.”
“You seem very confident about that.”
“I’m confident in Taehyung hyung’s cooking skills — or lack of.”
You chuckle quietly before flipping over with a yawn, eyes still half shut. Jeongguk loosens his hold on you to let you turn, but quickly pulls you in once you’re facing him, hiding his face in your hair again.
“Let’s go out for breakfast,” he says. “I’m not in the mood for burnt toast and raw scrambled eggs.”
“Why not? That sounds delicious.”
“Fine. You stay here. I’ll go get some french toast and some good coffee.”
“Mmm, french toast.” You hum softly, sniffling. “You paying?”
“Hmm… sure. I got some cash to spare. Gonna have to take the bike though. Hoseok hyung might’ve already taken the car to work.”
“Not the bike,” you whine; Jeongguk chuckles, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek before sitting up with a groan, patting your ass lightly.
“C’mon. Let’s head out before the other guys figure out what we’re doin’ and try to tag along.”
You open one eye to watch him climb off the bed, picking up one of his shirts and giving it a sniff before disappearing into the bathroom. You sit up with a quiet groan, scratching your head and wondering why your cheek feels several degrees warmer.
“Woah, woah, woah. Hottie at twelve o’clock,” Jaehyun says, craning his head to peer over Eunwoo’s shoulder, eyes wide with curiosity.
“Uh, you mean hotties,” Mingyu corrects, putting down the glass in his hand, and draping his towel over his shoulder. “Wow.”
“You guys wanna not act like teenage boys?” Jeongguk chuckles, leaning against the bar and pulling his phone out of his pocket, scrolling through his messages.
“I’m sorry you don’t have eyes, Jeongguk,” Yugyeom scoffs, setting his tray down on the bar. “But I think a certain reaction is expected when the heiress of Samsung walks into our shitty restaurant with her friends.”
“Wait. _____’s here?”
Jeongguk swivels around, scanning the dining floor with wide eyes, missing the way Dokyeom comments, who’s the teenage boy now? under his breath when he spots you and smirks. It doesn’t take long for you to spot him, and you scoff quietly at the look he’s giving you, shaking your head and rolling your eyes.
“Boys, I’m goin’ on break,” Jeongguk announces, untying his apron from his waist, grinning at the annoyed groans from his friends.
“We’re literally ten or fifteen minutes away from the Friday night rush,” Yugyeom says, smacking his arm. “Bros before hos!”
“Gyeom… you’re saying you’d pick these guys over _____? Think about it. Like really think about it, dude.” Yugyeom looks at the rest of the group, who all seem to be thinking over Jeongguk’s question too, before turning back to Jeongguk, sighing with defeat. “That’s what I thought. Gentlemen, adieu.”
The guys roll their eyes and shake their heads, watching him walk off in your direction.
“Wait, why’re we eating here again?” Hyemi asks, warily eyeing the sticky menu set down in front of her.
“I was in the mood for inauthentic Italian food,” you answer, smiling and reading over the specials.
“I’d recommend the bacon garlic linguine.”
You don’t flinch at the sudden whisper in your ear, only smiling wider and chuckling.
“Garlic? So close to bedtime? That’s an unusual recommendation, Jeon.”
“Hey. I’m not fussy. I accept you no matter what — garlic breath and all.” He presses a kiss to your cheek before straightening up, bowing his head at the rest of your table, hands in the pocket of his slacks. “Ladies.”
“Hi, Jeongguk. Are you working or are you joining us?” Hyemi says.
“Oh, well that all depends on Miss _____ over here.”
“Hmm… it would’ve been nice to have our own personal server, but I suppose you can stay for a bite of two, if you must,” you reply, reaching for the drinks menu.
“Hmm, well, I can get you multiple personal servers — if you ladies would like that, that is,” Jeongguk says, grinning.
A few of the girls gasp, whispering between themselves.
“The boys at the bar?” Hyemi asks.
“The boys at the bar.”
“Huh. Maybe this place isn’t so bad after all, _____.”
You turn to look at Jeongguk, smile still on your lips as you cradle your glass of wine in your hand. He’s giving you a look that you can’t really explain, but his arm is draped over the back of your chair, and he’s looking right at you, and it feels as if the restaurant is completely empty around you.
“What, Jeongguk?” you ask, nudging his shoulder.
“I just remembered something,” he says, reaching for your half-eaten slice of garlic bread.
“Oh yeah? And what’s that?”
“I kinda wanna take you out on a date.”
Your eyebrows arch up so fast, you’re sure they disappear into your hair in an instant.
“A… date?”
“Mhm.” He takes a bite of your garlic bread, shrugging. “Been thinking about it for a while. Not really sure why, but… actually, no — I do know why. It’s Yoongi hyung’s fault.”
“Yeah, he said something a couple months back about me needing to get a girlfriend, and to stop annoying you every time my dick twitches ‘cause you’re probably busy most of the time I hit you up. Anyway, I figured I’m twenty-four goin’ on fifty, I’m not goin’ back to school anytime soon, so why not?” He puts the bread back down onto your empty plate, dusting off his fingers. “How ‘bout it? Wanna go on a date with me, sweet cheeks?”
You look at him, too stunned to say anything coherent as it dawns on you that he really did just ask you that.
Jeon Jeongguk has just asked you out on a date.
“Really?” you ask, putting your glass of wine down and turning to face him properly. “You wanna go out on a date with me?”
“I do,” he says, picking up your glass of wine instead and taking a sip.
“And not because you want a new phone, TV, or washing machine whenever there’s a new release… or want to be on the cover of magazines and newspapers every other day… or want me to buy you the newest pair of Yeezys before they’re released in Korea?”
“Well… hmm… actually…” He chuckles when you smack his arm, rolling your eyes. “I’m kidding. No, after what Yoongi hyung said, I actually do wanna take you on a date. I’m curious to see if we can woo each other’s pants off — metaphorically and literally speaking, of course.”
“Of course.”
“So? What d’you say? Will you let me take you out on a date?”
You bite the inside of your cheek, thinking it over. Jeongguk keeps his eyes on you, waiting for an answer, and twirling an unused spoon between his fingers. Eventually, you take a deep breath, smiling and shrugging.
“Eh, what the hell? Sure. Why not?” you say, taking your glass of wine back.
“Wait, shit. Really?”
“Why do you sound surprised?”
“I didn’t actually think there was a chance you’d say yes,” Jeongguk says, laughing. “Um. Okay. Cool. Yeah. Alright, I’ll, uh… let you know when and where once I’ve figured that out.”
“I look forward to it, Jeon.”
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savethelastdan · 4 years ago
Yashahime Is Over Party: Contribution #2
“All right, all right!” 
The crowd of villagers quieted (some with a wince) as the high-pitched shout rang around the village entrance. Ten-year-old Moroha gave them one last warning glare for good measure. 
With, as her Great-Grandpa on the other side of the Well would say, “more gusto than should be necessary”, she then leapt upon the nearest height-offering surface - one of the tourists’ suitcases, emblazoned a dozen times on every side with “FRAGILE” - and began her welcome speech. 
“Shut your mouths and hold onto your butts, folks, because this is a real treat! The coolest village ever to exist in any timeline, on a sunny day! Since my big brother is at kitsune academy today, you all have the honor of yours truly acting as escort around this prime piece of feudal real estate!” 
Dramatic pause for emphasis. (Yes, she’d taken some liberties with the script that Shippo had left, and she didn’t quite know what ‘prime piece of real estate’ actually meant, but her cousin Towa agreed that it sounded fancy and fancy always worked with humans.) 
A soft-faced young woman glanced around the crowd self-consciously before raising a hand. “You mean, this is the village where priestess Kikyo - “
“Ahem!” Moroha held up the wooden sign hanging from her neck, tapping the carved-in letters spelling ‘Village Tour Guide #2” with one nail. “Are you wearin’ the sign?”
“Oh. Uh, sorry.” The woman blushed. 
After a moment, Moroha cleared her throat. “Okay, yeah, it is. But there’s a bunch of other super-cool people here, too! If you wanna meet them - follow me!” With that, she jumped from the suitcase to land solidly in the dirt. A few tourists reared back from the cloud of disturbed dust, putting them at the back of the moving crowd. 
“First up, the sister of the blah-dee-blah-famed-priestess-blah-dee-blah Kikyo - Lady Kaedeeeeee!” She swung both arms in a dramatic half-circle towards the healer woman’s hut; the crowd ooh-ed and ah-ed appropriately. “On days like these, she’s either healing a sick patient, birthin’ a new baby, or taking a long nap! Since she’s awfully old, the napping’s more frequent.” Hooking an arm around a teenage tourist’s shoulder, she hissed in a spooky tone, “Some say she’ll live forever, getting older and older until she’s like a living zombie-” 
“I heard that.” With a cross expression, Kaede leaned out of the window.“Don’t think I won’t curse you for those bad manners.”
Moroha waved the group on with a nervous chuckle. 
“And this is the home of the most famous demon slayer known to womankind - Sango!” Cupping both hands around her mouth like a bullhorn, Moroha drew out the last syllable of the woman’s name to emphasize her coolness. Several of the humans perked up with excitement; it wasn’t hard to imagine that they had themselves benefited from some of the woman’s work. 
“Her husband Miroku lives here too. He used to be a monk, but now he’s a family guy! My papa says -” She straightened, putting on a deep, gruff tone - “it’s a damn miracle -” Dropping the tone, she grinned cheerily at the group - “nobody will tell me why!” 
As if on cue, the door to the house opened to reveal a group of tall, bickering young adults. The loudest were two women with matching features, the only visible difference to a stranger being that one’s slayer outfit was trimmed in pink and the other’s in green. Behind them trotted a younger boy, also wearing a slayer outfit in red.  
“I’m taking the kusarigama, you’re taking the wakizashi!” The green-outfitted slayer said, ignoring her sister’s attempts to talk over her. “Otherwise you and Mom will have two long-range weapons, and that makes no sense!” 
“Plus that’s Uncle Kohaku’s specialty!” Their brother piped up; he dodged the twin elbows that swung back at him as easily as if they’d warned him. “She wants to impress him with it so he’ll take her on his trip to the mountains with Rin this summer!” 
Through the left-open door, came the sweet smell of treats baking - one of the many hobbies Miroku had taken up with his time, now that he wasn’t going to up and die (Moroha knew she wasn’t technically supposed to know about that. Or probably phrase it like that… But if her godfather Koga said it that way, why was it any different for her?)
The group of slayers stopped short upon seeing the crowd; with awkward bows, they quickly skirted their way around the gaping tourists. 
““That’s Sango’s kids; every one of ‘em demon slayer prodigies.” Slinging her arm around the same teen from earlier, Moroha shook her head with a dramatic sigh. “Makes me almost want another sibling. Except then I’d have to share my room, nooooo thank you!”
“Excuse me.” A mustached man in the middle of the group raised one arm curiously. “I heard one of those women mention Rin - is that the human who died twice and was resurrected by the sword Tenseiga?” 
“Huh? Oh, yeah. That’s Rin.” Moroha tapped her own head thoughtfully and muttered under her breath, “Was it really only twice…”
“Does she still live here?” The man’s mustache drooped in a frown. “Or did she go to live with that dog demon?”
“Dog demon? Ohhh, you mean Uncle Sesshomaru!” A smile stretched across her face. “I almost forgot about him! Nah, after she got married she decided to stay in town -” 
“Married?!” The group erupted in murmurs of horror. One kerchiefed mother clapped her hands over the ears of her daughter; the mustached man turned green.
Moroha’s face fell. “Well, yeah. She wanted to keep taking healer lessons from Kaede, and even though he travels a lot, she wanted to stay by Kohaku’s side when he comes home. Be a team, and all that.” 
“Ohhhh, so she’s Kohaku’s wife!” The human mother’s shoulders slumped with a sigh. “How lovely and age-appropriate.” 
Moroha wasn’t sure what that meant, but if it made the negative energy go away then she was all for it! “Rin’s super cool, anyway. She knows how to heal demons, not just humans, and she tells really good ghost stories, and she’s actually really good at arm-wrestling -” 
Suddenly she ducked her head to whisper, “She’s probably my favorite cousin, if I’m bein’ honest with ya.”
 “Do you have other cousins?” A man who appeared to look a thousand years old squinted in her direction. Perhaps in confusion, but it was hard to tell with all the wrinkles. “I doubt a full-blooded dog demon like that Sesshomaru fella would leave his legacy in the hands of a human girl.” 
“My mom would say that’s prejudiced,” Moroha said helpfully, causing the old man to blanche. “But Rin’s got two little sisters, who you can see riiiiiiight now!” 
With a dramatic twist, she whirled around to point in the opposite direction with both hands, adding a low growl that was meant to mimic the roar of an excited crowd. 
The moment was slightly underwhelmed by the confused looks of the tourists as they took a moment to figure out where exactly to look. That’s okay; she’d work on it. 
Down the road, her twin cousins leaned against the wall of a house (Moroha’s house, which she was saving for last because you always save the best for last). Towa was smiling and pointing out something up in the sky, while Setsuna wore a very predictable scowl. From this far away, the red streaks in their hair were little more than smudges. 
The extremely old man with an attitude problem made a weird hacking noise, most likely in surprise. 
“Did he adopt them like your other cousin?” asked a teenage girl. 
“Kinda!” Both hands landed on her hips; Moroha then modeled her expression on her Uncle - stoic, dismissive, oh-so-cool. “On a cool spring night, Uncle Sesshomaru walked into the darkest, deepest forest on the planet, waved his sword over a really old and creepy tree, and when he cut it open - there they were. Two lil’ hanyou babies.” 
Dramatic pause. 
“Just kiddin’.” Laughing loud enough to bring back the wincing from the group, Moroha slapped her knee. “They’re full demons. I can still take either of ‘em in a fight, though. Oh!” She pointed up in the air with a wide, excited smile. “There’s their mom right now!” 
Murmurs of confusion filled the air as the tourists moved their heads this way, that way; only when a chilling breeze morphed into flesh and bone, right before their eyes, did the group exclaim in collective understanding. 
Moroha waved. “Hi, Auntie Kagura!” 
“Yo.” Clearly taken aback by the crowd, the wind demon gave a tiny salute. The side of her neck bore a half-moon symbol tattooed on the skin; Moroha thought it was neat, even if her dad thought it was a dumb, archaic wedding ritual. “Do your parents know you’re doing this?” 
“Uh, duh!” She held up the sign with a cheeky grin. 
“Fair enough.” Upon spying her daughters across the way, Kagura’s expression softened a bit. “Well, I’ll see you later.” 
“No, wait! We’re actually heading the same way.” Gesturing to the not-moving crowd, Moroha repeated, “The same way. Meaning the best part of the tour - come on, folks, work with me here -” 
Kagura snorted, walking quickly as though to avoid the gawking humans and their nosy questions about how she had been resurrected or could still live now that Naraku was dead or got Sesshomaru to admit he had feelings much less have kids with her. A curt “none of your business” was all they’d get, no matter how much Moroha tugged on her sleeve and whined about “giving people their money’s worth.”
Luckily, once they reached Moroha’s house, it was easy to escape. After all, a much more awe-inspiring attraction awaited the group of lucky, lucky tourists. 
“And now! The Greatest Love Story Of Our Time!” With a winning grin, Moroha landed a kick on the door, sending it slamming open. 
“Oh.” Kagome blinked at the group from where she sat on a futon in the middle of the house, surrounded by magical artifacts. A scroll marked with ink rolled from her lap all the way to one side of the room. Behind her, halfway through helping her put her hair in a bun, Inuyasha froze “Uh, hello?”
“My parents! Dumdedumdummmmm!” The warmth of her pride felt like it was going to burst in her chest. It was the absolute best to come home to people who loved her! Whether it was tickle fights before bed, or her dad taking her and Shippo out on demon-tracking trips, or her mom humming a lullaby if she felt sick on the full moon night, Moroha was certain her family was the best of anybody’s anywhere. “One fell through time, and one fell -- fell, uh, for her -- sorry, I’ll work on it.” 
Inuyasha huffed in the way that meant he was going to complain later. Kagome just chuckled and waved. 
For once, the humans reacted exactly the way Moroha wanted them to - smiling, clapping, appreciating the wonder of her super-beautiful-and-also-hella-powerful mom and grumpy-but-still-amazingly-brave papa. She launched into the story she knew by heart, of how they had come to be together and saved the whole world while they were at it. Some parts were probably missing or misrepresented, from the laughter in her mom’s eyes, but she had enough of it right that half the tourist group was in near tears by the time she was done. 
“And now, they have one more accomplishment to add to the long list - parenting the greatest warrior this world has ever seen. Moro-uh, Beniyasha!” Swirling the ends of her fire-rat robe, she twirled. “The Crimson Slayer!”
“Slayer of my patience, maybe,” Inuyasha snapped, though he was unable to hide his smile as he marched over to grab her by the collar. “Come ‘ere, kid. You’ve got chores to do!” 
Tossing her over his shoulder, he waved dismissively at the group of humans. “Sorry folks, the show ends here. Yeesh...” 
Moroha cupped both hands around her mouth, screeching to be heard over her parent’s laughter before the door shut.
“Make sure to leave your comment cards in the box at the entrance!”
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floralparanormal · 4 years ago
f.w.b // SVU // Rollisi
Friends with benefits, but with feelings. (18+) Originally for Day 3 of Amanda Rollins Week: friends to lovers @dailysvu
Between home-cooked meals and weekends, Rollins and Carisi were friends with benefits that were woven like lovers. It was the lust of two people with itches to scratch yet their nails only grazed each other. For no-strings-attached, their connection was undeniable, especially after finding out how good they could make each other feel, but it was never a good time to talk about something more, so they showed how much they meant to each other behind closed doors.
At his apartment, there was only one door that needed to close. Amanda called a sitter that night and after a drink - just enough to let go of the day and absolutely not a date - they arrived there together. Sonny unlocked the door and held it open for her. His home was more familiar to her now. It wasn’t a place she visited often as friends before the benefits started.
They’d always enjoyed each other’s company. Sometimes they’d watch TV or sit and talk for a bit before getting to the real reason they were together after hours. It wasn’t one of those nights. Amanda let him lock up before pirouetting to step back into him. She slipped her fingers in between the buttons of his waistcoat and pulled him against her, breathing close to his chin.
“Jumpin’ in so soon?” he smirked, setting his briefcase down.
She looked up at him with doe eyes. “That a problem?”
“Nah,” Sonny responded with a shallow lip bite. The tone of his voice dropped. He put one hand on her waist and used the other to tilt her chin up. “I’ve been thinking about this all day.” He kissed her and she believed it.
With his tongue against her teeth, he began to shrug off his suit jacket and like clockwork, Amanda pushed it down his biceps. She used it as a lasso against his back and rolled her pelvis into his upper thighs. He groaned into her mouth before picking his head up to pull his arms out of the garment. Sonny took a wide step to toss it on the back of the couch and quickly removed his waistcoat too. With him otherwise occupied, she brought her hands to the middle of her chest and pinched the buttons of her blouse.
Carisi returned to her and she’d already dropped her shirt to the floor. She loved the look on his face, eyebrows high, lips rubbing together. His hands followed his gaze and he held on to her ribs, his thumbs against the sheer back fabric that held her breasts but didn’t cover them. She tossed her hair and he was enchanted by her bone structure and the smell of her shampoo.
“This new?” he mumbled, pulling one of the straps off her shoulder and scribbling kisses along her collarbone.
Her head raised and she shuttered. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Sonny snickered into her skin. He picked up his head, reached up to her opposite side, and pressed his palm up into her breast. The weight and shape felt perfect in his hand, her nipple sharp enough to split him in two. “It’s nice.”
She smiled and looked away slightly. “Thanks.” It was new and maybe she wore it that day because someone - him - would appreciate it. Amanda traced a finger up his chest and pulled at his tie. “You’re wearing too much.”
He thought that of her too, but he had the advantage. Sonny grinned and took her place in loosening the tie around his neck. Their hands brushed on her way down to his waistband where she untucked his crisp white shirt and unbuttoned it. His clothes joined hers on the floor. Sonny crossed his arms across his stomach to pull his undershirt over his head.
Amanda let herself look at him - her friend - long and lean. The outline of his dick pressed against his suit bottoms was more obvious as he stretched up. She put her hands on his hips and thought of quickly dropping to her knees, but they started early - they could take it slow. When his face emerged again, Sonny pushed his hair back and looked down at her swaying against him.
Without breaking eye contact, she slid her dominant hand down his hip and stroked his length. He fed his pelvis into her hand and moved to hold her face with the intensity fueled by her touch. She was already aroused but remembered what between her fingertips felt like inside her and she squirmed.
Rollins licked her teeth. “Take me to bed.”
He would have taken her there against the front door if she asked. Sonny nodded and they took their hands off each other to maneuver down the hall. In his bedroom with her back still turned to him, Amanda reached to unhook her bra. She looked over her shoulder as she slowly slid the straps down her arms and he was quick to unfasten his pants and step out of them.
Once fully undressed, Sonny sat down on the edge of the bed because there was nothing more he wanted than for her to wrap herself around him. At the crack of his knees, she picked her head up from slipping her black jeans down her thighs. She peeled her body up and raised her arms to push her hair back, now just in a seamless cotton thong.
From the bed, he lifted his chest. Her body was beautiful, petite but perfectly soft in all the right places. Sonny held out one hand and patted his thigh with the other. The sweet dominance was charming and taking his hand, Amanda slithered between his knees. He moved his hands around her ass and tilted his chin up against the middle of her torso below her breasts. She ran a hand through the front of his hair, messing up the combed pattern and he touched his lips to her.
“Now you’re wearin’ too much,” Carisi teased, speaking into her skin as he slipped his fingertips under the soft fabric around her hips.
She swallowed the breath that got caught in her throat with her underwear pulled against her swollen parts. “Fix it.”
He smirked and rolled the thong down her smooth thighs until she could flick it off her ankle. Amanda carefully touched a knee between his thighs on the bed and balanced her opposite hand on his shoulder to half straddle his lap. She leaned into his chest and he lowered his back down. Still only half wrapped around him, she dragged her thigh over his hips, pressing his dick into his stomach. Sonny picked up his head to kiss her, the pressure of her on top of him making his skin hot, but she only sucked at his bottom lip.
“Hey…” he grumbled, putting both hands on her waist.
She ignored his plea and kissed his jaw, continuing down his neck and drawing a parallel line over his Adam’s apple with her finger. He breathed heavier and rolled his body under her. At his chest, her delicate kisses turned into selective vacuums to leave marks on his skin that would disappear before she left that night. She pushed her body back towards the end of the bed, dragging her tongue down his abdomen until she reached the pink tip of his cock.
Sonny gently gripped the hair on her scalp with a soft moan as she wrapped her lips around him. She cupped his balls briefly as she moved to wrap her hand around the base of his shaft. At the head, she left wet, stringy kisses and pumped him up and down with a twist.
“That’s it,” he breathed, rolling his head against the covers. She smiled, he could feel it, and it filled him with desire. “But, ah...come back up here. I wanna touch ya’.”
Amanda thought of ignoring him, but with a final snap of her tongue, she glanced up and picked her torso up. Her teasing made him closer to the edge than he should have been at that point like he was a younger man and his blood wasn’t weighed down by whisky. He shifted until his feet were no longer on the floor. Limb by limb she crawled up next to him and lowered down on her stomach. On her elbows, she hovered over his throat and dragged two fingers down his lips before letting him kiss her again. The more he wanted her, the less soft he got, and she loved playing with the scale.
Carisi turned in to her and squeezed her waist before pushing his upper body up, forcing his face away. She wedged off his shoulder and watched him by laying her cheek into folded arms. Over her back, he lingered and tenderly tucked a strand of hair behind her visible ear. His hand then traced between her shoulder blades and over her hips to grab the fleshiest part of her ass. He pulled her skin towards him, stretching her pussy too.
He planted a kiss on the top of her spine before running his fingers between her slit. She was warm and wet and he extended further between her legs to find her clit. As he rolled it between his fingers, she emptied her lungs with a staggered breath and arched her back higher. After a few slow wide circles, he pulled his hand back, stroked the outside of her entrance, and slipped two fingers inside her
Amanda let little moans out as he created a pattern, fucking her with his hand a few pulses then returning to her clit, not letting either build to euphoria. He began working her a little harder, thinking how easy it would be to bury his dick deeper in her than his fingers could go.
She gripped the comforter. “I want you.”
He heard her fine despite her muffled voice but wanted to hear it again. “What was that?” Sonny huskily whispered into her neck. She let out a little moan as he removed his fingers from inside her and placed his damp hand on her back.
“You heard me.”
He curved his hand over her hip to tug her to him. “I’ll need ya’ closer then.”
Amanda turned from her stomach to her side so that her spine molded to his chest. His cock throbbed behind her and she couldn’t help but tauntingly press back into it. As she turned her head over her shoulder, Sonny pulled at her jaw to whip his tongue into her mouth. It was enough to relieve the drought he’d always been thirsty for, and she too needed a good drink of him. He continued kissing her but moved his hand down her body and behind her thighs.
She got the idea and spread her knees apart, holding one leg bent in the air. He pulled away from her face look down for the right angle of his hips and used his hand to position himself between her spread thighs. The length of his dick followed her folds and brushed her clit at the top, making her quake. Sonny pushed over her again, slower, their nerves buzzing before dragging back to gently dip into her entrance.
After Billie, Amanda got careful, and Dominick trusted her. The trust was mutual, and neither would admit so, but there was nobody else and hadn’t been for a long time.
He moved his hand from the base of his cock to the back of her knee to hold her leg up as he filled her. Being stretched just right, she moaned and brought her hands up to her breasts, squeezing the flesh. He smirked and breathed heavily into her neck, balls deep and surrounded by velvet. “Oh, Amanda,” he whispered, moving his hips shallowly against her.
She let her head fall back and reached behind her to touch his face. Her name was never so sweet. Sonny’s other arm came around from under where she pivoted on her elbow. He grabbed at her chest, kissed the palm of her hand, and deepened his movements into her, gradually speeding up as they became one.
With his hits against her pelvis, Amanda sighed loudly, a freedom she didn’t have at home with the girls sleeping next door. She wanted to take advantage of that, feel everything unapologetically. From his face, she ran her hand down her torso and cupped her public bone to rub her clit. Her sighs turned into groans with the dual stimulation, and she barely noticed him removing his support from the back of her knee to meet her between her legs. They touched hands all the time - inadvertently, sometimes purposely, but this was a different kind of intimacy.
“Let me,” Sonny huffed. He wedged his fingers under hers and took over where she left off, circling the bundle of nerves. Her breath got caught in her throat and she whimpered as rocked her hips over his cock and into his hand. His thrusts became slower, selfless, letting her decide what felt good.
“O-Oh God...God...ah, don’t-don’t stop,” she begged, and he wanted nothing but to please her. The inner muscles of her thighs shook against his forearm and after a few beats, her whole body coiled against him. With the first pulse of her orgasm, Amanda cried out and then panted as the waves continued.
Carisi removed his hand from her center and kissed behind her ear as her body settled down. He felt accomplished, but making her cum increased the fire in his gut. Once her mind was out of a haze, she twisted her head back again. Their eyes met and she smiled with a little giggle as her pussy irregularly quaked around him. Her face was hot and her heart pounded. He was good to her, and maybe a little beautiful.
She dragged her bottom lip with her teeth. “Roll back.”
There wasn’t any arguing, he'd do anything she wanted, though this was all for him. Sonny slipped out of her and shifted to his back, keeping his eyes on her the whole time. She gradually folded on her other side and crawled up to straddle him. Amanda sat up straight, putting her weight on his stiff cock, and let the length sink and squish between her.
He touched her thighs, loving to see her sit on him with the head of his dick between her sex. If it was earlier, she would have ground against him for both of their excitement, but her clit was still sensitive and she’d teased him enough that night. She lifted and wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft, wet with her cum, and sunk over him
Sonny took a loud deep breath and dug his fingers into her legs. She flipped her hair over her shoulder as she began to rock her hips. He was drunk with affection, reminded of the unbelievable truth that this beautiful woman in his life was even more stunning riding his dick, and how lucky he was that she enjoyed it.
Behind her, he bent his knees so he could feed up into her and Amanda lowered her torso down to lie flat on his chest. He moved his arms around her and ran a hand up the back of her neck into her hair. “You feel so fuckin’ good,” he heaved, their faces close. She touched his cheek in a haze, loving to see him become raw and animalistic. “Yeah, you too.”
Amanda billowed her hips and he bucked into her, making the bed creak. With the right movement together, from her breathy moans came a yelp and she dug her nails into his shoulders. “D-Dom...Dominick...I...ah.” Her movement faulted and she writhed, holding him tight as she shook. She buried her face in his neck, her second orgasm from pleasure alone, not anticipation, and it took her by surprise. Her shrieks were almost laughter.
He was close, so God Damn close, and Sonny held her waist to pound into what fluttered around him. He groaned deeply, losing his rhythm, and his body tensed and jerked beneath her as the stars in his head combusted.
They were still a moment except for heavy chests and soft hips that rode each other out. Amanda picked up her head from his neck damp with sweat and soothingly stroked his hair. He blinked open his eyes and a goofy smile grew across his face. She kissed his cheek, sweetly, affectionately, before swinging her leg to roll off beside him.
Carisi thought it was special that she stayed with him a bit instead of rushing to the bathroom - he didn’t care, the bedding could be washed - but he tried not to read into it. Still on his back, he turned his head in her direction. Her hair was messy, her face still a little pink, and she sighed happily.
“We’re gettin’ pretty good at this, huh?” he grinned, still breathing heavily.
Amanda smiled with a chuckle and bit her lip. “Yeah.”
He wanted to hold her again but thought it might cross the line from just benefits. Sonny switched to his side to look at her better. They blinked at each other a couple of times.
“You don’t have to...but if you wanna stick around, I was thinking of...well, I’m kinda starving.”
She bundled her arms under her face. “Hmm, whatcha making me?”
It was a yes, an “of course I’ll stay, I want to stay” without her having to say it. He shook his head, humored.
“Probably pasta or something like that...maybe throw together a quick sauce. You can shower if you want. It’ll be close to ready when you’re done.”
“Okay,” she said, reaching out to touch his forearm. “Sounds nice...thanks.”
Sonny glanced down at his arm and decided it was okay to cup the side of her face. He’d get up in a minute, get her a fresh towel, but they just stared at each other, both spent, fulfilled, and a little in love, ignoring the fact that friends with benefits don’t look at each other like that.
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vincent-frankenstein · 5 years ago
41: “You did all of this for me?” With Moceit plz?
Summary: Deceit loves getting sick. He loves having to lock himself away in his room to protect his reputation, to protect himself from being coddled. He can’t let the others see him in such a state. But then they find out, and Patton won’t let him ride it out alone. 
Warnings: sickness, weakness, Banter and teasing, sympathetic deceit
Pairing: moceit with like, background familial dlamp 
@figurative-siren-song uwu
Deceit just loved being sick.
Really, it was such fun! It involved all of his favoritepastimes — such as being unable to leave his bed for days on end, and coughingup a lung every time he tried to speak, and sneezing his goddamn brains out every five minutes. He could think of no grander way tospend his time lying curled up in bed, trying to force his stomach to staywhere it belonged.
And the added bonus of being completely and utterly trapped? Well, that wasjust the cherry-on-top.
Obviously, he could let the others see him like this. Such glaringsigns of weakness would never be used to his disadvantage! Why, they'dprobably drop everything to care for him, to nurse him back to health like the"family" they claimed to be!
He sneered, glaring balefully at the cup of tea on his desk. It hadlong since gone cold, but he couldn't risk going out to get a new one. It wastimes like this where he almost wished things could go back to how they used to be;at least then he'd have access to the old kitchen, the one in the Others' partof the mindscape, where he knew he wouldn't be seen. There could be any numberof sides waiting for him in their newer, grayer commons, and the thought ofanyone seeing him in such a state made his stomach churn.
Besides, he doubted he'd survive such an encounter. With how his head ached,one boisterous laugh from Roman or offended screech from Logan would be enoughto kill him. He wasn't too keen on the idea of dying. Surpringing, Iknow, from the embodiment of self-preservation.
But he was hardly needy. He could handle a few days on his own. He greetedhis solitude with open arms, and —
Oh no.
He barely had a moment to hiss a panicked curse before the bed dropped outfrom under him and he was tugged down-sideways-up until the living room floorrose up to meet his feet. He staggered, pressing his hand over his mouth andstumbling into the banister.
"Deceit?" Oh. Good, good, good. That was Patton's voice.He could hear Logan shifting beside him. He was in the commons, how fun! Definitely not a terrifying prospect. "Are you okay,kiddo?"
He shifted against the stairs until he was leaning nonchalantly, and crossedhis arms, lifting an eyebrow. "Of course not," he said, digging hisfingernails into his arm to keep from coughing. He was met with four confused,disbelieving stares.
"I've got a more important question," Roman declared. "Arethose Scooby-Doo pajamas?"
Deceit's nose twitched with annoyance. "...No."
"They totally are!" Roman's laughter was like tiny explosionsagainst Deceit's aching eardrums. It took everything in him to not wince.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize I wasn't allowed to have leisure clothes,"Deceit snapped. "You have oh-so-much room to judge, Roman, in thatsale-rack Halloween costume of yours."
If Roman's laughter was tiny explosions, his offended squawking was likeshoving a bazooka into Deceit's ear and firing. "'Sale-rack Halloween costume?'"he repeated, one hand clutched against his chest. "How dare you?!Do you have any idea how much effort I put into this outfit?! Weeksspent planning and sewing —"
"Falsehood," Logan cut in, raising an eyebrow. "You told meyourself you simply conjured it up on a whim."
"Wh — but — okay, but, the emotional effort —"
"Now, now, kiddos, let's not fight, okay?" Patton said, holding uphis hands placatingly. "Roman, your outfit is lovely. And Dee, yourpajamas are super cute!"
Deceit blinked. "...Thanks," he said drily, to which Pattonbeamed, completely genuine. "Alright, can we get to whatever dilemma youneed my help with? I wasn't in the middle of something."
"Oh, yeah, I'm sure your midday nap is way more important thanhelping Thomas," Virgil said with a roll of his eyes. Deceit opened hismouth to retort, but Logan lifted a hand.
"Enough," he said evenly. "Deceit, I assume you're aware ofthe surprise party that Thomas plans to throw for Joan's birthday nextweek?"
"What? No!" Deceit placed a hand against his chest,feigning surprise. "Why would I know about that? It's not like I suggestedit!"
Logan continued as if he hadn't spoken. "Thomas is about to spend aprolonged amount of time with Joan to brainstorm ideas for the channel. We needyou to, ah —"
"Keep his mouth shut," Deceit finished, and Logan nodded."Well, as fun as that sounds, I do believe I'll have to pass."
"What? Why?"
Because his legs had begun to shake, and he doubted he could stay uprightfor much longer. Because his throat ached and twinged with every word out ofhis mouth. Because his head pounded, black spots dancing in front of his eyes,and he just wanted to sleep, goddamnit.
"I have some personal business to attend to," he said simply.
Virgil huffed. "'Personal business?'" he repeated, raising aneyebrow.
"Yes. I'm afraid I must nunya," Deceit said.
Patton's eyebrows furrowed. "What's 'nunya?'"
"Nunya business," Deceit said. He shoved away from the banisterand drew himself to his full height. "Roman is more than capable of comingup with excuses for our dear boy Thomas. Now, if you'll excuse me —"
"Hold on, you expect me to do your job for you? After you insulted myprecious outfit! Ha! Fat chance, Lyin' King!" Roman declared,setting his hands on his hips.
"Technically, you insulted his outfit first," Logan said. He dugaround in his pocket for a moment, drawing out an index card. "'Nocap.'"
"Well, yeah, of course there's no cap!" Patton said, a smilegrowing on his face. "Dee's not wearin' his hat!"
Logan's groan was like stepping on a landmine. Deceit couldn't help butwince, pain wracking through his skull, pressure building inside his forehead.Black spots danced before his eyes. When the world slotted back into placearound him he found every eye in the room on him, and he shifted beneath thesearchlights, eyes narrowing.
"You don't look very okay, kiddo," Patton said, with concern inhis eyes. Deceit's nose twitched.
"I assure you, I am fine —"
"Yeah, bullshit," Virgil said. "You look like shit. Well,shittier than usual."
"How kind of you to say, Virgil," Deceit said, with a roll of hiseyes. "I must say, you're looking quite shitty yourself, as usual."
Virgil hissed — and Deceit made the ultimate mistake of hissing back. Thecoughing fit that followed had him wheezing for breath, tears building in hiseyes, and when it finally subsided he was met with the worst punishment of all:pity.
"Oh, honey... you're sick," Patton said softly.
"Well, now the pajamas make sense!" Roman said, nodding tohimself, as if that was the most important aspect of their conversation. Deceittook a step back, eyes narrowing.
"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not," he said, voice ragged. "It definitelymatters."
"Yes, it does," Logan said. "As metaphysical beings, we areincapable of dying, but that doesn't mean we can't get sick. Any illnesses wedo manage to catch should be treated properly, lest they become worse."
"Gee, sure wish I'd thought of that!" Deceit said, in ahigh-pitched tone that made his throat ache. "Oh, wait, I did. I wasresting before you all decided to drag me out here!"
Logan blinked. "'My bad,'" he said awkwardly, pulling out a vocabcard.
"Yeah, if I had known you were sick, I never would have made fun ofyou," Roman said, and to his credit, he did look genuinely apologetic."Your pajamas are quite becoming."
Deceit yanked his shirt into place and rolled his eyes. "Thank you,Roman," he said, only half sarcastic. At Roman's pressing stare, hesighed. "Your outfit is ridiculously ugly as well."
"Hey! Oh — wait, thanks!"
"Now am I allowed to go rest?"
"Of course." Logan straightened his tie and nodded. "Myapologies for dragging you into this, Deceit."
"I don't accept your apology." Finally he was free to sinkdown, and he did so with great relief, collapsing onto his bed with anexhausted sigh. He squeezed his eyes tightly shut and pretended like the roomwasn't rocking around him.
And that's how he spent the five hours that followed: curled up atop hisbed, shivering and miserable. He considered it a worthy use of his time. Whatelse could he have been doing? Something productive? Unrealistic.
When the knocking first began, he had sunk so deeply into the throes ofexhaustion that he brushed them off as hallucinations. But then came a voice,muffled through the door: "Dee?"
Ah. Patton. Far be it from him to let Deceit simply rest. He lifted himselfas well as he could, wobbling dangerously, and hissed out a vague response.
"Okay, well, there's no need to be like that," Patton said."I've got somethin' for ya downstairs, if you feel down to seein'it!"
"I definitely need some inane movie night right now,"Deceit hissed, words lisping and slurring. His room had grown quite cold, buthe hardly had the strength to turn on the heat. "I'm doing just fine in here,thanks."
"Dee, I know you," Patton said. "You're probably hidin' inthere with the heat off, wallowin' in your own self-pity."
"... No I'm not."
Patton sighed. "Take it from me, hun," he said. "That's notgonna make anything better. You can't hide from your sickness and jus' hope itgoes away."
Deceit groaned. "I can damn well try!"
"No. No, you can't," Patton said. "I promise, it's not amovie night. Or, well — not technically. Would you just come down?"
"I'm afraid this illness is terminal, Patton," Deceit said."They've already had to amputate both my legs. I can't walk."
"Oh, poor baby," Patton cooed — and then he gently pushed open thedoor and stepped inside. He rubbed away the goosebumps on his arms, shivering."Oh, honey, it's like a freezer box in here! And you're not even under anyblankets!"
"I like the cold," Deceit insisted, stubborn as ever. Hesniffled, burrowing into his pillow so he didn't have to look at Patton'ssympathetic frown. "Leave me to die, Morality. It's far too late forme."
"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Patton rolled up hissleeves and — hefted Deceit into his arms, and oh, oh wow, he was reallystrong — and he nestled Deceit against his chest and carried him out of theroom.
Deceit hadn't the energy to struggle, but even if he did, he doubted hewould have. Patton's touch was burning fire against his skin and he melted intoit, eyes slipping shut. He hadn't realized how cold he'd truly become until thewarmth drove the ice from his bones, bringing feeling back to his fingers andtoes.
The living room had been thrown to chaos — the couches pushed aside, theircushions torn from their seats to become building blocks for the grandestblanket fort Deceit had ever seen. Patton set him down in the center and stood,brushing off his hands.
"Wh... what is this?" Deceit asked, eyes narrowing. The jolt ofwarmth had brought clarity back to his mind, and with it came that familiar,sharp suspicion. The living room was dark, the lights dimmed to a comfortableglow — and the Netflix startup screen shone on the tv. None of the others werein sight.
"Well," Patton said, lowering himself down to the edge of the fortto sit. "Virge told us about your tendency to hide away wheneveryou're feelin' less-than-okay."
Ah. A betrayal, then. He knew there was something shady behind this.
"And, well, I know the feeling..." Patton twisted his handstogether in his lap, rubbing the pad of his thumb over the back of his otherhand. "So I figured, if you gotta feel miserable, you might as well do itcomfortably!"
Deceit raised an eyebrow, and Patton stood. "You've got full access toNetflix, and there's a couple different heatin' pads in there. I'm cookin' upsome chicken noodle soup for ya, and then I'll get outta your hair. We'll all stayclear of the commons for ya."
Deceit blinked. He glanced around the fort, this time with wide-eyedconfusion rather than suspicion. "And you did all of this... for me?"
"Well, yeah!" Patton said, as if it made all the sense in theworld. "I care about you, hun. We all do."
...Huh. For the first time in his life, Deceit was stricken speechless, notby fury, but by care. He looked down to his lap, and then back up atPatton, and forced bitter truth to coat his words. "Thank you," hesaid, more genuine than he'd ever allow himself to be otherwise.
"'Course!" Patton beamed. "Alrighty, I'm gonna go finish up that soupfor ya! Then I'll stop botherin' you —"
"You're not," Deceit said before he could stop himself. Pattontilted his head to the side; the sight was undeniably adorable.
"Not what?"
"... Bothering me," Deceit finished lamely. "You don't haveto... leave. If you don't want to."
Patton's lips parted in a little 'o' of surprise — and then he smiled, andit looked like the sunrise. Deceit leaned closer to the heating pad at his sideand pretended that that was the reason for the flames blazing across his face."Are you sure?"
"I mean, it's not like I care either way," Deceit said. Brusquely,he snatched the remote from its pillow-throne and began clicking throughNetflix. His eyes narrowed. "As long as you don't get too close. I wouldn'tfeel terrible if you got sick."
Patton made a little squeak, almost inhuman in how touched and excited itwas, and he nodded, hair flopping down in his face. "Soup for two it is,then!" he said, and bounced off into the kitchen.
An hour later, Deceit fell asleep against Patton's chest.
A few days later, Patton got sick.
Deceit built him a blanket fort.
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hisfavoritewolf · 4 years ago
Who Could Win A Rabbit
Based on this post bc I never thought to write about that in-between! Thank you @loquaciousquark for the inspiration <3
No warnings, only fluff here!~ Only under a cut bc it got long!
Fenris held his breath as he slipped silently into the barn. Not even the animals stirred at his entrance, and he was grateful for it. Now, if only he could stop shivering. The storm was still raging outside, enough that he was surprised the animals weren’t awake with alarm. Perhaps they were used to it.
He found the darkest uninhabited corner in the barn and carefully removed his sheathe. He didn’t dare place it out of reach, instead opting to lay it across his lap. He doubted he’d truly sleep, but he could close his eyes... At least for a little while.
One particularly close flash of lightning sent a jolt through him, and panic rushed to meet him as several of the mules began their braying. Of course. Had his luck always been so rotten? Would it continue to be for as long as he’d live?
He pressed himself further back into the corner as he heard footsteps- even through the noise of the rain and thunder. He’d certainly be caught and likely chased off of the property. If only he could explain that he wasn’t a horse thief. Did this barn even have horses? He didn’t see any stables...
A voice rang out through the barn. “It’s alright, I’m here! Lucky- calm down, will you?”
Fenris caught a glimpse of glowstone and cringed, but his grip on the hilt of his blade faltered. They sounded so young. He’d rather not scare them, his intent was not to harm or intimidate. Still, he could hear them getting closer.
“Is something else wrong..? Thunder don’t usually get you this bad...” They murmured to their friend, and turned to see the second problem of their night. An elf huddled in a corner with a rather large blade in hand.
The moment they locked eyes, everything seemed to stop. He felt his heart drop. He was freezing, since he was lacking any cloak to shield him from the rain, and he was exhausted. Still, he forced himself to stand. He did not brandish his sword, he didn’t look them in the eyes. He simply cleared his throat.
“I apologize... I should not have-”
“What kind of moron doesn’t have a cloak?” They interject, looking more confused than anything.
They pointed to him in his entirety. “Yer not wearin’ nothin that could help you out there. Aren’t you freezing?”
When he didn’t answer, their confusion only grew. “Stay here, I’ll be right back. Oh, and don’t mind Lucky, he’s a bit prissy.”
Before he could try to stop them, they had left. He looked to the mule as if it could answer the questions beginning to pile up in his head. Why weren’t they angry? Being caught in a barn had happened before, but this person didn’t seem alarmed at all.
It didn’t seem long at all before the stranger was back, and carrying a few items. A large blanket, slightly damp from running in the rain, and a bowl. This night was getting more perplexing by the minute, it seemed. They huffed out a labored breath and made their way across the barn. He stepped back into his corner, eyes wide and full of confusion.
“It’s just soup, dummy.”
He stared.
“Well, a blanket, too, but soup!” They grin, sitting down and holding out the items. He sat back down as well, setting his weapon to the side without thinking much about it. Too distracted. He just kept staring at the kind offerings.
“Are you certain..?” He finally said.
“What? About the soup? Well, it probably isn’t very good, but it’s something to eat, yeah?” They push the soup across the dusty floor, still smiling.
He looked between the stranger and the offering before gently taking the blanket and wrapping it around himself. He still wasn’t too certain about the soup. That seemed to strike his host.
“So.. Uh... I’m Rowan. This is me mum’s farm. You’re definitely not from here.”
He shook his head, finally deciding to take the soup. When was the last time he’d eaten..?
Rowan cleared their throat. “Where, uh... where are you from?”
“... Far.”
“... Alright. Where are you headed?”
Rowan huffed, crossing their arms. “Well, gee, you’re cheery...” They look him over, curiosity glimmering in their eyes like the glowlamp beside them. It’s likely they’ve never seen anything quite like him before. Some part of him can’t blame them, but it’s still uncomfortable.
“Do you... Have a name?” It would be an odd question if he didn’t know so many slaves without them.
“Fenris.” He muttered between sips of his soup.
“Like a wolf?”
He frowned, set the soup down, and drew the blanket closer. “Yes.”
They chuckled. “That’s funny, actually!”
That’s new. “Why?”
“Well, mum said we’d be needing to find someone to hunt some wolves nearby. I told her it wouldn’t be a problem, but here you are! A wolf right in our barn!” They laughed, and Fenris’ confusion only grew.
“It is... Just a name,” He muttered. “I am no wolf.”
Rowan blinked. “Wow, you’re a very serious man.”
Silence fell. Fenris was used to being watched, but it felt so much different now that he was free. Not to mention, being watched while you’re eating was a different feeling altogether. It felt so vulnerable.
“Hey, I have an idea!” That made him jump. “You’ve got that big sword, why don’t you hunt those wolves? My mum could pay you, and then you’d have enough coin to buy yourself a cloak! And maybe a place to stay the night that isn’t an old barn.”
That was an interesting idea. Could he? As far as his abilities went, he was certain he could hunt wolves. Not a particularly fun way to spend a day, but if it would get him some coin...
“May I... Think about it?”
“‘May you’? Well, yeah, You don’t have to if you don’t want to... It was just an idea.” Rowan tilted their head, surveying him further. All he wanted was for them to stop staring, but he couldn’t bring himself to say it. They were only curious, right?
“I, uh... I guess I’ll let you rest, and I’ll check in with you in the morning? And if yer not here, then...” They shrug, standing up and dusting off their cloak. He could already hear the storm dimming outside. “Well, then it was nice to meet you, Ser!”
They left in a hurry. Maybe he was making them just as uncomfortable. He couldn’t blame them. He likely looked like an assassin, perhaps even a wild animal trapped in a cage. Still...
That was the first time anyone had said anything like that to him, to his memory. He spent the remainder of his night pondering that, among plenty of other things, until he finished his soup and the exhaustion finally overcame him.
Fenris awoke with a start as the barn doors opened and streaks of morning light swept through the room. It was Rowan again, but they weren’t alone. He staggered to his feet, nearly knocking over the empty bowl, and almost drew his dagger. He decided instead to draw the blanket tighter around him.
A tall woman carrying a pail stood next to the young child, squinting suspiciously at him. He tried to stand tall, but felt absolutely dwarfed in her presence. There was no further back for him to step as she approached.
“I hear you met little Rowan last night, that they told you ‘bout our wolf issue...?”
He nodded shortly. She hummed, looking down to Rowan at her side, then she sighed. “One of these days you’re going to get yourself into trouble, going and doing things like that.”
“He was shivering!” Rowan protested. The woman just laughed and patted their head.
“Yeah, yeah,” She looked back to Fenris. “So? Can you do it?”
He blinked, looking between the two. He’d thought about it for some time, but didn’t recall ever coming to a conclusion. Now, faced with the question again, he’s at least a little quicker with his response.
“Yes I can,” He nodded, locking eyes with the woman. “I would like to repay your kindness.” He glanced to Rowan, who grinned.
“Good,” The woman nodded. “Though I’ll be paying you in more than simply kindness. You can have the furs and what coin I can spare. Sound like a fair deal?”
Fenris doubted he’d find a better one. It seemed far more than generous. He nodded. “Yes, just tell me where they are and I will take care of them.”
“I think that’s the longest sentence you’ve said!” Rowan chimed in, laughing.
“Not a man of many words? Just as well, means you’ve got focus. I’m pretty sure the wolves have been coming from the south, not far from the border of the farm.”
As she spoke, Fenris shrugged the blanket off his shoulders and slung his weapon across his back once more. He adjusted to the weight of it, taking deep breaths and a moment to focus. The mother seemed surprised.
“Well, now you look like someone who can take on a pack of wolves! Maker, you looked like a drowned rat before. I was worried Rowan was pulling a prank or somethin’!” She laughed. “Well, if that’s not the case, let me introduce myself. The name’s Ori.”
She extended a hand and Fenris jumped, causing a moment of pause between all three in the room. After a moment further of hesitation, he reached out and took her hand with a firm grip. He tried not to make his cringing seem too obvious.
“My name is Fenris.”
“A wolf who hunts wolves, so you really weren’t kidding around.” She nudged Rowan with her elbow and let her hand fall back to rest on her hip. “Good luck, Fenris. Try not to die. There should only be three of them. If you can carry them all to the farmhouse when you’re done, it’d be appreciated.”
As simple as that, they started off on their own tasks. Fenris knew what he was meant to do, and he was going to do it for himself.
Killing the wolves was easy. Killing was something he was good at. He was strong enough to haul all three back to the farmhouse, as well. Ori idly explained that she’d be selling the meat to the butcher, and that he could sell the fur to the tailor after cleaning it.
“I’m impressed, really. A skinny little elf turns up in my barn in the middle of a storm just as I’d intended to hire a hunter? Sounds like the Maker blessed us both.” She smiled, a genuine softness about her despite the fact that she was elbows-deep in the guts of a dead wolf.
As Fenris was sipping from the cup of water she’d given him, she stopped. The look on her face grew solemn, and she glanced up at him.
“You were a slave, weren’t you?” It wasn’t a question. It took him a moment to respond.
“Yes. I am not anymore.”
“Good,” She grunted. “Slavers are a disgusting lot. Glad you could be rid of them. But I’ll bet you they’ll be lookin’ for ya. Am I right?”
He nodded, though he didn’t feel ashamed. He felt something stronger than shame. Perhaps anger. Rage at the life they had stolen from him, from all the horrible time spent serving his master’s whims.
“Well, then, I truly hope you can find some peace.” Ori sighed, wiping her brow on the sleeve of her shirt.
Fenris took a breath and finished what was left of the water, then set the cup down nearby. The deed of skinning and gutting the animals didn’t take much longer than expected, and they spoke no more during that time. He felt there was nothing more to say, and he was grateful she didn’t decide to pry.
“Andraste guide you, Fenris,” Ori said as he left. “It’s the least anyone could do for you.”
The walk to town wasn’t terribly far, though he felt he was lucky that the tailor’s shop had a sign with an image etched onto it along with the writing. The exchange of words and coin was short, but he felt as though a weight was finally lifted off of him as he left. Everything was different.
He walked to the inn with a new sense of pride, bought himself a fresh meal from the kitchen —rabbit stew—, and a room to sleep in that night. It was all such a strange rush of emotion, one he doubted he’d ever get used to. Even if it was by pure luck he found that farm, the rest was his doing. He could have run, but he didn’t.
For the first time in his life, he'd done something for himself. He earned his own coin, his own food. No quietly sneaking through, stealing what he needed. No guilt, no shame. Only honest coin for honest work. His work.
Perhaps he should be thankful for that storm.
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lu-undy · 4 years ago
A Sniper/Medic Short
I took part in a Secret Santa and my giftee wanted a Sniper/Medic short with cuddles in front of a fire or exchanging gifts. I did both :) Here it is!
"Gosh, it's freezing." 
Sniper woke up in his van on that cold morning of late December. He rubbed his eyes and pressed a switch to turn on the heating in his campervan. Engineer had been kind enough to fix him a button next to his bed that connected with the electric radiator. So the Aussie stayed in bed for an extra half an hour to wait for the van to warm up to an acceptable level. He could afford the wait as that day was off for both teams. 
In fact, the mercenaries enjoyed two weeks off at the end of the year's holidays.
Sniper looked at the time and took a deep breath. 
"Right, should probably get up now." 
And he followed his morning routine. He put some clothes on with warm socks and a season coat. It was thick and lined with synthetic yet warm fur around the hood. He put on a scarf and gloves. When the Aussie finished slipping in his boots, he opened the van's back door and the ice cold air bit his very skin. 
Everything was covered in a thick layer of white snow and as he jumped down to the ground, he landed in a muffled thud and sunk to the middle of his legs in snow. He hissed and winced. The kangaroo wasn't much of a fan of the feeling of cold wetness on his legs in the morning, or at any other time of the day either.
He locked up his van's backdoor and walked back to the base's main building. He entered and shut the door before feeling the drastic change of temperature. 
"Crikey, it's hot in here…" 
Sniper pulled back his hood, removed his coat and unrolled the scarf around his face. He placed all his clothing items on the coathanger there and proceeded to the kitchen for breakfast, where he found most of his colleagues, as usual. 
"Mornin' Sniper." Engie waved. 
The rest of the team present in the kitchen nodded to the Aussie who went straight to get a warm mug of coffee. As he reached the coffee pot, he stuck his frozen hands on it and let it sizzle his skin nicely. 
"Here, your coffee." 
The white mug marked '#1 Sniper' slid on the counter to him and when he raised his head, he saw a lab coat float away, back to the table. He smiled. 
He took the mug and resumed his usual seat around the table to partake in the usual morning debates. Well, partake was a big word, maybe just listen in and nod from time to time. He liked his colleagues' banter. It had taken some time for his head to stop hurting at it, but now he was fully used to it and he even appreciated it. He listened to it like the radio and watched it like TV. He would sometimes add his grain of salt to the conversation but he much preferred to listen and watch. 
"Hey, fancypants! Not wearin' a suit today? What is it, Christmas?" 
Spy entered wearing a knitted jumper that went up his neck, to the color of the team and a dark, matching pair of trousers.
"Very observant." He answered and went to the coffee pot to help himself. 
"Funny, eh, my Ma' knitted me the same kind of sweater!"
"Funny indeed." The Frenchman answered and the rest of the team sighed gently. 
"Any plans for today, guys?" The Bostonian asked.
"Today is a great day. You will all respect and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ!" Soldier exclaimed. "And if I catch one of you numbnuts not partaking in the festivities, it will be extra physical training and scrubbing duties!" He raised an authoritative index finger. 
"Calm down, laddie, what about a snowball fight? The snow's nice and fresh." Demoman suggested. 
"Yes, Sir!" 
"Right! Can me and Pyro join you guys?" Scout asked. 
"Of course, lads! The more, the merrier!"
"Heavy, you wanna join us?" Scout turned to his impressively built colleague. 
"Come on, Stalingrad! Let me give you a Second Cold War!"
"Aye, c'mon, Heavy, what are you gonna do inside, eh? It's Christmas and there's snow!"
Heavy rolled his eyes and smiled behind his crossed arms. 
"Fine." He yielded and the mercenaries rejoiced. 
"What about the support club?" Scout turned to Medic, Spy and Sniper. 
The Frenchman was reading a newspaper while Medic and Sniper looked briefly at each other. 
"Spy, d'you wanna-"
"C'mon, Spy-"
The old French man sighed. 
"I am busy."
"What will you be doin'?"
"Nothing that concerns you."
"C'mon, what could be better than a snow fight? Join us!"
Spy sighed from his side of the newspaper. 
"A phone call with your mother would be incomparably better than a snowball fight."
The mercenaries tensed around the table and their eyes all shifted to Scout. 
"Yeah, well, you're not gonna get it anyway so c'mon!" 
They facepalmed and rolled their eyes. Scout was remarkably oblivious. 
Little by little, the mercenaries left the table. Sniper's eyes rose from his final bit of toast when the flapping of the white lab coat caught his attention. Medic was leaving the table. The Aussie finished his breakfast but stayed a bit longer in the kitchen. He helped for the dishes, as he owed it to Engie.
"Wanna help me prepare lunch, Sniper?" 
"If you'd rather go with the others in the snow, that's fine by me, eh." 
"Nah, it's fine. I'll give you a hand."
At the other end of the building, Medic was filling some paperwork that he had been putting off for too long.
There was a knock at the door. 
"Uh, it's me, Doc'."
There was the noise of a chair moving and footsteps before the door opened. 
"Hey there."
"Hallo, Sniper."
"Mind if I join?" 
Medic shut the door after his guest. 
"What brings you here?" 
"Van's freezing." 
"Ah, so you're just here for the radiator?"
Sniper chuckled. 
"Yeah, nah…"
"I was about to stop and take a break. Shall we go to my living room? I will make some coffee."
Both mercenaries went through a corridor and Medic opened the door in the end. Medic, like Spy, had his own suite, which consisted of a living-room, a kitchen, bathroom and his bedroom. They were all a few doors away from his workplace.
"After you."
"Thanks, mate." 
"Make yourself at home, I will set the coffee."
Sniper entered and removed his old boots right at the door. The floor was carpeted and he didn't want to give his friend some extra work cleaning it. He slipped his coat off and hung it on the coat-hanger before proceeding to the sofa. He sat down and made himself comfortable as he heard his German friend busy in the kitchen. 
Sniper soon got off the couch and went to the kitchen door. He gave it a few short knocks. 
"Need some help with anythin'?" 
Medic turned to him, who was peeking from the door. Sniper's eyes fell on the tray that the medical expert was preparing. 
"No, I should be fine, danke, Sniper."
"You sure?"
"Ja, go get yourself warmed up in front of the fire. I will be just an extra minute." 
"Alright, gimme a shout if you need me, ok?"
Medic smiled.
"Will do." 
The Aussie turned and went back to the sofa. In front of it was a coffee table and a fireplace against the wall. It was lit up and Sniper could feel its heat diffuse to the sofa, slowly. 
"Here, coffee and some cookies." 
Medic brought the tray and sat down next to Sniper. 
"Ja, Pyro baked them for me the other day after I fixed his arm."
Sniper stared at the star and heart-shaped cookies with multicolored sprinkles. 
"Guessed as much."
"Did you?" Medic asked, handing Sniper his mug. 
"You don't come across as the heart shaped cookie bakin' type…" Sniper leaned his arm on the back of the sofa.
"Very perceptive you are." Medic leaned his head on the Aussie's shoulder and they chuckled. 
"Should take a break like the others, y'know, ease out on the work."
"Experiments don't carry themselves out unfortunately." 
"Guess so. But what if I ask you to take a break?"
Sniper put his now empty mug away and looked down at Medic. He held his chin between his index and thumb. 
"Cause I wanna spend time with you, darl'." He tilted the German's face upwards and stared into his eyes, through the thin pair of glasses. Sniper smiled. "Please." 
Medic's eyebrows rose up and he grinned back. He removed his gloves and threw them away on the sofa before wrapping an arm around Sniper. 
"Hard for me to refuse when you plead me with such beautiful eyes." 
"You got some pretty eyes too, eh." 
"Nah, just sayin' what I'm thinking."
"Mmh." Medic buried his head under Sniper's jaw, on his chest and he felt his arms wrap around him. 
"Missed you, luv'."
"So did I." 
They stared at the dancing flames of the fireplace and their breaths synced slowly, Medic's head was rising and falling to the rhythm of Sniper's calm breathing. 
"Oh…?" Medic's surprise escaped his lips as he felt Sniper's fingers slide between his. 
"I wanna spend a bit more time with you, y'know. Sometimes, I don't go to your office not because I care about what people would say or because I don't want to. It's cause I don't wanna bother you but…"
"But?" Medic asked. 
"But I miss you, I really do…" Sniper tightened his hug and clenched his fingers between the German's. "I wish we could spend a full day together and…"
"I thought you were wary of the others learning for us?"
"I'm sure Spy knows, the rest will, one day or another. Besides, I just wanna spend the winter break with you." 
Medic raised his head to his lover. 
"Me too, Sniper…" 
Their lips met in the quiet and dark room, the warmth from the fireplace hardly rivaling with the hot touch of their hands brushing past their clothes. 
"Please…" Sniper asked, sliding a hand behind Medic's head, through his hair. "Please stay with me tonight." 
Medic bit his lip. His hands slid on Sniper's collar and up to his rough, scruffy cheeks. 
"I will."
Sniper's delight came out of him in a silent gasp and a wide smile. He pulled Medic's face again to kiss him, for longer this time and they dived on the sofa, the German on top of the Aussie, ruffling his brown, short hair as their lips brushed, nipped and pulled. 
"Give me more than one night… Wake up next to me, please…"
Sniper curled a leg behind the white lab-coat and pulled the man below it flush against him. Their kisses went more heated and their lips were wet and slightly swollen from all the attention there. 
"I will." 
Medic removed his lab-coat and threw it away. Sniper pulled the blanket that was hanging on the back of the sofa and covered them both. The German just lied on top of the man that kept him safe after a long day of work. Sniper understood him, wordlessly. He knew when to ask for attention and when Medic didn't have the strength for it. 
That day, all the German wanted was affection. Affection and strong arms to hold him. He lay on Sniper, his head on the Aussie's chest and he felt long fingers play with his black, short hair. 
"Thanks, luv'. I know I might be askin' a lot from you but… You have no idea how good it feels to wake up with you instead of just, y'know, a big empty bed…"
"I do apologise, Sniper. I should spend more time with you."
"It's alright. I understand, you like your work, it's fine."
"Yes but…" Medic raised his head to look Sniper in the eyes. He smiled. "I love you and I would much rather spend my evening with you than with paperwork. You are right, my love."
"About what?" 
"Let's make this winter break all about us."
"What d'you mean?"
"I mean that you can bring a bit more clothes here and stay with me for a couple of weeks…?"
"Ja, I can spend my days and my nights with you."
Sniper's face radiated with a wide smile. 
"You'd do that? Really?" 
"Ja, we all deserve a break and I could do with a bit more affection from you." 
"Well I got loads of it for you, eh." Sniper's hands brushed Medic's back slowly under the blanket. 
"Uh… Would you…?"
"Would I what?" 
"Would you… have some… for me, maybe?" Sniper blushed and his eyes darted left and right in embarrassment. He wasn't so good when it came to words but had an incredible intuition when it came to moves...
"Of course." Medic pushed his lips on Sniper's and let his tongue brush past the hunter's chapped lips, which pulled a low growl from the wild man.
"Gosh… I'm so happy, I… Thanks, really." 
"You are welcome, Sniper." 
They snuggled up under the blanket and in front of the fireplace, they both warmed up nicely. 
"I got you somethin' for Christmas."
Medic's eyes snapped wide. 
"Did you?" 
"Why? I mean… I didn't."
"Yeah, you did." 
"What?" Medic asked.
"You're spending a couple of weeks with me. That's… Better than Christmas…!"
"Saying things like that makes me realise even more how much I neglected you…"
Medic raised his head with his now ruffled hair and they exchanged a kiss.
"So please, show me what you got us…?" Medic asked.
"Want it now?"
"Ja, why not?"
"I guess I can… I've been carryin' them on me all the time for you not to find them by accident or anythin'."
Sniper slid a hand in his pocket and retrieved his secret gift. 
"Alright, you're ready?" He asked, putting his still clenched fist in front of Medic's face. 
Sniper opened his hand and two bracelets lay in his palms. 
"Oh… They look lovely…" 
"I made them m'self." 
"The wooden pearls you carved yourself?"
"Oh, and what is this pendant?"
"Look at it. Carved it myself too. I had to go and get a book from the Teufort library to do it, cause I didn't really know what it looked like."
Medic held one of the bracelets. 
"It looks like an anatomically correct heart with an arrow piercing through it, but that's only the left half of it…" 
"Look at the other bracelet, luv'."
Medic took the other one and looked at the pendant. 
"Oh mein Gott… That's the right half…!"
"Yeah, I carved a little wooden heart, lookin' at an anatomy book, then carved the arrow, then cut it in halves. You get one and I get the other. Looks less ridiculous than a classic heart and it makes sense."
"Ja! And I guess the heart represents me and the arrow, you?"
"Yeah, you got it."
"I am… Speechless… It must have taken you hours to make them…"
"Who cares? It was fun and it made me think about you for hours. C'mon, wear it and show me!"
Medic slid one around his wrist and put one around Sniper's. 
"I feel like a little boy again…" The German doctor chuckled. 
"Yeah, bit childish maybe but uh…"
"Nein, please, I didn't mean it in a bad way, on the contrary. I guess this is the true spirit of Christmas." 
"Yeah, sort of." Sniper slid his fingers through Medic. 
"I love you, Sniper. Thank you so much for your gift."
"You're welcome. Love ya too, oh, mmh…" 
Medic slid up on Sniper to take his lips again. The flames of the fireplace danced as their bodies followed another choreography. The doctor and the hunter took their time that night. Maybe it was Christmas, maybe it was the gift, or maybe they had yearned for each other that much. 
That year, they did spend a Merry Christmas indeed.
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