#if butters actually does something evil with this power that is
Hypothetical question
So in one of those timelines where the kids actually have powers, toolshed kinda runs on electricity right? Since if I remember correctly he had power tools actually fused to his body (his species is listed as 'altered human') and those tools probably need electricity to run
And Professor Chaos has some form of electricity manipulation right?
...would Chaos be able to take control over toolshed?
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masterhallmark · 6 months
Ugh, I do this so much with so many characters
Phantom Blot x FemReader headcanons
Some of them are gender nuetral
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CW: Brief Kidnapping mention
He stumbles upon you while scouting out a place he's planning to rob, and strikes up small talk to avoid suspicion.
Bonus idea: He's having a rare outing with his daughter, who immediately tries to pull an Anya from SpyXFamily and act as a wingman, "Oh, Dad, I want a Mommy...how about her?" "...What?"
He is surprised how smart you were. Not a super genius like himself, but smarter than most of the residents of Mouseton. Surely someone who would be nice to have around... Seems like he's going to be stealing more than he originally planned, because normal dating clearly isn't an option since his mugshot is everywhere. Yeah, you're getting kidnapped in the "nicest" way he can muster.
He tries very hard to win you over once he has you in his lair (and you calm down). He promises fortune, power, fame if you want it, luxuries beyond your wildest dreams, anything else you want to hear. All you have to do is be his. If this doesn't work, he's not afraid to subtly threaten you, too. He is a villain after all.
Should you accept his advances, he does his best to keep you a secret, just as he tried to keep his daughter a secret. He can't risk any other villains using you as a hostage.
He makes a hidden room for you to hide in whenever there are unwanted guests, complete with an emergency exit.
He's charming, acting like a complete gentleman, but you could never fully trust him. You're no fool, you know what he is.
He does genuinely try to spoil you, occasionally stealing a few extra necklaces and letting you pick some before selling the rest on the black market. He'll also steal high-end clothing, and sometimes... he'll actually BUY something.
He doesn't use pet names often, but when he does, he tries to stick to the "blot" theme. "My little spot" is a go to for when he's trying to butter you up. You catch on to this and after a while start to respond to "My little spot" with "What are you up to?"
If he starts calling you his queen or empress, it means he's got a world domination plan going on. These are his world domination specific petnames.
Oh, you'd better be ready to hear all his evil monologues, hear him complain about the other villains, etc. He's been needing someone he can vent to for YEARS.
He won't admit it, but he likes cuddles and other forms of physical affection. He wasn't given nearly enough affection as a child.
Oh, cool! He made robots to do all the chores and...turn into a robot suit for him to use? (Darkenblot reference)
He told his daughter he "saved this princess from a dragon" btw.
His daughter is a sweetheart. You would die for this child. It breaks your heart you have to lie and paint The Blot as the good guy and hide the fact he's actually a criminal mastermind. You don't see her too often since she's in the care of Mrs. Fragmuffin, but The Blot spoils her rotten, snd she starts calling you "Mommy" right away.
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cacao-snorter · 8 months
creepypasta headcanons!1!1!!1
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Aight here are some creepypasta headcanons cuz im bored
-his tentacles are furry and look like really long cat tails and get puffy and zig zaggy when he’s mad. -He is a father figure to the proxies but not a super good one and typically ends up seeming like an evil boss when he wants to appear as a father figure.
-There are two computers in the whole mansion that are old but work enough to search the internet and play minecraft
-Slenderman usually doesn’t leave the proxies alone when he’s going out for awhile because the one time he did, Jeff and Ben downloaded 69 bites of gay old man 🌽 on his computer and then Clockwork shat on it after. He cried when he got home.
Jeff The Killer
-I headcanon he’s vegan bc he loves animals
-absolute baby with fragile ‘masculinity’
-his friends joke about him being a republican hillbilly because he’s southern. (actually has a very slight accent too.)
-He’s friends with Nina despite knowing that she has a crush on him. He doesn’t mind. -he makes really gay jokes with ben
-Showers like once a month and smells bad. -I headcanon that he’s asexual and fairly androgynous. Doesn’t really know what he’s romantically attracted to, nor does he care.
-Wants to be friends with Jane again but knows he can’t.
-he was high on pain killers when he killed his family and Jane’s family in the same night and continued killing because he thought there would be no going back and now is afraid of drugs.
-edgy 15 year old with offensive tumblr humor
-Toby jokes about him being fat
-His favorite song is sweet dreams.
-was actually friends with Randy, Keith, and Troy. But a massive argument caused them to stop being friends and led to the whole incident.
Ben Drowned
-Doesn’t shower
-100% gay
-Can control the power in the mansion and make the lights turn off or something.
-Surpringly good with technology and doxxes people when he’s mad. He also jokingly threatened to leak Liu’s address which scared Liu half to death.
-Has a best friend trolling trio with Jeff and EJ
-His room smells bad
-owns a worn out gaming chair
Eyeless Jack
-Doesn’t actually like eating kidneys, Chernobog just makes him, but sometimes he fools Chernobog by eating kidney beans
-Gets weirded out when somebody calls him the “son of Chernobog” because he thinks it’s weird and too fancy.
-Listens to rap music
-Tried to become a rapper and used garbage YouTube beats, he made five songs that were all about fingering Otis (Bloody Painter). He also sampled an audio of Jeffrey beatboxing sweet dreams in the background of one of his songs. This same song had kazoo in the bridge
-ex zalgo goon but nobody knows but Slenderman and he’s too scared of what everyone would think if they knew.
-Extremely insecure about his face and always has his mask on. Only people who’ve seen are Jeff and Slenderman.
Ticci Toby
-Asshole with hatchets -joked about being flat earth but now thinks he might actually be flat earth
-besties with Clockwork
-Hates waffles. He hates them so much, he went into a gas station at 9pm, shoplifted a box of frozen waffles, threw them at a group of middle schoolers, and popped a cap in the cashier’s ass when he tried to stop Toby. He actually got his face on the news for this. One time, Lazari poured syrup in the vents and the mansion smelled like waffles for a whole week, Toby had constant headaches while throwing up and crying because he thought the mansion smelled so bad.
-Very quiet and always cooperative, so he’s like Slenderman’s favorite.
-bullies jeff for apparently being fat.
-literally doesn’t sleep
-Around most people he’s his canon self, that is very cold and quiet. Around his friends he’s more fanon Toby, annoying, immature, and has a weird sense of humor.
-encouraged Jeff to go full hillbilly mode and run over Offenderman with a truck.
-smells like cat pee and butter
-Always has an attitude and mad about something.
Bloody Painter
-Listened to all 5 of EJ’s soundtracks. Has the kazoo one on his Spotify playlist.
-Comes off as smart but says the dumbest thing every now and then.
-Scared of potatoes. He thinks they crawl around his room at night.
-Had the weird ice cream cut in middle school.
-Doesn’t wash his hands
-has a very stylish pixie cut.
-people often look at her clock eye to check the time.
-makes up things to be mad about
-has a Barbie doll that Sally gave her that was naked, bald, and didn’t have arms. She twisted its legs backwards and gave it prosthetic tampon arms so that it could sit on her nightstand on all fours. His name is Hector.
-shat on Slenderman’s computer
-besties with Toby. They were actually a couple once but then Clockwork found out she was lesbian and they broke it off. Now they’re best friends and both assholes and say the meanest things to each other as jokes.
-Has freckles all over her face. Like literally everywhere.
-Has vine humor
Nina The Killer
-absolute scene queen
-Jazmin Bean listener
-Has more anger issues than Jeff
-Didn’t kill her family. It was her bullies who killed her family.
-Toby hit her with a shoe and then chased her around the mansion to hit her with the shoe more.
-“I’m not like other girls” mindset.
-actually very sweet when she’s not mad
-dyes the streak in her hair a different color every month
(Part 2?)
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beevean · 6 months
I offer another angle to explain why I hate the Lenector subplot: Lenore and N!Hector drag each other down.
And not in that fun "they make each other worse" way, not as people - as characters. The ways they're both badly written influence each other. And it's hard to see where the problem starts: I don't care about Lenore being a manipulative #girlboss because I don't care about N!Hector's fate in S3, and I don't care about N!Hector in S3 because he was watered down to make Lenore look good (as in, a hot #girlboss to masturbate on).
N!Hector is not a character one can root for in S3. And it's not because he's "evil": after all, fans are quick to cheer for N!Isaac when he kills innocents and defiles their corpses for petty reasons. It's because not only N!Isaac is forcibly made to be the coolest strongest most powerful character in the show, but because the dude has at least solid motivations and reacts to events around him. <- writing so peak i'm forced to appreciate the very basics of writing
N!Hector has lost all of that. In S2, there was a conflict between his morbid goal of turning humans into livestock for vampires, and his principles that made him recoil at N!Dracula's actual plan of mass slaughter. He was evil, but he was also lied to by N!Dracula through no fault of his own, and there was an unique dissonance between his terrible goals and his complete lack of malice. It at least made sense that he'd listen to Carmilla, up to a certain point. By then, I still wanted to follow his journey. I wanted to see him grow, I wanted to see him challenged, I wanted to see him learn empathy for humans. (well, I would have wanted to, if I wasn't spoiled lol. you get what I mean)
In S3? What's the point? What does he want? What does he fear? What does he feel?
Characters going through hell and coming out reshaped, for better or for worse, is the bread and butter of fiction. The CV games themselves have put some of their protagonists through the ringer: Leon lost everyone he held dear in one night in LoI, Shanoa discovered she had been groomed to resurrect Dracula in OoE, and Hector himself suffered a lifetime of abuse, watched Rosaly die in front of him, and then discovered that all of that pain was so that he could become Dracula's vessel in CoD. The thing is that, I care about these characters. They have personalities, a past, relationships, and I want them to succeed. I want them to be happy. Their suffering is a tool through which they show what they're made of.
Hell, it's not just the heroes: Isaac in CoD also has gone through hell. I don't want him to succeed because his happiness is tied to Hector's suffering, but at least I feel bad for what he had to endure, and I feel bad that he died even though it was partially due to his actions: he is both a cruel antagonist and a tragic victim whose tragedy is believable but not a full excuse. He's a compelling, fleshed out character, not to mention charismatic because he has one hell of a personality lol.
N!Hector has nothing. The story itself is just making this character suffer, in a humiliated, undignified way... but not to break him and reshape him into something different. It's just torture for the sake of torture. It's to laugh at him, because he's stupid and that's what he gets for being stupid. It's to find him pathetic when Lenore puts him on a leash: the point is not how disgusting she is, the point is that he's a cute puppy, who barely reacts to this humiliation so that you viewer are not distracted from the kink. It's to shake your head when he can barely have an edge in the interrogation with Lenore, even when he could give some more personal answers like "I followed Dracula because he accepted me and gave me a reason to live", because the point is to make him look dumb and easily malleable. It's to facepalm when Lenore tricks him into having sex so that he can be coaxed into pledging loyalty to her, because he can't even see the very blatant way she lies to him - and it's his fault for being so impossibly dumb.
What does he want? He mentions that he wants to be free, but in the same breath he says that he wouldn't be able to survive on his own, so it's not a goal he fully believes in. He still says that he wants to put humans in cages, to which Lenore says "oh it's what we want to do too", so... N!Hector's goal matches with Lenore's? Then where is the conflict? As I said in the past, Lenore didn't need to resort to rape by deception to tie him down: N!Hector already trusted Lenore and would have worked for her, at the very least, especially if she kept pretending to care about him and improving his life conditions gradually. Morally, he hasn't even begun the process of changing - and, of course, he never does. He is stagnating. He's not interesting.
(this isn't even negative character development. For N!Hector, it would have been, for example, convincing himself that everyone deserves to die, and him becoming more violent and bitter towards the people who hurt him. This could have been one of his developments in S4, even if tragic. We don't even get that. The "development" he has is that he let Lenore kill herself instead of forcing her to live like he did with his pets, which is. so fucked up i can't even put it into words.)
Hell, I even realized recently: the fucking ring would have made much more sense if N!Hector actually showed signs of rebellion, because the way she described it, the ring's only purpose is to prevent rebellion, not to force him to work! If the issue was that Striga was considering hiring mercenaries and that would have made N!Hector useless, the ring doesn't solve jackshit about it, because if he wanted to he could have starved himself to death and the ring wouldn't have hurt him! The ring only solves the issue of N!Hector potentially using his Night Creatures to harm or kill the sisters! Which it's a moot point because he has been shown to be nothing but docile after Lenore beat him into submission precisely to make him docile, and he clearly was on his way to be convinced to peacefully work for the council! If he got convinced that he would be living the best life as Styria's Forgemaster, taken care of by Lenore who at least treated him well, not lied to like Dracula did, and doing what he wanted to do which is forging and working to enslave mankind (remember, he shows no growth in this), he wouldn't have hurt anyone! Lenore saw with her eyes how pliant he is, and in S4 she even calls his ill-thought attempt to threaten her "half-hearted at best"! She got the idea to butter N!Hector up to make him trust her and work with them willingly, and not through torture, and it was going all too smoothly - and then she broke that trust by deceiving him and playing with his feelings in a much worse way than Carmilla did, and realistically, N!Hector shouldn't have wanted nothing more to do with her in S4, let alone work for her! But if he was shown having at least signs of aggression, defiancy or doubts, vulnerable to Lenore's "kind" acts but still wary enough of his situation taking too long to be convinced, then the ring would have been a good solution to "tame" him! Lenore raping N!Hector into slavery would have been more justified and not come off as a vile gratuitous OOC act if he had showed a personality!!
i'm calm.
Anyway. My point is, there is no conflict between these two characters, even though Lenore is clearly the real antagonist. The conflict of Styria's story in S3 is watching this snake deliberately play with N!Hector's feelings for no reason other than sadism and a power trip. And the conclusion we're meant to reach is "wow he sure is a dumbass, he deserved to be enslaved".
Unlike in CoD, N!Hector's life is so miserable, and his conditions so suffocating, that I wouldn't have felt anything if N!Isaac actually killed him. Who cares? No one cares about this character. Least of all the writer. I don't care if he succeeds or not, because he has nothing to succeed in; and I don't care if he suffers, because he doesn't even care, and has nothing to live for. It's literary bullying.
So this brings me to Lenore. If Lenore's whole thing in S3 is that she's such an amazing manipulative bitch who gets her way through deceit and subtle abuse, but she's effectively deceiving a bag of meat... I'm not impressed.
Oh, I hate her, because her actions are disgusting and poorly match what she's supposed to be, which is the selfishly kind diplomat who finds power in taking care of lesser creatures. She doesn't come off as her own archetype, because she is too smug, too happy to force herself on N!Hector in a sexual way (the collar, the ring), and her first scene shows she's just like Carmilla in that she easily resorts to excessive violence to prove she's not weak. So, while this is yet another instance of bad writing, in-universe she also comes off a a raging hypocrite (further proved in S4 where the writing and voice acting imply that Lenore sunned herself because she didn't like the idea of being in the same gilded cage she had put N!Hector in, which makes her look cowardly and pathetic). But she's not fun to hate in the same way Isaac is when he forces Hector to watch Rosaly's execution in PtR. She's bullying a shell of a person. She is weaving uncomfortable lies to a manchild who is not even trying to put up a mental protest to her manipulations. Why should I care? She is getting her way so easily, not because she's that good (she's really no better than Carmilla, who in-universe failed) but because N!Hector doesn't have enough personality to challenge her; and if she succeeds, N!Hector would either be okay with it, or if he's not... well, he'd deserve it for being stupid, according to the show's logic.
Lenore in S3 exists solely to further prove the general message of that season: trust is for fools, and fools deserve to be punished. She is a plot device moved around like a puppet to serve that general message, and on top of that her creepy actions are painted as titillating... well, as long as you either want to be dominated by a pretty woman (which explains the great amount of male fans simping for her) or you want to dominate a pretty failure of a man. Which I don't. Because I have no reason to care about N!Hector, let alone find his sexual humiliation hot.
Do you see the problem here? Lenore cannot shine of her own because N!Hector is not written well; but since she only exists to bully him, she doesn't come off well either, despite her concept being brilliant and actually interesting and deserving of being fleshed out more organically without turning her into four characters clumsily stitched together.
And of course, as you have noticed, I have only talked about S3 so far. What's the point of even talking about S4? It completely destroyed everything S3 set up. Lenore has lost everything that made her allegedly cool in that season, being reduced to a whiny brat who feels so alone and unwanted and cries about it to the man she raped by deception. N!Hector mildly sasses her back and listens to her woes, but doesn't seem to care at all about what Lenore did to him, both positive (being put in a giant gilded cage where he can't be killed and being given some sort of authority) and negative (the mocking, deception and rape). They have chemistry now, a positive chemistry made of mutual respect, but it comes out of nowhere and it clashes with their past.
I don't care that now Lenore feels sorry about her life, because she crossed the moral event horizon and now she doesn't get to regress into being a poor little girl who only wanted to do diplomacy 🥺. I don't care that N!Hector freed himself and tricked everyone in the castle, because his "badass" actions were all for the purpose of bringing Dracula back, which is proof that all the suffering he went through was for nothing - he didn't learn that putting humans in a cage was bad, and now he seems to want back the madman who planned to kill everyone out of personal atonement (plus, he only freed himself from working for Carmilla, Striga and Morana: he still chooses to live with Lenore, so effectively still tying himself to the woman who forcibly tied him to her). He's even worse now, he has regressed for no sensible reason: I still don't want him to succeed. And I don't care that N!Hector has found the strength to let Lenore go, a contrast with how he used to resurrect animals to have loyal companions, because I don't even know why he'd grow to love her. The story wants me to believe his love for Lenore is pure and organic, and not the result of breaking from horrible abuse and accepting the scraps of something barely resembling kindness. As if S3 never happened.
And if S3 never happened... why should I care about these characters and that story?
(funnily enough, I could make a similar post about N!Alucard in S3 and S4. I also don't care about his grief, because he was a cunt to N!Trevor and his own similar trauma. I don't care about the Japanese not-twins raping him, because it's so out of nowhere that it only feels like gratuituous shock factor. I don't care about N!Alucard apparently falling down the same path as Dracula, because he gets better after one episode. His story in S3 - well, what little can be considered a story - is also "trust is for fools, and fools gets punished", although at least N!Alucard isn't painted as a dumbass for trusting these two plot devices, and at least he kills them before he can forgive them. but basically my point is that this writing is bad.)
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kerubimcrepin · 10 months
Liveblog 4: Oh god this liveblog will have 50+ posts I now realize.
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Unlike the previous episode, here, the ever present Schrödinger's city wall is real, though it is still different from the OP.
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I could make a joke about all cops being pigs, and the fact that they are literally patrolling the streets in this episode to harass homeless people... but yeah that's exactly what's going on here, no jokes needed.
In 610-ish years, during Waven era, Joris Jurgen, then-regent and ruler of Bonta, will be waging war on the pig people, one that may or may not involve cannibalism on both sides. But for now, he is eepy, 7 years old, and being woken up by them. It's kinda like poetry, you know?
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Don't know why, but that's a very good image of Keke. Exhudes a good amount of smugness.
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Says the man who will proceed to do it for 600 more years anyway. Get boiled, idiot.
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One of the thing's that's very consistent with Jurgen-Crepins is the usage of kicking and jumping in battles. There's a theme here. If they were actually ready and not being beaten up during the OVA, they'd be all over Ush, like fleas.
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The thing is that, even if we don't know why Lou left, Kerubim and Luis probably do. Their every conversation is pretty suspect, practically screaming "I know something you don't :)", as many aspects of this show do.
Even if they don't know all the details, they know much more than we ever will.
So, a few tenets of the Lou theorizing:
She left sad, and unlike many other times, without any anger for Kerubim.
She left Luis with him to watch over him.
She also left Luis because he couldn't go with her, but that could mean many things.
She left after Ecaflip City, obviously, and at that time, their relationship seemed the healthiest. (Well, as healthy as it could be.)
Unlike all the other times, Kerubim didn't go searching for her. It seems this separation was final in a way no other was, and there had to be a reason that he didn't go and try to make up. An unsolvable issue.
Both Luis and Kerubim blame Kerubim, and the first one uses this to make the second one angry.
So, what is it that made her leave, and do Luis and Kerubim fully know? I have my own theories, after watching the show around ten or twenty times. They aren't answers, obviously. I don't think we'll ever get an answer from Ankama, ever. But there's no harm in spitballing. However, it'll have to wait.
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Get boiled, idiot.
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The day I stop talking about how Simone is Joris's cooler aunt, is the day I die. She loves him so much just from one meeting.
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Guy who is normal about Crepinlore voice: "Yeah, in the second episode? For breakfast, they're eating croissants, butter, jam, light tea for Kerubim and Simone, and milk for Joris, all of which is a traditional French breakfast. Yeah, when Joris bites it you can see that the croissants have white or yellow filling, which might be cheese, vanilla, or condensed milk—
Yeaaaah, but this isn't as crazy as that time in a future episode where Joris pours chocolate milk into a hot drink which might be tea, hot chocolate, or cocoa. He is insane, you know."
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Even as a child, his twisted and evil arc of drinking things through a straw has already started....
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The face journeys this man goes on in these series are far more complex than even his twisted fucking cycling path of a character arc, and that's saying something.
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Even by age 7 he is utterly deep in the boufbowl brainrot. Sad!
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"The woman there didn't even like beer, which is a sign of evil." I love you Kerubim, but you really shouldn't have parental rights.
And yes. He does have parental rights. It's officially on record, even 200-ish years later. I guess that despite losing his back-up lives and developing a new, infinitely more insane parent-child bond, he and Joris never updated their papers to match the legend of Joris being his dad.
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Even without meeting her, Joris understands that Lou was a Girlboss. That she scared the life out of his amazing and all-capable papycha. Her sheer power is indescribable, Lou fans stay winning, etc etc,
and yeah I want to boil her into soup too. I hate them both. (I say this with love.)
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Anyway how many times do you think Joris has seen Luis commit violences upon Kerubim? Normal household. As was already proven in my 2nd liveblog.
I will hunt Luis for sport.
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marshmallow--shark · 8 months
Oh, I love my girlfriend so much. It feels like nicotine everytime we get to have a date together. And what we did on this date, I shall tell you! I showed her Voyager and Ds9 characters and had her nickname them and give first impressions. And now I share her wonderful insights with you lot:
Janeway: Mama Maria, a renowened chef who owns a cooking brand of butter where the bottle is shaped like herself. Became a Star Trek to promote her brand.
Chakotay: Joey-David Hasselhoff, lost his legs in the great star wars as is now very short. Became a Star Trek to pay off his outstanding gambling debts. The marking on his face is a barcode to immediately kill him if he tries to escape.
Kes: Mama Maria's evil twin, not a true Star Trek and just has the visitor's pass. Has the power to return everything to its base components. She is always under attack so she wears an indestructible vest.
Doctor: Uncle Steve, do not trust around children. The blue is a warning and he's very bitter about it. Pretends he's a genius but he's very stupid. He has an ankle bracelet which keeps him from leaving the ship which he bothers everyone about.
Neelix: A criminal mastermind tattoo artist that destroyed his homeworld with a tattoo machine, not a true Star Trek but came along to be amused. Talks like a gangster. I.. don't remember the name she gave him..
Tuvok: Great Value Spock, bought at the store on a discount during a clearance Vulcan sale and they needed a Vulcan to complete their ship. His eyebrows are drawn on.
Paris: Milk toast, the whitest white to ever white. He goes to space church which he himself built and his favourite food is white bread. Just a guy, he has no reason to be here.
Torres: Laquisha, a plant that knows absolutely everything. Does not like Uncle Steve. Goes to space church but because she knows its fake, and the world is actually on a cracker with hummus that will eventually be eaten by the one true space god.
Kim: Mark, a part timer that's just there. He does a bit of everything but he isn't actually good at anything. A temporary Star Trek but eventually he'll quit and follow his dreams to go to space college.
Sisko: Carl, owns a vintage George Foreman grill and makes space hotdogs for everyone on Hotdog Friday. Uses his baldness as a weapon to blind his enemies.
Kira: Karen, a typical Karen who is rude to everyone around her. Complains about being on Ds9 but doesn't do anything about it. Hosts a radio show to sell her trademark cement purses, which she always carries around at all times.
Bashir: Dominic (named by the two of us), participated in the space sex offender shuffle. He is very creepy and no one likes him, don't trust around anyone. No one can stop him. Probably really into bondage.
Odo: Gorp, created by the Kardashians to be a clone but made wrong. Banished for being a failure of a clone. He has no feeling in his left hand and cannot feel pain. His ears are glued on.
Dax: Monica, a furry that believes she is a leopard. Also a sex offender but they forgive her because she's so good at her job. If you see her walking around in a fursuit, let her be. Do not anger her because there will be no escape. Sells pancakes alongside Mama Maria and they are dating.
O'Brien: Loppy, it's his first day! He's so happy to be here, he's having a grand old time. It's always his first day as he is actually a mind parasite that makes everyone believe it is his first day and they will never know how long he's actually been there. Never.
Dukat: Zorath/Zorag (We both forgot it so it changes to something else with a z) -Melty Candle Face, an obsessive yandere Klingon that's very mentally unstable. He was first in love with Dominic until he found he could not be trusted. He targeted Loppy next because its his first day. Currently dating someone else, but it's undetermined who it is.
Garak: From the Shining Jack Nicholson, a scizophrenic who causes problems for everyone. His daily hobby is crawling through the vents and he can show up anywhere at anytime. He is an unpredictable menace that likes to scare the ship.
Mirror Kira: Ds9, the ship itself embodied as a half robot. Abuses her power to sleep with everyone on the station. What happens to the ship happens to her and forces everyone to protect her under the threat of death. She will not hesitate to throw you out of the airlock if you disobey her.
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licncourt · 2 years
Already obsessed with your evil power couple au, separately they are unhinged, but working together they could be 1000 times worst and I love that for them. Marius as PM thinking he's the puppet master but they're manipulating him. Everyone going on about how weak and human Louis is despite his resurrection by Lestat at the end of Merrick surely making him insanely powerful, but keeping the front up so no one knows of realises till its too late for them. Do you have any details your willing to share?
Sure!! This was actually something I was thinking about like a year ago to play with Prince Lestat era, but then I caught 80s Canon Disease and wrote 140k of that. Anyway, I originally imagined it as a political drama, but I actually don't think I'm capable of that plot-wise. At least not of the rather grand plans I had for weaving webs of intrigue.
I've pivoted away from the plotty version to something more intimate and character driven (shocking I know), but everything else is the same. The inspiration for this whole idea was the conversations around the PL trilogy, how ridiculous establishing a monarchy is in the 21st century, how insanely unethical some of the practices are (fledgling labor, the food dungeon, killing "evildoers"), weird vampire oligarchs, etc.
Generally speaking, this is obviously AR being out of her mind and lacking any self or social awareness, but it made me start thinking about, conceptually, what could be done with this whole mess to make it interesting. If we have a Lestat who has decided he's down with being in this position of power, why not lean into the l'etat c'est moi of it all? Let's make him worse but in a fun way!
Lestat may have shitty self esteem, but he loves attention and adoration and material excess. What he doesn't love is logistics, intense political discourse, meetings, and putting in the hours to actually run a government. Fortunately for him, he's married to someone who does bookkeeping for enrichment and wants to be better than everyone else.
Whimpering, unwilling consort Louis is. An unfortunate yet prevalent phenomenon in fic, but I strongly disagree with that characterization. Louis is nothing if pretentious, detail-oriented, and well-versed in taking full advantage of his positions of superiority. He's a bitch and he likes to micromanage. Unethical business practices are his bread and butter.
What Louis does not like however, are lavish parties, large-scale socializing, and all the people-personing that's required to be a prince. This is the perfect situation though. Lestat was MADE to be a charismatic figurehead. He's extroverted, charming, attractive, well-spoken, and he thrives on engaging those qualities. He and Louis both can fill a role they're great at and genuinely enjoy like two halves of a whole.
I fully believe that there's a distinct possibility of them taking to be In Charge like fish to water and immediately becoming power-hungry monsters that feed off each other's awfulness because they're so in love. Maybe alone they would never think to look for a position like this, the siren call of their potential as a team is strong? After all, they deserve this. Who else could be more qualified? Obviously.
I love how so sweet and devoted and married they are in RoA, but imagine that + they are enthusiastic autocrats. Louis is subtle, he operates under the radar and is perfectly content to spend most of his time in the background taking care of the not-so-glamorous things that need to be done.
Over time he manages to completely consolidate power expand his duties to encompass all sorts of neat things like controlling managing the royal treasury and presiding over supervising legal proceedings to Help Out. Isn't that nice of him? Beautiful AND hard working! Look at him filling in for the prince at meetings, that's so sweet! Oh wow, he's rather competent, isn't he?
Lestat, of course, is the charisma (and the brawn). Half of ruling is image and public goodwill after all. When Louis needs support from the court for something or council approval for court finances to be used, Lestat parades around and kisses hands and charms brains out of the necessary parties until he's secured the bag for his man.
Of course, over time more and more people take notice of...something. Maybe Lestat isn't a matured man of the people justly guided by a council of elders after all? And wait, how come if you really follow the paper trail of all the branches of the court, Louis has final say in everything? Shouldn't that be voted on?
Don't worry though, if someone doesn't find all this business agreeable, well. Maybe it would help to remind them just how strong Lestat is. Maybe the strongest vampire in the world. Isn’t it soooo lucky that he's here? Protecting everyone from danger....?
It's a relief you're on his good side, isn't it?
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egg-emperor · 1 year
I'm pro terrible dad Eggman give me all you've got of it please
nothing can pry away the concept that he frowns and scoffs and expresses aversion towards all traditional ways and dynamics of family, just like he does towards natural biological reproduction in the Egg memos. he'd treat all that like boring and a chore and unimpressive when there's way better and cooler things he could be doing with his creations and his time
and that the only form he'll accept is his twisted version of being a diabolical dad with a killing machine robot of a son with Metal, an evil AI like Sage, etc to take pride in them being impressively life-like and for being their genius creator/father and they can all do crime and cause destruction and take over the world (but they don't have any power in ruling alongside him that's his business alone)
and that one of the best parts of it to him is that he doesn't have to take genuine care of them as they don't need to eat and sleep and he can just power them down whenever he wants for a break. he doesn't follow any of the traditions and likes not having genuine responsibility because he's not interested at all and he's too much of a selfish manchild to care genuinely about all that lol
but he'll also sometimes at least perform it for the sake of buttering them up and keeping them loyal and motivated, as I've shared throughout my concepts and actually ended up being along the lines of what he was doing in TMoStH so I'm onto something here. but he's not into it out of genuine love and care and it's really just only for the benefits like everything else in life :P
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north-park · 1 year
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@jesusinthebathroom SO YEAH where to even start?
My main points are
1) Mysterion is a foil to Prof Chaos in the sense that while Chaos exists because Butters felt like no one loved him NOR treated him decently, his actions and his pain (often caused by his loyalty to others) seriously
Mysterion in similar ways, we don't see Kenny creating Mys but from his character development in the (ra)Coon trilogy we actually see Kenny reaching the same "point" Chaos does
Just like Butters, Kenny wants his pain to be understood and his actions to have an impact, he wants his friends to remember he dies, every day, FOR THEM, that's why he kills himself in front of them 3 TIMES telling them to remember for once, and then he sounds so defeated when the next day they appear and don't say a thing about it, no matter what he does, the people around him won't validate his suffering and give a him a shoulder to cry on, he is cursed to be ignored forever
AND CHAOS IS THE SAME but while Kenny is realistic and know this can't be blamed on anyone and cannot escape his fate, Chaos exists to tell Butters the opposite, he can fight all this, that one day everyone will scream in fear to his sight and see him as the powerful being he truly wants to be
AND speaking of powers it's fundamental to say Kenny is the only human kid in school with superpowers, a set of superpowers he hates and make his life a living hell, his friends only comment on how cool that is accidentally offending Kenny, they cannot even imagine how it feels to be him, he can use these powers for the good cause all his wants but nothing can cancel he wants to be free from it, J2C's PK video say Kenny wants to be the "little one" sometimes and it really drives the point how much Kenny, even as Mysterion aka "strongest form" want to be treated like the kid he is
CONTRAST WITH BUTTERS WHO WANTS THE OPPOSITE FROM HIS VILLAIN PERSONA, he wants to be as someone who is just as evil and ruthless as everyone else can be! He wants to be the BIG guy for once, he's tired to being the "little one" because that only makes him a victim, something to be preyed on and abused, it sucks, Mysterion sees the "little ones" (like his siblings, and arguably himself and his friends) as people worth protecting and keeping safe, Chaos and Mysterion use these personas as way to cope with the almost total lack of agency in their lives, but in extremely drastically different ways, ironically Butters keeps being an idealist, believing that if he tries really hard he can bring destruction anywhere and make this "nightmare" come true (well looking at PC, he's right lol he just hasn't found what NFT are yet) while Kenny remains grounded and starts with the "small things", with his "small" goal to protect his city and its more innocent citizens like her sister and keeping to make her smile, it's about contrast it's about chosing to be the villain or the hero based on how you process your pain and who do you blame for it i'm putting them into my mouth
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isfjmel-phleg · 1 year
4 for Rietta, 9 for Delclis, 15 for Rachel, and 29 for Elystan, please?
Rietta: 4. What musical theatre ballad fits them?
I think "Don't Rain on My Parade" fits her eagerness for life, resistance to control, and general FOMO.
Don't tell me not to live Just sit and putter Life's candy and the sun's A ball of butter Don't bring around a cloud To rain on my parade
Don't tell me not to fly I've simply got to If someone takes a spill It's me and not you Who told you you're allowed To rain on my parade?
Delclis: 9. Pick a quote from Avatar: The Last Airbender that describes them.
If Delclis were to be anyone from A:TLA, it would be Professor Zei from "The Library": "Now tell me--what was the primary agricultural product of your people? [...] Oh, truly fascinating. That is one for the journal."
Rachel: 15. What superhero are they most like?
Maybe Secret (Greta Hayes). Not a well-known hero...she's a girl with a tragic background and powers that isolate her from society, but she's taken in by a group of other superpowered young people and develops a particular (rather unhealthy) attachment to one of them. She struggles with feeling alienated and abandoned and worrying about her potential to turn evil, and these insecurities build until a villain takes advantage of this to try to use her for her powers. Her friends--who really do care about her more than she's given them credit for--intervene, and she ultimately chooses to do the right thing and gets a second chance at a normal life.
Rachel's story is very different, but there are some thematic similarities.
Elystan: 29. What do they consider to be their greatest strength? Is this actually their greatest strength, or is there something about themselves they don’t see?
Elystan thinks he's very clever and can outwit anyone, and he clings to that because he doesn't feel at all capable in any other regard. He majorly overestimates this trait though. His actual greatest strength is...does he even have one? His creativity? His interpersonal skills, if he could ever learn to use them properly? I'm really not sure.
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Something beautiful
One week and some change into his presidency, the changeover being a matter of arbitrary administration timing and in fact having occurred already by the time you hear this, Samuel Vimes has appointed a special committee to undertake a study of . . . well, call it artistic expression in Ankh-Morpork generally, and perhaps of the government's relationship to it in particular, but don't let that fool you into thinking he wants a memo making "appropriate recommendations."
Of course, the committee already exists, although it started life as the Moral Standards in Art Committee under Lord Vetinari's reign. In the opinion of several committee members, changing the committee's nomenclature without substantive changes to its purpose amounts to whitewashing history, and to a certain extent they are correct, although in fact as far as the _real_ committee's capacity to make substantiative recommendations it is by now a question whether it could make any worse recommendations than the ones it used to make. And that's a sad thing to say, because there are at least two of the committee members who would say that the committee used to make almost no recommendations at all, what it used to do instead being a process Vetinari once, to the committee's complete confusion, compared to "churning butter." The committee these days does make a few recommendations, now and then, and indeed they make those recommendations _well_, but this is the product of a kind of committee necrophilia in which the committee does not so much ask itself as it in fact is tasked with asking itself: well, do we really want to ask ourselves that question again?
Some of those recommendations are almost never acted on. In the case of Vetinari's comparison, a few are in fact churned. But the few that are acted on generally turn out to be remarkably positive developments, almost as if some divine intervention is being brought to bear on the city's cultural life, and this gives people like Lord Downey a warm feeling. Downey is in fact the chair of the committee. He was chosen by Vetinari in part because he has a background in law and in part because that background is irrelevant to any of the actual tasks that Downey has performed in his tenure at the helm of the MSA, and also because he has the requisite social connections to make people like his decisions about what is or is not a good idea. People like an honest broker; they hate a broker who offers nothing but a raw deal. So Downey is a well-loved individual.
Meanwhile, Ankh-Morpork's Department of Art has been shunted back into a wing of the Opera House, the Winged Monkeys having apparently been discarded by some later director who didn't see their appeal.
It's all so normal. I'm getting the feeling I'm reading a report, one where everything is ok and people are reporting that everything is ok.
And why shouldn't it be? It's not as though Vetinari was an evil tyrant or anything. He was a baron, and even a baron isn't really that powerful, when you get right down to it. Vetinari couldn't even stop the major landowners from trucking in food that contained rat tails. He couldn't do much of anything, really, that some halfway competent despot wouldn't be able to do, because he was a little old man who wasn't much of an anything himself, only a title.
In fact, the reason Vetinari was so popular, was that he had to cede most of the power to the merchants and the guild masters. Those were the people he had to deal with every day. And that was a pretty good thing, because it meant they stayed busy taking care of things.
So the idea that Vetinari would be a tyrannical god-king or even a reasonable king or mayor -- well, that's funny. He was just a little old man who needed his morning coffee or his glass of red wine as much as you or I do, only more so. And he would drink his coffee, and he would order his red wine, and like everyone else who lived in the city, he would watch the walls of Ankh-Morpork and see the city bustling and smoking like a teapot under pressure.
It's not as though anything was going to break the city, not as long as it stayed within its very well-defined parameters. And if it wasn't going to break the city then it wasn't going to disrupt the order of things, which is to say the order of the last few centuries.
The last few centuries! That sounds wrong, doesn't it? Like there's a place where the history goes to die. But that's exactly what Ankh-Morpork is, or has always been. Like a vast old cathedral, built in a period when people still believed in god, but now it's merely a fabled monument, so big that we don't even notice that it's still there. The people who are inside of it are no different from the people who believe in the cathedral, or perhaps even worse, because they think they're something else, like gods or as we say around here, "gods."
They live inside it, and the whole thing is really a game. A game, but a special game, the kind of game you can only play when you're really bored. Ankh-Morpork has all kinds of games. It has a lot of people who specialize in the game of cheating the tax man. It has a lot of people who specialize in the game of monkeying around with big machines. It has a lot of people who specialize in putting people in jail. And then there are the people who specialize in pranks and magic tricks.
They live inside Ankh-Morpork, where the games are, but not outside, where everything else is. One thing that's funny about a city that nobody visits is that it always pretends it has visitors, and one thing that's funny about a game that nobody plays is that it's always actively being played. The city loves and needs the games, and the games pay back with the most important thing that a city needs: a sense of purpose.
People don't play when they know they're being watched. They don't play when everything they do has been done by someone else before. And they don't need to, because it's all been done, right down to the giant redwoods in the industrial district and the swarms of wasps over their doors.
And it's a funny thing to ask whether the games are being played -- not by the people inside the city, but by the people outside it. Because a city is always a place where people live. It's a place they live in, and work in, and visit, and leave, and all the other things you do with a place. Even a city like Ankh-Morpork, which is just a collection of games, has people who live in it, and people who work in it, and in their own ways, people who visit it. Ankh-Morpork doesn't have to be visited -- the city will visit you, or maybe you'll be sent to it, and then you'll know, you'll say, "I'm in Ankh-Morpork."
So a city can have all kinds of people in it, and play all kinds of games, and they all fit right into the game that Ankh-Morpork plays.
And there's one thing about games, they always have rules. Some of them may change, but if you take all the games in Ankh-Morpork, all of the games people play, and look at them all, you'll find that there are common rules that make them what they are.
And if the city is a place where people live, and if its inhabitants are playing a game, and if the game that they're playing has its own rules, then it is, in some fundamental sense, a place of power. Not a lot of power, but some, like the ability to put an end to the games. And it's not as though you could ever do that, is it? No, the very thought would be absurd, as absurd as the thought that there would ever be more than one king or one god or one army.
And it's not as though the people who live in a place like Ankh-Morpork could ever really do anything about that, is it? No, of course not. The people who play the games live in the city, and the city tells the games what to do. The people who live in the city, they make the city real.
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It's five in the morning I haven't slept and I come bearing a Chaos Theory au scenario. Prepare for angst
So hear me out here, hypothetical episode of this fictional show, it starts relatively normal. Chaos and Mysterion are doing their usual back and forth, Chaos and Disarray having some kinda plan and Mysterion trying to stop them, a normal Tuesday.
Until it isn't, a freak accident happens and Chaos accidentally kills Mysterion, idk let's say he accidentally shoved him off a building or something, it can't be anything too gorey
So in this au, Mysterion's powers basically work as they do in tfbw, the only exception being how he's revived. Every time he dies his soul is ejected from his body, becoming basically a ghost, and he has to either wait for his body to heal or completely regenerate to re-enter it and revive himself. And of course everyone would forget him dying as soon as he enters it again.
But back to the plot, Mysterion at first is just sort of annoyed I guess, not really upset at Chaos because who hasn't killed him at this point? And he's just gonna come back anyways so he's just gotta wait which is boring.
That is until he sees Chaos's reaction
Chaos is...not okay, despite all his plotting he never means to KILL Mysterion, hell he enjoys having to fight him, his plans wouldn't be the same without the vigilante coming to try and stop them!! Hell Chaos never means to kill ANYONE, he's a menace not a monster!!
At first he just thinks Mysterion is knocked out, trying to wake him up. Then he panics, realization slowly seeping in on what he's done, Mysterion is dead, he killed Mysterion. Disarray at this point makes his way over saying they have to go before someone finds them, it's very similar to his reaction when Butters froze Cartman in that one episode.
Eventually he's able to guide the now hysterically sobbing Chaos back to their evil lair™ (it's basically the same storage thing in canon just a bit bigger), Chaos is clinging to Mysterion's body like a lifeline, as if letting go would lose him forever.
Mysterion is...shocked to say the least. I mean he didn't expect Chaos to enjoy killing him or something but he's never seen someone care this much when he dies, let alone get genuinely worked up over it. In a way it's relieving someone actually cares but it's still hard to watch, even if this is his arch nemesis feeling this guilt and remorse over killing him. And he can't really do much of anything about it since nobody can see him in this state.
Disarray has no idea how to comfort Chaos at first, barely even being able to process this death himself, before he gets an idea. After convincing Chaos to let go of Mysterion he decides to go full mad scientist mode and try and reanimate him. Much to Mysterion's annoyance. Stop fucking with his body goddamnit he needs to get back into it!!
Throughout the episode Mysterion would keep trying to get back to his body only for it to be conveniently whisked away and he has to go follow it again. Some shenanigans ensue there providing some much needed lightheartedness.
In the end he probably just normally revives causing both Chaos and Disarray to forget, which of course is a bit more impactful to Mysterion given Chaos's reaction and how that's just erased now. But he does know at least someone would care when he dies now so that's a little closure.
If you made it to the end uhh thank you for listening to my sleep deprived rants (and please send me asks about other episode ideas I have so many of these/nf)
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donexmiras · 1 year
Alkai 🧍‍♀️
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
👻 GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their "ghostly experiences", if any?
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
⚾ BASEBALL - can they play sports? what is their best position if they play a team sport? what's their strong suit (speed, power etc.)?
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
🌩️ LIGHTNING - are they scared of lightning?
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
💖 SPARKLING HEART - are they a subtle or a showy lover?
Alrighty here we goooo
👪 - In the pirate au Griosk is their father figure, raised by him and the two are rather close - but additionally in my personal au - Meria, a jewelry shop owner, acts much like a mother figure to them, and additionally a dog tattoo artist named Renny also watches over them, but neither play as active of a roll in their lives (it's different for Altair though)
👻 - They think ghosts are only a human thing, what that means not even they could tell you, but they've never had any proper ghost encounters, they still believe in them though due to stories
🤥 - It depends on the situation, their fins move in a particular way and their smile always seems a little more mischievous - when it isn't a lie they're taking seriously, if it is something that actually matters they'll blatantly avoid eye contact and their smile is strained
🥞 - A pile of pancakes, topped with bacon, a mountain of whipped cream, and loaded with syrup and butter, they'll destroy it before you have time to blink
🍓 - If it's presented as an option yes, their favorite vegetable is mushrooms while their favorite fruit is pears
😨 - They always have the capability of going into fight, but if it were to ever go wrong, well, Alkai doesn't cope well with death especially if they are the cause of it, luckily it would take a lot for them to fight while afraid, so often they choose flight
⚾ - Alkai goes hard on volleyball, and doesn't persay play by the rules- which is to say they'll sometimes use their hook as a bat to spike the ball, but ultimately their strength is their speed
🙈 - They don't like to seem vulnerable around others, which is why they actively avoid confrontation, they don't like anyone knowing they can be more than the goblin they front as, the only exception to this is with a s/o or close friend/family, in which case it becomes the opposite if that's all they see them as
🪤 - If they have something to gain from it then they can easily be coaxed into danger, even if it's as little as something shiny
🌩️ - They're not unless it's really close, if they can feel the bolt rumble the ground their scales flair and they turn into a statue
🌠 - That's a hard question, considering laws and repercussions never stop Alkai anyway, but maybe if someone they loved died and they had the chance to bring them back as they were, that would be their choice
💖 - Subtle majority of the time, they'll leave little gifts around to be found, go out of their way to do things for their partner that they hope they notice, but there are times they actively seek to take their partner on dates and to do romantic gestures, it's a balance
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antigonewinchester · 1 year
JACK: I could use my power. DEAN: No. The amount of power it’d take to get out of those cuffs, that’d be like sending up a flare for Chuck so don’t – don’t do that. JACK: I have a job, a mission! DEAN: Jack, stop. JACK: Do you still think I’m a monster? DEAN: Okay, I’m just going to say this, okay? Just get it out there. Jack. I’m trying, okay? I really am. But what you did, that’s not easy to forget. Now I was angry with you, for a while. And maybe I still am a little bit, okay? But I’m not gonna let some evil Mary Poppins take you out. Do you understand? ... MRS. BUTTERS: I’m not going to fail. Not again! You thought you could destroy us? Destroy our family?! JACK: No. MRS. BUTTERS: I wasn’t there for them before. But now I am going to stop you from hurting them! SAM: No, no, no, no, no, no. Mrs. Butters, don’t. MRS. BUTTERS: Oh, Samuel, you will thank me eventually. SAM: You hurt him, you hurt us. MRS. BUTTERS: No, he’s infected you! I have to keep you safe. SAM: By trying to kill the people we care about? MRS. BUTTERS: I – He’s – He’s a monster! That’s why Mr. Cuthbert said I couldn’t go back to my forest, because of things like that! SAM: No. Mr. Cuthbert used you, okay? He lied to you. Mr. Cuthbert tortured you. DEAN: He could save the world. MRS. BUTTERS: What? DEAN: He can save the world. MRS. BUTTERS: [Disoriented] What? DEAN: That’s why were here, isn’t it? Us, the Men of Letters. That’s the whole mission, is saving the world. He can do exactly that!
[MRS. BUTTERS begins sobbing. The bunker’s power starts up and the lights are restored.] MRS. BUTTERS: I just… I miss them so much.
If the big emotional conflict right now is Jack’s yearning for Sam and Dean (but particularly Dean’s) forgiveness, this ep draws the parallel between Dean and Mrs. Butters, with Mrs. Butters being the unforgiving & violent figure Dean isn’t, at least in this ep.
Dean starts the ep cooking burgers, and Mrs. Butters comes in and her job is to cook, clean, etc.; she was tortured/coerced into protecting her ‘family’ and going after monsters that could hurt them by Cuthbert Sinclair, aka Magnus, who wanted to do the same with Dean in 9x16; Mrs. Butters sees Jack as a monster for Lucifer being his father and for killing Mary, thinking he’ll be a danger to Dean & Sam and needs to die for it, just like Dean was suspicious of Jack to begin with and is still struggling with his anger towards Jack in killing Mary; and in her heart, Mrs. Butters’s intentions were good, so she’s able to be talked down and goes back home at the end, while Dean ends the ep by cooking Jack a birthday cake. Maybe not as good as Mrs. Butters would have made, but made with love all the same.
Since this season is concerned with ‘reality,’ there’s also how Mrs. Butters is creating a kind of false reality of Sam, Dean and Jack, and how Dean is the one who first buys into Mrs. Butters, with Sam being the more skeptical one. Mrs. Butters helps Sam, Dean & Jack celebrate different holidays they’ve never celebrated before & also not on these actual holiday dates; she cooks all their food, does their laundry, sends them off on hunting trips without Sam & Dean having to do any research or work themselves; she gives Jack delicious smoothies that are secretly tamping down on his angelic powers so she can kill him, and it’s only after she tells Dean he has to kill Jack that he wises up to something being wrong. Mrs. Butters herself is also trapped in a false reality, that monsters are keeping her from returning home, back to her forest, instead of her having been tortured & trapped by Magnus into staying at the bunker and working for the MoLs.
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
Steve Harrington x Female Reader
Warnings: Angst, Stranger Things season 4 spoilers (specifically episodes 6 & 7) so if you haven’t seen it yet, feel free to save and come back to this
Word Count: 2.7k
So, Taylor Swift and Steve Harrington inspired me to write this little angsty fic. I’m not a huge Taylor fan, but I do enjoy her music and this song got me thinking, what it would be like for the reader and Steve to reunite after a breakup, in some sort of circumstances. This being the scene where his wounds are bandaged in the Upside Down. Instead of it being Nancy, obviously it’s the reader doing it. The entire fic takes place in those few moments. Also, Nancy and Steve never dates in this universe, just as a heads up.  I’m kinda thinking of doing a part 2 to this, cause as much as I love to write angst, I hate leaving it on such a sad note. Plus that one will be actual smut. Let me know if you’d like to see that. Happy reading!
Part 2: Trying
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Stupid. He was so stupid.
He should’ve never been the one to run into danger like this—like he always does. Steve Harrington was selfless like that. It’s what you loved about him the most. 
But now, here he was, leaning against a rock, injured beyond belief. Bat-like creatures had torn gashes into both of his sides, teeth ripping into his skin as easily as a knife sliding through butter. He had choke marks around his throat where one demobat had been trying to choke the life out of him. His back was covered with deep cuts and he had endured a plethora of scratches and scrapes after being pulled quite the distance from the portal, a vine from the hive mind wrapped tightly around his ankle.
The most critical of his injuries were the bites, which were currently oozing blood and not clotting like it should be. He was losing enough blood to make him woozy, which is how he ended up leaning against the wall of rock behind him. There was no way to get him medical attention, with you, him and your group stuck in the Upside Down. 
It was you who had managed to catch him as he stumbled, making sure he leaned back safely, as you inspected the wounds, trying to determine the best solution for him until you could get him real medical attention.
It wasn’t until you happened to peer up at Steve that you saw his gaze on yours, looking down at you. His brown eyes held so much in them, beyond the current physical pain he was feeling. So much was said between the two of you in one look, so much that you wished you could say, could express, but had no idea how. Those eyes had an incredible power to make you weak in the knees, heart swell and become breathless all at once. The kind of feelings any person in love could possibly feel.
But in this moment, you felt your heart stutter and your breath catch in your throat. But this time, it was feelings of pain, of agony, of loss. It wasn’t the giddiness of true love, it was the sensation of a broken heart.
I think I’ve seen this film before and I didn’t like the ending 
You and Steve had been great, so utterly great together. He had been your best friend, your confidant, your true love. He knew when you needed a hug after a long day, he knew the little things that made you smile, he knew your passions, dreams and fears. He knew every inch of your body and still made it feel like he was just discovering it for the first time, every time. He knew how to make you laugh and unfortunately, how to make you cry. Sobs that were so deep and gut wrenching, they wracked your entire body. Sobs that didn’t even begin to echo the feeling of your heart cracking apart piece by piece. 
It had only been a month before strange things began stirring in Hawkins that Steve had broken up with you. 
You never saw it coming.
You wondered, days, weeks later if he’d somehow had a premonition of all the evil to come. 
You had begged, cried and pleaded to understand why. Had he fallen out of love with you? Was there someone else? Was it something you’d done?
It’d only been about a year since your paths had first crossed. You had managed to fall into his world—quite literally, when he caught you as you’d almost slipped and fell in the food court of the now destroyed Starcourt mall. He’d piqued your interest at that point, but even then his gentlemanly action had only been the beginning. 
You’d managed to get tangled up in a world that consisted of evil Russians, parallel dimensions, monsters no human mind could imagine on its own, a girl with telekinetic powers and a huge group of badass people who had helped save the world—apparently more than once.
It wasn’t humorous at the time, but looking back, it sort of became it considering you and Steve had gone from near strangers in a mall to falling in love with one another. Of course, that took more than the few days you had spent together initially, but something about being held hostage together and witnessing things very few other people have, had a way of bringing people together. It had been the beginning of your stars colliding.
If things were still normal, you would’ve been grateful for that experience, as messed up as it was because it brought you to him. Now, through your haze of pain, you’d wondered if you’d been better off without ever meeting him.
You’d both survived Starcourt mall, but apparently in the last weeks of your relationship, Steve’s mind had been whirring. 
Maybe he was scared, maybe he really did have a bad feeling, but he knew he couldn’t drag you into anything else that could possibly hurt you. He didn’t want to be the one to cause anything bad to happen to you. He didn’t want to lose you.
That was his reason.
It was a paradox. 
He didn’t want to see you hurt, didn’t want to lose you, yet in that one moment that was exactly what he did. He’d crushed your soul and you’d lost him.
He was too good of a guy, a protector, always the first to head into danger to protect his loved ones. Which, ironically, was how you’d ended up back in his world once again, the two of you, Nancy, Robin and Eddie currently trapped in the Upside Down fighting a new villain. 
It had been the kids who had roped you back in. You still weren’t sure if it was to help you out or Steve. It might’ve been both.
“He needs you,” Dustin had pleaded, “We need you. Scoop Troop, remember?”
You had smiled faintly at the memory. Who would’ve thought such horrific events could have somewhat fond memories?
“He hasn’t been the same,” Max whispered.
You had no idea how Steve had been doing. In fact, you hadn’t even seen him since the breakup. That first week, you’d laid in bed crying, doing nothing but barely following a tv show that was on and drifting in and out of sleep; anything to dull the hollow ache that had settled in your chest. Even when you thought there’d been no more tears left in you, more came.
If it hadn’t been for Nancy and Robin pulling you out of that hole, you might still be there, in a hibernation of sorrow and despair. Their simple act of bringing you food and a few movies to watch together, had done more than you thought it would. You were hurting, but you were slowly trying to get back on your feet. 
Until that fateful day when the kids had shown up at your door—Dustin, Max and Lucas. Trouble had reappeared in Hawkins and they wanted your help, needed it. They were also worried about Steve, who they were afraid for. Apparently his conflicting emotions and guilt were a perfect alluring combination for this new monster, Vecna, who had already killed twice, in a gruesome and horrific way.
Little did you all know that everyone had been worried for the wrong person—Max had been the prey the killer was hunting.
“Y/N,” your name slipped from his lips, breaking you from your tumultuous thoughts.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, “Let me just—“
You stopped speaking as you tore the fabric from the bottom of your shirt, trying to gather enough for a makeshift bandage to wrap around him. You could hear the other three’s voices as they spoke, a short distance away from you both, but the haze of your emotions seemed to dull your senses, as you couldn’t seem to follow what they were saying. It was as if right now, your whole world was Steve.
Even through your emotional pain, your concern for him was evident. He was in pain and trying hard not to show it, his breathing heavy and shallow. 
“You ready?” you asked, on your knees in front of him, eye level with his wounds.
“Yeah, just do it.”
You’re not my homeland anymore, so what am I defending now?
You were by his side, by the kids’ side when Vecna tried his hardest to take Max. 
It was utterly terrifying to watch, but Max was a fighter and she fought like hell to get out of his grasp.
Everything happened so fast after you rejoined your friends, you hadn’t had too much time to sit and analyze how you felt being around Steve once again.
Once Max’s form came tumbling back to the earth, Lucas scooping her up and hugging her, Dustin right by her side, emotions hit.
You were relieved she was alright, relieved that she had escaped that living hell. Steve was just as relieved as you, but it was only in the high emotions of the moment that you’d realized he’d grabbed your hand, squeezing it, the relief coming off his body in waves as he inadvertently pulled you closer to his side where you’d always fit perfectly.
That moment wasn’t spoken of afterwards.
All you had wanted to do when you had dove into Lover’s Lake after him, was to rescue him, take care of him, maybe slap the shit out of him for scaring you so much. When you saw how badly he’d been beaten up, blood dripping from his mouth, you wanted to run to him, hug him, kiss him hard, just to reassure yourself he was still alive.
But you couldn’t. 
He wasn’t yours anymore.
You were my town, now I’m in exile seeing you out
You wrapped the white cloth around his torso, your eyes lingering on his bare upper half.
You’d been intimate, so of course there was nothing of his you hadn’t seen. But your eyes took in the details, the small things you missed so much.
The chest hair that Dustin relentless teased him about, claiming he needed to tame it. You’d reassured Steve that the boys were still young freshmen, they didn’t realize that one day they too might sport their own and in any case, you’d told him you liked his. 
“It adds to the rugged handsome look,” you’d halfway teased, though you’d been completely serious.
You’d love to lay your head on his bare chest, fingers mindlessly playing with the hair there. Even the feeling of it under your hands as you ran your palms over his chest, was something you didn’t realize you could miss.
Your eyes fell to the constellation of freckles across his abdomen, matching the array of them you knew were splattered all along his back. They were so attractive to you, but maybe only because they belonged to him. 
You loved the way they tapered up his neck onto both cheeks, marking him in a unique way. 
You tried counting them once, but remember losing count because Steve couldn’t stay still long enough, sending you into uncontrollable giggles. You’d even been tempted to kiss each and every one you could find on his body, but knew it would take way too long and besides, your body would usually be ready to move on to other more important activities at times like that.
You missed the feel of him, the sound of him, the smell of him. Every molecule in your body ached for him, in a different way than in its usual sexual way. It was a longing for something familiar, something it knew had made you thrive. You felt like a plant deprived of sunshine, slowly withering away without the water needed to help your roots grow and your petals to bloom.
You bit your lip, trying your hardest to be gentle, but trying to wrap it enough to staunch the bleeding. You could hear his harsh exhales, knowing it probably hurt more than he’d ever admit.
Your eyes flicked upwards and saw his grimace of pain, making you wish you could take it away from him. If it were between the two of you, you’d rather be the one hurt, just so he wouldn’t have to experience the pain. You would do anything in your power to keep him from hurting.
“Sorry,” you whispered, knowing that even if you were helping, it was probably adding to the pain.
“S’okay,” he whispered back.
You caught a glimpse of how his head tipped back, his hands running through his hair as you pulled the end of the makeshift bandage back around to a close.
He was so absolutely stunning and he didn’t even realize it. His playful demeanor often alluded that he knew he was attractive, but you’d seen those precious, vulnerable moments when you knew he didn’t believe it; those moments when you had to reassure him just how much you loved him. The poor relationship with his parents had left him more damaged than most knew, his insecurity in his belief of being loved being the biggest. 
Even though you knew the movement was made in reaction to the discomfort, your mind couldn’t help but briefly wander to other scenarios when you’d seen him just like this—but on the other end of the spectrum from pain. When you’d been in a position quite like this one, but with no injuries and a lot less clothes, praises and moans falling from his beautiful, pale pink lips as your own were wrapped around him. 
Or the feeling of your hands sliding through his hair as he kissed you. It often varied from a slow, sensual kiss, filled with all the love he had inside of him—that he couldn’t put into the right words—to the desperate, wild ones when you were just a hairs breath away from exploding into fireworks of ecstasy as he moved deep within you, ready to shatter with you. 
His hair. That damn hair. What he was apparently known for in high school, he’d told you before. It was just one more thing in a long list that you loved—love—and also missed.
You managed to successfully get the material around him, grunting as you try to pull it tight enough to stop the bleeding.
“Too tight?”
“No, that’s good,” he responded, leaning slowly back against the smooth surface of the rock with a groan, chest heaving.
He eyed the bandage, now securely around his body, his eyes flicking to yours, just as you look up at him.
I think I’ve seen this film before
His voice, breathless as it is, is so full of tenderness that it makes you wish he’d just take you into his arms, promise that everything will be okay.
But it’s not going to be. The future is unsure. Not only with the threat to the town, but with your own heart.
You know you can’t keep doing this. Your heart can’t take it. He’s wearing you down bit by bit. His beautiful face, which once brought you nothing but happiness and joy, is the worst thing in the world for you to see now. You love him too much. 
It’s only moments that your gaze is locked with his again, but you can feel every single emotion you’re currently feeling way too loudly.
Love. Protectiveness. Fear. Sorrow. 
Steve looks like he desperately wants to say something, but doesn’t know what. You could say a million things right about now.
I love you.
I miss you.
I miss us.
Please be okay.
I can’t do this.
When this is over—not this fight, but literally getting out of the Upside Down, you’re walking away. 
Maybe you and Steve aren’t meant to be. But you can’t keep torturing yourself and making yourself believe that everything is okay when it clearly isn’t. For your own sanity, you have to leave Steve Harrington in your rearview mirror. 
The thought brings tears to your eyes and he wavers in your sight, as they threaten to spill down your cheeks.
Perhaps he mistook the tears to be about his injuries, for when one escapes, his hand is right there cupping your cheek, thumb brushing the tear away as his fingers gently caress your skin.
“It’s okay. I’m okay,” he assures.
You don’t know how you find the strength to find your voice, but it still cracks the tiniest bit when you answer.
“I’m not.”
So I’m leaving out the side door
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bukojuiice · 3 years
— genshin boys as your late night study buddy
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ೃ ft. childe, diluc, kaeya, zhongli, xiao and albedo x gn! reader
ೃ 200-299 words per character!  (they are your bfs in this! bc MAN do i desperately want one of the genshin boys to cram school works with and shower me with luv and affection.) ♡
ೃ tags: college au, modern au, and lots of fluff. 
ೃ thank you so so much for 1k notes on my very first batch of genshin hcs! i appreciate all the luv it received and i can never thank all of you enough 🥺 i’ll be making a genshin masterlist soon to compile all of my current and future works so pls stay tuned for that!
ೃ if you want to be a part of my taglist, answer this form! ♡
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– Zhongli would be a very chill study partner. He will always keep his cool and focus, never letting his attention stray away from less trivial things. If he can focus, he’ll focus. There’s always this sense of comfort surrounding him that brightens up your mood and productivity. The both of you are sat in this long table, papers, books, and cute matching pencils are sprawled about. You lean your head on his shoulder, as he serenades you with his deep and butter voice, explaining all the formulas to you. Being able to study in peace and quiet with him is always a blissful experience. He never fails to brew you green tea (as it helps the brain function) even if that meant going down to the kitchen at 2 in the morning. He always brings a small humidifier and some essential oils with him that can help brighten up the study mood and that emits a wafting vanilla pinecone scent to keep you happy. (He’s just fancy like that.) When he doesn’t understand the concepts right away, he’d turn to you, his sharp amber eyes gazing at yours with nothing but innocent and love, and asks: “(Y/N)... what reference is this supposed to be? pepe the frog? kermit the frog? here come dat boi? aren’t they all just amphibians? what are the differences between them? I am very intrigued.”
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  – Childe loves a challenge. An academic challenge. He loves the thrill of finishing school works the night before the deadline, he loves studying for a pop quiz twenty minutes before the bell rings, and most importantly, he loves to pretend he doesn’t know how to solve point a to point b if that means getting to spend time with you as you tutor him on how to do so. He’s at the top of the class, He’s popular and friendly, He’s the captain of the Archery Team, and one of the vice council members of the Fatui Club. But, no other title will ever come close to being your study buddy. You and Childe always chill on the bed whenever you study. Especially when the both of you have the sudden urge to just laze around. Well, it is the wee hours of the night, so just lounging around and trying to resist the urge of sleep is pretty understandable. Sometimes, the two of you would take power naps in between study sessions. This meant cuddle times! Childe will always cuddle with you, (he’s the big spoon and you are the smol spoon) and often times you would be immersed into your textbook while he’s scrolling through his phone and looking for some of the current and popular memes. He’d poke you on the cheek and show you what he’s found. It was quite annoying sometimes and you would reprimand him for it, but it never fails to make you laugh. You jokingly suggested one time that the two of you sneak in the library after closing hours, and your chaotic boyfriend turns to you with the biggest smirk plastered on his face. “Let’s do it baby. I know the law.”
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–You and Diluc are the cutest pair of night owls. So, studying late at night is never a problem with him because with the help of each other, the both of you are unstoppable. An actual power couple. Batman and his love interest who? I only know (Y/N) and Diluc. Mondstadt University should be giving you the title of #NoSleepGang for the “Campus Cuties” awards because the two of you are able to ace every test still despite lack of sleep.  You and Diluc are very very organized. The both of you own matching couple planners (that the both of you had gifted to each for Christmas) and have your entire study schedule planned out already. Since the two of you prefer to study at night, your dates are usually done during the day. Which meant never having to worry about the upcoming finals whilst you’re at a cute little café with him. The both of you have respective desks whenever you study together, but you never fail to gaze at your crimson-haired boyfriend with the cutest pout and biggest puppy eyes. He always gives in and next thing you know, your swivel chairs are practically glued next to each other and the both of you are cuddling in your seats. One thing that Diluc never fails to do is pamper you with comfort food or little gifts that you love after a long and tiring week of hell (aka exams) It’s such a sweet gesture and the blissful relationship that you have can’t get any better than this.
“I got you some boba and that necklace from Pandora that you’ve always wanted. I-I’m so proud of you (Y/N). You did great, my love.”
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- You are the Lawful Good to Kaeya’s Chaotic Evil. Kaeya is always tempted to ask for answers from your professors. He’s quite the teacher’s pet, but with good intentions. That’s just how he rolls. Every time he jokes about going to the faculty to help out and the answer sheets are just out in the open, waiting to be snatched, you always glare at at him and punch him softly on the arm, every time he tries to bring up the idea. To which he would always reply with, “I’m kidding. Just kidding my love.” You and Kaeya have amazing study hacks. He is always able to find a movie that is somewhat related to the topics that the both of you are currently studying about. For example, when the topic was an introduction to different branches of science, Kaeya chose Big Hero 6  as the “Educational Movie Of the Day.” He is always able to find something fun and informative for the both of you to watch. Well, Kaeya does find fun and interest in everything. Another effective strategy that both of you do is every time you or him get an answer right, you reward each other with either a kiss on the cheek or a bear hug. Both of these affectionate gestures give you butterflies in your stomach anyway, so it doesn’t matter which is which. With the ideas that Kaeya constantly makes up every single day of your study sessions, there’s a high chance that you’ll never fluke a test ever again.
“Oh. That’s pretty cool of you (Y/N). You got 30 correct answers! If we count everything, so I basically gave you 15 forehead kisses and 15 bear hugs. Congrats! I know we’re going to ace our finals!”
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– Xiao is extremely intelligent and talented in a myriad of things. However, he lacks self-confidence. You’ve sworn to your boyfriend that you’d help him gain confidence in his academic abilities. Which is why you became study buddies in the first place. It served as dates with him too! Although he stubbornly refused at first, his reasons being that he can do things by himself and he doesn’t need any help. You continued to encourage him that this was going to help the both of you and it was a way for the two of you to bond, and Xiao hesistantly agreed right after. As the captain of the soccer team, “The Liyue Adepti”, The only free time that Xiao has was during the evening which is the reason for your scheduled late night studies with him. This brought so much more intimate and sweet moments with him though! It meant sleepovers with him, midnight snack runs, and casual early morning strolls in the park. It became sort of a routine. Your hand interlaced with his, the crisp morning air, the little chirpings birds, and the tranquil swaying of the trees brought so much comfort to the both of you. Xiao would be the type of student to not speak up unless he’s called. Even if he knows the answer. The both of you sit on some floor pillows whenever you would study. So, whilst you read aloud, Xiao always hugs you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder.
“I don’t deserve the patience and love you give me, (Y/N). I am eternally grateful for everything you’ve done for me. I hope you know, that I’ll always be here for you.”
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- Being the university’s library assistant has it’s perks. Access to infinite knowledge, quiet solitude within the library walls, and being able to hang out with your boyfriend. It was truly a perfect deal. After classes, Albedo would be heading straight over to the library to do his work. You’d meet him there and wait until he gets his work done, and then the two of you head home together or have dinner. Albedo likes to plan things in advance. He’s quite busy, being a part of university’s alchemist group and as a library assistant, but, he will always study with you. He even brings Klee with him at times too! She’s always an energetic and cute addition, + she tattles on and on about how in love Albedo is with you and how he would never shut up about you at home. Albedo puts a lot of effort into creating review materials for the both of you. He makes very intricate drawings of modules, dioramas of certain science models, and has all the formulas memorized for him to list down. He’s a genius after all, and although you’ve constantly told him time and time again that he doesn’t have to make a review paper specifically catered to you, he still insists. He always gifts you one whenever it’s exam week (he adds extra detail to them during your finals) The cutest thing about these papers are scribbled about in all of the pages. The cutest doodles of the two of you with hearts and flowers drawn all over. Albedo + (Y/N) is even written in the last page, along with a heartfelt message: 
“I put all my faith and belief in you, (Y/N). I know you can do this. I’m proud of everything you’ve reached so far, my beloved. and I know you’ll reach greater heights. Let’s continue to excel and thrive together. I can’t wait to spend the rest of this journey with you.”
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