#if billy comes back and tries to save her and it for some reason it's not enough
acowardinmordor · 30 days
Steve has powers, specifically of a Doesn’t Stay Dead variety. He knows theirs a limit on how many times he can come back. Let’s go with eight. Aka he has nine lives. He knows there’s a cap, and he has some kind of mark on his body that counts down. He lost one as a kid, doing something like riding his bike too fast, and crashing over a hill. Nothing nefarious, just a bad accident.
He drinks himself unconscious freshman year, and wakes up in vomit, missing a marker.
He survives the demogorgon.
Billy kills him though. So does the Russian beating.
The kids realize after Starcourt that Steve really was killed by the Russians, but don’t realize there’s a cap. It makes them feel safer if they think that Steve will always be there for him.
He doesn’t tell them that he died twice. The only reason he knows about the second is because he woke up the next day missing one of the marks. He never went to the hospital, so doesn’t know why or how, just that he’s used six of his eight chances.
Definitely drowns getting dragged through watergate, and barely revived before the others reached him. Only one left.
Eddie survives, barely. Steve learned his lesson from Starcourt and goes to the hospital, takes the antibiotics. Takes it easy, tells himself that it’s all over. So it’s fine. And he still has one spare.
Gets close with Eddie as they recover and wait on the Feds. And Eddie loves stories, knows fairytales and immediately declares that this infinite life glitch is fake. There’s no way it’s Infinite. He assumes that Steve doesn’t know that, and isn’t going to tell him. They get close enough that Eddie sees the marks on the back of Steve’s neck, sees seven faded, sees one left. He freaks out for a while. Tries to talk to Robin about it, but even she doesn’t know, and he doesn’t know how to tell her this secret that doesn’t belong to him.
Steddie is not quite together, but everyone knows it’s an any day now thing. That’s when Vecna comes back.
Steve goes down protecting the kids. But he gets up a moment later. It’s the first time they ever saw it happen, and it cements Steve as the coolest dude ever. He’s invincible.
Something something, they have a plan that needs someone to take on a very dangerous bait role. Obviously, to the kids, Steve is the only possible choice. And since it doesn’t matter, Steve wouldn’t let anyone else do it anyway, there’s no reason to tell them. Either he’ll survive or he won’t.
Eddie though? Not having it. Informs the group that he’s going with Steve. No one likes this plan. Eddie has vivid, vicious scars from last time. Steve can come back to life. It’s just stupid for Eddie to risk himself.
They’re both self sacrificing idiots, and when shit goes down, they’re both determined that THEY will be the one to die and save the other.
Luckily, they cancel each other out. Neither dies during the fight, and the others find them fast enough to get them to the hospital. It’s not until Eddie wakes up from the surgical anasthesia, and frantically asks about Steve that the secret comes out. He’s drugged out of his mind, and rambles his fears and the marks and how he knows that Steve won’t survive another one.
Unluckily, the kids and Robin were clustered around Eddie’s bed - around the bed of the guy they thought was at risk of dying and staying dead, because they knew Steve would be okay no matter what - and they hear all of it.
So it’s a horrible thing as they look at the other bed in the room, at Steve, still not awake, still critical, and have to grapple with that fear, even as they try to count, and learn all the times and ways that Steve has died before. Praying that it won’t happen again
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gingiesworld · 15 days
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Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Warnings : Just fluff
Taglist : @mothertoall2 @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @dopeyouth @karsonromanoff @bimad @reginassweetheart @machyishere @gemz5 @pawiie @duckiekong (If you want to be added to my taglist, please DM me or comment)
Y/N and Wanda were indeed the perfect couple, the two had met when they both attended the same college course. Throughout the years, the two had come up with the idea of opening up their own cafe together. It was a dream that the two of them had shared, along with starting their own family, Wanda giving birth to twins, Billy and Tommy.
“I’ll close up tonight.” Y/N told Wanda as she served her last customer. “You take the boys home and I’ll be home in a couple of hours.”
“Are you sure?” Wanda questioned as Y/N nodded.
“It’s only a short walk.” They told her before helping get the two five year olds ready. “I’ll be home as soon as I finish up, I promise love.”
“Okay.” Wanda smiled before she leaned up to kiss them before taking the twins to the car. The last couple of hours of being open was extremely slow, giving Y/N the opportunity to start most of the closing chores before they locked the doors. As they took the trash out, they had heard a quiet whimper coming from beside the bins. Slowly, they moved closer towards the source of the sound, soon finding a small Jack Russel puppy.
“Hey there.” They whispered as they slowly approached it. “You look cold.” They took off their sweater to wrap it around the dog, picking it up and holding it close to them. “I think I should take you home. The twins would love you.” They smiled before they went back inside the cafe to finish locking up. Soon starting the journey home, they knew that the twins would indeed be excited about having a puppy, but they would have to convince Wanda. So, they decided that they needed to stop off at the store on their way home, getting the supplies needed for the puppy. Once they had entered the house, the twins were both sitting on the floor with their toys as Wanda was sitting on the sofa. The twins were both already ready for bed, but the sound of the door opening caught all of their attention.
“What’s all of that for?” Wanda questioned as she put her book down on the table beside the sofa.
“Well, I couldn’t just leave him there.” Y/N reasoned as Wanda rose to her feet, Y/N visibly gulping as she tilted her head. “He was whimpering and cold.”
“What did you do?” She questioned, watching as Y/N had a nervous smile on their face, removing their sweater and revealing the puppy. The twins both ran towards them excited as Wanda’s eyes remained on Y/N with an unreadable expression. “You brought home a stray?”
“Technically, yes.” They tried as they let the pup on the floor with the twins. “But look at him.” They turned her around to face the twins with the puppy. “Look at how happy they all are.”
“We can’t look after a puppy.” Wanda told them. “We have a cafe to run too.”
“Well, I can always make the office into a sort of den for the puppy.” Y/N told her. “Just for while the twins are at school, and we both know that Agatha helps some nights with either closing or opening.”
“It will cost a lot of money.” Wanda told them.
“Well, to be fair, the twins cost a lot of money.” Y/N teased, causing Wanda to laugh as she hit their arm. “Just look at their smiles, maybe this is the right addition to our family that we need.”
“Well, we could have always had another child.” Wanda told them, chuckling as Y/N shook their head.
“No, at least with the puppy we won’t need to save up a college fund for them.” They started. “Or need to pay extra because they have tried to do some sort of stunt from Jackass.”
“That was you.” Wanda reminded them, soon their attention was moved towards the laughing boys, watching as they found some of the toys that Y/N had bought for the puppy. “He needs a name.” Wanda stated as the twins looked between their parents.
“Rover.” The twins yelled in unison.
“Rover it is.” Y/N smiled before they picked the puppy up. “I am going to bathe this little guy, while the two of you go to bed.”
“But.” They both pouted.
“He will be here when you both wake up in the morning.” Wanda told them both, leading them towards the stairs.
Once the time came for both Y/N and Wanda to head to bed, Rover had joined them at the foot of their bed. Wanda rolled her eyes when she saw Y/N’s cheeky smile, they knew how she felt about animals on the furniture but this is the one time she seem to let it slide.
“I would have thought you would have had me take him to the pound first thing.” Y/N spoke aloud as the two lay facing each other.
“You were right.” Wanda smiled tenderly. “Rover could be the best thing for this family, and he could also help with teaching you and the twins some responsibility.”
“I am a responsible adult.” Y/N protested making Wanda giggle before she cuddled into them. “I have kept two five year old animals alive for their whole lives.”
“Those animals seem to be our offspring and you know very well that I did a majority of it.” Wanda told them.
“You know I don’t do well at the icky stuff, besides I don’t fancy carrying a bucket with me everywhere I go.” They told her, making her chuckle as they kissed her head. “Okay, maybe I’m not the most responsible adult but you are stuck with me.” They booped her nose before they lay their head back on their pillow, their arms wrapped securely around their wife as they both fell into a peaceful slumber.
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Hello my dear! So excited for Kinkfest! Could I please request praise kink & size kink with Mr. Sex-On-Legs himself, Billy Russo? 😍
Thank you so much for requesting, everyone seems to like size kink with this man!
A soft touch
Contains: Protective Billy, violence, oral sex (f receiving) fingering, P in V, fluff.
1.3K words
Billy is very gentle and sweet, at least with you he is.
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Billy was so proud, the charity auction you had put on for Curt's group had raked in more than enough to keep the doors open and butts in seats for months to come. To make matters even better, he got to stick to the rich assholes who acted like donating a few bucks on their out of the Anvil office was saving humanity.
He walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulders as he whispered into your ear. "You did good tonight gorgeous."
You craned your head and kissed him, and his fingertips grazed your cheek as he spun around to pull you close. "You wanna get out of here?"
Billy grinned. "Fuck yeah."
He took her hand and led you outside, but before he could open the car a shout stopped you both in your tracks. "Hey, baby why don't you leave the pretty boy and have some fun with me?"
Billy went stiff as a board, placing you behind him so he could stand between you and the yelling man. "Billy, let's just go."
You didn't have time, the man was already swagging over, his drunk gate wobbling as he walked. You wrapped your hand around his upper arm and tried to pull him, but it made no difference. "You should listen to your girl buddy, you wouldn't want to embarrass yourself getting into a fight you can't win."
You tended to forget how tall Billy really was, how imposing his height could be with just a change in his mood because he never gave you a reason to notice it. "Go the fuck home, I won't ask again."
Damn alcohol and its effects because all the man did was laugh and rear his fist back. Billy didn't even need to think to stop it, he just dropped the man with one punch. He watched the man get up and hobble away, ignoring the string of obscenities that came from his mouth. He placed his hand on your lower back as he opened the car door and helped you inside. "Sorry about that gorgeous."
You reached out and grabbed his hand, looking over his bruised knuckles as he smiled down at you. "Are you alright?"
He nodded. "Yep, that guy was nothing."
He pushed your door closed and climbed into the driver's seat, kicking the car over as his hand found your tight. "Let's go home."
Billy placed his folded suit jacket over the chair back and cleaned his bruised hand in the sink before walking behind you and unzipping your dress. "Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?"
You nodded. "Twice."
He kissed a path from shoulder to shoulder across your upper back, ending up kissing a line from shoulder dome to neck until his lips were at your ear. "Then let me tell you again, you look beautiful."
Your dress fell to the floor, and he walked in front of you, stretching his hand out for you to take so you could step out of the pile. He walked you to the edge of the bed and paused, his eyes moving up and down your body to take in the lacy set of lingerie. "I'm am the luckiest man on the planet."
You unbuttoned his dress shirt as he slid the straps of your bra off your shoulders, licking his lips at the newly revealed skin when it hit the floor. He stilled for a moment, his fingers drifting down your chest until his thumb was circling a nipple with the softness of freshly fallen snow, and then the air caught, and his lips slammed into yours. There was a rush to shed the rest of your clothes, and then you were scurrying up the bed with Billy hovering over you.
He was rock hard, his long, thick cock standing attention as the tip leaked with his arousal. His lips were on yours again, all lust and heat and his massive hands grabbed at whatever flesh he could reach. It was hard to know where to touch, there was just so much of him that it left you spoiled for choice. His back rippled under your hands as you dug your nails into his skin when his lips sealed around a nipple, your head falling back into the pillows as heat filled you.
The other one got the same treatment and soon enough, he was pressing kissing all over your abdomen on his way further down. He lifted your legs over his shoulder and kissed every inch of your thighs that he could reach before looking up at you through his long eyelashes. "Can I?"
"Yes please."
You loved the way he held you when he did this, his forearm thrown over your hips, keeping you still while he licked at you like he wanted to win some prize and the other holding your thigh, his fingers pressing into the skin in indistinct patterns like he was typing out a code. A gasp caught in your throat as the hand on your thigh moved towards your centre, his fingers slipping under his lips as he slid them inside you.
His thumb replaced his mouth, and he looked up at you with a soft smile. "Does that feel good, Sweetheart?"
"Yes." His lips were back on you as he stroked your G-spot with his calloused fingertips as you wove your hands into his hair. Pleasure zipped up your spine with each pass of his tongue and curl of his fingers and you yanked his hair as he moaned against you. "Billy.." He groaned an affirmative, and you held him to you as you came, him riding the wave with you until your hips stilled against the bed.
He pulled away, wiping his face with the back of his hand before kissing a line up your body to your lips. He took your face in his face, resting his forehead against yours and smiled. "You're so good for me." You spread your legs and he settled between them, gripping his cock and rubbing it up and down your slit. "Can I?"
"Yes please." He didn't leave you waiting, sliding home with a grunt as he hiked your legs over his waist with one hand.
He buried his face in your neck as he started to rock his hips, his voice tight with pleasure as he spoke. "My good girl, I love you so much."
He shifted angles to hit your G-spot as he picked up sped, and you tilted your head to the side to give him more room to suck at your neck as he ran one hand downwards, between your bodies to rub your clit. His lips broke away from your flesh so he could gaze into your eyes, his face filled with affection as he watched your expression fill with pleasure. "Can you give me another one?"
You gasped and nodded with each hitch of his lips, and he smiled. "I know you can." Your nails dug into his back as the edge approached and he kissed you again, nibbling your lower lip as he pushed you into a spine snapping orgasm. "Good girl."
He shifted again, putting his weight onto his hands as he chased his high. With one last thrust, he collapsed on top of you, his chest heaving as he kissed you softly. He rolled off you, moving onto his back to take you with him so your head rested on his chest. "Thank you gorgeous girl."
You sighed. "I should be thanking you."
He smirked and pressed his lips to your temple. "No, you have no idea how much I love you."
You turned your head and pressed a kiss to his firm chest. "I do, and I love you too."
He wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in your hair. "I'll run you a bath in a bit, I just want to hold you a little longer."
You laid your face on his cheek, and his eye fluttered closed. "I like the sound of that."
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xo-hugs-n-kisses-ox · 27 days
(v.) To think about something deeply
After Edward left her, Bella Swan fell apart. Desperate to try and save his eldest daughter, Charlie brings his youngest daughter to Forks to see if she can bring her sister out of her depression.
Now, y/n must try to help her sister find her way back to the light while also trying to navigate her Junior year of high school in the odd town of Forks.
Chapter Twelve: Consequences
Now Playing: Breakin’ Dishes by Rihanna
I listened as Billy told us all the story of Taha Aki and his family, how they dealt with the Cold Ones. I had heard this story before, when Bella and I had come over with Charlie as children.
Bella fell asleep after a while, and Jacob picked her up to take her back to Edward. I had gone back with the rest to Emily’s house.
I showered and put on my pajamas, walking out to sit on the couch as Jared set up some movies. Emily made popcorn and Sam dug out blankets.
The movie Jared ended up turning on was some action movie I wasn’t particularly interested in. It wasn’t bad, though.
I fell asleep about half way through, and I woke up in my bed. I wasn’t sure how I got there, but I figured one of the guys put me to bed so they could fold out the couch bed.
I made my way towards the kitchen, only to find Sam, Jared, and Paul sitting around the table looking grim.
I slid into the seat closest to me, asking them, “What happened?”
Jared handed me a newspaper.
On it, the title read, “Seattle Terrorized by Slayings.” Underneath the title, I read about nearly fifty people having been killed at random. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to the brutal murders; no racial bias, no gender bias, not one part of the city safe from the attacks. The only thing that authorities have determined was that all the victims were from ages twenty to thirty, with a few victims being in their late teens. I felt sick.
“We will be patrolling more,” Sam said grimly, “We are meeting with the Cullens.”
“Do you think it’s… supernatural?” I asked, my brows drawing together, “It could be human doings, there’s some sadistic people in the world.”
“There’s not a fingerprint there, no tracks, not a single thing pointing to human murders,” Paul said, his voice tense and his body pulled taught, “Better safe than sorry.”
I pursed my lips, nodding.
Bella called me.
“You saw it, right?” She demanded, her voice hushed. I knew what she meant.
“Yeah, we all saw it.” I confirmed, and I heard her sigh in relief on the other end of the phone.
“Carlisle asked for help from the Denali coven, the one I told you Laurent had stayed with,” she explained, “They won’t help us, if this is caused by Victoria.”
“Why?” I asked, slightly confused. Weren’t they friends with the Cullens?
“Laurent was involved with one of them,” she said angrily, “And now the Denali coven wants to kill the pack because they killed Laurent.”
I was silent for a long moment.
“Fuck Laurent and fuck them, we don’t need their help anyway,” I said slowly, anger simmering in my chest, “He tried to kill us, he deserved to be destroyed.”
Bella agreed with me, adding, “Yeah. Listen, I need you to talk to Sam. If the things in Seattle are because of Victoria, we need to work together or everything will be for nothing.”
“He wants to talk to the Cullens,” I informed her, “I think it’s going to be some of the others who need convincing.”
“Okay,” she said, “Okay. I’ll call you, if I know anything else.”
“Back at you,” I tell her, “Love you.”
“Love you too, Y/n.”
The call disconnected, and I ran back to the front of the house to tell everyone what I had learned.”
Bella said that Alice was having a party. We both agreed that it was a stupid idea.
Sam wants to speak with the Cullens, but he doesn’t trust them. He wants answers, he wants to know what they know.
I think he believes that they’re somehow the cause of everything, and I don’t really disagree. I think, though, that the Cullens are trying to keep everything safe and close to their chest.
Jacob got Bella, but they hung out at his house.
I was making food with Emily, watching as the guys cycled in and out of the house. Sam had everyone doing double shifts, and it was taking a toll. When they weren’t out in the forest, the pack was sleeping. I had to coax them awake to get them to eat, and as soon as they were finished, they were right back asleep.
Paul had just gotten back from his shift to trade out with Embry, when Bella stormed into the house. She was holding her hand, furious and crying, and I was quick to rush to her side.
Despite his weariness, Paul woke himself up to oversee everyone’s safety.
Bella’s hand was broken, and Emily was the one to look at it. She explained what happened, and I stared at her. I was still as a statue as she spoke, my eyes wide as fury exploded in my chest.
I shoved to my feet, my chair tipping over behind me as I stormed outside to find Jacob. Paul was on my heels after smacking Jared awake to watch over Bella and Emily in the kitchen.
I stormed over to where Jacob was standing in the yard, debating if it was worth it to break my hand to punch him, too.
Instead, I stopped an arm’s length away from him and watched him coldly. I was so angry that I was shaking, and I demanded, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
My voice almost didn’t sound like me, and it would have been a bit more startling had I been less upset.
“Y/n, listen—” he started, but I cut him off.
“I don’t give a single damn about what you have to say!” I snapped, “I know you like my sister, and no one fucking liked Edward, but that doesn’t give you the right to kiss her against her will!”
“Y/n, it’s not that bad, I—”
I cut him off again, “If Edward doesn’t kill you, I very well might, you pushy, idiotic, piece of shit.”
I turned, looking to Paul.
“Explain to him what consent is, because it seems like the constant fever has gotten to his brain,” I ordered, “And keep him away from the house.”
I stormed back to the house, listening as Paul started to lay into Jacob.
I took Bella to the Cullen’s home. It was the first time I had ever seen it.
We marched in and I saw Edward first.
“What happened?” He demanded, and Bella explained everything to him.
I was still fuming, and Edward was tense beside me as Carlisle fixed Bella’s hand.
“Don’t touch any of the others,” I muttered, “But Jacob’s free game.”
Edward inclined his head, “We share similar sentiments on him now, I see.”
“If I could have, I would have broken his nose.”
I ended up staying the night with the Cullens.
Alice made me shower, since I “smelled like wet dog,” and gave me some of clothes to wear instead. She stuffed me into a pair of black pajama pants several sizes too big, tying them a tightly around my hips. The shirt, which was also slightly large, was a band tee for Metallica.
Bella and I took monopoly over the couches, Edward sitting beside her.
Emmett and Rosalie had come out of their room, and Emmett asked, “What happened, Bella? Walking and cheering gum at the same time?”
“Punched a werewolf,” she corrected, and he laughed loudly.
“Which one?” He asked eagerly, “That why your sister’s here?”
“Jacob,” I answered, “Feel free to break his jaw, if Paul didn’t for me.”
Emmett grinned, sitting down happily beside me, “Paul’s the one who tried to beat my ass when I accidentally got over the creek, right?”
“Yeah,” I confirmed, “No hard feelings about it.”
Emmett laughed again, “If we weren’t supposed to hate each other, it’d be cool to wrestle. They’re bigger than the bears that I hunt.”
I raised my brows, “I’ll relay the sentiment.”
After a minute, my phone rang. I picked it up and I walked back outside, listening to Paul’s voice as it crackles to life on the other end of the line.
“How are things over there?” He asked, “Are the lea— Cullens taking care of your sister?”
“They’re nice, the good doctor put a brace on Bella’s wrist, Edward’s taking care of her right now.,” I informed, then asked, “How are things over there?”
“Pack’s a little divided,” He told me honestly, “Some think Jacob wasn’t overly in the wrong, Emily, Leah, and the rest of the girls think Bella should’ve been able to break his nose.”
I hummed, “What about you? What do you think?”
“I think I hate vampires and want you and Bella away from them, but that Jacob had no right to kiss Bella when it wasn’t what she wanted.”
His answer was good, and I told him as much.
“Good answer,” I murmured, “You get some brownie points.”
“For being a decent person?” He said dryly, “Thanks, Y/n. I’ll take them where I can get them.”
I snorted, “Alright, Hot head, whatever. Meet me over at my house? I think I’ll murder Jacob if I go back over there, and I need to tell Charlie about Bella breaking her hand.”
“Took care of it already,” He replied, and I could hear him walking to the door, “I’ll see you over there.”
I hung up and kissed Bella’s temple, hesitantly patting Edward on the shoulder as I left. I felt awkward in their house, but I thanked them for their help and hospitality.
Sorry this was put out so late!! Anyway, hope y’all enjoyed!!
Also, this was about when I started realizing that Stephanie Meyer wasn’t a good writer in general bc Jacob and Edward weren’t shit and Bella was a victim of both at any given time
Also also, I got a few requests!! I’m so happy and I’m working on them rn!! They should be out sometime this week and thank you guys so much for the interest in my writing 🥰 I adore yall 💕
(Ps I got a guinea pig and he’s adorable and SO soft)
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sincere1ystar · 1 month
billy the kid x fem! reader
You and Billy have been friends since childhood, having gone through everything together. One day he sees you with another man and he finally realizes his feelings for you.
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For as long as Billy could remember you were his oldest friend. You were there with him thorough it all. You were there when he lost his ma and little brother to that awful disease, when he moved from town to town, and even when he lost track of his morals and who he was you were still there.
Being friends since childhood meant that the two of you saw all sides of each other, the pretty and the ugly. Still despite everything, Billy was grateful to have the privelage to call you a friend.
Friends who truely knew each other inside and out. Friends who took care of each other in times where internal wounds bled into external ones. Friends who were bonded together for life after the horrors they experienced together. The term friend had a nice ring to it. Atleast that’s what he thought before he saw some guy flirting at the market.
It had been routine at this point. At the start of each day, you would go off to sell goods at the town marketplace while Billy would go off to do work of his own.
It shouldnt have bothered him as much as it did, you were single after all. Sometime he forgot that although he considered himself yours, you werent exactly his… yet.
Instead of storming in and demanding that the guy get away from you, he holds himself back. Billy definitely underestimated how badly that would hurt, and the worst part was that he couldn’t even do anything about it since you weren’t even his to begin with.
That day you and Billy walk back home from the market like you always do during the evenings, except this time you’re far too giggly.
“What’s gotten you all smiley?” He asks even though he has a good idea of what the reason is.
“You know that new guy in town? John? He’s mighty kind ain’t he”, you respond with that same giddy tone you always had.
“John huh?… Y’know he seems okay at best, I jus’ don’t think he’s all that”. He tries his best to conceal his jealousy but unfortunately it’s as obvious as a fish in the water.
That night sleep doesn’t come easy to Billy as thoughts of you and this newcomer John plague his mind. He decides to get a cup of water to clear his mind, a remedy that his ma would always give him whenever he had nightmares as a kid. Back then there was a pinch of childhood innocence thrown into the mix so his Ma’s “remedy” used to work , and the next day he was worry free and ready to frolic in the fields with you and the other children in the neighborhood.
He remembers those days even now as he’s staring at the ceiling as sleep runs further and further away from him. His ma would always tease the two of you as kids. He reminisces one day in particular when he was just a boy and his Ma made cookies. You’ve always had a sweet tooth so he decided to save one for you.
“Awww how cute is that supposed to be a lil’ gift for her? Well would ya look at that you have a crush don’t ya?”, his Ma would tease.
“Eww Ma!! No I do not!!!!”, Billy would respond the same everytime.
Billy’s mind then wanders to another past memory where him and his Pa were stargazing one night. Neither of them could sleep and the stars always held a sort of comfort.
He remembers asking his father how he chose to settle down with his mother. His Pa chuckled at the question and answered it along the lines of: “Well, you see Billy what your Ma and I had was true love”.
“True love?”, Billy was far too young at the time to understand the concept but was still curious as ever.
“Yup son. True love. True love is when someone who’ll stick with you no matter what…”
Just like how you stuck by him when he was hopeless after losing everyone, barely having the motivation to get up in the morning yet you still stayed.
“…True love is when someone sees the light in you even when you’re blinded by the darkness…”
Just like how you still saw the good in him even when he was struggling to find honest work.
“…True love is tough to find son. Once ya find it ya can’t doubt it ‘kay? Jus’ go for it”.
Just like how you were truely one in a million. Since childhood he could truely say that he has never met anyone that could even compare to you.
After revisiting the past, sleep comes and embraces Billy with open arms. He wakes up the next morning not only refreshed from a good night’s sleep, but also determined. The first beam of sunlight that hits his face is as he makes his way to your place. You two have always made it a tradition of sorts to have breakfast together, it reminds you two of the past back when you still had a grip on the innocence of childhood.
Usually Billy would have to knock on your door over and over again until the noise became to annoying to bear. It was the only way to get you to of bed since you were not a morning person.
Today was different though, you weren’t inside like usually you were. Instead you were sitting on the porch looking defeated with your eyes wet from tears.
“Hey…”, Billy approached you slowly, “What’s the matter? Somethin’ happen?”
“It’s John”, you respond with your lip trembling, “He didn’t wanna actually be with me.. It was just a bet between him an’ his buddies. I feel like an idiot..No I am an idiot”.
Billy stops you right there, not being fond of you talking down on yourself. “Woah woah don’t say that okay? You ain’t an idiot, if anythin’ he’s the idiot”.
You two sit in a silence for a bear after that before Billy starts again, “You know a real man wouldn’t treat ya like that… You should be with a real man?”
“Like who? I know everyone in this town, and everyone’s found someone so I must be some sort of lost cause!!” The hurt in your tone has now morphed into an anger of sorts. You’re too upset over what happened with John to realize that the man that you’ve been looking for is right in front of you.
“Like me”. His response is clear leaving no confusion over the fact that he’s just confessed the love he’s had for you since childhood.
As much as you try to hide it, his words take you aback. Sure you’ve considered the possibility of Billy as your lover but for him to say it so clearly. Thats a man who knows what he wants. If you were still a girl you would have been all giddy and probably would have ran off and told the fireflies about it.
Oh how you used to dream for moments like these. After seeing all your friends conquer their own romantic relationships while you remained along yourself, you had deemed yourself as unlovable. It seemed to be the only label that fit you, for no man’s last name did.
But now.. now love didn’t sound so foreign after all. It didn’t feel new either, maybe because it wasn’t. Throughout your shared youth and all the losses the two of you experienced, love was what got the two of you through it. Billy truely believed he could get through anything as long as if you were by his side. If you were ever taken from him then the world would truely know what it meant to see the Billy the Kid lose it.
But for right now you were here alive and well in front of him, willing to love him and allow him to be yours. He doesn’t waste a moment and when Billy’s lips met yours, you quickly learned that the syrup on your pancakes wasn’t the only sweet thing you would be tasting that morning.
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Part two of this because I couldn’t leave it alone.
The thing about being a Preternatural creature is that there is a society within a society. Instead of learning just one set of rules you have to learn two. And while Robin’s ears have always had a way with picking up language, her eyes did not bless her with the ability to pick up social cues. Despite this glaring weakness, even she knew what Steve Harrington was.
A Preter learns quick to make an in with the oldest living creature in a town. Learn the lay of the lands. And there is none older than Flo who works for the Police Department. The Buckley’s aren’t sure what she is. Just that she named the three, not one oh no, three Hunter clans. The Carver’s are the newest but they’re the most dangerous. Fanatical in their desire to put down a Preter at the slightest hint of mistake. The Hagan’s were the biggest clan, had the most members even if not all of them shared the same last name. The Harrington’s are the oldest. Used to be the biggest, the strongest. And then the youngest son was sent away for some reason and then the current eldest living of the family died and the clan just sorta… trickled out. Leaving Steve and his family.
Robin hadn’t meant to Change Steve. Hadn’t wanted to. Changing was dangerous work. There were hoops one needed to jump through. Consent to be given. Alphas to plead cases. But she had thought she was tied to a dead man. Her ears had been clogged, her nose smelling nothing but decay because of the Gate. Steve Harrington had tried to protect her, had protected her. And she thought he was dead. He wasn’t, not then. More torture, drugs that really fucked with the inner beast. Later she’ll praise the Moons. She’ll burn candles and leave gifts on any alter she can find.
Then there was confessions in the bathroom. Little oh’s and laughter. He hadn’t cared that she was gay. He hadn’t cared that she was a Wolf. Which is when the fleshy nightmare had to ruin everything. It’s a blur. Adrenaline, her mother would coo later. Both parents wrapped around her and a still shaking Steve. The need to protect the Pack. Billy dies. Little Red tries to bring him back but she’s too young, too muddled of blood to do it. They’re waiting for Joyce and Hopper to come back. Waiting for parents to come pick them up when it happens. When Steve goes down like a stack of bricks.
Hearing barely back hones in on the beating of a heart that might as well be her own. She hears it start to stop and reacts without thought. Because a life without Steve was not one she wanted. He was her and she was him. How she knew right then she doesn’t know. Doesn’t care to know. She just needs him like she needs her arms. So she bites him.
Wills the Change be quick and kind. It can be slow. It can be cruel. Rarer still it is both. She watches as his veins turn dark from the bite on his wrist. As they slowly ink and inch their way to his heart. Steve’s eyes are closed, blood pours from his nose, from his ears. He’s dying. The Change races Death and she can do nothing but watch.
Later, after he’s been scented by her parents, her brothers and sisters. Later when it’s just them in the nest he’ll tell her that the reason his parents are never home is because he hates killing. They took him on a Hunt once, out of town hoping that not knowing who he was putting down would help. He threw up, nearly shot his father instead. His mother hadn’t minded. Had kissed his cheek and said this wasn’t the life for everyone.
“He’ll kill me if he finds out. This will be a stain on his ego. Won’t care that it saved my life.”
“Good thing they never come back.”
He is her and she is him and Moons willing she’ll never have to know what the sound of his heart stopping sounds like.
Now with a part three
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thief-of-eggs · 10 months
could you do some snowjanus headcanons for their life together had they both decided to runaway together after the whole mayfield situation. (i love this ship so much and your writing is just chef’s kiss.)
ok ok i don’t have time to format this into a fic rn BUT i’m so glad you asked this because i literally love the idea of them running off together, SO-
- While Mayfair’s body is still cooling, Coriolanus formulates his plan. There’s nothing left for him here, and it’s only a matter of time before he’s found out. Hurriedly, Coryo explains to Sejanus he’d recently discovered that someone had told the Captain of Sejanus’s treasonous plans, which means he’s just as damned as Coryo. Sejanus is quick to agree to run- he too has nothing left for him here after all, and clearly he can’t make much of a difference, based on how things went with Billy Taupe. He’s still shaky from their night, but Sejanus still thanks Coriolanus for watching out for him, for protecting him and keeping him safe. Coryo feels guilt gnaw at his chest, but reasons that at least he’s making it right. Even if he’s throwing everything away to make it that way.
- Coryo finds Lucy Gray in the crowds of the tavern, and pulls her aside. He offers her two options- either she come along too, or he writes a confession, leaving the gun with his fingerprints for the peacekeepers to find. He was already condemned, and so is Sejanus, but at least they can save her. Tearfully she agrees, thanking him for taking care of her, and turning to Sejanus to make him promise to take care of Coryo from now on too.
- They leave under the cover of the moon, after Coryo plants the gun close to Mayfair’s body, after he writes a damning letter to Tigris and leaves it in his things at the base. They quickly gather a few belongs and leave when their fellow peacekeepers are sleeping.
- Out in the forrest, they quickly fall into the brawns/brains dynamic. Sejanus is the one trekking onward, the one helping carry their things when Coryo tires. Meanwhile, Coryo is the one mapping out their course, is the one deciding when to rest and when to hunt, is the one watching the skies for hints of rain.
- They don’t talk about their relationship at first. And things start slowly between them anyway. Through them sharing body heat as they curl up together under the stars, Coriolanus grumbling the whole time, but then melting when Sejanus wraps his big warm arms around him. He tries to fight it, but he always ends up the little spoon.
- Sejanus kisses him first. It’s as they’re halfway across the mountains, after they’ve been sitting in front of the fire for a little while, chatting freely about life back home. They’re both more unguarded than ever, and Coriolanus shares a bit about his family’s burdens- and then Sejanus is saying how he’d always suspected Coriolanus was hiding something, and Coryo says he’s always hiding something, but he’s trying to stop that now. And then Sejanus is gazing at him, and Coryo is looking back, and when Sejanus kisses him, it’s tentative and questioning- but Coryo doesn’t push him away.
- They don’t know where they’re headed, but they keep on going. Unknowingly, they���re headed in the direction of district 13- but it’s a while before they begin to recognize that. It’s slow going on foot, and Coryo is certainly not built for life in the wild- but Sejanus thrives. It’s like he was made to be in the trees, made to wander the earthen floors. His smile is so much more dazzling out here under the brilliant sun, his laughter so much louder without the confines of the captial to hold it in.
- They start to kiss more frequently. All the time really. They walk side by side, hand in hand. When Coryo tires, he leans his body into Sejanus’s as they walk, and Sejanus will turn his head to plant a kiss onto Coriolanus’s head.
- The night that Coriolanus confesses to Sejanus about the jabberjay is a cold one. They’re settled just beyond the mountains, with the cover of trees surrounding their little campfire. Coriolanus watches the flames as he confesses it all, leaving no detail out, beginning with his tarnished family name, and ending with his desperation to save himself from the noose. He won’t look at Sejanus, too afraid that he’ll find the warmth in his friend’s eyes washed away. When he’s done, it’s silent. For a long while they sit in the weight of his words, until finally- Sejanus takes his hand.
“We all do things we aren’t proud of to survive,” Sejanus murmurs. And Coriolanus feels a single tear roll down his cheeks. Sejanus doesn’t know how true his words are.
- Their trust is rebuilt slowly. Sejanus, so kind and forgiving and understanding, doesn’t hold Coriolanus’s actions against him. But there’s certainly a wedge driven between them now, one that takes a while to be chipped fully away. But once it is- once Coriolanus has proven himself time and time again that his loyalties lie with Sejanus now- through throwing himself between Sejanus and a bear, through staying up with him all night after he’s been poisoned by a bad bit of fruit, by repeatedly offering up their only food so that Sejanus can keep his energy going- after all of it, their relationship begins to bloom. With no secrets holding them back, their feelings are free to grow wild.
- The first time they have sex is in the middle of a rain storm, under the cover of a fallen tree that they arrange into a temporary shelter. It’s messy and muddy and Coriolanus is shivering by the end of it- but his heart is warm in a way he can’t begin to explain, his chest so full once they’re done, when Sejanus holds him tight in his arms, when he kisses the top of his head and whispers how he hopes to never lose Coriolanus
- The day that they reach the border of district 13 is a clear one. They see the rubble clearly before them- and Coriolanus warns Sejanus that they not get any closer, but Sejanus treks onward anyway, noting that the rubble isn’t nearly as drastic as the propaganda he’d been shown back in 2.
- They’re greeted fairly soon by armed guards. Confused and tired, Sejanus and Coriolanus willingly go with them, following them into the depths of district 13’s base. Nothing makes sense to either of them anymore- hadn’t there been no one left here? But no- the base is teeming with life, though certainly not enough of it to fill the many halls.
- Theyre questioned, and questioned again. After deeming that they’re no threat to 13, and after deciding that there’s no where else for them to go, they’re given a mini history lesson on district 13, explaining everything from the end of the war till now.
- Sejanus and Coryo talk that night, in a guest room that they’re given to share. They talk and talk and talk, and eventually, they both agree. There’s no where else for their weary legs to take them, no where else for them to push onward to.
- They agree to stay, and district 13, still shaky in their numbers from the war, eagerly accepts them, desperate for their insight on the capitol, and any information they might hold to help bring them down one day.
- It takes Coriolanus a while to fully see the capital as the enemy. It’s a process of unlearning on his part, a process of seeing the bad that he’d been surrounded with his entire life, and accepting it for what it is. Sejanus helps him adjust, helps him work through his confusion and his frustration. District 13 never pushes them, always patient with the two of them on how much they’re willing to share.
- They’re both entered into their military program, though Coriolanus is soon transferred to their weapons team. After a while, Sejanus is promoted to medic, where he begins to study medicines and diseases. District 13 becomes an unlikely home for them both, a place where both of their talents are encouraged and fostered.
- They stay in the same dorm, having received the same benefits as that of a married couple. Each night they fall asleep in eachothers arms, each morn they wake to soft kisses and gentle touches.
- Sejanus tells him he loves him frequently. Coriolanus doesn’t say it back for a long while, but Sejanus doesn’t hold him to it. Eventually, though, he does- in the softest moments between them, in the most passionate, in the most tender. That is when Coriolanus feels he has the freedom to speak his mind, and that is when he utters the three heavy but blissful words back- “I love you.”
- Years later, Lucy Gray and the Covey find their way to them, having unintentionally followed the same path through the mountains. They bring life and music to the rigid district 13, and Sejanus and Coriolanus weep when they first see them.
- Eventually, after years of serving and living in district 13, after proving their loyalty again and again- they’re entrusted with the care of a newborn girl, who’s father had been lost in a small round of flu, and who’s mother had died in childbirth. They name her Rose- in honor of Coriolanus’s mother, in honor of the one good thing he can hold dead from his family legacy. She takes on the last name Plinth, the same name that Coriolanus himself takes on. The final shedding of his family’s legacy.
- The three of them are a happy unit, with auntie Lucy Gray playing a large role in her upbringing. She’s taught to love music and color, to be compassionate to all around her, to fight for what she believes in, and to always tell the truth.
- Years and years later, Sejanus notes that he and Coriolanus don’t have an anniversary, seeing as they’d never officially gotten married at all. They talk to the officials in 13, and soon plan a modest wedding, with Rose as the flower girl and Lucy Gray as their main performer.
- The words “I love you” finally come freely to Coriolanus, just as they’ve always come freely to Sejanus. He doesn’t feel the need to protect himself anymore, doesn’t feel the need to be on constant surveillance, constant watch. He can allow himself to curl up int Sejanus’s arms, can allow himself to feel everything for the man he’d so clearly been in love with for a long while, back since he’d first laid eyes on him-
The boy with the bag of gum drops from so long ago, new to the districts, and in desperate need of a friend. Now Coriolanus’s faithful husband, his loyal protector, and the loving father of his daughter.
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thought--bubble · 10 months
It's a Rerun. But a damn good one
Billy Washington X (Ex Girlfriend Reader)
Warnings Below
Word Count: 2,543
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Full Master list
Billy W. Master list
Banners by @arcielee
Warnings: Near death experience (I saved Billy, and I won't apologize for it🤣), (P In V Unprotected)
Billy was a sweet guy. You couldn't deny that. It's probably the only reason you lasted as long as you did. But eventually, you just had to be realistic. This guy was going nowhere quickly. He had barely any drive and took no self responsibility. He was a slob and always found ways to blame the world, his family, or even you for his problems.
You had attempted to leave him multiple times, but every time, his tears and evident heartbreak were able to keep you stuck in place until finally, it wasn't enough.
The scene of those final moments still played through your head anytime you let your mind wander. Billy down on his knees in front of you, holding your hips lightly kissing your stomach, begging you not to leave. Promising that he would change, get better. Promises he had made a thousand times before but never could live up to. You still remember that final look back when you took that final step out of the door. Billy still on his knees arms hanging limply by his side head hanging down towards the floor sobbing. Outright sobbing. The memories of that scene are so painful that you try your best to avoid them at all costs.
Although you tried to ignore the nagging feeling in your chest over the following weeks, you couldn't help but wonder. Was he ok? Is he taking care of himself?
Then you heard about Cranstead and what almost happened to him there, and it took everything in your being not to reach out to him. To make sure he was ok, you were haunted by what you imagined to be something so terrifying and what it could have done to his already frail psyche. But you knew in your heart that reaching out to him now would not be helpful. The breakup was difficult, and you couldn't come in and out of his life. You were out of his life now, and it needed to stay that way.
Well, that was the plan anyway until a few months later, you end up on a night out with a few friends at the pub, and there he is with Lana. Smiling and clean cut, he hardly looks like that fragile messy man you had left behind.
You try to keep your head down so he doesn't see you, but your eyes are drawn to him repeatedly throughout the night. He seems to be having a good time with Lana and her coworkers. He has this sparkle to his eyes that had been long gone last you were with him.
You had become so enthralled with him at this point that your friend Sarah picks up on the fact that you are distracted and starts to look around until she spots Billy.
"Oh, im sorry, sweets, do you want us to go to a different pub?" She says quietly while reaching out to rub your hand.
This pulls you out of your trancelike state.
"Huh? What? No, it's fine. I'm fine. " You smile weakly at her.
She gives you a look that is plainly calling you on your bullshit but decides not to press you on it.
You pretend to engage in the conversation being held at your table. Your head angled towards your friends, nodding periodically as they tell some story. About something that isn't registering in your mind. While your eyes flit between Billy and the table, trying not to gain his attention.
Sarah is telling a story about how one of her coworkers is clearly into her but is annoying and short when Billy finally catches you staring at him. Your breath catches, and you immediately look back at Sarah pretending you didn't see him. Now you feel eyes on you. You want to look back up at him, but you're afraid that if you do, it will be his eyes staring back at you. But to your surprise, when you finally look up nearly 25 minutes later, he's gone.
You let out a breath you didn't even realize you were holding in, your head a mix of relief and disappointment.
You lose interest quickly after that and bid your friends a goodnight feigning exhaustion. Or maybe it was true. Mentally and emotionally, you were drained. You step outside the pub, quickly placing an order for a rideshare.
"I was wondering how much longer it was gonna take before you came out ere," Billy says with a smirk leaning up against the wall outside the pub.
The sudden noise makes you jump.
"Oh!" You grab your chest attempting to bring down your heart rate.
"Oh cmon love. I'm not scary" he is still smiling taking a drag off his cigarette.
"Just surprised me is all," you say, slightly flustered.
He takes another deep drag off his smoke. " You waiting for your bloke to come pick ya up?"
"Rideshare," you say, slightly lifting up your phone.
" Don't take one of those things. Beautiful girl like you getting in a car with a random stranger..... lemme give you a ride"
"Oh..... no, that's ok they're already on the way.
"I insist. I'll be worried the rest of the night if I see you get into a strangers car. Come on. I got a new car. " he chuckles as he waves you over
You have an internal battle with yourself. This is a bad idea. Your rational brain knows that. But that smile he gives you does you in, and you follow him quickly, canceling your rideshare.
He walks ahead of you, taking a final drag of his cigarette and flicking it to the side.
"Isn't she beautiful?" He says gesturing toward a dark Grey Ford Focus.
"Yeah, looks brand new!" You say admiring the vehicle.
"She is" he looks back at you giving you a cheeky grin. "Got my life together, I have" he says this with a sense of pride.
"Oh?" You say while sliding into the passengers seat.
" Yeah" he plops into the driver's seat. "Almost getting blown up will do that to a man, puts things in perspective"
You inwardly cringe at the mention of what happened at cranstead.
"I'm really sorry I didn't call after-" he cuts you off
"Don't worry, love, I didn't expect you to. Loser ex-boyfriend turns terrorist patsy doesn't exactly have a lot of appeal" he chuckles.
"Ha" you fake laugh awkwardly.
"So where are you living now?" He asks, starting the car.
You look at him frozen
"I'm gonna need to know.... since I'm driving you home?" He looks at you with a half smile.
"Oh yeah, obviously," you press two fingers against your forehead. "I live with Ana, you remember where she lives?"
"Yeah. Your sister still hate my face?" He asks, still smiling
"She never hated your face. She's just... a little prickly. Like a thorn"
"Like a bloody cactus"
You laugh out loud at this. Your sister really was a hard person to get along with if you weren't already in her inner circle.
"How is it living with Ana? I can't imagine she's a morning person" he says laughing
"She's barely ever there. She got a boyfriend, and she's mostly at his place"
"Must be one tough lad" he says with a smirk as he taps his fingertips on the steering wheel.
"Must be." You can't help but watch his fingers tap tap tap on the steering wheel. You focus so intently on his fingers that his voice basically becomes background noise
"Love? Hello?"
"This is your sister's building right?"
You look up and notice you are outside your building, you couldn't believe you were there already.
"Uhh yeah this is it"
"You ok? How much did you have to drink?" he asks one eyebrow raised
"Oh I'm fine not that much"
"Hmmm, nah, you seem out of it. I'm walking you up. Make sure you make it to your flat. " he turns the car off and starts to remove his seat belt.
"That's not necessary," you said, unbuckling your own seat belt and opening the door.
"Ahhhh, but I insist," he gives you another cheeky smile.
You can't help but blush at this new Billy. He looks the same, but he is different. There is no denying that.
"Oh alright," you walk into the building with him trailing behind.
"Second floor right?" He says from behind you
"Yep," you get to the stairs and start to walk up. You can feel him climbing the stairs directly behind you.
When you reach the door to your flat, the tension is thick as he leans against the doorframe, watching you put your key into the lock.
When you finally get the door open you step through and turn around. He's standing in the doorway hands in his pockets.
"Well ummm.... thank you for the ride" you say to him stumbling over your words.
"Uhhh yeah... yeah, no problem. " he looks at you with adoration in his eyes. "You take care darling" he turns to walk down the hallway
"Wait!" You say involuntarily. He stops and turns back to look at you.
"Would you like to come in for a cuppa?" You ask feeling stupid as soon as you say it.
He, however, was elated. "Yeah! Absolutely brilliant" He walks into the flat glancing around. "Been ages since I've been in here"
You move to the kitchen putting the kettle on.
"Do you have a new bloke?" He asks suddenly."You don't have to tell me, of course." He rubs the back of his neck
"No, I do not." You keep your eyes glued to the kettle.
"Knew it" Billy nearly whispers. He walks into the kitchen coming up behind you and wraps his arms around you.
"What are you doing?" You ask, lifting your arms up but not pushing him away.
"Taking back what's mine" he starts to bite and suck on your neck.
"Billy.... we can't"
"Cept we can." He continues biting your neck while simultaneously running his hands, palms flat down your waist & stomach and stopping at your hips. He grips your hips tight, fingernails pressing into the fabric of your dress. "You took care of me for so long. Let me take care of you"
You lean your head back against him, giving him more access to your neck, and he takes full advantage. Biting and sucking at your neck while his arm is wrapped tightly around your ribs.
He pushes himself up against you from behind, breathing heavily into your neck. "Do you even realize what you do to me?"
Your heart starts racing, and you squeeze your thighs together, attempting to ease some of the tension you feel building in your heat.
Billys hand slips from your hip down to the bottom of your dress. He grabs your thigh and starts rubbing his hand up and down. "Always with the God damned thigh highs. Enough to drive me mad. " he nearly growls in your ear. Sending a tingling sensation straight to your core.
He trails his hand up your thigh and over your heat covered by just the thin material of your thong. "Mmmm" he bites your neck while he starts to rub circles around your clit through your panties.
"Ahh" you breathe out.
Billy chuckles. "Yeah?" He moves your panties to the side, running his fingers through your folds and shutters. "Fuck." With his other hand he grabs your hips and pulls your ass tight against his groin and he starts to rut up against you. You can feel his hardness through his trousers up against your bum.
"So wet," he snarls into your ear as he slides a finger inside you.
You start to pant "fuck billy"
"Yeah, we'll get to that," he chuckles as he starts sliding his finger in and out at a quickening pace. "You have no idea how much I missed this pussy"
His words make you even more excited, and you start moving your hips against his hand and groin. He nibbles at your earlobe as he quickens his pace with his hand rutting up harshly against your bum.
He pushes you toward the kitchen counter and bends you over it, removing his hand. You whimper at the loss of sensation.
He chuckles. "Don't worry, baby, i got you," he says as he pushes your dress up over your ass and pulls your thong down to your knees. He stands back and looks at you in this position for a second "marvelous"
You can hear him unbuckle his belt, and your anticipation grows. It's been so long, and of all the things he was failing at when you were together, this was not one of them.
He grabs your hip with one hand and pumps himself 2 times with the other before rubbing the head of his cock between your folds "fuckin beautiful" he breaths out before slamming into you to the hilt grasping your hip tightly.
You gasp as he stills. "Fuck baby" he nearly whispers
you push against him, urging him to move. He snakes his arm around you bringing his fingers to your clit and rubbing it in circles as he starts to slide in and out of you
You mewl as your eyes roll back. He pounds into you at a punishing pace while rubbing your clit furiously. "Ahhhh fuck!" You yell as you feel your climax hurdling toward you.
"Yeah? You gonna cum for me? Come on, " Billy says between heavy pants.
Your entire body tenses as you are hit with a mind-blowing orgasm.
"Fuck! Baby, that's perfect" Billy says while fucking you through your climax.
You feel your body melt as you come down from your high and put all your weight against the counter.
Billy now grabs both of your hips and really starts to go fast and hard.
" fuck. This pussy's so good" he keeps one hand on your hip and runs his other hand up your spine until he reaches the back of your neck and grasps it holding you in place as he fucks you without mercy.
His breathing gets erratic and his pace fast and sloppy as your core begins to tighten again.
"You gonna give me another one?" He snakes his hand back to your clit rubbing in quick circles. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" You screech as you hurtle through another climax this time taking billy with you.
You feel that familiar warmth spread inside you and collapse, laying your face on the counter.
"Your still on your pills I hope?" Billy says breathlessly
You just give him a thumbs up unable to speak at the moment.
"I'm sorry, I know I wasn't good enough for you before"
You turn and look at him as he's tucking himself back into his pants. "Billy...."
"No, it's true. But I am now. I have a job I have purpose. The only thing I don't have is you. " he looks at you with pleading eyes.
"You have me. You've always had me, " you say, placing your hands on either side of his face
He hugs you tightly and kisses you on the top of your head.
"I finally have it all"
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yesimwriting · 6 months
For what i gathered from your style of writing (immaculate btw) i think reader would not responde to nates advances, because contrary to billy, stu and felix he doesnt hide his asshole ways.
So i think the main thrope would be groveling from his part
omg this ask feels like such a cross over!!
you're so right and i love the way you're thinking through this, but let's break down nate's character a little more (and reader's)
one of the major takeaways from that scene where everything that nate looks for in a girl is laid out and the scenes that explain what he liked about maddy is that there's this theme of being drawn to traditional feminity/someone that can play a traditionally feminine role
i think there are a lot of factors that play into him wanting that-- it reflects what he's familiar with, a more feminine partner will push back less/be easier to manipulate (in his head at least), and maybe a smidge of comphet depending on how you read his sexuality
one of his main fantasies is saving maddy from another man and when maddy was trying to win him over, she played into her femininity (and cassie kind of did the same)
and when you think about these reasons and the kind of girl he'd want to go for (and you look at the way he treats maddy when he apologizes and when they first started dating) it's natural for him to have some kinder qualities that come from the instinct to fill that traditionally masculine role in a relationship
so, when considering all of that,, i think nate can be really charming, maybe even a little chivalrous when he's really trying to win someone over
i also think nate's relatively good at reading people, and he can clock that the reader from that last blurb is trying to be a party girl more than actually being one, he knows that reader would never want to be around him if he's openly an asshole, so he manipulates subtly (telling reader to keep their interactions a secret from maddy for her own sake, all while knowing that the sooner he breaks that 'secret keeping' barrier, it'll only get easier to get reader to keep more and more from her friends)
i also see nate as someone who is very capable of being likeable when he wants to be, and reader being kind of sheltered/"innocent" and maddy's friend and being so determined to not like him makes him want to put in the work,,
so he's going to make a point of being soft spoken and nice when he has to see reader, and the harder she tries to dismiss him, the more he's going to commit bc it becomes less about getting maddy's attention and a little more about his ego,, and then finally, about reader
and if we're comparing this reader to final girl!reader or best friend! reader,, (you guys have no way of having known this, i barely referenced it in one sentence) i see this reader as being less looked out for
i picture her mom as one of those moms that wants to be "the cool mom" so bad so that she can pretend her daughter's friends are hers too, and she's so excited that reader is being more social/popular that she's a little lost in it
and i see reader's dad (not me finally giving readers a dad) as being almost the polar opposite, strict and traditional,, so reader still feels the need to hide going out and drinking bc it starts arguments with her parents and that makes her feel guilty
i'd really love to write a fic explaining all of these dynamics and how they overlap with the same style of narration that euphoria episodes that center a specific character's background story are,, i love mimicking niche voices like that it's so fun
anyways this was really long for no reason <3
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A Second Chance Is A Better Chance - Part 13
Marvel AU
Pairing: Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega Witch Reader, eventual ? x Omega Witch Reader and Alpha Steve Rogers X Omega Witch Reader
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Summary: Rejected by your true mate at 21, you’ve given up on the Fates and the Moon Goddesses giving you a second chance. Being a Roamer for the last 9 years, you’re an Omega hardened by the world. You’re safe on your own because of your witchcraft, but it doesn’t stop Alphas and plenty of others sniffing around, especially when you’re an unmated Omega witch, who’s wolf also happens to be white, the rarest kind. You don’t need anyone, but why do you keep coming back to Brookville and why do you keep walking into trouble and helping people that you don’t know but for some strange reason feel like family. And where is that smell of apple pie coming from?
Series Warnings: A/B/O, eventual smut, violence in parts, witchcraft, shapeshifters
Chapter Summary: Have you survived the fight and fall?
Chapter Warnings: Witchcraft
Pain. That was what you felt first. Then a hum of voices, like you were underwater. Familiar scents dashed around your nose. Your cloak was pulled firmly around you and you felt yourself rise from the floor. Were there arms around you? Shouts and gruff voices, and a hand in yours, whooshing of brooms, then silence again.
Later, beeping and harsh lights, shouts of an argument and your name and then darkness.
Then there’s something on top of you, blankets you think and the smell of lavender, as whispers of spells haunt your dreams. Then it’s dark again.
You’re not sure how long has passed when you fully start to wake. You don’t know where you are but you know that you’re safe. Scents of Frank, Billy and the pack fill the room, with a hint of Storm, Jean and Logan mixed in. You’re sure Fiona’s mixed in there too but her scent's different somehow.
You hear Frank and Billy’s voices and slowly begin to open your eyes. Frank and Billy. Your Frank and Billy. Your Frankie and Billy Boy? Your Alpha and Beta? Could they be? They weren’t your second chance, not officially but did that matter? Did anything else really matter anymore? As long as you could be happy together, that would be ok right? Billy had saved your life during the fight and you’d saved his in return. You’d all saved each other over and over. This could work right? You needed to wake up and speak to your boys. You tried to force yourself awake as you began to listen to their hushed conversation.
“I’ve been wanting to ask you something.” Frank asked.
Billy nodded in reply.
“Elektra mentioned when you were hit with that spell, y/n, she told you to think of something good.”
Billy nodded again
“What’d you think of?”
Billy let out a sigh.
“Not what you’re guessing.”
Frank pointed at you, layng in the hospital bed.
“A little.”
Billy nodded a single tear running down his face.
“Hey, come on now.” Frank replied throwing an arm around him.
“I’m such an asshole.”
“Listen” Billy replied getting more upset, “she’s saving my life, I’m laying there because I took my eyes off what I should have been doing, to fucking flirt with her, in a battle zone, and I’m laying there and she’s saying think of something, think of something good, and for a second I thought of her. I swear I did Frankie, and then I was choking on that stuff and even as she’s saving me, she disappeared and it was Maria. It was her and the little ones and….”
Billy began to sob and Frank held him tightly. Glancing at you Frank had a realisation. As much as he loved you, as much as he adored you, as much as he appreciated you and everything you’d done for his pack, and as much as he was drawn to you, you would never be his. Or Billy’s. They could never love you as much as they had loved Maria. It wasn’t fair to keep hold of you. It wasn’t fair to hold you back.
Frank would burn the world down for you and so would Billy, but you weren’t their second chance and the more Frank thought about it, he knew they wouldn’t get one. Maria had been it for the them. Billy hadn’t even had that long with her but she was it for him too.
“I don’t want to let her go Frankie but we have to don’t we?” he sniffed.
“Yeah bud, we do.”
Frank continued to hold Billy as he sniffled, not noticing the single tear that ran down your face.
Maybe Agatha was right, maybe nobody would ever want you.
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sadhours · 2 years
Wicked Sensation
part sixteen // billy hargrove x f!reader
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part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | part eight | part nine | part ten | part eleven | part twelve | part thirteen | part fourteen | part fifteen | part sixteen | part seventeen
a/n: thanks for reading!!!!!! ❤️
word count: 6.5k
warnings: 18+ minors dni, pregnancy, smut, fingering, oral (f receiving), p in v
taglist: @blue-eyed-lion @bbyhargrove @sweet-villain @actuallyspencerreid @trapistani @sierrahhh @likeanimagepassingby2
Reality sets in as the plane touches down in Indiana, Billy’s heart aches as he stares out the window at miles of trees surrounding the small airport. The familiar tenseness of being in the same state as is father settles in his gut and he dreads going back to that home. He’s sure it’ll be like stepping into a war zone. He turns to you and asks, “Do you think your dad and Mary would mind me crashing at your place tonight?”
You shake your head, “Of course not.”
Billy figures after you two deliver the news of the pregnancy, there’d be no reason for the stupid open door rule. However, he worries the two of them might kill him, forbid you from seeing him again.
The car ride to your shared neighborhood is heavy to Billy, though your dad is chipper and asking about the trip, excitedly. He has no clue Billy’s knocked up his daughter. So, Billy tries to hide the forlorn sadness of being back in Hawkins. He squeezes your hand in the backseat when he sees Mary’s eyes close in on him from the rearview mirror. When they pull up to your house, Billy sees his Camaro parked in your driveway and he looks at it, puzzled.
“Your dad told me I might as well move it there,” Dale explains, “I might have taken her out for a few drives. Hope you don’t mind.”
Billy kind of does, but he shrugs, “I’m sure she needed it.”
As you stand outside the car, grabbing out the luggage, Billy repeatedly glances to his house and Neil’s truck in the driveway. You speak up then, “Uh, dad… Mary, can Billy stay the night tonight?”
Mary looks to Billy, noting his obvious fear and then to your dad, “Sure. That will be fine, right sweetie?”
“Yeah, whenever you need to, Billy,” your dad says and starts bringing the luggage inside. Billy stands outside, still, waiting for Neil to come stomping over and screaming before dragging him inside and beating him with a belt. It doesn’t happen.
You wrap your fingers around his wrist and pull him inside the house with you. Once you both get the luggage upstairs to your room, Billy sits on your bed with a sigh. You curl beside him, wrapping your arms around his waist and kissing his cheek.
“I don’t know where I’m gonna live,” he says, “I’m sure he’s already packed my shit up.”
“It’s okay, Billy, you can stay here. You know that. We’ll save up and we can go find an apartment somewhere,” you assure him as you play with a few of his loose curls.
He heaves another sigh, “When are we gonna tell them?” His question is a whisper, Mary’s been known to hover by the door to eavesdrop.
“Soon,” you inform him, “Not tonight, but soon.”
Billy lays down on the bed and closes his eyes. You’d love to lay beside him and kiss his worries away but you desperately need a shower. You lean down and whisper in his ear, “Take a nap, baby. I’m gonna shower, I’ll wake you up for dinner.”
And with that, you’re leaving the room, closing the door behind you. Billy readjusts himself so his head is at your pillow. His eyes fall on the forgotten contraceptive case on your nightstand and his stomach churns. He’s gonna be a dad and the fear of turning out like Neil forces tears in his eyes, teetering out onto his cheeks as he shoves his face into your pillow to muffle his labored breathing. As if you put some kind of spell on him, he passes out without realize how exhausted he actually is.
“Billy…” you coo, tucking his hair behind his ear and stroking your thumb along his cheekbone. “Dinner is ready. A nice home cooked meal.”
He moans, wanting to keep sleeping but his stomach grumbles in protest. His eyes force themselves open and he looks up at you, the golden sun filtering through your sheer curtains and lighting up your skin beautifully.
“You’re tan,” he realizes aloud, smiling lazily.
You glance down at your arms and then back at him, cheeks flushed, “Huh, guess California sun likes me better than Florida.”
He sits up and leans into your lips to give you a tender kiss, then the panic sets in again. “Have they come looking for me?”
You shake your head, standing up and putting your hands out for him to grab, “Max was outside skating a bit, but she just waved to me when she saw me.”
He lets you lift him to his feet, patting the top of your head when he’s standing. His eyes dart to the window again and he can see Neil’s truck in the driveway still. He figures the fight can wait until tomorrow and pretends his father doesn’t exist as he follows you to the kitchen. He takes a place next to you at the table, graciously taking the water Mary offers him and gulps it down.
“Thank you,” he nods, breathless and then looks down at the food. Steak and baked potatoes, a rather nice meal which Billy had thought would’ve been out of your dads budget. “Things going well at the shop?” he asks, cutting his steak up.
“Very well,” your dad admits, “In fact, I don’t have enough hands. You wouldn’t be interested, would you?”
Billy smiles to him, “Actually, I would. Can’t be a lifeguard forever.”
“Billy actually worked for a mechanic before, in San Diego,” you tell your dad with a wink to your boyfriend.
“Oh, yeah? What kind of stuff did you do there?” your dad asks before shoveling potato into his mouth.
“Oil changes, mostly. A few tire changes and break replacements,” he shrugs, “I only worked there for six months before we moved.”
Your dad nods, “How about you come in Monday?”
Billy smiles, “Okay, sounds awesome. Thanks, Dale.”
Your brother speaks up now, “Did you guys get in a fight?”
Both you and Billy look at him curiously and he continues, “You got bruises all over your necks.”
You flush, throwing a piece of steak at your little brother for teasing you. However, Billy seems to think he’s actually oblivious to what they are, “Yeah, I won.”
“Oh, my god,” you hang your head, eyes trained on the plate in front of you, afraid to see the horrified looks on your dad and Mary’s faces.
“So how was the rental car?” The savior, your father, changes the subject and Billy let’s out a borderline aroused sigh.
“My god, that car was incredible,” he gushes, “Handled like a dream. Thank you for that, really.”
“What car did you get them?” Mary asks with a lifted brow.
“A ‘79 L82 Corvette,” Billy recites, “It was fucking gorgeous.”
“How much did that cost, Dale?” she asks incredulously to which your father shrugs.
“Don’t worry about it, Mary. The kid deserved it.”
Billy feels his chest swell. He’d never heard anyone say something like that about him. His own father was always telling him he didn’t deserve anything and he was a total disappointment. He really appreciated your dad, seeing a healthy father figure in him and was suddenly incredibly excited to work for him.
“Thanks again, I really appreciated it,” he says.
Dale grins, “Glad you liked it. The mayor brought his in the other month and I got to drive it around a bit. Figured you would appreciate the car as much as I do.”
Billy nods, “Oh, I did. A bit of a struggle with the surfboards but we managed.” He turns to you and smiles, “This one here actually caught a couple waves.”
You blush, “I was being dragged underwater mostly.”
“You plan on moving back?” Your dad asks Billy.
He sighs, “Yeah, one day. I gotta find a place here like yesterday.”
Mary looks at him quizzically, “Parents won’t let you stay there?”
Billy’s face winces, the subject not one he’s willing to be truthful about. Can’t admit his dad kicked him out at the first sign of lost control, the first time Billy firmly stood up for himself. “Ya know, summer jobs over, I’m eighteen, gotta grow up.”
Mary frowns, “Do you need somewhere to stay in the meantime?”
He’s not so good at accepting help, afraid he’ll seem weak if he faces the fact that he might need it. “Maybe,” he shrugs, “I’ll probably couch surf for a bit.”
Dale shakes his head, “You can stay here whenever you need.”
“I appreciate it. I’ll let you know.”
After dinner, Billy tells you he needs to run and grab smokes.
“You just want to spend time with your other girlfriend,” you tease.
“Psh,” he laughs, “Ol’ blue? I haven’t seen her in three weeks. I know she’s begging for me to drive her.”
You’re glad Billy got your joke, you kiss his cheek, “Don’t be out too late with her.”
Once he’s out the door you decide to get started on Billy’s laundry from the trip. Separating the colors as you dig through the suitcase you’d dragged downstairs. You’re focused on the task at hand, not seeing when Mary lodges herself between the doorframe so you jump when you see her.
“God, you startled me,” you hold a hand to your chest.
She apologizes, “Sorry. Did you have a good trip?”
You nod, tossing a shirt in the washer and then reaching for the detergent. You begin pouring it in the cup, pulling the lever to start the water, “It was really nice. Billy liked being home.”
“So when are you gonna tell him?” she asks and you freeze, immediately assuming she knows and she’s asking when you were going to tell your dad that you’re pregnant.
Terrified, you remember how you would play dumb to get out of trouble with your dad.
“Tell who, what?”
“Billy. When are you gonna tell him you haven’t been taking your birth control?” Mary demands, tone sharp and judgmental.
You turn to her, unable to control it as your eyes get misty. You grab onto her wrist and pull her into the laundry room, closing the door behind you. Her demeanor changes after seeing the emotion forming tears. Softer, concerned as she rubs your arm and looks at you with a tilt of her head.
“I forgot it here and I didn’t realize until… until it was too late,” you admit, voice wavering while hot tears stain your cheeks. It’s hard to talk, chest tight and your throat closing.
“Too late?” she whispers, hoarsely. “Y/n, are you….”
“Pregnant,” you hiccup out, wrapping your arms around yourself.
“Honey…” she sighs and pulls you into a motherly hug. “Does Billy know?”
You nod, sobs shaking through you as you try to answer, “He went through my purse and saw the test.”
“What does he want to do?” she asks, “What do you want to do?”
You both talked in depth about it the days following him finding out. Billy was intrigued with the idea in a way you never expected, albeit he seemed sexually excited about having gotten you pregnant and he mentioned numerous times about how your breasts would swell but when you had asked him seriously if he wanted to go through with it, he admitted the idea was terrifying but something about getting rid of it did not sit right with him. Told you when he thought about it he felt sick. You felt the same way. You weren’t ready to be a mother but how many people were? As long as you both tried, how bad could it be?
“We want to keep it,” you admit, pulling back to gauge her reaction.
Mary couldn’t have kids. You believe that’s why she settled into the mother role in your family so easily. You also thought that because she couldn’t have children, she’d be hesitant to suggest you don’t go through with the pregnancy.
“I think that’s the right idea,” she says and smiles at you. “I have no clue how your father will react, but you two have my support. However, this town is small, too small and people talk. You two should seriously considered getting married and moving into a place together.”
You’d fantasized about it, about marrying Billy but you didn’t dare bring it up to him. His upbringing wasn’t something he ever seemed up for talking about and you worried the trauma would turn him off from the whole ideal of domesticity.
“I need to talk to him about that stuff…” you sigh and turn to his suitcase, realizing you already do small things that maybe a wife would do. You didn’t exactly have the greatest example growing up.
“And you two have to sit your dad down, tell him. I can’t keep this a secret,” she warns with her eyes straight.
You agree with a nod, you’d been thinking about ways to tell him since the test turned blue. You still had the vial in your purse, hoping it would become a happy memento.
You hear the front door open and shut, alerting you that Billy was back. Mary leans back to open the door, shooting him a curious look which instructs him to walk over.
“Oh, thanks, babe,” he says when he sees you’re washing his clothes, “you didn’t have to do that.”
Mary eyes him, “Congratulations, Billy.”
“She knows,” he says to you, eyes worried.
You nod, wiping the tears from your cheeks before reaching out for him. He barrels through, arms circling you protectively and you squeeze him.
“She thinks it’s a good idea we want to keep it,” you reassure him with a whisper against his ear.
Mary places a hand on each of you, “Have that talk,” she says to you and wanders back to her and your dads bedroom.
“Smoke?” he offers, holding up the pack of cigarettes and you giggle. He bought Marlboro lights instead of Reds. Thinking of baby. You grab onto his arm and pull him out front. You two sit on the stoop, facing where he used to live. You snuggle up with him and watch as he lights the cigarette, sucking harder than normal.
He looks at it displeased and you’re aware they don’t hit like a regular one but you’re floored with his attempt anyway. It was such a thoughtful gesture you want to get on your knees and ask him to marry you, which brings what Mary said to the forefront of your brain.
“What do you think about marriage, Billy?”
His fingers pass you the cigarette and he rubs your back, “Are you hinting at something or genuinely curious?”
“I guess both. Mary thinks we should have a shotgun wedding. She’s worried what people will think of us,” you inform him, resting your head against his shoulder while you take a drag.
“I’m sure my dad will say I have to marry you when he finds out I knocked you up,” he replies and you sigh. He kisses your temple, “Marriage is scary but at this moment in time… I can’t imagine being with another woman.”
“Why is it scary?” you ask, knowing the answer. You were scared for the same reason but you figured Billy might need to talk this one through.
He bites his lip and looks over at Neil’s truck, flashes of his mother coming to him, the yelling matches, the physical fights but the tenderness she had for Billy also comes to mind. “What if I’m like him?”
“You’re not,” you assure him, fingers gripping the back of his calve. “I don’t think that man has a soft edge to him. Yours are coming in. Besides Billy, I’ve seen you with the kids at the pool, you’ll be a great dad.”
“A good husband?”
You blush, fantasizing about it, “The fucking best.”
Billy scrunches his face up, “How can you be so sure?”
You turn to him, “You already give me everything I could ever want or need. You’re patient, forgiving and so incredibly thoughtful.”
He sighs, snaking the cigarette from you, “What if it’s genetic? Hard to believe my mom would’ve married him if he was horrible from the get go.”
“Billy, baby…” you place a hand on his cheek and turn his face so your eyes meet, “What I feel because of you is so… intense and wonderful, there’s no way you could turn into him.”
Billy’s heart feels heavy in his chest, his eyes get misty as this is such a contrast to the usual things he hears about himself. You allow him to feel so vulnerable that he selfishly wants to take it for everything it is. He wants to wake up next to you for the rest of his life, aches to make a big ol’ family with you. He feels giddy at the thought of a bunch of little tots running around the house while you cook and he plays with the kids. It seems too good to be remotely possible.
“I’ll get back to you on the marriage thing,” he says, “But I need you to know it’s not all scary, I think it sounds pretty nice, too.”
“I really love you,” you whisper.
“I love you too,” he replies.
You wake with Billy’s morning wood pressed against your ass and you swear you feel him grinding against you. You’d closed the door last night, figuring Mary’s rule was a lost cause at this point. At least you weren’t impregnated in the house.
You grab onto his hand and bring it to your breast, pushing your bum against his erection. Billy groans and his hand squeezes you. So he is awake, you think. You giggle and lean your head back against his shoulder.
“Good morning,” you mumble hazily, sleep still clouding your head.
Billy makes a garbled noise in response, it’s definitely words but you can’t understand them. You can hear that Mary is blasting music, it’s Sunday which is the day she deep cleans the house and most weeks, she wakes you for help. So a little morning quickie might be risky but that could make it more fun. You slowly grind your ass against him, earning a low moan from your boyfriend as he places sleepy kisses along your neck. You move your hand up behind your head to tangle your fingers in his frizzy curls. He pulls up your top, just over your breasts and lazily plays with your perked nipple. Your body tingles all over, the way he touches you ignites every nerve. Your core is buzzing with arousal.
“Billy…” you gasp, softly and you can feel him smirk against your neck.
His fingers slip down into your waistband and he groans when he feels through your soaking folds, “God, you’re so wet.”
You tilt your head back and nod, “Just can’t get enough of you.”
Billy slides two fingers inside your pussy with ease, licking against your neck as you clench around him. You melt at his touch. Every time Billy touches you it feels like you’re floating, almost like you’re under a spell or something.
His breath his hot against your ear when he laughs softly, “Yeah?”
You grind your ass against him again, “Mhm. Want you so bad. All the time.”
Billy curls his thick fingers deep before hurrying his pace, fucking you with his fingers. You spread your legs, your jaw dropping open as your breath hitches in your throat. You’re so close, feeling the sensation sinking in your stomach.
Knock, Knock.
Billy’s fingers leave you in seconds and you’ve never been more frustrated, catching your breath as you try not to cry from the ruined moment. You were seconds away from coming all over Billy’s fingers.
“What?” you manage to choke out, unable to hide the irritation in your voice.
Billy rolls onto his stomach after pulling your top down, faking sleep and hiding his boner. You sit up as the door opens, pretending to rub your eyes from sleep and not because they’re leaking tears from frustration of a halted orgasm.
“Mary asked me to come wake you two,” your dad explains, “She’d like you to come help clean.”
“Kay,” you say, “We’ll be down soon.”
Your dad nods, awkwardly smiling before closing the door. You listen to his footsteps fading away and you lay back down, awaiting Billy’s fingers to return pleasuring you but they don’t.
“Billy,” you whine, turning to him when he rolls back over onto his back. “Come on,” you grab at his arm and pull it towards you. He chuckles and presses a kiss to your forehead before getting up out of the bed.
“You’ve got to go help clean,” he grins, “We’ll just have to finish later.” Billy reaches for his jeans, jumping into them as he watches you gape at him from the bed.
“You’re so mean,” you gripe, kicking your legs in the air.
Billy grabs onto your ankle, tugging you to the end of the bed and then pulls you so you’re standing with him. “Take it as a lesson,” he purrs, fingertips ghosting up and down your ribs.
“S’a dumb lesson,” you mumble, still trying hard to push your arousal away. But the way Billy had just manhandled you made it about ten times worse.
“Don’t be a brat,” Billy warns you, pulling away to find his shirt.
Billy is such a fucking dick. First, it was when you were vacuuming and he just had to get around you, pressing against your ass and muttering a sickly, sweet apology. He’s not even cleaning like he said he would. He’s just watching and inconveniencing you the whole time.
Trying your best to ignore him, you grab the Windex and spray the window. As your wiping the solution off with the rag, you feel Billy’s breath on your neck. He purses his lips and he presses his body against yours from behind, reaching out and and pointing at the window.
“Huh,” he sounds, lips so close to your ear, “You missed a spot.”
Chills run up your spine, and you elbow Billy. “Fuck off,” you turn and glare up at him.
He chuckles, patting your bum and walking back into the kitchen to get his coffee. You get a bit of peace when he goes to the backyard for a cigarette. You’d wished Mary wasn’t tucked away deep cleaning her and your dads closet so Billy wouldn’t be so bold to tease you so much. You did like it, but you were still pretty pissed off from this morning.
You’re cleaning the counters when he finally sends you over the edge. Billy waltzes into the kitchen, stopping at the bowl of fruit on the table and picks up a peach. He rinses the fruit and leans on the island counter, directly across from where you’re scrubbing at a particularly tough stain. Your gaze shoots up when he takes a bite, the obscene squelch alerting your attention. Your eyes are locked on his mouth, his pink and plumps lips shiny from the juice of the peach and it drips down his hand and wrist. He lifts hand to lick the mess, his tongue broad against his wrist. Breath catching in your throat, you’re in a trance. Your hands continue moving the washcloth back and forth on the counter but you’re not even watching what you’re doing, unable to look away from his lips and tongue as he devours the peach in an erotic show. The way he’s slurping up the sticky, sweet wetness from the supple peach reminds of something and you’re biting your lip to stifle the moan erupting from your throat.
He straightens up and walks around the island, holding the peach up to your lips. “Have some,” he offers, licking his lips and looking into your eyes.
You shiver under his gaze but you lean in to take a bite of the fruit he’s offered and you’re certain you don’t look quite as sexy as he did. In fact, you’re sure you look awkward and silly. Juice drips down your chin and Billy’s rushing to lick it up and then kissing you, flicking his tongue against your lips. You part your lips, eagerly welcoming his tongue inside. You taste the peach and you feel dizzy, having to grip onto his shirt so you don’t melt in a puddle on the floor. But he’s pulling away too quick and you whimper, eyes opening to see him smirking at you around another bite of the peach. He wanders away, turning his back to you and you pick up the damp washcloth and throw it at him.
“Hey,” he turns around, picking it off the floor and looking at you, “That wasn’t very nice.”
“You’re not being nice,” you seethe, uncomfortably wet in your panties.
“Who’s not being nice?” Mary asks as she strolls into the kitchen with a laundry basket. She plops it on the counter and starts putting away the dishrags she’s washed.
“No one,” Billy says with a tight smile, “We’re just playing.”
You squint your eyes at him, ripping the washcloth from his hand and tossing it in the sink. He cackles, tosses the peach in the trash and announces, “Well, I’m gonna take a shower.”
“Good,” you quip, “You need one.”
Mary glances curiously between the two of you and asks once Billy descends down the hall, “What was that about?”
“Nothing,” you grumble, tucking your hair behind your ear as she gives you a pressing look. “He’s right. We were just playing. Not actually fighting.”
She shrugs and leans against the counter, “Are you two gonna tell your dad today?”
Your stomach flips, you’d kind of forgotten you were pregnant with all of the ‘playing’ Billy was doing to do today. He made it really easy to forget about scary, important things.
“Yes,” Mary insists, “You’ve got to tell him. Especially if Billy plans on moving in.”
“It’s been one day of him staying here, what do you mean moving in?”
“Does he have anywhere else to go?” Mary challenges softly and your heart aches because he doesn’t. At least, you can’t think of anywhere he could go.
“His dad is… scary,” you admit, keeping your voice hushed so Billy doesn’t overhear you. “I don’t want him to have to go back.”
“Honey, your dad and I are fine with him staying here but all I ask is you two tell your dad you’re pregnant. Today,” she says.
“Fine,” you heave a sigh. “We’ll tell him tonight.”
You’re laid on your stomach on the bed when Billy finally finishes his shower, magazine laid out in front of you. Defiantly, you stare at the glossy pages instead of at him like you really want to. In your peripheral, you can see him scrunching the water out of his hair with a towel. His eyes are on you, you can feel them. He’s walking over and then you see white, the damp towel being tossed over your head as you hear his howling laugh. You pull it off and scowl up at him.
“You’re in quite the mood today,” you express, annoyed.
He ruffles up your hair, “I’m just having fun.”
You roll your eyes and flip the page, “Tormenting me is fun to you?”
He pulls the magazine from your gaze and drops it to the floor, sitting in its place. “You like it,” he retorts, placing his knuckle under your chin and guiding your face up to look at him.
“No, I don’t,” you state, knowing it’s a lie.
He chuckles, “I find that hard to believe. If I’d reached into your panties in the kitchen, it would be a mess.”
He was right, you had to change them when you got upstairs because of how ruined they were. And he’s doing it to you again. The predatory haze in his eyes and the soft, yet commanding grip on your chin send shockwaves straight to your core. Even if you weren’t so pent up from all the days teasing, you’d still be reacting to him like this.
“How long until dinner?” he asks.
You make a dumbfounded look at him, confused why he’s concerned about that. Is he that hungry? “Uh, probably a couple hours. Why?”
Billy smirks, standing up from the bed and turning on your stereo system, the last cassette you’d enjoyed flooding from the speakers. He strides back over to you, gripping your arms and pulling you up. Oh, you think, excitedly, that’s why he’s asking.
“Figured you’ve been good enough today,” he mumbles, laying you on your back and crawling on top of you.
You spread your legs to accommodate his thick thighs, raising your hands above your head. His strong hands smooth up your sides, your shirt bunching up with them. He traces the bare skin with his fingertips and presses his lips to your jaw. Goosebumps raise all over your skin, a chill running up your spine as you illicit a tiny whimper. He smirks against your skin and slips his fingers into your waistband, tugging your shorts down. He sits up to guide them down your legs and you bring your thighs against your chest to help. Repeating the same motion with your underwear. You press your feet back on the sheets, gazing up at him in anticipation.
“Fuck,” Billy growls, “You’re so wet.”
He drags his fingers down your folds, leaning down to press an eager kiss to your lips. You grab onto his jaw, moaning into his mouth while he slides his two fingers inside your aching hole. Billy’s pace is slow but he spreads his fingers every time he pulls back, stretching you out.
You push him back and look up at him, “No more teasing. I can’t take it.”
He smiles back at you, biting his lower lip as he does so. Your voice is so desperate, sounding like you’re on the verge of tears. And while Billy really wants to keep pushing until you’re a crying, pleading mess, he knows how cruel that is. So he pushes his sweats and briefs down, grabbing a hold of his cock and sliding it into you with ease. You moan out at the sensation of finally being full. You’d been craving this since you woke up and his teasing had wound you up tight. You have to stop yourself from thrashing against him, wanting to maintain some composure but you can’t stop your hips from moving in some way, jolting against him in unsteady thrusts.
He smoothes your hair back from your face, grinning wickedly as he lets you do all the work. He looks all too amused by this, frustrating you endlessly.
“Would you just fuck me already?” you huff, grabbing a hold of his curls and pulling.
Billy laughs at that but he listens, pinning your hips to the mattress with his. He grinds against you but the lack of speed in his movements agitates you more. If he wasn’t so strong, you’d force him on his back and show him exactly what you wanted. Then you realize you do have a way to get Billy to do what you want and acting like a petulant brat isn’t the way to go.
You pant now, “Please, Billy…” arching your back, “I need it so bad… please. Pretty please.”
His eyes light up, “That’s a good girl. Beg for it.”
You could scream. The ardency in his voice sending you right into that crying puddle he wanted you to be.
“Please,” you whimper, “Please fuck me, Billy. Can’t take it anymore.”
He groans before crashing his lips against yours, his hands angling your hips up and at last pounds into you. Every thrust erupting a moan out of you, “Ah-ah-ah!”
You’re grateful he had the foresight to turn your stereo on because with the force he’s drilling into, it would be impossible to stay quiet. He grabs onto your wrist and guides your hand between your legs, once you’re rubbing against your clit he grabs your face and squishes your cheeks together.
“Cum for me, babygirl,” he orders breathlessly, his intense blues scanning your face.
The tightness inside you finally releases, your back arching and the way he’s smooshing your face muffles the scream tearing out of your throat. Billy doesn’t relent, in fact, you’re sure he goes even faster and harder if it’s possible. You’re not exactly able to comprehend much, the earth shattering orgasm making everything go numb for a bit. You’re hazy, dazed and laying there with dreamy smile and misty eyes. You feel Billy’s cum splatter onto your stomach and chest.
His chaotic, pleased laugh brings you back to reality and you hum at him.
“I gotta do that more often. I fucked you dumb,” he laughs, propping himself up on his elbow to look at you.
“Hmm,” you hum again, smiling still.
“Oh, no,” Billy hovers his face over yours, “Did I break you? You still with me?” He snaps his fingers in front your eyes and looks down at you concerned.
“I’m with you,” you whisper out, your voice hoarse and breathless.
He presses a loving kiss to your forehead, moving to grab something to clean his mess up. Once he does, you sit up and touch your throat. It’s so dry. You swing your legs over the bed and try to stand up but your legs won’t stop shaking and you fall back into the mattress.
Billy scoffs, seemingly impressed with himself as he leans against your dresser. “Jesus Christ, I really did a number on you, huh?”
“Water,” you plead, staring up at your ceiling. The satisfied smile hasn’t left your face. You hear Billy shut off the stereo and shuffle around, assuming that he’s getting dressed. He kisses your forehead again, pushing your hair back. “I’ll be right back, babe.”
Dinner is awkward, really awkward. You’re still a little spacey. Billy had to help you walk to the kitchen, which had Mary glaring at you. But hey, you were already pregnant, what was the harm now?
You knew you and Billy would have to break the news to your father after dinner and you hadn’t exactly told Billy you had to do that. You take the opportunity when he excuses himself out back for a smoke. You follow him, snatching one for yourself and sit on the edge of the deck with him. He wraps his arm around your shoulder, “Glad to see you’re coming back to earth.”
“Yeah… that was… I’ve never felt like that before,” you admit.
Billy blushes, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before.”
“I liked it,” your cheeks match his.
He chuckles, pulling your face to his for a chaste kiss. “I hope I can do it again.”
“I believe in you,” you chirp and giggle. Then you turn your face serious, “Listen… we’ve got to tell my dad I’m pregnant when we go back in there.”
Billy sighs, dropping his arm from your shoulder, “You think he’s gonna kill me?”
You shrug, “Maybe.” Unable to mask it, your lips curl up into a smile, “I’m joking. He likes you, he won’t kill you.”
He rolls his eyes, “I’m not so sure.”
Grabbing into his jaw, you turn him to look at you again, “Hey, baby. It’s okay. The worst he’s gonna do is make you marry me.”
Billy laughs and you’re happy to see that smile again, even if he’s laughing at the prospect of marrying you. Then it’s falling again, “God. I haven’t even really thought about what my dad would say… or do.”
“We’ll tell him when you’re ready. If that’s never… then that’s fine too.”
Billy kisses you, biting at your bottom lip and when he pulls back he presses his forehead to yours, just looking at you. You feel hot under his gaze, always do. He pinches your cheek and stands to his feet, “Well, let’s go see if I have to marry you.”
With a roll of your eyes, you follow him back inside, seeing that Mary and your dad are seated at the table and they both look at you expectantly. Billy laces his fingers with yours and guides you into the kitchen.
“Mary says you two got something to tell me,” your dad says with an eyebrow raised curiously.
She was gonna make sure you two told him tonight. You nod and look up at Billy, who swallows the lump in his throat. You sit at the table, never letting go of Billy’s hand.
“So… I know the timing isn’t awesome but it’s not like we planned it or anything…” you start, glancing to Mary and seeing her confused expression. Apparently you weren’t saying the right thing. What was the right way to say this?
“Uh…” you turn to look at Billy, but he’s looking straight down at the table. You clear your throat and he looks up at you, his eyes begging you not to make him talk. You glance back to your dad’s bewildered face.
So you sigh heavily and squeeze your eyes shut, “I’m pregnant.”
When you don’t hear anything, you peek one eye open to see your dad. He doesn’t look angry, he doesn’t look shocked but he looks sad. And you think maybe that’s worse.
“They want to keep it, Dale,” Mary whispers to him and your dad just nods.
“So are you two going to find a place together then?” Your dad asks, “I know times are different and all but, are you gonna get married? What’s your plan?”
You look to Billy, his eyes still burning holes into the table. You had no idea. There wasn’t a plan. Actually, you guys hadn’t talked too much about the pregnancy at all. Only that you both wanted it.
“Well…” you look to Billy, “I guess we don’t know.”
Your dad scoffs, “Having a kid is a big responsibility. And trust me, I want grandkids. I thought it would be a while but these things happen. Hell, you weren’t planned. Your mom and I were a little older but it was still rough.”
“I know,” you mumble. You’re upset Billy hasn’t said anything but you know you struggled to find any words at the moment.
“Don’t get me wrong, if you’re happy, I’m happy,” your dad says, “The first thing anyone should say is congratulations, you’re just still my baby.”
Billy looks up at the table, at your dad now and smiles weakly. He knows he’s got to step up, knows this is a family he wants to be a part of. Maybe it’s because your dad didn’t immediately leap over the table to choke him out.
“Thank you for… not being mad, I guess,” he says. It’s something.
Your dad stands up, “Well you two have nine months to prepare. Then the really hard part comes.” He walks around the table and pulls you into a hug, squeezing you tight. You hug him back, choking back tears. You can’t hold them back when he pulls Billy in for a hug, seeing the way Billy hesitates at first but accepts it. You quickly wipe them away, chewing your bottom lip.
“Start working on your plan,” your dad says to the two of you.
When Mary and him walk back towards their room, Billy laces his fingers in yours and heaves a big sigh, “God, I thought he was gonna murder me.”
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tryingtograspctrl · 6 months
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SUMMARY - You moved to Woodsboro 2 years ago and quickly became friends with Marlon and Shawn, you did your best to make friends with their friends but you couldn't help but feel uncomfortable around them because of those two... and your feelings were very valid.... Title inspired by the song "She" by tyler the creator. I reccomend you listen to it while reading this.
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"You ok? you look tired." Sydney asked brushing the hair out of your face.
"Yeah i'm fine, just a little lightheaded i forgot to eat breakfast this morning."'You threw your gym clothes in your locker grabbing your bag.
"I got some lasagna for lunch, we can split it if you want." She offered.
"That's alright syd, i got a few snacks in my bag. I wanna save my appetite for tonight anyways." You declined.
The two of you walked out to the courtyard, pushing through the large crowds of students.
"Hey pretty lady." Shawn smiled scooting over on the water fountain to make room for you.
"I can't stay long , i have a history quiz to makeup." You hands brushed through Marlon's hair as he rested his head on your lap.
"Hey i've been meaning to ask you, where do you get your nails done? They're always so cute." Tatum grabbed your hand to take a closer look at them.
"Thanks! I always go to Rosie's. She's so nice and takes her time to make sure i leave with exactly what i want." You spoke excitedly.
"Oh?!" Tatum looks at you in surprise.
"What?" You tilt your head in confusion.
"That's my aunt's shop, she doesn't get much business these days but she says there's always this cute girl who comes in with cookies and tips well. Guess that's you." Stu explained grinning.
"Wow i had no idea, and i just assumed i came in when the shop was slow. She does amazing work i'm surprised she doesn't get much business." You frowned slightly.
"Not a lot of people know about the place." He shrugged.
"I'm going to get a fill friday, i'll ask her for some flyers or something to hand out. She's too good at what she does to not have lots of customers." You made up your mind.
"That's sweet of you, thanks i'm sure she'd love that." Stu smiled.
"Of course…shit i gotta go." You stood removing Marlon's head carefully.
"Nu uh, aren't you forgetting somethinggg?" He sing songed.
"What?" You raised a brow.
He tapped his cheek expectantly.
You shook your head a smile creeping up your face as you grabbed the sides of his face planting kisses all over.
"Happy?" You stepped back.
"Very, i can die in peace now." He placed his hand on his forehead dramatically.
"See you later goofball." You laughed making your way toward the school building.
Later on that night
You cleaned up around the house a little as you waited on Sydney. Marlon, Shawn and Stu all had to stay after school to get some extra practice in so the rest of you decided to just carpool together.
You grabbed your bag at the sound of a car pulling up in your driveway outside.
You closed and locked your front door behind you.
"I'll be back later sunny, i left you some food and water." You squatted petting the small black cat.
Sunny was a stray that often stopped by your house, you always made sure to keep her well fed.
"Thanks for picking me up." You smiled as you got into Sydney's car.
"It's no problem." She spoke sweetly.
For some reason Billy was in the back seat with you while Tatum was in the passenger seat beside Sydney. You tried not to think about it too much. You told yourself you'd do your best to be friendly with him and that's exactly what you did.
"Hi." You greeted him attempting to make small talk.
"Hey, you excited for the big game tonight?" He asked.
Your eyes widened at his calm, non intimidating demeanor, he was usually very eery and quiet so it definitely came as a surprise.
"Definitely our boys are gonna do great." You nodded.
The two of you continued to talk for the entire duration of the car ride, you got to know each other a lot better and you were happy you actually had a conversation with him because he wasn't as bad as he seemed.
"I'm gonna go get us some drinks." Billy walked toward the concession stand.
You took your seats in the very front.
Halftime came around and both teams were close in score.
"Hey guys, you enjoying yourselves?" Shawn jogged over taking a seat beside you.
"Yeah, you guys are doing great out there." You smiled.
"We'd be doing even better if we had our favorite cheerleader out there." Stu jogged over holding a pair of pom pom's Marlon close behind him.
"Wait you guys are serious?" You looked between them nervously.
"As a heart attack." Marlon nodded.
"I'm not an actual cheerleader though, and i don't even know the routine, i'm also not in uniform and did you check to see if it was ok with the team?" You rambled.
"We already made sure it was ok, and it doesn't matter what you're wearing just get out there and hype us up pleaseeee, they're gonna make sure you're comfortable with the routine while we have this break." Shawn pouted.
"Ok but this is never happening again." You agreed reluctantly.
They all jumped around in excitement and Marlon grabbed your hand to make sure you got down the bleachers safely.
"Hi, y/n come on we don't have much time left." A girl pulled you over a bright smile on her face.
Everyone was super nice and made sure you had the routine down. 
Once it was time you fell into rhythm with the rest of the team easily, it was actually pretty fun and you nerves were now replaced with the feeling of joy.
There was one minute left on the clock and everyone played like their lives depended on it.
During the last couple of seconds Shawn had the ball and was booking it toward the end of the field.
You screamed until your voice started to give out, cheering him on as he made the touchdown.
You jumped up and down in excitement and after he made his way through the huge crowd surrounding him he ran over to you scooping you up into his arms and spinning you around.
"You did great out there!" You smiled wrapping your legs around his waist as he held you up by your thighs.
Marlon ran over tackling the two of you to the ground.
You just laughed while catching your breath, he nearly knocked the wind out of you.
Time skip
Everyone's bellies and hearts were full as you all filed out of the restaurant.
Sydney, Tatum, Stu and Billy had all left together just a few minutes before agreeing to meet up at the party the team was throwing to celebrate their big win.
You don't remember when you fell asleep but you were now being carried bridal style to your front door.
You were sat down on your couch softly and your shoes were removed.
"You sure you don't wanna come?" Marlon asked brushing the hair out of your face.
"I'm sure, you guys have fun and don't stay out too late, you're gonna need to rest after how hard you guys worked tonight." You grinned.
"You too, sleep well i'll lock the door on my way out." He kissed your forehead.
You decided to get up and take a quick shower before bed.
You grabbed a large t shirt and a pair of shorts, tying your hair up and making your way to the bathroom.
After a quick and much needed shower you jumped into bed and quickly succumbed to sleep again.
Later that night
You jolted up in bed at the sound of the phone ringing loudly.
You got up quickly walking toward the kitchen to answer it.
"Hello?" You spoke groggily.
"Hi sweet cheeks, what's your favorite scary movie?” A voice spoke from the other end.
"Very funny Marlon, it's too late at night to be playing pranks. I was actually sleeping good." You whined.
"This isn't Marlon babe." The voice responded.
"Alrightttt." You spoke sarcastically not believing him.
"So what is it?" The voice asked.
"Hmm i like child's play." You decided to entertain him.
"Aww that's not scary, that's just a doll running around with a knife." The voice spoke in disappointment.
"It's pretty entertaining though." You shrugged.
"Look at you in your adorable little flower dress, these must be your parents? You look just like them." The voice suddenly changed the topic.
It felt like a bucket of ice water had been dumped on you. That picture was buried under a bunch of junk in your nightstand, whoever was on the phone with you was in your house.
"Who are you, h-how did you get into my house?!" You sobbed shaking violently as you looked around.
"No need to worry about all that, if i were you, i'd run sweet heart." The person suddenly burst out of your room making their way towards you.
By the time your mind caught up with your body they had already gotten ahold of you, you back facing them as they gripped your waist tightly, running the blade of their knife down your cheek.
You jerked your head back colliding with the stranger's and stunning him long enough for you to get away.
You sprinted through your back door and made you way to the street.
A car nearly ran you over but stopped just in time.
You ran over to the drivers side begging them to open the door.
"Y/n? What's going on?" Billy got out grabbing your arms.
"Someone's in my house billy! They had a knife they were gonna kill me!" You cried holding on to him tightly.
"Hey it's ok, it's gonna be ok. I'm gonna go and check alright? Stay in the car." He let go of you making his was toward your house.
"NO! NO YOU'RE GONNA GET HURT!" You screamed attempting to stop him.
You ran to your neighbors house to get help and they immediately called the police.
The cops arrived quicker than you thought and you ran outside to greet them.
As you were explaining the situation billy walked out with a mask and a phone in hand.
"Hey drop what you're holding and show me your hands!" An office yelled.
"Wait no, he was just checking my house he didn't do anything." You explained frantically as they cuffed him.
"Please just step back ma'am." another officer spoke.
"But you don't understand he didn't do anything!" You yelled in frustration.
"Billy i'm gonna call everyone else and we're gonna get you out i swear!" You yelled as they stuffed him in the back of a squad car.
He frowned and nodded as they drove away.
Part 3: here
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rigginsstreet · 1 year
The car can't be saved.
Steve feels just as guilty about that as he does hitting the car in the first place—spur of the moment thinking has never been his strong suit, and the guilt of almost killing Billy rivals closely with the guilt of destroying the lone constant Billy's ever had.
The lone freedom, sense of self, sense of autonomy. The lone source of happy memories.
They stand together over the crippled, warped hulk of her body, and its the first time Steve sees Billy cry.
Its nothing more than hot, clear tears sliding down his cheeks. Fists clenched at his side, lower lip trembling a little. There's no sound; and he tries hard not to think about why, anger aside, the rest of Billy's emotions are silent.
So Billy sells the car for scrap. There's nothing else to do; not unless he wants to spend his life carting around this monument of loss, this ode to death. Old Lonny from the scrapyard hands over the cash and takes the car and Billy turns on his heel and disappears.
He won't be back for awhile, Steve knows. He disappears and he processes and he unleashes everything far from the range of fists and barbed words, and Steve doesn't know where he goes but he does know Billy always comes back, and so...
And so he can't sleep regardless. And so he's at the scrapyard before Old Lonny's even unlocked the gates, killing time with his legs out of the car window until Old Lonny leans in through it and asks what the hell's going on in his head, and Steve sits up so fast he headbutts the inside of the Beemer.
"How good are you at cutting circles?" he asks.
Very good is the apparent answer. Because when Billy drags himself back into Steve's bedroom in the early morning hours of the next day, when its still dark and crisp and silent and slides under the sheets, Steve rolls over, finds Billy's eyes in the moonlight, and slowly cups his hands, letting the thin gold chain slide through his fingers and into Billy's palm.
The disc is round, edges filed smooth. One side is a deep oil-slick blue, the other dirty silver and mottled. The size of a large arcade token, it sits featherlight in Billy's hand, body-warm and already dull with fingerprints.
The car couldn't be saved. And Steve can't ever make up for the fact that nobody really tried to save Billy, either, but he can make sure that changes. He can make sure that even if the car couldn't be saved a perfect circle cut-out from the bonnet could. That even if Billy no longer has the car he still, in some small way, can keep the memories. The feel of the smooth metal under his fingertips. The reason to keep on keeping on, for that something better.
When he looks up from where Billy's fingers curl around it, rings clinking softly against the painted alloy, Billy is crying again.
"Asshole," he says. And Steve smiles. Because he listens when Billy talks, he knows how to speak Billy's language, and as he helps Billy slide the chain over his messy curls he thinks; yeah. I love you too.
THIS IS SO!!!!!!! what the fuck i love their love 😭
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biillyhargroves · 2 years
just saw a gif set that made my blood boil so let’s chat real quick about how the primary reason Jonathan got the chance to be a cycle-breaker was because Joyce kicked Lonnie out. she cut the thread. she freed her sons. Jonathan was given a safe and supportive environment to process the abuse he’d been subjected to as a child, set boundaries between himself and his abuser that were fortified by Joyce, and express himself without fear of judgement or ridicule by a parent who loves him unconditionally and who was always in his corner. he was able to provide that same support to Will because it was modeled for him by Joyce.
Joyce fought for her children at every turn. Jonathan hid Will, protected him while their mother fought for them. both of those boys knew that Joyce would do anything for them, that she was breaking up her marriage for their safety, that everything she did was with them in mind. she didn’t give the cycle a change to take root. she said absolutely not and dealt with the problem for them, giving them the tools and confidence to stand up to Lonnie in the future. she did not let Lonnie be a black cloud over her children. she made sure that her boys knew that they were loved and supported and worthy of kindness. she fought Lonnie for them.
Billy’s mom, on the other hand, who isn’t even granted a name in the narrative, just…left. she saved herself. whatever safety and comfort she provided while living in the house left with her. no matter her intentions— whether she meant to come back for him or not, whether she had some other plan —she didn’t tell Billy. her actions, on the surface, communicated to him “you’re on your own, kid.” left alone with his abuser. left alone to survive. he had no one. absolutely no one fought for the little boy crying on the phone for his mother to come home. in flashbacks and in the canon timeline we do not ever see Billy with friends. his abuser has him exactly where he wants him: isolated, scared, vulnerable. Neil could do whatever he wanted to Billy without consequences. even if Billy tried to fight back, Neil knew he could threaten and/or beat him into submission. there was no one for Billy to go to, and the older he got the less likely it was that someone would help because to the outside world he just looked like a bad kid that Neil was stuck dealing with.
more than that, Billy did not have a model for behavior outside of Neil. his father was his example for how to interact with the people and the world around him. he had no one showing him that softness or kindness was an option. he wants someone— Max, for example —to do as he says? he’s got to get loud. he’s got to get aggressive. he’s got to the be the bully, because bullies get listened to. that’s what he learned. the one person who might have shown him another path left him in the dust. he had no warm fuzzies. no support.
Jonathan physically, verbally, and emotionally pushes back against Lonnie multiple times in season one because he is free to do so. he doesn’t live under the same roof. he knows that if Lonnie tries to come after him, Joyce will raise hell. he even gets the police chief in his corner by the end, knows that both Joyce and Hopper would defend himself and Will if push came to shove. he has Nancy, too, eventually. she’s tiny and scrappy and even if she never meets Lonnie face to face, she provides Jonathan with emotional support. Will, too, provides safety and comfort and support. even Argyle, with all his goofiness and quirks, clearly loves and supports Jonathan. Jonathan fights knowing that he’s not alone in that fight. for his early-series loner persona, he’s truly surrounded by people who love him and who would go to bat for him without blinking an eye.
when Billy tries to do the same thing, pushing back against Neil because he was tired, fed up, strapped with Max for a full week, thinking there was a set time that his obligation was fulfilled only to have Neil and Susan saunter in three hours late, he gets backed into a corner. manhandled, hit, talked down to. and he knows that no one is coming to save him. he doesn’t have friends he can go to — all of his relationships feel very superficial. Susan is shut down when she tries to speak up, tries to tell Neil to back off. everyone in that house is under Neil’s control. Billy has to choose: keep fighting and get hurt, or shut up and obey. he chooses self preservation. he’s got to keep his head down to survive, because no one is coming for him, there is no one to run to, there is no one to help him. he learned a long time ago that Neil will always get his way, that Billy will always be his punching bag. he doesn’t have the tools to fight back in any real sense, and that is exactly what both Neil and Lonnie likely want. the difference is that Jonathan had support, and Billy did not.
and, on top of all of that, Billy gets immediately parentified when Max comes on the scene. and yes, I do see a problem with the parentification of Jonathan as well. both Billy and Jonathan were far too young to have that much responsibility on their plates. but it is indicative of both the time period and their socioeconomic statuses. the parents had to work. the older siblings had to step up for the younger siblings. it perpetuates today even stepping back from that, Jonathan seemed to like taking care of Will. he loves his brother, and he wants to be there for him in any way he can. he loves his mother, who supports him, who loves him back, and he wants to help her. Billy is just shoved into a big brother role with a literal stranger. he didn’t know Max from a hole in the wall and all of a sudden he’s responsible for her every move, is punished when she does wrong, has to watch his father treat her better because she’s the golden child. all of this while some other woman is taking up the space his mother left behind and not doing anything to help Billy, whether she’s too afraid to speak up or she turns a blind eye.
while these two boys have similar early childhoods, their upbringing is simply not comparable. Billy and Jonathan had two different experiences, and pitting them against each other lauding one as a cycle-breaker and the other as a perpetuator completely ignores the nuances of their individual situations. abuse and trauma is not one size fits all. healing does not happen overnight. cycle-breaking can happen at any time, and Billy was robbed of the opportunity. Jonathan was in a state of healing, surrounded by people who loved and supported him. Billy was actively being abused every day, and never had the chance to discover who he could be without the dark cloud of Neil looming over him. you don’t have to like Billy to acknowledge that his situation is not the same as Jonathan’s, that these two boys were dealing with similar trauma in two very different circumstances.
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Life of a Pirate Chpt 10
Here you go lad/lass! A new chapter! :D :D
Hope you enjoy it! Sorry if grammer are wonky,
also warning on small anxiety added in.
  Right when I made this decision. I overheard my rescuer screaming out of shock.  
"Miss?! What are you doing?!" Ignoring him, I tried to run back, but the officer grabbed my arm.  
“Miss! The longboat is this way! Hurry!” When he tried leading me the other way, I found myself yanking my arm away. 
“I want to make sure Captain Flint gets back to his ship safely!” Gosh, those words were no good that his facial was looking at me like I was a sudden lunatic who needed to be in a mental hospital. 
"Mamm you can't be serious! He's dangerous! "Again, he tries to take my arm but I flee and he screams. 
"Miss come back here! You're out of your mind!" I bite my lips, wondering if I really am out of my mind.  Is all for the future to be stable, it'll be worth it.  
When I returned, I found him in the same place where I had taken off. Flint was breathing heavily holding his wound to stop bleeding. He was in bad shape and my worries about him not making it back his loot won't exist anymore. 
I swallowed got on my knees and touched his shoulder. 
"Captain? Captain!" I watch some of his eyes open partly, breathing heavily. When he saw me his eyes widened.   
"What?" He gasped.  
"We have to get you back to your ship," I grab his arm and try to help him get up. "Come on!" He winches in pain but manages to lift himself with my help. I put his arm over my shoulder and helped him walk.   
I grunt on how heavy he was but I was glad he's able to stand despite being wounded. It would be twice as difficult for me to get him back to his ship. As I was helping him get back to his ship I scanned around to find any of his crew to assist, me.  
I managed to catch Billy through the battle I yelled for him.
"Billy!" I watch him after slaying a navy with his cutlass he searches around after hearing my voice. Again I scream at him.
"Billy! Over here!" He finally found me and his eyes widened when he saw Flint in pain. He ran over to us but I noticed he was reaching his hand down to his pocket and pulling out a flintlock.
I knew what he was thinking I quickly out of fright stated. 
'Wait it's not what you think!"  
"Give me a good reason not to kill you!" Billy points his gun at me getting ready to shoot me at any moment.
"Because she did not shoot me." Flint pitched in. The turtle alien looks sharply at his captain now in puzzlement.
"Stand down," He ordered. And help her get me back to my ship," Billy looked at me for a few seconds and soon lowered his flintlock.  
"I'll clear the way while you help him get back, no tricks." I nodded as Billy began to fight off the navy while we followed behind. When Flint looks down at me I look away to avoid his glance.    
I don't know what he was thinking of me saving him after I tried to escape. But I already have a plan on once he gets on his ship I'll flee back here to go to longboat. And I hope they are still available when I've finished this mission. 
Right when we got close to the ship Billy helped me get him over to his ship. As we got him back on I caught a glimpse of his men carrying loads of treasure chests that they stole.  
I bite my lips to hold my cross on them stealing all their money from the innocents. Then Billy took my place as he put Flint's arm around over his shoulder. 
"You did good lass," He said to me and I only gave him tasks.  
"Ashy?" I turned and saw B.E.N with a surprised look on his face. "You came back?" I smiled a little and was just about to say something but all of a sudden I was caught off guard when Flint snatched my wrist.  
I screamed when he pulled me to face him and I saw he has still a furious look.  
"You had caused enough trouble!" He growled, and I gasped with fear and tried to pull away.  
"Ash!" B.E.N cried and Flint began to drag me away. 
"Cap'n you're in pain!" Billy reminded him but Flint ignored him.  
Instead, he said to him out of anger. "Set course to the northeast! Get us out of here," And before he took me down the below deck he glared at one of his men. 
"Have Nicolas prepare my medical when I get back! No slacking!" His men didn't hesitate out of fright hurry to fetch the surgeon. After that, he pulls me forcefully with him down the below deck. 
 I tried to break free by getting his hand off but the more I tried pulling he squeezed my wrist I cried in pain.   
"Let go you're hurting me!" I couldn't help to scream at these sentences the more he gripped hard. Feeling my wrist is going to get broken if he keeps this up. I learned we were in some brig when I blinked that has few jails opened.  
Flint picked the closest one and threw me in like a rag doll. I crashed hard on the dirty floor. I gasped painfully holding my pained wrist. 
"You will stay here the rest of your life! This will teach you never to disobey your Captain!" He slams my jail door and locks it. I grit my teeth while hearing his boots storm off. I felt my tears coming after he was gone I found myself regretting my choice to save him.
"Fuck you, Flint," I muttered angrily. "I should've let you die in flames,"   
Third's person POV:
 Flint marched up holding his wound heading his way to his stateroom. Some men watched him walk past and none dared to say anything knowing their captain was still livid.  
Still, few were impressed at his strength despite being wounded. It's like the devil is giving him the strength to let out all his wrath to those who turned against him. 
They almost jumped when Flint asked them darkly. "Where's the surgeon?" 
"He's in your cabin waitin," Blackdog manage to reply. Flint huffed and made his way to his cabin. Before he opened the door, he felt someone touch his shoulder. Growling he turned sharply and saw it was only Billy.   He calms down when he watches his first mate look at him concern.
"I'm fine. Billy," He sighed. He made him let go of his shoulder and added. "I will be calmed after I'm healed. Make sure these men do their job," The turtle alien gives him a soft nod and lets him open the door. 
B.E.N watches him go in as he hides behind two men, worrying if he sees him now he'll punish him for letting Ash escape. With no one watching he head his way back to the brig to find his friend. 
Ash's POV
"Ashy? Ashy?" I gasped to hear a familiar voice. I got up and peeked my head out. 
"B.E.N?" I called out. "I'm in here," I saw him turn to me and he grins. I almost smiled and he ran to me and began to ramble with a worried look.
"Ash, are you okay? Are you hurt? Did Captain Flint hurt you? How's your wrist? Is it broken? Please tell me is not.."
"B.E.N," I quietly shushed him. "I'm okay, my wrist isn't broken thank god," He sighed in relief and then said something that made his hands turn into fists. 
"And I want to also thank you for saving Captain Flint. No outsiders ever dare to help him,"
"Well, I shouldn't do that after how he is," I said in anger and saw his facial shock and I finished quietly. "What was I thinking of wanting to save him,"    
"Then... why did you?" B.E.N. asked unsurely. I almost gasped silently when he asked this question. Knowing this was a time to tell him the real truth I looked at him holding my jail door bars.
"It's because.."I bite my lips and keep going. "It's because the reason is I'm..not from around here," He still looked at me confused. 
"So you mean you're not from here? On this ship?" 
I shook my head. "No, it's not just from here, it's more of..from time," I watch him blink and try to figure out what I was talking about. 
Soon he lets out a sigh. "Sorry, I'm still not following,"  
"Okay," I took a deep breath and glanced at him seriously. "B.E.N please, as a friend what I'm about to tell you. You have to promise me. Promise you won't tell this to anyone."  
B.E.N. made a small laugh. "Ash I told you I'm good at keeping secrets,"
"Especially keeping them from Flint?" I tested. He hesitated when I asked him this. But he sighed and nodded.     
"Especially my captain," With that, I begin to tell him the whole truth. Telling him how I ended up here with a wish and told him I was from another future dimension. 
 I even did my best to tell him what the movie was since I wasn't sure if this universe had those. Right after I told him everything I waited for him to say anything. I bite my lips when he looks at me stunned.  
I swallowed nervously. "B.E.N?" I kept waiting for him to say something. "Are you going to say something?" Then I saw him about to but then, my heart stopped when he took off.  
"B.E.N!" I screamed out of shock and perked my head out and saw him running up the deck. "B.E.N wait!" I begin to panic when this trauma comes back to me.   He's going to tell Flint! He's going to tell him! 
I got on my knees and clasped my head and was breathing fast.    
"I'm going to die here. He's going to kill me!" I shut my eyes and did my best to calm my breath even though my fate was going to end here, in this dimension where I'll never see my home again.  
I then heard footsteps coming my face paled knowing this was the end. I shut my eyes tightly and waited to get this over with. In my head, I begin to say goodbye and pray to God this death will be less painful. 
Goodbye, my family. Goodbye, my friends. Goodbye home. Goodbye, Earth...
Ashy?" I gasped in startled and perked up and found B.E.N. but Flint was nowhere? Instead, he was alone with a mug and smiled. 
'Sorry, I had to get some oil before I could talk. My throat was dry," He drank with one gulp, and I let out a breath of relief, letting all my building anxiety off my shoulder.   
After he drank he sighed. "Alright, now that's done," His face returned to astonishment.
"You're from the future??"   
"Short of yeah?" I replied. But I'm from another universe." 
"So it all makes sense now," He beamed. "I question on how you know about me and also wondering who was John Silver." 
I chuckled weakly, "Yep. You know now."    
"And..you know how to get in the trove right?" Again I nod as I look down. He understood what I was thinking he reached his hand out and touched my shoulder. 
'You don't need to worry now, your secret is safe with me." My eyes look over at him and he gives me a reassuring smile. I smiled back and touched his hand. 
"Thank you B.E.N. You have no idea this means so much to me." Then I watch his robotic eyes light up as if he made a lightbulb on.
"Oh, I can do this!"  
"Wha?" I blinked but almost jumped when his eyes suddenly made a flash of white and blue and talked in a robotic tone.  
"Ash memory file created. Data has been stored locked away until then." After he was finished his eyes changed to his normal blue. 
"There we go," He smiled. "Now it's safe."
"I had no idea you could do that," I gulped. He points at his head proudly. 
"We robots have this ability to store any important information in our memory. And now your secret is safe in my data." He then added. "And I won't bring it up unless I find it."  
Saw how it worked I found myself grinning happily now I have someone I can trust on my journey to fix my wish.  
"Oh B.E.N thank you! I wish I could hug you now but, " He chuckles seeing where we're at and finished. 
"Only if Captain Flint changes his mind he'll let me out,"  
"Hey, maybe I can try to convince him since you saved his life." He replied. 
"You can?" I asked.  
He nodded. "Yep! Let me handle this, I'll be back!" He hurries out leaving me alone in my cell.  
Once he was gone, I walked back and rested on a bench with my back hitting the wall. My eyes glance up at the wooded ceiling and I let out a soft sigh. 
'Thank you, God, thank you for letting me live and have someone I can trust," 
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indigosunsetao3 · 3 months
A Reason To Try
Chapter 10 - Into the Dark
Masterlist of Chapters
Warnings: 18+ - No minors Please read the tags on AO3 for any of your triggers (this has implied character death and I've also updated some tags on AO3 that may...help ease the situation. Take this warning hint however you please...)
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Alex Keller X Original FMC 10.4k words - AO3 Link
Pain. That’s all Madeline could focus on as she stayed curled in the backseat of the SUV in the nest of blankets Everett had set up for himself. The back row was solidly his space, and it all screamed E when Madeline stared at it in the light of the garage. He had a few pieces of a board game tucked into the cupholder, little figurines he pilfered out of the boxes for his quiet games of pretend. The headphones and CD player were shoved in the backseat pocket, that was a nighttime item and he listened to the rules for the most part.
Every time she shifted the blankets crinkled with hidden wrappers of food that he hadn’t thrown away properly and she felt something squish under her knee, a forgotten about honeybun she was sure. It was like his messy bedroom back at home which made her chest ache even more. The memory of Josephine scolding Madeline for sneaking him sweets and for E hiding them around his room like a little squirrel saving his food for later and then forgetting about it for months.
Alex hadn’t said a word to her since he helped her in the car, resolutely driving with Billy Joel softly playing over the speakers. She knew she should be up front helping navigate and coming up with a plan, but she didn’t think she had the strength. Her head was pounding from all the tears, her throat raw from the wails of anguish and her whole body just ached with the grief. That’s what it was, she realized, after staring blankly at the stitches of the fabric seat inches from her face. She was grieving E like he had died, and even though he was still alive she still felt like his final cries for her were the last she was going to hear and see of him.
“Fuck,” Alex muttered under his breath as he came across a blocked off street, cars that hadn’t been there earlier jammed the road. He tried to peer and see if he could go off the shoulder and around but when he saw movement inside one of the cars, one of those things popping their head up at the sound he knew it wasn’t an option. He wasn’t about to risk getting stuck when there was one there already, one meant more. They seemed to move in packs, drawn to one another’s snarls to hunt down their prey.
Throwing the SUV into reverse Alex manipulated the wheel and doubled back down the street he had just come from. The car was too big to move fast, but it certainly ate gas quickly and couldn’t navigate tight movements well. It was like driving a tank without the luxury of being armored. Just another thing to add to the list of what he needed to plan out; potentially changing cars now that it was just the two of them and more long driving ahead.
He had been following the way they had come in as much as he could remember without having a chance to look at a map. On a whim, he had tried the SUV's GPS but it still flashed the no signal error and he sighed and clicked away from it again. He would have to just keep trying side streets until he got them somewhere he deemed safe enough for the evening.
The CD was on its third replay when Alex let the SUV glide to the shoulder and he killed the lights. He glanced up at the rearview mirror but it was so dark inside the car he couldn’t see Madeline. She had gone relatively quiet now, just an occasional sniff or adjustment. He let the car continue to idle as he dragged the map out of the glovebox to try and see if he could figure out where they were based on the exit ramp he had driven the wrong way down to get a mile marker. He didn’t like going near the highway but this area seemed like it wasn’t very populated, just trees and fields as far as he could see.
“Are we stopping?” Madeline asked into the darkness, her voice a bit muffled as she talked into the seat.
“Just for a few minutes,” Alex answered as he hit the interior light button to start pouring over the map, unfolding it and twisting it to follow the blue highlighter lines Madeline had used to track their path. She crossed out areas that were no-gos with a black pen and even left a few notes of places they stopped and what they had found. He smirked a bit at her note about him snatching her the last Reeses pack at one gas station, and the added a smiley face at the end of the scribble.
“Where are we?” Madeline asked, finally sitting up and wincing at the pounding in her head at the movement. Her eyes felt swollen and her temples throbbed with what felt like a very rough hangover.
“Working on figuring it out. Been trying to go back the way we came to get away from the city but backtracking hasn’t been the easiest,” Alex answered as he glanced up at the highway sign before back down at the map. “The main road we took in was blocked and I had to find a new route but new route meant more dead ends,” he traced his finger down the map and finally found where they were.
“Can we just stop here?” Madeline asked as she looked out the window into the darkness outside. She couldn’t see anything; it was pitch black save for the little overhead light Alex had on. The moon wasn’t out, the clouds blocked any starlight and there wasn’t a single light on for miles. “The further away we go, the further,” she stopped not finishing the thought of the further away she was from E.
“We’re too vulnerable out here in the open,” Alex answered as he glanced at her in the rearview then back down to the map. He found the road he was looking for and recited the street names he needed to take to get there to himself before tossing the map onto the passenger seat. He threw the car back into gear and turned the interior light back off, shifting a bit and rolling his neck to ease some of the tension. “Lay back down, I’ll wake you if I need you.” Truthfully, he could use her help now but he wasn’t about to ask, not with how she was.
Madeline snatched up a half-drunk bottle of Gatorade that Everett had left behind and chugged it, hoping to ease the burn in her throat. She really longed for a cold compress over her eyes, a handful of ibuprofen, and a long sleep but a room-temperature grape sport drink was her only luxury at the moment.  She didn’t say anything else to Alex as she laid back on the seat, curious about where he was aiming to get them to but too tired to ask or really care.
She didn’t sleep at first, not deeply anyway, just a twilight haze of drifting in and out, only knowing that she had dozed when she came too and the song was completely different. Alex had kept them steady, only hitting the brakes a few times and a handful of sharp turns of the wheel to avoid obstacles. She knew he was stressed driving like this but he didn’t vocalize it, just continued on in concentrated silence that he only broke to curse under his breath. In her exhaustion, she willed herself to sit up and offer assistance but the ‘five more minutes’ that she bargained with herself won and she slipped back into sleep each time.
Just over an hour later Alex saw the first signs for a new condo development. It caught his eye when he finally made it to the back road and he started mulling over the possibility of pulling over there. New development hopefully meant not a lot of people. He wasn’t going to go out of his way for it but if they had the chance to get out of the SUV for a bit he was going to take it. The next few signs that were staked on the side of the road every mile or so touted the place as a ‘secluded paradise’ that was ‘perfect for young families’ and a ‘quiet retreat for city workers’.
He scoffed under his breath about the absurdity of condos being considered a secluded paradise but secluded meant no shopping centers around. No other large populace to overrun the area and best of all a construction site hopefully meant generator hookups, gas, and even some short-distance radios. It wouldn’t enable him to call Price or Farah but he may be able to listen in on local chatter and see what was going on around them.
The faded stuck-on sign at the entrance of the development advertising they were selling phase one fluttered a bit in the wind as Alex slowly drove by. Just as he had hoped there were work vehicles and everything you’d expect on an active construction site scattered about the place. A temporary fence ran around a half-built structure that barely had its framing complete and a nice wrought iron fence lined the greater area. He continued on down the central road of the complex. Creeping past the clubhouse that still had stickers on the brand-new windows and cut through the rental office parking lot to get to building one that looked finished.
It was five stories tall with exterior entranceways and a fire escape on either end as well. Even better, more than one way in and out and less obstacles between inside and the car. The wrought iron fence was at least eight feet tall and ran around the back of the parking lot that he had halted in and behind it were trees and dense woods. The plan, while a huge risk, was seemingly coming together.
Backing the SUV up to the fence, Alex positioned them behind a construction dumpster and turned off the headlights. If no one was looking for them they wouldn’t be seen, even in their bulky out of place vehicle. The parking lot itself was about a quarter full he had observed on the drive but Alex liked those numbers. Given the fact many families had two cars, there would be some left behind in an evacuation which would make up a bulk of the left behind cars. Of course, there could still be people that stayed behind that only had one car, or no car at all, but he had to go off his limited information and play the odds.
Killing the music, he rolled down the two front windows a few inches before turning the SUV off and slinking down in his seat a bit. He was listening for any sound, any indication that they weren’t alone; human or otherwise. He kept his eyes on the building, well the area of the building since he couldn’t see it in the pitch black, to look for movement. The flash of a light, a flicker of a candle, or even the smell of a fire since it was chilly enough this evening to warrant one and the condos had chimneys.
Twenty minutes of strained listening and darting eyes there was nothing. Not a sound aside from his and Madeline’s breathing as he continued to stare into the void outside the windshield. He could tell by the deep slow breaths she was still out, her drained body not even reacting to the fact they had stopped moving this time. Easier for him to do the next part because he knew she would not be happy with his plan.
Reaching behind the seat he dug out the M16 that they had stashed before getting to the CDC and he tugged it onto his lap. As quietly as he could he popped open the driver’s door and slipped out, his finger flipping the safety off in one fluid movement as he raised the rifle. Nothing came rushing at him, no snarls erupted and he backed up a bit before gently shutting the door and pressing the button on the handle to lock it. The locking mechanism, while he had turned off the beep and flashing lights, still sounded impossibly loud in the silence. He waited half crouched by the driver’s door as he swept the area with his night vision scope to see if he had drawn any attention. Still silent.
He had to make this quick. Crossing the parking lot, he entered the open breezeway and started making his way up. He didn’t bother to stop at the doors on the lower level, he wanted to be as high as possible. Once at the top, he picked the door to the condo that faced their SUV before he grabbed the locked handle and shook it roughly, rattling the door hard so as to startle anyone inside. He stopped and listened but he didn’t hear anything, no voices or shuffling inside. No panicked shouts or anyone yelling out for him to go away. All good signs.
“Fancy,” Alex muttered as he dug out his tactical light and clenched it between his teeth as he stared at the keypad entry lock. He shifted the rifle over his shoulder and pulled out his knife using it to pry the outside box off and look at the wiring inside. “But not fancy enough,” he muttered to himself as he sliced a few wires and peeled back the rubber coating to rewire them again. It took him two different combos before the lock popped.
Putting the knife away he pocketed the light again before opening the door slowly. No chain across the inside to stop him; good indicator it was empty. He still did a sweep though, moving through each room with precision and speed, pulling open closets and checking under beds. Nothing. He could tell by how the drawers were pulled open in the kids’ room and a safe left ajar in the owners’ suite that whoever lived here had left in a hurry. They had most likely evacuated to be with other family or to get to those potential safe areas that the CDC had mentioned.
Stepping back out the front door once he deemed the condo clear he jogged down the stairs and right back to the SUV without pausing. He was feeling confident they were alone in this area, or if people were there, they weren’t willing to mess with him in the dark like this. He’d surveil the place in the morning, find a way to the roof get a good lay of the land, and scope out resources.
Instead of climbing into the driver’s seat Alex went around to the back passenger and yanked open the door. The interior light came on and he blinked back at it for a moment after being used to the dark. Madeline stirred as he clamored in and set his gun down on the floor, shutting the door with a bit of a snap to rouse her some. She had rolled on her back at some point, her head twisted to the side and half hidden by Everett’s blanket he had left behind. He watched her for one more second, debating on just leaving her be and they could go inside in the morning but thought better of it. She’d get a better night’s rest in a bed, they both would.
“Hey,” Alex said gently as reached out a hand to shake her gently. She mumbled and he reached up a hand to brush some loose hairs off her face, “Mads, wake up.” He tried again and she twisted her face to look up at him, blinking sleepily. She looked miserable, her face still puffed and pale and by the way she shielded her eyes with her hand, he suspected the dim overhead light was painful.
“Everything alright?” Madeline asked groggily, using the palm of her hand to rub her eye hard to see if that would get rid of the pounding ache behind it.
“I’ve found a place for us to hole up for the night,” he said as he reached under the seat and pulled out a duffle. If they were going to do this he wanted to be quick about it, situations like theirs could deteriorate rapidly.
“Great,” Madeline muttered as she still lay on the bench, looking at Alex as he hunched over the duffle and started to grab at things he could reach and threw them in. “Why are you packing?” She asked after a moment as he pulled Josephine’s backpack out from under the seat next and threw it on the bench seat.
“We’re going inside,” he explained as he looked over his shoulder at her just as the interior light cut out. “I found a condominium while you slept. Seems deserted, already cleared one of the units on the top floor.” He began fumbling in his vest for his light as he spoke, patting himself down to find what pocket he had slipped it into in his haste.
“Wait, hang on,” Madeline muttered as they were plunged into darkness. She sat up and her head pounded at the movement but she made herself continue sitting. “You cleared it? When?”
“While you slept,” Alex answered as he found and clicked his tactical light on. He swore he heard her hiss at the sudden brightness and angled it at the floor. “I figured after today I don’t think either of us could stomach another night in here,” he gave her a small smile. “You even said if you slept in another car again it would be too soon.”
“Alex! You went out there alone? And didn’t wake me!” Madeline felt the bite of anger well up in her for his action, though it was a dull sort of sting instead of a flash of white hot. She was too emotionally worn out for anything more. “I mean yes I never want to sleep in a car again but I didn’t mean,” she started as she felt her heart swell a bit in her chest at this gesture.
He had done this for her. Had taken this huge risk for her comfort and honestly her sanity. She had been so ready to be done with the traveling, with the sleeping on a hard bench feeling like she was in a fish bowl where anyone could happen upon them. To be in a bed, inside a building with solid walls and the strong illusion of safety had been such a relieving thought. Then all of that had been shattered and she had her heart broken along with it. She had been useless since and left Alex to deal with her issues and safety, again.
“You didn’t have to risk yourself for me. I’m perfectly capable of sleeping in a car,” she finally said as he continued to pack in the silence, clamping down the appreciation and instead settling on irritation. Irritation for him risking himself needlessly, with herself for leaving him with the burden of getting them safe. And irritation was easier, easiest of the emotions she was feeling at the moment.
“Not just for you,” Alex answered as he handed her his tactical light to hold so he could use both hands to pack. He didn’t want to leave anything in the SUV overnight that they may need just in case someone found it and decided to poke around or they had to evacuate another way. “I need to sleep in something a bit bigger,” he gave her a smirk, saying her own words from earlier back to her. “And a shower. City water may still be running for a bit if the pressure hasn’t run out yet.” He was trying to keep the conversation light, to keep her talking and distracted from her pain that he knew was simmering below the surface with how she was speaking. He just needed to get her inside and tucked safely away then she could shut back down.
If Madeline could feel anything else at the moment, she knew she would have been bashful at his comment. But exhaustion tended to only leave room for agitation, even if her stomach swooped slightly at the thought of lying properly with him. A shower also sounded heavenly with how gross she felt, especially after all the crying. A bath to soak in would be even better but she wasn’t going to push the limits on that one. She needed sleep first though, somewhere she could sprawl out and just burrow away for a few hours. While she had been knocked out on the backseat for who knew how long she was still too tired to even fathom trying to do anything but collapse face-first in a pillow.
“I’ll need you to take your duffle and the backpack,” Alex said once they both finished scouring the area for anything else they needed. He had leaned over the back seat grabbed a few things from the crate in the trunk and loaded his vest down, stuffing things unceremoniously into any open pocket; he’d organize it later. The only things left behind were the extra blankets they had pilfered from the cabin, the board games, books, and other random items they had picked up over the past few days for entertainment.
“Let’s go,” Madeline said quietly as she shifted the backpack on her back and slung the duffle over her left shoulder. Alex had given her the pistol back and she wanted to keep that arm free in case she needed to use it. She still kept the safety on though, ever afraid she’d accidentally fire it in a panic.
Just as they had done back in Boston Alex grabbed her left hand and tucked it into a strap on the back of his vest for her to hold so he could guide her. When Madeline tapped him that she was ready he moved, letting her click the button on the car to lock it up. They moved in silence, their feet falls rapid as they crossed the parking lot then climbed the stairs.
Madeline found herself looking over her shoulder in the dark, unable to see anything but still trying anyway. She was terrified something was just going to pop up out of nowhere and grab her, that just feet away in the darkness something was waiting for the opportune time to attack. She redoubled her grip as they went up another set of stairs, her thighs burning as Alex kept up the speed nearly dragging her along by the time they reached the fifth floor.
“Inside,” Alex stated as he finally stopped and opened the door he had left unlocked. He stepped off to the side to let her pass before slipping in behind and shutting it. He flipped the bolt and chain quickly before lowering his gun and turning around to Madeline who was breathing rapidly only inches away.
Madeline was glad Alex couldn’t see her properly at the moment. She was half doubled over breathing heavily and massaging her thighs a bit. Her legs were a bit shaky and she even felt her hands shake at their efforts as well. She knew it was a combination of hardly eating that day, adrenaline, and just all around disuse but Alex had to be just as worn down yet he sounded perfectly fine in the darkness. Maybe breathing a little faster than normal but definitely didn’t sound like he felt like he was going to keel over. The pounding headache wasn’t helping matters either.
“You can use the light just keep it angled down,” Alex said after a second. He had let Madeline keep ahold of it when they moved, just for the fear if they were separated for whatever reason she’d have a way of seeing. He heard her dig it out before clicking the button and illuminating the small entryway that led to the living room.
“Now what?” Madeline asked as she glanced around the area, taking in a stranger’s house feeling like some sort of burglar. It was violating to be standing in here without their permission, to be in the dark with a flashlight and creeping around like the intruders they were. With a jolt she wondered if someone was in their apartment back in Boston doing the same thing. Potentially pilfering through their things, lounging in their living room. If there was anyone left alive in the city that was.
“You go back to the bedroom while I reinforce the door. Go straight through the living room, down the small hall. It’s the last door on the very end,” Alex said as he pointed with his hand before turning around to try and find something to shove against the door.
“How are you going to see?” Madeline asked pointedly as she looked at Alex as he walked into the living room looking for something heavy. “Maybe they have candles,” she stated as she twisted to try and find the kitchen. It was off to the right; the whole area was one big room really until it got to the hall where the bedrooms were. While she wanted nothing more than to just strip down and crawl between the sheets, she could help him with this much at least. Not be a completely useless partner for the whole evening even if she felt dead on her feet.
“We’ll look for them tomorrow,” Alex answered as he settled on the loveseat as a blockade and started shoving it. It didn’t need to be pretty, or practical. It just needed to be heavy and loud enough to draw his attention if someone tried to get in the door. “I don’t want lights on in here for any longer than we need,” he added on, his voice a bit strained as he heaved the overstuffed two-seater across the threshold where the carpet turned to tile.
When the arm of the seat butted up to the door he stopped pushing, hanging his head a bit between his arms as he regrouped before standing. He gave the door one last once over as Madeline pointed the light beam at it then turned around to head back toward the bedroom. He had been careful to shut the kid's room door on his way out before, not wanting Madeline to see the little boy’s toys in there; not tonight.
Madeline didn’t fight him as he led the way down the hallway to the bedroom, pointing the flashlight at the floor so it didn’t reflect too much. When they got into the bedroom Alex went to the windows pulled down the blinds and shut the curtains to help muffle the light. The room was spacious, a large king bed adorned with overstuffed pillows and a little decorative lounge seat at the foot. She twisted to see a television mounted on the wall, a dresser underneath, and even a little vanity area whose chair Alex nabbed and moved to jam under the bedroom door handle.
They unloaded their duffels and bags onto the little seat before Alex went back to the window and twitched back the curtains to peer out of it. This window had access to the fire escape and he could see a bit of it in the light from the flashlight, the metal still shiny and new. He double-checked the lock on the window as he did so, flipping it on and peering out toward the parking lot again to be sure. Nothing caught his eye, just endless darkness. The hardest part of this plan was over; they made it inside and were safely barricaded. Now it was just a matter of telling his nerves that.
“I know I promised you a shower, but can we wait until sun up?” Alex asked as he unclipped his vest and slipped out of it, dropping it down next to the M16. He unholstered his pistol next and set it on the nightstand, shoving a dead alarm clock out of the way and put the car keys right next to it. All things that he could grab at a moment's notice should he need it. “Don’t want people to hear water running for a long while in the dead of night.”
“I’m too tired to even think about that right now,” Madeline replied as she dug around in the bags to try and find something for her pounding head. The packing had been a mess, just throwing anything anywhere it would fit. She threw the flashlight onto the bed, the new angle of light casting long shadows, as she dug with both hands through the bags. Surely they hadn’t left the medicine in the car, maybe the people that lived here had some. As she tugged she heard the telltale rattle of pills so she kept going, pulling out clothes and letting them fall to the floor.
“Something I can help with?” Alex asked as he sank down at the foot of the bed nearest Madeline to remove his boots. She was getting almost frantic in her search and he watched as he bent down to undo the laces on his left foot.
“Just need something for my head,” Madeline huffed as she pulled out what felt like one of her shirts. Good, she could put that on to sleep once she got out of the dirty sweater she was in. She unfolded it to take a quick look at it to find the shirt wasn’t hers. It was Everett’s. She froze looking at it as she held it up some, eyes roving over the tiny thing with an action hero from one of his shows on it and a nice big stain that had never come out. She dropped her hand heavily back down again and stared up at the ceiling willing herself to keep it together as the barrage of thoughts hit her. She hadn’t even given Everett clothes, she had left him at the CDC with his father and all those other strangers, adult strangers, and didn’t give him anything of his. Not even his goddamn headphones, whose wire she could see half hanging out of the bag.
Alex rose from the bed quickly, seeing how Madeline’s face crumpled at the sight in her hand. It was heartbreaking to see what she was thinking painted so blatantly on her face and he knew it was a matter of moments before she lost it again. He came up behind her gently closed his hand around hers and pulled the shirt out of her hands to set it back into the bag. She resisted at first but finally let go and dropped her hand with a slap onto her thighs.
“You don’t need to unpack all this tonight,” Alex said quietly as she tilted her head to look at him. He meant that in a figurative as well as literal sense. “Come on, I’ll find the meds,” he offered before bending down to help her up off the floor.
“I didn’t give him any clothes,” Madeline explained as she let Alex heft her up, lifting her easily as she fumbled to her feet. Her eyes trailed over the bag as he guided her away to the side of the bed and he yanked back the comforter and sheets. She glanced over at him as he gave her a tight smile and wiped her eyes at the few tears that had made it out.
It didn’t take long for Alex to find the medicine. He dug the bottle out and rose from his crouch before grabbing the flashlight to go to the bathroom muttering he’d be right back. He was hoping there was some sort of cup in there for water, or he’d have to wander back out to the kitchen again. When he glanced back over his shoulder at Madeline he saw her peeling her sweater off, lifting her arms above her head and he quickly turned away again to disappear into the other room.
Madeline moved as fast as she could in the dark, kicking off her shoes and socks, then going for the jeans next. She had intended on finding sleepwear but she couldn’t bear digging around in the bag again at the moment and there was no way she was getting in the sinfully soft sheets in her dirty road clothes. She heard Alex open and shut a cabinet then the sound of water running as she unhooked her bra and slipped out of the armholes in her tank to fully remove it. Piling all the clothes by the nightstand on her side she felt around for where Alex had peeled the blankets back before climbing in. She could have cried from the comfort of them if she wasn’t already tearing up thinking about her nephew all alone.
“Here,” Alex said a moment later as he held out a small paper cup and three Tylenol to Madeline. In the light, he could see her clothes slumped on the ground, her bra half sprawled on the top, and he quickly snapped his eyes to her face as she downed the pills. “Those should help, and some sleep as well,” he supplied into the silence as Madeline set the cup on the nightstand.
“Thank you,” Madeline said quietly as she laid down on the pillows, doing her best to not think about what Everett was doing at that moment. If he was laying in the dark of some strange room without any sort of comfort, not even his headphones to help lull him to sleep. “Do you think…you think he’s okay?” She asked a bit pitifully, the words slipping out without her volition, as Alex stepped away and moved to the other side of the bed.
“He’s safe Mads,” Alex answered simply, hearing the worry and guilt in her voice. “You made sure he was safe, you made the best call in the situation. You have kept him safe above all else in this disaster which is more than most people can say.” Now that she was settled Alex clicked the button on the flashlight to save the battery and set it next to his pistol, plunging them back into darkness.
“It’s just…it’s odd without him here. Without hearing the muffled music through the headphones, his constant shifting in his sleep,” she sighed as she curled around the pillow looking at where Alex had just been swallowed up by the dark.
“I know,” Alex agreed with a small sigh. “Just…let the exhaustion take over and you’ll be asleep in no time.”
“Are you not,” Madeline cut off as she shifted in the bed to sit up a bit, pushing up on her elbow. “What are you going to do?”
“Just keep an eye out for a bit,” Alex answered as he heard her moving around. He knew there wasn’t anything to see out there but he didn’t know what else to do at the moment. It felt intrusive to slide between the sheets with her now, despite all the talk of it before.
“There’s nothing to see,” Madeline reasoned quickly. “Please,” she tacked on without any other explanation.
“Mads,” he started but she cut him off.
“Please, Alex…just, we don’t,” she was fumbling her words around a choked sob at the thought of him pulling back, keeping a distance when all she really wanted right at the moment was companionship. “We don’t have to do anything. You can just lay on top of the sheets and I’ll just stay on my side if that’ll make you more comfortable.” Perhaps it was different now that they were here, it wasn’t just all talk and harmless flirting and Alex was beginning to feel that pressure. It was fine, she didn’t care at the moment, she could deal with those feelings later. “I just don’t want to be…alone.” Madeline almost begged.
“I’m not uncomfortable Madeline,” Alex answered after a second. “I just wanted to give you some space, some time alone after everything.”
“I don’t want either of those,” Madeline barely whispered as she shoved at the sheets on his side of the bed to give him access. “I just want you.”
Alex hesitated for a moment longer before giving in, her last words lighting something within him. He pulled his shirt off over his head in a fluid movement before going for his belt buckle and pants, kicking off his boots in the process. Each removal was loud in the silence and despite not seeing he knew Madeline was staring right at him and he was looking back at her. He didn’t bother trying to pile the stuff nicely like she had done and he barely had his pants kicked off as he bent toward the bed. He was careful, placing his hands gently into the soft feather top so as not to land atop her and he felt her reach for him.
Madeline didn’t give him a chance to find her as she grabbed at his arm where the bed had dipped and tugged him, pulling almost desperately at him to get him closer. He didn’t resist her as she dragged him down next to her, her hand sliding up his arm as he held her waist before coming to rest flatly on his chest, feeling his heart pounding under her palm. They were pressed impossibly close, legs wound around each other and she could feel the bare skin of his stomach against her own where her top had ridden up.
She could feel every place they were touching, flimsy barriers of undergarments did nothing to hide the hard lines of him. The brute strength that he was so carefully holding back from her as he shifted to press his other hand behind her head to gently cradle her into him. She pressed her face into the space between his neck and shoulder so she could fully collapse into him, breathing him in.
Alex could feel her breath against his neck as she nuzzled closer, molding herself to him as best as she could. She was incredibly soft and warm against him and he let his mind wander to each spot where they touched; how she had thrown one of her legs over his waist, where her hips pressed tight to his own, how her nails dug into his chest as she gripped at him and how her fingers flexed in response when he pressed a kiss to her temple. He silently ran his hand further up her back, letting it slip under the tank top to feel more of her skin, exploring unhurriedly as she sighed into him at the touches.
The darkness seemed to only amplify the feel of Alex’s fingers along her spine, the press of his kiss on her forehead, because there was nothing else to distract her. No light to draw her eyes, no sound to drown out their shared breathing. His hand trailed down each ridge of her spine and she was laser-focused on the gentle brush of each calloused finger as they mapped out her skin. His fingers finally came to rest when they found the elastic band of her underwear and she paused herself, holding her breath without thought as she waited.
When she didn’t pull back, didn’t squirm but instead held her breath with anticipation, Alex continued his exploration. He ran his hand over the curve of her behind to run up her thigh that she had hitched over him before he grabbed the back of her knee. One more pause, one more drawn out second, before he pulled on her leg to press her hips into his harder and create that friction they both waited for. He felt her breath hitch at the feel of him pressing into her center and while that was reward enough for him, the kiss she pressed into his neck nearly made him lose his restraint. It was tentative, shy, but he gripped the back of her head in a silent request for more.
Madeline gave him another soft kiss, letting her lips linger over his skin as he had done to her countless times. She wanted more though, more than these chaste gestures of affection and she shifted, moving the hand on his chest up to cup at his jaw and pull his face down to her. Just as the darkness has amplified everything they were sharing; it also made her bolder. She leaned in to close that gap, letting her lips brush his as she held his face. It was the first proper kiss they had shared and when Alex returned it, she felt him grip at her behind to press her hips into his again.
When she sighed at the feel of him Alex swept his tongue in, gently coaxing her as she clung to him and rolled her hips. He didn’t want to push too far, to rush her into something she may regret, so he let her show him what she wanted. He let her set the pace as she rocked into him, his hand kneading at the plush curve of her behind as the tips of his fingers skated under the thin cotton of her underwear. When she let out a strangled groan and grabbed at his arm to roll them so he was atop of her, he went willingly. Let his hips press down hard between her splayed legs as she ground up into him unashamedly. Her hands moved to slide in unison down his back as her breaths between kisses started to turn to pants. Her touch wasn’t tentative as she roved over his skin, her nails digging in every so often as he hit that hidden spot at the apex of her thighs with his hardened head.
“Alex,” Madeline gasped out as his kiss left her swollen lips to slide down her jaw, along her neck, up to her ear. His breath was hot on her skin and she arched up a bit as his teeth scraped along the delicate lobe before he pressed another kiss just below it.
“Tell me what you want,” Alex whispered along her skin, kissing her exposed shoulder as his hand that caged her body came up to push the strap of her top out of the way so he could find more. He wanted her to say it again, say those words that had lit something within him all those minutes before.
“You,” Madeline gasped as he hit that spot again with his hardened length. It was pressed so tight into her center she merely had to roll her hips to get that friction. “All of you,” she added as he skated the back of his knuckles along her ribs where her top had bunched up from all their movements.
That was all he needed. He grabbed at the tank top and helped her out of it, holding her up with one hand as she yanked it above her head and let it fall somewhere onto the bed or floor. He didn’t care. He was too entranced at the feel of her bare chest pushed up against his body, how she arched to him as he lowered her back down and let the hand that held her back firmly slip to her front to cup her breast and squeeze. She whined at the feel as his thumb brushed over the already hardened nipple and he kissed her feverishly as he pinched and rolled his fingers over the already sensitive flesh, working her up into a writhing mess under him.
Madeline attempted to follow his lips when pulled away, not ready to give up the feeling of him in her mouth as both of his hands taunted her. She reached up to pull him back to her but he dodged the movement and instead slipped down a few inches and devastatingly slowly ran his tongue over a nipple. The feeling caused her to buck up, the wetness a new sensation that sent a jolt right to her core as he sucked it into his mouth and almost lazily toyed with it. She thrashed a bit on the bed as his hand continued the assault on her other breast, the contrasting sensations making her lose all sense.
Alex grinned to himself as he roughly palmed and pinched one side while he lovingly lapped and sucked at the other. Ever so slowly he kissed his way across her chest, never one to not fix the hurt before he flicked his tongue over the abused nipple and clasped his lips over it sucking softly. Her skin was hot under him as his free hand roamed down her side and his fingers found the elastic of the last barrier between her center and his fingers. She pushed her hips up in silent consent, or demand, and he tugged them down, bending her legs up one at a time so he could unhook it from her feet.
“Yours,” Madeline gasped out as Alex moved to settle between her legs again, his hand pressed to her thigh to keep her properly spread under him. “I want to feel you.” She didn’t give him a chance to fight as she pushed up on her elbows, gently shouldering his face from her as she grasped at his boxers and pushed down. He kissed her shoulder as she ran her hands over the v of his hips and when her hand found his freed length he shuddered, unconsciously shifting his hips forward in her grasp.
She could feel him twitch at her touch, heard the small groan against her skin as she ran her thumb over his head, and felt the wetness of precum there. She smeared it gently along his head and smiled as he rolled his hips into her again to get her to continue. She obliged, running her hand up and down him, squeezing with enough pressure for pleasure as he bit down on her shoulder. It was a battle of her own will to keep this going, to not just guide him where she wanted him most and slide him home, her need growing with every second.
Alex pushed her back to lie down again, letting her settle into the pillows before the hand that had a vice like grip on her thigh moved. The closer he got to the apex of her thighs the more he could feel how much she wanted him, needed him. She was soaked the evidence already on his fingers before he even reached her center. When he pressed two fingers to her, spreading her open even more for him, her hand on him faltered and she rocked to him.
“Fuck Madeline,” Alex barely breathed as his thumb found her clit and gently circled it. She didn’t answer, just whined as she pushed into him, her hand falling away from him to grip at the sheets. He continued the slow movement, his lips finding hers again as his index finger spread her arousal around her opening and trailing it up to her clit for some extra glide. She moaned and bit at his lip in almost a feral response as he pushed a finger into her, his movements matching hers as she rose and fell with his hand.
When he pushed a second finger in Madeline grabbed at his shoulders, grinding herself down against his palm to feel that coil in her stomach. She was desperate for a release, for that rush of endorphins and spine-tingling pleasure, and Alex seemed willing to give it to her without a thought of his own need. His fingers curled inside of her and he picked up a hard, fast, pace that sent her careening. White hot lightning raced through her and as she bucked up into him the release hit her hard. She cried out loudly as Alex continued moving, his fingers pushing her along as she whined and gasped into his mouth.
He felt her clamp down, her thighs attempting to lock him in place as they squeezed against him but he pushed her leg back easily to keep her open. His fingers slid out of her as she dropped her hips back to the bed and he ran them over her clit which was hard and swollen, overly sensitive by how she twitched against him. But he didn’t stop, he kept running his fingers over her, in her, to keep her on the edge of that sword. She whined and twisted but never truly told him to stop, never pushed him away and when she grabbed at his hips, he knew she was ready and wanted more.
Alex fisted himself as he pushed up her body a bit to align himself with her. Her hands held his lower back as he rubbed his head along her folds just to tease them both even more. He groaned at the heat and slickness that coated him with each pass and when he couldn’t resist any longer he notched himself at her entrance. He had to hold her hips down to keep her from arching up and pulling him in herself, wanting to take his time instead, wanting to feel each inch as he slowly took her.
With one soft kiss, he pressed in just the tip and she sighed against his mouth in relief, in need, as he pushed further. He let go of guiding himself once he was halfway in and let his hand cup the back of her head to hold her forehead to his as he rolled his hips back before forward again to sink another inch. And he continued the same movements until he was buried to the hilt in her, his other hand holding her hip hard enough in restraint he was worried he’d leave bruises.
Madeline cupped Alex’s face in the dark once he settled into her, fighting the urge to rock as he held her fast. She was impossibly full, the stretch a pleasant burn as he rocked down into her to press her further into the bed. She knew he was taking his time to savor, to let her get used to him, but she needed him to move, to feel him slide in and out of her. She conveyed the need with the heated kiss she pressed to his lips and he responded with a slow pullout, almost to the tip, before he slid back in making her moan with pleasure.
“Please Alex,” Madeline whined as he continued the torturously slow movements, feeling every inch of him with each delicious thrust and pull back. He seemed satisfied with the plea, or over the slow torment himself because the next roll of his hips was a snap that made her bow up. His speed increased then; hands planted on either side of her as he began to fuck into her with earnest. She wrapped her legs around him, her heels digging into his lower back as he found his stride making her gasp and whine as that coil began to tighten again.
He felt her shaking, felt the clamp of her legs tighten as the next release neared and he didn’t stop. He pushed her toward it and as she was about to hit that high and began to frantically match his movements with her own, he wrapped her tightly to him and rolled them. She didn’t stop moving, didn’t even hesitate at the switch as her body chased its high, too desperate to stop.
Madeline ground down on him as he bucked up to meet her, nearly choking on her own cries as the air was knocked from her lungs. His hands gripped her hips as she rode him, her own hands scrambling to hold herself up as she came hard around him. It was almost too much as her toes curled and she scratched against Alex’s chest, the release so immense she felt tears prick the corners of her eyes.
Her release was all over his legs, his cock and he could feel the sheets underneath him were soaked. But Alex didn’t stop, didn’t let her come down from the high even as her body collapsed forward onto him. He just wrapped her tight to him and used his hands on her ass to keep her moving, his grunt and groans in her ear making her preen as she kissed his shoulder, neck, cheek, anything she could reach.
As she fluttered around him finally coming down from her last orgasm Alex let himself go. He buried himself as far as he could and came inside of her. He selfishly rocked her hips over him to ride out his own pleasure, despite how she trembled. She whined in his ear at the overuse, the pleasurable ache that was so close to being pain, as he lifted her up and pushed her back down again one final time.
He could feel himself leak out of her as she panted atop him and pushed up to kiss him properly.  He twitched slightly inside of her as she kissed him so gently and tiredly, that he almost felt bad for how thoroughly he had wrecked her.
“You alright?” Alex asked after a few minutes of silence as she wrapped around him, nuzzling her face into his neck as she flinched a bit at him adjusting. He hadn’t pulled out, not yet, since he knew every movement would be like fire to her spent nerves.
“Good,” Madeline muttered, her lips brushing his skin with the words. “More than good,” she laughed a bit before groaning at how it made her clamp around him still inside her. “I don’t think I’ve ever,” she started before cutting off as Alex gently pulled out of her now that he had softened a bit.
“You’re going to give me a big head if you finish that sentence,” Alex stated as he ran his hands up and down her back in a soothing gesture. She was still trembling a bit and he reached down to pull the blankets they had kicked away to cover her from the chill air of the room.
Even after everything that had happened that day, the past days, Madeline genuinely felt happy and she smiled to herself in the dark. Grinning at the way Alex so reverently moved her off of him to lay on the bed properly and how he pressed soft kisses to her as he tucked her back to his chest. The high of her pleasure didn’t wear off as they lay in the dark together and she absently wondered if he felt the same as he nudged one of his legs between hers to get more comfortable.  It didn’t take long for her to drift off to his gentle caresses up and down her side and for the first time in days she slept through the night.
When she awoke the next morning Alex wasn’t there. She stretched out and rolled expecting him to still be pressed to her but she found the bed empty, his spot cold. Sitting up with a jolt she looked around the room and noticed his gear, the duffels, and even her clothes from the night before were missing. A panicked heartbeat started in her chest as she swung her legs off the bed but she spotted a pile of new clothes left on the nightstand. Clean and neatly folded, along with a bottle of water and more Tylenol.
She downed the medicine in one go and nearly chugged the whole bottle of water from thirst before tugging on the clothes he had left. It was an oversized shirt and a pair of sweats, none that she recognized so she wondered if they belonged to the owners of the condo and he had dug them out this morning. Had she really slept that hard she hadn’t heard him moving about? And how long had she slept for that matter? The sun was bright even through the blinds and curtains.
“Afternoon,” Alex said with a small grin as Madeline walked into the living room still a bit bleary eyed.
“Afternoon,” she muttered as she blinked a bit at the living room floor. Alex had moved the coffee table out and had laid all of their provisions in small piles, a notebook with scribbled inventory close by. She noticed that none of the items left out were Everett’s in her quick scan and she was grateful for that as she took a seat next to him on the couch to peer at the laptop he had on the couch next to him. “How long have you been up?”
“A while,” Alex said noncommittedly as he peered over at her. “Long enough to shower, unpack, and take inventory.”
“I could have helped with that,” Madeline stated as she looked everything over again.
“We would have run out of water if you helped me in the shower,” Alex answered with a small chuckle. “You needed rest, I wasn’t going to wake you for no reason,” he added before she could pester even more.
Madeline flushed a bit at his comment but was glad to find things weren’t awkward between them the morning afterward. It could be hit or miss after the first time and while she certainly did not regret it, she doubted she would have even if it was awkward, it was still nice to slide back into their normal relationship.
“I found a few things in the pantry. You should eat,” he stated as he stood from the couch and extended his hand to her. “I wasn’t going to go out until you were up. I want to get up to the roof and take a look around. Try the new phone and see if I can get any news on the laptop.” He saw the frown on her face at that. “Just the roof, I won’t go anywhere else. Nothing is up there, we’d of heard them last night…or they would have heard us for that matter.” He smirked as she turned decidedly red at that comment.
“I’ll go with you,” she offered but Alex shook his head at that.
“Eat, get a shower, and if I’m still out there after a while come get me,” he reasoned. “I’m pretty sure we are the only people here, I sat and listened for a while this morning, watched out the windows and there hasn’t been anything at all. I’ll be fine.”
She still frowned but finally nodded as his hand came up to tilt her head back and pressed a kiss to her lips. It wasn’t chaste. It had hunger behind it and as he kissed her a second time she felt her knees go weak. She wasn’t sure where they were left after the night before if it was just sex or something else, but Madeline found she didn’t care at the moment. With the way he looked and tended to her needs, she was content with whatever their relationship was. The smile he gave her was soft, if a bit mischievous, as he let go.
With a final kiss, Alex grabbed the laptop and headed back to the bedroom to climb the fire escape to the roof. Madeline listened at the window for a bit to make sure she didn’t hear anything, no yelling or gunfire but when it remained quiet, she went back to the kitchen to eat some dry cereal by the handful as she stared at the mess in the living room. She scoped out the rest of the house as she ate, opening the kids’ room before quickly shutting it as the ache that Alex had managed to lock away for her the night before came creeping back.
Alex cleared the roof quickly, not much area for anything to hide on the flattop that only had low laying pipes and HVAC systems. He picked the HVAC unit above their condo to set up shop, standing as he peered around the area while the laptop booted up. Once it was live he plugged the cellphone into it to use the satellites as data for the internet and began scouring for information. The connection was spotty, constantly dropping, and extremely slow, as he worked. He used the little time he had connected to download files to read over later. When he heard the water start up below him he unplugged the phone from the laptop, punched in a number he knew well, and shut his eyes as the call rang.
The water pressure left something to be desired as Madeline showered off. It was room temperature and she flinched as she stood under it to rinse off, turning it off between shampoo and conditioner to save as much as she could. She doubted they’d have much left to work with in the next day or two and she thought to fill up a few pots and pans with water when she finished so they’d have some fresh water for a little while for anything else they may need.
When she had finished drying off and dressed and Alex still wasn’t inside she went to the window and climbed out. The wind was brisk even for a mild winter day and she shivered as she climbed the steps to the roof, eyes peering around the area to be sure no one was around watching. It was quiet, just the sounds of the birds chirping and her footfalls on the metal steps.
“Alex?” Madeline called as she cleared the roofline and saw him sitting, half slumped, on the ground. Her heart jumped to her throat when he didn’t move. She ran to him, glancing around to see if something had happened, to see if someone else was up here and had hurt him and was going to get her. But there was nothing. It was just the two of them as he said it would be. As she drew closer, he picked up his head and she saw the grief on his face that made her stop dead.
“What happened.” It was a statement, not a question, because it was obvious something occurred.
“She was bit,” Alex said simply and when he saw Madeline stumble at the thought that it was news of her sister he clarified, “Farah. She was bit when they were overrun. I didn’t even get to,” he stopped and twisted to look off bitterly at the horizon, the phone clenched tight in his hand to keep from throwing it in his rage, his guilt.
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