#if anyone wants to chime in pls feel free to do so btw im always happy to discuss arwens taste in men (sweaty tryhards)
cashmere-caveman ยท 8 months
it is my deep seated personal belief that in any modern day lotr au gondor would be some kind of in-name-only parliamentary monarchy (think skandinavia/spain/the netherlands or sth) with their royal line actively dying out and aragorn only being in line for the throne bc the last monarch died a childless only child and probably even divorced or sth idk and even though hes like technically only royal through fifteen degrees of separation he suddenly is hunted down by the royal chief of staff or the inbreeding monitoring bureau of gondorian royal relations or sth (idk how royalty works can u tell) bc they need a king, goddamnit!!
meanwhile aragorn is in deep cover hiding at elronds hunting lodge or sth bc aragorn Does NOT want to become king. he wants to hang out with his fancy elven girlfriend and avoid his pseudo father slash father in law (i like to think of the dynamic between him and elrond kind of like the one barry allen and joe west have on cw's the flash) pestering him if hes gonna make his daughter an honest woman or man up and break up
and obviously to top it all off, boromir is the eldest son of a v famous family/dynasty of politicians (think uhhhhh. the only international recognizable politician dynasty i can think of rn is the kennedys. or the bush family if u wanna be mean about it) who is a staunch anti-monarchist and fucking hates aragorns guts the first time they are introduced on principle alone (gondor has no king! gondor Needs no king!!! he is on that chris eccleston wavelength u get me)
anyway idk what to do w this except to say if EYE had written red white and royal blue (i have not read that book. i have not seen that film. and i never will <3) it would be about very stressed 40 somethings reluctantly joining forces to try dismantle the monarchy for good while trying to survive the grease fire that is gondorian politics and also arwen subtly scheming to get the threesome of her dreams ๐Ÿ˜Œ
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