#if anyone has any insight from the novel please let us know 🙏
visualtaehyun · 6 months
i am confused about the relationships in 23.5 degrees and hopeful you can help! my understanding is that ongsa and alpha are sisters and aylin is their cousin? is that right? have they mentioned why alpha came to live with her cousin while her parents were in phuket with ongsa? where are aylin's parents? have i misunderstood something?
Hi there anon ✨️
I don't think you misunderstood anything, we've just not been told a whole lot yet. From everything I've seen, be it the actual show, the special bts episode, twt interactions etc. all I know is:
Alpha and Ongsa are sisters, in 12th and 10th grade respectively, and Aylin is their cousin, also in 10th grade.
We haven't been told where Aylin's parents are or why she's staying with her relatives in Bangkok. For all we know, she maybe even only has her mom left since the aunt is the only one who's been brought up definitively. From ep. 5, we know that she's been there for at least three years because Sun's known her since 7th grade.
Ongsa used to live in Phuket and only recently moved to Bangkok. I'm honestly not sure if she used to live there with both her parents or if her parents lived in Bangkok with the two other girls. In that case, I'd assume Ongsa stayed with her grandparents (or other relatives) while in Phuket.
Seeing as the dad seems to know more about Ongsa's difficulties in making friends than the mom, it's also possible that Ongsa used to stay with her dad in Phuket, for whatever reason, while Alpha and Aylin stayed with the mom in Bangkok.
I'm sure we'll find out more as the show progresses since family seems to be one of the plot points - at least judging from what I've seen about the original novel as well as from the bts special episode.
Hope this helped? 🥺
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