#if any new tmnt fans are looking for a sign to check out the 2012 series here's your sign lmaooooo
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misteria247 · 2 years ago
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really called smn a ho
This gives me the vibes from that one vine that goes-
"I said whoever threw that paper, you're mom's a hoe."
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stories-by-shanna-p · 6 years ago
Tale Teller’s 52 Week Writing Challenge Master Post
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Below are links to ALL the Master Lists for the amazing writers who are participating in this challenge. Be sure to check out all their stories and leave comments! ^^ 
If you are interested in joining in on the challenge, click here to see the sign-up/interest post! 
Writer’s Master Lists:
Master List for @feliciakainzofspades
Master List for @soradragon
Heya! I'm soaradragon! I'm a 16 years old hobbyist writer from the Netherlands! I want to show my creations to the world. I'm fan of many fandoms like the hobbit tmnt and so many more! I'm still learning how to perfect my writing so I'm always open for new challenges! I'm excited doing this challenge and hope that you guys will like what I write for you guys! Let the challenge begin!!^^
Master List for @supernaturallymarvellous
Hello everyone! Vic here and yes, I am entering yet another writing challenge and it's a big one! From the second that this idea was thought of, I knew I was getting involved. What I'll produce is anyone's guess but my writing usually revolves around Marvel and Supernatural, although other fandoms (including The Good Wife, Star Trek, Umbrella Academy, Law & Order) may get thrown in if inspiration drags me off in a random direction. I hope you'll all join me on this crazy journey xx
Master List for @aerynofasgard
Greetings everyone! I decided to participate in this challenge as soon as I saw it! I have been writing fan fiction for over four years now! My. first ever full length piece was a Hobbit fan fiction which ended up reaching. over 300 pages! After completing that I quickly discovered my love for marvel as well and have now started on a Marvel fan fiction. In addition, I have also started brainstorming for a completely original fantasy story! I can't wait to participate in this challenge and see where my ideas take me!
Master List for @coalsmind
Hello! I would like to introduce you to what I consider writing. I’ll be honest, I decided to use this challenge as a way to get better at dialogue and get over my fear of characters being out of, well, character. Also don’t be surprised if you find a link to a Jazz or Electric Swing livestream.
Master List for @xxbyimm
I’m XxByImm, a 26 y/o (aspiring) writer from the Netherlands. 🇳🇱 I got obsessed with the hobbit in 2012, but I only discovered the world of fanfiction in 2017 when I stumbled upon a Rumbelle fic (it was fucking amazing and I go back to it all the time ❤️). After that, I was unstoppable. I enjoy writing in my own pace 🐢 about various characters. My absolute favorite ones are Thorin and my very own OC Enya. 😍 For this challenge I will try to let go of them for a bit, but I can’t promise the pair won’t try anyway... 😁. I hope y’all will enjoy this challenge! 🎉
Master List for @deepestfirefun
Northern girl from Finland with a wild imagination bearing the soul of a wolf who loves to write about grumpy dwarves and fearless dragons.
Master List for @thewarriorandtheking
Always suspecting she was a changling, AKDogdriver sought to escape her Dickensian childhood by traveling through the Looking Glass to the crystal cities of Mars, the forests of Middle Earth, and the smoke-filled rooms of 221B Baker Street. Her first literary work was a science-fiction trilogy that sadly will never see the light of day. A bit of a newcomer to fanfiction, she wrote her first piece a year ago and hasn’t stopped since. Mentally married to Thorin Oakenshield since 2009, she lives in Alaska with her 90lb Husky mix, in the fervent hope that one day her King will appear and whisk her away to his magnificent stone halls.
Master List for @theepolynesian
I’m a FanFiction writer that has been writing since 2016. In the years 2018-2019, my writing has started to slow down drastically due to college and other personal reasons but I do try to whip something up once in a great while. I mostly write The Hobbit stories but I will occasionally branch out into other fandoms like Harry Potter or Game of Thrones and I’m very excited to start this journey once again.
Master List for @lady-of-lies
Master List for @blankdblank
Mostly Hobbit/LoR Imagines with a dash of Ronan/Loki/Hannibal Imagines thrown in as well. If you have any comment, questions or requests for new chapters fire away. Masterlists . My stories/series are on my A03 page(Also blankdblank).
Master List for @theincaprincess
UK fangirl who likes to write for the “misunderstood villains” to get inside their heads, and try to understand how they see the world though all the pain and suffering they have endured. 
Master List for @decadentenemyturtle
Follow Rienna's adventure across the worlds and dreams week after week, and see if love will take it's place in between her Dain Ironfoot. There will be more to see than what you know, and more dangers than just orcs, and wargs and Sauron.
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spectrumscribe · 8 years ago
Ordinary she is not.
For the April for April monthly prompt courtesy of @tmntflashfic, I present a collection of snippets and drabble prompts for everyone’s viewing; regarding canon events and how April coped and grew with each one. Because April’s character was just too multifaceted to restrict to a single story.
May the next incarnation of TMNT utilize this amazing girl better than 2012 did.
That’s no longer relevant.
April looks at books she hasn’t read in ages, clothes too flimsy and light for combat, and makeup and jewels she never has time to use. Most of these things she hasn’t spared a glance at in months.
Her sword and fan lay on her desk, along with her jumpsuit and armor. They’re waiting for her to finish up, and then for her to don them and escape into the night. Her friends wait for her there, and she just needs to finish cleaning out her room so she can join them.
April moves items that used to mean everything to her into a box for give-away, and closes the lid on what her younger self had imagined to be valuable.
 He can’t do that to us.
“He can’t do that to us, right?” April asks, shooting a look at the four brothers as master Splinter shuts the dojo doors. With him out of the room, her frustration is free to be expressed. “I mean. More specifically, can’t do that to me. He’s not my dad. He can’t ground me, right?”
“I think he just did,” Donnie says with an awkward, apologetic smile. Leo shrugs, and maintains a similar expression; while Raph just grumbles along with Mikey.
April throws her hands up in the air, and slumps onto the lair couch morosely. “I blame all of you. I wanted to see that movie.”
“Me too,” Mikey sighs in agreement, flopping dramatically onto the couch with her.
“And yet, you were the one who let slip we were going to it,” Leo points out, sitting down with less drama than Mikey, but with an air of disappointment regardless.
“I forgot, alright? Besides, can you blame me for getting excited? The original version of Akira, playing in a theater, like, not even twenty blocks from here!”
Raph whacks Mikey’s shoulder as he and Donnie join the pile of disappointed teenagers, and Mikey whines wordlessly about the punishment.
April just sighs, and tries to remember when she agreed to having a second parent in her life.
 Why did you shift the tone?
April just wanted to have a nice dinner out with an admittedly cute girl who’d helped her out with a vending machine. Not this. Because this is definitely not what she intended to happen, but someone is insisting on being what April can only describe as a flirt.
She feels her heart stutter every time Harmony looks over, or smiles, or tilts her head just right and her bangs fall out of place. And the way Harmony wears a too big jacket and makes it look as flattering as an evening gown, and the perfectly sharp eyeliner that should clash but doesn’t, is just driving April crazy.
April focuses very hard on keeping her words steady and her eyes from staring at Harmony’s lips. It’s a hard thing to do, especially once they leave the restaurant and Murakami’s slight barrier between them.
April O’Neil has a quiet sexuality crisis for about two hours, and doesn’t know what to do with it even afterwards. She never really thought about girls like that, but oh does she now. She definitely does now.
Even after Harmony turns out to be Karai, and tries to kill her, April very guiltily admits that yeah, she’s still cute. Foot clan ties and all.
 I ache all over.
“Ninjutsu sucks,” April proclaims, lying on the floor of the dojo and not even caring about appearances anymore. Everything hurts and she is never moving again.
“Welcome to the club,” Mikey says in an only half mocking tone, slumped against the random tree the family has growing in here. Seriously, April doesn’t understand why or how the tree is here. But it is.
“Diligence is rewarded with… something,” Leo says, clearly trying to start a leaderly speech, but also clearly too tired to do so. “Wait I know this one, hold on.”
“Everyone stop talking, I’m trying to die in peace,” Donnie mutters belligerently from his position splayed on the floor. Raph grunts an agreement, and makes no move otherwise from his spot beside Donnie.
“Sucks,” April says with more emphasis, because when she signed up for ninja training, she did not think it would include six hour plus sessions of pure and utter agony.
 Let’s wait for them.
“Can we just give up and leave them?” Mikey asks April, once the second hour rolls by.
April scans the alien market they were- not lost in, just momentarily confused by- checking again for any sight of Leo and Raph. “No, I’m pretty sure we still need them.”
Mikey makes a drawn out sound of annoyance, and flops his head backwards against the bench they’re on. “Oh my god, how hard is it to get one measly electro-converter-whatever?”
“Apparently hard enough it takes two plus hours,” April says dryly, shielding her eyes to the blinding three sun sky. Why was it always desert planets lately; she had sand in places she never wanted to.
Something catches her eye, and April turns her search towards it. Then she grimaces.
“Uh oh,” She says.
“Why the ‘uh oh’?” Mikey asks in a wary voice.
“Uh oh because it looks like the deal went bad,” April says, grimacing further as she watches the two brothers try to run through the thick crowd. Their pursuing enemies look really angry, and April isn’t eager to find out why.
Mikey doesn’t move from his slump, apparently unbothered by the turn of events. “Welp, can’t say I didn’t expect that one. Should we wait for them to escape, or help ‘em out?”
April watches the way Leo and Raph scurry through the throngs of people, Leo carrying the engine part they need for the ship. None of them aliens pursuing them have drawn weapons yet, but April doesn’t like the look of the swords on their backs.
“Let’s wait for them to escape,” April says, leaning back and pulling up her hood. They’re both tucked into their sand-resistance cloaks, and seem innocuous to the aliens passing by. Hopefully. “If they can’t shake them in five minutes, we’ll intervene.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Mikey agrees, still not bothering to even lift his head.
 It wasn’t very convincing.
April grins for her aunt, and swears it’s just a self-defense club. That’s why she’s asking for money to buy new workout clothes, and why she’s been keeping such weird hours.
She conceals the guilt of having to lie about her friends, about her father, and about why she comes home with bruises and cuts not caused by training. She tells her aunt that the self-defense club is because she’s still shaken up about losing her dad, and can’t handle being unable to defend herself anymore.
It’s partially a lie, that explanation. April is past being shaken, and moved onto being angry. So very angry.
She conceals that anger too, and smiles for her aunt every time she asks about her martial arts.
April keeps things vague, and knows that it’s not as half convincing as she needs it to be.
 It went to dark places.
She listens to his half mumblings and shrieking shouts and shuddering, slow breaths as he calms down, and sometimes wonders if she really saved her dad at all.
Kirby O’Neil is not the man he was, and April O’Neil isn’t the girl she was either. Neither of them are the same anymore; and hearing the pained, distressed sounds her dad makes in the dead of night, trying so hard to cope with the things he endured for her, breaks April’s heart in ways she hadn’t thought it could still break.
The sound of her father breaking down takes April along with him, because she can’t stop the vague connection of empathy she has. Her powers are still something new, and she doesn’t have enough control yet to completely shut everything out. Including the strangling, terrifying fear and despair that sometimes grips her father.
Even if she knows that he’ll recover, stand back up and smile like none of this happened at all, and go to work the next day like any other normal dad- the anxiety attacks and night terrors still drag April down. Down into visions of metallic cells and cold restraints and dark things that make her fear spike without fail, and she struggles to pull herself free each time.
 We like the darkness.
April doesn’t know if she was ever afraid of the dark. Maybe as a small child she’d been, but now, she dances through it without fear.
After all, her closest friends dwell there, and she’s learned the shadows better than the light.
And as she does, she learns how to melt into it, to make it a part of her very being. Learns what shadows can hide her wholly, and how to make them cling to her like a second skin.
Her four friends, strange and otherworldly as they are, are much better at this than her. A lifetime of experience makes them masters at something April has just begun to take into herself.
It doesn’t bother her often, because she’s far too busy racing with the night wind and playing training games in the slanted dark of each street.
 I was ready to go.
April glances back at the farm house, thinking about the temporary peace it’s given them all the last few months. But also, about how the basement had held secrets she wasn’t ready to learn, and how those secrets weigh on her still.
It’d been a place to hide and heal their wounds, a beat of quiet in a time of raging wars and hard losses, but it had also slowly become a place where the walls felt too tight. So tight and cramped that April had wondered if they were getting smaller by the day. The six of them all but snarling at one another some days, when cabin fever became too much and there wasn’t enough room in the world for them to feel comfortable with their lives. A sanctuary that had slowly turned prison.
“Are you ready to go?” Donnie asks, calling over from the Party Wagon. They’re all piling in, food and weapon supplies already inside and locked down for the drive. Casey honks the horn once, and the other boys shout at her as well.
April smiles, shakes her head, and starts towards them. Turning her back on all the things she doesn’t want to linger on any more than she has. “Ready when you guys are.”
 We all talk about it.
Sometimes, when one or more of them hit a wall and just can’t anymore-
April, and her five closest, (only), friends will sit down in a great big pile, and just talk.
Especially after they lose the earth, and they drift through space and galaxies, someone will have a nightmare or an anxiety attack or just a bad day in general; and so they all react accordingly.
Sometimes it’s April’s turn for those. Bad moments where everything is just too much and too heavy, and she’ll just want to curl up and not be. Those moments are made so much easier, because she has five willing ears to listen to her, and she pays them the same affection.
Sometimes she talks about her dad, about the Kraang, about being something that’s neither human nor alien. And they listen, and she listens to them.
They talk about the Shredder, and what he’s done and taken. They talk about how they miss home, and how they miss things from before. Maybe they weren’t as close back then, because trauma and war ties people together tighter than anything, but they’d had less to worry about. To fear.
They talk about master Splinter, they talk about April’s father and aunt, they talk about Casey’s own father and sister, and they talk about the mutant allies they’ve made. They talk about who they count as their family.
They talk, and it makes things easier. And then they keep going, until the next time one of them needs this.
 Can we kiss you?
“Can… can we kiss you?” April asks tentatively, because this is really, really weird if she’s honest with herself. Even by their standards.
Donnie blinks, eyes darting between April and Casey on his other side, and the way they’re all a little too close to be platonic. No one else is in the room, Donnie’s brothers taking their turns for a sleep cycle while the three of them keep watch of the ship.
Or. They’re supposed to be. They’re doing this instead.
“Uh…” Donnie glances between them both again, looking confused and lost. “Both of you?”
“That is the plan,” Casey confirms, and April can sense the nervousness squirming in his aura. They’ve all been dancing around this for a long time, and now, with space from the earth, lost in literal space as they try to catch up with the timeline, they can’t dance any longer.
Donnie’s eyes widen, and his lips purse in the anxious way they always do. “I. I’m not really sure how to respond to that?” His words turn into a question, as he shifts uncomfortably on the sofa between them. “I mean, um, I wouldn’t be- be upset if you did, but are you sure-?”
“Yes,” April says, and cuts Donnie off by catching him in a messy kiss. She used to take her time deciding her actions, but these days you just did or didn’t, and chances passed by in blurs. They have this moment alone, finally, and she’s going to seize it before it’s gone.
It’s probably wrong, what she and Casey are trying to make happen. But monogamy is for ordinary people, and the three of them are anything but that.
April watched an entire world die, and then went back in time to save it. She can handle a little thing like having two boyfriends, who happen to be boyfriends with each other.
When April leans away from their kiss, Donnie’s staring at her with a sort of awe that makes her insides warm pleasantly. He’s been giving her that look for so long, and now she feels she’s returning it.
Of course, Casey breaks the moment they’re having, and April can only smile in amusement as he and Donnie start something that’s both a kiss and an argument at the same time.
She winds her hand into Donnie’s, as he and Casey break apart to stare at one another like the quarreling yet affectionate idiots they are. April gives Donnie a grin as she leans across his lap, and meets Casey at the halfway point for a kiss just between them.
The look on Donnie’s face is shy but attentive, and he watches them the whole time. It makes the exchange all the more exciting.
Things get a bit blurry from there, but April finds she doesn’t mind that at all.
 Can we shoot them?
“I’m just saying-”
“No, April.”
“-if we shot them, this would be over,” April says, pointing her laser gun at the captured aliens they have. “Seriously, we could just go ho- back to the ship if we shot them. Like, one blast for each of them, and I wouldn’t miss from a point blank range so it’d be a quick death-”
“April!” Leo scolds, giving her a wide eyed look. “We’re not shooting them! Jesus!”
“It’d destroy their connection with the machine!” April says, waving her gun and free hand at the giant whirling death machine they accidentally got tangled up with. How many plots for world destruction could one universe hold anyways? This was ridiculous.
“We’re waiting for Donnie and the professor, and we are not shooting people.”
April threw her hands up. “Oh my god, literally just one shot each, and then this’d all be over-”
“Fine! God!”
 These people are ridiculous.
April can’t help the laughter that comes out of her nose, and struggles to not swallow her now burning drink down the wrong hole. Her laughter is half snorted, and she coughs as she keeps going anyways.
Leo’s embarrassed shouting is barely heard over the howling laughter of everyone else; Mikey’s cheeky, completely unrepentant smile only egging both reactions on. April’s lost the thread of conversation between them now, but the growing noise serves to bolster her laughter anyways.
She’s returned to this, after weeks of fiercely refusing to see any of them, and it feels as though she never left. They’re all here, even with the new addition of Casey to their group, sitting around a kitchen table and eating a combination of pizza and Japanese takeout. Like nothing ever drove them apart; like there wasn’t a period of heavy, furious tension at all.
April has walked out of the lair so many times, away from it and the bizarre family living here, and once swore it would be the last time.
And yet.
Here she is, warm and welcome and laughing so hard her sides are aching. Accepted back even after the things she’d screamed at them, and finding herself having well and truly forgiven her friends.
The four brothers and their father, they always seem to accept her back, bring her home, no matter what happens. That sort of unfaltering loyalty astounds and warms April, and she can’t help but think how ridiculous it is that they would give so much of it to her.
April’s laughter, shared with four and now five people who seem to stand by her no matter what, makes her feel lighter than it has in weeks, and she hopes to never fall so low again.
 It’s not fair at all, is it?
April tries not to think about it too much. Dwelling on anything that makes her upset is dangerous these days, trapped in the farm house while Leo sleeps and New York burns. She knows her powers are growing, and the plate she accidentally threw across the room just yesterday - without even looking at it, let alone touching it- says all that needs to be said. If she lets her thoughts get too loud, too angry, she’s not sure what will happen.
But it’s not fair.
She’d just gotten her dad back, her life on track again, and now he’s gone and so is master Splinter. So are her aunt and every friend she has in school. All of them. Gone. Warped into mindless creatures or- or-
Or presumed dead.
April hunches her shoulders, and tries not to drown in anger and sorrow as she makes lunch. Because cracking the salad bowl in two won’t help anything, or alleviate the ever louder chant in her mind that it’s not fair, why me, why always me, it’s not fair.
But things haven’t been fair for her in a long, long time, and that knowledge gives her no comfort. Just a grim reminder of how things are, and will be for the foreseeable future.
 Are you crying?
April wakes up a day later, after That Night, and doesn’t want to.
She doesn’t go back to sleep though, because what’s waiting there could be even worse.
She doesn’t bother dressing, because she isn’t going out. She’s taking sick leave from school and training, and trying so hard not to feel the absent weight around her neck.
She makes herself breakfast, listless and not actually hungry, and finds herself reaching for a necklace she doesn’t have. To toy with it, like it really was a harmless pendant.
There’s nothing there, and she drops her hand. Ashamed.
She eats tasteless instant oatmeal, and barely finishes the meal. She doesn’t have any real appetite, not with the images and sensations still rising up her mind in unwanted, stinging flashes of memory.
It’s still raining. The windows of her apartment are streaked with it. The rain has just kept falling and falling, ever since…
Ever since the night she killed Donnie, and attempted to do the same to the rest of their family.
That thought remains lead like and suffocating on April’s consciousness, and it’s why she’s here at home. Because she doesn’t trust herself yet to look her friends in the eye, and not break.
But also because… she still wants the crystal back.
The sensation of Power, roiling and endless, still tingles at the tips of her fingers. The voice of Za’naron remains in her head, an echo of the alien’s soothing, sinking, strangling influence on her mind. The scene of her powers, her powers, tearing her best friend apart plays on repeat in her memories, and April feels heavy with exhaustion and guilt.
But outside of that guilt, that exhaustion, the feeling wanting remains. And April feels like the worst person in the world for that.
April doesn’t have to turn around from the window to know it’s her dad. She’d felt him moving through her ambient senses long before he’d approached the living room.
“April, honey… are you crying?” Her dad asks, stepping further into the room.
April blinks, and hastily wipes away a few tears that escaped without her permission. “No,” She says, forcing her voice to remain steady. She can’t burden her dad with yet another one of her problems. “No, it’s just the rain. I’m fine, dad.”
Her dad seems pale, paler than he usually is these days, and a stricken emotion crosses his face. April can feel his concern, his worry, and she can’t bring herself to look at it too closely.
Her dad crosses the room, and with gentle care, pulls her into a hug. Its warmer than how April feels- which is cold, cold and hollow without the burning power she’d held just hours ago- and she lays her head against her dad’s shoulder.
She’s so tired of this. So tired of tragedies and fights and seeing her friends get hurt.
She’s so tired.
Her dad strokes a hand down her back, and April closes her eyes as he murmurs to her. “I know you don’t want to tell me what’s happening, but please know I’m here for you. Whenever you want to talk, I’ll listen, April.”
April tries to suppress the emotion welling up in her, and only barely does.
She wants to talk about it… but she also just wants it to disappear. She wants the nightmarish experience of killing her own friend to fade into nothingness, and for everyone to forget the time April lost herself in her own powers. She wants the memories, Za’naron, and the crystal gone forever.
April carefully bundles up her grief and tears, and pushes them far, far into the back of her mind.
“Thanks, dad,” April says quietly. “But I don’t have anything to talk about.”
Nothing at all.
Her father doesn’t have anything to say to that, and just holds her tighter.
It takes another few days, meditating on and off to fold the frayed edges of her powers and mind up and away…
…tucking the worst parts into themselves, hiding them so far inside her mind not even she can find them anymore…
…and then April can wake up again, and smile, and go on about her day like nothing ever happened.
She picks up her sword, her fan, and sweeps her hair back into a ponytail. She heads out into the night, and steps placidly over the still ongoing repairs to the lair.
She ignores the sideways glances she gets from her friends, and keeps complete and total iron control of her abilities.
She smiles.
And there’s not a tear in sight.
 It made no sense.
It made exactly zero sense to April, sometimes. How Leo will constantly say “Sorry April, ninjas only.”
Like she’s any less of a ninja. Like all her hours and hours of training mean nothing. Like she hasn’t spent the last year plus working her literal ass off to keep up with them, and damn near succeeding sometimes, despite their very large gap in years to learn ninjutsu. She’s done everything they’ve done, faced the same dangers and enemies as they have, with half the weapons and less than half the experience.
And yet.
“Sorry April, ninjas only,” Leo says, limping along like he didn’t still have a bum leg or needs help walking when he strains himself, like she hasn’t put her all into keeping their family afloat and together while he slept, like she doesn’t deserve to have a mystical ninjutsu camping trip too. And then they all just leave, and April has to stand by and watch their shells disappear and ends up going and breaking the skin on her knuckles pounding those stupid planks right after.
And she still fumes through the night, the next, and the next, until the day they walk back out of the woods.
April may have been imagining Leo’s face, the moment she finally broke the board right down the middle.
 I was in love with them all.
Originally, April had imagined herself to not fall for anyone easily, if at all. People and relationships were just such a hassle, and she had her schoolwork. She’d thought she didn’t need anyone.
But then there’d been Donnie, and then there’d been a certain kunoichi masquerading as a normal teen, and then there’d been Casey, and before she’d turned out to be a spying robot, there’d been Irma…
At some point or another, or even currently, April had felt something dangerously close to love for each of them. Or at least slightly off-kilter attraction, mostly inspired by the desire to simply beat a certain someone at their shared profession. (She hasn’t gotten her yet, but April would give Karai her just desserts one day. Some day. Maybe a kiss too-)
April’s brain fizzles, and she hunches a little more over the lair’s kitchen table.
Ooh boy.
She needs to slow down on the crush accumulation. Seriously. Two boys are enough; adding a highly trained and girl of dubious morales to the roster isn’t necessary. Even if said girl pulls off armor like high fashion and somehow never has her makeup out of place and god dammnit did Karai sometimes make April want to wipe that smirk off her face forcibly through a furious sort of kiss-
April makes something close to a whine, and covers her head with her arms; feeling quite sorry for herself and her late blooming bisexuality, with the addition of the inability to just choose someone.
“What’s botherin’ you tonight, April?” Mikey asks, flipping a few midnight pancakes on the stove. “You feelin’ sick?”
“I’m dying,” April mutters miserably.
“…huh. That’s a shame.”
April groans again at her friend’s lack of serious sympathy, and thunks her head against the table top.
God. Dammnit.
 Does anyone really want the ordinary?
April O'Neil isn't an ordinary girl in any sense. Hasn’t been for a long time.
Not since the night she fell into an alien conspiracy, and gained the strangest friends she could ever imagine. Not since she picked up a weapon, and decided she liked the sense of power and thrill that came with ninjutsu. Not since she spent the formative years of her teenagehood fighting one war after another, and somehow managing to still have teenage drama throughout it.
She isn't an ordinary girl at all, and she thinks that's fine by her.
 None of it mattered.
More often than not these days, April looks at her assigned schoolwork and just… can’t see the point of it.
College preparation used to be so important to her. Getting good grades and impressing her teachers used to rank close to the top of her priorities. She used to spend hours and hours studying, and love every second.
But now she’s seen and done so much more than those things. She’s fought crime lords and ninjas, aliens and mutants; defeated each one and come out of the fights even stronger. She’s learned how to manage finances and budgets and a household, lest she and her friends have starved while they were without parents those three months so long ago. She’s been to the edge of the universe and back again, and won’t ever be able to forget the other worlds out there, the other possibilities.
Looking at her math and history assignments, April can’t shake the feeling that it doesn’t really matter. Not in the grand scheme of things, and not to her.
Not for the first time, April wonders just how she’ll ever be able to live a normal life, now that she’s experienced the extraordinary.
 They know how to do this.
After master Splinter passes, after they made sure the Shredder would never hurt anyone ever again, and after they returned home to a home that felt empty…
April realizes with a heavy heart, that they know how to do this.
They know how to grieve, and they know how to move on. It’s happened to them before, the loss of the brothers’ father and April’s second parental figure. They’ve seen him die too many times, and now…
April hurts, bone deep and then to her very soul, and yet… feels almost numb.
There’s a gravestone this time, and that may be the only difference from all the others.
Splinter’s death flashes before her eyes often, the powerless moment she’d had watching the blades emerge from his torso. The world shattering second between feeling as though they might have finally won, and the moment she’d known they’d instead lost.
She feels grief, and sorrow, and regret for not being strong enough to save her second father figure. She wades through those emotions, and mires in nightmares and flashbacks that come to her in bad moments.
But more so than that, the feeling of vicious triumph of the Shredder’s death come to her, and April is far past being unsure if she likes it or not. She’s seen and done this more times than she ever should have, and she knows how to deal with it. Knows how to handle the balance of welling grief and whirling fury at losing someone so dear.
They all do, these days. The brothers and Casey and her. They’ve done the song and dance of losing someone so vital to their family twice before, and perhaps the greatest relief is that this will be the final time.
April hopes so. She’s not sure if she could do it a fourth time over.
 I have the sun.
A sun burns inside April. It grows brighter all the time, and sometimes she wondered if it would swallow her.
And then it did, for a single night, and she tore apart herself and someone she loved. It’d raged and roiled and burned her from the inside out. With the voice of a fallen angel ringing in her ears, screeching and singing and urging her on, April had lost herself in the torrent of white hot power.
And then she’d come back, the sun inside her not extinguished, but doused enough that she was herself again.
And just as that burning, ever growing sun had dimmed, she’d fanned its flames and torn apart reality one more time. To bring him back.
The power to change reality as she saw fit, it’s a dangerous, terrible power. Forged in her from the moment she’d been born, and designed to be used as a weapon by creatures that’ve done nothing but hurt her family since before she’d even existed. Yes she could use it to protect her family, her new one made of odd and wonderful people, but the things she’s been used to do already, the things she’s been forced to commit…
They weigh heavy on her, as heavy as the pool of energy inside her body. The one that feels like an ocean sometimes, and one she has yet to see the bottom of. An ocean of fire and white energy, bigger and brighter than April herself ever will be.
She’s scared of it. She worries about it. She loves the feeling of it. She can never let it tempt her again.
April has a sun inside her, one meant to break everything she sees and remake it in a twisted image, and she will never again let it burn her away.
 Celebrate them.
In between patrols and fights and tragedies-
-April learns to love the small things.
To celebrate them as they come and go, because everything is tenuous these days.
The days when her dad can walk out for work and come home with a smile, and then last the whole night without a panic attack; April celebrates them with extra-long hugs and truly bright smiles as they share dinner together.
The nights when she lands a jump just right, or executes a move perfectly, or earns an extra moment of praise from master Splinter; April beams and pushes herself harder, because she knows that now that she’s done this she can do better.
The moments that she gets to share with her friends, any and all of them, during patrols and training; when Donnie and Casey make the tips of her ears a little red, or Mikey and Leo make her laugh a bit too loud for ninja-ing, or Raph challenges her to a foolhardy bet neither she or anyone else in their group is going to really be able to win- April’s heart swells, and she lets herself experience the split seconds they’ve got with no other thoughts in her mind.
There are too many things that could interrupt those things, lately. Too many dangerous events and people that could take them away.
April’s learned, though. Learned that she has to celebrate them while they’re here and hope to god that there’ll be more in the future.
So as the moments come and go, the small interactions and smiles and hugs; she treasures and celebrates each and every one.
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manywake-blog · 7 years ago
This site is Pro Government
I   don’t   Know   how   to   change   the  font   on   WordPress ,  so   i   Just   spaced   words .
I  am  too  cheap  to  pay  for  another   site .  I  wrote  2   strategy   letters . 1  to  KKK .  1  to  gov’t .  I  consider   my   gov’t   one   to   be   my   best   work   ever
              I   had  little  success  trying  to  reach  KKK  or  gov’t   with   snail  mail  so  far .   I  am  including   my   gov’t   letter   on   my   race   site .  ALL   gov’t  personel  should  read  below  –  F B I ,  C I A ,  D o E ,  W H ,  Homeland  D ,  etc .
Any  attempt  to  suppress  my   efforts  to  help  the  gov’t  could  be  consequences .  How  can  i  not  succeed ?  It  fulfills  Anti – Christ  prophecy .
2   F B I   agents  already  visited  me .  Now   that   i   put   my   letter  on – line ,  gov’t  agencies  can  quickly  share  and  discuss  amongst  themselves .  Does  it  have  merit ?
KKK  could  –  possibly  –  benefit   by   reading   my   gov’t   letter –  people  can  be  taught  to  thinK  strategically .
I   did   not  change  a  thing  –  except   my   name +  I  changed  U  to  you  &  R  to  are .  It  is  the  exact  same  letter  i  sent  by  snail  mail  to  gov’t  agencies  in  the  past .  Thank  you .
S T A R T     O F     G O V ’ T     S I T E
August  5,  2012               cc1 :  EPA  DC  +  Sustainable  Facilities   Practices  Branch
cc2 : Ad  Council . Several  regional  addresses  –  3  in  NY  alone . I’m  sorry , should  I  have  targeted  NY  instead  of  DC ?   congratulations  on  hiring  women !
cc3 : FBI  HQ  in  DC  +  White  House  (  What  could  be  more “ the  gov’t ”  than  FBI  or  WH ?  Yet , I  doubt  the  President   Will   read  it  considering  how  much  mail  that  address  gets ! ).  Too  many  stamps , too  many  FBI  places . Too  much  money . Seems  Like  a  lot , but  it’s  only  2  !
cc4 : ADL,  AIPAC . How  to  target “ the  gov’t ” ?   I  thought.  Why  not   write   to  Jewish  organizations ?  They  control  the  country  anyway.
To “ the  government ”: I  became  aware  that  government  (  i.e.,  FEMA , Ready.gov )  propaganda  exists  –  obvious  eco , education , family , military , sports , women , racial……often  in  the  most  unusual  places ……… and  all  over  the  place.
Eco  –  CFL  light  bulbs  +  LED’s . outlaw  incandescent ,     E-check ,    Lead  is  evil ,    no  dumping  written  into  infrastructure ,    recycling  centers  often  near  schools ,    World  Dryer ,    3  windmills  in  cleveland ,         Gay  –  ads  on  bus  +  Chronicles  newspaper ,         reusable  shopping  bags     disability  –  Kneeling  bus
          Over  time ,  I  even  saw  propaganda  in  :  epilepsy  warning  on  video  games ,   Flu ,   seat  belts  on  shopping  carts ,        Mad  cow  disease ,  carbon  monoxide  detectors ,   depression  is  a  disease ,       Foods
I  also  see  that  gov’t  hires  outside  private  ad  companies  to  do  this . If   I  may  offer  constructive  criticism … maybe  you  need  to  change…
1.  Wash  hands  after  touching  this    it  contains  Lead , Known  to  the  State  of  California  to  cause  cancer .  Why  not  wash  the  cord  then ?
2.  Pet poop  transmits  disease . In  cat  litter  also . Why not  human  waste  then ?
3.  Dryers save  trees . Paper  Retriever  bins.  Why  not  save  crops ?  Paper  is  biodegradable –  and  your  favorite  word  Renewable . Sustainable.
I  used  to  work  at  Triarc  Beverage  Group . Near  the  end  of  my  term ,  I  handed  in  ideas  to  the  CEO.           Long – term  consistency  is the  Key  to  gauging  a  good  quarterback . Star  Wars  and  Empire  Strikes  BacK . It  is hard  to  generate  consistently  good  ideas .
Having  had  time  to  understand  some  of  your  past  actions,  I  find  fault  with  some  of  your  strategy.
1.  WTC collapsed  Like  a  pancake.
2.  Doing  things  publicly  ( South  Africa , uss  Liberty  2oo  witnesses , chemtrails , TWA  missile  theory  ) , and  then  lying  about  it  later  on .
3.  Allowing  anti – government  sentiments  ( militia )  to  grow  ( i.e., via  uncontrolled  internet ),  and  then  trying  to  clean  it  up  later  on . “ To  what  end ? ”,  a  Jewish  man  said  in  the  Plain  Dealer . Another  Jewish  man  replied , “ If  we  do  nothing , this  stuff   will   spread ”.
4.  Allowing  anti – government  sentiments  to  grow  in  Saudi  Arabia  ( a  plant  story  on  CNN –  King  Faud  said , “ Leave  the  Palestinians  alone ”.  Who’s  side  are  you  on ?  )
President  Bush  once  said, “ The  government  of  SA  is  stronger  than  the  people  of  Saudi  Arabia ”.  He  also  said , “ bringing  democracy  to  the  Middle  East   will   be  one  of  the  greatest  challenges  of  the  21st  century ”.
I  think  the  correct  strategy  to  use  in  the  Middle  East  is :  1.  Take  out  Saddam  &  his  2  sons . A  power  vacuum   will   result . Gov’t  is  a  “necessary   evil ”.
2.  Develop  ties   with  important  people  in  Iraq . People  with  history.
3.  Pretend  Like  you’re  leaving.
4.  Hopefully , one  of  your  people  will  arise  to  power.
5. Don’t  do  anything  to  make  FolKs  suspect  he  is  a  puppet  of  the  West  ( i.e., obviously , don’t  condemn  Palestinians ).  You  can’t  do  whatever  you  want ,  but   it’s  better  than  not  having  any  influence  at  all …
Why   did   you  tell  that  for ?  So  be  it . It  is  Just  my  opinion . I  remember  President  Bush  once  said , “ Strategy  ain’t  working  in  middle  east . Need  to  Re -thinK…” So  I  started  thinKing  about  it.  How   it  began .
Getting  back  to  the  subject , I  have  come  up  With  an  idea  for  your  propaganda “ machine ”.  I’m  sure  you’ll  LiKe  it  –  so   if   you  use  it , not  Just  hear  it , will  you  compensate  me  fairly , or  at  least  hire  me ?  my  resume  is  not  impressive , but  it’s  a  small  price  considering  its  potential  scope.
What  better  way  than  to  prove  oneself ?  As  a  teaser , I   will  give  you  a  propaganda  idea  for  free … As  I  said , I  learned  more  as  time  went  on , until  I  became  familiar   With  gov’t  propaganda  efforts . I  thinK  this  fits  your  goals …
I  once  bought  a  HAND  CRANK  paper  shredder  at  marc’s  closeout  section  and  never  saw  it  again  –  anywhere , but  through  the  internet . I  loved  it . It  was  simple . Cheaper  than  even  the  paper  shredder  head  ( only  the  head )  they  sell  at  Walmart . Yet,  rich  people  may  not  LiKe  it  because  it  doesn’t  cross  cut . Yet ,  truly  better  than  those  scissor  shredders.
obvious  eco – friendly.  LiKe  your  current  sustainable  transport  propaganda  –  bicycles !   No  electricity  required.  Could  even  combine  eco  +  sports.
I’ve  noticed  that  eco  propaganda  is  the  most  prevalent . But  Just  the  mere  fact  that  I  was  able  to  generate  a  new  idea  ( Transformers  and   TMNT’s )  should  scare  you  (  the  establishment  –  Marvel ,  DC )  and  prove  that  there  is  room  for  growth. ————————————— 1st  letter             Subject : Cola  Promo  Idea       BY : Tony
In  MaY  1998 , I  handed  in  many  ideas  to  the  CEO  of  a  beverage  company. One  idea  in  particular  stood  out . Why   I  came  up   With   this   idea  is  beyond  me . But  it  was  a  perfect  fit  for  cola  products.
When  I  handed  in  this  idea , I  wrote  it  in  non-beverage  specific  terms  to  protect  it . I   received  a  letter  from  the  company  Lawyer  stating  that  it  was   still   my  idea  (  I  have  that  letter  in  my  possession  if   needed  to  verify ).
The  idea  centered  around  the  use  of  a   1.  GIMMICK  CONTRACT   and   2.  A  FREE  WILL , FREE  CHOICE , Free  Stuff   sweepstakes . The  contract  would  not  be  binding  in  a  court  of  law , and  the  phrase, “ Free  Will , Free  choice ” was  popular  at  that  time – and  still  is .
The  consumer  signs  a  contract  similar  to  the  following  example :  I , (  your  name ),  hereby  practice  my  own  Free  Will ,  and  maKe  a  choice  to  drink  ( Any  drinK  ) , if  and  whenever  possible , among  the  other  drink  alternatives ,
For  a  period  of :        []  1  Year  –  Enter  me  in  the  1  Years  sweepstakes     []  2  Years  –  Silver  sweepstakes             []  5  Years  –  Bronze  sweepstakes        []  10  Years  –  Gold  sweepstakes        X____________________
The  consumer  checks  off  a  box  and  the  prizes  in  the  sweepstakes  vary  in  relation  to  longevity . We  would  laminate  the  contract , and  send  it  back  to  the  consumer.
Aug  19,  2012   cc:  Recovery  +  EPA  Sustainable , FBI  HQ +  WH , AIPAC  DC
To “ the  government ”: This  is  my  2nd  letter . Here  is  my  BIG  eco  propaganda  idea … it  involves  basic  FANS …
Solar  LED  lights  exist . Fans  look  Like  windmills !  So  basic  it  makes  you  say  I  should’ve  had  a  V-8  !   duh . It  makes  you  wonder  about  the  gov’t  sometimes.
They  can  become  eco  propaganda  because  they  save  money  by  assist  AC , and  bring  in  cool  air  at  night . This  is  nothing  new . But , up  to  this  time , it  was  never  emphasized  as  part  of  your  eco  propaganda . Go  to  the  store  and  see  for  yourself.
Tower  City  already  has  fans  in  the  Food  court , but  it  was  never  emphasized  as  part  of  eco  propaganda . They  can  be  installed  in  gov’t  buildings , Libraries , Key  bank , BP,  etc.  Just  to  move  the  air  around , not  necessarily  blow  powerfully . Indeed , it  is  a  part  of  good  planning.
That’s  nothing  new , but  this  is  –  HE  fans.  As  you  Know,  High  Efficiency  detergent  and  less  Water  laundry  machines  exist . This  is  also  eco  propaganda . You  Know  it  and  I  Know  it.
Take  the  most  popular  fan  of  all  –  the  box  fan , for  example . Well  developed  means  there  is  not  much  room  for  improvement , as  the  blades  are  already  the  most  efficiently  designed.
Well  developed  means  it  has  built  in  obsolescence – it  was  meant  to  rust  and  manufacturers  want  it  to  break  in  the  bottom  center . It  makes  much  more  sense  to  put  the  break  on  top  where  the  handle  is.
Well  developed  means  both  Aerospeed   and   Lasko   sell  Premium  box  fans , which  are  nothing  more  than  bigger  than  normal  box  fans.  note  that  the  Lasko “ Premium ”  box  fan  has  only  a  tad  bigger  diameter  and  squarer  corners , with  a  30%  increase  in  air  velocity.
The  good  thing  is , all  it  takes  is  repackaging  –  if  premium  box  fans  were  Relabeled  HE  ( 30%  more ).  Any  existing  “ Power ” fan  can  be  labeled  HE  if  there  is  more  room  for  the  blades , either  behind  or  on  the  sides.
Lasko  chose  to  make  the  corners  squarer  instead  of  making  the  diameter  bigger , as  manufacturers  prefer  smaller  packaging , even  though  it  is  better  to  have  an  equal  increase  in  diameter  all  the  way  around.
I’ll  leave  the  technical  details  up  to  your  engineers…
Related  ideas :  maybe  HE  ultrasonic  humidifier . Related  to  my  free  hand  crank  shredder  idea : Hand  crank  can  opener .  Grinder . Telephone . Start  electronics … Pump  Water.
——————————————– 2nd  letter
Related  to  my  HE  fan  idea , but  not  as  good… but  can’t  be  worse  than  your  LED  idea , which  is  EXPENSIVE , and   NOT  selling …… As  you  Know , compact  fluorescent  bulbs’s  CFL’s  are  compact.
Is  it  practical ?  It  is  also  going  in  a  direction  that  most  manufacturers  do  not  Like –  LOW  WATT,  BIGGER  BULBS  require  more  packaging .There  are  pros  and  cons –  smaller  fits  more  applications , BUT  BIGGER  DISPERSES  LIGHT  BETTER.
Trisonic  already  sells  a  crappy , not  durable  65  watt  CFL  that  fits  inside  a  150  watt  body  –  I  can  shoot  straight  into  it  with  my  camera  and  still  see  the  spiral . Indeed , long  fluorescent  tubes  also  require  no  lampshade =  High  efficient .  Related:  no  fan  GRILL.—————————- 2nd  letter
You  are  the  quarterback . I’m  Just  throwing  a  ball  out , which  is  what  I  did  at  Triarc    (  a  few  ideas , some  better  than  others ).
1. Solid  white  toe  socKs  are  rare  in  America.  Solid  dark  green ?  Sand  color . Military   propaganda .  Taken  from  WiKipedia :  article  Roman  Empire  –  The  Romans  also  invented  socks  For  those  soldiers…
2.  Short pens  are  rare . Possible  women’s  propaganda . Fit  in  purse.
3.  in  Korea  they  use  hot  water  under  the  floor  to  heat  rooms  with .  So  ?   Well , they  need  eco  propaganda  in  Korea  also , don’t  they ?    They  sell   solid  toe  socks  in  Korea . Then  people  say , “ Why  not  in  America ? ”
Not  related  to  any  propaganda … but  I’ve  been  thinking  about  racism  recently…
I  once  read  that  Islam  is  the  reason  why  it’s  hard  to  bring  democracy  to  the  Middle  East . How  religious  law  is  incorporated  into  civil  Law . And  her  Sister  communism.  they  said.  But  I  disagree.
When  the  Soviet  Union  fell , my  friend  told  me  that  Russia  still  lives.  Some  say  Russia  did  not  fall  because  of  criminal  elements  or  Soviet  hard  liners . Still , the  whole  Soviet  Union  was  almost  taken.  Sister  communism . I  don’t  think  so .
I  saw  on  CNN  how  China  clamped  down  on  criminals  because  they  destabilize the  State.                                             2  unsolved   mysteries
Why  is  it  hard  to  bring  democracy  to  the  Middle  East ?
Israel  said “ Kill  the  Hezbollah  from  top  to  bottom” . They  cannot  Kill  it .  But   why  ?
A  religion ?
CNN  said  That  Arab  is  a  “Way  of  Life ”.
The reason  I  wrote  this  –  in  my  opinion , Arab  is  a “ State  of  mind ”.  Just  Like  black  is .  Us  vs .  them .    Not  all  blacks  think  that  way , but  there  are  those  that  do.
“They  Kept  us  weak ! ! ! !”.  President  Charles  Taylor  – “They  owe  it  to  us !”.   Haiti  – “Whatever  you  do  to  us , We  do  to  you  ! ! ! !”
Palestinians  accused  of  helping  Israel  are  lynched . Winnie  Mandela  necklaces  those  accused  of  helping  “the  White  man ”. Tanks  on  MLK’s  birthday . Tulsa  got  bombed  From  the  air.  War !  “ no  surrender ” during  Tulsa.  surrender – and  die  after  Colfax  Massacre .
They  said  on  Wikipedia  that  the  Fate  of  the  Ethiopian  Jews  is  still  up  to  political  consideration  even  to  this  day . Meaning  that  the  Israeli  government  has  not  decided  whether  they  are  in  or  out  yet.
During  the  1st  airlift , Israel  was  sincere  (  Airplane  transport  is  expensive ).  After  they  arrived , the  Israeli  gov’t  said , “ We  are  CONFUSED ”. After  a  5  year  wait   (  2nd  airlift  ) ,  there  were  charges  of  racism.  the  quota  is  6oo  per  month , but  only  3oo  are  allowed  in . They  got  slapped  in  the  face , but  continue  to  arrive  – an  excuse  Israel  could  use.
Recently , the  Jerusalem  Post  took  a  poll.  43 %  of  Israelis  will  not  allow  their  daughters  to  marry  Beta  Israel . A  house  divided  cannot  stand .    In  my  opinion , if  black  is  a “ state  of  mind ”, Israel  is  making  a  mistake .—————————2nd  letter
Dear  WH , could  you  please  tell  your  staffers  to  allow  any  more  letters  from  me  to  reach  the  President ?  or  whoever  gets  it ?   couldn’t  my  State  of  mind  theory   (  Let  WH  decide  if  I  am  correct . What  else  is  the  WH  created  for ?  strategy !  )  affect  strategic  decisions ?      
What  does  it  hurt  listening  to  ideas ?   I  am  not  employed.  My  resume  is  crap.  So,  I  thought , why  not  generate  ideas  and  try  to  get  a  gov’t  Job ?
I  recall  Ray  Croc ?  once  said  “ You  have  to  trust  the  company  (  gov’t , marvel  ) . The  company  cannot  trust  you ”. I  Know  from  experience . When  I  handed  in  ideas  at  Triarc  Beverage , I  wrote  the  idea  in  non  beverage  specific  terms . They  eventually  realized  that  I  had  protected  it.  Smart  cookie.  Sadly , nothing  came  of  it.
BUT –  the  CEO  wanted  them.  Demanded  my  ideas . I  was  a  low  level  marketing  Trainee.   oK.  I  gave  you  a   big   one . Will   I   be  compensated ?
————————————————————————————  March  25, 13    cc:  EPA  Sustainable . FBI  HQ,  WH.  AIPAC  DC , ADL  NY,  Ad  Council
To “ the  gov’t ”: This  is  my  3rd  letter , Entitled “ Bread  &  Circuses  +  Internet ”. When  I   Sent  out  my  1st  Letter , I  thought  about  propaganda  ideas . As  ideas  progressed , I   switched  to  strategy , which  I  thought  you’d  prefer.
The  following  is  not  a  coherent  or  developed  strategic  plan-s . Just  Like  yours.
Strategy  # 1  How  about  a  Head  of  Propaganda ?  Title  should  not  mimic  German  evil “ propaganda ”. He  was  important  to  Hitler . One  of  the  1st  steps  of  the  Department  is  to  RE – think  current  propaganda.  Is  it  coherent  and  part  of  strategy ?   i.e,  Seat  belt  laws ?  Strategy  fits  how ?
If  decisions  are  decentralized   and  left  to  outside  private  Ad  Agencies , some  mistakes  could  be  made  over  here , but  not  over  here.   They  could  overlap  –  dryers  save  trees , but  paper  is  biodegradable  and  renewable…
+  I  saw  ( neutral  ?  )   American  Red  Cross  on  a   ( gov’t  ) FEMA  poster . Not  good . Guilt  by  association . YMCA  also.
+  Incoherent  –  3   fish  are  not  recommended  by  the  FDA ?  Also  sounds  not  believable.  =  Propaganda  – so  – messed  – up  – it  – makes  – no  – coherent  – sense  – whatsoever.
My  initial  perception  was  –  Ready.gov ,  FEMA  is  announcing  itself . But  now…  Just  makes  you  feel  Like  you  are  “moving  along ”. Making  progress.
Related : I  take  RTA . If  people  take  public  transportation , is  there  more  opportunities  to  propagandize ?  Promote  RTA ?  cost
Related : create  Ministry  of  Strategy . Not  important  –  I  say  Roman  architecture . chess – Like  tiles.  Is  it  necessary ?   What  are  its  functions ?  oF  course  –  statistical  analysis . Even  propaganda  requires  strategy . Maybe  even  located  next  to  each  other .
Strategy  #  2         RE – Think  Sports      Far  be  it  for  me  to  question  the  Romans , who  promoted  “ entertainment  for  the  masses ”.  But  I   Will .
With   today’s  mass  technology  ( TV , enough  good  movies , internet ) ,  entertainment  is  less  relevant . Even  in  the “ Radio  Days ”,  there  were  comic  books . Question  it  then .
The  sole  exception  is  the  internet , where  info  ( not  always  good  )   is  in  abundance . which  should  maybe  –  be  discouraged .         You  argue, “ It  is  another  avenue  to  promote  propaganda  or  refute ”.  It  is  also  a  Way  to  learn . There  are  safer  Ways .
Let’s  say  I  read  about  bad  unbranded  gasoline .  or  Kucinich  leading  on  internet  polls . Racial  history  is  oK , but  someone  reads  “Jena  6  largely  ignored  by  US  media ” –  it  leads  to  bias .
It  doesn’t  even  have  to  be  political  info.   or..or..or..or..or I  once  heard , “ Needs  to  be  controlled ”. or..or..or..or..or –  that  doesn’t  sound  controlled  to  me .
Related  is  a “ more  miles  to  the  gallon ” idea.  +  other  diversions . Like  Pat  Tillman , Kasparov  retired  from  chess , saying  that  there  was  no  point  to  it.  Why  not  promote  chess  clubs ?  Sports  can  become  redundant .
But  not  Sony  Play  Station ?  (  Electronic  in  nature , Like  internet  –  iF  you  are not  gonna  target  computers  or  electronic  typewriters . Why  not  Play  Station ?  ).
Bottom  line – Besides  sports , other  avenues  may  attract  more  people . The  pie  gets  bigger ……Romans  had  hobbies  too .
All  I   see  is  media  promoting  other  media  ( TV  show  on  ABC )  or  Wall  to  Wall  –  sports  –  even  on  front  page  of  Plain  Dealer.  I  do  not  see  you  promoting  other  hobbies . RTA,  No  other  hobbies , except  a  chess  tournament –  one  time  at  Tower  city.————————————3rd  letter
Strategy  #  3   Bugs , Worms  –  plague  the  internet . Like  movie  Dark  City , Shut  it  down ! ?
come  up   With   a  good   excuse  first . Like  Norton  cannot  stop  a  Worm  because  they  are  mutating  (  Like  Borg , no  time  to  adapt  )   AND  replicating  by  themselves . Progressively  getting  Worse .
Origins  unknown . Al  Quida  is  small.  Make  them  sophisticated ?   WTC  more  believable.  unknown  sounds  more  believable  Strategy.
continue   With   long  range  plan  –  gov’t  plays  hero  trying  to  stop  it . call  for  a  day  to  shut  down  internet . Improved , but  it  starts  again  faster . Another  day  to  spray.  Again . Warning . Soon  to  End  ……or  something.
I   stopped  here , but  thoughts  entered  –  Is  it  Way  too  late ?  Not  if  it  Keeps  people  UP  TO  DATE  also , Especially  if  you  are  trying  to  renovate  strategy.
Is  it  bett-er  Just  to  try  to  refute / Ambiguity ?  Is  there  a  way  for  only  gov’t  to  Keep  it ?  or  save  Wikipedia  info  before  shutting  it  down.
You  argue, “ internet  could  change  other  ( Arab  Spring  )  gov’ts  –  but  not  at  the  expense  of  your  own .  I  could  be  wrong , but  I  advise  –  How  about  Re – create  the  internet ?  smaller.
How  about  begin  plans –  now ?  could  always  change  mind  in  future . Takes  planning.  How  make  the  switch  over ?  Need  excuse . People  usually  think “ gov’t  did  it ”,  especially  if  only  gov’t  Keeps  it.————————————— 3rd  letter
Strategy  #  4   RE – think  Food  Stamps . Romans  were  masters  of  military , architecture , gov’t . They  hired  someone  to  whisper  in  the  General’s  ear, “ Remember , you  are  Just  a  man ”.  masters.
Romans  threw  edible  bread  ( could  there  be  a  reason ?  ) , not  gold  or  salt , out  to  the  people . I  recall  as  a  Kid , my  mom  got  a  huge  bar  of  free  gov’t  butter . But  you  can’t  eat  butter  now .
As  a  woman  Said  in  movie  ‘Food , inc ’…Then  you  have  to  buy  Ketchup  and  this  and  little  of  that …not  gonna  eat  all  of  it …Want  a  hamburger… something  you  can  eat  right  now …don’t  have  to  cook…
What  is  Food  anyway ?  commodity  as  it  gets . A  Forest  Gump  man  once  said  that  he  cleaned  the  coup  for  all  the  chicken  he  could  eat . Both  me  and  my  friend  told  him  that  it  was  not  a  good  deal .  I’d  Like  a  lifetime  supply  of  coupons  for  this  idea  alone.  Not  !  …Well ……… oK.  Me  and  my  Mom.
Like  soup  Kitchens  of  the  Great  Depression , this  is  more  related  to  STRATEGY  than  propaganda . All  these  other  PROPAGANDA  ideas  should  NOT  concern  the  White  House . Let  them  decide  if  I  found  a  strategic  flaw .
involving  –  only  on  holidays , military , “a  Warm  meal ”,  Remember  troops , surplus.. ?. .Etc.  Not  dust  bowl  –  Who  believes  droughts  in  America ?
I  receive  stamps , but  I  don’t  consider  it  to  be  Food . My  perception  –  I  see  it  more  as  extra  money . It  is  directly  deposited  into  my  banK  account . But , the  Romans  threw  bread , NOT  GOLD  or  Salt , out  to  the  people . Who’s  perception  matters ?  The  people’s  !  the  recipient’s …not  the  government’s  perception.
I  get  McDonald’s , Wendy’s , coupons  once  in  awhile  with  my  Junk  mail.  I  use  them.  How  about  gov’t  coupons  for  use  at  private  restaurants ?  choice  too.  I   Know  McDonald’s  promotes  gov’t  propaganda.
Just  a  thought  –  Isn’t  it  better , Solidify  tangible , if  Food  pic  is  on  the  coupon ?   PICTURES  MATTER . More  TANGIBLE . How  choice  then ?   Backflip  shows  different  alternative ?   With  Fries  or  dessert  and  drink  –  complete  meal  is  more  satisfying ?   Not  necessarily . In  this  case , details  matter  more . Don’t  Just  leave  it  up  to  engineers  (  Fans ).
one  time  use  coupons  require  frequent  interaction  (  cut  out  scissors , Take  out  of  wallet  ) , unLike  reloadable  gift  cards . Like  Seder  meals , it  brings  into  mind  where  it  comes  from.  Salty  tears  +  tablet  shaped  matzos.
I  don’t  Know  how  stamps  WorK  exactly  (  I  think  you  can  buy  restaurant  Food  )  , but  it  is  more  DIRECT  and  immediate  Than  butter . more  TANGIBLE  than  Food  stamps … more  SATISFYING  experience .
What  about  immediate ?  or  MRE   Food  giveaways   (  for  military )  –  i’ve  heard  it  being  done  before .  As  the  old  adage  goes , “ Dogs  don’t  bite  the  hand  that  feeds  it ”.  Make  people  correlate  that  they  got  Food , not  money , from  the  gov’t .
More  in  tune  with  human  instincts  –  animals  fight  over  food.  fight  over  women.  Life’s  pleasure.  satisfying.  Related  to  that ?  Maybe  a  time  limit . dogs  need  to  learn  why  it  got  rewarded . Soon  after.
omg !   how  long  have  stamps  existed  and  no  one  RE-thought  this !  Flaws  in  your  strategy  +  propaganda –  FAN  Windmills . Expensive  LED’s.
Who  says  I’m  correct  ?  Taking  a “ swing ” at  your  strategies. “ Go  ahead ”.  It  is  encouraged  by  the  gov’t . oK  I  took  bread  and  game “ Tweaking ” swipes , internet  swings . and  now  Shadow…
What  is  the  cost  of  sound  advice  to  our  gov’t  who  spends  on  flawed  Shadow  gov’t  instead ?  Shadow  questions  both  the  Well – written  constitution  and  Romans  ( shortest , fastest  roads  to  suppress  uprisings ).
“ Go  ahead ”  Let  you’re  analysts  analyze  my  strategic  swings  !  Best  and   brightest  Strategy –  I  proved  myself ?   Hire  me !   Babylon  took  into  captivity .———————— 3rd  letter
Lesson  #  1   No  one  ever  used  fluoridated  water  or  contaminated  Food  as  a  part  of  strategy . Not  the  Romans . Not  china , even  today . etc  I  have , for  the  longest  time , doubted  its  Wisdom.
1.  Taste  and  smell  being  2  of  the  5  senses  people  use  to  discern  truth  ( and  lies ) . In  this  case , even  sight  –  growth  hormone  rBST  boobs  grow  prematurely.
2.  Ingredients  in  Asia , Middle  East  not  coherent  with  West.  Stevia  is  used  in  Japan  &  Korea  PUBLICLY,  but  the  FDA  +  media  are  covering  it  up.
VERY  POSSIBLE –  Even  when “ caught ”,  FolKs  tend  to  blame  money  interests , never  the  gov’t.  There  is  no  motive .  Easier  to  Keep  blaming  $  . I  once  read  on  internet –  significant  portion  of  India  believe  iodized  salt  is  a  multinational  conspiracy.
on  Yahoo  news , You  once  Said  –  blame  the  sugar  lobby . Then  you  are  blaming  only  one  industry . one  Food  item.  It’s  better  to  blame  the  Whole .
Related : I  Know  about  tainted  unbranded  gasoline  –  by  owning  a  car  in  the  past  and   reading  things  on  the  internet . It  does  not  make  sense  to  me.  incoherent.  Gas ?  Has  to  do  with  Food ? You  say  depopulate . But  gas ?  10W40  oil ?  Additives ? ——————————————– 3rd  letter
As  I  was  at  McDonald’s , it  came  to  me.  You  can’t  blame  industry  because  there  is  gov’t  complicity.  FDA.  Local  municipalities . 1930’s.  Blame  lobby  then.  JFK  –  Public  evidence  exists.        blame  mob . No , there  is  media  and  gov’t  complicity . create  impression  that  the  mob  has  influence ?
For  only  JFK  ?     could  use  as  excuse  for  other  mistaKes .         Will  this  impression  Fit  others , or  clash ?   You  already  created  the  impression  that  the  FBI  is  incompetent  ( Oklahoma  City ).  Could  this  make  people  who  watch  movies  think “ FBI  Warning  don’t  matter ? ”
AMA  is  famous  lobby.  Build  up  AMA  1st ?   Later , I  thought  –  I  prefer  a  Tag  Team  with  other  lobbies  as  various  foods  are  tainted.
What  about  McDonald’s  complicity ?   Movie  Supersize  me.  Attack  ADM , Supermarket  to  the  world  ?   Mid  level   employee  blew  the  whistle ?   or  hope  it  Just “ blows  over ”. Is  it  preferable  not  to  “ blow  the  whistle ”  &   Just  create  the  impression  that  certain  lobbies  have  influence  in  DC  India   (  worldwide )   instead ? —————- I  haven’t  resolved  this  issue  yet . All  these  ideas  can  be  further  refined.
Arafat  was  the  sole  survivor  in  a  plane  crash . In  college  class , I  recall  a  student  said , “ Yeah  right ” People  think  …Mossad  did  it  !
In  booK  ‘Disney  Wars ’, people  inside  (  and  outside ?  )   of  Disney  think  the  fortunes  for  the  company  changed  after  Frank  Well’s  death…People  watching  this  1   company.  Roy  is  seen  as  Protector  of  Legacy . Don’t  Kill  him.  It  matters  not  if  he  died  of  natural  causes.
Lesson  #  2    What  matters  is, “ Does  it  look  SUSPICIOUS ? ” Was  there  a  MOTIVE ?  Sound  believable ?   He  Kept  Eisner’s  power  in  check . They  said  on  Wikipedia –  that  there  was  a  motive  for  WTC  also.  War  in  Afghanistan , Iraq.
Lesson  #  3    Eisner  being  Jewish  did  not  help . It  hurt.  Rumors  do  exist.  MANY  Jews  in  Clinton  Administration  was  –  telling  me  to  write  to  ADL , AIPAC .
Jesse  Jackson  accused  the  3  Nixon  Administration . 3  Rubin  Greenspan  Summers . 2  more  at  Disney . I’m  sure  others  do  the  same . many  Jews  raises  suspicions . Why  do  that  ?
To  me  personally , book  Media  Bias  written  by  a  Jew , doesn’t  help  either. +  Saul  Steinstein ?   Disney  and  Goldsmith  Goodyear  leads  me  to  believe  hostile  corporate  takeover  is  part  of  your  strategy. I   think.
Even   if  a  problem  doesn’t  exist  ( which  it  does ), can  this  ‘Jewish  gov’t  control’  rumors  be  WEAKened  with  a  fabricated  story ?  off   hand  I  can’t  think  of  a  story , but  there  is  something  I’ve  been  mulling  –  a  Way  to  BLUNT.
My  Circus  Impression  idea  to  explain  media  +  gov’t .  What’s  that ?  Put  many  chinese  in  our  gov’t  to  explain  trade  deficit . Emphasize  Paramount  Japan  –  Hollywood  control . Paramount  +  NAACP  have  history . To  explain  food  corruption .
Many  lobbies  =  adds  up  to  chaos  and   leads  to  confusion .  creating  doubt  is  another  strategy  by  the  Way . NAACP  to  Explain  S A +  LA  silence . Emphasize  NAACP  actions  in  the  past  – they  threatened  to  boycott  Hazel  TV  show.  Explain  1970’s  TV.  latino  lobby ?  or  blacks  are  lowest , so  they  would  support “ Rainbow ”  immigration.
Short  term  –  global  pharmaceutical  lobby , NAACP  in  trouble , accusations .  Leads  to  statement  on  newspapers  –  similar  to  Consumer  Reports “ We  accept  no  outside  advertising  dollars ”.
Long  term  plan  –  major  crackdown . No  more  lobbies .  big  bang . All  propaganda  fixed .
What  about  Hollywood ?  There’s  no  way  around  it ?  Jews  would  still  remain  a  force  –  You  need  loyal  people  to  carry  out  your  bidding .  Name  change ?    —————————————3rd  letter
When  Milosevic  was  arrested , a  lower  level  employee  policeman  gave  him  his  Word  –  publicly . When  he  died , it  was  suspicious  to  me .
Almost  as  if  you  had  broken  your  Word . When  a  lower  level  auto  employee  gambled  with  company  money , the  whole  company  was  found  liable . Sure  we  all  croak  at  some  time.  Lesson  –  don’t  break  your  public  word . But  he  could  escape . Statistically , the  chances  of  a  prison  break  are  1  in  1oooooooooooooooo
What  happens  when  2  goals  conflict ?  Related  to  racism  and  Publicity  Strategy . Maybe  related  to  immorality  ( Lies )   agenda  – both  happened  slowly  at  1st.
Hoover  never  cared  about  the  KKK  ( SOCIAL ).  He  was  interested  with  the  communist  party  (  POLITICAL ).  Albright  said  “ Militia  is  enemy ”.  Same  thing .             But  the  KKK  not  Like  this  gov’ t  also.  But  their  interests , motives  are  social .
Lesson  #  4      Sure  it  hurts  the  agenda  of  mingling  seeds  together . But  helping  minorities  and  women  should  NOT  be  the  main  concern  to  the  gov’t . A  word  to  the  next  puppet  in  a  middle  eastern  country .
latinos  in  LA  ?   one  paragraph  in  the  Plain  Dealer . and  yet  blacks  are  leaving  LA.  SA  Farm  Murders . one  White  supremacist  got  Killed . But  it’s  happening  at  random . The  media  paints  this  picture  that  only  KKK  get  Killed .
It  also  leads  to  charges  of  MEDIA  bias  and   silence . What  is  more  important ?   Helping  minorities  or  media  integrity ?
Come  up  with  an  excuse  and  talk ? ? ? “ ANC  blackmailed … uranium ”. or  something .  LA  –  community  leaders  pleaded  with  media…  Which  leaders ?
CRITICAL  STEP –  attack  excuses  from  every  angle.  it  could  get  worse .
STEP  2  –  if  possible ,  outline  a  short  and  long  range  plan.  Kind  of  Like  what  I  did  with  Worm  internet  excuse.
Up  to  here , it’s  clear  to  me.  To  be  continued.  X X X
3rd  letter——————————————–
Is  it  better  to  try  to  let  things “ blow  over ” if  time  elapses  too  long ?  I  don’t  Know.  Related  : If  media  uses  same  excuse , or  excuses  many  times , could  it  also  lead  to  –  McDisney  movies  today  –  hero , girl , villain , comic  relief  same  storyline .
Pre – viz  long  range  implications ?   Should  you  select  certain  past  silences  1st  ?  on  what  criteria ?   I  am  not  about  to  tackle  all  this . Nor  the  amount  of  propaganda .
I  think  strategy  is  relative .  Anti – christ  is  Master  of  Strategy , As  opposed  to  novice  or  intermediate .  The  Golden  Rule  being  –  do  the  best  you  can  do.
I  think  –  if  it  sounds  Like  it  may  work , do  it . Brainpower  can  be  used  on  other  things.———————————-3rd  letter
continued.   X X X            or  spread  excuse  rumors.  Unofficial  media  leads  to  official  story . chemtrails  were  a  part  of  DOD  Strategy… Threat  to  National  Security  at  that  time… so  media  complied ”.
So  the  media  is  partial ?  Why  the  gap  in  time  to  report ?  Every  angle.
Why  not  other  media  companies ?   But –  people  think  there  is  choice  from  having  many  cable  stations – another  step  to  think  about ?   conglomerate  1st ?
Used  to  immunize  people . could  even  be  used  in  conjunction  with  Gulf  War  Syndrome .  or  frequently  printed  sentence-s. “ Rumors  are  circulating …
I  didn’t  Like  Israel  did  not  Know  USS  Liberty  was  American  excuse . For  hours ? ? ?  +  they  hoisted  a  flag  rumors . All  we  Know  is  Egypt  was  signaling  rumors –  better.  Ambiguity  then  –  I’m  not  sure  what  I  mean  by  that . Something  on  board  top  secret,  had  to  be  destroyed . I  heard  about  MLK’s  death –  a  man  named  Raoul  –  led  me  to  believe  in –  conspiracy.
Rumors  of  Rabin’s  death  also . Princess  Diana  Mossad  rumors . Motive ?   I  read  the  same  thing  about  the  Lusitania . Bombs  or  something  –  VAGUE.  conspiracy ?    I  don’t  Know . Motive  ?
In  Liberty  case , Way  too  much  time  expired ?   Perhaps . No  problems  as  long  as  there  is  not  200  scared  witnesses  released  back  into  the  population.
Note : There  is  no  motive  for  chemtrails  also.  I  personally  guess , Like  Food , to  poison  air  supply . Milosevic –  I  guess  you  broke  your  word . I  could  be  wrong. ———————————–3rd  letter
I  was  grocery  shopping,  when  it  hit  me –  if  it  sounds  Like  it  may  succeed , do  it……… I   said  before .   I  erred  –  long  range  implications ?   criteria ?  – should  be  tackled .              More  Specifically  –  time . The  longer  you  wait  to  go  public  with  a  silence  in  the  past , the  harder  it  is  to  go  public.———————————3rd  letter
Pre – Viz   or  long  word  pre – visualization …  Part  of  strategy ?   I  don’t  Know.  It’s  Just  something  I  thought  of.     So  important  to  Lucas,  he  hired  Speilberg  For  Pre-viz
This  is  what’s  going  to  happen…” What  did  you  think  about  Tony’s  ideas ? ” I  agree  with  sports  and  hobbies.  I  didn’t  really  think  about  mass  technology  part  Yet , go  with  that  first … I  Like  his  gov’t  food  coupons …
When  I  generated  my  comic  book  idea , I  hit  a  few  dead  ends . It  became  clearer  and  instead  of  continuing  down  the  wrong  path , I  “ Re – started ”  my  computer.
What  is  the  point  of  this  letter ?   So  the  gov’t  made  mistakes  in  the  recent  past . So  what  ?
Don’t  do  it  again . YOU  LEARNED  a  little , didn’t  you ?
I’m  not  familiar  with  strategy  concepts  and  teachings . I  Just  wrote  and  wrote –  it  came  naturally  to  me  (  and  generated  more  ideas  ).  As  a  Job  search .
I  prefer  to  work  freelance , but  I’d  also  Like  to  be  put  on  the  company  payroll  –  something  to  tell  my  family. “ I  got  a  Job ”.  But , I  cannot  generate  ideas  all  the  time . It  comes  and  goes.
Do  you  Know  how  important  good  ideas  or  sound  advice  is ?   Do  you  Know  how  much  military  money  you  could’ve  saved  by  using  my  middle  east  strategy  (  letter  1  )   in  Iraq ?
Every  idea  I  generate  put  a  price  tag  on  it . It  saves  you  $  and  motivates  me . You  want  me  to  initiate ?  No , I  prefer  the  Ebay  approach .  Hint  :  I  work  for  cheap.
Maybe  I’ll  buy  an  old  Disney  movie  on  Ebay – or…or…or…or
Homeland  Defense  –  “ Look  inward ”,  Pres  Bush  said.  Did  you  mean  Focus ?   I’ve  never  heard  that  before  –  as  part  of  strategy . At  least , I  got  you  thinking  about  strategy  ( GooD  THING , also  unappreciated  ).
My  internet  final  solution  is  pretty  solid , isn’t  it ?  You  had  a  little  time  to  analyze . Not  gonna  change  is  it  ?    Re-create  I  mean . MAJOR  Advice  AFFECTING  SO  MANY.————————————- 3rd  letter
I  advise  that  a  similar  letter  be  read  by  many  in  the  gov’t .        or  as  it  is  immediately  to  top  brass.
STEP  1   Re-type  letters  word  For  word .  Make  the  font  bigger . Double  check  accuracy  is  going  too  far , should  be  standard  procedure . on  hard  disk  too
STEP  2   Discuss  my  letters  in  the  WH.
STEP  3  ?   Implement  some  of  my  more  solid  ideas  now.
STEP  4  ?    Edit  my  letters . concise  or  hide  sensitive  info.
STEP  5  ?  Widen  the  base  outward . Simple  matter  of  distributing  my  letters  to “ Think  Tanks ”.  Fellow  strategists.
Major –  How  to  conquer  the  Middle  East  in  letter  1.
State  of  Mind  Theory  in  Letter  2  –  certainly  helps  to  unlock  mysteries  about  the  Middle  East , Hezbollah , DOESN’T  IT ?   maybe ?
Major  – Internet  is  important  enough.
Analyze  my  analysis . Minor :    Food  Stamps –  Food,  not  money . correct  ?   A   Flaw  ?          consistently  good  ideas… Fans  Assist  AC . Look  Like  Windmills . big  eco.
I  proved  that  there  is  room  for  propaganda  and  strategy  and  maybe  understanding  growth  ( THESE  means  gov’t  should  be  concerned –  big  ones  too )  and   refinement . I  wonder  why  it  takes  you  so  long  to  tackle  the  un-controlled  internet  in  particular.  or  Fans …… Food  stamps  not  too  obvious.
I  see  and  understand  your  efforts  by  your  actions   (  Shadow , Build  plan . Ready  !   ) . You  Jews  try  hard.    Try  less  hard  and  more  brainpower.
You  Jews  are  very  cautious . Hollywood  lied  very  slowly  at  1st . +  Seeds  of  men  mingle  Slowly  at  1st .  Sometimes  I  pity  you.  Not  really …….  But  in  a  “desperate”  sort  of  Way
I’ve  been  away  for  awhile  (  between  letters 1 , 2  +  the  gap  in   time  for  this  one  #  3  )  writing  strategy  letters  to  the  KKK.  I  may  show  you  what  I  wrote  to  them –  Later –  Just  to  further  prove  my  strategy  skills  to  you .
You  owe  me  FF  Fans  Food Stamp ?  +  others  ( Sports ?,  INTERNET,  crank…).  Show  me  a  little.        and   I’ll  show  you  more  strategic  ideas .
I  saved  the  best  for  last . You  might  guess  one  of  them , but  I  doubt  the  other. Maybe  I’m  bluffing . More  ?   Prepare  to  be  blown  away .
It’s  not  Fair  but  I  learned  at  Triarc , you  must   trust  the  company  because  the  company  can’t  trust  you .  But  if  I’m  not  compensated , I  won’t  think  anymore  than  what  I  already  thought  up.
April   27,  2013               What  good  is  it  For  me  to  Keep  these  strategic  ideas ?  Almost  all  were  generated  after  my  1st  letter  dated  August  5 ,  2012.
My  Fourth  and  last  letter  dated  April  10, 2013.     In  between  1 – 4 ,  I’ve  been  busy  writing  strategic  letters  to  the  KKK  and  a  Twilight  Zone  movie  script  Why  mention  that  ?  As  a  reference  should  you  desire  to  try  to  get  a  clearer  picture  of  me.
I  was  motivated  to  try  to  get  a  Job  when  I  wrote  to  the  gov’t . In  doing  so , I  accidentally , over  time , discovered  that  there  is  room  for  improvement  in  both  the  KKK  and  the  gov’t’s  strategies . Shame  on  both  of  you . ——————————– 4th  letter
April  10,  2013              cc: CNN  +  Plain  Dealer , Ad  Council  DC , NY , Atlanta , Chicago                           cc:  WH,  AIPAC  DC,  Homeland  D , ADL  OH , DC , NY ,     FBI  DC,  OH,   EPA  Sustain , DOE
To “ the  government ”:     This  is  my  4th  letter , entitled “ Antichrist  Letter ”. The  following  is  not  a  coherent  or  developed  strategic  plan – s.  Just  Like  yours.
How  about  a  renovation  at  the  strategic  level ?   Blatant  mistakes were  committed  ( especially  in  the  relatively  recent  )  past , some  of  which  cannot  be  corrected  in  the  future .
An  anti – gov’t  cancer  exists  in  Saudi  Arabia  and  because  of  internet . No  amount  of  strategy  can  Kill  it  –  unless  you  Kill  everyone –  I  think .
            Wrong  strategy –  Let  cancer  grow.  Clean  it  up  later  With  SWAT  and  prisons.
Let’s  not  forget  the  good  –  Seawolf  sub  plot , destroy  a  tank  before  China  can  get  their  hands  on  it , etc.  etc.  not  just  China .  Yet , China  itself , is  a  potential  mistake  waiting  to  happen . Why  help  in  the  1st  place ?
But  as  Bible  says , “ He  ( Anti – Christ )  will  be  a  master  of  strategy .  He  will  succeed  in  all  that  he  does ”…I  believe  you  will  succeed  in  efforts  to  reconstruct  strategy.  Good  luck
It  tooK  him  time , but  King  David  Knew  one  of  his  advisors  was  LiKe  taking  advice  from  God ”. He  gave  the  correct  advice  (  go  now ) , but  someone  secretly  working  for  David  gave  the  wrong  advice ( WAIT ),  and  made  a  convincing  argument . All  the  advisors  bit  !
Lesson –  Just  because  correct  advice  is  given , doesn’t  mean  it  will  be  heeded .  But  how  did  David  discern  he  was  good ?   He  was  a  good  Judge  of  character ?
Strategy  # 1  Related :  and  also  mind  boggling . CAN  UNDERSTANDING   BE  TAUGHT ?  This  understanding  is  something  I  Know  little  about. maybe  funding  some  experiments  at  colleges  could  help  you  gain  insight .
Again , according  to  the  Bible –  He  ( Anti – Christ )  will  understand  darK  sentences …I  believe  you  will  succeed  once  again .  I  don’t  Know  what  dark  sentences  means.
Primarily  sight  and  sound.  Body  language ?  Tone  and  speed  of  voice . Playing  offense –  asking  questions . Correct  himself  means  he  is  lying .  Inconsistencies ?  Re-phrase  the  same  question.            
But  if  you  teach  them , they  may  get  Wise  to  tactics . This  understanding  is  something   I  haven’t  thought  about  to  any  degree , but  it  could  give  you  a  Tactical  EDGE , especially  in  DIPLOMACY.
Strategy  # 2  A  hierarchy. The  one  who  makes  that  decision  should  be  the  best . She  should  Know  how  it  all  fits  together.     or  a  system.  A  meeting . Under  certain  criteria .
If  ideas  are  too  numerous , have  staffers  decide . A  FILTER. or  as  you  say  “1st  Responders”.  How  else  are  good  ideas  going  to  reach  the  WH ?  Easy  access. This  letter  can  be  an “ acid  test ”.  Training  could  help – identify.
Borrowing  a  Roman  strategy ,   perhaps  filters  can  be  scared –  Kill  soldiers  who  fall  asleep  on  watch  duty.  FBI  will  investigate. “ How  would  they  Know ? ” the  filter  may  think ?  create  doubt  in  his  mind  –  post  office  checks  mail  from  time  to  time.
When  I  worked  at  Triarc , Mistic  Dark  Teas  was  unknown  to  me.    Hence,  when  I  eventually  generated  an  Arab  bottle  with  a  long  sipping   spout  idea , it  was  too  late  to  implement  it –  unlike  propaganda , I  am  not  familiar  with  your  strategies . it  impedes  me  from  generating  ideas.
Take  propaganda  for  example  –  to  help  generate  ideas , info  would  be  required .  Education , military , gay . Past  examples  help  in  the  learning  process.  Doesn’t  it  destroy  the  purpose  once  tactics  are  understood ?  Like  understanding . You  don’t  want  them  to  Know  it  is  propaganda . We  are  being  lied  to  by  Hollywood.
Strategy  # 3        Another  idea  –  as  I  was  freely  writing , I  thought  it  Would  help  if  I  could  see  more  and  more , Like  how  Wikipedia  exploded  –  help  me  to  see  the  big  picture  clearer.  I  Started  the  3rd  and  4th  letter  With  a  skeleton  and  added  onto  it  later  – FREELY.
Put  it  on-Line ?  Keep  adding  to  big  STRATEGY  PLAN  (  Make  a  map ).  Then  subtract  and  edit . Growth  and  refinement.  For  now , I  advise  that  you  focus  on  growth  (  Strategy  Plan  or  training ?  ),  not  so  much  Fine  tuning  ( hierarchy ).  When  you  say  growth  do  you  mean  Teaching  or  the  Strategy  Plan ?  I  don’t  Know  What  I  mean , but  the  Plan  for  sure.
You  should  Focus  on  this  decentralized  strategy  first.  OUTWARD,  THEN  IN – and  out  again  and  so  Forth . After  you  do  some  things – Keep  going  outward  for  Awhile.  Eventually  to  mid  level , maybe  all  employees.  In  stages  as  things  become  clearer.
It  leads  to  greater  understanding . Knowledge  builds  on  Knowledge . HE  Fans  Led  to  HE  bulbs . Hand  crank  shredder  Led  to  hand  crank  other . it  took  time  for  me  to  see  more  propaganda.
How  do  you  balance  the  need  for  secrecy  With  the  decentralized  teaching  approach ?  Hmm ?   I’m  not  familiar  With  your  strategies.
SUPER  STRATEGY  # 4   TEACHING.  PEOPLE  CAN  BE  TAUGHT  TO  THINK  STRATEGICALLY.  Why  would   I   give  you  an  idea  that  could  create  more  competition   for   me ?   I   Like  this  idea  more  than  any  other.  it  should  allow  you  to  tap  ideas  from  your  vast  pool  of  human  resources , and   put  me  out  of work.  Not  that  I’m  working  for  you .
INNER:  those  in  the  inner  circle  could  be  electronically  connected.  How  WiKipedia  exploded . I  prefer  the  PLAN  With  HTML  Links . I  think  communication  among  strategists  would  be  important  while  growth  occurs . How  did  WiKipedia  start ?
Two  prong  approach  – those  powerful  in  the  inner  circle  taught  to  think  more  strategically . Read  my  3rd  lessons  letter –  again .  Sharpen  their  swords .
Who  dares  to  bother  the  powers  that  be ?    It  can  be  taught , can’t  it  ?  Rodney  Dangerfield  says  “ Back  to  school  ! ”
OUTER  INNER:  Who  would  that  include ?  Keep  pushing  out.  How ?  Less  sensitive  info ?  I  don’t  Know.   ALL:  A  continuing  letter-s.  other  types  of  training –  how  to  work  with  other  agencies .  Sharing  info.
could  Lie –  NEA  ( not  gov’t )  promotes  education. Any  ideas ?  one  Way  is  to  present  it  as  a  case  example , Like  I  did  at  Akron  University  – Taking  Words  out  and   supplementing  Them.
could  tell  the  truth  –  Recently  we  changed  Food  Stamps . can  you  employees  think  of  any  Ways  of  improving  gov’t  programs ?  Then  there  will  be  many  silly  ideas . Need  filters.
Is  there  a  Way  to  draw  ideas  from  the  general   public ?  Caribou  coffee  once  had  a  contest.   Why  they  Like  it.  Words  from  a  Few  people  were  printed  on  cups . Hold  contests ?  Maybe  offer  a  reward  if  it  leads  to…
Hint : Irish  Brit  are  beautiful.  Roberta  Pedon  was  not  Latvian . She  was  Irish . Tina  Small . BooBS
Joke  –  I  heard  the  Mossad  spends  months  – trying  to  figure  out  what  the  right  bait  is . Why  not  hire  women  with  big  boobs ?   can’t  Go  wrong  most  of  the  time  anyway.
LiKe  in  movie  ThanK  You  For  SmoKing  –  irish  Type.  World  class  Tits … Reporter  trying  to  get  privileged  info  is  not  relevant ?
Physical  appearance  matters  –  Clothes  noble  Wig , Race  –  blend  in  With  enemy , Trojan  Horse  Paper  Tiger .         Strange  –  Anti – christ ?   “ King  of “ Fierce  countenance ”.
oF  all  the  ideas  I  have  generated  in  my  Life , I’d  say  this  ( THESE )  strategic  WH ,  or  Triarc  Gimmick  contract   (  Later  Free  Will , Free  Choice , Free  Stuff  –  Pepsi  did  – Fit  perfectly  )   was  best.
When  I  initially  came  up With  Triarc  idea,  it  was  Just  a  vague  concept.  CEO  told  me  “Hmm… interesting ”.  Long  story , but  he  wanted  it  !
    Another  minor , but  solid  1  for  Triarc  +  my  comic  booK –  not  great , but  consistently  good  enemies.  In  a  competitive  field  –  beverages  and  comics .
People  can  be  taught  to  think  strategically  Was  already  written . Later , I  came  to  the  growing  realization  that  I  had  stumbled   ( accidentally )  upon  People  can  be  taught  to  understand.   I   Knew  I  had  strucK  gold  !
Grand  slams  are  rare  ( TMNT , but  not  April  o ’Neal ,  KC )   ( Spiderman  2,  but  not  3 ),   but  I  hit   2.            Star  Wars ,  Empire  Strikes  BacK  –  bacK  to  bacK.                           Yet ,  consistent  solid  ideas  is  the  Key  to  gauging  a  quarterback . basic  Fans , Food  stamps , etc .
I  came  up  with  almost  all  of  these  strategic  ideas  long  ago , but  not  before  my  1st   letter . I   admit   I  saved  these  teaching  ones  for  last –  I  don’t  want  competition . I  may  generate  more .  Depends  on  whether  I  am  compensated  and  how  much  you  improve .
Remember  how  I  began  (  letters  1 – 3  )  ?   I   did  not  have  to,  but   I   proved  that  there  is  room  for  improvement . I  am  not  familiar  With  your  strategies , so  I  might  switch  back  to  propaganda  in  the  future . It  has  some  value  at  least , as  long  as  it  is  related  to  sound  strategy .
Put  in  a  good  word  For  me  in  the  WH . And   I’ll  put  in  a  word   for  my  brother  –  he  has  a  tiny  advertising  company  also.
To  the  one  who  initially  reads  this , the  critical  “ 1st  Responder ”  as  you  say . Please  see  to  it  that  this  letter  reaches  the  oval  office –  your  boss .  I   sent  out  quite  a  Few.
……….I  think  the  gov’t  will  LiKe this “ Antichrist ” letter  –  could  even  lead  to  fulfillment  of  end  time  prophecy.                                      Sincerely , Tony
E n d——————————– E n d
More   –   edited   –   letters     I     Wrote     in     the     past …
Imagine  my  surprise  when  2  FBI  agents  visited  me  in  early  August  2013  –  Is  this  what  I   get  for  trying  to  help  the  gov’t ?
Like  I  told  them , if  I  thought  my  letters  didn’t  have  potential , I  wouldn’t  be  pursuing  the  matter  and  Keep  mailing  (  trying  to  reach  the  gov’t ) .   Page  1  of  3
I  want  you  to  Know  that  I  developed  these  pretty  good  ideas . Isn’t  that  what  business  people  do  in  Life  –  try  to  get  credit  where  credit  is  due . To  me , the  image  is  Worth  a  Few  stamps . Did  I  explain ?   I  don’t  want  to  be “ used ”.
As  one  of  the  agents  advised  me  to  try  the  DoE  ( Fan  idea ) ,  I  told  him  I  already  did , but  I’ll  try  again . Both  nodded  and  agreed  –  it  is  a  good  idea .   Page  2  of  3
………….. He  wasn’t  sure , but  another  thing   I  discussed  with  an  FBI  agent  was  my  Food  stamp  Flaw . He  told  me  the  Romans  threw  silver  out  to  people , but  it  didn’t  Work  very  Well  and  that  bread  was  distributed  only  in  Rome .
………….. So , I’m  sending  this  to  the  Dept  of  Agriculture  also .  I  told  the  agents  that  I  thought  my  letters  had  great  potential . They  were  skeptical.
………….. The  good  thing  is  –   Now  I  Know  that  someone  is  taking  a  serious  Look  at  my  letters , instead  of  the  usual  silent  non-response  (  and  making  me  Wonder )
……… I  am  so  sure  that  my  Arab  is  a  state  of  mind  theory  is  correct  that  I  Will  *guarantee*  it.
The  bad  thing  is , the  Men  in  Black  visit  scared  me .   Page  3  of  3 ———————————————————— August  1 , 2013   Dear  Prime  Minister To –  Netanyahu , Peres  Peace  House , Jerusalem  Post =  Israel  gov’t ? ———————————————————— August  19 , 2013     continued  –  Whites  were  not  prepared   and   had  to  go  back  home  and  get  their  guns  during  Tulsa …  After  the  blood  donation  scandal ,  Israeli  police  Were  unprepared  for  violent  demonstrations  by  the  Ethiopian  Jews .
I  Read  in  Haaretz  July  18 , 2013  – “ Public  Security  Minister  warns  against  major  protests  over  Bedouin  relocation  plans ”…  A  violent  state  of  mind . Potentially  dangerous.
Race  crosses  national  boundaries . Blacks  in  Western  Africa  and  America  are  proud  of  obama . Refugees  from  Somalia , Eritrea  tried  to  Flee  into  Israel , even  though  they  are  not  Jews . ———————————————————— President  Bush  once  said , “ it  is  better  to  engage  the  enemy  over  here , rather  than  on  our  own  home  turf , backyard ”.
The  purpose  of  strategy  is  to  Win . current  strategy  places  troops  in  Iraq  and  Afghanistan , Just  Like  Soviet  occupation  or  Vietnam . A  no-Win  situation.
To –  Ministry  of  Immigrant  Absorption  and  Health ,  Isha  L’  Isha  also
E N D  ————————————— E N D
I  Wrote  a  TWilight  Zone  remake  movie  script .  It  is  super  duper  long  .  I  did  not  send  it  to  anyone  out  of  Fear  they  Will  steal  it . Nor  completely  finish  it . Good  ideas  in  it  for  TV .  Anyone  Who  Wants  to  see  it  ?   Will  you  give  me  a  job  ?
0 notes
tinasmal-blog · 7 years ago
This site is Pro Government
I   don’t   Know   how   to   change   the  font   on   WordPress ,  so   i   Just   spaced   words .
I  am  too  cheap  to  pay  for  another   site .  I  wrote  2   strategy   letters . 1  to  KKK .  1  to  gov’t .  I  consider   my   gov’t   one   to   be   my   best   work   ever
              I   had  little  success  trying  to  reach  KKK  or  gov’t   with   snail  mail  so  far .   I  am  including   my   gov’t   letter   on   my   race   site .  ALL   gov’t  personel  should  read  below  –  F B I ,  C I A ,  D o E ,  W H ,  Homeland  D ,  etc .
Any  attempt  to  suppress  my   efforts  to  help  the  gov’t  could  be  consequences .  How  can  i  not  succeed ?  It  fulfills  Anti – Christ  prophecy .
2   F B I   agents  already  visited  me .  Now   that   i   put   my   letter  on – line ,  gov’t  agencies  can  quickly  share  and  discuss  amongst  themselves .  Does  it  have  merit ?
KKK  could  –  possibly  –  benefit   by   reading   my   gov’t   letter –  people  can  be  taught  to  thinK  strategically .
I   did   not  change  a  thing  –  except   my   name +  I  changed  U  to  you  &  R  to  are .  It  is  the  exact  same  letter  i  sent  by  snail  mail  to  gov’t  agencies  in  the  past .  Thank  you .
S T A R T     O F     G O V ’ T     S I T E
August  5,  2012               cc1 :  EPA  DC  +  Sustainable  Facilities   Practices  Branch
cc2 : Ad  Council . Several  regional  addresses  –  3  in  NY  alone . I’m  sorry , should  I  have  targeted  NY  instead  of  DC ?   congratulations  on  hiring  women !
cc3 : FBI  HQ  in  DC  +  White  House  (  What  could  be  more “ the  gov’t ”  than  FBI  or  WH ?  Yet , I  doubt  the  President   Will   read  it  considering  how  much  mail  that  address  gets ! ).  Too  many  stamps , too  many  FBI  places . Too  much  money . Seems  Like  a  lot , but  it’s  only  2  !
cc4 : ADL,  AIPAC . How  to  target “ the  gov’t ” ?   I  thought.  Why  not   write   to  Jewish  organizations ?  They  control  the  country  anyway.
To “ the  government ”: I  became  aware  that  government  (  i.e.,  FEMA , Ready.gov )  propaganda  exists  –  obvious  eco , education , family , military , sports , women , racial……often  in  the  most  unusual  places ……… and  all  over  the  place.
Eco  –  CFL  light  bulbs  +  LED’s . outlaw  incandescent ,     E-check ,    Lead  is  evil ,    no  dumping  written  into  infrastructure ,    recycling  centers  often  near  schools ,    World  Dryer ,    3  windmills  in  cleveland ,         Gay  –  ads  on  bus  +  Chronicles  newspaper ,         reusable  shopping  bags     disability  –  Kneeling  bus
          Over  time ,  I  even  saw  propaganda  in  :  epilepsy  warning  on  video  games ,   Flu ,   seat  belts  on  shopping  carts ,        Mad  cow  disease ,  carbon  monoxide  detectors ,   depression  is  a  disease ,       Foods
I  also  see  that  gov’t  hires  outside  private  ad  companies  to  do  this . If   I  may  offer  constructive  criticism … maybe  you  need  to  change…
1.  Wash  hands  after  touching  this    it  contains  Lead , Known  to  the  State  of  California  to  cause  cancer .  Why  not  wash  the  cord  then ?
2.  Pet poop  transmits  disease . In  cat  litter  also . Why not  human  waste  then ?
3.  Dryers save  trees . Paper  Retriever  bins.  Why  not  save  crops ?  Paper  is  biodegradable –  and  your  favorite  word  Renewable . Sustainable.
I  used  to  work  at  Triarc  Beverage  Group . Near  the  end  of  my  term ,  I  handed  in  ideas  to  the  CEO.           Long – term  consistency  is the  Key  to  gauging  a  good  quarterback . Star  Wars  and  Empire  Strikes  BacK . It  is hard  to  generate  consistently  good  ideas .
Having  had  time  to  understand  some  of  your  past  actions,  I  find  fault  with  some  of  your  strategy.
1.  WTC collapsed  Like  a  pancake.
2.  Doing  things  publicly  ( South  Africa , uss  Liberty  2oo  witnesses , chemtrails , TWA  missile  theory  ) , and  then  lying  about  it  later  on .
3.  Allowing  anti – government  sentiments  ( militia )  to  grow  ( i.e., via  uncontrolled  internet ),  and  then  trying  to  clean  it  up  later  on . “ To  what  end ? ”,  a  Jewish  man  said  in  the  Plain  Dealer . Another  Jewish  man  replied , “ If  we  do  nothing , this  stuff   will   spread ”.
4.  Allowing  anti – government  sentiments  to  grow  in  Saudi  Arabia  ( a  plant  story  on  CNN –  King  Faud  said , “ Leave  the  Palestinians  alone ”.  Who’s  side  are  you  on ?  )
President  Bush  once  said, “ The  government  of  SA  is  stronger  than  the  people  of  Saudi  Arabia ”.  He  also  said , “ bringing  democracy  to  the  Middle  East   will   be  one  of  the  greatest  challenges  of  the  21st  century ”.
I  think  the  correct  strategy  to  use  in  the  Middle  East  is :  1.  Take  out  Saddam  &  his  2  sons . A  power  vacuum   will   result . Gov’t  is  a  “necessary   evil ”.
2.  Develop  ties   with  important  people  in  Iraq . People  with  history.
3.  Pretend  Like  you’re  leaving.
4.  Hopefully , one  of  your  people  will  arise  to  power.
5. Don’t  do  anything  to  make  FolKs  suspect  he  is  a  puppet  of  the  West  ( i.e., obviously , don’t  condemn  Palestinians ).  You  can’t  do  whatever  you  want ,  but   it’s  better  than  not  having  any  influence  at  all …
Why   did   you  tell  that  for ?  So  be  it . It  is  Just  my  opinion . I  remember  President  Bush  once  said , “ Strategy  ain’t  working  in  middle  east . Need  to  Re -thinK…” So  I  started  thinKing  about  it.  How   it  began .
Getting  back  to  the  subject , I  have  come  up  With  an  idea  for  your  propaganda “ machine ”.  I’m  sure  you’ll  LiKe  it  –  so   if   you  use  it , not  Just  hear  it , will  you  compensate  me  fairly , or  at  least  hire  me ?  my  resume  is  not  impressive , but  it’s  a  small  price  considering  its  potential  scope.
What  better  way  than  to  prove  oneself ?  As  a  teaser , I   will  give  you  a  propaganda  idea  for  free … As  I  said , I  learned  more  as  time  went  on , until  I  became  familiar   With  gov’t  propaganda  efforts . I  thinK  this  fits  your  goals …
I  once  bought  a  HAND  CRANK  paper  shredder  at  marc’s  closeout  section  and  never  saw  it  again  –  anywhere , but  through  the  internet . I  loved  it . It  was  simple . Cheaper  than  even  the  paper  shredder  head  ( only  the  head )  they  sell  at  Walmart . Yet,  rich  people  may  not  LiKe  it  because  it  doesn’t  cross  cut . Yet ,  truly  better  than  those  scissor  shredders.
obvious  eco – friendly.  LiKe  your  current  sustainable  transport  propaganda  –  bicycles !   No  electricity  required.  Could  even  combine  eco  +  sports.
I’ve  noticed  that  eco  propaganda  is  the  most  prevalent . But  Just  the  mere  fact  that  I  was  able  to  generate  a  new  idea  ( Transformers  and   TMNT’s )  should  scare  you  (  the  establishment  –  Marvel ,  DC )  and  prove  that  there  is  room  for  growth. ————————————— 1st  letter             Subject : Cola  Promo  Idea       BY : Tony
In  MaY  1998 , I  handed  in  many  ideas  to  the  CEO  of  a  beverage  company. One  idea  in  particular  stood  out . Why   I  came  up   With   this   idea  is  beyond  me . But  it  was  a  perfect  fit  for  cola  products.
When  I  handed  in  this  idea , I  wrote  it  in  non-beverage  specific  terms  to  protect  it . I   received  a  letter  from  the  company  Lawyer  stating  that  it  was   still   my  idea  (  I  have  that  letter  in  my  possession  if   needed  to  verify ).
The  idea  centered  around  the  use  of  a   1.  GIMMICK  CONTRACT   and   2.  A  FREE  WILL , FREE  CHOICE , Free  Stuff   sweepstakes . The  contract  would  not  be  binding  in  a  court  of  law , and  the  phrase, “ Free  Will , Free  choice ” was  popular  at  that  time – and  still  is .
The  consumer  signs  a  contract  similar  to  the  following  example :  I , (  your  name ),  hereby  practice  my  own  Free  Will ,  and  maKe  a  choice  to  drink  ( Any  drinK  ) , if  and  whenever  possible , among  the  other  drink  alternatives ,
For  a  period  of :        []  1  Year  –  Enter  me  in  the  1  Years  sweepstakes     []  2  Years  –  Silver  sweepstakes             []  5  Years  –  Bronze  sweepstakes        []  10  Years  –  Gold  sweepstakes        X____________________
The  consumer  checks  off  a  box  and  the  prizes  in  the  sweepstakes  vary  in  relation  to  longevity . We  would  laminate  the  contract , and  send  it  back  to  the  consumer.
Aug  19,  2012   cc:  Recovery  +  EPA  Sustainable , FBI  HQ +  WH , AIPAC  DC
To “ the  government ”: This  is  my  2nd  letter . Here  is  my  BIG  eco  propaganda  idea … it  involves  basic  FANS …
Solar  LED  lights  exist . Fans  look  Like  windmills !  So  basic  it  makes  you  say  I  should’ve  had  a  V-8  !   duh . It  makes  you  wonder  about  the  gov’t  sometimes.
They  can  become  eco  propaganda  because  they  save  money  by  assist  AC , and  bring  in  cool  air  at  night . This  is  nothing  new . But , up  to  this  time , it  was  never  emphasized  as  part  of  your  eco  propaganda . Go  to  the  store  and  see  for  yourself.
Tower  City  already  has  fans  in  the  Food  court , but  it  was  never  emphasized  as  part  of  eco  propaganda . They  can  be  installed  in  gov’t  buildings , Libraries , Key  bank , BP,  etc.  Just  to  move  the  air  around , not  necessarily  blow  powerfully . Indeed , it  is  a  part  of  good  planning.
That’s  nothing  new , but  this  is  –  HE  fans.  As  you  Know,  High  Efficiency  detergent  and  less  Water  laundry  machines  exist . This  is  also  eco  propaganda . You  Know  it  and  I  Know  it.
Take  the  most  popular  fan  of  all  –  the  box  fan , for  example . Well  developed  means  there  is  not  much  room  for  improvement , as  the  blades  are  already  the  most  efficiently  designed.
Well  developed  means  it  has  built  in  obsolescence – it  was  meant  to  rust  and  manufacturers  want  it  to  break  in  the  bottom  center . It  makes  much  more  sense  to  put  the  break  on  top  where  the  handle  is.
Well  developed  means  both  Aerospeed   and   Lasko   sell  Premium  box  fans , which  are  nothing  more  than  bigger  than  normal  box  fans.  note  that  the  Lasko “ Premium ”  box  fan  has  only  a  tad  bigger  diameter  and  squarer  corners , with  a  30%  increase  in  air  velocity.
The  good  thing  is , all  it  takes  is  repackaging  –  if  premium  box  fans  were  Relabeled  HE  ( 30%  more ).  Any  existing  “ Power ” fan  can  be  labeled  HE  if  there  is  more  room  for  the  blades , either  behind  or  on  the  sides.
Lasko  chose  to  make  the  corners  squarer  instead  of  making  the  diameter  bigger , as  manufacturers  prefer  smaller  packaging , even  though  it  is  better  to  have  an  equal  increase  in  diameter  all  the  way  around.
I’ll  leave  the  technical  details  up  to  your  engineers…
Related  ideas :  maybe  HE  ultrasonic  humidifier . Related  to  my  free  hand  crank  shredder  idea : Hand  crank  can  opener .  Grinder . Telephone . Start  electronics … Pump  Water.
——————————————– 2nd  letter
Related  to  my  HE  fan  idea , but  not  as  good… but  can’t  be  worse  than  your  LED  idea , which  is  EXPENSIVE , and   NOT  selling …… As  you  Know , compact  fluorescent  bulbs’s  CFL’s  are  compact.
Is  it  practical ?  It  is  also  going  in  a  direction  that  most  manufacturers  do  not  Like –  LOW  WATT,  BIGGER  BULBS  require  more  packaging .There  are  pros  and  cons –  smaller  fits  more  applications , BUT  BIGGER  DISPERSES  LIGHT  BETTER.
Trisonic  already  sells  a  crappy , not  durable  65  watt  CFL  that  fits  inside  a  150  watt  body  –  I  can  shoot  straight  into  it  with  my  camera  and  still  see  the  spiral . Indeed , long  fluorescent  tubes  also  require  no  lampshade =  High  efficient .  Related:  no  fan  GRILL.—————————- 2nd  letter
You  are  the  quarterback . I’m  Just  throwing  a  ball  out , which  is  what  I  did  at  Triarc    (  a  few  ideas , some  better  than  others ).
1. Solid  white  toe  socKs  are  rare  in  America.  Solid  dark  green ?  Sand  color . Military   propaganda .  Taken  from  WiKipedia :  article  Roman  Empire  –  The  Romans  also  invented  socks  For  those  soldiers…
2.  Short pens  are  rare . Possible  women’s  propaganda . Fit  in  purse.
3.  in  Korea  they  use  hot  water  under  the  floor  to  heat  rooms  with .  So  ?   Well , they  need  eco  propaganda  in  Korea  also , don’t  they ?    They  sell   solid  toe  socks  in  Korea . Then  people  say , “ Why  not  in  America ? ”
Not  related  to  any  propaganda … but  I’ve  been  thinking  about  racism  recently…
I  once  read  that  Islam  is  the  reason  why  it’s  hard  to  bring  democracy  to  the  Middle  East . How  religious  law  is  incorporated  into  civil  Law . And  her  Sister  communism.  they  said.  But  I  disagree.
When  the  Soviet  Union  fell , my  friend  told  me  that  Russia  still  lives.  Some  say  Russia  did  not  fall  because  of  criminal  elements  or  Soviet  hard  liners . Still , the  whole  Soviet  Union  was  almost  taken.  Sister  communism . I  don’t  think  so .
I  saw  on  CNN  how  China  clamped  down  on  criminals  because  they  destabilize the  State.                                             2  unsolved   mysteries
Why  is  it  hard  to  bring  democracy  to  the  Middle  East ?
Israel  said “ Kill  the  Hezbollah  from  top  to  bottom” . They  cannot  Kill  it .  But   why  ?
A  religion ?
CNN  said  That  Arab  is  a  “Way  of  Life ”.
The reason  I  wrote  this  –  in  my  opinion , Arab  is  a “ State  of  mind ”.  Just  Like  black  is .  Us  vs .  them .    Not  all  blacks  think  that  way , but  there  are  those  that  do.
“They  Kept  us  weak ! ! ! !”.  President  Charles  Taylor  – “They  owe  it  to  us !”.   Haiti  – “Whatever  you  do  to  us , We  do  to  you  ! ! ! !”
Palestinians  accused  of  helping  Israel  are  lynched . Winnie  Mandela  necklaces  those  accused  of  helping  “the  White  man ”. Tanks  on  MLK’s  birthday . Tulsa  got  bombed  From  the  air.  War !  “ no  surrender ” during  Tulsa.  surrender – and  die  after  Colfax  Massacre .
They  said  on  Wikipedia  that  the  Fate  of  the  Ethiopian  Jews  is  still  up  to  political  consideration  even  to  this  day . Meaning  that  the  Israeli  government  has  not  decided  whether  they  are  in  or  out  yet.
During  the  1st  airlift , Israel  was  sincere  (  Airplane  transport  is  expensive ).  After  they  arrived , the  Israeli  gov’t  said , “ We  are  CONFUSED ”. After  a  5  year  wait   (  2nd  airlift  ) ,  there  were  charges  of  racism.  the  quota  is  6oo  per  month , but  only  3oo  are  allowed  in . They  got  slapped  in  the  face , but  continue  to  arrive  – an  excuse  Israel  could  use.
Recently , the  Jerusalem  Post  took  a  poll.  43 %  of  Israelis  will  not  allow  their  daughters  to  marry  Beta  Israel . A  house  divided  cannot  stand .    In  my  opinion , if  black  is  a “ state  of  mind ”, Israel  is  making  a  mistake .—————————2nd  letter
Dear  WH , could  you  please  tell  your  staffers  to  allow  any  more  letters  from  me  to  reach  the  President ?  or  whoever  gets  it ?   couldn’t  my  State  of  mind  theory   (  Let  WH  decide  if  I  am  correct . What  else  is  the  WH  created  for ?  strategy !  )  affect  strategic  decisions ?      
What  does  it  hurt  listening  to  ideas ?   I  am  not  employed.  My  resume  is  crap.  So,  I  thought , why  not  generate  ideas  and  try  to  get  a  gov’t  Job ?
I  recall  Ray  Croc ?  once  said  “ You  have  to  trust  the  company  (  gov’t , marvel  ) . The  company  cannot  trust  you ”. I  Know  from  experience . When  I  handed  in  ideas  at  Triarc  Beverage , I  wrote  the  idea  in  non  beverage  specific  terms . They  eventually  realized  that  I  had  protected  it.  Smart  cookie.  Sadly , nothing  came  of  it.
BUT –  the  CEO  wanted  them.  Demanded  my  ideas . I  was  a  low  level  marketing  Trainee.   oK.  I  gave  you  a   big   one . Will   I   be  compensated ?
————————————————————————————  March  25, 13    cc:  EPA  Sustainable . FBI  HQ,  WH.  AIPAC  DC , ADL  NY,  Ad  Council
To “ the  gov’t ”: This  is  my  3rd  letter , Entitled “ Bread  &  Circuses  +  Internet ”. When  I   Sent  out  my  1st  Letter , I  thought  about  propaganda  ideas . As  ideas  progressed , I   switched  to  strategy , which  I  thought  you’d  prefer.
The  following  is  not  a  coherent  or  developed  strategic  plan-s . Just  Like  yours.
Strategy  # 1  How  about  a  Head  of  Propaganda ?  Title  should  not  mimic  German  evil “ propaganda ”. He  was  important  to  Hitler . One  of  the  1st  steps  of  the  Department  is  to  RE – think  current  propaganda.  Is  it  coherent  and  part  of  strategy ?   i.e,  Seat  belt  laws ?  Strategy  fits  how ?
If  decisions  are  decentralized   and  left  to  outside  private  Ad  Agencies , some  mistakes  could  be  made  over  here , but  not  over  here.   They  could  overlap  –  dryers  save  trees , but  paper  is  biodegradable  and  renewable…
+  I  saw  ( neutral  ?  )   American  Red  Cross  on  a   ( gov’t  ) FEMA  poster . Not  good . Guilt  by  association . YMCA  also.
+  Incoherent  –  3   fish  are  not  recommended  by  the  FDA ?  Also  sounds  not  believable.  =  Propaganda  – so  – messed  – up  – it  – makes  – no  – coherent  – sense  – whatsoever.
My  initial  perception  was  –  Ready.gov ,  FEMA  is  announcing  itself . But  now…  Just  makes  you  feel  Like  you  are  “moving  along ”. Making  progress.
Related : I  take  RTA . If  people  take  public  transportation , is  there  more  opportunities  to  propagandize ?  Promote  RTA ?  cost
Related : create  Ministry  of  Strategy . Not  important  –  I  say  Roman  architecture . chess – Like  tiles.  Is  it  necessary ?   What  are  its  functions ?  oF  course  –  statistical  analysis . Even  propaganda  requires  strategy . Maybe  even  located  next  to  each  other .
Strategy  #  2         RE – Think  Sports      Far  be  it  for  me  to  question  the  Romans , who  promoted  “ entertainment  for  the  masses ”.  But  I   Will .
With   today’s  mass  technology  ( TV , enough  good  movies , internet ) ,  entertainment  is  less  relevant . Even  in  the “ Radio  Days ”,  there  were  comic  books . Question  it  then .
The  sole  exception  is  the  internet , where  info  ( not  always  good  )   is  in  abundance . which  should  maybe  –  be  discouraged .         You  argue, “ It  is  another  avenue  to  promote  propaganda  or  refute ”.  It  is  also  a  Way  to  learn . There  are  safer  Ways .
Let’s  say  I  read  about  bad  unbranded  gasoline .  or  Kucinich  leading  on  internet  polls . Racial  history  is  oK , but  someone  reads  “Jena  6  largely  ignored  by  US  media ” –  it  leads  to  bias .
It  doesn’t  even  have  to  be  political  info.   or..or..or..or..or I  once  heard , “ Needs  to  be  controlled ”. or..or..or..or..or –  that  doesn’t  sound  controlled  to  me .
Related  is  a “ more  miles  to  the  gallon ” idea.  +  other  diversions . Like  Pat  Tillman , Kasparov  retired  from  chess , saying  that  there  was  no  point  to  it.  Why  not  promote  chess  clubs ?  Sports  can  become  redundant .
But  not  Sony  Play  Station ?  (  Electronic  in  nature , Like  internet  –  iF  you  are not  gonna  target  computers  or  electronic  typewriters . Why  not  Play  Station ?  ).
Bottom  line – Besides  sports , other  avenues  may  attract  more  people . The  pie  gets  bigger ……Romans  had  hobbies  too .
All  I   see  is  media  promoting  other  media  ( TV  show  on  ABC )  or  Wall  to  Wall  –  sports  –  even  on  front  page  of  Plain  Dealer.  I  do  not  see  you  promoting  other  hobbies . RTA,  No  other  hobbies , except  a  chess  tournament –  one  time  at  Tower  city.————————————3rd  letter
Strategy  #  3   Bugs , Worms  –  plague  the  internet . Like  movie  Dark  City , Shut  it  down ! ?
come  up   With   a  good   excuse  first . Like  Norton  cannot  stop  a  Worm  because  they  are  mutating  (  Like  Borg , no  time  to  adapt  )   AND  replicating  by  themselves . Progressively  getting  Worse .
Origins  unknown . Al  Quida  is  small.  Make  them  sophisticated ?   WTC  more  believable.  unknown  sounds  more  believable  Strategy.
continue   With   long  range  plan  –  gov’t  plays  hero  trying  to  stop  it . call  for  a  day  to  shut  down  internet . Improved , but  it  starts  again  faster . Another  day  to  spray.  Again . Warning . Soon  to  End  ……or  something.
I   stopped  here , but  thoughts  entered  –  Is  it  Way  too  late ?  Not  if  it  Keeps  people  UP  TO  DATE  also , Especially  if  you  are  trying  to  renovate  strategy.
Is  it  bett-er  Just  to  try  to  refute / Ambiguity ?  Is  there  a  way  for  only  gov’t  to  Keep  it ?  or  save  Wikipedia  info  before  shutting  it  down.
You  argue, “ internet  could  change  other  ( Arab  Spring  )  gov’ts  –  but  not  at  the  expense  of  your  own .  I  could  be  wrong , but  I  advise  –  How  about  Re – create  the  internet ?  smaller.
How  about  begin  plans –  now ?  could  always  change  mind  in  future . Takes  planning.  How  make  the  switch  over ?  Need  excuse . People  usually  think “ gov’t  did  it ”,  especially  if  only  gov’t  Keeps  it.————————————— 3rd  letter
Strategy  #  4   RE – think  Food  Stamps . Romans  were  masters  of  military , architecture , gov’t . They  hired  someone  to  whisper  in  the  General’s  ear, “ Remember , you  are  Just  a  man ”.  masters.
Romans  threw  edible  bread  ( could  there  be  a  reason ?  ) , not  gold  or  salt , out  to  the  people . I  recall  as  a  Kid , my  mom  got  a  huge  bar  of  free  gov’t  butter . But  you  can’t  eat  butter  now .
As  a  woman  Said  in  movie  ‘Food , inc ’…Then  you  have  to  buy  Ketchup  and  this  and  little  of  that …not  gonna  eat  all  of  it …Want  a  hamburger… something  you  can  eat  right  now …don’t  have  to  cook…
What  is  Food  anyway ?  commodity  as  it  gets . A  Forest  Gump  man  once  said  that  he  cleaned  the  coup  for  all  the  chicken  he  could  eat . Both  me  and  my  friend  told  him  that  it  was  not  a  good  deal .  I’d  Like  a  lifetime  supply  of  coupons  for  this  idea  alone.  Not  !  …Well ……… oK.  Me  and  my  Mom.
Like  soup  Kitchens  of  the  Great  Depression , this  is  more  related  to  STRATEGY  than  propaganda . All  these  other  PROPAGANDA  ideas  should  NOT  concern  the  White  House . Let  them  decide  if  I  found  a  strategic  flaw .
involving  –  only  on  holidays , military , “a  Warm  meal ”,  Remember  troops , surplus.. ?. .Etc.  Not  dust  bowl  –  Who  believes  droughts  in  America ?
I  receive  stamps , but  I  don’t  consider  it  to  be  Food . My  perception  –  I  see  it  more  as  extra  money . It  is  directly  deposited  into  my  banK  account . But , the  Romans  threw  bread , NOT  GOLD  or  Salt , out  to  the  people . Who’s  perception  matters ?  The  people’s  !  the  recipient’s …not  the  government’s  perception.
I  get  McDonald’s , Wendy’s , coupons  once  in  awhile  with  my  Junk  mail.  I  use  them.  How  about  gov’t  coupons  for  use  at  private  restaurants ?  choice  too.  I   Know  McDonald’s  promotes  gov’t  propaganda.
Just  a  thought  –  Isn’t  it  better , Solidify  tangible , if  Food  pic  is  on  the  coupon ?   PICTURES  MATTER . More  TANGIBLE . How  choice  then ?   Backflip  shows  different  alternative ?   With  Fries  or  dessert  and  drink  –  complete  meal  is  more  satisfying ?   Not  necessarily . In  this  case , details  matter  more . Don’t  Just  leave  it  up  to  engineers  (  Fans ).
one  time  use  coupons  require  frequent  interaction  (  cut  out  scissors , Take  out  of  wallet  ) , unLike  reloadable  gift  cards . Like  Seder  meals , it  brings  into  mind  where  it  comes  from.  Salty  tears  +  tablet  shaped  matzos.
I  don’t  Know  how  stamps  WorK  exactly  (  I  think  you  can  buy  restaurant  Food  )  , but  it  is  more  DIRECT  and  immediate  Than  butter . more  TANGIBLE  than  Food  stamps … more  SATISFYING  experience .
What  about  immediate ?  or  MRE   Food  giveaways   (  for  military )  –  i’ve  heard  it  being  done  before .  As  the  old  adage  goes , “ Dogs  don’t  bite  the  hand  that  feeds  it ”.  Make  people  correlate  that  they  got  Food , not  money , from  the  gov’t .
More  in  tune  with  human  instincts  –  animals  fight  over  food.  fight  over  women.  Life’s  pleasure.  satisfying.  Related  to  that ?  Maybe  a  time  limit . dogs  need  to  learn  why  it  got  rewarded . Soon  after.
omg !   how  long  have  stamps  existed  and  no  one  RE-thought  this !  Flaws  in  your  strategy  +  propaganda –  FAN  Windmills . Expensive  LED’s.
Who  says  I’m  correct  ?  Taking  a “ swing ” at  your  strategies. “ Go  ahead ”.  It  is  encouraged  by  the  gov’t . oK  I  took  bread  and  game “ Tweaking ” swipes , internet  swings . and  now  Shadow…
What  is  the  cost  of  sound  advice  to  our  gov’t  who  spends  on  flawed  Shadow  gov’t  instead ?  Shadow  questions  both  the  Well – written  constitution  and  Romans  ( shortest , fastest  roads  to  suppress  uprisings ).
“ Go  ahead ”  Let  you’re  analysts  analyze  my  strategic  swings  !  Best  and   brightest  Strategy –  I  proved  myself ?   Hire  me !   Babylon  took  into  captivity .———————— 3rd  letter
Lesson  #  1   No  one  ever  used  fluoridated  water  or  contaminated  Food  as  a  part  of  strategy . Not  the  Romans . Not  china , even  today . etc  I  have , for  the  longest  time , doubted  its  Wisdom.
1.  Taste  and  smell  being  2  of  the  5  senses  people  use  to  discern  truth  ( and  lies ) . In  this  case , even  sight  –  growth  hormone  rBST  boobs  grow  prematurely.
2.  Ingredients  in  Asia , Middle  East  not  coherent  with  West.  Stevia  is  used  in  Japan  &  Korea  PUBLICLY,  but  the  FDA  +  media  are  covering  it  up.
VERY  POSSIBLE –  Even  when “ caught ”,  FolKs  tend  to  blame  money  interests , never  the  gov’t.  There  is  no  motive .  Easier  to  Keep  blaming  $  . I  once  read  on  internet –  significant  portion  of  India  believe  iodized  salt  is  a  multinational  conspiracy.
on  Yahoo  news , You  once  Said  –  blame  the  sugar  lobby . Then  you  are  blaming  only  one  industry . one  Food  item.  It’s  better  to  blame  the  Whole .
Related : I  Know  about  tainted  unbranded  gasoline  –  by  owning  a  car  in  the  past  and   reading  things  on  the  internet . It  does  not  make  sense  to  me.  incoherent.  Gas ?  Has  to  do  with  Food ? You  say  depopulate . But  gas ?  10W40  oil ?  Additives ? ——————————————– 3rd  letter
As  I  was  at  McDonald’s , it  came  to  me.  You  can’t  blame  industry  because  there  is  gov’t  complicity.  FDA.  Local  municipalities . 1930’s.  Blame  lobby  then.  JFK  –  Public  evidence  exists.        blame  mob . No , there  is  media  and  gov’t  complicity . create  impression  that  the  mob  has  influence ?
For  only  JFK  ?     could  use  as  excuse  for  other  mistaKes .         Will  this  impression  Fit  others , or  clash ?   You  already  created  the  impression  that  the  FBI  is  incompetent  ( Oklahoma  City ).  Could  this  make  people  who  watch  movies  think “ FBI  Warning  don’t  matter ? ”
AMA  is  famous  lobby.  Build  up  AMA  1st ?   Later , I  thought  –  I  prefer  a  Tag  Team  with  other  lobbies  as  various  foods  are  tainted.
What  about  McDonald’s  complicity ?   Movie  Supersize  me.  Attack  ADM , Supermarket  to  the  world  ?   Mid  level   employee  blew  the  whistle ?   or  hope  it  Just “ blows  over ”. Is  it  preferable  not  to  “ blow  the  whistle ”  &   Just  create  the  impression  that  certain  lobbies  have  influence  in  DC  India   (  worldwide )   instead ? —————- I  haven’t  resolved  this  issue  yet . All  these  ideas  can  be  further  refined.
Arafat  was  the  sole  survivor  in  a  plane  crash . In  college  class , I  recall  a  student  said , “ Yeah  right ” People  think  …Mossad  did  it  !
In  booK  ‘Disney  Wars ’, people  inside  (  and  outside ?  )   of  Disney  think  the  fortunes  for  the  company  changed  after  Frank  Well’s  death…People  watching  this  1   company.  Roy  is  seen  as  Protector  of  Legacy . Don’t  Kill  him.  It  matters  not  if  he  died  of  natural  causes.
Lesson  #  2    What  matters  is, “ Does  it  look  SUSPICIOUS ? ” Was  there  a  MOTIVE ?  Sound  believable ?   He  Kept  Eisner’s  power  in  check . They  said  on  Wikipedia –  that  there  was  a  motive  for  WTC  also.  War  in  Afghanistan , Iraq.
Lesson  #  3    Eisner  being  Jewish  did  not  help . It  hurt.  Rumors  do  exist.  MANY  Jews  in  Clinton  Administration  was  –  telling  me  to  write  to  ADL , AIPAC .
Jesse  Jackson  accused  the  3  Nixon  Administration . 3  Rubin  Greenspan  Summers . 2  more  at  Disney . I’m  sure  others  do  the  same . many  Jews  raises  suspicions . Why  do  that  ?
To  me  personally , book  Media  Bias  written  by  a  Jew , doesn’t  help  either. +  Saul  Steinstein ?   Disney  and  Goldsmith  Goodyear  leads  me  to  believe  hostile  corporate  takeover  is  part  of  your  strategy. I   think.
Even   if  a  problem  doesn’t  exist  ( which  it  does ), can  this  ‘Jewish  gov’t  control’  rumors  be  WEAKened  with  a  fabricated  story ?  off   hand  I  can’t  think  of  a  story , but  there  is  something  I’ve  been  mulling  –  a  Way  to  BLUNT.
My  Circus  Impression  idea  to  explain  media  +  gov’t .  What’s  that ?  Put  many  chinese  in  our  gov’t  to  explain  trade  deficit . Emphasize  Paramount  Japan  –  Hollywood  control . Paramount  +  NAACP  have  history . To  explain  food  corruption .
Many  lobbies  =  adds  up  to  chaos  and   leads  to  confusion .  creating  doubt  is  another  strategy  by  the  Way . NAACP  to  Explain  S A +  LA  silence . Emphasize  NAACP  actions  in  the  past  – they  threatened  to  boycott  Hazel  TV  show.  Explain  1970’s  TV.  latino  lobby ?  or  blacks  are  lowest , so  they  would  support “ Rainbow ”  immigration.
Short  term  –  global  pharmaceutical  lobby , NAACP  in  trouble , accusations .  Leads  to  statement  on  newspapers  –  similar  to  Consumer  Reports “ We  accept  no  outside  advertising  dollars ”.
Long  term  plan  –  major  crackdown . No  more  lobbies .  big  bang . All  propaganda  fixed .
What  about  Hollywood ?  There’s  no  way  around  it ?  Jews  would  still  remain  a  force  –  You  need  loyal  people  to  carry  out  your  bidding .  Name  change ?    —————————————3rd  letter
When  Milosevic  was  arrested , a  lower  level  employee  policeman  gave  him  his  Word  –  publicly . When  he  died , it  was  suspicious  to  me .
Almost  as  if  you  had  broken  your  Word . When  a  lower  level  auto  employee  gambled  with  company  money , the  whole  company  was  found  liable . Sure  we  all  croak  at  some  time.  Lesson  –  don’t  break  your  public  word . But  he  could  escape . Statistically , the  chances  of  a  prison  break  are  1  in  1oooooooooooooooo
What  happens  when  2  goals  conflict ?  Related  to  racism  and  Publicity  Strategy . Maybe  related  to  immorality  ( Lies )   agenda  – both  happened  slowly  at  1st.
Hoover  never  cared  about  the  KKK  ( SOCIAL ).  He  was  interested  with  the  communist  party  (  POLITICAL ).  Albright  said  “ Militia  is  enemy ”.  Same  thing .             But  the  KKK  not  Like  this  gov’ t  also.  But  their  interests , motives  are  social .
Lesson  #  4      Sure  it  hurts  the  agenda  of  mingling  seeds  together . But  helping  minorities  and  women  should  NOT  be  the  main  concern  to  the  gov’t . A  word  to  the  next  puppet  in  a  middle  eastern  country .
latinos  in  LA  ?   one  paragraph  in  the  Plain  Dealer . and  yet  blacks  are  leaving  LA.  SA  Farm  Murders . one  White  supremacist  got  Killed . But  it’s  happening  at  random . The  media  paints  this  picture  that  only  KKK  get  Killed .
It  also  leads  to  charges  of  MEDIA  bias  and   silence . What  is  more  important ?   Helping  minorities  or  media  integrity ?
Come  up  with  an  excuse  and  talk ? ? ? “ ANC  blackmailed … uranium ”. or  something .  LA  –  community  leaders  pleaded  with  media…  Which  leaders ?
CRITICAL  STEP –  attack  excuses  from  every  angle.  it  could  get  worse .
STEP  2  –  if  possible ,  outline  a  short  and  long  range  plan.  Kind  of  Like  what  I  did  with  Worm  internet  excuse.
Up  to  here , it’s  clear  to  me.  To  be  continued.  X X X
3rd  letter——————————————–
Is  it  better  to  try  to  let  things “ blow  over ” if  time  elapses  too  long ?  I  don’t  Know.  Related  : If  media  uses  same  excuse , or  excuses  many  times , could  it  also  lead  to  –  McDisney  movies  today  –  hero , girl , villain , comic  relief  same  storyline .
Pre – viz  long  range  implications ?   Should  you  select  certain  past  silences  1st  ?  on  what  criteria ?   I  am  not  about  to  tackle  all  this . Nor  the  amount  of  propaganda .
I  think  strategy  is  relative .  Anti – christ  is  Master  of  Strategy , As  opposed  to  novice  or  intermediate .  The  Golden  Rule  being  –  do  the  best  you  can  do.
I  think  –  if  it  sounds  Like  it  may  work , do  it . Brainpower  can  be  used  on  other  things.———————————-3rd  letter
continued.   X X X            or  spread  excuse  rumors.  Unofficial  media  leads  to  official  story . chemtrails  were  a  part  of  DOD  Strategy… Threat  to  National  Security  at  that  time… so  media  complied ”.
So  the  media  is  partial ?  Why  the  gap  in  time  to  report ?  Every  angle.
Why  not  other  media  companies ?   But –  people  think  there  is  choice  from  having  many  cable  stations – another  step  to  think  about ?   conglomerate  1st ?
Used  to  immunize  people . could  even  be  used  in  conjunction  with  Gulf  War  Syndrome .  or  frequently  printed  sentence-s. “ Rumors  are  circulating …
I  didn’t  Like  Israel  did  not  Know  USS  Liberty  was  American  excuse . For  hours ? ? ?  +  they  hoisted  a  flag  rumors . All  we  Know  is  Egypt  was  signaling  rumors –  better.  Ambiguity  then  –  I’m  not  sure  what  I  mean  by  that . Something  on  board  top  secret,  had  to  be  destroyed . I  heard  about  MLK’s  death –  a  man  named  Raoul  –  led  me  to  believe  in –  conspiracy.
Rumors  of  Rabin’s  death  also . Princess  Diana  Mossad  rumors . Motive ?   I  read  the  same  thing  about  the  Lusitania . Bombs  or  something  –  VAGUE.  conspiracy ?    I  don’t  Know . Motive  ?
In  Liberty  case , Way  too  much  time  expired ?   Perhaps . No  problems  as  long  as  there  is  not  200  scared  witnesses  released  back  into  the  population.
Note : There  is  no  motive  for  chemtrails  also.  I  personally  guess , Like  Food , to  poison  air  supply . Milosevic –  I  guess  you  broke  your  word . I  could  be  wrong. ———————————–3rd  letter
I  was  grocery  shopping,  when  it  hit  me –  if  it  sounds  Like  it  may  succeed , do  it……… I   said  before .   I  erred  –  long  range  implications ?   criteria ?  – should  be  tackled .              More  Specifically  –  time . The  longer  you  wait  to  go  public  with  a  silence  in  the  past , the  harder  it  is  to  go  public.———————————3rd  letter
Pre – Viz   or  long  word  pre – visualization …  Part  of  strategy ?   I  don’t  Know.  It’s  Just  something  I  thought  of.     So  important  to  Lucas,  he  hired  Speilberg  For  Pre-viz
This  is  what’s  going  to  happen…” What  did  you  think  about  Tony’s  ideas ? ” I  agree  with  sports  and  hobbies.  I  didn’t  really  think  about  mass  technology  part  Yet , go  with  that  first … I  Like  his  gov’t  food  coupons …
When  I  generated  my  comic  book  idea , I  hit  a  few  dead  ends . It  became  clearer  and  instead  of  continuing  down  the  wrong  path , I  “ Re – started ”  my  computer.
What  is  the  point  of  this  letter ?   So  the  gov’t  made  mistakes  in  the  recent  past . So  what  ?
Don’t  do  it  again . YOU  LEARNED  a  little , didn’t  you ?
I’m  not  familiar  with  strategy  concepts  and  teachings . I  Just  wrote  and  wrote –  it  came  naturally  to  me  (  and  generated  more  ideas  ).  As  a  Job  search .
I  prefer  to  work  freelance , but  I’d  also  Like  to  be  put  on  the  company  payroll  –  something  to  tell  my  family. “ I  got  a  Job ”.  But , I  cannot  generate  ideas  all  the  time . It  comes  and  goes.
Do  you  Know  how  important  good  ideas  or  sound  advice  is ?   Do  you  Know  how  much  military  money  you  could’ve  saved  by  using  my  middle  east  strategy  (  letter  1  )   in  Iraq ?
Every  idea  I  generate  put  a  price  tag  on  it . It  saves  you  $  and  motivates  me . You  want  me  to  initiate ?  No , I  prefer  the  Ebay  approach .  Hint  :  I  work  for  cheap.
Maybe  I’ll  buy  an  old  Disney  movie  on  Ebay – or…or…or…or
Homeland  Defense  –  “ Look  inward ”,  Pres  Bush  said.  Did  you  mean  Focus ?   I’ve  never  heard  that  before  –  as  part  of  strategy . At  least , I  got  you  thinking  about  strategy  ( GooD  THING , also  unappreciated  ).
My  internet  final  solution  is  pretty  solid , isn’t  it ?  You  had  a  little  time  to  analyze . Not  gonna  change  is  it  ?    Re-create  I  mean . MAJOR  Advice  AFFECTING  SO  MANY.————————————- 3rd  letter
I  advise  that  a  similar  letter  be  read  by  many  in  the  gov’t .        or  as  it  is  immediately  to  top  brass.
STEP  1   Re-type  letters  word  For  word .  Make  the  font  bigger . Double  check  accuracy  is  going  too  far , should  be  standard  procedure . on  hard  disk  too
STEP  2   Discuss  my  letters  in  the  WH.
STEP  3  ?   Implement  some  of  my  more  solid  ideas  now.
STEP  4  ?    Edit  my  letters . concise  or  hide  sensitive  info.
STEP  5  ?  Widen  the  base  outward . Simple  matter  of  distributing  my  letters  to “ Think  Tanks ”.  Fellow  strategists.
Major –  How  to  conquer  the  Middle  East  in  letter  1.
State  of  Mind  Theory  in  Letter  2  –  certainly  helps  to  unlock  mysteries  about  the  Middle  East , Hezbollah , DOESN’T  IT ?   maybe ?
Major  – Internet  is  important  enough.
Analyze  my  analysis . Minor :    Food  Stamps –  Food,  not  money . correct  ?   A   Flaw  ?          consistently  good  ideas… Fans  Assist  AC . Look  Like  Windmills . big  eco.
I  proved  that  there  is  room  for  propaganda  and  strategy  and  maybe  understanding  growth  ( THESE  means  gov’t  should  be  concerned –  big  ones  too )  and   refinement . I  wonder  why  it  takes  you  so  long  to  tackle  the  un-controlled  internet  in  particular.  or  Fans …… Food  stamps  not  too  obvious.
I  see  and  understand  your  efforts  by  your  actions   (  Shadow , Build  plan . Ready  !   ) . You  Jews  try  hard.    Try  less  hard  and  more  brainpower.
You  Jews  are  very  cautious . Hollywood  lied  very  slowly  at  1st . +  Seeds  of  men  mingle  Slowly  at  1st .  Sometimes  I  pity  you.  Not  really …….  But  in  a  “desperate”  sort  of  Way
I’ve  been  away  for  awhile  (  between  letters 1 , 2  +  the  gap  in   time  for  this  one  #  3  )  writing  strategy  letters  to  the  KKK.  I  may  show  you  what  I  wrote  to  them –  Later –  Just  to  further  prove  my  strategy  skills  to  you .
You  owe  me  FF  Fans  Food Stamp ?  +  others  ( Sports ?,  INTERNET,  crank…).  Show  me  a  little.        and   I’ll  show  you  more  strategic  ideas .
I  saved  the  best  for  last . You  might  guess  one  of  them , but  I  doubt  the  other. Maybe  I’m  bluffing . More  ?   Prepare  to  be  blown  away .
It’s  not  Fair  but  I  learned  at  Triarc , you  must   trust  the  company  because  the  company  can’t  trust  you .  But  if  I’m  not  compensated , I  won’t  think  anymore  than  what  I  already  thought  up.
April   27,  2013               What  good  is  it  For  me  to  Keep  these  strategic  ideas ?  Almost  all  were  generated  after  my  1st  letter  dated  August  5 ,  2012.
My  Fourth  and  last  letter  dated  April  10, 2013.     In  between  1 – 4 ,  I’ve  been  busy  writing  strategic  letters  to  the  KKK  and  a  Twilight  Zone  movie  script  Why  mention  that  ?  As  a  reference  should  you  desire  to  try  to  get  a  clearer  picture  of  me.
I  was  motivated  to  try  to  get  a  Job  when  I  wrote  to  the  gov’t . In  doing  so , I  accidentally , over  time , discovered  that  there  is  room  for  improvement  in  both  the  KKK  and  the  gov’t’s  strategies . Shame  on  both  of  you . ——————————– 4th  letter
April  10,  2013              cc: CNN  +  Plain  Dealer , Ad  Council  DC , NY , Atlanta , Chicago                           cc:  WH,  AIPAC  DC,  Homeland  D , ADL  OH , DC , NY ,     FBI  DC,  OH,   EPA  Sustain , DOE
To “ the  government ”:     This  is  my  4th  letter , entitled “ Antichrist  Letter ”. The  following  is  not  a  coherent  or  developed  strategic  plan – s.  Just  Like  yours.
How  about  a  renovation  at  the  strategic  level ?   Blatant  mistakes were  committed  ( especially  in  the  relatively  recent  )  past , some  of  which  cannot  be  corrected  in  the  future .
An  anti – gov’t  cancer  exists  in  Saudi  Arabia  and  because  of  internet . No  amount  of  strategy  can  Kill  it  –  unless  you  Kill  everyone –  I  think .
            Wrong  strategy –  Let  cancer  grow.  Clean  it  up  later  With  SWAT  and  prisons.
Let’s  not  forget  the  good  –  Seawolf  sub  plot , destroy  a  tank  before  China  can  get  their  hands  on  it , etc.  etc.  not  just  China .  Yet , China  itself , is  a  potential  mistake  waiting  to  happen . Why  help  in  the  1st  place ?
But  as  Bible  says , “ He  ( Anti – Christ )  will  be  a  master  of  strategy .  He  will  succeed  in  all  that  he  does ”…I  believe  you  will  succeed  in  efforts  to  reconstruct  strategy.  Good  luck
It  tooK  him  time , but  King  David  Knew  one  of  his  advisors  was  LiKe  taking  advice  from  God ”. He  gave  the  correct  advice  (  go  now ) , but  someone  secretly  working  for  David  gave  the  wrong  advice ( WAIT ),  and  made  a  convincing  argument . All  the  advisors  bit  !
Lesson –  Just  because  correct  advice  is  given , doesn’t  mean  it  will  be  heeded .  But  how  did  David  discern  he  was  good ?   He  was  a  good  Judge  of  character ?
Strategy  # 1  Related :  and  also  mind  boggling . CAN  UNDERSTANDING   BE  TAUGHT ?  This  understanding  is  something  I  Know  little  about. maybe  funding  some  experiments  at  colleges  could  help  you  gain  insight .
Again , according  to  the  Bible –  He  ( Anti – Christ )  will  understand  darK  sentences …I  believe  you  will  succeed  once  again .  I  don’t  Know  what  dark  sentences  means.
Primarily  sight  and  sound.  Body  language ?  Tone  and  speed  of  voice . Playing  offense –  asking  questions . Correct  himself  means  he  is  lying .  Inconsistencies ?  Re-phrase  the  same  question.            
But  if  you  teach  them , they  may  get  Wise  to  tactics . This  understanding  is  something   I  haven’t  thought  about  to  any  degree , but  it  could  give  you  a  Tactical  EDGE , especially  in  DIPLOMACY.
Strategy  # 2  A  hierarchy. The  one  who  makes  that  decision  should  be  the  best . She  should  Know  how  it  all  fits  together.     or  a  system.  A  meeting . Under  certain  criteria .
If  ideas  are  too  numerous , have  staffers  decide . A  FILTER. or  as  you  say  “1st  Responders”.  How  else  are  good  ideas  going  to  reach  the  WH ?  Easy  access. This  letter  can  be  an “ acid  test ”.  Training  could  help – identify.
Borrowing  a  Roman  strategy ,   perhaps  filters  can  be  scared –  Kill  soldiers  who  fall  asleep  on  watch  duty.  FBI  will  investigate. “ How  would  they  Know ? ” the  filter  may  think ?  create  doubt  in  his  mind  –  post  office  checks  mail  from  time  to  time.
When  I  worked  at  Triarc , Mistic  Dark  Teas  was  unknown  to  me.    Hence,  when  I  eventually  generated  an  Arab  bottle  with  a  long  sipping   spout  idea , it  was  too  late  to  implement  it –  unlike  propaganda , I  am  not  familiar  with  your  strategies . it  impedes  me  from  generating  ideas.
Take  propaganda  for  example  –  to  help  generate  ideas , info  would  be  required .  Education , military , gay . Past  examples  help  in  the  learning  process.  Doesn’t  it  destroy  the  purpose  once  tactics  are  understood ?  Like  understanding . You  don’t  want  them  to  Know  it  is  propaganda . We  are  being  lied  to  by  Hollywood.
Strategy  # 3        Another  idea  –  as  I  was  freely  writing , I  thought  it  Would  help  if  I  could  see  more  and  more , Like  how  Wikipedia  exploded  –  help  me  to  see  the  big  picture  clearer.  I  Started  the  3rd  and  4th  letter  With  a  skeleton  and  added  onto  it  later  – FREELY.
Put  it  on-Line ?  Keep  adding  to  big  STRATEGY  PLAN  (  Make  a  map ).  Then  subtract  and  edit . Growth  and  refinement.  For  now , I  advise  that  you  focus  on  growth  (  Strategy  Plan  or  training ?  ),  not  so  much  Fine  tuning  ( hierarchy ).  When  you  say  growth  do  you  mean  Teaching  or  the  Strategy  Plan ?  I  don’t  Know  What  I  mean , but  the  Plan  for  sure.
You  should  Focus  on  this  decentralized  strategy  first.  OUTWARD,  THEN  IN – and  out  again  and  so  Forth . After  you  do  some  things – Keep  going  outward  for  Awhile.  Eventually  to  mid  level , maybe  all  employees.  In  stages  as  things  become  clearer.
It  leads  to  greater  understanding . Knowledge  builds  on  Knowledge . HE  Fans  Led  to  HE  bulbs . Hand  crank  shredder  Led  to  hand  crank  other . it  took  time  for  me  to  see  more  propaganda.
How  do  you  balance  the  need  for  secrecy  With  the  decentralized  teaching  approach ?  Hmm ?   I’m  not  familiar  With  your  strategies.
SUPER  STRATEGY  # 4   TEACHING.  PEOPLE  CAN  BE  TAUGHT  TO  THINK  STRATEGICALLY.  Why  would   I   give  you  an  idea  that  could  create  more  competition   for   me ?   I   Like  this  idea  more  than  any  other.  it  should  allow  you  to  tap  ideas  from  your  vast  pool  of  human  resources , and   put  me  out  of work.  Not  that  I’m  working  for  you .
INNER:  those  in  the  inner  circle  could  be  electronically  connected.  How  WiKipedia  exploded . I  prefer  the  PLAN  With  HTML  Links . I  think  communication  among  strategists  would  be  important  while  growth  occurs . How  did  WiKipedia  start ?
Two  prong  approach  – those  powerful  in  the  inner  circle  taught  to  think  more  strategically . Read  my  3rd  lessons  letter –  again .  Sharpen  their  swords .
Who  dares  to  bother  the  powers  that  be ?    It  can  be  taught , can’t  it  ?  Rodney  Dangerfield  says  “ Back  to  school  ! ”
OUTER  INNER:  Who  would  that  include ?  Keep  pushing  out.  How ?  Less  sensitive  info ?  I  don’t  Know.   ALL:  A  continuing  letter-s.  other  types  of  training –  how  to  work  with  other  agencies .  Sharing  info.
could  Lie –  NEA  ( not  gov’t )  promotes  education. Any  ideas ?  one  Way  is  to  present  it  as  a  case  example , Like  I  did  at  Akron  University  – Taking  Words  out  and   supplementing  Them.
could  tell  the  truth  –  Recently  we  changed  Food  Stamps . can  you  employees  think  of  any  Ways  of  improving  gov’t  programs ?  Then  there  will  be  many  silly  ideas . Need  filters.
Is  there  a  Way  to  draw  ideas  from  the  general   public ?  Caribou  coffee  once  had  a  contest.   Why  they  Like  it.  Words  from  a  Few  people  were  printed  on  cups . Hold  contests ?  Maybe  offer  a  reward  if  it  leads  to…
Hint : Irish  Brit  are  beautiful.  Roberta  Pedon  was  not  Latvian . She  was  Irish . Tina  Small . BooBS
Joke  –  I  heard  the  Mossad  spends  months  – trying  to  figure  out  what  the  right  bait  is . Why  not  hire  women  with  big  boobs ?   can’t  Go  wrong  most  of  the  time  anyway.
LiKe  in  movie  ThanK  You  For  SmoKing  –  irish  Type.  World  class  Tits … Reporter  trying  to  get  privileged  info  is  not  relevant ?
Physical  appearance  matters  –  Clothes  noble  Wig , Race  –  blend  in  With  enemy , Trojan  Horse  Paper  Tiger .         Strange  –  Anti – christ ?   “ King  of “ Fierce  countenance ”.
oF  all  the  ideas  I  have  generated  in  my  Life , I’d  say  this  ( THESE )  strategic  WH ,  or  Triarc  Gimmick  contract   (  Later  Free  Will , Free  Choice , Free  Stuff  –  Pepsi  did  – Fit  perfectly  )   was  best.
When  I  initially  came  up With  Triarc  idea,  it  was  Just  a  vague  concept.  CEO  told  me  “Hmm… interesting ”.  Long  story , but  he  wanted  it  !
    Another  minor , but  solid  1  for  Triarc  +  my  comic  booK –  not  great , but  consistently  good  enemies.  In  a  competitive  field  –  beverages  and  comics .
People  can  be  taught  to  think  strategically  Was  already  written . Later , I  came  to  the  growing  realization  that  I  had  stumbled   ( accidentally )  upon  People  can  be  taught  to  understand.   I   Knew  I  had  strucK  gold  !
Grand  slams  are  rare  ( TMNT , but  not  April  o ’Neal ,  KC )   ( Spiderman  2,  but  not  3 ),   but  I  hit   2.            Star  Wars ,  Empire  Strikes  BacK  –  bacK  to  bacK.                           Yet ,  consistent  solid  ideas  is  the  Key  to  gauging  a  quarterback . basic  Fans , Food  stamps , etc .
I  came  up  with  almost  all  of  these  strategic  ideas  long  ago , but  not  before  my  1st   letter . I   admit   I  saved  these  teaching  ones  for  last –  I  don’t  want  competition . I  may  generate  more .  Depends  on  whether  I  am  compensated  and  how  much  you  improve .
Remember  how  I  began  (  letters  1 – 3  )  ?   I   did  not  have  to,  but   I   proved  that  there  is  room  for  improvement . I  am  not  familiar  With  your  strategies , so  I  might  switch  back  to  propaganda  in  the  future . It  has  some  value  at  least , as  long  as  it  is  related  to  sound  strategy .
Put  in  a  good  word  For  me  in  the  WH . And   I’ll  put  in  a  word   for  my  brother  –  he  has  a  tiny  advertising  company  also.
To  the  one  who  initially  reads  this , the  critical  “ 1st  Responder ”  as  you  say . Please  see  to  it  that  this  letter  reaches  the  oval  office –  your  boss .  I   sent  out  quite  a  Few.
……….I  think  the  gov’t  will  LiKe this “ Antichrist ” letter  –  could  even  lead  to  fulfillment  of  end  time  prophecy.                                      Sincerely , Tony
E n d——————————– E n d
More   –   edited   –   letters     I     Wrote     in     the     past …
Imagine  my  surprise  when  2  FBI  agents  visited  me  in  early  August  2013  –  Is  this  what  I   get  for  trying  to  help  the  gov’t ?
Like  I  told  them , if  I  thought  my  letters  didn’t  have  potential , I  wouldn’t  be  pursuing  the  matter  and  Keep  mailing  (  trying  to  reach  the  gov’t ) .   Page  1  of  3
I  want  you  to  Know  that  I  developed  these  pretty  good  ideas . Isn’t  that  what  business  people  do  in  Life  –  try  to  get  credit  where  credit  is  due . To  me , the  image  is  Worth  a  Few  stamps . Did  I  explain ?   I  don’t  want  to  be “ used ”.
As  one  of  the  agents  advised  me  to  try  the  DoE  ( Fan  idea ) ,  I  told  him  I  already  did , but  I’ll  try  again . Both  nodded  and  agreed  –  it  is  a  good  idea .   Page  2  of  3
………….. He  wasn’t  sure , but  another  thing   I  discussed  with  an  FBI  agent  was  my  Food  stamp  Flaw . He  told  me  the  Romans  threw  silver  out  to  people , but  it  didn’t  Work  very  Well  and  that  bread  was  distributed  only  in  Rome .
………….. So , I’m  sending  this  to  the  Dept  of  Agriculture  also .  I  told  the  agents  that  I  thought  my  letters  had  great  potential . They  were  skeptical.
………….. The  good  thing  is  –   Now  I  Know  that  someone  is  taking  a  serious  Look  at  my  letters , instead  of  the  usual  silent  non-response  (  and  making  me  Wonder )
……… I  am  so  sure  that  my  Arab  is  a  state  of  mind  theory  is  correct  that  I  Will  *guarantee*  it.
The  bad  thing  is , the  Men  in  Black  visit  scared  me .   Page  3  of  3 ———————————————————— August  1 , 2013   Dear  Prime  Minister To –  Netanyahu , Peres  Peace  House , Jerusalem  Post =  Israel  gov’t ? ———————————————————— August  19 , 2013     continued  –  Whites  were  not  prepared   and   had  to  go  back  home  and  get  their  guns  during  Tulsa …  After  the  blood  donation  scandal ,  Israeli  police  Were  unprepared  for  violent  demonstrations  by  the  Ethiopian  Jews .
I  Read  in  Haaretz  July  18 , 2013  – “ Public  Security  Minister  warns  against  major  protests  over  Bedouin  relocation  plans ”…  A  violent  state  of  mind . Potentially  dangerous.
Race  crosses  national  boundaries . Blacks  in  Western  Africa  and  America  are  proud  of  obama . Refugees  from  Somalia , Eritrea  tried  to  Flee  into  Israel , even  though  they  are  not  Jews . ———————————————————— President  Bush  once  said , “ it  is  better  to  engage  the  enemy  over  here , rather  than  on  our  own  home  turf , backyard ”.
The  purpose  of  strategy  is  to  Win . current  strategy  places  troops  in  Iraq  and  Afghanistan , Just  Like  Soviet  occupation  or  Vietnam . A  no-Win  situation.
To –  Ministry  of  Immigrant  Absorption  and  Health ,  Isha  L’  Isha  also
E N D  ————————————— E N D
I  Wrote  a  TWilight  Zone  remake  movie  script .  It  is  super  duper  long  .  I  did  not  send  it  to  anyone  out  of  Fear  they  Will  steal  it . Nor  completely  finish  it . Good  ideas  in  it  for  TV .  Anyone  Who  Wants  to  see  it  ?   Will  you  give  me  a  job  ?
0 notes
wakemany · 7 years ago
This site is Pro Government
I   don’t   Know   how   to   change   the  font   on   WordPress ,  so   i   Just   spaced   words .
I  am  too  cheap  to  pay  for  another   site .  I  wrote  2   strategy   letters . 1  to  KKK .  1  to  gov’t .  I  consider   my   gov’t   one   to   be   my   best   work   ever
              I   had  little  success  trying  to  reach  KKK  or  gov’t   with   snail  mail  so  far .   I  am  including   my   gov’t   letter   on   my   race   site .  ALL   gov’t  personel  should  read  below  –  F B I ,  C I A ,  D o E ,  W H ,  Homeland  D ,  etc .
Any  attempt  to  suppress  my   efforts  to  help  the  gov’t  could  be  consequences .  How  can  i  not  succeed ?  It  fulfills  Anti – Christ  prophecy .
2   F B I   agents  already  visited  me .  Now   that   i   put   my   letter  on – line ,  gov’t  agencies  can  quickly  share  and  discuss  amongst  themselves .  Does  it  have  merit ?
KKK  could  –  possibly  –  benefit   by   reading   my   gov’t   letter –  people  can  be  taught  to  thinK  strategically .
I   did   not  change  a  thing  –  except   my   name +  I  changed  U  to  you  &  R  to  are .  It  is  the  exact  same  letter  i  sent  by  snail  mail  to  gov’t  agencies  in  the  past .  Thank  you .
S T A R T     O F     G O V ’ T     S I T E
August  5,  2012               cc1 :  EPA  DC  +  Sustainable  Facilities   Practices  Branch
cc2 : Ad  Council . Several  regional  addresses  –  3  in  NY  alone . I’m  sorry , should  I  have  targeted  NY  instead  of  DC ?   congratulations  on  hiring  women !
cc3 : FBI  HQ  in  DC  +  White  House  (  What  could  be  more “ the  gov’t ”  than  FBI  or  WH ?  Yet , I  doubt  the  President   Will   read  it  considering  how  much  mail  that  address  gets ! ).  Too  many  stamps , too  many  FBI  places . Too  much  money . Seems  Like  a  lot , but  it’s  only  2  !
cc4 : ADL,  AIPAC . How  to  target “ the  gov’t ” ?   I  thought.  Why  not   write   to  Jewish  organizations ?  They  control  the  country  anyway.
To “ the  government ”: I  became  aware  that  government  (  i.e.,  FEMA , Ready.gov )  propaganda  exists  –  obvious  eco , education , family , military , sports , women , racial……often  in  the  most  unusual  places ……… and  all  over  the  place.
Eco  –  CFL  light  bulbs  +  LED’s . outlaw  incandescent ,     E-check ,    Lead  is  evil ,    no  dumping  written  into  infrastructure ,    recycling  centers  often  near  schools ,    World  Dryer ,    3  windmills  in  cleveland ,         Gay  –  ads  on  bus  +  Chronicles  newspaper ,         reusable  shopping  bags     disability  –  Kneeling  bus
          Over  time ,  I  even  saw  propaganda  in  :  epilepsy  warning  on  video  games ,   Flu ,   seat  belts  on  shopping  carts ,        Mad  cow  disease ,  carbon  monoxide  detectors ,   depression  is  a  disease ,       Foods
I  also  see  that  gov’t  hires  outside  private  ad  companies  to  do  this . If   I  may  offer  constructive  criticism … maybe  you  need  to  change…
1.  Wash  hands  after  touching  this    it  contains  Lead , Known  to  the  State  of  California  to  cause  cancer .  Why  not  wash  the  cord  then ?
2.  Pet poop  transmits  disease . In  cat  litter  also . Why not  human  waste  then ?
3.  Dryers save  trees . Paper  Retriever  bins.  Why  not  save  crops ?  Paper  is  biodegradable –  and  your  favorite  word  Renewable . Sustainable.
I  used  to  work  at  Triarc  Beverage  Group . Near  the  end  of  my  term ,  I  handed  in  ideas  to  the  CEO.           Long – term  consistency  is the  Key  to  gauging  a  good  quarterback . Star  Wars  and  Empire  Strikes  BacK . It  is hard  to  generate  consistently  good  ideas .
Having  had  time  to  understand  some  of  your  past  actions,  I  find  fault  with  some  of  your  strategy.
1.  WTC collapsed  Like  a  pancake.
2.  Doing  things  publicly  ( South  Africa , uss  Liberty  2oo  witnesses , chemtrails , TWA  missile  theory  ) , and  then  lying  about  it  later  on .
3.  Allowing  anti – government  sentiments  ( militia )  to  grow  ( i.e., via  uncontrolled  internet ),  and  then  trying  to  clean  it  up  later  on . “ To  what  end ? ”,  a  Jewish  man  said  in  the  Plain  Dealer . Another  Jewish  man  replied , “ If  we  do  nothing , this  stuff   will   spread ”.
4.  Allowing  anti – government  sentiments  to  grow  in  Saudi  Arabia  ( a  plant  story  on  CNN –  King  Faud  said , “ Leave  the  Palestinians  alone ”.  Who’s  side  are  you  on ?  )
President  Bush  once  said, “ The  government  of  SA  is  stronger  than  the  people  of  Saudi  Arabia ”.  He  also  said , “ bringing  democracy  to  the  Middle  East   will   be  one  of  the  greatest  challenges  of  the  21st  century ”.
I  think  the  correct  strategy  to  use  in  the  Middle  East  is :  1.  Take  out  Saddam  &  his  2  sons . A  power  vacuum   will   result . Gov’t  is  a  “necessary   evil ”.
2.  Develop  ties   with  important  people  in  Iraq . People  with  history.
3.  Pretend  Like  you’re  leaving.
4.  Hopefully , one  of  your  people  will  arise  to  power.
5. Don’t  do  anything  to  make  FolKs  suspect  he  is  a  puppet  of  the  West  ( i.e., obviously , don’t  condemn  Palestinians ).  You  can’t  do  whatever  you  want ,  but   it’s  better  than  not  having  any  influence  at  all …
Why   did   you  tell  that  for ?  So  be  it . It  is  Just  my  opinion . I  remember  President  Bush  once  said , “ Strategy  ain’t  working  in  middle  east . Need  to  Re -thinK…” So  I  started  thinKing  about  it.  How   it  began .
Getting  back  to  the  subject , I  have  come  up  With  an  idea  for  your  propaganda “ machine ”.  I’m  sure  you’ll  LiKe  it  –  so   if   you  use  it , not  Just  hear  it , will  you  compensate  me  fairly , or  at  least  hire  me ?  my  resume  is  not  impressive , but  it’s  a  small  price  considering  its  potential  scope.
What  better  way  than  to  prove  oneself ?  As  a  teaser , I   will  give  you  a  propaganda  idea  for  free … As  I  said , I  learned  more  as  time  went  on , until  I  became  familiar   With  gov’t  propaganda  efforts . I  thinK  this  fits  your  goals …
I  once  bought  a  HAND  CRANK  paper  shredder  at  marc’s  closeout  section  and  never  saw  it  again  –  anywhere , but  through  the  internet . I  loved  it . It  was  simple . Cheaper  than  even  the  paper  shredder  head  ( only  the  head )  they  sell  at  Walmart . Yet,  rich  people  may  not  LiKe  it  because  it  doesn’t  cross  cut . Yet ,  truly  better  than  those  scissor  shredders.
obvious  eco – friendly.  LiKe  your  current  sustainable  transport  propaganda  –  bicycles !   No  electricity  required.  Could  even  combine  eco  +  sports.
I’ve  noticed  that  eco  propaganda  is  the  most  prevalent . But  Just  the  mere  fact  that  I  was  able  to  generate  a  new  idea  ( Transformers  and   TMNT’s )  should  scare  you  (  the  establishment  –  Marvel ,  DC )  and  prove  that  there  is  room  for  growth. ————————————— 1st  letter             Subject : Cola  Promo  Idea       BY : Tony
In  MaY  1998 , I  handed  in  many  ideas  to  the  CEO  of  a  beverage  company. One  idea  in  particular  stood  out . Why   I  came  up   With   this   idea  is  beyond  me . But  it  was  a  perfect  fit  for  cola  products.
When  I  handed  in  this  idea , I  wrote  it  in  non-beverage  specific  terms  to  protect  it . I   received  a  letter  from  the  company  Lawyer  stating  that  it  was   still   my  idea  (  I  have  that  letter  in  my  possession  if   needed  to  verify ).
The  idea  centered  around  the  use  of  a   1.  GIMMICK  CONTRACT   and   2.  A  FREE  WILL , FREE  CHOICE , Free  Stuff   sweepstakes . The  contract  would  not  be  binding  in  a  court  of  law , and  the  phrase, “ Free  Will , Free  choice ” was  popular  at  that  time – and  still  is .
The  consumer  signs  a  contract  similar  to  the  following  example :  I , (  your  name ),  hereby  practice  my  own  Free  Will ,  and  maKe  a  choice  to  drink  ( Any  drinK  ) , if  and  whenever  possible , among  the  other  drink  alternatives ,
For  a  period  of :        []  1  Year  –  Enter  me  in  the  1  Years  sweepstakes     []  2  Years  –  Silver  sweepstakes             []  5  Years  –  Bronze  sweepstakes        []  10  Years  –  Gold  sweepstakes        X____________________
The  consumer  checks  off  a  box  and  the  prizes  in  the  sweepstakes  vary  in  relation  to  longevity . We  would  laminate  the  contract , and  send  it  back  to  the  consumer.
Aug  19,  2012   cc:  Recovery  +  EPA  Sustainable , FBI  HQ +  WH , AIPAC  DC
To “ the  government ”: This  is  my  2nd  letter . Here  is  my  BIG  eco  propaganda  idea … it  involves  basic  FANS …
Solar  LED  lights  exist . Fans  look  Like  windmills !  So  basic  it  makes  you  say  I  should’ve  had  a  V-8  !   duh . It  makes  you  wonder  about  the  gov’t  sometimes.
They  can  become  eco  propaganda  because  they  save  money  by  assist  AC , and  bring  in  cool  air  at  night . This  is  nothing  new . But , up  to  this  time , it  was  never  emphasized  as  part  of  your  eco  propaganda . Go  to  the  store  and  see  for  yourself.
Tower  City  already  has  fans  in  the  Food  court , but  it  was  never  emphasized  as  part  of  eco  propaganda . They  can  be  installed  in  gov’t  buildings , Libraries , Key  bank , BP,  etc.  Just  to  move  the  air  around , not  necessarily  blow  powerfully . Indeed , it  is  a  part  of  good  planning.
That’s  nothing  new , but  this  is  –  HE  fans.  As  you  Know,  High  Efficiency  detergent  and  less  Water  laundry  machines  exist . This  is  also  eco  propaganda . You  Know  it  and  I  Know  it.
Take  the  most  popular  fan  of  all  –  the  box  fan , for  example . Well  developed  means  there  is  not  much  room  for  improvement , as  the  blades  are  already  the  most  efficiently  designed.
Well  developed  means  it  has  built  in  obsolescence – it  was  meant  to  rust  and  manufacturers  want  it  to  break  in  the  bottom  center . It  makes  much  more  sense  to  put  the  break  on  top  where  the  handle  is.
Well  developed  means  both  Aerospeed   and   Lasko   sell  Premium  box  fans , which  are  nothing  more  than  bigger  than  normal  box  fans.  note  that  the  Lasko “ Premium ”  box  fan  has  only  a  tad  bigger  diameter  and  squarer  corners , with  a  30%  increase  in  air  velocity.
The  good  thing  is , all  it  takes  is  repackaging  –  if  premium  box  fans  were  Relabeled  HE  ( 30%  more ).  Any  existing  “ Power ” fan  can  be  labeled  HE  if  there  is  more  room  for  the  blades , either  behind  or  on  the  sides.
Lasko  chose  to  make  the  corners  squarer  instead  of  making  the  diameter  bigger , as  manufacturers  prefer  smaller  packaging , even  though  it  is  better  to  have  an  equal  increase  in  diameter  all  the  way  around.
I’ll  leave  the  technical  details  up  to  your  engineers…
Related  ideas :  maybe  HE  ultrasonic  humidifier . Related  to  my  free  hand  crank  shredder  idea : Hand  crank  can  opener .  Grinder . Telephone . Start  electronics … Pump  Water.
——————————————– 2nd  letter
Related  to  my  HE  fan  idea , but  not  as  good… but  can’t  be  worse  than  your  LED  idea , which  is  EXPENSIVE , and   NOT  selling …… As  you  Know , compact  fluorescent  bulbs’s  CFL’s  are  compact.
Is  it  practical ?  It  is  also  going  in  a  direction  that  most  manufacturers  do  not  Like –  LOW  WATT,  BIGGER  BULBS  require  more  packaging .There  are  pros  and  cons –  smaller  fits  more  applications , BUT  BIGGER  DISPERSES  LIGHT  BETTER.
Trisonic  already  sells  a  crappy , not  durable  65  watt  CFL  that  fits  inside  a  150  watt  body  –  I  can  shoot  straight  into  it  with  my  camera  and  still  see  the  spiral . Indeed , long  fluorescent  tubes  also  require  no  lampshade =  High  efficient .  Related:  no  fan  GRILL.—————————- 2nd  letter
You  are  the  quarterback . I’m  Just  throwing  a  ball  out , which  is  what  I  did  at  Triarc    (  a  few  ideas , some  better  than  others ).
1. Solid  white  toe  socKs  are  rare  in  America.  Solid  dark  green ?  Sand  color . Military   propaganda .  Taken  from  WiKipedia :  article  Roman  Empire  –  The  Romans  also  invented  socks  For  those  soldiers…
2.  Short pens  are  rare . Possible  women’s  propaganda . Fit  in  purse.
3.  in  Korea  they  use  hot  water  under  the  floor  to  heat  rooms  with .  So  ?   Well , they  need  eco  propaganda  in  Korea  also , don’t  they ?    They  sell   solid  toe  socks  in  Korea . Then  people  say , “ Why  not  in  America ? ”
Not  related  to  any  propaganda … but  I’ve  been  thinking  about  racism  recently…
I  once  read  that  Islam  is  the  reason  why  it’s  hard  to  bring  democracy  to  the  Middle  East . How  religious  law  is  incorporated  into  civil  Law . And  her  Sister  communism.  they  said.  But  I  disagree.
When  the  Soviet  Union  fell , my  friend  told  me  that  Russia  still  lives.  Some  say  Russia  did  not  fall  because  of  criminal  elements  or  Soviet  hard  liners . Still , the  whole  Soviet  Union  was  almost  taken.  Sister  communism . I  don’t  think  so .
I  saw  on  CNN  how  China  clamped  down  on  criminals  because  they  destabilize the  State.                                             2  unsolved   mysteries
Why  is  it  hard  to  bring  democracy  to  the  Middle  East ?
Israel  said “ Kill  the  Hezbollah  from  top  to  bottom” . They  cannot  Kill  it .  But   why  ?
A  religion ?
CNN  said  That  Arab  is  a  “Way  of  Life ”.
The reason  I  wrote  this  –  in  my  opinion , Arab  is  a “ State  of  mind ”.  Just  Like  black  is .  Us  vs .  them .    Not  all  blacks  think  that  way , but  there  are  those  that  do.
“They  Kept  us  weak ! ! ! !”.  President  Charles  Taylor  – “They  owe  it  to  us !”.   Haiti  – “Whatever  you  do  to  us , We  do  to  you  ! ! ! !”
Palestinians  accused  of  helping  Israel  are  lynched . Winnie  Mandela  necklaces  those  accused  of  helping  “the  White  man ”. Tanks  on  MLK’s  birthday . Tulsa  got  bombed  From  the  air.  War !  “ no  surrender ” during  Tulsa.  surrender – and  die  after  Colfax  Massacre .
They  said  on  Wikipedia  that  the  Fate  of  the  Ethiopian  Jews  is  still  up  to  political  consideration  even  to  this  day . Meaning  that  the  Israeli  government  has  not  decided  whether  they  are  in  or  out  yet.
During  the  1st  airlift , Israel  was  sincere  (  Airplane  transport  is  expensive ).  After  they  arrived , the  Israeli  gov’t  said , “ We  are  CONFUSED ”. After  a  5  year  wait   (  2nd  airlift  ) ,  there  were  charges  of  racism.  the  quota  is  6oo  per  month , but  only  3oo  are  allowed  in . They  got  slapped  in  the  face , but  continue  to  arrive  – an  excuse  Israel  could  use.
Recently , the  Jerusalem  Post  took  a  poll.  43 %  of  Israelis  will  not  allow  their  daughters  to  marry  Beta  Israel . A  house  divided  cannot  stand .    In  my  opinion , if  black  is  a “ state  of  mind ”, Israel  is  making  a  mistake .—————————2nd  letter
Dear  WH , could  you  please  tell  your  staffers  to  allow  any  more  letters  from  me  to  reach  the  President ?  or  whoever  gets  it ?   couldn’t  my  State  of  mind  theory   (  Let  WH  decide  if  I  am  correct . What  else  is  the  WH  created  for ?  strategy !  )  affect  strategic  decisions ?      
What  does  it  hurt  listening  to  ideas ?   I  am  not  employed.  My  resume  is  crap.  So,  I  thought , why  not  generate  ideas  and  try  to  get  a  gov’t  Job ?
I  recall  Ray  Croc ?  once  said  “ You  have  to  trust  the  company  (  gov’t , marvel  ) . The  company  cannot  trust  you ”. I  Know  from  experience . When  I  handed  in  ideas  at  Triarc  Beverage , I  wrote  the  idea  in  non  beverage  specific  terms . They  eventually  realized  that  I  had  protected  it.  Smart  cookie.  Sadly , nothing  came  of  it.
BUT –  the  CEO  wanted  them.  Demanded  my  ideas . I  was  a  low  level  marketing  Trainee.   oK.  I  gave  you  a   big   one . Will   I   be  compensated ?
————————————————————————————  March  25, 13    cc:  EPA  Sustainable . FBI  HQ,  WH.  AIPAC  DC , ADL  NY,  Ad  Council
To “ the  gov’t ”: This  is  my  3rd  letter , Entitled “ Bread  &  Circuses  +  Internet ”. When  I   Sent  out  my  1st  Letter , I  thought  about  propaganda  ideas . As  ideas  progressed , I   switched  to  strategy , which  I  thought  you’d  prefer.
The  following  is  not  a  coherent  or  developed  strategic  plan-s . Just  Like  yours.
Strategy  # 1  How  about  a  Head  of  Propaganda ?  Title  should  not  mimic  German  evil “ propaganda ”. He  was  important  to  Hitler . One  of  the  1st  steps  of  the  Department  is  to  RE – think  current  propaganda.  Is  it  coherent  and  part  of  strategy ?   i.e,  Seat  belt  laws ?  Strategy  fits  how ?
If  decisions  are  decentralized   and  left  to  outside  private  Ad  Agencies , some  mistakes  could  be  made  over  here , but  not  over  here.   They  could  overlap  –  dryers  save  trees , but  paper  is  biodegradable  and  renewable…
+  I  saw  ( neutral  ?  )   American  Red  Cross  on  a   ( gov’t  ) FEMA  poster . Not  good . Guilt  by  association . YMCA  also.
+  Incoherent  –  3   fish  are  not  recommended  by  the  FDA ?  Also  sounds  not  believable.  =  Propaganda  – so  – messed  – up  – it  – makes  – no  – coherent  – sense  – whatsoever.
My  initial  perception  was  –  Ready.gov ,  FEMA  is  announcing  itself . But  now…  Just  makes  you  feel  Like  you  are  “moving  along ”. Making  progress.
Related : I  take  RTA . If  people  take  public  transportation , is  there  more  opportunities  to  propagandize ?  Promote  RTA ?  cost
Related : create  Ministry  of  Strategy . Not  important  –  I  say  Roman  architecture . chess – Like  tiles.  Is  it  necessary ?   What  are  its  functions ?  oF  course  –  statistical  analysis . Even  propaganda  requires  strategy . Maybe  even  located  next  to  each  other .
Strategy  #  2         RE – Think  Sports      Far  be  it  for  me  to  question  the  Romans , who  promoted  “ entertainment  for  the  masses ”.  But  I   Will .
With   today’s  mass  technology  ( TV , enough  good  movies , internet ) ,  entertainment  is  less  relevant . Even  in  the “ Radio  Days ”,  there  were  comic  books . Question  it  then .
The  sole  exception  is  the  internet , where  info  ( not  always  good  )   is  in  abundance . which  should  maybe  –  be  discouraged .         You  argue, “ It  is  another  avenue  to  promote  propaganda  or  refute ”.  It  is  also  a  Way  to  learn . There  are  safer  Ways .
Let’s  say  I  read  about  bad  unbranded  gasoline .  or  Kucinich  leading  on  internet  polls . Racial  history  is  oK , but  someone  reads  “Jena  6  largely  ignored  by  US  media ” –  it  leads  to  bias .
It  doesn’t  even  have  to  be  political  info.   or..or..or..or..or I  once  heard , “ Needs  to  be  controlled ”. or..or..or..or..or –  that  doesn’t  sound  controlled  to  me .
Related  is  a “ more  miles  to  the  gallon ” idea.  +  other  diversions . Like  Pat  Tillman , Kasparov  retired  from  chess , saying  that  there  was  no  point  to  it.  Why  not  promote  chess  clubs ?  Sports  can  become  redundant .
But  not  Sony  Play  Station ?  (  Electronic  in  nature , Like  internet  –  iF  you  are not  gonna  target  computers  or  electronic  typewriters . Why  not  Play  Station ?  ).
Bottom  line – Besides  sports , other  avenues  may  attract  more  people . The  pie  gets  bigger ……Romans  had  hobbies  too .
All  I   see  is  media  promoting  other  media  ( TV  show  on  ABC )  or  Wall  to  Wall  –  sports  –  even  on  front  page  of  Plain  Dealer.  I  do  not  see  you  promoting  other  hobbies . RTA,  No  other  hobbies , except  a  chess  tournament –  one  time  at  Tower  city.————————————3rd  letter
Strategy  #  3   Bugs , Worms  –  plague  the  internet . Like  movie  Dark  City , Shut  it  down ! ?
come  up   With   a  good   excuse  first . Like  Norton  cannot  stop  a  Worm  because  they  are  mutating  (  Like  Borg , no  time  to  adapt  )   AND  replicating  by  themselves . Progressively  getting  Worse .
Origins  unknown . Al  Quida  is  small.  Make  them  sophisticated ?   WTC  more  believable.  unknown  sounds  more  believable  Strategy.
continue   With   long  range  plan  –  gov’t  plays  hero  trying  to  stop  it . call  for  a  day  to  shut  down  internet . Improved , but  it  starts  again  faster . Another  day  to  spray.  Again . Warning . Soon  to  End  ……or  something.
I   stopped  here , but  thoughts  entered  –  Is  it  Way  too  late ?  Not  if  it  Keeps  people  UP  TO  DATE  also , Especially  if  you  are  trying  to  renovate  strategy.
Is  it  bett-er  Just  to  try  to  refute / Ambiguity ?  Is  there  a  way  for  only  gov’t  to  Keep  it ?  or  save  Wikipedia  info  before  shutting  it  down.
You  argue, “ internet  could  change  other  ( Arab  Spring  )  gov’ts  –  but  not  at  the  expense  of  your  own .  I  could  be  wrong , but  I  advise  –  How  about  Re – create  the  internet ?  smaller.
How  about  begin  plans –  now ?  could  always  change  mind  in  future . Takes  planning.  How  make  the  switch  over ?  Need  excuse . People  usually  think “ gov’t  did  it ”,  especially  if  only  gov’t  Keeps  it.————————————— 3rd  letter
Strategy  #  4   RE – think  Food  Stamps . Romans  were  masters  of  military , architecture , gov’t . They  hired  someone  to  whisper  in  the  General’s  ear, “ Remember , you  are  Just  a  man ”.  masters.
Romans  threw  edible  bread  ( could  there  be  a  reason ?  ) , not  gold  or  salt , out  to  the  people . I  recall  as  a  Kid , my  mom  got  a  huge  bar  of  free  gov’t  butter . But  you  can’t  eat  butter  now .
As  a  woman  Said  in  movie  ‘Food , inc ’…Then  you  have  to  buy  Ketchup  and  this  and  little  of  that …not  gonna  eat  all  of  it …Want  a  hamburger… something  you  can  eat  right  now …don’t  have  to  cook…
What  is  Food  anyway ?  commodity  as  it  gets . A  Forest  Gump  man  once  said  that  he  cleaned  the  coup  for  all  the  chicken  he  could  eat . Both  me  and  my  friend  told  him  that  it  was  not  a  good  deal .  I’d  Like  a  lifetime  supply  of  coupons  for  this  idea  alone.  Not  !  …Well ……… oK.  Me  and  my  Mom.
Like  soup  Kitchens  of  the  Great  Depression , this  is  more  related  to  STRATEGY  than  propaganda . All  these  other  PROPAGANDA  ideas  should  NOT  concern  the  White  House . Let  them  decide  if  I  found  a  strategic  flaw .
involving  –  only  on  holidays , military , “a  Warm  meal ”,  Remember  troops , surplus.. ?. .Etc.  Not  dust  bowl  –  Who  believes  droughts  in  America ?
I  receive  stamps , but  I  don’t  consider  it  to  be  Food . My  perception  –  I  see  it  more  as  extra  money . It  is  directly  deposited  into  my  banK  account . But , the  Romans  threw  bread , NOT  GOLD  or  Salt , out  to  the  people . Who’s  perception  matters ?  The  people’s  !  the  recipient’s …not  the  government’s  perception.
I  get  McDonald’s , Wendy’s , coupons  once  in  awhile  with  my  Junk  mail.  I  use  them.  How  about  gov’t  coupons  for  use  at  private  restaurants ?  choice  too.  I   Know  McDonald’s  promotes  gov’t  propaganda.
Just  a  thought  –  Isn’t  it  better , Solidify  tangible , if  Food  pic  is  on  the  coupon ?   PICTURES  MATTER . More  TANGIBLE . How  choice  then ?   Backflip  shows  different  alternative ?   With  Fries  or  dessert  and  drink  –  complete  meal  is  more  satisfying ?   Not  necessarily . In  this  case , details  matter  more . Don’t  Just  leave  it  up  to  engineers  (  Fans ).
one  time  use  coupons  require  frequent  interaction  (  cut  out  scissors , Take  out  of  wallet  ) , unLike  reloadable  gift  cards . Like  Seder  meals , it  brings  into  mind  where  it  comes  from.  Salty  tears  +  tablet  shaped  matzos.
I  don’t  Know  how  stamps  WorK  exactly  (  I  think  you  can  buy  restaurant  Food  )  , but  it  is  more  DIRECT  and  immediate  Than  butter . more  TANGIBLE  than  Food  stamps … more  SATISFYING  experience .
What  about  immediate ?  or  MRE   Food  giveaways   (  for  military )  –  i’ve  heard  it  being  done  before .  As  the  old  adage  goes , “ Dogs  don’t  bite  the  hand  that  feeds  it ”.  Make  people  correlate  that  they  got  Food , not  money , from  the  gov’t .
More  in  tune  with  human  instincts  –  animals  fight  over  food.  fight  over  women.  Life’s  pleasure.  satisfying.  Related  to  that ?  Maybe  a  time  limit . dogs  need  to  learn  why  it  got  rewarded . Soon  after.
omg !   how  long  have  stamps  existed  and  no  one  RE-thought  this !  Flaws  in  your  strategy  +  propaganda –  FAN  Windmills . Expensive  LED’s.
Who  says  I’m  correct  ?  Taking  a “ swing ” at  your  strategies. “ Go  ahead ”.  It  is  encouraged  by  the  gov’t . oK  I  took  bread  and  game “ Tweaking ” swipes , internet  swings . and  now  Shadow…
What  is  the  cost  of  sound  advice  to  our  gov’t  who  spends  on  flawed  Shadow  gov’t  instead ?  Shadow  questions  both  the  Well – written  constitution  and  Romans  ( shortest , fastest  roads  to  suppress  uprisings ).
“ Go  ahead ”  Let  you’re  analysts  analyze  my  strategic  swings  !  Best  and   brightest  Strategy –  I  proved  myself ?   Hire  me !   Babylon  took  into  captivity .———————— 3rd  letter
Lesson  #  1   No  one  ever  used  fluoridated  water  or  contaminated  Food  as  a  part  of  strategy . Not  the  Romans . Not  china , even  today . etc  I  have , for  the  longest  time , doubted  its  Wisdom.
1.  Taste  and  smell  being  2  of  the  5  senses  people  use  to  discern  truth  ( and  lies ) . In  this  case , even  sight  –  growth  hormone  rBST  boobs  grow  prematurely.
2.  Ingredients  in  Asia , Middle  East  not  coherent  with  West.  Stevia  is  used  in  Japan  &  Korea  PUBLICLY,  but  the  FDA  +  media  are  covering  it  up.
VERY  POSSIBLE –  Even  when “ caught ”,  FolKs  tend  to  blame  money  interests , never  the  gov’t.  There  is  no  motive .  Easier  to  Keep  blaming  $  . I  once  read  on  internet –  significant  portion  of  India  believe  iodized  salt  is  a  multinational  conspiracy.
on  Yahoo  news , You  once  Said  –  blame  the  sugar  lobby . Then  you  are  blaming  only  one  industry . one  Food  item.  It’s  better  to  blame  the  Whole .
Related : I  Know  about  tainted  unbranded  gasoline  –  by  owning  a  car  in  the  past  and   reading  things  on  the  internet . It  does  not  make  sense  to  me.  incoherent.  Gas ?  Has  to  do  with  Food ? You  say  depopulate . But  gas ?  10W40  oil ?  Additives ? ——————————————– 3rd  letter
As  I  was  at  McDonald’s , it  came  to  me.  You  can’t  blame  industry  because  there  is  gov’t  complicity.  FDA.  Local  municipalities . 1930’s.  Blame  lobby  then.  JFK  –  Public  evidence  exists.        blame  mob . No , there  is  media  and  gov’t  complicity . create  impression  that  the  mob  has  influence ?
For  only  JFK  ?     could  use  as  excuse  for  other  mistaKes .         Will  this  impression  Fit  others , or  clash ?   You  already  created  the  impression  that  the  FBI  is  incompetent  ( Oklahoma  City ).  Could  this  make  people  who  watch  movies  think “ FBI  Warning  don’t  matter ? ”
AMA  is  famous  lobby.  Build  up  AMA  1st ?   Later , I  thought  –  I  prefer  a  Tag  Team  with  other  lobbies  as  various  foods  are  tainted.
What  about  McDonald’s  complicity ?   Movie  Supersize  me.  Attack  ADM , Supermarket  to  the  world  ?   Mid  level   employee  blew  the  whistle ?   or  hope  it  Just “ blows  over ”. Is  it  preferable  not  to  “ blow  the  whistle ”  &   Just  create  the  impression  that  certain  lobbies  have  influence  in  DC  India   (  worldwide )   instead ? —————- I  haven’t  resolved  this  issue  yet . All  these  ideas  can  be  further  refined.
Arafat  was  the  sole  survivor  in  a  plane  crash . In  college  class , I  recall  a  student  said , “ Yeah  right ” People  think  …Mossad  did  it  !
In  booK  ‘Disney  Wars ’, people  inside  (  and  outside ?  )   of  Disney  think  the  fortunes  for  the  company  changed  after  Frank  Well’s  death…People  watching  this  1   company.  Roy  is  seen  as  Protector  of  Legacy . Don’t  Kill  him.  It  matters  not  if  he  died  of  natural  causes.
Lesson  #  2    What  matters  is, “ Does  it  look  SUSPICIOUS ? ” Was  there  a  MOTIVE ?  Sound  believable ?   He  Kept  Eisner’s  power  in  check . They  said  on  Wikipedia –  that  there  was  a  motive  for  WTC  also.  War  in  Afghanistan , Iraq.
Lesson  #  3    Eisner  being  Jewish  did  not  help . It  hurt.  Rumors  do  exist.  MANY  Jews  in  Clinton  Administration  was  –  telling  me  to  write  to  ADL , AIPAC .
Jesse  Jackson  accused  the  3  Nixon  Administration . 3  Rubin  Greenspan  Summers . 2  more  at  Disney . I’m  sure  others  do  the  same . many  Jews  raises  suspicions . Why  do  that  ?
To  me  personally , book  Media  Bias  written  by  a  Jew , doesn’t  help  either. +  Saul  Steinstein ?   Disney  and  Goldsmith  Goodyear  leads  me  to  believe  hostile  corporate  takeover  is  part  of  your  strategy. I   think.
Even   if  a  problem  doesn’t  exist  ( which  it  does ), can  this  ‘Jewish  gov’t  control’  rumors  be  WEAKened  with  a  fabricated  story ?  off   hand  I  can’t  think  of  a  story , but  there  is  something  I’ve  been  mulling  –  a  Way  to  BLUNT.
My  Circus  Impression  idea  to  explain  media  +  gov’t .  What’s  that ?  Put  many  chinese  in  our  gov’t  to  explain  trade  deficit . Emphasize  Paramount  Japan  –  Hollywood  control . Paramount  +  NAACP  have  history . To  explain  food  corruption .
Many  lobbies  =  adds  up  to  chaos  and   leads  to  confusion .  creating  doubt  is  another  strategy  by  the  Way . NAACP  to  Explain  S A +  LA  silence . Emphasize  NAACP  actions  in  the  past  – they  threatened  to  boycott  Hazel  TV  show.  Explain  1970’s  TV.  latino  lobby ?  or  blacks  are  lowest , so  they  would  support “ Rainbow ”  immigration.
Short  term  –  global  pharmaceutical  lobby , NAACP  in  trouble , accusations .  Leads  to  statement  on  newspapers  –  similar  to  Consumer  Reports “ We  accept  no  outside  advertising  dollars ”.
Long  term  plan  –  major  crackdown . No  more  lobbies .  big  bang . All  propaganda  fixed .
What  about  Hollywood ?  There’s  no  way  around  it ?  Jews  would  still  remain  a  force  –  You  need  loyal  people  to  carry  out  your  bidding .  Name  change ?    —————————————3rd  letter
When  Milosevic  was  arrested , a  lower  level  employee  policeman  gave  him  his  Word  –  publicly . When  he  died , it  was  suspicious  to  me .
Almost  as  if  you  had  broken  your  Word . When  a  lower  level  auto  employee  gambled  with  company  money , the  whole  company  was  found  liable . Sure  we  all  croak  at  some  time.  Lesson  –  don’t  break  your  public  word . But  he  could  escape . Statistically , the  chances  of  a  prison  break  are  1  in  1oooooooooooooooo
What  happens  when  2  goals  conflict ?  Related  to  racism  and  Publicity  Strategy . Maybe  related  to  immorality  ( Lies )   agenda  – both  happened  slowly  at  1st.
Hoover  never  cared  about  the  KKK  ( SOCIAL ).  He  was  interested  with  the  communist  party  (  POLITICAL ).  Albright  said  “ Militia  is  enemy ”.  Same  thing .             But  the  KKK  not  Like  this  gov’ t  also.  But  their  interests , motives  are  social .
Lesson  #  4      Sure  it  hurts  the  agenda  of  mingling  seeds  together . But  helping  minorities  and  women  should  NOT  be  the  main  concern  to  the  gov’t . A  word  to  the  next  puppet  in  a  middle  eastern  country .
latinos  in  LA  ?   one  paragraph  in  the  Plain  Dealer . and  yet  blacks  are  leaving  LA.  SA  Farm  Murders . one  White  supremacist  got  Killed . But  it’s  happening  at  random . The  media  paints  this  picture  that  only  KKK  get  Killed .
It  also  leads  to  charges  of  MEDIA  bias  and   silence . What  is  more  important ?   Helping  minorities  or  media  integrity ?
Come  up  with  an  excuse  and  talk ? ? ? “ ANC  blackmailed … uranium ”. or  something .  LA  –  community  leaders  pleaded  with  media…  Which  leaders ?
CRITICAL  STEP –  attack  excuses  from  every  angle.  it  could  get  worse .
STEP  2  –  if  possible ,  outline  a  short  and  long  range  plan.  Kind  of  Like  what  I  did  with  Worm  internet  excuse.
Up  to  here , it’s  clear  to  me.  To  be  continued.  X X X
3rd  letter——————————————–
Is  it  better  to  try  to  let  things “ blow  over ” if  time  elapses  too  long ?  I  don’t  Know.  Related  : If  media  uses  same  excuse , or  excuses  many  times , could  it  also  lead  to  –  McDisney  movies  today  –  hero , girl , villain , comic  relief  same  storyline .
Pre – viz  long  range  implications ?   Should  you  select  certain  past  silences  1st  ?  on  what  criteria ?   I  am  not  about  to  tackle  all  this . Nor  the  amount  of  propaganda .
I  think  strategy  is  relative .  Anti – christ  is  Master  of  Strategy , As  opposed  to  novice  or  intermediate .  The  Golden  Rule  being  –  do  the  best  you  can  do.
I  think  –  if  it  sounds  Like  it  may  work , do  it . Brainpower  can  be  used  on  other  things.———————————-3rd  letter
continued.   X X X            or  spread  excuse  rumors.  Unofficial  media  leads  to  official  story . chemtrails  were  a  part  of  DOD  Strategy… Threat  to  National  Security  at  that  time… so  media  complied ”.
So  the  media  is  partial ?  Why  the  gap  in  time  to  report ?  Every  angle.
Why  not  other  media  companies ?   But –  people  think  there  is  choice  from  having  many  cable  stations – another  step  to  think  about ?   conglomerate  1st ?
Used  to  immunize  people . could  even  be  used  in  conjunction  with  Gulf  War  Syndrome .  or  frequently  printed  sentence-s. “ Rumors  are  circulating …
I  didn’t  Like  Israel  did  not  Know  USS  Liberty  was  American  excuse . For  hours ? ? ?  +  they  hoisted  a  flag  rumors . All  we  Know  is  Egypt  was  signaling  rumors –  better.  Ambiguity  then  –  I’m  not  sure  what  I  mean  by  that . Something  on  board  top  secret,  had  to  be  destroyed . I  heard  about  MLK’s  death –  a  man  named  Raoul  –  led  me  to  believe  in –  conspiracy.
Rumors  of  Rabin’s  death  also . Princess  Diana  Mossad  rumors . Motive ?   I  read  the  same  thing  about  the  Lusitania . Bombs  or  something  –  VAGUE.  conspiracy ?    I  don’t  Know . Motive  ?
In  Liberty  case , Way  too  much  time  expired ?   Perhaps . No  problems  as  long  as  there  is  not  200  scared  witnesses  released  back  into  the  population.
Note : There  is  no  motive  for  chemtrails  also.  I  personally  guess , Like  Food , to  poison  air  supply . Milosevic –  I  guess  you  broke  your  word . I  could  be  wrong. ———————————–3rd  letter
I  was  grocery  shopping,  when  it  hit  me –  if  it  sounds  Like  it  may  succeed , do  it……… I   said  before .   I  erred  –  long  range  implications ?   criteria ?  – should  be  tackled .              More  Specifically  –  time . The  longer  you  wait  to  go  public  with  a  silence  in  the  past , the  harder  it  is  to  go  public.———————————3rd  letter
Pre – Viz   or  long  word  pre – visualization …  Part  of  strategy ?   I  don’t  Know.  It’s  Just  something  I  thought  of.     So  important  to  Lucas,  he  hired  Speilberg  For  Pre-viz
This  is  what’s  going  to  happen…” What  did  you  think  about  Tony’s  ideas ? ” I  agree  with  sports  and  hobbies.  I  didn’t  really  think  about  mass  technology  part  Yet , go  with  that  first … I  Like  his  gov’t  food  coupons …
When  I  generated  my  comic  book  idea , I  hit  a  few  dead  ends . It  became  clearer  and  instead  of  continuing  down  the  wrong  path , I  “ Re – started ”  my  computer.
What  is  the  point  of  this  letter ?   So  the  gov’t  made  mistakes  in  the  recent  past . So  what  ?
Don’t  do  it  again . YOU  LEARNED  a  little , didn’t  you ?
I’m  not  familiar  with  strategy  concepts  and  teachings . I  Just  wrote  and  wrote –  it  came  naturally  to  me  (  and  generated  more  ideas  ).  As  a  Job  search .
I  prefer  to  work  freelance , but  I’d  also  Like  to  be  put  on  the  company  payroll  –  something  to  tell  my  family. “ I  got  a  Job ”.  But , I  cannot  generate  ideas  all  the  time . It  comes  and  goes.
Do  you  Know  how  important  good  ideas  or  sound  advice  is ?   Do  you  Know  how  much  military  money  you  could’ve  saved  by  using  my  middle  east  strategy  (  letter  1  )   in  Iraq ?
Every  idea  I  generate  put  a  price  tag  on  it . It  saves  you  $  and  motivates  me . You  want  me  to  initiate ?  No , I  prefer  the  Ebay  approach .  Hint  :  I  work  for  cheap.
Maybe  I’ll  buy  an  old  Disney  movie  on  Ebay – or…or…or…or
Homeland  Defense  –  “ Look  inward ”,  Pres  Bush  said.  Did  you  mean  Focus ?   I’ve  never  heard  that  before  –  as  part  of  strategy . At  least , I  got  you  thinking  about  strategy  ( GooD  THING , also  unappreciated  ).
My  internet  final  solution  is  pretty  solid , isn’t  it ?  You  had  a  little  time  to  analyze . Not  gonna  change  is  it  ?    Re-create  I  mean . MAJOR  Advice  AFFECTING  SO  MANY.————————————- 3rd  letter
I  advise  that  a  similar  letter  be  read  by  many  in  the  gov’t .        or  as  it  is  immediately  to  top  brass.
STEP  1   Re-type  letters  word  For  word .  Make  the  font  bigger . Double  check  accuracy  is  going  too  far , should  be  standard  procedure . on  hard  disk  too
STEP  2   Discuss  my  letters  in  the  WH.
STEP  3  ?   Implement  some  of  my  more  solid  ideas  now.
STEP  4  ?    Edit  my  letters . concise  or  hide  sensitive  info.
STEP  5  ?  Widen  the  base  outward . Simple  matter  of  distributing  my  letters  to “ Think  Tanks ”.  Fellow  strategists.
Major –  How  to  conquer  the  Middle  East  in  letter  1.
State  of  Mind  Theory  in  Letter  2  –  certainly  helps  to  unlock  mysteries  about  the  Middle  East , Hezbollah , DOESN’T  IT ?   maybe ?
Major  – Internet  is  important  enough.
Analyze  my  analysis . Minor :    Food  Stamps –  Food,  not  money . correct  ?   A   Flaw  ?          consistently  good  ideas… Fans  Assist  AC . Look  Like  Windmills . big  eco.
I  proved  that  there  is  room  for  propaganda  and  strategy  and  maybe  understanding  growth  ( THESE  means  gov’t  should  be  concerned –  big  ones  too )  and   refinement . I  wonder  why  it  takes  you  so  long  to  tackle  the  un-controlled  internet  in  particular.  or  Fans …… Food  stamps  not  too  obvious.
I  see  and  understand  your  efforts  by  your  actions   (  Shadow , Build  plan . Ready  !   ) . You  Jews  try  hard.    Try  less  hard  and  more  brainpower.
You  Jews  are  very  cautious . Hollywood  lied  very  slowly  at  1st . +  Seeds  of  men  mingle  Slowly  at  1st .  Sometimes  I  pity  you.  Not  really …….  But  in  a  “desperate”  sort  of  Way
I’ve  been  away  for  awhile  (  between  letters 1 , 2  +  the  gap  in   time  for  this  one  #  3  )  writing  strategy  letters  to  the  KKK.  I  may  show  you  what  I  wrote  to  them –  Later –  Just  to  further  prove  my  strategy  skills  to  you .
You  owe  me  FF  Fans  Food Stamp ?  +  others  ( Sports ?,  INTERNET,  crank…).  Show  me  a  little.        and   I’ll  show  you  more  strategic  ideas .
I  saved  the  best  for  last . You  might  guess  one  of  them , but  I  doubt  the  other. Maybe  I’m  bluffing . More  ?   Prepare  to  be  blown  away .
It’s  not  Fair  but  I  learned  at  Triarc , you  must   trust  the  company  because  the  company  can’t  trust  you .  But  if  I’m  not  compensated , I  won’t  think  anymore  than  what  I  already  thought  up.
April   27,  2013               What  good  is  it  For  me  to  Keep  these  strategic  ideas ?  Almost  all  were  generated  after  my  1st  letter  dated  August  5 ,  2012.
My  Fourth  and  last  letter  dated  April  10, 2013.     In  between  1 – 4 ,  I’ve  been  busy  writing  strategic  letters  to  the  KKK  and  a  Twilight  Zone  movie  script  Why  mention  that  ?  As  a  reference  should  you  desire  to  try  to  get  a  clearer  picture  of  me.
I  was  motivated  to  try  to  get  a  Job  when  I  wrote  to  the  gov’t . In  doing  so , I  accidentally , over  time , discovered  that  there  is  room  for  improvement  in  both  the  KKK  and  the  gov’t’s  strategies . Shame  on  both  of  you . ——————————– 4th  letter
April  10,  2013              cc: CNN  +  Plain  Dealer , Ad  Council  DC , NY , Atlanta , Chicago                           cc:  WH,  AIPAC  DC,  Homeland  D , ADL  OH , DC , NY ,     FBI  DC,  OH,   EPA  Sustain , DOE
To “ the  government ”:     This  is  my  4th  letter , entitled “ Antichrist  Letter ”. The  following  is  not  a  coherent  or  developed  strategic  plan – s.  Just  Like  yours.
How  about  a  renovation  at  the  strategic  level ?   Blatant  mistakes were  committed  ( especially  in  the  relatively  recent  )  past , some  of  which  cannot  be  corrected  in  the  future .
An  anti – gov’t  cancer  exists  in  Saudi  Arabia  and  because  of  internet . No  amount  of  strategy  can  Kill  it  –  unless  you  Kill  everyone –  I  think .
            Wrong  strategy –  Let  cancer  grow.  Clean  it  up  later  With  SWAT  and  prisons.
Let’s  not  forget  the  good  –  Seawolf  sub  plot , destroy  a  tank  before  China  can  get  their  hands  on  it , etc.  etc.  not  just  China .  Yet , China  itself , is  a  potential  mistake  waiting  to  happen . Why  help  in  the  1st  place ?
But  as  Bible  says , “ He  ( Anti – Christ )  will  be  a  master  of  strategy .  He  will  succeed  in  all  that  he  does ”…I  believe  you  will  succeed  in  efforts  to  reconstruct  strategy.  Good  luck
It  tooK  him  time , but  King  David  Knew  one  of  his  advisors  was  LiKe  taking  advice  from  God ”. He  gave  the  correct  advice  (  go  now ) , but  someone  secretly  working  for  David  gave  the  wrong  advice ( WAIT ),  and  made  a  convincing  argument . All  the  advisors  bit  !
Lesson –  Just  because  correct  advice  is  given , doesn’t  mean  it  will  be  heeded .  But  how  did  David  discern  he  was  good ?   He  was  a  good  Judge  of  character ?
Strategy  # 1  Related :  and  also  mind  boggling . CAN  UNDERSTANDING   BE  TAUGHT ?  This  understanding  is  something  I  Know  little  about. maybe  funding  some  experiments  at  colleges  could  help  you  gain  insight .
Again , according  to  the  Bible –  He  ( Anti – Christ )  will  understand  darK  sentences …I  believe  you  will  succeed  once  again .  I  don’t  Know  what  dark  sentences  means.
Primarily  sight  and  sound.  Body  language ?  Tone  and  speed  of  voice . Playing  offense –  asking  questions . Correct  himself  means  he  is  lying .  Inconsistencies ?  Re-phrase  the  same  question.            
But  if  you  teach  them , they  may  get  Wise  to  tactics . This  understanding  is  something   I  haven’t  thought  about  to  any  degree , but  it  could  give  you  a  Tactical  EDGE , especially  in  DIPLOMACY.
Strategy  # 2  A  hierarchy. The  one  who  makes  that  decision  should  be  the  best . She  should  Know  how  it  all  fits  together.     or  a  system.  A  meeting . Under  certain  criteria .
If  ideas  are  too  numerous , have  staffers  decide . A  FILTER. or  as  you  say  “1st  Responders”.  How  else  are  good  ideas  going  to  reach  the  WH ?  Easy  access. This  letter  can  be  an “ acid  test ”.  Training  could  help – identify.
Borrowing  a  Roman  strategy ,   perhaps  filters  can  be  scared –  Kill  soldiers  who  fall  asleep  on  watch  duty.  FBI  will  investigate. “ How  would  they  Know ? ” the  filter  may  think ?  create  doubt  in  his  mind  –  post  office  checks  mail  from  time  to  time.
When  I  worked  at  Triarc , Mistic  Dark  Teas  was  unknown  to  me.    Hence,  when  I  eventually  generated  an  Arab  bottle  with  a  long  sipping   spout  idea , it  was  too  late  to  implement  it –  unlike  propaganda , I  am  not  familiar  with  your  strategies . it  impedes  me  from  generating  ideas.
Take  propaganda  for  example  –  to  help  generate  ideas , info  would  be  required .  Education , military , gay . Past  examples  help  in  the  learning  process.  Doesn’t  it  destroy  the  purpose  once  tactics  are  understood ?  Like  understanding . You  don’t  want  them  to  Know  it  is  propaganda . We  are  being  lied  to  by  Hollywood.
Strategy  # 3        Another  idea  –  as  I  was  freely  writing , I  thought  it  Would  help  if  I  could  see  more  and  more , Like  how  Wikipedia  exploded  –  help  me  to  see  the  big  picture  clearer.  I  Started  the  3rd  and  4th  letter  With  a  skeleton  and  added  onto  it  later  – FREELY.
Put  it  on-Line ?  Keep  adding  to  big  STRATEGY  PLAN  (  Make  a  map ).  Then  subtract  and  edit . Growth  and  refinement.  For  now , I  advise  that  you  focus  on  growth  (  Strategy  Plan  or  training ?  ),  not  so  much  Fine  tuning  ( hierarchy ).  When  you  say  growth  do  you  mean  Teaching  or  the  Strategy  Plan ?  I  don’t  Know  What  I  mean , but  the  Plan  for  sure.
You  should  Focus  on  this  decentralized  strategy  first.  OUTWARD,  THEN  IN – and  out  again  and  so  Forth . After  you  do  some  things – Keep  going  outward  for  Awhile.  Eventually  to  mid  level , maybe  all  employees.  In  stages  as  things  become  clearer.
It  leads  to  greater  understanding . Knowledge  builds  on  Knowledge . HE  Fans  Led  to  HE  bulbs . Hand  crank  shredder  Led  to  hand  crank  other . it  took  time  for  me  to  see  more  propaganda.
How  do  you  balance  the  need  for  secrecy  With  the  decentralized  teaching  approach ?  Hmm ?   I’m  not  familiar  With  your  strategies.
SUPER  STRATEGY  # 4   TEACHING.  PEOPLE  CAN  BE  TAUGHT  TO  THINK  STRATEGICALLY.  Why  would   I   give  you  an  idea  that  could  create  more  competition   for   me ?   I   Like  this  idea  more  than  any  other.  it  should  allow  you  to  tap  ideas  from  your  vast  pool  of  human  resources , and   put  me  out  of work.  Not  that  I’m  working  for  you .
INNER:  those  in  the  inner  circle  could  be  electronically  connected.  How  WiKipedia  exploded . I  prefer  the  PLAN  With  HTML  Links . I  think  communication  among  strategists  would  be  important  while  growth  occurs . How  did  WiKipedia  start ?
Two  prong  approach  – those  powerful  in  the  inner  circle  taught  to  think  more  strategically . Read  my  3rd  lessons  letter –  again .  Sharpen  their  swords .
Who  dares  to  bother  the  powers  that  be ?    It  can  be  taught , can’t  it  ?  Rodney  Dangerfield  says  “ Back  to  school  ! ”
OUTER  INNER:  Who  would  that  include ?  Keep  pushing  out.  How ?  Less  sensitive  info ?  I  don’t  Know.   ALL:  A  continuing  letter-s.  other  types  of  training –  how  to  work  with  other  agencies .  Sharing  info.
could  Lie –  NEA  ( not  gov’t )  promotes  education. Any  ideas ?  one  Way  is  to  present  it  as  a  case  example , Like  I  did  at  Akron  University  – Taking  Words  out  and   supplementing  Them.
could  tell  the  truth  –  Recently  we  changed  Food  Stamps . can  you  employees  think  of  any  Ways  of  improving  gov’t  programs ?  Then  there  will  be  many  silly  ideas . Need  filters.
Is  there  a  Way  to  draw  ideas  from  the  general   public ?  Caribou  coffee  once  had  a  contest.   Why  they  Like  it.  Words  from  a  Few  people  were  printed  on  cups . Hold  contests ?  Maybe  offer  a  reward  if  it  leads  to…
Hint : Irish  Brit  are  beautiful.  Roberta  Pedon  was  not  Latvian . She  was  Irish . Tina  Small . BooBS
Joke  –  I  heard  the  Mossad  spends  months  – trying  to  figure  out  what  the  right  bait  is . Why  not  hire  women  with  big  boobs ?   can’t  Go  wrong  most  of  the  time  anyway.
LiKe  in  movie  ThanK  You  For  SmoKing  –  irish  Type.  World  class  Tits … Reporter  trying  to  get  privileged  info  is  not  relevant ?
Physical  appearance  matters  –  Clothes  noble  Wig , Race  –  blend  in  With  enemy , Trojan  Horse  Paper  Tiger .         Strange  –  Anti – christ ?   “ King  of “ Fierce  countenance ”.
oF  all  the  ideas  I  have  generated  in  my  Life , I’d  say  this  ( THESE )  strategic  WH ,  or  Triarc  Gimmick  contract   (  Later  Free  Will , Free  Choice , Free  Stuff  –  Pepsi  did  – Fit  perfectly  )   was  best.
When  I  initially  came  up With  Triarc  idea,  it  was  Just  a  vague  concept.  CEO  told  me  “Hmm… interesting ”.  Long  story , but  he  wanted  it  !
    Another  minor , but  solid  1  for  Triarc  +  my  comic  booK –  not  great , but  consistently  good  enemies.  In  a  competitive  field  –  beverages  and  comics .
People  can  be  taught  to  think  strategically  Was  already  written . Later , I  came  to  the  growing  realization  that  I  had  stumbled   ( accidentally )  upon  People  can  be  taught  to  understand.   I   Knew  I  had  strucK  gold  !
Grand  slams  are  rare  ( TMNT , but  not  April  o ’Neal ,  KC )   ( Spiderman  2,  but  not  3 ),   but  I  hit   2.            Star  Wars ,  Empire  Strikes  BacK  –  bacK  to  bacK.                           Yet ,  consistent  solid  ideas  is  the  Key  to  gauging  a  quarterback . basic  Fans , Food  stamps , etc .
I  came  up  with  almost  all  of  these  strategic  ideas  long  ago , but  not  before  my  1st   letter . I   admit   I  saved  these  teaching  ones  for  last –  I  don’t  want  competition . I  may  generate  more .  Depends  on  whether  I  am  compensated  and  how  much  you  improve .
Remember  how  I  began  (  letters  1 – 3  )  ?   I   did  not  have  to,  but   I   proved  that  there  is  room  for  improvement . I  am  not  familiar  With  your  strategies , so  I  might  switch  back  to  propaganda  in  the  future . It  has  some  value  at  least , as  long  as  it  is  related  to  sound  strategy .
Put  in  a  good  word  For  me  in  the  WH . And   I’ll  put  in  a  word   for  my  brother  –  he  has  a  tiny  advertising  company  also.
To  the  one  who  initially  reads  this , the  critical  “ 1st  Responder ”  as  you  say . Please  see  to  it  that  this  letter  reaches  the  oval  office –  your  boss .  I   sent  out  quite  a  Few.
……….I  think  the  gov’t  will  LiKe this “ Antichrist ” letter  –  could  even  lead  to  fulfillment  of  end  time  prophecy.                                      Sincerely , Tony
E n d——————————– E n d
More   –   edited   –   letters     I     Wrote     in     the     past …
Imagine  my  surprise  when  2  FBI  agents  visited  me  in  early  August  2013  –  Is  this  what  I   get  for  trying  to  help  the  gov’t ?
Like  I  told  them , if  I  thought  my  letters  didn’t  have  potential , I  wouldn’t  be  pursuing  the  matter  and  Keep  mailing  (  trying  to  reach  the  gov’t ) .   Page  1  of  3
I  want  you  to  Know  that  I  developed  these  pretty  good  ideas . Isn’t  that  what  business  people  do  in  Life  –  try  to  get  credit  where  credit  is  due . To  me , the  image  is  Worth  a  Few  stamps . Did  I  explain ?   I  don’t  want  to  be “ used ”.
As  one  of  the  agents  advised  me  to  try  the  DoE  ( Fan  idea ) ,  I  told  him  I  already  did , but  I’ll  try  again . Both  nodded  and  agreed  –  it  is  a  good  idea .   Page  2  of  3
………….. He  wasn’t  sure , but  another  thing   I  discussed  with  an  FBI  agent  was  my  Food  stamp  Flaw . He  told  me  the  Romans  threw  silver  out  to  people , but  it  didn’t  Work  very  Well  and  that  bread  was  distributed  only  in  Rome .
………….. So , I’m  sending  this  to  the  Dept  of  Agriculture  also .  I  told  the  agents  that  I  thought  my  letters  had  great  potential . They  were  skeptical.
………….. The  good  thing  is  –   Now  I  Know  that  someone  is  taking  a  serious  Look  at  my  letters , instead  of  the  usual  silent  non-response  (  and  making  me  Wonder )
……… I  am  so  sure  that  my  Arab  is  a  state  of  mind  theory  is  correct  that  I  Will  *guarantee*  it.
The  bad  thing  is , the  Men  in  Black  visit  scared  me .   Page  3  of  3 ———————————————————— August  1 , 2013   Dear  Prime  Minister To –  Netanyahu , Peres  Peace  House , Jerusalem  Post =  Israel  gov’t ? ———————————————————— August  19 , 2013     continued  –  Whites  were  not  prepared   and   had  to  go  back  home  and  get  their  guns  during  Tulsa …  After  the  blood  donation  scandal ,  Israeli  police  Were  unprepared  for  violent  demonstrations  by  the  Ethiopian  Jews .
I  Read  in  Haaretz  July  18 , 2013  – “ Public  Security  Minister  warns  against  major  protests  over  Bedouin  relocation  plans ”…  A  violent  state  of  mind . Potentially  dangerous.
Race  crosses  national  boundaries . Blacks  in  Western  Africa  and  America  are  proud  of  obama . Refugees  from  Somalia , Eritrea  tried  to  Flee  into  Israel , even  though  they  are  not  Jews . ———————————————————— President  Bush  once  said , “ it  is  better  to  engage  the  enemy  over  here , rather  than  on  our  own  home  turf , backyard ”.
The  purpose  of  strategy  is  to  Win . current  strategy  places  troops  in  Iraq  and  Afghanistan , Just  Like  Soviet  occupation  or  Vietnam . A  no-Win  situation.
To –  Ministry  of  Immigrant  Absorption  and  Health ,  Isha  L’  Isha  also
E N D  ————————————— E N D
I  Wrote  a  TWilight  Zone  remake  movie  script .  It  is  super  duper  long  .  I  did  not  send  it  to  anyone  out  of  Fear  they  Will  steal  it . Nor  completely  finish  it . Good  ideas  in  it  for  TV .  Anyone  Who  Wants  to  see  it  ?   Will  you  give  me  a  job  ?
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000marie198 · 2 years ago
2k3 Raph and 12 Donnie should compete in Yo mama battles together. They'd be unstoppable
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really called smn a ho
This gives me the vibes from that one vine that goes-
"I said whoever threw that paper, you're mom's a hoe."
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