#if Overwatch did it with Casual Hanzo
thatgaiagirl · 2 months
A Mini Rant about Yasuo’s Lore and what could be done with it
There were so many missed opportunities here and examples Riot could have drawn from, and I’m gonna lay it out.
The main problem is that Yasuo’s story premise was based on him being ‘The Unforgiven’, and through progressing his story via Confessions of a Broken Blade and Yone’s return, in order to have that same conceit he can never fully forgive himself, and therefore literally every story arc he has gotten since Spirit Blossom had been him learning to forgive himself again and again and again. Ruined King did it, the Yasuold skin is implying it, Riot won’t let him do anything else.
And I just. Ok there are ways to do this and I think the premium example to point to is Graves.
Graves was also released with a specific concept; he was hunting Twisted Fate for revenge. That was his whole thing. And in Burning Tides, he actually confronts Twisted Fate and moves his story forward. Riot would’ve been arguably more justified in keeping Grave’s lore state the same than in Yasuo’s case, but no; he and Twisted Fate legitimately start working together again and their story permanently moves forwards after that. And just - Yone’s release and the whole Spirit Blossom event was PERFECT to do that for Yasuo.
Imagine if Yasuo decided to hunt the Azakana with his brother - maybe in an effort to redeem himself in his own eyes even if Yone doesn’t want him dead, maybe to help his brother learn what he’s become, there’s many reasons why he would do this. Imagine a Demon Hunter Yasuo lore skin that shows him in a better mental place, travelling alongside Yone killing Azakana. Honestly you could make that happen in current lore - it would not be hard to have the brothers meet each other again. But just - do ANYTHING with him, have Yone’s return MEAN something. Yasuo is a popular champion and a lore update like that could be a great marketing ploy as well, if we’re also thinking from the business side of things.
Another option would’ve EASILY been giving him a Sentinel skin. The event kind of sucked, yes, but there was legitimate set-up for him to be there. As it is, he returns Braum to the Freljord and then goes to free Riven… only for the Sentinels to get there first. The Sentinels could’ve burst in mid-jailbreak with both Yasuo and Riven there, and there’s no reason for Yasuo NOT to join them if that happens. Again, missed lore skin potential for a popular champion (I do not count Sea Dog Yasuo, that’s just… ok why? Sentinel would’ve been a better fit), he would’ve been an interesting personality to add to the mix, and if he returns with Riven to their village at the end of it, it could’ve been an ACTUAL book-end to his character arc with him CHOOSING to return to his hometown instead of staying the wanderer.
Either of these could’ve actually done shit with him but. Eh. Anyways I have brainrot so I may actually end up drawing either a Sentinel or Demon Hunter Yasuo for the fun of it. Probably Demon Hunter, I have a way you could theoretically get him to that point from his current place in the story so. Anyway.
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nekovmancer · 2 days
overwatch headcanons: how they say "I love you" with Ramattra, Reaper, Reinhardt, Cassidy and Hanzo
a bit angsty and some curse words ahead, but still sfw. don’t blame me, I enjoy the suffering and since you're still reading I bet you also do
also silly little juno was SMASHED by writer’s block again, please help sending a headcanon request, but read rules first
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doesn’t say it at all, actually
he was shaped for violence, hands carefully constructed to murder
the sentience came with grief, sorrow, rage… but love? this big fella doesn’t even love himself, to begin with
it’s hard for him to cope with affection, to learn the aspects of it, mostly the very subtle nuances of reciprocation
but it’s you, and since you came along, this foreign feeling haunts him 
and when you say “I love you” first… he’s so silent you’re scared you’ve broken him with this three words alone
“How is it possible for you to love a being as myself?”
he feels the urge to say something back, but simply can’t vocalize the words he’s dying to say
you know he’s overwhelmed already, his pride contrasting his feelings, so you don’t push him too far: Ramattra shows you enough
but your words echoes in his systems for days
in one of these, he’s with you as he always do before you fall asleep, and the words just came out
“I may not have a heart, and even if I did, it wouldn’t be mine: it would be yours. It always has been.”
it’s not an explicit I love you
no, it’s much better
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you know what happens between you two must stay secretive
it’s… casual, if you can name it such
I mean, he comes to you every damn night, and most of them aren’t for sex, but for company 
and the cuddles, of course
you see him past the scars, the shadows… what lies beneath it as the ghost of a man 
and you love him nonetheless
despite all the danger that comes along with him being one of Talon’s counselors and a declared enemy to Overwatch
until one night, when he doesn’t show up and never let you know why
and this one night turns into tons
you’re broken, to say at least
he avoids you, not even a single stolen glance through briefings, no more missions together
you don’t know where you manage to find the courage to confront him, but somehow you do, so you’re cornering Reaper himself and demanding an answer 
“Isn’t it obvious?”
well, of course: you were dumb enough to get to attached
but he steps closer, so surprisingly close you can hear a shallow breath muffled by his mask
the shadows engulf you both before you can blink, and his ghostly touch stops just inches away from your cheek
“I’ve risked too much so far… but not you, not anymore”
you know what he means, you just wish you didn’t
he departs with a last glance over his shoulder, to never look back again 
if he wasn’t who he was, maybe things would be different
yet if things weren’t the same, you two wouldn’t even met
in the end, you’re left to grief in the graveyard he paths on his way away from you
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he’s a hero and will always be
but that doesn’t mean Reinhardt is invincible
that’s why you’re laying by his side, taking extra care to not accidentally touch the bandages covering his torso
you’re little injured from the last mission, a few scratches maybe
thanks to him, who jumped right into the moment to keep your head glued to your neck
per usual, he would be flourishing the battle tales and his epic acts, his thunderous laugh echoing through the HQ, but now?
the sadness contorting his face breaks your heart 
he stares down at you, one calloused thumb tracing under the thin line of the stitches on your cheekbone
“I’ve let them hurt you”
oh… so that’s it
“If I was a second late… I hate to even think of what could've happened”
he groans, retreating his hand and looking away 
if he could ever be more dearing, you would’ve exploded 
you cup his face and make Reinhardt look at you once again, reassuring him you’re here, safe and sound, thanks to him 
it takes a bit of convincing, but soon enough you hear one of his deep chuckles resonating in his chest and know that you’ll be just fine
“I will always be there to protect you, liebling, no matter what it takes. For I could never live in a world where there is no you by my side.”
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he’s always flirting and teasing, so you would assume it’s all a joke
despite him throwing his arm over your shoulder and resting his head on yours every goddamn time he has a chance
and if you’re quiet and close enough, you can hear his fast heartbeats pulsing
maybe… he’s just affectionate, yeah
not that you see Cole like that with anyone else, but
you could never take him seriously, because he can never be serious for once
it’s always a wink here, a smooth darlin’ there
yet he never makes a move on you that gives you the clarity you need
so it’s it, an eternal what if
until one days he comes from a mission, all dirty and hurt
you’re surprised to see he came straightforward to you, still trying to catch his breath while holding to his injured side
but before you can drop any question, Cole smashes his lips against yours
and it feels holy 
he keeps you close when you break the kiss, trying to remind yourself how to breath
his breath is so warm against your face, and that familiar scent of smoke makes your knees weak
“I fucking meant everything I’ve ever said, doll”
for the way he just kissed you, you’re now sure he does 
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Hanzo isn’t one to speak about his feelings openly
you’re actually surprised you’re now tiptoeing around some sort of serious relationship
at least, you think it’s serious since you barely leave each other’s side
it’s extremely hard for him to be vocal about his affection, though
sometimes, he would still flinch when you touch him out of blue
but he loves to run his fingers along your hair, your face…
your body is his to worship
and there’s this lazy morning, where he’s kissing your knuckles and embracing your waist…
you just feel you could melt right here, into him
until something cold circles your finger and your eyes snap open
a ring
a FUCKING ring
you stare at him in pure disbelief, eyes so wide they must pop out by any second
Hanzo shows the most loving smile you had ever seen, kissing your ring finger
that now has an actual engagement ring 
“Being with you everyday is still too little time. I wish nothing but foreverness with you”
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wildissylupus · 2 months
Kiriko Interaction Rewrite
Ok time to re-write Kiriko's interactions cause I am so tired on how she's treated in game (thank you @kindasketchysideblog for giving me the push to do this). Now for context I am going to refencing Kiriko's out of game material and using my own HC (mainly the basically canon that Kiriko is 26) for these interactions, I will also be referencing a post I made previously on who Kiriko should be interacting with . I will also be including the interaction I think should stay in the amount of interactions I think that character should have with Kiriko.
Anyway, let's get into it;
Hanzo (5, keeping all original interactions)
Hanzo: You may have been Asa sensei's daughter, but I was her favourite student Kiriko: OK mama's boy Hanzo: I am sorry for what you and your family have had to sacrifice for my mistakes Kiriko: Well.... at least your here now, so that's got to count for something. It's better then what's Genji's done Hanzo: Aren't you being a little too hard on him? Kiriko: You both left us helpless, at least you had the decency to look back
With Kiriko's original interactions with Hanzo the only one I would really change is her interaction about Hanzo picking back up the sword. Specifically I would have the tone of it changed to imply what Kiriko is actually saying is that he's still no more honorable then the day that Hanzo killed Genji and abandoned the clan. Honestly my bigest complaint about a lot of the interactions I kept is just the tone.
As for the new interactions I made I wanted to give her ones that mirrored her development in "Where Honor Lives" along with pointing out that out of the two brothers Kiriko would be more mad with Genji. I also wanted to give her one interaction with Hanzo where they're joking around and not her being mad at him.
Genji (6)
Kiriko: You know, I shouldn't be surprised that you never came to help. You were never the responsible type Genji: You know I never wanted to lead the Shimada clan, I never wanted that life Kiriko: You still had the duty to understand how everything worked! If you did then maybe the Hashimoto wouldn't be killing people on the streets! Kiriko: I see you got a new sword, it's not one of my fathers Genji: No, the agents at Overwatch reversed engineered my old one after it broke Kiriko: It's well crafted, but I'd still call it a cheap imitation Genji: Heh, you sound like your father Kiriko: You had the rescores in Blackwatch to help us, why didn't you ask them to help?! Genji: My judgement was...clouded during my time with Blackwatch, I wasn't in a state to help Kiriko: What about after? In Overwatch, after Overwatch, after Shambali.... why didn't you ever come to help? Genji: How is Hanamura and Kanezaka? It's been so long since I visited. Kiriko: Rikimaru was robbed a few months back Genji: Oh um... Kiriko: Don't worry, your cowboy friend stopped the robbery, he's been around a lot actually Kiriko: Heard you payed Hanzo a visit, was I not worth the same effort, anija? Genji: There wasn't enough time to find you Kiriko, I needed to join the recall as soon as possible Kiriko: Was it a matter of time? Or were you just too afraid to face me? Genji: Your using your mothers maiden name? Why? Kiriko: The Hashimoto were after me so I needed to change my name Genji: Oh. I'm sorry Kiriko: Had to legally change my age too if your curious.
I don't like any of Genji and Kiriko's in-game interactions. We could of had some insight to both of their characters along with a more complex look at Genji's character in general, but we didn't. Instead we got a bunch of jokes that feel like they've been ripped out of the MCU. With the rewrite of these interactions I wanted to make even her casual interactions with Genji hostile. I also wanted to imply that Kiriko found out Genji was alive awhile ago, hence the mentioning of Blackwatch, Overwatch and the Shambali.
I also wanted Kiriko to be a window to Genji's life pre-Blackwatch, initially the first interaction was going to mention Genji being a party boy but I traded that for a more subtle interaction.
For Sombra, Ana, Lifeweaver and Pharah I think her interaction with them a perfect, specifically with Sombra, I personally love that interaction. With Pharah however, you need to change the tone of her "what's right isn't always what's legal" interaction, making Kiriko a lot more bitter towards Pharah. With Ana and Lifeweaver it's the same as Sombra.
Lucio (3)
Kiriko: Don't you ever get tired? With being a revolutionary and a world famous DJ? Lucio: Do you ever get tired of being the leader of a gang and making sure the civilians around you are safe? Kiriko: I don't think those would count as the same thing... Lucio: I do! We're both protecting and giving people hope, you're just better at hiding in the shadows! Kiriko: Not gonna ask me what my favorite animal is? Lucio: I mean... it's kind of obvious, and you probably would have said something like "really? take a guess" Kiriko: But it would have been funny! Lucio: For you! Kiriko: I heard one of your songs playing on a Hashimoto party boat Lucio: Ew, that ain't right! Did you sink it? Kiriko: Absolutely, can't have a group of suppressors disrespect a revolutionary like that! Lucio: Damn straight!
I wanted to make Lucio and Kiriko to have a lot more of a mutually teasing dynamic as looking at their interactions in-game interactions it seems a lot more one sided in Kiriko's direction. I also wanted to explore the idea that they both are technically revolutionaries, just on different scales with slightly different enemies. In general, like all of Kiriko's dynamics, in-game this one goes underexplored. I also wanted to play with the idea that though they do have similar attitudes, Lucio is a lot more positive then Kiriko.
Soldier 76 (2)
Soldier 76: Aren't you a little too young to be on the field? Kiriko: I'm pretty sure you a little too dead to be on the field Soldier 76: Excuse me? Kiriko: You heard me
Kiriko: Do you know how much damage Overwatch and Blackwatch caused by taking down the Shimada clan? Soldier 76: We did what we had to, the Shimada were criminals Kiriko: You left us with no protection, you didn't even bother to come back to clean up your mess Soldier 76: I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand
Kiriko is the one playable character the was only negatively effected by Overwatch and I wish that was explored more. Especially with characters like Jack. In all honesty I think Soldier 76 would be one of the character would be the most hostile around, especially with his "they were criminals" mentality.
D.Va (3)
D.Va: Rabbit and the Fox, an unlikely duo! Kiriko: Well who else is going to keep up with a rabbit when it rushes into the backline? D.Va: How do you stay so calm in a fight? Especially when you have so many people look to you for answers Kiriko: I've been at this for a long time, and I probably had some of the best teachers when it came to leadership D.Va: Everyone on my team depends on me, I'm the best piolet we have so they expect me to know what to do but sometimes..... Kiriko: Hey, your already doing great, you give your people protection and hope. You should be proud of that! D.Va: Heard your not a stranger to the arcade. Wanna play later? Kiriko: Sure, but I do warn you, I don't loose easily. D.Va: Neither do I, bring it!
D.Va and Kiriko's dynamic has the same issue as Lucio, with the added bonus of Kiriko calling Hana "bestie". If they're supposed to be fast friends then actually show that! Don't just have one voice line saying it.
Cassidy (3)
Kiriko: Haven't seen you in awhile cowboy, how have you been? Cassidy: Catching up with some old friends, what about you? Still causing trouble? Kiriko: What else would I be doing? Kiriko: Did you know what would happen after you took down the Shimada clan? Cassidy: In my line of work with my background it's impossible not to, no one listened to me when I said we were going in too fast. Kiriko: At least you've been trying to help fix it, that's more than what I can say for your "friends" Cassidy: Even then I'm sorry for the damage I caused, I should have tried harder to stop it Kiriko: Been awhile since we fought together, you planning on getting covered in noodle's this time? Cassidy: Depends, you planning on blowing your cover this time? Kiriko: Those trays came out of no where! Cassidy: And those noodles came out of no where, your point?
I've talked in detail on why I want Cassidy and Kiriko to interact and why I want them to know each other before she joins Overwatch. Mainly from the noodle robbery. The problem is a lot of the dialogue I want them to have is more then 4 lines. Other than that I really think Kiriko and Cassidy should interact, he's the only Overwatch agent who is shown to regret what happened in Hanamura, not only that but he's the only one shown stopping crime from happening there. He was also directly involved with what happened to the Shimada clan. The reason why I focused on more relaxed interaction between them is because I have already given her a lot of serious interactions. That and again, a lot of the interactions I have for them are longer then 4 lines of dialogue.
Illari (1)
Kiriko: You shouldn't sacrifice your morals just to seek redemption
Illari: What would you know of sacrifice
Kiriko: A lot more then I'd like to
Reaper (3)
Kiriko: You know, paitence is a virtue Reaper: Excuse me? Kiriko: You just seem like the type of guy to rush into things and create a power vacuum, but hey, what would I know Reaper: Just listen to orders and we won't have a problem Kiriko: Listening, that's funny coming from you Reaper: What? Kiriko: A good leader listens to the people they are leading, who they are protecting, but when have you ever done that? -Team Kill via Combining Ultimates- Kiriko: Ugh, that felt so wrong Reaper: We won, get over it
Moira (2)
Kiriko: Ugh, you look cheery Moira: As cheery as you are significant Kiriko: That would mean your at least a little cheery, I would your cheeriness is of the same level as your success rate Kiriko: You know, you do a lot more damage then healing, though I guess that's expected from someone like you Moira: Oh? Done some reading? Prey tell, is it the "crimes against nature" and Talon hiring status? Kiriko: Neither, it's the ex-Blackwatch agent record. Moira: Well, that certainly is new.
Mercy (2)
Kiriko: Does it ever get easier? Trying to fix others mistakes, telling other that the path they're going on will only lead to more pain? Mercy: I don't think it does, but that's part of being who we are. We can only hope that what we leave behind is better. Kiriko: Did Genji ever...talk about me? Mercy: Not to me no Kiriko: Figures, guess if he was too afraid to face me he wouldn't want to mention me either Mercy: Don't say that yet, he might not have mentioned you to me but he might have mentioned you to Cole or Lena.
Doomfist (1)
Doomfist: You seem familiar...are you Asa Kamori's daughter? Kiriko: Yes....why? Doomfist: I knew your mother, she was a rival of mine when I did martial arts, she beat me once. It's a shame that we never got to have a rematch Kiriko: Interesting, she's never mentioned you
I'm gonna start here cause you can probably tell when I started loosing energy for this. I'll do a multi-interaction rewrite some other time but for now this is it.
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grievedeeply · 2 years
saw you were accepting requests for overwatch sooo... can i get some dating genji headcanons??
genji has been the love of my life since 2017 so absolutely i will write this. decided to include both pre and post hanzo almost killing him just for fun :)
tws: death , grieving
dating genji shimada headcanons
genji is known to be a bit of a playboy. he's flirted with a lot of people and it mostly hasn't gone anywhere. he does want a serious relationship at some point but it isn't a huge priority for him until you come along
of course, he acts all smug around you— trying to impress you with anything and everything to get your attention. you're different from the other people he's messed with in the past
he falls for you really quickly, even if you try to ignore his advances and obvious adoration for you. the more you reject him the harder he falls, honestly
he's used to people being right at his feet as soon as he shows any type of interest in them, and you're a breath of fresh air in that sense
genji really does like you, even if he tries to play it off as just messing around. he knows he isn't, and it scared him, especially if you don't show any interest in him
he tries hard to get closer to you— beginning to flirt less as time went on. he knows that his feelings for you are genuine, and he wants to prove that to you too
it shocks you when he tones it all down and you worry about it, wondering if something happened. he's asking you about your interests, how your day was— taking the time to get to know you
you'd be lying if you said that his sudden kindness didn't make your heart flutter. he always played around as if he liked you, but you assumed it was just something he did with everyone
as soon as he dropped that act though, you began to open up more to him
he was so happy actually learning more about you. he's asking you if you want to learn the ways of the blade (he thinks you'll look cute)
he'll eventually let his crush on you slip to hanzo. he knew all along about his feelings for you, stating that it was obvious to him. genji swears it wasn't, but all hanzo does is shrug his shoulders
he asks you out on a proper date after a few months of hanging out as just friends. he'll take you to that arcade in hanamura that he loves so much, buy you dinner— trying not to overwhelm you with everything
he's shocked that you even said yes in the first place, but he's grateful for the chance you're giving him
unbeknownst to genji, you fell for him hard. you tried your best to hide it from him but as soon as he asks you out the "yes" flies out of your mouth faster than your brain could think
he abandons his playboy thing entirely after he meets you. he puts all of his effort into trying to form a real connection and relationship with you and it is the sweetest thing
he'll give you flowers and sweet gifts as a way to show his love and appreciation for you <3
he asks you to be his partner on your third proper date. it's all very rushed but he can't hold back on his feelings anymore. he sees a future with you, away from his families criminal dealings
you say yes. of course
he's the definition of a malewife in this part of your relationship. everything you do, he'll make sure you know he's proud of you
he tells you he loves you not too long after you get together officially. it slips out casually while you're laughing about something, and the room goes silent. you return it after a few moments and the smile on his face is so big
he kisses with so much love and passion. he can be a bit rough with it sometimes but you never mind it. he'll hold your face in his hands, his lips moving so gracefully against yours as he cradles you against him
his hands definitely wander a bit......... they do. he doesn't even think about it, either
okay getting into a little bit of angst...
when you find out about what happened with genji and hanzo, you're beyond devastated. you regret rejecting him so many times in the beginning, you regret every time you didn't tell him you love him. you regret so much
you find hanzo and you're screaming at him through sobs, smacking at his chest with every word you say to him
his face is unreadable the entire time until he finally breaks down, his body wracked with sobs
your heart drops as soon as you see him on his knees, face in his hands— crying out for his lost brother
you sit there with him for awhile, hugging him. crying together. you knew hanzo was the one who committed the act, but you knew who was really behind it
you mourn him every day, thinking of every moment you shared with him as soon as your eyes open in the morning
during overwatch
if you meet genji after his cyberization, expect him to be incredibly distant. he has trouble trusting people at first, afraid of them getting hurt because of him
you're a new overwatch recruit assigned to blackwatch. you're a talented medic and warrior, and you were specifically brought into blackwatch because you offered something none of the other members had (soldier's words)
you have to initiate conversation with genji. he isn't too keen on making friends or getting attached to people and he doesn't want anyone in more harm than they already are
you continue to talk to him even through his unenthusiastic responses, and eventually he manages to warm up to the thought of you becoming a real friend outside of missions
he'll become more interactive with you, friendlier and nicer, too. it's nice to see him come more out of his shell and you can't help but to wonder why he's so standoffish in the first place
it takes a LONG time for him to actually consider you as a friend. he trusts you and cares for you a lot by this point
skipping forward
you develop feelings for him relatively quickly. after all, he's mysterious— tall, intimidating, you can't help but to be curious
it takes him a lot longer to realize his feelings for you. he only realizes when you save him in battle, your hand extended for him to take with a warm smile on his lips
he feels his heart skip a beat, even through the cybernetics that keeps him alive
he acts differently as soon as the realization comes through. he avoids you hoping to make it go away only for it to completely backfire
he doesn't want to give in to these feelings he has for you. it scares him. what if you don't like him? what if you're afraid of him? do you even think of him as a man?
when the fall of overwatch happens, genji leaves. he says goodbye to you, his heart breaking at the thought of never seeing you again
YEARS go by before you see him again. the two of you first reunite quickly after winston's recall
you're met with a happier sounding genji, one who seems content with his cyborg body and what it came with
you can't help but hug him as soon as you see him. his body is still cool to the touch, but your heart pounds and your face heats up
not a day went by where you hadn't thought of him, and those feelings you had for him remained tucked away in the back of your mind— hanging onto him and the memories you shared
you have a lot of catching up to do and he tells you all about zenyatta and how he helped him accept his body. he informs you of how he had so much conflict within himself during the days of blackwatch and it was part of the reason as to why he was so distant then
you eventually meet zenyatta and you thank him over and over for the peace he brought to genji. ever humble, zenyatta only laughs and insists to you that he was the one who made it this far
you rekindle your "relationship" after a little bit. his feelings for you hadn't gone away in your years apart. he still had his doubts and worries about confessing to you, scared you'll reject him
you don't, of course
you're pretty much inseparable. you go everywhere together. you train together, especially. he teases you a lot by telling you that you need to be quicker to catch up with him
it takes him a while to feel ready to show you his face
he worries about not being attractive enough for you, or scaring you away. he'll have to give himself a pep talk. he wants to kiss you so badly it's really getting to him
as soon as he reveals his face to you, your heart melts. it's covered in scars, but his eyes are a deep brown— warm and filled with love. the corners of his lips are turned upwards in a small smile as he stares at you, waiting for you to say something
you can't find the right words, and all you can do is extend your hands to his cheeks, your thumbs caressing them as gently as possible
his skin is incredibly sensitive, but he had been yearning to actually feel your touch for years. it's worth any discomfort
one of his love languages is quality time. he knows he isn't the most comfortable to hug or cuddle with, but to make up for it he spends a lot of his time with you even when he has something he needs to do
he'll buy you gifts every now and then or find something while out on a mission to bring back and give to you as a way to show his appreciation for you
it's very sweet
you can't believe this is the same man who was once so intimidating and distant all those years ago. he seems so different
he's happier. you're helping him though a lot more than you realize you are
he still has his anxieties, scared that you'll wake up and say that you deserve better— say that you want someone who can give you everything he can't— but you never do
you stare at him in adoration, and he feels his face heat up underneath his mask whenever he catches you
he's incredibly protective of you even though he knows you can handle yourself
you make him the happiest he's ever been
he never intends to let you go :)
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montcumbry-gaytor · 2 years
Eternally yours
Hanzo x Amab!Reader x Cassidy! Smut
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A/N : Anotha one, I have trouble being consistent but yk I'm getting shit done.
WARNINGS : Threesome, Smut, what is to be expected from a cowboy and an archer.
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Cigar smoke and Incense, very contrasting smells, and yet they always seemed to linger around eachother, it's not something you'd expect, but it was a delightful smell.
Of course, scents weren't what you were thinking about, you were thinking about Cassidy and Hanzo, The ex-blackwatch cowboy, and the Ninja who could control dragons and abandoned his responsibilities.
At times like these you could only swoon for men like that, not only were they morally attractive, but physically too, and don't get started on personalities.
Damn- what was god putting in men these days?
Nonetheless, you carried out your day, finding either Hanzo, or Cassidy's, or both of the two's gaze on you, like lasers in the back of your skull, made it very difficult though.
You hadn't talked to either of them much, especially not Hanzo, as he was more shut off as Cassidy, who was very friendly and struck conversation with you often.
Which is how you found out Cassidy and Hanzo were dating, Through simple conversation, you listened, Cassidy had been chatting up a storm as he found you eating.
You couldn't pinpoint when exactly this crush bubbled up for the strange duo, but your heart did flips anytime you interacted with them, but you didn't want to initiate anything, taking as they were happily together, and you didn't want to change that.
The base of Overwatch was mostly empty, save for you, Hanzo, Cassidy, D.va, and Hammond, who you hadn't seen much of, but the base was big enough that it was natural.
As you traveled outside to get some fresh air, you were quickly greeted with a puff of smoke traveling your direction, bringing your eyes to the source, Hanzo and Cassidy stood, conversing as a cigar hung out of Cassidy's lip.
"Oh- My bad Partner, didn't mean to get that in your face."
"It's alright, I'm just out here to breathe."
You explained, blush tinting your cheeks as Cassidy lightly patted your shoulder.
"Me 'n Han were just talking about you, we've got something to tell you, if you'd be willin', Not right now though, we were wonderin' if you'd meet us in my Room later in the evening?"
"Oh- sure! is it anything important?"
"You could say that."
Hanzo spoke, pushing himself off the wall, coming to stand next to Cassidy, before whispering to him something unintelligible.
"Well I'll see you 'round, Han's gettin' cold."
He chuckled, wrapping an arm around Hanzo's waist.
"See you tonight Cassidy, and Hanzo."
"Just call me Cole."
"Right, Cole, See you."
You said one final time, watching them both enter the building, letting you finally hear the silence, the safehouse was amazing, in an open field, it was peaceful.
You stayed out there for hours, watching time fly by, the moon coming out to shine white light on your face, bringing a chill with it, you decided it was finally time to retreat back inside.
Then your mind wandered back to your interaction with Cole and Hanzo, asking ATHENA for the time, thanking her for her response of "7:30" and wandering through the halls, Angela's medical office, a meeting room, down to the deeper parts where everyone's quarters were.
Finally, you reached Cole's room, fidgeting for a short while before knocking your knuckles against the metal door, quickly pulling away as Cole stood between the opening it had made.
"Glad you came, Make yourself at home."
He said, gesturing to his bed, both him and Hanzo we're in more casual attire, Cole's glove, Shawl, Hat, Belts, and holster were all off.
Hanzo had done the same with his belt, and his bow had been placed soundly on a shelf of Cole's, his boots taken off and sat by the door.
You had never seen them so casual, so you could say you were more awkward than normal, standing stiffly near Cole's wall.
"Why so tense? C'mon sit down, We got somethin' we wanna tell ya."
You quietly came to sit between them, keeping your hands in your lap and eyeing them down, almost as if you were shooting lasers out of your eyes.
You heard a sigh from your left, eyes flashing to Hanzo, who had his attention on Cassidy, jumping as a cold metal hand came to rest on your shoulder.
"Listen, Darlin' we don't wanna push you into any of this, but we both think you are a very good lookin' kinda man."
"-Ahem, we would like to ask you if you would, consider, becoming our partner."
Hanzo said shortly after Cole, eyeing you down, as you could do nothing more but stare down in shock with a blush lighting up your face.
"I uh- I'm not sure I understand-"
You muttered, biting your lip, eyes locking with Cole as he brushed hair behind your ear, cupping your cheek to bring you to face him.
"We like you, Darlin' we want you to date us."
You heard Hanzo hum in agreement from behind you.
"We both have deep interest with you, but only if you would like to, please."
Hanzo said, grasping one of your hands and leaving a chaste kiss on it.
"Im really surprised you feel that way, I mean since I've been pining on both of you since you joined."
You laughed under your breath, eyeing them both who raised their brows awaiting your response.
"Yes, I'd like to be you both's boyfriend."
Hearing the pleased sigh of Hanzo, and seeing the Toothy grin of Cole's, sent butterflies right to your stomach.
"does this mean I can kiss you guys now?"
You asked, looking at Hanzo, and then Cole, who grasped your chin, pulling you to kiss him, smiling as you melted into it, running a hand through his hair and tugging it gently.
You felt your muscles tense at the feeling of Hanzo kneel at your feet, hugging around your waist, causing your breath to hitch.
"You're excited."
He stated, dragging a finger down the seam of your pants, right over the forming tent in the fabric.
"I can do something about this, if you'd let me."
He added, eyeing you for an answer, smirking as you nodded in time with your erection twitching as Cole took to leaving gentle hickey's on your neck.
You couldn't help but smirk at how Cole whimpered as you gently tugged him by his hair away from your neck to kiss him once again, slipping your tongue into his mouth.
You felt hazy as Hanzos mouth met your tip, slipping down your length, running his tongue on the underside, leaving you to pull from the kiss in a helpless groan.
"Oh fuck Hanzo.. your mouth is so hot.. ah.."
You whispered, whining as he slipped a finger into your hole, easier than he expected he slipped in his ring finger in aswell and curling them towards him, pressing against your prostate as he bobbed his head on your length.
The overwhelming pleasure leaving you to lean on Cole who slipped his hands under your shirt, the warmth of his flesh hand and chill of his metal hand meeting your nipples causing your back to arch.
"Mm gonna cum! Hanzo- Please~'
You whined, moaning as Cole's lips met yours, muffling the lewd noises spouting from you as you came into Hanzos mouth, who pulled off of you before swallowing, pumping you in his hands to let you come off your high.
As you caught your breath, you sighed as you pulled Hanzo into a kiss, pulling on the ribbon in his hair, letting it fall around his face.
"You look hot like this."
You hummed, twirling a strand of his hair around your finger, turning to Cassidy, who watched you both with admiration and frustration as his erection pressed uncomfortably in his pants.
You took no time slipping off your clothes, time passing quickly as you all stripped, coming into a position as you pinned down Cole while Hanzo pressed against your backside.
"He needs little preparing, he can't bear going without something in his hole each night."
Hanzo said, watching as Cole blushed, averting his eyes, which soon closed shut in pleasure as you pushed into him, as Hanzo has stated, he squeezed around you comfortably, you smirked at the noises he made as you bottomed out into him.
The smirk soon faltered as Hanzo pushed into you, it was hot in your stomach, causing you to pant, melting into the both of them as Hanzos chest pressed into the arch of your back.
Cole's hand met your face, you leaned into it as you took the hint to move your hips, Hanzo meeting your pace to thrust in as you thrusted out of Cole, the combined pleasure made your brain feel like mush.
"Ah- shit.. "
You whined out, huffing out short breaths, which Hanzo quickly shut down by kissing the back of your neck.
He muttered out, leaving small hickey's in his wake, smiling in satisfaction as your breathing evened out, the feel of his facial hair scratching your skin soothed you in a odd way.
You kept your right hand holding Cole's hip, while your left one held Hanzo's left from over your shoulder, whilst Hanzos right stroked over your stomach, Cole's right clung to your shoulder, whilst the left dug into his sheets.
"Oh fuck Darlin' I'm gonna cum..."
Cole whimpered out, his chest shuddering with his shaky breaths.
"I am too- ah.. you're so tight Cole.."
You hummed, stroking his hip with the pad of your thumb, leaning into Hanzo, who's cock twitched inside of you.
Cole came first, his cum spewing onto his stomach leaking through his abs, his hole tightening around you with his release, unwillingly, your dick slipped out of him as Hanzo pulled you close to him, fucking you without mercy.
"Doesn't he look pretty like this, Cole?"
"-Fuck yeah he does Han'."
Cole hummed out, laying back as he watched you cum, the white substance leaking down your cock and spurting onto his legs, Hanzo pulled out, fucking into your thighs before his seed spilled down your legs, which quivered weakly.
Cole grabbed you by your waist, raising up to lay you on the bed, letting you catch your breath as he got up, kissing Hanzo deeply as his hand landed on Hanzos left hip momentarily.
"I'll get a towel for us, catch y'all's breath."
Cole hummed, winking at you as he disappeared into his bathroom, returning shortly after, already cleaned up as he tended to you and Hanzo, who unwantingly separated from a small cuddle you had formed.
"Hate to stop y'all from bein' cute but I want a clean cuddle pile."
Cole said, leaving kisses over you and Hanzos body as he cleaned you both up.
He tossed the towel into the floor, joining you both in the cuddle as he pulled a blanket over all of you, leaving you to shortly pass out from exhaustion
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A/N : Mental illness teehee, hope y'all enjoyed, I made Cassidy use a accurate country accent because I myself am southern and cannot stand when then make him talk inaccurately
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Hello! I saw that you were open for OW requests and was wondering if I could request relationship headcanons for Hanzo with an artist s/o? Maybe they work at the office of OW and they just started talking some day when he notices them drawing? Thank you in advance!
Aww, this is cute! I love it! I'll do my best my anon friend!
It started out as innocuous as anything else. Hanzo received a form with some strange indentations on one of the corners. He thought it was strange but didn't really think much of it at first, papers get crinkled in transport from person to person all the time.
But then he kept noticing them on a lot of the papers he saw around base. They weren't large, just small collections of lines in the corners and margins of certain papers. They weren't uniform across the board either, each one was different. He found himself casually investigating the forms he got from the Overwatch office for these little markings, just out of curiosity. 
Eventually, on one of the mission reports he had to sign, he found a small drawing of a cherry blossom. Then it made sense, those little indents he'd been finding had been what remained of little erased doodles! He smiled at the cherry blossom drawing. It was simple. Minimalist, but whoever in the office had put a lot of love into making the little thing. They had apparently forgotten to erase it this time.
He filled out the report like he was supposed to and went to the office to turn it in. He walked into the office to see you, headphones in, doodling on another form. You were, adorable. In your own world, enjoying your time between the next time someone needed something from you. 
Hanzo knew your reputation. Everyone on base did. You were good at your job. Taking a few minutes to unwind with some music and a drawing wasn’t going to stop you from getting the work done that you were supposed to.
What were you sketching? Looking closely at it, he could see it was a little stylized version of a dragon actually! It was peeking out over a ledge you had drawn (represented by a line), with it’s little paws squished against the line and sticking its tongue out. Cute and a little funny.
“Oh! Uhm... Agent Shimada, did you need something?” You said, slightly surprised that your little moment of quiet was interrupted.
Whether or not you found yourself embarrassed, Hanzo definitely was and stuttered out an apology. “I just... needed to turn this in...”
Luckily for him, you took it without a further question and after a moment he finally said, “You... you’re a very good artist. I’ve noticed the remains of some of your drawings. It is nice to know who made them.”
You gave your standard response to comments like those but then Hanzo said something else, “Why do you erase them?”
“It’s not necessarily that I’m shy about them, I love making them you know, I just... I can’t help myself sometimes and these forms are really the only paper we have in here. I just don’t think anyone wants to see them on their official documents.” You pause, “Well, except you apparently.”
Hanzo blushed but nodded in understanding. The two of you just sort of hung out and talked for a while after that, spending the time getting to know each other. Well, given your station on base, more him getting to know you but there was a fair trade of details shared amongst the two of you. You were only briefly interrupted by Cassidy who stopped by to return a pen he borrowed a long time ago. He looked between the two of you, grinned and walked out. Great. Thank you Cole. Whatever information he thought he had would likely be all over base by breakfast tomorrow. That’s alright, you couldn’t really bring yourself to be bothered at the moment. 
The two of you would continue your little ritual every so often when Hanzo had to turn papers in. He would stop by, handing off what he needed to, you’d show him your lasted drawing and you both would talk. Eventually you started making it a regular thing, having some tea and your drink of choice together while you just chatted.
One day, after a rather disappointing lull in your visits with Hanzo, you came back from lunch to find something sitting on your desk. It was a sketchbook, empty save for the first page which held a note and slightly different renditions of your previous cherry blossom and dragon doodles. 
The note read, “You always said you needed paper of your own for your drawings. I hope this will suffice.” 
You smiled and another idea formed. That afternoon you took the sketchbook and tore out one of the back pages once you were finished with it.
Hanzo returned to his room later that day to find a piece of artwork having been placed on his door. It was a drawing of his and your silhouettes against a painted night sky. Underneath it was another note, “You’re smart. Come find me.”
The piece was created in a way that held subtle clues in the foreground as to where the scene was taking place and after a little time, Hanzo joined you on the roof of the base. You had prepared a small cafeteria snack picnic to share as a thank you and if anyone asked you or Hanzo what your first date was, that night would be your answer.
Lemme know what you thought! Have a lovely day/night!
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snootlestheangel · 6 days
Hi snootels I also had/am having a shit day and I would love to hear more about overwatch!
Could you talk about the queer characters or your head canons for them please? I just need to hear something nice about the queers(tm) at the moment.
I am so sorry you're having a rough day, honey. I am in your corner so say the words and my 5'2" ass will fight someone
I will say I like how the characters that are queer are like realistic
Like, Tracer casually refers to her girlfriend Emily in a few interactions/voice lines, which I think is really cool. It's a subtle way of building her character without making anything seem forced. I just also think these two are the cutest together, especially in that comic thing where they visit Winston and all have sweaters, that was precious.
Baptiste being bi makes me very happy in a way I cannot explain. It fits but like it just makes me so happy. I do not understand why and I'm not in the mental state to question why
Love old gay man Soldier. One of the most straight coded characters and he's fucking gay. Fantastic I love it, 10/10.
I want Pharah to have a girlfriend so badly. Badass butch Pharah and her sweet femme girlfriend would be so good. (I do not see Pharah/Mercy because I want them to stay friends for the sake of there can be strong, platonic relationships between gay and straight women without the queer one harboring feelings. And I feel if they did that, it would be forced to appease the fans that do ship the two. Also I just ship Genji/Mercy too strongly)
Venture 👌 it's a shame they don't have more skins because I've seen several really good skin ideas for them.
I will admit, I definitely still ship Cassidy/Hanzo. But like, I feel like they have such a complicated relationship until they realize they have romantic feelings for each other. Lots of arguing, lots of what seems like hatred of the other, blah blah blah. Meanwhile Genji who knows both of them the best, is like "nah give it time, soon they'll be inviting us to the wedding" (definitely no one believes him until it happens lol). Part of the problem I feel like is that Hanzo has a lot of internalized homophobia from being raised as heir to the yakuza empire his family ran. Like, that kind of situation doesn't seem to be very accepting, ya know?
It's also part of why he and Genji eventually became so distant from each other and what led up to the fight. Genji was openly queer in his delinquent teen years, and it pissed his family off.
But also firm believer in asexual!Hanzo. Let the man be a sad little weirdo with his cowboy boyfriend there to support him.
I feel like Morrison (Soldier 76) definitely harbored feelings for Reyes (Reaper) before the fall of Overwatch, but Reyes rejected him/had a family. It makes their relationship in current Overwatch even deeper because while the feelings weren't reciprocated, they were still friends and soldiers in arms, and now they're strangers to even themselves.
If you are interested, I do have an Overwatch sideblog: @snootlesow
I haven't posted there in a hot minute but it's got some stuff on it
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cybernightart · 1 year
Mildly amusing head cannons featuring Genji, Hanzo and kiriko (with some brief Gency and phariko at the end)
Since in being a ninja you have to be able to go about undetected, be able to blend in with your surroundings, even disguise yourself and be convincing when doing so. So in order to make sure the trio were skilled in this department in between their ninja training and the education the clan was providing they would get sent to acting and drama classes. They would go by fake names so no one was able to pick up on the fact they were shamatic clan members, and this was easier to do then it may seem as none of them were known to the public of even existing. As part of the clans thing was that they would keep all of the members born into the clan within the walls until they were 18, which once they're 18 they can leave on their own, the trio we're giving an exception to this occasionally but only if they were being escorted by a senior member of the clan or sojiro shimada himself, but even then they did not leave the grounds of hanamura, with only kiriko ever going into kanezeka.
And because of these classes the three are really good at acting and just slipping into roles when need be. Which means if it were for the fact Genji was a red-eyed rage powered murder ninja during black watch he would have been the perfect person to go undercover as the waiter instead of Cassidy, as part of their acting was being able to mimic accents which all three of them can do relatively well.
Genji never once mentioned this though, and it was only after kiriko joins OverWatch after Hanzo had already joined as well, and casually mentions how she finds old recordings of genji's performances on one of her old devices and everyone else is so confused at what she means. Kiriko then goes into excited annoying little sibling mode with "OH MY GOD YOU DON'T KNOW GENJI DID THIS?!?!" Ask Genji is slowly starting to panic with that panic rapidly picking up pace the further kiriko gets into explaining, even worse so for Genji because 90% of his performances where musicals or just him singing in general. This revelation is even more shocking to people like Cassidy and Angela who he had told that he was not good at singing, only to come to find the Genji has the voice of an angel or at least had.
Even with the cybernetics he still can sing really well but it's just so different from what he was used to before, that even with his acceptance of his body and improved mental state it still just doesn't fully sit right with him. He likes his voice now ,so it's not even like back in black watch when he only talked when absolutely necessary because he hated hearing his voice, or that he still hates the sound of his own voice, but rather anytime he goes to sing internally(to himself) he still pictures what he used to sound like when he was in his early twenties and not the raspier Metalalicy autotuned version of his voice now. With the only times anyone has heard Genji singing since being when he intentionally sings bad or over does it for comedic effect.
This then of course leads into kiriko playing a bunch of the recordings of genji's performances with the smuggiest look on her face as she stares Genji directly in the eyes the entire time they're playing with a facial expression only describable using >:3 . So in retaliation Genji leaves and comes back with the recordings of kirikos performances, and to continue on the trend of annoying little siblings also hanzos.
While kiriko did a mix of plays from around the world mainly more Western culture with the occasional Japanese one, with one particular picture Genji showed being kiriko in one of those 1950's pink poodle skirts complete with an ascot to match and her hair done up in a hairstyle screaming the 50's. Hanzo did primarily quite traditional Japanese performances, primary kabuki. So in the old photos from these performances, falkirko was wearing a range of different costumes, Hanzo was in full traditional attire, makeup ,masks everything.
And now for some Gency stuff,
Later on as they were going to bed (Genji literally walked into Angela's office and without a word just and just scooped her out of her desk and carried her to the bedrooms. she started off wiggling and kicking to trying to get him to drop her, but since she was so tired from sleeping for far too long she eventually caved and just started snuggling into him as he carried her. Also the ninja strength combined with the additional strength from being a cyborg kind of helped in Genji not letting go like he was unfazed the entire time, except for under his mask he was trying to hide the giggles building up which men under the mask he just had the biggest dorkiest grin but Angela couldn't see that currently) Angela turned to Genji and said how she couldn't sleep because she wasn't tired (a very very blatant lie), and with a smirk on her face asked if Genji could sing her a lullaby to help her sleep, with a sigh and a chuckle Genji agreed. So as they lay in bed cuddled into each other, Angela's head on genji's collarbone area, Genji quietly sang her one of the only lullabies he could remember off the top of his head which was one his father used to somewhat sing to him and Hanzo when they were very little. And between her already incredible exhaustion, the sweet quiet vocals, Genji running is hand through her hair, and the hum in reverberations from within genji's chest/cybernetic throat she passed out almost immediately.
Meanwhile, pharah was trying her absolute hardest to get her hands on that picture of kiriko, using all the compliments in the book and every tactic she could think of, well kirko is trying her best to resist these "torture methods" to get her to give her the picture.
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dawnthefox24 · 9 months
Alright so I made my own version of mama Shimada, since it feels like she doesn't exist with in the lore of overwatch and that there's no mention of her what so ever. So I like to introduce my version of Mrs.Shimada. A.K.A Asumi Shimada (Tanaka) Anyways she went through a few changes, At first I wanted to make her Yakuza born but noticed that a few people had some similar ideas too that so I decided to make a twist.
The things that I like to mention is that 1. Asumi was very close to both Hanzo and Genji which is why I think both brothers don't have motherly issues unlike there father 2. She loved Sojiro and son's deeply with all of her heart
3. She knew what she was signing up for when she married Sojiro ~~~ So headcanon time on how Sojiro and Asumi met for the very first time since I will die on this hill about this.
Asumi was born middle class working as a waitress in a restaurant but more in the run down parts
How she met Sojiro was nothing but a mere coincidence as he spotted her threatening a guy with a butcher knife of all things which made him fall for her very hard on the spot.
The first time she met him she thought Sojiro was some douche bag thinking he was better than everyone
When she found out he was a crimelord usually everyone would ask for forgiveness and apologise but not her since she still found him as a douche bag
When Sojiro asked her hand for marriage she basically laughed in his face and rejected him in front of the elders since was very out of the blue
She did feel bad because she saw how serious Sojiro was so she give him a chance but only told him he needed to take her out on a few dates before jumping into marriage to which he agreed
Asumi was very much impressed by how determine Sojiro was and took her all out on fancy date's even though she needed to tell him that she preferred casual dates than all fancy ones so but none the less she grew fond of him
On their last date she basically just leaned her head on his shoulder and confessed too him that maybe they can get married which made him excited.
Thus the two got married with in a few months or more had their wedding and of course it was success
though a brand new change for Asumi but none less she learnt how to adapt to the changes within her life before her untimely passing .
~~~~~ So with that out of the way I do think that's how both of them met with Sojiro really wanting to marry her, showing how determine he was since I do think he loved her truly.
I do also believe like I said that my version of mama Shimada is that she also fell for Sojiro after a few dates, though with her sudden passing it really affected Sojiro, Hanzo and Genji all at once.
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kakusu-shipping · 3 months
🔀 and also 🔪 for Overwatch if you have any
I wanted to draw for all the swaps I really did but this one in particular would require me to draw TWO robots and I'm just not... strong enough...
Asks from Here
🔀 Crossover Ship: Pair the wrong s/i with an f/o from a different universe and talk about their dynamic!
I ended up going with my Virtue's Last Reward S/I sense he is, partially, shipped with GTM-CM-G-OLM, a character with 30 minutes of screen time, and my Shipped with Zenyatta S/I, sense they're the OG of the OW S/Is and both shipped with Robots <3 Yay continuity!
My VLR S/I is, in short, a being from a higher plane that's love for K and desire to help him caused them to break through space and time, causing the entire game's events, just to be with him and give him the love he deserves. It's based on the noncanon ending of VLR. (you can read a mini fic about it Here)
To fit into OW lore I imagine he'd be something akin to The Iris, possibly the Iris taken human form, come to Earth. I'm not sure why it's come to Earth, but I imagine it's not very Good at the whole. Being human thing. Zenyatta finds it on his journey post Mondatta's death and take it along with him, assuming it a normal lost human. The dynamic from there would be Traveling Companions learning Humanity together, what it is to be Alive, to love and grow and change and what not. Deep stuff.
My Shambali Overwatch S/I is a human mechanic who ran away from home at a young age hoping to help Omnics and learn from Master Mondatta. He and Zenyatta are Childhood rivals to friends to lovers 10 year slow burn. (long fic series that one, the first of that is Here)
Without spoiling VLR, I imagine this S/I was the creator of GTM-CM-G-OLM and the other GAULEMs, maybe he's around the same age as K and the two use to hang out when he wasn't working. He probably takes way more interest in the GAULEMs than K though, so K remains the loneliest man in the world. Sorry K, this S/I is Robotsexual </3 GTM-CM-G-OLM is a very casual flirt and handsy, and this S/I is very easily flustered by physical affection from Hot Robot, so their dynamic is very sillie to me <3
🔪 F/E: Fictional Enemy, character I would fight with my self-insert
Oh I'm always ready to throw hands with Hanzo Shimada. Always. My S/I is Best Friends with Genji, he's basically my baby brother. When I get my hands on Hanzo he is getting a broken nose, wither that be what Genji would want or not. Hanzo takes and accepts it, it is his repentance.
Peeps in the Discord also know I have a personal Genji related Beef with Angela Zeigler as well. It is also very much On Sight with her and my S/I. I'm not letting her get away after seeing Blackwatch Genji, oooooh no ma'am, that is NOT how you build cybernetic prosthetics. We're gonna have some words
Genji doesn't like either of these beefs I have, he's forgiven Hanzo and is very grateful to Angela for saving his life and would really like me to do as Mondatta taught and let it go, forgive and move on, but I simply cannot. I am full of hate and rage for these two very specific people.
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bunnysdaydreams · 1 year
My Personal Head Canons for these Characters
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Part 3: Overwatch 1/2
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This lovely Queen has a split tongue, something she did to herself
And shark bites
She rarely wears casual clothes, her favorite clothing is a red flannel that she ties around her waist
She enjoys wearing black booty shorts with ripped fish nets under them
She uses unusual Australian slang when she’s comfortable
The usual slang- Rip-snorter, Put a sock in it, Six in one; half a dozen of the other, Crikey, Smoko, and Bottlo
When Queen’s infuriated she speaks Vietnamese
She heavily cusses too
Loves listening to Metallica, blasts it 24/7
Her favorite Metallica album is …And Justice for All, her favorite song is One
Loves to flirt with Kiriko which leads said female to blush profusely
Odessa thinks highly of Ana and sees her as a strong warrior
JunkerQueen actually appreciates Lucio’s healing music, she won’t tell him that though
Hates when the Shimada brothers argue with each other
Takes “bashing their skulls” quite literally
Is a sucker for a nice orange pop, likes drinking it out of a red and white straw
She found a lava rock from her stash of gold coins, it’s surprisingly sturdy
She uses it to sharpen Gracie
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This foxy chick has a orange vertical labret piercing
Along with double lobe piercings in both ears
Her casual wear is a black crop top with baggy joggers and a leather man jacket
Kiriko loves sparing with the Shimada brothers
She’s a black belt in Judo
Kiriko loves all types of sweets, hence why all the donuts on base are gone
She loves hanging out with Hana and Lucio especially, and loves challenging Hana to fighting games
She trades her music play lists with Lucio
He has some killer songs
Kiriko loves having small talk with Angela, teases her about her crush on Genji
Has good spice tolerance and loves spicy ramen, she asks Genji if he wants to join her
Puts more spice in Genji’s ramen because he doesn’t have a good tolerance to spice
If he catches her in the act she runs and hides behind Hanzo
Hanzo never helps her
When Kiriko gets upset she hangs out with Ana, who is usually with Reinhardt
She cusses in Japanese when she’s angry
Which catches the attention of the Queen of Junker Town
Kiriko loathes Moira for what she did to Genji and how apathetic she is
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5millioncatipilars · 2 years
Tips for playing Overwatch, to dps and tank mains, from a support main
I’m in an overwatch mood tonight so I’m just gonna spam some thoughts before I go to bed.
As a support main, fuck you
Protect me if I’m getting targeted, I can’t heal you if I’m dead and I’m very squishy
I also can’t heal you if you’re halfway across the map, stay with the group. I don’t play Kiriko so I can’t just teleport to you and most support characters are slow af.
If you charge into the enemy team alone, I’m not following you. Don’t even ask for heals.
Supports’ main priority is to keep ourselves alive. I will leave my last teammate with low health to die if the enemy team starts to turn to me. Call it a tactical retreat.
Again, I can’t heal you if I’m dead.
Stop feeding the enemy team. Wait for at least one support before you go charging in so you don’t just die again.
I have to turn off game chat periodically bc if someone’s being an asshole to the supports in chat I will just stop healing them. Even if it means we loose. Be an asshole —> get no heals.
Sorjorn you do not need heals. Stop asking
Ash you do not need heals. Stop asking
Genji you are actively dying. Come back here and get some heals
Someone please remember the point of the game and go to the objective, I’m alone on here and the enemy team is on their way
Tank you do not need heals you still have half health I’m trying to make our dps with less than 10 health stop dying
Widow you can’t just stand in the middle of the road and snipe. Also if you’re getting shot at, you need to move positions, they obviously know where you are now.
Stop standing in Sorjorn’s ouch bubble. Please
Reaper I love you. You always shadow walk to me when you need heals
Hanzo that was real polite of you to just stand behind me until I noticed you but next time please ask for heals you are at 20 health and I did not know you were there
Reinheart I love you
Winston your bubble doesn’t make you immortal. If you jump into the enemy team and die, it’s not my fault. I tried
Doomfist you’re pretty squishy for a tank. Stop charging in without your heals
Roadhog if I’m actively healing you don’t use your health pack thing. Save it for when you need it
Why is Junkrat always dying? Like they’re always at critical health. What happened I healed you two seconds ago
Stop asking for heals right when there’s a break in the fight. I’ll top you up just gimme a sec to see who’s the most dying
If the support is doing more dps than you while also having more than 5000 heals you’re playing the game wrong
If the support switches from mainly heals to dps, you’re doing something wrong and they have taken on a “if you need something done right, do it yourself” attitude. Good luck finding health packs for the rest of the game
Don’t yell at me before you see the 11000 heals I’ve done. It’s not my fault you’re bad at the game
Don’t get mad in casual play. It’s just a game, we’re here to have fun. If you want to be sweaty and get mad about it, go play competitive mode
Stop dying. Just like, chill out.
Can someone come kill this dps that keeps flanking us and targeting our support? No? Ok.
Fyi: Baptiste’s lantern stops you from dying. If I put it down by you, stop moving. I’m gonna heal you, but you have to stay right here so you don’t die while I do it.
Fyi pt, 2: Baptiste’s ult amplifies healing and damage that goes through it. It’s like having Ana’s ult on the entire team of you use it right. Stop walking through it to charge into the enemy team. I can kill a tank at full health with a pocket healer on my own as a support character with that thing. It’s pretty op if you actually use it
Moira has very limited healing capabilities, so sorry if I’m not healing you right now, it’s recharging
As Anna, if you’re not getting any heals from me, one sec, I lost line of sight, I’m very slow, just give me a minute
Ana’s splash grenade stops the enemy from healing. Target whoever I just splashed
Lucio’s healing is passive. If you need heals, come find me
Stop running from me you fucking idiot I’m trying to keep you alive
Phara and Echo, pretty please with a cherry on top just land next to me for two seconds so I can heal you. You’re really hard to heal in the air, and for some characters impossible
Supports that heal other supports I love you. Come kill the flanking dps with me it’ll be fun
Support isn’t just there to heal you. That’s why it’s called support, not healing.
Goodnight 😌
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wildissylupus · 4 months
I'm going to say this and I'm going to say this loudly, the reason Kiriko's character is bad is specifically how she's treated in game with her voice lines along with how they have written her bio, hero bio's also mainly being a game thing. The big reason why is because we see more of her character's complexity and how she truly feels about things in "Yokai" and "Where Honor Lives", but that's bad because the casual gamer won't be reading those because they are short stories. The only people who really read them are people who play and interact with Kiriko specifically because of the lore, even then fans will likely only read and analyze the stories that have characters they're invested in. So if your not already a fan of Kiriko or Hanzo your not likely be invested or want to read either of those stories.
Which leads to the major problem of the fact that a majority of Kiriko's voice lines in game aren't used to further characterize her or explore her lore, they are instead used to make her say quips and attempt to make her the "relatable" character that D.Va was. They're basically used to show off "hey, we can right dialogue like the MCU", and in the worst way possible.
Again she has equal/more one-on-one voice lines with Lucio, a character she has no canon connection with, the Genji or Hanzo. Hell the only one-one-one interaction she has with Genji is about them having bowl-cuts, it's basically nothing. The only interactions that, to me, feel fully in character for her are her interactions with Hanzo, Sombra and Pharah. Along with that, if Kiriko is mad at Hanzo for running away, she should also be mad at Genji for doing that same! Hell, I would honestly like to see her be more upset with Genji because if he was with Overwatch he could have helped her and her family. At least Hanzo has come back, at least he's trying to help now!
(I feel like I need to state that this isn't what I actually feel towards Genji, this is more how I feel Kiriko should feel towards Genji)
There's also the fact she should be more hostile towards ex-Blackwatch members in general. Like, why is she joking with Reaper when interacting with him would be a good opportunity to show how she feels towards what Blackwatch did? Why doesn't she have any interactions with Cassidy despite the fact he's admitting to regretting what happened in Hanamura? Why does she only have one one-on-one interaction with Genji despite the two of them being closer then Kiriko and Hanzo? Also why is the interaction about Asa, Kiriko's mother, being someone Dommfists knows with Genji? Why is that interaction not with Kiriko?
Why don't we get more interactions like she has with Hanzo, that show the weight of the sacrifices she's had to make? That show the bitterness she feels about the whole Shimada situations? Interactions like with Sombra where we see she's willing to take anything that will help her fight against the Hashimoto, that she doesn't play games when it comes to her peoples safety? Interactions like the ones with Pharah that both show a competitive side to her and gives us a good look on her moral code?
Why do I need to micromanage what dialogue and interactions I take from her to get a good grasp on her character and what she's like?
The reason I ask all this is because Kiriko is a character I genuinely enjoy and even relate to. Her relationship with her mother reminds me of mine with my own mum. I find the theming of consequence, honor and sacrifice found in her characters story interesting. I see her dynamic with Hanzo, how it parallels Genji and Cassidy, how Hanzo reacts to her in general, and find it compelling.
I'll do a full analysis on Kiriko's character in a different post because someone needs to do her character justice, since whoever is directing and writing the in game dialogue is refusing to.
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terioncalling · 2 years
Current Projects
For those who may be interested, here's a mostly complete current status of my fanfic works in progress.
Assassin's Creed
The 11th part of Bleeding Memories has been completed as of January 27th, 2024!
Dragon Age
Tentative planning stages for rewriting The Sordid Tale of Meryell Verlen. This rewrite would allow for better planning of ideas that came in later chapters and also would potentially combine the main Sordid story with the Sordid Fragments.
Chapter 7 of Dear Hunter is started but needs to be completed.
Untitled Mary centric fic has been begun and is currently at 2,771 words.
Fifth part for Love Struck Fools series is started but may be one of two currently in progress stories (one smut, one not smut).
The second half of the Two Dragons series has 4 chapters completed and 5th is in progress.
Started the tentatively titled The Soldier's Fox, a Bucky/OC fic that is currently 14 chapters completed. The 15th is in progress. Now in the process of being entirely rewritten.
Star Wars
Untitled story started, 7 chapters complete with 8th in progress. Eventually a Mando/OC fic with lots of other OCs and old EU content. Starts post-Mando S2, may or may not broach BoBF and Mando S3 content.
Five in-progress stories: a backstory filler for the high/blood/void elf crew (aka everyone's trauma from the fall of Silvermoon), a continuation of the plotline started in Blackmail, a side continuation from the Far From Home plotline, and two new stories concerning the relationship between two characters.
May or may not publish idk. Got a bug for a Hanzo focused story (I love a grumpy dragon man riddled with guilt) where he befriends Hana, hangs out with his brother, makes peace with Angela, and generally just adapts to being a person in the watchpoint.
Baldur's Gate 3
Two currently in progress: my drow bardbarian Ethedril Arabt'tar who thought Astarion really did want just a casual hookup before she realized "oh no, he's traumatized" and one from Astarion’s POV where he gets a "surprise, you were a sorcerer not a rogue" then learns how to magic from Gale and Hresden Duskstrider, my dragonblooded wild magic sorcerer (who's an import from WoW). And there's Bar'diin, a drow druid who was a slave to a wizard but he only has a backstory summary written up right now.
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chaos-and-cookies · 6 years
Can someone with actual photoshop skills fix this
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By using her make up from this
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And turning the volume on her hair down a notch? Like short hair is cute and all but that extra oomph layer she got going on on the top...gotta go...
Like Rime looked terrible even for a jack frost skin don't let them give her 2 bad looks back to back
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leorawright · 2 years
omg new overwatch request !!! i am in dire need of some jealousy headcanons. like someone is flirting with their s/o and just what would they do in response. i love jealousy headcanons so much. with the same group you did in the last request + anyone else.
Alright Overwatch time!
Overwatch jealousy
If he gets a little jealous he makes it known
He'll come up and flirt and compliment you make it known your dating
He'll be like "Oh hello my significant other aren't you so glad we're dating!?"
It can be a little annoying because he's like a jealous cat
If the person doesn't back off he will challenge them to a showdown
Meanwhile you just want to go home
Just tell him it's okay and he'll chill
He's like a sad dog when he's jealous
He'll sulk in the corner and give you sad eyes when he thinks you aren't looking
You see him every time
Eventually you have to go over and talk some sense into him
He'll go on some spiel about how you can do what you want but you've got to make in known that his feelings matter to
He's not used to being told that but he will appreciate it
He's thankful you care about him and stay with him
He's a showoff
It doesn't matter where you are he will start to purposefully show off
Yeah he'll just peacock until he has your attention
When you do give him attention he'll latch onto you and ask to leave
You will have to talk to him about his behavior because if you don't he won't stop
Just tell him that if he's uncomfortable to tell you that and you'll handle it instead of pouting
He hasn't been in a relationship before so he needs some guidance on things
Soldier 76
Like Hanzo he'll stay in the corner
Except he'll brood
He'll stare at the person you talking to before eventually pulling you away
After he explains it makes more sense
He's better at dealing with it because he's more mature than... others
He might be a little insecure after that so make sure to give him some love
When she's jealous she'll strut straight up to you
She will purposefully flash her gun and purposefully bring B.O.B with her and it is a little embarrassing
She'll start up a casually conversation with you and silently break down the other person's resolve until they leave
Then she'll apologize and promise to get you something
She knows what she did and she not ashamed she just feels a lit bad if it embarrassed you
Just make sure to find a little bit of a better way to deal with it
I love overwatch so much and I tried hard hope this is what you wanted!
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