#if I’m honest a lot of the fantasies I entertain is hitting a button with the potential to go nuclear
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obstinaterixatrix · 2 years ago
Oh while chatting with alicia and air I go ‘yeah if life doesn’t work out at least I have the fantasy of quitting my job and going back to office work, then I can at least be miserable in a different way’ & air goes like ‘all of your fantasies are about being miserable in a different way’ & I’m like. ‘N. Not true. There’s the one about getting swept off my feet by a hot rich older woman,’
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d3-iseefire · 4 years ago
Nevermore Chapter Seven
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Arkenstone boasted a monster sized parking garage set behind the main complex, and that fact alone nearly had Bilba turning around and going home right then and there. She hated parking garages, and an isolated parking garage late at night was nothing short of a nightmare. 
It was only when she recalled the image of an injured werewolf prince facing off against a creep to protect her that she gritted her teeth, steeled herself, and drove in.
Drove in down a steep ramp, which meant the first level was underground.
Of course it was.  
She spotted an entrance to the mall, marked with white lettering and signs, and parked as close to it as she could get. This late at night, there was only a smattering of cars and her footsteps seemed to echo like rifle shots as she hurried toward the metal door. 
The ground floor where she entered, was the mall itself, wide corridors lined with shops of all kinds on both sides. Quite a few were shuttered but with Arkenstone being a 24 hour venue just as many were still open. Down the center of the tiled corridor were still more booths, boasting everything from jewelry to candy to exotic foods and more. 
As she passed a storefront featuring cinnamon rolls, Bilba was surprised to hear her stomach rumble. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d looked at something fun like that and actually felt hungry. She ate because she had to, not usually because she wanted to. 
She spotted a large map of the mall on a nearby wall and headed toward it to make sure she knew where she was going. The lounge/restaurant/thingy for which the entire complex was named was on the top floor. According to the map, she needed a bank of elevators on the exact opposite side of the mall from where she’d entered. 
She walked quickly toward that end, eyes fixed on the floor in front of her and arms wrapped tightly around her torso. There weren’t very many people out this late, not on this floor anyway, but it still made her uncomfortable. She didn’t like being in public. It was too easy for Lotho, or one of his lackeys, to hide in a crowd and watch her without her knowing. She could walk back out to her car and find them waiting, or get dragged into a dark corner the second she let her guard down. 
The elevators came into view and she rushed to push the button to summon the car. When it opened the entire inside appeared to be polished quartz panels with gold trim and a marble floor. Bilba stepped in hesitantly, and the doors slid shut soundlessly behind her. 
She hit the button that had an ornate A under it, and pressed back into a corner of the car. She felt the drop in her stomach signaling the car had started to move and tried to force herself to relax. 
She didn’t do well in enclosed spaces anymore. Things like elevators, public restrooms, anywhere with only one way in or out. Places where she lost the ability to control when, how, or if, she exited. 
The button she’d pushed went dark and, with a quiet ding, the door slid smoothly open onto the most opulent, and extravagant lounge Bilba had ever seen. The far side featured massive panes of window glass stretching from the floor to the ceiling. She’d never noticed windows from the front of the building, which meant they must boast a spectacular view of the hills and far off mountains that lay behind the complex. 
During the day at least. Currently, they were simply black rectangles, and served to remind her of the risk she was taking being out this late. Her eyes caught on doors at the bottom of several panes and, for a brief second, she let herself imagine sitting at a table out there, sipping on a drink and reading a book. Nothing but a beautiful landscape, and the rustle of leaves on nearby trees. 
It must be peaceful. 
She pulled her mind from that particular fantasy, and focused on the rest of the room. It was massive, and just...overwhelming to be perfectly honest. Chandeliers and marble and quartz sparkled from seemingly every corner. The place seemed to be a hybrid more than a true lounge, complete with a small dance floor and what looked like a full service kitchen. There were areas with couches and televisions, other spaces with expensive, leather covered booths, and still more sections that looked designed to just let people sit and talk. 
A massive, winding staircase led up to a balcony style second level while, on the main level, she could see several raised portions that appeared to be private seating. There was quiet music playing over the entire room, almost drowning out the quiet clink of silverware, soft noise from a few television sets and the low drone of chattering voices. 
Wringing the hem of her shirt in her hands, Bilba stepped hesitantly out of the elevator. It was fine. She’d just...go in and...do..something. She didn’t expect to see the prince himself but maybe she could...talk to someone or...or maybe…
Her thoughts trailed off as her eyes, moving over the room, landed on a small, sectioned off part of the floor elevated about ten or so feet above the main floor. It was in the back, and shadowed, consisting of a single table with a group of people seated at it. 
The one that drew her attention was a young woman with a veritable mane of flaming, scarlet hair but, next to her, was a young, dark haired man, sitting in profile so all she could see was the side of his face 
Bilba fumbled out her phone and quickly recalled the search she’d done that had given her the prince’s name. The picture popped up and she studied it before looking up again to try and compare it to the young man at the table. 
When she did, she nearly dropped her phone because the young man in question was definitely the prince, and he was currently staring directly at her. 
The entire table was, in fact, and not just them. She could still hear the music, and the televisions, but the chatter had died down entirely. Everywhere she looked she saw eyes, all staring directly at her. 
This had been a mistake. Such a massive mistake. Bilba shuffled backward, her hands dragging on her shirt hem. What had she been thinking? She didn’t belong here. She had to leave. Just leave. 
She whirled around, and bit back a shriek as she nearly ran into a massive man suddenly standing directly behind her. He was like one of those guys she saw sometimes in weight lifting competitions. He was bald on the top of his head, but instead of trying to hide it he’d chosen to simply tattoo his scalp. 
“Can I help you?” his voice was gravely, almost a growl that sent a chill up her spine. He crossed his arms over his chest, causing his muscles to bulge in a way that probably led to a lot of burst seams in his suit jackets and dress shirts. 
Bilba shook her head. “I’m sorry,” she said, her voice barely a whisper. “I thought this area was public access.”
“It is,” he said flatly. “Can I help you?”
Bilba hesitated. She forced herself to let go of her shirt before she put a hole in it, and turned to glance back toward the table on that small, raised level. 
It was empty. 
Empty, and everyone else in the room was still staring at her. 
“Um--” Bilba turned back toward the enormous man, half turned again to the now empty table and came to the unescapable realization that she’d made a horrific mistake. Again. “I’m sorry,” she stammered. “I made a mistake. I need to go.”
She edged slowly around the man, toward the elevator. He turned, following her movements but, to her surprise, didn’t attempt to stop her. 
Bilba got on the elevator and fumbled for the buttons, finally finding the one for the bottom floor and rapidly pushed it. The door slid closed, and she collapsed against the wall. She felt like she’d run a marathon and slowly allowed herself to slide down the wall into a crouch. 
What had she been thinking? He was a prince. Of course she couldn’t just march over and talk to him. The fact he’d even been there to begin with had been a massive shock. 
She shoved a hand through her hair, and flinched as it caught on a few knots and pulled painfully. . 
“Now what?” she whispered. She still had a mostly unconscious werewolf prince in her bed, and was no closer to finding him help. Maybe the pain medication would somehow get him to wake up enough to give her a phone number? 
She let out a groan, wrapped her arms around her legs and dropped her head on her knees. This was exhausting...she was exhausted. She had work in the morning and then she’d need to ready the house for when, not if, Lotho showed up and then a million other things that she did to keep herself from having to stop and think too much. 
She didn’t have time for any of this. 
Guilt hit her. Fili had been there for her when she’d needed him, and here she was begrudging the fact that he needed her to return the favor?
She really was just a terrible person, wasn’t she?
The elevator slowed to a stop on the ground floor and she pushed to her feet as the door dinged and slid open, to an almost entirely empty level. 
Bilba hesitated. There had been people earlier, hadn’t there? Not many, but some.
She stepped out slowly, almost peeking out before taking the risk of fully committing to leaving the elevator car. Maybe it was just this area that was empty and, as soon as she got off, she’d see --
The whole floor, in both directions, and there was no distant sound to suggest anyone was out of eyesight either. Bilba suppressed a chill. Just relax. She was making a mountain out of a molehill. It was late, and there hadn’t been a lot of people to begin with. A movie had probably just started, or perhaps something in the underground entertainment complex had just opened. This was probably perfectly normal, she just didn’t know because she’d never come before. 
She began walking, probably faster than absolutely necessary...except for the fact that it certainly felt absolutely necessary. 
She passed by an open storefront and glanced inside, only for it to appear as empty as the rest of the floor. It was a clothing store, she chided herself, and it was late. There was probably only one person working and they were just in the back. Same with the next store...and the next...and the one after that. 
By the fourth seemingly empty store, Bilba’s walk was just under a jog. She kept her eyes fixed on her feet, and tried her best to listen for any sort of sound over the quiet music blaring over the loudspeakers. 
It couldn’t be Lotho. He didn’t have the kind of...whatever it was that would be needed to empty out the floor, especially of employees who were paid to be there. 
She wanted to go back to the house. She never should have come here. It had been a mistake, one in a long list of mistakes she seemed to forever be making throughout the course of her life. 
The door to the parking garage beckoned and she hurried toward it, feeling only a light modicum of relief as she pushed out into the darkened complex. 
It was eerily quiet. No sounds of other cars, or people coming or going, not even the noise of traffic outside. She headed toward her car, mind instinctively going to every horror movie she’d ever seen that involved a woman walking alone at night. 
She was both surprised and relieved to make it to her car, and even more so when she looked in and saw the backseat was empty. For a brief moment in time, it felt like the universe was giving her a break. A second of fortune in a flood of misfortune. She felt almost normal, for a second.
And then she slid her key into the ignition, turned it...and the engine refused to turn over. 
Bilba’s heart jolted and she tensed. She turned the key again, and mentally prayed as the engine tried, and failed, to turn over. 
“Oh, you have to be kidding me,” she breathed. She turned the key again, and again after that, only to hear the same sounds of a motor struggling, and failing, to catch. She released the key, and sank back in the seat, silence draping over her like a shroud. 
Bilba closed her eyes, and let out a breath. Okay, she told herself. It was going to be fine. Just let it be for a minute, then turn the key again and --
Someone knocked on the window next to her. 
Bilba shrieked and jumped so hard she hit her head against the roof of her car. 
Outside the car, the man who’d startled her gave her a guilty look. He was probably a decade or two older than her, tall and fit with shoulder length, ash-blonde hair and a close shaven beard. He gave her a friendly grin, which did nothing at all to ease Bilba’s anxiety. She forced a smile and gave what she hoped passed for a friendly wave, hoping he’d get the message and leave. 
Instead, he leaned in closer, hands shoved in the pockets of the leather jacket he wore. “Car trouble?” 
His voice was muffled by the glass and, with a sense of dread, Bilba turned the ignition key just enough to allow her to roll the window down part way. “A little. I’m sure it’s fine though, sometimes it just takes a minute or two to warm up.”
“Why don’t  you pop the hood and I’ll take a look?”
Bilba bit back the desire to ask him if he was a mechanic and would therefore have any clue as to what he was doing.. “I’m sure it’s fine. I can just call a tow truck.”
“Not from in here you can’t.” He pointed at the thick concrete over their head. “Come on, I can at least walk you inside if you’re looking for cell service.”
And then what, Bilba thought. He could be just genuinely trying to help, or he could be one of those types that helped with the expectation of being repaid somehow. Usually, they expected a date or something along those lines, and then proceeded to get aggressive or angry when, instead, they simply received gratitude. 
The man clearly had no intention of leaving, which left her with few options. She could stay in her car and risk him getting angry, or she could get out to try and find cell service and hope he’d leave her alone once they were back inside and surrounded by people. 
The image of the empty floor came to mind and the sense of dread increased. This entire endeavor had been a terrible idea. If only she could rewind time until she was back in the rental house. She’d still have a sick werewolf prince to deal with, but at least she wouldn’t be stuck in her current situation. 
She opened the door. The man moved back a few steps and Bilba carefully got out. She pulled her purse strap over her head to wear it crossbody and clutched it as if it were a lifeline. 
The man grinned broadly. “Great, let’s go.”
He made no attempt to introduce himself, and Bilba didn’t want to create a false sense of intimacy by asking. Instead she hunched her shoulders and walked quickly back toward the mall entrance. She tried to outpace him, but his size advantage allowed him to keep up with her easily. 
She reached the door, grabbed the handle, and pulled. 
It didn’t budge. 
“Damn,” the man’s voice came from directly behind her. “I didn’t realize how late it was. They must have closed already.”
“Closed?” Bilba turned, only to realize she was now caught between the man in front of her and the door behind her. “I thought it was a 24 hour venue.”
“It is,” the man agreed. “But the mall still locks down at a certain point. If you’re already in Arkenstone, or down in Ered Luin you’re fine but, if you leave, you can’t come back until the mall reopens and if you’re outside when the mall closes--” His words trailed off, and he shrugged. 
“Oh.” Bilba gripped her purse strap with both hands again and tugged on it anxiously. Now what? “I -- um --” she turned away from him, and spotted the sloped pavement she’d driven down to enter the garage. “I’ll need to go outside, I guess, to get a signal.”
She gave him a hesitant smile, and started toward the exit. Behind her, his footsteps followed and Bilba quickened her pace in response. It was just as dark outside as it was in, but at least it’d be more open, right? More people around, hopefully. He wasn’t Lotho, so no one else should be in danger. 
About a dozen feet ahead of her, a shadow shifted and Bilba bit back a gasp as a stranger stepped into view from behind a pillar. As he took several steps closer, the shadows fell away to reveal the tattooed man from the lounge. He stopped several feet away from her, crossed his arms and then just...stood there. 
Movement came from her other side and a second man stepped into view and took up a matching position. This man was older with a strong build and salt and pepper hair. A thick scar ran from the center of his forehead down through his right eye, leaving it a milky, dull white. 
A low, guttural growl echoed through the garage and Bilba’s blood froze in her veins. 
At the top of the ramp leading out of the garage, an enormous, coal black wolf appeared. It was smaller than Fili with a slimmer build but was no less massive. 
It lowered its head and let out another growl, lips curling back to reveal vicious looking, curved fangs. 
Bilba bit back a whimper as a vivid image of those teeth ripping into her flashed through her mind. The wolf took a step forward, and she instinctively backed up, only to run into someone who lightly grabbed her upper arms to steady her.  
She’d completely forgotten about the man who’d originally spoken to her at her car. He was looking past her at the wolf with a flat expression. 
 It, meanwhile, was still approaching. Bilba tried to move, unsure of where she was going to go but just wanting to go somewhere else, only to have the man behind her tighten his grip to hold her in place. 
The wolf moved into a darker section of the garage where the lights set in the ceiling didn’t reach. The shadows themselves seemed to shift and, when they released him, it was a man who strode out instead of a wolf. 
And not just any man bit the dark haired prince whose picture had come up when she’d searched the name Kili online. In those images the man had been smiling and carefree. He was anything but now. His body was wound as tight as a bow string, and the look in his eyes was hard enough to strike her dead on the spot if they held the power. 
He strode right up to her, towering over her and, when he spoke, it was as if he’d carried the wolf over into his voice. “You have ten seconds to tell me where the hell my brother is, and why you’re soaked in his blood. Start talking.”
Continue Reading on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27298015/chapters/66695635
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queernarchy · 4 years ago
Statement of Elizabeth Williams, regarding a box of tapes found in the basement of her student house. Statement given October 18th, 2018, 105 Hill Top Road, Oxford.
Right. Um. I, uh. Right.
To be perfectly honest, I’m not really sure what I’m doing. I- I found this. It’s the only one I’ve found in the box that’s blank. You know, I’ve never actually seen a tape recorder, like in real life? It’s quite - Well, I’m not even sure I know how to use it. Except … I do. Because I turned it on. I hit the button and now I’m talking to it, like it’s a person. Like I’m crazy, which … I might be. God, I might be. 
I probably am. In fact, I hope I am. I hope I was just dreaming it all up. Another sign of an overactive imagination. Spending too much time with those books and not in the real world, as mum would say.
Even if it was real, there is no reason for me to be talking to you - no, to this. [TO HERSELF] It’s a tape recorder, Beth, it’s not a person. [BACK TO NORMAL] But I am. It feels right to, to tell you. So I’m going to. I’m going to tell you what happened and then it’ll be over. And I can go back to my life. 
I’m not great at this. The talking, the explaining, the storytelling, it’s not really my thing, at least not anymore. 
When I was a kid it was easy, you know? I was always latching onto one thing or another, letting it consume my brain and then going on and on about it to whatever poor soul I could corner long enough into listening. My parents didn’t let me use a computer until I was well into my teens - something about them making nightmares worse? It was all bollocks, really, how would they know that if they never actually let me use one? But, anyways, before that I used to spend hours in the Wokingham library touring the sections. Once, when I was twelve, I read a book on oceanography: Vanished Ocean: How Tethys Reshaped the World, and spent a solid week scouring the corners of every bookshelf for anything I could find on ancient supercontinents or vanished fault lines before giving my report to the first unlucky and unsuspecting librarian who happened to be out in the open. [LAUGHS] Poor Mike.
I never cared what the genre was, nonfiction, mystery, fantasy, that was never important to me. I just loved the pursuit, and the compelling joy of walking through a new world. It was like a secret between me and the writer, something that we knew that nobody else did. 
I always dreamed of being a writer too one day, but like I said, the storytelling part never actually came natural to me, no matter how many books I consumed. I suppose it must have been that lack of skill that bugged the people around me to no end. My father spent most of his time at work and I didn’t really get along with my brother or sister, but let’s just say that my mum was never as ... enthusiastic about my new interests as I was. 
It wasn’t her fault, I was deeply, deeply irritating. But to my credit, the minute I realized that, well, that’s when I finally started to shut up. Thinking back, I think that’s where it started. I had always kind of been afraid of pretty much anything and everything. But when I got old enough, I started to routinely feel a gripping terror bubbling up through my stomach, my chest, shaking my limbs and rooting me to the spot whenever I spoke for more than a minute at a time. 
All this to say, a few years ago I graduated secondary school with absolutely no skill in writing, the one thing I actually enjoyed, and a lot of anxiety. It seems inevitable that I would end up studying library sciences, doesn’t it? It’s practically what I’ve always done anyways - sorting and researching. And a future as a librarian with a couple cats and a cozy cottage, surrounded by books, well … there are worse things. Much worse. 
I moved into student housing right before my first term started at Oriel. I call it student housing, but it’s not, not technically. The actual dorms were a bit out of my price range, so when I saw an ad looking for flatmates in Cowley, only a 20 minute bus ride from the college, it seemed meant to be. There were ten living here all together, to start. George moved into his boyfriend’s place last year, leaving nine of us. [DARKLY] Well, eight, now, I suppose.
It was a proper house, renovated a few years back, I think, but it was already thoroughly  trashed by the time I showed up. It was one of those places that, the minute you walked through the door, you could just feel the grime lurking between the worn couches and stained mattresses, that musty smell of overuse. I tried to ignore it, I did, but one Friday night a couple weeks after I’d settled in, I waited until everyone had gone and walked to the closest shop to buy a blacklight. It went about as well as you’d expect. I spent that entire weekend scrubbing this house from top to bottom. I even cleaned Sam’s room. It’s not like I’m a germaphobe or anything, I just like to know where things have been. And if they dirty again, well, at least I know it’s the slobbery of my friends rather than that of strangers. 
I didn’t touch the basement, though. None of us ever did. I’m not sure why, it was always just an unspoken agreement between us. I must have asked about it when I moved in. I must have. I mean, it would be one thing if it just never came up, if it was just an unfinished and unsafe part of the house we didn’t go down to and that was that. But, you know, thinking about it now, we didn’t even mention it, not once. It’s amazing, isn’t it, what you can ignore. Right up to the moment you’re devoured by it.
I don’t remember the exact moment things started to feel wrong. Can’t have been more than a couple weeks ago. It was subtle, at first. Doors swinging closed on their own, misplaced items, shadows that didn’t really ... fit. All things that could be chalked up to the mind playing tricks out of boredom, or fatigue - just a consequence of one too many sleepless nights. I didn’t really think about it too hard, even when Sam brought it up at breakfast, started insisting the place was haunted. That was easy to dismiss, she’s always going on about some supernatural this or that and I don’t believe in ghosts, but even that would have been easily digestible as an explanation. 
It was like that for a few days, and all the while, that feeling of wrongness lurked in the background, pulsing beneath us. I honestly don’t know if I would have even taken notice if Milton hadn’t started behaving the way he did. Milton is - was - every bit the hipster film student of your wildest imaginations. I swear, I saw him wear a beret once, completely unironically. We’d been friends, as I was one of the few people who would listen to him ramble on about whatever arthouse film had caught his attention that week. We got on fine, well, actually, for flatmates at least. That’s not to say that I always liked him - I’d acted in a few of his student films, just by convenience, and he wasn’t exactly the most easy to work with. Everything always had to be just the way he wanted it, down the most minute detail. I swear, if he could have tied strings around our limbs and puppeted us from afar, he would have. [PAUSE] Sorry, that’s … that’s poor taste. 
It had to do with the cassettes. You see, Milton had always insisted on using magnetic tape for his recordings, refusing to even entertain the idea of a digital camera. Something about being more authentic - I never understood it, but far be it from me to get in between a film major and their precious ‘analog charm.’ He loved those tapes, and we all got used to seeing dozens scattered throughout the house at any one time. Which is why it struck me as odd when last week, they vanished entirely. When I asked him about it, he just said that he'd been editing a new project that he needed them for. I wasn’t sure what kind of project would require that many cassettes all at once, but he certainly spent enough time working on it. He’d be locked away in his room for hours, sounds of whirring machinery coming from behind his door. When he did come out, he was exhausted, gaunt. I tried talking to him about it, you know, but he’d just ignore me.
It was strange behavior, sure, but not supernatural. Perhaps I would have chalked it up to stress, just a bad week, but that’s when the nightmares started. I had always had them, just a side effect of my anxiety, but they’d died down a couple years ago, after I moved to Oxford. One sleep after this started, though, I saw Milton. He was sat at a desk, a mess of cassettes unspooled into piles of thin black magnetic tape scattered across it. He was tangled in tape as well, almost every limb bound by it. He stared at the pile in front of him with dull eyes, completely still. 
I didn’t realize until the tape began to lift his arms that he wasn’t just tangled in it. The long, metallic strands were embedded directly into his skin. The strands controlling every movement, he grabbed a spool, and, very slowly, raised it to his mouth. His jaw unhinged, farther than anything natural, and he began to stuff the tape down his throat. Again, and again, and again, until the entire pile was gone. I had never felt relief the way I had when I finally woke from that dream. I didn’t know that was only the first time that I would have it.
I woke from one of these nightmares late one night, heart beating fast and body sticky with sweat. I climbed downstairs, trying to clear my head, and found Milton sitting in the living room, staring at our small television screen playing his movie. At least, that’s what I assumed it was. There was no coherence, no audio, just rapid, violent black and white images that flashed across the screen sporadically and bits of static that faded in and out at random. Occasionally, I’d see the corrupted and disjointed image of my own face cross the screen, along with the other actors. The pattern was hypnotic. Every few minutes, the images would perfectly align, shaping spindly, bony legs that almost seemed to reach beyond the glass face of the TV.
After a while, I finally managed to ask him if he was alright, if the cassette had become corrupted somehow, if there was any way to fix it. He had always been so fiercely protective of his tapes, and with the state it was in I expected him to be furious, or devastated, at least concerned. But when he turned, there was none of that written into his face. Just a calm, blank expression. He studied me carefully for a long moment, before finally speaking. ‘We should feed our guest. She’s so happy to have arrived, and she is very hungry.’ He smiled after he said that. When he did, I could have sworn I saw that thin black film tape weaved inside him - webbed in the back of his throat and threaded right through the fleshy center of his tongue. I went back up the stairs immediately and locked my door, sat in bed until the sun came up.
I managed to avoid him the days after that. I thought about telling the others, trying to explain it to them, but I knew it wouldn’t end well. They wouldn’t believe me, why would they? I wasn’t even sure that I believed me. I thought about moving out, of course I did, but I had nowhere to go. No money, no real friends outside of the ones I already lived with. And who knows if I was just overreacting, imagining it all. So I decided I’d just ignore him as much as I could until he went back to normal or I’d saved up enough money for a new place.
It didn’t last, though. It was three days ago that it happened. It was late, and I had carelessly lost time sitting in the kitchen, studying for my history exam. I was alone when he walked in. He didn’t say a word, just, met my eyes with that calm look, like an invitation. Then he turned, with a finality I had never seen before, opened the door to the basement, and vanished down the stairs. 
I shouldn’t have followed him. I could have just walked away, went upstairs and buried my head in my pillow. But I didn’t. I had to know. To see. 
So, I walked down those old stone steps, dodging cobwebs. I don’t remember if I closed the door behind me, or if it did that part on its own. The cellar was warm, far too warm for October. It was unfinished, and empty save for an old, lidded cardboard box that sat neatly in the center of the room. A long, jagged crack ran through the floor and up into the far wall, as though the foundation had been damaged in an earthquake or something. Milton stood facing away from me, towards the crack in the wall, whispering something I couldn’t quite make out. I called out to him, and he turned to face me, expression wild with … something. Excitement? Panic? He had started to say something before, all at once, dozens of shadowy, spindly tendrils, adorned with what looked like coarse hairs crept from the crack and began to wrap themselves around him.
I felt that familiar terror bubble up, running cold through my veins, stronger than I’d ever felt it before. I wanted to run or scream, but I couldn’t. He didn’t scream either, but I could see the fear growing in his eyes, silently pleading. He didn’t move, not even as the tendrils began to … unspool him. They reached into him, breaking into his body like plaster, and pulled. He was hoisted from the ground, his limbs yanked in different directions and elongated. They just dangled there, arms and legs and head only still attached by threads of dark, magnetic tape, like an old, torn doll hanging together by string. And then the tendrils began to move him. They took their time puppeting him, and at the end, they pulled up his head, forcing his gaze to meet mine. His cheeks were strung up into a grin, but I saw the tears that flowed freely down his contorted face. 
I don’t know how long I stood there, watching him stripped him apart, piece by piece, slowly and deliberately. I couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks, although I couldn’t tell if they’d come from the terror of it all or simply because I no longer possessed the ability to blink. I watched and watched. And when it was over, and he was gone, I waited. I waited for them to take me, a part of me just relieved that I didn’t have to watch anymore. I had already shut my eyes tightly before I understood that I could. I felt my hands twitch, regaining their will. When I finally opened my eyes again, I was alone, in that old, dank basement, with nothing but that long dark crack, and, in the center of the floor, the cobweb covered cardboard box, now open, and filled to the brim with tapes. 
I don’t remember the rest of the night with any real clarity. I know I stood there for a while. I know at some point I calmly bent down, picked up the box, and walked it upstairs. I spent most of the last two days just staring at it. I’ve missed all of my classes. Sam has come to see me a couple of times, to ask how I am. This morning she actually brought me a plate of spaghetti. Imagine that, spaghetti for breakfast. I do appreciate the thought, even if it makes no practical sense whatsoever. Must be an American thing. She did mention that a man stopped by yesterday. Short, greying hair, lots of weird scars, asking about ‘strange happenings’ in the house. Sam told him about her hauntings, and apparently he had been, less than impressed. He told her he was sorry, and that she should move out, and then left without another word. [LAUGH] Creep.
I finally got up the nerve to look into the box. It’s pretty much what it says on the tin: Tapes and stationary. And cobwebs. So many goddamn cobwebs. 
Nobody has said anything about Milton. I expect in the next few days someone will notice he’s gone. How do you explain something like that? I’ve been seeing it again, though. My nightmares … my nightmares have been getting worse. I keep ending up back there. I just watch, and watch, and watch, and I can’t turn away. 
Statement ends, I suppose.
…. Statement? I, I don’t, I didn’t -
I don’t feel better. I really thought I would. I don’t know why. Why in the world did I think that telling my stupid story to this thing would make me feel better? 
The box is still sitting at the foot of my bed. I want to get rid of it, I do. So why don’t I just toss it? It would be so easy. Just … throw it out. But I can’t. 
Oh, huh - 
This tape’s blank as well. I thought I’d sorted through them all, but I guess I missed one. Hm. 
They’re quite interesting, you know. I haven’t played any of the tapes yet, but I glanced at a few of the written accounts. Some of them are so illegible I can’t even read them but others are. Compelling. They make me feel, right. Scared, but [SIGHS]. I don’t know how to explain it. 
I did some research on them, the ones I read anyways. I say research, I mean some quick Googling, a bit of asking around. They’re not real. The Magnus Institute, that’s the logo printed onto the stationary, isn’t a real place. And, as far as I can tell, these people … these people don’t exist. Anywhere. I mean, I found a few names that match but nobody who lines up to the descriptions and when I reach out to them they claim to know nothing about any of it. One of the people I called, Timothy Hodge, his name is, actually gave me the number of his psychiatrist. [LAUGH]
So maybe it’s fiction. A collection of short stories about fictional people and fictional suffering. Just a practical joke. Except, I know that it’s not. I can’t explain how, I just … Know. 
I should probably move out. Only an idiot would stay in this place, after something like that. When I leave this room, I’m going to have to walk by that basement door. Every single day.. I should leave. I want to leave. I will leave. Just, not yet. 
I need to understand, to unravel the mystery, and I’m getting the feeling that there is something in this box that’ll help me do just that. I’ll try to record whatever I find out. I do have another blank tape, after all. [HM] End recording. 
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brandxspandex · 8 years ago
How and when did you get into Transformers? What are your favorite characters and pairings so far?
I was always vaguely aware that Transformers existed viacultural osmosis; I saw the toys and car decals and the like around the placeoften enough. When I was a teen I had some friends who were getting into G1,Beast Wars and Armada at the time, and would tell me stuff about it that got meintrigued. The information I got about Armada Starscream was particularlyinteresting to me because this was at the point where I had started to developa fascination with redeemable villains. I saw the first couple of episodes ofG1 with these friends when their older sister took us to her university towatch a screening by the sci-fi club there. It was fricking hilarious; by thescene where some Autobot was rubbing a guy’s back, looking like he was drillinghim from behind, everyone had lost it. I had already lost it by the bit where twoasteroids improbably crashed into each other right near the beginning; for some reason thatwas really funny to me at the time. This was all shortly before the firstBayformers film came out, so I was getting pretty pumped to see it and get aproper introduction to the modern franchise. I went to see the film with the aforementionedfriends, pretty excited to see interesting robot characters embedded infascinating sci-fi space fantasy lore. Then I left having more or less lost myinterest in the franchise.
Seven years later I had another good friend who was gettinginto Transformers who told me some stuff about Transformers Prime and the IDWcomics here and there. It occasionally sounded vaguely interesting but notenough to make me want to investigate it any further. Then that friend hosted amovie night where they insisted on showing the G1 Transformers film, which Iwas actually pretty pumped for because I was keen to relive thatmagical night watching G1 with a bunch of rowdy uni students from all those years ago. Ohboy, the G1 movie did not disappoint on that front. Everything about it wasjust a glorious succession of 80s-flavoured wut.My favourite part was how the 80s power ballads were absolutely non-stopthroughout the entire damn thing. Just…glorious.
My friend took my enthusiasm over the utter ridiculousness ofthe film to be enthusiasm for the franchise itself, so they decided to make mewatch Transformers Prime, which I was initially kinda grumpy about because Iwanted to keep watching Space Dandy, but then that first Vechicon appeared and Iwas just “oh well hello there 👀”.Then Starscream showed up with that voice, and those legs, and heels,and claws, and that scene where he transforms mid swan dive, and thoseexpressive animations (which only got better when they started making his wingsemote), and his general ridiculousness interspersed with moments of genuinely cool/terrifyingbadassery and hints of character depth. I loved him. I think I was somewhatpredisposed towards being interested in Starscream from the get go because of theseeds of intrigue that were planted when I was a teen, but even though myfriend told me that this version of Starscream didn’t go through the redemptionarc of his Armada counterpart, he happened to hit pretty much every other villaintrope I loved anyway. Also, he may have remained a villain, but he did havesome interesting moments that suggested that there was more to his character.
Starscream is definitely my favourite character in TFP but Ilove pretty much all the Decepticons. The Autobots are good too, but man, Ilove me dem ‘cons; they look evilly gorgeous, all have magnificent voices, andare all their own special flavour of ridiculous. My favourite stories are usuallythose with complex characters and plots, that stray far away from black andwhite portrayals of morality, but I’ve gotta be honest, sometimes I just reallywant a completely ridiculous, over-the-top tale featuring utterly absurd andnutty villains, and that’s the main button TFP hit for me (that and thosegorgeous robot designs). That being said, like TFP Starscream, TFP itselfshowed a lot of hints at a potential to be more complex and interesting than itwas, which was both super intriguing and super frustrating. Ultimately there area lot of things I loved about TFP, but I could never bring myself to call it a great show overall, because it wastedway too many great opportunities in terms of both plot and character development.If it had taken half of those chances it could have been amazing.
My favourite ship in TFP is Megatron/Starscream, initiallyfor the same primary reason I enjoyed the TFP Decepticons in general - just theridiculous, campy, over-the-top villainy of their dynamic. If you view theirrelationship through a lens of realism, then yeah, it’s absolutely horrendousrather than entertaining, but if you view them as villainous archetypesinhabiting crazy vaudevilleland rather than realistic people, then it takes ona very different flavour. That being said, again there were suggestions of amore complex element to their relationship that once more got me more deeply intriguedwhilst leaving me frustrated at canon’s failure to plumb these depths. I alsoreally enjoyed Knock Out and Starscream’s relationship, although I think I’multimately more interested in it as it as was portrayed in canon, rather thanas a ship. The show itself laid groundwork between Megatron and Optimus that Ibecame interested in when it was explored in fanfic, and I gotta admit thatAirachnid and Arcee’s relationship intrigued me if only for how thoroughlyfucked up it was and how pretty they both were. But honestly, if there’s a TFP shipthat involves Decepticons being ridiculous then I’d probably be somewhatinterested in it.
After I finished TFP I was hungry for more Transformerscontent, which I went looking for on tumblr, and I think that’s how I ended up comingacross panels from the IDW comics. My reaction was pretty much, “Wait, these are the comics? They’re modern?And that’s not edited? That’s actuallyhappening??? What the hell I gotta readthe shit outta these!!!” So I did, and suddenly everything I’d wantedfrom the Transformers franchise since I’d developed my first preconceptions asa teenager was mine. The complex characters, the trippy space fantasy, the deepworldbuilding and lore, it was everything I could have hoped for. What asatisfying experience, my god.
My favourite character in IDW is Starscream, who is also myfavourite Transformer overall now, and with his recent development thatassociation that was implanted in my teenage brain between Starscream andredemption arcs is finally paying off (to some extent anyway). Megatron is alsoespecially interesting to me in IDW since he’s such a multilayered character(even if those layers don’t always synergise as well as I feel they could).Starscream and Megatron’s relationship is again deeply fascinating to me in IDW,although since they’re in what to me feels like a more serious setting I can’tenjoy it so much on the “haha campy villains” level, rather it’s much more about how darkly complex their dynamic is. Megatron’s relationship with Optimusis also especially engrossing to me in this setting since they’re very much anexample of really intense and obsessive arch-nemeses. Speaking of Optimus,whilst I wouldn’t go quite so far to call him a favourite of mine at thispoint, I do like the direction he’s being taken in the comics at the moment, where he’s making really contentious decisions for the greater good.
I would go so far to call Thundercracker a favourite of minethough; not only was he a villain with a redemption arc, but he became anendearing dork with a comical misunderstanding of humanity. I love everythingabout all of those things. I also love his relationship with Marissa; I wouldwatch the hell out a sitcom featuring such an odd couple. I also really lovethe IDW take on Shockwave; most Shockwaves are pretty great, but this one’s reallymessed up backstory, together with his batshit insane plan in Dark Cybertron,made him amazing. Arcee became an unexpected favourite of mine after she calmedthe hell down to become hilariously awkward and matter-of-fact under the pen ofJohn Barber.
Bumblebee and Windblade have also really been growing on melately, largely through their association with Starscream, which has broughtout more and more interesting aspects of their characters. For instance, I lovethe snarky smugness Bee has around Starscream, but I love the fact that he hascome to feel seemingly genuine affection for someone he hated for so long evenmore. As for Windblade, I love how her increasing ruthlessness culminated inthat smirk of approval from Starscream as she laid out her plan to seize Carcer;I can’t get enough of utterly opposed characters who grow increasingly similar(and increasingly close) as they’re forced to work together. Honestly I ship Starscreamwith each of them more and more every time they interact.
So anyway, this has been my backstory episode.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 8 years ago
Bella Notte; Bucky x reader
This was my first ever Bucky x reader romance fluff oneshot that I had ever done on my Wattpad, I hope to do more and don’t worry there will be a few more Bucky oneshots on the way shortly (mainly child/teen fics but who doesn't love a little parental/big bro Bucky am I right?) Now I do NOT own Lady and the tramp nor Bucky *sadly* and if you’d like you all can listen to Bella Notte as you read the scene, hope you guys enjoy :)
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"Come on Bucky, the movie's about to start!" I cried out to my sweet adorkable boyfriend of 2 years Bucky Barnes formally known as the ex-HYDRA weapon the Winter Soldier. Ever since Steve found him and managed to rehabilitate Bucky to a certain point, he was allowed to join the Avengers side and that's where we met, my superhero name is known as "Shadow" because I can control and manipulate the shadows to my advantage. Bucky and I would occasionally acknowledge each other until he finally had the guts to finally talk to me in more than just four words.
After some conversations, we soon became best friends always having each other's backs and one mission when things looked critical for me, Bucky actually admitted his feelings for me. Not the best timing for a love confession but I took it and we ended up kissing as a HYDRA base exploded (yeah epic right?)
Now 2 years later we're still going strong and I took it upon myself to catch Bucky up on all things entertainment that he missed while serving as HYDRA's puppet, first starting with Walt Disney animated movies in chronological order. I had just put in my favorite Disney movie of all time growing up, "Lady and the Tramp" and was waiting for Bucky to get back with the snacks.
"Sorry babe, so what's next?"
"Lady and the Tramp. It's always been my favorite movie growing up, I think you'll love it just as much as I do".
"Well then let's watch". Bucky then hit the play button and soon the opening theme started playing.
Later on in the movie, my favorite scene of all time was just about to come on. The restaurant scene.
"Now tell me what's-a your pleasure? A-la-carte? Dinner?" The head chief Tony said as he set the menu down for Tramp and Lady. Tramp barked out and Tony said again, "ah-huh okay. Hey Joe! Poochie says he wants-a two spaghetti a special-a. Heavy on the Meats-a-balls!"
"Tony, dogs don't-a talk".
"He's-a talking to me!"
"Okay he's-a talking to you, you the boss!" Joe then began to mutter angrily in Italian as he took the spaghetti to Tony who took it away from him angrily.
"Now here-a you are, the bestest spaghetti in a town!" My heart fluttered as my favorite scene now began playing.
My secret date fantasy is for me and my boyfriend to reenact this scene while we eat spaghetti, this song being sung by real Italian chefs, and then share that Lady and the Tramp magical kiss. Then walk around the park late at night together hand in hand. If I'm being honest, my last two boyfriends before I joined SHIELD thought this was a stupid idea. My first boyfriend in high school thought it was the most stupidest thing he had ever heard, and my second boyfriend sophomore year of college was too germ-a-phobic to even kiss me on the lips and said he wouldn't even understand why anyone would share a single plate of food.
As the song now began playing, I leaned against Bucky's chest and sighed softly.
"What is it doll?"
"Huh? Oh umm nothing".
"That sigh wasn't a nothing sigh, come on tell me".
"I don't wanna bore you with this, just go back to watching the movie". Bucky wrapped his metal arm further around my shoulder rubbing it with his thumb while his real hand was laying on top of mine and my thumb was stroking his fingers.
About 20 minutes later, the movie ended and I looked up at Bucky and said.
"So what did you think?"
"I honestly loved it, now I can see why that's your favorite movie".
"Told yah you'd love it. Think you wanna call it quits for tonight? Or do you wanna watch another movie?"
"We can watch one more, but before we do, I wanna talk about something".
"Okay, what is it?"
"During the restaurant scene, you sighed a sad sigh. Why was that?"
"Oh Buck, I thought I said it was nothing".
"Doll, I know you better than you do, now come on confide to your Bucky-bear and tell him what's wrong?" I giggled at his antics and said.
"You're gonna think it's stupid and cheesy".
"Hey, you're adorable and cheesy, now come on no more stalling".
"Okay. The reason why Lady and the Tramp has always been my favorite is because when I was a little girl, I had always dreamed of having that same date they had. As I grew older it became more romantic to me more than any other dates that you see now-a-days. I told my fantasy date to my two exes from way back when and my first high school boyfriend thought it was the dumbest thing he had ever heard and said that our first date should be us fucking under the bleachers by the football field, so I beat his ass in the dark and dumped him. Then my second boyfriend my sophomore year of college was sweet but he had a problem with germs, not like an extreme phobia but he just wouldn't see himself kissing me on the lips and thought it was said in strangely the nicest way possible that it's gross to even think of sharing a single plate of any food and try to share one strand of food just to reach each other's mouths. So I politely dumped him because I couldn't see it going anywhere after that. And now every time I watch that scene my heart now feels broken and heavy knowing I may never share the kiss of my dreams, but my inner child is still hoping it will happen".
I tried to keep my cool but tears formed in my eyes and my voice started quivering. I sniffled and muttered.
"God I'm such a baby".
"Hey, hey now" Bucky brought me into his arms as I began to let the tears out on his shoulder. "Shhh, shh, no you're not a baby. I think that's the cutest thing I've ever heard in my life, besides your own voice that is" I sobbed out a small laugh as I felt his human hand was rubbing soothing circles on my back while his metal hand was stroking my hair. "Listen doll, those guys were dicks to make fun and torment your childhood fantasy. They didn't fully understand how important this meant to you to share your favorite childhood movie moment in real life". He said again as we separated and he lifted my chin up with his metal index finger.
Bucky wiped away my tears with his human thumb gingerly and continued.
"You keep holding onto that dream baby girl, don't ever let it go, okay?" I sniffled and whimpered.
"I'll try".
"That's my girl, say why don't we just get some sleep, we can continue this in the morning okay?" I agreed with him because I was just too upset to watch Sleeping Beauty. Bucky and I cleaned up the bedroom and then got back under the covers for bedtime. Bucky held me close to his chest and kissed my forehead lovingly and whispered.
"I love you doll".
"Love you too Bucky-bear". As I fell asleep against Bucky I didn't notice the face of determination spread across his face.
A couple weeks later after the fantasy talk I had with Bucky, I couldn't help but notice that these past couple weeks Bucky has been acting rather strangely, staying out later than usual, making mysterious phone calls, and constantly checking the computer for something. I didn't want to think that Bucky was seeing someone else but the evidence seemed to be that way.
I went to Steve one day to confide my worry for Bucky and to see if he mentioned seeing someone else behind my back. His response to me was this.
"(Y/n), Buck's been through a lot, and you were the one to bring him fully back, he's more crazy about you than I've ever seen him be with a woman before. He loves you too much to even think about cheating on the girl whose helped him fit in and catch up on all that he's missed. Do you trust him enough to not cheat on you?"
"Yeah but—I would like to know why he's been doing what he's been doing".
"Don't worry (y/n), I'm sure Buck has his reasons, now how about you head to the training room and I'll be there in a moment to help you, okay?" I nodded then Steve and I hugged each other then I headed down the elevator to the training level. "So you've seen the museum?" Steve said. 
Bucky then came out of the corner and stood in front of his best friend and said.
"Yes, it's amazing, I know she's gonna love it".
"God I can't believe you're gonna ask (y/n) to marry you after you give her her dream date".
"I know."
"Show me the ring". Out of his pocket, Bucky revealed a small red box and opened it up to reveal a beautiful silver ring and (insert birthstone) for the main gem. "Oh man Buck, she's gonna love it".
"I think it might be best to plan the engagement a little early, I don't want her to think I'm cheating on her, I can't believe she'd think I'd do that to her".
"Well you were quite a lady's man back in the day, and doing all the things you have been doing to plan the dinner and the museum where they also host weddings in such a secret tone, it practically screams affair at least in this age".
"Okay not helping here Steve, but I'm gonna prove to her she's my only one".
"I'm proud of you Bucky, I'm happy you found the right girl for you". Steve and Bucky did a brotherly hug and Bucky said.
"Thank you for introducing us Steve, without you this wouldn't be happening. And I already know the answer to this but will you be the Best Man at our wedding?"
"I've been waiting for you to ask me that since the 40's. Now go get your best girl". Bucky then raced towards the elevator and headed down to the training floor.
I was currently waiting for Steve to come down and when I heard the elevator ding and expecting Steve, coming out was actually Bucky.
"Oh, hey Bucky, what are you doing here?"
"What can't I come down and see my baby girl train?"
"Well no, but where's Steve?"
"Oh he uhh—he suddenly got called on a mission by Fury, but hey what do you say we skip training and I take you out for dinner tonight. My treat". Now this time he was beginning to act like a giddy schoolboy with a secret he just couldn't wait to tell, but this is the first time in weeks since we've been able to have a date night since we had both been busy with assignments.
"Sure, what time?"
"Where are we going?"
"That my dear is a surprise". Bucky tilted my chin and kissed my nose lovingly making me twitch my nose and him chuckle softly.
At 6:55pm just five minutes before we left, I was doing the final touches on my makeup and checking to see if my hair was okay.
"Hey (y/n)? You ready?"
"Just a second Bucky!" As soon as I felt ready, I stepped out of the bathroom and met Bucky in the living room. "Well, what do you think?"
"Doll, you look absolutely beautiful". He brought me into his arms and we kissed lovingly. "Now come on, I have reservations for us at a special restaurant".
"Can't you at least give me a hint on where we're going?"
"Sorry babe can't do that otherwise it would ruin the surprise". He then led me outside and we both got onto his motorcycle and he drove us towards the restaurant.When we arrived I was shocked to see that it was the best Italian restaurant in town.
"Oh my god—Bucky....."
"Surprise, now come on, our table awaits my lady". Bucky got off his bike first then held out his hand for me to take. I smiled and took it and he helped me off the bike and we walked into the elegant restaurant.
"Hello, reservation for Barnes please".
"Ahh yes, right this way your table is all set". Said the waitress. She picked up two menus and our silverware and we were escorted to our table.
Our table was outside in the cool air right under the stars and it was beautifully decorated with lights hanging above us.
"Oh Bucky—"
"Come on, let's sit down and enjoy our meal". Bucky pulled out my chair and I sat down in and as a gentleman he scooted me in before sitting himself down.
"Quite the gentleman tonight Barnes".
"Only the best for my best girl". The waitress set down our menus and we ordered our drinks first.
"So any particular reason we came here?"
"Well there is a reason, but just wait a few minutes and you'll find out why". As soon as our drinks came by a waiter this time, he said to Bucky.
"Mr. Barnes, your meal is just about ready, now do you want to go heavy or light on the meatballs".
"Alright sir, right away". As our waiter left, I raised an eyebrow and had to ask.
"Alright Bucky no more games, no tricks no lies, I want to know what is going on and I want to know now!" I was starting to get annoyed with these games of his and just before I could fully blow my top, our waiter came back and he said.
"Now here you are, the bestest spaghetti in town". He soon set down one full plate of spaghetti and I just stared in shock. I looked at the meal then up at Bucky then back down again. Back and forth my head went as I was completely speechless and Bucky chuckled softly.
"These past couple of weeks were me trying to set this perfect date up. When you told me about your fantasy dream date and how your exes didn't care enough to make this happen, I knew I had to make it my mission to make this possible". Tears of happiness formed into my eyes but I tried to keep myself together as to not ruin my makeup.
"Thank you Bucky, you have no idea how much this means to me".
"Happy to give you what you deserved for so long, now what do you say we dig in?" I nodded then we both took a single bite into our spaghetti. The dinner only got better as soon as I finished slurping up my strand of spaghetti when an accordion suddenly came playing a familiar tune. One of the performers that plays and sings for the restaurant came out along with another performer on a small lute guitar and the accordion player began to sing "Bella Notte".
They came around us with the singer standing beside me and the lute player beside Bucky. I couldn't almost believe that Bucky had gone to great lengths to do this for me. I took another bite into my spaghetti but I felt myself being pulled to the side as I try to find the end strand and next thing I knew, Bucky and I met in a kiss.
The Lady and the Tramp Kiss.
I turned away blushing and trying to keep myself from bursting with joy. I finally got my dream kiss with the perfect guy. And what Bucky did next only made my heart flutter even more, he scooted the last meal ball towards me with his metal hand. I had absolutely no words for him as we stared into each other's eyes lovingly and deeply.
After dinner, we took a romantic walk through the park and I don't know if it was on purpose or accident but we had walked on wet cement and there was a drawn picture of a heart with cupid's arrow through it with the initials J.B + (F/L/N) (L/L/N). Bucky and I placed our hands right underneath our initials then once we made the imprint we removed our hands from the cement and I turned away bashfully while Bucky grinned.
We continued to walk side by side as the fireflies seem to dance around us and other couples seem to be out on dates too. I looked up at Bucky and he kissed my forehead lovingly as we now approached a small bridge and we stopped right at the arch and watched as a pair of swans swam underneath us. Bucky's arms wrapped around my waist and my back against his chest. I rested my head underneath his chin and placed my hands on top of his stroking his fingers with my thumbs.
Finally we were sitting at a hill top that looked over the rest of the park and faced towards the moon.
"Thank you Bucky, this has been the most memorable night I've ever had".
"You deserved it doll, and there's one more thing I have to ask you," he faced me and took my hands in his as he continued, "(y/n), when we first met I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world, but with my past I always believed that a girl like you would never go for a guy like me. But as time passed, you gave me a chance and saved me from the darkness that HYDRA had given me and showed me a whole new world. You are my best girl and I can't imagine anyone else being here with me". He then changed into a kneeled position and revealed a small red box.
I gasped as I couldn't believe what he was about to do.
"(Y/full/n), will you do me this great honor and become Mrs. (Y/n) Barnes?" He opened the box revealing the most beautiful silver ring with my birthstone as the main gem. Tears fell down my cheeks and I held a hand to my mouth and nodded.
"Yes, yes, Bucky I will". He smiled then placed the ring on my finger and we kissed each other passionately then embraced each other as I was now a blubbering mess of emotions.
When we got back to the tower, the whole team was standing there with anxious excited faces so I broke the news.
"We're engaged!" Everyone cheered and came running up at us and soon we all were in a great big group hug.
"This is the least jealous I've ever been!" Natasha exclaimed as she stroked my hair.
For the rest of the night after the team was finished congratulating us, Bucky and I slow danced in our shared bedroom with "Wonderful Tonight" by Eric Clapton playing in the background.
James Buchanan Barnes had taken my childhood dream and made it a million times better, now the two of us would soon begin our lives together forever on this Bella Notte and for all the other nights to come.
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scarletred012-blog · 8 years ago
My Top 10 Games
If you’d like to know, here are my top 10 games. I’ll try to put them in least favorite to most favorite order but I can’t promise you much! Take the list order with a grain of salt.
10. Unreal Tournament Series - A great multiplayer shooter. There is even a campaign if you’re into that. UT3 has a great one!
9. Singularity - Going to make a post about this game soon. It’s a semi-horror game, as in it doesn’t go all out with horror, but it’s a definite aspect. It can give you some jumpscares every now and then. I really recommend it!
8. Assassin’s Creed 1 - I beat the first and am currently in the middle of the second but I loved the first game. I prefer Al'tair over Ezio to be honest. The gameplay was repetitive, but it was also pretty entertaining and some parts became challenging.
7. Guitar Hero Series - I am a huge rhythm gamer, so this game is definitely on this list. I played GH2 when I was 8 and the rest is just history. Play only Expert mode, and my friends think I’m some god lol.
6. K-Shoot Mania (Sound Voltex) - This is a unique rhythm game by Konami. You have four main buttons, two FX buttons, and two knobs as well (a blue and red/pink one). You hit to the beat of music, while adding FX and having to turn knobs. Requires players to be great at multitasking. Hard but fun!
5. World of Warcraft - Hell yes! Played for four years and a bit more. Mained Warrior through Cata before quitting, then came back in WoD as a Warlock. I quit completely though for the next game on this list.
4. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Another MMO, super super fun I definitely recommend (if you can handle a monthly payment). I play a BRD but trying to level LNC for B4B rn.
3. Borderlands Series - Come on, this series is amazing. I played 1 way before 2 was going to come out. Beat every DLC xpac in that game (siren was my gurl). I’m running through BL2 right now as a Mechromancer. I plan to run through Pre-Sequel before 3 comes out! Hype!
2. Trackmania United (Forever) - If you all think you have a lot of hours in a game, come back to me when you have over 3000 clocked in. I’ve played TMU(F) for 7 years around. First multiplayer game ever played and made me get involved with online friends.
1. osu! - This is most likely a game few people know. It’s a rhythm game compilation which contains four different modes. osu!standard, osu!taiko, osu!catch, and osu!mania. I won’t go into detail, but I will always love this game, it’s my new online game that I met so many people from. It’s only for the PC but I recommend people to try it.
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