#if I can somehow manage to budget enough to study abroad
singingowlfeather · 21 days
I'd love to get my masters someday, buuutttt...
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study-van · 4 years
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I think it’s a quite known fact that I somehow managed to get accepted to some universities abroad. I’ve been getting asks about tips on how to do it so here are some extremely basic ones. I might make a second post delving more into the fine details but this is a pretty neat overview. If you’ve further questions my asks/dms are always open!!
Keep your options open, even if you have set goal that you want like to be a student at a certain university, it is always best and wise to apply to not just apply to one university even if they are in different locations abroad. For example, if I didn’t apply to France this year even though I was sure I was going to the US, I wouldn’t have a school to attend...
Checking other students who study abroad posts or actually talking to them will give you a really good idea on what to expect too.
Be realistic and actually check schools websites!! Read carefully the academic requirements to figure out the probability of being accepted. If you don’t have a clear idea about the requirements, you can contact the department of international students or an adviser from the university.
Don’t get caught up with names, I know most students dream of attending “prestigious” schools that even their name make people go wow but they’re not your only option especially for med school. Finding a school that suits you the most is the most important. In France, I got accepted from Sorbonne but I won’t attend there because I don’t think I’ll be able to pass their year of Paces/Pass and Paris is way too expensive to live in on a budget... Check carefully the lessons, the schools academic environment, their facilities, read up on their academic staff, the work related opportunities they give you (internships etc), read what actual students have to say about schools, how do they treat their students in crisis situations etc, and try to find the most suitable school.
On the point of crisis management, seriously do check how they responded to the pandemic, it’s a great indicator of how much they care about their students. How did they manage the evacuation process? How are they planning on re opening? How was their response time? etc.
Okay, this will sound silly but do actually check the surrounding area of your school (the climate, the city, what you can do there on your free times, etc) If you’re moving abroad, you won’t just try to adapt to the school but also to a whole new country and city. Plus, you’ll be spending a looong time there, especially if you’re planning on studying medicine, it’s crucial that you like where the university is situated.
Make sure you know on which portal you’ll be applying for France and America, it was quite easy bc you apply to all the unis from the same website but I’ve seen from my friends who applied to the Netherlands, for each school you apply through their website and before the time comes up for applications it’s a good idea to check that website’s features.
Not going to lie, paperwork is hell and I wish I knew way before getting accepted that I’ll go the France so that I could’ve prepared everything calmly... All the documents have to be translated into the official language of the respective country and legally authenticated by a competent authority. Make sure you read carefully the documents that are required and prepare them as soon as possible. Doing this early offers you a great advantage. If you send the documents and something is wrong, you still have enough time to make the necessary changes.
Also visa application is quite literally hell, especially if you’re a non-EU resident... Submitting your visa application is just as important as submitting your applications. I think all the countries require you to start the school year off with a visa, which allows you to study in your chosen country. Visas and visa requirements vary by country, so be sure to do your research and contact the closest consulate/visa offices (like vfs in Turkey) if you have any questions.
Nearly all the schools expect a personal statement/motivation letter/etc. from you. I know you’ll be compelled to make yourself out to be this 100% perfect student but don’t do that, seriously. As an international student, when writing your personal statement, be sure to express your commitment to living and studying abroad. You have to take a moment and think about what drives you, what inspires you to spend your entire higher education career abroad, why this specific major is your calling, etc. Your future university wants to know how studying at their school matches your academic goals, and why you want to study there. (For America, they enjoy an essay that’s more like a story, your story but for France it was extremely professional and right to the point, no need for a flair)
Finally consider the financial aspect of it. I was prepared to go the US bc I really believed I’ll get scholarships and I did too, plus a scholarship from a Turkish NGO too. However, if you’re thinking of Europe, it’s seriously much, much more affordable. Firstly, your living expenses won’t be as high and there are many small job opportunities and national/local scholarships that you can get (for example Lauréat scholarship in France). Be sure to start researching/applying to scholarships beforehand.
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siriussims · 6 years
57 facts!
Thank you @racingllama for tagging me in this. And I’m going to say what everyone else is saying - this is hard!
I’m from Sweden, but currently living in London.
I’ve lived in Warsaw, Paris, Milan, and Tokyo before.
I’m gay.
I love fantasy movies and I’ve probably watched every single one out there, including old and obscure ones. 
Me and my bf have two dogs.
I’m an aries sun, and virgo moon.
I used to be a model.
Because of modelling my shoe size is now 42 instead of 43.
I’ve worked in fashion since I graduated school.
I haven’t been to uni.
But I want to go and study Illustration.
My dream job would be a character concept designer for movies/games.
I write a lot, and I’ve almost finished a book.
I love reading.
I go through periods of being obsessed with a certain type of food, only to forget all about it after and not have it again for years.
I love dressing up in costumes.
I don’t drink enough water.
I’ve recently stopped smoking after 12 years.
I own too much clothes, but still think “I have nothing to wear” every day.
I have trouble finding shoes I like.
I tend to buy more clothes from womenswear than menswear.
I have a Harry Potter tattoo.
I have five piercings.
One is in my nose, the other four are in my ears.
I have trouble finishing creative projects.
I have a five years younger brother.
My whole family still lives in Sweden.
I loves Sweden in the summer, but hate it in the winter.
I love swimming in lakes.
I’m normally a night owl, but I get up at 5am every day for work.
Me and my bf can’t agree on baby names.
I’ve been together with my bf for 3 years.
He’s the reason I moved to London.
I’m horrible at budgeting.
I tell myself “treat yourself” way too often.
I prefer crisps over candy.
I didn’t think I liked Swedish food, but living abroad makes me miss it.
My favourite food is pho.
I still haven’t finished LOST because I love it so much and I don’t want it to end.
And yet I have somehow managed to never spoil myself of the ending.
I miss buying DVDs and watching all of the extra material.
I don’t own a device where I can play DVDs. 
One of my favourite movies is Philomena.
I still think Dame Judi Dench should’ve gotten an Oscar for that movie.
I used to be emo.
I’ve become more and more involved in LGBTQ+ issues as I’ve gotten older.
I see Pride as more of a public holiday than I do Easter.
I’m not baptised.
I used to compete in orienteering when I was younger.
I hate working out.
But I enjoy taking really long walks by myself, with a good podcast in my ears.
I tend to scribble in meetings. 
I have most of my creative ideas whilst I’m working and I’m not able to execute them.
My notes on my phone is a mess of half sentences of ideas to different projects.
I write a lot of Harry Potter fanfiction. 
I love everything that has to do with the Wizard of Oz.
Except the book Wicked - it made no sense whatsover. 
I had to come back to this list over the course of four days, because I found it so hard, but there you have it.
Anyway, here’s some tags! @melloncollieme @fuchsiateasims @virtuchem @electriccowplant @limetart
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mizmahlia · 6 years
You Have No Idea Who I Am
For @aniseandspearmint
Thanks for the request! Enjoy! :)
Angsty Dialog Prompt #26: “You have no idea who I am.” Tim groaned and laid his head down on his desk, his forehead making contact with a dull thud. The pile of paperwork to his left shifted and toppled over the side of the desk onto the floor. He made no move to pick it up, instead closing his eyes and sighing. He was tired. It wasn’t the ‘it’s been a long night’ kind of tired, nor was it the ‘I’m three days into a case and I’m almost done’ kind of tired. No, this was the ‘half of Arkham has escaped, I’m still sore from the last time, and I’m being pulled in four different directions’ kind of tired. He’d been in meetings with Lucius and the finance board most of the day after being awake for two days dealing with the aftermath of an attack by Victor Fries. He was supposed to meet Dick at the Manor tonight to prep for a takedown of drug smugglers in Bludhaven and also somehow be working with Bruce on developing more detailed encryption software for the cave computer. Clearly, one or more of those things was not going to happen tonight.
He picked his head up off his desk and sighed again, glancing down at the puddle of papers scattered across the floor. Before he even considered picking it up, the hair on the back of his neck stood up and he heard a cat purring somewhere to his right. He shook his head. "Hey, Klarion." Klarion appeared from the shadows behind the door to Tim's office. Teekl meowed and leaped onto the desk before laying down on the report he'd been reading minutes earlier. Tim just stared at him, unable to think clearly enough to shoo the strange cat off his desk. "Tim. You look.. what's the word?" Klarion snapped his fingers and smiled. "You look exhausted." Klarion sat down on the arm rest of the small sofa across from Tim's desk, beckoning Teekl. He jumped from the edge of the desk to the couch, sending more paper to the floor. Tim collapsed against the back of the chair and rubbed his temples. He could feel a migraine coming. "To what do I owe the pleasure? Is Teekl in danger again?" Klarion shook his head and ran his knuckles gently down Teekl's spine. The cat arched his back and began kneading the cushion. "No, not this time. I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by. I owe you a favor." Tim's face scrunched into a frown. "What? That was years ago. You don't owe me anything. Why are you really here?" Klarion's mouth twitched into a smile as he rolled his eyes. "Ever the cynic. I check in on you from time to time to make sure you're okay. After all that time spent abroad chasing down leads on you-know-who a few years ago, you had me a bit worried." Tim's eyes went wide and he slouched in his chair, forgetting about the impending migraine, how itchy his eyes felt from lack of sleep and that he hadn't eaten in about twenty hours. Klarion had been watching him for some time, apparently. His face flushed and he focused his gaze on Teekl, his voice going quiet. "I'm fine now. Bruce was alive and he found his way back. I lost myself for a little while, but I had some friends pull me back." "Lucky for you. But I'm not here to check on you because of that- I know most of that is behind you. I'm here because I sensed you needed some help and I wanted to offer some of mine." His eyes studied Tim closely, his expression unreadable. "So what's got you troubled?" Tim bit the inside of his cheek and looked around the room. In the last three hours, he'd made almost zero progress on the budget reports. His phone had eight un-read text messages and almost a dozen missed phone calls. Some were from Dick, several were from Bruce and there was one missed call from Steph. Knowing he couldn't lie to Klarion because he wouldn't leave until Tim accepted his help, he decided to just come clean. "I have too many things to do and not enough time or energy to get to everything." He gestured to the screen on his phone, which was flashing with another text notification. Klarion glanced at the phone and the papers scattered throughout the room. He held his hand up and twirled his fingers in a circle once, then twice, and before Tim could say anything, all of his paperwork was stacked neatly on his desk and his phone screen was dark. Klarion smiled. "Give me something that's a bit more challenging. Would you like me to go visit Bruce? Or that Grayson fellow?" His eyes lit up, glowing brightly in the darkness. "Or I could go see that delightful Stephanie and assist her." Tim smiled and felt some of the tension leave his shoulders. He couldn't even begin to imagine Klarion working with Bruce in the cave. Admittedly, he kind of wanted to see it. "No, it's okay. I just... Sometimes I wish they would forget I existed for a little while so I have a chance to catch up, you know?" He rubbed his eyes with the backs of his hands, wincing because his eyelids felt like sandpaper. "I can do a lot of things, but fixing everything isn't one of them." He yawned and opened his eyes. Klarion was grinning mischievously, dusting his hands together as he stood up. "I think I can help with that." Tim felt his heart drop into his stomach. He could smell the spice of Klarion's magic and he abruptly stood up and hurried around the desk, knocking his chair over backwards. "What did you do?" "Nothing that will hurt anyone, I promise. I'm only giving you what you want. What you need." He gently took Tim by the shoulders and steered him toward the couch, shooing away Teekl with stern look. "Now lie down and get some rest. Things will be better when you wake up." Tim tried to protest, but as soon as the backs of his knees bumped against the couch, he felt his eyelids droop and his body begin to relax. "Klarion, don't..." Klarion picked up his feet and helped Tim settle in before gently touching his fingers to Tim's forehead. "Shhh. Just sleep, my friend." Before he could protest further, he was asleep and Klarion disappeared. Teekl looked at Tim from the doorway and meowed before scampering after Klarion. "Yes, Teekl. I think we helped him a great deal. Come along."
Tim opened his eyes to see sun shining through the window and hear a soft knocking on his office door. "Come in." He sat up and rubbed his eyes before glancing at his watch. It was just after six-thirty. He stifled a yawn when Lucius entered. "Good morning, Mister Drake. Long night?" He set a cup of coffee on Tim's desk, raising his eyebrows at the enormous stack of paperwork. "You could say that." Tim stood and stretched, wincing at the stiffness in his back and shoulders. Lucius was leaning over the desk, flipping through the reports and spreadsheets. "Tim, this looks incredible. I can't believe you managed to finish." Tim choked on his coffee and Lucius politely pretended not to notice. "Uh, yeah. I finished just a few hours ago. How does it look?" He cautiously peered over Lucius's shoulder and read along. The figures were what they should be and he closed his eyes in relief. Lucius closed the report and nodded. "It's exactly what we needed. I'll bring everything downstairs to be prepped and copied." He gathered the paperwork and turned to leave, stopping in the doorway. "Why don't you take some time and go home to get changed? I'll meet you in the conference room at eight-thirty." Tim nodded and Lucius left. He stared out the window at the city as it came to life. What else had Klarion been up to? The day passed in a blur as Tim went from meeting to meeting. He hadn't had a chance to meet with Bruce yet as he'd had his own hectic schedule to attend to. It wasn't unusual for their meetings not to overlap, but Tim had a bad feeling as the day wore on. He just couldn't put his finger on it and Klarion was nowhere to be found. When he'd finally had a few minutes to check his phone around three that afternoon, the messages from the night before were still there. He brought up a text from Dick- the time stamp was from eleven last night. You on your way? Bit worried about you. The messages after that were all the same. Dick telling him he was worried, that it wasn't like him to be late. The last one told him to call as soon as he could. That one was from four that morning. Tim cringed as he brought up Dick’s number; he was in for a lecture. Dick answered on the third ring. "Hello?" "Hey, Dick. Sorry I'm so late getting back to you. Last night sort of got away from me." There was a pause. "I'm sorry to hear that, but who is this?" Tim looked at his phone, making sure it was actually Dick he'd called. It was indeed Dick's number and he brought the phone back up to his ear. "Very funny. It's Tim. How's the planning for that op in Bludhaven? Do you still need my help?" There was a sharp inhale on the other end and several seconds of silence. Tim frowned. "I don't know who you think you are, Tim, so listen closely. I don't know you, I don't know how you got this number, but if you're as smart as you seem? You won't call back again." Tim was about to reply when Dick hung up on him. He stared at the phone in his hand, wondering what the hell was going on. Dick liked a practical joke more than most, but this? This didn't feel like one of his usual pranks. He brought up Dick's number again but before he could call him back, Lucius poked his head into the hallway. "Tim? We're ready to get started again." He looked up and nodded at Lucius before opening a new text to Steph. He quickly tapped a message to her before turning off the phone and putting it in his pocket. As he entered his fourth meeting of the day, he couldn't help but notice the knot of dread that he'd felt earlier grow heavier, sitting like a lead weight in his gut. What had Klarion done?
It was dark by the time he got back to his apartment, his last meeting running much later than planned. He sat down on his bed and loosened his tie, checking messages he'd missed in the meantime. He had several from Steph. Um, who is this? I don't recall dialing a number I don't recognize. Thirty minutes later there was another one: Hello? Who the hell is this? And when she didn't get an answer, the final message came five minutes after that: Whatever. Consider yourself blocked, creep. Tim tossed the phone on the bed behind him and covered his face in his hands. Whatever Klarion had done had really made a mess of things. Hopefully, when he saw Bruce on patrol in a little while, he could fix it. He suited up and went to the roof, bringing up his gauntlet computer. He frowned at the red dot on the screen. What was Bruce doing up here? He turned around to see Batman standing on the ledge about fifteen feet from him, his enormous arms crossed over his chest. "Batman, I'm glad to see you. Listen, I..." "Who are you, what were you doing in this building, and where did you get the technology you're using?" Tim's jaw dropped open and he closed the screen, completely missing the second dot appear on the display before it went dark. "What are you talking about? I live here, B." He gestured to his gauntlet computer and the bandoliers criss-crossing his chest. "And I developed all of this myself, with some help from Lucius. You should know all of that." He carefully approached Batman, watching in utter confusion as Batman drew his grapple and a set of restraints. "The penthouse in this building has been vacant for months. I don't know who you think you are, but you're coming with us." Tim felt the pinch of a needle in his neck and he turned to see Robin tuck a syringe back in one of the pouches on his belt. He legs grew wobbly beneath him and he started to fall forward. "Bruce, wait. I can explain.." Before he had the chance, everything went black.
He woke up on the floor in their secondary detention facility, the one near Amusement Mile. He wasn't restrained, though his wrists were sore so he knew he had been at one point. The room was bare and windowless, the walls and floor painted a dull grey. He sighed and rubbed his neck where Damian had stuck him with the syringe.
He crawled to his feet and sat down on the empty cot. He was still woozy from the sedative and he had no idea how long he'd been out. Based on how stiff his arms and legs were, he'd say several hours. "Come on, guys. I know you're watching me. I helped configure the surveillance in this building, remember?" A few seconds later, the door opened and Dick entered in full Nightwing dress. Tim looked up and frowned; his body language was all wrong. Dick maintained his distance, staying outside of Tim's reach, and his back and shoulders were rigid. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. To some, the move looked like a casual one. To Tim it looked like a panther crouched and ready to pounce. "You're the one who called me this afternoon." Tim sighed. "Yeah, Dick, I did. We were supposed to meet last night so I could help you with that op in Bludhaven." He didn't miss the way the muscles in Dick's jaw set, nor did he miss his hands curling into fists. "Where did you get that information?" Tim stood up and wobbled for a moment, shaking his head. "I'm your teammate, that's how. We work together, all of us." Dick pushed off the wall and grabbed Tim's bandoliers, spinning him and slamming him up against the wall. Tim winced when the back of his head hit the concrete surface. I guess that was the wrong answer. Before Dick could ask him anything else, Tim raised his arms and broke Dick's hold, shoving him backward. He then kicked Dick in the chest, careful to place the kick where his body armor was the strongest, and sent him careening into the wall behind him. "Dick, just stop.. let me explain." They both turned as the door opened again and Batman, Red Hood and Robin entered. Tim didn't bother checking to see if he had any kind of weapon on him; they'd surely stripped him of any of that as soon as he was unconscious. The four of them formed a semi-circle, trapping him in the corner. Seriously?! They think I'm that big of a threat? Jason spoke first. He was still wearing his helmet and his deep, filtered voice bounced off the walls of the tiny room. "One last chance to answer the questions, punk. It'll be much easier for you to just play along." Tim took a defensive stance, bringing his hands up in front of him. Damian spoke next. "Tt. Please. As if you stand a chance against the four of us." Tim shrugged. "Perhaps not, but I know how each of you fight. You can't say the same." Tim could practically feel Damian's eyes narrow behind his mask. Dick and Bruce looked at each other, Dick shrugging one shoulder. Jason removed his jacket and tossed it into the corner behind him. "Let's prove that theory." The four of them rushed at Tim and he blocked their blows as fast as he could, but he couldn't block everything. Both Bruce and Jason managed to land several kicks and punches, but because they were in such a cramped space, they weren't as painful as he'd anticipated. His ribs would be sore tomorrow, but he didn't think anything was broken. He didn't even bother with offensive maneuvers because he was so outnumbered, so he just continued trying to block their attacks. Jason and Bruce continued to attack his upper body, while Damian wove between them trying to get to Tim's legs. Tim narrowly avoided one of Damian's kicks at the side of his knee, but while he was deflecting that, Bruce's elbow struck his chest and knocked him backward, right into Jason. Jason wasted no time and wrapped his massive arms around him, but Tim knew it was coming and using Jason's size against him, he broke the hold and threw Jason into Damian. They both tumbled to the floor. In the confusion, Dick managed to get behind him and sweep Tim's legs from under him, and as soon as he hit the floor Jason and Damian pounced on his arms and legs. He immediately stopped struggling and looked up at Bruce. Jason had his left arm wrenched behind him and he applied more pressure to his shoulder, causing Tim to grunt. He turned his head and looked at Jason, glaring at him. "Jason, come on. I'm not even trying to get up, here. Knock it off." Tim felt Jason tense at hearing his name and he braced himself for the punch he knew Jason would throw. He turned his head at the last second and the blow glanced off his jaw instead of breaking his nose. Tim closed his eyes and hung his head until the pain faded and his breathing wasn't so labored. They weren't going easy on him. Jason rolled away from him, and Dick and Damian hauled him to his feet and dumped him on the cot. Tim rubbed his jaw and stared at the floor a moment, thinking back to his encounter with Klarion last night. He shook his head and leaned back until his back met the wall. He looked up to see Bruce standing directly in front of him with Dick and Damian flanking him. Jason was off to the side, putting on his jacket. Tim brought his legs up and rested his arms on his knees. There was no fighting his way out, and without any of his gear he couldn't hack into anything to cause a distraction or gain some kind of advantage. He was screwed. He looked up at all of them and shook his head. "I'm not going to fight you. Despite what you think, I'm not a threat. I’m on your side." Bruce stepped forward and hauled Tim to his feet. Tim held his hands out to the side, palms open. "You're a threat of the highest order. You’ll remain here until I say otherwise." Bruce let him go and turned to leave. Jason, Dick and Damian followed. Tim watched as Bruce opened the door and ushered Damian out first. He shook his head and his shoulders slumped in defeat as he collapsed onto the cot. “You really have no idea who I am.” Bruce and Dick stopped, turning to look at him. Bruce said nothing. Dick glanced sideways at Bruce as he spoke. "Should we?" Tim carefully stretched out on the cot, minding his sore ribs. He stared at the ceiling as he answered, his voice quiet even in the small room. "I'm just your brother, Dick. No big deal." He rolled over and faced the wall, shutting his eyes. The migraine that threatened last night was now back in full force. He heard the door shut and lock behind him and the room went completely dark. He laughed bitterly; they thought the dark would scare him? He closed his eyes and tried to relax, focusing on anything but the migraine. But then he felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up and Teekl meowed. Tim sighed. "Took you long enough, Klarion."
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