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idrisnnet-archive ¡ 3 years ago
Marie Curie's Guide to Fake Chemistry
IDRISNNET'S SECRET SANTA EVENT: merry christmas tara @kitslightwood <3
SHIP: (greyro) Grace x (demi) Christopher
TROPES: Fake dating, lab partners, friends to lovers
Grace couldn’t relax. She was feeling like her insides were twisting in her stomach.
“Are you nervous?” Christopher whispered.
Yes. “No,” she said.
“I am,” Christopher admitted. “We put a lot of work into it. I want people to like it.”
Grace’s first instinct was to snap that most people don’t care about chemistry and he shouldn’t set his hopes high. But he probably knew it perfectly well. And she didn’t want to be mean. To him at least.
She gave him a small smile instead. “If they don’t like it, that’s on them. We did our best.”
Christopher smiled. Grace liked it.
For some reason Christopher had trouble deciding what to do with his hands during the presentation. He never thought about it until now. It wasn’t like he hadn’t done it before. But it was the first time he actually cared about something else besides the information he had to present.
Grace seemed very calm. Like she was doing a presentation that was half of her grade every day.
Heartbreaker, Matthew had said. Someone who couldn’t stay with one guy even if her life depended on it. Christopher had always thought his friend was too hard. It wasn’t like she cheated on them or used the guys. Actually, he hadn’t seen her with a boyfriend for quite some time but the rumors were so wild her reputation was only growing. People liked to see whatever they wanted to see, Christopher thought.
“However,” Grace picked up where Kit stopped. “The problem has a long history, dating from the ‘60s. It’s only recently that the effects have become more visible...”
Christopher allowed himself to relax. It was the last part of the presentation and it was Grace’s. He trusted her that she'd do it well.
When her voice faded and there were no more slides left, Christopher looked at Mrs. Mitchell, their teacher. She looked pleased, he decided.
She turned to the class. “Do you have any questions for Christopher and Grace?”
Someone from behind shouted, “Are you two dating?”
The class started to whisper.
“That’s not relevant to-”
“The Heartbreaker had found her new conquest!” There were a few grins, mainly from the people in the back of the room. The class was openly giggling and giving them looks after a second.
“The nerd got corrupted!”
“The virgin and the slut-”
“Enough!” The voice of Mrs. Mitchell was sharp and loud. The class went quite really quickly. Even the people that shouted at them.
Christopher felt a little sick. He wasn’t ashamed he was a virgin or that he hadn’t had a girlfriend. He was simply… uncomfortable. Why everyone thought it’s their business to talk about other people’s sex life like that?
He glanced at Grace. She looked as uneasy as Christopher felt. She quickly hid it but he didn’t miss the shaking of her hands.
“It’s extremely rude to talk about other people like that,” Mrs. Mitchell said in a cold voice. “The people who shouted the comments must stay after class. And don’t even think of running away, I saw perfectly well every one of you. The rest of you are dismissed.”
Everyone started to pack their things and Grace and Christopher quietly did the same.
The teacher approached them and smiled lightly and apologingly. “You did an excellent job today. I see how much work you put into it.”
“Thank you,” Grace said as she picked up her backpack.
“Listen, kids,” Mrs. Mitchell said. “After a few months is the competition “Marie Curie” - explicitly for high schoolers. I want to form a team and I’m inviting you. You’re one of my best students and I see you both love chemistry. It would be great if you can join us.”
“Are you inviting us as a pair?” Kit said.
“No,” she said. “Every person in the team should have their own lab partner but even if only one of you joins, it would be okay. But you work really well together. I want you both in, pair or not,” she picked up her coffee from the desk. “Think about it. I’ll wait for an answer until the end of the week, okay?”
Grace and Christopher nodded. They left the classroom with the other students.
Grace was sitting on the edge of the pavement, smoking. She glanced at Christopher who appeared to her. The classes were over but he had hoped she would still be around.
“Can I sit?”
Christopher sat next to her, looking curiously at the cigarette in her hand.
“I didn’t know you smoked.”
“Sometimes,” she admitted, frowning at it. “I buy a box once in a while but barely can finish it for months.”
Christopher watched the building on the other side of the street. Grace put out her cigarette.
“What do you think about Mitchell’s offer?” he asked quietly.
Grace hesitated. “I don’t know. I…” She didn’t finish. Then she said, suddenly furious. “I just don't want to stand in front of these people and to be screamed what slut I am or how I’m too pretty to be good at chemistry. Or if we win, everyone will whisper how I cheated or my partner does all the work.”
Christopher frowned. “People do this?”
“More often than you think,” she snorted.
“This sucks,” he said, a sudden anger towards these people rising in his chest.
Grace shrugged but her face was stiff.
Kit felt insecure. The idea seemed reasonable at first but now it felt silly. He was worried he would break the fragile friendship they had developed during the weeks they were working on the chemistry project. He didn’t want to lose her as a friend.
“I have an idea,” he said slowly.
Grace curiously looked at him.
“What if,” he said. “We pretend we are dating?”
Grace stared at him. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Just hear me out,” he said quickly. “There are already rumors we are dating. Not that anyone really believes them but it can help. If we agree to be in Mrs. Mitchell’s team, we will have a cover. And you can participate without worrying about all the stuff you mentioned. Until the competition is over. Then we can "break up".”
Grace blinked at him. “I can’t decide if you’re just joking or are an actual mad genius.”
Christopher couldn’t help a smile. “Neither.”
“What are you gaining from this?” she asked. “Why bother? We are sort of friends but you can’t like me that much. And correct me if I’m wrong but you never had a problem with whatever people said about you. Your friends fight anyone who does but they care more than you ever did.”
It was true. People have always said some things about him but it was never serious. The Merry Thieves got angrier than him and always defended him. Christopher never thought the opinions of other people were important. They didn’t affect his life.
He hesitated. He was worried she would ask him this. But he couldn’t come up with a good enough reason that wasn’t the truth. He was already seeing the suspicion in her gaze. The forming distrust.
Grace started to get up.
“Wait!” he said. She looked at him. He took a deep breath. “I… I kind of need to date someone.”
“Why?” she asked.
“I…” he sighed. “My friends from time to time ask me if I like somebody. If I’m dating. Or if I think about having a family and kids and stuff. Almost like that’s all there is in life.”
Grace was watching him with sympathy… and understanding.
“Recently I feel even more pressured to… I don’t know. "Admit" I like someone,” he shrugged uncomfortably. “I don’t have time for a relationship. I’m not sure I want a relationship.”
He took off his glasses and started cleaning them, avoiding Grace's gaze. “I’m trying to say… I’m demi. And I don’t know how to come out to them.”
A warm hand was placed on his shoulder. “You are demisexual?”
“And demiromantic,” he nodded. He put on his glasses again and looked at her. “You know what that is?”
“Of course,” Grace said. “I’m greyromantic.”
Christopher’s eyes widened. His chest tightened with a nice, warm feeling. “You’re on the spectrum.”
Grace nodded. “I’m non-SAM greyro. This means I don’t identify with any sexual identity.”
Christopher nodded. “SAM is short for a split attraction model, right?”
“Yeah,” Grace said. “Kit, listen,” she ran a hand through her hair. “I know how… difficult it can be to come out as aroace. How tiring. All the terminology, the energy, the fear. I went through it as I came out to my friends. But… don’t you think it’s worth a try? I mean… you would fake dating me because you’re not ready to come out?”
Christopher looked at her. “I know how it sounds. But when I tell them I want it to be on my own terms. I want to be ready. Not because I’m pressured.”
Christhopher was honest. He didn’t have the energy to do it. He didn’t want to give explanations. He just wanted to be left alone and work on what was really important to him.
Grace nodded in silent understanding. She looked at the sky for a moment and then back at Christhopher.
“Okay?” he blinked.
“Let’s do it,” she smiled.
Christopher beamed. “Really?”
“Yeah. I mean,” she shrugged. “It would be fun. And it will probably end in a disaster.”
They both went to Mrs. Mitchell to tell her they will join her team. It was a bit scary, the more Grace thought about it. It was somehow so silly. Like a joke.
Yet it was real. Strange but real. Here they were, in the empty lab, with a laptop with an open google doc in front of Christopher.
“Okay,” he said. “We need to set rules.”
Grace nodded.
“First question,” she said. “Who are we allowed to tell?”
“No one?”
Grace frowned. “No one? You mean, not even our friends?”
He raised an eyebrow.
“Okay, this was stupid question,” she said. “I mean… not even some people? Someone we trust?”
Christopher hesitated. “No. It's too risky.”
Grace sighed. “Okay.”
Christopher tapped it down. “No friends,” he murmured. “No family. No teachers.”
Grace was thinking about the second rule. After he was done writing, she said, “No kissing on the lips.”
Christopher blinked. “Oh,” he said. “I never thought about it, to be honest.”
Grace took the laptop from him. “On the cheek, on the hand, that's okay. Hell, even the neck. But not on the lips. And it should be consensual. I guess we can break it only if the situation is really desperate.”
“Fair enough,” he said as Grace was writing it. “Though I didn't think we would need it.”
Grace shrugged. “The key to a good relationship is commutation.”
Christopher smiled.
“Okay,” she looked at Christopher. “When do we break up?”
“When we win the competition,” he said immediately.
Grace arched an eyebrow. “Ambitious, are we?”
Christopher shrugged. “I'm not arrogant. Only practical. We can win.”
Grace wrote it down.
“Oh, another thing,” she said. “You have to break up with me.”
Christopher blinked again and uncomfortably shifted on his seat. “Why?”
“Because all this scheme would be worthless if I "break your heart",” she said. Then after a second, quieter, added. “And maybe so people can stop virgin-shaming you once and for all. Hopefully.”
Christopher looked touched but before he could speak, Grace said sharply, “Anyway. Something else?”
Christopher looked thoughtful. “Hmm,” he murmured. “I guess we can use the excuse we're lab partners to say how we got together. So,” he shrugged. “I don't think there is anything else.”
“Wait!” Grace suddenly said. “What do we do to convince people we are dating? Because we are not going to be like one of those couples that post selfies on instagram.”
Christopher frowned, confused. “What do you mean? Isn't rule two about this?”
“Yes but,” Grace hesitated. She felt silly. “People would want to see… I don't know… chemistry or something.”
“We are literally partners in a chemistry class?”
“I mean…” Grace signed. “People like it when couples really like each other and have… connection…?”
Christopher looked more confused than ever.
“I don't understand it either!” Grace said defensively.
“You have been in relationships before!”
“This doesn't mean I know how it works,” she frowned.
Christopher shrugged helplessly. “I don’t know. Let’s leave it for now. We’ll add it if we come up with something.”
“Fine,” she said. She stared at the screen for a second. “How do we name it? It should be something other people won’t recognize if they stumble upon it.”
Christopher narrowed his eyes as he thought. Grace could almost see the wheels that were spinning in his head. Then he grinned.
“I have an idea,” he pulled the laptop in front of himself. His glasses reflected the electric blue light. After he was done he turned it over to her.
Grace laughed. “How did you even come up with that?”
He shrugged. “I like to put names only I know the meaning of. My family won’t even blink at this - they’re used to my odd titles.”
Grace grinned. “People have no idea what genius you really are.”
Marie Curie's Guide to Fake Chemistry
1. Grace and Christopher are not allowed to tell anybody about the fake relationship. Friends, family and teachers included.
2. No kissing on the lips. Cheeks, hands and necks are allowed but only with consent or when it's planned. The rule can be broken only if it's unavoidable.
3. Grace and Christopher will break up when the competition “Marie Curie” is over.
4. Christopher will break up with Grace.
5. Grace and Christopher can add new rules any time, as long as the other agrees.
“You,” James slowly said.
“...and Grace,” Matthew finished.
The Merry Thieves were in the Devil Tavern and Christopher just told them that he and Grace were "together".
At first they reacted with disbelief. Matthew thought he was joking.
“Yes,” Chrisphioher repeated. “We are together.”
Thomas smiled. “Good for you! You must really like her.” He got up to hug Kit for a second. “Now,” he said, back in his seat. “More important matters: food.”
He continued to talk like nothing happened. Chrisphioher was oddly grateful for this. Matthew and James looked unsure but moved on eventually.
They talked about their classes and since all of them were studying different things, it was always an endless topic. Matthew was complaining about how boring his art history teacher was and James told a mini analysis of Dickens’ entire work.
He liked it most when Thomas talked though. Linguistics had logic that remained Chrisphioher of chemistry.
“Hey, don’t be mean,” Matthew said as they all were laughing at his poor sketch of a building. No one could even guess the style.
“Don’t worry,” Thomas said with a smile, trying hard not to laugh. “I’m sure the teacher will appreciate the effort.”
“She better,” he said with a low tone. “I put my heart into it.”
James rolled his eyes. Thank gods, Matthew didn’t notice.
“Anyway,” Thomas said. “I gotta go.”
They blinked at him.
“Where?” James said.
Thomas shrugged. “I need to do some stuff for Eugenia.”
“But this is our night,” Christopher said with a frown. “Every Friday.”
“Yes!” Matthew added. “We always stay up until late.”
Thomas hesitated. He looked guilty. “I’m sorry, guys,” he said. “I should leave you for tonight.”
James made a face. Christopher wasn’t feeling too good about it either.
“Hey, you can still stay here and have a good time,” Thomas suggested. “Just one night, okay?”
They watched him as he was leaving until he was outside.
“What’s the point if it’s not the four of us,” Matthew said bitterly.
“Just one time,” Christopher said. He hated it when his friends were upset.
“Yeah, one time. An exception,” Matthew said. “And then again. It would be an emergency of some sort. And then again. And again. Until the tradition is ruined and no one shows up.”
“Math, with all the love in the world,” James said. “Stop bitching.”
Christopher bite back a smile. Matthew rolled his eyes.
“Anyway,” James said as he got up. “I’m leaving too.”
“What?” Matthew almost shouted.
“Thomas left,” James shrugged. “We won’t do anything tonight so I may as well go see Cordelia.”
Matthew groaned. “Traitors,” he turned to Christopher. “What, are you gonna leave too?”
“Nope,” he said as he bit into a lemon tart. “I’m just gonna eat.”
Matthew nodded approvingly. “Good. The two of us are the survivors.”
Christopher chuckled. Matthew’s dramatism was so entertaining.
“Anyway,” he said with a sigh. “So, tell me. Why Grace?”
Christopher tensed immediately. “What?”
“I mean,” Matthew said. “You never cared for all the girls and guys I have been suggesting to you. Why of all, you choose the Heartbreaker?”
“Don’t call her that,” Christopher said sharply.
Matthew blinked at him. “But-”
“No,” he said firmly. “She hates this nickname. And we both know it’s exaggerated.”
“Come on, Kit,” he looked unsure. “It’s not that big of a deal-”
“You know what,” Christopher got up too, putting on his coat. “I’m leaving too. I’m not hungry anymore.”
Christopher was aware he was probably overreacting. Matthew didn’t mean harm. But then he remembered Grace’s face when people were shooting those things in the classroom. And he knew he couldn’t have passed Matthew’s comment.
“Don’t,” Grace snapped.
“I haven’t said anything!” Alastair said.
“You are thinking.”
They were sitting on Kamala's couch, the three of them in pajamas, watching the latest episode of a rom-com neither of them liked. But it was fun to hate on it and they could talk while watching.
“He’s just…” Kamala hesitated. “Not your type.”
Grace silently looked at the TV. She wasn’t too happy to lie to her friends. But she could do it.
“So what?” she said eventually. “No, actually - what even is my type?”
Alastair and Kamala looked at each other.
“Assholes,” Alastair said straightforwardly.
Grace blinked. This wasn’t the answer she expected.
Kamala shrugged.
“Sorry girl, it’s true,” she said. “And if for some reason a boyfriend seems nice and cute, he turns out to be toxic, manipulative or wants to use you. Or all of them.”
Alastair nodded with a dark expression.
Grace looked away, without answering. It was true. She has been in many relationships, many of them bad. She was trying so hard at the time to feel attracted to them, and sometimes she did. Sex was nice and she thought she’ll fall in love with one of them. But it never happened. Her romantic feelings were mild, if there at all. And if it happened to be stronger for some “nice” guy, he turned out shitty. She wasn’t afraid of breaking up with them. She was afraid of what was supposed to happen that just… didn’t. It always ended before she could explore it, for one reason or another.
Assholes were the only people who wouldn’t be hurt if she didn’t show them the affection that was supposed to be there, if they expected it at all. They used each other and they knew it. But there were a few nice ones, a few guys that liked to talk after a break up, and she ended up with the nickname the Heartbreaker.
A loud laugh came from the TV. The main characters were in some desperately stupid situation. Grace grabbed some popcorn. It was better to watch the disaster the allos were instead of thinking how she was fake dating her lab partner.
“Hey,” Kamala quietly said, wrapping a hand around Grace’s shoulders. “Sorry if we were mean. We want only the best for you. And we know that sometimes you’re not giving it to yourself.”
Grace’s throat tightened. She let her head fall on Kamala’s shoulder and she closed her eyes. She couldn’t imagine what she would do without her friends. Without their support and understanding, without them to look after her.
She thought about Christopher. His friends didn’t know. He couldn’t use their support like she did. He didn’t have anyone but her, knowing who he truly is. Grace hoped, really hoped, he would find peace with himself.
“Is this all?” Grace asked, marking with a green pen some things in her notebook.
Grace and Christopher were in the chemistry lab together with their other teammates. Kit knew almost all of them. They had been working together before.
Mrs. Mitchell gave a few tasks for every pair. Grace and Christopher were almost done.
Christopher looked at the paper the teacher gave them. “Yes,” he said. “Now we have to mix the two and wait for a reaction for a few minutes.”
Grace carĐľfully poured the liquid in the conical flasks while Kit was holding the funnel.
“Done,” Grace said.
They both just sat then, watching as the liquids they were making for the past forty minutes were changing colours.
“So,” Christopher said. He licked his lips. “My friends want to meet you.”
Grace gave him a brief glance. “Okay.”
“You don’t have to though,” he said quickly. “Matthew will be passive aggressive, James will be super polite and only Thomas will probably be friendly.”
Her lips curled at the mention of Thomas. “I see,” she said. “I don’t mind. Fairchild’s big ego doesn’t scare me.”
“You sure? You really don’t have too.”
“Don’t worry,” Grace said with a smile. “I’m a strong girl.”
“I know,” Christopher said. “I just don’t want you to need to be one.”
Grace blinked at him, a strange emotion crossing her face. Before she could say something, Mrs. Mitchell came to check how they were doing and the conversation stopped. Christopher’s heart was beating fast and he felt a strange anxiety forming in his stomach.
They agreed to meet at the Hell Rule the next week. Grace wasn’t too worried. The Merry Thieves weren’t half as intimidating as Christopher thought they were. And Grace’s friends were meaner.
“Hey,” Christopher smiled at her. She kissed his cheek and he wrapped a hand around her shoulders.
They have talked about what they will do so it doesn't turn awkward or unbelievable. It still felt strange. Not bad though.
“Hi,” Thomas first greeted her, smiling. She shook his hand, immediately liking him. She could see why Alastair fell so hard for him.
Matthew on the other hand wasn't that friendly but he tried to smile at her. It ended up more as a grimace. Kamala who was next to them smiled at them as well, shaking Kit’s hand.
“It’s so nice to meet you,” she said.
“Me too,” he said. “I have heard so much about you.”
Kamala smiled even bigger and turned to the other two boys, greeting them as well.
“Where is Alastair?” Grace asked as they all sat down.
“He will come later,” she said. “It’s Lucie’s birthday soon and he has to help Cordelia with something about it.”
“James won’t come, by the way,” Matthew said. “Same reason.”
Thomas laughed. “The world is small, isn’t it?”
“Indeed,” Grace said.
She glanced at Christopher who still had his arm around her shoulders. She had to admit she kind of liked it.
“So, Grace,” Thomas said. “I heard you have been in an art class for a while?”
Grace laughed. “Oh, this is a funny story.”
From there the conversation continued. Matthew and Kamala seemed to like each other. Thomas and Grace too. So far it was going better than she had expected.
She spotted Alastair coming in, looking around. She waved at him and he saw her. Everyone on the table turned to him. When he approached them, Grace stood up to introduce him. Then he sat next to Thomas, extra careful not to look at him too much. Grace was barely holding back her grin. These two were trying a little too hard not to show they’re together. Looking at Kamala, she knew her friend was thinking the same.
The rest was a bit of a blur. They talked about school, common acquaintances and funny stories with someone else from the group. They ordered alcohol. Grace wasn’t sure it was a good idea but she didn’t say anything. She was afraid of what someone may say or do while drunk. It would be fun though.
“Ok, no, stop,” Matthew said, already at his third glass. “Let’s spice it up. This is boring.”
Kamala giggled. “I have an idea.”
She grabbed a bottle from the middle of the table, poured the rest of it in her cup and looked at them. She arched an eyebrow. “We can play spin the bottle.”
Thomas grinned uncharacteristically wild and started to take off the rest of the bottles that were in the middle of the table. Everyone helped, Grace and Christopher the least drunk from them. Maybe Christopher. Grace was a little tipsy.
“Okay,” Kamala said and spun the bottle. It landed on Matthew. She grinned. “Kiss the most attractive person on this table.”
Christopher frowned. “This is not how this game works.”
Kamala shrugged. “I’m a lesbian and the only other non-man person is your girlfriend. I say to play it differently.”
Matthew thought for a second. “Kiss the most attractive person you say… then, can I kiss your hand, milady?”
Kamala apparently found this incredibly funny because she laughed. But she allowed it. Matthew kissed her hand respectively.
Thomas rolled his eyes. “Who are the boring ones now?” he said.
“Oh, don’t worry,” Matthew grinned wickedly. “It’s my turn.”
He spun the bottle. After a long spinning, it pointed at Alastair. Her friend groaned.
“Ok, Carstairs,” Matthew said. “Same thing. Kiss the most attractive person on the table. On the mouth. Nowhere else.”
Alastair looked very seriously around the table. He didn’t have too many options, Grace thought. Grace and Kamala were out of question and Christopher was her boyfriend so he wouldn’t choose him out of respect for her. There were left only Thomas, his secret boyfriend, and Matthew who, Grace knew, Alastair disliked.
“I see, ” Alastair said seriously and turned to Thomas. He wrapped a hand around his neck and pulled Thomas towards him. Thomas’ eyes widened as their lips crushed. Matthew was staring at them with his mouth agape. Grace turned away. It was a game but she still didn’t think it’s her place to see something so personal.
After a few seconds they pulled away, breathing hard. Alastair was flushed but kept his expression cool as much as it was possible. Thomas on the other hand was a blushing mess. The alcohol didn’t help.
“Let’s continue,” Thomas said, clearing his throat. He grabbed the bottle and spun it, glancing at Alastair every two seconds.
It pointed at Grace. She tensed.
“Oh thank god,” he murmured with relief. “I dare you to kiss the person on your left.”
The person on her left was Christopher. Her pseudo boyfriend.
They turned to each other, the same uncertainty written all over their faces.
The second rule. The one Grace personally insisted on. No kissing on the lips. Allowed only when the situation is unavoidable.
Was this unavoidable? If they refused it would be weird. They were a couple. Thomas specifically said it so they don’t have to struggle.
She placed a hand on Kit’s cheek. She licked her lips. “Is this okay? Can I?” she said so quietly only he could hear.
“Grace,” he said as quietly as her. “You set this rule. I don’t really care about kissing. Will you be okay with it?”
Grace glanced away for a second, thinking. If this was Kit’s first kiss, she wouldn’t want to take it away. But he said he doesn’t care. It wasn’t something he valued. And it wasn’t Grace’s place to doubt him.
She closed her eyes and leaned down, her hands on Christopher’s cheeks.
His lips were unexpectedly soft. Maybe a little dry. And warm.
Kissing Christopher was as unexpected as everything else about him. Sweet. Delightful. Undeniably charming.
His arm wrapped around her waist, bringing her a little closer. He was warm and strange, and a ticklish feeling was forming in her chest.
Then it was over. A kiss that lasted no more than a few seconds. Grace felt a little tipsy and it wasn't just the alcohol.
Christopher Lightwood was making himself home at her heart and she wasn't sure she liked it.
Was he drunk? Did he drink too much whisky? Or this was beer? Maybe wine? He certainly drank something sweet that reminded him of wine.
When Grace pulled away she looked as composed as she was before. Her nose was a little flushed because of the alcohol but other than this she looked perfectly put together.
Christopher on the other hand felt out of breath, hot and he was sure his face was red.
“Aww, look how he's blushing!” Kamala said, confirming his theory. “You two are adorable.”
At which, of course, Christopher blushed even more.
“Shut up,” Grace murmured and drank from her cup.
Kamala and Thomas grinned at them, equally drunk. Matthew was almost sleeping on the table. Only Alastair looked like he could control himself.
They didn't continue the game. They just couldn't. They were far too drunk to care.
They decided it's time for everyone to go home.
“Oopsie,” Kamala giggled as she tried to stand up and staggered.
Thomas, ever the gentleman, tried to stand up too, in order to help her.
“Let me- ugh,” he was pulled back on his seat by Alastair.
“There aren't enough sober people to pick you up if you fall on the ground, so don't even try, Lightwood.”
Thomas looked at him and smiled a happy, drunk smile. “Okay. Whatever you say.” He had all but hearts in his eyes as he looked at Alastair.
Alastair rolled his eyes but a tiny smile creeped on his face.
“Anyway,” he said and stood up.
Grace narrowed his eyes at him. “You didn't drink, did you?”
He snorted. “Of course I didn’t. Someone has to drive,” he turned to Kamala, gently taking her hand. “I’ll take everyone at their homes,” he nodded at Thomas and Matthew. “Look after them. I’ll be back in a minute.”
He slowly moved through the bar, with Kamala hanging on his side, chuckling.
Grace turned to Christopher. “We’re the only ones, huh?”
Kit smiled. “Apparently.”
Grace stretched her arms up. As she did it her shirt rose a little bit. He accidentally spotted it, a piece of skin on her back dotted with freckles. He blushed and quickly looked away. Grace didn’t notice.
Alastair returned, alone this time. “Someone help me with Thomas.”
Christopher jumped off his seat. “I will.”
Alastair arched an eyebrow at his enthusiasm. “There aren’t many options, aren’t there?”
Once everyone was in Alastair’s car, he slowly went out on the road. “Okay, Kamala’s parents shouldn’t see her like this so she’ll crash at my place. And I know Grace’s address. What about the rest of you?”
“Thomas’ campus is close,” Christopher said. “Just turn over- Yes!” He was in the back seat, trying to keep Matthew from falling in his lap. “Most people always confuse the road because of the trees that are hiding the sign for the campus. Have you been here before?”
“Well,” Alastair said, looking straight at the road. “I have… a friend here, of a sort.”
Grace arched an eyebrow and smirked but didn’t say anything.
With joint efforts they managed to move Thomas. Christopher had a key for his dorm. He was soundly asleep when they left.
“Where to take Fairchild?” Alastair said as they were back in the car.
“My place,” Kit said. “I don’t have a key for his dorm and his parents don’t like it when he drinks this much.”
Alastair murmured something but Christopher couldn’t hear what.
After he helped Kit to put Matthew on the couch in his living room, he turned to Alastair. “Thank you so much,” he said sincerely. “I don’t know what we would have done without you.”
“You’re very much not welcome,” Alastair said.
“This means he likes you,” Grace assured Christopher.
“Shut up, Cartwright,” he frowned. She gave him an air kiss.
“Anyway,” she said. She turned towards Kit. “Can I use the bathroom?”
“Sure,” he said. He pointed in its direction. “The second door on the left.”
As Grace disappeared behind the said door Alastair suddenly turned to Christopher. He blinked at him. “Wha-”
“Listen to me, Lightwood,” he said. “I don’t give a single shit what you’re exactly thinking by dating Grace. But if at some point you hurt her or break her heart, I’ll have you praying to have been hurt physically instead of the things I’ll do to you. And when I’m done, Kamala will come for you and, believe me, it won’t be pretty.”
Christopher swolled. “I- I don’t-”
“I don’t care,” Alastair said. “You be careful not to be a dickhead and we all will be happy and well.”
He turned on his heels and walked to his car. Christopher could only watch after him. Alastair closed the door with a loud noise and continued to glare at Christopher.
He heard Grace going out of the bathroom. “See you tomorrow,” she said and kissed his cheek.
He watched as his pseudo girlfriend got into the car. A doopy smile appeared on his face. He didn’t know if it was because of how absurd the whole situation was, the alcohol or just because he had a really good time tonight, with his friends and Grace. The last one seemed the scariest.
The competition “Marie Curie” was held after one week and Grace didn’t think she was ready.
She barely has seen Christopher during the holidays. They texted a lot but mostly to help each other with their chemistry tasks. It was the last day before school started again and Grace unexpectedly got a text from Kit asking her if she could come to help him with a problem.
She immediately said to send her the address.
“Hi,” Christopher said as he opened the door. Grace was shocked by his look. His hair was messy, even more than usual and he had dark circles under his eyes. “This way.”
As he was leading her through the house she saw photos on the walls. It was clean but dusty.
“Is this Matthew?” she said as she looked at a photo of a little blonde boy playing on the floor with an older red-headed guy.
Christopher barely glanced at it. “Yeah,” he said. “This is Fairchild's house. Henry, Matthew’s father, is a scientist and he allows me to use his lab whenever I want. They're currently on vacation so the house is empty.”
Grace nodded, still looking around.
“Welcome to heaven,” he opened a door.
Grace was hit by the scent of chemicals, cleaning agents and maybe even smoke. It looked a lot like the lab in school but messier.
“I can spend a few days here,” Grace smiled.
Christopher smiled as well.
“Here,” he handed her a bunch of papers. Grace’s gaze travelled through it, trying to understand what it was. It was calculations. A lot of them, different equations and formulas, crossed numbers and a few holes in the paper. All of it was at least ten lists, written on both sides.
She looked at Christopher. “What is this?”
He ran a hand through his hair. “I have been trying to do one of Mitchell's last tasks in a… different way.”
Grace narrowed her eyes. “What way? The task is hard enough on it’s own. And how long have you been trying?”
“A few days maybe?” he shrugged. “I lost track of time.”
“And no one came to check on you here?”
“I told them I’m going out with you,” he confessed.
Grace looked at the papers again. There were more of them on the desk.
“Just hear me out,” he said hurriedly and started to frantically search through the mess that was the table. “Look, here I caught something but I couldn't find the right formula. And the equacions aren’t adding up- ”
Startled by her tone, he looked at her blinking slowly.
She carefully put a hand on his shoulder. “You are exhausted.”
He looked away but didn’t deny it.
“The fatigue makes our brains fuzzy. We are not meant to work past our breaking point. You need a rest. You need sleep.”
“You don’t understand,” he rapidly began to shake his head. “The competition is in a less than a week, the task is due tomorrow and I can’t afford-”
“No,” she said. “Unlike many people I actually do understand. I know how hard it is to give up, even for a while.”
“I’m just… so close,” he said with pleading eyes. “I know it. If I only had a few more days I’d figure it out…”
“I know,” Grace whispered. She gently pulled him for a hug. He buried his face in her neck and placed hands on her hips. He relaxed against her.
“Listen,” she said quietly. “You’ll take a nap now. So when you wake up you can take a fresh look. Meanwhile, I’ll look it up too and together we will solve it. You know how needed is another point of view sometimes.”
“Ok,” he said with a sigh. His breath sent shivers on her spine.
“Come on,” she said. He showеd her the room he had for himself. It was small, only with a bed, a nightstand and a dresser with a few clothes.
Christopher fell into bed, taking off his glasses and putting them in the nightstand. Grace covered him with the blanket that was shoved to the end of the bed.
“Don’t touch my glasses, please,” he murmured. “I don’t like people touching them.”
“I won’t,” Grace promised but Kit was already asleep.
She found his backpack in the room. She found the individually-wrapped optical wipes that she had seen him using before. She put one in the nightstand and left the room.
Then she went to the lab to look at Christopher’s notes.
Mrs. Mitchell wasn’t too pleased they had done an individual task together. But eventually she admitted they have done a good job on it.
Christopher couldn’t find himself a place from excitement. He was a little sleep-dehydrated but the whole chemistry team was free of classes so they could practice. It was awesome.
Right now Grace and another girl were discussing an equation with Mrs. Mitchell.
He got lost in his own notes, solving the next problem. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed. At some point Grace was sitting next to him, calling his name.
“Yes?” he looked at her.
She arched an eyebrow. “The classes are over.”
He looked around the room. One more boy was packing his stuff but except him, there was no one else in the room.
“Do you want to stay a little longer?”
“Okay,” Grace shrugged.
The boy waved at them for goodbye and left, closing the door after himself.
“I was thinking,” Grace said, she was playing with her hair, looking around the room. She seemed oddly nervous. “Maybe we should change the second rule. The one about kissing.”
“Um…” Christopher said, unsure.
“If we both don’t have any problems kissing each other, of course,” she said. “I mean… if we do, we will be more natural looking. And won’t need to plan every step when we’re going out in public.”
Christopher nodded slowly. “You are right,” he said. “If it doesn't bother either of us.”
“Good,” Grace took out her phone and opened the google doc. Christopher watched as she was writing it down.
He looked away, licking his lips. A strange feeling was forming in his stomach when he looked at Grace. Her smile. Her eyes when she finally solved a chemical problem. Her laugh at some of his lame jokes.
He also started to notice other things. Things that reminded him that Grace is a very, very attractive person.
He swallowed. Maybe changing the second rule wasn’t the best idea. No, he knew it had the potential for a disaster.
His brain knew it. But his chest was filled with a sweet, fluffy feeling.
He jumped from his seat. Grace blinked at him, startled.
“Enough for today,” he said, grabbing his things. “Do you want to go drink something?”
“Sure,” she said, picking up her stuff as well, looking at him oddly.
They left the lab.
Marie Curie's Guide to Fake Chemistry
1. Grace and Christopher are not allowed to tell anybody about the fake relationship. Friends, family and teachers included.
2. Kissing on the lips is allowed for the sake of being more natural looking.
3. Grace and Christopher will break up when the competition “Marie Curie” is over.
4. Christopher will break up with Grace.
5. Grace and Christopher can add new rules any time, as long as the other agrees.
Grace quickly spotted Kamala and Alastair in the crowd. Not that there were a lot of people. But with the families of their teammates and opponents, some friends, some teachers and the judghs, there were some.
Mrs. Mitchell was telling them a few last encouraging words, hyping them up. Christopher was practically vibrating with excitement next to Grace. She smiled. If he got even a little more hyped he’d explode.
“And remember,” Mrs. Mitchell said. “In the end, we all will learn something from our mistakes from today, no matter who is the winner. But the key in chemistry isn’t not to make mistakes. It’s to give all you can and learn. Always to learn from each other.”
With one last smile she sent them to the stage. Grace took a deep breath.
She looked at Christopher. He looked at her.
“Are you nervous?” he whispered.
Grace smiled. “Terrified.”
He grinned. “Same.”
Together, they went out on the stage.
The whole competition lasted a few hours with three rounds and two breaks. It was a blur of formulas, equations, chemical reactions and unpleasant scents that make you dizzy.
Somehow Grace found herself sitting on a bench with the rest of her teammates and Mrs. Mitchell. They were waiting for the results from the last round to be processed and compared with the ones from the previous rounds.
Cold sweat was running down her spine. Her stomach was a wrecked ball. Then suddenly and at the same time too slow, a judge came on the stage with an envelope. With a smile he opened it and read out aloud the name of the winner.
It was their school.
The team exploded in loud cries of joy, jumping around and hugging each other. Some hugged Mrs. Mitchell, others their lap partner. Christopher grabbed her in a fierce hug, lifting her from the ground. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, laughing and crying at the same time.
When he finally let her on the ground again, she saw his eyes were glassy. Grace wasn’t sure who initiated it and it didn’t matter. Their lips crushed into each other.
It was different from the kiss in the Hell Rule. It was deeper, rougher and both of them were too consumed by the moment to care who watched. It was a dancing battle, a brutal consuming. Heat was spreading across her body and Christopher’s hands left fire wherever they touched.
When the need of oxygen was too great, they parted but stayed close. For a few moments at least.
In the way Christopher was looking at her, there was nothing fake. It wasn’t a scheme for other people. It felt more real than her ex-boyfriends ever were.
After that their friends come to them to say their congratulations. The team went out to celebrate. The whole evening was full of drinking, laughing and Grace's shining eyes Christopher couldn’t stop seeing.
It was magnificent, heated and so much needed. They all needed this wild celebration after the hard work. All weeks of studying, the sleepless nights, texting with Grace, the hours with her in the lab… was this over now?
He enjoyed the night. He truly did. Even though it was a blur he barely remembered. But he got home with a dreadful feeling in his stomach.
The competition was over. This meant he had to break up with Grace.
Thankfully, the next day was Saturday so they didn’t have to go to school. Grace didn’t think she could.
She spent the night at Kamala’s place together with Alastair, drunk and with blurry memories from the evening.
When she woke up, everything was quiet but her head. She looked around, blinking. She was in the living room, lying on the couch. Everything was shadow-ish, thank god. She spotted Kamala sitting in front of a window. The only stronger light was coming from it. Alastair wasn’t nowhere to be seen.
“Hey,” Grace said, her voice so raspy she barely recognized it.
Kamala looked at her, a little startled, and smiled. “Good morning, sunshine.”
Grace groaned in response.
“There is water next to you and some medicine if you want.”
Grace grabbed the water but didn’t touch the pills. She hated most medicines and the situation wasn’t that desperate.
With the blanket still wrapped around her shoulders, Grace dragged herself to Kamala and sat next to her on the floor. There were tons of pillows beneath them so it was soft.
“You know,” Kamala chuckled. “It’s a relief that even someone as attractive as you is a messy monster creature in the mornings.”
Grace hit her with a pillow.
Still laughing, Kamala took it away from Grace’s hands and Grace didn’t fight it. She was too sleepy for that.
“Where is Alastair?” she asked instead.
“Still sleeping,” Kamala said. “He fell asleep in my room, so,” she shrugged. “I decided I’ll wait for one of you to wake up.”
“What happened yesterday?”
“Not much,” she said. “A girl from your team called us through your phone and told us to come pick you up. You and Christopher were very drunk so we decided to drop him at his house. Alastair asked Thomas for the address.”
“Oh,” Grace just said. Memories from yesterday came to her mind like a tornado. The team were playing some silly drinking games. Mrs. Mitchell saying goodbye to them and to have fun. Christopher kissing her.
Her cheeks burned.
Kamala, of course, noticed. She grinned. “You’re thinking about your guy?”
Grace didn’t answer. There was no need.
“We saw you on the stage, by the way,” Kamala said. “Well, everyone did,” she chuckled. “You have chemistry, I can’t deny you that. It was sweet.”
An uneasy feeling spread in Grace's stomach. All she could think about was the name of their guide. Marie Curie's guide to fake chemistry. Fake chemistry, fake chemistry, fake, fake, fake-
There was nothing fake about their kiss yesterday. Grace couldn't breathe.
“I…” Grace swallowed. “I need to check on him.”
“He’s probably still sleeping,” she said. “I hope he is. Hangover is a bitch.”
Grace carefully got up and tried her best not to look like she was having a panic attack. She grabbed her stuff and left Kamala’s house.
Since the competition was over, Christopher and Grace didn’t have as much time as before to see each other.
Christopher hasn’t heard from Grace the whole Sunday and today they didn’t share classes. He was dreading what he had to do. In the beginning, he thought it would be easy - they would "break up", act heartbroken a few weeks and get to be lap partners again. No big deal.
He didn’t actually expect to feel heartbroken.
The phone in his pocket vibrated. As he looked it up, he saw it’s a text from Grace. Meet at the lap after classes?
His stomach was a wreck of anxiety as he sent a simple ok in reply.
He was thankful there were only two classes left. He was so anxious he couldn’t quite concentrate on them. All he could think about was the kiss on that stage. Grace’s hair in his fingers. Her drunk smile when they were celebrating.
After the classes were over he headed straight to the laboratory, sending a quick text to Thomas saying he won't be able to wait in front of his faculcity today. He opened the door, expecting to see an empty room. He was caught off guard by Grace who was standing by the window. She looked up to him with sharp eyes. How he hadn’t noticed how striking her eyes are?
“Hey, nerd,” she said with a smile. She seemed tired.
Christopher was just standing there, half way closing the door, frozen. He licked his lips. He closed the door and put his backpack on the closest desk, running a hand through his hair.
“I can’t do it.”
“What?” Grace said, blinking at him.
“I can’t break up with you,” he said. “I… I don’t know how. I mean…” frustrated, he started to walk around the room. “My feelings changed. They didn’t grow and I didn’t start to care about you more than before or something. They just transformed into something different. Do… do you understand what I’m trying to say?”
Grace closed her eyes and looked away.
“I’m trying to say I… if you don’t-”
“Stop,” she said.
Christopher flinched. But stopped.
In his chest he had a chunk of feelings he couldn’t understand fully. And they were hot and wet, bubbling like hot water and demanding something. Christopher didn’t think he was able to give it.
“I…” Grace said. Paused. Started again. “I… I feel something for you too.”
Something fragile started to bloom in KIt’s chest. It suspiciously looked like hope.
“But, Kit, I…” she looked at him, insecurity written all over her face. Christopher hated to see it in her. Hated to see it because it was a mirror to his own. Insecurity every time when his parents teased him about love, when his friends suggested a person he can date, when someone started to talk about their sex life, when someone brought up their made-up ship in his favorite sci-fi movies… Every time when relationships were involved and he was out of his element.
“I feel attraction rarely and mildly,” Grace continued in a low voice. “It fades away after time, or changes to something else,” she looked him in the eye. “I love you, Christopher. I love you. But I’m not sure I can fall for you.”
Tears of relief and something else filled his eyes. He made a step towards her.
“This is okay,” he said, his throat tightened. “This is not what is important to me.”
“I won’t be able to give you the amount of affection you probably want.”
“No problem,” he said with a smile. “I’m too busy to do it too.”
“And I’m picky with touch,” she said. “Some days I can’t stand it and the next I want to cuddle.”
“I hate it when people touch my glasses and iron my clothes.”
“I love to hate on rom-coms.”
“I love to criticize action movies.”
She smiled, joy dancing in her eyes.
“I prefer DC,” she said teasingly.
“And I - MCU,” he said with a grin.
With every answer he was making a step towards Grace until he was standing in front of her.
“I’m a bitch,” she murmured, glancing at his lips.
“I’m a socially awkward nerd,” he said and kissed her.
Two smiles crushed into each other, sweet things with a hint of a spark.
They parted, laughing and holding on to the other.
“It is not the most romantic kiss we have had, is it?” Kit said with a smile.
“Nope,” Grace said with a grin. “But the most adorable.”
Christopher gently took her hands and kissed her knuckles. “This okay?” he murmured.
“Yeah,” Grace smiled.
He looked at her. He couldn’t stop the soft smile from appearing on his face and he didn’t want to.
“I’m sorry I’m ruining the moment but,” Grace said. “We should correct the google doc.”
Christopher half smiled, half groaned. “And here I thought I’m supposed to say stuff like this!”
“Nonsense,” Grace said as she was pulling out her phone. “You tend to be more messy. I like order.”
“True,” he admitted. “I have a thing for chaos sometimes.”
Grace thoughtfully looked at Kit. “First thing first - the name.”
She stared at her phone for a second then smiled. “Okay, I came up with something,” she said. “It’s not as creative as yours,” she added. “But it’s cute.”
He went behind her to look over her shoulder. He smiled. “I like this one better.”
“And,” Grace said with a prideful smile. “A new rule I think you’ll like.”
As she was tapping Christopher places his hands around her waist, kissing the top of her head.
When she showed him what she had written, he smiled widely. Grace looked amused.
“I want to add one too!” Kit said.
“Go ahead,” Grace said. Still hugging her from behind, he took her phone and started to write.
“Oh, this is a good one,” Grace smiled as she realized what he was writing.
“It’s not exactly a rule,” Christopher said. “But since this is a guide…”
“Don't worry,” Grace kissed his cheek. “This is the best one.”
Grace and Christopher's Guide to non-Fake Chemistry
1. Grace and Christopher are not allowed to tell anybody about the fake relationship. Friends, family and teachers included.
2. Kissing is allowed for the sake of being more natural looking.
3. Grace and Christopher will break up when the competition “Marie Curie” is over.
4. Christopher will break up with Grace.
5. Grace and Christopher can add new rules any time, as long as the other agrees.
6. The previous rules are bullshit. Christopher and Grace will figure it out as they go.
7. Christopher and Grace will be happy.
WORDS: 9 022
(If anyone is wondering, yes, this is a little inspired by Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating)
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gynyavanecks ¡ 3 years ago
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"I want to find my mother. And then I want to find out who took her in the first place, and I want to kill them."
85 notes ¡ View notes
purplebass ¡ 3 years ago
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@idrisnnet's 2021 secret santa event: merry christmas aria! @confused-as-all-hell 🎄
78 notes ¡ View notes
prrcyjacksons ¡ 3 years ago
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—›Jessamine Lovelace
[The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare]
111 notes ¡ View notes
onetimetwotimesthreetimess ¡ 3 years ago
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@idrisnnet's 2021 Secret Santa Event: Merry Christmas to Nina!!!@melanielocke
They talked late into the night; they closed down the restaurant while everyone else left and they were still talking; about books, travel, music, history
- The Last Hours by Cassandra Clare
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melanielocke ¡ 3 years ago
@idrisnnet's 2021 secret santa event: merry christmas to Tara@kitslightwood
(I'm really hoping I tagged the right person as I got a previous URL in my inbox)
Grace hesitated for a moment before she knocked on the door of the Fairchild residence. She didn’t know who she’d find here but she hoped Christopher would be in the lab. At least that was where his aunt and uncle thought he would be. She had no interest in speaking to anyone else in the Fairchild residence, and certainly not Charles. Grace didn’t know why she’d ever thought marrying him was a good idea. She’d thought someone powerful like him could protect from her mother, and although powerful men like Charles could be an entirely new trap, Grace had the power to keep him under control. Or at least she used to. The silent brothers had removed that power. She was nothing now.
Ever since the demon had gifted her with her siren like powers, that was how Grace had gone through life, what Tatiana had taught her to do. Whatever she needed, she’d find a man capable of getting it for her and force him. She’d never liked using her powers. She also had no real alternative for getting what she needed. That was what brother Zachariah had told her anyway, that she had kept using her powers despite hating them because she didn’t know any other ways to solve her problems. Then he’d taken that power away. He was right to, she knew that. No one should have the power she used to have. But she felt naked without it, vulnerable.
Except that one time with Christopher. She’d never felt the urge to use her powers on him for some reason. She didn’t need to. He was so unlike other men she’d met. Everyone else was mesmerized by her beauty, and Grace had begun to realize that to them she wasn’t really a person. She was just a pretty looking doll, and Grace had perfected that sweet, innocent helpless girl act. But that wasn’t who she wanted to be anymore. And Christopher Lightwood might be the only one who could help her now. Other men hated her or adored her. But Christopher had appreciated her. He hadn’t questioned her presence in his lab, and she’d never felt more human than when they had solved the mystery of the pithos together.
She remembered the first time she’d met Christopher. He’d accompanied her in her carriage to make sure she arrived safely, and had talked about bacteria cultures for the entire ride. Grace had said nothing. Her mother would not want her to learn about such inappropriate subjects, and more importantly, her mother would not want her to interact with the children of her brothers. But she’d been fascinated. She’d listened intently, even if she’d pretended to stare out of the window in boredom. Thankfully, Christopher had not gotten the hint at all and had just continued talking.
It wasn’t Christopher who opened the door. It wasn’t one of the Fairchilds either, thank the angel. Instead, Alastair Carstairs was standing in front of the door.
‘Good afternoon,’ Grace said politely. ‘Is Mr. Lightwood here?’
‘Both of them are in the lab,’ Alastair said. ‘I think something is about to explode down there, you might want to stay away.’
‘Would it be alright if I joined you in the lab?’
Alastair shrugged. ‘If that’s what you prefer.’
Grace followed him inside and to the lab.
‘I heard you broke off your engagement,’ Alastair said.
‘I did. Charles is boring and stupid and I pity the person who is unfortunate enough to marry him.’
She knew it wasn’t fair to him, she had forced him into the engagement after all. She hadn’t spoken to him since her powers had become public knowledge, she didn’t know what she could say. Charles might be boring but she shouldn’t have used her powers on him. She wondered sometimes if he and Ariadne had loved each other and if she’d destroyed that, but after living with Ariadne for several months she had realized Ariadne hadn’t cared much for Charles either.
‘Me too,’ Alastair said, and Grace wondered what he knew of Charles. ‘I didn’t realize you were acquainted with Christopher.’
‘I am living with his uncle and aunt, but hadn’t seen him since everything.’
The Bridgestocks had kicked her out despite Ariadne’s attempts to convince them to let her stay, and Grace had had no choice but to take up Gideon and Sophie Lightwood’s offer to let her stay with them. As much as she hated it, it was better than living on the streets, or the London Institute with James’ family. Gideon and Sophie had been nothing but kind to her, and their daughter Eugenia had tried to spend time with her just like Ariadne had, but Grace didn’t know what to do with any of them. All she needed was a roof over her head.
‘If you want my advice, James might not forgive you for everything that happened. Their group has a tendency to hold grudges, and it’s best not to let it get to you.’
‘But you’re here with Christopher too, aren’t you?’ Grace asked.
‘Christopher is the more forgiving among the four of them. Thomas too. But I expect James and Matthew will hate you forever. And I’m just saying… It’s no use letting them hurt you over and over again for something you did when you were just a child in an impossible situation. You can find better friends.’
‘I don’t have friends,’ Grace said coldly.
All she had was Jesse, but she wasn’t allowed to see him. Not yet, at least, but it had been decided that if the Clave let him go free, he would move in with Gideon and Sophie Lightwood for the time being, meaning she would be living with her brother again. She sure hoped so, Jesse was the only person who’d ever cared for her. And Christopher, she hoped. Perhaps Alastair was right, perhaps he would be angry about what she’d done. It wasn’t like she didn’t deserve that. But she hoped Christopher would be forgiving, and that he’d let her help him with his experiments.
Just before they descended the stairs, something exploded. Alastair startled and then started muttering something in a language Grace didn’t understand. He and his sister were Persian, she remembered. Alastair rushed down the stairs and Grace followed him. Thomas and Christopher were extinguishing the fire, running around. It was chaotic. Grace loved it.
‘I go answer the door for a few minutes and you’ve already blown up the lab,’ Alastair said.
‘Oh, hullo Grace,’ Christopher said. ‘It’s good to see you! We’re working on our fire message technique. It involves a lot of fire.’
Grace stared at the boys. ‘Yes, I can see that. Your arm is on fire, by the way.’
Christopher looked down at his arm and started shaking it until Thomas threw some water over it.
‘Right, thank you,’ Christopher said.
‘No success sending any messages?’ Grace asked.
‘No, we figured that part out,’ Christopher said. ‘We can address the note to any runed shadowhunter. The problems start when the note arrives. The idea is that the note goes up in fire and then is remade from fire when it arrives with the other person. Except the note doesn’t reform, the recipient just receives more fire.’
Not exactly what they were going for, but being able to send magic fire to any runed shadowhunter certainly had its uses.
‘So how does it work?’ Grace asked.
‘Write the note, then add the powder and runes to activate it. I’m thinking we’re missing something with the runes, but I haven’t figured out a solution yet.’
The obvious solution to too much fire was water, but in case of a note adding water would just soak the note, making it impossible to read. Instead, they were looking for a rune to reverse. Grace wasn’t sure if such a thing existed, her knowledge on runes was lacking. Still, she wanted to give it a try.
She took a piece of paper from the pile Christopher had made, wrote it and addressed it.
‘What runes do I add?’ she asked.
‘They’re in my notes, here… Somewhere.’
Alastair grabbed a piece of paper and handed it to her. ‘These. But it’s just going to explode.’
‘That’s the point,’ Grace said and she copied the runes with the stele lying on the table, probably Christopher’s. It always gave her a headache, looking at runes, was it like that for all shadowhunters?
She sent the note and watched it go up in flames.
‘Who did you send it?’ Alastair asked.
‘My mother,’ Grace said defiantly. ‘I hope it blows up in her face. But if you want it to work, you need a rune to reverse the process… The first part works, and the last part is to turn it all back.’
‘There’s a turn back time rune,’ Alastair said. ‘It’s more commonly known as a mending rune, but the basis of it is that it reverts time on the object it’s placed on. I’m pretty good with that rune, so I could add it if you want more accurate results.’
‘Of course,’ Christopher said. ‘I tried mending runes far earlier in the process, but it didn’t work well. Of course, there are several different mending runes.’
‘It’s this one,’ Alastair said, drawing it with a pen on a piece of paper. ‘This one turns back time on the object. Other mending runes might interfere too much or not mend the note at all.’
Grace wondered how Alastair knew so much about mending runes. She wished she could have learnt more. It was a pretty rune, she guessed, decorative. Difficult to draw for those who weren’t talented with a stele, maybe. Alastair’s drawing was neat though.
‘I think I need to add the mending rune last,’ Christopher said. ‘ Grace, can you write another message?’
Grace hesitated, and then wrote on a piece of paper. It was a simple message, addressed to Christopher. She added the first couple of runes and then handed the message to Alastair who finished it. Undoubtedly he was better at runes than she was. A few moments later a spark appeared in front of Christopher, and Grace watched as it transformed into more sparks, except it didn’t set anything on fire. Instead, the sparks died out, revealing the note Grace had written. It was a little burnt on the edges, but otherwise it looked just like it had before adding the runes. Christopher’s eyes went wide.
‘It worked!’ Christopher exclaimed. ‘It really worked! Grace, you’re a genius.’
‘It was just a suggestion,’ Grace said, but she liked the compliment.
Grace was used to compliments, of course. All over Europe men had complimented her on her beauty, and, ironically, her grace. It meant nothing compared to what Christopher said.
‘Although it works now, I think we should try to improve it, to make it safer,’ Grace said. ‘Right now, I imagine the message still explodes if you’re not in time with the mending rune and not everyone is as good at it as Alastair. Maybe something to slow the process down to give someone plenty of time to do all the runes correctly. A change in the mixture, perhaps?’
‘Too slow, and it won’t light at all, but you’re onto something,’ Christopher said. ‘And of course we need to test how far we can send a message with the current set up.’
‘We can try sending something to Mrs. Lightwood,’ Grace suggested. ‘Let her know that I found you here.’
Grace didn’t understand why, exactly, but Sophie Lightwood tended to worry when Grace disappeared for long stretches of time. She didn’t understand why any of them would care about her when they all hated her mother. Still, she guessed it was nice, in a way, and she didn’t want Mrs. Lightwood to worry.
‘Alastair and I were leaving for my parents’ house anyway,’ Thomas said. ‘So we can check if it sent.’
‘And send a message back,’ Alastair added as he scooped up some of the powder and put it inside a satchel.
‘Okay. Grace, if you like you can stay here and help me a little longer. Thomas doesn’t like letting me work here unsupervised, but that shouldn’t be a problem when you’re there.’
‘I guess so,’ Thomas said. ‘Try not to blow up the house.’
‘Or try to contain the explosion to Charles’ bedroom,’ Alastair said with a wicked gleam in his dark eyes.
Grace had to admit the idea was appealing. For a long time Grace had thought her beauty and her gift was all that mattered, that she would be a siren seductress and nothing else. But her mother was wrong about her. She wasn’t a seductress and she wouldn’t disappear into the books as some consul’s wife either. She was a scientist, and she had helped Christopher finish his invention to send messages to other shadowhunters. She wondered what else she could do if she gave herself the time to really learn the science behind all that Christopher did. She was ready to find out.
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hecstia ¡ 5 years ago
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tsc moodboards → alec lightwood
“I’ve realized—I don’t need to change. And neither do you, Helen, or you, Aline. It’s the world that needs to change, and we’re going to be the ones to change it.” 
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daenerya ¡ 5 years ago
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“Other people think you are special, Emma,” said Cristina, sounding more like an older sister than ever. “What I have is trying,” said Emma, her voice tinged with bitterness. She was thinking of the tiny bones in the nest, how fragile they’d been, how easily snapped between a pair of fingers. “I can try harder than anyone else in the world. I can make revenge the only thing I have in my life. I can do that, because I have to. But it means it’s all I have.” 
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huaschengs ¡ 5 years ago
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@fandomaestheticnet: Halloween event  
[Sebastian Morgenstern, The Shadowhunter Chronicles]
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kvndreil ¡ 6 years ago
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character posters ↠ alec lightwood 
“He knew Alec enough by now to know the conflicting impulses that warred in him. He was conscientious, the kind of person who believed that the others around him were so much more important than he was, who already believed he was letting everybody down. And he was honest, the kind of person that was naturally open about all he felt and wanted. Alec’s virtues had made a trap for him; these two good qualities had collided painfully. He felt he could not be honest without disappointing everyone he loved. It was a hideous conundrum for him. It was as if the world had been designed to make him unhappy.”
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herondaleswilliam ¡ 6 years ago
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1.4k celebration: tessa gray 
→ for @avajqlali
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diangelosnico ¡ 6 years ago
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Jace Herondale for @genyalina​
I don't know who I am. I look at myself in the mirror and I see Stephen Herondale, but I act like a Lightwood and talk like my father—like Valentine. So I see who I am in your eyes, and I try to be that person, because you have faith in that person and I think faith might be enough to make me what you want.
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dailytsc ¡ 6 years ago
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“Revenge isn't family, Emma. It isn't a friend, and it's a cold bedfellow.” She dropped her hand and moved toward the window, glancing back over her shoulder at Emma. “Do you know why I took this job, here at the Institute? And don't give me a sarcastic answer.”
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vlctorvale ¡ 6 years ago
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character posters: clary fairchild, the mortal instruments
↳ requested by @jxssaminelovelaces
“I've never felt so... light.”
come celebrate 3.5k with me!
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prrcyjacksons ¡ 3 years ago
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“Life is a book and there are a thousand pages I have not yet read.”
William Owen Herondale
[The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare]
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zenik ¡ 6 years ago
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Will stopped glaring at Gabriel, and turned to Tessa. He looked at her and his face softened: the traces of the wild, broken boy he had been vanished, replaced with the expression often worn by the man he was now, who knew what it was to love and be loved. “Dear heart,” he said. He took her hand and kissed it. “Who knows your courage better than I?
happy birthday lauren @adriata ♡
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