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Happy Friday y’all! Whoop, whoop! Remember when we were kids and your folks or your teachers tried to tell you to do something and you’d say something like “you’re not the boss of me!” Well, now, here we are adults. And we are the bosses of ourselves ultimately which is a huge responsibility. We need to choose (it is a choice) how we live our lives. One that is positive or negative, one that is surrounded by the right kind of people that fit your life now versus people who you may have known once and may not fit you’re life now. A life of integrity, (my husband is the most honest and character driven man I know), and, for me, a life first and foremost serving my husband and kids in a way that they know, every day that I love them and that they are everything to me. I’m a wife, mom, entrepreneur, and business owner, and nobody ever said being a grown up and your own boss would be easy. But, I choose to be the best version of me that I can, and accept that I’m a work in progress. And every now and then I’ll give myself a nice bonus or raise. Because, after all, I AM, the boss of me.😉♥️ . . . #mrsapplepie #idontmakepiesimakeconstruction #positiveenergy #positivevibes #positivethinking #wife #mom #entrepreneur #traditional #workinprogress #likeaboss #yougotthis #stayawesome #whenlifegivesyoulemons #grownup #contractor #orangecounty #orangecountycontractor #whitequartz #fleamarketfinds #kitchenandbathroomremodeler #kitchenremodel (at Laguna Niguel, California)
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Here we are. My grandfather and I. He was a creature of habit, he would wake up everyday in between 3:30 and 4am, take his vitamins, drink his tea, (coffee when I was little), read the paper, squeeze fresh orange juice for my grandmother every morning before heading out the door. He owned his business as a successful general contractor/remodeler and spent his days working out in the field on his projects. He would come home everyday at the same time and go straight to the fridge to eat his cottage cheese at the kitchen counter before taking off his work boots and pulling off his suspenders in “his” chair. A USC Graduate still proudly rocking his football gear on Sundays watching the game and a devoted husband still patting my grandmother on the butt as she walked by even after 67 years together. Having lived with my grandparents he loved me like his daughter. Having no involved father my expectation of a good man/husband was that of his impression; loyal, loving, attentive, withstanding, tolerant, forgiving, hardworking, traditional, and always around. And here I am a creature of habit, waking up everyday in between 3:30 and 4am. A general contractor / remodeler. Chances are you’ll find me doing the same thing everyday, a creature of habit. I grab every opportunity I can to squeeze or love on my honey. I rarely eat cottage cheese, I don’t care for work boots however I have rocked suspenders once or twice with the right outfit, loyal, attentive, traditional, and forgiving. I will aspire to be an avid saver and will always make my family my priority. Thank you for being a stellar impression of a man, and for teaching me these things when I didn’t even know that I was being taught. We are going to miss you. ♥️ . . . #mrsapplepie #idontmakepiesimakeconstruction #granddaughter #contractor #thirdgeneration #goals #workhard #priorities #memories #routine #earlymorning (at Laguna Niguel, California)
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Wacky Wednesday ... I used to love that Dr. Seuss book when I was a kid. It’s about a child waking up on that Wednesday to everything around him being out of place, just wacky, and not one person noticed but him! A shoe on the wall above his bed, a palm tree in the toilet, a mouse chasing a cat. Nothing seemed right that day. He just did not understand. The idea of the book for the reader was to figure out all of the things on each page that didn’t look right; Things that were out of place, out of order, and even things that you’d normally expect to be a certain way, to be completely opposite of “normal”. As you’re reading you experience the perplexity of the young boy as he tries to figure why everything is such a mess on that Wacky Wednesday. At the end of the story he knocks down a police officer and is so startled and apologetic only to be comforted by the officer. In short, he says, DUDE, it’s just today. Tomorrow will be different. To make a long story short (as my grandmother would say, it’s too late), some days are wackier than others and we just don’t know why as it’s going on around us. That is expected in life and gives us opportunity to grow and be even more awesome tomorrow and next week can be Wonderful Wednesday! So keep doing what you’re doing even on the days when things might seem wacky. You got this! . . #mrsapplepie #idontmakepiesimakeconstruction #kitchenandbathroomremodeler #howwedwell #orangecountycontractor #positivethinking #happy #workhard #positiveenergy #orangecounty #motivated (at Laguna Niguel, California)
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I’m officially calling Monday’s our “Marvelous Monday’s”. I mean, how awesome is it that we get to start all over again every week. A new Monday, a chance to make it a better Monday than the one before. A little smarter, maybe work a little bit harder, even love on your honey just a little bit sweeter than the week before. AND, if you’re reading this, you’re breathing, and have some kind of a device to be reading it on. So many things we take for granted. So many things that make Monday’s just marvelous. Stay awesome. . . . . #mrsapplepie #idontmakepiesimakeconstruction #orangecountycontractor #stayawesome #positiveenergy #positivethinking #mondaymotivation #wegotthis #inspiration #goals #lovehard #appreciatewhatyouhave #marvelous_shots #howwedwell #currentsituation #amazonhome (at Laguna Niguel, California)
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Winchester has to be with one of us every single second so I resort to putting him on my lap while I work at my desk when he won’t keep himself busy. What am I going to do when he’s 130 lbs? . . . #puppylove #mrsapplepie #idontmakepiesimakeconstruction #kitchenandbathroomremodeler #orangecountycontractor #purinaproplan #orangecountyrottweilers #warbyparker #camo #dowork #positivevibes #cantwaitformyhoneytogethome (at Laguna Niguel, California)
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Meet Christian, the oldest of our 3 boys. As you can see here, he also loves construction and has become a fine craftsman (figuratively and literally)! I’m super lucky to have him by my side every day making things at Apple Pie Construction Services - not pies but construction! . . . . #mrsapplepie #applepieconstructionservices #idontmakepiesimakeconstruction #mom #son #construction #family #familyfirst #remodel #orangecounty #lagunaniguel #costamesa #tustin #barndoor #homedepot #georgiaboots #milwaukee #brixton (at Laguna Niguel, California)
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Pretty in white on this custom built in cabinet update. #howwedwell #homedecor #theresnoplacelikehome #southorangecountyremodeler #orangecountycontractor #kitchenandbathroomremodeler #designbuild #homeremodel #idontmakepiesimakeconstruction #mrsapplepie #familyowned #lagunaniguel (at Laguna Niguel, California)
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Being family owned and operated really means just that for us. This is a photo of our oldest son after a full day of work at Apple Pie Construction Services in the field, with with our second oldest son helping him unload 2x4’s from his truck-bed so that they can load their bikes and head to the skatepark for some “bro time”. #ram #dodge #applepieconstructionservices #idontmakepiesimakeconstruction #familyownedandoperated #orangecounty #mrsapplepie #remodel
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Who can guess what this is going to be? Here’s a riddle to figure it out ... You can see me almost everywhere, at almost every place. You can turn me around and push me, but you'll never see my face. You can hold me tight and release me, but you'll never see me fall. You can lock me up or set me free, but I never leave at all. . . . . . #idontmakepiesimakeconstruction #mrsapplepie #familyowned #contractors #orangecounty #diy #danapoint #costamesa #tustin #alisoviejo #lagunaniguel #lagunabeach #remodel (at Laguna Niguel, California)
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Happy Saturday! What’s on your agenda today? No agenda at all I hope! I’m off to a Project Development Meeting where I sit and talk with potential new clients about what their vision is for their project and most importantly to see if we have the right “chemistry”. I’ve got a little something sweet in tow, apple turnovers with some super cute napkins I picked up at IKEA and fresh flowers from my garden. My hubby is off to soccer with our youngest and later our kids will be off to the beach for some fun in the sun! Have a positively amazing Saturday whatever it is you’re doing! 🌹 . . . . . #mrsapplepie #idontmakepiesimakeconstruction #applepieconstructionservices #orangecounty #familyownedandoperated #renovation #freshflowers #ikea #positivevibes #kitchendesign #costamesa #lagunaniguel #laguna #succulents #saturday #saturdaymorning #workingmom #ilovemyfamily #homegoods (at Laguna Niguel, California)
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During the week we rush. During the weekend we try and catch up from the week. Stop. Just for a minute and take notice of that certain someone or someone’s that you love. It’s a small thing that means so much. I love when my hubby surprises me with fresh flowers. Just because. It can just be an I love you or a kiss or a squeeze or a text. But just pause. Life is too short to not make the people that mean the most feel the most valued. Love Deeply, Work Hard, Eat Well, Be Kind. ✌🏻♥️🌈 . . . . . #mrsapplepie #applepieconstructionservices #ilovemyhusband #orangecounty #orangecountyremodelers #love #positivevibes #positivethinking #payitforward #idontmakepiesimakeconstruction #ilovemyhome #ilovemyfamily #freshflowers #saturdayafternoon #lazyafternoon #howwedwell #eclectichome #mom #entrepreneur (at Laguna Niguel, California)
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Fantastic Friday... Why is it fantastic besides the OBVIOUS?!! It’s Friday! It’s Fantastic because you are you. Fantastic, you. Not everybody gets you, loves you, likes you, or wants to be your friend. You’re still amazing and you’re still you. I love with everything I have, passionate about my beliefs, I’ve been told I can be feisty and that people either love me or hate me because I’m a believer in who I am. But you and me (we) are perfectly imperfect. Even though we don’t always feel that way. You are just the way you need to be. The pictures I post are not professional, my mini blogs are transparent. I can be ridiculously silly. It fills me up to love with all I have and to offer all that I can give. I am me. This cake is baked. Encourage your authentic self to be unafraid and to be comfortable in who you are. You are at your best self when you are just simply fantastic authentic you! . . . #mrsapplepie #idontmakepiesimakeconstruction #authentic #interiordecor #orangecountycontractor #remodel #love #peace #positivevibes #tgif #interiordecor #loveyourself #fantastic #currentsituation #howwedwell #lagunaniguelcontractor
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Rise and Shine! It’s time to get this weekend S T A R T E D! Did someone say coffee? Ohhhhh, yes please! I am a creature of habit. I do the same thing every morning when I wake up. The same way. Routine is particularly important for those of us who are business owners and who need to manage our own schedules. It’s so easy to let the day, or even the week get away from us without a routine. I was reading about habits of the most productive and successful people. All of the articles I read mentioned the same things. A few that I thought I’d mention were; wake up early, have a routine, prioritize your family, keep a goal journal, avoid toxic people, listen more and talk less. One more that we just started implementing in our home, is unplug from all devices (phone, tablet, computer) at least once week - we call it no technology Sunday. Now, this doesn’t mean that my way is the right way by any means. To each their own. I am just passing on a few tips that work for me because I want other people to achieve their goals. It feels so good when you surround yourself with people who want to see you succeed and encourage you to do great things. Birds of a feather stick together. AND, like my grandmother always used to say ... the early bird catches the worm. Happy Saturday! Stay Awesome! ✌🏻❤️🍎 . . . . . . #mrsapplepie #idontmakepiesimakeconstruction #stayawesome #birdsofafeatherflocktogether #routine #fleamarketfinds #howwedwell #kitchenandbathroomremodeler #contractor #femalecontractor #inspiration #happysaturday #homeiswheretheheartis #homeremodel #orangecounty #lagunaniguel #kitchenandbathroomremodeler #whiteshaker #applepieconstructionservices #coffeetime
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When I was little my mom used to take me to the beach where I would swing and I would tell her that I was going to swing so high that my toes were going to touch the sky. I pumped my legs and I had zero doubt in myself that my toes REALLY were going to touch the sky. And even after we left the beach that day, I wasn’t disappointed or didn’t doubt myself, and when we came back to the beach the next time and I jumped on the swings, I told her the same thing. So...Here we are again it’s Monday. How amazing is it that we get a chance to restart fresh every week. There was never a Monday like this before and there will never be another Monday like this again. You can reach the sky. When we were kids our minds weren’t cluttered with all of the distractions of the “reasons” why we can’t or we won’t. We just did because we believed in ourselves. It made sense and nobody was going to stand in our way. Not even logic. So go have a positively magical Monday. Believe in yourselves and let your toes touch the sky! We got this! ☀️☁️🧘🏼♂️🌈 . . . #mrsapplepie #idontmakepiesimakeconstruction #orangecounty #positivevibes #payitforward #howwedwell #goals #happymonday #yougotthis #applepieconstructionservices #entrepreneur #mom #wife #womeninconstruction #lagunaniguel #lagunabeach #tustin #costamesa #missionviejo #alisoviejo #danapoint #remodeler #family #stayawesome (at Laguna Niguel, California)
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Who has a morning routine? I do! I am a creature of habit and this eclectic hideaway (aka our master bathroom) in our cozy home is part of it. The “vanity” is a DIY I created using 2x4’s made to look like a floating vanity. A quartz top and over-sized trough sink at an above average mounting height is suitable for my hubby that is super tall (and handsome but let me stay on point), the subway tile wall is my signature wet wall that is a great focal point, playful Arizona tile on the floor which I LOVE annnnd for the barn door I repurposed an antique door with vintage hardware and all. Now time for me to get back to my routine ... have a positive day everyone! ✌🏻❤️🍎 . . . . . . #mrsapplepie #idontmakepiesimakeconstruction #bathroomremodel #eclecticdecor #howwedwell #quartz #homedepot #arizonatile #reclaimedwood #imnotfancy #contractor #lagunaniguel #lagunabeach #orangecounty #quartz #orangecountyremodelers #ilovemyhome
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