Andromeda Collective
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RA Survivor12 Zodiac SubSystems
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andromeda-collective-blog · 6 years ago
Questions for systems:
With the help of did-system-17 we made this list of questions for DID systems out there. Curious? send in a number! 
What is the reason behind the system name?
How many are in your system?
Is there a roster on who fronts or is it random?
What gender are you and your alters?
What are the sexuality’s within the system?
Who is your host/original or default?
Are you open about being Multiple? Why or why not?
What type or Alters do you have? I.E: Fictives, protectors, self destroyers.
Are any alters in relationships outside the system?
Are there any in system relationships?
How do you explain DID to singlets?
Which Alter has been around the longest?
Who is the newest alter?
How many people know you’re multiple?
How long have you known you were multiple?
How does your family and close friends feel about it all?
Who is the most rebellious alter?
Which alter seems to be everyone’s favorite? 
What do you think was the cause for you to become a system?
Share a good memory you’ve had with your alters.
Do you attend therapy?
How many close friends are also systems? 
How many systems do you know?
Who fronts the most and the least?
What are everyone’s ages?
When’s everyone’s birthdays?
Do any alters have unusual names?
Do you have drawings/Pictures of your alters? Can you show us?
Any non-human alters? What are they?
How do you feel about being multiple? 
Well there we go! Reblog and inbox systems my dears!.
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andromeda-collective-blog · 6 years ago
“so what does being nonbinary mean to you?”
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andromeda-collective-blog · 6 years ago
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weve been a switchy wreck the last few days and now im pretty sure some DEEP level alter just fronted??? im not entirely sure but i know that i lost a chunk of time.
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andromeda-collective-blog · 6 years ago
Subsystems are real and valid. In fact it's a very common thing for polyfragmented systems. We don't have any but have talked to enough people on and offline to know they are real. We have talked to not only systems but also mental health professionals, one specializing on dissociative disorders. If your system has a subsystem you are still valid!
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andromeda-collective-blog · 6 years ago
date a neurodivergent who is a polyfragmented system
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andromeda-collective-blog · 6 years ago
On the subject of polyfragmentation
So this post will probably be long and a bit jumbled up just because there is so much to put out there but I will try my best to be concise. 
Let’s start with an overview on how polyfragmented DID differs from typical / standard DID:
Many more alters than usual, generally 100 or more.
Lots of those alters are likely to be fragments; alters who hold one memory or are capable of one or two emotions
Generally caused by severe abuse by multiple perpetrators (things like religious / ritual abuse, trafficking, pedophile rings, etc)
Can be harder to detect than standard DID since many of the alters may seem similar to one another.
Often contain many levels/layers/subsystems (i will talk more in depth about this) note: there are some who consider this a necessary thing to be considered polyfragmented
Splitting often happens more frequently or more easily than with standard systems
So basically polyfragmented systems are very large, and very complex systems typically formed from very extensive trauma.
One thing I want to talk about here levels. They can also be called things like layers, subgroups, floors, basically anything that groups the system into distinct groups. I’ll call them layers or levels here.
Non-polyfragmented systems can have layers but they are more common with polyfragmentation. Generally layers are created as a sort of internal organization. The layers are usually separated by what trauma caused them. For example the first layer may be alters who were created by, and to cope with familial abuse, while the second layer was created by religious abuse.
It’s common for two layers to be unable to communicate with each other or to even be completely unaware the other exists. The number of layers a system has can differ from system to system.
It’s also common to have duplicates of the same alter on different layers, esp of the host. This is a form of self-protection. 
Another common thing with polyfragmentation are subsystems (some people use subsystem to mean layers, but i’ve noticed most people on tumblr use i to refer to what I’m about to talk about). A subsystem is basically when an alter has alters. This is very common with polyfragmentation. 
It’s hard to say a specific reason for subsystems since it can vary a lot but one example is an alter who has two parts, one that is angry about the abuse memory they hold and gets aggressive when confronted with it, and another that is sad about the abuse and cries a lot to cope with it.
That’s all I have to say about polyfragmentation for now, but if anyone has questions they can ask, since I am part of one.
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andromeda-collective-blog · 6 years ago
I think one thing people need to realize is that things that are uncommon in smaller systems can be very very likely in polyfragmented systems. 
Many polyfragmented systems have intensely vivid inner worlds. There might be alters who date or marry other alters. Maybe they have a job in the inner world, maybe there’s whole cities. 
The likelihood of, for lack of a better word, more “odd” alters also becomes possible. Alters with somatic disorders, alters with different eyesight, left handed alters in a primarily right handed system, etc. 
I also personally have seen that polyfragmented systems (that i believe to be legitimate) that frequent tumblr often have many alters with fictional IDs as that helps a lot with differentiating between alters and helping them feel more individual. (most of the alters in my system have identities that revolve around being a fictional character, even if most of them are not true introjects)
Splitting off for seemingly “no reason” or a smaller reason than you personally would split off for. Polyfragmented systems are that way partially because their brain is more prone to dissociation, so it makes sense they might not need something intensely traumatic to have a new alter form. It’s also common to be having a pretty steady stream of discovering old, already existing alters that were previously somewhat hidden. 
There are just a lot of things that tumblr holds as inherently being evidence of a “fake system” and while many of them are reasons to look into it more, some people have been spreading that some of these things are completely impossible and it really rubs me the wrong way.
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andromeda-collective-blog · 6 years ago
hmm so i know a lot of things are signs of fake system but some of the stuff y’all are saying are impossible for people with DID/OSDD aren’t actually impossible, just somewhat uncommon and calling them impossible rather than stating that they are unlikely is very damaging. things like:
recent media fictives. DID/OSDD has to form in early childhood but alters can form after you have it at any age. If you developed DID at age 6 you could get a new alter at 16 or 20 or 35. Therefor recent media fictives aren’t impossible even if having lots of them is suspicious.
controlling who fronts. I don’t know any systems that can always control who’s out but it’s not completely fake to have an alter who somewhat controls who is out and when nor is it impossible to switch on purpose. 
in-system death. while this is technically, yeah, impossible, it can defintely look like it’s happening. if someone in a system thinks another alter is dead or saw them “die” it can just mean that they are now dormant and that their brain’s interpretation of that is to make it look like death.
new alters forming without new trauma. while a truly new alter isn’t going to just split for no reason (if it seems that happened they may be an alter who’s been around a while) you don’t necessarily have to have something severely traumatic happen. it can happen simply from high stress rather than trauma (although i know the line can be quite blurry). some people with DID/OSDD are more prone to splitting. Also the whole “you’ll only get a new alter with new trauma AND when the other alters don’t fill a roll to handle it” is just… purely made up. It’s especially an insult to large or polyfragmented systems. i doubt that all of my like 150ish alters were created to have a unique job that no other alter could possibly fill.
there are others but really those are ones i see really often and it’s… it’s not good. It’s always good to be aware of what about systems is something made up by tumblr (system hopping, endo systems) but its also good to know which things are being said to be impossible when they aren’t.
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andromeda-collective-blog · 6 years ago
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a knife is in my hands. mother tells me to follow through. i cant. burning pain in my arm. blood drips to the floor. black and white. black and white. black and white.
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andromeda-collective-blog · 6 years ago
The Andromeda Collective — An Introduction
hey there!
im a ritual abuse survivor, as such some of the content on my feed may be graphic, it may contain traum induced ramblings about various flashbacks. trigger warnings will be implemented on all posts applicable
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