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julyivy · 1 month ago
first post kinda nervous
I have this belief that happiness is like a cat laying down on your lap. It's rare to come by but when it does, I feel myself freezing up, unwilling to move in fear that I'll startle it and it'll move away.
Happiness has always been a temporal high accompanied by a new low to me. I think that a simple act of acknowledging good things that come my way will somehow jinx it. So when i come by the rare glimmer of what feels like joy, I try not to acknowledge it, afraid that it'll slip right out of my grasp to punish me.
anyone else feels like this? i know it's not an original experience
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a-legs · 1 year ago
"There's a mimic behind me isn't there..."
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aqua-owo · 11 months ago
This eclipse was so pretty
I hope that I will be able to see another one, one day
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arsiarsinoe · 2 years ago
Prompt #1
She almost felt sorry for the girl sitting on the floor in a scattered heap of documents and papers, some still gliding to the ground softly. The girl sighed weakly and started gathering up some of the papers, oftenly missing their position by a few inches. It was more like she was feeling around for them, which at the same time looked equally sad and hilarious.
"Here, let me help you."
The woman she just bumped into started gathering up some of the papers and handing them to her, carefully observing the others movements. She did not wince in fear or apologise, she looked mostly flustered. A glance at the Nametag told her that this was the new employee.
"Uhm, thank you, Miss..?"
"Thanks Miss Kat. Which way is the bosses office? She needs those reports, and I think I got lost."
"Just down the hallway. Do you want me to help you?"
The girl shuffled the papers around a bit and dusted off her uniform before giving the woman an awkward, forced smile. She knew something was wrong here.
"I think I'll manage!"
As she stepped away, careful not to bump into her again, one sentence made her freeze in her way.
"You are severely near sighted. Why don't you wear glasses?"
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trashm0uthhhh · 2 years ago
Hoping to get more people to see my stuff on AO3 so what's better than starting a tumblr page? Feel free to request fics, here is the link to my ao3 and a list of rules i have.
-No Smut
-No underage stuff
-No noncon
-No incest
Open to suggestions
I'm open to writing poly stuff
Edit: decided to cross post everything i post on AO3 on here as well, might even start posting on wattpad
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iloveteawithmilk · 6 months ago
i need someone to write red hood as a literal shadow with a hood, something like a grim repear but with guns, maybe the scythe can be a crowbar too? it would be so funny to look from a far, but imagine gotham 3am and you see a red grim repear grinning with 2 guns, i would piss my pants
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he sure is reding that hood
(click for higher quality)
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hopewithaquestionmark · 4 months ago
When she’s a 10 but also a tumblr user
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itspelledwithak · 4 months ago
heyyyy, this is me shamelessly plugging in my fic that i just started. i dont know where its going or how its going, all i know is that all of my jegulus and bartylus dreams are going to come true within this. give it a go, i promise you ill be better I NEED FEEDBACK PLEASE I BEG FOR FEEDBACK! i really love feedback so please. okay thank you, goodbye.
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yourduodenumismine · 1 year ago
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this one is old
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sunflower-anatomy · 2 years ago
I'm going to start posting random mha fics and everyone gets to guess where it is on my scale of terrible to great. The answer is never revealed, I just get to watch you all read fics and pray it's a good one
#fanfiction #myheroacademia #mha #fics #idontknowhowtotag #ineverposthere
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glitchy-rat · 3 years ago
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made sour belt and chocolate bonbon cookie matching profile pictures cuz i was bored!!! literally no one follows me but if you like these you can request any!!! ^-^
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spoopywhiskers · 2 years ago
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Forgot to post this yesterday and i still don't know how to Tumblr correctly but me and (maybe @l-amplights) are doing a funny drawing challenge where we draw Don chan each day with a randomly generated word prompt. Anyone else feel free to join in the Donpocalypse.
Also heres day 1: Violet
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bamboozled-distress · 4 years ago
This is fucking canon fight me
I can confirm that every person on teen wolf secretly cant stop thinking about how utterly adorable Stiles is. 
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birdwithavendetta · 5 years ago
A New Creature Named Link
Hello! I am here to project onto Wild until it int Wild anymore! This is a self indulgent fic born from the fact that i feel like i can't share my interests with my friends without them making fun of me or getting bored, and my mother not really letting me stim...... this should be fun!
I'm changing wild’s age because I'm 15, and I want to, so he's 15 now. 
expect some fluffy angst(eventually), cuz that's what I'm good at.
 When he awoke, first awoke, he felt nothing, remembered nothing, heard nothing but the voice speaking to him, much too loud in his head. It was calling a name, a name he suspected was his name, repeating it over and over again. 
Feeling came to 'link' in a rush. He hated it. It was cold, and in a bad way. The room buzzed and hummed and echoed, despite the fact that he was under what felt almost like water. But it wasn't water, the strange water around him was too thick and too smooth at the same time. It felt wrong against his skin. 
The voice that woke him was still too loud inside his head. He recognized it, but had no idea why. He could tell it was a woman, he felt like he should know her.
But he didn't. 
She was begging him to open his eyes. Begging him to wake up. 
No matter how much he wanted it to, his body refused to move. Even as the strange water slid against his skin, draining down tubes somewhere above his head, he couldn't grit his teeth like he wanted to, he couldn't throw himself away from it trying to wipe it off his arms. 
Only once most of it was gone, and the rest of it was evaporating all too fast on his skin, making the horrid cold worse,  could he open his eyes.  
Link shot up, stumbling out of the black stone basin, trying to shake off the feeling of the not-water. An ache in his chest made itself known....... An ache that link realised was from not being able to breathe, but he was breathing, the echo of links panicked breaths hissed in his ears. Strange, and not at all how breathing should sound. He was breathing, why did it feel like he wasn't, why did it ache like that if there was air moving through his lungs, he shouldn't feel like he wasn't breathing at all. 
Wrapping his arms around himself, in a vain attempt to keep the air in his lungs. Link closed his eyes tapping his fingers rhythmically against his ribcage.  Till the quick hissed breting, evened out. He wasn't sure where he learned the tactic, or even why he knew it in the first place, but he was grateful.  
The way the room echoed was not bad. Link decided that he honestly really liked the echo. The ambient hum in the room was nice too, it was very quiet, he could barley feel it rumbling under his bare feet. 
Keeping his arms wrapped around himself, Link let his eyes roam around the room. The blue tint that everything had was...... eerie, but soothing, in its own way. The room was mostly empty, filled only with the now dry basin that held the not-water, glowing blue tubes attached to a flower shape above the basin, and a pedestal that sat in the corner of the room. The same blue emanated from carved lines on its surface. 
Deciding the pedestal to be the more interesting artifact, Link unwrapped his arms and trotted over to it. reaching out to touch it. Link almost yelped when the clicking and whirring of machinery spilled into the stagnant air.  
The voice was back again, calling the glowing orange thin box thing that had risen from the pedestal, a sheikah slate. The orange glow on it grew and reseeded with every breath, but the blue weeping eye kept on staring at him. 
Reaching out a hesitant hand Link took it. jumping a little when it came to life. There was a belt on his hip with a convenient hold for the slate, reasoning that it was probably for this express purpose, a link attached to his hip. 
More mechanical whirring and clicking as the pedestal righted itself, the humm of the room grew, energy moving from one place to the next. The scrape and grinding growl of stone sliding across stone filled the air, the segments of the wall sliding up to make a doorway. stepping out into the new room, Link found it to be rather a lot different from the one he just came from. 
Same strange black stone walls, but different glowing orange constellations. Same rough gold stone wrapped around all the edges, but larger and almost completely empty, save some crates, and two cheats. He took the old worn clothes in the chests. 
Warily he walked over to the opposite wall; it looked quite a bit like the stone door behind him.  Another pedestal, and more words from the woman, telling him what to do. Hold the sheikah slate up to the pedestal. it wasn't the same as the pedestal in the other room, it was smooth excusing the same weeping eye carved on it. 
Slowly, he held the slate up to it, not quite sure if that is what the girl meant. Blue light bursts from the carved lines, more energy hummed and rumbled under foot, moving toward the door. 
The grumble of the stone was stronger with this door, Link had a feeling that this one led out. He was very quickly proven right when an unbelievable amount of light shone under the rising stone slabs. The cool green air from outside the cave rushed over him, filling his lungs. 
The voice echoed in his mind as the light shone, too bright, in his eyes. She seemed to like speaking in her metaphors. Metaphors he did not understand. 
Making his way through the tunnel, toward the bright daylight on the other side. The air full of green life, the bright sun warm on his skin, the grass whispered and murmured with the trees. 
This was how it was supposed to be. 
Link knew he was strange. 
Everyone thought so, they were usually kind about it, if someone saved you from a bokoblin you werent gonna be rude to em'. But it was evident that they thought him a strange sort. 
He did a lot of things that he had never seen other people do. These were the things that people stared at him for. But he really didn't try to pay attention, if they had a problem, that was for them to decide. If anything, Link felt that most people were weirder than he was. 
Other travelers and warriors understood. 
Once he had been sitting with two other travelers at a fire for the night. Coming together as strangers, for safety as they slept, and parenting as friends with the sunrize. They had spoken about all the weird things they had come across in their travels. 
Link was glad that most people knew sign language, because he couldn't force words out of his mouth. Every time he tried it felt like something was wrapping a hand around his throat and squeezing. All the stable masters knew sign, and so did most of the warriors he came in contact with. They  would use it to talk to each other without alerting monsters to their presence. 
When he spent too much time around people, everything would get too loud, he would flinch at the feeling of his clothes, people would get mad at him, and he'd find himself on the brink of tears. So he'd wrap his arms around himself, and find a quiet place to sit, away from any travelers or any monsters, and just be. 
some people were rude about all of it,
But Kass was always happy when Link got excited for each of his songs, and every time link caught a beetle for....Beetle, the man would give an excited shout. The stable owners never complained when he opted to sleep outside, children liked Link, playing with or around him. Sidon would smile and talk with him despite the fact that link could only bring himself to sign.
so he didn't let the other peoples reaction bother him. 
 Then Link defeated Ganon, and rescued Zelda, he was ecstatic, she was almost hysterical with joy. they both were tired, dirty, and just so happy. 
Zelda knew she had to rebuild hyrule. She had to connect the fragmented bits of the now broken land. explaining to them that she was zelda, and she had held back the calamity for 100 years. There were mixed reactions. But most people were glad that the kingdom was going to be put back together, some seemed to think that Zelda and Link had failed them, they were wrong about Zelda, she had fought so hard. But Link had failed them, failed them and gotten to take a one hundred year break, while Zelda held back the calamity, Alone. 
Link hadn't really spoken before the calamity, had not spoken at all after he woke up in the shrine, so it was difficult at first because Zelda had never learned sign language, and Link's voice was so broken with disuse that he could barely choke out a single word. But slowly, Zelda helped Link speak. Now he could carry a short conversation, very short, and very quiet, but he could do it.
The calamities hold on Hyrule had left its mark, blood moons still happened, if irregularly, travel was dangerous, as monsters still plagued the land. Some of the monsters were even getting infected with something, their blood turned black, some of them got smarter, they all got more aggressive, they all were stronger. 
They would seek out the smell of blood, so Link told all the warriors he spoke to, to cover the scent if they got hurt, so they had a better chance of getting back to safety. Tt was already common to stash and hide weapons so that monsters don't get their hands on them after blood moons, now you just had to hide the smell of blood on them too. 
Bundles of flowers work, so do most spices, but spice hurts when you put it on an open wound, much more than a silent princess paste. 
Link and Zelda  traveled around finding capable warriors to help rebuild the army, the shika trained them, it wasn't much, but it was enough to keep those working on rebuilding the castle town safe. 
It was fun at first, traveling across Hyrule, like he had before he had defeated Ganon, but not crushingly alone this time, connecting hyrule. But Zelda kept giving him rules. Like, 
"Stop wrapping your knuckles against the sheikah slate"
"Don't rocking back and forth when talking to someone it's rude"
"You need to quiet down, your talking to loud,"
He kept getting comments on how he acted, so he started correcting himself, and started doing things he saw other people do. After the first week of doing this he ran into the woods next to the riverside stable, he stayed there, crying silently, until Zelda found him, several hours later.
"You need to stop fidgeting so much,"
"Look at people when your talking to them,"
"Quit humming like that,"
The words meant a lot more coming from Zelda, he had heard them before, from other people, more detached from him, less personal. And what's worse, now he had to listen to them, she was the queen after all. 
"Stop snapping your fingers it's distracting"
"I know you like to run off but were busy now,"
"The inn is not too loud, your overreacting, come on,"
He was getting tired, Zelda had shika warriors to guard her, Link was just a sort of trophy, since he was the one who dealt the final blow to the calamity. He was just sort of there. Most people still had no idea that link was the chosen hero from all those years ago. They still thought of him as a boy playing hero, carrying the name of a man that died in battle.
Soon his voice was lost under anxiety, each time someone ignored, spoke over or got mad at him, his words he got quieter, no one really seemed to notice. Zelda did, she never remarked on it, but he caught her looking when he signed with sidon rather than speaking like the last time they were in Zora's domain together. 
One night, while staying at the South Akkala Stable, Link decided to leave. unceremoniously, quite honestly not sure why he had decided to, he got up. It was the middle of the night,Link was tired, but he continued, completely silent. 
he asked for a piece of paper and something to write with from the stable owner. making a simple note for Zelda. It may be a bit rude, especially to give to the queen of Hyrule, but Link had made his decision. Tucking a dried and pressed silent princess into the fold of the paper, Link stepped away from Zeldas sleeping form. 
"If you don't mind me asking, what might you be doing?" Dmitri, the stable owner, asked. Quiet, carefully mindful of the other residents of the stable. Link smiled, only just visible under the shadow cast by his hood, lifting his hands to sign.
"Running away,"  that pulled a snort from Dmitri, 
"From what boy, if it's your job, i think your too young to have one anyway" A playfully exasperated tone seeped into his words as he leaned forward, "Of course it must be tied to that slumbering princess over there" 
Link only gave a hum in response,
"Right," Dmitri grinned as he stood up straight. "So let the other stables know that the hooligan is back on the loose, got it." he said, chucking. Link's smile grew, he liked it when other people laughed. 
Link's eyes flicked over to the moonswept fields that he was about to find himself immersed in again. The whisper of the long grass was so close. He missed it all. Somehow even the crushing loneliness.
"Do you want to take a horse or are you leaving on foot?" Link faltered, it would be faster to ride but there was more of a chance of someone waking up and ruining his chances for today. he couldn't warp using the shrine, every time he did that Zelda could see where he went on her own slate. 
"Walk"  was safest, and the fastest way out, if he chose to ride he would have to wait for all the paperwork.....And he'd have to saddle up his horse, which could make way too much noise. Dmitri hummed in affirmation, putting away the papers he had started to get out. 
"Well safe travels boy," he leaned back against the side of the counter. "Hope to see you soon," Link smiled in return, and silently trotted out into the field. immediately lost to the untrained eye. 
This was how it was supposed to be. 
  ( I got my own issues that I plan on projecting onto wild, but this ended up being a bit more like a sloppy prologue. writing a character for the first time is hard, especially when you imagine everything in move/animation format,)
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lily-biatch97 · 3 years ago
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Loving the fall weather 💛💛 . . . . #fall #autumn #idontknowhowtotag #artistsoninstagram #stonersofinstagram #smile #happydays https://www.instagram.com/p/CUIPXMSgf7M/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hyunjin-lover · 4 years ago
i missed hyunjin. i m really happy he’s back
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