anti-terf-posts · 1 year
i truly believe rodimus prime would kill terfs just for fun
real (idk who that is [but I believe you])
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n4682 · 10 months
we are kin - IT
same! its nice to meet a fellow being!
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veshialles · 1 year
we oughta interact more, not enough mass effect mutuals =(
also who is your favorite: male romance, female romance, and just general companion?
yes we really ought to!! I'm so sorry about leaving this in my inbox, things have been so hectic this past week and a bit! And fuck yeah I'm always down to talk about Mass Effect!!
favourite male romance: I actually haven't. done any of them fully except part of ME1 Kaidan (who died 😭) and ME2 Garrus one time. and part of Liam and Jaal's romances. I hear good things about ME3 Kaidan tho and I'm kind of tempted to let him live again in my next playthrough even though it's supposed to be Ashley's turn to survive lol
Favourite female romance: Vetra!!! my cool spiky space wife who i miss every day 🥺 also Jack's romance is so good, especially when modded to reintroduce her canon bisexuality, my beloved 🥰
fav companion: ohh tough call. Huge fan of Tali and Miranda (parental traumas 🤝 parental traumas), and I'm also very taken with Peebee she's such a hot mess disaster of a woman <3 and Jaal is just such A Swell Guy you know?
thank you for the ask!! Would love to know about your ME favs too 👀
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transgirltrish · 1 year
ya know, im starting to think you might be a lesbian
Whatever could you mean? I -- wait gimme a sec to go kiss one of my gfs.
Sorry, what were you saying? Oh, right. Yeah, simplified version is that I am mostly a lesbian!
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gameclam4 · 1 year
are you actually plural is or that just a silly name?
no i’m doing this for attention
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captain-lovelace · 11 months
Horus is such a cool name!!!! easily in the top 3 names ive ever seen a trans person use! <3
Thank you! I chose it myself lmao
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holy shit you're cool, wanna be moots?
sure! if you want you can follow my main (@n4682)
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felixisfruity · 1 year
elliot invites you to a picnic! bring some snacks and invite your friends!
i’ll bring some fruit for everyone since, you know.
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i had enough invitations to invite: @swagaythor @scream-at-a-whisper @koi0boi @jinx---blackout---84 @whaaaaaaaalllle6 @aidey @lifeismakingmetired @dykes4timrand @malaboos-bodacious-blog @glokatt @idkmanwhatdoyouexpect @hazellight11 @ddrunk-mothh @confoundedpangolin @originallymax @mads-is-tired @lovesicklycana @onespookygoblin @faggotslimecicle @decaydancefaggot and @fantasticcollectorkitten, the rest are up to you! if you can’t make it, that’s okay <3
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deathsalts · 1 year
alright, @idkmanwhatdoyouexpect. you win. have some shitty 3 am thigh photos
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anti-terf-posts · 1 year
keep up the good work soldier
you too, mate o7
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n4682 · 11 months
oh, great creature of the b(l)og, what is your opinion on cannabalism? because me and my moots are rather pro-cannibal
uhhhhhhh its complicated
you see, i approve of it as a metaphor and as a joke and im all for biting people however i dont really want it myself. like im not gonna get angry at yall cause from what i can tell it appears to be in jest/some form of flirting however i just dont think it would taste great.
idk its something
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veshialles · 11 months
HAIII :3 happy N7 day! did you watch the new trailer for ME 4?
I was also following some of the ARG buildup leading up to it, which leaves me even more obsessed. also, the Angara hidden in the latest poster?? and the Geth wearing a fancy robe??? what was all that about? I'm incredibly intrigued.
ALSO THE MUSIC SNIPPETS!! the signature Eden Prime clicking noise, that electronic twiddle building up to the drums reminds me of th combat and exploration tracks from MEA, and then finishing off with the theme from the Rachni Nest in ME3? what does it all mean??
like, I know Mike Gamble already confirmed years ago that this game was gonna be a tie-in sequel to all previous Mass Effect titles, but every snippet still tells me so little and so much that it makes my brain whirl lol. I'm very excited is what I'm trying to articulate eeeeeee
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pinktittywitch · 11 months
heyy its me abby. i just want to say. sorry for being depressive. this is mainly for @justsomespiders, but i also made afew posts on here. im kinda just working thru some existential shit and how to process things. i talked (and hugged :3) with SJ tho and i think im better now! so yah. ill be your friend too, @idkmanwhatdoyouexpect :3. well, as long as you can handle me at least >:3
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virovirokun-has-adhd · 10 months
❛Would you sit next to me❜ picrew trend
this is a post split since the original was getting very long
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Classroom Picrew
Bag Picrew
very hard to get that bag thing accurate but its pretty close
Tagging ::
@not-ordinary-robot @artisfox @idkmanwhatdoyouexpect @felixisfruity @swagaythor @thatturtleleon
u guys are my favs
Feel free 2 join even if I haven't tagged you!
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thegardensystem1 · 11 months
hello all!
this is our system blog =D our constituents include:
Violet: hi hello <3 she/it
The Silly: HAIIII :3 he/they
IT: greetings, my dears it/its
Rodney: hello, nice to meet you all he/him
Red: h-hiii! she/they
Carmine: hello! =D they/them
Legion: hi there it/they
i have a personal blog on @idkmanwhatdoyouexpect but this was for all of us to meet people and interact and such <3 - Violet
@tranny-physiccs @cosmic-muses @artisfox
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pissfaggot-transsexual · 11 months
i'm imagining the 'cule as the cartoon fighting scribble cloud
why do yall never stop arguing
most of the time we dont argue but i think its funny when we fake silly argue on main about @idkmanwhatdoyouexpect being a little shit (/affectionate) <3
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