#idkk. the way i see it is that it could totally go both ways
milksteakkk · 2 months
sweet fluffy treebros is great nd everything and i could totally see it but also. i think they should be a teeny bit horribly toxic
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missmorosis · 4 years
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anonymous asked:
I’m BEGGING for a hc where zuko and sokka like the reader and get jealous of one another. Plot can be anything! :)))
anonymous asked:
oomgomg Hii u replied to me earlier 🥺👉🏽👈🏽 LOVE THAT YOU LOVE SOKKA!!! I love zuko too but sokka needs more appreciation imo.
Would u ever write an zuko and sokka x reader or oc where they both like the same person? Because I find myself conflicted between who I like more because they’re great for totally different reasons! Idkk but anyways looking forward to reading more of ur work!! And happy early valentines dayyyy 💕💕💕💕💕
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please this prompt makes my true beauty heart go 📈📈📈
Pairings: Sokka x Reader x Zuko
Warnings: fainting and sickness (sighh yes yes i wrote another sickfic IM OBSESSED) & it may be the worst thing ive ever written-
Summary: a sick y/n is caught up in a love triangle... which boy is better?
Word count: 1.4k :)
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The doorbell rang, and Y/N rushed to answer it. She opened the door to reveal a smiling Sokka. He was your best friend, so he normally showed up unannounced once in a while.
"Hey, Y/N!" he said.
"Hi, Sokka! What brings you here?"
"Knowing you, you probably haven't had dinner yet?" She nodded with a laugh. "Wanna get something to eat?"
It was past dinnertime, and she still wasn't hungry... In fact, the thought of food made her nauseous. Y/N nodded anyways, and Sokka smiled, getting his car keys out of his pocket.
Driving past the streets, the two blasted music out of the car's speakers, and Sokka sang along to all of the pop songs on the radio. Y/N laughed at the silly expression Sokka had on his face, even though the music was way too loud; it was honestly giving her a headache, but it was okay. She looked out the window to see Zuko, another close friend, heading out of the Jasmine Dragon. He must've just finished work...
"Oh, it's Zuko!" she chirped, giving him a wave. Sokka said nothing, his singing quieting down to silence, but he pulled over anyways to say hi. He parked his car, and the two hopped out.
“Y/N!” Zuko ran over with a huge grin on his face, waving his hand as a greeting. “Nice to see you again! Oh... hi Sokka.” Zuko’s cheerful smile slowly morphed into one of distaste when he noticed that she had been with Sokka.
“Hey, Zuko,” Sokka acknowledged. Y/N turned to see that Sokka’s face also fell when his eyes met Zuko’s. Sokka slung an unnecessary protective arm over her shoulders, and Y/N cleared her throat to clear up the growing tension. Shaking Sokka’s arm off, she opened her mouth to speak.
"Is it cold out here or is it just me?" Y/N blurted, causing Zuko and Sokka to look at each other worriedly. Sokka pulled off his jacket to throw it onto her. He zipped it up, and met her eyes.
"It's not cold at all... you feeling okay?" Y/N nodded slowly, signaling that she was okay, so Zuko and Sokka dropped the subject. She could have sworn it was chilly out.
"Anyways," Sokka continued, heading into his car, "wanna go grab dinner together or something?” The other two nodded, also following Sokka into the car. Y/N hopped into the passenger seat, and Zuko was stuck in the back seats. She could tell he wasn’t happy with her sitting next to Sokka, but she ignored it. They were just being plain childish, and it was giving her a headache.
“Oh, Y/N,” Sokka started. “I went to-”
"Sokka, go left," Zuko interuppted. Sokka sighed and turned the wheel, following through with Zuko’s command. 
As the car turned, it pushed Y/N to the side of the car, forcing her to lean on the car door. Deciding not to get up, she nuzzled closer to the car window, her warm breath fogging it up. She blinked, trying to stop the growing sleepiness clouding her head. 
Y/N heard Sokka ramble on about his day in the background, and her eyes closed for a second... just a second. She was just so... exhausted...
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"Hey... Y/N? Are you asleep?" Sokka's voice asked softly. He poked her side, making her slightly stir awake. She tried to lift her heavy eyelids. Wow, she felt so sluggish.
"What, is Sokka boring?" Zuko laughed, as Sokka gasped, offended. "I should have been the one driving next to her."
"Y/NNN- how could you fall asleep in the middle of my story?" Sokka shook Y/N awake with his free arm. "Come on, you can't leave me with Zuko."
"Hmm?" Y/N hummed quietly, letting them know she was awake. Her voice was raspy; she had a sore throat, but the boys seemed to wave it off as a symptom of sleepiness.
"Am I too boring for you?" Sokka asked.
"No, of course no-"
"So you're saying you'd be with Sokka rather than me?" Zuko accused.
"So you'd rather be with Zuko?"
"What? You guys are arguing for no reason," she mumbled, but the two boys ignored her.
"Of course she'd rather be with me; she's just too nice to say that to your face," Sokka argued, his voice increasing in volume.
"No, then why would she fall asleep while you were talking? You're boring." Zuko's voice was also loud.
"Please stop," Y/N whispered, rubbing her temples, and this gesture didn’t go unnoticed. Sokka and Zuko froze at once, watching her with concern.
"You have a headache? Are you sick?" Sokka asked immediately. Y/N sighed and nodded.
"Is... that why you fell asleep- because you were sick?" Zuko added, and Y/N nodded again weakly, and sighed. Sokka reached out next to him and put his hand on her forehead.
"Y/N, you're burning up..." Sokka gasped.
"Let me see," Zuko mumbled, placing his hand on her forehead. He sighed. "Y/N, you feel really warm."
"I'm so sorry for waking you up- it would have been better for you to stay asleep," Sokka apologized.
"No, no. It's my fault." She shivered, pulling Sokka's jacket tighter. “If I knew I was sick, I shouldn’t have come with you guys.”
"Here, have my jacket, too." Zuko wrapped his jacket over her as well, draping it over her shoulders.
"She doesn't need more than one, Zuko," Sokka scoffed quietly. "Anyways, we can go home if you'd like?"
"Oh, no, don't worry about me! We can go get dinner or something, it's just a headache. It'll go away," she reassured them.
"I don't know..." Zuko said. "Maybe we can get something to eat at your house?" Sokka turned around, heading back towards Y/N's home.
"I agree, you need rest." Sokka looked at her in the mirror. "Sorry to break it to ya, but you don't look so good."
"Okay... if that's alright..." she said, and Sokka smiled.
Everyone arrived at Y/N's house, and Zuko helped you out.
"Shall we?" he asked, gently grabbing your hand.
"C'mon, Y/N," Sokka said, glaring at Zuko. He grabbed your other hand, and pulled you along.
"Y/N," Zuko muttered.
"Zuko, let go of her," Sokka said, warningly.
"Who do you think I am? I don't have to listen to you," Zuko snapped back.
"You guys are driving me insane, can't you both just shut up and get along?" Her voice now matched theirs in volume, and the two stopped arguing, looking apologetic.
Boy, were you lightheaded all of a sudden. She staggered on her feet, and she buried her face in her hands. Not now...
"What's wrong?" Sokka's voice immediately asked.
"Are... are we scaring you? We promise it's not going to get too serious..." Zuko sounded concerned. She could feel both of the boys' arms hovering around her body, trying to protect her, catch her if she fell, or give her reassurance.
"No, no..." she breathed. "I'm.. fine..." With that, she promptly passed out.
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Both boys rushed to be the one who caught Y/N. Zuko scooped her up into his arms, and he carried her into her room, leaving Sokka alone.
Zuko gently laid her down onto her bed, pulling the blanket over her. With a swift kiss that he was tempted to do all evening, he got up and headed out the door.
"Well..." he said, glancing at Sokka. The atmosphere was now awkward, and neither boy was going to leave for a while...
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Y/N woke up, and judging from her headache and how warm she felt, she wasn't any better. Groaning, she got out of bed, expecting to be alone, but she was wrong.
She opened her eyes to see two boys asleep on the couch. They had stayed...
Medicine was laid out for her on the counter, and she gladly took it.
"Y/N?" Zuko's voice croaked, making her jump.
"Oh, hey... I wasn't expecting you two to stay..." she said, and he rolled his eyes.
"Of course we stayed... you feeling better?" Concern was written all over his face.
"I still feel like trash..." she answered truthfully.
"Maybe I can kiss it better," Sokka said with a small, playful smile, now awake as well, and she laughed.
"Anyways, thank you both..." She gave a quick kiss on both of their foreheads, making both of them blush. "Now, get some rest at home... I'll be fine."
"No way, I'm staying," both said at the same time. Y/N sighed; there was no way of getting rid of them, and she loved them for that.
"Do you need anything?" Sokka asked, getting up to get her some water.
"Nah, I'm alright... we can watch a movie, though?" She flopped onto the couch, in between the two boys. She turned on the classic Meet the Robinsons and laid back.
Both boys rested their heads on her shoulders, and she laughed.
"You two are idiots, you're going to get sick." They shrugged, and she smiled.
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this is totally unedited too IM SORRY
taglist (send an ask to get added!) @urmomoness @zuko-is-the-sun @busyforkuvira @appa-gaangnam-style @xxspqcebunsxx @akiris @welovediaaxx @ray-ofmoonlight @sokkaandzukosimp @u-4iia @sunnimochix @kaylove12
Zuko taglist: @duh-dobrik
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bsd-elle · 3 years
Thoughts on the SK8 The Infinity Episode 12
So the final episode just aired. And I’m having majoorrr mixed feelings.
This show was truly something that kept me going, with it’s story, animation and the whole found family thing. I have loved this show from the beginning and I will till the end.
But as a lot of people in the fandom I do have some strong opinions on the finale
First off, I just want to say that everyone is allowed to have their own opinion but please do not send hate or any negative energy to studio Bones and Hiroko Utsumi. They have worked incredibly hard on this series. In fact I put them on a pedestal for giving us something so poignant and wonderful during such trying times. I looked forward every Saturday to watch the new episode and that feeling, that rush while watching it, never changed throughout the show’s run!!
Now on to my thoughts on the finale.
1. Shipping
I saw many people in the fandom criticizing the studio for queerbaiting. Now I can definitely not give an accurate perspective on this, as I am not part of the LGBTQIA community, though I am a strong ally.
Let’s talk about the main ships: Renga and Matchablossom
Renga: In my opinion they’re pretty much canon. All the hints, the loving looks, Langa jumping to hug Reki, Langa basically saying Reki is his happiness, Reki wanting to skate beside Langa (Infinitely). In my eyes, they’re canon.
Of course it would’ve been amazing to have a canon queer relationship, but we have no idea what happens behind closed doors. The rules in Japan, unfortunately are totally different from other progressive countries. As someone who lives in a country where they just decriminalized gay marriage, seeing canon queer relationships is honestly rare.
I think they did whatever they could to show that Renga is canon.
I mean come on, Langa basically said he liked Reki in episode 8
I think it would be very very cool and progressive to have a them outwardly admit to it, but we know both these dumbasses never finish their sentences. lol
I’m happy with the way their relationship evolved.
Matchablossom: I honestly can’t give a clear reasoning to this, because personally I don’t ship them. But the thing is, they could be canon, who knows?
I mean everyone was talking about how Joe went out with 2 girls in the end sequence and because of that they aren’t canon. But by that logic we couldn’t ship them from the beginning, since Joe kissed girls in the first episode.
I mean I totally headcanon that Joe is a bisexual king, so that means he could be hanging out them girls while still majorly crushing on Cherry.
Who knows, maybe Joe brought the girls to Cherry’s signing on purpose to make him jealous. Lol
Let your imagination run wild, people. It’s up to your own perspective. I personally don’t ship them, but I don’t think it’s queerbaiting when you pretty much have several hints to them caring deeply (love) about each other.
2. Story
This is where the critiquing comes.
One of the main reasons why I loved and still love Sk8 was one, obviously because of Renga and two because I absolutely loved the story.
From eps 1-11 the story was so compelling and written in such a fantastic way. Every week I’d have some assumptions and every time it would completely blow my mind.
In particular ep 10. When I originally saw the title “Dap not needing words” I was so worried.
They need to talk, they have to communicate. But wow, that episode was just phenomenal, if you guys want me to make a review on each episode I would be happy to, I have so much to say.
Sure, ep 10,11 was wayyy too rushed, but I just know it’s because they had to fit a lot of story in such a little time period. If they had maybe 24 episodes, they would’ve knocked it out of the park.
Either way I had no complaints.
My issue with ep 12 is the beef: Adam Vs Snow
I thought animation wise and as a beef it was really impactful (similar to Reki Vs Adam)
But why God, why did they give Adam a redemption
I’m sorry but he doesn’t deserve it.
I knew for a fact that as much as I wanted Adam to go to jail (so badly), I knew it wouldn’t happen. That was just not possible (in my eyes). I thought they would take a page from Fugou Keiji: Balance Unlimited, where his family (those evil ass aunts) and send them to jail (for clear mental, physical abuse and who knows what else), and Adam would go in isolation somewhere.
There he could properly heal from his trauma and abuse, work through it, heal his relationship with Tadashi and just work to be better.
There was a part of me that expected the show to end with a typical “oh we’re all friends and everything is forgiven” bullshit and I prayyedd that wouldn’t happen
But boy was I wrong
Why did they try to sympathize with him?!?
I get it, he’s clearly had severe trauma and abuse, and he uses skateboarding and entering the “zone” to get away from his terrible reality.
But why did they have Langa say this to him??
“Skating is fun because you can do it with your friends!”
It’s sweet that he’s trying to teach Adam what Reki taught him, but this implies that Adam is his friend. Or atleast that’s what he wants
“hey, you’re a crazy monster and you assaulted my friends (boyfriend), but I still wanna skate with you, cause it’s fun with friends”
I’m sorry, in what universe is this.. your friend?
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Your actual friend, Langa, who taught you everything you know, who’s been with you from the start, he has been attacked and traumatized multiple times by Adam. Not to mention several other people.
I could’ve accepted it if they used the line
“Don’t ever end up on your own”
That makes more sense in this context, it’s like saying “hey you evil monster, you’re crazy but don’t end up alone, treasure the people in your life”
I think that implies more on the sense that Adam has to figure shit out on his own, by himself. Not with Langa and the people he’s assaulted.
Then it would make atleast a bit more sense to heal Tadashi and Adam’s relationship.
You just cannot build up a character like Adam, for 12 episodes and then completely forgo that for the sake of “friendship”, that just makes no sense
Not to mention, Kirako the detective, the fact that she worked so hard and got absolutely nothing, is preposterous.
That whole thing put a really bad taste in my mouth.
Also, during the beef, like I mentioned, Langa basically implies that they should have fun because they’re skating with friends.
This basically just throws out Langa’s friendship with Reki.
I mean Reki was so badly hurt and injured after their beef, both the times.
Yes, he did have a lot of fun and that was the point of ep 10, 11 to show Reki that he didn’t have to skate to be the best (like no one ever wass.. dun dun dun. If you know that reference, here’s a chocolate) he skated to have fun(even though in my eyes, he’s the best)
Ep 12 was that arc for Langa, for him to realize he also skated to have fun.
But when you’re condoning and encouraging Adam, idkk.. it just rubbed me the wrong way.
I didn’t like it at all. They made him into a gag character in the end scene, which is literally the opposite of what he’s been pictured for the past 11 episodes.
3. Side characters
Shadow did not deserve that in any way whatsover.
He was completely glossed over. I thought his injury would be a pivotal plot point for improving his relationship with the manager, but they just used it as a way to remove him from the tournament
Tadashi, babyy, that’s Stockholm syndrome
When I saw that dog comment:
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Godd... he deserves so muchhh moree..
So, overall the finale, honestly disappointed me. But my love for sk8 is everlasting and the finale will never change that
4. Future
Hopefully, and I pray for this
A season 2, movie, OVA or anything tbh.
There’s so much potential
Reki and Langa go to Canada, they visit Oliver’s grave, Langa teaches Reki snowboarding
Kirako finally arresting Adam
Tadashi becoming true friends with Langa, Reki and the gang
Shadow getting the love he deserves
Matchablossom canon
Renga canon
Miya getting the apology he deserves
But whatever it is, Sk8 the Infinity owns my heart and I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life.
Other than reading Renga fanfiction
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georgies-boat · 7 years
The Shy One // Stanley Uris
Word Count- 1255
Summary- You’re a shy loser, and you surprise the group after Richie makes a few comments
Warnings; N/A
A/n; WOW I’M ACTUALLY POSTING AN IMAGINE?! WOW! (catch is I didn’t proofread so it’s probably terrible but hey its a post!!)
Requested; Yes!
req;  hi! can i request Stan Uris x fem! reader where the reader is really shy and one day richie is making inappropriate comments about her and stan and she totally goes off on richie and stan thinks it’s the cutest thing ever? lmao i just thought this would be cute idkk
Today, the Losers’ club had decided to go swimming at the Quarry. This wasn’t a one-time occurrence; in fact, they went quite often. Only typically, you didn't like going swimming with the boys because of how shy you were. Being the only girl in the club didn't help, because, well, I think you get the idea. But today, the boys had invited Beverly Marsh, who happened to be one of your close friends, so you’d agreed to come.
You bid your parents goodbye, telling them you'd be home later. You skipped out of the house, jumping on your bike, and riding to Beverly's house. The two of you had made plans to bike down together, because her dad likely wouldn’t have let her go out to meet boys alone. He actually liked you, probably only because you were a girl. “Hey, Bev!” You greeted, and you two shared a quick hug before biking up to the Quarry. Upon arriving, you saw all the boys were there, in their underwear. Including him. You blushed, looking away.
Beverly sent you a knowing look. She was the only one who knew of your feelings towards a certain tall, lanky, curly haired brunette. That's right. You liked the one and only, Stan ‘The Man’ Uris. You had for years; but you were much too shy to even think about saying anything. You struggled to actually have a normal conversation with him, let alone confess the feelings you’d bottled up for so long. Besides, he wouldn't like you back. He probably liked someone like Beverly.
Nonetheless, you snapped out of your thoughts when Beverly began to undress. Then it hit you. You were going to be almost naked in front of Stan. The thought alone made you turn red and cross your arms over your chest subconsciously. “Come on, Y/N!” Beverly whispered, excitedly. “Let's show these boys who's boss!” You laughed at her attitude, but hesitantly did as told. You dropped your clothes, and were now standing in your underwear. You took in a shaky breath, and Beverly looked at you concerned.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” She asked, worriedly. “Just a bit nervous..” you said, glancing at stan, quickly returning your gaze to the ground, hoping Beverly didn't see. She did. “Hey, it's okay. Well go together, okay? Here, take my hand.” She said, offering her hand. You gladly took it, smiling thankfully at her. “3..” Beverly started, and you got ready to run. “2..” She looked at you, and you nodded. “1!” she screamed, and you both took off towards the edge.
“Look out, losers!” Beverly called, and all the boys looked at the two of you, eyes wide when they saw your undergarments. They didn't have long to process it, though, because you took off, jumping right off the edge. “What the fuck?!” Richie exclaimed, making you giggle, and you hit the water with a huge splash. You laughed as you surfaced for air, high-fiving Beverly. “That was awesome!” You exclaimed, adrenaline rushing through you.
Richie looked to Stan, whose cheeks had flushed and his eyes were glued to you, blown wide and his jaw slack. “Hey bird boy, close your mouth. You’ll catch flies!” Richie called, laughing along with the other losers, while stan broke out of his stupor. “Wouldn’t want Y/N to think you’re stalking her!” “Shut up, Richie.” Stan said, rolling his eyes, and acting as if he didn’t care. He did. “So, um, do we have to do that?” Stan asked, changing the subject and looking down at the water nervously.
You glanced up and giggled at the awestruck expressions of the group of boys, pointing it out to Bev. She looked up, rolling her eyes at the hesitant looks on their faces. “Come on, sissies!” She yelled, and you could see (even from so far down) the boys gulp and take a leap off. You cheered as they came down, particularly loud as Stan landed with a splash.
The seven of you splashed around happily, having the time of your lives. Richie, Beverly, Bill and Ben were began wrestling in the water, while Eddie watched from a safe distance, making sure no one got hurt. Typical Eddie. You and Stan were chatting quietly amongst yourselves, and you were enjoying every bit of it. It was hard for you usually to find conversations with your shy nature, even with Beverly sometimes. Though right in this moment, you felt fine. Everything was perfect.
You all climbed out of the water, smiling and laughing as you all made your way up the large hill once again. As you reached the top, the group decided to stay and hang out for a bit longer while the seven of you dried off. you and Bev laying down on the ground to tan while the boys opted for sitting on the big rocks to dry off.
“You know, Stan, if you’re gonna keep staring at Y/N, at least do it subtly!” Richie whispered, though everyone heard the comment. You and Stan turned bright red, you immediately covering your chest with your arms, suddenly wanting to disappear. “Shut up, Richie.” Stan mumbled, mortified and angered.  “What? I’m just saying! You’re practically undressing her with your eyes; even though she’s basically naked right in front of us!”
A sudden anger flared within you, and you weren’t sure where it came from, but the thought wasn’t really that important as your anger bubbled over. “First of all, Mr Richard Tozier, I’m right here, and I’m not some object you can talk right over and toss around like a toy. I’m a person, a human being, and if you have a problem with me or have something to say to me, say it to my face, trashmouth. Just because I’m shy, doesn’t mean I’m incapable. Oh, and by the way, I didn’t see you looking away from Beverly and I either, so I wouldn’t be talking. Just so you know, Sunglasses are see-through.”
Everyone was silent. The shy girl they all knew, the one that never quite fit in, yet was their missing puzzle piece, was not the girl they’d just seen. “Well, shit.” Eddie whispered, astonished. Richie, for once, was speechless. “Damn, girl.” Beverly said, clapping her best friend on the back proudly. Stan, who knew what was going through his mind. His expression blank, but if you looked close enough into his eyes, you could practically see the rush of thoughts flying through. He was stunned.
Stan always knew he liked you; that much was obvious. Your quiet, adorably shy nature always appealed to him. Seeing this side to you, however, sparked something in him. He’d never seen, or even imagined, that you could’ve done something as amazing as shutting up THE trashmouth Tozier. He was proud. In a spur of the moment, Stan stood up, walking over to where you stood face to face with Richie, grabbing your waist and spinning you around, smashing his lips to yours.
Again, Silence. As it sunk it, you quickly kissed back, closing your eyes and enjoying the moment. All the previous anger you’d felt against Richie melted away within the few seconds your lips were pressed gently against Stan’s amazingly soft ones. “Holy shit, he actually did it! He kissed her!” Richie exclaimed, astonished. A chorus of cheers and whoops followed suit, and as you and Stan pulled away, looking at each other with a soft smile, you both turned to Richie, yelling in perfect sync. “Shut up, Richie!”
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