#idk when the next parts will come but they will not be labled friendship. it will be character dynamic.
Moments that highlight Gwen and Morgana’s friendship in seasons one and two:
1x01: Morgana venting to "Gwen" (she thought it was Gwen so it counts) about Arthur
1x01: Gwen tells Merlin she hopes Morgana will be Queen one day.
1x02: Gwen and Morgana sitting in the stands together
1x02: all the little looks they send each other, especially when it comes to Valiant and Arthur
1x02: Morgana holding onto Gwen's cloak before one of Arthur’s matches out of worry, though she denys it and lets go of Gwen's cloak when Gwen asks
1x02: After her and Arthur’s very mature disagreement, Morgana storms away and can be seen beginning to vent to Gwen
1x03: Gwen picking flowers for Morgana to cheer her up due to her not sleeping well. Morgana’s response is "you cheer me up" and Gwen gives a shy laugh. Its the most adorable and pure interaction and I love it so much.
1x03: Morgana defending Gwen and insisting her innocence. Morgana standing up for Gwen against Uther.
1x03: Morgana going to Gaius and Merlin wanting to help save Gwen in any way she can
1x03: When Gwen is released and after Gwen hugs Tom she rushes to Morgana and clasps her hands thanking her
1x04: Morgana assures Gwen that Merlin will be okay and also insists she can take of herself for a while and tells Gwen to tend to Merlin "I know what he means to you." Gwen thanks her
1x05: Gwen and Morgana chat at Lancelot’s knighting celebration
1x06: Gwen’s announcement to Morgana about the flowers that arrived for her. The gentle teasing smile that accompanies it. The light friendly banter, ugh so good
1x07: Morgana tells Gwen about her dreams, at the very least she told her about Sophia. Gwen does not try to convince her differently, she instead supports Morgana and encourages her to go to the king. Gwen does not react negatively to the idea of Morgana being a seer/ having magic. Gwen is supportive and gives advice and lets Morgana decide what to do.
1x08: Morgana apologies to Gwen for putting her in danger without asking how she felt about it by helping the druid boy (Mordred).
1x08: Gwen is very worried about Morgana risking getting caught helping the druid boy. Morgana exclaims that she "couldn't live with myself if anything happened to either of you," referring to Gwen and Merlin. (Can you hear me sobbing?)
1x08: Gwen and Morgana talking about Morgana’s bond with Mordred, whom they know nothing about (including his name) Gwen is visibly worried about Morgana and questions why Morgana is risking so much. Nonetheless, she wishes Morgana luck for her dinner with Uther.
1x09: They sit next to each other during the fights and occasionally talk during them
1x10: Morgana and Gwen sleeping side by side
1x10: Gwen and Morgana happy giggling and hugging after the bandits ride away defeated
1x11: Gwen and Morgana teaming up to smuggle food to help the common people
1x12: Morgana to Uther: "You execute Gwen’s father and I will never forgive you."
1x12: Morgana’s friendship to Gwen is a major factor behind her giving Tom the keys to escape. It was potentially misguided, but considering Morgana knew Tom would be killed regardless of the trial, it was his only chance.
1x12: Morgana’s anger over Uther killing Gwen's father causes her to snap and go murderous. Now that is what I call a best friend. Points off for not following through, though we all know Gwen wouldn't have wanted Morgana to kill him anyway.
1x12: Gwen tells Morgana she shouldn't have challenged Uther on Gwens behalf that "if anything happened to you I couldn't bear it"
1x12: Morgana comforting Gwen when she says she can't go home. Morgana puts a hand on Gwen’s shoulder
1x12: When Morgana and Gwen walk together in the square, Morgana puts a hand on a sad looming Gwen’s back. There's no sound and its hard to tell, but its possible Morgana either tells Gwen "its okay" or asks "are you okay?"
1x13: Gwen wakes Morgana from her dream/ bringing her back to the present. Gwen comforts her and smooths her hair and holds the sides of Morgana’s face. Gwen hugs Morgana and Morgana hugs her back
2x01: When Morgana wakes up from her nightmare she calls out for Gwen and reaches for her as Gwen runs over. Gwen hugs her readily and offers words of comfort as Morgana clings to her
2x01: Morgana makes a comment to Gaius that she's sure Gwen wants to give her a blow to the head sometimes to get her to sleep through the night
2x03: Gwen is worried about Morgana, saying she'd never seen her like this before and she's afraid to leave her alone
2x03: Gwen offers to stay with Morgana through the night to make Morgana feel better and insists she doesn't mind. Morgana declines insisting she will be fine. Gwen gives her a smile and puts a comforting hand over Morgana's clasped hands in her lap.
2x04: Morgana notices that Gwen is troubled and has been secretive. She hits the nail on the head with "I'm beginning to think there's a man involved," Morgana is teasing Gwen light heartedly. Gwen denies it without outright lying.
2x04: Morgana’s concern for Gwen "I'm not leaving you behind" and Gwen insisting. Morgana is not happy about it and is scared.
2x04: Morgana is insistent that Gwen be rescued and is livid when Uther refuses and Arthur pretends to agree.
2x04: Morgana calls Gwen her friend.
2x04: Morgana is incredibly agitated and disturbed at the thought of Gwen being dead, acting with anger and desperation.
2x04: Morgana describes Gwen as "the most kind loyal person you would ever meet"
2x04: The hug when Gwen reunites with Morgana safe and sound in the castle. The utter joy and happiness Morgana feels at seeing her friend. The smiles on both of their faces. The hug lasts for over 20 seconds and thats only how long we see of it. That is a good hug.
2x07: Gwen worries about Morgana being a target of the witchfinder. Gwen says Morgana is close to the breaking point
2x08: Gwen being smiley when Morgana awakes from a restful sleep
2x11: We see the first instance of Morgana raising her voice in ire at Gwen. Gwen looks surprised and hurt
2x11: Gwen is sympathetic when Morgana claims her nightmares had returned. Gwen gives her the sleeping potion with a smile, putting her hand on Morgana’s shoulder and tells her she hopes she sleeps well.
2x13: Gaius asks Gwen if she's missing Morgana and Gwen gives a worried smile.
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