#idk what's wrong with me that no matter who's around me loved ones or otherwise
insomniacmelancholy · 5 months
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I think about this tweet once a week
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mrfoox · 2 years
I'm going to struggle to sleep and get up tomorrow
Curse it all
#miranda talking shit#At one hand i liked the conversation i had with fabian and i think i got some answers to questions ive been wondering about but im also lik#Unpacking all this.... So much to unpacking and to be put in a folder in my head where does it all go... Still hate how#He hit me with the biggest ... Maybe in the universe and i can't deal with it. No I'd be relieved and accept an no fullstop but he had to#Add in the.... Idk actually lol i dont have a reference and i would like to know how it is crossing boundaries in our relationship#Whag the fuck man.... You really gave me the strongest 'i think youre into me and it worries me' and then nullify it with an 'idk how i#Feel sometimes id like to explore more' how am i supposed to... Handle that information... I had been going around telling myself#What he said to me 2019 is the way he still feels and me thinking he might think more is just me being paranoid but then yeah#What a clusterfuck. I mean to me it wont change anything in the broader picture no matter what i care for him ya know? But now thats... An#Whole other thing like. Should i try to act differently? Be more careful? Or would that be unfair bc then id do what he've been doing to me#I will quote him again 'miranda i think if both of us got an gf/bf at the same time this would solve itself' i joked and said he could find#Me one and I'll find one for him. But yeah i think that would ... Be a solution in an ideal world. Idk how to do anything man#At one hand i think he's overestimating how much he's on my mind but also its true. I spend a lot of my social time with him so obviously#I think about him? But i also have a reference on how i am... With people i have crushes on and who im in love with and how o think of thoe#Its just so scary to think about how i am his reference ... To... Well basically a ton of things... Im not a good reference unless you want#An abnormal reference. I guess im anxious I'll somehow ... Ruin him or something. This was a big conformation that i am his reference to#Women and close relationships with women and i am not made for that... Most feminine tjing about me is being sappy and giving compliments#And encouragement. Otherwise im basically like ... A dude. Guess it also scares me that he knows me. I know i know him but the fact its#Mutual is aw man... Being known is still a struggle. He wasmt completely wrong is his logic bc he knows me i think too much about people#And things. I understand im so anxious bc i care about him and im worried about losing him or pushinh him away but shit#Hes sleeping rn and is at peace with this probably. He doesn't dwell on it. He even said hes been thinking about this... Bc he began to#Think about what i could be thinking? So its not even his own thoughts but thoughts about whaf i could be thinking? ?? Whack and im likebro#Flattering that you go to that length but also... Literally what??? Cant tell if hes somehow projecting or if this is genuinely how he was#Thinking but damn. Boy does have some confidence at least? He's such an fool. I love him but holy shit he blows me away sometimes
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lov3m3darling · 1 year
Apple of my Eye (Obsessed!Wally Darling x Short!Reader) Pt. 2
Heyyy 😊 So I'm really glad a lot of you seem to like what I'm doing here. You're all very kind ❤️
I woke up feeling pretty good today so I figured I'd be at least a little productive and write another part ✨️ How long should this be?? I'm totally down to make this a long fic if ya'll would like that. I would still write oneshots and headcannons in between chapters of course 🤗
Idk, lemme know
!!!(TW: obsessive behaviors, eye imagery, slight blood/injury, mention of a kn*fe)!!!
Wally spent that evening thinking of nothing but you.
Your smile, your eyes, your laugh...
It was like his world finally had color again. He imagined the date vividly...bringing you flowers when he arrived at your door, showing you around town while you held his arm, picking a nice grassy spot in the shade for your picnic.
Would you dress up just for him? Would he hear your charming laugh when he made jokes? Could he...kiss you?
Wally covered his blushing face at the idea, and Home rolled their eyes, creaking mockingly.
Wally sat up from where he was laying across his chair.
"You don't understand, Home! (Y/n) is...they're so..."
He tried to describe you, but could only manage a happy, dreamy sigh. Suddenly, he heard a record player start up.
A love song.
"HOME!!" Wally exclaimed, his face now entirely red. Home knocked quietly, almost like a sly snicker. Wally sighed again.
"Oh, but...I could just imagine asking them to dance with me to a song like this. Wouldn't they look divine? ...Home, what on earth is wrong with me?"
The music stopped, and Home creaked.
"Lovesick? What are you talking about? I'm not sick, I feel fit as a fritter!"
Home's eyes rolled yet again, and the front door swung open with a squeak.
"You're right. Frank can explain it to me, I'm sure. He's very smart!"
With that, Wally set out towards Frank's house.
Meanwhile, you were in your own house, fussing over your clothing options. Clothes were strewn across your otherwise tidy bedroom as you dug through your closet and rejected nearly every article of clothing you owned.
But then, hanging at the very back, you spotted the miracle you were hoping for!
(Option 1: a multicolored striped blazer and pants combo with a white dress shirt underneath and some red sneakers to keep it from being TOO dressy!)
(Option 2: a white, knee-length dress with multicolored polka-dots and a pair of red ballet flats. and for a cute little accessory, some red apple earrings!)
(...orrrrr any combo of the two! Up to you! Doesn't really matter, I just wanted to give some visuals here. Reminder: ya dress like a cartoon character because ya ARE one!)
Oh, it was perfect! You'd been saving this outfit for a special occasion, and if a date wasn't the perfect situation, you didn't know what was!
You carefully hung it up for tomorrow, then made your way to the kitchen to pack the picnic basket.
As you sliced up an apple, you couldn't help but think about Wally. You'd only just met him that morning, and yet you already had a massive crush on the guy.
But who could blame you? There was just something so charming about him. And strangely suave, too. He seemed like the type of guy to bring you flowers and kiss your hand...a gentleman.
"Ow! Oh dear.."
Maybe cutting an apple wasn't the best time to be daydreaming...
You sighed, setting the knife down to go grab a bandage for the small cut on your finger.
But suddenly, there was a panicked knock on your door.
"Who in the world..?"
You settled for wrapping your finger in a tissue, and went to answer the door.
Wally stood, wide-eyed, on your stoop. He seemed worried.
"(Y-Y/n) I was walking by and heard you yelp!"
Your face felt a little hot. You didn't realize you'd been so loud...
"Oh, I'm sorry to worry you but I'm alright. I was slicing an apple for our picnic and...well...I suppose my mind was somewhere else. And silly me, I cut my finger a little..."
Wally's eyes shifted past you and looked at the knife on the counter, and his pupils grew and shrank again in a matter of just a second. You barely noticed.
"Thank goodness, I thought something terrible had happened. I don't know what I'd do if-...ah, would you like me to help you? I have bandages at Home.."
You were about to decline, when you realized something. You didn't have any of that stuff! You'd only just moved, after all.
So, you had to agree and let Wally lead you to his house.
Home's eyes fixed on you when they spotted you approaching with Wally. The door opened, but the squeak it made sounded like a question.
"(Y/n) is coming in for a moment so I can tend to the cut on their finger, if that's alright"
Home said nothing else, but the door remained open, so Wally nodded and brought you inside.
He had you sit on the couch while he retrieved a box of bandages and a cotton ball soaked in something that smelled like a hospital.
Carefully, he removed and threw away the tissue you'd wrapped around it, and looked it over. A tiny drop of blood trickled out and you winced, feeling like a little kid with a scraped knee again.
But Wally just smiled and brought your hand to his lips, gently licking away the drop as he gazed up at you lovingly. His pupils grew just a little, and you felt as if you would combust at any moment.
Wally chuckled and cleaned the cut with the cotton ball before wrapping a blue bandage around your finger and giving it a kiss.
"You've turned red, (y/n). Feeling alright~?"
"I-I don't...w-why did you...?"
He laughed.
"You're so silly, (y/n). It had to be wiped away, what was I supposed to do?"
You couldn't answer him. Your face was entirely too flushed and any nervous jumble of words your brain could think up just wouldn't come out no matter how hard you tried.
"Hey, I know! I'll sign your bandage. People do that with casts, I think! Barnaby says it helps the person feel better faster"
Suddenly, he was back to normal. Acting just as he did when you first met him.
Wally left the room for a moment and returned with a red crayon. He took your hand and gently wrote his name and a smiley face on the bandage before helping you up from the couch. He smiled at you.
"How's that? Does it feel better?"
"M-Much better. Thank you, Wally.."
You excused yourself so you could continue to get ready for tomorrow, and left, waving to Home as you went.
You shut the door to your own house and slid down it, finally being able to breathe and think.
What WAS that?! He licked your cut! Why?!
After a few deep breaths, you collected yourself and stood up, returning to the kitchen. You went to pick the knife back up, only to realize the blade had snapped off of the handle and was in several pieces...
"How did that happen..?" you wondered aloud. For some reason, looking at it gave you a nervous feeling in the pit of your stomach and you hastily threw it away.
As you did, you glanced at the bandage on your finger again. You weren't sure where the thought came from, but his name written on it almost felt like a claim over you more than a nice gesture.
And...why were you strangely okay with that...?
Too much? 😅 That was a little intense, I know. But I promised yandere, and I keep my promises. Of course it's never gonna be a downright lemon 🍋 🚫 but who says it cant be just a liiiiiittle spicy? Just a dash of pepper, am I right?
Anyways, hope this was good 😊 more to come!
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iris-black13 · 5 months
In honour of Merlin trending for literally no reason today, I would like to share my theories that I came up with during my recent rewatch. (I'm only up to season 3 right now so there really aren't that many theories yet.)
1. Merlin and Arthur 100% fell in love with each other in season 1, but they aren't aware of it at all.
2. Merlin is so gay. I'm not sure if he knows it or not, but Merlin is not attracted to women. Every time he's seemed interested in a woman, it's because she's been a powerful sorceress or a magical creature. Speaking of Freya; his only real female love interest, what he loves about her is that he sees himself in her. He feels a sense of kinship towards her as someone who is trapped and hunted for something out of her control. I don't think he feels any actual romantic love for her. He loves her, sure. But I think he's confusing romantic love for something else. (But idk I could be wrong.)
3. I don't think the Morgana we got back after her disappearance is the same Morgana we had pre S2E12. I think she probably died and came back wrong. In fact, I think she's a shade. Because otherwise the personality difference is too drastic. Her relationship with Gwen for instance. It makes sense if she didn't forgive Merlin for what he did, but why is she so mean to Gwen?? Gwen was her best friend and maybe even her first love? Morgana was never classist before season 3, but afterwards she acts like Gwen is lesser than and it just doesn't make sense. Anyway that's my in-universe explanation for her terrible shift in character.
4. This is the most important one. Merlin doesn't realize he's in love with Arthur until some time shortly before the season 2 finale. Before the finale, Merlin is happy to cheer on the romance between Arthur and Gwen. Two of his best friends fell in love! Why wouldn't he be happy? Even if they think there's no future for their relationship, he's more than happy to help them get together because Merlin believes in loving who you want to love.
Now, I could go on about how falling in love with Gwen is basically Arthur's way of expressing his repressed feelings for Merlin since Gwen and Merlin are of the same social standing and since Gwen is a woman he can experience the love he could have had with Merlin if it was allowed, but I won't do that. This ain't about him. What's important is that Merlin, in the season 2 finale- knows he's in love with Arthur, and that Arthur can't love him back. After the finale, he's still happy to help his friends in their affections for each other, but his bright goofy smile is gone. It's replaced with this melancholy smile and a hesitant voice.
I'm so serious right now. If you don't believe me, just go rewatch seasons 2 and 3 and see the shift in his demeanor yourself. He actively avoids them when they're interacting in season 3. In- I think it was the changeling episode, at the end, Arthur and Merlin walk into a hallway at the bottom of the staircase. They both see Gwen on the staircase, and when Arthur starts up the stairs, Merlin immediately leaves. It's not a "I'll give them their space" moment. It's a "I can't be here right now" kind of moment. He doesn't even try to stick around to protect Arthur on their date in the episode where Morgana frames Gwen for witchcraft. (and don't even get me started on that episode of my god.) Normally, he would stick around in the shadows to make sure nothing goes wrong and they aren't attacked or anything. It's weird that he doesn't try to stick around!
And oh my God. There are so many moments where Colin Morgan's acting just makes my heart ache. In the crystal caves, Merlin trying to banter with an unconscious Arthur while trying desperately to heal him makes me want to cry. And any time he's encouraging Gwen to follow her heart and be with Arthur just makes me ache. In the "...you still have feelings for him." And the "you like him. He likes you. Isn't that all that really matters?" I just can't.
Honestly, I could go on, but this post is already wordy enough. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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meanbossart · 8 months
Idk what post game/adventure star and durge would be doing in your world But would Astarion dress up/make custom clothes for Durge? Astarion's enjoyment with his hair in the last one just made me think that Astarion would get immense enjoyment out of it. Plus Durge dressed like some sort of murderous sewer party animal from what I remember you drew (orin + durge 4ever lol) so I doubt he'd mind anything... Over the top. Correct me if I'm wrong lol
"Idk what post game/adventure star and durge would be doing in your world" I have horrendous news. I have a 100k+ word long, ongoing story detailing Exactly what they're getting up to :V If you feel so inclined and have a lot of time in your hands
But we happen to differ here a little bit! At least in the way I personally interpret Astarion, I don't really see him as someone who would impose himself on loved one's appearances at all, save for the friendly quip here and there that he doesn't really mean anything by. He probably would do those things if requested, but since post-tadpole DU drow doesn't care much about his appearance (you were not incorrect to assume otherwise, this is intentionally at odds with his attitude pre-tadpole!) , he just leaves him alone about it. You wanna strut around shirtless or with tattered, old-blood stained clothes? Hey not my problem - the fact that it dissuades people from talking to us even further and makes me look even more dazzling in comparison is just a bonus.
Actually, small addendum, DU drow does favor things that make him seem more intimidating or powerful, like with armor and gear - but when it comes to everyday clothes or general appearance, he doesn't care in the slightest.
Astarion does idly play with his hair though, and lets him know when a wash is overdue lmao hygiene is another matter that he's probably outspoken about.
Thank you for the question!
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2af-afterdark · 10 months
Speaking on virgin killer sweaters, how do you think that the kings (& other devils? Idk) would react if they saw MC in one (in private). 😏🤤
I don't think you'd find a devil who isn't into MC in a virgin killer... It's just a matter of how subtle they are. Gonna refer to MC as 'you' for that pure self-indulgence. (Only doing the kings because... Otherwise I will get choice overload and never finish this)
Satan - "What are you trying to do with that?" Feral man is feral. Don't you love how honest he is about his reactions? He won't hesitate to flip you onto the nearest surface and take advantage of how much the sweat exposes. No time for the mindscape; gotta enjoy Hell for what it is while he shows you (metaphorical) heaven.
Mammon - "Is my master trying to surprise me?" The man has an ass fetish and it shows when your ass does. He really hopes you decided to go the extra mile and not wear underwear. He's extra special because he'll treat the sweater like a normal outfit and keep going about his day while enjoying a handful of ass when he gets bored... or whenever he feels like it honestly (which is always). Don't expect your outfit to be a secret because Mammon will grope you regardless of who's around.
Leviathan - "What are you wearing," he'd ask with an annoyed expression. Don't be fooled though; he's enjoying the sight. The problem is that he wants to be the only one to see you in that sweater. If anyone else were to see so much of you exposed, he would hang them in the public square for a week. That doesn't mean he'll act like a simpering puppy though. He's much more reserved in his desires. He'll probably find some excuse for you to stay over or keep talking to him so he can casually look you over every now and again. He won't find an excuse to get you out of it even when he inevitably gets you in his lap because he's enjoying the view.
Beelzebub - "Cute," is all he would say before grabbing you and pulling you into his lap. Oh, don't get me wrong, he appreciates your little display. However, it wouldn't be right for him to play along so easily. It's more fun when you keep going to try and get a rise out of him. He'll eventually start giving in... after he's already got a hand on your thigh, pushing the bottom of the sweater out of the way and another hand undoing his pants...
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jishyucks · 1 year
Gloves & Dittany (Teaser) ‣ cyj
‣ pairing: slytherin!yeonjun x gryffindor!reader
‣ genre: fluff, hogwarts!au, idiots-to-lovers (on reader’s part), sorta slice-of-life
‣ teaser wc: 1.1k
‣ final wc: expected 11k+, currently 9k
‣ summary: ❝Sure, your heart might have skipped a beat or two because of Yeonjun, but it was just a momentary flutter, a reaction that didn't hold any significant meaning… Right?❞
↳ Alternatively, where Yeonjun’s flirtatious nature leaves you no choice but to doubt his evident feelings for you and, in turn, dismiss any emotions you may be developing for him
‣ warnings?: reader is just,,, confused all the time, prob poor attempts of 'flirting' bc idk how to flirt, side characters may potentially be more entertaining than the mains, otherwise nothing really!
‣an: first long yeonjun ficccc,, I'm excited! this has been sitting in my docs for so long too,,, the teaser might be a bit boring just cause i don't want to give it all away just yetttt—it's just an intro to the pair!
‣ tags: @flowerjun (let me know if you want to be tagged!)
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Over the years you've spent at Hogwarts, your love for Herbology has blossomed into a deep passion. Contrary to what your peers say about the class being boring and useless, you believe they couldn't be more wrong. Herbology is an underrated and misunderstood subject that offers unique elements not found in other classes.
At first glance, certain plants looked welcoming, but from what you’ve learned, the most attractive herbs can be the most deadliest. This could even work the other way around. Growth patterns of the plants can directly affect its magical properties, which explains why the professors created emphasis on the care for plants. 
Although Herbology looked like any other ordinary subject at Hogwarts, there were a lot more layers to its content. You suppose this was the reason why you grew to love the subject.
“What’s the difference between you and those flowers over there?”
Enter Choi Yeonjun. The main reason why advanced Herbology isn't the perfect class for you, and you mean that in the kindest way possible. Yeonjun is something else. While you hope to simply enjoy the class, he sees it as an opportunity to engage in endless conversation. You once joked with him that his voice could win a competition against a mandrake for being the most ear-piercing, but, surprisingly, he took no offense to this. 
To make matters worse, a significant portion of his chatter is dedicated to shamelessly flirting with you. Despite months of this routine, he always finds new ways to keep things interesting, and you have to admit, it's quite impressive.
It was strange how all this had even started. You and Yeonjun were only familiar with each other because he was childhood friends with your fellow house member, Changbin. But after an encounter with the pair at Hogsmeade, Yeonjun started becoming quite adamant about making his presence known to you. And regardless of his motives and advances, you’ve, since then, been choosing not to indulge in his actions.
If you were given a knut every time someone asked you why you never gave him a chance, you’d be rich. Hell, you’d be bathing in galleons if you did, because this was Choi Yeonjun we were talking about. The one and only Choi Yeonjun who could practically steal hearts without the use of some silly charm pulled straight out of a textbook. He was reasonably one of the most attractive guys in the entirety of Hogwarts and his personality was one to adore, so you weren’t surprised with the persistent interrogation of those interested in him.
Though every question was worded differently, each one becoming more and more creative than the last, you hit them with the same, lazy explanation that you knew never left them satisfied.
“I just don’t see him in that way.” 
Yeonjun stands by your side, hands comfortably nestled in gloves, which completely disregards Professor Longbottom's instructions that the gloves were not necessary for today's class. He looked ridiculous being the only one wearing the heavy-duty gloves. You hold back a laugh as your gaze follows his pointing finger, which leads you to a cluster of asphodels.
You look up at him, “One is an accessory to a deadly sleeping potion.” You’re cleaning up your area, making sure dirt is only where it was supposed to be. 
“Y/N, c’mon~” Yeonjun whines, “Just play along.”
“Okay,” you huff, “What is it?” 
Yeonjun stands quietly for a short moment, lips pressed together, “Now you made me forget what I was going to say, but it was something about you being pretty.” Yeonjun turns to put some pots away, leaving you unamused.
Although Yeonjun continues to make such advances, you admit that his playful personality was endearing. Just a few months ago, you regarded Yeonjun as nothing more than an annoyance, constantly looming around even when unwelcome, sort of like a wedgie. However, as time passed, you couldn't deny the odd bond that had formed between the two of you. 
Just recently, you had reluctantly admitted to yourself that he’s grown on you to the point where you realize that the day would feel incomplete without his babbling. On a good day, you might even consider him your friend.
When Yeonjun returns, he flashes you a smile, “Do you have any plans for the weekend? Maybe I can take you to Hogsmeade.” He bends down slightly and reaches out, “You have a bit of dirt on your nose.” You feel his finger graze your nose for a quick second before it’s back at his side. 
“I’m afraid I already do,” you hummed. Since the period has ended, you grab your belongings and take your leave. With no surprise, Yeonjun is trailing closely behind you. 
Yeonjun’s lips were moulded into some sort of pout, brows furrowed, “Maybe the week after?” 
“I have plans that week, too,” you say promptly, though you weren’t even entirely sure if you did, “Sorry, Yeonjun.” 
Yeonjun narrows his eyes at you but you don’t catch him doing so. Instead, you’re dead set on finding your best friend Yena by the courtyard. Before Yeonjun could let out a sigh, he takes a big step forward and spins so that he’s facing you. Yeonjun executes this with ease. He’s quick on his feet and the next thing you know you’re walking into his chest. 
“Don’t apologize.” Yeonjun grabs your wrist and swiftly pulls you to the edge of the hallway so you both aren't blocking the stream of students, “There’s always another week…” He pushes his lips towards one side of his face, eyes looking to the side. He was deep in thought, “Maybe you can come to the final game of the season? I know your house isn’t playing but it would be nice to have the support… I’ll even let you wear one of my extra uniforms… maybe some facepaint?” Yeonjun’s eyes light up at the thought. 
“Yeonjun,” you say sternly. 
“As a friend?” Yeonjun’s head is tilted to the side, brows knitting as he brings his lips into a pout, “Please?” His eyes pour into yours, making it hard for you to avoid his gaze. He’s waiting intently on a reply. 
“I’ll… think about it,” You stall. 
Yeonjun smiles, satisfied with your answer. Before he speaks up once again, he hears his name being called from across the hall. It was Wooyoung. 
“I’ll see you later, beautiful~” 
You groan and call out before you’re out of ear’s reach, “What did I tell you about pet names, Choi Yeonjun!” 
Yeonjun turns to acknowledge you, but instead of saying anything to excuse himself, he sends you a wink before reaching his friend. 
As expected.
°•. ✿ .•°
pls remember that this is a teaser and I'll be posting the full fic soon! thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist!
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gralunaisland · 3 months
I have a question.
Have you ever thought to yourself or any antis thought to themselves that it’s okay to like toxic ships in fiction?
Mashima never said a day in his life that his ships weren’t toxic and were healthy so idk why yall be so upset that people like these things?
Toxic ships in exist in fiction and real life. I love reading toxic relationships in fiction. I eat it up but I understand that’s not okay for real life.
If you truly want to see toxic relationships in fiction read Korean comics. They have some extremely toxic relationships in their stories and I love them all because it’s only fiction. It’s a reason why things like this exist because people like me exist to read it.
Is It Okay to Like Toxic Ships in Fiction?
Oh, this is a fantastic question, Anon.
I have never said that no one is allowed to like toxic ships in fiction. Ever. In fact, I've said the contrary, where, yeah, even I like some toxic ships (excluding things like p*doph*lia etc.) where people clearly aren't good for each other but it's an entertaining ship regardless as long as you know it is immoral in real life. If you know you'd never support certain toxic relationships in real life, but still like certain toxic characters together, there's not much harm to it.
My biggest issue with the Pro gr///via fandom?
It's that seemingly most of them deny that gr///via is a toxic ship in the first place. That, and some of them will attack anyone who says otherwise.
That's part of the reason why I've dedicated this blog to parsing gr///via's toxicity, to show why so many Antis have issues with it and because there are so many people who refuse to believe that gr///via is toxic in any way, shape, or form.
I've actually talked to Pros who acknowledge that gr///via is a toxic ship, but that they just like it for some reason or another, and I totally respect that because they realize it's a toxic ship. While I hate the "it's just fiction" argument because it's a dreadful slippery slope, all in all, gr///via really is just a fictional ship between two people of the same age.
You say Mashima has never said his ships were healthy, but that doesn't matter, and that's never been an argument that I've made, that Mashima said he'd make healthy ships (which of course he didn't). Most authors don't go around explicitly saying that anyway, so that's another reason why that is a straw man argument.
However, another part of my issue with gr///via is that it's a canon ship, one that Mashima pushes heavily, and it is portrayed as something to be desired.
There are plenty of toxic ships people make up on their own, fanon, where the author never intended for it to be a thing, in which case it's the fans' fault for making up such a thing, but the fact that the author of FT makes juvia a complete scumbag but makes it so that she ultimately gets the object of her desires teaches the very wrong lesson. He also tries to make her pass as a "good person", having everyone love her and cheer her on no matter what she does to them.
If you make a character do very toxic things, but also make them appear good to other people in the show and make it so they never face any consequences for their actions (the worst consequence juvia ever gets from her sick behavior is some sweatdrops from other characters, but no one ever stops her and many in fact encourage her), readers/viewers might get the impression that that character really is a good person, and that their actions should be emulated to get their desired results. Mashima has even apparently said in an interview that Gray is somewhat of a self-insert, so the fact that he gave Gray juvia as his love interest says a lot about what Mashima desires or fetishizes.
"If you truly want to see toxic relationships in fiction read Korean comics."
I have, and that has nothing to do with this conversation. "If I truly want to see toxic relationships", all I have to do is watch Fairy Tail and suffer through every gr///via/juvia scene.
Thanks for your ask!
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justfandomwritings · 2 years
This Moment (Hangman)
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader (Addie)
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: idk pining? cute shit? a final line that will leave you screaming at your computer in a good way?
Summary: She was his everything, his life, his love, his reason. And one night, on a deserted Texas highway she asked him if he would be there for her too.
Notes: You do not need to have read anything else for this story to make sense. But this story is part of the Only Thing Universe and is a prequel to the original series set during Addie and Jake's time in college so picture college-age Jake and Addie.
This prequel will be two parts, the second part will be smutty... very very smutty.
This is my magnum opus. If this isn't a hit I'm retiring from fanfiction forever cause I've fully peaked.
The Only Thing Masterlist
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“Jake,” Addie broke the silence, “Can I ask you something personal?”
Jake raised an eyebrow but didn’t open his eyes. “You know you can ask me anything, Addie.”
They were both lying down perpendicular to each other in the back of his old pickup truck. Jake was using Addie’s thighs as a pillow, and despite the unseasonable chill in the night air Jake had sacrificed his jacket to go under Addie’s head.
They’d driven way out into the middle of nowhere and pulled off the road on an otherwise deserted highway to look up at the stars. 
They’d been parked there for over an hour, and still no one else had driven by. It was the night of the biggest football game of the season, so everyone else in Texas was huddled up in their homes around their televisions anxiously awaiting touchdowns and field goals, but Addie hadn’t been in the mood. 
Jake and Addie were regulars at his friend Stephen’s game day parties. The parties were absolute ragers no matter who Texas was playing. In the world of game day parties, an invite to Stephen’s was an invite to the Oscars, and Jake and Addie were practically voting members of the Academy. They didn’t even get invited anymore; it was a foregone conclusion they would be there. Neither had missed a game all season. 
Normally they carpooled to Stephen’s house so one of them could drink, but when Addie had called and said she would have to follow behind later and meet Jake there, he immediately knew something was wrong. It was in her tone, practically dripping with melancholy. 
And when she pulled up, he was standing in the driveway, already ready to leave before the game even began. Jake liked college football as much as the next man from Texas, which was a lot, but he liked Addie more. He’d immediately pulled her out of her car and helped her into his passenger seat and taken off. 
They hadn’t exchanged words, and she hadn’t protested. She would talk when she was ready, and he would never pressure her. Instead, he turned the game on the radio and drove straight out of town for the entire first half until the city lights were a distant memory. 
Even while they lay in the back, the windows of the truck were rolled down, and the radio inside was blasting the game’s broadcast on the university radio station loud enough for him to hear. 
It kept the moment just on the right side of silence. Not too awkward, not too quiet, not too tense. A drone of noise to keep her sane and keep his mind off of whatever she was trying to muster herself up to asking him. 
Addie swallowed hard around a lump forming in her throat. “Marie Leonard?”
Jake’s eyes opened. He hadn’t heard that name since junior year of high school. “What about Marie?” 
“How did you know you wanted… that you wanted her to be… you know… your first?”
Jake shrugged, as much as he could shrug lying down in a truck bed. It was enough to get the message across when his shoulders bumped into Addie’s legs.
In all honesty, he wasn’t sure he had an answer for her. He hadn’t thought about Marie since maybe a couple weeks after that night, and he'd barely ever thought of her before it. She was pretty, nice, smart; Jake was sure she’d make someone very happy. That someone just wasn’t him. 
She wasn’t the woman who plagued his every thought, who influenced his every decision, who informed his every action. When he had good news, Marie wasn’t the person his fingers were itching to call. When he was sad or lonely, holed up in his room incapable of talking to anyone, Marie never knocked on his door because she just knew something was wrong from a nondescript text message.
“I guess I didn’t really. You know my first time didn’t really mean anything to me. I was a horny teenager at a house party; I guess I got caught up in the moment. I didn’t have any feelings for her, and she definitely didn’t have any for me. We both just wanted to have sex with someone and didn’t mind each other.” 
“Why’d you ask?” 
Marie Leonard couldn’t be what was bothering her. There were nights in high school when a toxic thought or two had slipped into Jake’s mind, and he’d hoped that Addie would storm into his room, propelled by jealousy of Marie, and declare her love for him. But those thoughts were always gone by morning. He knew, always knew, Addie wasn’t that type of person. She felt jealousy as much as the next person, but Addie would never let something like that fester. She would come to him about it. She always came to him about it. Even if he was the cause of it. And even in those moments in the darkness when the thought crept into his mind, he knew he didn’t actually want that from her, for her. It would mean he caused her pain. He couldn’t have that. 
“You know how I told you Paul dumped me last week?”
That was not the turn in the conversation that Jake had been expecting.
Jake shot up, completely abandoning even the pretense of stargazing. The peace of the night shattered around him like she’d hit a pane of glass overhead with the shards cutting into his skin as they fell. “Did that fucker try something? I swear to fucking god, (Y/n).” 
His mind had turned. He’d been coasting through thoughts of high school and Addie’s awkward phase. He’d been thinking about Marie and cliques and hometowns. Even though Addie was asking about it, he hadn’t for a second been thinking about sex and first times… pressure…
Jake looked ready to kill. 
Addie’s mouth fell open, and she scrambled to sit up as well. Her arms flew out, gripping both of Jake’s shoulders. “No! No, he didn’t do anything like that.” 
Jake’s face, drawn tight with rage, softened, but the rest of his body was wrought with tension. “What did he do?” 
Paul had to have done something, something heinous if it made Addie too upset for the biggest party of the year, too upset to talk with him about it immediately. Addie never hesitated to talk to him.
Jake was livid with Paul. He was ready to jump out of the truck, run all the way to Paul’s, kick in the door, and beat the shit out of him no matter who was there to watch.
“He didn’t do anything. It wasn’t like that,” Addie reassured Jake. She scooted herself closer so she was right next to Jake, facing him. Her hands, still holding onto him like they were the only thing keeping him in the truck, began to slowly work at his shoulders.
Her fingers pressed into his muscles and meaded them under her touch, trying to to loosen up the tension lurking beneath his skin. It worked like a charm. It always worked like a charm. 
“He asked me to… you know.” 
“Did he pressure you?” Jake was still on the warpath, but the fire was dying in his eyes as Addie seemed to slowly massage his anger away. 
“No, He was ready; I said I wasn’t sure.”
“And he dumped you for that?”
“Sort of…” She hedged, and it was putting Jake back on edge, not knowing if she was trying to think of the right words or trying to downplay what he’d done. “He was nice about it. We were two different people in two different places. I knew that going into it. He was just more honest about it. He wasn’t going to pressure me, but he couldn’t move at my pace. We both would’ve been miserable.”
It was a sad realization. Or rather it should’ve been. Addie certainly looked sad, but it didn’t seem to be about Paul. 
Jake could see it, could read it in her eyes. In the way her gaze flitted away from reassuring him, in the way her hands stilled on his shoulders and clenched against his shirt. 
“If you’re not ready, you’re not ready. That’s not your fault, Addie.”
Jake called it, and the frown that etched itself into her face told him as much. She wasn’t unhappy with Paul. She was unhappy with herself. 
“But that’s just it Jake. I am ready. I mean, I want to be. I just…”
“Just what, Addie?”
A thought washed over Addie. Jake saw it run down over her like water as it washed away first the look in her eyes then the expression on her face and the frown on her lips. It interrupted whatever she was planning to say. Her mouth hung half open, formed around a word that her brain simply could no longer communicate. 
“Addie?” Jake reached out a hand and gently rested it on her leg, giving her knee a reassuring squeeze. 
“Jake, am I hot?” 
It wasn’t a question Addie had ever asked before, and for a moment it stunned Jake into silence. 
He knew the answer. He knew the answer as her lips formed the question. He knew the answer before she even asked. He had told her a million times before.
“Addie, I’ve already told you you’re beautiful…”
“No,” Addie emphatically shook her head. Jake told her that all the time. While he watched her get ready for a date, while she nervously waited for one of her painstaking family dinners she dragged him along to, when she ran through the rain to his car without an umbrella and looked like a drowned cat… pretty much every time she got in his car now that she thought about it. But that wasn’t what she asked. “I asked am I hot?”
“Why are you asking me that?” Jake’s eyes were staring into hers with an intensity he was rarely capable of. He was normally too cocky, too chill, too much of a good time to look at anyone like that. It was a serious side of Jake that even she rarely saw, that was rarely necessary. 
“Cause,” his state made her hesitant to ask, hesitant to explain herself. But this was still Jake she was talking to, and she could tell him anything.  “It’s different than being beautiful. Like if we were at a bar, and you didn’t know who I was, would you notice me?”
It was the easiest question she’d ever asked him, maybe the second easiest. Behind every time she’d ever donned a dress and twirled around asking him how she looked. 
There was something about her that night that was screaming with the need to hear what he had been dying to say for years. 
“Addie,” Jake sighed heavily, “I wouldn’t be able to notice anyone else.” 
Several minutes passed in silence, only the mindless drone of the game coming to an end filled the scene with any noise, but neither could make out a word of what was being said.
“Will you do it then?” Addie finally whispered to him.
“Do what?” Jake asked in an equally quiet tone.
“H-have sex with me…”
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captainwholecake · 2 years
May I have a headcanon for Ace, Law and Luffy react to having a s/o who is a smart scientist???
a/n: Law would be into it tell me otherwise
warnings: Ace and Law being into it with no context given what so ever
Portgas D. Ace
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* someone please tell me where this is from exactly because it’s so fucking cute I love him 🥺🥺
This himbo of a man would absolutely be into it
He would think of it being fucking cool
Absolutely wil brag about how smart his s/o is too
Strongly into the lab coat
most likely would try to get his s/o test shit on him and they would be like NOO
like that child having a knife vine/meme type of bullshit
I imagine it would like dexters lab situation with dexters sister being ace and all
Probably be in the corner when his s/o is working on stuff
the small part of me who loves seeing this man sulk is in tears rn
Marco and Thatch definitely had to physically hold him back so he doesn’t bother his s/o a few times
Thatch would want some science action to see if would make his cooking *chef kiss* level like isn’t already
I believe he steals his s/o lab coats
Trafalgar Law
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* y’all see that tiktok of someone saying every time they draw laws hands they want to you know to put c*m coming off his fingers and its to the CONNOR! military sounding audio or whatever ? Anyways
Couples who science together say together
Would still be really into it tho
Probably because I see him being really into trying to use him doctor shit on his s/o and it not working because you know but despite that he’s really into it for some reason
Law and s/o definitely joined forces for certain things like idk meds
he started wearing lab coats and shit because of them
AJDJEJD I’m imagining him talking to Rosie or some shit in this head going see what you did to me you bastard you got me
Penguin and Shachi definitely tease him for this
(Looks up shachi to make sure I spelled his correct) (sees what happened post wano 🫥🫥)
Bepo just confused and only ikkaku of all the other members knows whats up (SHES A QUEEN OKAY)
I genuinely don’t know what else to say OHHH
Do you think he would tell his s/o about his white lead disease
Monkey D. Luffy
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* the moment I find where this is from its over for you bitches
this himbo but not the same level as his brother would think it would the coolest fucking thing in the world
Chopper and his s/o are besties no context needed
*loud banging fist on table* Do you think he would wrap his hands around his s/o’s waist or you know something like that and ask them everything but in a really polite way because he’s genuinely curious about it ????
I feel like every one on the crew would be surprised expect for robin and jimbei (that reminds me I need to repost a reel I saw on insta related to my robinxfranky agenda)
Wears his s/os lab coats for fun (like wearing your s/os jacket you know)
AJDJD IMAGINE during the time Law was with them after punk hazard and hes sees Luffy wearing one and is majorly confused
He’d probably think he was going crazy then nami or someone explains to him the situation
I feel like I made Luffy’s more like Ace and Ace’s more like Luffy with how they would act
Uhh their brothers so it doesn’t matter
All around, mans would love his s/o and their profession for multitude of reasons
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milawritesstuff · 2 years
can you write a story where pedri and the charater used to have a thing but she moved and they stopped talking. but one day they meet each other and go on a date, not realzing who eachother are until the end? (kindof like messi's love story)
A/N: Okay this is so cute lol. Hope you like it. Its super long though but I really got into it and idk I feel like I write with too much detail but otherwise it doesn't make sense to me.
-Vamos!- Yelled Pedro as the two of you raced to see who made it to the water first. You laughed as you tried to run faster than him which was impossible. His feet touched the water first and then you followed. -You’re a cheater.- You said. He laughed. -You’re taller than me and have longer legs.- He looked at you with a smile on his face. -How is that my fault?- He laughed and pushed your shoulder a bit in play. You looked at his brown eyes looking down at you and felt for the first time something in the pit of your stomach. 
You had met Pedri when you were just 7 years old and he was 8 when your brother played futbol with him. A year later your uncle got a job in Madrid and they all left. Pedri and you became inseparable. You were now 9 years old and he was 10. You spent every waking minute together when he wasn’t off at school or playing futbol. 
Your world came crashing down a few weeks later when your parents gave you the news you were leaving beautiful Canarias to follow your uncle in Madrid. -Your father needs the job.- Your mother tried to reason with you but for your 9 year old self nothing made sense. 
That night Pedri waited for you in your usual spot, at the rooftop where you would sit and watch the stars for hours. As soon as you walked up and he turned to look at you he realized something was wrong. -Que pasa? What’s wrong? He asked. You had been crying all afternoon, your eyes had turned red and now they were puffy. You bit your bottom lip.
-We are going to Madrid.- You managed to say before your throat closed up. He looked at you and smiled. -You’ve taken vacations before, what’s the matter?- You shook your head. -You don’t get it Pedro, we are moving to Madrid.- Your words hit him like a bucket of cold water. You began to cry. You felt as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in closer to him. You looked up at him and stared into his eyes, silence overtook.
-It’s going to be okay.- He whispered, him not knowing who he was trying to reassure if you or himself. The truth was that he had fallen for you, you were his first love and he was yours. You were so young to even know it but deep inside you knew your connection was strong. 
The next few days were full of day adventures with him. -I’m going to miss having the sea so close.- You told him he night before you were to leave. The two of you were sitting on the sand overlooking the water. -They say that Madrid doesn’t have a sea or it would be the perfect city.- He said. You laughed. -Eres un tonto.- You knew he was trying to lift your spirits up. But the reality was that it was more than just missing your hometown, where you grew up, your friends, your family. Deep down you were already mourning missing Pedri and everything that could have been with him.
His grabbed your hand and took you out of your thoughts. -Y/N. I need to tell you something.- He said. You looked at him and smiled. -Yes?- He took a deep breathe and when he was about to start talking you heard your mother yelling from behind you. -Y/N! Pedro! Time to come home.- You looked back at Pedri and stood up. You were dusting the sand off of your body when he caught you off guard. -Y/N/ te quiero.- You smiled. -Yo tambien te quiero Pedro.- You took grabbed your shoes and began to walk towards your mother before you felt him pull you back. -No, Y/N … te quiero, te quiero.- You felt a knot in your throat and smiled at him. Maybe you were too young to realize what was happening or maybe you were just too scared. Your mother yelled behind you. -Y/N/!- You turned back to Pedri. -I have to leave.- You ran towards your mother with a smile on your face leaving him on the sand. 
The next morning Pedri was outside of your house waiting to say goodbye. Your parents packed as much luggage as they could into the taxi that was to take you to the airport while you walked over to the boy. -Te voy a hechar de menos.- I’m going to miss you. You told him. He smiled. -Promise you will call? And write?- He asked hopeful. You nodded your head. -Promise you won’t get another best friend?- He laughed. -Never.-
The two of you said goodbye that day with so much hope for the future. However, the reality was that you were just a couple of nine and ten year olds who knew nothing about what was to come. You wrote, you called, but sometimes those calls weren’t answered and those letters didn’t get responses. You visited Canarias a few times but he was busy with futbol. Eventually you became a distant memory to him and he to you.
10 years later.
Madrid had become your home but you had ventured off to go to university in Barcelona. You were finally back in a city with a sea closeby. You spent your days off at the beach studying enjoying the sun and the water.
-I have set you up for a blind date.- Sofia, your roommate announced as you walked into your apartment.  Your rolled your eyes. -Sof, I don’t want to go on a date.- 
She walked over to you and hugged you. -Come on Y/N, you need to go out and be more fun. You don’t even know where your 10 year old boyfriend is so you can’t keep on waiting for him.- She said making you regret having told her about your childhood when you got drunk with her.
-Who is it?- You asked.
-It’s a blind date, so I can’t tell you.- Your walked over to the kitchen to grab a cup of water.
-I won’t go unless you tell me something about him.-
She rolled her eyes and grunted. -Fine.- She said as she walked over to the dinning table and sat down.
-You know that guy I’ve been seeing?- She said.
-The footballer?-
-Yes, well he has a friend who doesn’t go out and loves to be at home all of the time. Just like you. He mentioned it and I instantly thought of you.-
You laughed. -Thanks Sofia.-
-Anyways, he will be here at 7pm to take you to dinner.-
You looked at your watch which showed it was 5:30pm -Sofia, that doesn’t give me any time.-
-You look great as you are right now. Just put on something warmer because you always get so cold in the evening and you won’t enjoy yourself.-
-In Canarias its not this cold.- You said as she laughed.
-What’s his name anyways?- You said as you walked to your room to look for a change of clothes. 
-I think it’s Pablo.- Sofia yelled across the apartment.
At 7pm sharp you heard a knock on your front door. Sofia ran to open the door and there was a young man who looked a little nervous. -Hola, I’m here to pick up Y/N?- Sofia pulled him into the apartment as you were walking out from the hallway. -Hi Pablo, I’m Sofia.- He laughed. 
-Hi Sofia, I’m Pedri not Pablo.- You laughed at his response and he turned over to look at you.
His brown eyes locked with yours, it felt like dejavu, like you had seen him before.
-And this is Y/N.- said Sofia completely overlooking the fact that she had gotten his name wrong.
You said goodbye to your friend and the two of you walked to his car parked out in front of your building. He opened the door for you and you got in. You saw as he quickly ran to his door and got in as well. It was silent and awkward.
-I don’t usually do this.- You said. He looked over at you. -Go out on dates? Or blind dates?- He asked as he pulled the car out and began to drive.
-Both, I guess.- You responded which caused him to chuckle.
-Well, Eric said you were as boring as I am so we would be a great match.- He said making you laugh. 
-I hope I am as boring as you are.- 
He drove the two of you to a small restaurant as you made small talk. When you got there you looked at the menu and browsed for anything that wasn’t seafood since you were allergic. -We can go somewhere else if you want to.- He offered. You shook your head. -No, this place is great I’m just allergic to seafood and… - He interrupted you. -Eric didn’t say anything I’m sorry.- 
You smiled at his apology. He truly was endearing. -It’s not your fault at all.- 
He shook his head, -Living by the sea and being allergic to seafood.- He smiled. -When I was little I had a friend who was also allergic to seafood.- He mentioned. You smiled.
The two of you ate your dinner and he explained to you all about how it was to be in the Barcelona team.
-So are you a Barça fan?- Her asked as you shook your head.
-No, no - I’m a colchonera all the way.- 
-Atleti, could be worse, I guess … could be Real Madrid.- You rolled your eyes and laughed. -You don’t get to see them a lot though, do you?- He asked.
-Well not now, but I would go to all the games when I was in Madrid.- He looked at you puzzled.
-You’re not from Barcelona?- You shook your head.
-Madrid.- He smiled at you as he took a bite of his food.
-Actually…- You said. -I’m not from Madrid, we moved there when I was 9. I’m from Canarias.- He looked at you confused. 
-I’m from Canarias as well.- The both of you smiled. 
-Okay…- You said. -Isn’t it freezing here? Nobody believes me that its not this cold in Canarias- You continued which caused him to giggle.-I say it all of the time, I don’t know how people can handle this weather.-
The dinner ended and you decided to walk around the beach. First he went to his car to get you out a sweater so you wouldn’t be too cold. The two of you walked towards the sand and sat down. -It’s not too cold is it?- He asked. -Thank you for your sweater.- You sat there in silence.
-What part of Canarias are you from?- You asked. As the two of you continued to talk some more you were sure it was him. -This is going to sound crazy but … when I was little before we left Canarias I had a friend, his name was Pedro and …- He interrupted you.
-And he told you he liked you the night before you left?
You gulped and stared at him. You could feel your eyes getting watery. -And I said nothing because I didn’t know what I was feeling.- You confessed.
-And he’s been looking for you ever since that day, chasing the memory of you.- 
You looked up at him. -But he didn’t answer my calls, he didn’t write back to me.- 
-I answered every single one of your letters.- He said. -I dropped them off at the mailbox and eventually they stopped coming.-
Your heart dropped. -Y/N/ I’ve been looking for you my whole life.- You leaned in closer to him and looked into his eyes. He looked down at your lips and smiled. -We were too young back then, maybe I would have done it if your mom hadn’t came looking for us.- He whispered. -Done what?- You asked.
-This.- He said slowly as he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your lips.
@cinderellawithashoe @httpswiftie @simpingmyassoff@bubblebeep69 @fictional-l0v3r @httpspedri26 @0alanasworld0@l0verl4ne @gaviypedrisbride @footballerficsposts @fashphotolife@beaschampagneproblems @jvsgnjrtpdar5stkd-tv-m @ikkehehe @jjishotasf @quemirasboboandapaya @maricciardo @gaviswh0re@pedriwifefrfr @dustell @elijahslover @formula1mount
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
Hi hi hello! Can i request mordern high school love with thoma? Reader being a gentle and reserved person being more popular among the juniors and thoma popular for his charm and being on the basketball team. Theyre relationship isnt too open but its not a secret either. They try to keep it low key of course
Now imagine the small moments with him :( after school studying at the library, walking home together, recess on the rooftop, arcade dates on the weekend and him winning you a plushie that we know sleep with evry night :(( him asking you to prom and being a gentleman :(( him coming over after school to study but end up staying over cause of the thunderstorm outside :(( our parents love him hes so sweet
(Pls help im so delulu for him)
ngl i love. modern high school aus theres smth about the simplicity of high school and being in the in between where you're *almost* an adult but still treated like a child and knowing youre about to ?? crest smth that everyone talks about anyway idk i really romanticised my high school life and ngl all my friends are from higschool LMAOO also the whole freshman/junior/sophmore/senior thing makes no sense to me idek if i put this in the right order and i wish prom was more of a thing here bc yall make it seem so fun
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Thoma is definitely that kid that people know of, but don't really know all too well. He's really nice and all the teachers and students like him, and of course being both attractive and athletic made him that much easier to admire.
You had a crush on him for what feels like forever, wishing that one day he'd notice you out of all the other people who liked him too. He had so many admirers due to how kind he was, but being his friend you knew that there was so much to him.
When he finally asked you out it was the most cliche, yet sweetest way he could have ever done it. He drove you to a place that the two of you often frequented. When you got out, you turned around to see a picnic he prepared for the two of you, thinking it was just another nice thing he was doing for you because you were a little stressed out recently but the flowers and shy look on his face told you otherwise.
The two of you didn't go out of your way to tell everyone you were dating. Thoma just wasn't as willing to let people touch him as much, and you were seen hanging around the basketball team a little more often than before. Thoma always walked you to class anyway if he could, so people couldn't really tell the difference until one day they saw him give you a hug.
By that point everyone found out pretty quick but the two of you didn't feel the need to justify anything to anybody so you'd just confirm that you were dating and that was it.
Thoma always loves taking you on various dates whenever you can. He would see what kinds of places pop up on his feed and scout them out before taking you out for a night on the town (until curfew of course).
Your parents were really trying to look for something to be wrong with him, not wanting him to distract you from your life or end up in an unsatisfactory position of your heart being broken or anything like that. However, the fact that he constantly brought you home on time and made sure to say greet your parents every time as well as bring them treats he baked himself made it hard for him to stay hated in their eyes.
He's constantly gifting you things that remind him of you. If he's at the grocery store then he's giving you a candy that you liked. If he's at the mall he found some accessory he thought you'd look good with. It doesn't matter when or where - you're always on his mind and the trinkets you've accumulated from him are proof of that.
Whenever there are any events locally he loves to take you to them. Whether it be some sort of festival or just a pop up his favourite thing to do is explore the grounds with you and spoil you with prizes or the food there. He's got no limits when it comes to you.
Exam season means crunch time. The two of you are forcibly holed up by each other to try and get studying done. He's a hard worker so he's got tons of study tips for you if you need it and the right amount of rewards too. Whenever you get a practise question right or finish a writing prompt within the time limit well he always congratulates you with a hug or a kiss.
I can see him being super into doubling too. The two of you are one of those people who are constantly on call just doing random shit together. Neither of you has to actually talk to the other person - you both just like being in each other's presence.
Your room and bed are both filled with tons of things that Thoma gives you and he can't help but grin to himself whenever he comes over and sees it. He's got photos commemorating everything on his phone, glad that you like the things he gives you as much as he likes you.
Thoma absolutely adores you and I can see the two of you being high school sweethearts. He comes to your events and you to his, and the two of you end up living a perfectly happy life together, glad that one day oh so many years ago the two of you were assigned lockers next to each other.
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teablogreal · 3 months
Code Geass: Roze of the Recapture Episode 1 thoughts
Okay so like, although I wasn't big on Akito the Exiled or the creative choices made with the compilation films, I was actually really looking forwards to this one. Unlike most people, I genuinely don't mind them doing more with Code Geass. Like we have the og anime just there, its out and people can watch it (except they cant because r2 is jailed on crunchyroll auughhhhh). They even made it clear that the new Code Geass stuff from Akito onwards are in their own continuity. Genuinely I don't mind them just expanding more on their already established concepts, though I do have a preference for when they do newer things with them. So like, yeah. Roze of the Recapture is my favorite thing to come from this series in a good while.
So for those who don't know, Roze of the Recapture is a sequel not to the original series, but instead the compilation films that recapped the original series with minor changes to the events that took place in there. It also follows up on the corresponding movie that conveyed what happened afterwards, but basically all you need to know is that after Resurrection, we have a 5 year timeskip. There is a new cast of characters who so far don't tread over where the original cast stood, however they do pay homage and parallel some of the characters from the original series. Honestly, I think this is the only part that has me worried, as I'd love to see them play around more with new concepts. However I feel like after the end of the first episode, those concerns are pretty much quelled.
Okay so I'm not gonna skirt around the spoilers any further beyond this point.
Okay. I want to talk about that fucking twist??? Because like??????????? I did not fucking see that one coming but its such a fucking great way differentiate your protagonist from just being lelouch again while also playing with parallels. We effectively have somebody who's a figure of importance who is thought to be dead, however lives on to take revenge on Britannia as they have wronged this person. Key difference is that our character kinda strays away from this idea. I know a lot of people here are referring to Roze/Sakuya as our first female protag for a code geass anime and I'm sure thats probably what they're going for. However my brain just sees Sakuya being legally declared dead and then proceeding to taking the identity of not an entirely different girl, but rather this whimsical boy twink named Roze. Idk, kinda transmasc swag but also I absolutely love how we've all been played for fools prior to release. Like all the marketing had led us to believe this was going to be a story about two brothers doing shit but WOW did they have everybody fooled (including me). A shame that the trailers for the later movies kinda spoil this twist but I will fight to keep this a secret as much as possible from my friends until I get them to watch this.
Roze as a whole is a lot of fun as a character, big twist aside. I love how he feels a lot more like a trickster compared to Lelouch. Even though Lelouch had a bit of emphasis on him playing with people (the orange incident comes to mind), Roze steps that up with his geass. I'm so glad that its not just Lelouch's geass again. They do something fun with it, like conceptually after thinking about it for a while its actually crueler than Lelouch's geass. Theoretically Roze could force you into doing something without brainwashing you, you could do those things while being entirely conscious. If you say no? Then whatever you're told to do otherwise happens no matter what. I think thats just insane, it really opens the doors for so many things to be done with it in the same way that we saw Lelouch's geass being used to torment Suzaku.
Anyways I think its really funny how people are realizing this one has Ichiro Okouchi coming back to write for it not through the writing returning to its unsubtle "no shits given" attitude from the original series, but by them having yet another chess game that failed to understand the rules of chess. Its a tradition at this point.
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my-1heart · 2 years
Hold my hand
Vil Schoenheit x GN reader
Prompt: “Your hand fits in mine like it’s made just for me”
Warnings: reader gets shy/flustered easily, reader is physically affectionate (they play with Vil’s hands a lot), and reader falls asleep easily. (Idk if this makes people uncomfortable but just in case)
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Entering Pomefiore in the early evening and looking for the dorm leader, was never a good idea. Any student of said dorm would tell you that, as this was the dorm head’s time to spend with his partner
“If you need me, you can relay a request from 6 am to 4:30 pm. Otherwise, you go to Rook.” was what the dorm head declared. No one dared to test this rule of his, for he didn’t just become the head of Pomefiore on a whim.
You would think with such a scary warning, that the beautiful dorm head, was a terrifying being. But if you were to see how he treated his partner, would make you change your opinion almost immediately.
The love and care he gives to them is enough to make one jealous.
To him, they were his world, his reason, and his biggest supporter. Even fighting Rook for that title. And to them, he complemented them perfectly.
That was why, he would leave his duties as dorm head to his vice leader when evening rolled by. That was why he was Vil Schoenheit and not Pomefiore’s Dorm Leader at this moment.
Moments spent with them were special. Even just sitting in silence as they played with his hand, was enough for him.
When they seemed to be enamored playing with his hands, he took this time to admire them. Their features, their gestures, just everything about them.
“Vil? Is there something wrong with my face?” Their voice seemingly lulled him out of his thoughts, as he looked at them and smiled.
“No, no. Nothing is wrong. Nothing about you could be wrong, my dear.” He answered them, words dipped with care and adoration.
Letting out a hum, they continued their ministrations with his hand.
Playing with it meant moving their hand all around his. Holding it, drawing shapes on it, kissing it, just any gentle gesture you could think of. The care that went into playing with his hand, had his heart melting.
“Hey Vil, I just noticed something.” They exclaimed, as they looked up at him with a smile.
“What might that be, dear?” He asked.
“Our hands! Look! They fit together so perfectly! Like they were made for each other!” They gushed, as they held both hands up towards his face.
“You think so? Maybe it was meant to be then.” He replied, admiring how they flushed just a bit from his response.
That was another thing that intrigued him about them, how they acted when someone caused them to fluster.
Unlike many others, who start to get a bit defensive, they’d get quiet and shyly go back to what they were doing before hand.
Which was exactly what they were doing, except now they were sitting between his legs. Perhaps this was their way of hiding their face, but no matter, Vil still found it adorable either way.
Sitting in silence, again, gave Vil the opportunity to plan things for the both of them to do later on. But his train of thought would be interrupted by a sudden weight leaning onto his chest.
Leaning his head just a bit forward, he could see that [name] had fallen asleep. Perhaps the silence was a little too soothing sometimes, he thought as he let out a quiet laugh.
Pulling their body closer to him, Vil was now holding them from behind as they slept leaning on him. Finding his hand still in their’s, he held it up towards his face and kissed their hand.
“You’re right, darling. Your hand fits perfectly in mine, like it was made for me.” He whispered, before leaving one last kiss and letting them continue to sleep.
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June 21, 2022 3:49 pm
- I made this piece awhile back for my friend to read as we both were exchanging pieces to the same prompt and I really liked this one so here you go <3
Also I’ve been thinking about making a tag list on my posts since I don’t post often, perhaps a tag list would be helpful?
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nono-bunny · 7 months
Thoughts from watching the ATLA live action!
I initially wanted this to all be one post but. It got too long and also Tumblr accidentally posted it once instead of just drafting as I asked while I was writing it and I had to reconstruct the whole thing so I'm just going to make one post per episode I think.
So, episode 1!
Oh my god the show really opens on just showing the letters "Capital City", genuinely that's kind of hilarious?? I kinda always thought of it as Caldera City collectively because Capital City sounds dumb (very The Hunger Games of them, ngl) but like... I do recognize that it's only technically the rich district- even so I feel like maybe they should've reimagined that one in particular because honestly it's always been confusing for the capital to have two cities in it (Harbor City is the other one, basically the poor people district). Anyway not a big deal overall, just... Kind of funny to not change this
Truly a weird way to start the show with just some random Earth Kingdom revolutionaries, but based on the fact that I've heard they're not in it I'm just headcanoning it to be Haru and Tyro lmao otherwise it's just. A truly bizarre choice
Oh never mind they're??? Opening before the war??? They literally have Ozai in the first season, why wouldn't they just have a menacing Sozin in a war room, with like maybe some very subtle hints to him grieving someone who died disagreeing with him, and him going forward with it anyway? Idk it's genuinely very strange to open a show with such iconic and recognizable characters by focusing on some random mostly irrelevant people you're never gonna see again because the story takes place a hunder years in the future. I mean, it was a cool fight scene (when I could see it lmao, I wish it wasn't so dark- would've looked great in a cinema but this should have been made for people watching on home screens) but?? Why should I care about these people or what they're doing, either as a veteran who knows they don't matter or as someone new to the story who DOESN'T know that they're never going to see them again?
Oh shit wait, AGAIN??? They keep zagging on me lmao this is like. Exactly what I wanted!! I read they started things off with a lot of fighting and showing the war so I thoght this was what it was but no!! The random guy meets non other than Sozin... Who genuinely looks incredible and does a fantastic job at portraying exactly what I wanted!! I think there's something in the eyes specifically? Like, there's a certain sadness mixed with idealism there, which works really well with how determined, calculating and cold he otherwise is. He feels 100% like the sort of guy who'd reasonably be the ancestor to the mess that is the Royal Family we see during the rest of the show, and I'm genuinely really happy about it! Sozin feels like the sort of madman who believes in his own just and it's perfect, like, the exact vibe I got from him in the original!
Is Gyatso talking to Bryke rn or...?? Lmao fr Aang never learned any of the things he mentions which is why he was a bad Avatar, and why in the end I don't like canon OG Aang. Addressing it in the first episode is extremely bold of the LA tbh, but you know I love to see it! Also everyone was talking about how Aang wasn't silly enough, but literally in the OG he was too silly and never learned to take responsibility or work with others so?? This Aang that is already blending a whimsical air with what seems like a degree of emotional intelligence the original lacked is!! Such an improvement in my eyes, actually! I'm hoping they manage to properly resolve these things this time around, but already their direction with him just within minutes of meeting him feels a lot more palatable to me. Also they rewrote that scene in a way that makes Gyatso infinitely more likeable because now he actually GETS it, OG Gyatso was a kind man but in the end... He was wrong, he coddled Aang too much. Here, in a universe where the Air nomads want to help defend the rest of the world, he recognizes that while Aang is needed, he genuinely isn't capable of helping yet which!! Also feels like an improvement in terms of co-nation relations, it feels like there actually used to be a harmony of sorts before! It will help make the Air Nomads feel less out of place and "out of sight out of mind" in the bad way they were in the original. The Air Nomads already planning to get involved also feels like a way to rid Aang of his idealistic and childhish views of his own culture in a much more direct way than the more subtle approach just showing Gyatso surrounded by skeletons of people he likely killed. Also, again, saw people complain aboit the Air Nomads wanting to get involved being ooc and?? Okay, so? Have you maybe considered that them being so insular that their loss was barely felt in the original whenever they didn't need to make Aang have an emotional moment was a bad thing??? Like, I get that it isn't in line with their characterization, but personally? Them choosing not to get involved in an attempted genocide was always a bad look tbh, and as far as I'm concerned, this is a fix and a way to make them look much better than just like. Hermits unconcerned with the world- they care, they want to help! Honestly overall everyone in the Air Nomads looks so much better here, this feels like a net good in terms of like... Idk Air Nomad publicity lmao. Also, showing the different temples coming together to celebrate is!! Incredible, I wholeheartedly love that addition to the lore!
Ngl tbh so far this feels like a fanfic I'd read, in like. Literally the best possible way
Yo the "Gyatso and Roku were friends" theory looking realll possible rn with that "you will always be my friend" line 👀
Ah so I see what people meant about Aang's characterization in this episode being a bit tell-y rather than show-y, that's fair. That said, it was a really nice scene that established the bond between him and Appa quite well imo! Also now I'm genuinely curious as to whether they'll have him get a bit drunk with power like in the original considering the focus they're putting on how much he needs to NOT do that!
To everyone saying Aang running away was important and should not have been cut- no, it fucking wasn't, it was one of his biggest unresolved character flaws that got ignored when the destroyed his character arc in season 3 and I'm fucking glad it's gone. I do find it interesting that here Aang basically only just finds out about being the Avatar before getting frozen rather than having a bit more time to get used to the idea and see how it changes things for him- it makes it that in a way, this Aang has both a lot more and a lot less baggage! Essentially his entire journey of discovery of what it means to be pronounced the Avatar will happen alongside people who never knew him as anything but, it's an extremely finite and dramatic closing of the chapter of his life where he wasn't the Avatar- it kinda shows he has no room for confusion anymore, he must now become The Avatar because that's essentially his people's last request of him. It's a very different sort of vibe from "I wasn't willing", it's "I wasn't ready", and that is much more easily fixable in a shorter show! Also the og literally just "solved" the willingness issue by having him enjoy the benefits and refuse to do any of the work so. Not sad to see it go at all
Battlefield Sozin?! Firebending rockets?! Wilhelm scream?! Cool battle scene all around tbh, really heartbreakin and difficult to watch, which means they did a good job with it! I do still wish it was brighter though lmao
Uhh forgot to type anything for a while because I was crying but. Yeah I generally really liked the portrayal of life on Wolf Cove! There are definitely some very noticeable changes with our two leads here, and I actually don't think they're necessarily bad, they just feel very strange and might take a bit to get used to. Katara actually isn't passive, which is weird considering that's how a lot of people described her? She's just extremely cautious. All of her defining traits feel like they're still there, but some of them do feel like they're lying a bit under the surface due to her situation which! Makes sense as an alternative way of writing her! Sokka genuinely feels like such a big brother here, I like the emphasis on his sense of responsibility and how he doesn't quite know how to be a real leader yet- it goes very well with a Katara who desperately wants to be a fighter but can't and has to try and blend in. Both of them have very clear aspirations and the traits that will eventually allow them to get to where they want to be, but they're very far from reaching them at the start. A lot of the scenes do feels kinda awkward tbh, but idk, I think they do a fine enough job at what they attempt to.
Now, hearing that Katara wasn't the one to break Aang out in a fit of anger wasn't a deal breaker for me actually, but? Honestly the way he gets out is just needlessly confusing here, genuinely unclear if Katara did it or he just... Idk somehow reacted to another bender's presence or whatever. Idk, it felt extremely weird and I think just like? A bit of clarification here as to what happened could've saved this scene without it having to happen via anger if that's the way they wanna go with Katara, and specifically her relationship with Sokka (which, again, does really feel authentic and well done here imo!)
Aang saying that Katara is the only one who tried to fight for him is fucking wild, but I guess that's the impression he got given that Gyatso told him he had to go away and he didn't hear the meeting about him here. Still a wild thing for him to say, felt really weird right alongside Sokka being the bravest person he ever met. Idk that whole exchange was off and awkward and just... Strange
Iroh doing his best to help and teach Aang when he can is very sweet. Idk how to feel about how hard he's already going in on the whole "your daddy doesn't love you" thing with Zuko tbh, because it does make Zuko appear much less lost when he's got someone who's giving him the answers rather than leading him to them, it's kinda a book 2 vibe from them? It's strange. Also a straight talking Iroh feels so strange in general, literally his only "eccentric" quality so far is loving Jasmine tea and very clearly not being down with the war, it's... Certainly A Choice, but not one I'm really enjoying so far tbh
There's something really interesting about Katara immediately relaxing and allowing herself to be silly and mischievous around Sokka here, it's kind of a flip from their dynamic in the original but there's something really fun and sweet about seeing those hidden aspects of her come out around the one person she knows and trusts to accept and protect her just as fiercely as she would him. It's definitely different, but I'm genuinely really enjoying the unique spin they put on their relationship and how it correlates with their own individual personalities and how they perceive and present themselves.
Taking the burden of always being the only one who can bring Aang out of the Avatar State away from Katara feels like a big relief. Also in general I like the way they still kept Aang's attachment to Gyatso and his parallels with Katara, while also solidifying Sokka and Aang friendship which wasn't really... A thing in the original? Having Sokka protect and reach out to Aang feels much more personal here in a way than it did originally, I think maybe the weird scene where Aang praises them kinda worked to serve that? Idk I've read people saying they don't feel like a family but more like friends here but. They never did in the original in season 1 either tbh. If anything there's a sense of everyone being equal here which the original lacked in places, I like how both Sokka and Katara support and save Aang in equal measure here and how they look out for each other as well. Aang is kinda naturally a mess this whole episode but here's hoping he returns the favor for them for once in the future!
Edit: dammit Tumblr literally just did it again I didn't mean to post this yet, but I'm kind of at the end of the episode so fuck it, it stays I don't wanna reconstruct it in the drafts again. If I have anything to add it'll go after this.
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riveranova · 2 years
(A/N): Some IkePri as Roommates Headcanons, because my own roommate is making me want to eat my cactus. :,)
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The IkePri Guys as Roommates x GN! Reader - Part 1
Warnings: Nokto's a lil bit Spicy, honestly mostly crack
Characters: Gilbert, Silvio, Keith, Sariel, Rio, Clavis, Notko, Ikemen Prince
Word count: 1.044
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Gilbert von Obsidian
honestly, menace
i'm 100% sure that he does not know how to cook
doesn't he like to poison peoples food? yeah.
but like, hes not doing it on purpose - he has this really cool game of thrones cookbook which he uses for almost all his meals
hes having three mental breakdowns and calls his mother two times which results in her just not answering the phone anymore
has no problem with asking you for help tho
when you enter the kitchen you have to look twice at what he made
,,Idk why it's so orange, I didn't even use orange ingredients!''
You get my point
otherwise hes actually very nice to you
hes still the kind of guy who would laugh his ass off if you fell before helping you up
hes keeping a clean room and follows the cleaning plan for your apartment
i imagine him to get cold SO easily - like you'd rather catch this man dead than with an open window in winter
80/100 would roommate again
Silvio Ricci
the complete opposite of Gilbert
hes using those italian roots
dont you fucking dare cook without him because lo' and behold, this man cooks like he worked with Gordon Ramsay his entire life
he insists on wearing his rings tho no matter what hes cooking which results in him cursing like a sailor every five minutes
husband material in the kitchen
the rest,,, not so much
i imagine that he does clean but like BARE minimum
like, the barest - the line is ON THE FLOOR
vacuuming the floor but not under furniture, that bad
he doesnt get why, he never sees it anyways and he has better things to do
i think his rooms smells very good, like eros from versace
problem is, it smells A LOT
so now your entire apartment smells like eros from versace
if you have a sensitive nose, I'm sorry for you
60/100 would roommate again
Keith Howell
okay so lets say Keith is uh,,, less fucked up
he mostly keeps to himself but if he needs something, he asks you
you don't know how he does it but you never hear a peep out of his room - as if he just sleeps 90% of the day
hey, maybe he does - i could almost relate
if you guys get along well, hes actually a really sweet man
his actions speak louder than his words tho
you need something build? ask Keith! you need something carried up (or down) the stairs? ask Keith! there is a fucking huge spider in your room? ...run, because Keith wouldnt touch that thing for the life of him
i imagine that hes as quiet as he is because my man is studying
straight A student but is shit at explaining things so he can't really help you
you both end up crying if he tries to exlpain math to you
80/100 would roommate again
Sariel Noir
it feels like your living with your grandma
in the most amazing way possible
dont get me wrong, i love Sariel but I'm 100% sure that this man would act like an old lady
he loves these really old tablecloths that look like this
puts them everywhere too - on your kitchentable, on the little drawer by the frontdoor and i BET the even has them on his desk
like omg little versions of them for his flowers and like little pots with random shit in them
i bet he makes them himself too
hes way to old to be a student but for the sake of this, lets say hes in his 20s
also a straight A student and, obviously, really great at tutoring
you guys share the same classes and that saved your ass more than once
he takes the tutoring seriously, very seriously
he doesnt whip you when you fail, he rather makes you do chores around the house for longer than you'd have to
90/100 would roommate again
Rio Ortiz
puppy dog boy l
i can't not see him as anything else
you guys knew each other before you moved in together
when you told him that you needed a roomie, he made sure that he would be the one moving in with you
obviously in love with you, doesnt even hide it
makes sure youre never hungry, everything is clean
i'm sure that even if you guys had a cleaning plan, he'd just clean before you have the chance to
also, a yes friend
dyeing your hair? yes. cutting your hair at 2am as a result of a mental breakdown? yes. randomly rearranging your bedroom? yes.
loves to cuddle
spends a lot of time in the living room, waiting for his pray (you) to fall into his trap (the sofa) to be violenty (softly) ripped apart (cuddled)
you have to remind him to relax once in a while, hes not your butler after all
100/100 would roommate again
Clavis Lelouch
i mean, at least it doesnt get boring around him
opposite of Keith, hes loud as fuck in his room
watches 'try not to laugh' challenges only to laugh 90% of the time
he loves to prank you (really now)
he once put bleach in your shampoo but ended up using it himself on accident
he played it off as planned, mastertrapper clavis doesnt fail
doesnt cook for himself, he snatches food from you
tried his hand at baking and it actually turned out good
it looked like a disaster
he ruined the taste by putting random shit in it to prank you
,,don't worry, it tastes better than it looks!!'' *hides the tuna can behind his back*
youre actually the one tutoring him
he finds studying boring af so he just doesnt do it
straight B student because the universe is unfair
his room is a mess which follows him wherever he goes
60/100 would (think twice about) roommate again-
Nokto Klein
fuckboy (in the most insulting way possible)
i cant keep defending this man
isnt home, like ever
only if he brings people home
no matter the gender, he brings them home
results in you having a lot of akward run-ins
is also really loud in his room for.. reasons
definetly tried to fuck you once and even if you say no, the flirty-teasy remarks never stop
he'd never disrespect you in any way tho
if you look past his fuckboy-self, hes actually a gentleman
if hes home, that is
helps you with homework (if hes home)
cooks you food if you dont have time (if hes home)
you dont know where he is, you guess that hes partying
hes with his family - mostly Licht
due to,,, problems,, he and Licht hat to stick together
hes still visiting bars after
40/100 would (really question myself if we) roommate again
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