#idk what to even tag this as i refuse to censor this bc like no this is a discussion that needs to be had but
jebiknights · 1 year
I'm not saying not to ship Codywan because, like, I'm obviously a rexwalker shipper, but acting like Codywan would be some healthy, well balanced relationship in CANON, esp in comparison to anidala is just... Absolutely wild. In fandom it's all well and good to ignore the wonky power dynamics and age difference between the ship because it's yaknow fanon (tho personally I think it takes all the fun out of the ship but that's a different post), but when y'all start talking about how Codywan would've been in canon that's where I have to stop you. Because Cody is in his early 20s maturity wise (hes literally Anakin's age when the war starts) and Obi-Wan's direct SUBORDINATE. Like, y'all have GOT to stop ignoring the fact that there is an age difference and a HUGE power imbalance there, especially with how much parts of fandom yell about age difference ships.
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tartaeya · 2 years
Kaeya, Childe, Diluc, Zhongli <3
Already answered Kaeya so you're getting the other three!
favorite thing about them: Childe is so fucking unhinged but so normal about it. You could have a normal conversation with him about the weather and he'll slip in something about killing someone and you'll be like "what?" and he'll be like "haha what? anyway" and just continue. I like to think that Kaeya is like "dude you're doing it again" whenever he gets all excited about killing his enemies and Childe is like "oh right!! (changes topic)". It doesn't bother Kaeya (he's just grown used to Childe's antics) but while he doesn't exactly censor himself or care to, he'll still take in the comfort of someone else into consideration. He's also mildly manipulative in this sense.
least favorite thing about them: How many people have him as a diehard otp character with another character, I can't search Childe without seeing ten million notp pictures simultaneously.
favorite line: something something I wonder what the rest of the harbingers are up to? Plotting and scheming on an ever grander scale no doubt~
brOTP: Idk man, I kind of like Childe not having one. The obvious answer is Zhongli, but I actually like the idea of them not being close. Childe loves his family, loves Kaeya, but otherwise is kind of tense with his fellow Harbingers and doesn't make friends easily unless they're on the same level.
OTP: Chaeya chaeya chaeya chaeya oh my GOD does Childe need someone like Kaeya in his life. I view them as similar characters with different motivations, and pinging off each other So SO well. I do headcanon that they already know each other in some capacity and would love to see Genshin actually put them in a team beyond Childe's trial quest.
nOTP: Like I said in the other post, I have ship blinders on for every ship I'm really invested in. I Do Not Perceive Other Childe Ships than Chaeya. And if I have to I'm :( about it.
random headcanon: Childe knows Kaeya from his childhood but won't elaborate to anyone how or why. Kaeya refuses to do the same.
unpopular opinion: His attitude has to be characterized as perfectly balanced. He's neither entirely crazy nor perfectly normal. He's just Childe. I absolutely hate refreshing the Chaeya tag on ao3 and seeing shit like Childe being the villain character while Kaeya's tagged with another character as the main, healthy ship. Actually, I hate it when people do that with every ship I like, but it seems to be a major offender with Chaeya in particular.
song i associate with them idk man i don't really think about music in depth ;_;
zhongluc below
favorite thing about them: Diluc is my poor traumatized meow meow he's fucked up so bad at so many things and he still puts other people ahead of himself and tries to protect his city in his own way. He's complicated and simple at the same time while veering more towards Complicated, he has the strongest sense of justice out of every character even if that sense of justice can hurt the people he cares about!! Diluc is selfless but in this weirdly selfish way. I don't know how to describe it. I love him. Meow Meow.
least favorite thing about them: Diluc fucked up with Kaeya but I don't think that's my least favorite thing about him?? I think it adds to the complexity of their brotherly relationship?
favorite line: instead of my favorite line bc that's hard, I'll give you my least favorite line. "Listen, as long as you stick to your own path, it doesn't matter what mother nature throws at you" LIKE WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN DILUC?? WHAT DOES IT MEAN
brOTP I like his and Kaeya's bickering. I think it makes sense for their history.
OTP Zhongluc because Zhongli and Diluc are both opposites and similar characters at the same time-- and I see Zhongli as wanting to stop Diluc from chasing revenge and fighting because look where it got himself during the Archon War-- and Diluc needs something like a guiding force now that Crepus is no longer in his life. They're so cozy to me, like Diluc needing someone who can handle his baggage and also did you know that dragons and phoenixes are meant to symbolize a happy marriage in Chinese lore, now u do
nOTP same as above, ship blinders. but if you want to have an example I did unfollow someone for putting untagged j**nluc on my tumblr feed haha
random headcanon: He helps out at his Winery with the dirty work, he doesn't just delegate tasks, he helps with harvests. Also he likes pets but is mildly allergic so he can't have one :(
unpopular opinion Diluc is fun to play in Genshin. I said it. Come at me
favorite thing about them I'm getting exhausted answering these but Zhongli is just so goddamn attractive. He's handsome and well-spoken and easily one of the most appealing Genshin men all around. But I have to say that his depth lives up to his hype, his story quests were great and I like what we keep being given about him.
least favorite thing about them He's selfish in a genuine way. Like his whole plan to retire and have Ningguang clean up his mess and his nonsense was just ??? It actually put a wrench in how much I liked him for a while. I was just mind boggled by his actions LMAO, but at the same time, the dude's lived a life where he's kinda earned it.
favorite line: Osmanthus wine tas--
brOTP: How about a dad-vibe brotp. To me, Xiao is definitely his son.
OTP Zhongluc Zhongluc Zhongluc I feel like Diluc could call him out on his selfishness and shirking his responsibilities as an Archon without necessarily alienating him-- I want these two characters to have hard conversations about who they are and what they stand for and eventually come to accept one another. I also like the idea of Kaeya just hating Zhongli lmao Diluc that's an archon you know that right?? Gross.
nOTP blinderssss I don't like any other Zhongli ship. I was almost ok with Guizhong but now that they've revealed her in-game design it just looks bad and childish and now i can't see it anymore. (sorry guys if you like it i just. I wish Genshin designed her as a mature woman)
random headcanon If Zhongli had to choose between living in Liyue for the rest of time or staying in Mondstadt for Diluc's lifespan, I think he would take the change of pace and Venti would find it hilarious/annoying. I also subscribe to the Zhongluc reincarnation fan-headcanon so maybe he just travels looking for Diluc in whatever new lifetime he's entered.
unpopular opinion idk I feel like I already said enough about him that's not popular.
song i associate with them NOOOO MORE I'M DONE
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spnshameblog · 3 years
honestly i appreciate your occasional “reminder to be normal about actors, wtf” posts because some days I wonder if I’m the odd one for thinking some of this shit shouldn’t be normalized lmao
I do love cockles as much as the next person, but after reading your post, I'm glad I'm not the only one, I think I'll have to blacklist or similar some tags cause I am kind of getting sick of the memes.
(I'm gonny combine these two asks, hope thats ok)
honestly, thank you! glad to hear that!
i want to clarify that im not and never have been anti c*ckles (censoring bc i dont want this to show up in an anti tag), bc i find their antics hilarious and most of the theorising is very entertaining. however my main reason for being fine with cockles is because both of them seem so ok with it and seem to provoke or encourage it at times. i dont know if they are or were together, but im convinced they think riling their fanbase up is hilarious, so we might as well play into it you know?
i have been in other fandoms and specifically one fandom thats notorious for rpf shipping even though the two guys in question AND one of their girlfriends have made their discomfort about it known. this fandom is the reason i have a "not ok until proven otherwise" policy with rpf. these people ignored the guys' discomfort and bullied ppl who spoke about it under the guise of keeping the fandom "drama free" and my speaking out against their behaviour has earned me many many angry messages and landed me on a blocklist (by a huge weirdo whom i had blocked myself, so.... tragic?)
the desticule/cockles fandom is nowhere near this bad, but i want to make sure that people would stop everything as soon as one of he involved parties said they were genuinely uncomfortable with what is going on. that is why i need yall to always leave space for the possibility that yall might be very wrong. if you refuse to even acknowledge that possibility and if you arent ready to drop everything at a minutes notice youre veering dangerously close to uuhh..... j//2 territory.
confronting them with it via social media, texts or in person, spamming poetry accounts (that may or may not be run by one of them) with green and blue hearts, leaking or discussing private information, etc is putting them on the spot and in a situation where they are forced to react to the theories. if they wanted to be open about anything, they would be. what the fuck makes you think a comment under their instagram picture will get you a response? do you think they were waiting for you to, idk, help them out of the closet? believe me, if you keep pressurring them, you will not like the endresults.
keep it on here guys or it wont be fun anymore.
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allurascastle · 7 years
V0ltr0n Discourse Abridged
Per your tags on the “do you ever want 95% of a fandom to shut the fuck up” post, I will give you an abridged version of the Hot V0ltr0n Disc0urse* (while on mobile)
*from the side of someone who actually uses terms correctly and spent a minimum of five minutes looking up laws, unlike some people. And also with censored words so it stays out of tags, something some people are very bad at.
It starts like this:
V0ltr0n comes out in June of 2016, everyone loves it. It’s a good show, I understand. Anyway, one ship raises into prominence as The Ship™: this ship is Kl@nce, a pairing of The Red One™, K3ith, and The Blue One™, L@nce.
Both of them are often mischaracterised and everyone who has ever been queerbaited by the fandom into thinking they’re canon will tell you, that this ship (on a general level, as I acknowledge there are Kl@nce shippers who also detest what I’m about to describe) is built on stereotypes and tropes with no canon foundation (as of yet, we’re only on s2) and their fanon versions are really, really, REALLY ooc.
Now that we’ve got that established, the Hot V0ltr0n discourse comes in.
There’s another ship, Sh3ith, between Sh1ro and K3ith, it’s kinda the underdog, but a lot of Kl@ncers feel threatened by this (so threatened that they’ll clsim there’s no possible romantic subtext and then make edits replacing Sh1ro with L@nce and suddenly it’s ~so~ romantic).
In fact, there’s also K1dge (K and P1dge) and H31th (K and Huunk w two u’s bc idk how else to misspell that) and ALSO K@llura (K w AlIura). Kl@ncers feel threatened by them too, but K/A (look we’re just going to switch to letters to refer to everyone for ease) won’t be quite as prosecuted and harassed (or, that I saw) for being m/f and therefor homophobic by Some People until S2 is released.
Until then, H/K doesn’t exist (bc H is fat, you see) and any ship w P is Taboo according to Some People because she’s a Little Baby compared to H/K/L who are all “17” even though we have been told multiple tomes they never discussed ages and they are Up For Interpretation.
S/K is the ship that really gets railed. It’s “pedophilia” bc “25 is a safe range for S” (SDCC video drama that is contradicted by every other piece of information regarding ages, including canon whoch would suggest K has to be at least 19 but we’re Not Here For Logic) and K is “17.”
This is according to Some People.
Oh, and then focus primarily on S/K, but there are other S ships and they all need to be shat on - except S/A…until her VA said she was the same age as “the others” and Some People decided S/A was also Not Okay, but you also can’t ship with G@lra characters or C0r@n, so S isn’t allowed to be shipped at all, sweetie :))
Also all P ships are condemnable and if you see P as anything other than Aroace you’re a “gross pedophile sexualising a literal child.”
So cue a ship war disguised as an Age Disc0urse w Some People (often K/L shippers but not all K/L shippers are like Some People and support people who like S ships) sending lots of hate to people who like S and or P ships and maybe those G@lra characters I mentioned. Liking them is Also Bad.
Additionally fiction = reality 100% so if you have Dark Interests you’re a horrible person and should kys and if you want to be left alone, well it’s YOUR fault for liking x and not ours for prioritising fictional characters over real people.
Also Some People sent gore and actual pornography to content creators for S ships at some point, I think last November or October. Maybe September. And let’s not forget the “blocklists so antis can protect themselves uwu but I’m not going to apologise to any Bad People who get sent hate, death or rape threats, gore, and oother really triggering shit, it’s their fault for being those things.”
Oh, and all the crosstagging hate into ship tags but then getting Mad When Shippers Tag Conversational or Informative Things In The Hate Tag. And the doxxing. And refusing to blacklist and stay out of tags they know will trigger them.
And a person cosplaying a character from the 80s version (and if you like him you are a Bad Person and Abuse Apologist) who has been mentioned but not introduced yet, got assaulted at a convention???
And harassing the VAs about our ship (K/L) is a thing along w making a petition to remove S’s VA, AND trying to blackmail studio mir into making K/L happened but that’s the S shippers fault it was a troll account (it wasn’t).
Edit: I forgot the accusations of racism (against black people even) for not liking the following: S/A (when it was okay), L in general or just fanon L, K/L. And then calling K/S “a white boy ship” even tho S is Japanese and K is only half-human???
Edit 2: Ss head is apparently scrambled eggs and he is unfit to be a leader (he was a gladiator slave for a brutal alien empire for 1 year and seems to have ptsd and in spit of Some People claiming they're protecting the mentally ill and victims they demonise him real fucking hard)
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