#idk what this is sorry
guzhufuren · 8 months
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crescentpaws · 5 months
soooo crazy that most of you don’t know that fintan’s name is actually an acronym! observe:
f ucked up
i nsane
n everseen leader
t errifyingly evil
a rson
n oooo don’t set eternalia on fire you’re so sexy haha
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etherealspacejelly · 1 month
in the olympics straight up pinging it. and by it, haha, well... lets just say. my pongits
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fitpacs · 4 months
fit had just allowed himself to fully accept that someone finally chose him.
a little boy chose him to trust with his life, chose him to be the parent to give him the whole world and be bonded forevermore with no fear of either of them being alone again.
a man with a heart of gold and hair of jet black chose him to trust with his heart, chose him over everyone in the world and asked for absolutely nothing in return.
and in an instant it was over. like a nightmare with no ending, he wakes up in the wasteland again with nothing but his memories that now seem like dreams rather than the life he lived, with nothing but a rose bush that he now protects with his life - the life he craved now resting on each deep red petal, the thorns as literal as they are metaphorical.
he’s alone, and maybe that’s the life he has to choose to protect the ones that chose him.
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bashfulfm · 9 months
availability : open ( @2000sfmextras ) location : house party
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bash was never a huge partier but he loved people so he went to parties where he would hopefully meet more interesting people. most people would expect someone his age to go off the deep end and party like there was no tomorrow. but instead, he would have maybe one drink and just talk to anyone who caught his eye. speaking of, someone just caught his eye and he walked up to them. "hey!" he grins. "how are you doing? you enjoying yourself?" he wasn't even the host of the party, he just always wanted to make sure everyone was having a good time. "i was just about to go get one of those mocktails. you want one?"
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openwxunds · 3 months
availability : open to anyone location : a local coffee shop
daisy wasn't used to being recognized in public. she wasn't the biggest name yet and most of her fans had abandoned her when she was shunned by the christian contemporary music scene. but some of them must've stuck by her side because they had just asked her for a picture. "sure! i'd love to take a picture!" she says with a smile, grateful. as soon as the picture is taken and the fan leaves, daisy takes a deep breath. "you must get that kind of thing all of the time," she says to someone she recognizes.
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perse-idit · 14 days
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Boomers learning how to take selfies
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beastofthesea · 1 year
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run rabbit run rabbit run run run
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neon-vocalist · 4 months
urusai na? more like urusai nya
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castsrunes · 9 months
@ismelodrama liked this post!
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❛ Aw, well, isn’t this just lovely? Things couldn’t be going better if we tried. ❜
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etherealspacejelly · 6 months
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did you know- [train goes past] sorry about that did you know that they have- [fog horn blares] they have a wingspan of- [a piano falls on my head] 3.... metres....
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screaming-heart · 2 years
Good lord syscourse is so ggufyuxxfu
Am I pro endo? No. The community makes me so uncomfortable.
Am I anti endo? Not really. Endogenous pic plurality might exist, idk, I’m not a scientist. Nor am I anyone’s psychologist, so I can’t tell someone what they are or aren’t experiencing.
So I call myself neutral, right? but endos still make me uncomfortable, so I don't want them interacting. but then i get called anti endo. but I'm not anti endo, they're bad. except theyre not inherently bad, obviously. ughhhh.
but i still identify with the endo neutral lable, but maybe I should just call myself "endo complicated" or something idk.
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pinkandblueblurbs · 2 years
1950- king princess
Camping with a very enthusiastic James and a very grumpy Sirius
“Tent’s up!” James exclaims cheerfully. You look over at him from the picnic table where you’re making lunch and give him a smile
“Looks great!” You reply, handing him his sandwich as he walks over. “After we eat we can go on a hike on that trail we saw coming in.”
“Fantastic,” sirius mutters, taking a bite of his own sandwich. “Can’t wait to walk for bloody hours just to come back and sleep on the ground.”
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chrliebot · 2 years
yousa want dommy mommy he tai big boobs. pornhub would be bestest site, but you do xxxgirls-forfree and meesa veeeery happy! meesa support small businesses. capiche?
-jarjarbinks if he took over google home for the day as like the siri voice
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ofsvnlightt · 2 years
starter for qi yan @mvsicinthedvrk​
patia was still figuring this city out. in some ways, it actually wasn’t too different from avalir, but it many ways it very much was. today she’d discovered something called a subway...some sort of underground transportation. she just wanted to check it out, but apparently to even get to the thing, she had to buy a ticket. so she did and headed down. arriving, apparently she was standing in just the wrong spot and someone behind her was complaining. her hands tensed, balling into fists. she really wanted to silence them or just stun them a little. nothing crazy, but she also didn’t want to use magic in such a crowded and cramped space. after some time, and the person not letting up, she turned around to them, “what is your hurry? can’t you see we’re all waiting?” she motioned around to the hundreds of other people around them. she scoffed, taking a single step to the side to at least not have the complaining right in her ear.
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I need butches to understand just how much I love them bro,,, like bro let me be a home for you bro,,, let yourself unwind while I rub ur shoulders,,, let me take care of you bro,,,
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