#idk what is up with my tag rants today i just can't stop
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lyxchen · 1 month ago
I need to draw some type of Inhun kiss right now or I'm gonna explode
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ieetbeez · 21 days ago
Small Rant About RE
Hello gang... This has been on my mind for awhile. Today we're talking about Resident Evil and particularly Leon stans. Now I'm gonna come out and say I am one of them! I love that silly little blonde man and he's like number 1 on my favorite capcom white boy tier list next to Cody from Final Fight/SF.
tw: mentions of rape, pedophilia, incest, abuse, and my opinion
Let me make it clear, I'm not kink shaming, I'm not advocating for censorship. Art and literature shouldn't be censored. Sex is cool. Kink is cool (when safe and consensual).
I'm gonna be one of those fans real quick and say, I've been an RE fan since I was like 7. That doesn't really mean much since I can't drink legally but I've been in love with Leon since elementary school. I watched my Dad and brother play RE6 co-op and man... Aka I've been in the fandom for a fat minute. Before the RE2 remake came out I'd see the occasional Dead Dove fic but that's whatever. But I have never seen this much dark romance about Leon of all people!
Like. Call it the T-Virus the way it's everywhere I swear I can't scroll down the damn tag without getting hit with a sexual crime. And let me say, I'm not new to fandom culture. I take don't like don't read to heart (I'm super picky LMAO). And I understand that, that's just how big fandoms are, more people, more bad eggs. I'm sure the majority of y'all are sweet people.
BUT I feel like I shouldn't have to say that romanticizing things like pedophilia, rape, abuse, and incest is disgusting in the big year 2025 but here we are. Honestly, I feel this way about a lot of the fics of other fandoms I'm in. I feel crazy seeing it everywhere and it makes me feel like some sort of sexual puritan. Am I insane for wanting freaky smut and not ...freaky smut??
There for sure is a bigger conversation here about how easily accessible porn is and how quick people to fall into these pipelines. Or how booktok caused a rise in the normalization of dark romance troupes and just pure porn writing (I still hate icebreaker). Or how quick form constant content is slowly leaking it's way into everything. But we’d be here for forever…
And like, it's just completely out of character?? Like if you're gonna write about that can it at least be in character? Wesker fits the dark romance thing LEAGUES better. But LEON?? THE POLICE OFFICER?? Did you even watch a walkthrough? Leon is a sweet upstanding guy with lots of trauma, that is the last thing he'd do to ANYONE! Not saying fics have to be completely accurate all the time but there's literally nothing fun about "Omg what if Leon RAPED you!?" HES NOT THE EVIL RESIDENT HERE GUYS! At some point it's not even about Leon (or whoever the fic is about) anymore, it's just someone wanting to share their sexual fantasies online.
These topics are almost never written with any care and are insanely insensitive to the survivors of these acts. I don't know, sexual crimes are literally some of the most deplorable acts of hatred and depravity someone can do onto another person. I can't imagine getting off to the suffering of others (in a heinous crime way not BDSM way) (BDSM is cool). Have some fucking empathy and stop thinking with your goon wad guys <3
Like at least take it to AO3 so that I can filter it out or smth...
Edit: I just woke up and remembered what else I was gonna say.
You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat their fictional characters. Another thing I don’t like are the Gooner mods for the games. Like they’re fun every once in a while and like if it’s a capcom game you have to expect it. At some point though, it just stops being sexy and feels gross or uncomfortable.
Idk maybe I’m in the minority here but there has never been a single time where I was playing any RE game and thought to myself, “man… I wish I could see Leon’s end rod whipping in the wind rn…” Obviously, I wanna see that man oiled up butt booty naked doing jumping jacks like as most normal people do but… zawg…
That’s also like an actual person?? At least for the remakes. Maybe this just isn’t my dove to eat but the treat Leon like some sort doll. I know it’s kinda weak to be like this for a fictional person but yeah </3
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draftingteacups · 3 years ago
If there was a non-canon The Rise of Darkrai situation involving Giratina and Palkia, all I have to say is, alongside a proper "Croagunk can deflect an actual GOD'S attack" scenario possibly happening, well, if the people at NRC know of Darkrai, if Darkrai risks their own life to keep them safe, to the point they at least TEMPORAILY died, well, I have the feeling NO ONE would stand for ANYONE trying to say their evil just because of something they can't control. Since they saw that they're the exact opposite.
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Note: As this is a non canon ask, this does not comply with the canon of the story and thus is treated differently. I just assume that this is after the main story? IDK how it'd work, but just imagine that in this scenario.
Refers to this ask and this ask for Darkrai and stuff; I can't find the OG Palkia and Giratina asks because it's been buried under a lot of other ask asldkfljasj; I don't think I tagged it properly either ☠️
This is written for fun! Please enjoy! This is a long ask (technically two), so prepare yourself. If I keep getting asks like this, the longer it'll take to update the next chapter ☠️
Minor spoilers for what happens in the fic as well as some spoilers for world-building in general.
As someone who absolutely loved The Rise of Darkrai and Giratina & the Sky Warrior as a child, I honestly agree with those statements.
As such, I came up with a fun, non canon thing below from the asks in the past. Can you imagine the way that this happens though?
It started as an ordinary day at Night Raven College.
As ordinary as it could ever get in a magic-based world that was slowly becoming aware of the wonderful (and often dangerous) creatures known as Pokemon. Soni was going through the usual routine that she'd built up for herself through the time she'd spent here.
Wake up to the sound of screaming between Swanna and Sebek, eat breakfast with Grim devouring everything in sight, walk together with Ace, Deuce, and Happiny to their classes, do her assistant job during classes while doing notes to ensure that her grades were decent enough, eat lunch with everyone- the list goes on and on.
Compared to what she dealt with back home, that was a walk in the park.
Aside from the random chore that Crowley tried- and failed- to give her on account of refusing to give her a higher pay unless she ranted at him for hours on end, it wasn't that bad. Less crime syndicates rising from the ashes and getting stomped on before they could ever become anything more, less paperwork dealing with nobles having centuries-long disputes on money that they had plenty of, just less of everything that her life had been consumed in recent years.
Thinking about that only made her sigh, the twinge of pain from sitting still for so long made her want to go flying outside. Granted, even if she wasn't doing anything on a major scale as she lived through in her world, Soni still had plenty of things to deal with as a half-student in Night Raven College.
"You freaking brat cat!" Ace screamed, waving his pen at her feline monster companion. "You stole my sandwich again!"
"It was just sitting on the desk! You didn't have your name on it!" The shit-eating grin on Grim's face only made Ace angrier.
Deuce was looking at the two of them with furrowed eyebrows as Happiny latched onto his pants leg, his voice exasperated. "You guys..."
"You two better stop acting stupid, or else I'm going to never make either of you lunches ever again." That got their attention. What is it with these two and food? "Grim, you get no canned tuna for two days. Ace, you're paying for my lunch for today with dessert."
"Don't you get a free lunch for being the staff?! Why am I being punished?"
"As a part of the staff, you're fighting right in front of me." Soni shrugged her shoulders at Ace. "And that doesn't mean I can't enjoy some extra food at your expense."
"Honestly, you're the worst-"
The bright shining sky turned dark, the hum of energy warping the world around them. As the others looked out the window in shock, Soni could sense an otherworldly presence right beside them.
"Mmm..." The low-toned warning resonated in her ears in a language that only she understood. Why...
She managed to pull back in time. The black orb that surged past her crackled menacingly as a promise to hurt them all. From the shadows emerged a figure that made her bring Dior immediately.
"Darkrai..." Soni said the name, her voice calm as it could be in this situation. "What do you want from us?"
"Wha-?!" Deuce held Happiny in his arms, doing his best to shield the little one from the hostile Pokemon.
"Mmm..... MMMMM!" The bright blue eyes of the Mythical Pokemon stared right at her, raising a shadowy hand at her and her alone. So you know me... You must... LEAVE!
"Dior, Teleport us out of here!" Soni yanked everyone close.
All their shouts faded to white noise as they reappeared at the entrance of Ramshackle Dorm. As Soni blinked her eyes, she stared at the sky that was completely and utterly dark with no sun to be seen.
"Teacher's pet, what the hell was that thing?" Ace rubbed the back of his head.
"Miss Monet! What in the Sevens is going on outside?!" The Headmaster arrived at the worst time as always, his feathers ruffled. "If it's one of your monsters pulling one of their tricks again-"
"Don't blame me for this! I just ran away from Darkrai five seconds ago after it tried to put me into an everlasting nightmare sleep." Soni stopped the adult in his tracks, even when her friends were alarmed by the information that she was telling them. "I don't know anything that's going on right now, Headmaster Supposed To Pay Me My Paycheck A Few Days Ago."
"Ah," Crowley coughed into his hand at that, his golden eyes shifting to the side. "Well, it turns out that something has encapsulated the school in a forcefield that is beyond our understanding of magic, which is rather unbelievable. From what we can tell, I've tried to contact the outside world to no avail. Given our lack of knowledge, I assumed that you knew what was going on."
Soni's eye twitched at the implication. "So you thought I was the one causing all this."
"Well, no." Again, he did not look at her as he said these things. "We just need more context to the situation at hand."
"How about we go someplace where we won't get attacked by a Pokemon that can send us into a literal nightmare realm?" Ace cut into the conversation, bringing back the very apparent change in the world. "We're not the only ones who want answers."
Seeing the Dorm Heads and Vice Dorm Heads appearing as well as their group of friends scattered about in the entirety of Night Raven College, Soni suddenly had that familiar dreadful feeling that things were about to get very close to home in the worst way possible.
"... And that's about it." Soni finished her speech to the crowd that gathered in the relative safety of Ramshackle Dorm.
"This Pokemon came from the shadows as soon as the world changed and attacked you?" Riddle crossed his arms at that. "Did this Pokemon have a reason why?"
Soni tugged on the edges of her gloves. "All I did was say its name and what it wanted. That's when it tried to attack us, although this doesn't make much sense to what I know about the Pokemon..."
"Mind explaining that to all of us?" Leona yawned, feeling tired from the whole situation. The lion Beastman sat on the couch, looking as casual as one could be in this situation.
"Darkrai's known as the Pitch-Black Pokemon," Her Rotophone flashed the words on the empty space that she reserved her Pokemon Lessons to show everyone. "It is known to put people to sleep and cause nightmares with its mere presence."
"So this Darkrai is known in your world to cause nightmares..." Lilia closes his eyes. "Come to think of it, there's an old deity that reminds me of this Pokemon. Long, cloaked in shadow with only a red, gaping maw, and piercing blue eyes that gave people nightmares..."
"Basically, teacher's pet on a bad day?" Ace mumbled to himself. "OW! I was kidding!"
"Anyways," Soni huffed, switching on a picture of Darkrai in question. "That's what Darkrai looks like. I'm assuming that the God of Nightmares and Darkrai are one and the same in this, but that doesn't really explain this barrier situation."
"Well," Azul spoke up from where he was, pushing his glasses up, "Your world is still learning about Pokemon themselves. Perhaps, it's an unknown ability that was overlooked."
"The thing is, this doesn't feel like something Darkrai would be capable of doing." Soni flashes through the multiple instances where the Mythical Pokemon in question was in the few documents that she had of it. "Most Pokemon don't have the ability to distort the world this badly. There's some that can walk between worlds, but those are specific instances."
"I feel like this is one of those instances to talk about what's going on," Jamil crossed his arms, looking at her with a raised eyebrow. "Well?"
"...Hoopa is one of them, but it can only make portals and not entire enclosures like the one we're dealing with." Soni rubbed her forearm that grew warmer with every word. "Besides Hoopa, the others... are considered major deities where they come from and are so important that to say their names is to invoke their attention. Granted, that's mostly superstition, but who knows at this point."
The silence that fell onto them at the moment drowned out everything else.
"So we're most likely dealing with giant deity boss fights?" Idia's voice over the tablet broke the tension that settled over all of them.
"If you want to oversimplify the deities of time and space, then sure." Soni ignored their reactions to continue. "It's highly likely that there's one of them here."
"Time and space?!" Crowley put his head in his hands. "What have I done to deserve this at my prestigious school?!"
"It's not what you've done, it's what you haven't," Soni mumbled to herself before continuing her speech. "Well, there's technically a third one who could do this, but no one really wants to talk about that one. It's almost taboo to do so."
"Oh, is this one so feared in your world, Child of Man?" Malleus asked her. "Are there tales of them ripping apart the world in their rage?"
"More like one was put away for their rage and anger by the creator of the universe in a separate dimension where they were the only living beings to exist in there until recent times, but that's mostly..." Soni hesitated to say well-known when everyone else looked like this was new to them. "...acknowledged by everyone back home."
"So, we have Legendary Pokemon that are known as deities that are warping the world as we know it and a nightmare-inducing Mythical Pokemon that tried to put us to sleep to feast on our dreams or something," Ace summarized everything. "Just what I wanted to deal with before lunch."
"I think if we can talk to these Pokemon and clear up the misunderstanding. Everything will be okay!" Kalim's cheerfulness was blinding in this situation.
"We do have the one person in this place who can fully understand them," the Headmaster said out loud, putting his hand on his chin. "Miss Monet! On the honor of Night Raven College, I ask you to-!"
"Pass." The response was immediate. "Do you not understand the level of danger we're in right now? I'm not going out there to face this kind of crap without proper compensation when I'm literally risking my life to do so as well as my Pokemon's lives. I've told you once and I'll tell you again. Get ready to pay up, you bastard crow-"
Deuce covers Happiny's ears as Soni's begins her tirade against the Headmaster, wincing at the numbers. "I do wonder what exactly Darkrai was doing attacking us though."
"Happiny?" The little bun looked at her Daddy with a tilted head. He doesn't seem too scary though. He sounded scared?
As more time passed, the sky above had no changed as there was no such thing as time in this place nor were there laws to be obeyed. When Soni finally suited up with her team in tow, she knelt down and patted Happiny on the head.
"Make sure to protect your Daddy and your dumb Uncle from getting smashed to bits-" That gained the indignation of her friends, but Soni continued, "-but don't risk your own life in the process. If you need to run, then run away."
A happy chirp from the Pokemon made Soni smile. "Hap!" Okay!
Taking the first step outside, Soni was flipped to the side as the ground underneath her shifted and turned. Night Raven College was broken into pieces, each place that was once easily reached was separated by floating boulders and pieces of land that were beginning to fade away at the edges in a hiss of pink light. The gaping abyss underneath Soni's feet promised the end of everything should she fall there.
"...Well, we're working with Poketoon logic apparently. Alright, this is going to be a challenge. Charlie, we need you buddy!"
The large draconic Pokemon let out a resounding roar in the silence, his tail swishing side-by-side as Soni petted his head. "Grrrr...." I heavily dislike this plan...
"I know, but hey, it's better than the last time we had to deal with a Legendary." Soni could see the look of annoyance, the huff of hot breath hitting her in the face as to scold her.
"Grrr..." The unhappy growl that escaped him made her sigh. We did not know about that one...
"No use in thinking about the past." Soni patted him one last time. "Let's go, shall we?"
Flying through the disordered world around them, Soni knew that it was more and more likely that there were at least one of the biggest deities in the world here at Night Raven College. The school building was in one piece as it was in the center of the land and surprisingly none of it had fallen apart just yet.
It was more of a mystery as to why the Legendaries were here in the first place. Unless there was something going on with their domains-
The lightbulb went off in Soni's mind.
Darkrai had mentioned something earlier about her needing to leave as well as being surprised by her knowing its name. From what Soni knew, Pokemon came from her world. How many times did this situation happen where Pokemon went missing and wound up in a different place than they've ever known? Who's to say that the deities of time, space, or even antimatter, weren't pissed by the violation of worlds colliding? Was Soni, a Blessed, the final straw to this whole situation?
Her forearm burned.
The pink slash tore through the air right near where Ramshackle was, pink molecules ascending into the air.
"...Well, shit." Soni breathed out, bracing herself for the ride back to her dorm. "Charlie, full speed ahead!"
Johto had always taken the historical stories and legends of Pokemon as fact, something Soni's mother had taken the time and energy to explain why it was important to do so.
"Who knows if they are watching you should you say their name," Her mother told her in whispers, holding her as though to shield her from their sight.
That piece of advice shook her as she watched the deities of space and antimatter roar onto the group of people that were stuck under the pressure of the Legendaries who ruled the world and all beyond. The resounding screeches of the massive beasts from above pierced the ever-eerie silence of the world. Everyone stood outside, their eyes focused on the large, draconic figures that Soni had long to respect as deities.
"Happiny!" A small dot of pink stood in front of them, bowing as much as her tiny body would allow. Hello, who are you!
Oh Arceus, give me strength. Soni thought as she watched Deuce trying to pull the little one back to safety, although the little one refused, focused on the two who hovered above her.
"GRAWAR!" Palkia's roar shook the world around them in its fury. I AM THE ONE TO RULE OVER SPACE! TINY ONE, WHO IS THE ONE TO TAKE THE BLESSED!
"Hap Happiny! Happiny Hap! Happiny!" The cheerful response was so drastically different from the atmosphere that Soni wanted to laugh. It's the birdman! Mama says that he's supposed to bring her home, but he hasn't done it, even though he promised! He doesn't pay her a lot of money that she has to fight him on it!
The two Legendaries focused on Crowley who broke out into a cold sweat.
"GRRAWWW!" Palkia's claws lit up a soft, glowing pink. SO IT IS YOU THAT DARES TO MEDDLE IN OUR AFFAIRS, BIRDMAN!
"SCRRRRRRR!" Giratina's six appendages were cloaked in shadow as though painted in darkness itself. WE SHALL NOT BE MERCIFUL WITH YOUR PATHETIC LIFE AND SPARE THE LIVES OF THOSE BEHIND THE TINY ONE!
"What's going on?!" Crowley's cries as the two began their descent on him. "I have not done anything wrong!"
"Happiny," Deuce pulled the little one into his arms, trying not to crack under the pressure, "what did you say to them to get them so mad at the Headmaster?"
"Hap Hap?" I only said what Mama said before a bunch of times?
"Did Happiny just convince literal Pokemon gods to not go after us?" Ace voiced out what everyone was thinking at this moment. "...Honestly, I shouldn't be that surprised at this point, but somehow I am."
"That's your biggest concern?" Riddle's voice peaked at that.
It was at that moment that a dark void was launched towards the two Legendaries.
"Mmmmm...." Shadows blended together to bring forth the form of Darkrai. Stay away... it was a mistake...
As much as Soni wanted the show to go on, she was brought here by accident as far as she knew. Not to mention she wouldn't get paid if the Headmaster combusted into space matter particles or got dragged to the Distortion World. All her work for the week would just evaporate if Crowley poofed out of existence.
"I'm back." Even so, that didn't mean she couldn't have a little fun with this while she could. Soni entered the scene with Charlie, ignoring the way that the Legendaries immediately focused their attention on her. "I saw something exploding. Did something happen?"
"Happiny!" The little pink Pokemon held out her arms. Mama, you're home!
"Mmmm." Darkrai asked her. Although I may have attacked you... I did not do so with the intention of harming you. I wanted... to warn you for what was to come...
"Don't worry, Darkrai, I already know that you don't mean any harm," Soni told the Dark type who looked surprised. "It's not really because you want to do it, but an unconscious thing right?"
"Mm." Yes.
"The thing is, I came here on accident. I wasn't really kidnapped? I got summoned here by a carriage." She decided that it was time to stop the misunderstanding, seeing as Crowley's soul was slowly departing him. Gotta keep him alive for him to pay her after all. "Sure, he told me that he was working on a way to send me home, pays me way less than I should be getting and made me go through several hours worth of arguing to get what I deserve, and has endangered my life enough times in the time that I've been here-"
"Is that the right thing to say at this moment..." Jack couldn't help but say that, feeling a cold sweat at the argument. "I'm surprised that she remembers everything like this..."
"One should never piss her off in any degree. She will remember every slight against her." Azul had a blank stare as he remembered what happened to him. "I learned that the hard way..."
Jade patted him on the back.
"Well, she's not wrong." Epel couldn't help but point that out. "She's been dealt a tough time with trying to renovate Ramshackle on her own, getting money for repairs, and the Overblots..."
The pressure around them all got worse.
"True, teacher's pet somehow managed to get the place livable in the span of a few days." Ace joined in. "That, and someone tried to burn it down not long after because he got pissed. Even after all of that, the place is still standing."
Riddle looked unamused by the jab but did not refute it.
"But," Soni finally finished her tirade with Crowley crying tears, "I don't think he's the one responsible for this. I think."
"Did you have to tack that last part on, Miss Monet?" Crowley's pleas were drowned out by Giratina's roar. "EIII-!"
In that instant, small meteors surrounded the area.
"Wait what- no!" Soni hadn't heard that one before. "Everyone, get down!"
Little Happiny was held in Deuce's arms as the blue-haired teen began to run. One stray meteor was about to hit them both.
"Ah, shi-!" Deuce pulled out his pen-
A blue blur appeared in front of him, its arm outstretched in the familiar jabbing action that had everyone falling over from the pain. "Croa..." Do not... harm the child...
"Happiny! Happiny!" Happiny flailed her arms. Big Brother Croagunk, you're here! You're really here!
"Croa..." The huff that left the toxic frog was enough to convey the words it wanted to say. Why wouldn't I be? Someone's making a mess.
"Thank you, Croagunk." Deuce said his respects, knowing that he wouldn't have been able to deflect that attack on his own.
"Holy shi-" Ace backpedaled. "How did it stop that meteor with its Poison Jab?! Isn't that thing a deity or god or something?!"
"Ufufu, for that one to be powerful enough to confront a deity like this, no wonder it could withstand an attack on my own spells." Malleus' pen elongated into his staff, "I do think that it's right to defend this place as our own, given that we are all at risk if we don't."
And thus the battle began.
Deuce summoned cauldrons to protect oncoming Draco Meteors that fell from the sky, knocking them off course to hit the disappearing ground. Ace assisted him by launching his own barrages of wind to redirect them to where Croagunk was demolishing them with Poison Jabs. Happiny threw boulders at the Draco Meteors, ensuring that none got to her family in the process. Jack and Epel worked together to get people out of the way, using Jack's Unique Magic to move quickly as Epel rode on his back while slinging magic at the deities.
Riddle and Azul combined forces to launch their magic together, their Vice Heads alongside them in the fight.
"Never thought that this sort of thing would happen here at our school, but there are many surprises when it comes to our local Pokemon Trainer," Azul waved his staff, hurtling a Water Shot towards the flaming ball of energy that threatened to crush them all.
"Indeed," Riddle was far more focused on staying alive than idle chitchat.
Leona used his Unique Magic to destroy the oncoming attacks with a grunt. "Dammit, this is not what I was expecting to do today."
"Shishishi, I don't think anyone was expecting something like this." Ruggie dodged out of the way of an oncoming Draco Meteor, letting out a shaky breath. "Still, this is pretty shitty work."
"Kalim, watch yourself!" Jamil aimed his magic towards the remaining Draco Meteors, flying on the back of the magic carpet as Kalim steered. "We need to minimize the damage down below us. Focus!"
"Leave it to me, Jamil!" Kalim couldn't help but feel like this was a grand adventure. "I wonder if this is something that Soni deals with all the time back home!"
"I pity her if that's the case."
Vil and Rook were in the back, trying to do some long-range damage towards the Legendaries.
"Ah, how marvelous that these gods defend the honor of our local Pokemon Trainer." Rook shot off a Null Shot at the incoming Meteor with ease. "Their passion for justice is quite beautiful."
"I wish that they could've done this on any other day," Vil kept an eye out for the ground that was crumbling right underneath them.
Idia was doing the damage calculations from the safety of his room, trying to figure out how to send these Pokemon back to where they belonged. "Ugh, they're completely aggro right now. We're just a bunch of puny Level 1 Rookies with crappy armor in front of the final boss, but Soni seems to have some OP Protagonist power going on with how she's dodging the attacks."
Meanwhile, Malleus smiled at the fact that he was fighting against a creature that was far more powerful than he. Ever since the world of Pokemon had been revealed to him, there were always new surprises to discover.
Now, he was meeting his match against a creature that equated to a deity in his friend's world. Although Malleus was strong, he was not strong enough to fight a Legendary on his own. It was a humbling experience, he will admit. Having people talk about his power and how overwhelming he was with his crown and name was something that he'd grown used to but in the face of these Pokemon, that meant nothing. He was a challenger to them.
What was that phrase that his Child of Man told him?
When people meet each other's eyes, does that means they were supposed to battle?
Then, who was Malleus to deny what they wanted?
Darkrai flew about, trying its best to deflect the oncoming attacks from the two Legendaries that were enraged by a Blessed being mistreated. Having lived for eons, the way the world had looked upon Blessed had changed. What was seen as a way to connect one another was used as a way to promote war. What was seen as a beacon of peace was seen as being a freak. What was seen as a blessing to the Legends was seen as a curse by the people who surrounded them.
Although Palkia and Giratina waged war with this place, they hadn't noticed these things sooner because Pokemon being taken through different planes was not a new phenomenon. However, Blessed being taken from their homeworld was an entirely different story. They were rare in and of themselves. Few Legendaries would ever come into contact with humans, fewer would ever claim a Blessed who would usher in a wave of peace and stability for a world so broken and divided.
To them, to try and harm the start of peace in the form of a Blessed was to invite war once more and cause devastation. That could not be allowed.
However, if they could see how the Blessed was desperately trying to keep those who had harmed her safe from their rage, they would be lenient. To oppose their will was madness, yet Darkrai couldn't help but agree with the Blessed. If the Blessed thought bygones were bygones, why not let it be so?
"Flamethrower!" The rush of flames blasted against the Spacial Rend that threatened to cut through the world in an instant. "Shit, this is getting worse!"
Soni was in the air, holding onto her beloved Charizard for dear life as they did their best to keep the battle where they could keep the least amount of damage. Granted, it was difficult to pull that off on her own, but she did what she could.
"Graaaaa!" Charlie roared as he soared between the attacks, directing them towards the sky in order to minimize the damage done to their friends below. What do you wish to do now!
"Do what I've always been good at, fighting!" Soni gave her orders. "Keep up the pressure, everyone! Charlie, Flamethrower on Giratina! Quickly!"
"Sure, a good chunk of these guys have extremely twisted morals, but that doesn't mean you can kill them! That's just wrong!" Soni ducked out of the way, her hair hitting her face as they swooped down to avoid a Dragon Claw. "I've already gotten over that crap if they've paid me back for all that they did to me! Sure, I won't really forget it 'cause like hell I will, but this whole situation is overkill!"
"Charlie, pull up!" The collision of their attacks exploded the largest portion of the remaining ground that there was near Ramshackle. "Dammit, they really are too pissed off!"
"Grrr..." We just need one final push and we could finish them off.
A shadowy black blur rose into the air, launching itself towards them. "Mmm." Allow me to assist you, Blessed.
"Darkrai, thank you for the help!" Soni raised her hand. "I'm assuming you know what to do?"
"Mmm." Of course, it is what I have been told all my existence.
"If you don't like where you used to be, why don't you stick around Ramshackle?" The offer seemed to frighten the Pokemon. "There are hardly any people living there, besides me, Grim, and the ghosts. I'm not sure if ghosts sleep though."
"...Mm." ...Perhaps.
And off they went.
Charizard zipped through the sky, his claws ripping through the attacks like they were nothing. From below, they could see nothing but an orange blur with the occasional flash of fire erupting from it. Soni's hair whipped in the wind, feeling no fear as she focused on bringing them all to victory.
"Downward! Spiral Left!" Her voice echoed into the air, the command almost being lost to the roars of the Legendaries. "Flamethrower to your left!"
Dark smoke emerged from the collisions, looming over the battlefield.
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Darkrai burst from the blackened clouds, launching the Dark Void attack and encasing the two Legendaries in it. However, that didn't last long as they needed to find a way to calm down the Legendaries. Soni brings up Oracion as a solution, not fully remembering the song name because it'd been something she'd learnt about on her travels and was a rather obscure name overall. The others could only watch in awe as this Pokemon of nightmare protected them.
Granted, there was no other way to go around it but to find songs that could work. Idia and Ortho get to work as soon as possible. As they set up speakers to blast the song through, Darkrai weakens from trying to hold back the legendaries.
"Mmmm!" Blessed, I have reached my limit!
Darkrai did its best to weave through the power of the Legendaries, but it was too much to bear. The collision of the Shadow Force knocked back Darkrai before Spacial Rend finished Darkrai in a spray of pink particles.
"Mm...." Blue eyes closed. I'm sorry... for being weak...
Darkrai was gone. The crew returned the favor by going all-out.
When Oracion began to play, the two Legendaries began to calm down and realized that their own anger towards being captured years ago had resurfaced. Nothing would ever remove that.
A Blessed was to be treated with dignity and care, yet the Bird Man had done little of that. They knew little of this world and cared little for it regardless. What they did know was that punishment was to be put in place.
"Grawww!" Palkia raised its claw, glowing bright pink. I will grant the one who went against us the mercy that the Blessed had given us. Restore to that of shadow!
"Reee!" Giratina's draconic aura pressed down on everyone there. As one under my command, I order you to rise up once more! You are to guard this place that which the Blessed dwells until she will be free of her chains.
Emerging from the shade of the tree, Darkrai was asleep, eyes closed. The Legendaries looked down upon Night Raven College and turned away from it.
Should anything happen, they will return.
That was an unspoken rule that everyone knew at that moment.
When Darkrai awakened, it was greeted with a smile to a home, one that looked in need of repair, but full of life that was endless and overflowing. Never did the Pokemon ever think of living with others until that moment.
"Welcome to Night Raven College, your new home, Darkrai." But who was Darkrai to refuse an order such as this when greeted so warmly.
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dengeki-gs · 7 years ago
anybody wanna uh. validate me. 
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goyangii · 3 years ago
i feel u so much on your thoughts about being constantly asked for your pronouns (regarding ur tags on that post i mean)... it's so infuriating!!!! this is why ive found a bit of peace chatting w older women, because they never Ever ask. they're Sane and can tell im female and will call me petnames and feel comfy and joke around. genderists r legitimately insane sorry for the rant i am just an angry gnc woman today (and always)
omfg this is probably hella late (im sorry!! i use tumblr on mobile 99% of the time so don't see the notif) but yesss omfg. it is so frustrating hanging out w/ women my age bc they are visibly uncomfortable with me and it gets depressing. it rly is insane and your anger is completely totally justified!!! older women can be very based and poggers <3
ive had some mixed experiences with older women, esp older asian (and specifically older korean) women who view my being gnc as "not taking care of myself" and always have something to say about me not having a bf/husband/children as a cryptkeeper in her mid-20s lol. but on the whole i can agree they don't buy into gendie shit for the most part and it is refreshing that at the least even if they criticize/are uncomfortable with me, we aren't debating the basic reality that i am female (that's usually the entire reason they're uncomfortable — a gnc female wouldn't be gnc if she were male).
i hope to one day have such solidarity with older women ;_; most usually pity me as they think i'm the way i am due to a history of sexual trauma and it gets depressing lmao. like, i've been friends with a (now ex-) tim since my gendie days and i've met his mom a few times — she used to vent to me about his transition lol — and his mom couldn't understand why i didn't want to perform femininity, wasn't interested in makeup, didn't wear skirts, etc. until he let slip at some point that i had a history of sexual trauma and abuse. it literally took that for her to stop bringing it up, and still it kind of upsets me that so many ppl can't get that some ppl are just...naturally gnc? like she understood and empathized with my experiences prolly on the basis that females as a class can understand what it's like to be sexually victimized by males, but can't fathom being gnc outside of a trauma response. which is so irritating bc i'm 100% certain this doesn't happen to men? like nobody looks at rupaul and is like "ah yes these men must've been sexually abused" so why do so many women assume being gnc is the product of trauma. my own mom believes this too and drops hints every so often that i'm "really a pretty girl underneath it all" and my relatives, including male ones, say that if i only wore more feminine clothing/embraced being feminine i'd "reach my potential" which is so. idk how to even put it into words LMAO. idk if you experience this as well but it drives me up the fucking wall
fwiw men, older men included, are even worse abt this all so i can't even get mad at older women in comparison. but god. i wish non-gnc women in general understood femininity as separate from being female.
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strxnged · 4 years ago
ahh turns out im back for a bit lol, i honestly have no clue when ill be active, it could be tomorrow or in a couple weeks lol.
im so glad that my parents office opened for families to come in and enjoy the ac. and its perfect because they just renovated and now im sitting in a cool hanging chair with a view of the buildings below us through the floor to ceiling windows. seriously this place is so cool.
WHOS YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTER IN PROMISED NEVERLAND?? ray is my absolute favorite and i love him so much omg.
i havent done any team sports but i did karate for 5 years. but then covid happened so classes stopped, and im thinking of quitting anyway since all my friends are off to college and my friends that are my age all quit. and i am not for teaching a bunch of bratty middle schoolers because i lose my patience easily lol, they remind me of younger me though, and i cringe thinking about how annoying younger me was haha.
though im looking for boxing lessons though. karate was great and i was good at it because im really strong, and the instructor made me focus on my punches all the time since i was the best in the class so thats where i got the idea of boxing from. i might as well focus on my strengths. also i wanna start because of the aesthetic too lol, and prime character development haha, living my life like im the main character.
literally my only goal in life is to become the main character. like straight out of a novel, aesthetic asf and badass is what im going for. like vibey and cool but also someone you can have deep convos with?? and strangely wise? and resourceful in a bunch of random things is what im going for lmao. idk if ill actually make it though because the image of myself in my head is different than what i actually am.
gl in the heat, i hope the heat wave ends soon, i am in pain.
ooh okay !! yeah, idk what my schedule looks like either, some days i'm gone except for like three posts and then there are day like today where i'm just answering asks plsss
oh my gosh that's good. it's just so crazily hot this week in a lot of places and it's not sAFE. OH THAT SOUNDS LIKE A VIBE WAIT YES
pls norman is totally my favourite. major sugawara koushi vibes ngl 👍 he's like suga but child and also stuck in a dystopia or something but wahuwahahw
ooh karate?? that's sickk a friend of mine did taekwondo and although i never actually saw her in action i admired her for it (pls idk if she's gonna read this so i'll just tag her @minadreams love u niner). EW MIDDLE SCHOOL KIDS i literally CANNOT be around 75% of them it's just badddd they all remind me of myself or other people i knew when we were that age and just. no. no.
stop wait i can't express how much fun this topic is to me but i promise that if we were talking at two am i would start ranting about what a fun concept it is and it would quickly be five am. i TOTALLY get having a different mental image of yourself, and i try so hard to keep mine accurate but it's so hard to understand the outward vs the inward persona pls
bestie you have no idea what that did to me. let's make out rn im serious
MHM MHM we got this, we strong badass main characters 💪💪
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