#idk of theres like an avengers team up tag
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sadwetcatmk · 7 months ago
I was reading over this earlier and have deemed it good enough to post I think
It's a Moon Knight Avengers team up fic I started like last year, I only have to finish the last chapter before it's done !! Hopefully that shouldn't take too long, I'll post the second chapter in a week or so to give myself some time
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kingcygnus · 6 months ago
I've been fortunately so far removed from the mcu, that it's only one year later I've found out that apparently a ya movie is already in the works for next year... feige, you mf, I thought we'd agreed we wouldn't do the ya for the mcu...
edit: apparently the movie is not moving forward, so maybe we won ?? hopefully,,
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37pedroacosta · 9 months ago
get to know me game
thanks @giuventus for tagging me <3
do you make your bed? yes but only bc i have the ikea duvet that you literally only have to straighten on the bed lmao
what's your job? none im still in school
if you could go back to school, would you? im still going, and i think i'll ultimately miss it once i get the diploma
can you parallel park? yep
do you think aliens are real? absolutely, no way in this huge universe we're the only ones alive
can you drive a manual car? yep since their the only cars i've even driven, no automatic yet for me :)
guilty pleasure? changes every 3 working days but rn is pizza con le alici and 7up
tattoos? not rn but im planning on getting the wolf from my fav football team and a 46 ;)
favourite colour? green
favourite type of music? rock 70/80s and same year's italian songwriters. ariana grande too.
do you like puzzles? no i get headaches after 2 minutes on them lmao
any phobias? hornets, spiders bigger than 3 millimetres, open wounds and needles
childhood sport? swimming
do you talk to yourself? yes
tea or coffee? tea bc i hate the taste of coffee
what was the first thing you wanted to be when you grew up? crime journalist (still wanna be a journalist lol)
what movies do you adore? aahhhhhh theres a bunch of them.
the original avengers movies (and all mcu movies connected to them), spiderman movies (all of them, from tobey to andrey to tom), kingsman secret service, senna, tre uomini e una gamba, lion king, hidden figures, romanzo criminale (even tho the serie's better), legally blonde and mean girls. ik i forgot some but idc
idk anyone on this app except the pecco hooligan that tagged me so no tag list here :)
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falcqns · 4 years ago
Hiiii! Long rant ahead 😅-
Can I please request a Bucky x civilian!fem!reader (Avengers au! Endgame never happened au! Bucky joined the Avengers au!) where Sam & Steve are friends with a civilian girl who Bucky starts to really like (but Bucky being Bucky, he’d be worried she would be scared of him, & he thinks he’s a monster 🥺 so he wouldn’t admit he likes her), she really likes him too, & one day when she’s spending the night at the Avengers HQ, he has another nightmare & she calms him down & goes to sleep on the floor with him & they cuddle & he kisses her 🥺 The next morning, Sam & Steve would go up to Bucky’s floor & see them cuddling on the floor of Bucky’s living room🥺 The rest of the Avengers would come up there out of curiosity & Tony would tease them so much & try to take pictures lol. Steve & Sam would be smug but also really happy for Bucky because she’d be good for him ��🥺🥺 Sam would annoy Bucky so much about it 😂😂💜🥰
you could never hurt me
pairing: Bucky Barnes x civilian!fem!reader
warnings: angst, fluff, soft!Bucky, almost sub!Bucky which I love and wanna write more of but im scared too bc idk if people want that, Tony being a dumb ass as usual, Sam and Steve are good friends
a/n: this got wayyy more fluffier than I planned on bc I've been diving into the little!Bucky tag on AO3 too much and he’s always such a sweetheart and I wanna write some but im too scared I’ll get hated on eep. Hope you enjoy and thank you for the request!
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God, you adored Bucky.
Despite everything he had been through, he was such a sweetheart. He had a softness to him, a softness he didn’t show most people. 
You really didn’t expect to fall for him when you started running with Sam and Steve a few months prior, but you definitely weren’t complaining. However, despite the softness you saw, he seemed to hate you. 
You didn’t know why. He was never verbally rude, he’d often leave a room as soon as you’d enter it, and avoid you as much as possible. 
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You’d been over to the compound plenty of times, but you had never spent the night. Tonight was Tony’s birthday party, and you wanted to talk to Bucky about why he hated you so much, but you didn’t see him at the party, or after. According to Steve, he hated parties, and tended to lock himself in his bedroom  until the party was over, when he would venture out and eat some of the left over food.
Once the party was over, you and the rest of the avengers, except Bucky, were sat in one of the many common areas drinking a few more beers before everyone retired for the night. 
You heard Bucky’s door shut behind him, and watched as he walked into the kitchen. The team seemed to completely ignore his presence, and that stung a little bit. Did they not see the sweet and innocent Bucky that you, Sam and Steve saw? You shook the thought out of your head as Bucky trudged back to his room with some food and a drink in his hand, completely ignoring his teammates. 
You sighed internally, and decided to bring it up another time. 
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You had just settled into your bed for the night, when you heard noises from Bucky’s room, which was right beside yours. You ignored them at first, thinking they were just him moving around and getting ready for bed, just like you had moments before. But, soon you started to hear different noises. 
You stood up from the bed, and pressed your ear against the wall that separated the two rooms. It sounded like he was trying to call out for someone, and couldn't. Like he wanted to talk so badly, but his words were catching in his throat. You feared that he could be severely hurt, so you ran out of your room and knocked on his door. 
“Bucky, you okay?” You said, and the sounds only continued. As they got louder, you knocked again, but there was still no answer. You tried the door knob, but it was locked. You looked down the hallways and was tempted to knock on Steve’s door. You wanted to make sure he was okay and you were definitely not strong enough to kick the door in.  
Just as you were reaching Steve’s door, you heard a low shout, and sobs rip through the air. You ran back to the room and tried the door handle, which was still locked. You breathed deeply, as you tried to figure out what to do. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. 
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” You asked hesitantly, and she answered right away. 
“What can I assist you with Ms Y/L/N?” 
You breathed in relief. “Can you unlock Bucky’s door for me?” 
“Sergeant Barnes has restricted access to his room. The only one who was access is Captain Rogers.” You groaned. 
“I just want to make sure he’s okay. He can get mad at me all he wants for breaking into the room but he doesn't sound okay,” You reasoned.
F.R.I.D.A.Y. responded instantly. “I agree. His heart rate and blood pressure are rising. I will unlock the door.” A second later, a low click was heard, and this time when you tried the door, it unlocked and you stepped into Bucky’s room. 
The sight of him broke your heart. 
He had abandoned his blankets on the floor and crawled into one of the corners. His knees were pulled up to his chest, and his forehead was resting on his knees as he cried his poor heart out. You rushed over, and crouched in front of him. 
“Bucky? Are you okay?” You asked, and he shook his head, trembling slightly. You heard his teeth chattering, so you grabbed the comforter from behind you, and wrapped it around his shoulders. His cries slowed slightly, and he looked up at you.
“W-why are you helping me?” He asked, stuttering slightly. 
You furrowed your brows. “You’re obviously not doing well, and I want to help you. Why wouldn't I help you?” 
Bucky choked out a laugh. “I thought you'd be scared of me. Of what I can do. Of what I've done.” 
You sat criss cross apple sauce in front of him, and took his metal hand into your flesh one. You held it up, and intertwined your fingers with his. “I’m not scared of you.” You said simply, and Bucky nodded, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks. 
He looked down at his lap. “I could hurt you.”
You scoffed and moved closer. Without letting go of his hand, you manoeuvred to your knees, and pushed his legs down flat. You straddled his lap, you free hand rising and tangling in his locks that were wet from both his shower and sweat. “You could never hurt me.” You stated, your hand in his hair sliding down to cup his jaw, your thumb rubbing against his soft and kissable cheek. 
You watched as a tear slipped from his eye, and danced like a rain drop in a carwash down his soft but still stubbly cheek and jaw. 
“Why are you so nice to me? I don’t deserve it.” He whispered, his chin trembling. You smiled sadly and wiped the tear away. 
“You are is deserving of everything sweetheart. You’re such a sweetie pie and it sucks that the rest of your team doesn't see it, because you deserve all the loves and cuddles you could get. What you did, that wasn’t you. It may have been your body, but it wasn't you. You have been treated so harshly by so many people, including those who were supposed to protect you from those who did hurt you, when all you deserve is such kindness.” You said, and smiled when Bucky practically melted into your embrace, his head burying itself in your neck. He unraveled your fingers, and wrapped his arms around your waist, his face nuzzling in your neck. 
“Thank you. No ones ever said something that nice to me,” He said, and you felt his eyes flutter closed against the skin of your neck, finally at peace. 
“You deserve it.” You said, and you pulled away slightly. He let out a whine, but then his eyes widened, almost expecting you to hurt him. Your heart melted and you pressed a kiss to his forehead. 
“It’s okay if you’re feeling vulnerable, baby. I’m right here. I won't leave, and I won't hurt you. Let’s lay down okay?” You said, and he sniffled as he nodded and followed you groggily over to where his blankets were on the floor. You laid down, and opened your arms, inviting him in. 
He laid down in your arms, and his face found your neck again. He breathed in slightly, and sat up on his elbow suddenly. You furrowed your brow, but all the questions that were swirling in your head were answered when he pressed his lips against yours. You smiled into the kiss, and cupped his jaw again as your lips moved together slowly and sensually. 
The kiss broke a few moments later, and you ran a hand through Bucky’s hair, a dopy smile spreading on his face. 
You opened your arms again. “Come lay down, love.” You said, and he instantly complied, his body finding its previous position. You heard his breathing even out seconds later, and knew he was finally getting the sleep he deserved.
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The next morning, Steve and Sam went looking all over the compound for you, and couldn’t find you anywhere. They walked past Bucky’s room once more, and made eye contact. 
“You don’t think-”
“Theres no way-” They said at the same time, and decided to look.
 A smile cracked on both their faces when they saw you and Bucky, still curled up on the floor. 
A flash went off, and they turned to face Tony. “Fuckin’ finally. Been waiting for Tin Man to make a move for months.” He said, and Steve smacked him upside the head. 
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@kpopgirlbtssvt @@nerdypinupcrystal @@sohoseb @@bieberhoodforever @crazy-avengers-gal @colicovision @est19xxshit
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pies-writes-and-more · 5 years ago
Click HERE for the amazing fics I read in May 2020!
NOTE: If you’ve got an incredible fic that you are super proud of or if you think that I should read something you’ve read, PLEASE SEND IT TO ME! I’m really big on StevexFem!Reader, BuckyxFem!Reader, WandaxFem!Reader, CarolxFem!Reader, and Stucky fics!!! (And of course any fics with gender neutral readers is ALWAYS welcome :) )
If you do end up reading these fics, please tag me if you reblog them or comment on them!! I’d love to see your guys’ reactions :)
PS. if these links dont work for some reason, please let me know so I can update this list because I was very distracted halfway through making this so it might not be perfect!
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Okay so I’m not doing this because I’m trying to give myself a shoutout however, @wxstedhexrt​ and I have been collaborating in a poetry inspired fanfic collection called Falling! Tis a BuckyxFem!Reader series and if I do say so myself, it’s fucking adorable. 
The real reason I’m mentioning it is because @wxstedhexrt​‘s poems are some of the most real and gorgeously written things I’ve ever met so please give them a look! 
She has this series on Achilles and Patroclus, this collection about the word Silver, gorgeous poems from last year (involving Icarus, Apollo, and Helen of Troy), and so many more!!! Check out the tag #poetry or #mywriting on her blog!!! Send her some love :)
1. Homecoming by @scentedsongrebel | Steve Rogers x Desi!Reader “You bring Steve to Mumbai to meet your family“ Yall want some wonderful representation in your fic reading!!??? READ THIS ONE! It’s so fucking wholesome and I love the whole story line of Steve learning more about his partner’s culture so that he can impress her family. Fucking adorable. 100% fluff with a wonderfully diverse reader and author!!!!
2. Iced Tea by @kaunis-sielu | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader I don’t think there’s an official summary for this fic ( @kaunis-sielu pls correct me if I’m wrong) BUT LEMME TELL YALL. I AM A SUCKER FOR BIKER FICS. WE LOVE BIKER STEVE. This was 100% FLUFFY and we LOVE IT. Amazing job!!!!!!
3. let me show you by @moteldwelling | Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader bucky gives reader a “redo” on her first time, and takes her virginity. Listen here people. This smut took my soul and dragged me to hell and back. I am a SUCKER for Bucky fics but this one like took my life away. We love a man who makes sure his lady is having a good time when being intimate with her!!!!! we stan a good boi. Anyways if I keep thinking about this fic, I’mma need to go shower so I’mma end this here. Go read for yourselves and then cry with me about why Bucky Barnes isn’t in our lives. 18+ readers only of course! 100% HOT. FUCKING. SMUT.
4. Under the Rainbow, Draga mea by @binkysteebnpewter | Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader Again, I don’t think there’s an official summary for this (pls correct me if I’m wrong @binkysteebnpewter) and YES, I KNOW i put this in my May recommendations but I finished reading the series in JUNE so it is HERE AGAIN and DESERVES to be HERE AGAIN BECAUSE WE LOVE FICS WITH 100% GAY SHIT AND LOVE <3 I am a fucking sucker for the love that Wanda and this Reader have together. If you’re not convinced, ask @wxstedhexrt how much I cried reading it lol. anyways an amazing series that I will continue to go back reading again and again because i LOVE wlw fics <3 
5. Oh no, that’s bad by @andyl394 | Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader You’re a college student, you’re mad angry, Bucky ruins your paper, that’s not good is it? I read through this 20-part series like there was NO TOMORROW and god DAMN. We love hilarious social media AUs but this one really killed me. I always love Bucky who is soft and shy in fics but the Bucky in this fic was a LITTLE SHIT and i had so much ANGST. Anyways, if you read this fic, you may want to slap the characters BUT I PROMISE THERES AN ADORABLE HAPPY ENDING!!!! 100% INCREDIBLE
6. Home by @evanstush | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader It’s been 2 years since the last battle and it’s now Morgan’s 7th birthday, and well, Tony being Tony, he prepared a small party for her little girl, inviting everyone from the team, including you. So Kate decided to rip my heart out with this fic and have me on my knees sobbing so that’s cool. That’s it, that’s all I have to say. JK, this fic actually is like half and half FLUFF and ANGST but lord is it worth it. Kate, you know I adore you so much and your fics play a big part in why! God this girl deserves more love on these stories because holy shit I’m DEAD.
7. Baby Self by @honeyloverogers | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader Alternative to Babies! Assemble, What if it was you that got turned into a baby instead? YALL WANT FUCKING FLUFF!?!?!?! 1000000000% FLUFFFFFFF AND CUTENESSSSSS (with like a little bit of a piece of shit lady who comes around but like its cool because a baby says fuck lol) THIS WAS A FIC WRITTEN LIKE NO OTHER. I LOVED IT SO MUCH. IT WAS SO PERFECT. Think of endgame and that moment when Scott turns into a baby??? Yeah now scratch that and think of Y/N if SHE turned into a baby and the avengers couldn’t figure out how to turn her back right away so now everyone has to take care of this baby HGOIDHFOISHFOISDHF the baby fever was so real in this fic ughhhhh <3 
8. Insecurities by @evanstush | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader You’re 7 months pregnant, and you can’t help be so insecure about some things. And here’s Kate again bringing me back to life with more wholesome fluff and a wholesome husband who loves his wife so fucking much and ugh i- i read this fic over and over sometimes and it just makes me realize how much i want this adhfoiasjdfoi <3 I aint pregnant but if I WAS i would want this steve to be comforting me ugh 103874203847% FLUFFFFFFF <3 
9. Requested fic (idk if it has a name??? sorry) by @donutloverxo | Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader Request: Hey, as for the headcanon requests how about Steve giving a lift to a girl in need when it's raining heavily or smth? I don't know where this idea came from 😅 Did yall need some confirmation that Sarah Rogers raised her son the fucking right way?!?!? WELL HERE YOU GO. THIS MANS OUT HERE BEING AN ABSOLUTE SWEETHEART <3 ugh we love wholesome drabbles really <3 amazing workkkkk!!!!!
10. Leather and Lace by @queen-kass-the-writer​ | Steve Rogers x AFuckingKickAssFem!OC :) Steve Rogers hardly expects anything to come out of a sleepy night at his new favorite dive bar until a pristinely dressed little lady saunters into the bar with a delicate smile but a wicked uppercut. Biker!Steve x Helena Alright so this is a little different than the above fics because THIS IS AN OC FIC :D now if any of yall know me I don’t tend to read OC fics HOWEVER Kass is INCREDIBLE at churning out fics. I had gave her an idea of a Biker Steve fic and like BAM she made it :O (seriously i don’t know how that is... to have an idea... and actually produce it?!??!) It’s a hilarious story of Biker Steve being head over heels Helena which is adorable (and a character named after me being Bucky’s shithead date lol hilarious) YALL BETTER READ THIS SHIT BECAUSE IT’S 100% WONDERFUL
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Okay so I know that this list is FAR shorter than my last recommendations list. I suckkkkked at reading fics this month lol. I’m definitely going to try and read more in July so here’s to hoping! Love you all a ton :D
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resurrectedhippo · 4 years ago
so this is the 3rd time ive started composing this ask (hope i dont delete it this time too, im shy sorry) just wanted to say that ur my favourite most fic writer and i love love love ur work. also could u pretty pls let me know ur fave stevetony fics? tysm in advance. sorry abt my english if theres any mistakes, not my first language.
IDK why I am crying, but that feels really good to hear. My heart just grew ten times over. Thank you so much. I am glad my words do something in this world and that you like them. I’ll always reply to asks if you ever just wanna talk :)
I really like angst and dark fic. I find that those are the ones that stick with me the most and I just need to get all my tears out. These are my favorite works, I hope you enjoy them, but heed the tags and warnings! 
Let me start with some ANGST:
Are we satellites? by starvels 
Summary: In between sunrises on the road, Steve is speaking, eating, stepping into diners to save people like coming back to his childhood home.
And Tony, Tony is watching him. Tony is relearning being awake.
A cross country roadtrip where Steve and Tony find the typical American town, a fuckton of trees and finally, finally, find the right questions to ask each other.
Universe: 616
Concatenation (series) by Cazio
Summary: Superfamily. This series begins four years after the divorce of Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, and continues through the trials and devastations that continue to arrive in the aftermath.
Tags: post-divorce, depression, suicidal thoughts, blood gore, self-harm, PTSD, anxiety attacks, drug use, death
Universe: MCU
Something More Than What They Are (series) by Sapphic_Futurist
Summary: An exploration of love, denial and propensity for change.
"I promise to trust you, always. To give you everything I have and everything I am. To never hide from you and to never let you hide yourself from me."
Did Steve even consider what those vows meant when he’d made them? They’re only pretty words now, scattered like rose petals in the frozen waste of Siberia.
Tags: Post-Civil War Fix-it, Grief/Mourning, Marriage Breakdown, Partner Betrayal, Reconciliation
Universe: MCU
All-Time Low by Sineala 
Summary: Tony's lost his company to Obadiah Stane. He's lost it all: his money, his friends, his Avengers team... and his sobriety. Drunk, homeless, Tony is living on the streets, and when he runs out of liquor money, he sells the only thing he has left: his body. And one day, he has the exact wrong customer.
Tags: alcohol abuse, angst, bittersweet ending
Universe: 616  like history erasing itself by WhenasInSilks
Summary: “Don’t worry,” Steve says. 
“I’m not buying anything you’re not selling.” Tony folds his arms, tugs the too-thin body of his jacket tighter around him. “You don’t know what I’m selling.”
“I know what you’ve sold already. Next to that, this should be nothing.”
“Get fucked,” Tony says, but Steve only laughs, an ugly, empty sound. 
Bloodless. False. 
“That’s the plan."
Tags: alcohol abuse, extremely dubious consent, power imbalance, bondage, humiliation, under-negotiated kink, bottom Tony, Not-A-Fix-It, Hurt No Comfort
Universe: 616  DARK
Sins of Omission by Kiyaar
Summary: A Post-Civil War, Pre-Secret Invasion AU where Steve is dead, Tony's a mess, and everything sucks. In which Tony deals poorly with Steve's death, falls off the wagon, sees ghosts, and misses a lot. Oh, and the Skrulls are about to invade.
Tags: rape/non-con, secret invasion, angst, skrulls, torture, victim blaming, prolonged partner abuse, gaslighting, captivity, suicide attempt, suicidal thoughts, PTSD, apocalypse
Universe: 616
Almost Perfect by Obani
Summary: A powerful enemy invades from an alternate reality, but the only thing he really seems interested in is Steve Rogers.
Tags: rape/non-con, Evil Tony Stark, gore, blood, disturbing themes, sexual slavery, torture, mutilation
Universe: Multiverse
Eventually by Obani
Summary: Tony is godking of the wasteland. Steve is not.
Tags: rape/non-con, body horror, sexual slavery
Universe: Ults
The Cure and the Disease by Diomedes
Summary: They break Stark first. One by one the rest of them follow.
Tags: Body Horror, Captivity, Everyone is captured, Team Whump
Universe: MCU
Coming Up Roses by NobodysBloodyPrincess
Summary: Those with a death wish referred to the High Commander’s infatuation with the late Tony Stark as an ‘obsession.’ They were wrong. It had to be more than that, after all there was no word for what the High Commander was about do in the name of making things right.No one gets a redo of life… no one except High Commander Rogers that is. Everything is coming up Roses and Sunshine for him. After all, he has a dream and it’s going to come true.
Tags: Underage Sex, Time-Travel
Universe: MCU
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years ago
Group Ask 146
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said: (polyamory)
Hi there! I read a stuckony soulmate identity porn fic a few years back. The team doesn'T know Tonys Iron Man so when you find your soulmate you are unable to lie to them. He learns that Bucky & Steve are his. When Tony is in his armor, Steve says something but tony looks in his direction but thinks of clint's question and is able to lie. Tony doesn't believe in soulmates bc his parents were each others and he watched his mother turn a blind eye to Howard's infidelity since you cant lie to them.
Anon 2 said:
hi ! im looking for a fic i read a while back. it's explicit, and pretty lengthy and modern au i think. basically bucky is steve's assistant, steve's a business man. it starts off with bucky kneeling at steve's desk then to face fucking then to actual sex on steves desk. im trying my best to make it easy to find sorry
Anon sent in Finish What You Started by TheFandomFilms (complete | 133,998 | E)
Anon 3 said:
i just lost a fic. bucky worked at stark industries but got recruited to be an avenger and later reveals he’s enhanced. steve and bucky go on an undercover mission as a married couple in a hydra town
Anon, wayward-lives and shout-out-into-the-void sent in Bucky Barnes: Intelligence Nerd by LilyInTheSnow (WIP | 113,925 | E)
Anon 4 said:
Um I was looking for this fic. It’s Stevebucky and it’s set at a university. Steve is preserum and an art teacher and new so bucky, who is a teacher there, thinks he’s a student and it’s really awkward overall. Bucky’s really worried about having a relationship with a student and a teacher I think even tho Steve’s not a student
Anon 5 said:
Ok so idk if i’ve asked for this before but! i’m looking for a fic where all the avengers are staying at this ski resort? i think? for some reason? everyone’s sleeping in the same room and bucky has a bed and steve’s only in a sleeping bag and he’s so cold, he’s shivering and bucky tells him to come into the bed with him and they do stuff, and then the next morning it turns out tony overheard them and jokes at them for it? sorry if its difficult! thanks!
Anon 6 said:
Hey, I'm looking for a fic I lost, all I can remember is that it's Shrunkyclunks and Steve picks Bucky up at a bar and after they hook-up Steve finds out that Bucky knew who he was the whole time and there's also a bit where Steve reveals he was a sex-worker back in the day. It's a one-shot and I've looked EVERYWHERE and I can't find it. Thanks for the help!
whitewolfbucky sent in sometimes you only get one chance by endofadream (oneshot | 8,159 | E)
Anon 7 said:
UGH I've gone through the tags that I can think of looking for this fic- it's one where, near the end, Bucky sends a letter to like a Dear Abby type-thing where he says that he and Steve are engaged, but they can't settle on a date and Bucky fears that Steve doesn't actually want to marry him. Can y'all help me out?
padmablossom and entigral sent in The Happily-Ever-After Business by mambo (complete | 23520 | T)
Anon 8 said:
hi could u help me find a fic ive lost? all i remember is that bucky was in an unhealthy relationship with pierce (who i think was a mob boss or smthn??) and theres a point when bucky keeps trying to find a job, but pierce gets him secretly fired from everyone after a few months of him working so he cant feel independent? thank u !
stevebuckythyla sent in Heat of the Night* by Kellyscams (complete | 186,509 | M) *underage, /others, abuse (heed the tags)
Anon 9 said:
hiiii there was this fic awhile ago where all the howlies were platonic soulmates and steve and bucky we're together and it was the cutest thing ever but i cant find it anymore... help
dolphinqueen10 and Anon sent in sidereal by girlbookwrm, verbalatte (complete | 67,892 | M)
Anon 10 said:
Hi I’ve been scouring the internet for this fic it’s abo where Steve had a baby (I think a girl) and was pregnant when he went into the ice. He brings Bucky back after the events of TWS and Bucky seems to misunderstand that Steve has someone waiting back at home for him and thinks he’s moved on. There’s a scene I remember where Bucky is essentially like “no way did you leave your kid to go looking for me?” And Steve says it’s their kid sorta thing ...
Anon 11 said: (/others)
hi! i've been looking for this story for ages but i can't find it anywhere. steve and bucky were childhood friends and bucky was in love with steve. it was def mpreg but i can't remember if it was abo as well. at a certain point steve left to go stay with peggy (who was pregnant but has a miscarriage I think). I remember bucky's family was also featured and maybe even sarah. i also think bucky got involved with either rumlow or pierce. sorry if this sounds vague but it's all I remember
dolphinqueen10 sent in Love, Bucky* by ValkyrieGail (WIP | 112,688 | E) *rape/noncon, /others
Anon 12 said:
Hey! I’m looking for a fic where Bucky was a stripper I think and Steve was a cop or detective who went to the club he worked at to ask him some questions about a case. I remember Steve takes him to his apartment I think and Bucky only has like a suitcase of clothes. I also think he goes to eat lunch with Steve one day at the precinct but gets embarrassed because sam is there. Thank you!
Anon 13 said:
I can’t find this fanfic anywhere but basically fury forces Bucky to be an avenger by threatening him and Steve, (who is buff but isn’t enhanced or a superhero) and he thinks the avengers are in on it and is scared of them and then they find out about fury because Steve tells them?
Anon, harratus, angelsbeast, wayward-lives and time-lord-no-more sent in A Matter of Pride(?) by Quarra (complete | 5,918 | M )
paranoiascreams said:
Hi, i've skimmed through possible tags but I still havent found a fic wherein Steve is a single dad who rarely leaves his office unless it's to have dinner with his daughter. And Bucky is the new tutor of Steve's daughter. It's set in maybe Victorian times? Wanda is a maid who held a bit of feelings for Bucky too. 
Anon 14 said:
hey! I was looking for a fic I read a few years ago. All I remember from it was that steve and bucky were on a mission and natasha booked them a room in a love hotel as a joke. Steve thinks bucky wants to go out and grab a girl, but the way he phrased it made bucky think that steve was asking him to have sex. He consents and gets confused when steve starts to leave. They share a bath to not waste water and steve realises bucky consented to him, and then they have some fun
stevebuckythyla sent in My Treat by druxykexy (oneshot | 10,033 | E)
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supertangie · 5 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Iron Man (Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Steve Rogers Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), an assortment of random villains Additional Tags: BAMF Peter, Peter Parker Meets the Avengers, Identity Reveal, Secret Identity, Team as Family, (Almost), Canon-Typical Violence, Gun Violence, Kidnapping, Attempted Kidnapping, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Peter Parker is a Little Shit, theres like no angst in here, Humor Only Train, honestly this is peter clowning around, with the people that tried to kidnap him, for 5k words idk what to tell yall Summary:
“Bring Spider-Man to us, Mr. Stark,” High-heels says and rattles off an address ��If that bug isn’t here in the next twenty four hours, then your intern gets it. We are not going to ask a second time.”
There’s a pause.
Then, “You want Spider-Man?”
“In exchange for your intern,” High-heels affirms.
“Spider-Man,” Mr. Stark repeats. Peter thinks he sounds more amused than worried for Peter’s apparent safety.
also known as: Peter Parker is held hostage…in order to get to Spider-Man. It would be funny if the entire situation didn’t just fit right in with his normal luck. Throw in some Accords reconciliation and, well, Peter’s life just got a whole lot weirder.
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ao3feed-thorbruce · 6 years ago
Happy Together
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/337p65K
by lauralovestonystark
Are you looking for a happy Marvel fic to forget Endgame ever happened? Do you want tons of fluff and only a tiny bit of angst (sometimes)? Do you just want everyone to be alive and happy? Well then this is the fic for you! In here you will find Tony Stark as a Dad, Thor with memes, adorable Morgan Stark, and more!
Everyone is happy (and alive), no horrible disaster like Infinity War or Endgame happened (while still keeping a few of the good things that happened in those movies). Thanos is nonexistent. Everyone got their happy life, the one they always dreamed about. The story starts a few days before Morgan's birthday party. All of the Avengers are invited and they're staying at the Headquarters afterwards for a while, catching up amd having fun.
Words: 5988, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, James Rhodes, Happy Hogan, Nick Fury, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Maria Hill, Harley Keener, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Peter Quill, Groot (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Gamora (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Nebula (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Laura Barton, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Luis (Ant-Man movies), Cassie Lang, T'Challa (Marvel), Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man), Stephen Strange, Mantis (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Nakia (Black Panther), Okoye (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Thor, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie/Carol Danvers, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Shuri, Michelle Jones & Harley Keener & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker & Shuri, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Harley Keener & Peter Parker, Loki & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Thor, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers, Scott Lang/Hope Van Dyne, there are so many help, Carol Danvers & Nick Fury, Avengers Team & Chewie | Goose, Carol Danvers & Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: everyone is happy, No Endgame, No Infinity War, Irondad, spiderson, Fluff, theres litterally only fluff, but still a bit of sadness because its realistic, marvel AU, Avengers AU, AU, Mild Language, idk - Freeform, will probably add more - Freeform, Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Pansexual Loki (Marvel), Bisexual Tony Stark, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Bisexual Steve Rogers, Bisexual Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Lesbian Carol Danvers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/337p65K
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ao3feed-harleykeener · 6 years ago
by lauralovestonystark
Are you looking for a happy Marvel fic to forget Endgame ever happened? Do you want tons of fluff and only a tiny bit of angst (sometimes)? Do you just want everyone to be alive and happy? Well then this is the fic for you! In here you will find Tony Stark as a Dad, Thor with memes, adorable Morgan Stark, and more!
Everyone is happy (and alive), no horrible disaster like Infinity War or Endgame happened (while still keeping a few of the good things that happened in those movies). Thanos is nonexistent. Everyone got their happy life, the one they always dreamed about. The story starts a few days before Morgan's birthday party. All of the Avengers are invited and they're staying at the Headquarters afterwards for a while, catching up amd having fun.
Words: 5988, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, James Rhodes, Happy Hogan, Nick Fury, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Maria Hill, Harley Keener, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Peter Quill, Groot (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Gamora (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Nebula (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Laura Barton, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Luis (Ant-Man movies), Cassie Lang, T'Challa (Marvel), Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man), Stephen Strange, Mantis (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Nakia (Black Panther), Okoye (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Thor, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie/Carol Danvers, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Shuri, Michelle Jones & Harley Keener & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker & Shuri, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Harley Keener & Peter Parker, Loki & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Thor, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers, Scott Lang/Hope Van Dyne, there are so many help, Carol Danvers & Nick Fury, Avengers Team & Chewie | Goose, Carol Danvers & Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: everyone is happy, No Endgame, No Infinity War, Irondad, spiderson, Fluff, theres litterally only fluff, but still a bit of sadness because its realistic, marvel AU, Avengers AU, AU, Mild Language, idk - Freeform, will probably add more - Freeform, Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Pansexual Loki (Marvel), Bisexual Tony Stark, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Bisexual Steve Rogers, Bisexual Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Lesbian Carol Danvers
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plinys · 8 years ago
did you see agentverbivore 's meta on why fraida is sexual assault? can you comment on it?
so like, i wasn’t going to answer this. i was off enjoying my life, i saw cars 3 which is great i cant believe doc hudson is gay and lightening mcqueen is secretly fitz and if y’all think im not gonna write a cars fraida au you’re wrong
and i come home to this
lovely anon
i was really just going to be like ??? this isnt worth my time and just go write fraida fic and dont worry guys if youre here for baby au or beach house verse or kinky framework smut well i got you covered later today
but before that, we need to talk
this is long, and doesnt cover most the important bits
first off, apologies to my one (1) mutual that is a huge holden radcliffe fan, you should probably look away for part of this meta. because im gonna put some of the blame on him
a few points from that awful meta i skimmed that was again not valid because it was written by a fs stan and these people by default cannot stand any other character looking at fs (like my girl oph may be evil, but like will daniels was not !? but man were the fs stans ready to call him abusive and sexual assualt back then so, again as proof opinions of those extra gross fs stans are not valid)
now if you are a mildly reasonable fs fan or just a normal person that ships other things, please do not let the crazies convince you of some total bullshit 
hee’s some ground facts
my girl aida, now know as ophelia, is one of the main villains of the season. she’s evil af in the later half. im not here to deny that. she’s one of the seasons villains
you know who else are tho - holden radcliffe and leopold fitz
back in 4.01 my girl was created to be a digital assistant, programmed not to lie and not to kill and generally just like a good™ person. now that got fucked up and whose fault is that
well lets have some more facts:
holden gave her the programming that it was okay to kill if it was to fill an objective he set (this allowed her to kill him later and honestly that was his bad)
fitz taught her how to lie, and holden assured her that it was okay to do so
as mack, the only person with a logical fear of robots would tell us, this is a bad idea
and then we get the darkhold
man who, from the other side, convinced aida to read the book? 
who then later enabled her to keep reading and gain all the knowledge and use it to help him create the framework and expand it and make it better
but oh man thats another good point who designed the framework? 
holden radcliffe and leopold fitz
holden specifically was the one that wanted it to grow, that encouraged her to push the simulation, that had the plan to put may into it and give her a whole different life to keep her contained
holden was also the one to have them kidnap and replace the rest of the team
wait you mean? aida was just following orders? the whole time? oh yes, thats right guys. she was
until of course
the framework
now here’s where it gets messy because
the framework 
in the framework, the darkhold has no hold on you anymore
which means, holden gets to experience regret and becomes not the villain anymore go him 
though as mentioned before this, holden’s instructions were to fix regret so people would stay in the framework and not question the narrative or want to leave
which leaves us with
coulson not a shield agent
may saving the girl (both of which ive mentioned in previous metas is why hydra rose with no one to assemble the avengers and a fear of inhumans in the public it was easy)
fitz being raised with his father (who i personally hc as hydra in the real world too but thats just me)
mace being an inhuman
and mack having his daughter
now despite what poor sad jemma simmons, and the fs stan mouth piece that daisy got to be for a brief moment (i miss a well written daisy wow) will tell you,
not having a girl in your life does not suddenly make you a super villain
maybe its idk
the hydra father you were raised with 
in a demonstrated emotionally abusive house that says not to show emotions and weakness (much like john garrett did to grant ward)
a world in which there was a fear of inhumans and a push for hydra to rise
a natural inclination for ambition
now, idk if its just me but
aida didnt make fitz evil
she followed holden orders to fix his regret, 
if anything holden made him evil but really this anger and darkness has been inside of fitz all along and if you dont believe me rewatch season 2/3. watch that scene with ward when he cuts off the air, watch him with the gun and yelling at the space rock, watch him angrily pushing things onto the ground when frustrated
this kid has been two shakes from being a villain since season two
 now to the fraida bit
if you believe ophelia on the beach scene which i do, she’s human now, able to feel things, there’s no way this girl so new to emotions that she has a panic attack thinking about people being hurt, so new that she loses herself to heart break in what is honestly just bad writing but canon so i can use it as a point here
would lie without there being an obvious tell
she’s not lying. 
she wanted to feel loved and human
so she took jemma’s place at the academy
now when did fitzsimmons first hook up? when did they first kiss? how long did that take? 
aida, then calling herself ophelia, wanted to be jemma simmons and like i get that. you, the fs stans, should get that. i mean isnt that why you all write self insert fanfic while slapping the name jemma on the character and pretending its the same one we see in canon?
aidas just like you
maybe a little misguided, playing a fucked up sims game of the real world
in a sense they created an alternate universe
an earth 2
and now you’re here telling me a robot, who cannot canonically feel anything more than pain, was the one to initiate sex? no, that boy def initiated it. 
the horrible example of the meta involves someone being roofed and forced into sex, but thats not what happened. she wouldnt have been the one to touch him first, wouldn’t have been the one to initiate anything because she wanted to experience love and humanity and none of that is part of it
now iain confirmed the friada sex happened, canon later told us that it happened in 4.21 and again reminded us that she could feel nothing, which important take away here
now if you say
there’s consent issues, probably dub-con ill agree
but the framework version of him, this alternate universe man very much wanted every part of that
and honestly could you blame him?
so now i am going to sit here and write my fic set in the framework verse as if it was a full earth 2 and enjoy living it up in my alternate universe sin verse
im going to write my lets ignore everything after she saves mack fix it fics because i can do whatever i want
its fandom
and theres like 4 of us shipping fraida
block the tag if you dont want to see it 
dont come up in my inbox anymore and ask my opinions or for m to justify my ship ever again, im just going to start replying with the parks & rec gif of ron with her permit to do what he wants
ye be warned
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dabblinginmarvel · 8 years ago
Bad-Ass With a Bear
Request: Heeey! I really liked immortality is not an excuse! So I have a request for you! Can you do a request where the reader is like... a super bad ass. Like she eats lemons, straight off the tree. She's really good at combat and can scare the Hulk. But she sleeps with a child hood teddy bear and the Avengers find out and take it and the reader creates hell until they give it back but loose it? Idk it's weird, it's 12:00 am I'm so tired Kthxbye
Blog Tag: @isaqel
A/N: Lots of fluff, just like the bear, pictured here. Fem!Reader.
Warnings: Bad words.
Word Count Total: 824 (I didn’t expect this to get this long, tbh)
Short Imagine #92
Title: Bad-Ass With a Bear
Tumblr media
The Avengers weren’t quite sure what to make of you. You were a team member and they were always around you, but you were thought to figure out. At first, they only knew you as a bad-ass, but after what they found in your room, they knew most of it had to be an act.
See, you had this reputation as a bad-ass because you ate fresh lemons like oranges, kicked all kinds of butt, and never once concerned yourself in matters that were small, like arguments. You knew to pick your battles, and those battles were ones that your teammates stayed far, far away from. Even Bruce and the Hulk.
Until today. They knew they would get their butts kicked if – no, when – you found out. But, it would be worth it to see the look on your face when you found out they knew about your teddy bear.
This bear was one you had gotten as a baby and never once let someone replace it. It had been re-stuffed, sewn up, patched up, and refluffed so many times that you had lost count. But you still loved it, and on nights that were particularly difficult, especially after a rough mission, it was comfort that you needed. You could hug it to your chest and because it was a Gund brand, it was almost as if it could hug you back.
Natasha had been the one to find it while she was putting away your shoes that you had left by the front door. She was tired of telling you (but in all honesty, you were busy), so she shoved them in your closet. That was when she found the small pink bear, its round plastic eyes scratched up and the fuzz gone from its nose. She picked it up and turned it around in her fingers. This was a teddy bear, and she never had one at any point of her life. A feeling of sadness washed over her as she realized what the bear meant to you, despite the absence of one in her life. The bear was out back on its shelf and as she went to shut the closet door, someone came in behind her. She had been so distracted that she hadn’t noticed someone sneaking up in the doorway.
“Oh, Sam. It’s just you.”
“Yeah. Hey, is that a bear in Y/N’s closet?” He walked to the bear.
“Don’t tell anyone. I don’t want to embarrass her.”
“My lips are sealed.”
But somehow, by the time lunch arrived, the whole team knew about your teddy. It had even been passed around the room.
“Well,” said Steve, “I don’t have a problem with Y/N having a bear. I don’t see what the big deal is.”
“The point is not even the great Y/N is impenetrable,” said Tony.
“You’ll be on the receiving side of her anger once she finds out you are hiding it somewhere.”
“Well, it can’t be any worse than when the HYDRA agent shot her in the thigh. She ran on pure adrenaline to incapacitate him and still made a tourniquet in time to staunch the blood flow.”
“Oh, I forgot. Y/N is Chuck Norris, now.” Clint chuckled.
Steve furrowed his brow and Nat patted him on the shoulder. “I’ll explain later.”
Tony hid the bear on a high beam and went back to his own business, in too deep for sure. Natasha was sure he wasn’t getting out of this one alive.
When you returned from running errands, you were exhausted. All you wanted to do was pick up your bear and sleep. When you couldn’t find him (yes, your bear was a he), you began to panic. A tough mission had occurred less than a week ago and you had a hard time sleeping enough without Teddy.
You knew that out of anyone, you could trust Nat with a secret, so you went to her after searching your entire room.
“Nat, could I talk to you a second?” You pulled her away from catching up on Game of Thrones.
“Sure, what’s up?”
“I need to ask you something in complete confidence.”
“You know you can ask me anything.”
“Okay. I have this teddy bear that I always keep in my room, but now it’s gone. Could you help me find it?”
She looked into your pleading eyes and felt guilt settle in her stomach. “There’s a small thing you need to know….”
After she was done, your anger flamed up and she knew Tony was going to be in a world of hurt for the next week.
Steve helped you get it down partly because he felt guilty knowing your secret and partly because Tony was nowhere to be found.
You didn’t blame Steve, but you blamed Sam and Tony. They would hide from you for about a week and a half before they tried facing you again. And they had learned their lesson.
 - - -
Permanent Tag List (please alert me if you change your username or if you want to be untagged): @hellomissmabel, @mindlessnerd89, @wxnchestervevo, @beccaanne814-blog, @mylittlefandomfanfictions, @dreamer821, @fangirling-equestrian, @feelmyroarrrr, @allineedisconnor
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ao3feed-steverogers · 5 years ago
in an empty moral space
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2kJg6Ta
by blueh
“Bring Spider-Man to us, Mr. Stark,” High-heels says and rattles off an address “If that bug isn’t here in the next twenty four hours, then your intern gets it. We are not going to ask a second time.”
There’s a pause.
Then, “You want Spider-Man?”
“In exchange for your intern,” High-heels affirms.
“Spider-Man,” Mr. Stark repeats. Peter thinks he sounds more amused than worried for Peter’s apparent safety.
also known as: Peter Parker is held hostage…in order to get to Spider-Man. It would be funny if the entire situation didn’t just fit right in with his normal luck. Throw in some Accords reconciliation and, well, Peter’s life just got a whole lot weirder.
Words: 5399, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Iron Man (Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), an assortment of random villains
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: BAMF Peter, Peter Parker Meets the Avengers, Identity Reveal, Secret Identity, Team as Family, (Almost), Canon-Typical Violence, Gun Violence, Kidnapping, Attempted Kidnapping, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Peter Parker is a Little Shit, theres like no angst in here, Humor Only Train, honestly this is peter clowning around, with the people that tried to kidnap him, for 5k words idk what to tell yall
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2kJg6Ta
0 notes
ao3feed-lokiangst · 6 years ago
Happy Together
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/337p65K
by lauralovestonystark
Are you looking for a happy Marvel fic to forget Endgame ever happened? Do you want tons of fluff and only a tiny bit of angst (sometimes)? Do you just want everyone to be alive and happy? Well then this is the fic for you! In here you will find Tony Stark as a Dad, Thor with memes, adorable Morgan Stark, and more!
Everyone is happy (and alive), no horrible disaster like Infinity War or Endgame happened (while still keeping a few of the good things that happened in those movies). Thanos is nonexistent. Everyone got their happy life, the one they always dreamed about. The story starts a few days before Morgan's birthday party. All of the Avengers are invited and they're staying at the Headquarters afterwards for a while, catching up amd having fun.
Words: 5988, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, James Rhodes, Happy Hogan, Nick Fury, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Maria Hill, Harley Keener, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Peter Quill, Groot (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Gamora (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Nebula (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Laura Barton, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Luis (Ant-Man movies), Cassie Lang, T'Challa (Marvel), Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man), Stephen Strange, Mantis (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Nakia (Black Panther), Okoye (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Thor, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie/Carol Danvers, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Shuri, Michelle Jones & Harley Keener & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker & Shuri, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Harley Keener & Peter Parker, Loki & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Thor, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers, Scott Lang/Hope Van Dyne, there are so many help, Carol Danvers & Nick Fury, Avengers Team & Chewie | Goose, Carol Danvers & Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: everyone is happy, No Endgame, No Infinity War, Irondad, spiderson, Fluff, theres litterally only fluff, but still a bit of sadness because its realistic, marvel AU, Avengers AU, AU, Mild Language, idk - Freeform, will probably add more - Freeform, Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Pansexual Loki (Marvel), Bisexual Tony Stark, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Bisexual Steve Rogers, Bisexual Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Lesbian Carol Danvers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/337p65K
0 notes
ao3feed-buckybarnes · 6 years ago
Happy Together
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/337p65K
by lauralovestonystark
Are you looking for a happy Marvel fic to forget Endgame ever happened? Do you want tons of fluff and only a tiny bit of angst (sometimes)? Do you just want everyone to be alive and happy? Well then this is the fic for you! In here you will find Tony Stark as a Dad, Thor with memes, adorable Morgan Stark, and more!
Everyone is happy (and alive), no horrible disaster like Infinity War or Endgame happened (while still keeping a few of the good things that happened in those movies). Thanos is nonexistent. Everyone got their happy life, the one they always dreamed about. The story starts a few days before Morgan's birthday party. All of the Avengers are invited and they're staying at the Headquarters afterwards for a while, catching up amd having fun.
Words: 5988, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, James Rhodes, Happy Hogan, Nick Fury, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Maria Hill, Harley Keener, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Peter Quill, Groot (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Gamora (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Nebula (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Laura Barton, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Luis (Ant-Man movies), Cassie Lang, T'Challa (Marvel), Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man), Stephen Strange, Mantis (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Nakia (Black Panther), Okoye (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Thor, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie/Carol Danvers, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Shuri, Michelle Jones & Harley Keener & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker & Shuri, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Harley Keener & Peter Parker, Loki & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Thor, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers, Scott Lang/Hope Van Dyne, there are so many help, Carol Danvers & Nick Fury, Avengers Team & Chewie | Goose, Carol Danvers & Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: everyone is happy, No Endgame, No Infinity War, Irondad, spiderson, Fluff, theres litterally only fluff, but still a bit of sadness because its realistic, marvel AU, Avengers AU, AU, Mild Language, idk - Freeform, will probably add more - Freeform, Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Pansexual Loki (Marvel), Bisexual Tony Stark, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Bisexual Steve Rogers, Bisexual Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Lesbian Carol Danvers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/337p65K
0 notes
ao3feed-mcufemslash · 6 years ago
Happy Together
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/337p65K
by lauralovestonystark
Are you looking for a happy Marvel fic to forget Endgame ever happened? Do you want tons of fluff and only a tiny bit of angst (sometimes)? Do you just want everyone to be alive and happy? Well then this is the fic for you! In here you will find Tony Stark as a Dad, Thor with memes, adorable Morgan Stark, and more!
Everyone is happy (and alive), no horrible disaster like Infinity War or Endgame happened (while still keeping a few of the good things that happened in those movies). Thanos is nonexistent. Everyone got their happy life, the one they always dreamed about. The story starts a few days before Morgan's birthday party. All of the Avengers are invited and they're staying at the Headquarters afterwards for a while, catching up amd having fun.
Words: , Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, James Rhodes, Happy Hogan, Nick Fury, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Maria Hill, Harley Keener, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Peter Quill, Groot (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Gamora (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Nebula (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Laura Barton, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Luis (Ant-Man movies), Cassie Lang, T'Challa (Marvel), Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man), Stephen Strange, Mantis (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Nakia (Black Panther), Okoye (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Thor, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie/Carol Danvers, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Shuri, Michelle Jones & Harley Keener & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker & Shuri, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Harley Keener & Peter Parker, Loki & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Thor, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers, Scott Lang/Hope Van Dyne, there are so many help, Carol Danvers & Nick Fury, Avengers Team & Chewie | Goose, Carol Danvers & Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: everyone is happy, No Endgame, No Infinity War, Irondad, spiderson, Fluff, theres litterally only fluff, but still a bit of sadness because its realistic, marvel AU, Avengers AU, AU, Mild Language, idk - Freeform, will probably add more - Freeform, Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Pansexual Loki (Marvel), Bisexual Tony Stark, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Bisexual Steve Rogers, Bisexual Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Lesbian Carol Danvers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/337p65K
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